WG4 REPORT 23-24 FEB 2015 ver2 Click to PDF
WG4 REPORT 23-24 FEB 2015 ver2 Click to PDF
Doc No REPORT OF THE EACO POSTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP 4 MEETING HELD ON 23RD- 24TH FEBRUARY 2015 IN NAIROBI, KENYA 1.0 INTRODUCTION The East African Communications Organisation (EACO) held Working Group meeting on Postal Services Development in Nairobi- Kenya, from 23- 24 February 2015. The meeting had participants from; Burundi Post (NPB), Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK), Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Posta Uganda, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC), Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) , Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), Rwanda Post (NPO), Agence de Regulation et de Controle de Telecommunications (ARCT) and EACO Secretariat. 2.0 OPENING OF THE MEETING The meeting was opened by the Chairman of EACO Working Group 4, Dr. Enock Kinara the Postmaster General, PCK who welcomed members to the meeting and wished them fruitful deliberations. He called upon the participants to introduce themselves. The list of participants is contained in Annex1. 3.0 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda of the meeting was proposed and adopted with amendments. The agenda and work programme is contained in Annex 2. 4.0 ELECTION OF THE BUREAU The meeting elected the Rapporteurs. The bureau was therefore constituted as follows: Chairperson : Dr. Enock Kinara – Kenya Vice Chairperson :Mr. James Kafeero – Uganda 1st Rapporteur : Emily B. Menge- Kenya 2nd Rapporteur : Fadya Zam - Tanzania 5.0 WORKING PARTY SESSIONS The four Working Parties held separate sessions and each presented their reports to the Working Group as annexed as follows: EACO Postal Payments and E-services – Annex 3 EACO Quality of Service- Annex 4 EACO Postal Security - Annex 5 EACO Courier, Customs and Carriers - Annex 6 The WG considered and approved the recommendations and Action Plans of the Working Parties. 6.0 REVIEW OF THE WG4 ACTION PLAN RECOMMENDATION 1 STATUS REMARKS Operators to put up a case Kenya: Walk through machines installed. A Refer to to their request for additional scanners placed and in Security WP report Governments/Regulators discussion by a committee Due diligence for requesting for assistance in the suppliers of the mail screening machines purchasing for the offices of exchange is ongoing mail scanning machines for the offices of Uganda: To submit proposal to QSF for exchange, entry and exit funding towards acquiring a mail scanner. points by end of December Tanzania: Screening machines installed in 2013. Dar Es Salaam. Engage state security in case sniffer dogs are required Burundi: Delivery of the mail scanner expected by March 2015 Rwanda: Submitted request to the Regulator, awaiting for response 2 Operators to communicate TPC- Mrs. Janeth Msofe to each other the contact PCK -Mr. Titus Juma persons in charge UPL – Mr. Abbey Semyalo of IFS NPB - Ms Daphrose Kamikazi NPO – Marie Grace Mukabera 3 The EACO Secretariat to Meetings of at least 2 WP to be held remind concurrently. The meeting will be held for 5 member countries days with one of the days for joint session. to continue convening WP meetings on existing rotational basis. pre- Postal 4 Tanzania to By end of March 2015 convene the next EACO Quality of Service and Postal Security WP meetings. 5 Rwanda to convene the Rwanda to confirm by 15th March 2015 next EACO Courier, Customs & Carriers Payment and Postal and e-services in 2015 WP meeting 6 The EACO HR Committee to EACO Secretariat circulated liaison statement re-establish links for write to the 3 countries which sponsorships with countries may not have that have postal training been institutions Thailand. such A Liaison statement will be sent to as Egypt, Pakistan, India, Tunisia and introduced to EACO, to introduce that effect. EACO with areas concerned. its of 7 EACO Secretariat to consider organising a Conference for the ICT To be hosted by Kenya in The ministers forum will February 2015- organised for 25-27 be held during the February 2015 Postal ICT Conference in Ministers to have a forum Kenya for them to also share as policy makers in the ICT sector in the region and to also appreciate EACO programmes. EACO Secretariat in consultation with EXCOM the conferenc e.. to consider an appropriate agenda for 8 Regulators and Operators to Implemented Reminder to be sent to continue Liaison statement was issued WG2 so that it can be sensitizing governments to invest in the included in the agenda of National Addressing their next meeting System infrastructure to support the national socioeconomic drivers. This recommendation has been flagged through to a WG2 Liaison statement 9 Uganda to draft a template Implemented and circulated to all Secretariat to capture data on the postal except TPC Secretariat to circulate formal letter to members statistics to TPC and forward to EACO to send a requesting the countries to study Secretariat for circulation to and prepare all member countries comments on for their comments template for the next the QOS WP meeting 10 EACO Secretariat to create a Implemented Chairpersons can be forum invited to for the integration of all meetings of WGs where working groups their Chairpersons through cross attend cutting issues are discussed. 11 Member countries prepare the to To report progress in the next Postal All WP meetings network as an enabler for e-commerce, financial and social inclusion. 12 Rwanda and Burundi to NPB draft submitted to the Refer to Courier finalize the formulation of relevant ministry Custom and their national postal Carriers report sector policies Rwanda have submitted to the government and are awaiting approval 13 Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania Kenya and Uganda have to review and align their reviewed and incorporated. national postal sector policies Tanzania - policy review is to fully incorporate under way Refer to Courier Custom and Carriers report the courier sub-sector 14 The WG1 to review the Legal Implemented Reminder to be sent The WG1 to establish Legal Implemented Refer to Courier, and Liaison statement issued Custom and 15 Regulatory framework facilitate sharing infrastructure. statement to effect A to of Liaison this to forwarded. 