School Aug/Sept 2014 - The Clark County Education Association
School Aug/Sept 2014 - The Clark County Education Association
Vol. 15, Issue 1 Back to School - August/September 2014 Important Dates NEPF and You September 15-October 15, 2014 Hispanic Heritage Month New system aims to enhance your practice September 23, 2014 CCEA Association Rep Council Mtg. September 24, 2013 Rosh Hashanah (begins @ sunset 9/24) September 25, 2014 CCSD School Board Mtg. September 26, 2014 Native American Day October 3, 2014 Yom Kippur (begins @ sunset 10/3) October 8, 2014 Sukkot (begins @ sunset 10/8) October 9, 2014 CCSD School Board Mtg. October 11, 2014 CCEA Executive Board Mtg. October 13, 2014 Columbus Day October 15, 2014 Nevada Study Session Shemini Atzeret (begins @ sunset 10/15) October 23, 2014 Nevada Study Session CCSD School Board Mtg. October 28, 2014 CCEA Association Rep Council Mtg. October 31, 2014 Nevada Day Observed ** CCEA Offices Closed ** Halloween November 2, 2014 Daylight Saving Time Ends November 3, 2014 Professional Development Day November 4, 2014 Professional Development Day ** Election Day ** Exercise Your Right to Vote Whether you are a probationary or postprobationary teacher in the Clark County School District, you will be hearing plenty about the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF), the new evaluation system for teachers and administrators. While the Teachers & Leaders Council is working to further define and refine the new process, one thing is for certain: the CCEA Professional Learning division is working round-the-clock to help you learn and prepare for this new system. To kick-off the process, CCEA hosted the first session of the Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) — The Keys to a Successful Evidence-Centered Teacher Evaluation Workshop. Probationary teachers attended the session on Sept. 9 and post-probationary teachers joined the conversation on Sept. 10. Over the two days teachers learned to use High Leverage Instructional Standards and Indicators to provide evidence of quality teaching and learning in their own practice. Also discussed was the teacher evaluation cycle, Ask a nonmember colleague to join including self-assessment, the CCEA by October 1! pre-evaluation conference, observations, and the Effective this school year, CCEA will have a performance evaluation. “Join Us” enrollment period. This Special focus was placed change applies to any teacher who was on helping attendees prepare employed in the last school year. The for the goal setting conference nonmember enrollment period closes to be held with their Wednesday, October 1. administrator. Teachers found this Please take a moment to invite your session empowering and are colleagues to become part of the CCEA looking forward to attending family. Ask them to join today! the second workshop. Important Notice Inside This Issue: From the President’s Desk ....................................p2 The Vice President’s Corner .................................p3 Start the School Year On A Positive Note..........p4 Message from the Executive Director................p5 Nevada Educator Performance Framework .....p6 Hispanic Heritage Month Resources..................p9 Welcome to the CCEA Family .......................p10-14 Southern NV Teacher Leadership Event ..........p15 Member Benefits & Special Discounts.......p16-18 Sick Leave Pool Enrollment ................................p19 From the President’s Desk by Vikki Courtney The Power of Community elcome back to the new school year! And thank you, for your dedication to the teaching profession. W Teaching today is not the profession I entered in the 1980s. Today’s profession takes grit, resiliency, and the willingness to persevere to have the best education system for our students. It also takes the power of community; a community that supports and commits to kids, educators, and education. The many issues we have facing us — overcrowded classrooms, overreliance on testing, lack of trust in educators — makes it hard to attract and retain people in the profession. As I write this message, our legislature is holding a special session to determine the tax incentives for Tesla to bring a battery plant to northern Nevada. It is a great opportunity for our state to have new jobs in a field that is the future, but I am told over and over again by community members that the real future of our success is the education of our children. I happen to agree with that, and I bet that you do too! I know that the teachers here in Clark County send graduates to all of the Ivy League colleges, as well as many other colleges across the country. I know that we graduate students who Page 2 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 The power of community... The power of an educated community that stands together to our interests. This election we also get to elect School Board Trustees to lead our school district. But, first we must commit to vote and we must commit to elect those who will provide us with the funding and the tools and resources necessary to do our job as educators. demand the best for our students and our profession. provide this community with skills and knowledge to build our community. I know that we give our students the best education that being 50th in the nation in tax dollars can possibly provide. I guess the question is, are you satisfied with being 50th? If not, then you must join me to make a change; to hold people accountable for their decisions. We must be accountable too. So what do we need to do? We need to demonstrate “the power of community.” The power of an educated community that stands together to demand the best for our students and our profession. On November 4th we get to send a loud message, as we will have the opportunity to elect leaders to go to Carson City to represent If you are not registered to vote, you still have time. You can register online until October 4th – simply go to the Clark County Election Department’s website @ http://www.clarkcountynv.g ov/VOTE — but remember, you must act by October 4th or you will need to go to the Election Department and register in person. A list of recommended candidates will be available on our website as soon as the candidate endorsement process is completed. We will also send you this information in a mailer and in an e-mail blast. As soon as the election is over, we will be holding roundtables with legislators, educators and the community to make sure that the voices of the education community are heard. We will update you electronically when these take place. Join us! It will be the "power of community" that changes education! The Vice President’s Corner by Theo Small Fear of Failure: Reflection on the New Evaluation System H ow do we balance holding our students to high standards and also meet them at their cognitive and emotional levels? This is the main question we subconsciously address every day in our lives as education professionals. It’s funny how we allow students to make mistakes in their learning process, but when it comes to adults, we have to be perfect. Well guess what educators, I’m coming out of the classroom closet and admitting to you that I wasn’t a perfect teacher. Yep, I know you’re shocked to hear that I made mistakes or that I was less effective in many areas of the instruction