SRS Annual Report 2013-2014 - School of Rehabilitation Science
SRS Annual Report 2013-2014 - School of Rehabilitation Science
School of Rehabilitation Science ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 2013 – JUNE 2014 Reaching further School of Rehabilitation Science PROVIDING EXEMPLARY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND RESEARCH EXCELLENCE MISSION GOALS CONTACT US CONTENTS The School of Rehabilitation Science aims to provide exemplary educational programs for students in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, rehabilitation science and health management. The School will contribute to the advancement of health care in general and rehabilitation science in particular through excellence in collaborative research and service initiatives. • Excellence in education through the development, implementation, promotion and evaluation of: problem-based, self-directed lifelong learning that is interdisciplinary and based on evidence. 4Introduction: Patty Solomon, VISION The School of Rehabilitation Science aims to provide outstanding leadership in rehabilitation science at the national and international levels through continued expansion of innovation in education and research as well as increased commitment to service partnerships with clients and rehabilitation providers. • Research/scholarly activity in clinical and educational research. We recognize that there is a need to increase the research skills and productivity of faculty as well as consolidate the major research directions of the school. • Service through the support of ongoing efforts of faculty and staff to serve the university, local community and provincial and national communities. McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences Institute for Applied Health Sciences, Room 403 1400 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON L8S 1C7 Associate Dean and Director, Rehabilitation Science 6 Physiotherapy Program 905.525.9140 Ext: 22867 Fax: 905.524.0069 8 Occupational Therapy Program Associate Dean (Health Sciences), Director, School of Rehabilitation Science: Dr. Patty Solomon 12 Master of Health Management Assistant Dean Occupational Therapy Program: Dr. Lori Letts Assistant Dean Physiotherapy Program: Dr. Vanina Dal Bello-Haas Assistant Dean Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs: Dr. Joy MacDermid 10 Rehabilitation Science Program 14 Additional Program Offerings - HPEP - OTEPP 16 A Caring Heart: Mary Law 18 MAC H2OPE 2 0CanChild 2 2 By the Numbers 24Faculty 2 6 Clinical Placement and Fieldwork Facilities 3 0 Clinical Faculty 31 Faculty Publications 2 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 | 3 Excellence I am once again proud to be sharing this annual report with faculty, colleagues, alumni and community supporters of the School of Rehabilitation Science (SRS). The report highlights the SRS’s accomplishments from January 2013 – June 2014. As a School, we are delighted with all that we have accomplished in this time period. We would not experience our successes without the relationships that we have fostered with the community and the partnerships we have created both internal and external to McMaster. The SRS has continued to demonstrate excellence in both education and research. This is evident through the numerous research grants that our faculty members have received and through the awards and accomplishments of both our faculty and students. The grants awarded to our faculty have allowed the School to excel in several key areas including; aging and wellness, pain and disability, stroke rehabilitation and childhood disability among many other important areas of rehabilitation research. Through funding gained through McMaster’s first Forward With Integrity program, the SRS was also able to successfully 4 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 launch the MAC H2OPE clinic; a partnership with the YMCA located in downtown Hamilton designed to help support the unmet rehab needs of the surrounding community while providing a positive learning opportunity for students. SRS faculty and students have been widely recognized over the past eighteen months with numerous awards and accolades and have been featured in the media. Their accomplishments are highlighted throughout this report. SRS faculty and students have been widely recognized over the past eighteen months with numerous awards and accolades and have been featured in the media. Within our educational programs we continue to introduce innovation and expansion. For example our Rehabilitation Science program introduced a new specialization within the MSc Course base option; the Advanced Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal / Manipulative Physical Therapy stream (OMPT), which is now available to students. Our professional programs in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy continue to attract the most applicants in Ontario. Through our collaborations with the DeGroote School of Business, our Master of Health Management is thriving and we celebrated the first graduating class in May of 2013. In 2013 the SRS welcomed two new physiotherapy faculty members. Dr. Ada Tang came to the SRS from the University of British Columbia and has already achieved a significant accomplishment within her appointment having received a Heart and Stroke Clinician-Scientist Career Award. Dr. Michelle Kho is “one of our own” having completed her physiotherapy training and her PhD at McMaster. We are delighted that Dr. Kho is the first Canada Research Chair within the SRS. We also celebrated the retirement of two important, longstanding