gcis junior - Georgia Career Information Center
gcis junior - Georgia Career Information Center
GCISJunior is an online system of career development GCISJunior contains: :: Administration Tools for reports and tracking :: Resources for graduation coaches, counselors, teachers, and administrators :: Over 300 additional subject-based learning activities :: A detailed implementation guidebook :: Letters for parents and students :: A self-assessment and an interest inventory :: Occupational information ...and much more GCISJUNIOR information and activities that sets students on the road to planning. To learn more, please contact your GCIS Representative or email gciscoordinator@gsu.edu Georgia Career Information Center Georgia State University P. O. Box 3984 Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3984 404.413.1720 :: main 404.413.1723 :: fax www.gcic.peachnet.edu Copyright © 2008 Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Georgia State University, Georgia Career Information Center and its licensors. All rights reserved. Georgia Career Information Center www.gcic.peachnet.edu GCISJunior The Georgia Career Information Center is proud to introduce GCIS Junior. Administrators, counselors, educators, graduation coaches, teachers, students, and parents will have access to current, complete, and comprehensive resources essential for career development. GCIS Junior is ideal for elementary and middle grades, special populations, and environments where refresher or inception career exploration is key. Students can keep track of classes and plan for the future with the interactive course planner. GCISJunior is designed around the questions: Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there? Students can create an online career portfolio. GCISJunior a brief look inside The new Georgia Public High School Graduation Requirements are inside GCIS Junior. A new interactive interest inventory GCIS Junior contains more than 50 interactive career development activities. Students can develop an interactive career plan using GCIS Junior.
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