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS be report and Carriers It was recommended that actions in the WPs should be implemented by those responsible. 8.0 CONCLUSION The members were informed of EACs initiative towards development of an EAC Postal Development Strategy whose baseline survey had just been concluded. The members were requested to take note of the report and implement the actions therein. Dr. Enock Kinara Chairman - Postal Services Development Working Group 4 Annex 1: List of Participants Communications for all in East Africa 4th Meeting of WORKING GROUP 4: POSTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT 23-24 FEBRUARY 2015 NAIROBI, KENYA LIST OF PARTICIPANTS No. Participant Organization Title/Position 1 Fadya Zam Tanzania Postal Corporation Manager Mails 2 Haruni HB Lemanya TCRA Deputy Director Postal Affairs 3 Bambasi Alexandre Burundi Post Advisor to the PMG +257 78110044 alexabasi@gmail.c om 4 Misirakuba Deo National Post of Burundi Charge of Parcels +257 79988955 misirakuba@hotm ail.com 5 Manirakiza Godelieve Regie nationale Des Postes Burundi Assistant Operational Director 6 Matsiko Gonzague Rwanda Utilities Regulation Authority Postal Regulation Officer N/A gonzague.matsiko @rura.rw 7 Fulgence Kabundege Edward Kusewa Rwanda /Kigali Director postal operation I.D.D (project officer) 250/0178848908 0 0723843046 kabundege@gmail. com ekusewa@yahoo.c om 8 Intergrating Diversity For Telephone/Mobil e +255 684887957 Email +255 754620279 haruni@tcra.go.tz fadya@posta.co.tz Development Uganda Post Limited 9 Emmanuel Ocama 10 11 Emmanuel Okurut Jessica Uwera Uganda Post Limited Uganda Post Limited 12 James Mpango 13 Kubwimana Alexis 14 Ndayishimiye Eliane 15 Dr.Enock Osoro Kinara 16 Faith Wanjiru Maina 17 Vincent Shirao 18 Peter Omondi Abuya 19 20 Sorophina Wakesho Ombati Agnes N Lempaka 21 Eric Langat Uganda Communications Commission (ARCT) Agence de regulation& de controle des telecommunicati ons (ARCT) Agence de regulation& de controle des telecommunicati ons Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya 22 Muriuki Stephen W 23 Titus E Juma Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Head Of Business Securities Department Head of Finance Manager Projects & International Relationd Postal Licensing Specialist +256 772445918 eocama@ugapost. co.ug +256 787338598 eokurut@ugapost. co.ug +256 0414255511 juwera@ugpost.co. ug +256 6312339011/+ 256 782031066 +257 79967363 jmpango@ucc.co.u g Economist +257 771779922578 elaintegre@gmail.c om Post Master General 3242000 ekinara@posta.co. ke Accounts Officer 0722405765 fmaina@posta.co.k e Deputy Director ICT 0723530191 vshirao@posta.co. ke Regional 0722442091 coordinator/Nairob i Manager 0719072086 Operations peterabuya@hotm ail.com Manager Compliance 0719072062 alempaka@posta.c o.ke 0722725760 elangat@posta.co. ke or kwankip@gmail.co m smuriuki@posta.co .ke Development Department Lawyer Deputy Director Logistics & F.M Director Mail Services +254 3242030 Director Payment Services +254 203242063 /+254 722518551 lawyerkubwi@gma il.com sombati@posta.co. ke tjuma@posta.co.ke 24 Elizabeth Mwaura Postal Corporation Of Kenya Director Courier Services 25 Kennedy M Bosire Postal Corporation Of Kenya Director Compliance and Security Emily B.M Ouya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Manager Strategy,R&D 26 27 Gichuki Njeru 28 Jane Florence Otieno 29 Joel Mageto 30 Daniel Kagwe 31 Rose W Gichira 32 Jolly Sogomo 33 Martin Ngesa Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Postal Corporation Of Kenya Kenya Revenue Athority,Customs Communications Authority Of Kenya Communications Authority Of Kenya Communications Authority Of Kenya Marketing Officer 34 Richard K Tonui 35 36 Charles Kipkoech Mwaite Francis Kevogo 37 Evans Michoma Emerging Leadership Initiatives KAA 38 Caroline Koech EACO Secretariat 39 James T. Kafeero Postal Regulation 0722788192 0723567917 0722408575 emwaura@posta.c o.ke kenbosiremasho@ yahoo.com/ kbosire@posta.co. ke eouya@posta.co.k e Manager Corporate communications and PO Ag. Director Legal Services 0726957580 gnjeru@posta.co.k e 0722441159 jfotieno@posta.co. ke PA/PMG 0726990510 joelmageto@gmail. com D/Director 0708209733 dkagwe@posta.co. ke Chief Manager,NCS,JKIA Manager/Postal & Courier Licensing 0723632870 Rose.Gichira@kra. go.ke sogomo@ca.go.ke Assistant Director/ postal 0722751233 Manager/Competit ion Tarrif Analysis +254204242229 tonui@ca.go.ke KAA Cargo +254 722 780011 charles.mwaite@k aa.go.ke Prom. Officer +254 711616193 fkevogo@gmail.co mS Marketing Officer evans.michoma@k aa.go.ke Liaison Manager/ICT Head/Postal Regulation +254 722724520 +254 020 8222111 +250 722540603 +256 772500104 kafeero@ucc.co.ug 020 4242247 ngesa@ca.go.ke ckoech@eaco.int ANNEX 2 – AGENDA AND WORK PROGRAMME AGENDA 4th EACO WORKING GROUP 4 MEETING 23-24 FEBRUARY 2015 – NAIROBI, KENYA 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Review and Adoption of the Agenda and Programme 3. Constitution of the Bureau 4. Review of the WG4 Report for the 3rd meeting (Matters arising) 5. WP Breakaway Sessions i) EACO Courier, Customs and Carriers WP ii) EACO Postal Payments & E-service WP iii) EACO Quality of Service WP iv) EACO Postal Security WP 1. Consideration of the WP reports 2. Review of WG4 Action Plan 3. Review and adoption of WG4 report 4. AOB 5. Closing of the meeting WORK PROGRAMME 4TH EACO WORKING GROUP 4 MEETING – NAIROBI, KENYA 23-24 FEBRUARY 2015 – NAIROBI, KENYA DAY 1 TIME ACTIVITY/AGENDA ITEM RESPONSIBILITY 08:00 - 09:00 Arrivals and Registrations of Participants ALL 09:00- 09:15 Welcome Remarks and Opening Plenary of the meeting 09:15 - 09:30 Introductions ALL 09:30 – 10:00 Review and Adoption of the Work Program; ALL 