that I gave my students for over 20 years, but I always held on to the belief that I could improve that lesson the next time I taught it. The problem in our world is that we don’t have built-in times in our daily schedule to reflect on our practice or get feedback from a colleague. Reflective collaboration is a widespread practice in countries where teaching professionals lead instruction. So how do we get to this place of working on our practice as educators? The other dilemma is that we expect ourselves, fellow teaching professionals, and administrators to be perfect. Why do we so easily allow misunderstandings, mistakes, and failures in our students in their learning process, but we think mistakes are weaknesses when you are an adult in the education system? As you know, most licensed teachers and administrators are implementing the new evaluation system this year. It is a transition year, where we will implement most of the system, particularly the instructional and professional responsibility standards. The foundation of the new evaluation cycle is to improve instruction for licensed teachers and for administrators to promote the best environment to support teachers. The first step is goal setting. We spent several hours with newly hired teachers in the district, coaching them on how to prepare for this goal-setting conference with their supervisor, and we have begun a series of workshops on the new system for both probationary and postprobationary teachers/licensed professionals. During the goal-setting conference, you and your supervisor should collaboratively agree upon a goal for instruction (rooted in the instructional & professional responsibility standards) plus a goal around student data. These goals are a minimum, so you may also have grade level/department, school-wide, zone, or even district goals. You need to have a voice in your goals! And as I mentioned above, we need to have goals that match our needs to improve instruction. When you sit down with your supervisor, be prepared for this meeting, look at the standards and reflect of what, you, as a professional need to work on to better your instruction. Also consider what data and evidence you will collect that shows how your focus has impacted your student’s growth & learning. Above all, make mistakes, learn from your colleagues, challenge yourself to improve each day and challenge each other. Let’s learn and improve together using this new evaluation tool. Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 3 Start the School Year on a Positive Note The return to school is an especially busy time for everyone. Educators have so many things to prepare and plan—learning environment (how does your classroom look to your students?), lesson plans or daily schedule for those who are specialists, and grade and attendance records. In addition to performing all the essential functions of your position, there are other “housekeeping” items to consider to keep you up to date: TAC — Each school or central work location, where the majority of the faculty desires it, shall establish a Teacher Advisory Council (TAC). “Time for discussion relating to the desire of the faculty to have a TAC shall be provided each faculty at the orientation sessions and/or faculty meetings routinely scheduled at the start of the school year.” The election of TAC shall be no later than December 15. Review Article 10 of the Negotiated Agreement for more information. In addition to TAC, each school now has the option to create a School Governance Team. This team shall have the same objectives as the School Empowerment Team model, which includes providing continued oversight of the school and assist in the management decisions of the school in the five autonomies: governance, budget, instruction, staffing, and time. 1 Salary Class Advancement — If you have completed professional growth credits, make sure you have submitted paperwork for advancement to a new salary class. You should also include approved school district in-service courses and workshops. Review Article 26 for more information. 2 Page 4 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 Planning for Professional Growth — If you are uncertain if the courses you plan to take now comply with the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement for salary class advancement, you may submit your list of courses on district form CCF160 prior to taking the courses. The Human Resources Division will respond within eight (8) days after the request has been submitted and all necessary documentation has been received. Review Article 26-35 for more information. 3 Information You Should Keep Accessible — Read and understand your staff handbook and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy for Interact. Your signature on these documents means you have read and understand the contents. Special attention should be given to sections of the handbook that deal with calling in sick, contacting substitute services, the school’s discipline plan, etc. 4 Personal Property at Work — Employees are discouraged from bringing or retaining personal property on school district premises, but we all know you need it and have to take it to work. At least semiannually an employee must 5 receive supervisor authorization and maintain a declaration form itemizing personal items and corresponding business use in order to activate indemnification up to $1,000 (replacement cost) per employee occurrence (automobiles are not covered). You should be able to get a declaration form in the school office (CCF-122). Review Article 11 for more information. Progressive Student Discipline — Teachers should meet with the principal regarding an AB 521 Committee to deal with disciplinary issues. Nevada Revised Statute 392.463 also provides that parents should be involved. 6 Paycheck — You should check your pay stub on September 25th to ensure that any personal leave days you earned for the previous year are credited. Review Article 20 for further information. Also, check to make sure you are credited with a Universal Personal Leave Day and your accumulated sick leave credit is accurate. 7 Sick Leave Pool — If you are not currently a contributing participant in (continues on page 8) 8 Message from the Executive Director by John Vellardita Competitive Salary Schedule Can Address District’s Hiring Shortfall As we start the school year, CCSD’s classrooms have over 600 substitute teachers teaching our students. This is unacceptable, and yet very correctable. One of the causes for this shortfall is a shortage of teachers. Fewer people are entering the teaching profession and as a result fewer are graduating. Nevada’s higher education system is an example of this as well. However, this is not the primary reason. Nationally, there are areas in the country where school districts are downsizing and laying-off teachers. Large urban districts like Chicago and Philadelphia are two cases in point. So, while there may be fewer teachers graduating, there are thousands of teachers seeking employment nationally. A perfect example of this dynamic occurred just this past year. Prior to the start of the school year 11,000 teachers were going to be hired in areas that would directly compete with Clark County, areas like California, Oregon, and Texas. The school districts in these areas