2005 Annual Report - St. Helena Hospital Foundation


2005 Annual Report - St. Helena Hospital Foundation
Giving Back
Annual Report
Chairman’s column:
Finding New Ways to Give and to Give Back
In this issue’s interview with JoAline Olson, she speaks about
the vital partnership of the local community with the Hospital.
I am particularly pleased to be among those members of the
community who are partnering with JoAline and the Hospital’s
entire team to help maintain the excellence that we have all
come to expect from our St Helena Hospital.
St. Helena Hospital
Core Values
We exceed expectations.
We treat others with dignity and
We take personal responsibility for
all of our actions.
We act in harmony with our values.
We lead out in creating a
healthy community.
Over the next few years, we have several monumental challenges
before us that will have far-reaching consequences for
healthcare in our community. Preparing for the renewal of
buildings and facilities, staying ahead of the technology curve
in modern healthcare and building new relationships to ensure the continuity of volunteer
leadership are the Foundation’s priorities during my term as chairman. The decisions that
our Hospital leadership makes now will impact the quality of life that our families, friends and
businesses experience in the future.
During 2005, St. Helena Hospital leadership and staff continued to find new ways to excel at
providing healthcare for our community. I am pleased that the Hospital continues to achieve
national acclaim through the Medicare Quality Project, HealthGrades’ Hospital Quality in America
Study, a national study on Home Care and a National Quality Measure of Behavioral Health
services. Allow us to share our continued success with you in this newsletter.
This issue is also filled with inspiring stories of those who gave, and gave generously, during
2005 in support of the Hospital. My family chose to make a significant gift this year because we
have benefited from this wonderful hospital and would like future generations to benefit as well.
On behalf of the Foundation Board, please know how much we appreciate our many good
friends who continue to support the Hospital. We invite you to partner with us to sustain an
outstanding medical center through volunteering and investing and by sharing your thoughts
with us about what is working and what we might do better.
St. Helena Hospital never rests and is always searching for new ways to give back to our
community. This promises to be an auspicious year, and I look forward to sharing our
progress with you.
We promote optimal health and
healing in ourselves as well as others.
Our Mission
In serving the people of the Napa Valley and neighboring communities, St. Helena Hospital is committed to:
Creating an effective environment for healing the whole person physically, emotionally and spiritually;
Promoting this healing with skill, compassion and the highest standards of quality;
Helping individuals and families become responsible for achieving their optimum wellness;
Providing an atmosphere of dignity and loving care for those whose health cannot be restored;
Managing our resources efficiently and prudently in order to sustain our capacity for enduring service;
Empowering our staff to achieve the best expression of their professional skills;
Being an aware and responsive member of the communities we serve.
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
What it Takes …
To Be the Best!
IntelliCare, a comprehensive
electronic medical record
which will greatly enhance
medical record accessibility.
What does it take to create and maintain a state-of-the-art medical
facility in the upper Napa Valley? How does St. Helena Hospital keep
pace with burgeoning medical and technological research to provide
the community with the best care available?
JoAline Olson, president and CEO of St. Helena Hospital,
points to the relationship between the community, physicians
and the Hospital. Through community support, whether through
volunteerism or dollars raised through the St. Helena Hospital
Foundation, St. Helena Hospital is able to offer cutting-edge
technologies and recruit physicians who are knowledgeable about
the latest medical research, which is unusual for a hospital in a rural
location. Providing excellent service is how the Hospital gives back
to the community. “It is a very rewarding cycle and a very productive
relationship,” says Olson.
In 2005, this rewarding relationship brought growth to St. Helena
Hospital in the form of continued distinction for the Cardiovascular
Center, new technologies and services, and three outstanding
physicians, David P.L. Sachs, MD, Mark Parra, MD and Brian
Mundy, MD.
But the growth doesn’t stop there. Olson says that in 2006,
St. Helena Hospital will see a new nuclear medicine camera
installed, a rapid-response team developed and implemented,
and the recruitment of physicians in internal medicine, the
hospitalist program, pulmonology, and preventive medicine and
wellness. In June 2006 the Hospital implemented Phase I of Project
With growth, of course,
come challenges. “The
rapid rate of change is one
of the hardest things about
being president of a hospital,” Olson says. “Keeping an organization
of this size nimble and able to change in areas of reimbursement,
technologies, procedures and regulations is all necessary and very
time consuming.”
The benefits of running a community-centered hospital far outweigh
the difficulties, however. Olson speaks of the joy of being part of a
team that provides excellent, whole-person care and the rewards of
implementing programs that really make a difference for people.
“Seeing a person change because he or she came through our hospital
is rewarding,” she says. “And it is rewarding to see our community
back the value of the Hospital and acknowledge that the quality of the
Hospital is essential to the quality of life in the Upper Valley.”
So why is St. Helena Hospital able to offer top-notch services and
care to the community? It is a matter of balance—a continuing,
mutually beneficial relationship that is sustaining to all.
2006 Board of Directors
Rick Jones
Board Chair
Daphne Araujo
Vice Chair
Stacey Bressler
Secretary & Annual
Outreach Chair
Treasurer & CFO
Elaine John
Foundation President
JoAline Olson
Hospital President
Chuck McMinn
Audit Chair
Joe Wender
Disbursement Chair
Robin Lail
Nominating Chair
Bruce Atwater
Catherine Ball
David Duncan
Andrea Phelps
Sakopoulos, MD
George Sheldon
Greg Smith, MD
Bob Trinchero
Virginia Van
Tom Wajnert
Carole Williams
Provides Annual Support
Contributions from the members of the President’s Forum have made
it possible for St. Helena Hospital to make a difference in so many lives
throughout the Napa Valley community and beyond. Together, Forum
members contributed nearly $260,000 to the Hospital’s Annual Fund
in 2005. These contributions support vital Hospital projects that are
essential to sustaining community health.
In January 2005, President’s Forum members were captivated with an enlightening talk given by Stanford’s
Irving Weissman, MD, on the latest in stem cell research. Dr. Weissman is an international leader in
researching how stem cells fight disease. Barbara and John Witt hosted the event, sponsored by Mechanics
Bank, in their newly renovated barn.
Forum Levels of Participation
Partner Membership:
$25,000 or more
Alex and Bob Phillips hosted a September President’s Forum alfresco event, sponsored by RevCare,
in their beautiful gardens on their estate. Heather Pena, MD, medical director of St. Helena Hospital’s
Center for Health, and Robert Kushner, MD, author of Dr. Kushner’s Personality Type Diet, discussed
the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and how our life patterns affect our weight loss success.
Thank you to our event sponsors Mechanics Bank and RevCare, and to Barbara and John Witt and
Alex & Bob Phillips for opening their beautiful homes to us.
Platinum Membership:
$10,000 to $24,999
Gold Membership:
$5,000 to $9,999
Silver Membership:
$2,500 to $4,999
Bronze Membership
$1,000 to $2,499
Membership Benefits
As a member of the President’s Forum, you will receive:
• Invitations to two Preferred Living Series lectures. These intimate gatherings draw experts
from a wide range of fields, allowing Forum members to follow the latest trends in medicine, fitness, prevention and nutrition. Preferred Living Series events include a memorable
meal in an elegant setting, often a private Napa Valley estate that is otherwise unavailable
to the public. This is a perfect opportunity to get to know others who share an interest in
health and a passion for giving.
• Special members-only pricing* for Silver Memberships and above in One: The Napa Valley
Personal Health Experience, a comprehensive health assessment and year-long program individually customized by Harvard-trained Medical Director, Health Pena, MD. Make your health
a top priority in 2006 with one-on-one personal care.
• Recognition on the Donor Wall of the Hospital lobby (cumulative gifts of $5,000 or more)
as well as in Hospital publications.
• Preferred Parking at the Hospital.
*Savings for up to two people of 25% for Partners; 20% for Platinum members; 15% for Gold members; and 10% for Silver members.
Join the legions of supporters who have helped sustain St. Helena Hospital by contacting
Melinda Greene, 707-967-5604 or via email at GreeneMA@ah.org.
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
Why I Donate
Annually …
“ Our community reflects and values
quality and is very fortunate to have
one of the very best medical facilities
in Northern California.”
Betty & Andrew Beckstoffer
“ We are happy to help a great facility.
We are lucky to have a first-class
medical facility that invests in cutting-edge technology.”
Marilyn & Ed Wallis
“ As ex leaders of nonprofit institutions,
we are profoundly aware of the value
of dependable annual support for
the success of the institution. This
annual support is even more valuable if its use is not designated but
left to the judgment of the professional staff and board.”
Carol & Bill Kieschnick
New Board Member
David Duncan
David R. Duncan is chief operating officer and general manager of Silver Oak and
Twomey Cellars. Building on a foundation established in 1972, David seeks to sustain
excellence with each vintage at his family’s wineries. He has served in this position since
2002. The Duncan family farm vineyards and produce wines at their two locations in
the Alexander and Napa Valleys.
Upon graduation from the University of Notre Dame in 1988, David joined the oil
and gas industry. In addition to his position at the wineries, he serves as president of
Duncan Oil, Inc., an independent oil and gas exploration company with offices in
Denver and Houston. David has held this position since 1995.
David and his wife, Kary, a practicing dermatologist, reside in St. Helena and enjoy
raising their three children, Connor, Maeve and Jack. David’s hobbies include fishing,
hunting and riding a variety of bikes along the coast of California.
In addition to becoming a member of the St. Helena Hospital Foundation Board of
Directors, David’s community involvement includes serving as a board member for
the Wine Service Co-Op and as chairman of the board for Noodles & Company, an
innovative restaurant with over 120 locations. David has been a member of the Young
Presidents Organization (YPO)—Northern California Chapter—since 1997.
“ Pam and I view St. Helena Hospital
as a remarkable resource for such
a lightly populated area. It is our goal
to make sure it remains a viable
health care option of the highest
quality for the whole community.
They have terrific doctors and a
great staff, but it takes a lot of revenue to sustain that and to keep
the five-star ratings they now have
and to elevate other areas to match.
We passionately support their mission of excellence and want to see
it continue.”
Pam & Gary Jaffe
“ We feel so fortunate to live in a
community where good health is
a priority, and St. Helena Hospital
is an exemplary example of this.
The Hospital staff reach out to the
community in many ways, one of
them being the President’s Forum.
Our principle admiration for the
Forum is in its ability to inform,
stimulate and motivate.”
