Primary Word 12 February 2016 - Brixworth CEVC Primary School
Primary Word 12 February 2016 - Brixworth CEVC Primary School
Volume 13 Issue 19 12th February 2016 Brixworth CE VC Primary School Froxhill Crescent, Brixworth, Northants NN6 9BG Tel: 01604 883900 Email : Website: Headteacher Mr D Boucher Events for the week beginning 22nd February 2016 Monday 9.00 - 2.00 12.00 - 12.30 12.00 - 12.30 12.30 - 12.55 3.30 - 5.50 4.00 - 6.00 Guitar Lessons Chess Club Yr 4 Recorder Beginners Collective Worship Gymnastics Parents Evening Meeting Room Mr Langford’s Classroom Mrs Marsh’s Classroom Mrs Stiles’ Classroom Main Hall Classr ooms Mr Dr aper Mr Langford Miss Royds Mrs Stiles Mrs Rickard Miss Pur cell Teacher s Tuesday 8.40 - 1.30 12.00 - 12.30 12.00 - 12.30 12.30 - 2.30 3.30 - 5.00 6:30 - 8:00 6:30 - 7:30 County Athletics Finals Kettering Sports Arena Recorder Beginners Mrs Varrier’s Classroom Recorder Intermediate Mrs Marsh’s Classroom Cello Lessons Lear ning Lounge Drama Club Yr 6 Main Hall Taekwon-do Main Hall Weight –Watchers Lower Hall Miss Fyfe Mrs Casson Mrs Marsh Mr s Malitskie Mrs Anderson Mr Bonfield Mrs Middleton Wednesday 12.15 - 12.50 12.30 - 1.00 3.35 - 4.20 6.00 - 8.00 Change for Life selected Yr 6 School Field Uganda Club selected Yr 5 Mrs Casson’s Classroom Spanish Club Miss de Rossi’s Classr oom Parents Evening Classr ooms Rob Paul Mrs Casson Mr s Br ooks Teacher s Thursday 9.30 - 12.00 11.20 - 12.20 12.00 - 12.30 12.00 - 12.30 12.30 - 1.00 3.30 - 4.30 5:30 - 8:30 Guitar Wider Opportunities Yr 4 Lower Hall Year 4 Teachers Brass Lessons Meeting Room Mr Baker Recorder Beginners Mrs Devereux’s Classroom Mrs Devereux Art Club selected KS2 pupils Miss de Rossi’s Classroom Miss de Rossi Recorder Beginners Mr Langford’s Classroom Miss Williams Football Yr 5/6 School Field Mr Cox Mr Deacon Taekwon-do Main Hall Mr Bonfield Friday 9:40 - 3:10 12.00 - 12.30 12.00 - 12.30 12.45 - 3.15 3.30 - 4.00 3.30 - 4.45 3.30 - 8.30 Violin/Viola Lessons Meeting Room Mr Roper Photography Club Mr Deacons Classroom Mr Deacon Computer Club Yr 4 Mrs Willis/Mrs Young Classroom Mrs Jacks Swimming selected Yr 5/6 pupil’s Lings For um Mr Boucher Miss Williams Recorder Ensemble Mrs Marsh’s Classroom Mrs Marsh Pacesetters Multi Skills School Playground J ulia Far ebr other Anti Bullying Finals selected pupils Round Spinney Mr Boucher Miss Royds Sunday 9.00 - 10.00 10.30 - 11.45 BreaCFast@9 BCF Informal Service Rev Phil Walter Rev Phil Walter BRIXWORTH CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT AND TEACHER ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISING EVENT MOTHER’S DAY STALL Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd March 2016 Every child will have the chance to visit the stall and choose a gift. The children absolutely love this event. All gifts have been carefully sourced, prices range from 50p to £4, from chocolates to lovely scarves. Page 2 Primary Word 12/02/16 Good News Over the next few weeks I will be sharing a series of graphs showing our academic attainment and achievement. This shows how Brixworth CEVC Primary School is performing in comparison with good and outstanding schools using national data. The graphs and statements are produced and provided by Arbor. After half term KS1 phonics will be shared. David Boucher Page 3 Primary Word 12/02/16 … and More Good News Last week I received a letter from Sam Gyimap MP from the Parliament Under Secretary of State for Childcare and Education informing me of an award for the progress pupil premium children make in school. I am pleased to share the substance of the letter with you: Brixworth Primary School Pupil Premium Awards 2016: Congratulations! Dear Mr Boucher, It gives me great pleasure to write to you and congratulate your school on winning a local award in the key stage 2 category of the Pupil Premium Awards 2016. I am also inviting you to submit an application to win the regional or national award. The reason you have been selected is that you are one of the most improved schools in the country in terms of the attainment and progress of your disadvantaged pupils since 2011. It is clear that you and your staff have provided your disadvantaged pupils with a good start in life and prepared them well for secondary school. I would