have revenue to fill the needed teaching positions and school districts aggressively recruited to fill their vacancies. They faced the same issue of a teacher shortage coming ...approximately 30,000 students (close to 10% of the student population) have a substitute teacher in the classroom; this is unacceptable, and yet very correctable. out of higher education, as did Clark County, but they took advantage of thousands of qualified teachers nationally looking for employment. So how did they do? California, Oregon, and Texas all successfully recruited to fill their teacher needs. They offered better salaries, benefits, thousands of dollars in bonuses, and other incentives to fill their positions. Meanwhile, the Clark County School District did not have the same success. As the start of the school year approached and CCSD realized it would not meet its hiring needs, it began to recruit retirees and substitutes to fill the classrooms before the year began. So we start the school year with approximately 30,000 students (close to 10% of the student population) having a substitute teacher in the classroom; this is unacceptable, and yet very correctable. The long-term solution is for Nevada to fund its public education system better – to the tune of an additional $500 million per year. We don’t have to wait for voters to decide that on November 4, 2014 with the Education Initiative, or to wait for an alternative funding that may emerge during the 2015 Nevada Legislative Session. Those will occur and we will be part of that. However, we need a fix and we need it now. Even if it is a short-term fix. The CCEA Negotiations Team has made a proposal to try to make our salary schedule more competitive in the immediate. Our proposal adjusts the starting pay to attract incoming teachers by creating new entry step levels AND it creates additional steps for long term teachers in an effort to incentivize them to stay as thousands of teachers have not had a raise in several years because they are at the maximum step level of pay. But we did not stop there. (continues on page 9) Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 5 The Nevada Evaluation Performance Framework The Clark County Education Association’s mission is to help you have a successful school year by creating a collaborative culture where the evaluation process is used as a goal setting mechanism to prove your instructional and professional practices in an effort to meet the needs of your students. What is the Nevada Evaluation Performance Framework? The Nevada Evaluation Performance Framework (NEPF) is a set of standards and indicators reflecting what teachers and administrators need to know and be able to do to support student mastery of more rigorous Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS). The NEPF is based on the 21st century learning targets and the NVACS. What is NVACS? The Nevada Academic Content Standards were derived from Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. The NVACS identifies what students should know and be able to do. Page 6 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 The NEPF assesses teacher performance across two overarching categories of standards and indicators: 1) Educational Practice and 2) Student Performance. 1) Under the Educational Practice categories are two domains: a. Instructional Practice/High-Leverage Instructional Standards – this domain sets the parameters for measuring the teacher behavior delivering instruction in the classroom, while also specifically monitoring student behavior. b. Professional Responsibilities Standards – this domain addresses the parameters for everything a teacher does outside of instruction to influence and prepare for learning at the highest level in the classroom and promote effectiveness of the school community. 2) Under the Student Performance category there is one domain: a. Student Outcomes Standards – this domain addresses data that reflect appropriate, expected student growth over time. Within the standards and indicator is a system of accountability called performance levels. The performance levels are built on educator inputs and student outcomes. Within the performance levels is a rating system ranging from 4 to 1 for each indicator. 4 3 2 1 = = = = Highly Effective Effective Minimally Effective Ineffective These performance levels are designed to provide opportunities for reflection of instructional and professional practice as measured by evidence sources. With a federal waiver, Nevada lawmakers voted to delay the full implementation of the NEPF until the 2016-17 school year; however, the Clark County School District is rolling out a system that includes goal setting for instructional standards and professional responsibilities. Every school in Nevada will participate in a statewide validation study in the 2014-15 school year. Teacher Evaluation Cycle How does the NEPF teacher evaluation cycle work? Within the framework both teachers and administrators have shared responsibilities for improving student performance. This improvement is defined as Student Outcomes, including student growth, gap reduction, and student proficiency. The annual probationary teacher evaluation cycle includes: • Self-Assessment based on the five High Leverage Instructional Standards. • Pre-evaluation Conference between the teacher and supervising administrator that includes identification of an instructional focus, such as analysis, goal setting, and plan development. • Three observations – 1st within the first 40 days of the start of instruction, 2nd no later than 80 days of the start of instruction, and 3rd within 120 days of the start of instruction. • Performance Evaluation – Performance Rating assigned based on evidence. The Summative Evaluation forms the baseline data for the annual cycle in the subsequent school year. Pre and post-evaluation conferences are recommended before and after each observation. These conferences give teachers an opportunity to lead a focused discussion explaining their student needs, provide evidence of instructional strategies, and justify the primary objectives of the lesson. The post observation conference is a time in which the evaluator should provide explicit feedback on performance with the teacher. Professional learning needs should be discussed, identified, and a PD plan should be developed, including professional development sessions, jobembedded support, coaching, observing and/or mentoring, peer reviews, etc. If you believe that your evaluation is not correct, or if you have any questions about the evaluation procedure, contact your CCEA building representative immediately AND contact CCEA at 702-733-3063 or 1-800-772-2282. Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 7 Start the School Year (continued from page 4) the Sick Leave Pool there is an open enrollment “window” from September 1 to September 30. Review Article 18-11 for details. Extra-Duty Assignments — Article 22-7 provides that involuntary assignments be made on an equitable basis. 