Mariann & Michael Layne
Margrit & Robert
Foundation Gala Raises Record High
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, nearly 300 friends and supporters of St. Helena
Hospital came together for the Foundation’s annual gala at the Culinary Institute of
America. During the live auction, paddles were raised high in support of the Hospital’s
Cardiovascular Center, bringing in over $470,000! A special Fund-a-Need lot raised
$77,750 to expand the Cardiac Rehab Center. Since the gala’s inception in 1995, it
has raised over 2.5 million dollars.
As in years past, gala attendees honored community members who play a leadership
role in benefiting health care in the Napa Valley. This year’s honorees were
Margrit and Robert Mondavi. Among their many endeavors that have benefited the
community, Margrit and Robert were instrumental in launching what has currently
become Auction Napa Valley. The Wine Auction, developed in 1979 during a time
when Robert Mondavi chaired a campaign to help build a new wing at St. Helena
Hospital, has awarded more than $62 million to the health and well being of the
county’s residents.
Mark your calendars: St. Helena Hospital’s 2006 gala, honoring Robin Lail, will take
place on November 11th at the Napa Valley Reserve.
Golfers Give Their Best
What better way to spend a mid-September day than hitting the links at
the Napa Valley Country Club, with great weather, great food, and great
company? Each year the St. Helena Hospital Foundation provides a
fabulous golf experience, along with outstanding prizes, gifts, live auction
and awards banquet. The 16th Harvest Invitational Golf Tournament was
held on September 19th, 2005, and raised over $30,000 to benefit St.
Helena Hospital’s Cardiovascular Center.
Tim Moore ponders his next move.
The 2006 tournament will take place on September 18th at the Napa Valley
Country Club. Sponsorship opportunities range from $250 for a hole
sponsorship to $25,000 for the opportunity to be the Presenting Sponsor.
For information on sponsoring or participating in the 17th Harvest
Invitational Golf Tournament, contact Rachelle Newbold at 707-967-5819,
or via e-mail at newbolrd@ah.org. Entry forms should be submitted to the
Foundation before Friday, September 8, 2006.
Golfers prepare for a terrific day on the greens.
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
Players hit the links before attending the live auction and awards banquet.
Center for Health
Fitness Center Transformation
St. Helena Hospital’s Center for Health participants are not the
only ones being transformed these days. With a generous donation
from Daphne and Bart Araujo, the old gym is becoming a first-class
Fitness Center with the addition of 17 new LifeFitness and Scifit
machines, including treadmills, Stairmasters, weights and full
body equipment.
Additionally, the facility is being upgraded with new lockers, mirrors,
paint, carpet, security camera, sauna, and a divider between the teaching
kitchen and the Fitness Center. The wall and divider were created by a
donation from Darryl Galusha, a well-known Napa Valley contractor
and former St. Helena Hospital Foundation Board member.
Russ Melgar, fitness coordinator with the Center for Health,
provided the inspiration and vision for the project and was
responsible for researching and purchasing the equipment. Center
for Health program participants have benefited tremendously from
the changes and appreciate having state-of-the-art machines to
work out on. And, since the arrival of the new equipment, Russ
has noticed a significant increase in the number of employees and
physicians utilizing the Fitness Center before and after their shifts.
Daphne Araujo, Russ Melgar and Bart Araujo pose before the plaque commemorating the
Fitness Center renovation.
The donation is much more than just an equipment and facility
upgrade. As one Hospital employee recently stated, “This is a gift
that saves and changes lives.”
“ Our hope was that the upgrading of the
Fitness Center at St Helena Hospital
would allow many people to discover
Exercisers enjoy the upgraded Fitness Center, thanks to generous donations from the Araujos
and the Galushas.
the benefits of regular exercise in their
lives. The response has been beyond
expectation. We are happy to support the
preventive health care that the Center
for Health, and Fitness Coordinator
Russ Melgar, can so ably provide.”
- Daphne & Bart Araujo, Araujo Estate Wines
Lynnette and Daryl Galusha are honored at the Fitness Center Open House.
Auction Napa Valley Grants Support
Diagnostic Screenings at St. Helena Hospital
Auction Napa Valley (ANV) awarded St. Helena Hospital a $500,000 grant in 2005 for a
state-of-the-art 64-slice CT Scanner. This diagnostic tool is capable of assessing coronary and
peripheral artery disease, detecting the smallest lung tumors, and offers improved definition
of bone and joint anatomy. Having this higher level of diagnostic information enhances the
physician’s ability to make a more confident diagnosis and to provide the most appropriate
treatment. The Hospital’s CT scanner will be the only 64-slice available in the 5-county area
of Napa, Lake, Mendocino, Sonoma and Solano counties. St. Helena Hospital is the Bay
Area’s leading regional cardiac center, with consistent top ratings for superior outcomes in
Northern California.
ANV also awarded
The Women’s Center of
St. Helena Hospital
$116,000 to support
preventive health screenings
for the Valley’s vulnerable
individuals and families
(specifically our Hispanic
and senior populations).
The grant will provide
80 mammograms, 21
ultrasounds, 120 bone
density tests and 400 Heart
at Risk screenings to individuals who are uninsured. The Women’s Center is committed to
providing these screenings to help the community remain disease-free through identifying
disease early in order to access timely treatment and improve outcomes.
The St. Helena Hospital
Foundation Staff
Tribute Gift Honors Spouse and Staff
When it comes to your loved one’s heart,
only the best will do.
Recently Vincent DeDomenico, Sr. searched
for the “best heart specialists in the Valley”
to care for his wife, Mildred. The Cardiac
Care Center that rose to the top of the
DeDomenicos’ list was at St. Helena
Hospital (SHH).
Elaine John
President and CEO
Oliver Ramsey
Director of Major and Planned Gifts
Melinda Greene
Director of Development/Annual Fund
Rachelle Newbold
Development Associate
Gail Burr
Development Assistant
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
“Mildred sees James Lies, MD, on a
regular basis and has all her testing done
at the Hospital,” reports Vincent. She
is “comfortable and happy and I hope it
continues forever.”
In tribute to Mildred’s good health and the
skills of the cardiology specialists, staff and
other physicians at SHH, Vincent made a
generous gift of $50,000 in December 2005.
“St. Helena Hospital Foundation staff
enjoys working in partnership with grateful
patients and others to develop appropriate
opportunities to recognize meaningful
milestones in their lives,” says Elaine John,
SHH Foundation president and CEO. “Often
contributions are made in tribute to a loved
one or a caregiver. These memorial or tribute
gifts are not only meaningful to those who
initiate or receive the recognition, but they
help the Hospital provide quality health care
to the community for generations to come.”
When the Hospital receives a memorial or
tribute gift, the individual honored, or
anyone the donor wishes to acknowledge,
receives a recognition card. Donors also
receive a gift receipt for their charitable
contribution records.
For more information about memorials
and tributes, please contact Elaine John,
Foundation President and CEO, at
(707) 963-6406 or via email at
Total Funds Raised
Where the Money Comes From
Statement Of Financial Positon:
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable securities
Pledges receivable
Interest in split-interest agreement
Total Current Assets
Pledges receivable, noncurrent
Interest in split-interest agreeement, noncurrent
Where the Money Goes
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Giving Back
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
Giving Back:
A Year of Significant Achievements
St. Helena Hospital (SHH) Garners
Top Rating in Medicare Quality Project
In its ongoing quest to improve the quality of care for patients,
St. Helena Hospital finished in the top 10 percent of the nation
in the treatment of heart failure in a groundbreaking patient
quality improvement project sponsored by the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services (CMS). St. Helena was the only California
hospital to achieve this recognition.
“We are one of 18 California hospitals participating in this patient care
quality improvement project and one of five to participate in Northern
California,” said Lisa Fowler, BSN, RN, and Clinical Quality
Coordinator. “We are the beta testers in what may become mandatory
reporting of treatment indicators for all hospitals in the country.”
Hospitals performing in the top 10 percent for a given clinical focus
will receive an additional 2 percent bonus on their Medicare payments
for patients in that clinical area. St. Helena Hospital received a quality
bonus for its treatment of heart failure.
How Fast is Our PCI Time? Super Fast!
The time it takes for a patient arriving at the emergency room with
heart attack symptoms to obtain percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI) by a cardiologist can make a difference in the amount of
damage sustained by the heart.
PCI opens the blocked blood vessel to the heart so that the heart
muscle receives oxygen-rich blood. The faster the time from front
door to PCI, the less damage will be done.
At St. Helena Hospital the average PCI time is 21 percent faster than
the nationally accepted optimal time.
Behavioral Health Places in Top 10
Hospitals of National Quality Measure
St. Helena Hospital’s Center for Behavioral Health is in the top
10 performing hospitals for post discharge results in the country,
according to a national quality assurance study.
St. Helena Hospital is also in the top 10 percent for year two in
treatment of heart attack, she said. Hospitals participating in the
program were evaluated on 33 clinical measures, such as whether
patients received proper treatment and the outcome of the
procedure, Fowler said.
Only two other hospitals in California received this extraordinary
rating. Other top 10 hospitals include Yale University School of
Medicine, New York Presbyterian, Hartford Hospital-Institute
of Living, Stanford University Medical Center, and University of
California, San Francisco.
Independent National Study
Recognizes SHH’s Heart Program for
Clinical Quality Excellence
According to Managed Health Network, a behavioral health HMO that
covers 6.4 million people in 27 states, the Center for Behavioral Health
exceeds the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
standards. The criteria for meeting the standard states that “59 percent
of patients must be seen by licensed clinicians within seven days of
discharge from an acute unit.” St. Helena’s average is 76.5 percent.
St. Helena Hospital in the Napa Valley received a 5-star rating for
clinical quality and performance excellence in heart failure and
peripheral vascular bypass in 2005, according to HealthGrades,
the nation’s leading healthcare quality company.
St. Helena Hospital’s ratings place the Hospital as the best rated
provider in the North Bay/North Coast region of California for
Overall Cardiac Services three years in a row. The Hospital is also
rated as the best provider of cardiology and cardiac interventional
procedures. It is the only 5-star rated hospital in the region for
treatment of heart failure.
As part of its seventh annual Hospital Quality in America Study, HealthGrades
independently analyzed nearly 5,000 hospitals in all 50 states and the
District of Columbia for its 2005 ratings, objectively assessing their
clinical outcomes, performance and quality. The HealthGrades ratings
measure whether patient outcomes for each of more than two dozen
procedures and diagnoses are better than expected (5-star), as expected
(3-star) or worse than expected (1-star). Earning a 5-star designation
indicates that a hospital has scored in the top 15 percent or better in the
nation for clinical quality.
