S A F E T Y INF OR MAT ION WA R NING : _ TO R E DUC E T HE R IS K OF F IR E OR E LE C T R IC S HOC K , DO NOT E XP OS E T HIS E QUIP ME NT TO R AIN OR MOIS T UR E . _ TO R E DUC E T HE R IS K OF F IR E OR E LE C T R IC S HOC K , AND ANNOY ING INT E R F E R E NC E , US E ONLY T HE R E C OMME NDE D AC C E S S OR IE S . _ T HIS DE V IC E IS INT E NDE D F OR C ONT INUOUS OP E R AT ION. 3 V S 755 C A UT ION: MOB ILE DV D P LAY E R IS A C LAS S LAS E R P R ODUC T. HOWE V E R T HIS MOB ILE DV D P LAY E R US E S A V IS IB LE /INV IS IB LE LAS E R B E AM WHIC H C OULD C AUS E HAZAR DOUS R ADIAT ION E XP OS UR E IF. B E S UR E TO OP E R AT E T HE MOB ILE DV D P LAY E R C OR R E C T LY AS INS T R UC T E D. US E OF C ONT R OLS OR ADJ US T ME NT S OR P E R F OR MANC E OF P R OC E DUR E S OT HE R T HAN T HOS E S P E C IF IE D HE R E IN MAY R E S ULT IN HAZAR DOUS R ADIAT ION E XP OS UR E . DO NOT OP E N C OV E R S AND DO NOT R E PAIR Y OUR S E LF. R E F E R S E R V IC ING TO QUALIF IE D P E R S ONNE L. S A F E T Y INF OR MAT ION R egion Management Information: R egion Management Information: T his Mobile DV D P layer is des igned and manufactured to res pond to the R egion Management Information that is recorded on a DV D dis c. If the R egion number des cribed on the DV D dis c does not corres pond to the R egion number of this Mobile DV D P layer, this Mobile DV D P layer cannot play this dis c. 4 V S 755 T his product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S . patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovis ion C orporation and other rights owners . Us e of this copyright protection technology mus t be authorized by Macrovis ion C orporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing us es only unles s otherwis e authorized by Macrovis ion C orporation. R evers e engineering or dis as s embly is prohibited. C ONT E NT S Introduc tion................................................................6 G eneral Information ...................................................7 C are and Maintenanc ................................................11 e G eneral Operation .......................................................15 B as ic Operation ...........................................................22 A dvanc ed Operation ...................................................32 S ettings ........................................................................36 P referenc e S et Up Menu .............................................38 Ins tallation ...................................................................40 G los s ary..................................................................... 52 Trouble S hooting ........................................................53 S pec ific ations.............................................................54 W arranty Information .................................................56 5 V S 755 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. INT R ODUC T ION T he V S 755 plays DV D dis cs in NT S C or PAL formats (NT S C is the s tandard North American video format), C D-Audio dis cs , and C D-recordable dis cs with MP 3 files . F or more details on dis c types s upported, pleas e s ee “Dis cs P layed by the V S 755.” T he remote control (included) provides acces s to the full s et of s tandard DV D functions , s uch as s ubtitle control, digital freeze-frame viewing, viewing from multiple camera angles , s election of various language audio s oundtracks , and digital playback at fas t or s low s peeds . T he V S 755 als o s upports direct acces s to defined points on a DV D or C D. 6 V S 755 T he C larion V S 755 is a full-featured Digital Media P layer des igned s pecifically for the mobile environment. It is intended for us e with other C larion multimedia products , and can als o be integrated with many other products as part of a complete mobile video s olution. With a s et of auxiliary audio and video inputs and a digital audio output, the V S 755 can als o s upport us e of optional audio/video components s uch as camcorders , videogames , or digital audio proces s ors . T heV S 755 incorporates many different video output s ettings to allow the bes t pos s ible viewing experience, regardles s of what type of video monitor you may be us ing. G E NE R A L INF OR MAT ION Note: A c c es s ories S upplied with the V S 755 • Infrared (IR ) remote control • E xternal IR R eceiver for optional applications • P ower-s upply harnes s and R C A audio and video cables • As s orted mounting hardware • Owner•s Manual / Ins tallation G uide A bout the R egis tered Marks T his product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S . patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovis ion C orporation and other rights owners . Us e of this copyright protection technology mus t be authorized by Macrovis ion C orporation, and is intended for limited viewing us es only unles s otherwis e authorized by Macrovis ion C orporation. R evers e engineering or dis as s embly is prohibited. 7 V S 755 • T he V S 755 is des igned to be a component in a full audio/video s ys tem. If you have any ques tions about compatible components , s uch as s ys tem controllers , monitors , F M modulators , or other audio/ video products , pleas e contact your authorized C larion dealer. GENERAL INFORMATION Discs Compatible with VS755 This VS755 is designed and manufactured to play DVD discs with region code 1. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT Supported Discs Formats • DVD video 5, 9, 10, and 18 Video CD • Super Video CD • CD Audio • MP3 (CD-ROM) • JPEG image CD 1 and 0 Unsupported Formats • DVD-ROM• • DVD-RW/DVD-RAM • CDV • CD-G • DVDs with Region code • Kodak photo CD (previously CDI format) NOTE: As a rule, even Burned CDs are supported, however depending on the blank discs and burning program used, playback difficulties may arise. 