contributors to the SRS. Dr. Mary Law retired from the SRS as of June 30, 2014, leaving an enormous legacy within the SRS, McMaster and the broader OT community (read more on p. 16). Nancy Plews, Assistant Clinical Professor and SRS Administrator also retired in September 2013. We thank both for their commitment and contributions to the SRS and the role they played in shaping the School into what it is today. I invite you to continue reading this annual report where you will find more information on our School’s successes and noteworthy items. in education and research WITHIN OUR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS WE CONTINUE TO INTRODUCE INNOVATION AND EXPANSION. Patty Solomon Associate Dean & Director School of Rehabilitation Science | 5 Physiotherapy The SRS Physiotherapy (PT) Program prepares students with the knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required to practice as autonomous, entry-level clinicians. With an emphasis on problem-based, small group and self-directed learning, the Program integrates academic and clinical educational experiences over 25 months. In November 2013, 65 students graduated, ready to shine as PT Program graduates applying their knowledge and skills in a variety of roles and diverse practice environments. The PT faculty continue to demonstrate national and international leadership through their publications, knowledge translation activities, grants, awards, and accolades. There are many examples, including: Joy MacDermid awarded a CIHR Research Chair in Gender, Work and Health; Dr. Monica Maly, received the Ontario Physiotherapy Association’s (OPA) Award for Research; and one of the SRS’s newest PT faculty members, Dr. Ada Tang, was the recipient of a Heart and Stroke Foundation Clinician-Scientist award, as well as an Ontario Ministry of Innovation and Research early researcher award for her work in stroke rehabilitation. The calibre of McMaster physiotherapy students also shone in 2013/2014. PT students took the Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada Fun Run Student Challenge prize, raising the most dollars among PT schools competing, with Class of 2014 student Sarah Luxon spear- 6 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 heading the team. There was strong representation of current students and past graduates at the OPA and Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) annual meetings. This included students Samantha Austin, Emily LeBlanc, and Patrick Milne, whose REBP project placed second in the 2014 Ann Collins Whitmore Student Competition; and, Class of “WHAT IS IMPRESSIVE ABOUT McMASTER’S PT PROGRAM IS THE STRENGTH OF AND THE OPPORTUNITY FOR SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING.” – David Evans 2014 student, Anik Sarkar, winning CPA Congress’ inaugural “2 minutes, 2 slides” competition. The program has been focusing on curriculum renewal, as well as Program accreditation, with the onsite review scheduled for November 2014. The strength, commitment and caliber of McMaster`s faculty, staff and clinical instructors is evident. David Evans, MSc PT class of 2014 Following his graduation from McMaster’s Physiotherapy (PT) program, David Evans is looking forward to practicing in the areas of orthopedics and sports in Halifax, NS. He attributes his confidence in taking this major career step to skills he acquired in the two year Master’s program, which is rooted in problem-based and small group learning. The program fosters collaboration among students and combines academic and clinical learning. “What is impressive about McMaster’s PT program is the strength of and the opportunity for self-directed learning,” said Evans. “The intensity of research generated by physiotherapy faculty and clinicians who are recognized internationally for applying evidence-based practice in physiotherapy is equally as inspiring.” Evans also appreciated the opportunities offered outside the classroom where he gained complementary skills through a wide range of activities including serving as a multiple-mini interviewer for the program’s admissions day and as the programs lab assistant. | 7 Occupational Therapy The SRS Occupational Therapy (OT) program prepares students for a career in OT by educating students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge base, building strong clinical skills and developing appropriate professional behaviours required of occupational therapists today. The two year professional Masters of Science program is divided between in-course learning and practical clinical experience through five terms of university study and four complementary clinical education placements. In November 2013, the OT program graduated 62 students with the knowledge and skills required to practice as successful therapists in communities across the country. The OT program continues to boast a strong faculty; recognized for their contribution and leadership within their respective fields and who remain at the forefront of the discipline. This strength was exemplified in 2013/2014 with Dr Joyce Tryssenaar receiving the Barbara Sexton Lectureship at Western University’s School of Occupational Therapy and Dr Mary Law receiving the Lifetime Membership Award from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. Beyond the receipt of honours and awards, the OT faculty had another year of success with numerous research “THIS PROGRAM ALLOWS ME TO DRIVE FORWARD WITH MY PASSION.” – Lindsay Blackman grants and publications and were also highlighted in media outlets such as CBC news, the Montreal Gazette, and the Windsor Star. The OT curriculum was