Table of Contents - Florida Youth Soccer Association
Table of Contents - Florida Youth Soccer Association
Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Logging into your Account ............................................................................................................................ 6 The Confidentiality Agreement..................................................................................................................... 8 Agent of Record .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Sub-User Account Setup ............................................................................................................................. 10 Players ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Modifying Player and Team Information after an Upload .......................................................................... 19 Preparing an Excel Spreadsheet for Import ................................................................................................ 21 Creating Coach and or Team Official Accounts........................................................................................... 31 Emailing Coaches, Team Officials and Teams ............................................................................................. 33 Emailing Existing Coaches, Managers and Teams ...................................................................................... 35 Risk Management ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Keeping Track of Risk Management Progress ............................................................................................. 43 Creating Teams ........................................................................................................................................... 44 Manually Placing Players on a Team........................................................................................................... 47 Player Lookup (History)............................................................................................................................... 53 Registering Players with FYSA ..................................................................................................................... 54 Your FYSA Registration Invoices ................................................................................................................. 60 Setting Up the Registrar Account ............................................................................................................... 61 Rosters and Player Passes, Getting Started ................................................................................................ 64 Submitting Teams to the Registrar for Official Rostering and Carding....................................................... 66 Creating (“Freezing”) Rosters ..................................................................................................................... 69 Competitive Team Registration and Age Verification ................................................................................ 78 © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Player ID Cards ............................................................................................................................................ 87 Coach, Assistant Coach, and Team Manager Cards .................................................................................... 91 Finding Roster and ID Cards in the Club, Association or Team Account .................................................... 93 Modifying Rosters (Add, Release, and Transfer) ........................................................................................ 96 Releasing Players................................................................................................................................... 100 Transferring Players .............................................................................................................................. 101 Secondary Players ..................................................................................................................................... 105 Submitting Teams to the League/State for Registration .......................................................................... 108 Fields and Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 113 Scheduling Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 117 Finding Official Documents, Schedules and Game Cards in a Team Account .......................................... 119 Rosters and ID Cards (if available) ............................................................................................................ 121 Event Schedules, Game Cards, and Game Reports................................................................................... 122 © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Introduction June 30, 2011 This manual is version 2. It contains documents describing most all functionality. If you follow the manual you will be able to set up your account, manipulate your player, coach, manager and team list, register player with FYSA and generate documents. Integrated risk management tools are also available and documents provided. GotSoccer GotSoccer is now the software provider for FYSA. There will be several modifications in how your teams access roster, player pass and certain coach documents and passes. The process should be easier for the teams and leagues as all information will be stored online and accessible to the state, league, club and team 24/7. Our basic club account will be provided free of charge. It will allow you to create teams and roster players and coaches. If you are interested in an online player’s registration (club sign-up) system, please contact Our rate is $3 per unique player per year, not per registration. There are no setup fees and our communication, team building and billing modules will allow you to significantly reduce the time and cost of maintaining player information and billing records. The process of registering with FYSA, obtaining roster and player pass documents will be different than in the past. Certain aspects will be easier, but GotSoccer has a two step process where as the current “Upload” does both registration and official documents in one step. Our system does much more, it allows for integrated risk management, email communication and real time updating of information. Our system has integrated scheduling, which has been offered to FYSA’s member leagues. Language is always difficult as terms can mean different things in different parts of the country. We would like to define a few specific terms used in GotSoccer and how they differ from FYSA vernacular. “Upload” (Old FYSA) the process of officially registering players with FYSA and the simultaneous generation of official documents (passes and rosters). © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 “Upload” (New GotSoccer) the importing of players, teams and or coaches into the GotSoccer database. “Affiliate” FYSA member “Club” FYSA members responsible for signing up players, creating teams and paying FYSA membership / player fees “Team” (Old FYSA) a number designating a team for a single season “Team” (GotSoccer) an account that never ends. It holds player, coach and event history. “Register” officially declaring players to FYSA for insurance and rostering purposes. “Freeze” (FYSA) the date after which NCS rosters cannot be modified. “Freeze” (GotSoccer) The process of taking a snapshot of the current player list to generate an official roster. This is now “Generate” in many places Clubs will need to understand: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) how to access the basic account how to add players manually or via an import from a csv file How to look-up players How to create teams How to create manager and coach accounts and the risk management process How to set team, coach, and player levels as per FYSA guidelines (Rec, competitive, tops…) How to use registration events to organize teams for rostering / pass generation. How to move teams to the registrar area for official roster and pass generation. How to modify rosters How to send team login information to managers and coaches. Where to find registration billing information In order to comply with FYSA’s registration policies, rostering, and pass printing regulations, you will have to create or upload all player, team and coach information into your GotSoccer basic club account. The basic account allows you to: 1) Import players and teams from a CSV file. A CSV file can be created from any Excel worksheet. 2) Enter Coaches, managers and team officials and place them on teams 3) Submit teams to the state for registration and rostering purposes. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 It does not: 1) Permit you to email players. 2) Register players online through our software. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Logging into your Account Log into the GotSoccer system as a Director. Go to Click on Log In. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Select Organizations and click Login Enter your username and password and click login. If you do not have a user name or password, contact Florida Youth Soccer Office at 863-268-8220. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The Confidentiality Agreement The first time you log in the system will return our confidentiality agreement. In short, we require you to agree not to allow other software vendors or other individuals intending to create software into our system. At the bottom of the Agreement, you’ll find an I Agree button, by clicking this you agree to the terms. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The screen will refresh, click the Return to My Account Summary link at the top of the agreement and the system will display the main software screen. The confidentiality agreement will not appear again. Click on the Club tab and the system will take you into our club basic environment. You’ll know you are in the club module if you see a blue banner with the word Club on the left side of the screen. Notice the links on the dark blue menu bar. We will discuss each of these links in detail below. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Agent of Record FYSA has asked that the Agent of record be the master Account user. If the Agent of record is not the person responsible for day to day operation of the account, they can make a single subuser with Full access rights. This account will have access to every area of the website and can do everything the master account can do, except change the master password. Please see the account setup section below for instructions on how to set up the sub user account. Sub-User Account Setup The initial username and password are what we call Master login information. The account an affiliate uses is called a director’s account. Every director’s account has a master user and the ability to have subuser accounts. We strong urge that you set up sub user accounts as we can keep track of their usage and limit their ability to access other areas of the program. We can limit sub users and their access, but this is not a security system. We assume that by giving individuals access to the software, the master user vouches for the integrity of the sub user. We use the analogy of your home. If you don’t want a person to go in a certain room, you lock it, but the lock is probably not as strong as the front door lock. If you don’t want the person in your home, don’t give them the key to the front door. Giving a person a username and password is analogous to giving them a key to the front door. FYSA requires that affiliates only grant Got Soccer access to those persons who are already currently registered with an approved risk management status. You can find the User Account area by: 1) Clicking on the Home tab 2) Clicking on the User Accounts link on the gray menu bar 3) The first account listed in orange is the master account holder. They have access to all areas and their access cannot be limited. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) To create a new sub-user, click on the Add Club Official User Account. The 5) Fill out the form: a. Enter a username and a password (Required) b. Enter the Full Name (Required) c. Enter an Email Address (Required) © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 From here you must decide on: A Role An Access Level The User Tabs the sub-user can open Event Access if League or Tournament access is desired. Primary Role The primary role is a title that can be given to the user. Most of these roles are similar with the exception of Scorekeeper. The scorekeeper can access and update scores only. You can give just about any title access to other area. For example, a director of coaching could also have access to a tournament by allowing them access to the tournament tab an assigning them events. If you are with a USYSA state organization that uses GotSoccer software, these roles (titles) can be seen by the state in your club/association account. The Registrar All FYSA clubs are responsible for creating official rosters and documents. Therefore it will be necessary to designate a person as “Registrar”. This is done using the Primary role dropdown. If you do not designate a person as “Registrar” they will not have access to this area of our program. There can be more than one registrar. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Access Level There are three main Access levels Full Basic Limited Full Access If you give an account Full Access, they will have most of the abilities of the master account. They will have the ability to create sub-user accounts and to change access levels for sub users. There are only two areas that sub-users with full access cannot access: 1) The password area for the master account. They cannot change the master password. 2) The Payment Setup area. The sub-user cannot change or input credit card account information. Basic Access This is the access level you should give most users. It allows them to work within the different modules, but disables the ability to modify sub-user accounts. Limited Access Limited Access is mostly a viewing only access. We are constantly adding new features and we do not guarantee an individual with limited access has only viewing privileges. They will have access to certain areas of the program. Never give login credentials to individuals you do not know and trust. User Tabs GotSoccer has many software modules. Each major module is identified by a tab. Not every account will have access to all modules. Overall permission is given by GotSoccer. This is the main way to limit user access. If you have a person that runs your tournament but should not see club or association programs, only turn on the tournament module. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 When the person logs in using the sub-user login info, they will only see league tab. You will need to give sub-users access to specific events. You do this by selecting the event (league) in the drop down box on the right side of the screen. Please note there will only be a list of leagues if the league has been created. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Age Group Access You can limit access to certain age groups in the league area by selection an age group from the list of league divisions, or select All Groups if you want to allow access to all age groups. Make sure you press Save to set the preferences. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Players We assume you are signing up players using paper registration, third party software or your own in house program. One way or another you should have a list of players and perhaps even the teams they will play on. Your current players are in your GotSoccer affiliate account. You can use these players to create teams, but you can also use our player import function to move players from team to team without creating duplicates. In order for this function to work properly the player first name, last name, gender and date of birth must match exactly to a player record in our database. In the case below, while on the club tab, select the player option then player search. Put in the player’s first and last name and press search. If the player has import next to their name, press the import button and bring the player’s account into your club list. Player Search Teams Club Import If a player is new to FYSA, you can create player accounts in your club account. There are two ways to get this information into our system: 1) Manually type in the information (Not recommended) 2) Import them from an excel spreadsheet saved as a csv file. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 To type in player information manually: 1) Click on the Club tab 2) Click on the Player link on the dark blue menu bar 3) Click on the Create Player link 4) Fill in the player first name, last name, date of birth and gender, along with address, phone number and email address... 5) Press Save © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 6) Once saved, a player account is created. The page will refresh and you will see additional tabs that can be filled out. These can be filled out by the parent or team manager at a later date. 7) Should you wish to remove the player from your club account, DO NOT TOUCH THE REMOVE BUTTON, you are only billed for players with an active registration level (Recreational or Competitive) as long as the player has a competition level set as inactive or not registration the player account can reside in your club account, and can be imported into another club account. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 DO NOT TOUCH THE REMOVE BUTTON Modifying Player and Team Information after an Upload It may sound strange to have the modifying information before we show you how to import information from a spreadsheet, but you have player information in your account from last season. Therefore, it is relevant to understand how the upload can be used to modify existing information. If you are using a third party registration solution (software or paper) you are used to creating a CSV file with the player and team information. The same process can be used in our system. The import function (our “Upload Players”) will not duplicate a player account, in the club account, if the first name, last name, gender and date of birth are identical to the record in your club database. If you want to move a player from one team to another it can be completed. If you need to add parent information or modify email addresses you can do it without creating duplicates. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 One note the system will not automatically remove players from teams if they are not in the new upload. These players must be released before uploading. You release player from a team by: 1) Deleting the team. This should only be considered for recreational teams, but is not recommended for competitive teams that care about GotSoccer ranking points. Deleting these teams and creating new teams will cause loss of points and charges if the team wants to recover the old team account. 2) Click on a players ID number from the Player area and setting the team to “None” © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Preparing an Excel Spreadsheet for Import Players in your club last season are in your player area. You can still use a spreadsheet to import players and add them to new teams without creating duplicate player accounts. We discuss this in the section entitled Modifying Player and Team Information after the Initial Upload below. Before we begin to import a player list, we must discuss the requirements of the actual player file. The Excel file must be converted to CSV format. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. Each field, column if you’re used to Excel, starts with a comma and ends with a comma. There are other types of delimited files including Tab, I-Beam and Quote. The good news is Excel does it all for you. Just: a) b) c) d) e) f) Open an Excel File Click “Save As” You see a drop down or list of formats Select “CSV (Comma Delimited)” Press “Save” That’s it! Before you upload you will probably want to clean up the data in the spreadsheet. We suggest: Player a) Sort the data by last name, first name, and birthday. The system will scrub exact duplicates but if a name is I first name is listed as John in one row and Johnny in another it will create two accounts. Please look for duplicate players before uploading though our system will not upload exact duplicates (Only in your club account, it does not check all of FYSA). b) There are only five required player information fields, but we strongly suggest you upload as much information as possible, at least the email address. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 i. First Name ii. Last Name iii. Date of Birth iv. Player Gender v. Competition level c) Make sure the columns are formatted for our database i. Birth date should be in mm/dd/yyyy (m/d/yy is acceptable) format ii. The player name is in two fields; first and last name. iii. Gender can be any of the following: B, G, M, F, Boy, Girl, Male or Female. iv. The parent(s) name (optional) must be in one field. If your data has 2 fields, use the concatenate function assuming the parent’s first and last names are in cells B6 and B7, insert a column and use the formula =Concatenate(B6,” “,B7) the new cell would return the full name with a space between the first and last name. v. The player gender cannot be “Coed”. It must be boy, girl, male, female, m, f, or b, g. vi. Competition level must be spelled exactly as Recreational, Competitive, Inactive or Not Registered. Capitalization must be correct Automatically creating teams and placing players on the teams d) Our system can automatically generate team accounts. If you want to automatically create teams and place players on these teams, you will need to add three columns i. Team Name ii. Team Gender (Boy, Girl, B,G,M,F… coed or c is an additional option) iii. Team Age Group (U10, U11… not BU10 or GU11) Please note that our system increments all team and player “U years” on 8/1 of each year. If you are preparing this spreadsheet prior to Auguat1 make sure the teams are aged as if they were playing last spring not next fall because on 8/1 we will increment all teams. A U11 will become U12 on 8/1. e) Save the file as a CSV file. f) We strongly suggest you create another CSV test file with just a few player records (rows). This will allow you to check the imported players and teams to insure they were imported as desired without creating a significant number of duplicate player records. Note: If you are running an academy program or you do not place rec players on a “team” you can simply define a team called Under 8, for example, and place 1,000 players on the team. This will be © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 important when it comes to registering players as player levels (Competitive, recreational…) can be set for all players on a team with a single click. The GotSoccer database is organized in a precise fashion. Each player has their own record. Events, team, and program history are attached to the player profile. If an email address or phone number changes for the player, it will change for all programs, including those that have expired. The past programs can be used for email marketing purposes. 1. Log in to your club account, (see above) 2. Click on “Club” (Home Association in Texas) 3. Click on “Players” on the dark blue menu bar. Screen Shot 1 4. This will bring you to the manage players screen. 5. Click “Upload Players”, circled in red below, on the Gray menu bar. Also notice that you can export player lists to a CSV file and to an Excel file, the blue circle, from this page. The links are circled in blue below. (Note: For those of you in states that use Logical Solutions, the CSV file can be uploaded directly into that software.) 6. We strongly suggest you create a small CSV test file with just a few player records (rows). This will allow you to check the players and teams to insure they were imported as desired. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Screen Shot 2 7. You will now be at our Import page. Before being the upload please review “Preparing an Excel Spreadsheet to Import”. The file must be a CSV file and must be formatted as described above. Click on the Browse button. This will take you to the directory of your computer. Again, we strongly suggest you create a small CSV test file with just a few player records (rows). This will allow you to check the players and teams to insure they were imported as desired. Screen Shot 3 8. Find the CSV file, in this example “NCA upload” click it and press “Open” at the bottom of the screen © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Screen Shot 4 9. The system will return you to the Import page. a. There are a few “Format Options”. If you are using Excel and saved the file as a CSV file, you won’t need to use these options. b. If you file is formatted with quote marks or other delimiters, choose the appropriate options. c. You can omit the header row. This will eliminate the first row of your file. Sometime it is better to leave this row in the file, as matching your file column headings with ours is easier. The only drawback to leaving your column headings is our system will create a player using the header rows. It is easy to find this player, search for your column heading that marks the player’s last name, and delete the account. d. Click on “Upload” at the bottom left of the screen. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Screen Shot 5 10. The system will load the file in preparation for importation. You will see three options above the player list. They are circled in red below. a. Teams; creates teams and places players on the assigned team. The CSV file must contain columns for Team Name, Team Gender (B,G, Boy, Girl, M, F, Coed) and Team Age (U8, U10, …). Don’t include your club name in the team name as the system will use the name of the club you created for the account. b. Families; creates family accounts by grouping players with the same last name plus home phone or address or zip code. Players with different last names can be added to the family account after this process is complete, see or Family Account help section. c. Email Notification; emails players their username and password. If you have the club extended version of our software (online registration module) you can email user names and passwords at any time. If you have the free account (you will not find “Programs” or “Messaging” on the “Club” menu bar), this is the only opportunity to send an email using our mailer. We strongly suggest you warn your members before emailing them. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 11. Select the options you want use for the upload. 12. At the top of each column on your file will be a dropdown menu of our matching fields. In databases each record must have the same exact name. Simply match your column heading to ours. In the example below. We have matched the first few columns. If you have a column that you don’t want imported or there in no corresponding field on our drop down list, select “Do not Import” a. The column for last Name in the uploaded CSV file is called PlayerLastName, the matching name from our dropdown list is Last Name. b. Notice we decided not to import the column called PlayerMiddleName. c. Certain of our fields are marked with a * this designates a required field. For players, we require a Last Name, First Name Competition level, Date of birth and Gender. Be aware, if you upload just the minimum information we will not be able to assign an age to the player and will not be able to contact them via email or provide other contact options. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 13. If you want to our system to create teams and place the player on the team you must include the team name, age group and team gender in each player row. If the information is not there for all players those without teams will still be imported, but will not be assigned to a team. 14. Click “Import Data” at the bottom left side of the screen 15. The next screen reports the action of the import. 16. In this example we imported 17 players and placed them on a Boys U11 team called “United”. The file also contained players for a Girl’s U11 team call the Power. Remember the header row, we actually only imported 16 players. We also created one false team called “Team Name” from the file’s header row. To see this click to the “Teams” link on the dark blue menu bar, circled in green © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 above. (Note: you can download the Skipped information by clicking the download link. It will give you a row by row report on information that could not be imported. This could be caused by omitting any one of the four required fields.) Total Rows Skipped will give you a report on any player the system could not upload. If you are using a spreadsheet to import players and create teams you can skip to the Submitting Teams to a League/State for Registration below. 