May 2016 - Church of the Nativity
May 2016 - Church of the Nativity
Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 A Message from our Pastor Fr. Bob Cilinski “Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time” “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. I am going away and I will come back to You” John 14:12 My dear parishioners, Today we begin the beautiful month of May. Today is the closest Sunday to the second anniversary of our late Pastor, Father Richard Martin’s return to God. Father Martin loved the poor and founded Operation Starfish here at Nativity in 1998. Last year we began a parish tradition of taking the annual Starfish Collection during the Easter Season on the Sunday closest to Father Martin’s anniversary. The funds donated today will be used by Food for the Poor to complete the development of Good Shepherd Village, about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The village of 120 homes is being built in memory of Father Martin. His spirit and presence still lives on in Nativity and in Good Shepherd Village in Haiti. In His “Farewell Address” at the Last Supper, Jesus promises us that He will always be with us in the Holy Spirit to be an advocate, friend and guide. His Word, His Spirit and His Peace are Easter gifts to every one of us. Love and Blessings, Fr. Bob Cilinski Pastor How are you honoring Mary this Month? The Nativity Rosary Ministry Invites You to Come Pray With Us! We don’t just make them, we pray them! We will be praying the Franciscan Crown Rosary. The Franciscan Crown Rosary is a seven decade rosary whose origin dates back to 1422. The seven joys of Mary are mediated on throughout this rosary. It is also called the Seraphic Rosary. Want to learn more? Please join us as we pray this beautiful rosary to honor our mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary during her month on Thursday, May 26th at 7:00pm in the Nativity School Chapel. For more information, please contact Mary Trippe Everett at (703) 942-8066. SECOND ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL FOR FATHER RICHARD MARTIN Operation Starfish Weekend Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 Today, on the Sixth Sunday of Easter, we commemorate the second anniversary of the return to God of our late Pastor, Fr. Richard Martin. We remember him this weekend in a way he would love and appreciate — by continuing his parish tradition, begun in his honor last year, of taking the annual Starfish collection on the Sunday closest to his anniversary. The funds from our second collection today will be used by Food For the Poor to complete the development of Good Shepherd Village, near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This village is being built in memory of Fr. Martin. It was dedicated by our Pastor, Fr. Bob Cilinski, and Nativity parishioners at a ceremony last October. When completed this year, Good Shepherd Village will have 120 homes with sanitation and clean drinking water, a primary school, community center, regional market, and a beautiful meditation garden with a mural of the Good Shepherd. In July, fifteen college students, led by Nativity’s college minister, Alison Fram, will visit Good Shepherd Village and open a new clinic to provide health care to the residents in the area. Operation Starfish gifts may be placed in the collection basket, dropped off in the church office, or mailed to the church. Online gifts are accepted through our arrangement with Our Sunday Visitor at Call the church office at 703-455-2400 if you have any questions. Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 MOTHER’S DAY CARDS AND MASSES A Novena of nine Masses will be said during the month of May for Mothers, living and deceased. Spiritual Bouquet cards may be found in the Church vestibule and Parish office. Mother’s names will be placed on the Altar during the month of May. PHASE II CONSTRUCTION ON NATIVITY CHURCH TO BEGIN ON MAY 9, 2016 On Monday May 9, 2016, we will begin construction of our New Enclosed NARTHEX of the Church, new offices and reception area, a new meeting room, expanded restrooms with additional family restrooms, and a new pantry to serve the NARTHEX lobby which includes a new HVAC