8 VS755 Temperature and Moisture If the player is used while the interior of the vehicle is very cold, condensation may form on the disc or on the internal optical pickup system and prevent proper playing of the disc. If you suspect that condensation is an issue, eject the disc and inspect the playing surface. If necessary, remove the condensation with a clean soft cloth as described above. If you still experience problems with playback, you will need to wait for approximately one hour to allow the VS755 to warm up, and for the condensation to evaporate. If playback issues continue, please see your authorized Clarion dealer. G E NE R A L INF OR MAT ION MP 3 Digital audio data compres s ed in MP E G 1 Layer 3 format. MP 3 files are approximately ten times s maller than the non-compres s ed P C M data. OS D (On S c reen Dis play) Information about the dis c and player s tatus are dis played directly on the monitor s creen. P arental guidanc e func tion F requently Termed “P arental C ontrol” or “P arental Management Level”, this function is bas ed on a movie rating as s igned by the MPAA (Motion P icture As s ociation of America). Depending on the DV D player s etting, this clas s ification enables entire DV Ds to be blocked for viewing by childrenand teenagers . Note - not all DV D.manufacturers s upport this rating s ys tem. C urrently, the following levels are officially recognized by the MPAA: G (G eneral audience): s uitable for all members of the general public including children. P G (P arental G uidance): allowed for general viewing but with parental s upervis ion. 9 V S 755 Mac rovis ion C opyright protection technology developed by Macrovis ion C orporation. C opyright owners can protect their videocas s ettes from unauthorized recording on V C R s by us ing Macrovis ion technology. GENERAL INFORMATION Copyright Protection This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless other wise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. “Dolby” Digital Manufactured license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and Double-Dsymbolare trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential unpublished works. 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories All rights reserved. 10 VS755 CAUTION: Any inappropriate use of the device may expose the user to visible/invisible laser rays which exceed the limits for Class 1 laser products. Do not attempt to repair it yourself refer servicing it to a trained Clarion authorized dealer. C A R E A ND MA INT E NA NC E Disc Cleaning 11 V S 755 Handling and C leaning DV Ds and C Ds • Avoid leaving fingerprints on the dis cs when handling it, never handle a dis c by its edges . • Always s tore dis cs in their protective cas es . • Always ens ure that dis cs are clean and dry before ins erting. • P rotect dis cs from heat and direct s unlight. Dirt, dus t, s cratches and warped dis cs will caus e unit malfunction. • DO NOT P UT L A B E L S ON DIS. C S Dis c C leaning Us e a dry s oft cloth to wipe the s urface of a dis c. If a dis c is es pecially dirty us e a s oft cloth s lightly mois tened with rubbing alcohol. Never us e s olvents s uch as benzine, or conventional record cleaners as they may mar the s urface of the dis c. C A R E A ND MA INT E NA NC E S ervicing the V S 755 DV D P layer in the event a problem aris es with the V S 755, do not attempt to dis as s emble or repair the monitor yours elf. Opening or attempting to s ervice the monitor will void the warranty; ins tead, contact a local C larion dealer for as s is tance. T he internal parts are not s erviceable by the us er. T he V S 755 is a clas s I las er product, us ing a las er which could caus e hazardous radiation expos ure if improperly dis as s embled. All warranty s ervice s hould be performed by an authorized C larion s ervice center. C A UT ION! C hanges or modifications to this product not approved by the manufacturer will void the warranty and will violate F C C approval. 12 V S 755 P reparing a New Dis c New dis c may have s ome roughnes s around the edge. T he DV D player may not work properly or the video/s ound reproduction may s kip if s uch dis cs are us ed. Us e a ballpoint pen or pencil to remove roughnes s from the edges of the dis c. NOT E : NE V E R US E A K NIF E OR AS HA R P OB J E C T TO R E MOV E T HE R OUG HNE S S A R OUND T HE E DG E S Y OUY MA HA R M Y OUR S E L F OR T HE DIS C ! T here is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular ins tallation. If this equipment does caus e harmful interference to a radio or televis ion reception, turn off the equipment and contact a local C larion dealer for as s is tance. C hanges or modifications to this product not approved by the manufacturer will void the warranty and violate F C C Approval. 13 V S 755 C A R E A ND MA INT E NA NC E F C C A pproval T he C larion V S 755 have been tes ted and found to comply within the limits of a C las s B digital device, purs uant of P art 15 of the F C C rules . T hes e limitations are des igned to provide reas onable protection agains t harmful interference in a res idential ins tallation. T his equipment generates and us es radio frequency energy and if not ins talled and us ed in accordance with the ins tructions , may caus e harmful interference to radio communications . Temperature and Mois ture 14 V S 755 If the player is us ed while the interior of the vehicle is very cold, condens ation may form on the dis c or on the internal optical pickup s ys tem and prevent proper playing of the dis c. If you s us pect that condens ation is an is s ue, eject the dis c and ins pect the playing s urface. If neces s ary, remove the condens ation with a clean s oft cloth as des cribed above. If you s till experience problems with playback, you will need to wait for approximately one hour to allow the V S 755 to warm up, and for the condens ation to evaporate. If playback is s ues continue, pleas e s ee your authorized C larion dealer. G E NE R A L OP E R A T ION E jec ting a Dis c P res s (E J E C T ) button on the front panel or on the remote control to eject the dis c. P aus ing P lay / S tep P lay P res s ing on the remote control for the firs t time or pres sing on the front panel during playback will s top playback temporarily. To return to normal playback, pres s on the remote control or on the front panel. If you play a DV D/V C D/S V C D, pres s on the remote control again to s top at the next picture (s tep function). If you play a C D/MP 3/P icture C D, pres s ing on the remote control again is ineffective. R apid F orward / R apid R evers e P res s & during playback. E ach time the button is pres s ed, the s peed of rapid forward /revers e changes according to the dis c as follows . 