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now! - Southern Jewelry News
S JN MA J N Southern Jewelry News Mid-America Jewelry News SOUTHERN JEWELRY NEWS Southern Jewelry newS October 2015 Vol 28 No. 10 “A Newspaper Dedicated to the Southern Jewelry Industry” Retailer Roundtable Q: What do you expect to be your hottest items for the upcoming Christmas season? Franni Schiffer, store manager Howard’s Diamond Center Triadelphia, WV “This Christmas Alex & Ani will do well for us. The price points from $28 to $58 sell well and people love the positive energy of the line. For this designer ‘Positive Energy’ isn’t just a tagline. Customers really realize the genuineness of the message and in the jewelry. It’s made in America, it’s a new idea for personalized and customized jewelry, and there’s a piece of jewelry for just anyone. It’s all about the bangles as bracelets sell better over rings and Please see Roundtable page 36 Roskin to focus on promoting color in new role at ICA By Paul Holewa As the new executive director of the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA) Gary Roskin’s main goal is promotions – to advance the organization, its members and the colored stone trade. “If we can help promote more natural colored gemstone sales, then more and more suppliers will see the ICA as being a great organizaPlease see Roskin page 30 Gary Roskin October 2015 Ben Adams’ journey to success By Amy Minnick Independent jewelers have much to offer their customers and their employees: experience, knowledge and know-how. But wisdom gained through personal challenges may be their greatest gift, and their younger colleagues may benefit most. Just ask Ben Adams, a 49 year jewelry veteran, what it takes to be successful and the door into extreme highs and lows opens to reveal a man with great business savvy and tremendous tenacity. His is more than just a good story, it’s an opportunity to learn from one of the best. An Early Start While still in high school in New Orleans, Ben Adams started helping out at a local jewelry store after school. When he moved to Texas he carried that knowledge with him taking a job with Sweeney Jewelers in Houston, Texas. Eventually this led him to own and operate the jewelry department at a local Texas department store called Frost Bros. Over the next 20 years Adams grew his leased business from one to four stores and his success was obvious. Content to continue down this path, Adams could see himself retiring with 14 store Frost Bros., but fate had a different plan. For more than five years Frost Bros. battled financially hard times, and, when the big oil bust Atlanta Jewelry Show ends 65th anniversary celebration with a flourish The Atlanta Jewelry Show’s popular Mingle event capped off their 65th anniversary celebration in style. 1 (ATLANTA) - The Atlanta Jewelry Show capped off its 65th Anniversary year with fresh finds, new initiatives, educational and networking events and a festive finale that truly celebrated the Association’s 65 years. From a record number of first-time exhibitors and “Engagements” keynote address to the launch of the new AJS Buyer Group, The Loupe, to nightly Mingle networking events and more, jewelers and vendors found plenty to celebrate during Please see Atlanta page 38 S JN Southern Jewelry News Mid-America Jewelry News Mid-America Jewelry News AUGUST 2015 Serving the Jewelry Industry in America’s Heartland VOL 14 NO. 8 Komara Jewelers was born in 1948 in Struthers, Ohio, as World War II was ending and leaving behind a legacy of re-directed lives and livelihoods. Ohio city near the state’s northeast steel town of Youngstown. He remembers working with his father Stephen J. Komara, who founded the store and eventually died from complications of wounds suffered in the war. (l-r) Randy, Scott, Ben and Brad Adams inside Ben Adams Precious Jewels. “I had a choice, give it up or find a way to keep going,” recalls Adams, “and it was difficult to start over from scratch at the age of 50, but I asked God, my chilPlease see Adams page 18 Endless Jewelry puts a colorful spin on affordable luxury By Liz Pinson Endless Jewelry is a young, strong company with a passion for fun, for energy for growth and – with Jennifer Lopez as ambassador and co-designer – a flair for elegance. ‘Color your life,’ it’s obviously about our colorful leather bracelets and necklaces with charms in unique designs, but it’s also about being who you are, adding that little extra that shows you dare – no matter the occasion, your outfit or mood.” Leather bracelets from Endless are available in single, double and triple strands in a wide variety of colors. “We want to be known for our new, colorful take on fashion jewelry,” says company founder Jesper Nielsen. “When we say The global company is quickly building momentum in the United States, partnering Please see Endless page 32 AUGUST 2015 In Ohio steel country, a family’s jewelry Shinola brings back store flourishes with cosmopolitan flair American-made watches By Liz Pinson occurred, the company finally sold the troubled business in 1987. Ben not only found himself without a retail space, but he was forced to sell his inventory just to pay the bank. 1 Bob Komara with his children Robert Komara, Jr. and Brianna Komara Pridon. Bob Komara, the business’ second-generation owner, runs Komara Jewelers in its current location in Canfield, another small “My dad was an immigrant from Czechoslovakia; he came here when he was 13,” Bob says. “His parents had no money; his Retailer Roundtable Q: “Does your store issue an after-sales document for customers’ insurance needs?” Tom Nelson, owner Nelson Jewelry & Gifts Spencer, IA “During every sales presentation with customers we let them know a retail replacement appraisal can be issued. For many years, we’ve been using an inhouse produced retail replacement appraisal in an MS Word document template file labeled as an appraisal. The document contains the store’s letterhead and logo, product information, the retail value of the piece of jewelry and legal language related to the store’s liability. We often mention to customers that we can issue such a document. Many want the appraisal document