system for these areas. Construction is expected to take five months. During construction, the front entrance to the Church, the Gift Shop and the office area will be closed, as well as the atrium walkway from the school lobby. Our “Temporary Entrance to the Church” will be the two side doorways on the left side of the Church. A third exit/entrance to the Church is on the choir side that allows access to and from the school. To provide for the needs of the Community during construction, our offices will be relocated to a temporary trailer near the church. There will also be a handicapped accessible restroom trailer available as well as access to the school restrooms. Let us pray for the success of our new renovations and the safety of all the workers. Many thanks to the Nativity Parishioners for your generosity. Your Pastor Father Bob Cilinski Congratulations to father Bob Cilinksi on the 37th anniversary of your Ordination to the Priesthood, May 12th, 1979 God Bless you and grant you many more years in His service. The next baptism class will take place on Thursday, May 19th at 7:30pm in Nativity School. Please call the parish office to register at (703) 455-2400 Novena Masses May 8……………..7:30am May 9……………..7:30am May 10……………7:30am May 11……………7:30am May 12 …………...7:30am May 13……………7:30am May 13……………9:00am May 14……………9:00am May 14……………5:00pm “Those who love Me will keep My Word.” Is your love for the Lord leading you to grow in holiness as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father J.D. Jaffe at (703) 841-2514, or email at: The Message of Fatima Is Simple: PRAY The Feast Day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima will take place on Friday, May 13, 2016. Parishioners are invited to pray the Rosary from 7:00-8:00 PM on May 13th at the Nativity outdoor Fatima Grotto. You are encouraged to bring folding chairs/kneeling pads as desired. Pope Francis has said "The Rosary is a prayer that always accompanies me; it is also the prayer of the ordinary people and the saints … it is a prayer from my heart." For more information, contact Jane Hamilton at Donuts will be served after all masses this weekend Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia 6th Sunday of Easter “Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated.... if we want life, let us give life … The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.” Pope Francis, Visit to the Joint Session of the United States Congress (9/24/15) May 1, 2016 Sharing Hope A support group for men and women going through separation and divorce, will meet on Friday, May 6th, 8:00pm, at St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church Hall, Fairfax, off Rte. 123. Our topic will be “Annulments.” Newcomers are warmly welcomed and there is no fee. For further information, directions or encouragement, please call Maureen at 703-978-6318 or check our website, Google: Sharing Hope, Fairfax, VA A WOMAN’S CHOICE is a pr egnancy r esour ce center that provides free pregnancy testing, referrals for medical treatment, housing, social service assistance and tangible support for pregnant women, including clothing and equipment. www.aHYPERLINK "http://"womanschoiceHYPERLINK "" (703-5384305) 24-Hour Crisis Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP (4357) Project Rachel (healing after abortion): 1-888-456-HOPE (4673) Pregnancy Resource Centers Phone Numbers: Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002 Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100 A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305 THE YARD SALE IS NEXT MONTH! During your annual spring clean-up and before tossing out your former “treasures”, please consider storing them in a corner of your garage or basement for donation to the Annual Yard Sale. Altar Flower openings are available starting May 29 If interested, please call (703-455-2400) or stop by the parish office to sign up. Family Bingo Night On Saturday, May 21 at 6:00pm, sponsored by St. Mary of Sorrows Council 8600 Knights of Columbus. Proceeds will support TEACH, whose mission is ‘ Empowering Guatemalan Children Through Education’. The Bingo will be held in Farrell Hall, 5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax, VA 