10:00 – 10:15 Election of the Bureau 10:15 – 11:00 Review of the WG4 Report for the 3rd meeting (Matters arising) 11:00 – 11:30 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 11:30- 13:00 BREAKAWAY SESSIONS Chair WG4/Host/EACO Secretariat ALL EACO Secretariat Courier, Customs and Carriers WP & Postal Payments & E-service WP 13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK ALL 14:00 – 16:00 BREAKAWAY SESSIONS ALL Courier, Customs and Carriers WP & Postal Payments & E-service WP 16:00-17:00 Recap and Day 1 Report Writing Rapporteurs of the EACO WPs 16:00 TEA BREAK DAY 2 TIME 09:00 - 10:30 ACTIVITY/AGENDA ITEM RESPONSIBILITY Respective EACO WG 4 Working Parties BREAKAWAY SESSIONS Quality of Service WP & Postal Security WP 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 13:00 TEA/COFFEE BREAK ALL BREAKAWAY SESSIONS Respective EACO WG 4 Working Parties Quality of Service WP & Postal Security WP 13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00 – 15:30 Closing Plenary Session Consideration of Reports from WG 4 Working Parties ALL EACO Rapporteurs of the EACO WG 4 Working Parties 15:30 – 16:00 Review of the WG4 Action Plan Rapporteurs of the EACO WG 4 16:00-16:30 WG4 Report Writing Rapporteurs of the EACO WG 4 16:30 – 17:00 Report Review and Adoption Rapporteurs of the EACO WG 4 17:00-17:15 Closing of the Meeting Chair WG4 ANNEX 3 - EACO POSTAL PAYMENTS AND E-SERVICES WORKING PARTY REPORT EACO POSTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT - WG4 REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE EACO POSTAL PAYMENT & E-SERVICES WORKING PARTY 23-24th FEBRUARY, 2015 1.0 Introduction The 3rd meeting for the EACO Postal Payments and E-services Working Party was held on 2324th February, 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting had participants from, National Post of Burundi (NPB), Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK), Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK), Posta Uganda, NPO of Rwanda, Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) and EACO Secretariat. 2.0 Opening of the meeting The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Working Party Mr. Emmanuel Okurut by welcoming the members to the meeting and wishing them fruitful deliberations. 3.0 Adoption of the Agenda The Working Programme was adopted with amendments as indicated in Annex1. 4.0 Election of the bureau The meeting which was chaired by Uganda elected the Rapporteurs. The Bureau elected was as follows: Chair: Uganda – st 1 Rapporteur: Kenya – nd 2 Rapporteur: Burundi Emmanuel Okurut Peter Abuya – Godelieve Manirakiza 5.0 Review of the WP TORs The TORs of the WP were reviewed and were found to be relevant as discussed in the last meeting held in Kigali. The TORs are included in Annex 2. 6.0 Review Report of the Last Meeting The report of the previous meeting was reviewed and the Action Plan was updated as indicated in Annex 3 7.0 Recommendations of the Arusha Postal Assembly 1. Members noted that IFS requires branding and marketing, therefore it should be interfaced with mobile partners to make it viable 2. PCK to provide leadership in re-conceptualization of the financial services. In the interim, member countries are encouraged to identify alternative systems for integration 3. Members to establish the existence of e-payment policy and regulations, lobby Central Bank for one where none exists. 4. Members to market their networks as an infrastructure for use by other partners. 5. A study aimed at lowering cost of payment services in EAC region should be conducted and payment plans put in place. 8.0 Date and venue of the next meeting Burundi/Tanzania to confirm hosting the next meeting by end of April, 2015. 9.0 Closing ANNEX 1 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Opening of the meeting Election of the Bureau Review of the WP TORs Review report of the last meeting Date and venue of the next meeting Closing ANNEX 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE I. To recommend strategies for implementation of the various UPU Postal Strategies within the EAC region with regard to postal payments and e-services. II. To recommend strategies for modernization and transformation of the postal payments and e-services in the region. III. To recommend regulations for postal payments services in the region IV. To coordinate and follow up the work of the relevant UPU Committee(s) or Councils(s) V. Facilitate the development of regional recommendations or contributions relating to work of the relevant UPU Committee(s) or Council(s) or other relevant international and regional organization. 1 DEVELOPMENT OF EACO WORKING PARTY ON ELECTRONIC POSTAL PAYMENT SERVICES Recommendation Status Timelines EACO member countries to come TPC still with business plan, By June 2015 up with Business Plans and PCK have business plans and has National Action Plans for moved to brand and implement the provision of electronic money switch for various electronic agency transfer services. services UPL business plan in place and national action plan is still work in progress. NPB partnering with TELCOs in facilitating money transfer Rwanda has a strategic plan in implementing the money transfer to be practicalised in four years 2 EACO member countries to synchronize their National Action Plans. Technical people to report in Burundi/Tanzania during the next meeting 3 Re conceptualization of IFS Shelf life Integration with other systems Branding Rwanda: experiencing low traffic and re-considering the benefits visa vis the amounts being paid for it. Kenya is yet to adopt the mobile option which is available. IFS still need to be evaluated in terms of business viability within the region In Uganda IFS traffic is developing especially with volumes coming in from the UAE and it is gaining operational revision in view of this development Tanzania is evaluating the situation as to which direction to take 4 IFS to be integrated with the other systems. PTC to facilitate. 