“In the North Bay/North Coast region, St. Helena Hospital stands
out notably in terms of delivering quality care for its cardiac and
vascular patients,” said Sarah Loughran, HealthGrades executive
vice president. “Patients, families and employers here truly have
access to healthcare that is among the best in the nation.”
St. Helena Hospital is the largest behavioral health service provider
in Northern California, with 121 licensed beds. The Center for
Health includes three programs. The Vallejo Campus is a JCAHOaccredited facility that offers mental health programs, seven days a week
to adults, adolescents (ages 13-18) and children (ages 3-12). Housed
at the St. Helena Hospital campus are the Alcohol and Chemical
Recovery Program, and an inpatient unit for short-term evaluation
and treatment for those who are experiencing acute symptoms of major
mental illness. The Center serves approximately 2,100 patients a year,
50 percent of which are children and adolescents.
Home Care in Top Eight Percent
of National Study
St. Helena’s Home Care department is in the top eight percent of
all agencies in the country in reducing unplanned hospitalization.
St. Helena’s department was among 7,500 Medicare certified agencies
that were analyzed in the OBQI/Home Health Compare study.
Given these scores, the department has been invited to participate in
the National Home Care Hospital Reduction Project. The study will
identify practices, processes, staffing patterns and strategies used by the
nation’s most successful agencies to reduce unplanned hospitalization.
Community Philanthropy
Revitalizes Cardiac Rehab Center
Just this past summer
Common Goal Builds Camaraderie
we announced the expansion
There’s something inspiring about the combined RPMs of the
whirring stationary bikes and rolling treadmills powered by the steady
feet and determined will of those whose hearts have been tested.
Cardiac Rehab participants have shared many miles—somehow,
all this pedaling and plodding causes friendships to bloom and
camaraderie to abound.
need for our Cardiac Rehab Center.
Not only did our current and former
Cardiac Rehab patients give back to the
program that has helped them return to
living healthier lives, but many community
members and fundraising groups made this
possible: Cathy and Fred Beringer kicked
off the campaign by hosting an informative
dinner at Beringer’s Hudson House.
“ The atmosphere was very clubby. We
all shared the misery together. It was
enjoyable to compare notes about
surgeries. It was fun to find out I was
healthier than a lot of other people
with heart disease. The ambiance really
distracted me from the fact that I was
there to exercise.” – Thomas May, Martha’s Vineyard
Proceeds from our golf tournament and
fund-a-need lot at our annual gala, along
with our direct mail campaign helped
support the $175,000 expansion project
that will create a larger Cardiac Rehab
Center to better accommodate the hundreds
of patients who annually rely on the Center
to provide supervised exercise during their
road to recovery. The addition of specialized
equipment will enhance the rehabilitation
of patients with individual needs, such as a
compromised hip or knee.
Knowledge Instills Confidence
Patients and family members talk about the self-esteem of those who
come through the program – how diet counseling and supervised
exercise provides them with knowledge that makes them feel more
confident as they cope with their diagnosis and safer as they resume
their normal activities. Participants emerge from the program
stronger and better able to face the challenges of their heart disease.
“ As I rode the bike or walked on the
treadmill while I was in rehab, I became
more confident of my recovery and my
heart. I felt that every moment spent in
rehab had a positive effect on my health…
and my life!” – Katie Somple, Lifestyle Properties
“ The program really gets you acquainted
with your body – you notice changes
– and participation reinforces healthy
choices. Being monitored while working
out gives a feeling of security and
furnishes a weekly health profile.”
– Mark Terrell, Lampson Tractor & Equipment Company
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
“ I’m not much of an exerciser, but Nia Lendaris,
Cardiac Rehab coordinator, is exceptional. She
explained what needed to be done and showed
me how. She kept my condition in the forefront
of her mind. We started slowly and then built
up to more strenuous exercises. I started losing
weight and getting in better shape. With her
help, I was able to lower my blood pressure.”
– Miles Karakasevic, Domaine Charbay Winery & Distillery
“ One of the greatest assets of the program is the
Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist who
monitors you while you are exercising. She has
a wealth of knowledge about heart disease. She
can tell you what to expect in your rehabilitation
workout as well.”
– Tom Alamano, St. Helena Wine Center
June poses during a hard-hat tour with Cathy and
Fred Beringer, who hosted a fundraiser for the Center
at Beringer’s Hudson House.
June Wilson
Makes a Big Impact
with Year-end Gift
June Wilson’s involvement with the Hospital
began in the emergency room. After a neardeath experience and successful recovery,
June has provided the Hospital with strategic
support for four new projects. Her December
2005 gift of $50,000 to help complete the new
Cardiac Rehab Center expansion is the most
recent example of her generosity.
June chooses to support projects that are
meaningful to her, but there’s more to her philanthropic decisions than just “giving back.”
Rehab Extends and Enhances Life
“ In attending the program my goal was to be
physically fit enough to go back East for a family
reunion. I met my goal. I highly recommend the
Hospital for its Cardiac Rehab program.”
–Thomas May
“ If a program like this had been available to
my Dad, I think he would still be alive today.
The question is basically, ‘Do you want to
live longer’”
– Mark Terrell
Just like a business investor, June carefully
scrutinizes the Hospital for projects that show
great promise before making her contributions. June looks for important new projects
that are on the verge of success but need one
final boost to get started.
“I like to see something ready to happen and
make it go!” June said recently. “I enjoy seeing a Hospital project that is almost burgeoning and then I provide the final money to
complete it.”
She also consults with her accountant to
determine the amount of her gift so that she
maximizes charitable deductions. “I make my
gifts to the Hospital for tax purposes, too,”
June confirms.
Annual year-end gifts from generous and
savvy donors like June help St. Helena
Hospital stay at the forefront of modern
healthcare. We hope her generous investments in our community hospital will continue
for many years to come.
2005 Brings Three New Physicians
Mark Parra, MD
Brian J. Mundy, MD
David P. L. Sachs, MD
Obstetrician - Gynecologist
Interventional Cardiologist
Board certified by the American Board of
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Board eligible in Interventional Cardiology
Diplomat of the American Board of
Internal Medicine
Co-Medical Director,
St. Helena Center for Health
Center for a Smoke-free
Life Program
Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago
Residency in Internal Medicine at
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
in Portland, Oregon
Stanford University Adjunct Clinical Assoc.
Professor of Medicine
Experienced in laparoscopic and
hysteroscopic surgery. Dr. Parra is bilingual.
Cardiology Fellowship at Henry Ford
Hospital in Detroit, Michigan
Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care
Cardiovascular Fellowship at Henry Ford
Hospital in Detroit, Michigan
Director, Palo Alto Center for
Pulmonary Disease Prevention
Interventional Fellowship with The Care
Group, St. Vincent Hospital/Heart Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana
Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics
& Gynecology
St. Helena OB-GYN
• 1530 Railroad Ave., St. Helena
• 935 Trancas St., #4B, Napa
• 15322 Lakeshore Dr., #102, Clearlake
Phone: (707) 963-5006
Specialized training in cardiac and
peripheral vascular procedures
St. Helena Hospital Professional Bldg.
6 Woodland Road, #307, St. Helena
Phone: (707) 968-9191
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
St. Helena Center for Health
10 Woodland Road, St. Helena
Phone: (707) 963-6365
Funded by a generous grant from the Joseph Phelps Vineyards Foundation,
The Women’s Center of St. Helena Hospital introduced a revitalized Breast
Health Program in 2005. The program offers an individualized approach for
women undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Phelps Foundation
Helps Launch
Breast Health Program
at The Women’s Center
“A cancer diagnosis affects not only the individual, but his or her family, friends
and our community as a whole,” says Linda Schulz, director of The Women’s
Center. “We are committed to helping women, and the lives they touch, move
through this journey.”
Shellie Klimen, Registered Nurse and Certified Breast Specialist, is the program’s
Breast Health Navigator, a position supported by the Phelps grant. Shellie guides
each participant through the maze of surgeons, radiologists and oncologists
as each patient assesses her treatment options. Shellie’s goal is to make the
experience of each woman’s diagnosis and treatment as stress-free as possible.
Services provided by the Breast Health Navigator include:
• Discussion of mammogram findings and follow-up
The Women’s Center is able to offer programs of this caliber
precisely because of financial support from individuals or
organizations, such as the Joseph Phelps Vineyards Foundation.
• Educational information about benign and malignant breast diseases
• Information on breast cancer and medical or surgical
treatment options
• Pre-op and post-op teaching
• Emotional support for breast cancer patients and their families
• Innovative educational resources and customized care based on a
patient’s needs and values
• Greater continuity of care among multidisciplinary team members
• Educational offerings about breast health
“I’m a firm believer in returning assets to the community,”
says Tom Shelton, president of Joseph Phelps Vineyards.
“Breast cancer, has touched the lives of several Joseph Phelps
employees,” Shelton says, “and the Phelps Foundation wants to show
support for what these women and other women in the community
are going through.”
And so far the response has been very positive. “One woman recently
told me that it is just nice to know that there is somebody here she can
call on for questions, concerns or support,” Schulz says.
Women’s Center
Touches 10,000 Lives in 2005
Whether it’s staffing a health fair, providing space for a support group, or
participating in a community event, The Women’s Center is poised and ready
to make a difference in the health of our community. In 2005, thanks to the
efforts of Carrie Begg, education coordinator, the Heart at Risk team led by
Ellen Dick, RN, and the Latina Advisory Board, chaired by Rosaisela Alfaro,
The Women’s Center touched more than 10,000 people in our community.
“We accomplished this through our Quest for Zest women’s health education
series and other lectures, Heart at Risk screenings throughout the community
and at local businesses, and several events targeting our Latino population
at mini health fairs and our annual Latino Family Health Fair,” says Linda
Schulz, director of The Women’s Center.
With the addition of Shellie Klimen, RN, Breast Health Navigator, The
Women’s Center plans to reach even more people in 2006 by providing
extensive education on cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment options.
Cardiac Screenings Are
Improving Employee Health
Heart at Risk is a program at St. Helena Hospital that performs cardiac risk
factor screening for employers and for the community. The purpose of the
program is to identify individuals with increased cardiac risk based on the
following risk factors: blood pressure; blood sugar; blood cholesterol; body
composition; and cardiac and weight health history.
Heart at Risk staff perform cardiac risk factor screenings in the community.
The screening program is intended to promote personal
responsibility for health. The Heart at Risk staff discusses
the results with each individual and makes recommendations,
as needed. The decision about follow-up, however, is
the responsibility of each participant. Health education
materials are available for those interested.
