Chapter E - GWRRA of Michigan


Chapter E - GWRRA of Michigan
Chapter E
Michigan Region D
Chapter Director - John-Carl & Diane Zarella
September 2016
2016 Couple of the Year.
John-Carl & Diane Zarella
High Mileage Woman’s Award
Ginny Kozlowski-Green
High Mileage Men’s Award
IOY 2016
Brent Blackburn
Dennis Hosang
T = Together
E = Everyone
September 22, 2016
6:00 p.m. Dinner & Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
Heather Highlands Golf Club 11450 East Holly Rd.
Holly Mi. 48442
A = Accomplishes
M = More
Our “get together” are non-smoking inside buildings and members’ homes. You may smoke outside. Several of our
chapter members suffer from smoke sensitivity and they greatly appreciate your understanding.
Please check our calendar or visit our web site at for current location of our
monthly Gathering and information about Ice Cream Rides, Sunday Rides, and other planned events.
For more information, you can contact Chapter Director, John-Carl & Diane Zarella 248-922-9882 or
Ride Coordinator Wally Kozlowski @ 248-396-9513
In This Issue
Staff ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
CD’S Corner: ........................................................................................................................................... 5
ACD Update: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Membership Enhancement: ......................................................................................................................8
District ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Rider Education: ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Sunshine Report: & FOR SALE .............................................................................................................. 12-13
Mi District COY : ....................................................................................................................................................... 14-21
Calendars: ............................................................................................................................................. 22- 24
Medic First Aid Class
Date: Friday September 30
Visit us on:
Join the Group: GWRRAMichigan Chapter E
Time: 9:30 am
Cost of Class: $25.00
This includes Lunch, and Materials for Certification Email to register.
Location: Home of Gayle & Dennis Jisa Chapter E ACD’s
900 Woodgrove Ortonville, MI.
Google Calendar:, or
Newsletter deadline: All items must be submitted by the second Friday of every month.
Chapter Director:
John-Carl & Diane Zarella
2016 Couple of the Year
Randy & Lori Westcott
Asst. Chapter Director:
Gayle & Dennis Jisa
Gayle Jisa
Membership Enhancement:
Chapter of the Year Coordinator:
Art & Marla Scafe
Sunshine Reporter:
Marge Dronsella
Rainbow Ticket Sales:
50/50 Sales
Ride Coordinator:
Wally & Ginny Kozlowski
Dennis & Marge Dronsella
Phone Book Editor:
2016 Individual of the Year
Dennis Hosang
Dave Williams’s
Chapter Rider Educators:
Brent & Sandy Blackburn
Chapter Mascot Trustees:
Tom & Claudia Maki
Newsletter Editors:
Michigan District Couple of
the Year 2016
Brent & Sandy Blackburn
Web Editor:
Dennis & Marie Ballor
Mileage Coordinator:
Paul & Priscilla Berghltz
provided by: Tim
John-Carl & Diane Zarella
September 2016
Well, September is here, Wing Ding is gone and “Are you ready for some FOOTBALLLLLL????!!!!!”
Here we are again, facing the cooler weather, shorter days and the fall riding season. I really love to ride in the fall with
all the colors and not so much heat to deal with especially in riding gear. Make sure to watch for fresh falling leaves and
especially morning dew or following a rain where the leaves can be wet and slippery.
All you know by now that Diane had an unfortunate accident during the Women’s campout. She was struck in the back
when the awning of the camper collapsed under the weight of heavy rainfall. While she is doing much better, she is still
tender and dealing with some pain. We went on one Ice Cream ride and one weekend ride since the accident, and both
times she was very sore after sitting for a while on the bike. So please keep her in your thoughts as she continues to heal
and get over the injury.
We did make it to the Spaghetti Warehouse ride to Toledo yesterday. There was 10 riders/passengers that left Mel’s 2
Grill at 11:00am. Wally did another wonderful job planning a ride down the back roads to Toledo where we enjoyed the
Italian food. The ride home was led by Mike Clancy as we took the quick way up I-75 and I-275. As I mentioned before,
Diane’s back was sore but she enjoyed finally getting back out again with the group.