15 V S 755 B A S IC P L A Y S topping P laybac k - B riefly pres s (S top) button to pre-s top the unit playback. When button on the front panel or (P lay) button on the remote control is pres s ed, normal playback will continue. - P res s (S top) button twice to s top the playback and go back to the DV D. G E NE R A L OP E R A T ION T HE P L A Y E R F R ONT V IE W V S 755 2 1 10 6 8 17 16 15 POWER EJECT DISC PLAY/PAUSE AV2 AV1 4 STOP VIDEO 9 L AUDIO R CONTROLS PREVIOUS NEXT SOURCE MENU ENTER 11 12 7 5 1. P ower ( ) 2. E J E C T ( ) 3. ME NU 4. IR 5. S OUR C E 6. Dis c S lot 7. NE X T ( ) 8. S T OP ( ) 9. P R E V IOUS ( ) 10. P LAY /PAUS E ( 3 13 14 11. Video and Audio Input 12. R es et 13. / , / curs or buttons 14. E NT E R ( ) 15. Indicator Light for DIS C 16. Indicator Light for AV 1 17. Indicator Light for AV 2 ) 16 G E NE R A L OP E R AT ION POWER EJECT DISC PLAY/PAUSE STOP VIDEO CONTROLS PREVIOUS NEXT SOURCE MENU ENTER 17 AV2 AV1 L AUDIO R V S 755 T UR N T HE UNIT ON After all connections are completed correctly, pres s the (P OWE R ) button on the front panel or (P OWE R ) on the remote control to turn on the power. When the unit is on, it will s earch the dis c automatically. If there is a dis c in the dis c s lot, the unit will s tart playback automatically. B es ides this ,you s hould turn on the monitor that connected to the player. S tandby S tate 1) When the unit is on, pres s (P OWE R ) on the front panel or (P OWE R ) on the remote control to turn the unit off temporarily, in order to s top the playback in a s hort time and the unit goes into s tandby s tate. 2) In s tandby s tate, pres s (P OWE R ) onthe front panel or (P OWE R ) on the remote control again to recall playback. And for dis c playback, it can realize memory play function. Note: T he unit has s creen s aver function(s elect “ON” in S creen S aver s etup). If the playback is s topped and there is not any button operation in 5 minutes , it will activate the s creen s aver function automatically; when any button for DV D function is pres s ed, the s creen s aver function will releas e automatically. R emote S ens or (IR ) P oint the remote hands et to the remote s ens or IR on the front panel. R eceive the s ignal from the remote hands et. L oading a Dis c 1. Ins ert the dis c with printed s ide facing up into the dis c s lot. 2. T he player will s tart playback automatically. G E NE R A L OP E R AT ION R E MOT E C ONT R OL P reparing the R emote C ontrol 2. Ins ert the new batteries . Make s ure that the pos itive and negative terminals of the batteries are oriented indicated. 3. C los e the cover. B attery: C R 2032 (B utton battery) Us ing the R emote C ontrol F ace the remote control towards the player front face IR mark (remote control s ignal receiver). Operation angle: About ±30 degree in each the direction of the front of the IR mark. 18 V S 755 Ins erting the B atteries 1. Open the battery compartment cover. G E NE R A L OP E R A T ION R E MOT E C ONT R OL L OC AT ION A ND F UNC T ION OF K E Y S 23 POWER MUTE 6 9 DISPLAY ZOOM PBC V S 755 1 2 EJECT P/N SOURCE 7 3 24 SHUFFLE RESUME SUB-T REPEAT A-B TITLE PROGRAM GOTO ANGLE 5 25 4 SETUP 11 27 28 19 10 8 ENTER 26 MENU 19 16 14 13 12 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10+ 18 21 17 CLEAR 22 15 19 G E NE R A L OP E R A T ION R E MOT E C ONT R OL P OWE R E JE CT MUT E S UB T IT LE 5. ANG LE 6. DIS P LAY 7. S OUR C E 8. S E T UP 9. PAL/NT S C 10. G OTO 11. T IT LE 12. ME NU 13. / , / 14. E NT E R P ress P OWE R to turn the unit ON or OF F. P ress to eject the disc. P ress to mute the sound. C hanging of the S UB T IT LE language on multisubtitle language DV D disc. C hanging of the view angle on multi-angle DV D disc. Display statistical disc information during playback. C hanging between DV D mode and AV mode. Display the S E T UP menu. S witch between PAL mode, NT S C mode and AUTO mode. P ress the button to select chapter by numberic key.C hanging of the sound mode of the V C D/C D discs. Display the T IT LE menu that is stored in DV D disc. Display the root menu that is stored on the DV D disc. In case of ME NU mode, / , / buttons served as cursor buttons to select item left/right, ahead/back. C onfirm the Track/C hapter selected with the numeric buttons or selected with the cursor buttons on T V screen. V S 755 1. 2. 3. 4. 20 G E NE R A L OP E R A T ION R E MOT E C ONT R OL 18. / / / 19. 20. 21. 0-9 22. C LE AR 23. ZOOM 24. P B C 25. 26. 27. 28. R ANDOM P R OG R AM R E P E AT A-B C hanging for s low forward/ revers e playback motion. P res s to play the dis c. P res s to s earch forward rapidly & to s earch revers e rapidly. P res s to s kip to the next track & pres s to s kip back one track. P res s it once to pre-s top playback; pres s it twice to s top playback. P res s it for the firs t time to paus e playback. P res s it again to res ume at the next picture (s tep function for DV D/V C D/S V C D). Numeric buttons When you input a number in error, pres s the button to clear it. Allows the picture to be increas ed in s ize. C hanging between P B C ON and P B C OF F on the V C D dis c only. Allows the track played in random order. Allows the track played in the order you programmed. S witch the R epeat mode of dis cs . A-B repeat allows a pas s age to be repeated continuous ly. V S 755 15. 16. 17. 21 B A S IC OP E R A T ION 22 V S 755 DV D P L A Y B A C K V ideo C Ds with P B C (playbac k c ontrol) V ideo C Ds with P B C can be played with or without a menu: - P res s the ME NU button to s elect between playback with or without P B C . P aus e (s till pic ture) - P res s the button during playback. - P res s the button once again to res ume normal playback. F as t forward/revers e - P res s the or button during playback. E ach time the button is pres s ed, the s peed of fas t forward/revers e changes as follows : DV D: Normal - >2x - >4x - >6x - >8x - >20x V C D/C D/MP 3: Normal - >2x - >4x - >6x - >8x S kipping c hapters /trac ks - P res s one of the buttons during playback. - P res s the button to jump to the next chapter (DV D) or track (V C D/C D). - P res s the button to jump to the previous chapter (DV D) or track (V C D/C D). Note: F or s ome V C D2.0 dis cs (P AC playback control), the / buttons may not work. B A S IC OP E R A T ION B it R ates T he V S 755 s upports the following bit rates : 32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, and 96kHz. In cas e of a track recorded at V B R (variable bit rate), the dis play for the play time of the track may be s lightly different from the actual play time. Als o, the recommended value for V B R ranges from 32 kbps to 320 kbps . ID3V 1 and ID3V 2 T ags S upport B oth ID3V 1 and ID3V 2 tags are s upported. T hes e allow up to 30 characters per s ong name and 30 characters per artis t name. 23 V S 755 S ound Quality S ome nois e might be audible—this depends on the type of encoder s oftware us ed while recording. It is not nois e created by the V S 755. B A S IC OP E R A T ION Notes : • T he V S 755 cannot play back a dis c recorded on a C D-R W Dis c. • S ome C Ds recorded in C D-R mode may not be us able. • F iles without MP 3 data will not play. MP 3 P laybac k When a dis c with MP 3 files is ins erted, the S MAR T NAV I s creen will appear. E ach folder and file will be s hown (the order may be s lightly different than that on your P C ). Navigate the files and folders us ing the navigation arrow keys , and s elect a file or folder to be played by us ing the [E NT E R ] button. 