revised starting in 2012 and has become more firmly rooted with positive impacts. The new program structure has made it easier to work with community partners (and vice versa) to meet the practica placement demands of the clinical education component of the program. The focus has now shifted to accreditation (2016) to ensure that all of the components are in place to demonstrate the exemplary education offered in the Occupational Therapy Program at McMaster. Lindsay Blackman, MSc OT class of 2014 Second-year Occupational Therapy (OT) student Lindsay Blackman finds McMaster University’s OT program is an excellent complement to her passion for promoting opportunities for people with disabilities and marginalized groups, and her desire to challenge the status quo. “This program allows me to drive forward with my passion,” she said. 8 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 Blackman, 24, who holds a degree in labour studies from McMaster, finds similarities between her studies in the two programs. “Both programs speak to advocacy and allowing individuals access to needed tools and knowledge that will allow them to move forward in their life in a meaningful way. Both programs speak to the individual and environmental influences that impact day to day life,” she said. While searching for graduate programs across multiple universities to determine the program most compatible with her interests and learning style, she discovered McMaster’s OT program grounded in self-directed/problembased learning. “I really felt I knew that this was the place for me,” she said. “After discovering this program, I further read into the role of an occupational therapist, talked to one of my friends who is an OT in mental health, and realized quickly that the program, and a career in OT, was a great fit for me.” | 9 Rehabilitation Science Thesis and Course Based Programs The SRS offers three graduate options in Rehabilitation Science. The graduate program focuses on clinically relevant research that advances rehabilitation particularly in the areas of childhood disability and participation; neuromusculoskeletal function and mobility; functional health with aging and chronic disease; work, ability, and participation; Orthopedics Manipulative Physical Therapy (OMPT); and, best practice and knowledge translation. The three options include a Master of Science Course-based, a Master of Science Thesis-based, and a PhD. In the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 116 students enrolled in the program. This year, the RS program introduced the new Master’s Coursebased, Advanced Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapy stream (OMPT). This stream develops a specialization standard in OMPT practice. The objective of this stream is to advance scientific knowledge, clinical reasoning application, and clinical and research skills development with a broad appreciation of the concepts of 10 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 clinical measurement and integrated evidence-based practice in OMPT. The RS Graduate Program successfully completed its Institutional Quality Assessment Process this academic year. External reviewers were complementary and noted the excellence of the curriculum, supervisors, trainees and the positive outcomes for our graduates. In 2014, the calibre of the faculty involved in the program was acknowledged through a published analysis by Dr Joy MacDermid demonstrating the impact of OT and PT faculty from departments across Canada. In this analysis McMaster faculty had the highest productivity and the three most productive PT/OT faculty members in Canada were from McMaster, as indicated by the H-index. Student excellence was acknowledged as a number of our students received highly competitive scholarships and research awards, such as the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship; Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Scholarship; CIHR JuMP Training Grant; Ontario Graduate Scholarship; Ontario Women’s Health Scholarship; and, Faculty of Health Science Awards. “THE RS PROGRAM HAS BROADENED MY LOOK AT PHYSIOTHERAPY, REHABILITATION, PAIN AND DISABILITY THROUGH COLLABORATION WITH COLLEAGUES IN DIVERSE FIELDS.” – Jordan Miller Jordan Miller, RS PhD candidate A registered physiotherapist working with people with musculoskeletal injuries, Jordan Miller questioned whether or not something more could be done to help people with persistent pain and prevent patients from progressing from acute to chronic pain. “Through pursuing my PhD with the Rehabilitation Science (RS) Graduate program, I have started to fill in knowledge gaps and have learned how to best approach answering the clinical questions I was asking,” he said. “Going through the RS program has also broadened my look at physiotherapy, rehabilitation, pain and disability through collaboration with colleagues in diverse fields.” Miller said the RS Program has also fostered his passion for clinical research, confirming for him his decision to switch career paths from clinician to academic. “The School of Rehabilitation Science has given me the knowledge, skills and experiences needed to succeed as an independent scientist,” he said. “I have had the opportunity to gain strong theoretical foundations, an understanding of research methodology, grantsmanship skills, and practical experience conducting research, writing and teaching.” | 11 Master of Health Management Offered in partnership between the DeGroote School of Business and the School of Rehabilitation Science, the Master of Health Management (MHM) program prepares regulated healthcare professionals