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fot. Krzysztof Mierzejewski Cultural Summer 2016 in "Serene Suwa³ki” raha jæ-Ju iedro iej G c a fot. M This summer in Suwa³ki and Suwa³ki region looks really attractive. The 70th Polish Athletics Junior Championships will take place in Serene Suwa³ki from 1-3 July 2016. From 21st-24th July, the city will host the participants of the Missionary Week preceding the World Youth Day in Krakow. Looking forward to the arrival of our welcome guests, participants of the events, sports fans and tourists, the city has prepared a number of cultural events. The major ones are: the 9th edition of the Suwa³ki Blues Festival and the Camaldolese Fair. This year's edition of the Suwa³ki Blues Festival will be held from 7th - 10th July, featuring outstanding top bands of the world of the blues: THE DELTA SAINTS (USA), BLUES PILLS (SE), tria blues rock three piece band WILLE & THE BANDITS (UK) continuing the traditions of Cream and Jimi Hendrix, OTIS TAYLOR (USA) and WARREN HAYNES THE ASHES & DUST (USA) – a top world's guitarist. Polish artists will feature: PIOTR NALEPA BREAKOUT TOUR and WAGLEWSKI FISZ EMADE. The Festiwal will, for the first time, last 4 days. The city feast - Camaldolese Fair will open on 4th August with a happening "Pages from the History of Suwa³ki Part 2 19th Century" and will continue until 7 August. The Fair's programme will feature attractive events: open-air concert of Margaret and the Golec uOrkiestra (6 August), cabaret night with Artur Andrus, and a fair of local handicraft and folk art and of the products of the borderland cuisine (6-7 August). During the summer season, the main squares of the city: Maria Konopnicka Square and the Constitution of May 3rd Square will become venues of festivals, fairs, concerts, performances and entertainment events. The calendar of selected cultural events is available at www.um.suwalki.pl (tab for tourists). Visitors and tourists interested in the historic monuments and the past of Suwa³ki are welcome to take a tour of the "Suwa³ki Cultural Paths (www.sciezki. suwalki.pl) or the tourist trail titled "Gnomes do exist" inspired by the fairy tale "Little Orphan Mary and the Gnomes" written by Maria Konopnicka, a native of Suwa³ki (www.um.suwalki.pl , tab for tourists). Suwa³ki is also a great place for leisure and recreation. There are numerous water tourism attractions and a complex of saunas and wellness centres, including our Aquapark, the only facility of this type in this part of Poland (www.aqupark.suwalki.pl). On hot summer days, which are not rare in "Serene Suwa³ki", we suggest a visit to the guarded city beach on Lake Arkadia. In its neighbourhood, you will find a coffee house and playground for children, tennis courts, skate park, gym and Street Workout and Parkour Park facilities. You can also rent swimming equipment here (www.osir.suwalki.pl). Suwa³ki makes an ideal starting point for exploration of the most beautiful sites of the Suwa³ki region, Eastern Masuria and the PolishLithuanian borderlands. Not far away from Suwa³ki are located the Wigry National Park (www.wigry.org.pl) and the Suwalski Landscape Park (www.spk.org.pl). We are looking forward to seeing you at our cultural events and on the hiking, cycling, kayaking and horse riding trails of the Suwa³ki region! The Regional Museum will show you the prehistory of Suwa³ki and the extraordinary exhibition "On the Route of History" which will