5 Participating countries to ensure that they sign the UPU Postal Payment Services Agreement. PCK in process of integrating all domestic system on the switch solution UPL in process of integration TPC not integrated with domestic NPB to fully implement IFS Rwanda and Burundi to sign up PCK,TPC and UPL signed Uganda to continue coordinating in liaison with Burundi/Tanzania by end of April 2015 subject to confirmation June, 2015 Members to liaise with PTC. Update by March 2015 Members to confirm by next UPU congress 6 Countries to identify and prioritize their potential corridors. Ongoing as we update the business plans Ongoing. Update by June 2015 7 Designated postal operators to put in place proper accounting and costing systems to support Electronic Money Transfer Services. TPC migrating domestic system to mobile platform Update meeting 8 Ring fencing of customer funds to safe-guard and ensure proper use of the customer funds. by next PCK implementing use of ERP system UPL has a cost accounting system in place Uganda, Tanzania Kenya: Tanzania and Dedicated bank accounts for Burundi has settled customer funds. accounts upto June 2014 Burundi, Rwanda - Not yet Burundi informed Kenya of their Uganda has bank account details escalated the issue to higher levels Tanzania hosted delegation from Kenya on the issue of settlement Uganda: payment plan has not been honoured but committed to bring the accounts up to date Rwanda does not owe the other countries much money 9 Designated postal operators to follow up and finalize their pending Bilateral Agreements and to initiate Bilateral Agreement with new partners. All sign bilateral agreements in the Update region. partners meeting Uganda has signed with Emirates post and South Africa Burundi has signed with Emirates South Africa and Zimbabwe has signed with Kenya 10 Designated postal operators to embrace the use of UPU IFS mobile applications in provision of money transfer services. 11 Countries that wish to join the PPS Clearing Settlement System to notify the UPU International Bureau as soon as possible. WIP at PTC Member countries are encouraged to integrate with alternative systems. UPU to pilot with willing member countries Not yet joined. Viability should be key for those countries considering joining the PPS system Discussions on uptake ongoing at UPU POC meeting of by new next Update before December 2015 Status by December 2015. 12 Develop security policy where none exists e.g. put in place appropriate firewalls to prevent cyber crimes, physical security of the system. Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda : WIP To be updated by next meeting 13 Security Policy reviews where it exists based on benchmarking on best practices. Continuous Updated in every meeting Leveraging on Infrastructure development e.g. broadband connectivity and power Ongoing Kenya: National Broadband Strategy is being implemented Uganda and Tanzania: Pending Burundi: Policy is being developed. Rwanda: Policy is being developed by Central Bank. 14 Kenya benchmarked with India December 2015 Northern Corridor initiative on postal in progress. Uganda to follow up on the recommendations of the Kampala (Northern Corridor) meeting 15 E-payment Policy development 16 Develop e-services products/services - Sign up the dot.post platform - an integrated e-commerce platform 17 -All the other member countries to benchmark with Kenya on ecommerce Members to take advantage of opportunities in the region to enhance financial inclusion. - preparing the network as an enabler financial inclusion Ongoing PCK: developing a policy. CA: WIP UPL, : pending TPC : pending NPB: policy being developed by the Central Bank Rwanda: E- Payment Regulation already in place December 2015 PCK has adopted the domain dot. post UPL has implemented the dot.post. TPC is the process of establishing e-commerce platform. NPB,NPO of Rwanda and UPL to benchmark with PCK and TPC Update by next meeting On going Update every meeting UPL: has engaged government to the level of Parliament UPL; is partnering with TELCOs (power, connectivity, media coverage, partnership with Government etc) - inclusion of the post in the Government program to support financial inclusion TPC: is partnering with commercial banks and TELCOs Rwanda is in partnership with Mobicash Kenya has made good progress in financial inclusion. Financial Electronic inquiry System from PTC user support has been adopted Burundi: working with Foreign Affairs to facilitate money transfer with the Diaspora and is also in partnership with TELCOs 18 Participating countries to come up with a regional vision and brand name for Electronic Money Transfer Services. Emily Ouya, PCK - to take the lead and work with:James Mpango, UCC Fortunatus Kapinga, TPC Abbey Semyalo ,UPL Grace Mukabera ,NPO Godelive Manirakiza , NPB December 2015 19 Member Countries to subscribe to the proposed UPU IFS brand name PCK, Rwanda has subscribed. Brand name yet to be unveiled. December 2015 20 Lobby the relevant authorities to ensure that agency banking regulations are fast tracked TPC, PCK , Rwanda Post and NPB have UPL still lobbying UPL to give update next meeting as per number 17 above 21 Engage governments to facilitate the establishment of postal savings services to support social and financial inclusion Viability of this action to be revisited with the purpose of developing the best model and best practice of financial inclusion NPB already running Postal savings bank facility. December 2015 22 EACO to engage UPU PTC to organize a joint training in ICT and IFS operations for all designated operators in Kigali. Member countries to contribute to this initiative EACO Members to benchmark Member countries to identify the skills gaps prior to the training December 2015 EACO Secretariat to coordinate/ Designated operators To be held in Feb 2015 in Kenya. On course 23 24 25 with Kenya Huduma Initiative Centres EACO Secretariat to include this on the Agenda of the Ministers’ ICT forum EACO Members to make presentation on e