July - August 2004 - Chicagoland Muskie Hunters
July - August 2004 - Chicagoland Muskie Hunters
CHICAGOLAND MUSKIE HUNTERS http://www.muskiesinc.org/chapters/03/ CHAPTER OF MUSKIES, INC. President’s Line By Beau Farias JULY/AUGUST 2004 SPEAKERS July 6th ON THE WATER MEETING The meeting will be held on Channel Lake at the Thirsty Turtle, you can launch your boat there. 6 p.m. 7600 KILBOURN AVE. SKOKIE, IL 60076 August 3rd Jeff Aromi, Mens Masters. Harold Peters June Lunker of the Month. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION A few off our members will talk about muskie fishing and maybe give up a few secrets in the process. Be there. MEETINGS General Meeting Kevin Lynch, 1st Place Mens Release. Marty Gadzinowski Silver Lake Outing. FIRST TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 6th Tuesday, August 3rd PARK RIDGE VFW 10 W. Higgins Ave. Park Ridge, IL 847-825-4588 (Corner of Higgins & Canfield) PLEASE BE THERE!! Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. First Tuesday of each month. One hour before the General Meetings. Joe Shay 2nd Place Mens Release. Rob Denkewalter Illinois Big Fish. OFFICERS PRESIDENT..............BEAU FARIAS 1ST V.P....MARTIN GADZINOWSKI REGIONAL V.P......KARL SCHERER SECRETARY.........MARTY LAZARE TREASURER....STEVE ANDERSON BOARD MEMBERS STEVE ANDERSON GREG DENNY DON DUBIN BEAU FARIAS MARTIN GADZINOWSKI SR. JIM GALATI CARY GELFOND DENNIS JOHNSEN TOM JOHNSON NORM KOCH MARTY LAZARE DEAN ROSSET LEAH ROSSET KARL SCHERER ALAN WEINBLATT COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Muskies Matter Members Only Contest FINAL POINTS AS OF 6-1-04 Name # Fish Points Name # Fish Points Rob Denkewalter 2 14 Karl Scherer 2 Tom Johnson 3 14 Lynn Shuster 1 Norm Koch 1 9 John Tomasiewicz 2 Pete Kosanovich 1 11 To Date: 12 RELEASES and NO KEPT FISH 30 7 21 * Denotes Late or Non-Witnessed Fish SEND TO: Tom Johnson 3517 N. Ottawa Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 or Call 773-625-5978 muskytom8@yahoo.com Norm Koch-3/19-Kinkaid-35. Karl Scherer-4/22-23-Green River Lake-39, 43. (First place winner Cabin Fever Challunge). Lynn Shuster-4/28-Independence Lake-33. (New family type facility at Rt. 176 & Milwaukee. Shore fishing & Boat Rental). Tom Johnson-5/1-Webster-31, 5/16, 31, 5/29, 30. Rob Denkewalter-4/24-Fox Chain-31. (13th place in the FRV Tourney), 5/14-Shelbyville-35. Peter Kosanovich-5/6-Channel-37. (First Day-First Cast). John Tomasiewicz-4/28-Shelbyville-33, 40. Don Dubin-5/11-Independence Lake-34. Paul Hortenstine-5/5-Shelbyville-39, 5/31-Heidecke-35. (First chapter fish from this lake). Mike DeSantis-5/26-27-Webster-35, 41. Note: The more pictures, the larger the braggin’ board. But please put info on the back, Name, Size of fish, Lake, and use labels so ink won’t smear. STORY TO TELL . . . EXPERIENCE TO SHARE . . . CALL DEAN & LEAH AT (847) 677-0017 LAKE SHELBYVILLE PMTT TOURNAMENT President Beau Faris presents Steve Rusteburg with a $2000 check for Project Green Genes. MEMBERSHIP............Norm Koch (847) 394-4727 OUTINGS................Karl Scherer (773) 725-4453 MERCHANDISE....Alan Weinblatt (847) 520-7914 MEMBERS ONLY.....Leah Rosset (847) 677-0017 NEWSLETTER.......Tom Johnson (773) 625-5978 ARTICLES................Beau Farias (630) 766-8394 PROGRAMS................Don Dubin (847) 679-1531 ALL ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER SHOULD BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN THE 1ST OF THE MONTH. By Dean Rosset As of 3-27-04 Beau Faris June Lunker of the Month