for insurance purposes and some don’t. But we do emphasize that the free appraisal is available at the time of purchase or any time after the purchase. Periodic updates are free as well. During a January RJO Show we signed up to become The Edge retailer. And, at the June JCK Las Vegas Show we brought on Jewelers Mutual. The Edge [retailer software package] has a program with Jewelers Mutual that when the POS system detects a sale of $2,500 or more, it automatically sends a Please see Roundtable page 4 dad was a steel worker. My dad was very artsy. He didn’t finish high school; instead, he signed up for the service and got shot up really bad in the war. When they released him from a rehab hospital, he couldn’t even put a shirt on his back. He got some mobility, but his future was to work in the steel mills here. When he flunked his physical, he couldn’t do that.” At the New Castle trade school, Stephen learned watch and jewelry repair. He opened a trade and hobby shop, doing some repairs. “When the salesmen would come around, if the other jeweler in town didn’t buy from them, they would stop and do business with Dad,” Bob says. “My dad was a likeable guy, and he got his start from virtually nothing.” Children Pitching In Bob, the oldest of seven children, got involved with the family business along with his brother Tom, who ran his own store in Boardman before retiring. “Actually, all seven of us took turns working in the store as we were growing up,” Bob says. “We were right across from the steel mill entrance. When you’d open the door to our store, dirt would fly in. My Please see Komara page 24 By Paul Holewa Business leaders that turn adversity into opportunity are often asked the same questions related to their success story. When it comes to making watches in Detroit, Michigan, Shinola president pany’s quartz watches to that of a “motor for a watch.” And, where better to build “watch motors” than the “Motor City.” Shinola is a Bedrock Manufacturing Company, LLC brand. It began operations in 2011 with a simple and focused business phi- The ‘motors’ that go into Shinola watches. Jacques Panis often gets “why America?” and with even more intoned curiosity, “and, why Detroit?” His answer to reporters is simple and succinct. Jacques likens the movement of his com- losophy of making quality consumer products that last. The company started making bicycles at first. Later watches, leather goods, clothing, journals and even pet products were added to the list of Please see Shinola page 32 United Precious Metals Refining - steady growth since 1988 Established in 1988, United Precious Metals Refining (United) was founded by previous employees of the former P.M. Refining Co. in Buffalo, NY. A team of well experienced management, sales, office, assaying, refining, melting and fabrication personnel found a new home at United when the company was formed. They spent the first few months setting up new equipment, furnaces, ventilation, electrical and plumbing installations, offices, gold and silver refining equipment and obtaining the necessary permits to execute the business properly. The first batch of gold scrap was refined by the Aqua-Regia process in April 1988 using large Pyrex crocks on hot plates to dissolve the gold scrap and sulfur dioxide gas as a reducer. The first month’s production was approximately 2,500 T/oz of fine gold. As Media Materials 2016 business increased, their output kept increasing and within three years, they had outgrown their existing equipment. In 1991, United purchased a neighboring vacant industrial building in order to expand their refining and melting operations. New refining equipment, reactors, precipitation vessels, fume scrubbers and a waste treatment system Please see UPMR page 8 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3592 ATLANTA GA Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Southern Jewelry News and Mid-America Jewelry News. Enclosed you will find all the information needed to start marketing your company’s message to over 20,000 readers. Our publications are sent to jewelry retailers and professionals throughout the United States each month. We offer our advertisers value, editorial support and great customer service. Please contact us with any questions you may have and we appreciate your consideration. • Established 1988 • 12,000+ readers • 14 state coverage in the southeastern U.S. • Second oldest publication in the United States jewelry industry Established in 1988, Southern Jewelry News is currently in its 28th year of publication, and is the only trade newspaper dedicated to the Southern jewelry industry. Our circulation is 12,000 +/- readers with all our database management done in house. By updating our mailing list monthly, we can guarantee your message will reach your intended audience. Our unique format and very reasonable advertising rates set us apart from all other industry publications. Our tabloid size means your ad will be larger and more noticeable, BIGGER IS BETTER! SOUTHERN JEWELRY NEWS Southern Jewelry newS September 2015 Vol 28 No. 9 “A Newspaper Dedicated to the Southern Jewelry Industry” 1 September 2015 24 Karat Club Southeastern GA jeweler still recovering from dream family wedding U.S. holds 41st annual Banquet By Paul Holewa Parents will do anything for their kids. Last year when Doug Meadows, owner of David Douglas Diamonds & Jewelry, learned of his then soon to be daughter-in- law Kathleen’s dream of getting married to his son, Peter, on her family’s farm, he went into action. As Doug, his family, friends, community and even the industry would soon learn, the best of intentions can sometimes meet with Doug Meadows was severely injured when a tractor flipped over and he was pinned underneath for about 5 excruciating minutes. the worst of consequences. Doug’s jewelry store is based in Marietta, Georgia. With Kathleen’s family farm based in Acworth, Georgia, the 22-mile commute was an easy one with weekends spent sprucing up neglected farmland. Getting Kathleen, her horse Ranger, and many of her belongings to the Atlanta area was the start of the many arduous tasks to make the family farm wedding day dream a reality. It