24 V S 755 MP 3 P L A Y B A C K ON C D-R DIS C S What is MP 3? MP 3 is an audio compres s ion method. T his audio compres s ion method has become a popular format with many P C us ers . MP 3 allows the original digital audio data to be compres s ed to about 10 percent of its initial file s ize while s till retaining high s ound quality. T his means that about 10 mus ic C Ds can be recorded on a C D-R dis c, thus allowing longer lis tening time without having to change C Ds . Note: 25 V S 755 T he folder cannot be s elected in this mode. R epeat file/directory - R E P E AT - P res s the R E P E AT button once or more than once to s elect one of the following repeat modes : WIT H ME NU - R E P -ONE : R epeat the current MP 3 file. - F OLDE R R E P E AT: R epeats all MP 3 files in the current directory in s equence. - NO R E P E AT: T he R E P E AT function is s witches off. WIT HOUT ME NU - R E P - ONE : T he current track is repeated. are repeated. - R E P E AT OF F : T he R E P E AT function is s witched off. NE XT /P R E V IOUS files During playback: - P res s the button to s elect the next MP 3 file. - P res s the button to s elect the previous MP 3 file. FAS T F OR WAR D/R E V E R S E - P res s the or button during playback. E ach time the button is pres s ed, the s peed of fas t forward/revers e changes as follows : Normal playback >2x - >4x - >6x - >8x B A S IC OP E R A T ION F ile E xtens ions F ile and F older S truc ture T he folder name and file name can be dis played as the title during MP 3 play. However, the title mus t be within 31 and 27 s ingle-byte alphabetical letters and numerals for the folder name and file name, res pectively (not including an extens ion). E ntering more letters or numerals than s pecified may caus e an incorrect dis play. A dis c with a folder having more than 8 hierarchical levels will conflict with MP 3 s ys tem requirements and playback will be impos s ible. A total of 255 files and folders are allowed. When the number of files and folders is more than 255, playback of tracks in exces s of that number is impos s ible. T here is a maximum of 31 files in each folder. F ile tracks are played in the order that they were recorded onto a dis c. (F iles might not always be played in the order dis played on the P C .) 26 V S 755 Always add a file extens ion “ .MP 3” or “.mp3” to an MP 3 file by us ing s ingle-byte letters . If you add a different file extens ion, or forget to add the file extens ion “ .MP 3” or “.mp3,” the file cannot be played. In addition, if you us e upper cas e and lower cas e letters (capital and s mall letters ) mixed together for file extens ions , normal play may not be pos s ible. B A S IC OP E R A T ION 27 V S 755 R epeating c hapters /trac ks - P res s the R E P E AT button once, or more than once to s elect the R E P E AT mode as followes . DV D: C HA P T E R R E P E A T ON: T he current chapter is repeated. T IT LE R E P E AT ON: T he current title is repeated. R E P E AT OF F : T he repeat function is s witched off. V C D/C D R E P - ONE : T he current track is repeated. R E P - ALL: All tracks of the ins erted dis c are repeated. R E P E AT OF F : T he repeat function is s witched off. B A S IC OP E R A T ION TITLE 02 / 05 01 : 14 : 39 CHAPTER 001 / 027 - current title number and total number of titles , - current chapter number and total number of chapters , and elaps ed total time. P res s DIS P again. TITLE REMAIN 01 : 14 : 39 P res s DIS P for the third time: CHAPTER ENLAPSED 00 : 12 : 24 28 V S 755 Time dis plays P res s the DIS P button during playback to dis play different time information on the s creen of the dis c that is playing. E xample: DV D: -P res s DIS P once: T he following information is s hown on the s creen: B A S IC OP E R A T ION Time Dis play P res s DIS P for the fourth time: V S 755 CHAPTER REMAIN 01 : 14 : 39 P res s DIS P for the fifth time: T he mes s age on the s creen will be cleared. C D/V C D: E ach time the DIS P button is pres s ed, the time dis played changes in the following order: - S ING LE E LAP S E D (track/chapter) - S ING LE R E MAIN (track/chapter) - TOTAL E LAP S E D (C D) - TOTAL R E MAIN (C D)* - OF F * only when P B C is off MP 3: E ach time the DIS P button is pres s ed, changes in the following order: - C HAP T E R E LAP S E D - C HAP T E R R E MAIN ME NU function ME NU button - P res s the ME NU button during playback. T he bas ic menu of the DV D is dis played. If different menu options are available, move the curs or to the des ired menu option with the curs or buttons or . - C onfirm your s election by pres s ing the E NT E R button. 29 B A S IC OP E R A T ION F ile E xtens ions F ile and F older S truc ture T he folder name and file name can be dis played as the title during MP 3 play. However, the title mus t be within 31 and 27 s ingle-byte alphabetical letters and numerals for the folder name and file name, res pectively (not including an extens ion). E ntering more letters or numerals than s pecified may caus e an incorrect dis play. A dis c with a folder having more than 8 hierarchical levels will conflict with MP 3 s ys tem requirements and playback will be impos s ible. A total of 255 files and folders are allowed. When the number of files and folders is more than 255, playback of tracks in exces s of that number is impos s ible. T here is a maximum of 31 files in each folder. F ile tracks are played in the order that they were recorded onto a dis c. (F iles might not always be played in the order dis played on the P C .) 