UNIT 3 - graficAnimada
UNIT 3 - graficAnimada
UNIT 3 In this unit you will learn to: READING: scan a text to find specific information / match titles and headings with extended information. LISTENING: identify specific information / transfer information into a graphic organiser. ORAL PRODUCTION: participate in a guided dialogue / role play a job interview. WRITTEN PRODUCTION: write a Curriculum Vitae. FUNCTIONS: offer and receive suggestions and recommendations. You will also learn: GRAMMAR: modal verb should to express suggestions and the expression had better to offer recommendations. VOCABULARY: words and expressions related to jobs, professional conduct and job applications. You will use the following text types: READING: an article / a Curriculum Vitae. LISTENING: job offer radio announcements. You will pay special attention to these values The importance of work and professional ethics. Why we should work for our living. 46 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities PROFESSIONS HOW READY ARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT? 1 Read these business cards (1 – 4) and match the professionals with the job descriptions below (a. – d.). Ian Templeton Pastry cook Cakes, scones and muffins for weddings and celebrations ) 027 3467895 www.ianchef.co.uk / (44 1 Trainer Yoga, pilates, muscle building gym the at home or in 07-9863456 Susan Dunne/Personal Gregory Pick Jewellery and handicrafts 2 gpick@handicrafts.com 5687345 Vasiliy Ivanov Entertainer To book a show call 452368 or email o.es entertainment@yaho 4 3 a. b. c. d. 4 pts. A professional who acts and sings to entertain people. A professional who helps people get fit through sports. A professional who makes personal ornaments out of metals, stones and other decorative materials. A professional who prepares sweet treats from flour and other ingredients. 2 Can you suggest four sources where you can find job offers? Example: 4 pts. You should look for job offers on the bulletin board at the supermarket. 3 Match the words job and work with as many other words as possible. There is one word that can collocate both with job and with work. Write the pairs in your notebook and compare with other students. 8 pts. Job · application · centre · clothes · dangerous · day · description · environment · experience · force · full-time · interview · outdoor · team · search · hard Work Your score: 0 – 4: Look up the words in a dictionary or ask your teacher to help you. 5 – 10: You know a lot about the subject, but you could improve your vocabulary looking up some words. 11 – 16: Great job. You are ready to start the lesson. 1. 1 – d. 2 – c. 3 – b. 4 – a. 2. (Possible answers) a. You might find job offers on the bulletin board at the supermarket. b. You might find a job offer on a web page. c. You should listen to job offers on the radio. d. You might find a job offer in a newspaper. 3. Job: job application, job centre, job description, job interview, job search, dangerous job, day job, full-time job, outdoor job. Work: work clothes, work environment, work experience, work force, team work, dangerous work, hard work. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 47 PREPARING A CV on 1 Less READING Learning abilities 1. To connect content and previous knowledge. 2. To connect pictures and topic. 3. To predict using previous knowledge. In this job we need someone who is responsible. I'm the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I was responsible. American v/s British English 1 Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. How do people apply for jobs? b. What is the difference between a Curriculum Vitae and an application letter? c. How long do you think a CV should be? Resume Vacation Curriculum Vitae Holiday 2 What characteristics should one have to apply for these jobs? Match the suggestions (a. – d.) with the jobs (1 – 4). a. You should be a careful driver. b. You should be comfortable working at height. c. You should have a cheerful and friendly personality. d. You should not be afraid of wild animals. 3 2 1 Wildlife photographer Trapeze artist Party entertainer 4 Ambulance driver 3 Read the list below with a partner. Mark with a tick (P) the kind of information you should include in your Curriculum Vitae, with a question mark (?) the information you might include, and with a cross (O) the information you should not put in your CV. a. ____ Address and telephone f. ____ Languages you speak. number. g. ____ Name and surname. b. ____ Age and place of birth. h. ____ Pets you like and dislike. c. ____ Education. i. ____ Reasons why you hate d. ____ Favourite holiday place. your current employer. e. ____ Hobbies. j. ____ References. 48 UNIT 3 WHILE YOU READ Learning abilities 4 Read the sample CV on page 51 and put these headings back into the correct places (I. – VI.). a. Optional Information b. Contact Information c. Professional Qualifications d. Personal Information e. Employment History f. Education History 5 Read the CV with the correct headings and check your predictions in 4. To find and match specific information. 5. To validate predictions. 