22032. Cost of admission is $10 per adult and $5 per child. Tickets are available from TEACH Board members and will also be sold at the door. All ages are invited to come, play and win some great prizes. More information: or 703-978-1147, Religious Education Program Senior Graduation on Sunday, May 1, 4:00pm in the church. Practice for First Communicants in the church, 6:00pm-7:30pm: Group 1 on Wednesday, May 4; Group 2 on Thursday, May 5. Mass for First Communicants on Satur day, May 7: Group 1 at 9:00am; Group 2 at 11:30am. Mother’s Day, May 8 — Sunday classes only cancelled; classes will be held as usual on Monday, May 9 and Tuesday, May 10. Final Religious Education classes — Sunday, May 15; Monday, May 16; and Tuesday, May 17. Report cards will be distributed. 2016-2017 Student Registration is now open. Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount and register prior to August 1. Class placement is on a first-come, first-serve basis according to the date the registration form is received in the Religious Education Office. Submit a completed Student Registration form (one per family), an Emergency Care Form for each student, payment, and a copy of a student’s baptism certificate (including students baptized at Nativity) unless the baptism certificate is already on file in the Religious Education Office. Forms are available in the Religious Education Office, on the community board in the church vestibule, and on the website; click on Student Registration. We need your help for the 2016-2017 religious education school year! Please volunteer to extend the love for the Lord and his Church to the children of Nativity; catechists, assistant catechists, substitutes, and babysitters are needed. The Volunteer Application form is available in the Religious Education Office, online at; click on Volunteer Opportunities, or call the Religious Education Office at 703.455.0372. Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER FOR JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant sinner. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved and forgiven by God. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy. You who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. Monday, May 2 7:30am † Ann Wall Snyder Tuesday, May 3 7:30am † Joe Alcala Wednesday, May 4 7:30am † John Hornak Thursday, May 5 7:30am † William Sturgeon Friday, May 6 7:30am † Edward Draskinis 9:00am † Alexandra Stafford Saturday, May 7 9:00am † Panos Siatis 11:30am † Janet Sanders 5:00pm † Sandy Budd Sunday, 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:45am 5:30pm May 8 Mother’s Day Novena Mass Parishioners † Jose Maria Gomez † Elizabeth Wattendorf † Dorothy Lawless Ballotta The priest schedule for Masses is found on our webpage: In prayer, let us remember the sick and deceased of the parish. MOTHER’S DAY IS NEXT SUNDAY, GOT ROSES? You will when you arrive for Mass! Nativity School staff will provide you with beautiful roses in an array of colors to give to your mom. On your way into or out of Mass next Saturday, May 7th and Sunday, May 8th, we will offer fresh roses; each stem is $3. Give Mom a single, “I LOVE YOU” rose, or buy her several stems! Pastoral Care Please call the parish office if you have a family member who is seriously ill. Arrangements can then be made to have a priest visit. If your family member is unable to attend Mass and you would like for them to receive Holy Communion, please call Mrs. Carol Mack, 703-455-2400, ext 117. Eucharistic Ministers can bring the Eucharist during the week as well as on weekends. If you would like to have your family member’s name placed on the parish prayer list, call the parish office to make these arrangements. The May morning meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will take place in the Training Room (formerly Crying Room) at 9:30am on Monday, May 16th. The Wednesday, May 18th meeting at 7:00pm will be in room 208. Come and bring your project to work on or learn how to make a prayer shawl for someone who is seriously ill. For more information please contact Toni Rausch (703-455-3260); Flo Grike (703-250-7799) or Joanne Dezzutti (703-455-5702) Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 NATIVITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Blood Drive: Our next INOVA blood drive will be on Saturday morning, 21 May, in the Nativity cafeteria. Please consider donating this precious gift of life. And, if you can assist, please contact Br. Mark Altobelli at Council volunteers are also needed to help with sign ups after each Mass on 7-8 May and 14-15 May. Wives’ Appreciation Event: Save the date! Our Council’s annual wives’ appreciation event will be on Saturday, 21 May. Watch this space in the future for more information. Diocesan Science Fair Champion 2016 We did it again! Our Nativity Catholic School Science Team took home the “Gold,” again second year in a row, when it won First Place Overall at the Diocesan Science Fair. After competing with 44 other Catholic schools -- our Nativity students carried home the First Place trophy with pride and joy! Congratulations to our young scientists, and to our dedicated Science teacher, Mr. Michael Ward! Mother’s Day is Next Sunday, Got Roses? These Men We Call Knights. If you want to learn more about the Nativity Parish K nights of Columbus, Council #7992, please visit our website at: You will when you arrive for Mass! Nativity School staff will provide you with beautiful roses in an array of colors to give to your mom. On your way into or out of Mass next Saturday, May 7th and Sunday, May 8th, we will offer fresh roses; each stem is $3. Give Mom a single, “I LOVE YOU” rose, or buy her several stems! Earth Day Celebrations at Nativity Nativity Parish Golf Tournament To Benefit Youth Programs at Nativity Parish Please join Father Bob for 18 holes of golf, including driving range, beverages, lunch following play and awards, in our tournament to benefit the Religious Education, Youth Ministry, CYO Sports, and Nativity School Monday, May 16, 2016 Westfields Golf Club, Clifton, VA Registration Website and Information: Or contact Jean Lewis for more information: Students at Nativity kicked off Earth Day celebrations by starting a Nativity Garden. More details and pictures coming soon. Thinking about enrolling your child in a Catholic School, but can’t make up your mind? We can help you make that decision. Join us to see how your child would spend his or her days here -- learning, praying, sharing, and laughing. Contact us at our website:; or by email:; or call us at (703)455-2300, to begin the process! Nativity Catholic School is committed to making Catholic education accessible to those who desire it, and offers financial assistance to make their dream come true. Website: 6th Sunday of Easter BIG CLOSEOUT SALE IN THE NATIVITY GIFT SHOP EVERYTHING MUST GO! Due to the upcoming construction, the gift shop will be closed for the next couple of months. STOP BY AFTER MASS! Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps in Theatre & Art Expert Instructors in Drama, Music, Dance, and Art are providing one week camps this July for students as young as Pre-K and as old as high school. Learn from some of the areas top Catholic teachers within the creative arts through camps like Camp Broadway, Art Explorer, Drama Bootcamp, Creative Kindergarten, and Art Fun Camp. Registration is $20 off per camp through April 15th. Plus, families registering 3 or more kids can take an additional 10% off. All of the details can be found at: May 1, 2016 OUTSIDE THE PARISH Paul VI Boys Soccer Camp 2016 Come join us at the Paul VI Boys Soccer Camp this summer July 25-29, 2016! PVI has a proven history of both team and individual successes. We just won the VA Independent Boys State Championship in Fall 2015 and had previously won it in Fall 2010. In addition to numerous All WCAC, All Met, and All State honors, we had NSCAA All Americans in both 2014 and 2015. The camp runs from July 25-29 from 9am to 3pm. There is a limited number of spots which means a very good camper-to-instructor ratio. It's a fun and instructive camp for boys of all levels, and if your son is interested in playing at PVI the exposure to the coaches is invaluable. Please visit us at If you have any questions, please contact Chuck LaPorte at of call 703-408-4782. Summer Discernment Camps Quo Vadis Days and FIAT Days are camps for Catholic high school