Due to regular visits over the years, Heart at Risk has seen
significant improvements in the overall employee health of
certain companies. People are more aware of and prone to
value the importance of regular exercise, a healthy diet, the
need to read labels, stress management and weight control.
Also, in the Hispanic population, Heart at Risk has been
able to identify multiple, extreme high-risk individuals. In
collaboration with Clinic Olé, these clients have been able to
receive immediate onsite treatment and lives have been saved.
What You Don’t Know About Fast Food Can Kill You
A diet rich in fast food can cause life-threatening problems,
according to Heather Peña, MD, medical director of The Center
for Health at St. Helena Hospital in the Napa Valley.
“Transformations, our weight-loss program, is seeing more
and more clients who are suffering from poor liver function,
diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure,” she
says. “Obesity isn’t always the cause of the problem; instead,
it’s the fast food our clients are consuming.” St. Helena’s
Transformations program promotes weight-loss and lifestyle
management, including healthy eating, cooking, exercise and
stress reduction.
For Susanmary Davidson, 63, of Vacaville, CA, who attended the
Transformations program in August 2005, weight wasn’t the issue
at all. “I was 30 pounds overweight, exhausted and had no energy.”
Davidson’s primary care physician found her liver function tests
showed that her GGT, which can be an indicator of excessive
drinking, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumor or metastases, as well
as injury from drugs toxic to the liver, was elevated 10 times
the normal value. He referred Davidson to a gastroenterologist
with a specialization in hepatology, who took a liver biopsy and
diagnosed her with a fatty infiltration of the liver.
When Davidson entered the Transformations program she
weighed 173 pounds. She lost seven pounds during the program.
“Her weight loss during the program was not significant, but the
change in her health was,” Dr. Peña says.
While she attended the Transformations program, Davidson
went without her customary junk food, instead eating a plantbased diet with small amounts of chicken and fish. She also
exercised daily and worked with a therapist and nutritionist on
her eating problems.
“A junk food diet can do real damage to
the body,” Dr. Peña says. “Saturated fats
are associated with cancer, stroke, heart
disease and now we are seeing more people
with liver problems as well.”
Two weeks after attending the program Davidson visited her
doctor, who re-tested her liver functions and re-checked her
glucose, and cholesterol levels. “All liver functions were normal,
except the GGT, which had dropped to 90 (she began the
program with a GGT of 360—normal is between 0 and 51 IU/L).
“I don’t drink. I have never had hepatitis, but my grandmother
died of liver disease,” Davidson says. That was the only reason the
specialist could find for the elevated GGT and the fatty liver. He
told her to lose weight and the blood value would likely go down.
“A junk food diet can do real damage to the body,” Dr. Pena
says. “Saturated fats are associated with cancer, stroke, heart
disease and now we are seeing more people with liver problems
as well.”
What none of the doctors realized, Davidson says, was that she
was eating three meals a day at fast food outlets. “I was a typical
junk food junkie.”
Davidson managed to quickly reverse the damage her diet was
doing to her body, particularly her liver. “This is not rocket
science,” Dr. Pena says. Eating more fruits and vegetables, and
getting enough exercise, can have tremendous benefit.
“We are seeing more liver function abnormalities in people
who don’t drink,” Dr. Peña says. “Too often we blame these
co-morbidities on obesity, menopause, depression and genetics,
but a diet rich in fast food may be the culprit.”
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
The Transformations program combines the best of personalized
attention with the support and community spirit of a group
program in a residential setting. It is based on sound medical
evidence and principles, eliminating the risks of untested, fad
approaches. For more information, call 800-358-9195 or go to
January - December 2005
$500,000 - 999,999
Martha & Bruce Atwater Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
And Martha & Bruce Atwater
Auction Napa Valley
Rick Jones
Evalyn & Bob Trinchero
$200,000 - 499,999
Daphne & Bart Araujo
Virginia & Ernest Van Asperen
Foundation Adds
$100,000 - 199,999
Information Source for
Estate and Charitable Giving
Anne & Charles McMinn
Peter Newton
Jack Thomas Trust
Ann Colgin & Joe Wender
Congress is considering the most sweeping tax reforms in
decades. Donor advised funds and IRAs are some of the
elements under review during 2006 sessions. Meanwhile,
Washington is involved on several levels in looking at the
nonprofit sector and identifying areas of abuse.
In an effort to keep the community up to date on current
issues about estate and charitable gift planning, the
Foundation has launched a new information source on
its website at www.shhfoundation.org.
The new Planned Giving web pages offer in-depth articles
and current news on estate planning and charitable
giving strategies.
“Our goal is to provide a robust, easy-to-use site where you
can choose how much information you want,” says director
of Major and Planned Gifts, Oliver Ramsey. “We hope that
you will find this a solid and dependable service and
bookmark it for regular visits.”
The new website also provides information for professional
financial advisors, with articles from estate planning experts.
For information about supporting the St. Helena Hospital
through gift and estate planning, visit www.shhfoundation.org
or call Oliver Ramsey at (707) 963-6535.
$50,000 - $99,999
The Big Oak Volunteer Gift Shop
Mildred & Vincent DeDomenico
Kary & David Duncan
Silver Oak Cellars
June B. Wilson
$25,000 - $49,999
Victoria & Peter Chow
Joseph Phelps Vineyards Foundation
John Pershing
Alexandra & Robert Phillips
Theresa & Thomas Wajnert
Joan & Edward Westgate
$10,000 - $24,999
Gerson & Barbara Bakar
Stacey & Bob Bressler
Charles Krug - Peter Mondavi Family
Community Foundation of the Napa Valley
Debby & Tom Davidson
Lexie & Robert Ellsworth
Deann Wright & Luke Evnin
Kelly & Paul Fleming
Gerson Bakar Foundation
Florianne & Stuart Gordon
Ellen & Charles Haas
Icon Estates
Pam and Gary Jaffe
Mabel Johnson
Marilyn D. Jones
Joseph Phelps Vineyards
Joseph R. McMicking Foundation
Kaiser Consulting Network Incorporated
Blanche & Peter Mondavi
Valerie & Robert Peebles
Gail & Carmen Policy
Peggy Rawls
Vega & Alan Rice
Gonzalo Salinas
Daphne & George Sheldon
St. Helena Rotary
TRD Associates, LLC/Predhomme & Co.
Amabel & Dr. Eric Tsao
Judy & Ed Weltman
Carole & Richard Williams
Mrs. Alfred Wilsey
Margaret & Angus Wurtele
Zumwalt Ford
$5,000 - $9,999
Lauren & Bob Ackerman
Adventist Health
Charles & Catherine Ball
Marge & Bruno Bartolucci
Johanna & Barry Berkowitz
Boston Scientific Corporation
Calistoga Ranch
Community Projects Inc.
Fred Crutcher
Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty
Frank, Rimerman & Co. LLP
Kyle & Tom Futo
Priscilla & Keith Geeslin
Linda J. Gibson
Julie & Frank Husic
Michelle & James Johnson
Olga & Bill Keever
Robin & Jon Lail
Lifeline Emergency Response Service
Tracy & Larry Lintner
Diane & John Livingston
Dan Lynch
The Mechanics Bank
Valerie & Robert Montgomery
Dale D. Newkirk
Carol & Philip Norfleet
Robert Mondavi Winery
Rudd Foundation
Susan & Leslie Rudd
Ryland Corporation
Liliane & Edward Schneider
Elaine Sczuka
Betty & Dr. Daniel Skeoch
Michael Slepnikoff
St. Helena Hospital Administration
Patricia & Donald Stephens
Sterling’s Rose Haven
Steve Padis Jewelry Plus
The San Francisco Foundation
TNT Foundation Inc.
Roger Trinchero
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Anne & Roger Walther
Beclee & John Wilson
Stella Wilson
Sue & Richard Wollack
$2,500 - $4,999
Mary Cunningham Agee & Bill Agee
Sharon & Donald Ammon
Andrew Ball
Barnett Consulting
Bix Restaurant
Linda & James Burton
Sara & Dennis Cakebread
Maggie & Dr. Less Chafen
Chateau Montelena Winery
Jim Clifton
Jan & Dr. Robert Darter
Devenney Group Architects, Ltd.
Barbara & James Fetherston
Kathy & Jim Fleming
Judith Ford Newman
Grace Family Vineyards
Claudette Cooper & Miles Grant
Kathy & Craig Hall
Harbison Wines
Deborah & William Harlan
Drs. Marilyn & Raymond Herber
Katherine & Dr. Steven Herber
Jeanie & Dr. John Hodgkin
Maureen & Charles Hoffman
Jerald R. Hyde
Jefferson Family Trust
Nancy Jefferson
Dana & Tim Jenkins
Kitchell Construction
Teri & Ron Kuhn
Vinnie & Paul Laskar
Barbara & Tom LaTour
Donald J. Logan
Marilyn & Robert Long
Madeline Murray Trust
Joanne & David McDonald
Meadowood Napa Valley
John Milbridge
Margrit & Robert Mondavi
Connie & John Moramarco
Diane L. Morris
Kathleen Heitz Myers & George Myers
Mary W. Novak
JoAline & David Olson
Susan & Michael Oster
Paradigm Winery
Pfizer, Inc.
Andrea & William Phelps
Pillar Rock Vineyard
Eileen Tabios & Thomas R. Pollock
Pride Mountain Vineyards
Gayle & Tom Rimerman
Robert F. Ford Foundation
Don Ross
Lisa Hinz & Dr. Andreas Sakopoulos
Linda & James Short
Barbara & Richard Shurtz
Sierra Health Services, LLC
Karen & Dr. Gregory Smith
St. Helena Viticultural Society
Sutter Home Winery
Elizabeth & W. Clarke Swanson
Charlotte Temple
Laurie & Dr. Emmett Tetz
Veri Health, Inc.
Nita & Stephen Vogt
Julie & Gary Wagner
Anita & Ron Wornick
Zorn Consulting Network
$1,000 - $2,499
Clare Luce Abbey & Cliff Abbey
The Aegis Group
Nancy & Jim Aldred
Araujo Estate Wines
Archery Summit Winery
Auberge du Soleil
Aubert Wines
Betty & Andrew Beckstoffer
Mary B. Bergerson
Kate & Jack Berquist
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
Susan & Dann Boeschen
Robert W. Boucke
Heidi Bowen
Monene & Richard Bradley
Karen & Les Breckenridge
Bressler Vineyards
Del Britton
Leona Bronstein
Patti Brown
Florence & John Bryan
John Cakebread
Caymus Vineyards
Julia W. Cheever
Hildegard Christian
Christopher Hill Gallery
Catherine Coffey & Michael Sullivan
Colgin Cellars
Kathleen & William Collins
Ashley & Joseph Criscione
Naoko Dalla Valle
Dalla Valle Vineyards
Joan Danforth
Davis Wright Tremaine Law Offices
Distillery No. 209
Domaine Chandon
Dominus Estate
Kathy & Frank Dotzler
Duckhorn Vineyards
Roberta & Kenneth Eldred
Lexie & Bob Ellsworth
Epps Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile Inc.