6. To find specific information. 7. To relate information. 8. To locate information. 9. To find specific supporting information. Exercise 3. 6 Scan the tips on page 51. Which job from Exercise 2 is mentioned? 7 Read the tips on page 51 and decide which actions you should and which ones you shouldn’t do. Write You should / You shouldn’t in the provided spaces. 8 Read the tips again. In which of them (Tip 1 – Tip 8) can you find a reference to these aspects? a. Format of the CV. b. Spelling and grammar. c. Things potential employers do not want to know about you. d. Things you should not include in a CV. Did you know that... most employers make a decision whether to employ someone or not in the first two minutes of the interview? That why it is very important to make a good first impression. 9 Read the text PREPARING A CV once more and answer these questions. a. What do you need a CV for? b. What can you explain at a job interview? c. What should you promote and what should you avoid mentioning in a CV? Can you give examples? AFTER YOU READ Learning abilities 10 Read these definitions of words from the text and fill in the gaps to complete the words. a. A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant. i e v w b. Financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit. s c h s h c. A public promotion of some product or service. d r t i t d. A person or firm that employs workers. m HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities e 10. To consolidate key vocabulary. 11. To summarise information / To imitate a spoken model. 12. To consolidate a grammar point. 13. To evaluate learning. 14. To consolidate grammar and vocabulary through a game. 15. To write a text following a model. 16. To reflect on the content of the lesson and relate it to own experiences. r PROFESSIONS 49 V PREPARING A C Getting A Job The First Step To lum Vitae, With your Curricu . ol d to g tin ke ar m ote your skills an e is a ita om V pr m ld lu ou cu sh ri u ur C yo A resume, ings and ed to as a CV or a ress your shortcom commonly referr st or ht lig gh hi t a particular should no list the benefits of ill w at qualities and you th re hu oc you e the CV as a br hen writing a CV W s! ill sk d an problems. Imagin e tim service being your of view. job or service, the er employ ’s point ur yo om fr it at lum Vitae: ought to look ting your Curricu ri w n he w ns tio urself these ques ndidates)? You might ask yo tition (the other ca pe m co e th t ns ai d out ag ssible job? • Would you stan lk to you for a po ta to t an w er ag • Would the man g situations: V for the followin C a ed ne ill w u Yo for a job. • When applying for a scholarship. • When applying a university. for admission to ng yi ces. pl ap n he W • lectures, conferen , ts en m ge ga en for speaking • When applying ng your work. • When publishi d your CV is your job hunt an r fo l ia nt se es e ar u interviewing for an interview yo d te vi in e Networking and ar u yo If your CV. You in the job search . nd on what is in pa ex just the first step d an n ai e to pl a position to ex a friend or relativ k as d an w ie rv would then be in te r the in vice on the epare yourself fo offer you some ad to so al d might want to pr an rs ro to “interview” to check it for er to ask your friend t first read your CV an w ht ig m u ilar to V. Second, yo is role play as sim th g in ak structure of the C m r, fo n you are applying you for the positio le. ur real life as possib when writing yo do t no ld ou sh d ould an ld fill of things you sh of a CV you shou e pl am ex an Opposite is a list nd so fi vitae. You will al first curriculum in as practice. , How to Series Paperback e Your Curriculum Vitae, par . Pre to tion edi How 3 m: 200 fro es, Adapted en Geckei by Acy Jackson and Kathle Skill : noun / a particular ability or type of ability. Search : noun / an attempt to find something. 50 UNIT 3 Tip 1: ________ prepare for the job requirements and read the job advertisement before writing your CV. If you are applying for a sales position you will not need to include your work experience as a party entertainer. Tip 2: ________ use clear formatting on your CV - there is no point having a great content if it is horrible to look at! ________ make it readable at first glance – no employer will want to go through a CV that is written as one block of words with no spaces in between. Tip 3: neat, ________ be . Do not clear and concise long – make your CV too your nobody, apart from parents and s to grandparents, want read a 5-page CV r’s or detailing your acto e while singer’s experienc in kindergarten. Tip 4: _______ _ check your spelling, on ce, twice if necessary. Ha ve others read it. There is nothing as bad as read ing a CV full of grammar and spelling errors . Tip 7: Tip 5: _ use text _______ es because boxes or tabl wish to agencies may CV and reformat your e problems. that will caus e simple Instead, use th ed here. format provid Tip 6: ________ include the reasons why you hate your current employer and want to leave the job. Likewise, do not tell your potentia l employer your personal problems and why