took Doug, Peter and Kathleen three days of driving a 26foot U-Haul truck and a horse trailer from her home in New Mexico to Georgia. With everyone settled in their new homes, next came the task of making 20 acres of neglected farmland and a barn ready for a dream rural wedding and reception on April 11, which was less than a month away. “The main task was clearing the 20 acres of tall grass,” says Please see Wedding page 42 (ATLANTA) - The 24 Karat Club Southeastern United States (SEUS) hosted its 41st annual black-tie Banquet at the Atlanta Country Club on August 8th. The elite event was well attended with approximately 200 leaders of the jewelry industry and their guests enjoying an evening of networking and recognition. The evening began with the 24 Karat Club President’s Reception attended by Club officers and directors, new members and the evening’s Please see Banquet page 40 honorees. All members and guests 24 Karat Club Southeastern United States 2015 Jeweler of the Year Mary K. Hayes (center), Hayes Jewelers, Mobile, Alabama with Club officers Judy Upton and Randy Lindsey. Full-service offerings make Jeweler Jimmy Green - A King among us Vardi Company retailer’s ‘back-office partner’ By Amy Minnick By Liz Pinson Vardi Company was created with one central question in mind: “How can we ensure our members’ success?” “We ensure success through innovative offerings, including free industry leading technology, powerful selling tools and beneficial services - all of which focus on making the independent retailer’s business more efficient and profitable,” says company cofounder and CEO Steven Vardi. “We are a hybrid jewelry manufacturing company whose offerings encompass those of a jewelry manufacturer, buying group, service provider and technology company.” Please see Vardi page 39 The Bridestar System™, a bridal prototype selling system, is one of Vardi’s most popular offerings. Jimmy Green is passionate passionate about jewelry, passionate about his store and passionate about giving back. His love of jewelry started back in 1975 when he took his first jewelry job as an assistant manager of a jewelry store based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Starting from nothing was hard. Making only $4.30 an hour wasn’t much to support a wife and child. But living on his meager income drove his dream of making it happen, being the best and giving back. As a young and eager jeweler Jimmy learned every aspect of the business, from mining to cutting gems to apprenticing under a master jeweler for 20 years; he never stopped. Hard work was the only path he knew and it paid off in 2005 when he opened his own store J Green Jewelers in San Antonio, TX. “I’m a little bit of a perfec- FEATURED WRITERS Chuck Koehler...............12 Mia Katrin......................14 Brian Barfield.................16 24 Karat Corner............18 Brad Huisken................24 David Brown.................26 Diana Jarrett..................28 Brad Simon...................30 Marlene Murphy............37 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3592 ATLANTA GA Quick facts: tionist,” explains Green. “I do things most people won’t even think about doing. I take pride in whatever I do and I make sure everything that leaves my store is 100% right. 90% isn’t good enough.” True to his character, Jimmy and his wife took on the job of creating the layout and interior design of their store by hand. Acting as his own general contractor, Jimmy spent 17 months laying out the store, right down to the electrical outlets, something that would Please see King page 20 King Rey Feo LXVI Jimmy Green at the Fiesta del Rey celebration. INSIDE Saul Bell Awards Call for Entries.................................4 On the Move..................................................................6 Ryan Berg named JA Board Chairman.....................10 GIA hosts New York Career Fair...............................21 What’s New.................................................................32 Atlanta Jewelry Show introduces buyer’s group....33 Build foot traffic with Facebook ads.....................38 Classifieds.................................................................45 S JN Southern Jewelry News Take a look at Southern Jewelry News and see why our readers call us the “most readable publication in the industry.” Quick facts: • Estabished 2002 • 8,600 readers • 19 state coverage in the midwestern U.S. • Only newspaper specifically published for the Mid-west jewelry industry Mid-America Jewelry News Mid-America Jewelry News SEPTEMBER 2014 Serving the Jewelry Industry in America’s Heartland VOL 13 NO. 9 By Liz Pinson Keeping busy runs in the family at Iowa City’s Herteen & Stocker Jewelers. Leading the charge is Mr. Willa Dickens, who has worked in the store for more than six decades and still puts in six days a week – at the age of 85. His son, Terry Dickens, coowns the business along with his father and brother, Tim. Terry is a well-known force in town, serving his second term on the city council. “Our family and our store are very much integrated into the community,” Terry says. “My whole family was born here, and most of us stayed here. All of my kids live in the area too. My middle daughter, Sarah Streb, is chief operating officer for RJO. I’ve been on the RJO Board for 24 years and president the last 12 or 13. It keeps me busy!” Working with the Retail Jewelers Organization is a natural as it’s headquartered in Newton, just 85 miles west. “I didn’t hire my daughter for her job with RJO, so I can’t take credit, but she does a great job,” Terry says. “And Mary Peterson, who’s the CEO, lives in Iowa City as well. It makes it convenient for conducting RJO business.” The city council connection has been an interesting experience, Terry adds. “It can be a plus or minus. You never know who you’ll upset with decisions, but it’s been very rewarding. I have three and a half years left on the council, and I’m not running again. Two terms is enough for anybody! But it’s Jewelers of America’s (JA) fight for E-Fairness legislation seems like it has been going on as long as the internet has been around. During that time, the association