since 1959 - F.lli Franchini
since 1959 - F.lli Franchini
TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE A REFERENCE POINTIDRICO FOR SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST ON CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO TRA CI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFFICI STRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RILEVA TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIANTI FOT FICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTRICI CA ILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATION NTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLICI RICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIST SINCE 1959 The company consolidates its position abroad by entering Eastern Europe and North African markets A new mechanical systems division is created to meet the market demand and satisfy the requests of the public contract sector. F.lli Franchini starts building electrical and special systems for the first big installations F.lli Franchini is founded in Rimini as a family business 1959 F.lli Franchini installs its first photovoltaic system, the first in Italy to be certified by the Electrotechnical Committee and the second at national level with a feed-in tariff 1986 The energy efficiency division has been founded 2006 2002 1985 The family business becomes then a corporation 1990 The new maintenance and service division is fundamental for the company growth 2013 2014 2005 2012 F.lli Franchini expands its range of services by adding the wind-power system division The renewable energy division has been established. OVER 55-YEAR EXPERIENCE “ISO 9001:2008” CERTIFICATION by RINA with current issue on 30/08/2013 SOA CERTIFICATE issued by BENTLEY SOA on 24/01/2013 for the following categories: OG1 OG9 OG10 OG11 OS28 OS30 III BIS CLASSIFICATION VIII CLASSIFICATION III BIS CLASSIFICATION IV BIS CLASSIFICATION III CLASSIFICATION V CLASSIFICATION F.lli Franchini was born with the civil electrical installation sector. Today it creates systems of any dimension and complexity for all plant categories of buildings and infrastructure and the related maintenance sector. The company has also been dealing for ten years with the renewable energy industry and provides its customers with turnkey solutions and maintenance contracts. The energy efficiency division combines the enterprise experience in the plant sector and that of renewable sources for the analysis and implementation of energy saving and efficiency measures in public, civil, industrial and hotel buildings. 1 QUALITY, INNOVATION, EXPERTISE SINCE 1959 F.LLI FRANCHINI IN FIGURES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS ENERGY EFFICIENCY 50 50 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 5050 50 2626 26 26 26 Year ofYear Year foundation ofofYear foundation foundation of foundation Year of foundation Human Human Human resources Human resources resources resources Human resources Work Work vehicles Workvehicles vehicles Work owned vehicles owned owned Work owned vehicles owned Electrical boards Transformer stations Building lighting Public lighting BT/MT Distribution networks SPECIAL INSTALLATIONS Structured cabling Closed-circuit TV Sound diffusion Fire detection Anti-intrusion Entry and attendance control Building automation Summer and Winter air conditioning Heating Ventilation Sanitary and Water Water Treatment Fire-prevention Cogeneration Heat pump system Energy audit Energy balance Efficiency plan Interventions for energy saving INSTALLATIONS FROM RENEWABLE SOURCES 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for any kind of installation Photovoltaic systems Solar Thermal Geothermal systems Biomass systems Wind-power systems MAINTENANCE 1 11 1 1 330330 330330 330 34 2 Registered Registered Registered patent Registered patent patentpatent Registered patent Installations Installations Installations Installations powered powered powered powered Installations powered MillionMillion Million kg of Million kg Co kg2ofofCo Co kg22of Co Million kg of Co2 by renewable by byrenewable renewable bysources renewable sources sources bysources renewable sources savedsaved saved every every saved year everythanks year every yearthanks thanks to year savedthanks totoeverytoyear thanks to mademade in made Italyinmade inand Italy Italy abroad in and and Italy abroad abroad made and abroad in Italy and abroad F.lli Franchini F.lli F.lliFranchini Franchini F.lli installations Franchini installations installations F.lli installations Franchini installations 9 99 9 9 1616 16 16 16 5050 50 50 MW MW MW MW 50 MW Mini-wind Mini-wind Mini-wind turbine Mini-wind turbine turbineturbine Mini-wind turbine Current Current Current authorizations Current authorizations authorizations authorizations in Current inin authorizations in Totalin power Total Totalpower power installed Total power installed installed installed Total power installed generators generators generators installed generators installed installed installed generators installed mini-wind mini-wind mini-wind power mini-wind power power industry power industry industry mini-wind industry power industry in photovoltaic ininphotovoltaic