you might be late to work from time to time. ________ lie about your experience. If you are tempted to stretch the truth about your work history - do not. Most employers conduct reference and background checks and if your curriculum does not match your actual work history or education, you will most likely get caught at some point. Tip 8: ________ include a photo of your self unless you are an actor or a model. Your employer might want to judge you by yo ur experience rath er than your looks. Sample Curriculum Vitae Template I. ___________________________ ___________ Name and surname Address Telephone Cell Phone Email II. ___________________________ ___________ Place of Birth Date of Birth Gender III. ___________________________ ___________ List in chronological order; include position details, employer name and dates. IV. ___________________________ ___________ Start with Secondary School and then any further studies V. ___________________________ ___________ Certifications and Accreditation / Computer Skills VI. ___________________________ ___________ Awards and honours Languages spoken Interests References Glance : noun / a quick look. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities PROFESSIONS 51 11 22 In pairs, match the questions (a. – e.) with the answers (i. - v.). Check and practise with the recording and then role play the conversation in front of the class. a. Should I tell my future employer about my experience as a party entertainer? b. What happens if I lie about my work experience? c. Why is it important to check spelling and grammar? d. Why should my CV be concise? e. Would you recommend that I include my photo in the CV? i. Because employers pay attention to grammar and spelling errors. ii. Because no employer will want to read a CV several pages long. iii. Only if you are a model or an actor and your appearance is important. iv. Only if you are applying for a position in the entertainment business. v. You might be caught out because employers often do a background check on candidates. Language Note Recommendations and suggestions 1. Study these sentences from the text. a. You should promote your skills and qualities. b. You should not highlight or stress your shortcomings and problems. c. You might want to ask your friend to “interview” you. d. You ought to look at it from your employer’s point of view. 2. What do the sentences express? a. Something that is necessary to do. b. Something that is possible to do. c. Something that is recommended to do. The answer is c. We express recommendations and suggestions using should / shouldn’t, ought to / oughtn’t to and might / might not. Notice that they are followed by an infinitive without to; in the case of ought to the particle to is part of the verb and not part of an infinitive. 3. Go back to the text and find more examples of recommendations and suggestions. 12 Use what you learnt in the Language Note to say / write recommendations 1 for the situations in the pictures. 3 2 52 UNIT 3 4 5 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 13 MINITEST Make comments offering recommendations for the following situations. Use the verbs in the Language Note. a. I eat a lot of junk food such as hamburgers and chips. b. I had an argument with my best friend. c. My friend Sheila drives her dad’s car without a driving licence. d. My neighbours play loud music very late at night. e. John lost his wallet with his ID in the supermarket today. REVISE AGAIN 0 to 2 GOOD JOB! 3 to 6 American v/s British English 10 pts. EXCELLENT! License Licence 7 to 10 14 Guess the Jobs Game. a. Play in groups of five or six students. Each of you must think of a job. b. The other students in the group try to guess the job by asking questions that can be answered only Yes or No. c. The first person to guess the job is now asked the questions. d. The game continues until all the jobs have been guessed. Some questions you might ask are: Do you work indoors or outdoors? / in a trade or profession? / in a factory or an office? Do you work with your hands? Do you work with people or machines? Do you wear a uniform? Do you work long hours? Do you work from 9 to 5? Do you work regular hours? Are you in a service industry? Do you sell something? Must you have special qualifications to do your job? 15 APPLICATION TASK – WRITING You are going to write your CV. a. Go back to the sample CV on page 51 and review the tips and the format of the CV. b. In your notebook or on a blank page write the six headings a CV should have. Leave plenty of space between the headings. Make sure that you understand what kind of information should go under each heading. c. Write all the correct information about yourself under the headings. d. Decide if you want to include references and optional information (hobbies and interests). e. Ask somebody to check grammar and spelling. f. Re-write your CV on a clean sheet of paper or type it on a computer and print it. g. Use these points to evaluate your work. Say Yes or No. e provided tips. • I based my CV on th levant information. • I included all the re the lesson. tures and ideas from • I used words, struc herent sequence. • My CV follows a co cted mistakes. • I checked and corre 16 Answer the following questions in your group. a. What have you learnt about writing a CV? Do you think you are now ready to apply for a job? b. What mistakes can people make when writing a CV? c. What is your opinion about companies which ask for a CV with the applicant’s photo on it? d. If you were the owner of a company, would you consider an applicant’s looks very important? Why? Why not? PROFESSIONS 53 ADVERTISING FOR JOBS on 2 s s e L Learning abilities 1. To connect content and previous knowledge. 