and Kinkaid Outing. Megan Lynch 2nd Place Junior Release. MERCHANDISE AVAILABLE Be sure to ask about the merchandise available to you with the club logo at the next meeting. There is a wide selection of different items and apparel. Contact Alan Weinblatt at the meeting or call him at 847-5207914 to find out more about the merchandise. Successfully defending their 2003 victory with an impressive display of knowledge, skill and dogged determination, well known local Illinois pro anglers Duane Landmeier & Steven James Rusteberg broke new ground in this qualifier of the 2004 Professional Musky Tournament Trail season, hosted by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources here on Central Illinois’ explosive Lake Shelbyville, as they registered three musky of 411⁄2, 38-1⁄2 & 35-3⁄4 inches, utilizing precise high-speed trolling tactics and fire-tiger jointed Depth Raiders at 4.3 mph on 53-1⁄2 feet of line in the relatively well-known Lithia Springs Cove area to become the first team in PMTT history to earn consecutive victories on the same waters. They won both the prestigious Ranger Cup Award of $500 and 1st Place cash, a whopping $14,500 for their efforts!! 2nd Place went to Tony Carswell & Dave Eichelberger of nearby Champaign, IL. who made a serious bid for the lead on their ‘home waters’ when they also tripled up, sticking fish of 38-3⁄4, 34-3⁄4 & 34-1⁄4 inches, casting fire-tiger Grandma minnow/twitch baits onto an ‘undisclosed’ mud flat to fall just short of the leaders, taking home $3,500. 3rd Place and Sundays $500 Big Fish Award, totaling $2,600, went to the team of Jim Carlson Sr. & Jr. of Grafton, WI. who doubled trolling firetiger Depth Raiders in the amazingly popular Lithia Springs area bringing a 34 and shad-fattened 43-1⁄2 incher to the boat. Relatively stained-to-muddy and slightly below average water levels with a surface temperature averaging near 67 degrees, accompanied by a passing cold front Friday and some fish reportedly still in the spawn/post spawn mode (evidenced by observations of some larger fish still having eggs), may have contributed to the spotty and overall unpredictability of the bite. The105 teams, featuring more than 200 of the Nation’s top pro & avid amateur musky anglers, combined to bring a meager 19 legal fish to the boat on day one and only 9 on day two! Trolling smaller, fire-tiger pattern crank baits of various brands, on relatively short lines at speeds nearing 5 mph, in and/or around Lithia Springs was the predominant tactic and what was used by many of the teams CHAPTER NOTES CLUB OUTINGS July 6 will be an on the water meeting at the Thirsty Turtle on Channel Lake, 6 P.M.: August 8-15, Lake of the Woods Chapter Challenge: Sept. 17-18, Lake Webster, IN: Oct. 9, Silver Lake, WI: Oct. 9, 10, Lake Kincaid. See Cary Gelfond at the meeting or call him at 773784-7858. THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE Want to place an ad, sell something, find a fishing partner, or whatever . . . Contact Tom Johnson 773-625-5978 FOR SALE In-Fisherman magazines #1 to date $100, back issues of Musky Hunter $1.50 each or 4/$5.00, Esox Magazine $2.00 or 3/$5.00, 17’ mooring canvas $50. Call Dean at 847-677-0017. SEND COMPLETED MEMBERS RELEASE FORMS TO: Leah Rosset 7600 Kilbourn Ave. Skokie, Il 60076 (847) 677-0017 CHAPTER MAILING ADDRESS Chicagoland Muskie Hunters c/o Dean Rosset 7600 Kilbourn Ave. Skokie, Il 60076 (847) 677-0017 Web Site: http://www. muskiesinc.org/chapters/03/
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