photovoltaic in photovoltaic systems systems systems in systems photovoltaic systems 400400 400400 400 180180 180180 180 7 77 7 7 Thousand Thousand Thousand square Thousand square square metres square metres metres Thousand metres square Thousand metres Thousand Thousand square Thousand square square metres square metres metres Thousand of metres ofof square of metres Interventions Interventions of Interventions Interventions Interventions of surface ofofsurface surface with of surface installed with withinstalled installed with of installed surface with asbestos installed asbestos asbestos disposed asbestos disposed disposed equal disposed equal asbestos equal equal disposed equal of energy ofofenergy energy efficiency of energy efficiency efficiency efficiency of energy efficiency modules modules modules modules modules to 32 to soccer to32 32soccer soccer tofields 32 soccer fields fields to fields 32 soccer fields COMPANY CONTACTS Reception > +39 0541 796311 Administration > +39 0541 796312 Tender Office > +39 0541 796331 Quotation Office > +39 0541 796321 Purchasing Office > +39 0541 796318 15 15 15 1548 48 48 15 484 257257 257 257257 44 484 4 954 95 32 32 3295 32 18 18 18 32 18 44 4 4 95 95 WWW.FLLIFRANCHINI.COM 18 Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations for industrial for forindustrial industrial industrial for schools for forschools for schools industrial for schools for public for forfor public public schools for public for public for hospitals for forhospitals hospitals forfor hospitals hotels for forhotels hotels forforhospitals hotels for theme for fortheme theme for for hotels theme for harbour for forharbour for harbour theme for harbour for for harbour establishments establishments establishments establishments establishments administration administration administration administration administration parks parks parks parks establishments establishments establishments parksestablishments establishments Electrical, mechanical Electrical, mechanical Electrical, Electrical, Electrical, mechanical mechanical mechanical and special systems and special systems and andspecial special and special systems systems systems 83installations 83 83 832 for bigfor installations for big for big bigfor installations installations big installations 22 832 2 22 2 2 1 11 2 1 4 44 1 4 1 11 4 1 Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installations Installation Installation Installation Installations for Installation for Installations for Installations for Installations Installation for Installations for for Skyscraper for Skyscraper for Skyscraper Installations Skyscraper for for tertiary for fortertiary tertiary for for tertiary fairgrounds for forfairgrounds fairgrounds forfor tertiary fairgrounds for sports for forand sports sports for for fairgrounds and and sports railway andrailway stations railway for sports stations railway stations shopping andstations shopping shopping centres railway shopping centres centres stations installation centres installation installation shopping installation centres establishments establishments establishments establishments establishments multipurpose multipurpose multipurpose multipurpose multipurpose facilitiesfacilities facilitiesfacilities facilities 9494 94 94 2 3434 34 34 1 Skyscraper installation 94 MillionMillion Million euro turnover Million euro euroturnover turnover euro turnover Million euro turnover in theinlast inthe the 5 last years in last the 55years last years 5 years in the last 5 years 3 TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS SINCE 1959 ELECTRICAL AND SPECIAL SYSTEMS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS SKILLED LABOUR, SAFETY REGULATIONS F.lli Franchini brought its expertise in the production of electrical and special systems for big installations in the thermo-hydraulic division. Today it supplies summer and winter air conditioning, heating, ventilation, sanitary water, water treatment, fire-prevention, cogeneration and heat pump systems for any kind of public, private, civil, commercial or industrial building. The company has invested in the training of specialized technicians who study forefront technological solutions in compliance with safety and energy saving regulations. It collaborates with the best suppliers on the market, integrating electrical and electromechanical control technologies to fully satisfy and stimulate any demand. NBTF Laboratory at CRN Research Area in Padua Production of mechanical systems Technogym supplier for electrical and special installations Technogym headquarters in Cesena Installation of electrical and special systems 55-YEAR EXPERIENCE, IMPORTANT INSTALLATIONS. Over the years F.lli Franchini has implemented important works, contributing to the creation of strategic infrastructure for the territory and bringing the knowledge gained over many years to every project. The company deals with electrical systems since 1959. Nowadays, after 55 years, it produces complex technological installations for buildings and infrastructures and creates systems using renewable energy sources. Starting from civil construction works, it has implemented installations for hotel, harbour, hospital, industrial