2. To identify the correct sequence of events. 3. To relate topic to own experiences. 4. To predict general information. 5. To identify and pronounce key words. LISTENING BEFORE YOU LISTEN 1 Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. Have you ever applied for a job? What type? Did you get it? b. Where was the job advertised? c. What’s the best place to look for jobs? 2 Sequence each series of illustrations (1 – 3; 4 – 6) in this cartoon using the provided sentences and the sequencing words first, next and finally. Cartoon 1: a. He wrote his CV. b. He sent the CV to his potential employers. c. He went to an interview. 1 2 Cartoon 2: 3 a. He waited for the interview with other applicants. b. He was interviewed by people from Human Resources. c. He got the job! 4 5 6 3 In your group, read the factors you would consider when choosing a job (a. – h.). Rank them from 1 (not important) to 8 (extremely important). a. ___ Additional benefits. e. ___ Job stability. b. ___ Distance from home to work. f. ___ Possibility of extra training. c. ___ Friendly boss. g. ___ Possibility of promotion. d. ___ Good working environment. h. ___ Salary. 4 Which of the points in Exercise 3 do you think will appear in a job advertisement? 5 23 Listen and repeat these words. Check meanings in a dictionary. · crew 54 UNIT 3 · crowds · feature film · frustrated · hiring · shoot WHILE YOU LISTEN Learning abilities 6 24 Listen to the recording and check your predictions in Exercise 4. 7 24 Number the jobs in the order they are mentioned. One job is not mentioned at all. _____ Film extra _____ Legal secretary _____ Assistant chef _____ Personal trainer 8 6. To validate predictions 7. To find specific information identifying the order. 8. To transfer relevant information to a visual organiser. 9. To discriminate between correct and incorrect information. 24 Listen again and complete this chart. Job title Working hours Salary Location How to apply Application letter to Jennifer Spells, of Mediterranean Cruise Company 9am - 6pm for 10 continuous days Outside Brisbane 9 24 Listen again and circle what you hear. a. You will be required to buy and offer / prepare and serve meals. b. You’d better get your resume / CV ready because the interviews are starting next week. c. The film company needs all types / kinds of people. d. You’ll see your face in cinemas / on advertisements around the world. AFTER YOU LISTEN Learning abilities 10 Read these extracts from three resumes and decide which job each person should apply for. Explain why. a. John Harris, 22 years old. Currently unemployed. Loves acting and singing. b. Sheila Stanford, 26. Dreams of travelling and getting to know the world. Two years of gastronomy at the Ecole Culinaire, Paris. c. Glen Robinson. Personal Assistant for a marketing company. Diploma in legal systems. Own car. a b HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 10. To infer relationship between content and new information. 11. To consolidate a language point. 12. To consolidate key structures and participate in a guided conversation. 13. To evaluate learning. 14. To participate in guided dialogues through role play. 15. To reflect on the content of the lesson and relate it to own experiences. c PROFESSIONS 55 Language Note Had better versus should 1. Study these sentences from the recording. a. You’d better get your resume ready because the interviews are starting next week. b. You’d better not apply for this job. 2. What do the two sentences express? a. Obligation. b. Recommendation. c. Possibility. The answer is b. We use had better plus the infinitive without to to give advice. Although had is the past form of have, we use had better to give advice about the present or future. The negative form is had better not. Example: You’d better not say anything. We use had better to give advice about specific situations, not general ones. To talk about general and specific situations, we use should. Example: You’d better brush your teeth now. You should always brush your teeth before you go to bed. 1 2 11 Say / write recommendations replying to these statements. Match the situations with the pictures on the left. a. I have a puncture in the back tyre of my bike. b. It’s very cold and the rain hasn’t stopped. c. We almost drowned with the huge wave. 3 American v/s British English Tire Tyre 56 UNIT 3 12 25 Fill in the blanks in this conversation using should, you’d better, might. Check with the recording and then practise with a partner. Role play