CHICAGOLAND MUSKIE HUNTERS CHAPTER OF MUSKIES, INC. President’s Line MARCH/APRIL 2004 SPEAKERS By Beau Farias March 2nd CHIP PORTER Chip will give a presentation on the finer points of fishing and catching cold water muskies in rivers and lakes. 7600 KILBOURN AVE. SKOKIE, IL 60076 April 6th Ralph Cool 34” LOW Musky John Gobbo with a 37” musky from Eagle Lake, Ont. Mark Krause42.5” Eagle Lake musky Marv is from Beckman Nets and will talk about the history of their great nets. ILLINOIS MUSKIE TOURNAMENT TRAIL 2004 SCHEDULE MAY 1 & 2- Shawnee Club Tournament, Kinkaid Lake, Gary Dew, 815-529-1150 MAY 8 -Jake Wolf Memorial Tournament, Chain Of Lakes, Frank Walter, 847-689-2133 MAY 15 -Central Illinois Muskie Hunters, Evergreen Lake, Bob Kerans, 618-783-3860 MAY 22 -Lake Shelbyville Muskie Club, Eagle Creek Access, Kevin McGill, 217-863-4012 SEPTEMBER 18 -Lake Shelbyville Muskie Club, Eagle Creek Access, Kevin McGill, 217-863-4012 SEPTEMBER 25 & 26 -Shawnee Club Tournament, Kinkaid Lake, Gary Dew, 815-529-1150 OCTOBER 2 & 3 -Director’s Tournament, Lake Shelbyville, Eagle Creek Access, Richard Glazabrook, 217-756-8260 OCTOBER 16 -Central Illinois Muskie Hunters, Evergreen Lake, Bob Kerans, 618-783-3860 NOVEMBER 6 & 7 -Illinois State Muskie Championship, Kinkaid Lake, Bob Kerans, 618-783-3860 SPECIAL MEDIA GUEST TOURNAMENT -October 9 or 10 or 23 or 24 or 30 or 31, 2004. You choose date and times. CONTACT: Bob Jeffries, 12123 S. 73rd Avenue, Palos Heights, IL. 60463, 708-448-4342 AWARDS NIGHT SWAP MEET & SPEAKER MARV CHAIT MEETINGS General Meeting Joe Kalisz with a beautiful 43” Big Sand musky Jim Breen with a 50-inch musky from Lac Courte Oreilles FIRST TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 2nd Tuesday, April 6th PARK RIDGE VFW 10 W. Higgins Ave. Park Ridge, IL 847-825-4588 (Corner of Higgins & Canfield) PLEASE BE THERE!! Board Meeting Joe Kalisz with a 40-inch Tiger Musky from Lac Vieux Desert Martin Gadzinowski Sr. with a 42.5-inch Silver Lake muskie 6:30 p.m. First Tuesday of each month. One hour before the General Meetings. OFFICERS PRESIDENT..............BEAU FARIAS 1ST V.P....MARTIN GADZINOWSKI REGIONAL V.P......KARL SCHERER SECRETARY.........MARTY LAZARE TREASURER....STEVE ANDERSON BOARD MEMBERS STEVE ANDERSON GREG DENNY DON DUBIN BEAU FARIAS MARTIN GADZINOWSKI SR. JIM GALATI CARY GELFOND DENNIS JOHNSEN TOM JOHNSON NORM KOCH MARK LAZARE MARTY LAZARE DEAN ROSSET LEAH ROSSET KARL SCHERER ALAN WEINBLATT JOHN WEIRICH COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS MEMBERSHIP............Norm Koch (847) 394-4727 OUTINGS................Karl Scherer (773) 725-4453 MERCHANDISE....Alan Weinblatt (847) 520-7914 MEMBERS ONLY.....Leah Rosset (847) 677-0017 NEWSLETTER.......Tom Johnson (773) 625-5978 ARTICLES...............Beau Farias (630) 766-8394 PROGRAMS...........Cary Gelfond (773) 784-7858 ALL ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER SHOULD BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN THE 1ST OF THE MONTH. SEND TO: Tom Johnson 3517 N. Ottawa Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 or Call 773-625-5978 Members Only Contest FINAL POINTS FOR 2003 Name # Fish Points Name # Fish Points Cathy LaToza 20 Steven Anderson 1 14 Dennis LaToza 19 Jeffery Aromi 57 675 Mike Baratta Jr. 7 119 Marty Lazare 2 Mike Baratta Sr. 2 54 Kevin Lynch 11 John Bilka 1 10 Megan Lynch 1 Earl Blume Jr. 2 *22 Dan Magnus 2 Jim Breen 2 36 Peter Maltese 10 Tim Brunsvold 4 49 Cindy Mastalarz 3 Ralph Cool 2 14 Roger Mastalarz 1 Bill Daum 1 5 Mike McKenna 4 Bill Davis 6 82 Pat McKenna 1 Joe DeCoster 6 59 Tom McKevitt 1 Rob Denkewalter 3 41 Randy Mead 2 Greg Denny 2 12 Richard Olenoski 3 Mike DeSantis 1 20 Rich Peretti 1 Greg Dryoel 2 29 Dan Peters 1 Don Dubin 2 16 Harold Peters Jr. 10 Bob Ebert 1 *0 John Regan 1 Beau Farias 7 90 Mark Rosenwinkel 2 Mike Fiddick 2 20 Dean Rosset 2 Steve Foster 1 5 Leah Rosset 2 Marty Gadzinowski 1 17 John Ryan 1 Jim Galati 1 6 Frank Samat 2 John Gobbo 2 18 Karl Scherer 4 Bud Hulet 3 22 Joey Pribyl-Shay 9 Dennis Johnsen 9 *37 Joe Shay 14 Tom Johnson 12 88 Steve Statland 3 Joe Kalisz 9 *37 Pete Kosanovich 2 17 James Valenta 1 Mark Kraus 3 50 Alan Weinblatt 1 To Date: 291 RELEASES and NO KEPT FISH 197 236 14 127 12 16 107 43 4 46 9 14 26 30 12 19 112 9 41 21 14 9 22 46 102 122 14 10 13 * Denotes Late or Non-Witnessed Fish FINAL LIST MEMBERS ONLY CONTEST 2003 WINNERS Masters Division *Men’s Masters Jeff Aromi 57 Fish 675 Points Women’s Masters Cathy LaToza 20 Fish 197 Points Men’s Release Division *1. Kevin Lynch 11 Fish 127 Points 2. Joe Shay 14 Fish 122 Points 3. Mike Baratta Jr. 7 Fish 119 Points Woman’s Release Division *1. Cindy Mastalarz 3 Fish 43 Points Junior Release Division *1. Joey Pribyl-Shay 9 Fish 102 Points 2. Megan Lynch 1 Fish 12 Points Illinois Big Fish* *Rob Denkewalter 44’’ Loon Lake Longest Release *Mike Baratta Sr. 54.5’’ Lac Seul Lunker of the Month JUNE (3 way tie) Beau Farias 48’’ Dryberry Dennis LaToza 48’’ Crow Harold Peters Jr. 48’’ Crow JULY Joe Shay 50’’ Bladder AUGUST Mike Baratta Sr. 54.5’’ Lac Seul SEPTEMBER Jim Breen 50’’ Lac Courte Oreilles OCTOBER Dennis LaToza 50’’ LOW Outings Winners Kinkaid Beau Farias 35’’ LOW Challunge Karl Scherer 42’’ Silver Marty Gadzinowski 43’’ *Six anglers will receive awards from Muskies, Inc. Muskies Matter By Dean Rosset As of 1-29-04 Tim Brunsvold-10-/24-29-Eagle River Chain-35, 32, 43, 43. Greg Dryoel-(from Arlington, Texas!!) 