30 V S 755 Always add a file extens ion “ .MP 3” or “.mp3” to an MP 3 file by us ing s ingle-byte letters . If you add a different file extens ion, or forget to add the file extens ion “ .MP 3” or “.mp3,” the file cannot be played. In addition, if you us e upper cas e and lower cas e letters (capital and s mall letters ) mixed together for file extens ions , normal play may not be pos s ible. Zoom (magnification) - P res s the ZOOM button once or s everal times during playback to s elect the required amount of zoom. OF F - >1.5X - >2X - >3X - >OF F S electing the viewing angle (DV D only) When the ANG LE MAR K (camera angle) function is activated, the s ymbol is dis played on the s creen when a s cene with alternative camera angles is played from a DV D. - P res s the ANG LE button once or s everal times while the s ymbol is dis played to s elect the various camera angles . Notes : T his function only works with dis cs having s cenes recorded at different angles . T he number of viewing angles depends on the individual DV D. To activate ANG LE MAR K s ee G eneral s ettings . MP 3 dis c playback T his player s upports the following C D formats for MP 3 playback: 31 V S 755 B A S IC OP E R AT ION Notes : T he number of s ubtitle languages is dependent on the ins erted DV D. S ome dis cs only contain one s ubtitle language. If only one language is available on the dis c, the “ ” appears in the left top corner of the s creen when pres s ing the S UB T IT LE button. A DVA NC E D OP E R A T ION 00 : 02 : 58 S M A R T N AV I R OOT R OOT R OOT AC ID - J AZZ AC ID - J AZZ INDE P E NDE NT MP3 2PAC - C ali MP3 ANAS TAC IA MP3 B AB Y LON ZOO LAT IN MP3 B R ANDY MONI P OP MP3 C ULT UR E B E A 0 1 2 3 4 5 Notes : T he F OLDE R can only be s elected in S TOP mode. During playback, the s creen will dis play the MP 3-ID3 tags ins tead of the R E P E AT mode. WIT HOUT ME NU When the S MAR T NAV function is s et to“ NO ME NU ”, only the track (file) number and the elaps ed time for the current file are dis played on the s creen. All the tracks (files ) of the MP 3 C D ins erted are played s equentially. 32 V S 755 Make s ure that the MP 3 files have file format des ignation of .mp3. Two different modes of MP 3 playback are available: - WIT H ME NU - NO ME NU T he playback mode can be s et in the S E T UP menu under “ P R E F E R E NC E S ” WIT H ME NU. In this mode the dis play s hows all the MP 3 folders of the dis c on the left and the file names of the folder currently opened on the right. In S TOP mode: - Us e the and buttons to s elect between the left and right column. - Us e the and buttons to s elect the des ired item or folder. - P res s the E NT E R or button to playback the s elected item. T he s creen s hows : A DVA NC E D OP E R A T ION 33 V S 755 In order to start the slide show with a particular image from the folder currently selected, enter the number which appears after the image in the navigation menu using the numeric key buttons and press the E NT E R button. Notes : J P E G images can be recognized by the camera symbol to the left of the file name. T he directory can only be selected in S TOP mode. Volume, color, contrast and brightness cannot be adjusted during image C D playback. Next/previous image During playback: - P ress to select the next J P E G file. - P ress to select the previous J P E G file. R epeat file/directory R E P E AT - P ress the R E P E AT button briefly once or several times to set the R E P E AT mode as follows: - R E P -ONE : T he current J P E G file is displayed again. - F OLDE R R E P E AT: All the J P E G files in the current directory are displayed again. - R E P E AT OF F : T he R E P E AT function is switched off. ADVANC E D OP E R ATION F or the same folder, you can press to go to the next image, press for the paginal display (next page). S M A R T N AV I R OOT DSC 04050001 DSC 04050002 DSC 04050003 DSC 04050004 DSC 04050005 R E PE AT OF F 34 0 1 2 3 4 5 V S 755 J P E G image C Ds The DVD player supports the display of J P E G images. E nsure that the J P E G images have a file format designation .jpg. J P E G image C D playback - Insert a disc with J P E G images in the player. - The navigation menu appears on the display as follows: In S TOP mode: - You can switch between the left and right-hand columns using the and buttons. You can select the desired file or the desired directory using the and buttons. - P ress the E NTE R or button in order to start a slide show, beginning with the selected file. - All the images in the current directory are displayed in sequence for approx. 5 seconds each. - P ress the button in order to pause or resume the slide show. A DVA NC E D OP E R A T ION 1 POWER ZOOM PBC SHUFFLE RESUME SUB-T REPEAT A-B TITLE PROGRAM EJECT P/N SOURCE ANGLE SETUP ENTER GOTO 4 3 MENU 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10+ CLEAR Image R otation 1. 2. 3. 4. horizontal image mirror. V ertical image mirror. 90 degree clockwis e. 90 degree counterclockwis e. 35 V S 755 MUTE DISPLAY S E T T ING S T he following options are available: • G E NE R A L S E T -UP T his includes T V dis play. F or details pleas e refer to the G eneral s etup menu. • S P E A K E R S E T -UP T his changes the audio output from DOLB Y AC 3 5.1 DOWNMIX to 2 channel mode. P leas e refer to S peaker s et-up menu. • A UDIO S E T -UP T his s elects all other AUDIO functions . P leas e refer to Audio s et-up menu. • P R E F E R E NC E S T his configures the s ys tem. F or details pleas e refer to P references s et-up menu G eneral s et-up menu. 36 V S 755 S etup Menu Main page In S T OP mode: - P res s the S E T UP button. - T he initial S E T UP menu is dis played. - S elect the preferred item by us ingthe / buttons . - P res s the E NT E R button to confirm your s election. S E T T ING S G E NE R A L S E T -UP • WIDE (F or 16:9 V iewing) S elect when a wide-s creen video s ource is connected. P IC MODE If you s elect AUT O, the s ys tem P IC mode will depend on the DV D dis c. - S elect HI-R E S format for bes t image res olution. - S elect N-F LIC K E R format if flickering nois e appears . A NG L E MA R K - S elect ON, if you want to dis play the angle icon when a multiangle. OS D L A NG - S elect the des ired language for the On- S creen Dis play. C A P T IONS - Activate the C AP T IONS feature by s electing ON. S peaker s et-up menu DR C - Dynamic range C ontrol - S elect DR C to adjus t the dynamic range of a Dolby Digital encoded program. T here are 8 s teps between off and full compres s ion. 37 V S 755 • NOR MA L /L B (F or 4:3 V iewing) P