9 Preparation Periods — Your schedule should include a daily preparation period during the student day. Elementary school and schools on block scheduling should have at least 250 minutes per week. Do not give away your preparation period. Newly adopted language provides that the school district cannot take more than 4 preparation periods per school year and must provide you with at least 48-hour notice; at least 10 minutes must be left for use at teacher’s discretion; and school district directed prep periods taken beyond 4 shall be paid at teacher’s daily rate of pay. Review Article 31 for more information. 10 Fall Surplus — If you are notified that you will be involuntarily transferred (surplussed) in September, you should contact a UniServ Director at CCEA. Review Article 35 for additional information. 11 Investigatory Meetings — You are entitled to a representative. You should call CCEA immediately upon receipt of a notice to meet with your supervisor. If you did not receive the card that outlines the Weingarten Rights: Your Right to Representation in your membership packet, please ask your Association Representative or UniServ Director for a card. Review Article 36 regarding notice and the right to know what the meeting is about. 12 Observations & Evaluations — Keep a log of when your supervisor observes you. Nevada Revised Statute sets a minimum number of minutes your supervisor must observe you. You should also keep all copies of observation notes and any written directions for change. 13 Page 8 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 Review Article 14-3-1. 14 Dress Code — There is one dress code adopted by the School Board of Trustees. Individual schools cannot impose additional rules regarding educators’ attire. See CCSD Regulation 4280 – Dress and Grooming – All Employees. This looks like a very long list of additional things to do. Most of these things can be accomplished in just a few minutes. Use this as your checklist. You may also call a UniServ Director at 733-3063 or e-mail with questions and/or concerns. Do not e-mail to ask for a representative for an investigatory meeting — you should call 702733-3063 and let reception know you have an investigatory meeting and your call will be routed to the appropriate staff person. The Negotiated Agreement between CCEA and CCSD can be accessed under the Representation tab on the CCEA website at Volume 15, Issue 1 Back to School 2014 The CCEA Express is an official publication of the Clark County Education Association (CCEA), 4230 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89121. It is published 8 times a year (August through June/July). The publication’s goal is to keep Association members abreast of issues affecting public education and to provide economic benefits. Vikki Courtney Theo Small Cindy K. Johnson Cassandra W. Bell John Vellardita Letty Elias Valeria Gurr-Ovalle Sharon Whalum President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director Editor/Layout/Design Contributing Editor Contributor Message from the Executive Director (continued from page 5) We also proposed to the District that upon reaching a one-year agreement on the salary schedule, we immediately sit down and negotiate a better salary schedule that recruits and retains the best educators and present that to the 2015 Nevada Legislature to get adequate funding. We proposed that before the legislative session starts, we work jointly to solicit support from Southern Stay tuned. An Nevada legislators. update on So, where negotiations are we in the will be process? As of this writing coming soon. we will have another Be ready to negotiation session with spring into the District on September action. 9, 2014. We are approximately $10 million apart in reaching an agreement. A review of CCSD’s budget shows they have the money. Had we reached an agreement back in July, we know CCSD would have been more competitive to teachers seeking employment and the outcome would have been different. There may be a teacher shortage in this country, but that is not the primary reason for CCSD’s current recruitment shortfall. CCSD cannot afford to leave this issue unresolved. Negotiations have gone on for too long. We must invest in our licensed professionals. We must attract and hold on to the best. It is time for CCSD to make a decision — reach a settlement or the parties are at an impasse. We ask that all members stay posted and be prepared to let the Trustees know how you feel about this issue. National Hispanic Heritage Month begins September 15 Let’s Celebrate!!! Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and the Spanish-speaking countries of Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week and was expanded in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. Below are links to sites that explore the contributions of Hispanics, as well as, links to teaching materials—including lesson plans—that can assist you with this celebration. HISTORY & CULTURE » Hispanic Heritage Resources Teacher Vision is a very complete site that supplies you with printables, lesson plans, references, language art resources, music activities, art activities, literature resources and more – many of them free of charge! » Hispanic Heritage The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District site provides a list of different links to Hispanic/Latino resources and services such as a reading list, history, activities for kids, craft ideas, games, and events. » National Spanish Heritage Month The National Education Association’s site offers a list of lessons, activities, videos and more for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. » Bring Hispanic Heritage Month to Life: A Collection of Resources Scholastic provides a very complete list of articles, student and lesson plans to help educators bring Hispanic Heritage culture to the classroom –these resources are available for pre-K through 12th grade Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 9 Welcome to The Union of Teaching Professionals! The Clark County Education Association, the Nevada State Education Association, and the National Education Association welcome these dedicated teaching professionals. They joined our family between April 1 and September 11, 2014. We look forward to working together to make our union THE place for all teaching professionals in Clark County’s public schools. HAJIRAH ABDULLAH ADRIANA ACEBAL ASHLEY ADAMS ANDREA ADAMS TOWANDA ADAMS DAVID ADKINS CARLOS AGUILAR JEANETTE AGUILAR BELYOU ALEMU ANDREA ALEXANDER SINDY ALLEN SAMUEL ALSUP CONSTANTINO ALVARADO ERIK AMBLAD MONICA ANDERSON CHRISTINE ANDERSON DAVID ANDERSON MELANIE ARAMBULA MICHAEL ARCHULETA JR JOANNE AREVALO JOSE AREVALO TRACY ARNOLD ERIKA JANE ARRANGUEZ ELYSA ARROYO THOMAS ASSENZIO JENNA AUDIA JOHN AUSTIN SCOTT AUSTIN ASHLEY AUSTIN BRITTANI AVALON STACEY AYALA JENNIFER AYERS RAY BACHMAN KATHERINE BAETEN GREG BAILEY KARINA BAKER DEBORAH BALBONI AMBER BALDWIN ANNMARIE BALDWIN-BROWN KAYTLYN BALL PATRICIA BALLANCE BRITTANY BALSIGER VALERIE BARNDT BRANDI BARNES NICHOLAS BARNES NICOLE BARNES CORI BARRETT CHAD BARRETT RACHELE BARRETT TERANDA BASEY WAYNETTE BAUTISTA ERIN BAXTER WILLIAM BAXTER KATHLEEN BAXTER BREANNA BECKER MARY BECKSTEAD MICHELLE BEECHER ANGELICA BEJARANO JOHN BELGERI MELISSA BELL JACOB BENDIXEN MEGAN BENGE JARED BENNETT RONALD BENNETT JR ANGELA BERENS TIMOTHY BERINGER ANDREA BERMUDEZ BRETTANI BERRY STEPHANIE BIBLER BRIAN BICKERS SARA BIGELOW MEGAN BIRD JENNECE BLACK JOANNE BOBBETT LAUREN BOELENS GINA BOGDEN CRISTEN BOLANDER-FIELD JASON BOLDT ZOE BOLE MICHELLE BOLLINGER Page 10 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 