lead you through the 300 years of the history of the city. You may also see the exhibition of the 19th century paintings by the eminent painter and native of Suwa³ki - Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski. REGIONAL MUSEUM IN SUWA£KI ul. Koœciuszki 81 tel. 87 566 57 50 www.muzeum.suwalki.pl Maria Konopnicka Museum is located in the building where our famous poet was born. Here, you will be transferred not only to the land of fairy tales and gnomes, but also learn about the life and work of the poet and relax in the beautiful fairy-tale garden. There are also other exceptional exhibitions: stories of the women of Suwa³ki told with a whisper of admiration and the story of Ola Szczerbiñska of 80 Krzywa Street, or Madame Pilsudski, wife of Marshal Pilsudski. MARIA KONOPNICKA MUSEUM ul Koœciuszki 31 tel. 87 566 41 33 www.mk.muzeum.suwalki.pl The city has for many years hosted the open air event of the International Suwa³ki Blues Festival including performances by outstanding musicians in the unique atmosphere created by blues fans. August is the time of the Suwa³ki Days - Camaldolese Fair, an event referring to the history and traditions of the Camaldolese monks. Active S Suwa³ki can also offer a lot to tourists seeking active leisure. The picturesquely located artificial lake "Arkadia", fed by the waters of the Czarna Hañcza River, is located almost in the very centre of the city. There is a charming islet in the middle of the lake. In the summer season, visitors to the beach are supervised by WOPR lifeguards. You can use the services of recreational boats rental (boats, kayaks, pedal boats) uwa³ki Close to the beach: a coffee house and a playground for children. Fans of sports are offered tennis courts, skate park, gym, Street Workout and Parkour Park. Suwa³ki Aquapark (opened in December 2010) is one of the most modern recreational and sports centres in north-east Poland. The facility is free from architectural barriers and friendly to visitors with disabilities. The complex of swimming pools is composed of recreational and sports facilities. In the vicinity of Lake Arkadia: a modern football stadium, camping, hotels, the municipal swimming pool with gym and sauna, and a sports hall with a climbing wall. Aquapark has also a complex of baths and saunas. The sports swimming pool meets all the criteria of the Polish Swimming Association. The pool measures 25x21m and its gallery can hold 300 spectators. The recreational area includes a 56m open water slide, over 100m long two tube slides with many bends, also: water jets, a water cascade, geysers, water umbrella, two-nozzle currents, 3 whirlpool s and an artificial river. The complex of baths and saunas includes: a Roman steam bath, Finnish sauna, saunarium, infrared sauna and a salt grotto. Aquapark Suwa³ki ul. Papie¿a Jana Paw³a II 7 , 16-400 Suwa³ki tel. 87 562 62 22, www.aquaparksuwalki.com Athletics Stadium ul. Wojska Polskiego 17, tel. 87 566 41 87, www.osir.suwalki.pl A q u a p a r k N o w o m i e j s k a B u d z i s k L o I T W A L I T W A S P K R u t k a T a r t a k , W i ża j n y S t a r o s t w o P o w i a U t G o w S e u w a łk i RONDO SOLIDARNOŒCI RONDO SUWALSKIEJ BRYGADY KAWALERII RONDO POLSKIEJ ORGANIZACJI WOJSKOWEJ w ó p i l i F j e i k c i n p o n o K . M c a l P RONDO POWSTAÑCÓW STYCZNIOWYCH prof. EDWARDA FRANCISZKA SZCZEPANIKA S T A D I O N M I E J S K I W I G R Y S U W A ŁK I E U R O C A M P I N G L I T W A W P N , S e j n