services/products EACO members and PTC to carry out a study on IFS/E – PAYMENT integration(Posta Pesa) EACO Secretariat Designated operators Regulators Responsible Ministries Venue to be identified PCK to co-ordinate Next working party meeting by April,2015 June 2015 Annex 4: List of Participants NO NAME 1 Emmanuel OKURUT Jessica UWERA Dr Enock KINARA 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Titus E. JUMA Godeleive MANIRAKIZA FAITH M. MAINA Fulgence KABUNDEGE HARUNI HB LEMANYA Emily B M OUYA Joel MAGETO Vincent SHIRAO Alexis KUBWIMANA Peter ABUYA ORGANIZAT ION UPL TELEPHONE E-MAIL +256 (0)787338598 Eokurut@post.co.ug UPL PCK +256(0) 772358679 +254 (0) 722727253 j ekinara@posta.co.ke PCK NPB +254 (0) 72251855 + 257(0) 79962383 tjuma@posta.co.ke godemanira@gmail.com PCK NPO + 257 (0)722405765 + 250 (0) 788489880 fmaina@posta.co.ke Kabundege@gmail.com TCRA +255 (0) 754620279 haruni@tcra.go.tz PCK PCK PCK ARCT +254 (0) 722408575 + 254 (0) 726990510 +254 (0)723530191 + 257 (0) 79967363 ouya@posta.co.ke jmageto@posta.co.ke vshirao@posta.co.ke LAWYERKUBWI@gmail.com PCK +254 (0) 722442091 pabuya@posta.co.ke ANNEX 4 EACO QUALITY OF SERVICE WORKING PARTY REPORT REPORT OF THE EACO WORKING PARTY ON POSTAL QUALITY OF SERVICE HELD ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2015 IN NAIROBI, KENYA 10.0 Introduction The 3rd meeting of the EACO working party on postal quality of service was held on 24th February 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting had participants from, Burundi Post (NPB), Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK), Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Posta Uganda, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC), Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), Rwanda Post (NPO), Agence de Regulation et de Controle de Telecommunications (ARCT) and EACO Secretariat. 1.1 Opening of the meeting The meeting was opened by the Chair Agnes Lempaka of PCK who welcomed the members to the meeting and wished them fruitful deliberations. participants is contained in Annex1 1.2 Adoption of the agenda The agenda of the meeting was proposed and adopted with amendments. 1.3 Election of the bureau Chair: Kenya – Agnes Lempaka 1st Rapporteur: Rwanda – Mr. Gonzague MATSIKO 2nd Rapporteur: Uganda – Mr. James Mpango The list of AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Opening of the meeting Election of the Bureau Adoption of the Agenda Matters arising from the last meeting Date and venue of the next meeting Adoption of the report Closing TORS EACO Quality of Service Working Party TORs I. To recommend strategies for implementation of the various UPU Postal Strategies within the EAC region with regard to QoS II. To recommend strategies for modernization and transformation of the postal sector in the region with regard to QoS III. To recommend strategies for development and harmonization of the National Addressing Systems and Postcodes in the region. IV. To carry out quality performance tests and share results within the EAC member states. V. To make recommendations on how EACO member states can acquire and maintain automated quality of service monitoring equipment and the necessary skills to improve quality of service in the postal sector. VI. To coordinate and follow up the work of the relevant UPU Committee(s) or Councils(s) Vi. To develop regional recommendations or contributions relating to work of relevant UPU Committee(s) or Council(s) or other relevant international and regional organization. EACO QUALITY OF SERVICE WP ACTION PLAN Recommendation 1 All DOs to improve service delivery within their respective networks to earn customer confidence. Access to services Speed and Reliability (e.g.UPU delivery standards) Security Customer care Status Timelines Burundi: Shifting from IPS light to IPS, On going All members to strive to move to IPS 2014. Kenya: Ombudsman oversight on how customer complaints are handled and PCK has got best score from Ombudsman. Customer service charter and customer service desks at every outlet. Human Resources and finance and accounts are also being automated along with Postal operations. Postal global is a software being used for postal operations CA standards includes the QoS standards in the license terms and is in process of installing RFD(Radio Frequency Identity) system in 21 post offices Rwanda: Participated on UPU quality of service control by filling GMS cards. Have scanning machines and sniffer dogs at the airport. have customer charter and caller centre for EMS. Tanzania: Has established 2000 letter boxes at GPO, Has post global System software Uganda: Has launched school post, 51 motorcycles in order to increase Speed and Reliability. Send Sms to customers for notification Training to staffs who deal with customers. Has started Public partnership in order to improve ambience 2 All DOs to carry out aggressive Burundi: managed to have partnership with By June 2015 marketing for parcels and EMS services to increase volumes two ministries for carrying diplomatic suitcases. Kenya: hiring vehicles to convey mail on need basis. Tanzania: Have overnight vehicles to convey mail. Uganda: Ongoing Rwanda: We plan to do aggressive marketing for parcels and EMS services by putting in strategic plan 2015-2019 3 4 All DOs to review service level agreements with airlines continuously to conform with UPU -IATA structure. All DOs to continually monitor and engage more competitive airlines for mail conveyance Discussed in EACO Courier, Customs and Carriers WP On going Tanzania: Use Swissair to conveying mail and charges are cheap compared to other airlines and use Qantas airline as the connection airlines. Uganda: Use Turkish airline because they reach in many destinations and now engaging with emirates. Kenya: Our members should use Kenya as A hub of other EAC countries for mail and members should collaborate to have mechanism in place. December 2015 Burundi: Use Kenya airways, Ethiopian airways and SN Brussels 5 6 7 8 DOs to consider