LINDA BONILLA MICHAEL BONNER CRYSTAL BONNETTS VANESSA BRACELLY VIRGINIA BRADFORD JOLENE BRANCATELLI MARY BRESLIN JACOB BRONKEMA JAN BROOKS DEBBIE BROWN JENNIFER BROWN VICKI BRUMBERG MONICA BRYANT AMANDA BUCKNER STACEY MARIE BUDIJA NATHAN BULMER ANA BUMBARIS RODERICK BURKES JR MELISSA BUSHEE ALLISON BUSSE JOSUE BUSTILLOS-VILLALOBOS PERRY BUTTERS VALERIE CABRERA LAURA CAISSE LESLIE CALATA-MANCILLA ELISA CALAUNAN PATRICIA CALDERON JENNIFER CALIXTO STEPHANIE CALL NICOLE CALUBAQUIB LISA CALVERT NANCY CAMERO AMANDA CAMPBELL WILLIAM CAMPF LUCIA CAMPOS MELANIE CANE MARLENE CANNON CARMELLA CARDOSO TERESA CAREY EMILY CARL JAMES CARLSON SANDY CARLTON ASHLEY CARRANZA KRISTOFFER CARROLL ALEXANDRA CARTER CAITLIN CASEY LAUREN CASTER ELIZABETH CASTOE SAHIRAH CAULCRICK MICHELINE CERBONI EMILY CHAMPLIN STEPHANIE CHAMPOUX HEATHER CHANCE LAUREN CHANDIA KEI CHILDRESS AUSTIN CHON MELYNDA CHRAPCYNSKI JAMIE CIAMILLO JENNIFER CIOTTI CATHERINE CIOTTIE JENNIFER CLAPP SHIRLEY CLARK ELIZABETH CLARK-GEFFON MALORI CLARKE LINDSEY CLAYTON HANNAH CLEMENT NATASHA COADY MARLENE COHEN SHERI COHEN ROGER COLE JESSICA COLLAZO GLENN COMBS CHRISTINE COMPTON VENUS COOLEY KATIE COOPER DIANA CORTEZ MAYRA CORTEZ CHRIS COSBY ELIZABETH COSGROVE MARY ANN COTTER MARK COTTLE MAUREEN COTTON THOMAS COURTNEY MIKAL COX BRYAN CRABTREE CHRISTINA CRANE CASSANDRA CRISCITELLO ANGELA CROUCH ABBEY CROUSE DIANE CRUTCHFIELD-ANDRE CHRISTINE CUERVO CRYSTAL CYR JESSE DAILEY AJIAH DALEY MICHELLE DALTON DOUGLAS DAVIS BRANDON DAVIS DUANE DAVIS SHAWNTEL DAVIS TYLER DAVIS TAKISHA DAVIS-WOODS CHRISTIN DE LA ROSA MARGARITA DE LEON JAMES DE ROSA LAVON DEANDA HEIDI DEAVER KRISTI DEBERG MARYLYNN DELVIN HO'ONANI DENNIS SHAINA DERAI KATHERINE DESIMONE PAUL DESOLIER RAY DEXTER BRYAN DI GREGORIO VERIKA DILDY FRED DILGER ERIN DILLINGER DALTHA DOLANCH SANDRA DONATELLE JAMES DORAN GLORI DORISMON DIANA DREYER SHANNON DRISCOLL HOLLAND DROHN KRYSTALLINE DROWNS ALYSSA DUDA EDNA DUNCAN CHRISTOPHER DUPLAGA MICHAEL DURO TIFFANY DYKSTRA ADRIENNE EARNEST JENELL EASTLAND KAILEY EININGER REBECCA ELIAS ROBERT ELIZONDO MICHELE ELLIS DANIEL ENGEL MICHAEL ENGLISH KORI ERSKINE ALEJANDRO ESCOBEDO MIKE ESHRAGH KIMBERLY EVANS-CAU KEVIN EWING NURANA FAASA JENISHA FAIR NANCY FALCONE ANNA FASONE MONICA FAVA SARAH FENDER YOHANCE FERGUSON LENA FERNANDES KARRIEM FERREIRA LESLIE FICHTNER AMANDA FINN JUSTINA FITZGERALD KATIE FITZGERALD ELIZABETH FITZGERALD ANTHONY FLANAGAN SYLVIA FLORES YVETTE FLORES COURTNEY FLOTH JAMES FOLDA ERIN FORD HEIDI FOREMAN-TONEY ELIZA FOSTER MEGAN FOWLKES GRETCHEN FOX KARMARIE FOX STEPHEN FRANCHINO CHYNA FRANK BONNIE FRASER RHIANNON FRAUENFELD MOLLIE FRAZIER ALEXANDRA FREEMAN AMPORN FUAMORNSAWASDI MARIA FUENTES AMELIA FUQUA STEVEN GABBERT REBECCA GADBERRY PAMELA GAGLIANO ALEJANDRA GALVAN CATHERINE GALVAN DAVID GALVIN JESENIA GAMERO-ZAMORA GINA GANGURSKY SHANELLE GARBUTT DALIA GARCIA VICTORIA GARRETT LISA GARRY KAYLA GATELY APRIL GATES MYRA GATLIN CHERI GATPANDAN KRISTIE GENTRY JOSEPH GERIDEEN ANGELA GIACALONE SASHA GILMER VICTORIA GINSBURG VICTOR GIRNUS III SHAE GITTER SHAQUIA GIVENS-PETERSON NICOLE GLADISH BRITTANY GLADISH DEREK GLAUDE KATHLEEN GOMEL ISABEL GOMEZ NORMA ALEJANDRA GONZALEZ JONNIE GONZALEZ JOSE GONZALEZ KELLY GOODALL YVONNE GOURLEY BRIAN GRANATA PATRICIA GRANNEN TAHLONNA GRANT TIFFANY GRAVES DOUGLAS GREEN KRYSTAL GREEN KEVIN GRIMM GARRETT GROSS SHAWNA GROSSARDT RAQUEL GRZIMEK PAUL GUILLAUME ANTHONY GULARTE II DONESSA GUSTILO KRISTIN HAAS STACY HALE JANA HALL IVELINA HAMEL ANNE HAMILTON CLARE HAN ZACHARY HARLAN LACEY HARMON LEA HARPER AMANDA HARRISON LUCIANA HART MICHELE HARVILLE DONNA HATCH TANNER HATZENBUEHLER ALLEN HAZEN ANNA HEAPS SHERIL HELMS ALLISON HENDRICKS JULIE HENDRIX GREGORY HENKEL CHRISTOPHER HENRICHSEN REBECA HENSLER ALICIA HERRERA KRISTAN HEYMAN ALISON HEYMAN JONATHAN HICKS KINSHASA HILL KAREN HILLIARD SANDRA HINDS DOUGLAS HINMAN BRADLEY HOCKETT DEBRA HOGUE ACACIA HOGUE ANTHONY HOLDEN CHARLCIE HOLGUIN RACHAEL HOLLAND EARL HOLT SHELLY HOLT SARAH HOROWITZ LAURA HORTING ALYSSA HORTON CHRYSTAL HOWARD BREANNE HUBBARD ASHLEY HUDDLESTON LESLIE HUFFT ROBERT HUFFT MEGAN IANNUZZI DAWNETTA ISAACSON DEBRA IVERSON DEANNA IVERSON BELINDA JACKLEY TIMOTHY JACKLIN DENISE JACKSON BRITTANY JACKSON JAMES JACKSON DOMONIQUE JACKSON Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 11 Clark County Teaching Professionals...United and Growing Stronger! JAMY JACKSON-MATTHEWS KATHRYN JAMES DONGSOON JANG LORIELLE JARMAN JESSICA JAY COLEEN JENNINGS KATHERINE JERBI JOSEPH JEZIORSKI HAO YANG JIANG TAMRA JIVIDEN MATTHEW JOHNSON RANADA JOHNSON VAROTTA JOHNSON DENISE JOHNSON CINDY JOHNSON AMY JOHNSON SHAUNNA JOHNSON JENNIE JOHNSON ALEXIS JOHNSON JENNIFER JOHNSON ROSANNA JOHNSON ANDREW JOHNSON THEADOR JOHNSON JR NATHAN JONES DANIELLE JONES BARBARA JONES MONICA JORGENSEN SARAH JUAREZ CHARITY JUDKINS STACEY LOREN JULIAN STEPHANIE JULIANO ROBERT KALMBACH ROBIN KATZ KATHLEEN KAZI PAUL KEATING HOKUNAMI KEEHU CHRISTINE KEETON LINDSAY KEHL NONA KEITH KANDEE KELLER JEFFREY KENLY RACHEL KENNEY TARA KIMES CINDY KING VICKY KING ANNIE KING MICHAEL KLEIN KARIN KLEIST MARCIA KLINK JENNIFER KNIGHT NICOLE KNIGHT JANET KOBERNA TERINA KONRAD MICHAEL KONRAD KIRI KOZIOL CARISSA KRANING JOHN KUCHER DORA KYLER RICHARD LABRECQUE SALLY LAFRENTZ BRIAN LAICH JENNIFER LAMOREAUX ANNE LANDERS-MORRIS TRACE LANDESS WHITNEY LANG JOAN LANGDON ELISSA LANGEMO GORDON LANKENAU TIANA LARIOS NEIL LASERNA JULIA LASH KAREN LASKOWSKI KIMBERLY LAW ROSEZINA LAWRENCE TERRI LAWSON CATHERINE LAWTON GIOVANNI LAZZAROTTO ELLEN NOTO LEA DAVID LEAL JULIE LEAL BRITTANI LEE HALEY LEGGETT ANN LEHNER-MARRA LYNETTE LEKIE REBECCA LENNOX KELLY LEONG JAMES LESSO MICHAEL LEVIN NANCY LEWIS YENA LI JULIA LIENING DAWN LIIMATAINEN CHRISTOPHER LITTMANN ASHLEI LIVINGSTON VERONICA LOMELI CHRISTOPHER LOOMIS TAMARA LOPARCO CHRISTOPHER LOPEZ ANGELIQUE LORD MAY ANN LORENZO DAVID LORIG MICHELLE LORREN THOMAS LOTT TAMMY LOUIE SARAH LOVING MEGAN LOWE KEITH LOWE III LORI LOWERY CASSANDRA LOYAS MARIA-TERESA LOZANO DIEGO LOZANO IULIANA LUCAN ANNA LUCERO SHARON LUELLEN CHRISTINE LUGENBEAL BONNIE LUKS SUZANNE LYLE SHERRY LYNES ROBERT LYSTRUP KARA MACH DEVYN MACK RICHMAN MAHLANGU TAMMY MAIDI SANDRA MALLUT KYLE MANGELS DELMA MANKA CRISTINA MANNS THEA MARIE MANUEL Page 12 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 ELISA MARCHESCHI KRISTEN MARCUSEN JASON MARSHALL-LANG WILLY MARTINEZ ANNETTE MARTINEZ JACQUELINE MARTINO DANIEL MARX BARBARA MASCARENO-SHAW HANNA MASON ADA MASSA-GONZALEZ AMY MAST REBA MATHAI KEVIN MATHEW JOSEPH MAY MELINA MAZERIK ANGELA MBOUP CEDRIC MC MILLON WALLACE MCCARTHY ERIN MCCARTY RACHELLE MCCLOUD KIMBERLY MCCLURE MATTHEW MCCOMB JENNIFER MCCOMBS SHANA MCCREERY TIFFANY MCCULLOUGH ESSENCE MCDOWELL MELANIE MCFARLAND MEAGHAN MCGINTY KEEGAN MCKINDLES BRENDA MCKINNEY BARBARA MCKINNON MADELYN MCKITTRICK DANIELLE MCKNIGHT DAWN MCNEIL SHANNON MEDINA JASON MEDWIN IVY MEIGHAN ERIK MEJIA ANNA MENDEZ DEBORAH MENKENS VIRGINIA MERCADO WAYNE MERTENS JULIE MESERVEY CYNTHIA MEYER DAISY MEZA REGINALD MIDEAU KATHRYN MIERAU CHARLOTTE MIGEL STACEY MIKLOSEY ELIZABETH MILLER THEODORA MILLER DONALD MILLER REBECCA MILLER CHET MILLER KELLY MILLER JESSE MILNER KATE MINNIS JAMES MIRANDA CAREL MISKE ROBERT MITCHELL MAUREEN MITCHELL ANGELA MONTGOMERY ALISSA MONTGOMERY AMANDA MONTOYA JENNIFER MOORE SIDRES MOORE MICHAEL MOORE BRIAN MOORE PAMELA MOORE COLETTE MOOREHEAD DORIS MORALES ERICKA