y U r z a d M i e j s k i e z c e z r a Z o w e z r ła a k a B RONDO Y Z R A T N E M Ń Ł C A Ó N P S Z E Y Z W U I M D E I S 2 3 p a źd z i e r n i k a a i n p r e i s 4 2 a i n p r e i s 4 2 RONDO ZES£AÑCÓW SYBIRU informacja turystyczna tourist information Suwalskie œcie¿ki kulturowe - Cultural Routes of Suwa³ki œcie¿ka spacerowa - A Stroll Path œcie¿ka klasycystyczna - A Classicism Path szlak turystyczny „Krasnoludki s¹ na œwiecie” - tourist route ”Gnomes Do Exist” Archiwum Pañstwowe - National Archives muzea - museums galerie sztuki - art galeries centra kultury - culture centers pomniki - monuments szko³a muzyczna - music school obiekty œwiadcz¹ce us³ugi hotelarskie - hotels, motels restauracje, bary, kawiarnie - restaurants, bars, cafe kino - cinema parkingi - parkings urzêdy pocztowe - post-offices stacje paliw - filling stations stra¿ po¿arna - fire-brigade koœcio³y - churches Auquapark; p³ywalnie kryte - indoor swimming pools pla¿e - beaches stacja kolejowa - railways station dworzec autobusowy - bus station R a c z k i wypo¿yczalnia rowerów - rent-a-bikes A u g u s t ó w posterunk policji - Police station a w a z s r a W , k o t s ły a i B pogotowie - medical emergency modation and m o c c A Cater Hotel LOFT 1898 ***, ul. Pu³askiego 24K, tel. 87 739 59 00, www.hotelloft.pl Hotel AKVILON***, ul. Koœciuszki 4, tel. 87 563 59 40, www.akvilon.pl Hotel VELVET***, ul. Koœciuszki 128, tel. 87 563 52 52, www.hotelvelvet.pl Hotel LOGOS**, ul. Koœciuszki 120, tel. 87 566 69 00, www.logos-hotel.pl Hotel SZYSZKO***, ul. Innowacyjna 3, tel. 87 565 46 46, www.hotel-szyszko.pl Hotel VILLA EDEN***, ul. Noniewicza 37, tel. 87 737 77 96, 532 841 670, www.hotelvillaeden.pl Hostel Fresco, ul. Zawadzkiego 7, tel. 501 370 877, www.frescohostel.pl Hostel WIGRY, ul. Zarzecze 26, tel. 87 566 72 20, www.osir.suwalki.pl EUROCAMPING, ul. Zarzecze 26, tel. 87 567 33 07, www.osir.suwalki.pl STUDENT DORMITORY, ul. Szkolna 2, tel. 87 517 25 00, www.pwsz.suwalki.pl HAÑCZA, ul. Wojska Polskiego 2, tel. 87 566 66 33, www.hotelhancza.com PRIVATE Inn, ul. Polna 9, tel. 87 5665362, www.private.firmy.suwalki.pl Europejska Apartaments, ul. Wojska Polskiego 102, tel. 87 564 26 26, 515 213 993, www.apartamentyeuropejska.pl TATARAK Restaurant (Hotel Loft 1898), ul. Pu³askiego 24K, tel. 87 739 59 00, www.hotelloft.pl KARCZMA POLSKA Restaurant, ul. Koœciuszki 101A, tel. 87 566 48 60 www.karczmasuwalki.pl NOVA RESTAURANT (Hotel Velvet), ul. Koœciuszki 128, tel. 87 563 52 25 www.novarestaurant.pl Restaurant at Hotel LOGOS, ul. Koœciuszki 120, tel. 87 566 69 00, www.logos-hotel.pl Restaurant at Hotel AKVILON, ul. Koœciuszki 4, tel. 87 563 59 40, www.akvilon.pl Fun Factory ROZMARINO, ul. Koœciuszki 75, tel. 87 563 24 00, www.rozmarino.pl U ALIKA Tatar cuisine, ul. Koœciuszki 98, tel. 885 385 723, www.kuchniaualika.pl ul. Witosa 4A tel. 87 565 62 47 http://midicentrum.pl midicentrum@bpsuwalki.pl Midicentrum – Creative Science and Technology Centre in Suwa³ki is an interactive didactic centre utilizing modern technological and IT solutions for educational purposes. The main aim of its activities is development of skills in technological advancements. This includes the skills of utilizing a computerized educational environment and broadening of users' interests. ing NIEZ£E ZIÓ£KO fast & slow food, ul. Koœciuszki 94 Pancake restaurant POD CHMURK¥, ul. Koœciuszki 86, tel. 690 464 285 Coffee bar club PODUSZKA, ul. Koœciuszki 82/3, tel. 530 532 525 