Douglas and Lori Ferrarelli
Marilyn & Dr. Delmer Fjarli
Lisa & Mark Fowler
Garvey Family Vineyards
Julie & Patrick Garvey
Albert Gedman
Patrick Hare
Hedge Row Floral Design
Shirley & Michael Hooks
Melinda & Michael Hubbard
Dr. Sarah Hunter and Jeff Ferries
Industrial Power Technology
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Elaine & Donald John
Therese & R. Wayne Johnson
Catherine Schmidt & Robert Karp
Carol & Bill Kieschnick
Cody Gillette & Gene Kirkham
Mary Beth & Dr. Charles Kitchens
Pam & Richard Kramlich
Frank LaHaye
Wendell Laidley
Lail Vineyards
Latham & Watkins
Mariann & Michael Layne
Edna M. Learned
Deloris Y. Lee
Long Meadow Ranch
Lot 20 Maroon Creek Club LLC
Sandy & Cecil Lowry
Mary Lou & Robert Maier
Alexandra & Michael Marston
Erin Martin
Richard L. Martin
Elizabeth J. Martini
Martini House
Martha & Thomas May
William E. McClatchy
Tamela & Edward McDonald
Barbara & Laureston McLellan
Medtronic Vascular
Medtronic, Inc.
Fred Miller
Dorothy Mondavi
Timothy Mondavi
Morgan & Allen Morton
Victor L. Motto
Drs. Roxana & Brian Mundy
Napa Valley Wine Tours
Ernest Navone
Nickel & Nickel
Oakville Grocery
Oakville Ranch Vineyards
Nellie G. Odell
Jane & Thomas O’Neil
Mary Ann & Dr. Gordon Osborn
Pacific Union College
Gabriel Pastrama
Christopher Peacock
Dr. Heather Pena & Chris Searl
Peninsula Community Foundation
Elizabeth Peters
Carolyn Pride
Prospect Creek Foundation
Holly & Dr. David Racker
Ron Rackerby
Barbara & Douglas Rebok
Dr. Paul Reiser
The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal
Rudd Vineyards & Winery
Rusty Staub Foundation
Screaming Eagle
Mary & William Seavey
Annette & Doug Shafer
Barbara & John Shafer
Dorothy & Dr. Charles Simmons
St. Helena Rotary Club
St. Jude Medical
Mary Stephenson & Lawrence Papale
Sterling & Lee Design for Venue
Mary Stuard
Swanson Vineyards & Winery
Arlene & Glenn Takayama
Dr. Arlene Taylor
Gloria M. Terwilliger
The E. Richard Jones Family Foundation
The Greenwood Company
Gail & Jack Thornton
Three Gems Jewelry Design
David Tilton
“TNT Capital Group, LLC”
Deborah & Raymond Tonella
Michele & Robert Torres
Debbie & Tony Torres
Eve Kanne-Ulin & Jeffrey Ulin
Viader Vineyards & Winery
Vineyard 29
Lyndal & Howard Walker
“Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.”
Dr. Rebekah Wang-Cheng
Carol Trivett Williams & Dr. Robert C.
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
The Wornick Family Foundation
Karen Zupko and Jamie Stuart
Other Gifts
Barbara Abate
Christy & David Abreu
Betty & Bill Adamo
Shirley & Chuck Adams
Adventist Health Managed Care
Thomas Alamano
Alan’s Framing & Photography
Nancy Aldred
Theodore J. Allegra
Jeanne Allen & Marc Grant
Alliance Imaging, Inc.
Claire Kalista Alt
Amadeus Spa
Liana S. Amador
Tom J. Amato, Sr.
Amelia Claire
Michele Amendola & Jack Chandler
Benita & Christopher Ames
Vicki & Robert Andersen
Scott Andersen
Marilyn Anderson
Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards
Angele Restaurant and Bar
Paule Anglim
Annette’s Chocolate Factory
ARC Partners, Inc.
Horatio Arcila
Arietta Winery
Birgit Marilyn Arman & Dr. Ata Arman
Denise & Gene Armstead
David Armstrong
Kathryn A.E. Ash
Lorraine & Harold Ashton
Eleonore & Edward Aslanian
Ramona M. Asmus
Assn. of Retired Safeway Employees
Atalon Winery
B. Jane Attardi
Mary E. Radu & Richard C. Auger
Maureen Ayers
Ronald Azevedo
Emmy Baba
Bacio Divino Cellars
Hans Baerwald
Abigail & Richard Baker
Norma Baker
Ellen Balk-Dick
Marjorie & Edwin Baltzer
Rachael Balyeat
Balyeat Ranch
Amoun Banoub
Neil R. Bardack
Joseph W. Barkley Jr
Karen L. Barnes
Barnett Vineyards
Audrey Barrall
Nancy Batt
Craig & Carol Battuello
Beaulieu Vineyard
Beckstoffer Vineyards
Lynne Jones & Robert Begley
Behrens & Hitchcock Winery
Christina & Fred Belka
Bell Products, Inc.
Norma & Felix Beltrami
Sadie Beltz
James Bennett
Jeff Bensky
S. K. Benson
William Berglund
Stephen Bergren
Jennifer Berry & Don Michael
Kathy Bertolino
Lloyd G. Bianchini
Brigida & Cirilo Biascan
Marianne & Maurice Bihan
Wilda & Warren Bilstein
Adrienne M. Binni
Matthew Binnie
Leonard & Gloria Biss
Kim & Herb Bladel
David Blaha
Marla & Dale Bleecher
Blue Shield of California
Deborah Boisot
James Bolander
Kathy & Lance Bonds
Richard D. Booth
Dr. Madhusudan Borde
Barbara & Frank Borges
Mindy Bothwell
Linda C. Bouchard
Henry D. Bowman
Candace Boyer
Doris & Alton Boyles
Josephine & Henry Branco
Dale R. Brandt
Brannan’s Grill
Patricia & Raymond Branstetter
Elizabeth & Frank Brath
Barbara & Harry Bratt
Barbara Britton
Broman Cellars
Kathryn & Gregory Bronstein
Sharon E. Brooks
Emily & David Broom
Joy & Dr. Barry Brown
Flora Brown
Thomas Earl E. Brown
Brown’s Auto Parts
Wilma Keenleyside & Robert Brownscombe
Earl Brucker
Barbara Buckley
Marianne Agnew & Steve Buehl
Henrietta Bugaj
Deborah & Charles Burau
Gregory Burnett
Alf Burtleson Construction Co.
Carolyn & Jack Butler
Robert & Delma Fann Butler
Tom Butler
Diane & Bill Bylund
Cain Vineyard & Winery
Marjorie Caines
Rosemary & Bruce Cakebread
Cakebread Cellars
Calistoga Roastery
Dustin Campana
Jane Campbell
Daniel Campos
Tammy Cantrell
Stephen L. Carbone
Cardiovascular Lab at St. Helena Hospital
Lonne & Donald Carr
Mark Carter
Elena & David Casanova
Dolores Ceja
Celebration Health
St. Helena Hospital Center For Health
Joseph Cerda
Regina Cerda
Karen & Raymond Chadwick
Wynelle & Douglas Chadwick
Harold Chaffee
Daphne & Ed Chaix
Fern Chamberlain
Doug Champaign
Ralph A. Champlin
Sharon & Harold Chappell
Ilona E. Chase
Stacy Chavka
Pauline Chen
Jessica & Josh Chernoh
Jeanne Chu
Eloise D. Clark
Ollie & Don Clausen
Janet Clayton
Cliff Lede Vineyards
Clos Pegase
Dora Clute
“Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, LLP”
Coffey Communications
John Collins
Perry Collins
Compadres Bar & Grill
Betty Compton
Conn Creek Winery
Shannon & Frank Connelly
Arnold Contestable
Sally & Gerald Cople
Corison Winery
Lina & Robert Coruccini
Cosentino Winery
Ann B. Cox
Judith & Milton Crabb
Kathleen Crawford-Rose
Crocker & Starr Wines
Johanna Crosby
Richard Crowell
Nancy Crowther
Crystal Springs Uplands School
Culinary Institute of America at Greystone
Celia Cummings
George Curtis
Karen & Peter Dahl
Suzanne D. Dahling
Ellen & FJ Dale
Beverly D’Angelo
Juliet and Rognald Dankmeyer
Maria D’Argenzio
David’s Jewelry
L.C. Davidson and J.W. Davidson
Linda Davis
Carol & Dr. Robert Davis
H. Glenn Davison
Harold Davison
Carol Day
Shirley & Paul Dean
Ramona & Leland Decker
Richard Dee
Carrie DeFere
Katherine & Peter deFremery
Leslie Deguzman
John Del Bondio
Lorraine & Ralph Del Prete
Obdulia del Rosario
Dina Del Valle
Lydia & Anastacio Deleon
Rosa Lee & Norman DeLeuze
Nancy Dervin
Christine & Thomas Dewitt
Maria & Marco Di Giulio
“Diageo North America Foundation, Inc.”
Diamond Creek Vineyards
Vicente Diaz De Leon
Tobey & Larry Dickson
Michele Dillon
Beverly & Timothy Dinsmore
Tom Dixon
Stacey & Theodore Dobos
Noli & Charles D’Ombrain
Sheila & John Dowell
Suzanne & Frank Dowling
“Downs Equipment Rentals, Inc.”