establishing mail processing centers at Mailing Unit at for quick processing of mail especially for EMS items. DOs should organize training for security personnel of the respective DOs in harmony with Aviation Security for proper and thorough scrutiny of items conveyed. EACO Secretariat to issue a Liaison statement. Operators and Regulators should share reports of the test results All member states consider Rwanda already in agreement with some airlinesOngoing December 2015 EACO secretariat: Liaison statement sent to April 2015 HR committee, training schedule received and circulated to member countries. Members agree to receive training schedule and utilise it. Commitment on sharing of report outcomes Continuous towards service delivery improvement. Kenya: CA organised stakeholders forum in By June 2015 hosting forums for all stakeholders June 2014 at national levels and Share the Uganda: UCC organised stakeholders outcomes of the meetings forum in October 2014 on postal regulations Tanzania: Held a forum October 9th 2014 Burundi: Their policy on setting up the regulator is process. Rwanda: RURA organised two forums in November 2014 and January 2015 on postal regulations. 9 10 11 EACO secretariat to follow up with Rwanda Post to attend and participate in the EACO activities The next sequential tests be conducted from 8th to 26th September, 2014 · The end to end tests be conducted from 15th to 26th September, 2014 Members who will host the meetings should send the invitation to EACO on time one month before the meeting Tests were done and next task force meeting should take place in end of march 2015 in Tanzania to discuss the test results and give recommendations Continuous Regional QSF projects for EACO Kenya will spearheads the taskforce Continuous Test results to be circulated to stakeholders by 15th March 2015 Following members are selected: 12 13 The study on Terminal dues system UG: Agatha Kyakunzire Kenya: Agnes Lempaka Rwanda: Martin Gatorano Tanzania : David Andrea Burundi: Alexandre Bambasi EACO member should select Terminal dues By June 2015 expert to work with Mr. Ocama as the chair. Following members are selected: Kenya:Eunice Otieno Tanzania: Fadya Zam Burundi: Suzan Nsabimana Rwanda: Martin Gatorano National Addressing System The study to continue under Uganda as the chair and EACO position will be submitted to related stakeholders. Burundi: Consultant produced a report and Continuous Burundi Post is consulting the government to see how this project can be implemented by starting with Bujumbura City. Kenya: Work in progress, a policy paper is with the government awaiting approval Tanzania: Three cities(Dodoma, Arusha and Dar es salaam) covered as post aligns its operations to the system Test letters on the new system are being delivered on a pilot basis Uganda: With 90% coverage on implementation of the pilot project of NAS. Rwanda: covered 14 PCK, NPB, UPL to consider approaching the regulators in acquiring screening machines. 594 Villages in Kigali were It should be shifted to Courier, Customs and Carriers WP Uganda: UPL to acquire a mail scanning On going machine for the office of exchange through QoS fund Burundi: is acquiring a mail scanning machine through own fund Kenya: Work in progress with CA It should be shifted to Postal security WP Tanzania: Diagnostic gate and IPS and QCS Uganda: GMS, IPS and QCS Rwanda: QCS and IPS and GMS to start very soon Kenya: GMS and soon upgrading to IPS 2014 Burundi: IPS Light 15 Dos to automate quality of service monitoring equipment and the necessary skills to improve quality of service in the postal sector. 16 Tanzania to convene the next EACO TPC proposed and members agreed that they postal quality of service WP will host the taskforce meeting which did not meeting take place in December 2014 December 2015 By end of March 2015 Mrs. Agnes Lempaka of PCK Vice Chairperson EACO working party on postal quality of service o List of participants Annex1 Country Organization Kenya PCK Kenya PCK Burundi Burundi Post N 1.. 2. 3. Names Peter Abuya S.w ombaki Bambasi Elexandre Telephone +254722442091 +254722309726 +25778110044 4. Manirakiza Godelieve Burundi Burundi Post +25779962383 5. 6. Ndayishimiye Eliane James T. Kafeero Burundi Uganda ARCT UCC +25779922578 +256312339016 7. 8. 9. Steven Muriuki Eric Langat Emmanuel Ocama Kenya Kenya Uganda PCK PCK UPL +254(020)324200 +254722725760 +256772445918 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Fadya Azam Elizabeth Mwaura Faith Maina Agnes Lempaka Gonzague.matsiko Tanzania Kenya Kenya Kenya Rwanda TPC PCK PCK PCK RURA +255684887959 +254722788792 +2547222405765 +254722562385 +250788841998 ANNEX 5 - EACO POSTAL SECURITY WORKING PARTY REPORT THE EACO POSTAL SECURITY WORKING PARTY IN NAIROBIKENYA HELD ON 24TH FEBRUARY 2015 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Opening of the meeting Adoption of agenda Election of the Bureau Review `report of the last meeting Kenya presentation Date and venue of the next meeting Closing The meeting commenced at 9 h 30 a.m with members appointing Rwanda to chair Members developed and adopted agenda by consensus Bureau elected: - Chairman: Fulgence KABUNDEGE (Rwanda) First Rapporteur: Emily B. Menge-Ouya (Kenya) Second Rapporteur: Déo MISIRAKUBA (Burundi) 1.1 Postal Security Working Party TORs 1 I. To recommend strategies for implementation of the various UPU Postal Strategies within the EAC region with regard to postal security. II. To develop and recommend strategies for modernization and transformation of the postal security in the region. III. To coordinate and follow up the work of the relevant UPU Committee(s) or Councils(s) IV. Facilitate the development of regional recommendations or contributions relating to work of the relevant UPU Committee(s) or Council(s) or other relevant international and regional organization. Recommendation Purchase and install scanning machines at offices of exchange/border points to detect dangerous and prohibited goods. Status Kenya: Walk through