Well, Lions lost again…. After leading the whole game, they found a way to give it up in the last quarter. One nice
change, if you do not know it, is that the games are now being broadcast on AM-760, WJR out of Detroit. This station is a
very powerful station that can be picked up almost anywhere in the Southern Michigan area, so as we finish up the
riding season with Apple Cider rides on most Sundays, we will be able to catch the game.
A final thought - we have just shared in the 15th Anniversary of that fateful day of 9/11. Let us not forget the events of
that day as terrorism continues worldwide. We live in a Great Country and belong to a Great Organization, GWRRA. One
thought continues to pass through my head while I talk about our adventures and fun in this great organization, the
GWRRA. We have the greatest people in our chapter, in this district and region, and as we have experienced many times
at the various Wing Dings. Just look around at all the Red, White and Blue and the Flags that are displayed. Nowhere else
do I find such patriotism than in GWRRA functions; we start every function/gathering with the Pledge of Allegiance. We
always have the US Flag flying proudly.
So, again, as we pass thru the recent anniversary of 9/11, and I keep reading and seeing images of the terrorist attacks
on this great country and its people, I remember last year when I included the song “Proud to be an American” by Lee
Greenwood in my article. I am touched every time I hear that song, and I am so very proud to be part of an organization
that has adopted “Proud to be an American” as a theme song, played at both opening and closing ceremonies of both
the Michigan District Rally and Wing Ding.
I once again leave you with the words of Lee Greenwood….
Artist: Lee Greenwood
Song: Proud To Be an American
If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I’d worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.
I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be living here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.
And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there's pride in every American heart,
and it’s time we stand and say…
That I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
If anyone wants a
chapter shirt see
Gayle. It seems like
the place is not
charging us extra for
small orders as they
had said they might.
She needs money
with the order,
Gayle & Dennis Jisa
Tail of the Dragon
It’s so hard for me to believe we are in to mid-September already!! Summer seems to fly by so fast! It is also
FUN to do the Fall things in our state, like Cider Mills, Color Tours, Bon Fires, Chili Cook Off and so forth so be sure to do
all that you can before the really cold weather sets in.
Since Dennis and I have been gone for the last three weeks, we haven’t been here to participate in events and
rides you have been able to do. We hope you have had some great rides and took advantage of the good weather!!
Dennis and I left on Aug 27th, along with Brent & Sandy, to head north and then turn east once in the UP to head
out to Billings Montana for the 38th Wing Ding! (39th is in Grapevine Texas) It started out as a light rain and stayed that
way all day and most of Sunday we had misty rain. We traveled with Brent and Sandy visiting many beautiful parks and
national monuments along the way to Billings. Wing Ding was FUN to see friends (including Wally & Ginny and Roger &
Mary) and make new ones and see all that Wing Ding had to offer. Once we left Billing’s we headed to Yellowstone
where we experienced some pretty good hail (covered the road about an inch). We saw many buffalo, wild donkeys and
wild horses as well as deer, prairie dogs, bald eagle, fish, other birds etc. Heading back east we stopped at more
national monuments including Mt Rushmore, Devils Tower, Crazy Horse, to name only a few. In Iowa we said our good
byes to Brent & Sandy and they headed home and we headed south to Branson Mo. We met our son, (Joe), daughter in
law (Dinora), granddaughter to be (Braelyn) and our great grandson (Brody). We rented a pontoon and had a nice two
hour relaxing ride on the lake there. Went to dinner at the resort, went to Bass Pro Shop and visited with each other for
a few days. Then we all went to Ft Sill Oklahoma (Lawton) to visit with and attend our grandson (Jake’s) Boot Camp
Graduation from the Army. We then turned north to head home and returned on Sunday Sept 18th. Dennis said we
traveled 5400 miles and we were in 12 different states.
I am sure by now the word has spread that we will be turning our 2010 Wing into a Trike. While at Wing Ding
we took 4 different trike rides and in talking to other GW friends from our state we decided to take advantage of the
shows special pricing. It is being built in Minnesota and should take about 3 weeks. Once it is built we will go to
Minnesota and have our bike turned into a trike there. We talked to so many and decided this was the time. Why wait
until something forces us to go to a trike or not be able to ride anymore?