10-/29-30-Eagle River Chain-39, 42. Karl Scherer-11-/30-Webster-33. TOTAL ENTRIES 291 RELEASES-NO KEPT FISH!!!! Totals by month are shown below. The contest leaders are similar for the past several years as a few people are deeply committed to muskie fishing. The best place to fish is Canada, with 134 entries (46% of total) and Lake of the Woods with 77 (57% of Canadian). Other lakes are Dryberry, Crow, “Ontario”, Wabigoon, Indian Chain, and Eagle. Next best is Wisconsin with 113 fish (38% of total) and Vilas 45 fish (39% of Wisconsin catch). As in the past several years Illinois has been a poor producer with the Fox Chain only giving up 10 fish, Loon 1 (first fish in 3 years), Shabbona 2, and Shelbyville 6. Don’t know what happened to the Chain as it used to be a “honey hole” for some of our members. Webster only gave us 14 fish, partly due to decreased output (?) and mostly because Pat Elza did not fish this year. Five fish were entered from Cave Run, 4 from Michigan, 2 from Minnesota, and 1 from Pennsylvania. All in all a fair year, probably a “C+”. But we had a good year with 40 and 50-inch fish, with 8440” fish entered and 6-50” fish. The 50” fish were: 50” Joe Shay, 7/14, Bladder, Ont., 50.25” Mike Baratta Jr., 8/26, Lac Seul; 50.5” Mike Baratta Sr., 8/24, Lac Seul; 54.5” Jim Breen, 9/12, Lac Courte Oreilles and 50” Dennis LaToza, 10/1, LOW. NEW MEMBERS: The club would like to extend a welcome to new members Dan Burke, Bill Hennek, Monarch Tackle, Linas Butkunas, John Girten, Dave Graham, Max Lucansky, Kevin Maher, Eric Slese, John Strauss. FISH CAUGHT IN 2003 APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV FISH CAUGHT 7 10 52 42 51 43 78 10 % OF TOTAL 2.4 3.4 18 14 17 15 27 3.4 STORY TO TELL . . . EXPERIENCE TO SHARE . . . CALL DEAN & LEAH AT (847) 677-0017 ATTENTION MEMBERS!!! There will be a fish bowl placed on a table at the meeting and we are asking for DONATIONS from members & guests to help offset rising cost of speakers and our meeting hall expenses. This will be separate from the lure raffle and door prizes. For us to offer quality speakers as well as better door prizes, we need to do this and we need everyone to support this with whatever you can! Thanks, Marty Gadzinowski, VP CHAPTER NOTES UPCOMING SHOWS The club is asking for volunteers to work the Fishing Flea Market, March 13, at Rolling Meadows High School and Galyans Fishing Show, March 12, 13, 14 in Schaumburg. Call Cary Gelfond 773-784-7858 for Gaylans or Jim Galati 708456-3019 for Flea Market. CLUB OUTINGS March 27-28, Lake Kinkaid IL.-April 3, Iceout Challenge, Lake Webster, IN. $20.-April 17-18, Lake Shelbyville, IL.May 1, Lake Webster, IN.May 15, Silver Lake WI.June 4-5, Lake Webster, Barbie and Tippy, IN.-June 5-12, Lake Vermillion, MN.July 6 and August 3, on the water meetings.-August 815, Lake of the Woods Chapter Challenge.-Sept. 17 -18, Lake Webster, IN.-Oct. 9, Silver Lake, WI.-Oct. 9, 10, Lake Kincaid. See Cary Gelfond at the meeting or call him at 773-784-7858. SEND COMPLETED MEMBERS RELEASE FORMS TO: Leah Rosset 7600 Kilbourn Ave. Skokie, Il 60076 (847) 677-0017 CHAPTER MAILING ADDRESS Chicagoland Muskie Hunters C/O Dean Rosset 7600 Kilbourn Ave. Skokie, Il 60076 (847) 677-0017 Web Site:
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