Chapter E - GWRRA of Michigan
Chapter E - GWRRA of Michigan
GWRRA Chapter E Michigan Region D Chapter Director - S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T R E S T : John-Carl & Diane Zarella S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T R E S T : October 2016 T = Together E = Everyone A = Accomplishes M = More CHAPTER E HIGH MILAGE WOMANS AWARD 2016 CHAPTER E COUPLE OF THE YEAR : John –Carl & Diane Zarella Ginny-Kozlowski Green October 20, 2016 Gathering 6:00 p.m. Dinner & Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Heather Highlands Golf Club 11450 East Holly Rd. Holly Mi. 48442 2016 CHAPTER E I NDIVISUAL OF THE YEAR : Dennis Hosang Collection of the 2016 Christmas Charity is at the November Gathering. Information & List found on Pages 6 & 7 2016 CHAPTER E HIGH MILIAGE FOR MEN award : Brent Blackburn Our “get together” are non-smoking inside buildings and members’ homes. You may smoke outside. Several of our chapter members suffer from smoke sensitivity and they greatly appreciate your understanding. Please check our calendar or visit our web site at for current location of our monthly Gathering and information about Ice Cream Rides, Sunday Rides, and other planned events. Visit Us on: Join the Group: GWRRA-Michigan Chapter E Google Calendar: For more information, you can contact Chapter Director, John-Carl & Diane Zarella Coordinator Wally Kozlowski @ 248-396-9513 248-922-9882 or Ride INSIDE THIS ISSUE: STAFF 3 CD’S CORNER 4 6&7 ACD GAYLE’S GLIMPS MEMBERSHIP ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM DISTRICT OR INTERNATIONAL MATION RIDER EDUCATION INFOR- 8 11 & 12 13 & 14 SUNSHINE REPORT: 15 FOR SALE 16 MICHIGAN DISTRICT COY 24 Calendars: 25-27 Up Coming Events 28-29 Newsletter deadline: All items should be submitted by the second Friday of CHAPTER E TEAM Chapter Director: John-Carl & Diane Zarella 248-922-9882 2016 Couple of the Year Treasure: Randy & Lori Westcott 248-760-2947 Sunshine Reporter: Marge Dronsella Rainbow Ticket Sales: 50/50 Sales Dennis & Marge Dronsella Asst. Chapter Director: Gayle & Dennis Jisa 248-627-6320 Secretary: Gayle Jisa Membership Enhancement: Chapter of the Year Coordinator: Art & Marla Scafe Ride Coordinator: Wally & Ginny Kozlowski 248-396-9513 Goodies: Phone Book Editor: Dave Williams’s 2016 Individual of the Year Dennis Hosang Chapter Rider Educators: Brent & Sandy Blackburn 248-622-9448 gwrra.mi.e.ridered Newsletter Editors: 248-622-1509 gwra.mi.e.newslettereditor@ Asst. Dist. Educators Michigan District Couple of the Year 2016 Web Editor: Dennis & Marie Ballor Chapter Mascot Trustees: Tom & Claudia Maki Mileage Coordinator: Paul & Priscilla Berghltz 248-877-2766 CHAPTER E Brag Book: Krystal Zarella CHAPTER DIRECTOR’S Corner John-Carl & Diane Zarella OCTOBER October - the month of both my daughter’s birthdays and also Halloween! Also, the time when the weather changes rapidly - sometimes colder, and sometimes warmer! Riding season is winding down as we finish off our Ice Cream Rides and have our Cider rides on Sundays. This past week was the Color Ride, designed and led by Dave Williams. I hear it was a wonderful time with great weather to boot. I’ll let Dave fill you in on the details as Diane and I ended up not being able to go as Diane came down with the first flu of the season - this was on top of all the other things she has been having going on - just give her a hug, she really needs it! Our last Gathering of this year at the Heather Highlands Golf Course will be November 17 th. December’s gathering is being replaced with a Chapter E Christmas Party, to be held at the same place as last year, Brent & Sandy’s Church, in Goodrich on Saturday, December 10th. It will be a Pot Luck format with the Chapter buying the main course and everyone else bringing a plate to pass. We will talk more about this at the Gathering. As for the November Gathering, I need to know how many are coming so please see me or call or email me. At the Officer’s meeting on October 8th, we were able to secure our first choice for the 2017 Chapter E Fun Run - It will be Saturday, June 10th, 2017. I will be looking to the members to step up, as always, to help make the event a Fun and successful one. I heard the Chili Cook-off was a great success! Art and Marla should be able to fill you in on the details, especially who won…. We will be having another Christmas Charity Collection this year - See Gayle’s article for details. Donations will be needed to be turned in by December 1st. We will be collecting most at the November gathering. We have the Rainbow Tickets for the 2017 Michigan Rally to be handed out. Last year our chapter sold 