layed back in letterbox s tyle. (If connected to a wide-s creen video s ource,black bands appear at top and bottom of the s creen.) P R E F E R E NC E S E T -UP ME NU 38 V S 755 TV TYPE T his s ys tem can play dis cs recorded in either P AL or NT S C formats AUT O. and NT S C . - S elect NT S C format, if the video s ource s upports NT S C only. - S elect P AL format, if the video s ource s upports P AL only. P R E F E R E NC E S E T UP ME NU A UDIO - S elect the initial audio s oundtrack language you prefer. DIS C ME NU - S elect the initial dis c menu language you prefer. PA R E NTA L - S elect the des ired parental guidance level from the lis t. T he factory default pas s word for changing the parental guidance is 3308. PA S S WOR D - S elect C HANG E to change the factory s et pas s word for parental control. K ey in the initial factory pas s word of 3308. T hen key in a new 4 digit pas s word. C onfirm the new pas s word by reentering it. S MA R T NA V T his is us ed to s et the dis play mode for MP 3 playback. - S elect NO ME NU to play MP 3 files without folder/file dis play. - S elect WIT H ME NU to s how the dis c contents in folder/file s tyle. DE FA ULT S -S elect R E S E T to return the player to the factory defaults . 39 V S 755 S UB T IT L E - S elect the initial s ubtitle language you prefer. INS TA L L AT IO N T HE P L A Y E R B AC K V IE W V S 755 5 4 3 2 IN1 IN2 OUT IR 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DC 12V INP UT S ocket R E MOT E S ocket AV OUT P UT C AB LE AUDIO/V IDE O OUT P UT 1 AUDIO/V IDE O OUT P UT 2 40 INS TA L L AT ION - B efore finally ins talling the unit, connect the wiring temporarily and make s ure it is all connected up properly and the unit and the s ys tem work properly. - Us e only the parts included with the unit to ens ure proper ins tallation. T he us e of unauthorized parts can caus e malfunctions . - C ons ult with your neares t dealer if ins tallation requires the drilling of holes or other modifications of the vehicle. Avoid ins talling the unit where it would be s ubject to high temperature, s uch as from direct s unlight, or from hot air, from the heater, or where it would be s ubject to dus t, dirt or exces s ive vibration. DIN F R ONT /R E A R -MOUNT T his unit can be properly ins talled either from “F ront” (conventional DIN F ront-mount) or “R ear” (DIN R ear-mount ins tallation, utilizing threaded s crew holes at the s ides of the unit chas s is ). F or details , refer to the following illus trated ins tallation methods . - Ins tall the unit where it does not get in the driver•s way and cannot injure the pas s enger if there is a s udden s top, like an emergency s top. 30 - If ins tallation angel exceeds 30 might not give its optimum performance. 41 0 V S 755 Notes : - C hoos e the mounting location where the unit will not interfere with the normal driving function of the driver. INS TA L L AT ION TA K E OUT S C R E W B E F OR E INS T A L L AT ION B efore ins tall the unit, pleas e remove the two s crews . V S 755 DIN F R ONT -MOUNT (Method A ) Ins tallation Opening T his unit can be ins talled in any das hboard having an opening as s hown below: 53mm 182mm Ins talling the unit B e s ure you tes t all connections firs t, and then follow thes e s teps to ins tall the unit. 1. Make s ure the ignition is turned off, and then dis connect the cable from the vehicle battery•s negative (-) terminal. 2. Dis connect the wire harnes s and the antenna. 3. Lift the top of the outer trim ring then pull it out to remove it. 42 INS TA L L AT ION To fas ten the unit to the factory radio mounting brackets . 2. Align the screw holes on the bracket with the screw holes on the unit, and then tighten the screws on each side. INS TAL L ATION DIN R E AR -MOUNT (Method B ) If your vehicle is a Nissan, Toyota or S uzuki, follow these mounting instructions. Use the screw holes marked T (Toyota), N (Nissan) or S (S uzuki) located on both sides of the unit to fasten the unit to the factory radio mounting brackets supplied with your vehicle. Side View showing Screw Holes marked T, N or S Screw Factory Radio Mounting Bracket Screw Hook Dash board or Console 3. Fasten with the supplied truss screws (5x5mm) or flush surface screws (4x5mm), depending on the shape of the screw holes in the bracket. Note: the outer trim ring, sleeve and the metal strap are not used for method B installation. 4. T he two s upplied keys releas e tabs ins ide the unit•s s leeve s o you can remove it. One key is for the right s ide and the other is for the left s ide. Ins ert the keys as far as they will go (with the notches facing up) into the appropriate s lots at the middle left and right s ides of the unit. T hen s lide the s leeve off the back othe unit. 43 V S 755 1. Use a screwdriver to loose the hook•s screws on the front left and right sides of INS TA L L AT ION Sleeve L key Outer Trim Ring R key 6. R econnect the wire harnes s and the antenna and be careful not to pinch any wires or cables . 7. S lide the unit into the s leeve until it locks into place. Dashboard Tabs Screwdriver Sleeve 44 V S 755 5. Mount the s leeve by ins erting the s leeve into the opening of the das hboard and bend open the tabs located around the s leeve with a s crewdriver. Not all tabs will be able to make contact, s o examine which ones will be mos t effective. B ending open the appropriate tabs behind the das hboard to s ecure the s leeve in place. INS TA L L AT ION Mounting Bolt Metal Strap Spring Washer Hex Nut Plain Washer Tapping Screw 9. R econnect the cable to the vehicle battery•s negative (-) terminal. T hen replace the outer trim ring. R emoving the unit 1. Make s ure the ignition is turned off, then dis connect the cable from the vehicle battery•s negative (-) terminal. 2. R emove the metal s trap attached the back of the unit (if attached) 3. Lift the top of the outer trim ring then pull it out to remove it. 4. Ins ert both of the s upplied keys into the s lots at the middle left and right s ides of the unit, then pull the unit out of the das hboard. 