has produced a number of tools - including JAPAC, Jewelers of America’s Political Action Committee. After a decade-long effort, the PAC dedicated to representing pivotal issues for retail jewelers may see one of its top-three missions (the other two are protection of LIFO – last in, first out – and a retroactive extension of 15-year depreciation of leasehold improvements) signed into law during Please see Tax page 9 this fall’s projected lame-duck (L-R) Jenny Caro, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R – KY), Brian Mann, Bill Farmer Jr. Willa Dickens with his sons Tim (l) and Terry. opened us up to new people who have come into the store, not just from the city, but people from all over. Overall, it’s a lot of fun.” And in the family store, Terry’s youngest daughter, Kate, keeps the social media venues whirring, along with producing dynamic window displays. “Kate joined us three years ago, so we now have three generations,” Terry says. “She did interior design before this, which fits in with the jewelry business. She has quite a flair. We’re on a corner and have 10 or 11 windows, which is unusual for a jewelry store, so we have plenty of room for display. People are always commenting on our windows.” Watchmaker Patriarch Willa, who has been with Herteen & Stocker since 1947, started right after watch-making school at the American Academy of Horology in Denver. “The school is no longer there, but at the time there were quite a few World War II vets there,” Terry says. “It was one of the few schools that offered watchmaking at that time. “Mr. Herteen and Mr. Stocker originally worked up the street and decided to open their own store a block away. They were partners until my father and his partner bought them out in the early 1970s.” Terry jokes that working six days a week keeps his father out of Please see Herteen page 10 How combining merchandise and marketing turbo-charged Gems One By Paul Holewa In the rapidly changing environment of the past six years many jewelry suppliers have experienced difficulties, and even gone out of business. In these challenging times Gems One has not only survived, but thrived. Understanding the story of how Gems One evolved to meet the difficulties of a post-recessionary world, in which a tepid recovery has placed increasing pressures on the entire fine jewelry supply chain, provides beneficial insights for many in the jewelry business. “We were stuck”, says Prem Jain, who founded the company in 1978. “Our sales had risen to a maximum level in 2004, but from 2005 to 2007 we found ourselves bumping up against the same revenue ceiling. We knew we needed to consider how to serve our customers’ needs in a new way, but (l-r) Kal Jain, Prem Jain and George Prout, along with Anuj Jain (not pictured) have led Gems One through a period of explosive growth. frankly, we weren’t sure what direction to take.” While always adhering to a set of core principles, Gems One had nevertheless successfully transitioned through a series of major shifts during its first 30 years. INSIDE FEATURED WRITERS PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3592 ATLANTA GA “I love your paper. I read it as soon as it comes in.” - Sissy Jones, Sissy’s Log Cabin, Pine Bluff, AR SEPTEMBER 2014 Iowa City’s Herteen & Stocker Jewelers: Three generations of movers & shakers E-Fairness legislation may soon become law Mid-America Jewelry News was started in 2002 after repeated requests from our advertisers and readers to bring the regional, down-home news format of Southern Jewelry News to other parts of the country. Now in it’s 14th full year of publication, over 8,000 readers look forward to receiving Mid-America Jewelry News every month. 1 David Brown...................6 Mia Katrin.....................11 Chuck Koehler..............12 Brian Barfield................15 Diana Jarrett.................31 Bob Epstein..................33 The company went from a small Midwestern supplier of loose gemstones, changing into manufacturing and supplying complete products, and then into bridal and higher grade diamond products. Please see Gems One page 28 GIA Career Fair draws a crowd..............................2 JSA reports jewelry crime down, arrests up.......4 Crystal Vilkaitis’ social media tips.......................8 What’s New............................................................13 ASHI unveils Holiday Marketing Program..........20 On the Move..........................................................24 DCA’s Jewelry Career Readiness Initiative..........26 Classifieds.....................................................35 PHONE: 336.389.1950 FAX: 336.389.1952 • • • S JN Southern Jewelry News “I can’t wait to get the paper every month. The best magazine in the business, and I read them all, but SJN is the best!” - Doron Rozen-Doron, Memphis, TN rates & sizes Four color SIZE 1x 3x6x12x Full Page 2780 2575 2375 2100 1/2 Page 1785 1625 1470 1325 1/3 Page 1450 1340 1240 1125 1/4 Page 1155 1075 1000 925 1/5 Page 1025 975 925 875 1/8 Page 840785735680 1/10 Page 785735680630 1/12 Page 630575550500 1/16 Page 550525500470 1/32 Page 390360335300 distribution STATE READERS Alabama 384 Arkansas211 Florida 2492 Georgia 1034 Kentucky346 Louisiana444 Mississippi195 North Carolina 972 Oklahoma264 South Carolina 437 Tennessee552 Texas 2323 Virginia686 West Virginia 113 Southern States 10,453 Miscellaneous 1,951 TOTAL: 12,404 closing dates ISSUE January February March April May June July August September October November December SIZE CONFIRMATION COPY DEADLINE December 2 DECEMBER 8 January 4 JANUARY 8 February 2 FEBRUARY 8 March 1 MARCH 7 April 1 APRIL 7 May 2 MAY 6 June 1 JUNE 8 July 1 JULY 7 August 1 AUGUST 8 September 1 SEPTEMBER 7 October 3 OCTOBER 7 November 1 NOVEMBER 7 PHONE: 336.389.1950 FAX: 336.389.1952 • • • MA J N “It’s the only one I MUST read. You guys are doing a great job, thanks!” - Russell Criswell/Sterling Jewelers Kansas City, MO Mid-America Jewelry News rates & sizes SIZE Four color 1x 3x6x12x Full Page 2000 1900 1800 1700 1/2 Page 1340 1230 1130 1025 1/3 Page 1000 950900840 1/4 Page 800750700650 1/5 Page 680660630600 1/8 Page 575550525500 1/10 Page 525500475450 1/12 Page 440415390360 