machines installed. A request for additional scanners placed and in discussion by a committee Due diligence for the suppliers of the mail screening machines for the offices of exchange is ongoing Timelines By December 2015 Recommendation Regulators to act as mediators between the operators and government to mobilize with various stakeholders to acquire the mail 2 Establish PostSecurity National Contact Committees 3 Establish PostAviation Contact Committees 4 Encourage member states to take advantage of the UPU online training on TRAINPOST 5 Review our security standards to conform with the EU and UPU Postal Security guidelines Uganda: To submit proposal to QSF for funding towards acquiring a mail scanner. Tanzania: Screening machines installed in Dar Es Salaam. Engage state security in case sniffer dogs are required Burundi: Delivery of the mail scanner expected by March 2015 Rwanda: Submitted request to the Regulator, awaiting for response Kenya: Contact with all security organs in place. Uganda: Internal committee in place that engages other security organs Tanzania: contact with the state security in place Burundi: Internal security team in place. Rwanda: Contact with Magerwa (warehouse for goods from abroad) Kenya: Committee not in place. WIP Uganda: Committee not in place. The team engages the civil aviation authority when necessary Tanzania: Process Initiated Burundi: Committee in place working with the civil aviation and regular visits to ensure adherence. Training to be concluded by May 2015 Rwanda: Contact with the civil aviation, Rwandair (agent handling for other companies) Tanzania : 3 staff certified Rwanda: Training ongoing, and some staff have certified Burundi: Training ongoing. 15 people pursuing the training at the Burundi training centre Kenya: Has a training centre and programme in place. Uganda: 1 staff undergoing security training Tanzania: Sent one staff for Postal security training with CRASA and developing security guidelines Rwanda: to benchmark with other countries Kenya: Developed Postal security guidelines and an assessment model scanning machines June 2015 By June 2015 Establish whether the airlines have an association which we can work with Kenya: Airline Association exists Continuous Important to attend the upcoming training on Dangerous Goods Continuous EACO Secretariat and Tanzania coordinate a joint workshop for TOTs on security during the next Working Party meeting 6 Continuously monitor activities of the UPU Postal Security Group 7 Joint inspection and Security training workshop which are available on the Regulators website for public consultations towards incorporation as a condition for licensing also benchmarked with India post. Burundi: benchmarked with Uganda Uganda: intends to ride on the UPU expert expected to evaluate a QSF project in March 2015 to train the staff on EU and UPU security standards Tanzania: to be confirmed Kenya: Member to UPU Postal Security Group Burundi: to be confirmed Uganda: to be confirmed Rwanda: to be confirmed Postponed inspections to resume from next EACO Security WP Kenya offers to facilitate in the training Continuous Kenya to share information pertaining to the UPU security Group during the next meeting By end of March 2015 EACO Secretariat to send invitations in liaison with Tanzania as the hosts Annex 5: List of Participants NO NAME 1 Emmanuel OKURUT Jessica UWERA Titus E. JUMA Fulgence KABUNDEGE HARUNI HB LEMANYA Emily B M OUYA Alexis KUBWIMANA Kenedy BOSIRE Jane F. OTIENO Martin NGESA Richard TONUI Déo MISIRAKUBA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ORGANIZAT ION UPL TELEPHONE E-MAIL +256 (0)787338598 eokurut@post.co.ug UPL PCK NPO +256(0) 772358679 +254 (0) 72251855 + 250 (0) 788489880 juwera@ugapost.co.ug tjuma@posta.co.ke Kabundege@gmail.com TCRA +255 (0) 754620279 haruni@tcra.go.tz PCK ARCT +254 (0) 722408575 + 257 (0) 79967363 ouya@posta.co.ke LAWYERKUBWI@gmail.com PCK PCK CAK CAK NPB + 254 (0) 723567917 + 254 (0) 722441159 + 254 (0) 722751233 + 254 (0) 725833470 + 257 (0) 79988955 kbosire posta.co.ke jfotieno@posta.co.ke misirakuba@hotmail.com ANNEX 6 - EACO COURIER, CUSTOMS AND CARRIERS WORKING PARTY REPORT Doc No________________ EACO POSTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT - WG4 REPORT OF THE COURIER, CUSTOMS & CARRIERS WORKING PARTY 1.0 Introduction The East African Communications Organisation (EACO) organised a meeting for the Working Party on Couriers, Customs & Carriers on 24th February 2015, in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting had participants from Agence de Regulation et de controle da Telecommunications (ARCT), Burundi Post, Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK), Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), Posta Uganda, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Rwanda Post, Rwanda Utility Regulatory Authority (RURA) and EACO Secretariat. 2.0 Adoption of the agenda The agenda was adopted by the WP as follows: 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Election of the Bureau 4. Review of the Last meeting Report 5. Presentations 6. Date of Next meeting and Venue 7. closing of the meeting . 