Untitled - Sonic Boom Wellness
Untitled - Sonic Boom Wellness
sunday 1 monday 2 Any time you’re on the phone or standing still today, march in place. Bring those knees as high as you can. Try for 15 repetitions. 8 Mother’s Day 15 22 29 tuesday 3 Buy your favorite vending machine indulgence. Give it to a coworker and tell him/her why you’re NOT eating it. wednesday 4 If you have multiple restrooms, use the one FURTHEST AWAY every time you need to go. Better yet, use a different building’s, if feasible. thursday 5 Send a text to one person inviting him/her to be your “wellness buddy” and to talk once a week about your ongoing progress. friday 6 10 11 12 13 We must, we must, we must work out the bust! Press your palms together and squeeze as hard as you can for 30 seconds. Yes, men – you too! Log in to discover 10 easy ways to cut 100 calories. If you cut 100 (or burn 100 more) calories each day, you’ll lose 10 pounds a year. Work your glutes. Stand facing a wall. Raise your heel up to your butt, squeezing your glutes. Alternate legs. Do 10 for each leg. Pretend your phones and e-mails are down. Talk to every coworker face-to-face all day today. Meet someone new. Double down! Choose a typical activity (like climbing the stairs or walking down the hall). Each time you do it today, go back and do it again. Call out “Double down!” so everyone will know. 16 17 18 19 20 Try the yoga “warrior III pose” for 10 seconds. If you can last 30 seconds or more, you’re a total stud/studette. Eat protein at EVERY meal today. It stabilizes your blood sugar, keeps you feeling full longer, and stimulates the production of glucagons, which help to mobilize previously stored fat. 23 24 25 26 Be like a prairie dog. Any time someone opens a package of snacks or walks to the vending machine, pop up like a prairie dog and see what they’re up to. Today is berry day. Not just any berry, though. You have to work for it. Get your hands on some goji berries. Joust is a fun way to create health-related competitions for your coworkers. If you don’t have Joust yet, you may be getting it soon. For today, create a challenge for your coworkers and send it in. STOMP out your stress. If you feel like unwinding, stomp your feet 15 times. Try it at least once today. 30 31 Studies show that people who wear comfy clothes walk 491 more steps per day. Wear your most comfortable outfit today. You know the one. Should you choose organic fruits and vegetables? Read today’s challenge and find out what “certified organic” really means. Memorial Day Visit www.sonicboomwellness.com for details. Check with your health care professional and supervisor before attempting any challenge. Please, don't take yourself too seriously. Have some fun, live a little, and be healthy. Dare a coworker(s) to try a health-related activity they’ve never tried before. Double dare them if they say no. 7 Last one standing. From the moment you show up today, see how long you can go before sitting down. Can you last the whole day? 9 Pretend you’re a sumo wrestler (no contact). Walk in a squat with your legs wide. Leave the diaper at home. saturday 14 21 Take off your shoes and try hopping on one leg from one end of a big room to the other. Switch legs and come back. We smell a race! 27 As you’re leaving for lunch, do the twist. You know, the dance that’s so much fun to do. Get your friends and just do it. 28