Welcome to Our Family - The Clark County Education Association
Welcome to Our Family - The Clark County Education Association
Vol. 14, Issue 1 Back to School - August/September 2013 Important Dates Welcome to Our Family September 15-October 15, 2013 Hispanic Heritage Month CCEA rolls out the red carpet for new hires September 17, 2013 CCEA Executive Board Mtg. CCEA, along with 72 Association reps and partners, has been on “welcome wagon” mode since early August, holding orientation sessions to provide the new arrivals to the school district with an opportunity to learn about CCEA and the benefits of membership. Hundreds of new hires have joined the ranks and have enrolled in their health insurance plan, as well as signed up for the Section 125 benefit. They have also learned about the benefits offered through our partners — American Fidelity, Silver State Schools Credit Union, Horace Mann, IPC (Stuart)/AXA, and Security Benefit — and have entered their names for the raffle prizes offered at each session. Orientation sessions were held at Cashman Center on August 12, 13, 19, 22, and September 4. To ensure that every new hire has an opportunity to complete the paperwork process, additional sessions will be held at the Teachers Health Trust over the coming weeks and months. In addition to the sessions sponsored by the association, CCEA was out in full force at the district’s August 14-15 onboarding kick-off event held at the Venetian. New hires had an opportunity to sign up to become part of the Union of Teaching Professionals and enter a raffle to win one of the many prizes— including 32” flat screen TVs, iPod docking stations, movie tickets, and numerous gift cards ranging from $25 to $50. Join us in welcoming the new hires to the district. Please introduce yourself to the new hires at your worksite, let them know that you and CCEA are here to support them. September 19, 2013 Sukkot (begins @ sunset 8/18) September 20, 2013 NSEA Board of Directors Mtg. Sukkot September 21, 2013 NSEA Board of Directors Mtg. International Day of Peace September 22, 2013 First Day of Autumn September 24, 2013 CCEA Association Rep Council Mtg. September 26, 2013 CCSD School Board Mtg. — Board Scheduled to Ratify CCSD/CCEA 2013-2014 Contract Shemini Atzeret (begins @ sunset 9/25) September 27, 2013 Native American Day October 8, 2013 CCEA Budget Committee Mtg. October 10, 2013 CCSD School Board Mtg. October 14, 2013 Columbus Day October 15, 2013 CCEA Executive Board Mtg. October 22, 2013 CCEA Executive Board Mtg. October 24, 2013 Professional Development Day CCSD School Board Mtg. United Nations Day October 25, 2013 Nevada Day Observed ** CCEA Offices Closed ** October 29, 2013 CCEA Association Rep Council Mtg. Inside This Issue: From the President’s Desk ....................................p2 Contract Negotiations & Ratification.................p3 Start the School Year On A Positive Note..........p5 Our Growing Family................................................p8 Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month .................p12 Tips for A Successful School Year ....................p13 Professional Learning Program Offerings........p14 Sick Leave Pool Enrollment ................................p15 Member Benefits & Special Discounts ............p16 From the President’s Desk by Vikki Courtney A Changing World Change! A chance to change the world was what I wanted when I began my teaching career over 30 years ago. A chance to change the lives of students—to help them become critical thinkers, to inquire, and to question the world. To provide them with the skills needed to be thinkers. To learn to listen to others. To be decision makers. To provide an education so they could in turn have a chance to benefit from what an education could bring to them. I believe this is the role of an educator. I believe that being an educator is about social justice. It is my responsibility to provide an education to all students who walk through my classroom door. To make sure that the system for providing that education is equitable and that each child is provided with the expertise of a great teacher. I believe that it is my responsibility to stand up for these beliefs. This is why I am a member of CCEA. This is the avenue I can join with my colleagues to have a voice in determining the direction of education. This is the place where I can share my ideas, listen to my fellow educators, and determine with them the path to take in this everchanging profession. My voice is one voice, my ideas are just mine, until I share them and blend them with a collective to move them forward as our voice. Change is the constant. Change is about sharing your beliefs and your ideas, Page 2 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 Join me. Together we will make CCEA the best union for teaching professionals. —Vikki Courtney inquiring and thinking, listening and evolving, and working toward a common goal. Over the last two years CCEA has been evolving, becoming a new organization, one that strives to move our profession forward asking all teaching professionals to be social justice champions. CCEA, through our Professional Learning Program, has been providing support for our practice to help the backbone of the education system—the educators. Classes are being created and offered to develop a stronger practice. CCEA has been organizing teaching professionals to be involved, to use their voice in their schools, in the community, at the school district level, and in the statehouse. We continue to build leaders because we know that through organizing we will have a stronger voice wherever it is needed. Every teaching professional should strive to include their voice in our profession. CCEA is adding to the already strong foundation of advocacy and representation. Every educator deserves to have their rights and working conditions protected so that they can do their job of providing an education to each and every one of their students. Every teaching professional should read and understand our contract in order to be the most informed regarding their rights and protection. CCEA is constantly providing communication to keep you up-to-date and informed. In this world of constant change, I ask that you communicate with us too. Join us in making education what you believe it should be. One way you can do this is by becoming a Building Representative. Be a voice at a CCEA Association Rep Council meeting. Be part of improving our profession through professional learning as a member of a class or as an instructor. Help to improve our working conditions and rights by building your knowledge and expertise and being a resource for others. Be an advocate for our profession. I invite you to communicate with me, let me know how we can