and museum facilities as well as theme parks 4 and shopping centres, becoming a reference point in the plant sector. F.lli Franchini is based in Rimini. It operates anywhere in Italy and also develops projects in Eastern Europe and North African countries. In the wide and complex market of technological systems, the company has distinguished itself for its work excellence, which means preserving humility and being attentive to customers, guaranteeing them quality. F.lli Franchini manufactures electrical boards of any kind: power, control and automation boards, transformer stations, infrastructure and building lighting, public lighting, BT/MT distribution networks, structured wiring, closed-circuit TV, sound diffusion, fire detection, anti-intrusion, entry and attendance control, building automation. Thanks to complex works and strong collaborations with selected partners carried on over the years, the company guarantees a system integration and centralization service with local and remote monitoring of all technological installations on pc, tablet and smartphone platforms. 5 TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS SINCE 1959 RENEWABLE ENERGY PLANTS ENERGY EFFICIENCY QUICK ECONOMIC RETURNS, PARTNERSHIP Nowadays, enterprises and private citizens cannot ignore the energy problem. The preservation of this precious element is an unavoidable subject, both in the economic sector and ecological awareness. F.lli Franchini has always been ecologically aware and, as a forward-thinking enterprise, it had already created in 2005 its renewable energy division for the installation of photovoltaic plants. In 2006, its system is the first in Italy to be authorized by the Electrotechnical Italian Committee and the second at national level with a feed-in tariff. With more than 300 turnkey systems in the renewable energy sector, F.lli Franchini proposes high quality standards, above-average certified production capacities and innovative solutions perfectly installed by qualified staff. Reliability and expertise are proven through the strong relation- ship with bank institutes for the evaluation of appropriation granting and funding of clients’ investments. Apofruit Establishment in Alted Installation of photovoltaic system of 999,00 kWp to replace asbestos Installation of wind-power system in Sardinia Nowadays, to guarantee different options among the opportunities provided by the market, the enterprise has expanded its range of services in the renewable energy sector plants (FER), other than photovoltaic systems, to make safe investments with elevated economic returns. F.lli Franchini Headquarters Implementation of energy efficiency interventions CIVIL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, ENGINEERS WITH MULTIDISCIPLINARY TRAINING F.lli Franchini offers complete and different solutions for energy saving and efficiency aimed at industrial, civil, public, public lighting and hotel sectors, it focuses on consumption monitoring, solutions to eliminate waste and inefficiencies, automatic production of energy through renewable energy systems and supplementary energy provision system management. The enterprise has a 55-year expe- 6 rience in the production of technological and renewable energy systems. F.lli Franchini provides buildings’ energy analysis, focusing on the critical points of consumption to plan a targeted intervention, studied case by case, to develop energy and economic saving. In details, this includes: replacing obsolete components of the systems, adopting more efficient machines and plants, energy supply through renewable energy sources, maintenance of any kind of existing system to guarantee the utmost efficiency and duration in time. F.lli Franchini provides clients, within its energy efficiency division, with a team of technicians with multidisciplinary training carried out by the enterprise itself, for energy analysis and evaluation of the best integrated system solution with targeted investments and quick (less than 6 years) economic returns. 7 CUSTOMER SERVICE SINCE 1959 MAINTENANCE LE NOSTRE REALIZZAZIONI Shopping Centre of Novoli, Firenze - Installation of electrical and special systems 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR, CUTTING-EDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at customers’ disposal for all technological plants produced by the company itself or other companies. F.lli Franchini provides customers with plant maintenance service carried out by its technician team who uses a management and monitoring system with real-time alarms. The company has specialized maintainers who gained experience on the sites of big installations, therefore 8 they are able to intervene in a quick, precise and targeted way. For F.lli Franchini this division represents an important development sector where all the experience and knowledge gained through constant training finally come together. F.lli Franchini also believes in system preservation for a correct functioning and maximum efficiency. Grand Hotel Savoia of Cortina d’Ampezzo - Installation of electrical and special systems 9 OUR INSTALLATIONS SINCE 1959 Rimini Fair - Installation of electrical and special systems Infermi