Be sure to check out the calendar to see what great things are planned for the coming weeks. Once the leaves
start to fall and it rains, be sure to watch out for them to be slippery. Also ride prepared for the changing temperatures.
Till we see you….
Gayle & Dennis
Art & Marla Scafe
We had a great riding season and are now into the fall cider mill rides. There are plenty of good memories to
carry us through the late fall and winter months. But the fun does not end with the riding season. Chapter E
has plenty of plans for our members and we want to invite others who are interested in being in our group.
When you attend our gathering and other functions, be sure to look for the new members and introduce
yourself. Welcome them to our Chapter and tell them about the good times we have.
With our holiday season fast approaching, now is a good time to invite prospective riders to our functions. We
are one of the most active chapters in GWRRA and we also have a lot of fun getting together. Check our
Newsletter for our planned events and be an active member even if we are not riding.
Safe and fun riding to all,
Art and Marla Scafe
Q / 1:
Who would win in a fight between a lion and a bear?
Gold Wing Road Rider Association
Great Lakes Region D
“Soaring with the Eagles”
Ray & Sandy Garris
Director of GWRRA
Jack Wagner
Deputy Director
Lloyd & Becky Glydewell
Region D Directors
Bob & Kim Scott
Michigan District Directors
Our Mission:
To Save Lives Through Quality,
World Class Education
Our Motto:
“Safety is For Life”
Brent & Sandra Blackburn
Three-Wheeled Vehicles
A few sobering realities
By: James R. Davis
I must admit, converting my Wing to a trike has been thought about. So,
too, have I thought about adding a sidecar. If two wheels are fun, three
might be all the better, right?
Perhaps, but not for me.
I suffered from a delusion that many of my fellow riders seem to have that three wheeled vehicles would be easier to drive because they are
more stable as a result of lacking any lean. Yes and no.
People have sent me many messages regarding their experiences on
three-wheelers and I will use this Tip to share with you what they had to
There is NO COUNTER-STEERING involved when driving a
three-wheeler. If there was no other reason to be careful about
these machines, this one should at least tell you that you need to
practice driving one before you take it out onto public streets!
Front wheel traction is COMPROMISED in turns. You must drive
more slowly in a curve than you would with a normal motorcycle
because unlike with a two-wheeler which leans and therefore
almost always has the front wheel aligned with the bike's body, a
three-wheeler must be steered by actually turning the wheel.
Thus, the bike's inertia is constantly trying to straighten that
wheel, or ride over it. At similar speeds a three-wheeler will lose
front wheel traction sooner than will a two-wheeler.
Both rider and passenger are substantially stressed during turns. The bike stays level so they are both forced
by centrifugal force towards the outside of their seats. Indeed, one person actually told me that he installed a
SEAT BELT for his passenger on his trike for this reason!
Trike handling is generally superior to that of motorcycles with sidecars, particularly those that do not allow
some lean of the motorcycle on curves. Sidecar handling in a curve is typically described as "constantly pulling
to one side when accelerating or decelerating, and requiring constant steering adjustments in turns."
Changes to a standard motorcycle that are ideal for making a sidecar handle better (such as shortening the trail
of the front-end or using a flatfooted automobile tire on the sidecar), make the motorcycle almost unrideable
without the sidecar (if detachable - a rather dumb idea, in my opinion) or if there is insufficient weight in the
With or without an automobile tire, an empty sidecar proves to be more difficult to handle than when occupied
with a passenger or load, for some people. One person reports that the sidecar manufacturer actually advises
that he put a 50 pound load into it if unoccupied, for stability and handling.
Unlike the conclusion that riding a two-wheeler leads you to, a sidecar's wheel can be lifted (dangerously) only
when turning TOWARDS it (to the right, if mounted on the right side, for example.) This is the result, as
described above, of having to steer the bike by turning the front wheel rather than by leaning it. Note, please,
that as soon as the sidecar's tire leaves the ground you will once again be a two-wheeler. Since the bike would
at that point be leaning heavily away from the curve you would INSTANTLY get a severe COUNTERSTEERING push in the direction of the lean!!!