work together to change and to create the best “union of teaching professionals!” My contact information is: vcourtney@ccea-nv.org, vikki@interact.ccsd.net, or 702-376-9140 (cell). Thanks for all you do to support this change! www.ccea-nv.org Message from the Executive Director by John Vellardita We Have A Contract... Because You Made The Difference We hope everyone had a great summer and got plenty of rest. This school year will be challenging, but also filled with opportunities. More than 1,700 new teachers have been hired with hundreds joining CCEA. There will be more changes in the classroom, a new evaluation system, and a new Superintendent who is committed to collaborate with teachers. As the year unfolds, please watch for emails, visit the CCEA website, sign up for our text alert by texting CCEA to 545454, take advantage of CCEA’s Professional Learning Program classes, and start the school year by attending a meeting with your colleagues at your school to find out what is going on. First off, we want to thank each and every leader and member who helped in our legislative efforts to secure more money for our Clark County schools this past spring. Over 8,000 licensed professionals were involved in that effort. There were 24,000 e-mails and letters sent to legislators demanding more money for class size reduction, ELL, etc. It made a difference. Though not enough funding by any stretch, we helped bring in additional monies so that negotiations for our new contract did not wind up being like the last two years, where CCSD demanded concessions. www.ccea-nv.org Members begin to gather at Western HS to ratify contract. There was more funding for our contract, more funding to hire more teachers, and more funding for ELL and class size reduction. Whoever says it doesn’t pay to get involved is wrong! I want to remind everyone that the November 2014 ballot will include The [Teachers] Education Initiative. If passed, it will bring in close to $800 million a year into public schools. That’s the kind of money we need to really address our classroom needs. As the year rolls on, we will be discussing this initiative and how each of us can support it. But let me address our contract. and an extensive Q&A segment, members proceeded to cast their vote, resulting in an overwhelming vote in support. Now that CCEA members have ratified the contract, the School Board of Trustees is scheduled to ratify the terms of the agreement at its September 26 meeting. Members Ratify Contract for 20132014 School Year Our Road to Securing a Contract with CCSD A number of negotiations sessions took place over the summer—some for internal preparation and over a dozen meetings with CCSD. The Negotiations Team addressed the primary concerns members determined were important: salary, benefits, working conditions, and more voice about what is going on in the classroom. We have a one year agreement. On Friday, August 28 members gathered at Western High School to learn about the terms of the tentative agreement reached with CCSD. After a thorough explanation of the proposal Do licensed professionals deserve better? Yes! But we feel that given the resources available, we achieved the best possible economic package we could negotiate. (continues on page 4) Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 3 We Have A Contract (continued from page 3) Summary of Economics: One (1) year contract, where economic adjustments are effective the first pay period of the school year. Restoration of Steps and Columns. Effective with the September 10, 2013 paycheck, the district agrees to increase the teachers’ salary schedule by one (1%) percent for the 20132014 school year. This offsets the PERS increase that licensed professionals started paying in July 2013. Licensed nurses shall be eligible for placement on Class D of the salary schedule, at the step they would otherwise be in, in accordance with Article 26. Longevity payments shall be made for the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the following schedule: Years Amount of Service of Stipend 10-15 $ 750 16-20 $1,000 20-25 $1,500 26+ $2,000 Retiree Health Insurance: Effective the first pay period of 2013-2014 school year only: a. The Employee contribution of $15.00 per pay period for the Retiree Health Plan will be reduced to $1.00 per pay period. b. The District’s annual contribution of $1,400,000 dollars will be reduced to $100,000 dollars; c. The District’s per teacher contribution of $12.76 per month to the Plan Administrator will be reduced to $1.00 dollar; Health Insurance and Teachers Health Trust: a. The parties agree to continue negotiating over health insurance post settlement of all other issues. In the event the parties do not reach 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page 4 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 agreement on the health insurance issue, either party may invoke NRS 288.217, whereby the parties will submit the dispute for a final and binding arbitration. b. If there is a District wide plan, the parties agree that CCEA-represented employees shall receive 50% of all cost savings to be used as economic enhancement for CCEArepresented employees that the parties shall negotiate. c. The parties agree that the terms of Article 28 shall remain in place while number 7(a) above is resolved. Furthermore, the parties agree that the terms in 28-3; 28-4; and 28-8 shall remain as part of the successor collective bargaining agreement. Summary of Non-Economics: Working Groups 1. Working groups will be made up of equal numbers from each side to address the following: a. Preparation and instruction time issues b. Issues related to nonteaching licensed professionals Subgroups 1. Negotiations on the following non-economic issues will continue through August, September, and October 2013, with a completion date of October 11, 2013. Our outlook is to collaborate with the school district to find mutually agreed upon solutions. a. Grievance back log b. Professional Development c. Evaluations d. Peer Assistance and Review e. Special Education f. Advanced Studies Certification 18-hour programs for Class E and F g. Empowerment Schools 2. Subgroups will meet in good faith, in an attempt to reach an agreement on those issues. Tentative agreements reached by the subgroups are subject to approval or ratification by CCSD and CCEA. If no agreement is reached on any of the above listed issues by October 11, 2013, impasse proceedings may be invoked by either party in accordance with the provision of NRS 288.217. Meetings with the Superintendent 1. Post-negotiations, the Superintendent shall meet with CCEA to discuss the following: a. School Climate issues b. Association Rights and Privileges—The parties will meet in an effort to reach an agreement on issues related to improving relationships between the parties on a number of issues. Article 10: Teacher Advisory Council 1. 