History of Worth County Georgia pgs 201-300
History of Worth County Georgia pgs 201-300
www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION CHAPTER XVII LAWYERS T E R R E L L R A I N E Y PERRY, SR. Terrell Rainey Perry, Sr., is the oldest living lawyer in Worth County, and the first one t o reside in Sylvester, Ga. He is a son of Allen ancl Kancy Perry of Macon County. Ga., and was born Noveml>er 21, 1860, in Macon County. I I e first visited W o r t h County in September, 1880, and was so impressed with the possibilities ancl the citizens of MTorth that he retui-ned the latter part of t h a t year and made it his permanent home. H e taught school a t Warwick, T y T y and in the Warren settleinent of Worth County, after ~ v h i c hhe studied law under John Murrow, who a t that time resided a t T y Ty, and nras engaged in the general practice of his profession. T. K. Perry was admittecl t o the bar in April, 1887, and has resided in Wort11 Couilty since that time. H e has been actively engaged in the practice of law since his admission t o the bar and is yet hale and hearty, active in body ancl mind, and is the senior nlernl~erof the firm of Perry & Perry, Sylvester, Ga. T h i s fir111 is con~posedof T. R. Perry and T. R. Perry, Jr., and is one of the best ancl most extensi\rely k n o ~ v nlaw firms in the state of Georgia. He is a Democrat, Captist and Masoil and ~ v a sone of the committee that erected the courthouse in Sylvester. H e was also one of the group that organized the First Baptist Church of Sylvester. H e obtained the first charter of Sylvester Banking Company and has represented that iilstitution as its attorney since. H e has been attorney for the Atlantic Coast IJiile Railroad Company for 45 years ; attorney f o r the G. A. S. Sr C. Railroad Company since its organization ; is attorney for W o r t h County, and has beell at various times for 42 years. Col. Terrell R.Perry, Sr., w a s married t o Amanda Jane IVilliams o n the 10th of July, 1884, a t T y Tq-, Georgia. T h i s year, 1934, makes the 50th anniversary of their marriage. Mrs. Perry is the d a u g l ~ t e rof William Washington Wil- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 202 (C) 2005 RIGHTS FOR GEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF ALL WO R T HRESERVED COUXTY, liams and wife, Elizabeth (Knight) Williams, of IVorth County. She is a D. A. R., a member of Barnard Trail Chapter of Sylvester, through descent from William Cone of North Carolina who died in Bulloch County, Georgia. She is a charter member of the Baptist Church of Sylvester. She is also a member of the Woman's Club and has given active service almost all the years since its organization. She came with her IIUSband t o Sylvester in the clays of its infancy when there were few families. I t ~ v a sin a time when great dinners were prepared for public occasions. T h e work that she and other good \vometl of that clay did to feed the innumerable hosts that assembled will never be known. For forty-two years, the longest term of service that any living woman has given t o Sylvester, she has given of her energies, her means, her hospitality and her Christian influence. The children of Col. and hlss. Perry: Ana Fern, married to Armatlcl Baggs; Nancy Elizabeth, married Iieginal M. Porter; William Allen, deceased; Mamie Ethel, Terrell Rainey, Jr., married Edith Nance; Amanda Jane, married Charles Darling. TERRELL RAINEY PERRY, JR. Terrell Kainey Perry, Jr., was born September 17, 1901, in Sylvester, \Vorth County, Georgia. Graduated from McPhaul Institute, Sylvester, Ga., in 1919. Entered University of Georgia, a t Athens, Ga., September, 1919, and graduated, obtaining B.*4. degree in Jtlne, 1922; entered Lumpkin Law School of the University of Georgia, and graduated, obtaining Rachelor of Law Degree in June, 1925. Admitted to practice law in the State of Georgia on the 17th day of June, 1925; admitted to practice law in the Federal Courts of the United States on the 17th day of June, 1925. Practiced law in the offices of Shackelford & Broxvn, Tampa, Fla., from June, 1925, to September 1st. 1926. Engaged in the practice of law a t the present time, and from Sel~temberlst, 1926, with Perry & Tipton, Sylvester. Ga., a firm composed of T. R. Perry, Sr., J. 11. Tipton, and T . R. Perry, Jr. Democrat, Baptist, member of the Sigma All111a Epsilon Fraternity, Georgia Beta Chapter of the University of Georgia. F A M I L Y D E T A I L S : I s the son of Terrell Rainey Perry, (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 203 COL. TEKRELL RAIXEY PERRY, SR. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 204 (C) 2005 FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY OFALL WRIGHTS O R T HRESERVED COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION who was born November 21st, 1860, in Macon County, Georgia, school teacher and attorney a t law, living a t Sylvester, Ga., and Mrs. Amanda Jane Williams Perry, who was born May 11th. 1865, in Lolvndes County, Ga., living at present in sy<vester, Ga. H e is the grandson of Allen Perry of Macon County, Ga., and Nancy Elizabeth Herrington Perry of Twiggs County, Ga., and of William Washington Williams, of Lowndes County, Ga., and Elizabeth Knight Williams. of Clinch County, Ga. H e was married -4pr. 9, 1931 in Sylvester, Ga., t o Mary Edythe Nance, daughter of IVilliam Orlanda Nance, who was born October 29, 1867, in Roberson County, N. C., and Mrs. Claudia Virginia Jackson Nance, who was born August 5, 1877, in Dooly County, Ga. Mrs. Perry is the granddaughter of William F. Nance, who was born Dec. 29, 1846, in Roberson County, N. C., and of Penny Jane Inman Nance, of Roberson County, N. C., and of William Andrew Jackson Nance, born Nov. 26, 1853, in Dooly County, Ga., and of Riolly H a m Jackson, born March 22, 1857. COL. JOHN GOLDWIRE POLHILL Col. John Goldwire Polhill came to Sylvester about 1890 and began the practice of law soon after graduating from the Law School of the University of Georgia in 1890. Sylvester was a little village then and the Court House was a t Isabella. He was a popular man in social and professional life. H e served the town as Mayor in 1905 and was County School Superintendent for twelve years. H e was always deeply interested in educational affairs. H e was a man of strong convictions and upright in all his dealings with his fellowman. H e was a loyal Democrat, Mason and leading member of the B. P. 0. E. H e was public spirited and numbered his friends by his acquaintances. H e fully illustrated the distinguished forebears from which he was descended. H e was the son of Frederick Taylor Polhill and Mary Jane (Cochran) Polhill, and grandson of John Goldwire Polhill and Harriett (Allen) Polhill. Col. J. G. Polhill was married to Martha Lewis Collins November 5, 1908. Their children are Mrs. Rosa Collins Dupriest (Mrs. Raymond) and Mary Laura Polhill. Mrs. Martha Lewis (Collins) Polhill is descended from the most prominent families of Georgia and South Carolina. She (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION H I S T O R Y OF W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 20 5 i s the daughter of Lewis Andrew Marion Collins and wife Laura A. Fitzgerald Collins of Mitchell County, Georgia, granddaughter of Bryant Collins and wife Martha (Bullard) Collins and of James Fitzgerald and wife, Nancy (Hilliard) Fitzgerald of Stewart County, Georgia. Bryant Collins was the son of Andrew Collins and wife, Pheraba (Ballenger) Collins. Andrew Collins was a Revolutionary soldier of South Carolina. Mrs. Polhill is a splendid business woman of high Christian character. After her husband's death she took the estate in hand and has managed it very successfully. JAMES HARRISON TIPTON James Harrison, eldest son of Charles Greenberry Tipton, was born October 28, 1872, in Worth County near Oakfield, Georgia and not far from the plantation of David Ridley, his grandfather. H e is a descendant from distinguished old English families, who were arnong the first settlers of Virginia. H e obtained his education in the elementary and grammar schools of Worth County, where he taught school for four years. H e is a lover of books and has, through his determination, perseverance, and diligence acquired an unlimited knowledge of affairs equaled by few of much greater opportunites. H e studied law in the office of Colonel T. R. Perry, Sylvester, Ga. H e was admitted t o the Bar in 1896 and has devoted his energies and profound ability to the practice of his profession, in ~vhichhe attains distinction and which he digniy life and services. fies l ~ his H e filled the unexpired term-made vacant on accottnt of the death of Hon. IVillian~E. Wooten, as Solicitor General of the Albany Jutlicial Circuit. Served several terms a s Solicit o r City Court of Sylvester and was Mayor of Sylvester for t w o terms. l-le was a I,ieutet~ant Colonel on Governor Terrell's Staff. I n 1932 he was elected to represent Worth County in the General Assembly of Georgia, for the years 1933-'34. H e is a thirty-second degree Mason, a Shriner, and a member of Alee Shrine Temple. Deceml~er 14, 1904 he married Miss Rosalie &fangham, daughter of Willoughby H. and Amanda Roper Mangham, and to them were born five children: William Kay, Samuel (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 206 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O FALLWORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION Ridley, Richard clied it1 infancy, Janles Harrison, Jr. and Wilb u r Jackson. RlIrs. Tipton is prominently identified wit11 the iiltellectual ailcl social life of Sylvester and community; ever thoughtful of those who need llelp and encouragelneilt; a true wife, devoted mother atlcl faithftll friend. She is acti1.e in church and civic club w o r k ; a member of the Sylvester \TToman's Club, D. A. K. ant1 \V. 31. U. of the Sjrlvester Baptist Church. Wm. KAY TIPTON J i m . Kay Tipton, eldest sot1 of Col. J. H. Tipton ancl ~ v i f e , Rosalie (51a11gharn) Tipton, gracluatccl a t LlcPhaul Institute in 1922. H e spent one year at Korman Park Junior College, and then entered Mercer University fro111 which lle received his 1,L.D. degree in 1927. H e nlarriecl Miss Estelle Reynolds of Chattanooga, Tenn. June 20, 1931. H e was Fieltl IIie1)resentative for T h e Pent1 Allutual Life Iilsurailce Co. in 1931-'33 with 11eadquarte1-s a t hlacon, Ga. H e was l>romoted it1 1931 to manager of The Penn hlutual Life Insurance Co. a t Sl)ritlgfield, Mo. JESSIE J. FOREHAND Jessie J. Forehand, lalvyer, was born Jatluarj- 8th) 1858, in i\.,Iacon County, Georgia, ancl educated in the D a m o n H i g h School. H e studied law in the office of Jessie W. VbTalters in All>any, Ga.. and l ~ c g a nthe practice of that professiol~in 1894 a t Isabella, Ga. H e afternrards mo\-cd to Sylvester and continued to practice until his death on the 25th day of November, 19-73. H e was a member of the Baptist Cllurcl~and a Democrat. H e was the son of Solo111011 Forehand ancl Percy C. W a l t e r s Forehand who were illarriecl it1 1857. Jessie J. Forehand nlarried Daty S. Tisoil April 311, 1878, tlie latter being born aticl reared in UTorth County, Georgia, and was the grandclaugl~terof Robert G. F o r d originally of Dooly, now UTorth County. T o this union were born nine children, Minnie Lee, JVilliam Clyde, Grover C., Eola G., aiid Eula Lee, L. Edgar, Herschel B.,and Elizabeth. WILLIAM CLYDE FOREHAND Colonel \Villiain Clycle Foi-ehand, Solicitor General of Tifton Judicial Circuit, colnposed of Worth, Turner, Tift, and (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org H I S T O R Y (C) O 2005 F WALL O RRIGHTS T H CRESERVED O U N T Y ,FOR G EELECTRONIC O R G I A EDITION 207 COL. W. C. F O R E H E A D . Solicitor General Tifton Circuit (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 208 H I S T O (C) R Y2005 O FALLWRIGHTS ORTH C O U N T Y , G www.gagenweb.org EORGIA RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION I r ~ v i nCounties for the term of 1933 to 1937, inclusive, has had a broad ancl ainple experience as prosecuting attorney. F o r sixteen years he was Solicitor of the City Court of Sylvester with county vide jurisdiction. H e was Attorney for the city of Sylvester for twenty pears. H e has elTery natural endowment necessary for his profession, a keen and alert mind, careful of detail, a mind that is broad and comprehensive in its grasp, possessing unusual legal wisdom and discretion. H e has a strong personality, is a tireless worker and close student, and when enlisted in a cause, he applies all the vigor and diligence in his power to that end. H e was educated in the schools of the county and the University of Georgia. He gradtlated with B.L. degree in 1910, and began the practice of law June, 1910, at Sylvester, W o r t h County. H e is a Mason, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Sylvester Consolidated School District, and Past President of the Sylvester Ki~vanisClub. H e served as Local Council for the Federal Government during the World W a r period, heginning in April, 1917, and continuing until after the Armistice was signed. He owns coilsiderable farming interests. Although the clainls of the bar have always been more or less paramount in the busy life of Col. Forehand, he has always taken a leading part in the puhlic affairs of his county. H e is a Democrat and deeply interested in the political welfare of his county, state, and nation. Colonel \Vm. Clyde Forehand is descended from the earliest pioneer families of this section. O n his maternal side he is descended from \V. IV. Tison, of Pindartown, the first white settleinent in what js now \Vorth. Dr. Theopholis Tison. one of the most l~elovedand influential physicians of the County, was his grandfather. He is also through his grandmother, the wife of Dr. Tison, Georgiana Ford ancl her father Robt. Graham Ford, a descendant of another pioneer of distinction, John Jackson Ford. H e is a clesce~~dant of John Ford, the Revolutionary Soldier. H e is son of Colonel Jesse James Forehancl and wife Data S ~ n i t h(Tison) Forehai~d. Colonel U7. Clyde Forehand was born in IVortll County Jan. 28th, 1883. H e married Miss Ethel Morse August fj, 1917. She is the daughter of Dr. L. S. Morse and Mrs. Sallie (Goolsby) Morse of Forsyth, Ga. Their union has been blessed with (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 209 five children: William Jesse, Sara Ethel, Oliver Clyde, Mary Nell and Florence Jean. Mrs. Ethel (Morse) Forehand received her education a t Banks Stephen Institute and Bessie Tift College a t Forsyth, Ga. She is a member of the Woman's Club and P.-T. A. She takes great interest in, and actively supports, all civic and religious organizations. Mr. and I\/Irs. Forehand and family are affiliated with the Missionary Baptist Church. Their home is one of Christian refinement and culture. History of Forehand Family, Worth County, Ga. A n ~ o sForehand came to Georgia (probably) from South Carolina soon after the Revolutionary W a r and settled at what is now Clinchfield, Georgia, Houston County. Solomon Forehand, the son of Amos Forehand, was born on Sept. 28,1793. H e married Annie McCreary, of Burke County, Georgia. She was born May 17th, 1805. From this union were born six sons, to-wit : Solomon Forehand (the 2nd), William Forehand, John Alford Forehand, Edwin Forehand, Thomas J. Forehand and Geo. W. Forehand. Solomon Forehand, the father of the above named sons, died February 23rd, 1873, and his wife, Mrs. Annie Forehand, the mother, died February lst, 1872. Solomon Forehand (the second) was born May 23, 1829, in what is now Macon County, Georgia, and married Percy Walters. From this union was born Jesse James Forehand, late of Worth County on Jan. 8th) 1858, the father, mother, and son moving to Worth County in 1870. Walters Family Percy LValters, the mother of Jesse James Forehand, was the granddaughter of Jesse Walters and the daughter of Jeremiah Da~vsonWalters and Rebecca Matilda Dykes ~ v h o were married Octol~er14, 1847. Jeremiah Dawson Walters was reared near Albany, Georgia, but moved to Macon County about the time he married, and died May 1915. Percy Walters Forehand died March 1st) 1875, and her husband, Solomon Forehand, died February 8th) 1883, both of whom were buried a t Mt. Horeb Church, in ?Vorth County. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 210 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA Jesse James Forehand died November 26th, 1923, in W o r t h County. His wife, Data S. Tison, to whom he was married December 5th, 1878, was the daughter of Dr. Theopholis W. Tison. T o this union were born William Clyde, Grover C., Eola Georgian, Lilious Edgar, Eula Lee, Theopholis R., Benjamin Herschel, and Elizabeth May. Mrs. Data S. Forehand was born January 2nd, 1860, and departed this life on January 13th, 1913. ROBERT A. HOLMES A N D FAMILY Robert Andrelvs Holmes was bor11 near Milner, Ga., July 28th, 1860. He was the son of Shadrack and Sara ~ n d r e w sHolmes and the grandson of Josiah and Nancy Hollis Holmes, who came from North Carolina and were among the first settlers of Barnesville, Ga. The family lines includecl staunch pioneers, fatnous in Revolutionary ancl Civil War periods. Robt. A. Holtnes' father fell on the battlefielcls of Richmond. Mr. Holines was educated in the scl~oolsof h'Iilner and Grifiin. He chose the legal profession early in life, was admitted to the bar ancl practiced in Pike County two years. , I n 1886 h e went to Orlando, Fla. and l~ecamea member of the firm of Hamnlollcl and Holn~es.The senior member of the firnl uras Judge Dennis F. Hanlnlolld of Atlanta, father of t ~ v o~ v e l l known sons, Judge \V. R. Hamtnond and Dr. John D. Hammond of the Methodist Church. I11 1887, because of seriol~sillness, he left the office and retired to his orange grove a t Grancl Islancl, Fla., devoting himself t o its cultivation until the big freeze in 1895 swept away every l~rospectovernight. Returning to his native heath he began casting about for a new start in liEe. South\vest Georgia swayed his interest and directed his decision. In Dec., 1897, the family landed at T y Ty. In Sept., 1898, he decided t o cast his lot with the people of Sylvester, as the most desirable location in all this section. After practicing in the courts for several years, he retired from active practice and gave his time t o office work, real estate, insurance, and farming. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 211 He was once Mayor of Sylvester. I-Ie helped to organize the Methodist Sunday School in Sylvester and was its first superintendent. H e was a devoted member of the M. E. Chttrch. The staunch, Puritan stock of his ancestors was reflected i n his uncompromising and unyielding character in questions .of moral, political, and religious interests. After several months of cleclining health, he died June 23, 1917, and sleeps in the family lot in Sylvester cemetery. On July 26, 1888, Robert A. Holmes and Mildred Steed were married in Earnesville, Ga. In 1898 they came to Sylvester with their two children, Robt. A., Jr., ancl Mildred, nine and four years respectively. Robert graduated from McPhaul Institute in a class of five in 1905. In 1910 he graduated from Emory College, securing his B.S. degree. He entered business with his father and threw himself at ,once into the business, social, and religious life of the community with all the energy and zeal of youth. Another call came to him very early in young manhood t o enter realms of supreme opportunity. H e was prepared for this call and passed on May 26, 1912. Mildred left McPhaul Institute with the class of 1909, and graduated from Agnes Scott College with an A.B. degree in 1914. I n 1917 she was married to Dr. Chas. R. Dickert of Tifton. They, with one son, Robert Holmes, are living in Knoxville, Tenn. Mildred Steed Holmes was born in Woodbury (Sandtown), Meriwether County, Ga., March 6, 1862, the daughter of William Ashmore Steed and Mary E. Bailey Steed. The family moved to Barnesville when she was a small child and she grew up with Gordon Institute from its beginning. From here she graduated, taking a full classical course. T h e fall of 1879 she entered Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., taking the teachers' degree L.I., in 1881. She has taught a t intervals since her graduation until the last eleven consecuti~~e years. Her first work was in Girls' High School, Griffin, Ga. Mrs. Holmes has roundetl out t~venty-eightyears of school room work and has delivered another valeclictory to the Ruard of Education, Local Board, beloved faculty, ancl student 1,ody. She has been identified in an active way with every phase (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 2 12 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED HISTORY O F ALL WORTH C O U N TFOR Y , ELECTRONIC G E O R G I A EDITION of comnlunity up1)uilding-the educational, patriotic, social, and religious. 