the conversation in front of the class. Employer: The rules are simple. You __________ arrive at 8:30 am and leave at 6 pm. Employee: No problem. And the working days? Employer: We work from Monday to Friday. Employee: Are we off at weekends, then? Employer: Yes. Saturdays and Sundays are free. Employee: How about transport? Employer: You __________ want to talk to some colleagues to ask them where to take the bus. When you come in you __________ sign this card so we’ll know you’ve arrived. You __________ also sign it before leaving. Employee: How about lunch? Can I buy something here? Employer: You __________ bring your lunch from home because the nearest restaurant is 20 minutes from here. Employee: How about work clothes? __________ I bring my own or do we get clothes here? Employer: You’ll get a uniform, and you __________ wash it every week. Employee: Thanks for the information. HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 13 MINITEST What recommendations can you offer in the following situations? 8 pts. 1 2 3 4 a. _________________ b. _________________ c. _________________ d. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ REVISE AGAIN 0 to 2 GOOD JOB! 3 to 6 EXCELLENT! 7 to 8 14 APPLICATION TASK – SPEAKING a. b. c. d. e. Prepare the setting. Place your desks so that the You are going to role play a job interview in interviewers are facing the interviewee like in a your group. real interview. Role play the situation from the Choose one of these jobs: astronaut, clown, start: the interviewee enters the room, greets the crane operator, film stuntman, flight attendant, interviewers, he / she is asked to sit down, etc. museum guard, news reader, etc. f. When the interview is finished give the Choose one person to apply for the job and interviewee feedback on how well he / she three to be the interviewing panel. performed. Discuss his / her general behaviour, The interviewee should adapt the CV he/she answers, the panel’s impressions, etc. wrote in Lesson 1 of this unit to the job he/she g. The interviewee should talk about the way he / is applying for. He/she should also prepare a few questions about the job. she felt, what made him / her most comfortable or uncomfortable and what were his / her Examples: general impressions of the interview. What are the possibilities of promotion? h. Evaluate the group’s performance using these Does the job involve travelling to other cities? indicators. Answer Yes or No. Any possibilities for additional training? Each interviewer should write at least two rdingly. s and prepared acco questions for the interviewee. • We divided the task eas from the ns, vocabulary and id sio es pr Examples: ex ed us e W • What is your experience? y and lesson. grammar, vocabular r’s he ot ch ea ed What type of office equipment can you use? ct • We corre Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? pronunciation. rformance. feedback on our pe r he ot ch Why did you leave your previous job? ea ve ga e •W 15 Answer and discuss these questions in your group. a. b. c. d. What have you learnt about applying for jobs in these lessons? Are there any jobs that are especially attractive to you? Have you ever had a summer job? Why? Why not? What would you do if you really wanted to work, but your parents didn’t let you? American v/s British English Traveling Travelling PROFESSIONS 57 FIESTA HOUSE CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIES lloons usic • Party ba m e liv d an 's DJ disguises • s • Costumes and ography service ot ph d an o de Vi • Karaoke • , SE25 5QW AM ROAD, London NH DE SY 22 R, OO FIRST FL 00 • Website Tel: 020 8778 49 Cubex Ltd. IR • WHEEL REPAIR • MOBILE CAR BODY REPA NT REMOVAL • BUMPER REPAIR • DE • WINDSCREEN REPAIR IR PA RE R U LO VE D AN ER • LEATH London, N12 8NY 8d, Moss Hall Crescent, • Website Tel: 020 8445 3340 e Services m o H s a ll e r e Cind cialists rk Spe The Housewo ing Cleans / Ironing • Spr y dr un La g, in Errands • Clean are • Cooking C t Pe & ng ni • Garde Car Cleaning • Party Help • 13 0BS Rd, London, SW 94, Elm Grove e 6489 • Websit Tel: 020 8241 1 Finish the sentences with information from the advertisements and different ways of offering recommendations. a. If you want to organise a party you _____________________________________________________. b. John’s car broke down. He ____________________________________________________________. c. Emma hates cleaning. She ____________________________________________________________. d. If you need to change your windscreen, you _____________________________________________. e. To contact Cubex Ltd you ____________________________________________________________. f. To plant flowers in your garden you ____________________________________________________. 