10-2 In a school or central location, which chooses to have a Teacher Advisory Council, the election of the Teacher Advisory Council shall be held no later than December 15. Other than the election or designation of a replacement due to resignation, there shall be no more than one election of the Teacher Advisory Council in the school year. 2. In the event that a principal at a school is replaced during the second semester of a school year, teachers shall have the right to request a TAC as outlined in 10-1 within fifteen (15) calendar days of placement of a permanent new principal. Article 17: Temporary Leaves of Absence 1. 17-1-1 With the approval of the principal and superintendent, leave with pay will be granted for the purpose (continues on page 7) www.ccea-nv.org Start the School Year on a Positive Note The return to school in August is an especially busy time for everyone. Educators have so many things to prepare and plan— learning environment (how does your classroom look to your students?), lesson plans or daily schedule for those who are specialists, grade and attendance records. In addition to performing all the essential functions of your position, there are other “housekeeping” items to consider: TAC — Each school or central work location, where the majority of the faculty desires it, shall establish a Teacher Advisory Council (TAC). “Time for discussion relating to the desire of the faculty to have a TAC shall be provided each faculty at the orientation sessions and/or faculty meetings routinely scheduled at the start of the school year.” The election of TAC shall be no later than November 1. Review Article 10 of the Negotiated Agreement for more information. In addition to TAC, each school now has the option to create a School Governance Team. This team shall have the same objectives as the School Empowerment Team model, which includes providing continued oversight of the school and assist in the management decisions of the school in the five autonomies: governance, budget, instruction, staffing, and time. 1 Salary Class Advancement — If you have completed professional growth credits, make sure you have submitted paperwork for advancement to a new salary class. You should also include approved school district in-service courses and workshops. Review Article 26 for more information. 2 Planning for Professional Growth — If you are 3 www.ccea-nv.org uncertain if the courses you plan to take now comply with the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement for salary class advancement, you may submit your list of courses on district form CCF-160 prior to taking the courses. The Human Resources Division will respond within eight (8) days after the request has been submitted and all necessary documentation has been received. Review Article 26-3-5 for more information. Information You Should Keep Accessible — Read and understand your staff handbook and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for Interact. Your signature on these documents means you have read and understand the contents. Special attention should be given to sections of the handbook that deal with calling in sick, contacting substitute services, the school’s discipline plan, etc. 4 Personal Property at Work — Employees are discouraged from bringing or retaining personal property on school district premises. But we all know you need it and have to take it to work. At least semi-annually an employee must receive supervisor authorization and maintain a declaration form itemizing personal items and corresponding business use in order to activate indemnification 5 up to $1,000 (replacement cost) per employee occurrence (automobiles are not covered). You should be able to get a declaration form in the school office. Review Article 11 for more information. Progressive Student Discipline — Teachers should meet with the principal regarding an AB 521 Committee to deal with disciplinary issues. Nevada Revised Statute 392.463 also provides that parents should be involved. 6 Paycheck — You should check your pay stub on September 25th to ensure that any personal leave days you earned for the previous year are credited. Review Article 20 for further information. Also, check to make sure you are credited with a Universal Personal Leave Day and your accumulated sick leave credit is accurate. 7 Sick Leave Pool — If you are not currently a contributing participant in the Sick Leave Pool there is an open enrollment “window” from September 1 to September 30. Review Article 18-11 for details. 8 Extra-Duty Assignments — Article 22-7 provides that involuntary assignments be made on an equitable basis. 9 (continues on page 7) Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 5 Preparation Periods — Your schedule should include a daily preparation period during the student day. Elementary school and schools on block scheduling should have at least 250 minutes per week. Do not give away your preparation period. Newly adopted language provides that the school district cannot take more than 4 preparation periods per school year and must provide you with at least 48-hour notice; at least 10 minutes must be left for use at teacher’s discretion; and school district directed prep periods taken beyond 4 shall be paid at teacher’s daily rate of pay. Review Article 31 for more information. 10 Fall Surplus — If you are notified that you will be involuntarily transferred (surplussed) in September, you should contact a UniServ Director at CCEA. Review Article 35 for additional information. By the Numbers... Contract enforcement and member representation is serious business at CCEA. During the 2012-13 school year, the Advocacy & Representation Division ensured CCEA members’ rights were protected. They handled... 1, 112 Investigatory Meetings 11 Investigatory Meetings — You are entitled to a representative. You should call CCEA immediately upon receipt of a notice to meet with your supervisor. If you did not receive the card that outlines the Weingarten Rights: Your Right to Representation in your membership packet, please ask your Association Representative or UniServ Director for a card. Review Article 36 regarding notice and the right to know what the meeting is about. 356 Contract Grievances 12 Observations & Evaluations — Keep a log of when your supervisor observes you. Nevada Revised Statute sets a minimum number of minutes your supervisor must observe you. You should also keep all copies of observation notes and any written directions for change. Review Article 14-3-1. 119 Suspensions 19 Dismissals 13 Dress Code — There is one dress code adopted by the School Board of Trustees. Individual schools cannot impose additional rules regarding educators’ attire. See CCSD Regulation 4280 – Dress and Grooming – All Employees. 