7'0 serve her church was the n-ork nearest and dearest to her heart. Oi thirty-four years of her work it1 her Missionary Society she was president nearly twenty years. Mildred Steed ISolmes is descended frotn Steeds or Steads from England and other families, Seymours, Marl~urys,and Ashmores. Maj. Belljamin Catchings is her Revolutionary Ancestor through the Ashmores, her paternal granrltnother, 34ildred Ashmore Steed. She still lives a t her 11ome in Sylvester and though leaving the school room a t 70 she is still active in her home, church, and civic duties. COLONEL WILLIAM CLARENCE SMITH Col. Wilianl Clarence Smith is a young lawyer of ability and industry. His accurate knolrrledge of law and exemplary conduct give promise of great t~sefulnessin the legal profession. H e was born in Irwinton, TVilkinson County, Georgia, May 31, 1894. His parents are 'IVilliam Washington Smith, born in Irwinton, Nov. 23, 1854. Grandparents 011 paternal side were David F. Smith and L4mai~cla Jackson Smith. Grandparents on maternal side, Thomas J. Hollimon, born in Wilkinson County, Georgia, grandmother, Stephenson Holliman. H e received his A.B. Degree in 1917 a t Young Harris College, Young Harris, Georgia. When the shadow of the World W a r fell across America he joined the 31st Division of U. S. Army, March 2, 1918, and returned from France July, 1919. H e attended the National School of Horticulture, at Versailles, France, April to July, 1919, and received a certificate for same. After returning to America he attended the Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, Georgia, in 1920-'21, receiving a diploma for same. He then atteilclecl Mercer University Law School 1921-24, receiving his LL. U. Degree 1924, being admitted to the Ear, State and Federal, 1924. H e belongs to the Worth County Bar Association of Sylvester, Georgia. H e is a member of the Masonic Lodge, Irnrinton, Georgia. H e is a member of the American Legion, Bro~v~rnleePost 113, Sylvester, Georgia. H e was married July 12, 1925, to Anna Louise McKoy, a t Ne~vnan,Coweta County, Georgia. She was educated in N e ~ v n a npublic schools and Bessie (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 213 Tift College, Forsyth, Georgia, ailcl IYesleyan College. ;\lacon, Georgia. H e r parents are James Cottrtney h'IcKoy, Coweta County, Georgia, and Antla Elizal~ethCamp McKoy. This young coul>le are earnest Christian workers of the Baptist church of Sylvester. JOE L. SUMNER HOUSTON Joe L. Suinner Houston, Sylvester, Ga., was born January 8, 1908, in Worth County, Ga. H e graduated from Sylvester High School, May 24, 1924, and entered Mercer University Summer School, June 15, of the same year. H e contint~edhis studies through the following year term, 1924'25, and entered the University of Georgia, September 19, 1925. During the nest two years he attended the University Literary School, entering the University of Georgia Law School September 15, 1927. lHe graduated June 18, 1930, with the Bachelor of Law degree and was admitted t o proctice law in the State and Federal Courts the same clay. Since that time he has practiced his profession continuously in Sylvester. Since January 1, 1931, he has been secretary and treasurer of the Worth County National Farm Loan Association, and has recently been elected as Solicitor of the City Court for the term beginning in 1933. H e is a Baptist and Democrat. J. I,. Sumner Houston was married to Miss Evelyn Strangward or1 April 26th, 1934. Mrs. Houston is the daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Chas H. Strangward of Sylvester. Family details : Soil of Norman George Houston and Emma Suiniler Houston; grandson, on his maternal side, of the late Joe L. Sumiler and Josephine Thornhill Sumner, grandson, on his paternal side, of the late Henry Hottston and Nancy Gillis Houston. COLONEL L.D. PASSMORE Of the inen 1vl-10attained eminence in the legal pi-ofession in IVorth County through the medium of their own talents and industry, one of the best k t ~ o ~ vwas n I,. D. Passmore, 1~110 was engaged in practice a t Sylvester for about twenty years. Mr. Passtl~orewas ~videlyknown as a friend of eclucation, and indeed, it was in an educational capacity that he first came to Sylvester. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 214 (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA L. D. Passmore was born in Taylor County, Georgia. Aug. 23rtl. 1868, and was a son of G. A. and Rebecca (14oore) Passmore. The eldest of his parents' children, he spent his l~oyhood days on his father's plantation, where he worked during vacation periods. His early education was secured in the country schools of Taylor County, follonring nrhich he attended Hearn Institute and later entered Mercer University. H e graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Laws from that institution in 1900, and immediately came to Sylvester, where he had secured the position of stlperintendent of schools. After one year in that capacity, he began to give all his time t o his growing law practice. During the time that he was struggling to establish himself in his profession. he devoted himself entirely thereto, but when he had gained a foothold, he again found time to aid in educatiolzal TYOI-k, and for eight years was County Superintendent of schools. H e served in many public offices for town and cotlnty. One term he was Mayor of Sylvester. H e served on the Board of Education of Sylvester, and for a number of years was Sunday School Superintendent of the Methodist Church. H e not only proved his ability as a skillful and resourceful lawyer, but was accorded significant testimonial of popular confidence and esteem by his election t o the State Senate in 1923-'24, from the 10th District. I t being Worth's time to have a representative in the Senate for only one term, he was then elected t o represent IVorth in the lower house of Georgia's Legislature for the term of 1925-'26. H e did not offer for re-election becatlse of failing health. Col. Passlr~vlebegan the practice of law with Col. W. C. Forehand early in 1914, and this partnership continued until 1922, altho owing to his failing health, he did little practice. T h e firm name xvas for two or three years Passmore, Forehand & Ford, Colonel P. B. Ford having come into the firm. Mr. Passnlore was married Oct. 9th, 1895, in Macon Co~rnty, Ga., to Miss Hattie Walters. They have two children, Lytton, born Dec. 24th, 1898 a t Ashburn, Ga., and Lois, born in August, 1901, a t Sylvester. After several years of ill health, Col. Passmore died on Feb. 9th, 1932. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 215 R O B E R T B E R N E R WILLIAMSON, L A W Y E R , SYLVESTE,R Robert 13. Williamson nras born April 7, 1893, a t Forsgth, RiIonroe County, Ga. H e attended Banks Stephens Institute, Forsyth, and hlcPhaul Institute, Sylvester; entered Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, Ga., as a Junior in 1909, graduated 1911. Studied law in office of Robert Leigh Berner, his great-uncle, and was admitted t o the Georgia Bar a t Wrightsville, Johnson County, Georgia, in November, 1915. Graduated a t Georgia-Alabama Business College in 1913. Began practice of law a t Macon with Rohert L. Berner in December, 1915. Moved to Sylvester, Ga., July lst, 1916, from Macon, entering the firm of Perry & Williarnson. Withdrew from this firm Jan. I , 1922, and has practiced alone since. Presbyterian ; Democrat; Masot?. Family details: Married June 10, 1928, in Moultrie, Ga., to Fleta Lee Strother, daughter of William Verner Strother and Nettie Strother. H a s one child, Fleta Lou, born August 17, 1931. R. N. \Villiainso~?is a son of Julian Bloom JVilliarnson, born 1 G ; moved to Worth County in 1904; lawyer, being n o ~ van active member of Sylvester Bar, and Lizzie Lot1 (Smith) Williamson, born in Culloden, Ga. in 1 6 ; died June 13, 1917, and the grandson of Charles Jenkins Williamson of Bib11 County and Thomas Daniel Smith of Monroe Cotlnty, Ga. COL.W I L L I A M J E W E L C R O W E William Jewel Crotve is one of Worth's most prominent young attorneys and business men. In the handling of difficult and controversial matters he has shown marvelous tact and foresight. His unqt~estionedability, indomitable courage, 130th physical and moral, is a guarantee of success it1 anything he undertakes. His generosity and genial dispositioll make friends for him wherever he is known. H e was born in Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.. July 8, 1897, and is the son of Dr. W m . Henry Cro~veand Fannie Elizabeth (Potter) Crowe. Dr. Crome was born in Ranks County, Ga., December 25, 1870, but lived in Cooliclge, Thomas County, Ga., where he died February 2, 1923. Col. Crotve's mother was born in Cobb County, Ga., Feb- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION 216 H I S T O R Y O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA ruary 29, 1872. H e is the grandson of Asa and Roxie Ann Cl-owe and John Henry ancl Martha Elizabeth (Black) Potter. Col. Cro~vegraduated a t Mercer University, LL.B. Degree, in 1919. H e began the practice of law Soveml~er1, 1919. in S y l ~ e s t e r Gear-gia. , He was it1 central officers training sclzool, Camp Gordon, Georgia October 15, 1918, to N o ~ e m b e r20, 1918. From June 1, 1923, to November 1, 1928, he represented the National Farm Association, and was Judge of Police Court in Sylvester from January 1, 1932, t o January 1, 1925. H e was Justice of the Peace, Sylvester District, January 1, 1925, to Janual-y 1, 1'327, and was elected and served Worth County as Representative from 1927 to 1931. H e as Secretary of the Legislative Committee on re-organization in 1931; is a Baptist, Democrat, Mason and earnest student. Col. Win. Jewel Crowe and Leila Houston were married June 3, 1920, in Sylvestei-. They have t\vo interesting children, Garland Monna and Nornlan Jewel. Mrs. Crowe is the daughter of John E. Houston, born August 9, 1862, died ~ipi-il10, 1922, and Rausic (Moree) I-Iouston, born July 15, 1855, died September 12, 1902. They were both descendants of earliest settlers of this county. Mrs. Crowe is a graduate of Norman Park College, and she is a member of the \Vc?man's Club, P.-T. A. and Baptist Missionary Societj~.She is a splendid worker in all, and is always interested in things that are worth while. PRESTON BROOKS FORD Preston Brooks Ford, son of William Jackson Ford and wife Rowena (Hanes) Ford, is a native of JVortl~County. H e received his educatioil a t McPhaul Institute of Sylvester and the University of Georgia, graduating June 15, 1921, with t h e Degree of L1,. B. P, B. Ford served as clerli in the Sylvester postoffice a i ~ d tlien was given tlie appoi~ltnlenta s postmaster which office he held for several years until the United States entered tlie World War. Being exempt as a11 executive officer of the United States did not p r e ~ e n this eniistment in the army as soon as Legencl for cut on page 217. Top row, left to right: Prof. Geo. I. Martin, and Prof. Eugine Attaway. Center row: H o n W. Jewel Crowe. Second row: Dr. F. M. Butler and Col. Joe L. S. Houston. Bottom row: T. R. Perry, Jr., and Dr. W. W. Sessions. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION PAGE O F PROFESSIONAL M E N See leg-end on page 216. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION 218 HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA he could 1)e relieved as postmaster. H i s service hegun on April 2, 1918, in 21 Co. 157 D. B. Camp Gordon, Georgia. H e was discharged March 19, 1319. Cp. Hq. Det. Camp Gordon, as Reg. Sgt. Mjr.; 2nd Lieut., Inf 0. R. C. His service was confined to that camp during the entire period of his enlistment. After his honorable discharge from military dutv he began the diligent study of law at the University of Georgia. Possessed of strong n~entalpowers, he made rapid and substantial progress in acquiring a broad and fundamental knowledge of law. He began the practice of his profession in Sylvester. His fine charact6:ristics of t~nqualified loyalty, candid and fearless manner, a close student, looking into details, and a forceful speaker, has gained for him the prestige as one of the most resourceful advocates and well fortified counselors of the Sylvester Bar. Numerous honors of a public nature have been bestowed on him. H e nras Mayor of Sylvester from 1924 to 1929. He was president of Worth County Red Cross for the year of 1932, and has rendered many other services in Red Cross. He was State Senator from the 10th District for Worth's term in the years 1929-1931. Dttring this term he served in the regular session of 1529 and in the extraordinary session of 1931, and was present every day and answered every roll call during those sessions. H e was one of the leaders in defeating a proposed Constitutional amendment to boncl the State for a large sum for use in building paved roads, and was also active in the causes of education and the Confederate veterans. He was Chairman of Committee on Co~n~llerce and 1,abor. Vice-Chairman of Special Judiciary, and also served on the com~nittees on General Judiciary, Highways, Banking, Agriculture, ITniversity of Georgia and it's Branches, Appropriations, Insurance, Engrossing and Corporations. H e is a Democrat, Sigma Nu, a Mason, inetnl~erof American Legion. Knights Templar, Shrines, Elk, W. 0. \IT., and S. A. R. on both paternal and maternal lines. H e is a descendant of soldiers who gave gallant service in the Revolutionary War. He is also descended from gallant sons of the Confederacy. His mother's family were sufferers in Sherman's "March to the Sea," living in the trail he cut with torch and sword through Georgia. H e is a Missionary Baptist. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 219 Whether as a11 employee of the Government in civil or military service, or a s attorney for his clientele, or law maker in the Senate of his state, he discharges the full measure of his duty. COL. A N D MRS. W A R R E N L. STORY WARREN L STORY Warren L. Story, the son of Sanluel Story, eillistetl in the Southern Confederacy, Ilooly County, 1)ut left for the 'ivar fro111 Isabella in Capt. J. RI. Rouse's coinpaily. H e is registered as one of those soldiers that was wounded ant1 recovered. H e surrenclered a t l;arm\rille, Va., L41>ril9, 1865. VCrhen he returned to his wife and little children in Wort11 Countjr he girded himself for the new ordeal, t h a t of reviving the prostrate industries of his native county and state and t o meet the needs of his family. The greater part of his energies (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 220 (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA were devoted t o agriculture and naval store operation, but he was closely identified with the civic and industrial development and progress of this section. H e became a man of wealth and great influence. For some years he was a student of law for his own benefit and his advice was sought in many legal matters. At last, he decided to take the examination and turn this kno~vledgeinto a source of remuneration, and a t the age of 60 years he was admitted t o the Bar. H e was held in great esteem by his fellow citizens. H e was a man that valued an education ahead of his times. H e would pay half of the tuition of the school and board the teacher that his children might have the opportunity of a school. H e was a strong and reliable man. Congressman Griggs of the Seco n d Congressional District said of him, "If I can get Colonel Warren 1,. Story's vote I can carry all the northern portion of Worth County, such is the esteem in which he is held hy his people." Warren L. Story was honored by the people of W o r t h with the office of State Senator in 1894-'95. H e lived the last years of his life at his farm near Acorn Pond church a few miles below Warwick. H i s children that live in this county are Mrs. Sarah Emma Simpson, Mrs. 17. M. Hall, Mrs. Lula 13. Cameron and Judge S a m S. Story. \Ve give below records from his Billie. WARREN LUMPKIN STORY These records are from the Bil~leof Warren Lumpkin Story, son of Satnuel Story and his wife, Annie Brown Story. Samuel Story is given in White's Statistics of Georgia. This Bible is n o ~ vill the possession of his daughter, Mrs. A. McD. Cameron, Sylvester, Ga. Births Warren L. Story was l ~ o r tMarch ~ 15, 1834. Henrietta Jerkins. wife of Warren L. Story was born Februa r y 22, 1840. Children Samuel St. George Story was born Jan. 23, 1856. Annie Henrietta Story was born Dec. 22, 1857. Sarah Etnma Story was born Mar. 25, 1860. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION H I S T O R Y(C)O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 22 1 Susan Camilla Story was born Mar. 21, 1862. 1,ula Beauregard Story was born June 18, 1864. John Llewellyn Story was born Sept. 22, 1866. I d a Lee Story was born Sept. 4, 1869. James Richard Story was born June 23, 1872. Alice Eva Story was born July 24, 1874. Warren L. Story, Jr., was born Oct. 16, 1878. Marriages Warren Lumpkin Story and Henrietta Jerkins were married Mar. 22, 1855. Note:-The following marriages are not in this Bible, but Mrs. Cameron gives them: Samuel S. Story married Jane Bass. Annie H. Story married Thomas Varnadoe. Sarah Emma Story married Daniel M. Simpson. Susan Camilla Story married Thomas D. Rycroft. Lula B. Story married Archie McDermid Cameron Jan. 23, 1884. John L. Story married Zermie Louis Bridges. Ida Lee Story married William Touchton in Nov., 1884. Alice Eva Story married Francis Marion Hall. Warren L. Story married Sophia Reclditt, July, 1925. Deaths Warren L. Story died May 17, 1911. James Richard Story died Mar. 22, 1875. Henrietta Jerkins Story died Mar. 30, 1922. Annie H. Story Varnadoe clied Apr. 9, 1908. Note:-Warren L. Story entered the Confederate service May 13, 1862. Surrendered Apr. 9, 1865, near Farmville, Va. BENJAMIN WALLACE TIPTON T h e subject of this sketch ~ v a sa twin brother of Wil!iam Thoinas Tipton (deceased) and was born at S u n ~ n e rGeorgia, , April 18! 1885, the son of Charles Greenberry Tipton, and Sarah (Ridley) Til)ton. H e received his early education in the elementary and grammar scl~oolsat Sumner, Isal~ellaand Sylvester, Georgia, graduating from McPhaul Institute in Sylvester wit11 honors in the class of 1905. Upon graduation, he immediately entered the Atlanta Cominercial College a t Atlanta, Georgia, where he cornpletecl a course in shorthand and typewriting, receiving a diplonla in two and one-half months. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 222 www.gagenweb.org H I S T O (C) R Y2005 OF ORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA ALLW RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION After completing a business course he was appointed official reporter for the City Court of Sylvester, Georgia, serving in that capacity about six months and \vas then appointed -4ssistant Official Reporter for the Southern Judicial Circuit with headquarters at Valdosta, Georgia. Afterwards he held the office of Official Reporter for the Albany Judicial Circuit with headquarters at Sylvester, Georgia. H e continued as court reporter until August, 1912, a t which tirne, being inspired by the words of t h e immortal Horace Greely "Go JVest, Young Man, Go JVest," he left Georgia and settled in Wichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas. arlrl soon thereafter became associatecl with Hon. W. F. Weeks. one of the leacling attorneys of Wichita Falls, remaining \vit11 that firm, later k n o ~ ~ asnWeeks, Morrow & Francis, Attorneys, for a periocl of allout eleven years, a t ~ r l ~ i time c l ~ he severed his relationship with this firm and opened a la\v business for himself at Electra. Wichita County, Texas, in the heart of what is known as the Kortll Texas Oil Fields. I n 1917, during his association with the firm of Weeks, Morrow & Francis, after w a r nras declared 11y the United States, he enterecl the military service and served \\.it11 clistinction in the army for a period of ahout twenty-two months. H e was hoiioral~lydischarged with a letter from his Commanding General for "Commendation for unusual service," and then returned to the 111-actice of law 1vit11 his foriner associates, MTeeks, Rlorro~vS; Francis. H i s legal education was ol~tained by private study with this firm and he was atlinittetl t o the practice of law in 1919 a t F o r t Worth, Texas. On the 7th day of Januat-y, 1920, he married R/liss IvIargaret Rehekah Gocl~vin, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. God\vin, a t Sylvester, Georgia. They have two children: Renjamin Wallace Tipton, Jr.. and Sarah Blanche Tipton. Since his residence in Electra, he has l~ecomean esteemed and loyal mem11er of the First Baptist Cllurcl~of Electra. H e is chairman of the Eoard of Deacons and also of the r'~ n a n c e Coinmittee of that church and is often called upon t o fill the pulpit in the absence of its pastor. H e is teacher of t h e 3len's Bible Class, which is conlposed of a normal attendance of about one hundred men. He has 11een a continuous ~ n e m h e r of the Boarcl of Directors of t h e Chanlber of Commerce of his city ; a member of the local Lions' Clul) ; a Thirty-second De- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTOR\- O F WORTH COUKTY, GEORGlA -223 gree i\Iason and a membei- of AIasket Shrine Teizlple of llTichita Falls, Texas. H e has all\-ays taken a prominent ancl active part in all religiotls and civic affairs of his city and cornmtlnity. COL. ROBERT S. F O Y Col. Robert S. Foy is coizsidered one of the best lalvyers o i the state. Katurally a ma11 with inore than orcliinary ahility, his large experience, together with the fact that he is a hardworking studelzt, gives hiill a fund of kno~vledgepertai~litlqto his profession t h a t is equaled by few. H e was Solicitor-Genera1 of the Tiftotz Circuit froill Jan. 1, 1917, t o Jan. 1. 1933, but resignet1 to run for Juclge of the Circuit. H e was defeated by Judge Raleigh Eve, the present incumbent. Col. Foy was born in hlacon County, Georgia. Attended local scl~oolsand Emory College. H e has practiced law since 1895 in Butler, Geoi-gia, ancl Sylvester, Georgia. H e is in the general practice of law iin Sylvester, and is one of the most popular mem1,ers of the bar. Col. Robert S. Foy nlarrietl Eva J. Holsey in 1897. She is the daughter of Judge Julius H. and Martha (31oiltfort) Holsey, tnTopromineizt families. T h e i r children are Robert Holsej- Foj- aizd 1Villianl 13. Foy of SJ-lvester and Miss Elizal~ethFo>-, teacher in the Pananla Canal Zone. Mrs. Robert S. Foy is a woinain of charming personality, of social graces and culture and is a representative of aristocratic ancestr~r,the Holsey and Montfort fanlilies of Georgia. She is an earnest worker of the Methodist Churclz aiid Civic organizations. Col. Robert S. Foy represents splei~didfaillilies of Georgia. H e is the soil of JVesley \V. Foy, born in Talljot County, Georgia, died in 1933, and Kancy C. (Hayes) Foy, born in Taylor County, Georgia, died September 1923, and the graindson of Satnpson T. and Julia Foy o i Talbot County, Georgia, and R. P. and Elizabeth Hayes of Taylor County, Georgia. ULYSSES C. COMBS Ulysses C. Combs is the son of A. W. Combs and wife, Maggie Combs. A. W. Combs was a Confederate Veteran; (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION 224 H I S T O R Y OF W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA he served in Co. H. 13th N. C., Regiment. His commander was Seales. A. \V. Combs was wounded in the battle a t Spottsylvania Court House, in Virginia. Ulysses C. Combs was born in Rockingham County, N. C., not far from the scene of the famous Revolutionary battle of Guilford Court House. He attended such one-room, oneteacher public schools as were provided at that time and such "Subscription Schools" as were taught t o supplement the short term. Later he attended East Bend Institute, Guilford College, and North Carolina A. & M., now North Carolina State College. H e served as Deputy Register of Deed, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court, and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue. H e was traveling salesman for many years, during which time he was married to Miss Lizzie Sikes, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Sikes, of Sylvester in 1906 and adopted Sylvester as his home. H e was appointed Postn~asterof Sylvester Nov. 20, 1924, and resigned, effective Sept. 30, 1933. H e finished a four year course in law by studying a t night after finishing the days work as postmaster and was admitted to the practice of the profession by the State Board of the Bar Examiners, as a resttlt of the examination held in June, 1933, and is engaged in active practice. Mrs. U. C. Combs belongs to two prominent pioneer families of Worth, the Sikes and Ford families. She is a graduate of Bessie Tift College, and has always been active in Church and Club work in Sylvester. They have three children, Marjorie, Thelma, and Linda. Miss Marjorie is a teacher in Junior High in i\iIcI-'ha~lInstitute, Sylvester in this 1934. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION DOCTORS ROSTER O F WORTH COUNTY PHYSICIANS A N D SURGEONS Terrell T. Monger ............Isabella Theophilas W. Tison .... Att, Ga. J. H. Pickett ................ T y T y , Ga. W. J. Turner ........ Warwlck, Ga. M. J. Crockett ........ Sylvester, Ga. James Nicholas Ridley, Warwick, Ga. W . L. Sikes, Sumner and Sylvester, Ga. T o m Perry ................ Sumner, Ga. J. J. Spence ................ Doles, Ga. J. B. Pickett ............ Surnner, Ga. R. -R. Pickett, Sumner and T y Ty, Ga. F. B. Pickett ................ T y Ty, Ga. G. G. Tison ........ Bridgeboro, Ga. W , H. Tison ........ Parkerville, Ga. G . B. McNeil ...... Parkerville, Ga Ashton T. Ford ....Parkerville, Ga. R. N. Hickes ........ Sylvester, Ga. V. P. Stevens ............ Poulan, Ga. W. H. Smith ............ Poulan, Ga. H. M. Jefford ........ Sylvester, Ga. T. C . Jefford ........ Sylvester, Ga. J. L. McGill ............ Sylvester, Ga. G. G. Lunsford ...... Sylvester, Ga. C. C. Amason ................ Doles, Ga. A. R. Heyward ...... Warwick, Ga. H. C. Flournoy .... Warwick, Ga. J. H. Sessions ........ Shingler, Ga. Clarence Drew ........ Sumner, Ga. W. W . Sessions ........ Sumner, Ga. Eugene Walker .... Sylvester, Ga. I. C. Deariso ........ Sylvester, Ga. J. L. Tracy, Sr. .... Sylvester, Ga. Mr. C, Tipton ........ Sylvester, Ga. W. K. Stewart ........ Sylvester, Ga. H. S. McCoy ........ Sylvester, Ga. E. D. Ford .................... Doles, Ga. S. W. Johns ................ Doles, Ga. W. A. Hodges ........ Oakfield, Ga. J. J. Crumbley ........ Sylvester, Ga. C. B. Weathers ........ Oakfield, Ga. J. L. Tracy, Jr. ........ Sylvester, Ga. Gordon S. Sumner .... Poulan, Ga. P. E. Bell .............. Sylvester, Ga. H. L. Spring ............ Suumner, Ga. Carl Pittrnan, Tifton, Ga. (Formerly Bridgeboro) Louie Frank Grubbs, Sylvester, Americus, Abiline, Tex. C. L. Tolbert ........ Sylvester, Ga. W. J. Hall ............ Oakfield, Ga. Thos, J. Bridgers, Sylvester, Ga. ROSTER OF WORTH COUNTY DENTISTS Warren Williams .... Sumner, Ga. IV. W. Harden, Sylvester, Ga., At- lanta M. A. Jefford ........ Sylvester, Ga. T. C. Jefford ........ Sylvester, Ga. W. H. Stewart ........ Sylvester, 0. H. Cantrell ........ Oakfield, W. G. Ford ............ Sylvester, J. S. O'Sheal ........ Sylvester, F. M. Butler ........ Sylvester, Ga. Ga. Gab Ga. Ga. WORTH COUNTY VETERINARIANS J. M. Sutton ........ Sylvester. Ga. J. L. Johnston ........ Sylvester, Ga. (225) (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUSTY, GEORGIA ROSTER OF PHARMACISTS Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Etld Lee P. E. ell Claud bl. King Fred Deariso Dr. .4. H. Fussell Dr. Gill~ert W. Surnner Dr. Woody Oliver DR. THEOPHILUS WILLIAM TISON Theophilus William Tjson was born in 'tVort11 County, g Georgia, in 1831. He became one of the o u t s t a n d i ~ ~physicians and surgeons of his time. He was the son of William IVoodruff and Ann (Williams) Tisoil; they were ainong the first settlers of the county; were people of wealth and influence, with large land holdings and many slaves. Dr. Tison enlisted in the Confederate Arnly But was soon transferred to the Hospital Corps. _After the war he contiiltted the study of his profession and practiced 1vit11 success as long as he lived. Dr. Tison tliarried Miss Georgia Ann Ford, the daughter of Robert Grahanl and Data (Smith) Ford of Lee County. Dr. Tison died in April, 1912, at the age of seventy-eight years. H i s wife was 1101-11 about 1840 ancl died in 1891. Eleven children were born to thein, some of whom live in Worth County and are among the best citizens. Judge W. W. Tison of Doles, and the late Col. Mark Tison of Sylvester are his sons. The late 3'11-s. J. J. Forehancl, mother of Col. Clvde Forehand, was his daughter. DR. W. L. SIKES Dr. W. L. Sikes, youngest son of Eli and Charlotte Sikes, was horn in Dooly County (after\vard made a part of Worth) Jan. 31st, 1851. H e received his education in the public schools of Worth County. I'Ie nrorlted with his father for a while on the farm, then ~vorkedas a school teacher. With the money thus earned, at the age of twenty-two. 11e entered the L,ouisville Medical College, and at the end of three years graduated. H e furthered his education along medical lines by a course a t the Atlanta Xledical College, from which he was graduated in 1879. H e a t once began practice in \Vortl~ County, where he gave many years of useful service as a most beloved physician throug21out the whole county. H e first located a t Isahella, the county seat a t that time, where he practiced until 1885. He then moved to S u n ~ n e rancl estal~lisheda drug store. Still (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C)O2005 F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 227 ambitious, he went to X e v S'ork in 1589 and took a post graduate course. He retuaiiled at Sumiler until 1899 when he moved to Sylvester and put in a drug business along with his DR. Mr.L. SIKES-STATE , SEI\I.kTOR practice. H e was affiliated wit11 the A~nei-icatzMedical Association, the IVorth County Rledical Society, and the Georgia State Medical Society. Aside from his professioilal acl~ievenients,Dl-. Sikes repre- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 228 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O FALLWORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA sented Worth Couizty in both the upper lower Houses of t h e Georgia Legislature. H e was a leader and advocate of every movement calculated to promote the uplift and advancement of his comn~unityand Worth County. H e was always a stalwart Democrat and wielded no small influence in politics. H e was a devout Christian, a member of the Missionary Baptist church. H e held inally places of trust in his conlmunity. Dr. Sikes was married in 1880 ill Worth County to Mrs. Georgia (Ford) Hall. They had six children, William Arthur, deceased, Elizabeth (Mrs. U. C. Combs, of Sylvester), Robert Eli, died in Infancy ; Benjamin Franklin, of Isabella, R4isses C;ladys and Kate, of Sylvester. Dr. Wm. L. Sikes died a t the age of 72 years a t his home i n Sylvester in June, 1923. Rllrs. Sikes was the daughter of Jim and Catherine Ford, well known and highly esteemed residents of this county whose home was a t Isabella. She was a native of this county. Mrs. Sikes was married a t the age of 16 to John B. Hall, who died sooil after their marriage. She had one son by this marriage, John B. Hall, deceased. Mrs. Sikes was loved and honored by all who knew her. S h e was 66 years old at the time of her death, which occurred a few months after the death of her husband, Dr. TV. I,. Sikes. DR. JAMES NICHOLAS RIDLEY Dr. James Nicholas Ridley, physician and druggist of W a r wick. Worth County, Georgia, was born in Thomas County, November 10, 1849. His ancestors were Virginians, who were descended from a distinguished family of Southhampton, England. His father, David Ridley, was a prosperous planter and one of CVortlz County's best citizens. Dr. Ridley began the study of medicine in 1870 under the tutorship of Dr. Theophalis Tison of Worth County. I n 1874 he matriculated at Louisville Medical College, where he took two courses of lectures. In 1879 he entered T h e Atlanta Medical College, now The Atlanta School of Medicine, from which he graduated with honors. It had been his aim to locate for the practice his pro- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org HISTORY O FALL W RIGHTS O R T HRESERVED COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION229 (C) 2005 FOR ELECTRONIC fession in Hawkinsville, Ga., a prosperous city in Pulaski County, but a coincident turned the tide of affairs in his life and he cast his lot with his native people and located in Warwick, Worth County, Georgia. DR. J. N. RIDLEY Financial reverses on account of the Civil W a r made it necessary for him to begin his practice on horseback. Soon after his graduation he mounted his horse, with his haggage strappecl to his saddle and set out for Hawkinsville. After traveling a day's journey he dismounted and asked at a farm house, enroute, for a night's lodging. The landlord invited him into his home in good old South Georgia fashion but explained that his wife nras very ill. T h e young doctor explained that h e had just completed a course in medicine and offered his services t o relieve t h e suffering of his host's good wife. H e remained in the home for (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 230 www.gagenweb.org H I S T O R(C) Y 2005 O FALL IVORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC several days to give her ineclical attention. She recovered rapiclly under his treatment. His fame spread aljroad and such demand was made for his services that, instead of going on to Ha\vkinsville, he locatted at Warwick in his native county, where he spent his life attending the ills of a large clientele of patrons. As a physician, Dr. Ridley ratecl as one of the highest and best in the state. His practice extended t o the best citizens of the county and surrounding counties. Socially, he and his interesting family occupied a leading position, enjoying the esteem of the whole country side. Dr. Ridley was affiliated with the Masonic fratei-nity and filled every office in the gift of Fort Early Lodge. H e was a member of the State Medical Associatioil and enjoyed the confidence ancl esteem of its highest officials. H e was a large contributor to the building of churches and scl~oolsin Warwick ancl surrounding coinn~uiiities.H e and his family were leaders ill church life. H e was a deacon of the IVarwick Baptist Churcli for a long term and was serving in that capacity a t the time of his death, February 5, 1905. H e was a Christian, a loyal friend, a benefactor. Dr. Riclley married ill 1880 RIiss Ail11 Bynt~rn Rouse, daughter of Captain J. 31. Rouse of IVaru-ick, Ga. Miss Rouse, l ~ o r nin 1851, was a young n-oman of rare beauty and personal charm. To this unioil was born tnro children: Jaines Nicholas, Jr., l ~ o r n1une 5, 1882 ; R'linnie Pearl, born March 4, 1884. Mrs. Kidley died in 1887 and was bui-ied at Warnrick, Georgia. Janles n'icholas Ridley, Jr., married I\iIiss Catherine Emily Woolarcl, Rlarch 31, 1908. They have four children: Jailles Nicholas 111, born February 10, 1909; Catherine Emily, born April 15, 1912; Joseph Riley, 1101-11 March 10, 1917; Ann, born i\jay 12, 1919. Mr. Ridle); resided at Sararota, Fla. where he Ivaq engaged in the mercantile l~usiness.James Nicholas Ridley died in Florida. RIay20th. 1933. Minilie Pearl Riclley married Col. IVilliam Eugene G r u l ~ l ~ s , of Sylvester, i\Iarch 31, 1908. T o this union were born two children : Willie Pearl, born April 25, 1909, and William Eugene, JI-., born June 22, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs reside a t Cordele, Ga. ~vliereMr. Grub11s is engaged in Guarantee Title work. Dr. Ridley, the subject of this sketch, married secoiidly in (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 23 1 1892 Miss Sallie Jane Rouse, sister of his first wife. This union was blessecl with three children : Ruth Marie born April 15, 1894; Annie Laurie, born September, 1896, and died 1897; Blanche, born June 15, 1898. Ruth Marie Ridley, eldest daughter of Dr. J. N. Ridley by his second marriage, married Judge Chesley IVade Monk, of Sylvester, April 15, 1919. They have two children: UTilliam Ridley, born July 21, 1921; !Mary Charlotte, born June 26, 1925. They reside a t Sylvester, where Judge Monk fills the place as City Court Judge. H e is protninent in the fraternal, religious, social, ancl political affairs of his county and state. 13lanche Ridley, youngest daughter of Dr. J. N. Ridley, ~ v a s a young woman of remarkably pleasing personality, bright, intellectual, and talented. No young \voman in WTorth County had more real friends than Blanche, ancl no one was more loyal t o her friends than she. She resided in Sylvester with her sister, Mrs. C. IY. Monk, until her death August 17, 1932. She was buriecl a t IYarnrick by the side of her parents. DR. M.J. CROCKETT Dr. Crockett came t o this section of Georgia prior to the tinie that IVoi-th County was forined frotn Dooly Countv. H e was not a native of the South but was Svlvester's f 7 r ~ tphysician. Dr. Crockett n-as born near Logansport, Indiana, -A~H-. 24, 1845. His parents were David and Lovisa (Smith) Crockett of Ohio. I-Iis father, David Crockett, clierl in 1553, his motller in 1908 a t the age of ninety-two years. There was a family of five chilclren of ~ v h o mDr. Ci-ockett was the fourth. He received his early education in the county schools of his native state, and completed his medical cducatio~lat 3liami Aledical College ill Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1870. H e located first in Oregon, but later came South. Soon after he tllai-ried Miss Sarah Hill of II'orth County in 1875. She was the claughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hill, an old and honored family of this County. T o this tlnion were born the follon-ing cl~ildren;Martha Martin, nrho married Dr. I. C. Deariso, Ben F. Crockett, Clara Lovisa, who tnarried R. I?. Lockhart; Katie JVarren, 1v11o married Itr. A. Moore, of Miami, Fla.; Claudia Colee, who (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 232 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O FALL WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION married Dr. IV. D. Nobles, of Pensacola, Fla., ancl Dr. Edxvard JVray Crockett of Florida. For more than forty years Dr. Crockett was an active practicing physician of this couilty. Few inen were held in higher esteem. H e served as Couricilman of Sylvester, was a friend of education serving on the Board of Trustees, was County Physician and in eyery way was a public spirited citizen He was a Royal Arc11 Mason and, with his family, as a member of the Methodist Church. H e died in Sylvester. DR. E. D. FORD Dr. Elzie Ford of Doles, Georgia, has been a very successful physician for a number of years. He was educated in the schools oi T7C701-th County and later attended Medical College. He descended from John and Nancy Graham Ford, pioneer settlers of old Pindartown, liTorth County. H i s parents were John Jefferson and Sara Sikes Ford ancl his wife was Miss IVillie Porter. Moved t o Rap City 1932. DR. S. W. JOHNS Dr. Johns of Nortli Alabama, engaged in the practice of medicine in Doles, W o r t h County, Georgia. H e married a Miss Gidclens, daughter of John Gidclens and his wife, who was a Miss Dixon. Dr. Johns removed with his family to Alabama. DR. G. B. McNEILL Dr. RIcKeill l i ~ e dat Parkerville and practiced his profession for a nuinber of years, H e was a loved physician, who practiced in the days of the horse and buggy, riding long distant-cs over rough roads in all kinds of ~ v e a t h e rand receiving poor pay. y Too much cannot be said in praise of the " C o u ~ ~ t rDoctor." FOUR DOCTORS O F PICKETT FAMILY LOCATE I N WORTH There were four doctors of the Pickett family who nloved to I'Iiorth County from UTebster Cotlnty. Dr. Jesse Havis Pickett, the oldest of them, and the half uncle of the other three, came in 1881 and settled a t T y Ty. H e lived there until his death in 1903. Ty Ty was not cut off (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C)O2005 F WALL OR T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 235 into Tift County until after his death, so he was a citizen of Worth all these years. Jeptha B. Pickett (called Jack) was the next to come to Worth. H e located a t Suinner in 1885. Sumner was the metropolis of IL'orth County a t t h a t time. Dr. Reuben K. Pickett was the third in the order of their conling t o IVorth. H e came in 1892 ancl located a t Sunlner and was associated i\rith his brother, Dr. Jack Pickett, in the practice of nlecliciile until the latter moved to Springfield La. The last and youngest of these brothers was Dr. Frank Brown Pickett. H e came in 1897 and located a t T y Ty. H e is the oilly one n o ~ vliving in this year, 1934. The genealogy of the Picketts show them to be descended from James Pickett, a Re\~olutionarysoldier mentioned in the Archives of Historical Con~missionat Columbia, S. C. Several of his grandsons moved from South Carolina to Stewart, Webster, and Sumter Counties, Georgia. This family of Picketts has given distinguished service in all American wars. These doctors of 'IVorth are closely related t o Major General George Edward Pickett of the Civil War, who made the famous charge a t Gettysburg. They are descended from Ecl~vard Rfoberly and son, Samuel Moberly, of upper South Carolina, and Andrew Feaster, all of ~vhornwere Revolutionary soldiers. DR. JESSE HAVIS PICKETT Dr. Jesse Havis Pickett, the son of Jeptha and Jane I-Iavis (McKiney) Pickett, was born April 12t11, 1828, in North Carolina. He came to Webstel- Coui~tyand practiced medicine at Weston for a number of years. H e enrolled as a volunteer ill the Mexican War, June 15, 1847, a t Lumpkin, Ga., and was mustered in August 31, 1847, a t Columl~us,Ga. He served as a private in Co. H, Seymour's Battalion of Georgia, and was promoted to corporal Decemher 15, 1847. H e nTas mustered out July 10, 1848, a t Mobile, hla., at the age of 19. H e voltinteered t o enter the Confederate Army, and was elected Captain of Co. K. 17th Ga. Regt. of Inf. August 15, 1861, was promoted t o rank a s Major June 9, 1862. and resigned as Major January 5, 1864. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 234 (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA I i e was niarried ill Tliel~sterCounty, Georgia, January 9, 1851, t o Miss Lavinia M. I-Iarper. He, with his family, moved to T y T y , W o r t h County, in 1881. H e represented TVorth County in the State Legislature tnro terms, 1886-1887, and w a s largely itlstrumeiltal in getting local optioll in JVorth. I-Ie was pul~licspirited and interested in progressive movements and ideas, ancl in lzis last years so~netimelet these ideas influerlce him too far. H e practiced medicine all over this section a t a time ~vlrhen there were no good roads, few bridges, ancl poor pay. I-Ie nras not a m e m l ~ e rof the R'lethoclist Church, but was one of t h e largest contributors to the building of Ty Ty Methodist Church. I n his last years he gave up his practice ancl accepted the Christian Science religion. He was a great admirer of T o m Watson. H e was a clevoted husband and father, ancl a loyal friend. H e had three daughters: Sara, nlarried to Jo1111 Payne, Shellman; Lillian, married t o Col. John R'lorron~!of Tifton; Cora, married first t o Hill and second t o Pitt, of T y Ty. Jeptha Pickett, father of Dr. Jesse Havis Pickett, -\\:as 1101-11 April, 17, 1788. H i s n ~ o t l ~ eJane r , Havis (B,lcRinney) Pickett, was born February 28, 1791. DR. JEPTHA B. PICKETT Dr. Jeptka B. Pickett, known as Dr. Jack, was born in Webster County in 1SGO. I I e graduated in tnedicine at Lltlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1885. H e catne t o I i o r t h County ancl located a t S u m i ~ e r ,nrllere he 11uilt up a large practice. I-Ie ~ v a selected County Scl~oolCommissioner of Worth. H e married twice in J i o r t h County, first to Miss Maude Corilelia Hill, and after her death nras married to her \ister, bliss Mattie Hill. T h e y were meml~ersof a large : ~ n d splendicl fanlily of the county. By the last marriage he had one daughter, NIaucle Pickett. H e movecl in the 90's t o Springfield, La., and there h e marriecl Miss Nevie IYatts, and they had txvo children by this union, Nevie and Violet. H e clied in 1906. After his death his wife (Mrs. Nevie I i a t t s Pickett) nloved to T y T y , Georgia, where she lived until their daughters were grown. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 235 DR. REUBEN R. PICKETT Dr. Rettben R. Pickett ~ v a s11orn in ~ e b s t e rCounty, Ga.. March 29, 1868. H e graduated from the University of Georgia bledical College in Augusta in 1892. H e came to Sumner immediately afterward, where he practiced medicine until 1908, when he nloved to T y T y and formed a husiness and professional partnership nrith his brother, Dr. Frank B. Pickett. H e was considered one of the best physicians in this section and his practice extended o-ver a wide territory in the eastern part of Worth and adjoining counties. H e accun~ulatedconsiderable propertjr ancl had large farming interests. I-Ie mTasVicePresident of the Bank of T y T y ancl ownecl property in T y Ty, Sumner ancl Tiftoi~.H e nras a Democrat, a Mason, a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. He was a builder and intensely interested in the promotion of all things tending toward the impro\ren~ent and upbuilding of his town and cotlllty. H e was twice married, both tiines a t Sumner, Ga.. first t o Miss Katie 'i\iIcLeod, and they had one child, Katie Ruth Pickett. After the death of his first wife he married Miss s , Sumner, in 1899, and to them one daughter Susie G r u l ~ l ~of was born, Louise (Mrs. C. A. Harrell). H e died October 23, 1924, at T y T y and was buried a t Tifton, Ga. DR. FRANKLIN B R O W N PICKETT Dr. Franklin Brown Pickett came to Worth County May l s t , 1897, and located a t T p T y , Ga., after his graduation in ,4pril of the same year. H e received his degree as a Doctor of Medicine froin the i\iIedical Department of the University of Georgia. 'While Dr. Pickett is now a resident of Tift County, since e given his splel~did the cutting off of T y T y illto Tift, l ~ has services all these years in large part to the people of the eastern part of Worth County, as well a s surroundit~gcounties. H e has accu~nulateda large estate of land and city property, ancl is one of the leading citizens of Tift County. H e is a promoter of educatioilal and religious affairs. H e niarriecl Miss Martha Annie JVilliams, of Ty Ty; and (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 236 (C) 2005 RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O FALLWRIGHTS ORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION they had three children: Theodore Franklin, Mary Kathlyne and Frankie Evelyn, all of whom died young. Mrs. Pickett belongs to the Williams and Gibbs families, all early settlers of the eastern part of W o r t h County, who have given distinguished service, not only t o this section, but t o the nation. She is a sister of the late Maj. Gen. Ezekiel J. Williams, who distinguished himself as a soldier of three wars. DR. CHARLES CURTIS AMASON Dr. Amason, of Doles, was born April. 