like to congratulate your governors, parents and pupils for their hard work and success, and thank you for your leadership in making such a difference to the future success of your pupils. Finally, I would also encourage you to share your achievements with other schools so that they can learn from your strengths and experience. Yours Sincerely, Sam Gyimah MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Childcare and Education Job Vacancy We are currently seeking a Clerk to Governors/Governance Administrator. The job role has three main elements: Clerk to the governing body. Administration related to school governance - including school policies. Servicing the school website with regard to governance and statutory requirements. The post is for 10 hours per week (1.30pm – 3.30pm Monday -Friday) term time plus preparing and minuting the Governing Body Meetings which take place on an evening (normally 7 – 9.30pm) Actual Salary: £3,590 pa Pay Scale - NJC Scale Pay Scale points 13-15 range Attendance at training course and Area Network meetings is also required outside of these hours. For further information or an application form, please contact the School Office. Closing Date: Wednesday 24th February Start Date: Monday 7th March. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children. As part of our safer recruitment process, the successful candidate will be subject to enhanced DBS, appropriate references and medical assessment. Page 4 Primary Word 12/02/16 Assembly Theme Attendance class of the week Good to Be Me (SEAL) Truthfulness (Values for Life) Week: 1st to 5th February 2016 Mrs Casson Week Commencing: 22nd February 2016 100% Parents Evenings Without Levels Information to Parents The assessment levels no longer apply to the way children’s attainment will be measured in schools. Standardised scores will be used to place pupils within broad categories. In general terms children’s progress and attainment will be described as: Castle Experience - Year 1/2 Brixworth Juniors Football - FS to Year 3 Girls Brixworth Football - Year 5/6 Key Stage 1 National Assessment Guidance - Year 2 Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard. Nationally, pupils will still undertaken Statutory Assessment Tests at the the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. However, pupil attainment will be recorded as at, above or below a standardised score of 100. It is envisaged that the score of 100 will equate to an expected standard for the age group but this may not match the old Level of 2 at KS1 and Level 4 at KS2. The school has adopted the ‘Symphony’ scheme which provides a series of descriptors which teachers can use to assess where a child is in their learning in terms of attainment and progress. The change in language means that at parents evenings teachers can no longer share ‘levels’. Teachers will share learning demonstrating what children can do and what they need to know and understand to progress in their learning. Parents will receive targets for their child based around the next steps in Symphony. In this transition period the school will continue to run tests to assess attainment and progression, however, the outcomes will link to the new standardised measures rather than the old levels. David Boucher World Book Day 2016 This year the school will spend a week reading and writing about dragons. On Thursday 3rd March childr en in FS to Yr 4 can come to school dressed as a character linked with Dragons. Ideas include: Dragons, knights, prince, princess or a character from a story book including a dragon e.g. The Hobbit, Shrek, How to train a dragon. Yr 5 and 6 will design and decorate a plain t-shirt they bring in from home. More information about the day will be provided nearer the time. Half Term Opening Times The school office will be open 9.00am to 4.30pm Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th February dur ing half term. Kingswood Catering Please remember to order your child’s meal by Wednesday 17th February for meals week commencing Monday 22nd February. Growing Saints We welcome all primary school age children to Brixworth Church Sunday School. Held in the Brixworth Centre on the third Sunday of the month. The next Sunday will be 21st February at 10.30am.