14 This looks like a very long list of additional things to do. Most of these things can be accomplished in just a few minutes. Use this as your checklist. You may also call a UniServ Director at 733-3063 or e-mail UniServ@cceanv.org with questions and/or concerns. Do not e-mail to ask for a representative for an investigatory meeting — you should call 733-3063 and let reception know you have an investigatory meeting and your call will be routed to the appropriate staff person. The Negotiated Agreement between CCEA and CCSD can be accessed on the CCEA website at www.ccea-nv.org. We wish you a great and successful 2013-2014 school year. Page 6 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 25 Arbitrations Volume 14, Issue 1 Back to School 2013 The CCEA Express is an official publication of the Clark County Education Association (CCEA), 4230 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89121. It is published 8 times a year (August through June/July). The publication’s goal is to keep Association members abreast of issues affecting public education and to provide economic benefits. Vikki Courtney Theo Small Scott Miller Cassandra W. Bell John Vellardita Letty Elias Ruth Miller Sharon Whalum President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director Editor/Layout/Design Contributing Editor Contributor www.ccea-nv.org We Have A Contract (continued from page 4) of attending professional association meetings, conferences, delegate assemblies, conventions, training for CCEA union business, or for the purpose of visiting other schools for the sole purpose of viewing a new or unique educational program at that school. Article 18: Sick Leave Pool 1. 18-11-2 Each participant may, during the period September 1 to September 30 or May 1 to May 31, which shall be the window periods established to contribute to the Pool, contribute one (1) day of earned sick leave to the Sick Leave Pool. Article 20: Personal Leave 1. 20-5 Earned personal leave shall not be taken during the first five (5) days and the Friday before Labor Day, or the Tuesday, and Wednesday following Labor Day that licensed employees are required to be on duty, or the last five (5) days licensed employees are required to be on duty, as well as the Thursday and Friday preceding the last day of school, except in cases of emergency or graduation of a member of the licensed employee’s immediate family from school, college, or university. Article 21: Work Year 1. 21-1 Teachers shall be provided a block of time of at least one day before classes begin to prepare their classroom/work area for the school year. Article 22: Hours of Work 1. 22-5-2 Special meetings may be called by the superintendent or school principal. It is agreed, however, that there shall be www.ccea-nv.org CCEA Negotiations Team listens intently at ratification meeting as members take to mics. no more than three (3) such meetings per school year. A five (5) work day notice shall be given prior to any special meeting. One Final Comment on the Health Insurance Issue: The CCEA Negotiations Team proposed that CCSD increase its monthly contribution to health benefits in order for the Teachers Health Trust (THT) to receive additional revenue. CCSD refused. The CCSD School Board of Trustees has taken a position that they do not want to put any money into THT. The District has been very clear that they want to have a District wide health plan that has medical, vision, dental, and retiree health. We agree that there should be one District wide plan and that all employees should receive affordable, quality, accessible health care that they have some control over. The District believes a “for profit” private sector carrier is the best option and that the District is in a better bargaining position with the private market if all 35,000 employees are under one plan. We are prepared to listen to this presentation and have an objective approach to determine if this is a viable option. However, we are not sure that the private sector is the solution. We have presented to CCSD that we believe that a self-funded plan, administered by a nonprofit organization, with a governing structure that allows employees control over their health benefits is the preferable option. However, therein is the difference of opinion. Just as we approach this issue in good faith and listen to objective facts, we expect the District to do likewise. The parties will attempt to work this out through further negotiations but it inevitably may be decided in an arbitration hearing. We have worked closely on this issue with THT’s administration and Board of Trustees (as well as the Retiree Health Trust Board) and reached an understanding that we had to take this issue head on. Hence, CCEA will agree to pursue a District wide plan and expects good faith bargaining to take place and an arbitration process that allows for fair and objective ruling. However, before we would agree to this, we asked that the CCSD Board of Trustees agree to split all cost savings on a 50/50 basis. They have agreed to this. As of this writing the parties are continuing to negotiate over the health insurance issue. Our outlook is to secure health, dental, vision and retiree health insurance benefits that are affordable, accessible, have quality care, and where we have control over them. However, we want to hear your thoughts and, more importantly, we need every licensed professional involved in this issue. No one can afford to stay on the sidelines. The outcome of this issue will affect our health benefits for years to come. Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 7 Our Union of Teaching Professionals Continues to Grow Welcome! AALBERTS, AMY ABBERGER, LOU ABBURI, LAKSHMI ABRAHAM, KINETA ACKERMAN, KAREN ACUNA, MERCEDES ADAM, MICHAEL ADAMS, AUDREY ADARME, NICOLE ADDESSO, BRITTANY ADDISON, TREEMONISHA ADLER, BETHANY ADUTWUM, LAWRENCE AFFLECK, LYNN AGOES, JULIE AIDOO, CLYDE AKERS, ALLISON ALBERTSON, ROXANNE ALCALA, AMANDA ALLEN, OLLIE ALLEY, JESSICA AMBERG, SEAN AMES, KELSEY AMSDEN, CHARLENE ANAGNOSTOU, TORI ANDERSON, JASMINE ANDERSON, NICOLE ANDERSON-PATRON, MARTIN ANDORKA-ACEVES, DEBORAH ANDREEVSKI, BLAGOJCE ANGEL, CJAVAN ANTIGO, MEGAN ANTONIO, STEPHANIE ANTRIM, JANI AQUARO, JULIANA AQUINO, HANNAH ARAZI, JUDITH ARCHER, ANGELA ARENAS, HECTOR ARIAS, ANDREA ARIZA-JIMENEZ, CARLOS ARKERSON, DAVID ARNETT, SULAYLA ARVIZU, JEFF ATKINSON, WILLIAM AUNE, ADAIR AVILA, DENISE AYALA, JUSTIN AYASS, GABRIEL BAILEY, AMOS BAIRD, ROBYN BAKER-KISTLER, YVONNE BALDE, AARON BALZER, DIANE BANKOSZ, SUSAN BARCENA, JAMIE BARNEY III, JAMES BARRA, KIM BARRION, LOLETA BASOLO, BRIAN Page 8 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 