(Actually, one person advises that this is not really a severe reaction and manifests itself somewhat gradually depending on the height of the lifted wheel.)
Similarly, and just as unexpected based on two-wheel experience, if you take a turn too fast in a direction
AWAY from the sidecar you run the risk of actually lifting the REAR wheel off the ground and nose diving the rig
(i.e., a highside.)
Despite the fact that a flatfooted automobile tire would be ideal, the tires found on sidecars are almost always
NOT a standard automobile tire. It has been found on some occasions that Honda 15" motorcycle rims were
fitted with standard 15" automobile tires with less than comforting results. Automobile rims actually have a
SMALLER inside diameter than do motorcycle tires. Unless the rim has been specifically designed to
automobile specifications you should NEVER mount an automobile tire on a sidecar. I suppose it also could go
without saying, but while I'm at it, one should NEVER inflate the tire on a sidecar (indeed, any tire) in excess of
the pressure recommended by the tire manufacturer (they have been known to KILL when exploding.).
Mounting a sidecar on most motorcycles will void the motorcycle warranty and many (possibly most) dealership
shops will not take them in for service.
Both acceleration and mileage are less with either a sidecar or a trike rig than a standard motorcycle.
This Tip is designed to forewarn rather than to discourage. I know several elderly riders that can no longer
manage a two-wheeler who routinely ride three-wheelers without any trouble at all.
On the other hand, I know a woman who decided to 'practice' driving her husband's Wing with its new sidecar
on the public streets. She put her daughter in the sidecar and her husband rode as passenger. There would be
no high speeds for her - this was just a 'get familiar' ride.
At the very first turn she had to make at normal highway speeds she lost it. The daughter was flung out of the
sidecar and was hurt, but not badly. The husband sustained a broken collar bone. But the motorcycle landed on
top of the lady. It destroyed many of the organs in her pelvic area as well as broke many bones. (She survived it
- barely.)
Thus, the point of this Tip is that three-wheelers do not handle like two-wheelers and REQUIRE practice other
than on public roads before you should feel confident to venture out among 'em.
Come and Visit:
Dennis & Marge Dronsella
Hilda's new address & phone:
Holiday Retirement
900 N. Cass Lake Rd.
Room 324
Waterford, Mi. 48324
248 681 0299
September Celebrations
10 Dennis Dronsella
18 Marion Shepard
Wedding Anniversary
12 Paul & Priscilla Bergholtz
23 Gary & Kay Gauthier
Membership Anniversary
Thomas Black
Marla Scafe
Membership Anniversary
Bryan & Sharron Gallaway
Chadwick & Nathan “
Tom & Claudia Maki
Keith Corey
October Celebrations
11 Lori Westcott
11 Joey Gauthier
24 Christina Zarella
29 Krystal Zarella
Wedding Anniversary
10 Tom & Claudia Maki
18 Jerry & Martha Lasky
25 Roger & Mary Cox
For Sale
1998 Artic Cat 4x4 A.T.V. 400 C.C 1600 miles, Snow Plow Blade, Original Owner Runs Great $1700.00 call Roger at
AUGUST Gathering Winners 50/50
Brent Blackburn $28
Red Ticket: Ginny Green/Kozlowski $5
2560 x 1536 Kwik Camp Motor Cycle Camper - Queen size Bed. Excellent Condition Price $1,350
Call Brent Blackburn at 248-622-9448 I will get a photo of the camper all the up and Pictures of the inside.
2002 Pearl Orange GL1800, and 28 cubic ft. Trailer 23k miles, one owner, garage stored looks like new. Inc. lots of riding
gear. If you wish to come look at the Bike and Trailer Contact Dennis @ (586) 914-8602 or
Davisburg, MI. $9,500.
Q / 2:
What does someone call a message printed on a lion with chickenpox?