2270 tickets which brought in $681 for our chapter. This year, I have decided to start at 2000 tickets, and hopefully we can go up from there. We will need everyone to help get the tickets sold starting immediately. Pick up your tickets from Dennis Dronsella. We will also be raffling off tickets at each gathering along with our 50/50. Make sure to congratulate Brent & Sandy as they have been asked and accepted a position on the District Team as Assistant District Educators. They were sworn in at the Officer’s meeting in Clare on October 8 th. Well, that’s all for now - Ride Safe! CHAPTER E RIDE TO John’s OCTOBER Uncle Cider Mill Photo by: John-Carl Zarella CHAPTER E RIDE TO Parshalville Cider Mill Photo By: Roger Cox Roger and I joined 4 bikes in our corvette to the ride to Parshallville cider mill. It was a beautiful day. Wally led a great fall ride with some pretty fall scenery. We met up there with other members of chapter E and a few members from chapter A. Mike Clancy purchased plenty of cider and doughnuts for the chapter. It Assistant Chapter Directors’ Gayle’s Glimpse OCTOBER If anyone wants a chapter Long sleeve shirt / or sweatshirts see Gayle. It seems like the place is not charging us extra for small orders as they had said they might. She needs money with the order, please CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Brent and Sandy Blackburn!! They were installed as the new Michigan Assistant Rider Educators at the Officer Meeting on October 8 th. (See pictures). Dennis and Felicia Schulte were sworn in as Michigan Rider Educators at the Region Officer Meeting on Oct 1 st. We have a new Team to carry us into the future of riding safe!! Rick Andreen has stepped down as the Rider Educator but has agreed to stay on to be the coordinator of the riding classes. We will let Brent and Sandy share some of the plans coming for Michigan. Tim & Pam Hanson are the new ADD’s for the western section of Michigan and will be handling the Raffle Tickets for the District in 2017. Our chapter picked up 2000 and will have them available at our next Gathering for you to pick up and sell. They make great stocking stuffers and gifts for the mailman, etc. Just be sure to get the stubs filled out and returned to you. Just a suggestion but it would be better if you could get the whole ticket filled out. When there is just a phone number and name that can be a challenge in today’s world where people change their numbers. With an address it makes it easier to look up the person and try to get a good contact number. No one turned in a Logo idea for Wingless Week Ends theme “Pajama Land” so if you wanted to send something in please do it soon. You don’t have to have it perfect, just the idea and they can work with it. There is a prize for the one chosen!! There are changes in Leadership Training. Seminars will be totally new and be more interactive. More trainers are needed so if you have any interest just contact Ken Kitner! You can go to: and check it out. There is a new Medic first Aid class. If you have taken it before there is a 4 hr. refresher class you can attend versus the 7 hr. first timer class. Sandy Blackburn is our very own instructor so be sure to contact her if interested in a class. Its good to have within your family and not just our friends in GWRRA. You never know when something will happen that it could come in handy. Be prepared! Kim Scott, our District Directs wife, is having back surgery on Oct 19th. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We hope you have been able to get out on these nice fall days and do some riding. Cider Mill Rides each Sunday and our Wednesday Night Ice Cream Rides are now complete. Last Wednesday was a wet night so it was changed to the Culvers on Sashabaw so we could be inside. There were 4 brave souls who showed up there on 4 wheels!! Check the calendar for the Wednesday night locations for the winter months. the Wednesday night locations for the winter months. OCTOBER Assistant Chapter Directors’ November will be our last gathering at the golf course. We are looking for a gathering location for the months of Jan, Feb, and March. If you have an idea please let someone on the team know!! We will be supporting Rainbow Connection for our Christmas Gift Giving this year. See the list below of the items they would be appreciative of receiving. Dennis and I have volunteered to deliver the gifts to Rainbow in Rochester. If anyone is interested in going with us they are most welcome to go along We need the gifts turned in to us by December 1st. Items requested: Smaller Gift Cards ($10) to any store (Walmart, Target, etc.) Bath and Body Works