The Clark County Education Association, the Nevada State Education Association, and the National Education Association welcome these dedicated teaching professionals. They joined our family between April 11 and September 11, 2013. We look forward to working together to make our union THE place for all teaching professionals in Clark County’s public schools. BASSIER, EMILY BATES, BRIDGETT BATTAGLIA, REBECCA BAUER, KENNETH BEASLEY, HEATHER BEAUMONT, HOLLEY BEAUPARLANT, JILLYAN BECK, PAMELA BECK, RACHEL BECKER, DAVID BEJRANANDA, CHITTIMA BELAND, BROOKE BELDEN, ALEJANDRO BELL, RYAN BELL, SCHERON BENASSINI, MICHAEL BERARDUCCI, MICHELE BERLIN, BARRY BIAS, CHRISTINE BIERNACKI, REBEKAH BIROTTE, JODY BLEVINS, JOSHUA BLOUGH, JENELLE BLOUGH, LAURA BLUNK, MICHAEL BOBADILLA, APRIL BOENISCH, MARKUS BOGART, REBECCA BOHNERT, ANDREW BONDOC, RICHELLE BOOKATZ, AVA BOOTH, ANNETTE BORCH, CHRISTY BORTMAS, SARAH BOSER, TONYA BOTTRELL, DEANNA BOWERS, ALGENA BOWMAN, APRIL BOYD, GERRI BRADSHAW, LINDA BRADY, MATTHEW BRASTAD, ADAM BRATSOULEAS-URIAS, NICHOLE BRIDGES, DEREK BRIGGS, INGRID BROOKS, GEMMA BROUGH, AMANDA BROWN, AMY BROWN, JOAN BROWN, KELLI BROWN, MEGAN BROWNE, BRIAN BROWNING, MELANIE BRUMWELL, LILLIANE BUCKLAND-NICKS, CORLISS BUCKLEY, JENNY BUMBARIS, ANA BURBY, KAREN BURGESS, SARAH BURKS, CELESE BURNER, SARAH BURNS, EMILY BURROWS, BREE BURSTEIN, JAMIE BURTON, CASSANDRA BUSH, ANDREA BYRD, AMANDA BYUN, SUE CABAJAR, MARIJES CABAN JR, CRISTINO CALIMBAHIN, JENIFFER CALKINS, KEVIN CALLOWAY-HENDERSON, DONNA CAMPBELL, KEVIN CAMPBELL, LISA CANAVAN, WILLIAM CANNON, BROOKE CAPETILLO, ERICK CAPONIGRI, DANIEL CAREY, VERNON CARLSEN, KRYSTEN CARRASCO, BERIT CARRIGG, HALEY CARRINGTON, CATHY CARSON, HEATHER CARTER, CHARLES CARTER, KENYATE CASON, JO ANN CASTAGNO, ELLEN CASTILLO, ALVARO CASTNER, ELIZABETH CEDANO, MARIO CELESTE, CHRISTINE CENTANNI, DEBORAH CERA, JANE CERRILLO, TERRY CHADWICK, KATHRYN CHAMBERLIN, LINDSEY CHAMBERS, REGGIE CHARFAVROS, CYNTHIA CHEN, VANESSA CHEVEZ, ERICA CHILDREE, TIA CHRISTIAN, KATERI CHRISTIANSEN, KIRSTEN CHRISTMAN, LANELLE CHRISTOPHER, KATHERINE CHUNG, JINA CLARK, ALLAN CLARK, MARY CLEWELL, SAMANTHA CLOUTIER, ROBERT COFFMAN, MARGARET COFFMAN, SHARRON COLDICOTT, CHELSEA COLMENAR, CHARISSE COLON-ARELLANO, JESUS CONRAD, JACKIE COOK, COLLEEN COOK, GINGER COOKE, CHAD COOPER, ANDREA CORBIN, ALEXANDER CORRAL, FRANCISCO CORRAL, MARY CORTEZ-DEBONAR, ALEXANDER COTE, JENNY COX, CHRISTOPHER COX, HEIDI CRASTES, PAULA CRAWFORD, MITCHELL CRESS, LAURA CRISLER, KRISTIE CULLISON, LISA CUMMINGS, BARBARA CUSICK, MARJORIE CYR, TODD D'ADDARIO, CHRISTINE D'ARGENIO, CHRISTOPHER D'SILVA, REUBEN DAGENET-BENSON, NATALIE DALY, SCOTT DANIEL, VICTORIA DANIELS, MARINA DANNER, JOHN DANNER, TIFFANY DARDEN, LAWAUNA DAUCHER, JEFF DAVIS, DAVID DAVIS, DEANNE DAVIS, EMMA DAVIS, SHERRI DAVIS, TIFFANY DAWES, JUSTIN DEAN, JOHNA DEASON-POUPARD, JULIANN DEEMS, DANA DEGROFF, EMILY DELA ROSA, LINDA DEMASI, SYLVIA DEMAY, DOROTHY DEMING, RON DENNEY, LINDA DENTON, JAN DEPONCEAU, BETHANNE DERRICK, JANINE DEUEL, AMBER DEWEES, GINA DHARAN, ROHAN DIAB, CECALIE DIAZ, JENNIFER DICKAMORE, SCOTT DISORBO, ASHLEE DMITRIEFF, NICOLE DOBSON, RACHEL DOLAN, ROBYN DOLEHIDE, DANIELLE DOUGLAS, MARY DOUGLAS JR, HOWARD DOUGLAS-WOODS, MEL www.ccea-nv.org DOYLE, ROGER DRIDI, TIFFANY DRISCOLL, BRIAN DRIVER, SCOTT DUERDEN, BETH DUFFY, SUZANNE DULANEY, SIM DUMARAN, LUKE DUMAS, CHRISTINA DUMM, BRYAN DUNN, MARA DUNNING, AARON DURAN, WENDY DURKEE, BRIDGETT EAKIN, ERIC EDWARDS, AMEKIA ELDORE, TATIANA ELLIS, MANDY ELLSWORTH, GREGORY ENGLISH, AIMIE ERICKSON, KATHY ERICKSON, KRISTIN ESPINOZA, RHONDA ESQUINCA, DIANA EUKEN, MICHAEL EVANS, ROBERT EVERAGE, KELISHA FABRE, TIMOTHY FALL, SHELBY FARANCE, SCOTT FARKAS, JASON FARMER, CYNTHIA FAULTERSACK, HILDRED FEASEL, MEGHAN FEELEY, SARA FELLMAN, APRIL FERMANICH, BRENDA FERNLEY-GONZALEZ, AMANDA FIELDHOUSE, ERIN FINO, TIFFANIE FIORE, BETSY FISHER, WILLIAM FISHER, WILLIE FLETCHER, RYAN FLORES, LUIS FOGG, KATHY FONDREN, SANDY FORBUSH, DARCY FORD, AMANDA FORD, FLORA FORT, JESSICA FOSTER, TRAVIS FOURNIER, TRACY FOX, DENISE FRANK, ERIN FRANK III, MICHAEL FRANKLIN-LIFSEY, BARBARA FREESE, KAREN FRERKING, LESLIE FRIAS, MIRIAM www.ccea-nv.org FRIEDMAN, SARA FRIEL, ANDREW FROISTAD, FREDRICK FRY, DOUGLAS FRYE, ELIZA FUKUMA, JOANN FULLER, AIMEE FURMAN, ASHLEY FURQUERON, VIRGINIA GALE-PAREDEZ, RUTH GALLAGHER, HILARY GALLEGOS, PABLO GALLEGOS-CARR, JERRI GALLON, DONN GAMES, ROBERT GAN, FAITH GARCIA, JOYCE GARCIA, MICHELLE GARCIA-JONES, MICHELLE GARNETT, EMILY GARRARD, EMILY GASKILL, STEVEN GHANNADAN, PARISA GIANCOLA, DESRA GIES, ANNE GINSBURG, VICTORIA GLEASON, SUSAN GLOVKA, SHARON GNEITING, KRISTA GOLDYN, MICHELLE GOMSKE, REDA GONZALES, CAMERON GONZALES, MARGARET GOODSELL, DIANA GRAPE, CHANTEL GRAVES, TYLER GREENAWALT, TASHEENA GREGORY, MICHAEL GRIFFIN, BRIAN GRIFFIN, MALCOLM GRIMSTAD, CIARA GROGAN, SARAH GROMEK, NANETTE GROSSO, VALERIE GRUBB, MICHELLE GRULLON, TANIA GURDY, CRYSTAL GURN, MARGARET GUTIERREZ, THOMAS HACKETT, OLIVIA HAGOOD, JILLIAN HAHN, ROBERT HALEY, JESSICA HALL, PAMELA HAMMERS, MORGAN HARBAUGH, ANNA HARDEMAN, SHANDREA HARDER, CLIFFORD HAREWOOD, CARYL-ANN HARKINS, SHANNON HARMLESS, BETTY HARRIS, CATHERINE HARRIS, JEFFREY HARRIS, LAKESHA HARRIS, NAN HARSEN, BRITTANY HARVEY, ELOISA HARVEY, SAMANTHA HARVEY-HIGGINS, LAURA HAWTHORNE, DENNIS HEARN, DANIEL HEGARTY, KERRI HEGEDUS, ROSEMARY HEGEMAN, ERIK HELLER, ALEXANDRA HELMOLD, ELIZABETH HENDERSON, BARBARA HENRIE, STEVEN HENRIKSON, AMY HERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO HERSHA, RODRIC HICKEY, BRYAN HICKSON, VDONNA HIGBEE, CINDY HILL, CHRISTINE HILL, KATIE HILL, SHIKEELA HITCHCOCK, KARREN HLINAK, MELINDA HOBBS, CALVIN HODGES, DIANA HODNETT, RALPH HOLLAND, CHALESE HOLT, GILLIANE HONG, JINGLE HOPGOOD, ANNETTE HORNE, CHRISTINE HORSTMANN, ELIZABETH HOUCHINS, CHRISTOPHER HSIEH, JULI HUDSPETH, DUSTIN HUFFMAN, KARSON HUIZAR, MARLA HUM, NEW HUNT, MARIA INGRAM JR, REGINALD IVES, TRUDIE JACKSON, ALBERT JACKSON, PRISCILLA JARDIEU, ATHENA JARRETT, PAULINA JIMENEZ-RAMOS, YELIS JOHNSON, ABEBI JOHNSON, ALICE JOHNSON, ALLISON JOHNSON, PATRICIA JOHNSON, SAQUALIA JOHNSON, TERESA JOHNSTON, CLINT JOHNSTON, STEPHANIE JONES, ALENE JONES, ALISHA JONES, ASHLEY JONES, JOYCE JONES, KATHERINE JONES, MEGHAN JONES, TISHA JONES PARKER, NICOLLE JUARBE, MICHAEL JUMPER, BREEANCA KALIN, MITCHELL KARASAWA, MACKENNA KATZ, AMANDA KATZ, BRUCE KATZ, WENDY KEARNS, CHERYL KEHL, JACULIN KELLER, SETH KELLY, APRIL KELSEY, AMY KEMPSKI, COURTNEY KENNEDY, MARILYN KENNEY, TALEAH KEPINS, JACOB KIDNEY, JUDITH KILMER, GARY KILMURRAY, JOYCE KILMURRAY, SEAN KISER, TAMMY KITCHENS, BARBIE KNUTSEN, JENNIFER KOENIG, GREGORY KONICEK, SAMANTHA KONRAD, KAREN KOOP, LAURIE KORMAN, JULIANE KRALIK, JESSICA KRALLMAN, DEREK KREIDEL, VICKIE KRINSKY, MELISSA KRZYZABIWSKI, LAUREN KULICKOWSKI, HEATHER KULIKOV, ALEXE