3.0 Election of the bureau The Bureau was elected as follows: Chair: Kenya – Richard Tonui 1st Rapporteur: Uganda – James Mpango 2nd Rapporteur: Burundi – Deo Misirakuba 4.0 Action Plan for the EACO Courier, Customs & Carrier Working Party TORs 1 2 3 4 5 ACTION STATUS TIMELINE Urge Rwanda and Burundi to Burundi, Draft adopted by Cabinet. To be Report progress at next formulate national postal sector considered by Parliament meeting policies as they do not have; Rwanda: Draft submitted to line Minister A Liaison statement to be sent to WG1 to review the Legal and Regulatory framework to curb presence of illegal and/or noncompliant operators; WG1 response received. Regulators to give updates on steps taken to curb the vice. DOs to initiate collaborations with competitors and other PublicPrivate partners to improve efficiency in services provisions;continuous Burundi: Ongoing Kenya: Meeting held a meeting in October on mail security infrastructure and customs clearance. Next meeting in March 2015. Rwanda: A strategy on PPP developed for 2015-2019 cycle Tanzania: Negotiations with DHL on-going Uganda: Meeting held in October 2014. Operators setting up collaboration framework. Negotiations with DHL on-going. Continuous – Update by Regulators at next meeting Regulators to liaise with operators in sharing information on illegal operators. (Kenya: successful collaboration noted) Develop innovative last mile Burundi: Committee to initiate ecommerce has delivery systems for e-commerce; been set up Kenya: PCK is using the postal network as drop off points as a strategic link in delivering ecommerce, including reverse logistics. Regulator developed a consultation paper on ecommerce guidelines for ecommerce. Inhabitants of ecommerce identified through a study. Rwanda: to benchmark with other countries. Tanzania: Process on-going through tender process. Uganda: improving delivery process using motorcycles. Engaging SME’s to deliver last mile. E-shop for philately services up and running. Establish Postal-Customs Contact Burundi: Committee established. Kenya: Process on-going. Operational Committees; cooperation noted. Continuous – Update at next meeting Continuous – Update at next meeting Continuous – Update at next meeting Rwanda: Committee not formalised yet Tanzania: Committee in place Uganda: Committee in place 6 7 8 Sign MOUs with airlines and Burundi: Ongoing. Negotiations with airlines. Continuous – Update customs using the UPU-WCO and To adopt template at next meeting UPU-IATA templates; Kenya: Adopted and negotiations ongoing. Customs draft is ready for stakeholder comments. Rwanda: implemented Tanzania: Templates adopted, negotiations to include IATA provisions. Draft customs MoU circulated for comment. Uganda: Template developed and adopted, negotiations ongoing. MoU with customs not yet concluded. Operators to engage Customs with End of March 2015 a view to implementing the UPU Customs Declaration System (CDS) Engage airlines with a view to exchanging EDI messages with airlines; Kenya is yet to meet AITA as had been Continuous – Update requested by EACO at next meeting Burundi: Brussels airlines implementing new system on mail bag tracking with operators. Tanzania: Using IPS to track mail with KLM and Swiss Air. Kenya: Exchanging pre-alerts with airlines. Rwanda: EDI in place. Uganda: Adopted use of pre-alert messages with airlines. 9 10 11 Continuous monitoring of activities of the UPU EMS Cooperative and To develop a position on Pay for performance End of March 2015 those relating to courier, customs for EMS and carriers-Continuous. To develop a regional position on EMS voting process of the EMS Cooperative for consideration of WG4. Secretariat to coordinate the exercise. Courier Opportunities and Operators to adopt IPS 2014 version for End of April 2015 Challenges compatibility and QoS To ensure that the liaison statement on national addressing incorporates benchmarking aspect with best practices. Regulators to enforce and report on action Continuous; update at against unlicensed and noncompliant operators. next meeting Yet to be done End of March 2015 Secretariat to liaise with PAPU in implementing End of March 2015 the addressing project together with the African Union 12 MoU on Postal Courier Curriculum between EACO and AFRALTI Postal curriculum developed by AFRALTI, CA, Continuous – Members CIAK and PCK. to report at next meeting. AFRALTI will invite members to participate in the training offered. 13 Partnership between regulators and revenue authorities in curbing illegal operators Continuous Members to report at next meeting 14 To implement Revenue Authority security seals on incoming international mail during transfer from airports to and fro Offices of Exchange Uganda implemented June 2015 Proposal by KRA to National Treasury to waive minimum Import Declaration Fee (IDF) of 5,000/= charge on incoming low value parcels/packets. On-going Adopt mobile and other payment platform within the Post Office for tax payments Establish a technical team to identify readiness and requirement of each DO to implement Advance Electronic Information for Postal Item ( AEI) project. Country committees to be set up to include Revenue Authorities, and other key stakeholders. Tanzania: TRA cashier at Postal facility. 15 16 17 Member countries to implement On-going Nominations of Country coordinators were made as follows: Kenya progress meeting to at report next Country reports at the next meeting End of March. 2015. Burundi: Mr Deo Misirakuba Kenya Ms Sorophina Ombati Rwanda: Mr Fulgence Kabundege Tanzania: Ms Fadiya Zam Uganda Mr Emmanuel Ocama Committee to Consider common platform for EDI solutions among operators in the region 18 Cross-border road transport: Nominations of Country coordinators to Country specific feasibility studies spearhead the project were made as follows: to be undertaken and information to To report at the next meeting. be shared among partners. Burundi – Mr Alexander Bambasi Kenya – Mr. Eric Langat Rwanda – Mr Fulgence Kabundege Tanzania – Ms Fadya Zam Uganda – Mr. Emmanuel Ocama 5.0 Presentations The following presentations were made to the meeting (see annex): 1. Emerging issues, challenges and way forward – Kenya Revenue Authority 2. EU Advance Electronic Information (AEI) Project – Postal Corporation of Kenya 3. EACO Regional Mail Road transport Project – Burundi 6.0 Date and Venue of the next Meeting The date and venue of the next Working Party meeting will be communicated upon consultation between Burundi, Tanzania and the EACO Secretariat 7.0 Closing the meeting In closing the meeting, the Chairman thanked the members for their active participation and excellent contributions towards successful conclusion of the working party’s deliberations. Richard Tonui Chairperson .................................. EACO Courier, Customs & Carrier Working Party