1/16 Page 390365340315 1/32 Page 275 245 220 195 distribution STATE READERS Arizona 490 Colorado 482 Idaho 109 Illinois 1293 Indiana 443 Iowa 217 Kansas 239 Michigan 793 Minnesota 398 Missouri 434 Montana 99 Nebraska 118 New Mexico 221 North Dakota 47 Ohio 911 South Dakota 72 Utah 186 Wisconsin 473 Wyoming 36 Mid-America States 7,061 Miscellaneous 1,569 TOTAL: 8,630 closing dates ISSUE January February March April May June July August September October November December SIZE CONFIRMATION COPY DEADLINE December 2 DECEMBER 8 January 4 JANUARY 8 February 2 FEBRUARY 8 March 1 MARCH 7 April 1 APRIL 7 May 2 MAY 6 June 1 JUNE 8 July 1 JULY 7 August 1 AUGUST 8 September 1 SEPTEMBER 7 October 3 OCTOBER 7 November 1 NOVEMBER 7 PHONE: 336.389.1950 FAX: 336.389.1952 • • • S JN MA J N ou h n w “ ove your paper You have he bes ar c es cu hem ou or he s a o read s no u o ads s u o know edge ” - Heather Sweetser The D amond Co ect on Georgetown SC N w M d Am w N w Inserts Classifieds Insert your flier for as little as ¢.14 each! ds sifie Southern Clas Jewelry News Classifieds s w Ne ade e Tr on m Sou ther W M 64 Mid-America RJewelry News u do We st to Let us air work. simple do Number before shipping: o rep IMMEDIATE m the . 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Co u ma 806 or ca Yo ume to ckerjewe m res tha randy@ lryne ���� ����� �� ������ ������ ����� goldsteindiamonds .com FOR SALE 52 “A Newspaper Dedicated to the Southern Jewelry Industry” Vol 27 No. 8 Cumberland Diamond Exchange completes grand remodeling By Amy Minnick What started as a goal more than 30 years ago for independent retail owners Mark and Rhonda Jacobson hit a new level of reality this year. The husband and wife team proudly cut the bright orange ribbon on the grand re-opening of their store, Cumberland Diamond Exchange, and celebrated not only the new look and feel of their store, but the enormous impact they’ve had on their Smyrna, GA (Atlanta suburb) community. Since 1982 when Cumberland Diamond Exchange first opened its doors, the goal of then owners Mark Jacobson and his brother Wayne was to always make his customers feel at home. Starting with only 1200 square feet, the fledgling company followed a path of expansion every five years until moving into their current location in 1992. Regardless of the size or location of their store, the Jacobsons remained committed to greeting everyone who walked through their doors with a smile, making sure to refer to them by name, and offering them a beverage. These were just a few of the Cumberland Diamond Exchange in Smyrna, Georgia - before and after their recent remodeling. have always sought to make our customers feel like they’re visiting our home and this remodel had that concept as its core.” The June celebration was the culmination of almost two years of discussions, planning, and labor. Mark and Rhonda thought Please see Remodel page 32 Ad ca Je ticed. no Ameri Mid and get *** *** News ****** for your *** today edia Kit Call M 50 2013 89-19 336-3 “One of our more successful events was our 60th anniversary party back in 2008. During that year, we completed a huge renovation of the store, taking it from 2,500 square feet to 4,800 square feet. We sent out a lot of sneak peak and teasers about the progress of the renovations and by the holiday season, many people were excited to see the renovated store. Given the seasonal population for which Central Florida is known, it’s hard to pull off a good promotion, but we did it with this pre-holiday event that combined a milestone anniversary celebration with the new store look just in time for the holidays. Another successful event we had was a charity event for a well-known businessman in town diagnosed with ALS (often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease). In 2011, we worked with the local ALS Chapter to host an event that included the auction of a Rolex watch. Roughly 300 to 400 people showed up for the event, as we’re a very tight-knit community. There was a lot of residual business from this event. Our Diamond Dash mobile device gaming event was also big for us in 2010 with 650 people, 325 couples, participating. And, jewelry designer Roberto Coin has done Buyer for a Day events with us that have proved to be very successful.” Please see Roundtable page 31 JEWELR YN EWS � �� Ind eric welr y th �� New s 38 cut ������ g big raphy ���������� �������� eds..... ............ “A+ aire..... ............ ............ Superi event lecture ����������� �������������� ........... ����������..........2 ............ �������� � ............ or” ............ in 2013... ��������� ........... .........4 rating. ............ � ............ ............ .......6 ����� ........... ............ ������� ............ ............ .........8 ������ ........... ����� .......9 ............ ������� ������ .......24 ........... ������ .......33 ����� ������ .........3 ������� ������ �������� 9 ������ ������� ������� ������� ������ ������� ������� ������������ ������� ������ ����� ������ ������������� ������ J sh �� $6,4 88.7 $4,1 � ���� ��� ���� ��� yN ot ! ew s 5 39.7 $2,6 ‘Little John’s’ Big Success 4 5 6.25 $1,9 ������ ������� ��� ������������ � ���� � ���� � ����� ����� ��� ����� ���������� ��� ��� ��������� ����� ����������� ������� ������ ���� �� ��� 35.7 ������������� ������� ������� ������ ������ ����� �� 5 ���� sa • ta 5 ryn @0sou Amer @s the ica out rnje Jew her we elr nje lry y N we new ew INSIDE lryn jos.c s: WRITERS Mobile shopping trending upward........................6 ew in uos m FEATURED What’s New............................................................10 on Brad Huisken..................9 Atlanta Show offering GIA Dia. Grading class....28 Brian Barfield................16 m StarCraft closing doors after 32 years................35 Chuck Koehler..............20 Visit us at Booth L-2 On the Move...........................................................38 Gemvision Matrix Design Contest winners........41 Classifieds.....................................................42 David Brown................24 Bob Epstein..................26 Diana Jarrett.................29 Bonus distribution Your Front Page Sticker Ad Here 1950 - 2015 is the company to remember for con- Vitalium, a composition metal, is a brilliant pure white non-plated color, closely resembling white gold. Rings made from Vitalium are very scratch resistant. Jewelry Innovations states it is stronger than tungsten carbide, twice as hard as cobalt chrome, five times as hard as titanium, six times harder than platinum, and nine times harder than silver. It won’t oxidize, tarnish or discolor. The company offers the rings in polish, satin and stone finishes. Vitalium bands with custom While the lower price of alternatextures, diamonds, ceramic tive metals is appealing, it’s not the and wood in-lays. (Black main draw for men 30 and younger, Zirconium with Shakudo says Jewelry Innovations’ CEO and in-lay also pictured). Please see Innovations page 9 FEATURED WRITERS INSIDE RN ����� Insert your promotional fliers in Southern Jewelry News and Mid-America Jewelry News! Simply send us your preprinted fliers and we will insert them into our publications. Please call 336-389-1950 for more information on inserting your flier today! temporary metals. August 8 - 10, 2015 Scholarships available from GIA.................................2 Industry Events.............................................................4 On the Move................................................................20 What’s New..................................................................34 Interested in carrying investment grade metals?.....39 Tips for dealing with an armed robbery...................45 Classifieds..........................................................49 SOUTHE ���� 1 alternative metal Vitalium ASHI’s new customizable Bridal Book • page 35 Jew elry Don C Call ’t miss Ma K La th or e Elesa D is lim sV y it m il e For ail ele lon at ed offe 31 more sa@ 33 r! - J gas o8 -1 info southE 6-3C3 a t 950 une Sho rma T elerns n9t3 tioanry ajeD wec6 Sou Ca 3, w vnisH it illo lr-yn the ll 20 n ymsou 33 3erw n Jse.ctod 13 an the6-rn weom 847 38 8 je lryay! -1w e -36 99 N lr yenwes 3-4 9-51 / 529 0 •9 ele w id m 1985. Kate started a sales training and business management conEstate jewelry business part- sultation company, Performance ners Kate Peterson (CEO and Concepts, in 1997. Although the president of Performance Con- two had been industry colleagues cepts) and Patti Geolat (founder and friends for many years, it and CEO of Geolat Companies) wasn’t until 2010 that they colhave seen a lot in their years of serving the gem and jewelry industry. But nothing could have prepared them for the find of a lifetime in February when Geolat Mondial, the event and brokerage arm of Patti’s business, purchased one of the largest and most significant cameo collections of its kind ever assembled. Retail customers were able to view and purchase cameos from this incredible collection at two Midwest jewelry stores in May as part of a unique estate jewelry event. The story of how this massive cameo became Thecollection Celebration Continues! Framed cameos have an Art Deco influence. available to vintage jewelry consumers starts with the two laborated to create a “hybrid store women that sourced it from a pri- event” that combined estate jewvate estate in February. Patti creat- elry buying, selling and trading. ed her personal property appraisal These special estate jewelry and jewelry brokerage company in Please see Cameo page 42 Alternative metals have made their mark during the past several years in the wedding band industry – and it seems Vitalium could be the hottest of the hot. As the developer and major supplier of Vitalium, “The Perfect Contemporary Metal,” Jewelry Innovations of Sandy, Utah, couldn’t be happier. The manufacturer/wholesaler, which prides itself on excellent customer service with prompt turnarounds, stunning custom designs and cuttingedge manufacturing techniques, offers other alternatives as well, including titanium, ceramic, Damascus steel and black zirconium. Jewelry Innovations Chuck David Koehle Brad Ramire GeorgeHuiske r.......... 24 z......... Bill Karat Prout..n......... .......9 David Warren Corner ......10 ...................12 Brad Brown....................... Bob Simon. ....17 Diana Epstein .....................2..18 Brian ........... Jarrett. ........... .....26 Barfi .......30 3 ........... ........32 eld...... ......36 ........... ............ an....... Collect ............ 24 ........... .........3 .35 ion...... ............ ........... ............ ..40 7 ........... ....4542 Historic collection in time for cameo comeback By Liz Pinson the Galatea’s Chi Huynh takes The Techie Road Warrior to Vietnam August 2014 t Cammie McLeod, manager Gause and Son Jewelers Ocala, FL 3 On the Road with Rob Phillips The Techie Road Warrior ng all Feeli t there? h ou e wit lry we vertis Retailer Roundtable Jewelry Innovations strikes gold with Q: What was your most successful event or store promotion? NO. ARY By Paul Holewa ways they created an at home vibe for the store. Fast forward 32 years to Mark and Rhonda Jacobson cutting a bright orange ribbon signifying the re-model of this same space, and the goal hasn’t changed. “We wanted to create a living room experience,” explains Rhonda. “We 12 3 ANNIVERS PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3592 ATLANTA GA Southern Jewelry newS ing VOL No. a Je Front page sticker ads SOUTHERN JEWELRY NEWS 2013 2013 Serv we AUGUST 2014 CH H 26 By ustr Paul MidBy Holew y in Liz from Ralph Ame a Am Pinso Air being “Lish rica eric 1987. and Russi In n 25 Jewe cial WhenLand) a States a 1890, ” Years a’s Navy Morg nationassign sassin , for lry Zanvi Hea • he to Russi s chang“Aationwherea new New SEALan 1988-2 ments talks a gemo News went Ralph a, like life life l Goitm rtla s e 013 www VenezPakis in about logist (Sea in road. three the 11 gover papea nd far-fl wasn’ cours yearspresid the an had nmen his uela tan, .mid gener e r Dedic ent’sUniteleft as “He ���� t armed and Afghaung spe- in that “My gemo the www.s later changZanvi came destiationsof his ated as- d ame migra of plete logicamostt-issu grand ��� would outher man ed l ed withSri nistan owner nt,” the gemo what family to ricaj Lanka , Goitmto advan weapo down father ���� l equip ers the men –njewel they his name the Unite mode logica ’s says classi ’s bly ewe , he an. to in of Rober ced nry. ��� Souththe vert Like the gave c Irish had namerynew RussiPhiladZions discus comb manyl missiocalls ment portab Hern lryn to The d States Bob Jewisstory Jewis Jacob t windo men,aern ��� name Jacob the much s “highto a, elphiaville, Good Good h was ews. judge at Jewe com- le h malespopul where his units,opera ns.” ���� to w imjewelr . 