KULIN, BRANDI KUZMISH, MICAHEL LABRAGUE, JESSICA LADERA, MELVIN LAM, TAT LAMOTHE, ROBERT LANDAHL, JAMIE LANDAHL, MATTHEW LANGTON, ASHLEY LANSING, MADONNA LANZILOTE, MARGRET LAPIDUS, MEGAN LAPORTE, ASHLEY LARSON, STEPHANIE LASLEY, SARALYN LAUGHLIN, WESLEY LAZENBY, PAMELA Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 9 ...And We Keep On Growing!!! LEA, LOUISE LEARNED, WILLIAM LECKIE, ALLYSON LEDDY, SABRINA LEE, JUSTINE LEE, LORI LEE, MARELINE LEICHT, NITA LEITERMAN, AMY LEJA, PATRICIA LENZSCH, JEANETTE LEWIS, DAVID LIGHTFOOT, BRITTNEY LINDQUIST, TANYA LINGINFELTER, DREW LIOY, ROSEMARY LITTLE, CARMECELY LITTRELL, NICOLE LIU, DEBORAH LIU, JONATHAN LIVOLSI, DONNA LLOYD JR, JERRY LOARCA, GLADYS LOCKETT, DAWN LOCKWOOD, CHARLES LOGE, DENNIS LOMACK, SHERRY LOPEZ, KATHERINE LOUGEE, JENNIFER LOVEDAY, SHAUN LOVERN, DENISE LU-PEREZ, ARLENE LUEBBER, LACEY LUNA, DELFINA LUSTUMBO, CLAIRE LUU, ANNA LYSKI, ASHLEY MACINNES, TERESA MACK, MARYJAYNE MAESTAS, JOHNNA MAGDOS, KIMBERLY MAGSINO, ALLEEN MAE MAHER-SUMANIS, DEBRA MAIERS, PAMELA MAIRS, KAREN MAKS, MELINDA MALESKEY, JESSICA MALNAK, WENDY MANN, BRENDA MARELLA, PACITA MARKS, ADAM MARTIN, KAYLA MARTIN, MARY MARTIN, MELISSA MARTIN, TIFFANY MARTINEZ, CHERIE MARTINIAN, RAFFI MASON, PAUL MASTRUZZO, NEOMA MATAVAO, NEWEL MATIAS, HILDA MATLOCK, HEATHER MATTALIANO, NICHOLAS MAYS, DANA Page 10 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 MAZZA, ELENA MCANLIS, AURELIA RAE MCCARGAR, NATALIE MCCARTHY, CHRISTINE MCCARTHY, KRISTINDEE MCCARTY, FELECIA MCCLAIRE, SUZANNE MCCLENATHAN, SARAH MCCOY, TRACY MCDONALD, ALIX MCDONALD, AUBREY MCFARLAND, DARLA MCFATE, KATIE MCGEE, WILLIAM MCGOWAN, KATHY MCGUIRE, TODD MCINTURFF, MARY MCKEEVER, PEGGY MCKEOWN, NANCY MCLAUGHLIN, FRANCIS MCLAUGHLIN, SHAWN MCLEAN, SHAY MCMAHON, ALLISON MCNAIR, BRENDA MEADOWS, MEGAN MEALUS, JULIE MELOCOTON, JOYCE MENDLER, MICHAEL MICCICHE, STACY MICHALSKY, JAY MIDGETT, TARA MIKITAROFF, CANDICE MILANO JR, SALVATORE MILLENDER, JANELLE MILLER, DANIEL MILLER, KATRINA MILLER, RUTH MILLS, CYNTHIA MINNICH, CONNIE MINNIS, LORI MINOR, TIFFANY MIRKOVICH, AMANDA MISDAY, KAYLA MOHR, PAMELA MONINGER, MICHELE MONROE, JUNE MOORE, ROBERT MORAGA, STEFANIE MORGAN, ANDREW MORRIS, KATHERINE MORRIS-ANDINO, DAISY MORTON, RICHARD MOWATT, DAVID MUMMER, CARLA MUNSON, JULIE MURPHY, MELISSA MURRAY, MERRICK MUSA, LORI MUSOVSKA, SILVANA MYERS, BRENT MYERS-FIRESTONE, LINDA NAHJNU, KIMBERLY NASH, HOLLY NAVA, MARIA NAZIMEK, JEREMY NEAL, JOSHUA NEELY, PAMELA NEGRON, AMANDA NEGRON, THOMAS NELSON, ASHLEY NELSON, HANNAH NEWMAN, KRISTI NGUYEN, HIEU NGUYEN, JENNY NGUYEN, SOPHIA THUY NICOARA, CRISTINE NIEMI, KRISTEN NORMAN, LARRY NUNN, JENNY NUNO, CATHERINE O'CONNOR, SHANNON OLIVAS, TYNELLE OLLIE, KYLA OLNEY, ELISA OLSEN, JARED OLSON, KATARZYNA OLSON, NOAH OLSON, THOMAS ONTIVEROS, BRENNAN ONTIVEROS BRICENO, ROCIO ORFANIDES, JOHN OSBOURNE, HEIDI OSTLER, DAVID OSTLIE, MATTHEW OTIS, ANGELA OTT, KATIE OTTO, RACHAEL OWENS, JEREMIAH OZAKI, MITCHELL PACELLA, KELSEY PACK, ERIK PALADINO, L PALMATIER, KRISTEN PALMER, MAUREEN PALMER, SHEILA PAMOUKOVA, DILYANA PAONESSA, DENNISSE PARKER, TIMOTHY PARKS, GLENFORD PARRA, AIMEE PARROW, JENICA PARSON, REBECCA PARSONS, NANCY PATNESKY, SARAH PEARDON, PAULA PENDERGRASS, RIZALYN PEPE, CAROLYN PEREA, KELLY PETERSEN, TIFFANIE PHAY, ERIC PILATE, TANYA PINEDA, IRAIS PINNERELLI, LINDA POLIGNONE, JENNIFER POLLACK, BRIAN POMPFILIUS, JESSECA PORTER, LAUREN POTRATZ, ALAN POTTER, KENNETH PRENTICE, BRIANNE PRETTYMAN-SPENCER, DEBORA PROVENCE, ROXANNE PRYOR, DANIEL PULLMAN, CHARMAINE QUIGLEY, KATHLEEN RACKOWSKI, ANGELA RADEF, ANNA RAINES, MARGARET RAMIREZ-CASTRO, MARISOL RAMOS, CARL RAMOS, VIVIAN RANDOLPH, ANDREW RASHADA, SHEEBA REARDON, SUSAN REDELINGS, STEPHANIE REDKEY, DOUGLAS REEDER, DEUMAINE REICHELT, SAMANTHA RESECKER, MEAGAN REYES, ALYSSA REYNOLDS, JOHN REYNOLDS, ROSEMARY RHODES, BETTY RIBARSKY, HEATHER RICHTER, DAVID RICO, ALANA RIGALI, MAUREEN RISSI, AMY RIVERA, DAVID RIX, KATHERINE ROACH, COLLEEN ROAMER, KRISTEN ROBBINS, ALYSIA ROBERTSON, DEVON ROBLES-HERNANDEZ, BLANCA ROCKSTROH, DENNIS RODDY, DONNA RODRIGUEZ, EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ, GRECIA RODRIGUEZ, SYLVIA ROGERS, KELLY ROGERS, MARIELA ROOT, DAVID ROOT, STEPHANIE ROSENBAUM, ARIELLE ROSIER, STACY ROWE, MICHAEL ROWE, STEPHANIE RUDNICK, ELIZABETH RUSPAJ, TRESSA RUSSELL, DEBBIE RUSSELL, SAMANTHA RUTH, JEANNE SAIKI, JESSICA SALAK, JAMES SALAZAR, MELISSA SALDANA, FELISHA SALEEM, NAILA SALINAS, JEANNE SALISBURY, ROBIN SALUDARES, RANETTE SAMUY, NORMAN www.ccea-nv.org SAN NICOLAS, JOLYNN FARRAH SANCHEZ, ANDREA SANDY, LINDSY SANKUER, MICHAEL SANZ, ROSARIO SAUCEDA, DAPHNE SAUK, SHARON SAVAR, JONATHAN SCANLON, JOSEPH SCARANO, ERICA SCHAACK, DEBORAH SCHAEFER, ROBERT SCHAPER, MEGHAN SCHAUMBURG, MATTHEW SCHLEICH, SARA SCHRADER, MELISSA SCHUCK, TERESA SCHULDT, KRISTINA SCHULTHEIS, ADAM SCHULTZ, CORY JO SCHWARTZ, JENNIFER SCOTT, SEAN SEALS, LATOYA SEDANO, LIDIA SESTO, JILLIAN SHAVIES, CLEO SHEELY, BERT SHEELY, JULIA SHELDON, LORI SHELTON, DOROTHY SHEPHERD, STACY SHEPPARD, ERIN SHINA, TONI SHOVLIN CUMMINGS, CAITLIN SHUMATE, STEVEN SIEGFRIED, DEBRA SILLER, CARLA SILVERSTEIN, DANIELLA SILVIA, LINDA SING, SALLY SIPES, SUZANNE SIRLS, KATHRYN SISONICK, DEANNA SKALICKY, BRETT SLAKEY, SHERYL SLOAN, WILSON SMITH, ALLYSON SMITH, ANGELA SMITH, ANGELA SMITH, CHANCE SMITH, ELIZABETH SMITH, KEVIN SMITH, LISA SMITH, SUSANNE SMITH, TRACY SMOOT, RONETRA SNAVELY, KIMBERLY SNEEK, JESSICA SNELL, JILLIAN SNIDER, LEIGHA SNYDER, COLIN SNYDER, DAVID SOHNER, KELLY SOTELO JR, JOSE www.ccea-nv.org SOUKUP, NICOLE SPARKS, KARI SPECHT, LINDY SPENCER, CHERISE SPIELMAN, JESSICA SPILSBURY, LESLIE SPRINGER, ANJA SPROWSON JR, MELVYN STALSBERG, KENNETH STANTON, CORRYN STARR, BARBARA STAYNER, LINDA STEINER, JENNIFER STENNES, LANETTE STEVENS, MELANI STEVENSON, LESLIE STOLZENBERG, HOLGER STONE, TERRI STOPS, ARLIEA STOTLER, SHELLEY STRAETER, KRISTEN STRAMPEL, HEATHER SUMANIS, KATHRYN SWAGART, BRADLEY SWANK, TRACI TAFEL, AMANDA TAIWO, CAMILLE TANNER, KELLIE TAYLOR, ADRIAN TAYLOR, HILLARY TAYLOR, LASHAUNDRA TAYLOR, REBECCA TEKLU, DENISE TERNDRUP, JOHN TERRELL, SUSAN TERRILL, WILLIAM TERVO, ANA THOMAS, GREER THOMAS, MARIE THOMAS, MELISSA THOMAS, ROXANNE THOMAS, SARAH THOMPSON, ANITA THOMPSON, KAREN THOMPSON, KELSEY THORN, BRANDY THORNTON, GAYLA TISDALE, JACQUELINE TOPPS, DANIEL TORRES, JULIA TORRES JR, ALFREDO TRAVIS, JOSEPH TRESSLER, ANGELA TSAI, JESSE TUCKER, KIMBERLY TURMON, JESSICA TYLER, MALORY UMEBAYASHI, BRYON UMEBAYASHI, TRACIE URZUA, URZULA VALDIVIA, SARAI VAN BUSKIRK, NATHAN VAN DYKE, LAURA VAN EARDEN, TERESA VAN STONE, WINNIE VANDERHEIDEN, BERNARDUS VARGA, JAMES VASCONCELLOS, JAMES VASQUEZ, LUZ VAVOLIZZA, ELIZABETH VEENSTRA, JORDAN VENERO, ANGELIA VENNEMAN, COLLEEN VERMILLION, CAITY VERNON, ARLEE VIA, SHERILL VILLA, MELISSA VILLAGRAVA, SUSANNE VILLAS, CHRISTINA