58 UNIT 3 HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities 2 Fill in the gaps in the mail using the provided visual clues and then answer the questions below. PM Wednesday, October 21, 2009 2:19 Applying for a job Hi, Julio, re. It really when applying for a job in the futu do to at wh on tips e som for me You are asking applying for the applying for. For example, if you are if you want depends on the type of job you are be good with (2) ______________. Or uld sho you __ ___ ___ ___ ___ (1) a of _____. position uld have the necessary (4) _________ sho you __ ___ ___ ___ ___ (3) a of to apply for the job at you want _____ and that you are not sure wh ___ ___ ___ (5) at l stil are you t tha I understand are good at t decide what you are good at. If you to do in the future. You should firs at sports you uld study tourism. If you are good sho you ybe ma n the __ ___ ___ ___ (6) ___ ________ then you ch. Or if you are good at (7) ______ should maybe become a sports coa might work in a pharmacy. ________. In the something that you really (8) ______ The most important thing is to do ls. CV and practise your interview skil d goo a e par pre uld sho you , ime meant Best of luck in your future choice Celia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. What advice does Celia give Julio? b. What skills should he have for some of the jobs mentioned? HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities PROFESSIONS 59 JUST FOR FUN RIDDLES AND PUZZLES 1 Solve these puzzles in groups of four. The group that gives all the answers the fastest wins the puzzle contest. II. I. in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies play and A farmer to n w o d t the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has Four men sa ak of re b ll ti t h ig called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to played all n old and g r fo d e y la purchase. The farmer knows that the main trunk has 24 day; they p te ra a p se h it w , not for fun branches. Each branch has exactly 12 boughs and each bough . e n o ry e v e scores for has exactly 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, to e m o c had to deliver? When they ad how many plums will the farmer be able h ll a y e th ounts square acc . fair amounts IV. made quite if : xplain e paradox e A simple pe Can you th asant has b uld gain? o c ll a w o ought a nu h , taking them mber of ca no one lost to his farm. mels and is As he rides he counts th c o n te ntedly alon em - he co g unts 29. He b o u g w h a t s 3 0 camels, so sure he ha III. d in alarm he counts the jumps off h camels aga is c amel and in. To his de A man has to get Half an hou light, there a fox, a r later, he a re 30. counts his c chicken, and a sa there are ju amels and o ck of corn st 29. Confu n ce more sed, he clim across a river. He counts aga bs off his c has a in. Once mo amel and re there are rowboat, and it ca 30. Can you n only explain? carry him and on e other V. thing. If the fox and the porch - one dog is fat and chicken are left There are two dogs sitting on a together, the fat dog, but the is thin. The little dog is the son of the fox will eat th one e chicken. dog. Can you explain? If the chicken an dog is not the father of the thin fat d the corn are left together , the chicken will eat th e corn. How does the man do it? Twig : noun / a small very thin branch that grows out of a larger branch of a tree. 60 UNIT 3 I. The men were musicians. II. Not a single one because he has a pear tree. III. The man carries the chicken across the river, leaves the chicken and comes back; gets the fox; leaves the fox and gets the chicken; leaves the chicken and gets the corn; leaves the fox and the corn to get the chicken. IV. He omits to count the camel he is on. V. The fat dog is the little dog’s mother. Bough : noun / a large branch of a tree. 2 Offer advice for these situations using you’d better. 1 2 3 a. You can’t wear shorts and a T-shirt to a job interview! b. This CV is full of spelling mistakes! c. It is nearly 8:30 and your interview is at 9 am. CHILEAN CONNECTION Have you been to a circus lately? Was it similar to this? THE CIRCUS TRADITION Some professions are common and some are not. Some people choose their jobs on their own and some because it is a family tradition. In the case of the Maluenda brothers their profession is unusual and it has run in their family for generations. The Maluenda brothers are Los Tachuelas. Their photographs with former presidents hang on the walls of Gastón Maluenda´s mobile office. He is the eldest of the two brothers that form Los Tachuelas, Chile’s best-known clowns. The origins of the family tradition are documented in an old photo that shows a brave man whose name was Maluenda. At the end of the 19th century, he was the man who could tame a bull bare-handed. Although the entertainment business was in the family, three generations had to pass before the founding of the circus Los Tachuelas, by Gastón and his brother Agustín. They are one of the most emblematic Chilean clown acts. What started out as a small circus with little baggage has become, thanks to the work of the Big Tachuela, a profitable and professional business firm, with good production and infrastructure, buses and trucks to transport the whole family, including siblings, wives, children, grandchildren; they travel from one city to another and new children are born in different places. Pastelito, Agustín’s 18 year-old son, is the focus