Hospital of Rimini “Edificio Dea” - Installation of electrical and special systems Shopping Centre of Montedoro Freetime in Trieste - Installation of electrical and special systems Railway Station - Rimini Fair - Installation of electrical and special systems Hotel Le Meridien of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems Nuova Ricerca Polyclinic, Merli Clinic of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems 10 11 OUR INSTALLATIONS SINCE 1959 Domus del Chirurgo of Rimini - Installation of mechanical, electrical and special systems Oltremare Leisure Park in Riccione - Installation of electrical and special systems 105 Stadium of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems Piemonte Skyscraper, Turin - Installation of electrical and special systems 12 Embassy Complex of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems since 1959 13 OUR INSTALLATIONS SINCE 1959 Le Navi Leisure Park of Cattolica - Installation of electrical and special systems New wet dock (Darsena) of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems Società Gas of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems Vip Sardinia Agroalimentare Office of Oristano - Installation of electrical and special systems CAAR of Rimini - Installation of electrical and special systems Puntadiferro Shopping Centre of Forlì - Installation of electrical and special systems of 1959 14 15 OUR INSTALLATIONS SINCE 1959 RI.CA Establishment of Poggioberni - Installation of a photovoltaic system. The first in Italy to be authorized by the Electrotechnical Italian Committee and the second with a feed-in tariff Sports hall of Riccione - Installation of integrated photovoltaic system with a power of 220.57 kWp Rumania - Installation of a photovoltaic system of 950 kWp Sogesta Science Campus - Installation of a photovoltaic system with a power of 907.92 kWp Sardinia - Installation of wind power systems Codecasa photovoltaic greenhouse - Installation of a photovoltaic greenhouse with a power of 236.00 kWp 16 17 KNOW-HOW SINCE 1959 Certificate printed on 06/09/2013 PASSION AND ENERGY CERTIFICATO N. CERTIFICATE No. 3472/00/S SI CERTIFICA CHE IL SISTEMA DI GESTIONE PER LA QUALITÀ DI IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF Per informazioni sulla validità del certificato, visitare il sito F.LLI FRANCHINI S.R.L. For information concerning validity of the certificate, you can visit the site VIA COVIGNANO 201/A 47900 RIMINI (RN) ITALIA STABILITY, RELATIONSHIPS WITH BANK INSTITUTES NELLE SEGUENTI UNITÀ OPERATIVE / IN THE FOLLOWING OPERATIONAL UNITS VIA COVIGNANO 201/A 47900 RIMINI (RN) ITALIA E CANTIERI OPERATIVI Riferirsi al Manuale della Qualità per i dettagli delle esclusioni ai requisiti della norma È CONFORME ALLA NORMA / IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STANDARD F.lli Franchini has always aimed to distinguish itself for the quality of the products installed, innovative solutions and perfect production. The enterprise has strong business relationships with suppliers to guarantee economic competitiveness, long-lasting technical support, deep knowledge of the products ensuring fast installation by our staff. Experience is synonymous with 55 years of activity in this sector, always focused on innovation. Over the years the company has created new technological solu- tions for all sorts of systems. Quality is ensured not only by long-lasting relationships with clients but also by ISO 9001:2008 management system and SOA certifications for tenders for OG1, OG9, OG10, OG11, OS28, OS30 categories, totalling 33,356,000 €. The several company divisions enable customers to deal with competent technicians and always have a reference person available during the implementation stage of the plants. F.lli Franchini invests in the training of its specialized resources and in new innovative equipment to guarantee reliability from installation to maintenance with a 24-hour and 365-day service. F.lli Franchini has always presented itself as a solid enterprise. Its transparency and consolidated relationships with bank institutes for the evaluation of appropriation granting and customers’ investment funding, being them both enterprises and private citizens, is the result of this effort. ISO 9001:2008 Reference is to be made to the Quality Manual for details regarding the exemptions from the requirements of the standard E VALUTATO SECONDO LE PRESCRIZIONI DEL REGOLAMENTO TECNICO RT-05 PER I SEGUENTI CAMPI DI ATTIVITÀ / FOR THE FOLLOWING FIELD(S) OF ACTIVITIES PROGETTAZIONE, INSTALLAZIONE E MANUTENZIONE DI IMPIANTI ELETTRICI, DI PUBBLICA ILLUMINAZIONE, ANTINTRUSIONE, RILEVAZIONE INCENDI, TRASMISSIONE DATI, DIFFUSIONE SONORA, TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO, AUTOMAZIONE EDIFICI E FOTOVOLTAICI. INSTALLAZIONE DI IMPIANTI TERMICI, CLIMATIZZAZIONE, IDRO IGIENICO SANITARIO, ANTINCENDIO. REALIZZAZIONE DI SOTTOSERVIZI (SCAVI, MOVIMENTO TERRA, POSA TUBAZIONI) E OPERE EDILI ACCESSORIE AGLI IMPIANTI (ASSISTENZE MURARIE AGLI IMPIANTI, RIMOZIONE E SOSTITUZIONE COPERTURE). EA:28 DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS: ELECTRICAL, PUBLIC LIGHTING, SECURITY, FIRE DETECTION, DATA TRANSMISSION, PIPED