Kenneth Dowswell
Louis Draghi Estate
Lisa H. Drinkward
Eileen & Steven Duff
Geraldine Dunbar
Darcy & Leslie Dunlap
Norma & Frank Dupper
Betsy Durell
Dutch Henry Winery
Linda Dutcher
Louise & Bob Dye
Lynette & Harold Dykes
Patrice Dyse
E. Montalvo Realty
Eagle & Rose Estate
Earle Mickle Trust
Denise & Roland Eckhardt
Mary L. Edano
Vicki Edwards
Ava Eichler
Linda Einfrank
El Molino Winery
Arjuna Elkins
Terrence Ellson
Elyse Winery
Emilio’s Terrace
Mary Elizabeth & Joseph Emre
Nettie Ensminger
Eugene Epp
Mable Erickson
Etude Wines
Eufroncinia & Jose Eustaquio
Linda Evenrude
Karen & Lyall Fahden
Nancy C. Fahden
Fanny’s Bed & Breakfast
Far Niente
Denis Faria
Mary & Forrest Faulknor
Nancy & Thomas Felling
Stella Fernandes
Martha L. Fields
Dave Fiesler
Valerie & Robert Fish
Craig Fisher
Keith D. Fisher
Luisa Fisher
Mike Fisher
Sue & Sandy Fitch
Brent Fjarli
Kathy M. Flamson
Dawn Fleming
Vicki & Jeffery Fletcher
Flora Napa Valley
Dr. William Flynn
Klaus Foetzsch
Katherine Ford
Noreen Fortune & Burt Thompson
Charles Fowler
Drs. Judy & Stephen Franzino
Dianne & Don Fraser
Linda Frederico
Jeanne Frediani
Teri Fredrickson
Louella & Tim Freeman
Freemark Abbey
Martha & Robert French
Susan & Richard French-Arnold
Friends of Lincoln Theater
Frog’s Leap
James Fulford
Sharyn Meyer Fuller
Shirley Lyn & Kenneth Galusha
Stephanie & James Gamble
Valerie & Jeff Gargiulo
Gargiulo Vineyards
Judy & Mike Gaulke
Barbara Geitner
Nicole Geitner
Gemstone Vineyard
Josephine Gerber
Helen Ghiringhelli-Nelson & Bruce Nelson
Joyce Giammattei
Ivy Rose & James Gilbert
Carol & Charlie Gill
Charlotte & Otto Gill
Eileen Gillespie
Robert Gilmartin
Caroline & Arthur Gimbel
Debi & Doug Glantz
Elisabeth & Wm. Alston Hayne
Bonnie Heald
Health Spa Napa Valley
Lynn Heise
Heitz Wine Cellars
Lisa & Michael Hellie
Lynette & Richard Helmersen
Helen & John Hendrick
Allen Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Henney
Pat & Dr. Bryan Henry
Flora F. Henry
Virginia & Ben Henry
Francis Hernandez
Kathy Hernandez
Martin C. Hernandez
Eleanora M. Herr
Pauline Heyneker
Arla Higgins
Maria & Marcelino Hipolito
Robert & Marielore Hippenstiel
Lily & Robert Hitchcock
Elizabeth Hoelle
Anita and Bill Hoffman
Elaine & Robert Hoffman
Christina Holguin
Elizabeth & Glenn Goelz
John M. Gonzales
Harriett B. Gore
Mary & Ivan Goyak
Ann & Dick Grace
Gary Grace
Julia A. Graham
Natalie & William Graham
Eugene Grant
Gretchen & Richard Grant
Judy Green
Judith Greene
Melinda Greene
Glee & Robert Greenwood
Sue Gress
Grgich Hills Cellar
Miljenko Grgich
Mary Rocca & Dr. Eric Grigsby
Thelma Groeneweg
Rita & Kevin Hall
Fernanda & Harold Halloran
Halo Salon
Claudia & Rob Hampton
Donna & Mike Hardy
June Harman
Jack C. Harmon
Jennifer Harrington
Harrison Vineyards
Margie & Bill Hart
Daphne Hartley
Harvest Inn
“Alan Harvey, Jr.”
Caren & Fritz Hatton
Carol & Robert Havens
Joyce & Robert Hayes
Ann Holliday
Christine Holmes
Diana Holmes
Honig Vineyard & Winery
Daniel B. Hooven
Wendy Hopgood
Albert J. Horn
Dr. Andrew D. Horpeniuk
Rita Hoshino
Kathryn A. Houston
Inge Hovanesian
Milena Howard
Patricia & Bruce Hraba
Ronald & Sharon Hughes
Merise Hullquist
Leslie & George Hume
Elizabeth & Grant Hunt
Minnie R. Hunt
Linda Hutson
Marilyn G. Hyde
Ilexia Design
Tatsuo Ito
Cheryl Iyamu
Jane & David Jackson
Reg Jackson
Loueva Jacobs
James Flamson Insurance & Tax Service
Sharon & Charles James
Lorie Janes
Jay Richolson Investments
Sharon Jellison
Jelly Belly Candy Company
Naoko Jenkins
Jim Hanson Bookkeeping Service
Gloria Jimenez
JMB Associates
Joel Gott Wines
Regina & Erling Johnsen
Mark E. Johnson
Shawnee Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Karoline & Wyman Johnson
Kit Jones
Loretta Jones
April L. Jordan
Michelle Juarez
Judd’s Hill
Ellsworth F. Judy
Juslyn Vineyards
Hillard M. Kahan
Holly Kalua
Barbi & Kevin Kalua
Karl Lawrence Cellars
Birgitta & Anders Karlman
Sue A. Kavinoky
Polly Keegan
Guy & Mary Keilman
Jeannette C. Keller
Judy Sue & Karl Kelley
Cathy & Philip Kendall
Kent Rasmussen Winery
Kenward Family Vineyards
Kenwood Vineyards
Patricia & Paul Kerr
Norman Kiken
Tom Kiley
Kathleen King
Marsha & Thomas King
Cynthia Devlin Kistler
Deborah Klaus
Hilda & Dwight Klenke
Beth S. Klugman
Jane & Waldo Kolb
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Koves-Newlan Vineyards & Winery
Antoinette Krajcar
Susan & Ron Krausz
Barbara & Peter Kreider
Nancy Kress
Bonnie & William Kroplin
Leah Kuchta
Nicholas D. Kujovich
Kuleto Estate Family Vineyards
“Kyphon, Inc.”
La Jota Vineyard Co.
Ladera Vineyards
Lake-Silverado Cardiovascular Consultants
Lamborn Family Vineyards
Janet G. Lamborn
Loesha & Angelo Lamonica
Kim L. Lamonte
Cindy & Dave Lane
Doris Langham
Patricia E. Lapera
Betty Larsen
Candice & Robert Larson
Mary L. Law
Eleanor H. & F.M. Leake
Fran & Dana Leavitt
Maynard Lebrun
Janeil L. Lee
Lefever Salon
Antonia Lendaris
Linda & Robert Leonard
Lee & V. T. Leonard
Let’s Face It Aesthetic Services
Lewis Cellars
Irita Lewis
Karen & Jay Lewis
Olan Lewis
Lightworks Photography
Judy Lilley
Lincoln Financial Advisors
Marie & Barry Lipman
Livingston-Moffett Winery
Heather Loftis
Pat Perini & Bob Long
Irais Lopes-Ortega
Candace Lord-Schneider & A. Gregory
Darlene Lowe
Luna Vineyards
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
Zoila Luna-Villegas
Cary MacDonald
Jannine & Robert MacDonnell
Inna & John MacDougall
Heather MacKenzie
Hildet & Daniel Madrid
Eddie Madrid
John Maerzke
Josephine & Larry Maggini
Diane & Sean Maher
Eileen V. Mahoney
Main Street Books
Susan & James Maloney
Beryl Mamanua
Frederick J. Mann
Corazon & Mario Mantillas
Linda & Norm Manzer
Thomas Marek
Michele & Gregory Markarian
Markham Vineyards
Maureen Marks
Marlowe & Company Jewellers
G.T. Marsh
Louis Martini
Michael M. Martini
Marilyn Mason-Stanton & James Stanton
Celia & Robert Masyczek
Eileen & D. Malcolm Maxwell
Lisa R. Mayer
Harriet & Ray Mayeri
Claudia A. Mayfield
David McBride
Dorothy & Donald McCabe
Christine & William McClure
Willinda & Peter McCrea
Hansel R. McCrorie
Christine & Robert McCullough
Ethel & Fred McCutchan
Stephanie McDonald
Terri & John McIntosh
Marilyn & John McIntosh
Lenore McKnight
Pamela McSharry
Gabrey Croft Means
Erika Mee
Reg & Edith Meikle
Russ Melgar
Lynn & Dave Melvin
Roberta & Gary Menegon
Louise & Verino Menegon
Kimberly Meredith
Jeanine & Jack Meregalli
Constance & Alfred Meyer
Virginia & Richard Michaux
Violet Micheli
Alban & Jula Millard
Debra Miller & Michael Dobler
Joseph & Marjorie Miller
Beth & John Milliken
Sheila & Harold Mills
Miner Family Vineyards
Olga & Alton Minter
Dr. William R. Mitchell
Daniel Mock
Marian Molinari
Arlette & John Monfredini
Emilio Montalvo
Page Monte
Christine Montelli
Tim Moore
Audrey Morales
Azalia Morales
Betsy & Greg Morgan
June & Jack Morgan
Alison L. Morr & Bryan A. Kolozsi
Jacqueline & Forrest Mozer
Regina & Robert Muehlhauser
John Muhlner
Mercedes & E.R. Muirhead
Steven Murray
Mary & Wayne Murray
Kenneth & Dorothy Myers
Violet M. Nakabayashi
Ray Nakashima
Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Co.
Napa Valley Country Club
Napa Valley Olive Oil Mfg. Co.