VINEYARD, ANNE VINZANT, MELISSA VISWANATHAN, TENKASI VOLKOMER, KEITH VON BUSKIRK, KRISTIN VON FURSTENBERG, ALEX WADE, RODERICK WAGNER, SCOTT WALDRON, DIANE WALKER, AISHA WALKER, MELISSA WALLER, BRIAN WALTON, DANA WARD, TENISE WARREN, KATIE WARSHAWSKY, LAUREN WASLESKY, JESSICA WATKINS, RALPH WATSON, LUCINDA WEAVER, KRISTEN WEAVER, VALERIE WEIGHT, GRISEL WEIMER, DANIEL WEIMER, ELAINA WEIR, JOHN WEIR, RHONDA WELLS, BRENDA WELLS, MARJORIE WESLEY, RACHAEL WEST, ANDREW WHALEN, CAILEY WHITNUM, AMANDA WHITWORTH, JESSICA WIEDENHEFT, HEATHER WILBOURNE, TRICIA WILFINGER, NICOLE WILKIN, GEORGE WILLIAMS, AMANDA WILLIAMS, BRITTANY WILLIAMS, JONNIE-JO WILLIAMS, MARY WILLIS, JOANN WILSON, JORDAN WILSON, SHAWNA WINFIELD, LAUNA WINGER, GARY WOJAK, LAUREN WOLFE, CATHERINE WOMACK, ANDREA WONG, TAMERA WOOD, VANCE WYETT, JACKIE WYSOCKI, SHANNON YABANDEH, ADLIN YAUCH, ANGELA YOUNG, AMBER YOUNG, JERAMY YOUNTS, DAVID ZABRODSKY, MICHAEL ZALUCKI, ALINA ZAMORA, LESLEY ZANIEWSKI, JEFFREY ZARATE, DIANA ZHOU, LOUISE ZICKUHR, JENNIFER ZONNEVELD, QUIRINA ZWICK, GEORGINA Best wishes for a great 2013-2014 school year. Your union of teaching professionals stands firmly behind you. Welcome to the family! Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 11 CCEA Presents National Hispanic Heritage Month begins September 15 Let’s Celebrate!!! Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson. It was expanded by President Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period. Below are links to sites that explore the contributions of Hispanics, as well as, links to teaching materials—including lesson plans—that can assist you with this celebration. HISTORY & CULTURE » Hispanic Heritage Free Study Session Nevada School Law Exam Nevada Constitution Exam U.S. Constitution Exam Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013 Place: NSEA Building Conference Room 3511 E. Harmon Avenue (one block east of Pecos Rd.) Las Vegas, NV 89121 Time: 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Reserve your seat today! Call 473-1003 or e-mail Courtney Patton at CPatton@ccea-nv.org or through Interact. Hurry, classes fill quickly. For your convenience, Nevada Law booklets may be purchased at the study session for $15.00. Accepted payment method: Members = payroll deduction / Others = money order. http://www.gale.com/free_resources/chh/links/ This site provides a list of links to Hispanic/Latino sites that provide resources and services such as Spanish languages, services to the Hispanic community, links to the National Council of La Raza, Library of Congress Hispanic Reading Room, and the National Hispanic Cultural Center. » Hispanic Heritage Month Recommended Reading •• Exam Information •• IMPORTANT: You MUST pre-register for the exams. The registration link (http://www.unr.edu/educ/el/nvlaw/) is available approximately 5 weeks prior to the exam. http://www.justreadfamilies.org/Reading/HHM.asp The Florida Department of Education has compiled a recommended reading list which provides a variety of suggested books by grade level for children of all ages to increase students’ interest in the many aspects and contributions of Hispanic culture. » Smithsonian Education http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/educators/resource_library/hisp anic_resources.html Smithsonian offers wonderful teaching resources that can enhance the learning experience about this observance. Page 12 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 Date: Saturday, November 2, 2013 Place: Keller Middle School 301 N. Fogg Street, LV 89110 (Stewart & Fogg, off East Charleston Blvd.) Time: 10:30 a.m. (doors open at 9:00 a.m. and will close at 10:15 a.m.) All three exams offered. www.ccea-nv.org Tips for a Successful School Year Student Behavior & Discipline • Allow a student to tell you his or her side of the situation. Be willing to consider mitigating circumstances. Don’t use schoolwork as a punishment. Helping students to govern their own behavior in ways that help them learn is a goal of all teachers. There are a number of ways you can promote good discipline in the classroom. Most of them you’ll probably recognize (and probably have used), but a review can be valuable. • Give clear directions; confusion leads to disorder. • First and foremost, be the kind of person children respect and trust. Be firm, fair, friendly, courteous, enthusiastic, and confident. Above all, keep your sense of humor. Communicating with Parents • Get to know your students. This will help you anticipate problem situations. • Don’t talk about the misdeeds of students, except to those who have a right to know. Don’t openly compare one pupil to another. • Admit you’ve made a mistake and apologize if you’ve treated a student unjustly. • Make sure punishments are appropriate for the misbehavior and explain to the student why he or she is being punished. • Don’t argue with students. Discussions about classwork are invaluable, but arguments are not. • Show courtesy to every student and display trust and confidence in them all. • Be consistent in application of discipline and be fair in your requirements and assignments. www.ccea-nv.org • Make learning fun, interesting, and relevant to the students’ lives. • Establish as few classroom rules as possible and keep them simple. • Be fully prepared. Working with parents is an important and positive part of teaching. While it’s normal to feel a bit nervous when a parent asks to speak to you or to meet with you, there are some basic things you can do to make communication with parents enjoyable and productive. The key is to establish a partnership with your students’ parents early in the year and then to maintain it throughout the year. • Reach Out Start by sending a note to students and parents, welcoming them to your class. Or, have a letter ready to hand out the first day of school that introduces you to your class. It might include your goals for the year, an outline of the curriculum and/or your philosophy, a supply list, and some background information on you. A few days, or a week later, you might send home another letter, describing your behavior management and homework policies. Be sure to have it returned and signed by the parent and student. Cautionary Note: Most building principals will appreciate seeing a copy of any parent letter going home with students before it goes out. • Make Positive Calls Too often, we call parents with a complaint about their child. How about “just thought you’d like to know how well ‘so and so’ is doing” call? It makes everyone—parents, students and teachers—feel great! • Provide Encouragement Urge parents to provide their children with a quiet study area, a good breakfast, a time to read together, and guidance and supervision of TV viewing. • Welcome Parents into the Classroom