MORALES STEPHANIE MORSEBURG NICOLE MOSELEY LINDSAY MOSEMAN JANICE MOSKOWITZ ANTHEA MOURSELAS STEPHEN MOYLAN KELSEY MULHOLLEM LISA MULLINIX CHERYL MURI TAWNI MURPHY PAUL MURRAY THERESA MUSIL GINA MUSSELMAN DANIEL MYERS GINA NAKAHARA-CAHILL MICHAEL NAVARRETTE II SASHA NECOECHEA MOLLY NEGRETE JENNIFER NELSON LESLIE NELSON MARY LYNN NELSON JOHN NELSON GINA NELSON GARY NELSON JR NICOLE NEUMILLER BEN NGUYEN COREY NGUYEN FLORA NICHOLLS JESSICA NIEUWMEYER NOBUKO NISHIMURA ASHLEY NISLEY DANIELLE NIXON MARGARET NOVACK ERICA NUNEZ DEBORAH O'BRIEN KELLY O'LEARY SARA O'NEAL JUANITA OARD MARK OBIALERO IMETINYAN OKWUEZE BRADLEY OLIVA ROBIN OLSEN HEIDI ONGBONGAN SHUK MAN OSBORNE KELLY OSBORNE TAMARA OUELLETTE MEGAN OWENS OLUSOLA OYEKALE SHAUNNA PADDERATZ SUZANNA PADDERATZ BARBARA PADOUR NICOLAS PAFF KELLI PAGE THERESA PAGOR NANCY PALERMO-SHAW KIRSTEN PALM ELIZABETH PALMA LATASHA PALMER DANA PAPANIA DEANNA PARDO AARON PARIS MARNIE PARISER NATASHA PARKER ROXANNE PARKER KENDALL PARNES ALEXIS MARIE PASCUAL EVELYN KAY PECK TIFFANY PELLEGRINI JAMES PEMBERTON TONA PEREIRA MARIA PEREZ AMANDA PERKINS JAMES PERRY SHIRLEY PETERS JUSTIN PETRILLO DAWN PETTIT ANNE PHILLIPS CODY PHILLIPS BARBARA PHILLIPS KATHERINE PIA MARIO PIA LINNEA PIGNATELLO CAROLANN PILIMAI SHARON PINNOCK-STEPHENSON JORDAN PIRRONE HEATHER PITTMAN ROBERT PLATT JOHN POND GLORIA PONDER RODOLFO PONDER JULIANA PORTILLO SHERALYN POTTER AMBER POULOS MEGAN PRATER ROBERTO PRICE MICAH PRIEST HALEY PROCTOR ALLISON PRUSS JENNIFER PULIDO-ELROD ALISSA PYNES ANNIE QUINTANILLA DIJANA RACO AFRICASIA RAHEEM DONALD RAKOW PAMELA RALEY MICHAEL RAMBAT JERRY RASO SHELBY RASSLEY VIRGINIA RAZO CARRIE RECORD KRISTINE-ANG RECTO ERICA REID KATHLEEN REITMAYER AMY RHINE ZACHARY RHINES ALEXANDRA RHOTEN MARK RICE JENE RICE BETH RICHARDS LINDA RICHARDSON JEREMIAH RIESENBECK SARAH ROBERTSON LILLIANA ROBLEDO HILDA ROBLES ANGELA ROBLES ETHELENE ROBLES CHRISTOPHER ROCCO PAIGE RODGERSON AMANDA RODRIGUEZ JANICE ROLLINS ALLISON ROMERO LEAH ROPER LISA RORMAN CHRISTINE ROSARIO KELSEY ROSE CYNTHIA ROSS PATRICIA ROSS ROBERT ROY DAVID RUBEN JOSEPH RUBIN KEITH RUDOLPH ORIANA RUGGIERO VANESSA RUIZ KARUNA RUSSELL KIMBERLY RUSSELL JULIE SABEH-AYOUN LUCIE SAMPLE VICTOR SANCHEZ JOANNA SANCHEZ-IBARRA LETICIA SANDERS BRANDON SANDERS ESTELA SANDOVAL KRISTA SANNIOLA ANNA SANTILLAN KATHERINE SANTOS ZURIEL SANTOYO MEAGHAN SARAULT SHOICHI SATO CANDACE SAWYER NUHAD SAYEGH AMY SCHAEFER KATHRYN SCHAEFFER EDWARD SCHALLER CHRISTIANE SCHAU LAURA SCHELSTRAETE BERNANDINE SCHNECKLOTH GAIL SCHOENWALD-HANS JAMIE SCHROEDER DEBRA SCOTT ANNA SCOTT REGINALD SCOTT AMBER SCRUTON SERGIO SEGURA ROSA SEGURA JILL SEIDERS BRADLEY SHAFFER-ORTIZ JESSICA SHAHAN HEATHER SHALITA MEGHAN SHANLEY SCOTT SHELTON SHAWNA SHEPHERD KRISTEN SHIMKO EDWINA SHIRLEY DIANNE SHOWERS ALICE SIGMUND ANNE SIKRA KERRY SILVERSTEIN HELYCIA SIMMONS-FORSBERG JILL SIMONINI ASHLEE SIMPSON OLGA SIMS JENNIFER SIMS TARA SIMS LINDA SIOTA MIKAYLA SKOUSON MARIJEAN SMITH NICOLE SMITH JENNIFER SMITH PAMELA SMITH BRENT SMITH KYLE SMITH STEVEN SODER ALMIRA SOLIMAN ITA CECI SOLOMON JESSICA SOLOMON MATTHEW SOMMERMEYER EMILY SPEARS PORSHAY SPENCER STEPHANIE SPORTSMAN LACEY ST PETERS LAUREN STANLEY ALLYSA STARKWEATHER JENNIFER STEELE WESLEY STEPHENS APRIL STEVENS ANISSA STEWART HEIDI STIDHAM CARMEN STOKES SUSAN STONEX-CARROLL ASHLEY STRAND ALEXANDREA STRIEGEL ERIN STRONG JASON STURTSMAN MELONIE SUNG JENNA SUTTON TIFFANY SWANSON BRANDI SWENSON AMY SYPULA VENICE TABAMO LIANN TACKETT ALAN TAKEMOTO PETER TAWIL DOUGLAS TAYLOR REBECCA TAYLOR BRITTANY TAYLOR JACLYN TAYLOR KERI TAYLOR STEPHANIE TAYLOR MICHELE TAYLOR TIA TAYMAR LARA TEA ASHLEE TESSER BRETT THACKER JEANNINE THERIAULT KAREN THOMAS ANTOINETTE THOMAS MEGAN THOMPSON MONICA THOMPSON ASHLEY THOMPSON KATELYN THOMSON SANDRA THORNTON TARAS TIUTIUNNYK MICHAEL TOLLEFSON MATTHEW TOLMAN LAURA TORCHIA JOSHUA TORGERSON BRANDI TORRES JESSLYN TORRES JAMES TOUSIGNANT SYDNEY TRACY CATHERINE TRAHAN TIFFANI TRAVER JILL TREMBCZYNSKI JOVITO TRINIDAD ISADORA TRINKLE TUCKER TROY JAREN TRUMBLE SHANNA TURNER NADIRIE TURNER ANNE TWOMEY ASHLEY TYCE DANIEL UHRICH DEBBIE ULLAH ANNA UMSCHEID MELANIE UST NICOLE VACI FERESHTEH VAHABI DANA VAN MILLIGAN KIM PAULA VAN WINKLE MIKE VANIDES NORMA VAQUERO ROSELILI VARGAS DANA VARGAS KELLI VARRATO-BENNETT DARCI VASCONCELLOS HILDA VAZQUEZ MICHAEL VELASCO CARL VETTER MELISSA VICARIO STEPHANIE VIERS DANIELLE VIGIL RONALD VILLANUEVA JILLIAN VOKRAL CHERYL VOLASGIS ELIZABETH VOLMER LINDSAY WAGNER CHRISTINA WALL HAROLD WALLACE TRAVIS WALLS JENNIFER WALLS LAURA WALTER MICHAEL WARD TYCHER WARD KARINA WARNKE ROXANNE WARREN LAVERNE WARREN MARIA WARREN TRACEY WARREN JOANN WASHINGTON TRAVIS WATERS VIRGINIA WATKINS JACLYN WATSON LATOYA WEBB SHERRY WEIMER MARY WEIS KRISTAN WEIST SHARON WHITAKER ANGELA WHITE HARRISON WHITE JOAN WHITELY DARRYL WHITFIELD RISSELL WHITT SPENCER WHITTINGTON MICHAEL WIED THERESA WILCOX APRIL WILDS DENISE WILLIAMS LESLEE WILLIAMS SARA WILLIAMS KEISHA WILLIS CLINTON WILLIS JANINA WILSON MONETTE WILSON FRANCES WILSON FELICIA WILSON GREGORY WINIEWICZ CARA WINTON HELEN WOLCOTT AMY WOLFE ELIZABETH WOLFE JESSICA WOLFENDEN CATHERINE WONG MICHELLE WOOD MARIE WOOD RENEE WOODRING STEPHANIE WOOL STEVEN WOOLSTON DANIELLE WOZNIAK JAMESHA WROTEN MEGAN YEPEZ HEATHER YORK LAURA YOUNG JENNIFER YUNG KRISTINA ZALESKI DOUGLAS ZALLAR JORDAN ZIMMEL JASON ZIMRING HALEY ZOLIK PAMELA ZOLLARS KIMBERLY ZOLLINGER LAURA ZUFALL PAGE ZUNIGA Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 13 CCEA Rolls Out Welcome Mat to Greet New Hires to the District Advocating for and supporting teaching professionals is CCEA’s mission and purpose. True to our purpose, we set out to welcome the new arrivals to the Clark County School District. A group of more than 300 CCEA members signed on to welcome nearly 1,200 new hires. The first event was held at the Cox Pavilion on August 7, where CCEA held two orientation sessions attended by over 600 new hires. New hires learned about the many support systems CCEA has put into place to ensure their success in Clark County. Supports such as the 13-session New Teacher Induction & Mentoring Community where new members will get support tailored to their needs in a supportive environment, all while earning up to 26 hours of the required Onboarding professional development hours. Special emphasis was placed on the NEPF, the new evaluation system. Ensuring teachers are active participants in the process was the primary goal of the blue brigade (CCEA members easily recognized by the sea blue Polo shirts they wore at the event). Joining CCEA to welcome the new arrivals were Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani, a 35 year CCSD special education teacher and CCSD Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky who got to welcome them before their first reporting day. Also bringing greeting messages were School Board President Erin Cranor and former principal Dave Wilson. After learning about the many benefits of membership, new hires completed their health insurance paperwork and signed up for the Section 125 program. They also had an opportunity to visit with our partners American Fidelity, Horace Mann, NTA Life, AXA Advisors/IPC Financial, Silver State Schools Credit Union, NEA Member Benefits and NSEA and learn about their products and services and enter their name for numerous raffles. Closing the event “Vegas” style, new