45 V S 755 8. To further s ecure the unit, us e the s upplied metal s trap to s ecure the back of the unit in place. Us e the s upplied hardware (Hex Nut (M5mm) and S pring Was her) to attach one end of the s trap to the mounting bolt on the back of the unit. If neces s ary, bend the metal s trap to fit your vehicle•s mounting area. T hen us e the s upplied hardware (Tapping S crew (5x25mm) and P lain Was her) to attach the other end of metal s trap to a s olid metal part of the vehicle under the das hboard. T his s trap als o helps ens ure proper electrical grounding of the unit. INS TA L L AT ION E L E C T R IC A L C ONNE C T ION VIDEO- OUT RIGHT OUT VIDEO- IN RIGHT IN LEFT OUT 180.0+0.5 LEFT IN 46 VIDEO- IN RIGHT IN LEFT IN V S 755 EXTERNAL IR INPUT INS TA L L AT ION If the yellow +12v permanent pos itive lead is lengthened and connected directly to the battery, it mus t be protected by an additional 10 Amp fus e located near the battery (max.10-15 cm) +12 V cons tant lead (yellow): C onnect the yellow lead to a s uitable connector with +12v permanent pos itive voltage. T his connection s hould be rated for a current of at leas t 3 amps . +12 V s witched lead (red): C onnect the red lead to a s uitable +12v circuit s witched through the ignition. V S 755 E lec tric al c onnec tions . R oute all cables with care. Do not cut off un-us ed cables , tape them up and s ecure them to one s ide. T hey may be us eful in the future for additional functions . B attery negative lead (black): C onnect the black lead to a s uitable ground (vehicle chas s is ). P ower s upply c onnec tions C able color Yellow C ategory C onnection input +12v permanent pos itive (mus t be rated for at leas t 3 amps ) R ed input +12v ignition pos itive input (s witched plus ) B lack input B attery negative (vehicle chas s is ) B lue output Auto antennal R emote control power 47 INS TA L L AT ION DIA G R A M V S 755 C ONNE C T IONS V S 755 A/V Output Auxiliary A/V Input E xternal IR input Yellow +12V C ons tant Power R ed +12V Acces s ory B lack - G round Yellow +12V C ons tant Power B lack - G round R ed +12V Acces s ory Pow er connect or pin assignment s 48 INS TA L L AT ION DIA G R A M V S 755 A DDE D T O F A C T OR Y A UDIO S Y S T E M V S 755 Audio output Video Video output input 1 to monitor A/V output A/V Auxiliary inputs VS 755 Video input 1 To radio and antenna F M200 IR input R ed +12V Acces s ory P ower harnes s Video input 2 B lack G round C larion VMA 7194 monitor B lack - G round Yellow +12V C ons tant Power R ed +12V Acces s ory 49 INS TA L L AT ION DIA G R A M V S 755 WIT H T V T UNE R V S 755 A/V Auxiliary inputs Video input 1 IR input 3-conductor Audio output - to head unit with volume control "Y"-cable or C larion FM200 FM Modulator (not s upplied) Video Video output input 1 to monitor A/V Output VS 755 Power Harnes s B lack - rGound R ed +12VAC C Video input 2 Power Harnes s C larion VMA 7194 monitor TTX 005 TV Tuner B lack - G round Antenna ZC B 001 R ed +12V Acces s ory Yellow +12V C ons tant Power 50 INS TA L L AT ION DIA G R A M V S 755 WIT H MONIT OR V S 755 VS 755 A/V Auxiliary inputs Video input 1 Audio output - to head unit with volume control or C larion F M200 F M Modulator Video output Video input 1 to monitor A/V Output IR input B lack G round Video input 2 R ed +12V Acces s ory P ower Harnes s C larion VMA 7194 monitor B lack - G round R ed +12V Acces s ory Yellow +12V C ons tant Power 51 G L OS S A R Y S VC D (S uper Video C D) T his is an E as t As ian s tandard for video data on a s tandard 12 cm C D. T he data is s tored in MP E G 2 format. T he maximum bit rate for video is 2264 kbps . Two different s tereo audio s oundtracks can be recordedon a S V C D. VC D (Video C ompact Dis c) A world wide s tandard for digital video on a s tandard 12 cm C D. T he data is s tored in MP E G 1 format. T he maximum bit rate for video is 1150 kbps . Only one s tereo audio track can be recorded on a V C D. VFD (Vacuum F luores cent Dis play) T his DV D player is equipped with a multicolor dis play with adjus table brightnes s . TFT (T hin F ilm Trans is tor) A technology for manufacturing large, high res olution LC D flats creen dis plays (e.g.computer monitors , LC D T V s ,etc.). 52 V S 755 G (G eneral audience 13): s uitable for all members of the general public including children. PG (P arental G uidance): Allowed for general veiwing but with parental s upervis ion. P G -13 (P arental G uidance 13): allowed for viewing by children over 13 with parental s upervis ion. R (R es tricted): parental s upervis ion or the accompaniment by an adult is mandatory NC -17: contents uns uitable for children under 17 Other . clas s ifications (non MPAA): A DULT: only s uitable for adults NR (Not R ated): no clas s ification. PB C (P layback C ontrol). S ome V C D 2.0 Video C Ds arencoded with playback control, allowing you to navigate through the dis c contents with a menu. T R OUB L E S HOOT ING . S ymptoms P layer does not work when s witching on ignition and pres s ing the P OWE R button. P os s ible caus e / remedy C heck fus es (unit and vehicle) and connections • P res s the R E S E T button (s eepage 16). T he remote control does not work. C hange the batteries in the remote control. • R eplace the batteries T he infrared lens on the remote or the unit is covered by objects or dirty. • C lean the infrared lens es with a damp cloth. S kips during DV D playback. Dis torted s ound.F rozen picture. Interference in picture. P layer cannot read the ins erted dis c due to dis c damage or dirt on the s urface. C lean the dis c and attempt to replay. Ins erted dis c type is not compatible with the player (s ee s pecifications ). In cold weather conditions , condens ation may P layer does not recognize the occur on the las er. ins erted dis c. • Wait approximately 5 minutes until the condens ation evaporates . P layer hang-up (picture freezes ). • S witch the player off and on to res ume normal operation. P layer does not read dis c at all. No F OLDE R /F ILE dis play when • P res s the R E S E T button playing an MP 3 dis c. S et S MAR T NAV option to: W IT H ME NU in the preferences s et-up menu. Wrong language for audio, DV D menu or s ubtitles is s elected when ins erting a DV D. C olor s aturation is too weak/s trong during DV D/V C D/S V C D playback. C heck initial language s ettings in the P R E F E R E NC E S s et-up menu. • R emove the dis c. • S et the required C OLOR value us ing the or buttons and re-ins ert the dis c. R es et default value: • W ith the dis c removed, pres s the DIS P button. 