MUSIC, C.C. TELEVISION, BUILDING AUTOMATION AND PHOTOVOLTAIC. INSTALLATION OF HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING, HYDRAULIC SANITARY AND FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEMS. CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND WORKS (EXCAVATION, EARTH MOVING AND LAYING OF PIPES) AND ACCESSORY INSTALLATIONS (MASONRY WORKS, REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF COVERS). La presente certificazione si intende riferita agli aspetti gestionali dell'impresa nel suo complesso ed è utilizzabile ai fini della qualificazione delle imprese di costruzione ai sensi dell'articolo 40 della legge 163 del 12 aprile 2006 e successive modificazioni e del DPR. 5 ottobre 2010 n. 207 La validità del presente certificato è subordinata a sorveglianza periodica annuale / semestrale ed al riesame completo del sistema di gestione con periodicità triennale The validity of this certificate is dependent on an annual / six monthly audit and on a complete review, every three years, of the management system L'uso e la validità del presente certificato sono soggetti al rispetto del documento RINA: Regolamento per la Certificazione di Sistemi di Gestione per la Qualità The use and validity of this certificate are subject to compliance with the RINA document : Rules for the certification of Quality Management Systems Prima emissione First Issue 11.07.2000 Emissione corrente Current Issue 30.08.2013 Data scadenza Expiry Date 10.07.2015 Ing. Michele Francioni (Chief Executive Officer) RINA Services S.p.A. CISQ è la Federazione Italiana di Organismi di Certificazione dei sistemi di gestione aziendale CISQ is the Italian Federation of management system Certification Bodies Via Corsica 12 - 16128 Genova Italy SGQ N° 002 A SSI N° 001 G SGA N° 002 D DAP N° 001 H PRD N° 002 B PRS N° 066 C SCR N° 003 F LAB N° 0832 Membro degli Accordi di Mutuo Riconoscimento EA, IAF e ILAC Signatory of EA, IAF and ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreements EXPERIENCE EXPERTISE We have been producing technological systems for 55 years and 10 years ago we started to create highly efficient renewable energy plants. Our technicians and qualified staff follow each client from the quotation stage to plant installation and maintenance. 18 QUALITY We are certified by ISO 9001:2008 quality management system and we own SOA certificates to take part in tenders and public contracts. We have consolidated partnerships with important suppliers to provide customers with the installation of the best products on the market. STABILITY We have always been reliable and that is why we have strong relationships with bank institutes, so as to help our clients in every possible way. INNOVATION We never stop searching for new ideas: sector and technological innovations, new solutions, planning methods and sustainable creations. ECONOMY We believe in a sustainable future and we try not to waste anything starting from human relationships with our clients, their time and the opportunities offered by the market. 19 QUALITY, INNOVATION, EXPERIENCE SINCE 1959 A REFERENCE POINT IN ITALY AND ABROAD FOR OVER 55 YEARS F.lli Franchini, company founded by Alberto Franchini in 1959, operates in the electrical system sector. In 1985 the family business turns into an enterprise and starts to acquire important contracts, passing from the civil reference market to the industrial one. In 2000, new mechanical and renewable energy system divi- 20 sions shape the structure of the current enterprise, which is now able to install any kind of system and provide the best solution to any demand. These choices have proved to be fundamental for the company future; in fact, today the enterprise is able to answer the new market needs of energy saving and efficiency, fields in which F.lli Franchini has gained 55 years of experience. The company is based in Rimini, on the Adriatica highway. It occupies an area of 1200 square metres and from here it handles all national and international activities, since it also operates in Eastern Europe and North African countries. It has also carried out some works in Albania and Serbia over the years. TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI F.lli Franchini Srl Unipersonale Via Covignano n°. 201/A - 47923 Rimini (RN) ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN Phone +39 0541.796311 Fax +39 0541.796300 DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR - A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR A RILEVAZIONE INCENDI ANTINTRUSIONE CONTROLLO ACCESSI E PRESENZE BUILDING AUTOMATIO ANTI FOTOVOLTAICI SOLARE TERMICO IMPIANTI GEOTERMICI IMPIANTI A BIOMASSA IMPIANTI EOLIC TRICI CABINE DI TRASFORMAZIONE ILLUMINAZIONE EDIFICI ILLUMINAZIONE PUBBLICA RETI DI DIS TION CLIMATIZZAZIONE ESTIVA E INVERNALE RISCALDAMENTO VENTILAZIONE IDRICO SANITARIO T OLICI EFFICIENTAMENTO ENERGETICO DIAGNOSI ENERGETICA BILANCIO ENERGETICO PIANO DI EFF DISTRIBUZIONE BT/MT CABLAGGIO STRUTTURATO TV CIRCUITO CHIUSO DIFFUSIONE SONORA RI ARIO TRATTAMENTO ACQUE ANTINCENDIO COGENERAZIONE IMPIANTI A POMPA DI CALORE IMPIAN DI EFFICIENTAMENTO INTERVENTI PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO MANUTENZIONE QUADRI ELETTR