Our 1st Trip to A
Brent & Sandra Blackburn
GWRRA Wing Ding
16 Days
Hello everyone,
Sandy and I attended the East Central Section Campout. We had a great time again this year, but the current hosts would
like to take a break and have another chapter take over for a while. While we were there it rained, it reminded me of Boy
Scouting with my son. Our troop saying was “If it ain’t raining, we ain’t camping.” I defended my title in the pistol shooting
We rode out to Wing Ding in Billings, MT. We, includes Dennis and Gayle Jisa, made it a 16 day vacation starting August
27 stopping in Ironwood, MI. August 28 stopping in Bismarck, ND. On August 29 we visited Knife River Indian Villages
National Historic Site, which includes part of the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, and then we visited Fort Union
Trading Post National Historic Site, and then Theodore Roosevelt National Park North and South Units stopping in
Glendive, MT. On August 30 we visited St. Labre Mission / Cheyenne Indian Museum in Ashland, MT., then visited Little
Bighorn Battlefield National Monument stopping in Hardin, MT.
August 31 we arrived at Wing Ding before 8 AM to see our first opening ceremony, we were “WING DING NEWBIES”.
Sandy was helping run CPR Skills Practice with the LOOP Learning System, part of the Loop Learning System program is
to reinforce and improve your CPR skills through interactive games. I helped one morning in ARC Course Only by being
the demonstration rider for all the exercises. Wally Kozlowski, Dennis Jisa, and I rode the Beartooth Highway (Elevation
10947 feet) and Chief Joseph Scenic Byway. We had a great time there and can’t wait until next year for Wing Ding 39
(August 30 - September 2 ) in Grapevine, Texas. We have already registered and are making plans to go.
On September 4 we visited Yellowstone National Park, entering from the east entrance since the forecast was possible
snow at the top of Beartooth Pass. While riding up the east side towards the Northeast entrance it started raining then
started hailing. We were at over 8000 feet and continued hailing until you couldn’t see the asphalt but we rode through it,
then Sandy and I completed the north loop while Dennis and Gayle took the northeast exit to head toward Cody, WY for
the night. On the 5 we were supposed to do part of the southern loop of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park but
the weather was forecasting low 20’s at elevation in the park so we did some itinerary changes and headed to Devils
Tower National Monument, we arrived just to get hailed on again, then we stopped in Spearfish, SD. On September 6 we
rode down the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway to Lead, SD. Then headed south on 385 to Crazy Horse Memorial. Then
headed south to 16A east to Iron Mountain Road north to Mount Rushmore National Monument. Then stopped in Rapid
September 7 we rode down to Custer State Park to the Visitor Center then rode Wildlife Loop and saw lots of American
Bison. Then we headed up to Needles Highway to Hill City, SD to Sheridan Lake Road towards Rapid City to Rim rock
Highway then west to 173 north to Nemo Road, we found Nemo SD, then to Deadwood, SD for lunch. Then to Sturgis
Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame in Sturgis, SD. I did not see a single Goldwing in the Museum (maybe because
they are all still running and still being used). Then down Vanocker Canyon Road to Nemo Road (we found Nemo, SD
again) to Rapid City.
September 8 we stopped at Wall Drugs in Wall, SD. Then south to the Badlands National Park (North Unit) Pinnacles
Entrance taking the Badlands Loop Road to the Ben Reifel Visitor Center then to the Northeast Entrance. Then we visited
the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. Then we were supposed to visit Buffalo Interpretive Center, it was locked up,
on Highway 1806 also known as American Indian National Scenic Byway. We were headed east towards Big Bend Dam
(Hydroelectric) but the road was closed due to protesters marching on 1806, I was wondering why there very little traffic
coming from the other direction. So we took a 25 mile detour and found fresh tar which Dennis did not like at all. After
making it to Big Bend Dam we took Highway 34 to Madison, SD.
September 9 we visited Pipestone National Monument in Pipestone, MN. Then we visited Minneopa State Park in
Mankato, MN. Then we stopped in Cresco, IA. September 10 we visited Effigy Mounds National Monument in Harpers
Ferry, IA. Then went to Pikes Peak State Park, 500-foot bluff overlooking the intersection of thee Upper Mississippi River
and the Wisconsin River, located in McGregor, IA. Then we visited Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, which includes a
visitor center, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. Then we stopped in Muscatine, IA.