53 V S 755 In rare cas es , your DV D s ys tem may not function the way you expect it to. B efore calling for s ervice pleas e read the operating ins tructions and go through the following check lis t: S P E C IF IC AT IONS Model: V S 755 S ignal s ys tem: Dual s ys tem NT S C /PAL Audio input level: 0.3 Vrms Humidity for normal operation: 10% ~75% Operating voltage (direct current): 10-16 C urrent cons umption (Max): 2.0 A (at +12V ) C urrent cons umption: Off 3 mA (at +12V ) Operating temperature: -4 F ~ 158 F (-20 C to +70 C ) S torage temperature: -22 F ~ 176 F (-30 C to +80 C ) Dimens ions : 188x59x176mm Weight: 1500g S pec ific ations s ubjec ted to c hange. 54 V S 755 Video input level: 1.0 V pp ±10 % G L OS S AR Y A two-layer double-s ided DV D can be up to 18 G igabytes . 55 V S 755 Dolby Digital Dolby Laboratories audio compression J PEG technology that allows up to 6 channels (J oint P hotographic E xpert G roup) (R ight, Left, C enter, S urround R ight, S urround Left and S ubwoofer) in one audio J PEG stream (AC 3). Most DVDs contain Dolby images are bitmapped Digital audio. images that us e a Dolby S urround compres s ion method Dolby Laboratories audio encoding in order to s ave technology that combines the information for memory s pace. two additional channels (C enter, S urround) in a standard stereo signal. T he Dolby S urround signal can be played on any stereo equipment, however a Dolby S urround Decoder is needed to separate the C enter and S urround channels from the stereo channels. Dolby S urround P ro L ogic An optimized decoder technology for Dolby S urround encoded signals. DR C (Dynamic R ange C ontrol) DR C lets you limit the dynamic range of a Dolby Digital encoded program. DT S An audio compression system for cinemas developed by Digital T heater S ystems, Inc. DVD (Digital Vers atile Dis c) T he DVD disc is a 12 cm disc, containing two layers of digital information. T he maximum amount of data on a single-layer , single-sided DVD can be up to 4.7 G igabytes. WA R R A NT Y INF OR MA T ION 56 V S 755 T his product is warranted agains t all defects in material workmans hip for a period of one year from the date of original purchas e. C larion P roAudio products , except for s peakers , are covered by a two year limited warranty when ins talled by an authorized C larion dealer. T he conditions of this limited warranty and the extent of res pons ibility of C larion C orporation of America (“C larion”) under this limited warranty are as follows : 1. P R OOF OF DAT E OF P UR C HAS E WILL B E R E QUIR E D F OR WAR R ANT Y S E R V IC E OF T HIS P R ODUC T. IN T HE C AS E OF T HE T WO (2) Y E AR LIMIT E D WAR R ANT Y F OR C LAR ION P R OAUDIO P R ODUC T, P R OOF OF INS TALLAT ION B Y AN AUT HOR IZE D DE ALE R IS R E QUIR E D. INF OR MAT ION AB OUT C LAR ION AUT HOR IZE D WAR R ANT Y S E R V IC E C E NT E R S MAY B E OB TAINE D B Y C ONTAC T ING OR WR IT ING C LAR ION AT T HE ADDR E S S LIS T E D B E LOW. 2. T his limited warranty will become void if s ervice performed by anyone other than an approved C larion Warranty S ervice C enter res ults in damage to the product. 3. T his limited warranty does not apply to any product which has been s ubject to mis us e, neglect or accident, or which has had the s erial number altered, defaced or removed, or which has been connected, ins talled, adjus ted or repaired, other than in accordance with the ins tructions furnis hed by C larion. 4. T his limited warranty does not cover car s tatic or other electrical interferences , tape head or las er pick-up cleaning or adjus tments , or labor cos ts for the removal or reins tallation of the unit for repair 5. T he s ole res pons ibility of C larion under this limited warranty s hall be limited to the repair of the product or replacement of the product, at the s ole dis cretion of C larion. 6. P roduct mus t be s hipped in its original carton or equivalent carton, fully ins ured, with s hipping charges prepaid. C larion will not as s ume any res pons ibility for any los s or damage incurred in s hipping. WA R R A NT Y INF OR MA T ION 8. T HIS LIMIT E D WAR R ANT Y G IV E S Y OU S P E C IF IC LE G AL R IG HT S , AND Y OU MAY ALS O HAV E OT HE R R IG HT S WHIC H VAR Y F R OM S TAT E TO S TAT E . 9. S hould you have any difficulties with the performance of this product during the warranty period, pleas e call or vis it our web s ite for a lis ting of Authorized Warranty S ervice C enters in your area. You may als o contact the C larion C us tomer S ervice at the addres s lis ted below for any s ervice help you may need with C larion products . C LAR ION C OR P OR AT ION OF AME R IC A AT T N: C US TOME R S E R V IC E MANAG E R 661 WE S T R E DONDO B E AC H B LV D. G AR DE NA, C A 90247 1 - 800 - G O - C LAR ION (310) 327 - 9100 www.clarion.com 57 V S 755 ALL IMP LIE D WAR R ANT IE S E XC E P T TO T HE E XT E NT P R OHIB IT E D B Y AP P LIC AB LE LAW S HALL HAV E NO G R E AT E R DUR AT ION T HAN T HE WAR R ANT Y P E R IOD S E T F OR T H AB OV E . UNDE R NO C IR C UMS TANC E S S HALL C LAR ION B E LIAB LE F OR ANY LOS S OR DAMAG E , DIR E C T OR C ONS E QUE NT IAL, AR IS ING OUT OF T HE US E OR INAB ILIT Y TO US E T HE P R ODUC T. B E C AUS E S OME S TAT E S DO NOT ALLOW LIMITAT IONS ON HOW LONG AN IMP LIE D WAR R ANT Y LAS T S OR E XC LUS IONS OR LIMITAT IONS OF INC IDE NTAL OR C ONS E QUE NT IAL DAMAG E S , T HE AB OV E LIMITAT IONS OR E XC LUS IONS MAY NOT AP P LY TO Y OU. Warning! 2 VS755 THE CLARION VS755 DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER IS DESIGNED TO ENABLE VIEWING OF DVD OR CD-VIDEO RECORDINGS ONLY FOR REAR-SEAT OCCUPANTS. DIGITAL VIDEO PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR VIEWING BY THE DRIVER WHILE THE VEHICLE IS IN MOTION. SUCH USE MAY DISTRACT THE DRIVER OR INTERFERE WITH THE DRIVERʼS SAFE OPERATION OF THE VEHICLE, AND THUS RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. SUCH USE MAY ALSO VIOLATE STATE LAW. CLARION DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY BODILY INJURY, INCLUDING FATALITIES, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM ANY IMPROPER OR UNINTENDED USES OF THIS PRODUCT. About Installation Installation of mobile audio and video components requires experience with a variety of mechanical and electrical procedures. Even though this manual provides general installation and operation instructions for your new Clarion VS755 Digital Media Player, it does not show the exact installation methods for your particular vehicle. If you do not have the required knowledge and experience to successfully complete the installation, we strongly recommend consulting an authorized Clarion dealer about professional installation options. .