of all the family’s expectations and is seen as the big promise. He has a charming smile and extraordinary musical talent: he sings and plays the sax, the trumpet, the keyboards and several percussion instruments. “As good as it may be, we would not do what the Cirque Du Soleil does, because that is good for Europe. The idea is for the people to see us in a certain context that belongs to them, and that is Chilean popular culture”. Adapted from: Nuestro.cl – Chilean cultural Heritage site. September 2002. http://www.nuestro.cl/eng/stories/people/circo.htm PROFESSIONS 61 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE READING WOMEN AND CLAY rs and mother, aunts, siste Her grandmother, ay w or have been cl some nieces are no . She is as Delfina Aguilera artisans, the same ras de ition known as Loce part of a long trad uenes, ral town near Cauq Pilén, in a small ru . in the Maule region o year typical artisans wh She is one of the ate in a traditional after year particip uilera, n. eration of Loceras de Pilé Santiago. Delfina Ag in ir fa s ft ra Apablaza sisters last gen ic nd ha d ds, bright eyes an with her long brai who ceives all visitors the work of the refreshing smile re ere, they can see Th . rk wo r he t ou n see are d talks ab g. What visitors ca in nn gi reach her stand an be e th ce ir sin hand. been part of this fa es, completely by tiv la re loceras, which has r he of e m d so ols, made by her an clay figures and to ys Delfina, who hand; no wheel”, sa by ng hi yt er ev e th her that we mak ntinued working wi co en th “Our main talent is d an r, he r mot When a small girl from he worked with clay. so al ve learnt this craft as ha s nt au her and grandmother, mot confident to do grandmother. “My ures, but then felt fig l al sm g in ak m n ill alive, I bega learnt the most, my mother was st this and with her I in ed rk wo so al r father’s mothe old”. bigger things. My only seven years s wa I en wh ed di r because my mothe ued with the r daughters contin he of e on ly on d, c and works at a ren that Delfina ha e is a car mechani Of the twelve child sh y: cla s he uc to her proudly. but now she rarely rself”, says her mot ceramic tradition, he by l al ls ee wh r he can change ca car-repair place. “S into handicrafts. e not going to be ar rs te gh au dd an her native her gr ill deeply rooted in st is Delfina knows that on iti ad tr e in min knows that this fe Nevertheless, she l vocation. s itself in an eterna se es pr ex d an , wn to eces and e are not. I have ni m so is, th in ill st e e ar rk in d ladies there; som at all the women wo th e se “There are very ol ll u’ yo n lé to Pi explains. g in clay. If you go g other jobs,” she in do sisters also workin be ld ou sh k they , because they thin long clay. Not the men will keep doing it as I . on iti ad tr is th part of o are al honour to still be ach all the kids wh te to g llin “So to me it is a re wi I’m d e life, an e. It’s been a whol as my hands let m willing to learn”. Adapted from: http://www.nuestro.cl/eng/stories/people/delfina_aguilera.htm 62 UNIT 3 1 Read the article and complete these statements. 6 pt. a. Pilén is ______________________________. b. The Pilén women artists are known as _____ _______________________. c. Delfina learnt her craft from _____________ _______________________. d. The women make their figures by hand and don’t use _______________________. e. Delfina had 12 ________________________. f. For Delfina it is an honour to ____________. 2 Read the text again and answer these questions. 5 pt. a. Where in Santiago can you see Delfina’s work? b. What does Delfina look like? c. What happened when Delfina was seven years old? d. What does Delfina’s daughter do now, instead of working with clay? e. Do the men in Pilén work with clay? Why? LISTENING APPLYING FOR A JOB 3 26 Listen to a woman talking on the phone about a job she is applying for. Choose the correct option. 3 pt. a. What is the woman’s job? i. She is a paediatric nurse. ii. She is a paediatrician. b. What is her situation at the moment? i. She is working in another hospital. ii. She is unemployed. c. What does she say about money? i. She would like to earn 420 dollars a week. ii. She used to earn 420 dollars a week. 4 26 Listen to the woman again and tick the questions you believe she is asked according to the information she gives. 3 pt. a. ___ How old are you? b. ___ Do you have a mobile phone? c. ___ Where do you live? d. ___ What school did you go to? e. ___ Could you give me the job code number, please? f. ___ When could you start working? 5 26 Listen once more. Fill in this form with the information the woman gives. 7 pt. JOB APPLICATION FORM Personal Information: ________ a. First and Last Name ____________ ________ b. Address _____________________ ________ c. Phone Number _______________ _______ d. Job code _____________________ Employment History: __________ e. Last Position: _______________ _________ f. Where: _____________________ _________ g. Worked from: _____________ to: PROFESSIONS 63 LANGUAGE 6 Choose the best option to fill in the blanks in each sentence. 