Napa Valley Symphony
Ray L. Nasuti
Ana Negrete
Nora & Barry Nelson
Catherine & Stephen Nessier
Erick Neuharth
Neyers Vineyards
Dana D. Nichelini
Austin M. Nickerson
Niebaum-Coppola Estate Winery
Barbara L. Niemann
Sylvia F. Nobleman
Karen Noggle
Lorene & Leonard Nunaly
John M. Nye
Deanna Ochoa
Mary & Tom O’Donnell
Gerryne & Thomas O’Higgins
Linda & James O’Keefe
Old Faithful Geyser
Michael O’Leary
Reggie Olejniczak
Marie Oliver
Janis & Alfred Olsen
Marie & Allan Olson
Leslie & Greig Olson
Paul Olson
Teresa O’mara
Peggy O’Neill
Chioma & Philemon Onwere
Christine Ortiz
Charlene & Victor Osorio
Susan & Michael Oster
Betty Ottman-Ewing
Outpost Wines
Pacific Union Payables Account
Tracy Pacini
Judy & Steve Padis
Palladium Fine Jewlery
Hermenigilda Panganiban
Catherine & Rudolph Papale
Judy & Larry Parady
Becky & Milton Parriott
Parry Cellars
Carla Paschal
Martha & James Patrick
Patricia Patten
Katherine Pattison
Tiffany Paul
Cynthia Pawlcyn
Margaret & William Payne
Pearl Wonderful Clothing
Michele R. Pedro
Peju Province
Isabel & Luis Pelaez
Maria Pena
Margie & Jim Penkala
Betty & Donald Penland
Jane M. Pepe
Ezequiel M. Perez
Jill & Richard Permutt
Jeanne & Merton Perry
Monty & Nancy Perry
Carol M. Peterson
Marianne & Richard Peterson
P.J. Peterson
Jody Pfeifle
Andrea & William Phelps
Lee Philipson
Heather & Bruce Phillips
Frances & Harold Phipps
Robert Pickus
Nancy Pieraccini
Joyce E. Pihl
Susan Pillsbury
Lisa & Jeremy Piner
Pinot Blanc
Pirates Lair
Gunter & Vivian Hansen Pirchner
PJ Steak
Rosaisela Plancarte-Ayala
Jann Pollard
Anne Yamamoto & Bryan Polster
Sharyl & Ronald Ponce
Lynn & Edward Poole
Ida & Dana Porterfield
Prairie Dog
Ruth & Michael Price
Harry A. Prince
“Professional Balloon Pilots Association
of Napa County, Inc”
Professional Fiduciary Mgmt. Services
Professional Hospital Supply
Betty & Ron Profili
Stephen D. Quiggle
Harmony Quinn
Ken Quinn
Vera Quirici
Carol & Guy Qvistgaard
“Rancho El Adobe, LLC”
Nancy Rawdon
Raymond Vineyard & Cellar
REACH Air Medical Services
Mary & Steven Read
Michael Rebello
Red Hen Cantina
Redbud Community Hospital
Lianne & Linden Reeves
Kimberly & John Regan
Arturo Relevo
Dr. Lorelei Repique & Greg Bietz
Helmuth C. Retzer
Revana Family Vineyard
Judith & Thomas Revelle
Patricia Reynolds
Charlotte & David Rice
Yvonne & Michael Rich
Joanna Richardson-Jones
Jennifer Richter
Cheryl Rick
River House Books
Rebeca Rivera
Jennifer & Fred Robedee
Robert Keenan Winery
Robert Pecota Winery
Sherry Robertson
Mildred Robinette
Leea Robinson
Joe L. Rocha
Shanna & Timothy Rodgers
Noli Rodica
Marlee Rodrigue
Elizabeth M. Rogers
Bertha Rojas
Romeo Style
Olga Romero-Montanez
Tom Rosander
Sharon & James Rose
Corrina Rosebrook & Evan McCulloch
Barbara & Richard Rosenberg
Frederika & Theo Rosenbrand
Michael Ross
Mary Jane & Andrew Rossi
Ines & Costantino Rossi
Denise Rossmiller
Barbara Roush
Joan & James Rubadeau
Rudolph Papale Co.
Rutherford Grove Winery
Rutherford Hill Winery
Patricia Rutherford
Arnold O. Rystad
Zorayda & Manuel Sabio
Amelita & Norbert Sacro
Mary Saenz
Safeway Stores
Akemi & Yasuhiko Saitoh
Joanne & John Sales
Ruben Salinas
Salon Glorio
Vicki Sampson
Mrs. Arthur Samuelson
Virginia Samuelson
San Francisco Giants
Misty Sanchez
Scott Sandin
Debbie Santos
Vicki Saunders
Marcie L. Saverien-Basore
Saviez Vineyard Wine Company
Sawyer Cellars
Leroy Sayas
Karen C. Schein
Jeanette & Toby Scherencel
Dr. Margaret Schlatter & Dr. Stephen Vance
Phil Schlein
Marianna Schmidt
Wonona Schmidt
David I. Schneider
Bruce Schooley
Schramsberg Vineyards
Linda K. Schulz
Marian & Richard Schumacher
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Rosemarie & Peter Schwarzbach
Sconza Candy
Wayne Scott
William C. Searcy
Seavey Vineyard
Beverly & Allan Sebanc
Flor Segura de Hernandez
Sylvia Seibert
Linda & Ron Sereni
Helga Shafer
Shafer Vineyards
Sharkey Arts
Serena & Tyler Sheldon
Laurie Shelton
Lois & Thom Shelton
Jackie Sherman
Charlotte & Ralph Sherman
Sherwin Family Vineyards
St. Helena Hospital Maintenance Dept.
St. Helena Hospital Medical Staff Office
St. Helena Hospital Purchasing Dept.
Dr. Michael W. Shifflett
Susan & Michael Shifflett
Mabel & Dr. J. Paul Shively
Judith Shively
Showket Vineyards
Maile Shubin
Silverado Vineyards
James E. Simonsen
Gene C. Sinnes
Six Flags Marine World
Kathleen Slack
Rosalyn Slack
Esther Slater
Mary & Paul Slawson
Lucille & William Smail
Catherine & James Smith
Lowell V. Smith
Dina & Michael Smith
Snap-On Tools
Peter & Linda Snowden
Retha Snyder
Shirley Snyder
Vickie L. Somarriba
Carol L. Spencer
Don Spicer
Spottswoode Estate Vineyard & Winery
Spring Mountain Vineyard
St. Clement Vineyards
St. Helena St. Helena Antiques
St. Supery Vineyards & Winery
Donna & Steve Stack
Staglin Family Vineyard
Sharalyn & Garen Staglin
Deborah & Christopher Stangel
Ruth A. Stanton
Glenice Steck
Jeane & Arthur Steck
Carolynn Steele
Dawn V. Steele
Joel Steffen
Isaac Stein & Madeline Johnson Stein
Stephenson Communications
Karen Stern
Elisa Stevens
Michael Stoffal
Stony Hill Vineyard
Louise & John Strasser
Style Station
Patricia & Rhoda Sullivan
Sarah & Tony Sumbillo
Carol & Michael Sund
Dawn Surges
Blesilda Surio
Susan Branum Studio Pilates
Anne Carver & Denis Sutro
Kathy Swabacker
Tracy & James Sweeney
Rita Sypitkowski
Minhdung Ta
Frances M. Tagliaferri
Hannah & Frank Takahashi
Grace Takami
Alice & Kenneth Taplin
Denise Tarkman
Lary & Kathleen Taylor
Taylor’s Refresher
Debra & David Teesdale
Karen & Stan Tempchin
Joan Temple
Ross Templeton
Adair & R. Brian Tench
Seow & Chih Teng
Aline & Raymond Tetrault
Carry & John Thacher
The Somatic Heatlh Center
“Thesman Custom Builders, Inc.”
This and That Productions
Larry Thomas
Marjorie & Michael Thomas
Sue Thomas
Linda & Shawn Thompson
Nelda G. Thornton
Valen Threadgall
Nancy Tikker
Fern & Dr. Rue Tikker
Jeannie & David Tillay
Deborah B. Todd
Cliff Toews
Elmer Tofanelli
Toni Rigdon Skin Care & Cosmetics
Christa & Scott Townley
Trader Joe’s
Trefethen Vineyards
Nathalie & Bill Trevor
Trinchero Family Estates/Sutter Home
Truchard Vineyards
Rita & Thomas Tucker
Lola Turner
Mary & Tom Twist
Tanya L. Groves & Ralph Ungermann
Priscilla & Sloan Upton
V. Sattui Winery
Iver Vaaer
Jim Valdivia
Margaret & John Valiante
Laura Y. Van Gorder
Helen & John Van Reeth
Vanderbilt & Company Inc.
Mary VanVranken
Elsa & George Vare
Vasconi’s Pharmacy
David Venegas
Vianett Tailoring
Dyan Vicencio
John Villagomez
Vineyard Country Inn
Vineyard Valley Homeowners Assn.
Nancy & Dr. Carlos Von Pohle
von Strasser Winery
Paul Vorland
Ethel & James Vye
Hunter E. Walk
Marilyn & Edward Wallis
Elizabeth & Fred Wallraff
Barbara & Richard Walton
Patricia & Tim Warner
Anne A. Watson
Betty & William Webster
David Weed
Nancy Welch
Nina A. Wemyss
Nanette Cordes Werley
Ruth & Sam West
Julie Westrupp
WGS Interior Design
Kay Wheeler
Whispering Pines Water Co.