17. The system place 10 players on the “United” and 6 players on the “Power”. Click on a Team Name and scroll to the bottom of the screen to delete a team. 18. To see a list of players and the teams there’re on, Click “Players” on the dark blue menu bar. 19. You can sort and email (if you have the Club Extended Account) from this page. The sort features are highlighted in red below. We have a much more powerful sort area in “Player Registrations”. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Creating Coach and or Team Official Accounts Click on the light blue tab that says Club. To create Coaches or Team Officials click on the Coach or Team Official link in the dark blue menu bar. (You may import a list of coaches using an excel spreadsheet saved as a CSV file. We will cover this in the Import section below.) 1. In both cases you will see a link that says Create Coach Profile or Create Team Official Profile depending on the link you clicked. The example below assumes you clicked the Coaches link and want to enter a profile for a coach. 2. The next step is to enter the coach’s information. You must fill out the information that is circled in red. Full legal name, State registered, whether they are a Primary and or Assistant Coach, their email (this is a critical piece of information). You do not have to create a username and © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 password. The system will automatically generate these, but it may be easy to remember if you create a simple solution such as email address as username and club initials as a temporary password. The password can be the same for multiple accounts. Press Save to create the account. This will create the account and send an automatic email with the login instructions to the coach or team official. If you do not have an email, we suggest you use a club email address (try Hotmail or Gmail they are free) and use it. This way when emails are sent you can refer to this account, it becomes your call list. Obviously if the coach does not have an email address you will have to call them and give them login information. Also note all public libraries have computer access. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Emailing Coaches, Team Officials and Teams The basic account has email capability with one exception; an email is cannot be sent to players. If you are using our free account we assume you have an alternate way to contact your players. You can email coaches, team officials (managers, trainers…) and teams. New Coaches and Team Officials If you create a new coach or team official account, the system will automatically generate an email, as long as you enter an email address, with username and password information. The email will look like this: a. The coach login link is provided b. The User Name is provided c. The password is provided 3. You can also send a reminder email to all coaches or team officials: a. Click on Coach or Team Official (see Screen Shot 4) on the dark blue menu bar © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 b. If you have more than 25 coaches, change the Page Size to “Infinite” (circled in red below) and press “Apply Filters” (circled in green below) This email can be customized by: 1) Clicking on Customization on the gray menu bar 2) Clicking on the User Notification tab 3) Filling out the For New Coach Accounts area and or new team Official Accounts, just below coaches, and pressing Save We might suggest the following New Coach Account language Thank you for volunteering your time to coach our children. US Youth Soccer and FYSA have mandated that all coaches, managers and others that come in contact with children undergo a background check, referred to as Risk Management. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Your login information and a link are attached to the bottom of this email. Click on the link, enter your login information, and 1) Click on the Contact Information link 2) Fill out all information and please make sure to use your LEGAL name. 3) Click on the Background check link on the gray menu bar 4) Fill out all additional information 5) Read and answer all the Volunteer Disclosure questions 6) Read the liability waiver 7) Click Submit. GotSoccer processes submissions every 15 minutes. If your status is still pending after that much time, it is likely a hit was returned from the background check provider. FYSA will review all accounts with hits and approve or deny them as per their policies. Emailing Existing Coaches, Managers and Teams GotSoccer allows our basic (free) account holders to email coaches, managers, team officials and teams. If you click on the Coach link, for example, you will find the list of coaches associated with your account. You can sort the coaches by level (Competitive, Rec…) and by Risk Management status, see the risk management section below. If you want to email all coaches make sure you set the page Size to Infinite (or greater than the number of coaches) as the system will only select coaches or anything listed on the displayed page. Steps: 1) Use the search criteria to display the coaches, managers or teams desired. You can use Risk management status, competitive level, name… © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 2) Make sure all your selections are displayed by setting the page size to Infinite. You can confirm this by making sure the Items 1-x-y are the same. In this example, 1-416 of 416. If this was 1-25 of 417 only 25 people would be in the email list. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 3) Click on the Email button, see the screen shot 2 above 4) Decide if you want to send a Bulletin (No login information included or Personalized Login Information included. If you are asking someone to log into an account this must be personalized. 5) Decide if you want to send the email as plain text, as seen on a Blackberry for example, or HTLM, a type of format you might create from a word processor (Bold, bullets…). In this example, we will send a personalized email in HTLM format. 6) Next decide who the email Is from and the reply email address © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 7) Go to the very bottom of the coach. Manager or team list and click Update Filters 8) The system will refresh, changing the display to an HTML editor (not displayed in Safari) © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 9) You will see the number of people in the email list, and you can create the subject, and content. We do not allow attachments, but you can add URL’s and hyper links. The end result is the same as an attachment, the recipient just makes a single click to download a document or go to web site. 10) Press Send to complete the process © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Risk Management FYSA will require everyone that comes in contact with children to undergo a risk management background check. This process is completely integrated into our software. There will no long be forms to fill out and data to be transcribed and then entered back into the FYSA system. This process is exactly the same for coaches, managers, volunteers and anyone else you’d like to have checked. We will use the Coach area for our demonstration. To enter managers and other volunteers use the Team Officials area and not the Coach area. The process of creating an account is exactly as described above. Once the email is sent, the coach can click on the link and enter his/her login information. Once in their account, they can update their personal information and press Save. Photos are optional. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The next step is to click on the Background Check link on the dark blue menu bar and the Submit New Report button © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Enter all information (Note: FYSA does not require a social security number and this field will not appear on FYSA accounts) Answer the Volunteer Disclosure Questions Accept the Liability Terms and Press Submit Our system runs checks every fifteen minutes. If you do not see an approval, there may have been a hit (this could be anything including something from a person with a similar name) that will have to be reviewed by the FYSA risk management committee. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Keeping Track of Risk Management Progress Each step of the risk management process can be followed in real time. As soon as you enter a coach, or if a coach’s R/M is expired their R/M status is coded N/A, for Not Applied. This means that the coach has not completed the R/M questioner and agreed to the FYSA liability statement. You can sort by this status and email them. On the Coach screen: 11) Change the R/M status to N/A (Invalid) 12) Click Apply Filters 13) If you want to email all coaches make sure the Page Size is set to infinite. 14) Then Click email coaches. Emailing is described above. As soon as the R/M form has been properly completed the status changes to Pending. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 You can sort your coaches by this status also. The Coach or Team Official will not appear in the team drop down (described below) until they are Approved. If a coach is not on the Coach dropdown list in the team area, they cannot be seen by the registrar and cannot be placed on a roster or have an ID card created in our system. Creating Teams Teams are already in your account. You can remove a team from the account by deleting it. Do not deleti competitive teams with GotSoccer points and game history. 1. To create Teams click on the Teams link in the dark blue menu bar and then click the Add Team link just below the gray menu bar. Screen Shot 4 2. Fill out the team information. a. Important: We increase the age group of every team on August 1st each year. If you are trying to create a team that will be U8 in the fall, but are creating the team before August 1st, create it as a U7 team. It will become a U8 team on August 1st. b. You do not enter a Team ID, you will have the system generate one. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 c. Position refers to so called “A” or “B” teams in competitive clubs. This is particularly important if the names of the A and B team are very similar. d. Clubs may prohibit managers from changing team names and or adding / releasing players. These controls are circled in red below. 3. Use the drop down boxes to select coaches and managers. See the Creating Coach Accounts for more on coaches. The list of coaches, assistants, managers, trainers will only be populated with individuals that have undergone risk management and have an approved status. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4. Enter a Username and Password. User names must be unique in our system. 5. Click Save to complete the process of creating a team. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Manually Placing Players on a Team The drag and drop function described below can only be used with Internet Explorer 6 and beyond, Safari and Google Chrome. If you are using a different windows browser such as Mozilla or FireFox, change to IE8, Safari or Chrome. Basic Club Account Users If you have a free account and or have not registered players into a program. You will place players on a team through the Players area. To place players on teams you must have players entered into our system and have created teams. 1. From the Club section, Click on Players on the dark blue menu bar 2. This will take you to our Club Player Account area. In this area you can sort by gender, age, player name and more. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 3. You will see a table containing a list of all players with relevant information. 4. This table can be sorted by the column headings (level, Fam#, Last, First Name, School, …) by clicking on the underlined name of the column. This will sort it from largest to smallest or Z to A. If you want to sort from smallest to largest or A to Z, click on the column heading a second time. The default setting is Last Name. 5. Look to the right of the table and you will see a link Click to Show Teams. Click it and all teams will appear to the right of the player table. They are ordered from youngest boys to oldest boys, then coed, finally youngest girls to oldest girls. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 6. When you’re creating teams you’ll most likely want to deal with one age group at a time. In the following example we filter the players to U10 Boys. a. Make sure you are displaying teams, see Screen Shot 11 above. b. We suggest you set the page size to Infinite, otherwise you will only see the first 25 players. c. Select U10 from the Age drop down. d. Select Boys from the Gender drop down. e. Click Apply Filters f. We will also click on the School column heading to group players by school instead of name. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 7. The system will now display Boys U10 players sorted by school. It will also display all boys U10 and U11 teams. We display 2 age groups because we assume most U10 players will play on a U10 or U11 team. A U10 player can still be placed on a U15 team, if the club desires by clicking on the player ID number and selecting a team from the dropdown menu, below. This is alos the method that may be used by those how cannot use Internet Explorer. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 8. Notice that the player’s name is in black, not blue. Also note, if the player is on a team it will show in the Team column. Players with not on a team will have no entry in the team column. Hint: you can sort by the column heading Team twice and players without teams will appear first. a. If you place your cursor over the player name it will turn to a finger. b. Left Click on the mouse and hold the button down. c. Drag the player directly over a team box and release the mouse button. The system will reset, and the player will be attached, to that team. In the example below, John Tyler is not on a team. We want to place him on the Buckshots. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 d. We’ve moved our cursor over his name and drag it over the Buckshots and release the mouse button. When the system resets it shows John on the Buckshots and the number of players has increased from 2 to 3. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Player Lookup / Player Search FYSA currently give their clubs the ability to “look up” players to see if they are currently, previously or not rostered for the seasonal year. GotSoccer has a similar function. It is called Player Search and can be found on the gray menu bar in the Player or team area of the Club module. Simply type in any new player’s name and date of birth and the system will search for matching players. If a match is found, the system will give you a report on the player. If the player is not currently rostered on a team or is not given a fee based level (competitive, recreational…) there will be an Import button. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Click this button and the player account will be brought into your club area, where you can add the player to a team. There is rostering info in the “timestamps” area, which will indicate if the player has been on a roster that seasonal year. If the player is currently roster the import button will not appear. Registering Players with FYSA In our vernacular, registering is the process of telling FYSA what players should be insured and what category those players should be insured as, recreation, competitive… The process of registering players with FYSA is simple. FYSA has created player/team ‘levels” these are: 15) 16) 17) 18) Competitive Recreational TOPSoccer Inactive (not registered; zero fee) GotSoccer provides complete integration to the state therefore FYSA will see all players in your club. If there are players you do not want registered, you will need to designate them as “Inactive” a zero billing option. There are two type of players in our system; those on a team () and those not on a team (). You will need to set every team in your account to one of the FYSA registration levels and set all non-registered players to the appropriate level, most likely inactive. Let’s start with the young teams as it is highly likely they will all be recreational. 1) Click on the Club tab 2) Click on the Teams link 3) Then select an age group, in this example U8 and press Apply Filters © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) The page will refresh showing all the U8 teams. If there are more than 25 and you want to see or select all of them, make sure the page size is set to Infinite (see above). 5) Assuming these are all recreational teams click the check mark at the top left corner of the table (next to the word Photo). 6) Next go to the manage team area above and select the team level in the Competitive level management (here recreation). 7) Next click Set Level 8) Continue this for all teams. In certain age groups you may have both competitive and recreation players. In this case you can individually check teams and assign them a level. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 9) This will set all the teams and any player or later added to these teams to Recreation. 10) Continue this process for all age group. Obviously at certain age groups, U12 for example, there may be two types of teams; competitive and rec. You can click the select box at the far left for each team instead of selecting all teams. In the example below, we took just three U12 teams and set them to “Competitive”. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 11) If a team is not returning in the fall, but may return in the spring, you can set the team to inactive and leave the players on that team’s player list. Setting the team to inactive will set all the players on that team to inactive. 12) Finally to check that all teams are set to an official FYSA level click on the word Level at the top of the level at the top of the level column and the system will sort teams by level. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 13) The first sort is Z to A. If you click level a second time, the system will sort A to Z and any team that has not been designated a level will appear at the top of the table. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 14) If there are teams without a level, make sure you set them to their appropriate level. If a team does not have a level, our system will assume it is a recreational team and bill you for players associated with these teams. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Your FYSA Registration Invoices GotSoccer keeps track of all your players in real time. The numbers you see in this area are exactly the same that FYSA sees. If you click on the Club tab then the State Registration link on the gray menu bar, you will see the amount owed FYSA. In this example, invoices have already been generated. If you look at the Competitive player section, you will see that 2,050 players have been registered and billed. Since the last invoice 21 new competitive players have join the club and the bill for these players is $336. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Click on the Registration History tab, and all registration detail for the year will be seen. This information can be exported in an Excell format. Setting Up the Registrar Account Each registrar has their own login and therefore their own setup. This allows us to have different signatures appear on documents from the same account. Star with: © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 1) Click on the Club or Affiliate tab 2) Click on the Customization link on the gray menu bar 3) Click on the Club Settings tab below the gray menu bar. 4) Make sure all the information in this area is correct, specifically that the Roster Format is set to Florida. We have many formats in the system. This setting will place player information as FYSA has determined. 