Pizzeria GRUBY BENEK, ul. Koœciuszki 78, tel. 87 566 28 96, www.grubybenek.pl SUGAR Confectionery/Bakery and Café, ul. Koœciuszki 76 , tel. 517 624 514 WARKA Pub, ul. Ch³odna 2, tel. 666 468 842,www.rozmarino.pl Restaurant NA STARÓWCE, ul. Ch³odna 2, tel. 87 563 24 24, www.rozmarino.pl FINEZJA ORIENTU Chinese cuisine, ul. Ch³odna 3A, tel. 87 563 60 48 „U LODZIARZY” true icecream production, ul. Ch³odna 8, tel. 575 507 248 DELISSA confectionery, ul. Ch³odna 18, 608 707 791, www.delissa.pl Restaurant VILLA EDEN, ul. Noniewicza 37, tel. 87 737 77 96, 532 841 670, www.hotelvillaeden.pl POZIOMKA confectionery, ul. Sejneñska 7, tel. 87 565 00 56, ul. Koœciuszki 52, tel. 87 567 72 16, www.cukierniastaniszewski.pl SAYURI SUSHI, ul. Noniewicza 35, tel.798 842 599, www.sayurisushi.pl PIEROGARNIA RITA, ul. Noniewicza 85B, tel. 664 561 136, www.ritapierogarnia.pl Bar ARIZONA Western chicken & pizza, ul. Krótka 10, tel. 500 796 007 SANO Sicilian street food, ul. Noniewicza 26A, tel. 882 272 418 OPEN SUWALSZCZYZNA Restaurant, ul. Noniewicza 71A, tel. 726 666 656, www.sosenka.pl Pizzeria FANTAZJA, ul. Waryñskiego 21, tel. 87 565 37 49, www.fantazja.suwalki.pl BRAMA Pub, ul. Warynskiego 7, tel. 87 563 10 39, www.pubbrama.pl PANI WINA PANI KAWA, ul. Zawadzkiego 2 lok. 5, tel. 87 735 33 39, www.paniwina-panikawa.pl Fresco HOSTEL RESTAURANT BAR, ul. Zawadzkiego 7, tel. 501 370 877, www.frescohostel.pl FANTAZJA Nad Zalewem [on the Lake], ul. Zastawie 42, tel. 512 601 588, 501 793 858 www.fantazja-nad-zalewem.pl Laguna Restaurant nad zalewem [on the Lake], ul. Zastawie 6, 87 566 35 61 , 509 155 154 POD ŒLIW¥ Milk Bar, ul. Mickiewicza 5, tel. 519 847 556, www.podsliwa.suwalki.pl MIEJSKA SIEJA, ul. Koœciuszki 54, tel. 87 563 70 10, 606 111 211 KREDENS SMAKU, ul. Minkiewicza 1, tel. 500 808 086, www.kredens-smaku.pl McDONALDS, ul. Dwernickiego 10, tel. 87 563 16 65, 694 495 991 Restaurant at Hotel SZYSZKO, ul. Innowacyjna 3, tel. 87 565 46 46, 504 467 467, www.hotel-szyszko.pl B o l c i e R U T K A T A R T A K S u w a l s k i P a r k K r a j o b r a z o w y P u ńs k T u r t u l Located in the vicinity of Suwa³ki are valuable objects of the natural and cultural heritage, the protected areas of Wigry National Park and the Suwalski Landscape Park. The greatest attraction of the Wigry National Park is the picturesque Lake Wigry with the Post-Camaldolese Monastery Complex and the Czarna Hañcza kayaking route. The Suwa³ki Landscape Park boasts the deepest Polish lake - Lake Hañcza, and viewpoints on the beautiful glacial landscapes. Tourists may enjoy the Parks' hiking, cycling, kayaking and didactic paths. J . S z e l m e n t W l k . S z e l m e n t K r a s n o g r u d a S U W A ŁK I S E J N Y B A K A ŁA R Z E W O K r z y w e S t a r y F o l w a r k G a w r y c h R u d a P ło c i c z n o W i g i e r s k i P a r k N a r o d o w y P u s z c z a A u g u s t o w s k a D o w s p u d a Św i ęt e M i e j s c e S t u d z i e n i c z n a 26 Recreational and Yachting Centre in Stary Folwark Stary Folwark 55D, 16-412 Suwa³ki, tel. 602 230 106, www.osir.suwalki.pl Tourist Information Centre of the Wigry National Park Krzywe 82, 16-402 Suwa³ki tel. 87 563 25 62, 510 992 672, www.wigry.org.pl Ten things not to be missed while in the Wigry National Park: ? take a cycling tour round Lake Wigry ? take a walk along the educational paths, ? paddle a kayak down the Czarna Hañcza River, ? pay a visit to the Wigry Museum in Stary Folwark, ? climb one of