Jay Whitcomb
Carol & James White
Mary & Peter White
Whiting Nursery
Janice & Russell Wight
Gayle & Harry Willett
Charles & Marlena Williams
Ann & J. A. Williams
Paul Williams
Lanetta & Gary Wilsey
Ava & Derby Wilson
Mary Wilson
Mavis S. Wilson
Betty & Robert Wilson
Donna & Robert Winchell
Ellen M. Windham
“Windmill Management, LLC”
Caroline S. Wing
Doris & Wendell Winkelkotter
Debra & Gregory Winkle
Dolores & Ron Wisbey
Rosado Wiseman
Gil Wishnick & Michael Kilgore
Susan Witt
Marsha Wold
Amanda & James Wolf
Stephen C. Wood
Patricia Worthey
Jane & Jim Wright
Lucille Yau
Rachel Ybarra
Ira Yeager
Gloria Young
Joan R. Young
Paula Young
Paula Rast Young & William Pier Young
Duane Ytredal
Linda Zajac
Norma Zavala
ZD Wines
Barbara Zepponi
Grover Zierle
Ann McGhee Zink
Chris Zonca
Sherlyn & Dave Zumwalt
In honor of Daphne Araujo
Diane L. Morris
In honor of Dr. Becky’s new marriage
Wonona Schmidt
In honor of Cecilia Bickford
Jennifer Harrington
In honor of Brenda
Tammy Cantrell
In honor of Barbara Brown
Barbara Geitner
In honor of Bruce’s Wife and Three Boys
Bruce Schooley
In honor of George Bush
Don Spicer
In honor of the Center for Behavioral Health
Dyan Vicencio
In honor of Steven Herber, MD
Tom Butler
In honor of Kathy Hernandez
Tiffany Paul
In memory of Tom Abbott
Norma Baker
In honor of John E. Hodgkin, MD
Darcy & Leslie Dunlap
In memory of Jose Alfaro
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In honor of Wilfred Huse, MD
Fred Crutcher
In memory of Kenneth Atkinson
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In honor of John Jacobson, MD
Jack C. Harmon
In memory of Raymond E. Balch
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In honor of Nia Lendaris
Donna & Mike Hardy
In memory of Richard E. Barrall
Audrey Barrall
In honor of James E. Lies, MD
Fred Crutcher
Milena Howard
In memory of James Bennett
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In honor of Mary J. Dylla, MD
Eve Kanne-Ulin & Jeffrey Ulin
In honor of Helen Miles
Rita & Kevin Hall
In honor of Denise Sidenstricker
Nicole Geitner
In honor of St. Helena Hospital
Pamela McSharry
In honor of St. Helena Hospital Staff
In honor of Aricia Halley Stanton
Ruth A. Stanton
In honor of Barbara Stanton
Ruth A. Stanton
In honor of Ken Stanton
Ruth A. Stanton
In honor of Kristen & Doug Stanton
Ruth A. Stanton
In honor of Leslie Stanton
Ruth A. Stanton
In honor of Ray Tetrault
Aline & Raymond Tetrault
In honor of Emmet Tetz, MD
Julia W. Cheever
In honor of Yvonne Thomas
Larry Thomas
In honor of Virginia and Ernie Van Asperen
Gerson Bakar Foundation
In honor of Mark Van Gorder
Laura Y. Van Gorder
In honor of Wilson White
Mary & Ivan Goyak
In honor of Carole Williams
Barbara & James Fetherston
In honor of James L. Woolley, MD
Maria Pena
In memory of Mildred Bennett
Linda C. Bouchard
In memory of Sidney Berlin
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Gary Bevins
Noli & Charles D’Ombrain
John Pierson
Jamie Siy
In memory of Eugene Bickford
Jennifer Harrington
In memory of Patricia Boucke
Barbara & Frank Borges
Robert W. Boucke
“Windmill Management, LLC”
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Ivan Brandt
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Wallace Brooks
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Joseph Brown
Flora Brown
In memory of Ella M. Carrick
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Dorothy Carter
Judith & Milton Crabb
In memory of Alan Chaffee
Harold Chaffee
In memory of Pauline Chaffee
Harold Chaffee
In memory of Angie Chapman
Leah Kuchta
In memory of Don Christensen
Sharon E. Brooks
In memory of William Cropsey
Sharon & Charles James
In memory of Reginald Crussell
Daphne & George Sheldon
“In memory of William A. Crutcher, MD”
Fred Crutcher
In memory of Joe Deapen
Jeane & Arthur Steck
St.Helena Hospital ~ 2005 Annual Report
In memory of Mildred Denton
Wilma Keenleyside & Robert Brownscombe
In memory of Nazim Hakim
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Lee Dillon
Michele Dillon
In memory of Allan Hendricks
Patricia E. Lapera
In memory of Daniel Dodge
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Pastor Ted Herr
Eleanora M. Herr
In memory of Mary C. Dolan
Shawnee Johnson
Pamela McSharry
Jeanette Scherencel
Sue Thomas
In memory of Mary Holloway
Carol & Charlie Gill
In memory of David Egwahke
Liana S. Amador
In memory of John Intersimone
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Jerry Fernandes
Jim Valdivia
In memory of Andrew Johnson Jr.
Lorraine & Harold Ashton
Robert W. Boucke
In memory of Joshua Fisk
Tammy Cantrell
In memory of April M. Flynn
Dr. William Flynn
In memory of Mel Fortune
Noreen Fortune & Burt Thompson
In memory of Lloyd Funkhouser
Noli & Charles D’Ombrain
In memory of Art Garegnani
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Lucille Gassaway
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Arian Gedman
Albert Gedman
In memory of Tim Gee
Becky & Milton Parriott
In memory of Betty Gilreath
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Aubrey Gooch
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of David Matthew Greene
Judith Greene
Melinda Greene
In memory of Hilary Gregory
Joanne Hatch
Patricia E. Lapera
SHH Medical Staff Office
In memory of Rita M. Gunn
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Marilyn Huthes
Nancy & Jim Aldred
In memory of Dale Johnson
Judith & Thomas Revelle
In memory of Sally Jones
Christy & David Abreu
Claire Kalista Alt
Liana S. Amador
Vicki & Robert Andersen
Araujo Estate Wines
Assn. of Retired Safeway Employees
Lynne Jones and Robert Begley
James Bennett
Stephen Bergren
Jennifer Berry & Don Michael
Adrienne M. Binni
Matthew Binnie
Stacey & Bob Bressler
Kathryn & Gregory Bronstein
Sara & Dennis Cakebread
SHH Center For Health
Sharon & Harold Chappell
“Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass, LLP”
Community Foundation of the Napa Valley
Lina & Robert Coruccini
Crystal Springs Uplands School
Ellen & FJ Dale
Juliet and Rognald Dankmeyer
Tobey & Larry Dickson
Stacey & Theodore Dobos
Sheila & John Dowell
Suzanne & Frank Dowling
Ava Eichler
Roberta & Kenneth Eldred
Sue & Sandy Fitch
Vicki & Jeffery Fletcher
Noreen Fortune & Burt Thompson
Judy & Mike Gaulke
Robert Gilmartin
Caroline & Arthur Gimbel
Natalie & William Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Henney
Virginia & Ben Henry
Pauline Heyneker
Anita and Bill Hoffman
Albert J. Horn
Leslie & George Hume
Jane & David Jackson
Elaine & Donald John
Karoline & Wyman Johnson
Marilyn D. Jones
Hillard M. Kahan
Tom Kiley
Deborah Klaus
In memory of Harry Kevich
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Jim Moberly
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Louise R. Saunders
Rosado Wiseman
In memory of Sarah Kim
Joanne Hatch
Patricia E. Lapera
SHH Medical Staff Office
In memory of Carolyn L. Moe
Barbara & Frank Borges
In memory of Arnold Scherencel
Jeanette & Toby Scherencel
In memory of Marjorie Mondavi
Dorothy Mondavi & Children
In memory of Irene and Elmer Schmidt
Wonona Schmidt
In memory of William H. Murphy
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Dorothy G. Searcy
William C. Searcy
In memory of Marjorie M. Noyes
Joan Bunce
In memory of Kathryn J. Silsby
Cynthia I. Archer
In memory of Dr. Philip Ottman
Betty Ottman-Ewing
In memory of Sylvia-Ann Sprung
Elizabeth Hoelle
In memory of Fran Pershing
Betty & Bill Adamo
Joyce & Robert Hayes
Jeanine & Jack Meregalli
Christine Montelli
In memory of Mark Stapleton
Ilona E. Chase
In memory of Leo Piller
Charles & Catherine Ball
In memory of Pamela Straus
Linda Evenrude
In memory of Alfonso Pina
Barbara & Frank Borges
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Trent Strickland
Sharon E. Brooks
In memory of Gertrude Komodoski
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Bee Lacaze
John Del Bondio
In memory of Lucinda Porter
Julia A. Graham
Janeil L. Lee
Retha Snyder
Beth S. Klugman
Antoinette Krajcar
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lipman
Pat Perini & Bob Long
Michael M. Martini
Lisa R. Mayer
Dorothy & Donald McCabe
Barbara & Laureston McLellan
Anne & Charles McMinn
Gabrey Croft Means
Lynn & Dave Melvin
Arlette & John Monfredini
Alison L. Morr and Bryan A. Kolozsi
Regina & Robert Muehlhauser
Mary & Wayne Murray
Catherine & Stephen Nessier
Linda & James O’Keefe
JoAline & David Olson
Pacific Union Payables Account
Katherine Pattison
Cynthia Pawlcyn
Peninsula Community Foundation
Jann Pollard
Sharyl & Ronald Ponce
Kimberly & John Regan
Gayle & Tom Rimerman
Corrina Rosebrook & Evan McCulloch
Mrs. Arthur Samuelson
Virginia Samuelson
Beverly & Allan Sebanc
Serena & Tyler Sheldon
Catherine & James Smith
Sharalyn & Garen Staglin
Isaac Stein & Madeline Johnson Stein
Minhdung Ta
The E. Richard Jones Family Foundation
Nathalie & Bill Trevor
Virginia & Ernest Van Asperen
Elsa & George Vare
Hunter E. Walk
Barbara & Richard Walton
Patricia & Tim Warner
David Weed
Carole & Richard Williams
In memory of Donald Keeler
Bonnie & William Kroplin
In memory of Po Lam Chau
Lucille Yau
In memory of Norman Langham, Sr.
Doris Langham
In memory of Theresa E. Lima
Linda Einfrank
Tatsuo Ito
Akemi & Yasuhiko Saitoh
Shirley Snyder
In memory of Cliff Little
Barbara & Frank Borges
In memory of John Luzzi
Kathy M. Flamson
In memory of Kathleen Mahoney
Eileen V. Mahoney
In memory of Balbina Mallari
Gina Chico
In memory of Violette Matthews
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Patty Mayfield
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of James R. Pride
Carolyn Pride
Pride Mountain Vineyards
In memory of Robert E. Pusey
In memory of Geoffrey Qvistgaard
Carol & Guy Qvistgaard
In memory of Thelma Reed
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Olga R. Reynolds
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Elizabeth Robinson
Leea Robinson
In memory of Kenneth Rosenthal
Lisa Hinz & Dr. Andreas Sakopoulos
In memory of Richard L. Rosenthal
The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation
In memory of John Sagadin
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of John A. Saunders
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Morse Stonecypher
Kathleen Crawford-Rose
In memory of Yvonne Tetz
Kathleen Slack
In memory of Mario & Mary Trinchero
Roger Trinchero
In memory of Dean Turner
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Sam Walters
Charlotte & Ralph Sherman
In memory of Cody Welch
Ramona M. Asmus
In memory of Bernedette White
Patrice Dyse
In memory of William M. White
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Wilbur Willkins
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Derby Wilson
Ava & Derby Wilson
In memory of Fred Wilson
Mr. Iver Vaaer
In memory of Ruth Winn
Wine Country Cardiology Associates
In memory of Ed Yuschak
Tracy & James Sweeney
In memory of Bonnie McKennie
In memory of Reg J. Meikle
Reg & Edith Meikle
In memory of Verino Menegon
Roberta & Gary Menegon
In memory of Arturo L. Merla
Ida & Dana Porterfield
In memory of Eleanor L. Meyer
Sharyn Meyer Fuller
In memory of Barbara Mizera
Joanna Richardson-Jones
Elaine John, Editor
Rachelle Newbold, Managing Editor and Contributor
Noreen Fortune, Contributor
Oliver Ramsey, Contributor
Linda Schulz, Contributor
Elizabeth Zima, Contributor/Marketing Department
Folia Design, Design
Visit our web site:
If your name or giving level has been misrepresented in any way, please call
the Foundation office at (707) 963-6208 or e-mail us at shhfoundation@ah.org.
We apologize for any error and will make all necessary changes immediately.
Thank You!
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10 Woodland Road
St. Helena, CA 94574
St. Helena, CA