September 11 Then we split up, we headed home and they headed to Branson, MO and beyond. We travelled 4919
miles on our trip and they went a few more. We had a wonderful time, well maybe the weather could have cooperated a
little bit better. We saw so many Goldwing’s on the road and they were all friendly greeters as we passed or meet at our
stops, but SOB’s didn’t acknowledge us at all. I heard there were a few incidents out there, but we are praying for those
that have been injured and for those that had mechanical issues. Can’t wait in next year and hope to see everyone there.
Brent and Sandy Blackburn
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site
St. Labre Mission / Cheyenne Indian Museum in Ashland,
This is the Bourgeois House inside Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site.
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Couple of motorcycles in the Wing Ding parking lot.
Wally Kozlowski, Dennis Jisa and me after completing
Beartooth Highway starting on Chief Joseph Scenic
Karen Ballou, Half of the Region D Couple of the Year, and
Bob, the Rider Educator Dummy, getting a little frisky.
We told them to get a room.
Sandy likes this motorcycle.
Scenic Overlook on Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.
Sandy likes this motorcycle.
Lower Falls in Yellowstone National Park.
Lower Falls in Yellowstone National Park.
Devils Tower National Monument looks like trouble ahead.
Looking back up the mountain after riding through the hail storm.
Black Hill National Forest
After the hail stops’ falling it was nice.
Mount Rushmore National Monument.
Crazy Horse Memorial
Sturgis Motorcycle Museum
American Bison in Custer State Park.
Badlands National Park at the Visitors Center
Wall Drug Store in Wall, SD.
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.
Pipestone National Monument
Big Bend Dam (Hydroelectric)
Pipestone maker
Pipestone Pipe
Falls at Minneopa State Park
Pike’s Peak State Park Overlook (Upper Mississippi River in for
foreground and Wisconsin River in Back Right)
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Herbert Hoover’s Birthplace
Herbert Hoover’s Presidential Library and Museum.
We will be heading out on Thursday Oct 13th and ride to Warren, PA. This leg of the trip is about 400 miles of mostly
highway riding until we reach the PA border. We will be spending the night at the North end of the Allegheny National
Forest .
On the second day we will be heading east stopping at the Kinzua Dam and Kinzua Bridge State park. We will then head out
Rte. 6 to Colton State Park where we will visit the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. From there we will head south and spend the
night in the Renovo area. This leg of the trip is about 190 miles.
The third day we will try to get a little earlier start in the morning and will be riding west into Pennsylvania's Elk territory. We
will be taking a 120 mile trip through prime Elk viewing areas, and stopping at the ELK Country Visitor Center . We will spend
some time there, and then head out again stopping in East Liverpool, OH area. This leg of the trip is about 225 miles.
The fourth day we will be heading across central Ohio up to Bowling Green, and then take expressway home. This leg of the
trip is about 330 miles.
I need to start making plans for hotels, so I need to get an idea of how many people are interested in going. If interested,
please let me know as soon as possible. I would like to get responses by Sunday 9/11.
I have done most of this ride a couple years ago, and there should be some great scenery.
National Tailgating Day /National Day of Encouragement
National Wildlife Day / Uncle Sam Day
Special Days in September
National Chees Pizza Day / Labor Day
National Coffee Ice Cream Day / Apple Dumpling Day
National Read a Book Day / National DBL Cheese Burger
National Neither Snow or Rain Da y / Nat. Pancake Day
National Grandma Moses Day / Wife Appreciation Day
National Pediatric / National Cream Filled Donut Day
Stand up to Cancer Day / National Hunting & Fishing
National TV dinner Day /National Chocolate Milk Day
Patriot Day & National Day of Service & Remembrance
National Grandparents Day
Nat. Woman’s Health Fitness
National Chocolate Milkshake Day / Nat. Coffee Day
National Ice Cream Cone Day / Nat. Hot Mulled Cider
Grapevine Texas
Brent & I already registered, come join us and
have some fun.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Chapter E Newsletter
September 2016
Autumn Is Here!
It’s the time of year when the days
are getting shorter and the shadows
get longer.