students (rising freshmen through rising seniors) to deepen their faith, learn more about all vocations and better discern God’s call in their lives. FIAT (for girls) runs July 10-14; Quo Vadis (for boys) runs July 16-20. Both are held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD. For more info, visit Mornings of Mercy for Divorced Catholics Join us for a series of morning retreats that deal with topics such as grief, parenting, suffering and hope. The first retreat will be May 21 at St. Louis in Alexandria, starting at 8:45 a.m. and ending before noon. The morning will include Mass, a featured speaker, time for discussion and benediction. To learn more or to register visit: More dates are available online. Please contact the Office for Family Life at (703) 841-2550 with any questions. Ecumenical Infant Memorial Service Follow us on Facebook, keep in touch with your Nativity friends and make new ones Just search for: NativityParishBurke Sponsored by Divine Mercy Care will take place at the Truro Anglican Church historic chapel on May 7th at 7:00pm. The event honors babies lost to miscarriage, abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, or infant death. This is an opportunity for healing, no matter when the child was lost, and there will be a time to share personal stories as desired. Though the service will be Christian, all faiths and denominations, as well as those of no faith are welcome. You may honor any child - whether your own, a sibling, a grandchild, or a friend's child. Register at and email for more info. Website: 6th Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 COLLEGE MINISTRY and YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY May 2016 Contact Director: Alison Fram Email: Cell: 703-577-5329 Find us @nativitycollege or parish website Facebook: Catholic Life Young Adult Ministry Regular Sunday Schedule EDGE 3:45pm—5:00pm (Grades 6-8) LIFE Teen 6:30 Dinner (Grades 9-12) 7:00pm-8:45pm Gathering YOUNG ADULTS Easter Small Group/ Bible Study Every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Youth Room. Announcing a New YA Core Team Meeting on Friday, April 29, 7pm If you’re interested in helping us come up with ideas and plan events for the ministry, please join us! The time commitment is minimal, with no more than one gathering a month. Please contact Alison for where to meet. New Praise and Worship event– Musicians Needed! Nativity is beginning a new praise and worship event, beginning on Thursday, May 12, from 7:30-8:30pm. We hope this will become a monthly event, but we need singers and instrumentalists. Please contact Alison if you can share your gifts with us! COLLEGE SAVE THE DATE– Krakow in the Capital On July 30, it’s a daylong World Youth Day experience in DC for ages 18-39…visit or #wydDC for more info. May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 - Regular CYM Schedule - No CYM - Happy Mother’s Day! - Regular CYM Schedule - Regular CYM Schedule - No CYM - Happy Mother’s Day! Vacation Bible School July 12-15 (Grades PreK - 4) Service Camp on the E D G E Space is limited and filling fast! Go to CYM Web Page for on-line registration forms. Questions/Answers/Information Contact VBS Coordinator Ms. Andi Smith at Friday, June 10 Get on our weekly E-list for UPdates Send an email to Ms. Ingrid with: July 18 – July 22 on the On Line Registration is now Open! Join the CYM UPdate Haiti College Mission Trip: Service Camp July 12-15 (Grades 5, 6, 7) College Welcome Home Cookout 7-10pm on the grass at Nativity N a t iv it y ’s Child/s name, School, Grade Parent/Guardian names, cell numbers Find Us! Director: Ingrid Sánchez-Seymour Email: Web: youth programs Website: 6th Sunday of Easter VI de Pascua, Ciclo C. Mi paz os doy Autor: P. Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap Sitio Web: P. Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap Hechos 15, 1-2.22-29; Apocalipsis 21, 10-14.22-23; Juan 14, 23-29 «Mi paz os dejo, mi paz os doy. No como la da el mundo os la doy a vosotros». ¿De qué paz habla Jesús en este pasaje del Evangelio? No de la paz externa que consiste en la ausencia de guerras y conflictos entre personas o naciones diversas. En otras ocasiones Él habla también de esta paz, por ejemplo cuando dice: «Bienaventurados los que trabajan por la paz, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios». Aquí habla de otra paz, la interior, del corazón, de la persona consigo misma y con Dios. Se comprende por lo que añade inmediatamente: «No se turbe vuestro corazón ni tenga temor». Ésta es la paz fundamental sin la cual no existe ninguna otra paz. Miles de millones de gotas de agua sucia no forman un mar limpio, y miles de millones de corazones inquietos no componen una humanidad en paz. La palabra utilizada por Jesús es shalom. Con ella los judíos se saludaban, y todavía se saludan entre sí; con ella saludó Él mismo a los discípulos la tarde de Pascua y con ella ordena saludar a la gente: «En cualquier casa que entréis, decid antes: la Paz a esta casa» (Lc 10, 5-6). Debimos partir de la Biblia para entender el sentido de la paz que da Cristo. En la Biblia shalom dice más que la sencilla ausencia de guerras y desórdenes. Indica positivamente bienestar, reposo, seguridad, éxito, gloria. La Escritura habla incluso de la «paz de Dios» (Flp 4,7) y del «Dios de la paz» (Rm 15,32). Paz no indica, por lo tanto, sólo lo que Dios da , sino también lo que Dios es. En un himno suyo, la Iglesia llama a la Trinidad «océano de paz». Esto nos dice que esa paz del corazón que todos deseamos no se puede obtener nunca total y establemente sin Dios, fuera de Él. Dante Alighieri sintetizó todo esto en ese verso que algunos consideran el más bello de toda la Divina Comedia: «En su voluntad está nuestra paz». Jesús da a entender qué se opone a esta paz: la turbación, el ansia, el miedo: «No se turbe vuestro corazón». ¡Qué fácil es decirlo!, objetará alguno. ¿Cómo aplacar la ansiedad, la inquietud, el nerviosismo que nos devora a todos y nos impide disfrutar de un poco de paz? Hay quienes por temperamento están más expuestos a estas cosas. Si existe un peligro, lo agrandan; si hay una dificultad, la multiplican por cien. Todo se convierte en motivo de ansiedad. El Evangelio no promete una panacea para estos males; en cierta medida, forman parte de nuestra condición humana, expuestos como estamos a fuerzas y amenazas mucho mayores que nosotros. Pero indica un remedio. El capítulo del que procede el pasaje del evangelio dominical empieza así: «No se turbe vuestro corazón. Tened fe en Dios y tened fe también en mí» (Jn 14,1). El remedio es la confianza en Dios. Tras la última guerra, se publicó un libro titulado Las últimas catas de Estalingrado . Eran cartas de soldados alemanes prisioneros en la bolsa de Estalingrado, despachadas en el último envío antes del ataque final del ejército ruso en el que todos perecieron. May 1, 2016 En una de estas cartas, reencontradas acabada la guerra, un joven soldado escribía a sus padres: «No tengo miedo de la muerte. ¡Mi fe me da esta bella seguridad!». Ahora sabemos qué nos deseamos recíprocamente cuando, estrechándonos la mano, intercambiamos en la Misa el deseo de la paz. Nos deseamos el uno al otro bienestar, salud, buenas relaciones con Dios, con uno mismo y con los demás. En resumen, tener el corazón lleno de la «paz de Cristo que sobrepasa todo entendimiento». Perdonar no es olvidar, es recordar en paz Cuentos Y es que el rencor mata, corroe, esclaviza, asfixia. No hay nada mejor en el mundo que perdonar. Por: Juan Rafael Pacheco | Fuente: Es que el rencor mata, corroe, esclaviza, asfixia. No hay nada mejor en el mundo que perdonar. Lo repito, nada hay mejor que perdonar. Y si no, hagan la prueba. No se lleven que yo lo dije, no. Hagan la prueba. ¡Haz la prueba! Decídete y perdona al que te ofendió o te causó algún daño. Si crees que el otro piensa que fuiste tú quien tuvo la culpa, pues igual, simple y llanamente pídele perdón, y asunto arreglado. Total, lo importante es lograr la paz, la convivencia, el poder saludar y sonreír y conversar con quien hasta hace poco le volteabas la cara, o le gruñías, o le deseabas el mal, o lo ignorabas, y arriba de eso afirmabas que no, que tú no habías dejado de quererlo, pero que no querías tener nada que ver con esa persona. El problema es ese. Que lo que dice el Señor es muy distinto. "Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo". Difícilmente tu propia persona