Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34
Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34
Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation THIS IS TO BE FILLED OUT WHEN CLIENTS ARE DISCHARGED.,. (IT CAN ALSO BE USED FOR LEAVES, PROGRAM TRANFERS, RETURN FROM LEAVES, CHANGE IN ATTENDING.) Keep this in DRAFT mode until you are done with it and ready to file. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation From your FAVORITES, choose MEDICATION RECONCILIATION. (If it is not in your favorites, click on “Help” at the top right hand side of the screen, then click on “Search For Option” and type in Medication Reconciliation and add this to your favorites. (See Chapter 02A) The above screen will appear: Select Medications Active on click “T” for Today Reason For Reconciliation: click in the blue circle in front of the word “Discharge” NOTE: There is no need to fill in staff member to notify unless you would like to send this to someone specifically. Examples could be an Outpatient Nurse or the client’s Case Manager NOW GO TO PAGE 2 OF THIS SCREEN Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation This is the screen that will appear once you have gone to page 2. Select OE Meds From Epidsode (as circled in red above) Click on the drop down arrow in the blue box under this option and choose the correct episode you would like to Reconcile. Select OE Order Category You do not need to do anything here. Just leave all of the boxes checked as seen above. NOTE: You can disregard the other half of the page as well as seen by the big red X above. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation Select Medications For Final List (as circled in red above) Here is where you are going to use the scroll down bar as well as the scroll across bar as seen above by looking at the red arrows. Select those orders that you want to include data on for the discharge by clicking on the square blue box in front of the order. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation Once you have gone through the entire list you can click on the blue box labeled: Launch Medication Reconciliation as circled in red above. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation This is the screen that will appear. Now you will need to click on each medication line and fill in the information across the screen. You will need to use the scroll bar as seen by the red arrow at the bottom of the screen. NONE OF THE DATA IS MANDATORY EXCEPT: DISPOSITION ( as seen above with red in each of the boxes) COLUMNS TO FILL IN ARE: 1. Disposition of Meds Brought In- (double click inside of the box and choose from one of the 3 options and click on “select”) 2. Disposition- double click inside of the box and choose one of the 3 options and again then click on “select” 3. Date of Last Dose Taken 4. Time of Last Dose Taken enter as military time and it will auto-fill 5. Reason for not Continuing if applicable 6. Comments--**** Here is where you can state if a script was sent and how many refills Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation You may also want to add your own new row here and enter any additional data that would be helpful. Examples of this are: 1. If a medication was discontinued while they were inpatient 2. If the client was had a current active prescription but for whatever reason it was not ordered while inpatient. IE- Ritalin. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation Once you have entered all of the data click in the blue box that says “Save” at the bottom of the screen as shown above circled in red. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation Now you are back at the first page. Simply click on the File icon as circled in red above. NEXT: Now you need to close out of here and go to the Avatar option: Client Medication Reconciliation Report (as seen on the next page) Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation ( This option in Avatar is called: Client Medication Reconciliation Report **If it is not in your favorites, you can put it there by looking in Chapter O2A of the User Guide 1. Enter the client’s last name and click on the “Process Search” button to locate the client. When you find them, click on their name and it will auto fill in above in the blue box as seen above. 2. Now choose the correct Episode you would like to get the data from. 3. The Start Date and End Date will auto fill. 4. Click on the icon that looks like a report that is circled in red at the top of the screen. Brown County Avatar User Guide Chapter 34- Medication Reconciliation This is the report that will appear. To print this, choose the printer icon in the top left side of the screen.