26, 1859, in Bibb County, near Macon. Ga. H e received his medical education at Lot~isville.Ky., graduating in 1893. Later he took a post graduate course in New York, after which he returned t o Georgia and practiced in Macon, Broxton, Ashburn, and finally settled in Doles where h e lived until his death. He was married a t Doles to Miss Mattie Emmie Gleaton, Jan. 23, 1907. His wife and family still live a t Doles, IVorth Cou11ty. His children are Clifford, Ellafair, Emmit, and Thomas. Dr. Amason had a large practice. H e not only stood high in the estimation of the people a s a physician, but was an enterprising business man and a leading citizen of this county. DR. WALTER CHARLES TIPTOM Walter Charles Tipton,.third son of Charles Greenberry Tipton, was born a t Isabella, Ga., February 19, 1882. H e attended the public schools at Isabella, Sutnner, and Sylvester. He entered the Atlanta Medical College, which later became the Il'iedical Department of Enlory University, where he graduated in 1908 He returned to his home in Sylvester and almost immediately succeedecl in establishing himself in the practice of his profession. H e has found time t o identify himself with many other interests in his community and county and has accumulated extensive farming interests. He has risen t o a position of prominence by reason of his natural ability and high ideals, winning the confidence,of an extended clientele in the practice of his profession, and has (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 237 made himself a moving factor in church, social and political affairs. He served a s deacon of the First Baptist Church in Sylvester for two years, resigning this position for lack of time necessary to the duties involved. He is a member of the State Medical Society and of T h e American Medical Association and is Vice-president of the Second District Medical Association. He was Chief Surgeon for the H. & F. S. Railway Company for a number of years and has been 1,ocal Stlrgeon for The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company for the past 20 years and County Physician for Worth County for 18 years. H e also served as Commissioner of Health for Worth County for two years and until this service was abolished by the County Authorities. He was President of the Kiwanis Club of Sylvester for the years 1929-30 and has served as Chairman of the Board of Edt~cation in Sylvester for six years. H e married Miss Ellen Calvada Goclwin, daughter of F K. and Blanche (Alford) Godwin on December 20, 1911. a t Sylvester. Mrs. Tipton is a member, on her maternal side, of the Alford and Jones families of North Carolina, which contributed such heroes t o our nation as Capt. James William Zion -4lford of Cowpens and Guifolford Courthouse Battles, Major L,oderwick Alforcl, member of General Assembly; Lieutenant Mark Myatt, Lieutenant Joseph Lane, and Capt. Etheldred Jones. She is a leader in civic and church activities in her town, is noted for her thrift and industry. Her home is a center of social life. 'They have three children: Walter Charles, Jr., Margaret Joyce, and Carolyn Elizabeth. DR. GORDON S. SUMNER Dr. Gordon S. S ~ ~ m n mras e r born May 6th, 1885, on the old Surnner homestead, seven miles north of Poulan, being the eighth child of Joseph L. and Sarah J. Sumner. He attended the rural school near his father's home for four three-month's terms, and the school a t Isabella for two five-month's terms, and attended a Business School a t Colurnbus for five months in 1899. Most of his boyhood days were spent looking after his father's sheep and cattle and doing general farm work. When (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 238 RIGHTS H I S T O R(C) Y 2005 O F ALL WO R T HRESERVED C O U S TFOR Y , ELECTRONIC GEORGIA EDITION possible he \\~oulclread papers, l~ooks,nlagazines, and all that nras available in the n7ay of literature. 111. 1903 he entered the Atlanta Scl~oolof NIedicine, from which he graduated ill 1906, ancl ilntnediately afterwart1 began Worth Coullty Representatives, 1933-1934 G O R D O N S. S U M N E R A N D COL. J A M E S H. T I P T O N For further reference see index. the general yraciice of nlediciile at Shillgler, Georgia. He was married in 1910 to iI4attie Lou Cl~apinan,and they have four children. I n 1916 he inovecl to Poulan, Georgia, and has lived there since, contint~inghis practice of medicine, except the time spent ill the Georgia Legislature as represei~tative froill \Vorth, the World War, ailtl in post-graduate work. H e representecl I;l.'orth County it1 the General Asseinl)ly for two tern~s-1913-1914 and 1915- 1916. I-Iis services as a physician ailcl surgeoil were offered to the United States army iinmediately after the United States entered the World War. H e \vas coinlnissioned as First Lieutenailt in the Medical Corps and was assigned to the 29th Division. H e went t o France in June, 1918; was in three active ellgagemeilts and was gassed (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 2005 ALLORIGHTS H I S T O R Y(C)O F W R T H RESERVED C O U N T YFOR , GELECTRONIC E O R G I A EDITION 239 and slightly wouncled by shrapnel in the Meuse-Argonne drive on September 28, 1918. After being sent to a hospital he was a convalescent cluring the remainder of the war and was discharged from the army April 1, 1919. H e did post-graduate work a t Tulane University, New Orleans, La., dtlring part of 1921 and all of 1922. Sirice that time he has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery a t Potllan, Georgia. H e represented Worth County in the Georgia Legislature during the term of 1933-31. H e is a member of the Poulan Baptist Church, a Mason, member of the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, a trustee of Norman Junior College a t Norman Park, Georgia, and a believer in the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy. DR. J. L.TRACY, SR.,and SON,DR. J. L.TRACY, JR. Dr. J. L. Tracy, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Tracy, of Webster County, Georgia, was born March 5, 1874, in Webster County. H e received his nledical training from the Atlanta Medical College, now known as Emory University, and the medical department of the University of Georgia, where he received his cliploma on April lst, 1899. H e located in Webster County, practicing his profession there until 1902. when he took a post-graduate course from Atlanta Medical College. O n December 18, 1902, he married Miss Nancy Ella Spann, and they located at Sylvester where he has continued t o live and practice medicine. She is an ideal doctor's wife, taking a great interest in his work and helping in many ways to lighten his l)urclei~sand make bright the dark spots encountered by him as a doctor. Dr. Tracy's sympathetic n ~ t u r e hi:, , gentle manner, his skill in his profession, and his wide practice make him a great favorite. H e never fails to respond to the call of anyone in need of his service, day or night, it matters not how busy and trying the day has been. H i s son, J. L. Tracy, Jr., graduated a t tlze Medical Department of the University of Georgia a t Augusta on June 2, 1930, having served his internship at the University Hospital, Augusta, Georgia. I i h i l e a t medical college he was elected t o the National Honorary Medical Fraternity, Alpha Omega Alpha. His premedical work \vas taken at Mercer University in Macon, Ga. Since finishing his internship he has been engaged in general practice at Sylvester, Georgia. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 240 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FORGEORGI.1 ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F ALL UJORTI-I COUNTY, D r . and Alfrs. Tracy have two other children, Miss Bernice Tracy, a teacher of ~natheinaticsa t Br~lnswick,Ga. She graduated from Shorter College, Rome, Ga., in 1926, and was the first honor graduate of her class. William Tracy, the J-oungest son, attenclecl the Georgia School of Technology and t h e State University; also Southern Dental College. Dr. and MI-s. Tracy and family are members of the Baptist Church, s t a ~ u l c hDemocrats, and are actively interested in all the religious. eclucational, and civic afYairs of the county and state. DR. H. M. JEFFORD Dl-. Harnlon Mack Jefforcl, was born at Waresboro, Ware County, Georgia, March 25, 1878, and died in Sylvester. Ga., August 15, 1908. His parents were Harnlon Finch Jefford, and Mary (McQuaig) Jefforcl. H e was the sixth of nine children, aild traced his ancestry back t o William Miller, a patriot in the Revolutionary \&Jar, who died November 27, 1837, and is buried in Kettle Creek Cemetery, W a r e County, Ga. H e attended the high schools of Waresboro ailcl Waycross, Ga., and graduated froill the medical depal-tment of the University of Georgia, Augusta, Ga., in 1900. H e took post-graduate work a t various medical schools in the South, and was a inetnber of the Georgia Society and both District and Couilty Medical Associations. H e came t o Sylvester soon after his graduation, xvhere he spent the remaining years of his useful and successful life. H e possessed a mit~clof unusual culture and strength. was very careful in his judgments; his conclusions were never hastily forined, but were always carefully thought out and were generally correct. . , As a physician he was above the ordinary. H e hacl s111)erior ability and high professional attainments, natural gifts. and acquired skill which ranl.cecl him atnotlg the most pro~ninent in his profession. Tl~ouglla con11)aratively young nlan when he passed on, he had earned a splendid reputation, and enjoyed an extensive , Legend for cut on page 241. No. 1, Dr. J. L. Tracy, Sr.; No. 2, Dr. Warren J. Hall; No. 3, Dr. H. S. McCoy; No. 4, Dr. Walter C. Tipton; No. 5, Dr. James J. Crumbley; No. 6, Dr. Joseph L. Johnston; No. 7, Dr. J. S. O'Sheal, (See index). (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION See legend on page 240. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 242 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O FALL WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION and lucrative practice. I n the homes of his patients to whose relief he administered he was more than a physician; he was friend and brother. His ministrations ceased not when his skill had failed. His heart pulsated with human sympathy and expressed itself in his acts of htlman kindness. As a c.itizen he mas interested in the public welfare, and always took the moral side of every public issue. Dr. Mack Jefford was admired and loved by all irre.spective of age or condition; he was inately a gentleman; courtesy was as natural to him a s breathing, and honor dearer than life itself. Strong in his convictions, he was yet considerate of those from whose opinions he sometimes differed. His whole demeanor was marked by a becoming sense of the fitness of things. H e was. a Christian of the highest type. This statement does not rest upon the evidence of his dying testimony, hut also upon his every day Christian life. H e was a member of the Methodist Church of Sylvester. H e died well because he had lived well. DR. HOMER SEAL McCOY Dr. Homer Seal McCoy, for seventeen years a resident of Worth County, is one of the fine type of kindly and capable medical men thinking always of the welfare of his patients. His profession calls for almost constant traveling or office practice. His magnanimity and desire to be of service to suffering humanity makes him respond t o the call of the poor and causes him t o have a large charitable practice. H i s talent and professional skill makes him one of the most popular physicians with the Best class of people. Dr. McCoy was born June 24, 1883, a t Georgetown, Brown County, Indiana. His parents were John H. McCoy and wife, Emma D. (Hendricks) McCoy. Jobn H. McCoy's ancestors were the Moses and McCoy families, who are of Scotch-Irish descent. The grandfather of Dr. McCoy served with the Federal Army in the W a r Between the States under General Hooker. H e was killed in the battle of Lookout Mountain, Nov. 23, 1863. H e was a graduate of the University of Indiana. Dr. McCoy's mother's ancestors were Kendricks and Houghams. On the Kendrick's side, she is a second cousin of Thomas A. Hendricks, Governor of Indiana for eight years, (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 243 and Vice-President under President Grover Cleveland. On the Houghams' side she is related to George Mlashington, he being a fifth cousin to Mrs. Etnmie Kendricks McCoy. Dr. Homer S. McCoy was the first child born to his parents. When he was six years old his parents moved to Marion County, Florida, t o benefit his mother's health. I n 1900 they moved to Belton, Georgia. H e graduated from High School a t Gainesville, Georgia. H e worked for the railroad for two years, then took a course in bookkeepit~gand stenographic work. After finishing the course he was bookkeeper for the Atlanta Dairy on Luckie Street three years and six months. H e then stood the Civil Service examination and received the appointment as clerk in the Atlanta Postoffice and held this place for five years. Dr. McCoy has always had an urge to serve his fellowman in a humane capacity, to share their troubles, and to alleviate their sufferings. H e decided t o study medicine ancl entered the Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1910, graduating in June 1914. I n that class there were 127 members. Dr. McCoy stoocl third in class. Between the Sophomore and Junior years in the h4eclical College, he married Mabel Gertrude Pierce, of Atlanta, Georgia. H e located a t 385 Flat Shoals Avenue, Atlanta, where he practiced medicine for two years. O n June 14, 1916, they moved to Minton in Worth County, where they lived for twelve years. They moved to Sylvester, t o a home he had o\vnecl for sometime, February 29, 1932, where he still lives. Mrs. Mabel G. (Pierce) McCoy, the first wife of Dr. McCoy, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank JV. Pierce. She was born in Eustice, Florida. H e r mother was Miss Edith Gates. T h e Pierce family were froin IValtham, Mass. The Gates family were from Cle\relaiicl, Ohio. 111-s. 11al1el G. (Pierce) McCoy, on her mother's side, is a clirect descendant of the famous Miles Standish of Plymouth Colony. She fully illusstratecl her long line of distinguishecl ancestors. She held the faith of her Puritan forebears ancl she was a refined, devout Christian character. She was a wise and devoted mother to her sons, John Franklin and Horace Carlisle McCoy. She died in m sons. 1929, leaving her husband with their t ~ ~sillall In 1930 Dr. RIcCoy nlarried Eva Mae Bius, of Doerun. She is descended from a splendid family of Randolph County (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 231 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUKTY, GEORGIA Georgia, the I.3ius and Haddon family. One child has been horn to this home, little Gloria Claire M'cCoj~,born February 29, 1932. Dr. XIIcCoy's nott toes are: "Love everybody as far as is 110ssible. ;" "Trust in God ;" "Serve your fellowman." DR. WARREN JACKSON HALL Dr. Warren Jackson Hall of Oakfield is one of the leading and most beloved physicians of Worth County. H e has had a large practice and has attained a11 unusually high reputntion as one of the most successful physicians in the county by results achieved and by his high standing as a man and as a loyal a i ~ dprogressive citizen. The engrossing cares of his profession for forty-seven years of practice has made serious inroads on his health. While he is well llolsr, several serious operations have caused him t o retire from practice. H e took his medical course, after his first wife died, a t the Atlanta Meclical College, graduating in 1885. H e located first at Doles ancl practiced his profession there for ten years. H e then moved back t o his old home a t Oakfield where he was reared from a small boy and has lived there ever since. H e is the son of UTilliam Walton Hall and wife, Alice (Story) Hall. She was the daughter ol Sam Stoy, one of the outstancling pioneer citizens of this section. Dr. Hall Yas born in 1853. Dr. Hall married Niss JVillie Kemp in 1881. She died voung leaving their son, Hiram JYalter Hall. born in 1882. H e never married and died in 1924. After Dr. Hall graduated in medicine, he nlarried Margaret Eugenia Rutland in 1886. To t h e ~ nwere born two sons, Alfred and Aldrich, and one daughter, Johnnie. Mrs. Margaret ELIgeilia Hall was l>orn Aug. 28, 1859. She died Sept. 26, 1897. Dr. Hall married a third time to XIrs. Jtarylee Bacon Lippett. She was I ~ o r nAug. 14, 1851 and died hIarc11 6 , 1923. DR. TOM PERRY Dr. Perry was one of the pioneer doctors of Worth County. He was distinguished not only for his usefulness in his professional work, but his activities in church and community life gave him an outstanding position a s a Christian and pa- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUSTY, GEORGIA 245 triot. H e was also a preacher of great force and merit, and often filled the pulpit in his church and other c l ~ u r c l ~ eins his territory. The grand old white haired man was always present it1 his pew or in the pulpit in the Methodist Church at Sumner, Ga., and ever admonishing young and old to live Christ-like lives. Each New Year's eve fotu~dhi111 in his churcl~surrounded l ~ ythe young people \~;hom he inspired to new beginnings and greater endeavors. Truly, Dr. Perry's life work and his message carried healing in its power and influence. His son, J. T. Perry, lived with his family all his life near Sumner, ~vllerehe died several years ago. DR. JAMES J. CRUMBLEY Dl-. Jatnes 1. Crumbley, son of Dr. Sidney A. Crumhley, 11. D., and wife, ~ n c r e t l a(Atwell) Crurnbley, mas born in Georgetown, Georgia, March 7, 1887. H e received his grammar and high scl~ooleducation in the public schools of Eufaula, Alabama. H e then went to Georgia School of Technology and received the degree of B. S. Electrical Engiileering in June, 1908. H e accepted the place as Principal of the Iiilliamsot~High School in 1908-1909, and was given the chair of Alathematics at A. St M. College at Tifton, Georgia, in 1909-1910. Here he met and married the Home Econolnics teacher, Lucy ~ ~ i l k i ~ ~in s o1910. n, Dr. Crumhley had, for a long time, felt the urge t o be a pl~ysician,prohably the chief influence \vhiclz directed this, \\-as that his father was a physician of marked ability and usefulness. Dr. J. J. Crumbley entered Vanderbilt Uiliversity in 1910 and received the Degree of Doctor of Medicine from that University in June, 1914. H e returned to his home in Georgetown to begin his practice and remained there until Feb., 1917, w l ~ e nhe canle to Sylvester t o live. H e had just established a lucrative practice when the United Slates entered the World War. Being of draft age he enlisted in Dec., 1917. After serving in France he returned to America and was mustered out the latter part of 1918. H e took advantage of the opportunity to further his preparation as a physician by taking a two-year course in the schools and hospitals of New York, doing post-graduate work in Pediatrics and Obstetrics in 1920-1921. He returned t o Sylvester and has always been popt~lar,not only for his skill and assiduity as a physician, but because he has kept in touch (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 246 (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, G E O R G I A with the advances made in tlleclical science. H e is a close and appreciative student of the best standard and periodical literature of his profession and as a citizen is progressive, loyal, and public-spirited. H e is a inember of the Baptist church, the Sigma Nu fraternity and is devoted t o the cause of the Democratic party. Mrs. Lucy (Wilkinson) Crumbley is the daughter of Thomas P . Wilkinson and wife, Georgia (Murray) Wilkinson of Lincolilton in IJincoln County, Georgia. She is affiliated with every civic club of the city and is unwavering in her allegiance t o the church and its work. For ten years she was the efficient president of the Woman's i\/Iissionary Society. During t h a t time she brought it up to standard and revised many of its activities. T h e study courses taken in those years nrere highly cultural and deeply spiritual. She helped organize other Missionary Societies, and is a t present leader of the Royal Ambassadors, an auxiliary of the IV, PI. U. She is chairman of Personal Service in the Mallary Association, and was also Counselor of Girls Auxiliary of W . M. U. one year. She served as President of Sylvester l i o n ~ a n sClub one year. She taught 6th and 7th grades in Adel High School, but she loved teaching Home Economics because of its practical relation to every day life. For six years she taught Honle Economics in A. St M. School at Tifton, Ga., and one year in High School at Fitzgeralcl, Ga. DR.W.W. SESSIONS, M. D. Dr. W. W. Sessions is a scion of two sterling old Ranclolpl~ County families. H i s father, Henry Sessions, a prosperous agriculturist, lived just south of Cuthbert in his a n t e - b e l l ~ ~ m mansion. H i s noth her, Cynthia Emily (Brown) Sessions, belonged to one of the richest and most aristocratic families of Rai~clolphCounty. They were great slave owners and cotton planters, and they lived a few miles south of Cuthbert. After his mother's death his father lllarried the cousin of his mother, Minnie Hendry, the daughter of Dr. Hendry. Dr. W. W. Sessions was horn in 1875 in Randolph County. Dr. W. W. Sessions received his early education in Cuthbert schools. T o prepare for his chosen profession he went to the Atlanta School of Medicine fl-om which 11e received his Degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1910. H e located in S u ~ n n e r in 1911 ~vhel-ehe has achieved noteworthy success in general (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C)O2005 F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 247 practice. His effective ministrations extend throughout that excellent sectioil of the county. H e is liberal and progressive in all civic and church affairs, and takes a prominent part in matters of education. H e served on the building committee of the splendid new school building of Sunlner and other buildings of the school plant. Dr. TV. W. Sessioils ~ v a smarried in 1905, to Verlin Veasey, of Randolph County. She is one of those thrifty house~vives that look well t o the ways of her ow11 home and a t the same time takes an active part in all civic and church affairs. Dr. Sessions and family are Methodist and Democrats. T h e children of Dr. and Mrs. Sessions are: Dr. H. K. Sessions of Trenton, N. J.; Emily Mae, W. hl. Wesley, hlarguerite, and Martha Dean. DR. CARL LESLIE TOLBERT Dr. Carl Leslie Tolbert, a popular young Chiropractor, moved with his parents, Der~voodB. Tolbert and wife, Irene (Slagle) Tolbert to Wort11 County in 1910. His father's' people were pioneer settlers in North Georgia. His mother is descendo furnished so many dised from tke Quilliail family ~ v l ~have tinguished to the state-Methodist preachers, physicians and educators for generations in Georgia. Dr. Toll~ertis a direct descendant of James Quillian on his maternal sic!e. Deceased Maternal side Jaines Quillian, Sr. .................. Paternal side Tolbert Generation Clenloncls Quillian .................................. Osborn H. Tolbert, Sr. Rithel B. Quillian ................... . . .............. 