te sea indiferente. A los que tengan algún tipo de rencilla, les ruego encarecidamente dediquen unos minutos y presten atención a lo que les voy a contar. Léanlo también los que como yo estamos en paz con el mundo, para la gloria de Dios, que les será útil para llevar este mensaje a los peleones. Jesús relata la historia de aquel rey que perdona una gran deuda a uno de sus servidores, y al salir del palacio, éste se encuentra a un compañero que le debía unos centavos, y lo hace meter preso hasta que le pague. Al enterarse el rey, le recriminó su injusticia enviándolo a la cárcel. Concluye Jesús diciendo que “lo mismo hará mi Padre celestial con ustedes, si no perdonan de corazón a sus hermanos”. Entonces, te pregunto: De todas esas barbaridades que has cometido en tu vida, ¿recuerdas tan sólo una que Dios no te haya perdonado? ¿No? Y entonces, ¿quién eres tú para negarle tu perdón a alguien que mucho o poco te haya molestado, ofendido, irritado, perjudicado o llámese como sea lo que te haya hecho esa otra persona, y mucho peor si es un hermano? No, mi querido amigo, no vale la pena vivir así. No hay tranquilidad. A mi me pasaba igual. Recuerdo una situación por la que viví, y a sabiendas de que a esa persona me la encontraba los domingos en misa, tenía la respuesta lista por si acaso se atrevía a saludarme: “¡Vade retro Satanás! ¡Retírate Satanás!” ¡Y eso se lo pensaba decir en plena iglesia! Hoy, sin embargo, vivo tranquilo. A esa persona--¡y a tantas otras!--no tan sólo la perdoné, sino que le pedí perdón, porque estando ya en los caminos del Señor, me cuestioné seriamente si no habría sido yo quien la había ofendido. ¡Que bien se siente uno! Quise visitarla, y darle un abrazo, pero no quiso. Que pena. Siempre está presente en mis oraciones. El perdón no borra lo sucedido. Lo hecho, hecho queda, y a menos que caigamos en Alzheimer, difícil es olvidar nuestra historia de vida. Pero qué distinto es recordar esos incidentes en paz. Ahí radica la gran diferencia. Perdonar no es olvidar, es recordar en paz. Bendiciones y paz. Website: 6th Sunday of Easter VI DOMINGO DE PASCUA - C Evangelio de la Misa: Jn 14,23-29 Vivir en gracia de Dios En el evangelio de Juan que se lee o proclama hay en la Santa Misa, se recogen una serie de advertencias, que sin duda Cristo quería que no olvidásemos. Todo suena a final, a despedida. Jesús quiere preparar a sus discípulos para el momento de la despedida, su Ascensión a los cielos. Pero además de advertirles con recomendaciones a tener en cuenta, les promete “el Defensor, el Espíritu Santo, que enviará el Padre en mi nombre, que es quien os lo enseñará todo, e irá recordado todo lo que yo os he dicho”. ___________________________________ Señor, Jesús, a quien veo enternecido en estas advertencias y recomendaciones que hoy leemos en el Evangelio; pero a la vez te siento seguro en tus palabras y retador en tus proyectos de paz, de entrega, de serenidad y alegría. Quiero escucharte como los apóstoles y hacer también mías tus propuestas: “El que me ama guardará mi palabra, y mi Padre le amará y vendremos a él, y haremos morada en él. El que no me ama no guardará mis palabras”. He aquí el secreto del cristiano: Mantener tu presencia de amor en el corazón, hasta hacer de nuestro interior la morada donde habite la Trinidad, la gracia santificante, esto es, el amor de Dios Padre, el cariño de Dios Hijo, y la fuerza y el calor del Espíritu Santo. Que nunca olvide esta doctrina, que ahonda en lo esencial de tu mensaje salvador, y, por tanto, que siempre “viva en gracia de Dios”: esto es. con el alma limpia de pecados mortales y encendido en sentimientos y propósitos de bondad, amor, santidad, caridad y apostolado. Y al mismo tiempo que “arda espiritualmente” con la urgencia de “acercar almas a Ti” por la Confesión y la Comunión frecuentes. Que al vivir en gracia de Dios –con la gracia santificante en el alma- me sienta más hijo tuyo, intime más profundamente en tu cariño de hermano y de amigo; y rebose de fortaleza sobrenatural; y también que me desborde en alegría y ganas de vivir y contagiar esta vida de hijo de Dios y de templo de tu amor a todos los que me rodean o con los que convivo habitualmente. Que esté dispuesto a acoger al Abogado, al