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I carMax’s �� OU �� ��a�� product “Acquisition” is not a word “M.A. Reich has been a cus- ried Minneapolis, MN � TH that was very differ�� ��� �� �� ER and we worked very �� �� that typically evokes warm feel- tomer of ours as well as really, ent than �� theirs �� N �� �� ����� ings, even in the jewelry industry. really close friends for over 20 closely ��together time. “At my store we combine fine Eover ��� �� W �� �� 13 �� ��� EL But when relationships go way chocolates with fine jewelry. Each m -y �� RY � ���� in akin ear-o jew g ld �� back, as they have for Simply Dialast weekend in June, I attend the elr a na de ��� y in m sig ���� EW du e fo ner �� monds and M.A. Reich, it’s about Fancy Food Show in New York str r he S �� y rse �� lf ���� more than business. City. It’s like the Couture Show � Ke Diamond jewelry manufacof food. This show features many brid y Ite al m turer Simply Diamonds, a divispecialty food exhibitors, includlin s in e - B tro sion of Jay Gems in New York, ing many fine chocolatiers. At d by uc e Bl recently purchased M.A. Reich & any given time in the store we iss s ne w w Co.’s wholesale and manufacturhave chocolates from roughly • 2 ww 5 y .so � ing division. M.A. Reich, found20 chocolatiers. The Fancy Food �� ea uth � rs ed in 1919, is one of the oldest Show gives me the opportunity to in ern pri jew manufacturers of colored stones find chocolatiers that are new to nt elr Ro o Fr be omwe uand • fine jewelry. The th stmen’s us or new to the business. We’re always looking for chocolates that en li ll /2 comor rt OTA SE ,4 1 he Pag blic ues ir12s,00 yn1eS e y bornGood AL wso1 t R ne ing Vinnie Davis and can rotate in and out as seasonal specialties, such as truffles and boxedL AShpany’s to e (8 at man h0okey DinSr!n JPresident lp .c u A strong haswbeen the Simply 5Diamonds’ th re to h.2eLong, ” Xa9tteam (reg growth and success.Fo et s/p it Reich � remain io chocolates that do particularly well around Mother’s Day and Christ- Vice eler ! >ewele 1901JewBill ing President wade om tGuy ill Summerlin, (l-r) Roopam Jain, Steve .Bill ai ro em ”) n r and $1Reich. Wor s: A Gthe r ** b em a Sh r n SAVIN rs �� with company, working out y n ld’s clas � mas. And, like our jewelry, we’re always trying to mix things 7,90 bin$7 e ler d ? nd n a“When s Co 8 TOup to keepShFrom of a four-person � � years, and�that’s sic�� �� einw esatellite 0.0 GS p0r ) oout nd I first �� �Amoffi w Fa1ir/4 ce�in started ,2what it interesting for everybody.” - rin Please see Roundtable page 32 s k uc s lo ��� ���� really TA 80O.2 vis industry, Ndrove ice t” a to ad L ADiningSEGemAL to A life wneelHerbs S 25 ����Per������ica��an��g��su��e ����the acquisition,” diamonds ��� �� says 5S(r the no ts/ dv v it y MidI sold caRoopam ��� cc l liv t ��� (6 � . T one At S! >s ��� Simply �� es eg ��� ” I �� • e ed of lovASHI �� T X e Jain, CEO of Diamonds. Bill’s father, Louis Reich, and �� s�� w ser Dia . h t r Ne o �� �� ser e & mo �6� ”)** Bill e r Eday$1he1,4 �� � t ��� �� vic Th w wa u2r 2A2mme e ma romanc nds, ab vi ���� �� “I’ve� known e 1 - 4 to Bill eand � and Vinniedfor pa tisin iser SM /8 rke e enhstylish at introduced ys �� tin �������� 0 t * BO AR GNfo $ b e g stra anc ima .0 h ” r jeP • 4 T �� c ou ces � ges co e 0 oo)on rIxicwant JeDi we ag ��over TH the Aforward, teg full �� g s 20��years, ,6 and I think the rosaid, ‘Going you c m we am � ies �� m lry e (4 3.75 gave tou work E them. 4a.5 and kag pa we itm on lers �� ** Ot Mid-Am cmy ti ? �� They5actually thson.’ ��� of x to se Billy en dSh ” world with c g a In lear her J a er t to foow X At rg �� e J . c t? e a ica the ASH � es (reg Please b C ss cu ” 4e hosee Simply 4 1/2me my n at sizesenhanc I Dia *** Sp ah and indep Ch ( �� mpin the independent Pink in kag re page 30 mo . $7,3 ave fulail Sout endeeaicdagwi o ut ouK nds, - Th ec ”)**Tw����start to tiv -cwo e clu e off l ser ab le A ial t he L e M pr nt th vic style, o lish 0 rn lr ll f0.0 th th aso e e re ste orga ice ta ad $3m,4 s: ile reflemarketinimgagepls ofease nite ur m lor y N de for erin or 0) e s e p V • Th Mill cts 3strate love & call rs ���y����� o 0 s o a 4 S a ion n w T fo : gie e spec e rom .2 e g d o mon ��� ro gr nt s w r m��or air n s ize ths5 (r o he anc ��� ��� e ne how e th �� e��� ex a “ ial ad du itaes hs (o s ��� ��� s of Sout eg. $u re F ��fo ads ������in G �� rm ww ra in lo . u ) c he t r n �� �� c atio at th ����� ������ ll ep iv • rn t/s wShh – li e a o w bo Am 5t,3ad40’s.0ne w.m tes abINSID ���� n •w He 3x My previous article discussed the cloud fax Must ru INSIDJe tio e u 11elry ovE e ar�� E pr er oowst d a����� �rateByPaPaule Holewa t e v 0v) • ice services that allow you to always be in touch, and Reach n thre yea idNaew na s a vic w apr pe Co h pruica ertis er b Qu lf Palessg15 e COrs me s an e only fo ice r is % ag ou lly e o ill w nd of N ri d with the convenience of all your mobile devices.dist bliJew in ee and hisewifenMelisen ribu r 20,000 inSEpriCUcaTIje Mid-Am r custom art gJohn cy le ta e Tan lo $1 f y rit is $ su cae g in n a This time I am going to share an adventurous exesa, ct of Littletdiosc John’s snt n wVE tion w ers ru erica ouL ai@Derby rnnPowners e m ou e a 8 e f tio ,0 lry S m at co readt •er 8 lry on perience on the road that also turned out to be very Je Jewelry 00 ic ag & Pawn, areg$retail soh mVon n o et s, 4ttrebels r c p 40 or in rres ,5s00fonrew ths of ad welry N of 9,5st market inspirational and moving. The destination is Viet.0 ut ethPis FR Nse,wfo uth ore ho res pe sorts.ead They manage and pond rea 4s.cco s s. ew in Th @SJ 0! BOTH $6 a6r0t he res EE s.ur er co os s r r a ingders om nsecut e fourtheirs. Louisville, nam! MAJ Kentucky-based trad n