Consider having parents come in as “special guests” or as speakers, or ask them to help with projects at home that require their assistance, while setting realistic limits at all times. • Take Calls at School You don’t have to give out your home number; it’s okay to “draw the line.” You can return calls when mutually convenient, either right after school or in the evening. • Letters You’ll get complimentary letters from parents, but you may also get inquiries that are based on misunderstandings, which can almost always be ironed out with a phone call. • Electronic Mail If you are using electronic mail, and you find that your students’ parents are too, this can be an excellent way to stay in touch, answer questions, and communicate at everyone’s mutual convenience. ** Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 13 You’re Invited... The Clark Retired Education Association (CREA) and CCEA are pleased to present an important and informative presentation on the NVPERS program. Plan on attending this presentation to learn what NVPERS is and why it can be one of your most important benefits. A historical perspective will be presented on this program along with information about what pension reform is and its potential impact on this benefit. This program will be presented on: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Teachers Health Trust - Sedway Room 2950 E. Rochelle Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 If you are interested in attending and participating in this important presentation, please RSVP at 733-3063. Boost your success as an education professional — Sign up for CCEA’s Professional Learning program offerings! CCEA aims to provide you the professional learning resources that will help you realize maximum success as an education professional in Clark County. Our modules provide additional tools, resources, and timetested practices used across the nation — incredible tools that will aid you in the delivery of instruction to your students. Following is a listing of the modules offered. They are available in three formats: 1) for PDE credit, 2) for college credit, and 3) free of charge. The choice is yours! ■ Classroom Management—I Can Do It! ■ Increasing Cultural Sensitivity—C.A.R.E.: Culture, Ability, Resiliency and Effort ■ ELL Strategies—English Language Learners: Culture, Equity and Language Training for Closing the Achievement Gaps To support the ever-changing technology environment in the classroom, we provide classes that will help you navigate these areas with ease. We offer: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Easy Grade Pro Curriculum Engine Discovery Education Web 2.0: Engage Your Students FirstClass/Interact Edmodo SMART Training In addition, CCEA is a proud sponsor of the National Board Certification program and offers a study session for the Nevada Law, Nevada Constitution, and U.S. Constitution examinations. Download a catalogue of offerings @ www.ccea-nv.org. Page 14 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2013 www.ccea-nv.org Sick Leave Pool Enrollment Open from September 1 through September 30 Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89121) or you can fax it to In 1998, CCEA negotiated with CCSD to create 702-733-0240. The deadline to RECEIVE the the Sick Leave Pool—giving teachers with form is September 30, 2013. catastrophic illness or injury access to additional sick leave Not sure if you have previously days above those they had joined the pool? Call CCEA at Did you know... accrued. 733-3063 and we will be happy to that since the Sick How does it work? check enrollment for you. 1) Enrollment in the Sick How do I access the Leave Pool’s inception Leave Pool is voluntary. benefit? Teachers with a the Committee has 2) The open enrollment catastrophic illness/injury, and awarded 16,444 period is September 1 through who have enrolled in the Sick September 30 of each school Leave Pool, can apply to the days to teachers with year. oversight committee for days once catastrophic illness 3) Enrollment is open to their own sick and personal leave or injury. any teacher who has accrued is used. Immediate family six (6) days of unused sick days members are not covered under as of September 1. this provision; lifetime usage of the 4) One (1) sick leave day is deducted from pool is limited to 100 days maximum per person. each teacher who joins the pool. You only need For more information about the Sick Leave to enroll in the pool once. If you have not Pool, visit www.ccea-nv.org and click on previously joined the pool and would like to now, “Member Resources” at the top of the home please fill out the form below and mail it to page – once there, click on the “Forms” tab from CCEA—school mail or U.S. mail (4230 McLeod the drop-down list. ** Sick Leave Pool Enrollment Form I hereby authorize the Clark County School District to deduct one (1) sick leave day* from my accrued sick leave and transfer the day to the sick leave pool as established in Article 18-11 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. I understand that this day is to be used for the maintenance of the sick leave pool and shall not be refunded unless the pool fails to become operable. • ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED — PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY • LAST NAME FIRST NAME SOCIAL SECURITY # MI SCHOOL NAME EFFECTIVE SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014 September ___, 2013 SIGNATURE DATE * Pool participants must have a minimum of six (6) days of accrued sick leave as of September 1st of the year of enrollment. Sick Leave Pool Committee Guidelines can be viewed online at www.ccea-nv.org PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO CCEA — SCHOOL OR U.S. MAIL OR FAX TO 702-733-0240. www.ccea-nv.org Back to School 2013 | CCEA Express • Page 15 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS, NV PERMIT #57 4230 McLeod Drive | Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CCEAid No. STAY CONNECTED. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter. For last minute information, join our texting program— simply text CCEA to 545454. Are you looking for resources to assist you in the classroom? You will find a wide array of resources @ www.educationworld.com. * Lesson Planning * Technology Integration * Subjects & Specialities * * Early Childhood * And much more. Notary Public Services Did you know that CCEA offers notary public services FREE of charge to all CCEA members? That’s right, NO charge regardless of the number of documents. Take advantage of this benefit. Simply stop by the CCEA office with your documents and your picture ID — Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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