5) Click on the Registrar Tab © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 6) Click on the Options link on the gray menu bar 7) Confirm all the information, the State Description should be FYSA, if you leave this blank, passes will display FL. Registrar Signature Our system can print your signature on player and coach passes. If a signature is in the system it will be displayed. If not, you will need to scan your signature into a Jpeg (jpg) file. We suggest you sign an actual player pass and cut out the signature, signature line, and the word registrar. We recommend this as the JPEG file will over write those lines on the player pass. Once the file is scanned, click on the Browse button, find the file on your computer, click open, then Upload image. The signature should appear on the screen. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 FYSA does not require a signature on rosters so this option is not necessary. Rosters and Player Passes, Getting Started In the GotSoccer system, official documents are created in the registrar area. Two things are required in order to access and allow teams to be seen by the registrar. 1) There must be an individual (you can have more than one) designated as the registrar. Designation is more than just picking a person, it is giving them registrar access. To give a person access make sure their sub-user account Primary role is set to Registrar and that they have access to the registrar tab. Please see the Sub-user Account Setup section above for more information. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 2) FYSA has created the registration event that will be used by all clubs for rosters and passes. There is no need for a club to create a registration event, and doing so may cause teams to be ineligible for cup play. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Submitting Teams to the Registrar for Official Rostering and Pass Generation In the GotSoccer world the word registrar means the person responsible for creating the official roster and or generation ID cards. If, when you created your teams you, you gave them a Level (Competitive, Recreation, Top Soccer, ) you will be able to filter the team list by these levels. If you have more than 20 teams in a level make sure the Page Size is set to Infinite. 1) Click Apply Filters 2) This will sort the list to just your competitive teams. 3) FYSA created. For the 2011-2012 season, a registration event called it is called “2011-2012 FYSA Registration (08/01/2011) from the drop down list in the Enter teams in an in-house league, Training Program, or other associated event. In this example the event is called 2011-2012 FYSA Registration (08/01/2011) Press Select © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) The system will refresh and show team NOT in the registration event. This keeps you from duplication team entries. 5) Click on the Select link at the top left of the team table. This will select all teams on the current screen. You can deselect any individual team, for example a team not forming this season, by clicking their Select box individually. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 6) Then click the Enter Selected Teams button. (A common mistake is to press the Email Selected teams.) A box will appear asking you to confirm the action. Click OK 7) When the screen refreshes it will again show the teams not entered in the registration ev ent. That’s it the teams are now available in the registrar area and you can create official rosters and ID cards. That’s it the teams are now viewable by the registrar. It is important to understand that we did not copy the teams; we simply gave the registrar viewing rights. If coach or player information is modified in the Club / Teams area the registrar will be able to see the changes automatically, you will not have to resubmit the team. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Creating (“Generating”) Rosters We want to mention that our software uses the word “Generate”. it is simply the button used to create a roster based on the current team information. The Registration Event Once teams have been entered into a registration event, they will show up in the Registrar module home page. The registrar has the option of opening each team individually and reviewing the player list before freezing the roster, or to freeze all or most of the rosters in a batch manner. To Review teams individually: Click on the Registrar tab and you will see the associated Registration events, leagues and tournaments. At this point you will most likely just have the registration event FYSA created for you, 2011-2012 FYSA Registration (08/01/2011). Click on the event you want to work with, here 2011-2012 FYSA Registration (08/01/2011) © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 You can click on the number of teams to take you directly to the team management area for the specific event. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The screen will refresh and you will see the teams associated with this registration event. You can sort the teams by age group and gender. You can search by club or team name and you can sort the table by clicking on the underlined column headings. You can also sort by the underlined column headings in the table If we look at the table it will give information such as how many player photos as team has, How many players are on the official roster versus on the team list, 15/17 for example. If the age group is highlighted in yellow it means something is different in the team list than on the official roster, it could be that a name was spelled incorrectly and someone has tried to change it (once a roster is create no one but the registrar can modify the official document, these are requests). Bulk Roster Creation Our system can create multiple official rosters at one time. 1) Click on the word Select at the top left corner of the team table, it will select all the teams 2) Click the Generate button. 3) You will get a progress bar and be asked to return to the team table © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) The system will show successful creation of an official roster by turning the Roster Colum numbers green. Notice the 7th team BHAYS U8 shows 0/8 in black. This means a roster was not generated for this team. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 5) If we click on the team name the system will show details. The team is set to U9 but the players are all U10s, designated by the +1 next to their birth date. This issue can be resolved by changing the roster age from U9 to U10 and pressing Update While this is something that can be done in initial team set up in the beginning of the year prior to the production of rosters and passes, it is important to NEVER make this kind of change once the season has begun and the team has played a game. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Let’s return to the main team page for the registration event. Do this by using the back button on your browser or clicking the registrar tab then the teams as we did above. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Click on the Select link to select all teams (or select the individual teams), then Create Docs button and click OK when asked if you want to create official roster documents. The system will display a progress bar, click return to list and you will now see a red PDF icon next to all the rosters that were created. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 These official documents can now be seen in the Club area but still cannot be retrieved by a team. To allow team retrieval, again click the Select button to select the teams, then the rosters check box and press Update. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 In this example, we only allowed the team to download official rosters. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Competitive Team Registration and Age Verification With competitive teams FYSA wants registrars to review original birth certificates or other valid documents for players new to your club. While on the Registrar tab, open up the player account. When you have viewed the original birth certificate the account can be locked so that the parent, player, and coach can not change the player’s name, date of birth or gender. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 These club verified players will appear with a blue v next to their name on the team lists. Players with a yellow V and a lock are verified by FYSA. It is FYSA verification that is required by leagues and cup play when rules of competition require that players be “verified” © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Working with the Registration Event Make sure the Select event box is set to the registration event you want to work with. If you come to the Roster & ID Card screen and you do not see add/release or the Freeze roster buttons, it is because you have not selected an event. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Next, select a team by clicking on the team’s name, here the Zephyr. This is a large screen so let’s break it down. Scroll down to the Event Player List area. You see the list of players associated with the team. You will see: a) b) c) d) e) f) A photo if one has been uploaded, The player name, ID number, the small x next to the id number allows you to modify it. The jersey number Gender Date of birth Notice the Add and Transfer buttons, they are live but are usually not used at this point as the roster has yet to be generated. Also notice player 3, Lindsey Caldwell, the system shows a Matching Player Alert. There is another Lindsay Caldwell born on the same date on another team in our system. This could be just coincidence or it could be a dually registered player. This also could be a case of a player with 2 accounts, so you need to investigate all occurrences, as you do not want your team to risk disqualification from an event due to an ineligible player. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 You may also come across a player highlighted in orange. This means that the club (Association) or team manger has specifically determined that this player should be excluded from rosters relative to the registration event. If they want this player included, they will have to log into the team account, directly or from the club/association account, click on Roster, click on the player’ name, then the Event Attendance tab and Add the event back into the player’s account. Once you have reviewed and approved the player list it’s time to generate to official roster. Follow instructions found on page 71. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Notice there are no Generated Documents and no links above the player list table. Also notice that the Add button to the right of each player name has changed to a Release button. If we click the word Download just to the right of Official Roster, we will be prompted to open a PDF file. Now that the roster is generated, we can generate official time stamped documents. Look toward the top of the screen for the Document Generation area, click on the Generate Official Roster button and the system will generated a time stamped Official Roster. This roster will not change even if you add, release or transfer players. To modify it, you have to regenerate it. To allow direct access to the official roster: Click on the Overview tab at the top of the screen Click the check boxes to give permission to download the roster to the club and or team and click Update. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 To Generate several or all rosters at once: 1) Click on The Registrar tab 2) Click on the event / league you want to work with © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 3) The system will refresh and show all teams in the event. 4) Use the Search for Teams area to refine a team search. You can sort by: a. Gender b. Age c. Club d. Schedule Status (Accepted or Unaccepted) 5) Click Apply Filters after you input the search parameters © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 6) The system will refresh displaying those teams that meet the requirement. Remember, if you want to generate all rosters regardless of gender, age, status, … You can skip the Search for Teams area. 7) Click on the Select link, the fist column heading in the team table. You can deselect a particular team by unclick its elect box, here the Pony Express. 8) The Click the Generate Rosters Button, on the far right side of the screen above the table. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Player ID Cards When Rosters are frozen the system also creates pdf files that generate USYSA player passes. As a quick review to get to the ID card screen, you clicked on the Registrar tab, selected the event you want to work in then clicked on the team name. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The team page will open to the roster & ID Card tab. Scroll down a bit and you will see PDF links for roster and ID cards. (This assumes you’ve already frozen the roster. If these links do not appear, it is because the roster has not been frozen. If there is no Freeze roster button it is because you have not Selected a League Event. There are two sets of ID card links: © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Full [Front] and Full [Back] these links are used with plain card stock and will print the USYSA ID card background. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 To make these cards available for printing by the club, association or team: 1) Generate the documents by clicking the appropriate Generate ID Card button 2) To allow clubs, associations or teams to download and print the cards, click on the Overview tab at the top of the screen and check the appropriate permission boxes. In this example, we’ve only allowed the club to download ID Cards. If neither box is checked, only the registrar has the ability to print cards. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Coach, Assistant Coach, and Team Manager Cards These cards are generated at the same time player cards are generated. In our example we have one coach, one assistant coach and one manager. Our system has room for twelve coaches and other team officials per team. To view these cards: 1) Click on the Overview tab from the team area 2) Scroll down and look for the Coach, Manager and Trainer ID Card area. 3) Click on the Front or Back link to generate a PFD with all coaches, managers or trainers. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) Print the cards or send the PDF file to the club. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Finding Roster and ID Cards in the Club, Association or Team Account Once the registrar has generated the roster and ID cards and given permission for a club, association or team to download and print the documents the documents can be accessed from: The club account by: 1) 2) 3) 4) Logging into the Club or Association account Clicking on the Club or Association tab Clicking on the Teams link Clicking on the team name 5) Click on the Documents tab 6) Click on the document they want to print. Printer setup instructions for printing ID cards are also listed here. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Teams can access the documents, if the registrar has given permission, by; 1) Logging into their team account 1. This is what the home page of a team account looks like. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 2. Click on the Team Profile link on the gray menu bar. 3. Click on the Documents tab. If the club has created a roster and id cards, and allows teams to download them from the team account, you will find the documents on the right hand side of the opening screen. They are pdf files. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the files. This is a free download, just search Google for adobe acrobat reader. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 If you cannot see these documents, it may be because the club does not allow teams to download official rosters or id cards. Check with your club administrator for the specific rules. Modifying Rosters (Add, Release, and Transfer) Once rosters are generated the may need to be modified. The most common of these is adding an additional player. This process starts when a club official adds a player to the team player list. In this example the Zoccer club has requested to add Amanda Strack to the Zephyr for the Sample State Registration 2008/2009 . 1) Click on the Registrar tab 2) Click on the registration event, here Sample State Registration 2008/2009. 3) Then click on the team name. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) Scroll down below the generated roster and look at the team player list. Thos players already in the official event roster will not have an Add button, those not on the official Roster will have an add button 5) Click on the Add button the Add button will disappear and if you look above to the official roster area you will see the player, here Amanda Stack. Player list view will look like this; Official Roster view (above the player list) will look like this; © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 If you click on the Official Roster Download link To make the new roster available to the club, association or team,: 1) Click the Generate Official Roster button and click OK. If you have previously allowed the club, association or team access to the document they can now download it. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Note: Sometimes an “Add” might actually be a transfer. A player may have come from an out of state team and is not in our system. In this case the player will show as an add, but after you add the player you can change the designation from “Add” to “Transfer” by clicking on the exchange icon toggling the player from an add to a transfer. The roster will now show the player as a “Transfer” and not an “Add” The roster will also reflect the change. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Releasing Players Releasing players can only be done after rosters are frozen. Go to the Registrar tab, click on the event you want to work in and click on the team name, see above. Let’s assume we want to release Grace Ann Albright, click on the release button to the right of the players name Scroll down and look below the official roster and you will see an area the details the released players. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 If you want to update the documents in the team accounts, create a new official roster. Do not delete any of the old rosters in the account, just generate a new official roster. Transferring Players Transfers are usually done to and from teams within the registration event. Sometimes you’ll need to “Add” a player that is really a transfer. We can handle this by toggling the Add to Transfer, see the Add player area above for details. If the player is moving from team to team: © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 1) Click on the Transfer button to the right of the player’s name and click OK 2) Open the New Team drop down list and select the new team 3) Click Transfer and OK the screen will refresh and you can view either team © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 4) The player will show as a release on the old team 5) And a Transfer on the new team 6) Remember generate the new official rosters if you want the team to be able to download the revised roster © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Secondary Players The GotSoccer registration software allows you to place the same player on more than one team. 1) In the Registrar area click on a league 2) This will take you to the Teams page. Here you can search for teams by name, or sort age and gender. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 3) Click on a team name and the team page will open. Click on the Search for Secondary Player link. 4) Once open a sort box will appear. You can search for players by name, id number, team, level and more. Once the player is found, they can be added onto the new team. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 5) If we want to play Chris Armas onto a roster, just click the add button. The system will add him to the roster and automatically designate him as a secondary player. 6) The roster will list the player as a secondary player. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 7) The list of players includes every player in the club. 8) Players who desire to be dual rostered to a team in another club, an inter club dual roster form must be submitted to the office for processing. Submitting Teams to a League The club will have to log into their GotSoccer account, see Screen Shot 1 above, click on the Home tab the Upcoming Events on the dark blue menu bar, enter the event name, or part of it, and press Go. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 The system will return matching results. If several options come up, limit the search to your State and Event Type, league. Information on the league will appear, click Apply Now © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 You can enter teams directly from this page, but will have to click each team. You can also join the league as a club and then enter teams from the Club Team area. The Club Team area has several benefits over this page: a) You can sort by age group, team type (rec, competitive), and gender b) You can enter multiple teams at once with a single mouse click and c) The page will show you teams NOT already entered in the league. This will help keep track of league entries. Entering teams from the Club Teams Area You still have to go to Upcoming Events and search for the registration league, as described above. Instead of selecting teams, scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find a box that says Join League as Club Only. Click on Join League Scroll back to the top of the page and click on Manage Club © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Next, click on the Club tab, then Teams on the dark blue menu bar. You will see a Search Filters box that can be used to reduce the number of teams you’ll work with. If you have more than 25 teams, make sure the page Size is set to a large size like Infinite. Next, select the league you want to enter team into from the Enter Teams in a League or Training Program box and press Select. The screen will now show a table containing all the teams not already entered in this league. To enter multiple teams at one time just click the word Select at the top left of the table. A check mark will appear in front of all the teams in the table. If there are any teams you want to exclude, just click the check box and the check will disappear and that team will not be entered. Once you’ve selected the teams, click the Enter Selected Teams button. Notice we clicked off the second team on the list. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 A message will appear at the top of the page confirming the number of teams entered. If you selected all teams, no team will appear in the table. Any team that remains in the table was not entered in the league. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Fields and Facilities GotSoccer has a completely integrated field and facility system. You can keep track of your field usage and limit its availability to any league or event you’re associated with. Once in your account click on the Club tab and then the Facilities link on the gray menu bar. 1. Click on the Add Facility link 2. Enter the Field Information and Press Save © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 3. Once the field or facility is saved you’ll see a series of tabs appear. 4. Availability a. Normal Hours, as daylight changes so does the opening and closing of a field. We suggest you leave this open for 24 hours and use other GotSoccer functions to determine tournament and league start and end times. b. Available Dates, we also suggest leaving open as you can set dates directly in league, training and tournament modules. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 c. You can specify Valid Age Brackets for the field or facility. If this is a large size field, we recommend allowing all 11v11 age groups access. If this is a small sided field, we recommend allowing all small sided ages access. Click the box in front of each valid age group and press Save. (see the screen shot below) d. Field or facility Availability Exceptions can be set for specific days and times, and more than one can be set per day. There are no limits to the number of exceptions you can make. Click on “Add Exception” on the right side of the Availability tab. It is highlighted in green above. This will open a new window. Fill out the exception date and time, press save. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 e. You will be returned to the Availability screen and you will see the exception listed under the “Add Exception” button. You can continue to add exceptions, or “Change” the existing exceptions. f. Besides making time exceptions. The Club or Home Association can Remove the field from being accessed by an event. The events the field may be used by are listed below the Exceptions. To remove a field from a tournament or league field availability list simply click “Remove”. If you want to add it back at a later date, you’ll see a drop down menu with the excluded events. Simple select the field to be added and click “Add”. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 5. Maps and Directions; click the maps and Directions tab and you see a text box for you to add specific directions, and an “Upload Image” link that can be used to import a jpeg file. Scheduling Tasks If your club is involved with a league that uses GotSoccer software and you are responsible for scheduling home games, you can see these games in the Scheduling tasks area of the first Club page. If you are involved with a league the league may ask your club to schedule hoime gaes. If this is the case you will see the league and the games in the League Scheduling Controls Box. Other leagues may schedule games and only allow you to view the schedule. These events are found in the League Schedule Charts box. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 If you need to schedule games, click on the event name. The screen will open to a field chart and a calendar. Unscheduled games are in red. If you click on a day you will see the games in the lower left Unscheduled games box. You can drag and drop these games onto the chart. If you have viewing only right you will be able to see the games, but not move them. You can contact the league for more information. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Finding Official Documents, Schedules and Game Cards in a Team Account Every team in the GotSoccer world has a team account. This account keeps track of events, players, coaches and much more. If you are in a league that uses GotSoccer software, you can find your schedule and, if the league permits, download game cards. You’ll need you team log in information. You should get this from the league or from your club. To log in: 1. Go to © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 2. Click on Login then Team Account 3. Type your username and password © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 Rosters and ID Cards (if available) 4. This is what the home page of a team account looks like. 5. Click on the Team Profile link on the gray menu bar. 6. Click on the Documents tab. If the league has created a roster and id cards, and allows teams to download them from the team account, you will find the documents on the right hand side of the opening screen. They are PDF files. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print the files. This is a free download, just search Google for adobe acrobat reader. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 If you cannot see these documents, it may be because the league does not allow teams to download official rosters or id cards. Check with your club or league administrator for the specific rules. Event Schedules, Game Cards, and Game Reports To see an event schedule, look for the Accepted application link on the main team page © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 7. To see the schedule, look for the Schedule tab, click it and you will see the event schedule. 8. If the league has asked you to bring game card, click on the PDF link next to the game number. Print the PDF and bring the card to the game. Some leagues are just registration leagues and do not produce schedules. If there is no schedule check with your club or league administrator. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003 9. Game cards and game reports (if required by your league) are also found on the Schedule tab. © GotSoccer, LLC. This document is the property of GotSoccer, LLC and may be sent or reproduced for any registered user of our software. This document may not be copied or transmitted to nonregistered persons without the written permission of GotSoccer, LLC 2000 Strand St Neptune Beach, FL 32003