Defensor, al Espíritu Santo, para celebrar más dignamente tu llegada sobre los apóstoles, y para que mi afán por la santidad se vea cada día fortalecido, orientado y comprometido por tu Espíritu Santo. Que cada día pueda gozar también de esa paz, que el mundo no proporciona y que solo Tú puedes dar. Padre Segismundo Fernandez Rodríguez Se ofrece clases de inglés en Sterling Caridades Católicas – Hogar Immigrant Services ofrece clases de inglés los martes y los jueves de 8-9:30pm. Las clases están en la iglesia Cristo Redentor, 46833 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 22164. Se puede inscribirse el 10 o 12 de mayo, de 8:00pm-9:00pm. Ofrecemos varios niveles de clases. El precio de las clases es $45 por las 7 semanas de clases e incluye el libro. Llame a 571-208-1572 para más información. May 1, 2016 ¡Cristo está vivo! No lo dejes en el sepulcro Reflexiones Pascua Para muchos Cristo ha perdido su actualidad, no tiene nada que enseñar a los hombres tan avanzados de hoy. Por: P. José Luis Richard | Fuente: La memoria del hombre no es infalible. Existe la famosa curva del olvido: después de aprender algo, poco a poco el tiempo lo oscurece y confunde y quizá hasta lo borra. Algo así parece que ha pasado con la imagen de Cristo. Ha sufrido esa misma curva del olvido. Muchos hombres aún distinguen una imagen más o menos clara de Cristo aunque algo desfigurada. Otros la ven ya un poco borrosa. Algunos la han perdido. Hoy Cristo nos pregunta la opinión que de Él tiene el mundo como aquel día preguntó a sus discípulos en Cesarea de Filipo: ¿Quién dice la muchedumbre que soy yo? También nosotros tendríamos que responderle: "los hombres dicen que eres Elías o uno de los antiguos profetas". Hablan de Cristo como si se tratara de un monumento histórico o de un personaje legendario. Para muchos hombres Cristo ha perdido su actualidad. No ejerce atractivo en el mundo. Su doctrina ha pasado de moda. No tiene nada que enseñar a los hombres tan avanzados de hoy. Otros comparan a Cristo con Juan el Bautista. Lo creen demasiado sobrio y difícil, demasiado austero. Les parece demasiado exigente y su doctrina muy pesada para los hombres de hoy. O quizá ellos son demasiado cómodos y buscan llegar a la cima sin moverse ni sudar. Ciertamente reconocen la validez de su doctrina pero no se animan a hacerla propia. Preferirían alcanzar a Cristo más fácilmente. Ser virtuosos, pero sin esfuerzo. Desearían que Cristo no hubiera hablado de cruz, que se hubiera limitado a contarles esas cosas tan bonitas del cielo, del banquete, de los lirios del campo... En cambio, Pedro exclama, jubiloso, su experiencia de Cristo: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios vivo. No sabe bien todavía cómo ha llegado a esa conclusión pero su corazón asiente a lo que acaba de decir. Al inicio él había seguido a Cristo atraído por su liderazgo, su personalidad. El rostro de Cristo irradiaba alegría y atractivo. Nadie como Él de íntegro: buscaban prenderlo pero no encontraban falta alguna en él. Ninguno tan recio y varonil y, al mismo tiempo, tan cariñoso con los niños y bondadoso con los enfermos y pecadores. Sabía apreciar mejor que nadie la belleza de una flor, del lago, del cielo... Después Jesús había confirmado su fe incipiente con imponentes milagros, le había enseñado, orientado... incluso le había corregido varias veces. También le había puesto a prueba alguna vez, pero su amistad se había mantenido firme: "Señor, ¿a quién iremos? Sólo Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna" (Jn 6, 68). Y ahora que Jesús se enfrenta con la hostilidad y el rechazo y ha tenido que abandonar Jerusalén, él le vuelve a reiterar su fe y su adhesión. Pero en esta ocasión, sus palabras denotan ya mayor profundidad y emoción: Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios vivo. Tres experiencias de Cristo. Tres fotos. Pero válida sólo la que sacó Pedro. Los otros se la sacaron a un fantasma, no al Cristo auténtico. Cristo está vivo. No luchamos por una figura histórica solamente. Como hace veinte siglos, Él es motivo de amor y de odio. Contra Él chocan las olas de la humanidad y en Él se dividen las vidas de los hombres.
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