stuff (lotions, gift packs etc.) Girls manicure packs (nail polish and fun nail stuff) Anything to do with Sports Footballs, Basketballs, Soccer Balls Board games (for ages over 10 yrs. old) Warm Fuzzy blankets Current DVD’s (G, PG, PG13) Art Supplies Any Crayola Kits These children are going through a lot with their illness so lets help put a smile on their face at Christmas . Their parents have enough on their plates with medical needs so it helps them as well. If you have any questions just ask!! Till next time…. Membership OCTOBER Enhancement GWRRA Chapter E-MI MEC Days are much shorter now so we are switching from Ice Cream Rides to meeting for dinner on Wednesdays. Many cider rides for October to have fun during the daytime hours. Our Chili Cook Off was a huge success on October 8th. We had 10 chili dishes to sample and vote on. This year, Marla one first place, Mary Cox won second place and Lori Westcott won third place. After the meal, we all sat around the fire pit and enjoyed the fall air and scenery. Thank you for all who attended and made this a great Chapter E event. The Fall Color Ride is about to happen with our group riding to PA. Watch the newsletter for the photos and update on the event. We have our Holiday Events coming up soon and we need volunteers to help with the planning and set up. Check the event calendar in this newsletter for the dates. Have a safe fall and be extra careful on those last few rides. Safe and fun riding to all, Art and Marla Scafe GWRRA Chapter E-MI MEC CHAPTER E Annual Chili Cook off OCTOBER Phots by: Tom & Claudia Maki Photos Continued on Next Page: CHAPTER E Annual Chili Cook off OCTOBER Phots by: Tom & Claudia Maki OCTOBER DISTRICT OR INTERNATION Big Announcement: It was announced at the Region D Officers Meeting that the Individual honored by their Chapters. Are eligible to participate in the selection process at Wingless Weekend for the opportunity to represent Region D’s District Individual. See your Chapter MEC for more information. OCTOBER Gold Wing Road Rider Association Great Lakes Region D “Soaring with the Eagles” Ray & Sandy Garris Director of GWRRA Jack Wagner Deputy Director Lloyd & Becky Glydewell Region D Directors Bob & Kim Scott Michigan District Directors DISTRICT OR INTERNATION ASSISTANT DISTRICT EDUCATORS Our Mission: To Save Lives Through Quality, World Class Education Our Motto: “Safety is For Life” Brent & Sandy Blackburn Animal Hazards Swerve or Panic Stop? By: James R. Davis It doesn't happen very often but even while traveling on a freeway you can suddenly be confronted with an animal in your path. Certainly it happens with some frequency in the country, and on city streets you must be ever concerned about usually domesticated types. Those of us who ride in the country tend to confront five types of animals with some regularity: deer, dogs, cattle, birds and horses in roughly that order of frequency. On surface streets there are usually just two varieties: dogs and children (both an animal and wildlife in my book.) Dogs on a freeway are usually road kill before you get to them. If you see an animal in your path, given plenty of warning, the obvious best move is to slow down and give it as wide a clearance as possible. However, in the case of an animal that 'was in front of me out of nowhere' situations, you have an immediate decision to make ... to swerve and try to avoid it, or to panic stop. That is a false choice to make! If you think that you can figure out where a deer is going to be in the next 5 seconds, you are dead wrong! But more than that, if you think that you can, in a panic, swerve your motorcycle and retain control of it - not run into oncoming traffic, or the side of the mountain, or off the road, or over steer it into a crash after avoiding the animal, or swerve right into the animal which has jumped into your new path, then you are probably also of the opinion that it can't happen to you in any event. If you hit a cement truck at 5 mph you will probably walk away from it. If you hit ANYTHING while traveling at 50 mph or faster, you probably will not. The difference is your speed. Swerving does not reduce your speed. What it will do is give away some control. Your best move is almost always to try a CONTROLLED panic stop. Do not lose control of your bike. Minimize the speed of impact. If you are good, and practiced, you might not hit anything at all. Even if luck is against you, you will probably still walk away from it. OCTOBER ASSISTANT DISTRICT EDUCATORS Brent & Sandy Blackburn I can hear it now: "Even if it's a child?" Absolutely! If that child decides to make a dash for his/her life and chooses (like you) the wrong direction to run in, then you will hit that child with a greater (faster) impact swerving to avoid him/her than if you try to stop the bike. Of course you aren't doing 50 mph or greater on city streets, right? You are covering your front brake while riding on city streets, right? Play the odds in your head before you get into the situation. Condition yourself - bias yourself - panic stops are not a bad thing Come and Visit: Hilda's new address & phone: Holiday Retirement 900 N. Cass Lake Rd. SUNSHINE REPORT & Rainbow Tickets 50/50 Marge OCTOBER OCTOBER Birthdays: 11 Lori Westcott Birthdays: Wedding Anniversary's 29 Krystal Membership Year 10 Tom & Claudia Maki Mark Spaulding 1991 11 Joey Gauthier 18 Jerry & Paul Bergholtz 1991 24 Christina Zarella 25 Roger & Mary Cox Tim Herold 2001 Ginny Green- 2003 Tom & Claudia Maki 2006 Art Scafe 2009 Martha NOVEMBER Birthdays: Birthdays: Membership Wedding Anniversary's: 9 Paul Bergholtz 20 Ray McAllister 25 Ginny & Wally Kozlowski 13 Gary Gauthier 26 Randy Westcott 27 Mark & Rachel Sparling Ray McAllister 14 Marla Scafe Year Wally Kozlowski 1993 2000 Dennis & Marge Dronsella 2011 SEPTEMBER GATHERING RANBNBOW TICKETS 2017 RED TICKET 50/50 Karen Alcorn $25 Karen Alcorn $15 Dave Williams $7 Mike Clancy OCTOBER FOR SALE P H O T O ’ S P R O V I D E D A L C O R N A N D T O M & B Y : R O N & K A R E N C A L U D I A M A K I CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA OCTOBER CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA OCTOBER CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA OCTOBER CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA OCTOBER CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA OCTOBER CHAPTER E 2016 COLOR RIDE TO Wayne Co. PA MICHIGAN DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE OCTOBER Hello everyone, Since our Wing Ding Adventure, things have been slowing down for us, as far as riding goes. My son Alan and I went to help John McKenney supervise the muzzleloader and pistol shooting events at the Hunters Retreat Weekend, September 23-25, 2016, at Wesleyan Woods Camp in Vasser, MI. Alan and I stayed in our Bunkhouse camper. We had such a great time this year that we are going back to participate in the event next year. Thank you John McKeeney for asking us to assist you this year and can’t wait until next year. My son Alan, favorite son-in-law Sean, and I have been putting a new roof on my house. No easy task, new rafters, insulation, decking, underlayment and shingles. This includes all new facials and soffits. This project is taking all my spare time away from what I would rather be doing. I currently have my ride partially disassembled to chase down a no start gremlin. I ordered some parts and started reassembling my ride when I am not working on my roof, usually after dark. John-Carl and Diane Zarella, Dennis and Gayle Jisa, and Sandy and I went to the fall officers meeting in Clare. We had fun seeing some of the distant family members that we get to see just a couple of times a year. When the meeting was over Dennis and Gayle Jisa left for the almost Great White North, otherwise known as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was 35 degrees the next morning for them up there as they headed on to the Roadsmith Trike Shop in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. John-Carl, Diane, Sandy and I headed to Chapter V’s “WINGSTOCK” Anniversary Party. We had fun socializing, snacking, playing games (rubber band shooting game, doobie rolling game which was stem and seed free – wonder if that is how the Doobie Brothers rock band was founded, I was getting the munchies, snacking some more – I didn’t inhale, and playing the twister poker hand game – didn’t include any joints), seeing everyone dressed up in their favorite singer or hippie costume, eating dinner and raffles. That was a long day, 17 hours, but full of fun. OCTOBER CALENDAR C F C C O O H H NOVEMB OCTOBER L L E C T I O N R R I S T M A S A R I T Y . P I Z Z A / P A R T Y G A T H E R I N G : P L E A S E A N B R I N G F R O M I T E M L I S T T H E T H I S F O R Y E A R S C H A R I T Y – B O W R A I N C O N N E C T I O N L I S T . T H E B E C A M O N F O U N D 6 P A G E OCTOBER DECEMBE R OCTOBER UP OCTOBER National Apple Day National Chocolate Day cation Month National Depression Edu- Breast Cancer Awareness month National Dessert Month Vegetarian Awareness Month Cyber Security Awareness Month Brent & I already registered, come join us and have Fun. OCTOBER UP OCTOBER Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter E Newsletter OCTOBER
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