hires enjoyed a performance of Vegas headliner Frankie Perez and The Dirty, which was followed by raffle prizes. With the August 7 now completed, we focused our attention to join CCSD at the Onboarding Kick-off Event, which was held at The Venetian on August 13 and August 14. The blue brigade was on hand to greet the new hires, those that we had seen on August 7, and the additional new hires to the district. Joining the fifth largest school district in the nation can be an overwhelming experience, but thanks to the dedication demonstrated by the CCEA representatives, those in attendance felt the warmth and care characteristic of our teaching professionals. To all we say, tank you and best wishes for a fantastic school year. Page 14 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 Southern Nevada Teacher Leadership Symposium November 21-22, 2014 • Valley High School The Clark County Education Association (CCEA) has partnered with the Clark County School District (CCSD), as well as The Public Education Foundation, the Nevada Department of Education, the Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program (RPDP), University of Nevada Las Vegas College of Education, Teach for America, Nevada Succeeds and Got CORE Values to host the inaugural Southern Nevada Teacher Leadership Symposium (SNTLS) this November. The mission and purpose on the SNTLS is to increase leadership opportunities for educators in their schools, Southern Nevada, and the greater community by supporting teachers who seek leadership roles and opportunities. These include taking responsibility for student learning, collaborating with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. If you are ready to step into a leadership role, contact CCEA Vice President Theo Small at and place your name on the list. Participant selection is conducted by a subcommittee and attendance to the symposium is by invitation only. Lead the teaching profession — STEP FORWARD! Has your site established a Teacher Advisory Council committee? Article 10 of the Negotiated Agreement between CCEA and CCSD establishes that the deadline to form a Teacher Advisory Council (TAC) is December 15 of each year. TAC objectives include: • Improve morale of the professional staff; • Apprise the principal of actual or potential problems involving the professional staff of the school; • Secure the maximum productive and constructive involvement of members of the professional staff in the prime goal of the school, namely, the education of the students enrolled there; and • Improve communications between the principal and members of the professional staff; to name a few. Members Only Nevada Study Session Nevada School Law Exam Nevada Constitution Exam U.S. Constitution Exam Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Thursday, October 23, 2014 Place: Teachers Health Trust Building Sedway Conference Room 2950 E. Rochelle Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Time: 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Seating is limited. Call 473-1003 or e-mail Courtney Patton at or through Interact with your selected date. Hurry, classes fill quickly! For your convenience, Nevada Law booklets may be purchased at the study session for $15.00. Payment only through payroll deduction (form to be completed at check-in). •• Exam Information •• IMPORTANT: You MUST pre-register for the exams. The registration link ( is available approximately 5 weeks prior to the exam. Date: Saturday, November 8, 2014 Place: Keller Middle School 301 N. Fogg Street, LV 89110 (Stewart & Fogg, off East Charleston Blvd.) Time: 10:30 a.m. (doors open at 9:00 a.m. If you have questions about forming your TAC, or are interested in holding a TAC training, call the CCEA office at 702-733-3063. and will close at 10:15 a.m.) Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 15 Weingarten Rights (Right To Representation) “If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my association representative be present at the meeting.” 1. Do not resign or abandon your work location. 2. All communication with your association is strictly confidential. 3. Document, in writing, the incident. 4. Keep any records that relate to the incident. 5. Representation is strongly advised. 6. Timeliness is important—don’t delay. 7. Use your contract as a guide. 8. Follow orders unless there is potential for personal injury—you can grieve the orders later. 9. Call CCEA at 702-733-3063 for help. Planning Ahead for Your Retirement The Clark Retired Education Association (CREA) invites you to an important and informative workshop: Planning Ahead for Your Financial Retirement Future. CREA has lined up representatives from Social Security, PERS, Health Trust and NEA Member Benefits to cover these very important issues as you plan for your retirement. This workshop will be presented on two dates: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 AND Wednesday, October 8, 2014 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Teachers Health Trust - Sedway Room 2950 E. Rochelle Avenue, Las Vegas 89121 Contact CREA representatives Brian & Sandy Morgan no later than October 6, 2014 to RSVP. Please be sure to leave your name and the date you have chosen to attend. Call 702-452-5915 today! Page 16 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 Halloween is a special time for children and adults alike. Excitement, amazement and thrills abound and as a CCEA member you can save some “moola” while getting into the Halloween spirit. The following amusement parks offer special discounts for CCEA members. Weekends September 27 October 26. Dive in and explore an enchanting underwater fantasea at SeaWorld’s Halloween Spooktacular®. Make it a family affair. Dates from September 19 November 2. Hours 7pm to 2am. Not recommended for children under 13. No costumes or masks allowed. Dates from September 25 November 1. Not recommended for children under 13. No costumes, no re-entry. Scare hours 7pm – 1am. Open every Saturday in October and Fridays October 17 and 24. This is an event for the entire family. Hours 5pm – 9pm. TICKETS: To purchase your discounted tickets, go to and select the Attraction Tickets link from the Member Resources tab. Click on the logo for your selection. Enter your unique CCEAid number (located on the mailing panel of this newsletter), and the last 4 digits of your social security number. LOCAL OFFER: To download a coupon for a 2-for-1 special, visit the Attraction Tickets section on the CCEA website or stop by CCEA. Politics & Teachers... Do They Mix? Listen, while many of us hope we could wish politics and politicians away, this is not possible or even a good idea. Too many decisions that affect educators — the way we teach, our work climate, and even our livelihood — are made by elected representatives that know little or nothing about the teaching profession and what is really needed to be successful, both for those of us in the profession, and the students we teach every day. The good news is that we have the power to effect great change in this dynamic through POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT, and it must become a staple in the lives of every teaching professional. Are you looking for resources to assist you in the classroom? How about ... Lesson Planning, Technology Integration, Subjects & Specialities, Early Childhood and more. Education World offers great resources to help you out. $110 Sitting Fee (regularly priced @ $150) Includes 20 high quality edited photos and the choice of an online gallery of the photos with unlimited downloads and shared printing rights for an additional fee of $50 or the ability to purchase individual prints of the photo(s) wanted. Discount also offered on wedding packages. For more information, email 612-655-0873 | In this political season, we are presented with the opportunity to continue to reshape the dialogue, to make it meaningful for the betterment of the teaching profession, and to have public school teachers be the true voice of education reform. In Clark County, nearly one-third of teachers need to register to vote, so let’s start there. Registering, or updating your information, is easy and can be done from the convenience of your home. Simply visit to complete the online form. To participate in the November General Election and avoid taking a trip to the Elections Department, you must register by Saturday, October 4. Regaining control of public education starts with influencing and impacting the School Board and legislative races. Let’s get started today! Receive 20% off any program at Victory. We offer classes for ages 3-6, 7-12, Teens & Adults Kickboxing, Krav Maga and more! 702-641-5425 | NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICES Did you know that CCEA offers notary public services FREE of charge to all CCEA members? That’s right, NO charge regardless of the number of documents. Take advantage of this benefit. Call the CCEA office to set up an appointment. You will need your documents and a valid ID. Schedule your appointment by calling 702-733-3063. Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 17 Creative Kids Learning invites CCEA members To Receive Free Initial Registration Fee ($100 value) and 10% Discount on Tuition! Serving Your Needs at 9 Locations: • Green Valley — Wigwam @ Eastern • Henderson — Harris Street @ Boulder Highway • Centennial Hills — Farm Road @ Tule Springs • Summerlin — Alta & Town Center • Lakes — Fort Apache @ Sahara • Northwest — Rainbow @ Cheyenne • Northwest — Craig @ Decatur • Southwest — Torrey Pines @ Tropicana • Southwest — Pebble Rd @ Decatur CCEA members receive 20% off all services! 3500 Paradise Road #101 • Las Vegas NV 89169 Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm; Sunday-Monday by appointment Monday through Friday • 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 18 Months through 12 Years Transportation to and from public schools. 702-737-6011 For information regarding our program, curriculum, or to find the location nearest you, visit our website. Special offers for CCEA members through December 31, 2015: • $150 Preventative Maintenance Contract for plumbing system including water heater (2 visits per year) • $150 Preventative Maintenance Contract for air conditioning/heating system (2 visits per year) • Air Conditioning Inspection & Maintenance — 18-point preventative maintenance $49.95 per unit • Home Plumbing Inspections & Water Heater Flush — Extend the life of your water heater and prevent unexpected water damage $49.95 • 10% off any repair JMAC Plumbing & Air Conditioning LLC 3850 E. Post Road - Suite E, Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-227-5623 Page 18 • CCEA Express | Back to School 2014 Sick Leave Pool Enrollment Open from September 1 through September 30 send it in. Completed sick leave pool enrollment In 1998, CCEA negotiated with CCSD to create the forms can be sent through school mail or U.S. mail Sick Leave Pool—giving teachers with catastrophic (4230 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, NV illness or injury access to 89121) or you can fax it to 702-733additional sick leave days above 0240. The deadline to RECEIVE those they had accrued. the form is Tuesday, September How does it work? 30, 2014. 1) Enrollment in the Sick Leave That’s how many Not sure if you have previously Pool is voluntary. joined the pool? Call CCEA at 2) There are two open days the Sick Leave 702-733-3063 and we will be happy to enrollment periods: September 1 Pool has awarded to check enrollment for you. through September 30, and again teachers with from May 1 through May 31 of each How do I access the benefit? catastrophic illness Teachers with a catastrophic school year. illness/injury, and who have enrolled 3) Enrollment is open to any or injury. in the Sick Leave Pool, can apply to teacher who has accrued six (6) You help make the oversight committee for days once days of unused sick days as of a great difference! their own sick and personal leave is September 1. used. Immediate family members are 4) One (1) sick leave day is not covered under this provision; deducted from each teacher who lifetime usage of the pool is limited to 100 days joins the pool. You only need to enroll in the pool maximum per person. once. For more information about the Sick Leave Pool, If you have not previously joined the pool and visit and click on “Member would like to now, please fill out the form below and Resources” at the top of the home page – once mail it to CCEA OR if you previously joined the pool there, click on the “Forms” tab from the drop-down but would like to donate 1 additional day to help list. sustain the pool, please fill out the form below and 17,744 Sick Leave Pool Enrollment Form I hereby authorize the Clark County School District to deduct one (1) sick leave day* from my accrued sick leave and transfer the day to the sick leave pool as established in Article 18-11 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. I understand that this day is to be used for the maintenance of the sick leave pool and shall not be refunded unless the pool fails to become operable. • ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED — PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY • LAST NAME FIRST NAME SOCIAL SECURITY # MI SCHOOL NAME EFFECTIVE SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 September ___, 2014 SIGNATURE DATE * Pool participants must have a minimum of six (6) days of accrued sick leave as of September 1st of the year of enrollment. Sick Leave Pool Committee Guidelines can be viewed online at PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM TO CCEA — SCHOOL OR U.S. MAIL OR FAX TO 702-733-0240. Back to School 2014 | CCEA Express • Page 19 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAS VEGAS, NV PERMIT #57 4230 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Tel. 702-733-3063 • ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CCEAid No. STAY CONNECTED. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter. For last minute information, join our texting program— simply text CCEA to 545454. * THE CCEA OFFICE WILL CLOSE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 IN OBSERVANCE OF NEVADA DAY. * Time is about to run out... If you are not yet registered to vote or moved since the last election and need to update your address, you must hurry! The Clark County Election Department’s online voter registration process will close Saturday, October 4. We live hectic lives and our time is valuable, so register online. It is as easy as 1,2,3. Your Vote Is Power!
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