the lookout towers, ? visit the Post-Camaldolese Monastery Complex in Wigry, ? take a cruise on Lake Wigry, ? take a ride on the narrow-gauge railway, ? catch a really big fish, try local cuisine. ? Cruises on the “Leptadora II”, a boat with a glass bottom Wigry Museum, Stary Folwark 50, tel. 87 5630152, www.wigry.org.pl The cruises on "Leptadora II", a boat with a glass bottom, are available in summer season. The boat can take 9 persons at a time for a tour of the underwater world of Lake Wigry. The Centre is located on the picturesque Lake Wigry, in the distance of 12km from Suwa³ki. The place is especially recommended to lovers of cross-country runs and hiking. It is also a place friendly for the Green Velo bikers and is very popular among cyclists. The Centre offers: all-year-round accommodation with 20 beds in 4 4-bed rooms and one suite, and water sports equipment rental. Hotel and Restaurant “Holiday” Stary Folwark 106, 16-402 Suwa³ki, tel. 87 563 71 20, 502 493 496 http://hotel-holiday.pl „Holiday” is an ideal place for relaxation with your family and friends. It is attractively located in the Wigry National Park (750 metres from Lake Wigry) along the Green Velo biking trail. The Centre is equipped with a sauna, billiards room, children's playground, barbecue facilities and bicycle equipment. You can use the hiking and biking trails and a beach on Lake Wigry located nearby. Hotel nad Wigrami*** Gawrych Ruda 39B, 16-402 Suwa³ki, tel. 87 563 59 59, 668 696 207 www.hotelnadwigrami.pl The Hotel is located on the banks of Lake Wigry, on the verge of the Wigry National Park. It offers 73 beds in 34 rooms including singles, doubles and triple bed rooms with a view on the lake. One room is adjusted to people with disabilities. Attractions in the hotel: bowling, billiards, table football, air hockey, rentals of water equipment (kayaks, pedal boats, boats), Nordic walking poles, bikes. It has dry and infrared saunas and a gym. The hotel restaurant has a splendid menu. It includes dishes from fresh fish and specialties of the regional cuisine. Suwalski Landscape Park invites you to take a trip following in the footsteps of the Yotvingians! The best starting point is the village of Szurpi³y with the Yotvingian Exhibition dedicated to the life of the Yotvingians. You can see there a model of the local medieval hill fort, once located on the Castle Hill, copies and replicas of archaeological artefacts found on the site and watch films telling the story of everyday life of the Yotvingians. You can then take the didactic path "To the Castle Hill" and find yourself on the site of one of the most important Yotvingian settlements, additionally, an excellent vantage point overlooking the complex of Szurpilskie lakes. Suwalski Landscape Park (tourist information centre) Malesowizna 24, 16-404 Jeleniewo tel. 87 569 18 01, www.spk.org.pl “Szelment” Conference and Holiday Centre The Centre is located 15km from Suwa³ki on Lake Szelment Wielki, at the foot of Jesionowa Hill. The main attraction of the WOSiR Szelment this summer are: 1 km long water ski cable, high rope park, climbing wall, minigolf, paintball, bike and kayak rental, beach and a swimming place. The Centre has 33 beds (also in the building on Jesionowa Hill from which you can admire a panoramic view of the surroundings), 2 conference rooms, restaurant, and the "Bacówka" bar. The area of the Centre is crossed by the Green Velo Biking Trail. Accommodation - GUEST ROOMS AT SZELMENT, tel. 792 654 045 Tourist farmstay "Leœna Dolina” Sidory 14, 16-404 Jeleniewo, tel: 87 568 31 48, 501 345 982 www.suwalszczyza.org Szelment 1, 16-404 Jeleniewo, tel: 87 568 32 71, 606 414 166 www.centrumszelment.pl The Centre is located on Lake Szelment Wielki, near a water ski cable. The Centre offers beaches with piers and sheltered place for a bonfire, water equipment rental, camping site, tennis courts, dry sauna, and a beach volleyball court. The facility provides accommodation for 110 persons in 37 comfortable rooms with bathrooms. Our terrace restaurant serves: kocio³ek szelmencki ("Szelment pot"), kartacze (meat-stuffed potato dumplings), pierogi and potato cake (local cuisine). The Yotvingian Fortress High Rope Park is a perfect place for an active leisure, fun and relaxation for whole family. It is located in the very centre of the Suwalski Landscape Park, between Castle Hill and Cisowa Hill, on Lake Jeglówek. The Park offers 4 high rope routes that create a special obstacle course suspended among the trees. The highest trails are located 15 meters above the ground. Here you can find one of the longest zip-lines in Poland 420m long. The Yotvingian Fortress High Rope Park Udziejek 18, 16-404 Jeleniewo, tel. 888 632 335 www.twierdzajacwingow.pl The farm is located in the buffer zone of the Suwalski Landscape Park. It offers rooms with bathrooms in a big house integrated into the picturesque valley encircled by woods near Lake Sumowo. The premises include a large recreational area and a place for bonfire and barbecue, and courts for volleyball and basketball. We encourage active leisure, taking up sculpture and woodcarving, pottery or physiotherapy exercises. All meals are prepared using ecological produce from our farm. We serve dishes of the regional Polish-Lithuanian cuisine and vegetarian dishes. 10% discount on a la carte menu Offer valid until 31.10.2016 10 % discount for a ride on Sodi GT5R go-kart * Special offers and discounts cannot be combined Discount voucher -10% for any service in Holiday See our offer on our website www.hotel-holiday.pl 10% discount on accommodation (upon presentation of the voucher coupon from the promotional brochure and leaving it at the front desk of the PKS SA (bus station) in Suwa³ki.) 10% discount on accommodation and 20% on any massage 10 % discount on all standard single tickets, for all bus services of PKS Suwa³ki S.A. special offer: holiday stay already from 140 PLN per person per night (upon presentation of the voucher coupon from the promotional brochure to driver or bus station cashier) This promotional offer cannot be combined with special offers this special offer valid from 1.07.2016 through 12.07.2016 accommodation services: single room 75,00 z³ double room 130,00 z³ 3-person room 180,00 z³ 4-person room 220,00 z³ 5-person room 250,00 z³ Osrodek The Centre is located in the buffer zone of the Wigry National Park. In addition to accommodation and food, we offer you interesting leisure facilities - recreation and numerous unique attractions, such as: the Village of Merry Wanderers and the Interactive village of Young Fishermen. Maniówka We particularly recommend: ? accommodation and meals (traditional home cooking) ? corporate team building trips ? overnight school trips and excursions, summer camps and bivouacs,(we hold the licence of tourism organizers and agents under No. 02466) ? also holidays with children, including weekend