0~1101-11H. Tolhert, Jr. AIIII Qttilliail ...................................................................................... Living Irene Slagle ............................................ Der~voodB. To!hert Carl Leslie 1olbert .............................................. D r . Carl L.eslie . . . ........................... Virginia V~rcl-inia .............................................. . . b Derwood I3. Tolbert and wife had four boys and one girl. Dr. Carl L. Tolbert is the oldest. Derwood B. Tolbert, father of Dr. Tolbert, was born in Pickens County, Ga., March 4, 1869, and died in Omega, Feb. 13, 1934. D r . Carl L. Tolbert graduated froin Berry School at Rome in 1917. H e worked in the accouilting department for Swift & Co. until 1921, after xvhich he taught school ill W o r t h Coullty . 7 (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 248 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION H I S T O R Y OF W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA for three years. H e graduated fro111 Palnler School of Clliropractice in Davenport, Iowa, in February, 1929, and located in S y l ~ e s t e rin June of the sanle year. He nlarriecl I-lattie Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W . IV. Chapman, of Rome, Ga., in Sept. 1917. She is a graduate of the 1917 class of Berry School. They have one child, Virginia Toll~ert,who was born in Moultrie, Georgia. DR. THOMAS J. BRIDGES Dr. Thonlas J. Bridges was born in Jasper County, in this State, the 3rd day of July, 1855. In 1875, after finishing at Hilliard Institute in Forsyth, he entered Mercer University. From there he clualified at the Atlanta Medical College, from ~vhichhe gracluatecl with distinction in 1886. D u r i ~ l ghis young manhood he lived in Forsyth, and for several years practiced his profession there. In the year 1902 he moved to \Vorth County, and selected Sylvester as his home, again entering upon the practice of his profession. H e soon acquired -. a large practice, and his sucDR. THOS. J. BRIDGES c e s s demonstrated his thorough knowledge of his \voi-k, and his natural love for the calling. I n a short while after conling to Sylvester, his fellow citizens honored him ~ v i t ha position on the Board of Councilmen, and subsecluently elected him Jtayor of the City, which latter place he held for two years, when that mysterious wizard which he called paralysis rendered him helpless. H e was a prominent Mason, affiliated with the Woodnzen of the World, and a member of the First Baptist Church. His name was stricken from the roll of the living Nov. 30, 1912. Dr. Bridges and Miss Olivia Morse, of Forsyth, were mar*- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 249 riecl December 20th, 1877. This union was blessed with t!lree children, Mr. Eerner Bridges of Albany, Mrs. J. 0. (Alma) RlcLVhorter of Tifton, Mrs. J. Mack (Daisy) Sutton of Sylvester. PAYTON ELLIOT BELL, M.D. AND PHARMACIST Dr. Payton Elliott Bell is a native of Webster County Georgia, but for 28 years has been a leading druggist and physician of Sylvester and M'orth County. F o r a number of years he had a general practice of meclicine, but changed his fielcl of work to that of pharmacist. H e established one of the first drug stores in Sylvester and built up a large business, operating a t one time two d r u g stores in the city. H e has always given. his l~usinesshis close ancl earnest attention. No man has hacl a finer influence in quality and purpose for the betterment of the town and county than Dr. Bell. Iie is the eldest chilcl of his parents K. A. and R,fartha Elizabeth (Elliott) Bell of \Vebster Cot~nty. He received his early education in the public schools of Webster County and Cuthbert, Georgia. H e attendecl the Southwestern Agriculture College, worked on the farm for several years, and then entered the Medical Department of the State University at Augusta, graduating in the class of 1899. After one year's practice a t Grayson in Gwinnett County, Georgia, he came to Sylvester March lst, 1900, where lie has lived since. I-Iis .father died in 1902 and he assumed the responsibility of the care of his mother and sister, Mattie, bringing then1 t o Sylvester to live ~vit11hiin. His mother died in 1904. Miss i\'Iattie Bell married George H a r t of Sylvester. Dr. Bell was married Nov. 23, 1904, a t Louisville, Kentucky, to Miss Ella Payton, a daughter of iMr. and i\lrs. J. S. Payton, an old and honorecl family of Vl'arsa~v,Kentucky. T o them one child was born, Payton Elliott, Ji-., who was born Oct. 14, 1905, and died April 7, 1915. Ail unusually bright and attractive child. Mrs. Bell has always been an earnest worker for the welfare of Sylvester in civic and clzurcl-2 ~vork. They are botli public spirited and generous, giving to every ~vorth\vhileaffair of the comtnuiiity. They are Democrats and are R'Iethodist by faith. DR. J. S. O'SHEAL In 1911 Dr. Jatnes Seaborn O'Sheal moved to Sylvester from Atlanta. H e was born in Pickens County, South Carolina, (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 250 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA September 10, 1874. When a lad he came with his parents t o Mize, Franklin Cotulty. His parents were Robert Yancy Hayne O'Sheal and Isabella (Graham) O'Sheal, both natives of South Carolina. His grandfather, Dr. Robert O'Sheal, who was a dentist, moved to South Carolina from Massacht~settsprior t o the IVar Between the States. His father, Dr. R. Y. H. O'Sheal, was a graduate in medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1867, later graduating in dentistry a t Baltimore. He sewed in the quartermaster department during the war. Dr. J. S. O'Sheal attended the public schools of Franklin County, and was graduated from Carnesville High School, after which he taught for several years. H e married Miss Maude Quillian Wall, June 1, 1898, and from this union three children were born, Ralph Waldo, Marguerite and Roy Fletcher, the latter dying in infancy. Feeling the urge t o follow in the professional steps of both father and grandfather, Dr. O'Sheal enrolled as a student in the Southern Dental College, after having secured a position as timekeeper for the Georgia Railway and Electric Company, which position he held until he completed his course in dentistry, working at night to support his family, and attending classes part of the day. Since coming to Sylvester almost twenty-two years ago, he has been engaged in the practice of dentistry, and is a most skilled and successful dentist, having enjoyed a large practice alnlost from the start. Dr. O'Sheal is a past President of Sylvester Ki~vanisClub. Mrs. Maude (Wall) O'Sheal is Vice-Regent of the Barnard Trail Chapter of D. A. R . She is a member of this organization through descent from James Quillian, xvho gave service in the Revolutionary W a r in N o r t l ~Carolina. This family of Quillians has been signally l~onoreclfor generations in Georgia. There have been Methodist ministers of note, College presidents, Physicians, and n~embers of the faculty of Atlanta School of i\.ledicine. Mrs. O'Sheal has served as President of the IVoman's Club of Sylvester and is an active member t o date. She is deeply interested in all religious affairs. Has been for several years President of the &Iissionary Society of the Methodist Church. She has a great love for literature and is a woman of superior talents. Their daughter, Mrs. Marguerite (O'Sheal) Neely, is a graduate of McPhaul Institute, Sylvestei-.'s High School, and Wes- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FORGEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C) O F WORTH COUNTY, 251 leyan College of Macon, Ga. She taught in Sylvester, Ft. Valley, Ga. and recently in Bamburg, S. C. She is a member of the Barnard Trail Chapter, D. A. R. She was married in the spring of 1934 to John Edward Neely of Olar, S. C. RECORDS FOUND IN BIBLE OF JAMES M. QUILLIAN The following is an exact copy of records and other written matter found in the Bible of James M. Quillian. This Bible is now in possession of Mrs. J. S. O'Sheal, of Sylvester. Mrs. O'Sheal is a descendant of James M. Quillian. The writing and Bible show it to be very old. On the front blank page this is written: James ill. Quillian's Bible. Bought of Rev. Richard Waters, year 1757-Price $375.61. Jaines M. Quilliaiz was born March loth, 1757 in Nortlz Carolina; married Sarah Waggoner Nov. 4th, 1779. H e died 1838 in Georgia. His wife died 1805. H e was father of three sons, Clemonds, Daniel and James. James was Rev. James Quillian of Georgia Methodist Conference. H e was born in North Carolina, May 10th' 1794, died Jan., 1869. H e married Sarah Ann Prickett, May 18, 1815. He was father of six sons and one girl, Osborn, George, Wiley, James, Fletcher and Asbury. The girl was nanzed Sarah Ann. Sarah Ann Waggoner is a direct descendant from Mary Ball, George Waslzington's parent. Births Jaines M. Quilliail, born Jan. 26th, 1823. Margaret A. Quillian, born Oct. 14th, 1825. John Wiley Quillian, born Aug. 15th, 1847. Sarah Jane Quillian, born Aug. 22nd, 1849. Elizabeth Tcsefine Quillian, b o r i ~Sept. 25t11, 1851. James Fletcher Quillian, born Mar. 23rd, 1851. Mary Elir, Quillian, born May 6th, 1855. \Villiam Hull Quillian, born July 24th, 1857. Margaret rZlaoratlo Quillian, born July 1lth, 1859. Milton Perry Quillian, born July 7th, 1862. Fanny Lenova Quillian, born July 3rd, 1865. Joseph Milt011 Quillian, born Dec. 20, 1866. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 2 52 www.gagenweb.org HISTORY O F ALL WORTH COUKTY, (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR GEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION Marriages James h1. Quillian and Margaret -4. Jlurray nlarrietl loth, Nov. 1816. John TViley Quillian and ATary Jlartin married 15th. Xov. 1868. John Wall and Elizabeth I. Quillian marrietl 1Stl1, ;\larch 1873. Ilowell J. Cos and Alda IIargaret Quillian married Xov. l6th, 1882. Milton Perry Quillian and Georgia Ail11 Cox married Oct. 9th, 1883. n Lizzie D . Mal~rymarried Dec. 24411, Joseph &I.Q ~ ~ i l l i aand 1889. John Wall and Sal-ah J. Quillian \Irere married Oct. 30tl1, 1880. Deaths Janles Fletcher Quillian departed this life 25th March, 1854. William Hull Quillian departed this life 1st Aug., 1857. Fanny Lenova Quillian departed this life 2nd August, 1865. Elizabeth I. Wall, daughter of James M. Quillian and wife, Mrs. Quillian, departed this life 7th Sept. 1879. Mollie E. Quillian, daugllter of J. R4. and Mrs. Quillian, departecl this life 10th Jan., 1883. Alda Cox, daughter of J. 11. and Mrs. Quillian, departed this life Fe11. 17th, 1886. Rev. Milton P. Quillian, departed this life Nov. lst, 1887. Margaret A. Quillian, departed this life June 17th, 1897. James Milton Quillian, departed this life Dec. 19th, 1903, Friday evening a t 8 o'clock. Joseph RI. Quillian, departed this life 30th January, 1902. DR. FRANKLIN MONROE BUTLER Dl-. Frankliil Monroe Butler belongs to a family of Doctors. His parents, Allison Alalachai Btitler and wife; Frances Caroline (Dividson) Butler reared five sons. Four of them became doctors, one a kTedical Doctor, two Dentists and one Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Dr. F. M. Butler is a native of Wil1;inson County, born on his father's farm near Danville. His father died in 1907. I-Iis mother died in 1922. Dr. Butler fitted himself for the exacting work and responsible profession of Dentistry in the ,Atlanta Dental College, graduating in the class oi 1911. H e came to Sylvester where (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F bVORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 253 his entire 1)rofessional life has 11een spent and where he has gained noteworthy success. H e has spent tiine, efiort and means in preventing diseases of the mouth, thus preventing many other cliseases. For many years he has given lectures t o the grades of the city schools on mouth sanitation alld, with other dentists, has held Deiltal Clinics ancl given prizes in work of theines on clean ~nouth.The good this work has done is far reaching, as the value of a child's life cannot he estimated. I t has greatly elevated the standard in mouth sanitation. H e is a member of Psi Omega Fraternity. He is a Missionary Baptist, a Woodman of the World and a Shriller. His life on the farm instilled into him the love of piant life. His hobby ancl meails of relaxation ancl recreation froin the strenuous life of a dental office is to beautify his home and grounds around it and gardening, at which he is an artist. It is the concensus of opinion that he has the most artistic and beautiful bungalo~vhome in the city. H e introduced the planting of ~ v i n t e rgrass in Sylvester ~ v l ~ i cnow h makes the lawns and parks a joy in winter. Dr. F. M. Butler and Miss Thelma Palin were married Sept. 25, 1917, a t the llonle of her parents, Capt. A. Mr. Palin and wife, Lena (Hadclen) T'alin, of Albany. Capt. A. W. Palin, the father of Mrs. Butler, has been a passenger train coilductor on the A. C. L. Railroad from Albany to Brunswick for 42 years. H e was born in Macon and reared in Valdosta. Lena (Hadden) Palin, mother of Mrs. Butler, was reared in Tampa, Florida. She was clescended from Camilla Collins Zeigler. Her Zeigler ancestor, Lucas Zeigler was the founder of the family by that name in America, immigrating t o America ~ v i t hthe colony of Salsburgers, and became one of the leaders in the Ebenezer settlement on the Savannah River in 1731. ' Mrs. Butler attended Brenau College and is a graduate of Richardson School of Oratory and Emerson System of Oratory. She is an artist of great talent in this vocation. She has taken a leading role in all work of this kind put on in Sylvester. She has 1)een a Recording Secretary of the P.-T. A. for several years. She was Secretary of the Missionary Circle for 8 years and Publicity Superintendent of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. She is active in all matters ) * (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 254 (C) 2005 RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O FALLWRIGHTS ORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION pertaining to the church of her choice, the Methodist. She Is a member of the Phi Mu Gainma Sorority of Brenau. Dr. and Mrs. Butler have one son. Franklin Monroe Butler, Jr., born July 7th, 1922. DR. WILL H. STEWART Dr. JFTillH . Stewart, son of Peter Stewart and wife, Martha (Morrison) Stewart, was horn in Scl~leyCounty, Georgia. He moved with his father to W o r t h County. H e received his Dental education in Atlanta Dental College, graduating in 1900. He practiced several years in Sylvester. On November 22, 1904, he married a Sylvester girl, Miss Dora Hillhouse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hillhouse. Several years after their marriage they moved to Lumberton, Mississippi, in 1912, where he practiced his profession and farmed for about 21 years. They then returned to their farm near the town of Sylvester in 1933. With the exception of the three oldest, their children were born in NIississippi. Those of their children who have reached the adult age have made outstanding achievements in their respective lines. Leland is a chemist and works for the Carbide Carbon Chemical Corporation a t Niagara Falls, N. Y. Eloise teaches Piano and Violin at Hawkinsville. Ga. Imogene is connected with the State College for Women at Columbus, hiiss. She graduated there in the spring of 1933, and was given this place in the fall of the same year. Their other childreti are : Maxine, died in childhootl; t~vins, Os~valdand Orville ; Leroy, Malcolm, and Juanita. DR. JAMES MACK SUTTON State Veterinarian Ilr. Janies Mack Sutton was born Nov. 14, 1893, in Tifton, Tift County, Ga. He received his education in McPhaul Institute, Sylvester, in the Georgia Military College, and Kansas City Veterinary College. H e began veterinary practice in Sylvester in 1914. H e belongs t o Delta Alphisi; is a Knights Teinplar, Shriner, Kiwanian, and a member Ex-Officio of the State Roard of Health. I l e was appointed State Veterinarian July 12, 1927, which office he has held to date. Dr. Sutton married Miss Daisy Madeline Bridges, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Bridges, Nov. 15, 1915. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION J. M. SUTTON, S T A T E V E T E R I N A R I A N (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 256 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F IVORTH COUST17, G E O R G l A Their union has l ~ e e nl~lesse(1bj. six chiltli-en. James Alack. Jr., Ca1-1, L)ol-othy, T o m , Al, ancl Fort. S o 112;u1 in \,!'orth County. \ve venture to sa!- in the state, has risen higher in his 1)rofessiou and achievctl greater success in finance in so short a time as l l r . Sutton. T o attain a high place among so many who are striving to reach t h e top is no easy task ancl is accoml>lished 0111)through t h e l)ossession of the nlost virile qualities, especinlly that of energy, perseverance 1,acketl 1,y ability. courage and moral worth. The possession of these qualities 11)- Ilr. Sutton in the highest degree is sufficiently indicatecl l)y his resent position a s State Veterinarian. H e is a leader in man!- enterprises of the county ancl stands high in t h e esteetn of the people. Mrs. Sutton is a highly refined Christian. She is active in much of the welfare lvork of Sylvester and IVorth C o u i : t ~ . and her success as a honle-maker l ~ a s1,een a s great as his in DR. JOSEPH LEON JOHNSTON Dr. J. L. Johnstoi~,though young in years, has made a record of proficiency and slcill in his work a s veterinarian by earnest application of technical knoivledge and good judgment. H e has built up a su1)stantial and lucrative practice that extends over a .\\ride radius of territory. H e is t h e son of Alma Earl Johnston and wife, Clara (McLendon) Johnston, natives of Terrell County, Ga., where they live a t their comforta1)le fai-tn home. Dr. J. L. Johnston received his high school education at the Sasser Pul)lic Scl~ools,and then went t o the Piednlont College a t Demorest, Ga., ant1 then receil-ecl his training in his chosen profession a t the University of Georgia, graduating in 1927. H e located in Dawson, Ga. for a short ~ v h i l eand moved to Sylvester in the same year, 1927. He lvas married t o Miss Myrtle Tipton. Sj-11-ester,Ga.. Aug. ZOth, 1930. Mrs. Johnston is the only child of Mr. Jo1111 L. Tipton and wife, Eula (Cochranj T i l ~ t o n .She is a graduate of the Sylvester High School, and Shorter College a t Rome, Ga., fro111 rnhicl~ she received a n A.13. degree. This young couple are most loyal in their s u p l ~ o r tof those things that tend to advance the social ancl material welfare of the corntnunity. T h e y have one little daughter, Patricia, born Aug. 3rd, 1933. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION CHAPTER XIX COUNTY OFFICERS AND FAMILY DETAILS JAMES W. WARREN Clerk of Superior Court James JY. TVarren is the soil of James ,A. IVarren and wife, nilartha (Gibbs) Warren. His parents belonged to the most prominent and influential families of eastern Worth. He is descenclecl o p his maternal side from the James Gihbs and Daniel Henderson families, the first settlers in this part of Georgia. H e was born in TVorth County Sept. 19, 1871, and has resicled here ever since. I-Ie was educated it1 the best schools of lt'orth and finished a t the Gordon Institute a t Barnesville, Georgia. I-Ie taught school for two years after leaving Gordon Institute. H e was elected Clerk of the Superior Court of Worth County and on Jan. 1, 1897, he began the duties of this office which he has held to date except the years 1915 to 1916 and 1924 to 1928. H e was re-elected to this office in 1932 for four years. This continued tenure of an office dependent on the suffrage of the enlightened judgment of the people of Worth speak in most eloquent terms of the character and popularity of Mr. Warren. H e is a clevoted lneillber of the Primitive Baptist Church. 011Jan. 17t11, 1904, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Augusta \Villiams, also of W o r t h County. T h e following children, James UTinton, Jackson L411ei~,George E d ~ v a r dand William Henderson have come to bless their home. Mr. Warren and his wife lnoved to Sylvester from Isabella when the Court House ~ v a sn~ovedhere. Since that time they have been residents of this city. On account of their social, moral and spiritual attainn~ents,all of which they both have t o a very remarkable degree, they have been a tremendous asset to the social and sl~irituallife of Sylvester. Both having (258) (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION ears attuned to the harmony of sweet sounds, and being musicians of considerable attainments, they ha\-e been quite an asset t o the choirs of the local churches and have been a large contril~utingfactor in inaintait~ingon a high plane the social life of Sylvester. Mrs. Wai-reil is a member of the D. A. R. organization through descent froill John Ford, one of the first ~ v h i t esettlers of Dooly, later Worth County. J. MACK BASS J. Mack Bass, the best Tax-Collector in the State of Georgia, as is evidellcecl by the long term of office he has held in Worth County, from Jan. 1912 to date (1934). F o r many years he has had no opposition. H e inspires the confidence and personal regard of all 1~110 know him, not only in his official capacity, the uu;ies of which he fills with complete efficiency, but for his high Christian character, his generosity toward everything involving the welfare of the city or section that is brought to his notice. He is a deacon in the Sylvester Baptist Church, an enthusiastic Kiwanian and has 1)elongecl to it since its organization. J. Mack Bass is the sou of J. Mack Bass, Sr.. and wife, Elizabeth (Roach) Bass, of Sunltei- County ~ v l ~ e rhe e was born, reared and educated. H e caille to Worth County in 1893. T h e father of J. Mack Bass was 110~11in Suinter County in 1840. H e elllisted in the Coilfederate Army, April l s t , 1562. H e died in Virginia in 1862, 11~11ilein the army, and is buried in Richmond, Va. T h e inother of J. Mack Bass, Elizabeth (Roach) Bass, was boi-1-1 in P ~ l a s l i iCo~ulty,Ga., in 1840, she died in Suinter County, Ga., June 1st) 1931. J. Mack Bass illai-ried Lizzie TVestl~rookof Suinter Co~ul~ty, in June, 1887. Their children are : Douglas, deceased; Ailnie, Deulah, Losene, e r Frank. JUDGE SAM S. STORY Ordinary Worth County S. S. Story, son of LVarren L. and Henrietta (Jerkins) Story, was born in Sumter County, Florida, Jan. 23, 1856. H i s father went fro111 JqToi-th C o ~ ~ nto t y Florida in 1854 and moved back to Swift Creek, Worth Coui~ty,in 1860. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 260 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORJ- O F I170KTH C O U S T Y , GEORGIA His l ~ a r a ~ were ts of IVels11 tlescent and came from Korth Carolina. H e marrie(1 Jane gabs, (laughter of Miles and Edna Bass, Jan. 20, 1881, in S u ~ t l t e rCount>-. Mr. Stor>- ser\,etl one tel-111 a s treasurer of \\'orth County and has sen-ed as Ordinary since Jan. 1, 1917. H e is the father of nine cl-rilclren, eight of whom are living: Mrs. l T e s t aStor!- 13ritlges. tleceasecl ; Miles L. Stor\-, I\.-arwick ; Mrs. Ulva Stor>- Hall, l 1 7 a r ~ i ~ lJil r: s . E. '1V. Cone, Darieil; JIiss Pearl Stor\-. Orlando, Florida; I\'. 31. Story, Albany; J. E. Story, All)an!-; L. Story, .All,any ; S. I\'. Story, Atlanta. l l r . Story is a dkacoll in t h e Acorn Poncl Baptist Church. Judge Story l~elongst o the class of o:d-time Southern gentlemen. H i s many services t o the old Collfedcrate soldiers ancl their ~ v i d o w scannot l>e esti~l~atecl. H e has helped Inany t o get their pension papers through, and his ministration to t h e m in n ~ a n yother nrays has been t h e greatest comfort ancl help. I. CHARLES HARRINGTON STRANGWARD Cl~arlesH . Strang~vardcame t o Syl\.ester ill January, 1903, from Clevelancl, Ohio, where h e was born and reared. His parents \yere William Strangward ant1 wife, Mary Elizabeth (Reese) Strang~vard. H e came here as manager of t h e Intlialla F r u i t F a r m which is situated a few miles north of S~.lvestel-.H e later l ~ o u g h t another farm south of the 1-ailroatl, the SJ-lvester Fruit Farm. H i s interest in everj- community enterprise ancl the close associatioll \\.it11 the 1)eople soon on for him a \vide circle of friends. H e is vice-l>resident of the Sylvester l3ailkii1g Co.. and has heen chairman oi the County Board of Etlucation for many years. H e ivas a charter meml>er of the K i ~ ~ ~ a n i s Cluh ailrl is also one o f its pabt presitlel~ts. 731- his liersonal supervision ant1 \vise management, he has develol>etl the Intliana Fruit F a r m ant1 Syli-ester Fruit Farm - - Legentl for cut on page 261. Top row: J. \il. \Yarren, Clerk. Superior Court, and J . Mack Bass, Tax Collector. Center: Sam S. Story, Ordinarjr. Bottom row: J. X. Sumner. Sheriff and Ilc.\rthur Sloan, County -4gent.-For further reference see ii~tlex. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION OFFICERS 01; WORTII COUNTY See legend on page 260 (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb , www.gagenweb.org 262 ALL FORGEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C)O2005 F W ORIGHTS R T H RESERVED COUSTY, into the finest and best cultivated farms of South Georgia. H e introclucetl the g r o ~ v i n gof cailtalotlpes for commercial ptK1loses and through his efiorts SJ-lvester is no\\- the c a i ~ t a loupe centetr of the worlcl. H e s11il)s large cluantities t o northern markets each season and has 1)een \-el-)- l~elpfult o sinaller farlllers in marketing their cantalot~pes. FTe nlso ships large cl~tantitiesof vegetal~lesto Floritla markets. H e was marl-iecl August 16, 1904, t o Miss Nantlie Carter of Sylvester. Both Mr. and hTi-s. S t r a n g ~ ~ ~ aha\re r c l rare social gifts and have made their beautiful farm 11ome a center of culture and refil~ement.h!Irs. Strangnrard is a graduate of Wesleyan College and was actively connected with t h e P.-T. A. for inany years. She has been president of the TVoman's Club for- about t\velve years ancl has served on a comnlittee for child-n~elfare.She takes a n active part in any mo\?etnent t o benefit the uncler-privileged chilcl. i\lr. ancl Mrs. Strailgnrarcl are members of the Methodist Church anel are very zealous workers. H e is a steward and trustee of the Pinson h/Iemorial Church. T h e y have three children, Charles TVilliam. Evelyn ancl Dorothy. Charles Williatn w a s married February 21, 1934, t o Miss Ethel Partridge of Jackson\-ille, Florida. E\-e!yn nras married t o Joe L. S. IIouston April 26. 1934. JOHN N. SUMNER, SHERIFF John K. Suintier, Sl~erifSof l i T o r t hCounty, was born a t Sumner. Ga., June 29, 1869, and has spent practically all his life in this couizt~-.H e was elected S11erifT in 1900 and has held this office continuous1~-since, escept for a period of eight years, during \\-hich time he was engaged in farming. His parents n-ere J. C. ancl Polly (Hobby) Sumner. John N. Sumner was twice married, first to Etnlna RlcCrary-one child by this marriage, IS\-a-no\v Mrs. H u g h Gilson of Taylor Coutlty. Seconcl wife, Pearl Perkins. TITTO children, Jack P. Sumnei- of Atlanta anrl I<ub?-, ~ v h o~nai-t-iedDavis S. Hudson, and, 137110 with her family, li\-e in Sylvester. H e is a charter inember of Sylvester Kinranis Club, a illasoil and member of the Board of Stewarcls, Syl\rester nix. E. Church. Wort11 County is to 11e congratulated up011 t h e personnel of her county officers. Tlzey are all men of high character a n d integrity, 11ut if i t were possible to pass them in review, Sheriff Sumnei- 11roulc1 prol~ablystand out as dean of the force. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION COUKTRY HOME O F C. H, STRANGWARD (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 261 www.gagenweb.org HISTORYO FALL WORTH C O U S TFOR Y , ELECTRONIC GEORGIAEDITION (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED l'he duties of sherifi a t best are trying ones. C o n t i ~ ~ u o u s l y ill contact with tlle more or less criminally inclined would tend to make t h e hest of u s c>-tiics,misanthrol~es,yet through all these >.ears of service he has gro\lrn in character ant1 value t o his couilt~-until today 1le is recognized by all wllo ktlomr hi111 as one o f t h e hest sheriffs in t h e state of Georgia. Sheriff Sumner is a l ~ v a y sfoulld stantling as firm as the Rock of Gibralt a r on the moral side of an,- cluestion. I n his contacts wit11 tlie crimillal element, if they will allow it, l ~ will e l ~ as e kind and gentle as a l ~ r o t h e r11ut , 1~11ennecessary he call 11e as stern and ill\-incil~lea s justice itself. I n this revolutionar>. age. when detnocracies are l ~ e i n gchallel~gecland overthro\vn; ~ v h e nthe forces of evil seem t o 1)e in t h e ascenclency : when Governmeilt itself is repudiatitlg the a g e old theor>- of t h e inviolal~ilityof contracts, it is refreshing in, with the herodeed t o know a mall like s l ~ e r i f Si u m i ~ e rimbuecl ism of the Puritan and t h e gentleness of the Cavalier. Mrs. J o h n N. Sumner is a fine business ~ v o m a n .They have farming interests, and she looks after it ~vlient h e duties of his office call him anray. S h e is a helpmeet in more ways t h a n one. she is a woman ivho looks ~vellt o the ways of her household. Mr. and Mrs. Davis S. Hudson ant1 their c11ild1-en John ancl I<ugene live ill the hoiile ~ v i t hher parents. She is manager of the telephone office. H e is t h e del)lity sheriff of W o r t h County, a splendid y o u n g ~ n a n ,absolutelv fearless, b u t very discrete anrl of fine judgment. DAVID BENJAMIN GLEATON Tax Receiver for 1933 David Uenj. Gleaton Ivas l ~ o r nill IVorth County in 1892 ant1 spent his I~oyhoodclays on the farm. attellcling 1-ural scliool ~ v h e np o s i l ~ l e .;it the a g e of nineteen he spent one year in H i g h Scl~oola t Xorman P a r k Institute, going froill there to Columl~us.Georgia, ~ v h e r ehe took a course in 11ool:keeping in t h e llassey Business College. T h e next fifteen years of his life w a s spent in t h e llercantile 11usiness for others and for himself. After leaving the mercantile business he then engaged in t h e insurance and real estate l~usiness~111tilelected T a s Receiver for IVorth Countv in 1933. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F IITOIITH C O U X T Y , G E O R G I A 265 D. 13. Gleaton \vas a s o n o f Uenj. S. Gleaton \vho spent ~ l l o s t of hi5 life a s a farmer in \\.orth Cotint!-, 13enj. S. Gleaton uras the youngest son of a famil!. of ele\.en. \\-hose father was Thotnas C. IV. (;leaton. T h o ~ n a sC. I\*.Gleaton came t o I I T o r t l ~ Coutlt- from Sunlter Count>-in 1840 ant1 was marrietl t o 1Iiss I\lalentlia \lVilliamsof S t ~ m t e r Countj-. . IJenj. S. Gleaton. father of llavitl 13. Gleatoil, never entered the political tieltl. I ~ u tservetl as President of the Farmers' Union in Il'orth County for four years from 1906 t o 1910. Lula E. Gleaton. mother of David B. Gleaton, was a daughter of llavicl Cha111l)ion. ~ v h o s e father. Slicajah Champion, came t o LVort11 Coantj- froin Sumter County ancl settlell in 1856 near \\.hat is n o ~ vRecl Oak Church a t Doles. Ga. llavid Champion, grandfather of David l3. Gleaton, left Isal~cllain CompanJ. G., 14th Reg., in Julj- 1861 ancl served a s Lieutenant in the Civil \\jar until it closed in 1865. .\l)out 1873 IJavi(1 Champion uras elected and served a s T a x Collector of J\:oi-th County. Later, o r allout 1888. lle was elected t o re1)resent IVorth Couilty in t h e house of Representatives. H e has also served as County Co~lllllissio~ler ancl as a member of the County School I3oaril. HON. FRANCIS MARION K I M B L E Francis AIarion Iiiml)le, so11 of Joseph Fannin a n d Laura Lyle K i m l ~ l e ,was born in Steu-a]-t County, Sept. 17, 1874. His father moved t o Clay County seven years later, 11-here he lived until 1892. when he movecl to IZrorth County. where he resided until his cleat11 in 1900. His son. Frank. after finisl~ingschool taught school four \-ears. l n 1896 he \\.as ~ll:li-rietlt o ,Innie Laile>-, tlaughter of Joseph and Mar- 13. Jenl<ins I<ailc!-, ant1 in 1897 ~ n o v e dt o Poulan, where he \\-as engagccl in the ~nercatltile 1,usiness for some time. l'hen he \vas connected u-it11 the railroad for some years, tlntil he took up textile ~ v o r kin which he is now engaged. For twenty-five years he has 1)een lnailager of t h e P o t ~ l a n Cotton Factory. F r a n k hI. Kimble has served a s Chairman of the Board of Cotntnissiol~ersco~ltinuouslyfrom Jan. 11, 1919. t o (late. lSi34. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 266 ALLU'ORTH RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION I I I S T O(C) R I 2005 - OF COUSTY, GEORGIA F R A S K M. ICIhlBLE (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTOR\-(C)O2005 F W O R T H COUSTY, GEORGIA 267 Three chilclren l~lessedthis union, Lucile Kimble of Athens, Laura Bailey Kiml~le,now Mrs. Frank Coggins, of Atlanta, Francis Marion, Jr., who inarried Sara Gray, of Carrolton, Ga., where he IIO\V resides. Acliss Lucilc Kiinble is a inusical artist of high order. She has a large and appreciative radio audience. She features piano music. She is connected ~ v i t hthe University of Georgia's musical department, under Prof. Hug11 Hodgsoil in this year, 19.34. P. M. LANCASTER P.11. Lancaster, past h7ayor of Sylvester, was born in Dodge Count?, ;\larch 16, 1593, son of Robert 0. and Molly Elizabeth Lancaster. He atteilrled the public scl~oolsof Dodge County and Pulaski County, Seventh District A. & M. School and Georgia Xormal College and Business Institute, Douglas, Ga. H e came to Sylvester in 1912, and marriecl Miss Jeanette Hires of SJ-l\rester. They have two children, P. At., Jr., and Jane Elizabeth. On coming to Sylvester he entered the field of real estate and general insurance, and in 1917 establishel the Sylvester Insurance Agency -\.crhichhe has since operated with ~llarkeclsuccess. He served as Mayor of Sylvester two terms, having originally l ~ e e nelected to this ofice in December, 1929. He is a meml~erof the First Baptist Church, the Masonic L,odge, Vice-Pres. Ki~vanisClub and is other~viseprominently identified wit11 the l~usiness and social life of Sylvester and Worth County. being one of the most eilterprising and progressive citizens. He was elected to rel~resentIC'ort11 County in the Georgia Legislature to fill out the unexpirecl term of Thos. B. Jenkins, deceased. R. BRITT POLLARD R. Britt Pollarcl, son of John T. Pollard, was born at Coleman, Ranclolph County, Georgia, Jan. 13th, 1874. W a s married to Miss Mattie E. Rainey a t Perry, Ga., Feb. 27th, 1901. They are the parents of four children: One son, Robert R. Pollard, now with the Western Electric Co., Bloomfield, N. J., and three daughters, Ailnie Louise, Martha and Nell Pollard. R. B. Pollard has held the positions of City Clerk of Syl(C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION 265 HISTOR\- O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA vester since Jan. lst, 1912, ant1 Clerk of count^- Coi~lmissiot~ers since Jan. lst, 1915. H e has served on the Uoard of Ste\vards of the Pinson niIetnoria1 Methodist Church of Sylvester since 1911. His long tenure of the office of Clerk of the City and of the Co~nil~issio~lers oi Roads and Revenues of the count\l speaks elocluently of his efficiency. Mrs. Pollarcl is a n-onderful home-n~akerof culture, Christian consecratioil ancl refinetnent. She is 111ost sympathetic and generous to the unfortunate, especially so to the tlnderprivileged chiltl. Many ha\-e 1)een clothed by her thoughtfulness. POLLARD FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pollard came to Poulan June 5, 1595, from Liberti\? County, Ga. T h e y had four children, Robert Eritton Pollard ~llarriedMattie Railley of Perry, Ga. Nellie Pollard 111arriecl James McGirt of Poulan. J o l ~ nT. Pollard. Gertrude Pollartl ~narriedGreen Hay\vood Alford of Wake Coullty, x. C. McARTHUR SLOAN Mc:li-thur Sloan, in his official capacity as Coutlty Agricultural Ageilt of Lf,'ortll, performs thoroughly ancl c o n s c i e n t i o t ~ s l ~ the tluties of his position. FTe has pr0\~e11himself c a l ~ a l ~ lofe a l ~ l ytaking care of the stretluous demands made upon him by the Federal G o ~ e r n m c n t as , well as the County. H e has ~ v o nthe high esteein and confidence of the people o f W o r t h in his >-ears of service for them. n'Ic=irthur Sloail \\-as Imrn a t Kesaca. Gordon County, Ga. He is the son of ll'illiam Douglas Sloan and wife, Savannah (R4urphy) Sloan, native Georgians. H e I-eceived his early education in the hest schools of Gortlon County, and atteilclecl the Eighth Ilistrict A. Sr hI. College at Po~vclerSpritlgs, Ga., and a t tlie State University a t Athens, from \vrhich he received his B.S.A. degree in 1930. His first nrork after graduation nras in Crisp Countv under J. K. Luck. H e went from there to Miller County \vilere he held the position of County Agricultural Agent until 1933 when he accepted like position in Urorth County. On Aug. 25, 1932. he was marriecl t o Miss Catherille E!iza- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org ALL RIGHTS ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTOliY(C) O2005 F \VORTH CRESERVED O U S T Y , FOR GEORGIA 269 beth Groiv, of Colcluitt, Miller Coutlty. She is the tlaughter of Roy IVilliam Grow ant1 wife, Lou (Ettsh) Grow. Mrs. Sloan l)eloi~gsto the 1)est fanlilies of that section. She graduated from the Colcluitt H i g h School a n d the Alal~amaWoman's College, a t Riontgomery. They have one little daughter, Lucy Joyce. CLYDE HORACE FORSHEE Clyde Horace Forshee xvas elected a s a m e m l ~ e r of the Board of Conltnissiotlers of Roacls and Iie\renues of W o r t h County. His tern1 l ~ e g a nin 1933 and will end in 1937. H e is a successful agriculturist ancl cloes general farming. His judgnlent and foresight are displayed in the rna~lagement and cle\~elol)tnentof his farmitlg 1)usiness. H e is the type of inan \\rho will succeed in a n y 11usiness l~ecauseof his energy, itltegrit~vand firnltless of purpose. H e has great force of character and is unusually successful it1 all undertakings. H e has l ~ e e ngeneral sul~ervisorof the C. i f T .A. and all the relief work since its organization in this county. H e is a deacon in the Missionary Baptist Church of Terrell, and his fainiljr is connected n ~ i t hall the acti\-ities of that church. H e married i)m IIarden of Turner Cowlty, Georgia. February 3. 1915. T h e y haye seven children, Selma, E. J., Latrelle. Clyde Horace, Jr., l'Jo1,l)ie. Harold Harden and Ella Kate. T h e last t ~ v oare twins, born August 11, 1933. Mrs. Forshee is deeplv interested in her 11usl)and's work and is a splentlitl help to hiin it1 every ~ v a y .She is the claugl~tei-of Josel)h 73. Harden, 1)orn ~ 2 p r i l16, 1872 and his I\-iFe Katie (Ponder) Harden, 1)orn July 22, 1876. H e r grandfather RiIonroe Hartlen, moved from Sumter Count!-, Georgia, to Turner Count!- wllei-e he died. His wife, her grandmother. Uettl; (Rouse) Harden, died in Turner County in l)eceml)er, 1922. Cljrde Horace Forshee \\-as l ~ o r nMay 22, 1897. E e is the sot1 of Elisha Forshee, 11orn April 3. 1562. H i s wife Ella (Jeter) Forshee \vas 1)orn Octol~er5, 1863. They were ~narriecl July 24, 1885. Elisha Forshee, Jr., was the son of Elisha Forshee, Sr., of Houston County, 1)ortl 1829, nrho was killed in 1861 while serving it1 the Confederate Army. His wife, Abbiegill Lavinie (IIoclge) lTorsl-zee, born 1828, died in December, 1921. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION FAMILY HISTOKY AND GENEALOGY (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION CHAPTER XX FAMILY HISTORY AND GENEALOGY Worth County people are the oivners of many Bibles over one hundred years old, and sot-tle two hundred years old, with family history inscribed in then1 that is very interesting. sl~owing manv of the citizens to 1)e descended from royalty. and from the greatest of Atnericans. "Blood will tell !" T h e humblest of our people in finance are often among the most refined with an innate culture of character which took generations of being .well born to inculcate into them. Ex-Governor Chase S. Osborn says of Worth County people, "I found them with an honesty and realness and grace that I had not seen elsewhere in all the earth. There is ;lone of the mongrel moll among them that you find in places cheaply popular." Probably the records of these cherished old Ril)lt:s of Inany generations explains this fact. Belo~vand else\vhere is given some of these Bihle records : THE FORD FAMILY The original progenitor of the Ford family in Georgia was John Ford, who came to this section in the early part of the eighteenth century, and became one of the pioneer settlers of Pindertown, then in Dooly County, notv Worth. H e obtained a grant of land and developed i t into a productive plantation. H e contributed materially to the civic and inclustrial advancement of this section, of \vl~ichhe was one of the earliest settlers, and in which he coniitluecl to reside until his death. He was buried a t old Pindertown cemetery I~esidehis wife, Nancy Graham Ford. Their graves are enclosed xvith a wall of brick. which are of ui~usualsize, and in a perfect state of preservation, although he and his wife were buried there in eighteen hundred ancl thirty-nine, their cleaths occurring just a month apart. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 274 www.gagenweb.org HISTORY O FALL WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIAEDITION (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC The brick enclosing their graves were probably brought u p the Flint river from England, as they resemble the brick brought from t h a t country and found in old cemeteries and buildings. John Ford came to this section from Eibert County, Georgia, and was the son of John and Mary Ford. Their children were: Jesse, John, Elizabeth, and Dorcas. Members of the fanlily in this county have traced the line to the Revolutionary War, and have become members of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution on the record of John Ford, of Elbert County, originally of North Caroliila. John and Nancy Graham Ford were the founders of one of the largest families in this county. GARY GREEN FORD I Gary Green I, oldest son of John and Nancy Graham Ford, raised his family on the Ford's Mill plantation, first settled by his father over a hundred years ago, had a number of slaves and accumulated considerable property in land. cattle, etc., much of which went the way of everything else in the South. The original land granted t o John Ford still belongs t o his descendants. Gary Green I was born August 4, 1805, died September 11, 1859; married Sept. 5, 1832, t o Silvia Eason Tison, daughter of Joab Tison, born July 10, 1818, died Feb. 20, 1863. They were the parents of twelve children, as follows: Robert Graham Ford, Jr., born Aug. 21, 1834, married Elizabeth Ross Nov. 17, 1857, and died Aug. 6, 1875. Served in the armv of the Confederacy; served as Justice of the Inferior ~ o u ; t of Worth County Jan. 21, 1865 t o 1868. T h e children of this union were G. G. Ford, who married Laney Hohby; Silvia, who married Iverson Ridley; Robert G., 3rd, who married Kate Varner. Elizabeth Ford, oldest daughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, was born Aug. 17, 1837, married W m . Whiddon Feb. 10, 1853. Their children were : Elias, married t o Mattie Bass; Green, married t o Lucy Culpepper; R. G., married to Lizzie Dunford; Silvia, married t o Thomas Hobby; Beatrice, married to William F. Tanner, first, and to c. J. Houston, second; Mary, married t o Joe Cox; Augustus, married to Mamie Keen. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA GARY GREEN F O R D I. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 275 www.gagenweb.org 276 (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUSTY, GEORGIA Sancy. 