st ,25that e.0dare0 rnje Side ew in ele d* th ad a ive m jewelry One of the companies I represent, Galatea, elry * d store in ways $ e J g* a psro ar show s tew effe Ne on 3 04.0 . we PnEt se took six sales reps to Vietnam to see the factory ws counter-culture steadfast otealr ct s for th s, pl motie FREE!to ,9the o C $ 1 0 ” lr f 0 X 6 y IA oneadvice us and tour the country. This was over New Year’s oretail l)y:N ive n a nu jewelry.0experts. low of bo 0 4 1$3 ,46ne0w SaLle p s nonconform2012/2013. Chief among pr ew wa ice! plitheir es are positioning (A $2/2 ,99 .0s.c0 s, Ele We had just come off of a very successful year ist tendencies so yt to C ,6” f 5.0 om s eit and our illustrious owner, and the jewelry indusrM ot their store’s merchandise he by priceTUSo 7o7u 0 o a D rS try’s most creative designer, Mr. Chi Huynh wanted id ry points and airing TV commercials r 3 il ALuthe JN .5 rnr Je coweLittle to reward the company’s top sales reps on a ten day 36 loofn that are unconventional to osay r M the JohnSTan, 0 owner lolry NeJohn, AJN IZ aka tour of the country, from top to bottom. This inws -38 at least. r a Little John’s Derby E KY-based 9on Louisville, cluded the capital Hanoi way up in the north, to Ho Like Batman and Robin, the ly, Jewelry & )Pawn. 1 � d �� 9 Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), to the far southdynamic duo hit on a winning not 50 �������������� bo ern tip of the country, Soc Trang, where Chi has a ��� building their busiformula of airing calculatingly incrementally th �� � home and has built two factories employing over cheesy and cheeky TV commer- ness .through the secondary market two hundred workers. cials that have made “Little John” by buying gold and diamonds from We also visited the company pearl farm, about (he’s 5’-2” and weighs 98 pounds) the public. In those early years as a eight miles out into the South China Sea. There we a household name in Louisville. business owner John was extraorChi Huynh (L) and Rob Phillips pulling oysters out of the South The couple opened their jewelry dinarily skeptical about spending watched as divers pulled oysters out of the farm China Sea at the Galatea pearl farm. that had been Please see Phillips page 8 store and pawnshop 10 years ago, Please see John page 36 -0 253 King Street • Charleston, SC 29401 # 96 OHquotes 843-722-2073 Information prise n TH one REE mo n mon th F ths MA REE JN ! �� E IAT el, Silverna MED ss Ste are, Chi s, BUYeRs & selleRs oF: • Diamonds of all sizes • Antique and modern jewelry • Vintage and modern watches • Entire estates Confidential & Immediate Payment No Minimum. Fast Payment in 24 hours. Buy all forms of gold jewelry scrap, dental, filings, sweeps, also sterling & platinum. We are an established company serving the jewelry trade since 1975. Ship insured to: T AMERICAN METALS CO. 4-1443 ble adv ree oF our JN F rt Po Ma ! ou suP Make se oY Plea helP rge t Cha Who get 1 VOL 13 NO. 6 Since 1974 FEAT 37- 03 Mid-America Jewelry News JUNE 2014 embe ve le a m d RJO. FAX: 770-395-6959 En Induc Welding ality sa C is nd done by r engraoleEstablished an icing ries 1948. Suite 215Ha - MJ ser CM IJO ed Qu etals Pr le, J.B.T.; J.A.; J.V.C.; and T.J.A. maste Member Batte • La . d, wh de ab Enterprises, Inc. arante tive M ing sting tra d. Jewelry Co. avail nning n aroun Amco xide D Br • Gu we e, m CaDunwoody Rd. • Dunwoody,wi ish 5579B Chamblee GA 30338 E tur for the ureCapital mpeti er O One Plaza ed Je Shap • Co tinum Fin0 Palladiue Gold Silv WANT Quickpricing fully ins Sheila ist Any w & Us praisal for Rd., Suite 1420 00 Westheimer are 5718 By Special • e uest) • Pla 8k, 95 ee Whit Ne We 93-09 on req Houston, Texas 77057 k,1 IO • ul Ap Value Fr ry T! • 14 • }} GH Caref imum 502-8list up cove sTUD x 1726 345 ht odium D 1-800-621-2031 55 ENT Bo r Re FREI AN • Rh Max y Freig ent}} P.O. a, MN (price Silve PAY PAYM C SALE E e Pa te Paym ble}} TE ing LL etonk lry@a 60 G W W , • N nn IA {{ ; ED SI la C. Mi ia ejewe 96-32 MED Refin enue L IN CLO TISTRY RFORM Avai C med Establ J.A.; Studio 800-8 • IM ercury oad Av 205 RE L. PE N {{Im ference ATIONA , #310 .T.; elryza 20 M Railr 12 STO F DE ARE om Call ET er J.B Jew e Pla ite 14 SIONA st 26 ny, NY {{Re INTERN STRE 036 G A RSEL BOTH OFES the be ing.c r Memb al On ., Su 7 J 10 TH refin Orde CTIN -YOU EA HOW RE A PR discuss mation. e. Amco Capiteimer Rds 7705 Alba xa ork DU VIRA EST, 47 RK NY 96 HI cury : nc -IT ID or to Westh on, Te 2031 mer for a W ipping CON DO VE AN BEST TO ation sale inf experie 62 W W YO 2-869-51 22 15718 Houst alu g www.ase call fore sh NE l: 21 -35 om 0-62 HT HA ABLY ntial ev s or for closin Te 917-907 hoo.c e Ple mber be 3-3505 watch 20 es 1-80 MIG PROB re ya d ad YOU T IT’S e confide ur busin ars sto 55-42 om ars. 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J.V n Je SP welrEC IAL y Ne ws O Adv anFdFME ertis id R ing -!Ame Serving the Jewelry Industry in America’s Heartland r SpNee cwial ica Jew AT elry TE a New NTM.A. Reich dve s rti Retailer Roundtable For Simply Diamonds & I Ru ON se n acquisition, it’s ‘all about the team’ Q: What are your plans for this summer? 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WE K YOU STIC PRSRT US POSTASTD PERMITPAID GE ATLAN #3592 TA GA i mer Texas Institute of Jewelry Technology at Paris Junior College offers training in: Jewelry; Horology; Gemology; Casting; Fabrication; Stone Setting; Jewelry Repair; CAD/CAM; JA Certification; Short Courses; Certificates & AAS Degrees. Toll Free: 800-232-5804 or 903-782-0380 • tij URED th s to vice Ser EDUCATION BUSINESS FOR SALE PRSRT US POSTASTD PERMITPAID GE ATLAN #3592 TA GA ry l ewe ca J The Chuck Koehler...............13 Diana Jarrett..................14 Mia Katrin......................16 24 Karat Corner.............18 Brian Barfield.................26 George Prout.................28 David Brown..................30 Bob Carroll....................40 Brad Simon...................44 Brad Huisken................47 Au Cel eb rati on 195 020 gust These removable stickers 8-1 atla 0, 20 nta jew 15 elry appear on the front page of sho w.c om the paper and give your company maximum exposure. 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