Visitors to Suwa³ki Region are invited to the Fairy-tale Trail. It is an unusual offer for families with children with seven main stops interestingly arranged places of leisure, fun, recreation and education, popularly known as Fairy-tale Villages. They are based on the stories by Maria Konopnicka, regional legends and fairy-tale motifs. Each Village is dedicated to one theme, it has its own patrons-guides, separate set of games, plays and animation. The Fairy-tale Trail has special Wanderer's charts that make visits easier and add variety to them. The Small Wanderer's Chart guides through a given Village, while the Big Wanderer's Chart helps to visit the whole trail - obtaining stamps and win prizes. It also makes a wonderful souvenir from the covered trail. A visit can be started at any of the stops on the Fairy-tale Trail, there are seven such stops: Dwarfs' Alley (Suwa³ki, ul. Koœciuszki 31, in the garden of Maria Konopnicka Museum, tel. 87 566 41 33) stays with child minding, ? recreation and therapeutic stays, ? slimming holidays for children and adults, ? rehabilitation groups The Village of Merry Wanderers (Nowa Wieœ, 9km from Suwa³ki, at the "Maniówka" Hostel, tel. 87 565 63 55) The Village of Two Masters (Puñsk, ul. Szkolna 67, at the open-air museum, behind the inn, tel. 603 834 677) The Valley of Adventures on the Szeszupa (Rutka – Tartak, in the bend of the Szeszupa, at the bridge, tel. 87 568 72 01) The Village of Forgotten Warriors (Baka³arzewo, ul. M³yñska 11, at the Public Library, tel. 87 569 40 65) The Village of the Forest Boons (Kopiec 7, Sztabin near Augustów, at the agrotourism farm „Janewiczówka”, tel. 694 579 718) Oœrodek Maniówka, Nowa Wieœ 9 near Suwa³ki, 16-400 Suwa³ki tel. 87 565 63 55, www.maniowka.pl The Town of Secret Alleys (Sejny, ul. Konarskiego 23A, at the city stadium, tel. 518 689 518) The Centre is registered by the Voivode of Podlaskie as organizer of tourism - entry No. OR/20/0002/2015 licence valid until 17 November 2018, entry in the register of tourism centres No. OD/20/0004/2015 valid until 13 December 2018. Network cards entitling to discount for all stops on the Fairy-tale Trail, are available at the Villages on the Trail and at the Tourist Information Centre in Suwa³ki. We recommended guides and other publications on Suwalszczyzna (Suwa³ki region) Hotel and Restaurant Karting Plaza Tatarak Restaurant Stary Folwark 106, 16-402 Suwa³ki tel. +48 87 563 71 20, +48 502 493 496, tel./fax: +48 87 563 71 10 http://hotel-holiday.pl e-mail: restauracja@hotel-holiday.pl marketing@hotel-holiday.pl ul. Dwernickiego 15, 16-400 Suwa³ki Centrum Handlowe Plaza tel. +48 87 735 33 34 www.kartingplaza.pl e-mail: biuro@kartingplaza.pl ul. Gen. K. Pu³askiego 24K 16-400 Suwa³ki tel. +48 87 739 59 99 www.hotelloft.pl e-mail: info@hotelloft.pl frames for motorbike and car licence plates Leisure born of dreams “Szelment” Conference and Holiday Centre Szelment 1, 16-404 Jeleniewo tel: + 48 87 568 32 71, +48 606 414 166 www.centrumszelment.pl e-mail: recepcja@centrumszelment.pl PKS w Suwa³kach S.A. [bus station] Hotel Szyszko *** ul. Wojska Polskiego 100 16-400 Suwa³ki tel. 87 566 52 41 fax. 87 566 26 82 www.pkssuwalki.pl e-mail: pks@suwalki.com.pl Innowacyjna 3, 16-400 Suwa³ki tel. +48 87 565 46 46, tel. kom. +48 504 467 467 fax.+48 87 565 47 00 www.hotel-szyszko.pl e-mail: recepcja@hotel-szyszko.pl on sale at the Tourist Information Centre or shop online at www.handmade.sklep.pl