2nd claughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, married to Moses Tison on Dec. 18, 1861. Their chhildren were: Emmett, 111arried to Susie Bell; Lopez, married to Annie Dunn ; Green, inarried to Miss Willis ; Claude, unmarried ; Minnie, married to Henry Hollings.vvorth ; Billie, nlarried t o Miss \Vhidclon ; Ben, died unmarried. Ijaty Smith, 3rd daughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, was born June 9, 1842, married J. R'I. C. Holamon, who was a la~vyer,on Nov. 17, 1857. Their children were: Celem. married first to John Cary, and second t o T. E. Crawford, who was one of the pioneer school teachers of the county; Anna, married to David Johnson iirst, and second to John Douglas; Alice, married W. %I. Tison I11 anil died a few months after; Rebekah, died uilmarriecl ; James Otis, married to Miss Wintlic Woolarcl. They have one child, Mary; Billie, died unmarried. Sarah, 4th daughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Forcl, born Xug. lst, 1844, married Francis Marion Tison, first, and Edward Barher second. There were three children by the first marriage: Dr. \V. JV. Tison, of Perry, Fla., and Anna I,uta, of Jonesboro, Ga. Dr. Tison married Miss Hendley, of Florida. and Anna Luta married J. D. Lee, of Jonesboro. Little Frankie died in infancy. Rebekah, fifth daughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, born March 1, 1847, died unmarried. Mary, sixth daughter of G. G. and Silvia Tison Forcl, born April 21, 1849, died April 25, 1920; married March 15, 1866 to Jackson Jonathan Williams, born Jan. 17. 1821, died Jan. 13, 1896. Their children were: Ora, married to George W. Price; Jackie, inarried to W . H. Gregory; Parks Edward, married to Miss Pearl P a r r i s l ~ ;Elzie J., married to Miss Lizzie Mangham; W. Custer, who died unmarried Elizabeth, married t o J. JV. Warren; Ina, married to Neal S. Blizzard, and Preston F., unmarried. Tohn J. son of G. G. anrl Silvia Tison Forcl, born Mar. 18, 18'51, died unmarried. Elzie Jones, son of G. G. ant1 Silvia Tison Forcl, born July 9, 1853, died unmarried. IVilliam Jackson, son of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, was. born March 12, 1855, died Oct. 22, 1895, married March 2, 1886, to Rou-ena Hanes, of Jonesboro, Clayton County. T h e i r children were : Freston Brooks, lawyer, unmarried ; Laura. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 277 Eileen, married to Newton D. Fiveash ; William Jackson, died unmarried; Edward Jones, married to Miss Ruth Farmer, of Albany, Ga.; Lallie Mae, married to Hiram Caldwell Camp, of Coweta Cot~nty. Preston Smith Brooks, son of G. G. and Silvia Tison Ford, was bonz Aug. 31, 1857, married to Miss Marie Paille, of Griffin, Ga. Their children were: Sara11 May, married to Dr. hIcCall, of Teinple, Texas, and Williain Jackson, died unmarried. Joal, Tison Ford, born Aug. 5, 1859, died uninarried. ROBERT G R A H A M FORD, SR. Robert G. 1701-cl accumulated much property, and owned a number of slaves. For Inany years he was the keeper of the tavern at old Pindertown, where the stage changecl horses on the old stage line from Milledgeville to Tallahassee. H e later owned the large plantation known as the Hope Place. H e servecl in the House of Representatives from Worth County in 1865 and 1866; was Justice of the Inferior Court of Worth County Jan. 10, 1361 to Fell. 1862; a delegate to the Secession Convention from Worth County. House of Representatives, Lee County, 1841; Justice Inferior Court, Lee County, May 20, 1839, to Jan. 14, 1841. NOTE-Pinclertow~~ for a short while was put into Lee County. H e was married to Daty Smith Tison Jan. 28, 1830; to Elizabeth Calhouil, Dec. 27, 1846, and to Susan Hobby, Mar. 4, 1858. H e was born Oct. 27, 1806, ancl his first wife, Daty Smith Tison, was born Mar. 27, 1814. Their children were : Green J. Ford, born Jan. 31, 1831, and died Feb. 3, 1851, unmarried; Roxy Ann Ford, born Jan. 5 , 1833, died in infancy; Gary G. Ford, born July 31, 1838, died voung; William G. Ford, born Jan. 26, 1840, died July 22, 1840; Georgia Ann Ford, born Mar. 11, 1842, married Dr. Theophilus William Tison, Mar. 27, 1856, and their children were : Mark Tison, 11r11o married Susan Deariso ; Daty Smith Tison married Jesse J. Forehand; William WoodrtlfE Tison I11 married Alice Holamon, first, and Sarah Van Houston, second; I,evisa, married George Howard; Robert G., marriecl to Maggie Tison ; Thomas, married to Eulalia Dykes ; Theophilus, married to Maud Boyd; Lora, married t o Frank Coleman; (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 278 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC HISTORY O F ALL WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA EDITION Francis Marion. married to Pearl Perry and Joseph, married to Clara Belle MTatson. John R. Ford. son of Robert G. Ford and Elizabeth Calhoun Ford, was boriz Oct. 14, 1817, and married Callie Chestnut. Sarah J. Ford, daughter of Robert G. Ford and Susan Hobby Ford, was born June 30, 1862, died unmarried. Robert L. Ford, son of Robert G. Ford and Susan Hobby Ford, was born June 26, 1864, and married Laura Corbitt. Nancy Esther Lee Ford mas born July 21, 1868, died in infancy. After the death of Robert Graham Forcl, Sr. Mrs. Susan Hobby Ford married Benjamin F. Sikes, and their children were Wm. F., Joseph E., and James B. JOHN ALEXANDER FORD John A. Ford, third son of John and Nancy Grahain Ford, was married to Blatilda Jordon, Nov. 30, 1837. Their children were: John Jefferson Ford, born Sept. 1.7, 1838, and married to Sarah Sikes. Four children were born to this union, as follows: Mary Ford, married to James Latvson; Charlotte, married to John Houston; Matilda, married to Joe Bosch, and Elzie D., married to Willie Porter. John A. Ford was married the second time to Jane Thompson. Their children were: Ashton, married first to Eva Heard, and second to Miss Tatum; St~sie,married to D. Carl Stricklin, and Galveston T., married to Belle Sessions, who a t his death married A. H. Overton. James Harrison Ford, second son of John A. Ford and Matilda Jordan Ford, was born Oct. 4, 1840, married to Sophronia Sullivan, and their children were as follows: Alice, who married James E. Redmon, Lola, married to C. W. Graves, first, and to W. P. Knight, second; Beulah, married to Jelks Warren; Latnotte, who studied law and located in Albany. I n 1912 Lamotte was elected senator from the 10th district. H e married a widow, a Mrs. Gallaher; Eugene married Lula Hunter, and Clarence, married to Rentie Belle in 1919. HON. GARY GREEN FORD I1 State Senator Gary Green Ford, third son of John Alexander and Matilda (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 279 Jordan Ford, n-as born Jan. 14, 1843, and married Charlotte Elizabeth Sikes. Their children were: Mollie, married to Robert I,. Deariso; Ida, xvho married Preston B. Ponrell; Georgia, ~ v h omarried George F. Sumner, and Sarah S., who married William S. Peeples ; Johnnie, who died unmarried; W. G. who married Berta Lee Jenkins ;Cllarlotte E., who died May 10, 1890. After the death of his first wife Gary Green Ford was married t o Miss Annie Heard of Blakely, who died Mar. 20, 1906. His third wife was Miss Lizzie Cooper, now married to Julian E. Glaze, of Sylvester. Hon. Gary Green Ford was a Confederate Soldier throtlgh four years of the Civil W a r . H e returned from that conflict with the determination t o rebuild and place his native land on a firm economic basis again. He accumulated a large estate, o w ~ i n glarge tracts of land on ~vllichhe raised cattle and sheep. H e had about thirteen hundred head of sheep and several thousand head of cattle, as ~ v e l la s other interests of importance. H e was President of the Sylvester Banking Co. and one of the largest stockholders. H e ran successfully a sixty horse farm, yet ~ v i t hall this business he gave distinguished public service t o the county. H e was, when a young man, taxcollector for a number of years. He was a man of high social and political standing and served Worth County with marked distinction in the Georgia Legislature for three terms, and later as State Senator for one term. H e always held inviolable the Basic principles of the Democratic party and h3d been interested in political affairs from youth. H e was a politician but had the genial spirit in the true sense. H e lived a t three homes of his making, the first one, where he lived for many years, and where his children n-ere born (all by his first wife, Elizabeth Sikes Ford) uTasnear Provideiice Church. H e then moved to Sylvester and built the large two story home n o ~ vo~vneclby Preston Po~vell.Tiring of such a large house, he built the home now owned 11~-his grandson, Carl Deariso. H e uras a strong character ancl the county is better by his having lived in it. Mary Jane, first daughter of John A. and Matilda Jordan Ford, was born July 4, 1845, and died unmarried. Robert Taylor Ford, fourth son, was born Aug. 17, 1847; married Sarah Sullivan, and their children were as follows: (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 280 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED HISTORY O FALL WORTH C O U S TFOR Y , ELECTRONIC GEORGIAEDITION HON. GARY GREEN FORD, 11. STATE SENATOR (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA 281 \fTalter. who \\-as married to Sil~hieIVillis ; Gussie, married to Ton1 Cadwell; Jack, married t o Mattie Kyals; Alma, married t o E n ~ m e t tPerry; Martha, married t o T o m Mr. Cravy, a11d Robert, who married a widow from Tampa, ------. William Floyd Forcl, fifth son, was born Oct. 20, 1850, married first to Annie Green-no children of this issue; second, to Mrs. Blanche Murray, and one son, IVilliam, was born to them. Nancy Van, second daughter, born April 9, 1854, married to Jackson Davis, and there was one child, Lula, ~ v h onlarried a Mr. Carragan. Iverson Lumpkin, sixth son, was born Fell. 6, 1856. mar~ ~ Pearl, married t o a Mr. ried to Ida Dell. Their c l ~ i l c l r ewere: Flynt; Harry, unmarried; Winona, married to Hardy Bell; Hazel, married to Henry Egger; Floy, married to L. R. Starnes, and Iverson, unmarried. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM JACKSON FORD, SR. William Jackson Forcl, Sr., was a scion of the third generation of the Ford family, who were among the first settlers of IVorth County. The representative members of the various generations have l ~ e e nnotable for sterling character, large and useftil achievements. William J. Ford, Sr., was a substantial farmer and business man. His life was guided and governed by the highest print busii~essmade large deciples. Though his i m p o r t a ~ ~private mands upon his time, he accorded to his county his quota of public service. H e held the office of Sheriff of Worth County from 1876 to 1878. H e represented the county in the House of Representatives, 1882-1885, Ex. 1883, 1884 and 1885. H e married Rowena Hanes, March 2, 1886. He died at the age of forty, Octoher 2211d, 1895. Mrs. Rowena Hanes Ford is the daughter of Joshua Jackson Hanes, born January 5, 1827, in Fayette, now Clayton County, Georgia. H e was Justice of the Inferior Court of Clayton County. H e served a s 2nd Lieutenant in Co. E. 10th Ga. Inf., and later as Captain Q. M. C. Confederate Army of America. H e died Feb. 2, 1909, Her mother was, before marriage, Amanda Matilda Johnson, born July 31, 1828, in Greene County ; died July 1, 1917. Mrs. Rowena I-Ianes Ford was born ill Clayton County in (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 282 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUNTY, GEORGIA the track made across Georgia by- the sword and fire brand of General Sherman. Her experiences realized then are told on another page in this history. Her father and grandfather moved their families to I r ~ v i nCounty t o get them out of the dangers of Sherman's raiders just after the battle of Jonesboro. They settled near n-here Jefferson Davis was captured. L4fter the war was over her father moved back t o Jonesboro and she was reared there. H e r grandfather contiilued to live in Irwin County until his deatl~. Her husband's death left her with five small children. She took hold of his estate and by wise management reared her children, gave them educational advantages, and now, after they are all grown, she has a nice estate. Mrs. Ford is primarily a home-loving woinan, loves her flowers and gardens. Hut her greatest work has been in training her children, all of whom reflect her spirit in the service they give the community in which they live, in every capacity of useful public spirited citizens. Her patriotism is very real and intense. She had three sons to serve in the World W a r . Two of them, "E. J." and "Brooks," were in Civil Service and could have evaded going, but not hers to be the hand t o stay them when they relinquished their jobs to go to the battle front. H e r son, "JVillie," made the supreme sacrifice, though he lived ten years after the World War. They were years of suffering in a hospital in the far west. Her patriotism is fiot confilled to times of war. Her contributions in the ~vritingof this history of Wort11 County have been large. She treasures the worth-while affairs of her State and County, and much, of this history is takctl from her scrap books. She is a member of Barnard Trai! Chapter of the D. A. R. through descent from Robert and Hetty Jewel1 Pullen. James and Jemilna Callalvay Hanes, Thonlas and Sarah Cooper McLendon, and her children also through John and Mary Ford. She is a Baptist, her father ha\-ing been a deacon in that church throughout the active years of his life, and her mother a descendant of staunch Scotch Presbyterians. J. OTIS HOLOMAN J. Otis Holoman is the scion of two of the oldest settlers of the County, the Ford and Holoman families. His grandfather (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org HISTORY OF ALL WORTH COUNTY, 283 (C) 2005 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR GEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION Rev. IVm. 11;. Holon~anwas a Missionary Baptist preacher. H e organized old Union Church. J. Otis Holoman has served the people of Worth for a long number of years in the capacity of dealer of fertilizers. H e has large farming interests and has contributed much to the upbuilding of his native county. Mrs. Winnie Woolard (J. 0 . ) Holoman exemplifies all the fine traits of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woolard. She is one of the finest workers in all civic organizations; is a D. A. R. through descent from General Edward Vail, of North Carolina; is a member of the Methodist Church which comes first in her life work. They have one child, Mary, (Mrs. Graham Bateman.) JAMES N E W T O N FORD James Newton Ford, fourth son of John and Nancy Graham Ford, was married to Katherine Barbour Fulton on December 18, 1845. Their children were: William J., who married Margaret Adains on April 20, 1864. Their children were: Benjamin J., Thomas A., Ella, Katie, and William J., Jr. Mrs. Margaret Forcl is still living a t Brunswick, Georgia, a t the age of eighty years. Augusta married William A. Harris, one of the most prominent men of Georgia. No children were born to them. Georgia Virginia was married t o John Hall, wllo died shortly after their marriage. One son, John Hall, was born to this union. Georgia was married the second time to Dr. William Lee Sikes on November 14, 1880, at Isabella. James N. Ford was Ordinary of W o r t h Cot~ntyfrom 1854 to 1856 and from 1860 to 1862. Elzy Jones Ford I, fifth son of J o l ~ nand Nancy Graham Ford, married a Miss Jenkins. William Jackson Ford I, sixth son of John and Nancy Graham Ford, was a lawyer and died unmarried. Mary, first daughter of John and Nancy Graham Ford, died uninarried. Sarah, second daughter, married IVilliain Sullivan. Nancy, third daughter, married Luke Jenkins. MRS. SALLIE BARBER Belonr we give a clipping from the Worth County Local, August 7t11, 1924. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 284 www.gagenweb.org HISTOR\- OF IVORTH C O U S T Y , GEORGIA (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION Atrs. Sallie IJarl~ern-as a very fine character of the "Old South" t!.l)e. She died a fen. years after the visit mentioned belo\v. She made affidavit that the grave of John Forcl, at the Pit~derto\vnCenletery was the grave of the first of the Ford familv to immigrate to this section. OLD CITIZEN OF WORTH COUNTY VISITS SYLVESTER N r s . Sallie Barber of Jonesl~orois visiting relatives in Sylvester. She is accoinpaniecl by her granddaughter, hfrs. J. W. Stipe of Decatur. N r s . Barber is a native of this section, having been bortl several years before W o r t h County w a s laid out. She celebrated her eightieth birthday on August lst, and still enjoys life and takes a keen interest in current events. She was the fifth child of Gary G. Ford, Sr., and is the last one remaining of a family of twelve children. She left W o r t h County in 1872, while it w a s still one vast forest of pine, and thousands of cattle roamed a t will over the wiregrass. Mrs. Barber, through occasional visits, has watched the ~vonderfulprogress of the county and its citizens; and there is still a very teilcler place in her heart for both. Relatives ancl friends in the county are ~\?ishingfor her Illany happy returns of the birthday, and numerous visits a s the years go by. AFFIDAVIT S T A T E OF G E O R G I A , W o r t h County. Before the undersigned officer authorized by law t o administer oaths, in person came Mrs. Sallie Ford Barber, who being first duly sworn according to law, deposes ancl says o n oath a s follows : T h a t she is aged 80 years, and t h a t her grandfather, John Ford, was buried in the brick e~lclosuresouth of a n d adjoining the graves of affiant's father and mother i n the old Pindertown cemetery in the northern part of W o r t h County, Georgia. T h a t t h e graves of affiant's father and noth her, Gary G. Ford ancl Silvia Eason Ford. are plainly (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION marked and can thus 11e located. T h a t affiant's address is Jonesboro, Ga. Mrs. Sallie Ford Barber. Sworn t o and s ~ ~ l ~ s c r i bbefore ed me, this 16th day of August. 1924. J. 0. Holamon, Notary Public, Worth Co~ui~ty, Ga. (Official seal) WILLIAM WOODRUFF TISON I1 William Woodruff Tison, lst, father of Williatn UTooclruff Tison, 11,1v11o settled at Pindarto~vn,married Mary and had the following children : Joab Tison, inarriecl Elizabeth Smith; Moses Tison, married Rel~ekahRagan; ilndre\\r Tison, Hiram Tison, William Woodruff Tison, 2nd, married Levisa Ann Williams. Tradition says that Elizabeth Smith Tison, wife of Joab Tison, had a drealn about her husband, who was fighting in the Revolutionary War-that he had been killed, and was s o troubled she couldn't sleep; so got up and began to spin. Soon some one knocked on the door, and it was her husband who was not killed, but his horse had been shot deacl from under him, and he had come for another one. William Woodruff Tison I 1 nras born in North Carolina. H e was one of the first t o n1oa.e t o this section when it was ceded t o the \vhites 11y the Inclians. H e settled at Old Pindartown, on Flint River, on the old Stage Coach Road. H e kept.the inn and horses for the Stage Coaches. A t one time Pindartown was called "Tison" for him. H e l~ecalnethe owiler of a large plantation and inany slaves. H e was a man of ~ ~ r e a l and t h influence, and encouraged all progressive nlovements. H e n~arriedLevisa /inn Mrilliains. Their children were as follows : Littletoil and Jernigan died ui~married. Mary married Tlr. Riley. Mar. 24th. 1854. No chilclren. Levisa, married Zack Ross. Children: Sallie, married Bill Taylor. Gussie, married Will Cob11; Effie, married Mr. Harris ; Jessie, married Mr. Harris; Johnnie, married Johnnie Hall, daughter of Dr. Hall : Katharine Beatrice Tison. married Dud(C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 286 www.gagenweb.org HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION ley Gleaton. Children: Alice, married John Hope; Theophilus, died unmarried; William D., uninarriecl. Clarence, married Annie Johnson. Francis R/Iarioiz Tison, married Sarah Ford. Children: l i i l liam lVoodruff and Anna 1,uta. Dr. Theophilus Williams Tison, married Georgia Ann Ford. Thirteen children were born of this marriage as follows : Mark M., Susan Deariso, Daty Smith, married Jesse J. Forehand; William Woodruff, married first, Alice Holamon, second, Sarah Van Houston ; Levisa, marriecl George Howard : Rohert Graham, marriecl Maggie Tison; Thomas, married E~tlalia Dykes; Theophilus, married Maucle Boyd; Lora, married Frank Coleman; Francis Marion, married Pearl Perry; Joseph, married Clara Belle Watson; Littleton and Jackson died in childhood and Leila died at eighteen. After the death of Levisa Williams Tison, William Woodruff Tison married Matilda Gleaton, and their children were: William, married Ida Shine; Joab and Coluinhus died unmarried. THORNHILL FAMILY James Thornhill, by testimony of his granddaughter, Mrs. Amanda Thornhill Castleberry, who remembered him well, was born in Marylancl. His father was of English descent; his mother was Welch. James Thornhill nras 11orn in 1771, not long l~eforethe Revolutionary War. He remembered being in the field where his father was ploughing with gun on his plow stock, for he was a Minute Man, when they heard firing of guns. His fxther put him on the horse ancl told him to g o to the house ancl tell his mother he had gone t o fight the Tories. H e saw his father climb the fence and leave. His father never returned; he was killed in some battle. His mother did not live long. I l e was placed under his uncle to learn the trade of cabinet maker. H e came to Virginia when grown, on down t o North Carolina, and t o Macoil County, Georgia. H e moved with his son, Newel1 Thornhill, to Worth County about 1856. He lived to the ripe old age of 87 years. It is not known who his wife was before marriage. H e must have taught his sons the cabinet maker's trade. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F W O R T H COUSTY, GEORGIA 287 His gi-and<laughter, i\/Irs. Mary Jane (Thornhill) Gwines, lias a l~eautifulold l~eaclsteadthat her father, Ne~vellThornhill, i~ladefor her wedding prese~ltout of a tree growing in his back yard. These records are taken from the Bible of Newell Thornhill, now in possessioil of J . T l ~ o m a sThornhill of Worth County. Births Jatlles Thornllill, father of Newell Tl~ornhill,born in Maryland, NIarcl~7th, 1771. Children of James Thornhill Ne~vellThori~hill\\la3 11nrtl Nov. Zlst, 1809. Harrison Thornhill was born Apr. 6th, 1807. Enos Thornhill was l ~ o r nMarch 25, 1812. Newel1 Thornhill's Family Neivell Thornhill nras married to Mary Underwood. daughter of Wn:. Under\\;ootl of Macoil County, Oct. 29, 1839. &#Tar?