3 pt. a. I have a serious problem sleeping at night. What _________________? i. should I do? ii. had I better do? b. Grace really loves chocolate, but she _____________ too much or she will get fat. i. ought to eat ii. should not eat c. My dog seems sick. I think I ______________ to the vet. i. might see ii. ‘d better taker her 7 Match the two parts of these recommendations. Write the complete sentences in your notebook. 5 pt. you should phone the bank immediately. Your head still hurts? Then you might want to see Sugar Loaf Mountain. If you are hungry If you think you’ve lost your credit card When you go to Rio de Janeiro The car is too small for such a big family so you should eat something. you might consider buying a bigger one. you’d better take some aspirin. SPEAKING 8 Work in pairs and take turns to describe the problems below (a. – h.) and offer recommendations / advice. Use the expressions you learnt in the unit and pay attention to pronunciation and intonation. 10 pt. a. Wants to choose a nice holiday location. b. Had an argument with boyfriend/girlfriend. c. Needs to buy an inexpensive gift. d. In love but keeps it secret. 64 UNIT 3 e. f. g. h. Crashed the bike and scared to tell parents. Unsure what to study in the future. Would like to have a pet. Wants to invite somebody out. WRITING 9 Read the list of requirements for the position of Personal Assistant. Develop it into a full job advertisement. Use expressions such us: the person should / ought to, etc. Write two to three short paragraphs. Pay attention to spelling and grammar. 10 pt. PERSONAL ASSISTANT Location , First Act Banking and Financial Services Company Boston, Massachusetts Personal profile , typing, • Advanced computer skills (e-mail, database presentations) uguese) • At least one foreign language (Spanish or Port • Friendly and outgoing personality • To work occasional weekend • Hopefully own car • No age restrictions Duties • keeping appointments and schedules • scheduling trips • responding to general inquiries • providing information as needed • paying office bills • organizing meetings • planning events • copying, faxing and distributing information HYPERTEXT: digital resources and activities SELF - EVALUATION YOUR TEST RESULTS Reading Your score You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. 9 to 11 Excellent I grasped all the main ideas and answered most questions correctly. 7 to 8 Good I grasped the majority of the main ideas and answered most questions correctly. 4 to 6 Not too bad I grasped some of the main ideas and answered some of the questions correctly. 0 to 3 Unsatisfactory I deduced some of the main ideas and answered just a few questions correctly. Listening Your score You are expected to be able to identify and understand key facts and details. 11 to 13 Excellent I identified almost all general and specific information correctly. 7 to 10 Good I identified most general and specific information correctly. 3 to 6 Not too bad I identified some general and specific information correctly. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I deduced just a few bits of the general and specific information. Language Your score You are expected to apply and identify language used to give recommendations. 7 to 8 Excellent I understood and applied all the items in all cases. 4 to 6 Good I understood and applied all the items in most cases. 2 to 3 Not too bad I understood and applied some of the items in some cases. 0 to 1 Unsatisfactory I understood and applied a few of the items in very few cases. Speaking Your score You are expected to create and role play dialogues describing problems and offering advice. 8 to 10 Excellent Correct description of problems and appropriate advice, with good pronunciation and no hesitation. 5 to 7 Good Correct description of most of the problems, mostly appropriate advice, acceptable pronunciation, little hesitation. 3 to 4 Not too bad Correct description of some of the problems, fairly appropriate advice, some pronunciation mistakes and hesitation. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory Poor description of problems, weak advice, a lot of pronunciation mistakes and a lot of hesitation. Writing Your score You are expected to write an advertisement using provided information. 8 to 10 Excellent I wrote the job advertisement following all the indications. 5 to 7 Good I wrote the job advertisement following most of the indications. 3 to 4 Not too bad I wrote the job advertisement following some of the indications. 0 to 2 Unsatisfactory I wrote the job advertisement following very few of the indications. YOUR GENERAL PERFORMANCE In this unit Always Sometimes Never I showed a positive attitude towards the learning process, classmates and the subject matter. I appreciated the importance of different types of jobs. I actively participated in the discussions and conversations related to jobs, professions and job applications. I applied the learnt structures and vocabulary in the exercises. I used different strategies to understand and to make myself understood. PROFESSIONS 65
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