-Unclel-wood Thornhill, wife of Newell Thornhill was l~ortlin Macon County, Georgia, March 22, 1821. Children of Newel1 and Mary Thornhill Janles William Thornhill was 11orn Dec. l s t , 1840. Louisa Ainanda Thori~hill,11orn Feb. 9, 1843. Sara11 Josephiile l'liornhill, born Oct. 3, 1845. Co1uml)us Lafayette Thornhill, born iiug. 2, 1845. John T l ~ o m a sTl~ornhill.born Jan. 15, 1851. Newell Ellis 'Thornhill, 1101-n July 29, 1853. Mary Jane Thornhill, 1)oi-11Oct. 8, 1856. Eilos RiIoilroe Thornhill, born June 12, 1859. Marthy Rebecca Thornhill, 11ori1 Nov. 22, 1861. Frai~cesElizal~ethThornhill, born Oct. 25, 1864. Selena Clenle~ltiileThornhill, born May 3, 1868. Marriages James W m . T11or11hill and Matilda Willis were inarried Oct. 19, 1865. Sara Josepl~ineThoi-nhill and Joseph L. Sumner, inarried Nov. 5 . 1865. ~ i l lSara C. Glover illarried Dec. Columbus L. T l ~ o r ~ ~ land loth, 1868. John Thos. Thornhill and Susanna Saunrlers married Dec. 23, 1874. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 285 (C) 2005 RIGHTS FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTOR\OALL F W O R TRESERVED H COUXTY, GEORGIA Sa~lluell3. Castlel~erryant1 Louiza Xnla~ltlaThornhill married May 30t11, 1577. R'lary Jane Thornhill and IZ'illiam Thomas G~vinesmarriecl June 2, 1878. The follo\ving inscriptions are fouild on the old Thornhill burying ground in '\~T~orth County. James Thornhill. 1,orn R4ar. 7, 1771, died Oct. 16, 1857. Nelvell 'I'hornhill, born Nov. 21, 1809, died ;\larch 20, 1889. Mrs. hIar!. Thornhill, born Mar. 22. 1821, diecl Aug. 5, 1915. The Thol-nhills and their faillilies make up a large part of the 1)est citizens of JVorth County. James Thornhill had a brother to come uvitl~ him from Maryland to North Carolina and on t o R/lacon COIIII~J-, Ga. This l~rothernrent west from Macon County. Ga. SUMNER FAMILY OF WORTH COUNTY The Sumner family and its wide connectioi~,is one of the largest and most influential fanlilies of this county, and of the state. T h e first one of the family t o conle t o this part of the state was Joseph Sumner, Jr., ancl wife, Mahala (Smith) Sunlner. They immigrated here about 1830 from E n ~ a n u e l County, 144th several children, stock ancl other property. White's History of Georgia gives him as one of the earliest settlers of Irurin County. H e was later cut off into this county when it ~ v a sorganized, nlaking him among M70rth's first settlers. Joseph Surnner, Jr., \\+asthe son of loseph Sumner, Sr., of Enlanuel County, Georgia. As one of Georgia's Ke1~01utionar~soldiers, he drew land tlvice in that county for service in the Revolutionary MTar. This is found in the office of the Secretary of State. The last clra\v was in 1827 shortly before his cleath in Dec. 1827. His ~villis to be found in E i ~ ~ a n u County el court house. Joseph Sumner, Jr., was one of the executors of his will. Joseph Sunlner and wife, b1ahala (Smith) Sumner, had a large family of seventeen children, fourteen of whom gl-en- to maturity. H e and his wife and many of his descendants are buried in the fanlily graveyard near his home a fen. miles north of Sumner. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 2005 ALLORIGHTS FORGEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY(C) O F W R T H RESERVED COUNTY, 289 His sons are found among the first officers of Worth County. Daniel S. Sunlner, T a x Collector from 1856-1860; Treasurer from 1873-1875. George VCT. Sumner, Tax Collector 1866 ; T a x Receiver 1877. Joseph 14. Sumner, youngest son, was Representative in the State Legislature in 1880-'81. W. J. Sumner, grandson, Ordinary, 1893. George S. Sun~ner,grandson, Treasurer, 1887. ~ o s e ~L. h Sumner, grandson, Representative from the County in 1894-'95. John N. Sumner, grandson, has l>een Sheriff of Worth with the exception of four years since 1900 to date, 1934. Dr. ~ o r c l o nS. sumher, great-grandson, was Representative from the County, 1913 to 1917, and elected to represent the County 1933 to 1931, and served 22 months in the World W a r as Medical Officer, 1st Lieutenant. Co'lonel Walter K. Sumner, great-grandson, was County Superintendent of Schools of Worth with the exception of one term from 1911 until his death in 1931. The desceildants of Joseph Sumner who served in the Southern Army during the Civil War, Muster Roll of Militia 1125 Dist. G. M., Worth County are: Daniel S. Sulnner, Joseph M. Sumner, John or (Jack) C. Sumner, William R. Sumiler, Berriail Sumner, Mathe~vSumner. Muster Roll of 867 Dist. G. M., Worth County, Ga.; Orclerly Sergt. George W. Sumner and Gordon Sumner. Miss Estelle Sumner, great-granddaughter of Joseph Surnner, was the only woman from Worth County to go to the World W a r as a nurse doing oversea duty in the ~ l n r r i c a n Red Cross. She is living a t present a t Jacksonville, Fla. She married T. I,. Card\vell a few years ago. n , is Postmaster of Colonel Will S. Sumner, a g r a ~ ~ d s owho Potllan, has recently written the family tree or genealo_gy of the Sumner Family. H e has been included in the list of !eading active gellealogists of the United States. By permission we give belo\v from his book the first Family of Sumner's ill the county: Joseph Sumner, Jr., horn September 15, 1793, died June 14, 1880, married Mahala Smith 1813. h4ahala Smith, born October 11, 1799, died AIarcll 30, 1882. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 290 FORGEORGIA ELECTRONIC EDITION H I S T O R (C) Y 2005 O F ALL W ORIGHTS R T H RESERVED COUKTY, Children Gordoll Arc11il)ald Sumner, born -4pril 137, 1814, died July 6, 1870, married 1838 to Rachel hlarchant, Jailuary 20, 1812, died _"lugust 13, 1889. Sallie Sumner, born 1816, died 1861, married Benj. Willis, 1833, he was boril 1810, died May 4, 1882. r , January 27, 1821, died Se1)teml)er 27, Matilda S ~ ~ i n n eborn 1897, married Jehu Fletcher, 1838. Jehu Fletcher, born January 4, 1820, died January 19, 1899. Eliza Sumner, born May 3, 1825, diet1 January 20, 1879, married Isaac Rooks, 1845. Mary Sumner, married William Garrett, 1838. She was born September 29, 1830, died December 2, 1901. Daniel S. Sumner, born Octol~er28, 1828, died Septetnl~er 24, 1899, married iuarch 3, 1853, first Martha Monk, born February 20, 1833, died Septeml~er29, 1874, married seconcl April 16, 1876. Martha Hol~by. George W. Sumner, married Knady Porter, Jan. -36, 1854. He nras 11orn April 21, 1834, died Octoher 1, 1883. She was born February 18, 1836, died June 24, 1889. Martha Sunlner, born August 20, 1832, died August 13, 1914, married Fel~ruary 19, 1852, to Tllomas Young llorll May 14, 1829, died February 18, 1887. Joseph At., married E. Jane Young, December 16, 1858. His birth, August 16, 1836, clied December 25, 1913. She was boril February 15, 1841, clied Illarch 1, 1930. Thomas, died in the Confederate War, unmarried. Elizabeth first married James S. Young, December, 1857, born February 27, 1840, died July 30, 1914, married second James W. Trammel, 1866. John C. (called Jack Sutnner) married first Rebecca L4. Young, January 15, 1851, born June 9, 1831, died February 28, 1853, married seconil Mary Monk, 1854, born Dec. 29, 1832, died Feb. 18,1855, marrieithird Polly Hobby. 1857. Imrn Oct. 30, 1826, died Oct. 10, 1875, fourth Peniline Joiner, 1876, born Legend for cut on page 291. Geo. S. Sumner served in the war between the states in Co., F. loth, Ga., militia, and served the county a s Treasurer in the years 1887-1889. H e was a splended farmer and loved the beautiful things of life, planting roses and flowering shrubs along the highway near his home. H e rendered valuable assistance in the compilation of this history, for in his heart he was a real historian, treasuring and remembering accurately the worth while things of his couilty and people. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, HISTORY 291 GEO. S. SUi\lNER See legend page 290 (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 292 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUSTY, GEORGIA hIay 21, 1842, died June 15, 1919. He was born January 15, 1827, died Septem1)er 18. 1915. hrlissouri Sumner, imarried Joe Sutton. Safronie Sumnei-, bor11 hIarc11 28, 1844, diecl Xugust 17, 1901, married October 20, 1564, Ell~ertFletcher, l ~ o r nJuly 1, 1842, died Septeinber 9, 1896. Three children died young. Joseph and Rlahala Sumner's desceilclants in the Civil War, were six soils and tl~irteengranclsons 1~110ans\verecl to the roll of Georgia Volunteers. The Su11111er Quartette of male 1-oices of UTorth County are all tlescenclants of Josepli Sumner. JOSEPH SUMNER (1793-1880) Joseph Sumner, the progenitor of all the Sumner's in this section, was very reticent about having a photograph made of himself, so some one snapped him when his attention was given t o a very important job, clressing a 6 c piny woods rooter." Mr. Suinner mas a tall man and the rooter ~ v a sa thoroughbred, judging from his length. The beam to which the hog is hanging is a log of the smoke-house which was made to extend for tliis purpose. T h e notch underneath is for a brace in the event several hogs were hung there at tlie same tiwe. A split rail fence makes tlie background. Joseph Sumner was a veteran of the Creek Indian war and was one of the first of Inferior Court Judges of IVorth. He served in the establisl~ingof the cot~nty.White's Statistics of Georgia gives him as one of the outstanding citizens of this section. IIany of his posterity haue done hinl honor. His father, Joseph Sumner, of Elllanuel County, was a Revolutionary soldier. JOSEPH SUMNER CEMETERY O n Old Home Place 1. Susan E.Hamons, born 1804, died Kov. 12, i8T9 2. Alas>- St~lnner,wife of J o l ~ n C. Sumner, I~orn Oct. 30, 1826, died Oct. 10, 1875. 3. Rebecca Sumner, wife of John C. Sumner, Born June 9, 1831, died Fel,. 28, 1853. 3. Mahala Sumner, bor11 Oct. 11, 1799, died Mar. 30, 1882. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION A REAL PIONEER, JOSEPH S U M N E R (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org 294 RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION H I S T O R(C) Y 2005 O F ALL JVORTH C O U S T Y , GEORGIA 5. Joseph Sun~ncr,horn Sept. 15, 1793, died June 14, 1880. 6. Jaines S. Young, ljorn 1837, died Apr. 24, 1862. 7. Eliza Rooks, born May 3, 1825, died No\-. 20, 1879. 8. Asa Rooks, born April 6, 1852. 9. Eliza J . Knickerl)ocker, born 1835, died July 7, 1882. GEORGE SUMNER CEMETERY On Old Home Place 1, Elizabeth Porter, hoi-11 June 10. 1810, died Fell. 38, 1884. 3. Rhoda Ann, \\rife of G. \V. Sumner. l ~ o r nFell. 18, 1830, died J uile 21, 1880. : 3. George I\'. Sunlner, 1101-11 Apr. 21, 1834, died Oct. 1, 1883. 4. J. B. Sumner, born Aug. 25, 1857, cliecl Feb. 8, 1888. 5. Florene, ~vifeof 3. E. I;letcher, l>orn Aug. 20, 1872, tliecl RIay 9, 1587. GORDON A. SUMNER 1814-1870 Gordon Sulnner the oldest child of Joseph Sunlner was born in Enlanuel County, Georgia. He nlarried Rachel NIarchant. Their hoine was near Isabella in what nras the first couilty site of l i o r t l ~San , Barnard ; it was also Georgia's first summer resort. H e and his good ~vifeliept the inn. He nras the fo~~ncler of the school at that place (the first in that part of the county). H e furnished the house, boarded the teacher free of charge and paid tuition for his onrn children. H e served as First Lieutellant in Aluster or Ocean Pond, Fla.. ill the Confederate Army. When the nenT county of Worth was organized, he gave 50 acres of land for the county site of Isabella, reserving one acre in the center for the Court House. He served in the Confederate Army as 3rd Corporal, Co. F, 10th Regiment, Georgia Militia. THOMAS LEE SUMNER T. L. Sumner, sixth child of George W. and Rhoda Porter Sumner, was born Sept. 26, 1866, and was married to Lott Pittman, January 29, 1890. Their children are: Myra M., married to E. L. Massey; Mary Lillie, married to Miles B. Monk; Glen11 Shepherd, married to Bessie Funder(C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTOR\- O F WORTH COUKTY, GEORGIA 295 HOK. GORDON SUMSER (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION 296 H I S T O R Y O F W O R T H COUSTY, GEORGIA 11u1-k; George T.. married to Stella A. Greer; John I-.. married to L4claL. N e ~ v t o n ;Charles D., married t o I<atherine I,. NIorg a n ; P. Lncile, i~larried to J. H. Singer; Elise, nlarried t o ?$;alter L. Stallings, ant1 Ruth, unmarried, teacher of inusic. Mr. anrl Mrs. Sunlner have 1)een prominent and interesting characters in the religious, civic and political afiiairs of Sumiler and If,.orth County for illally years. They are devoted and loyal meinbers of the hIet11odist Church. H e has the reputation of being the nlost efticient Justice of the Peace of the County, having served in this capacity for a long num1,er of years. Their children are all musicians, and four of them are outstancling as nlusical artist, Mesdames, Myra Massey, Lucile Singer, Miss Ruth Surnnei- and Mr. Gleilil S. Sumner. J. DANIEL BRIDGES J. Daniel Bridges was 11ori1 January 24, 1866, ant1 (lied November 23, 1924. H e nlarriecl Mattie K. S u m ~ ~ e ninth r, cl~iltlof Daniel S. and &lartha Monk Sumner, who was 1)orn January 21, 1866. Their children are : John l3. Bridges, married t o Florrie M. P a i t ; Lillie Mae, nlarried to R. l3. Glover; Ollie, married t o iIT. H a r r y Jenkins; William L., n~arriedt o Janie Pittillan ; Daniel Hugh, ~llarrieclt o Tl~elnlaLong; L. J. (called "Euster") not married ; Riartha Irene, married t o LV. D. l3runso11, Joice Erline, married to W. D. M o u n t ; Sara J., unmarriecl, ancl RIerlyn E., unmarried. 3Ir. Eridges came to \I'orth County ~ v l ~ ebut n a lad, with his mother, ancl located a t Sumner, Ga. By at1 indotnitable will and <letermii~ationt o succeed, even t l ~ o u g hhampered by lack of educational atlva~ltagesof the most ordiilary kind, a n d nrith the care ant1 protection of his aged mother, 11e gradually forged ahead in tlze I~usiness~vorld.H i s keen foresight enabled 11im t o visualize the l~ossil~ilities of the future, and he seized every opportunity that presented itself t o establish hinlself in the l~usinessworld and build for himself ancl his posterity a large fortune. H e never spent an idle moment, and vet h e did not forget the responsil~ilitiesclue t o his fainilv and gave the111 every advantage possible. A t the time of his cleath his l~usinessinterests were colossnl, and it w a s through his efforts alnlost solely t h a t the town of Sun~llerw a s a t one time one of (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 297 the illost thriving coin~llunitiesin the county. H e oxvnecl many thousands of acres of excellent far111 lands, was a large turpentine and saw illill operator, banker and merclzant. At one time during the peak of his unprecedented prosperity he was reputed to be a ~llillionaireand the largest tax payer of the county. Mr. 13ridges rill l)e long remetnl~ereclon accoui~tof his big heartedness and generous dis~~osition, especially 114- tlie Illany h u ~ ~ d r e dofs negro tenants and laborers, to ~ v l ~ ohe m was always a friend and protector. W. BURON HOLTON Tax Receiver W. Buron Holton, only child of Thyal Holtoil and wife. Barbara L. (Reynolcls) Holton, is one of the younger officers of the County. Probably no man ever filled this place of honor so young as Buron Holtotz, a i d no one more efficiently than he, as was attested by his long term of office, 1916 to 1933. I n his official capacity 11e added t o his reputation for integrity and uprightness of character. He belongs t o a fanlily of public officers of W o r t h County, who firmly establisl~ed t h e m s e l ~ ~ ein s the good graces and conficlence of the people. His father, T11yal Holton, was tax receiver from 1908 to 1912. His uncle, Stephen W. Holton, was sheriff of \Vortli County froin 1853 to 1885. H e was reelected for a two-year's tern1 I~eginningin 188.5, but resigilecl in 1885, and moved to Texas. -Another uncle, Virgil S. Holton, n-as tax receiver in 1871. At that time they were elected for a tern1 of one year. T h e following records found in Van Holton's Bible tell the history of the Holtons. I t is in the possessio~lof his grandson, Euroil Holton, of Sylvester, Georgia : VAN HQLTON Births V a n Holtoil was born February 4th, 1818, ill I i a s h i n g t o i ~ County, Ga. Nancy Taylor, wife of Van Holton, was born June 8th, 1820, in Screven County, Ga. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 298 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY O F WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA Children of Nancy and Van Holton Silas R. Holton, was born February 21st, 1843, in Crawford Co., Ga. Elizabeth Holton nras l ~ o r nJune 29th, 1844, in Autauga County, Ala. R'lartha J. Holton was bortl No\-. 20th, 1845, in Autauga County, Ala. Vergil S. Holtoil was born Sept. 7th, 1848. in Cra~vford County, Ga. Rosie A. Holton was hot-n June Sth, 1851, in Dooly Cout~ty, Ga. Stephen \V. Holtoil was 1)orn illarch 21st, 1854, in IVorth Couilty, Ga. John F. Holton was horn July 14, 1856, in T\'orth County, Ga. Thyal Holton was l ~ o r n December 1st. 1859 ,in IVorth County, Ga. Mary I. H o l t o i ~was born July 24th. 1863, in ITTorth County. Ga. Marriages V a n Holton and Nancy Taylor were tnarried Octol~er3rd, 1841. Thomas J. Giddeils and Martha J. Holtoil were married ?Ailarch 8th, 1866. Jatnes R. Key~~olcls and Koxie i\. Holton were ~narrieclJan. 24th, 1857. Virgil S. Holton and i l n n a E. Dixoil n7ere married Nov. 2nd, 1876. Thyal Holton and Barl~araL. Reynolcls were lnarried March 26th, 1890. RlIary J. Holtoil and J. G. Avers were marl-iecl? -. Deaths Elizal~ethStephens inother of V a n H o l t o i ~cliecl hilay 27t11, 1863 i l l Worth County, Ga. Emila Taylor, mothel- of Kancy Holton, died Sept. 8th, 1868 in Cra~rfordCounty, Georgia. Willis Taylor, father of Nancy Holton, died July 29tl1, 1869, in Cra~vforclCounty, Georgia. Silas R. Holton died May 4tl1,1843, in Crawford County, Ga. Elizabeth Holton died September 29th, 1841, in Autauga County, Ala. (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUNTY, GEORGIA 299 Van Holton died April 29th, 1868, in W o r t h County, Ga. Nancy Holton died Allgust 14th, 1882, in W o r t h County, Ga. Virgil S. Holton died in Cra~vfordCounty, Ga. Roxie A. Reynolds died in W o r t h County, Ga. Thyal Holton died August 26tl1, 1912, in W o r t h County, Ga. Martha J. Giddens died in 14Torth County, Ga. Mary J. Avera died in Houston County, Ga. John F. Holton died in Lexington, Texas. HISTORY OF THE PAUL FAMILY Williaill Paul was born in Twiggs County in 1811. H i s wife, Melvina Minchew, w a s born in Bib11 County in 1814. T h e y were married in 1830; moved t o Albany in 1850; they moved t o the iiew count~rof Wort11 in 1859, purchasing from John A. Ford the present Paul Homestead. Williain Paul entered actively into the making of the new county. He served a s Consta1,le and as Justice of Peace of his district. H e diet1 in 1874. His wife died in 1898. T e n children were 1,oi-n to them as follows :-John. L a m a , Rebecca, James, Susan, Phillip, Hay~vood,Jack, Mary, and Ruth. Phillip died in youth. Haywood died when 16 ~ v h i l ea stud e n t in school at Isabella. Laura died in young ~ v o n ~ a n h o o d . John enlisted at Newton in Baker County a t the l~eginning of the Civil W a r and fought under Lee during the entire conflict, being killed in action in one of the last skirmishes of the war. James enlisted in 1862 and served the remainder of the conflict. Returning home he inarried Elizabeth Sinclair ancl settled near Tifton. H e died about 1916. Susan inarried William Bettison, \vho died in service during t h e Civil W a r , ancl she also died shortly afterward, leaving one son, \Villiam, who died in 1929. This salve boy is characterized in "Saturday Night Sketches" by J. L. Herring under the name of "Bill." Rebecca married W. J. Herring, of Albany. After living there several years they nloved t o Isabella and spent the remainder of their lives a t the old Herring Homestead. T w o sons were born to them, \Vm. J. and John LA. Herring. JVm. J. died in 1905, and John L. died in 1923. Mary married W. D. Rrady, 1i711o was engaged in mercantile l~usinessa t (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb 300 www.gagenweb.org (C) 2005 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC EDITION HISTORY OF WORTH COUKTS', GEORGIA Isabella, later movitlg to T y TI-, and serving several - e a r s as T a x Receiver. Ruth married Geo. S. Sumner. They spent their lives at Isabella. S11e died in 1914, and he died in 1928. Jack being too young to enter the Civil llTar remained a t home t o make a living for the women ancl the old men. At one period of the war he was the only l ~ o y ,\\.it11 a fen. old and decrepit men that was left in Isahella. I n 1876 he was married to Temple J., the daughter of Gordon Sumner. Two bops were Born to them, William Cordon was born Sept. 1877, ancl George Hay~voodin 1885. A. J. (Jack) Paul served as Deputy Sheriff of the county during the term of \Villis Holton, having to perfornl the first execution in the county during their term. After resignation of I-Iolton and his removal to Texas, he served the balance of that term as Sheriff. He also served as Deputy cluring the term of G. S. Nelson, and later serving as Coroner of the County. His wife died in 1922, and he died in 1930. William Gordon. after finishing school a t Isabella, graduated from Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon. in 1898. I n 1900 he went t o Willacoochee where he served for several years as bookkeeper for Carter & Ford. After the death of R. L. Ford, in 1906, the junior partner of the firm, he returned t o Worth County, ancl has since resided and operated the old Paul Homestead, serving as a Justice of Peace of his district and as Trustee of Sylvester Coi~soliclateclSchool. George H. resicles in Jacksonville, Fla. engaged as traveling salesman. T h e two last mentioned are the only immediate surviving members of the family bearing the name. Mrs. Mary Brady, of Tifton is the only metnl~erof the immediate family of William and Melvina Paul now living, with Mrs. Elizabeth Paul, wife of James Paul. T h e "Granny" referred to in J. L. Herring's "Saturday Night Sketches," is none other than his o ~ v ngratldmother, Melvina Paul. DAVIS FAMILY T h e pioneer members of the Davis family migrated lrom Wilcox County to what is now the north\vestern section oE Worth County when it was still it1 the first stages of settle- (C) 2005 - GeorgiaGenWeb