to meet the demands of a career in health management. This part-time distance education degree utilizes the latest asynchronous, on-line teaching techniques with two short, intensive, onsite residency periods to deliver the program. Experts with experience in academia, industry and government teach students the skills needed to solve complex healthcare problems. As of November 2013, enrollment in the program grew to 110 bright and highly motivated students coming from diverse healthcare professions and extending coast to coast. The program had the privilege of graduating a total of 39 students during this time, 13 from the Cohort of 2013 and 26 from the Cohort of 2014. Student excellence was recognized by the MHM program with the presentation of the Award of Excellence, the Scholarly Paper Award, and the Community Contribution Award at the yearly June convocation reception. Many students also earned the Certified Health Executive designation, while working on their degree, through an alliance between the MHM program and the Canadian College of Health Leaders. The residency periods were again a great success for both the program and the students. These residencies enable students to learn from local health executives; provide students the chance to experience a face-to-face connection with their peers; and give the students an opportunity to expand their professional network. The periods also allow students to meet with faculty who could potentially serve as their advisor “THE ONLINE, PART-TIME METHOD ALLOWED ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO STUDY AND LEARN IN A WAY THAT WOULD NOT OTHERWISE BE AVAILABLE TO ME, GIVEN MY GEOGRAPHY AND FAMILY COMMITMENTS.” – Amy Riske in conjunction with the program’s scholarly paper component. Recent residency keynote speakers have included Donna Cripps, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network; Brenda Flaherty, Executive Vice-President for Hamilton Health Sciences and; Dr. Samantha Nutt, Founder and Executive Director of WarChild. In June of 2014, the program bid farewell to one of the MHM’s Co-Directors, Dr. Mary Law. It was through Mary’s creative vision that led to the launch of MHM and her steadfast leadership that has helped shape MHM into the successful program it is today. Dr. Patty Solomon was appointed to the Co-Director position from the SRS. As Associate Dean of the SRS, Dr. Solomon brings enormous experience and knowledge to the role and enthusiasm for helping to lead the MHM through its next chapter. Amy Riske, MHM student, class of 2014 A five-week locum in Inuvik, Northwest Territories turned into 15 years and counting for Amy Riske, program coordinator at the Child Development Centre in Whitehorse, Yukon. It’s 5,396 kilometres from Whitehorse to Hamilton, Ontario but that didn’t deter Amy Riske from 12 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 enrolling in McMaster University’s Master of Health Management Program, a partnership between the DeGroote School of Business and the School of Rehabilitation Science which offers an on-line, part-time program for business-focused health professionals. “The MHM program helped me apply evidence-based practice beyond individual clients to programs and policies,” Riske said. “The online, part-time method allowed me the opportunity to study and learn in a way that would not otherwise be available to me, given my geography and family commitments.” She said the learning and experiences of the past three years in the MHM program helped in both her day-to-day work and changed the way she thinks about her future career goals. | 13 Additional Program Offerings GRADUATES OF HPEP WILL BE BETTER PREPARED FOR ENTRY AND SUCCESS IN CANADIAN HEALTH PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS. HPEP We are excited to announce approval for our new program, the Health Professional Entrance Preparation (HPEP) Certificate Program! The HPEP Undergraduate Certificate is designed for international students who hold a 4-year baccalaureate degree and will prepare graduates with the broad-based skills to enter health professional programs including medicine, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech language pathology, nursing, midwifery, physician assistant and others at universities and colleges across Canada. With a focus on increasing an understanding of the health care system and the roles of the regulated health professions, building foundational knowledge and skills of the health professions and on enhancing written and interpersonal communication, graduates of HPEP will be better prepared for entry and success in Canadian health professional programs. course, with students able to attend sessions face-to-face or online. Since its inception, nearly 92% of IEOTS who completed the certificate program passed the National Occupational Therapy Certification Exam, over 80% received licensure, and 75% obtained employment as occupational therapists. OTepp’s students come from countries around the world, truly representing our global community. The OTepp team is proud of the many successes of its students and graduates. With guidance from the SRS, financial programs for internationally educated professionals, and support from OT regulators, OTepp continues its evolution from research project to self-sustaining program. Program Director Sue Baptiste looks forward to continued success for this important resource for IEOTs wishing to practice in Canada. OTEPP Initiated in 2008, with funding from the Government of Ontario and later the Government of Canada, the Occupational Therapy Examination and Practice Preparation (OTepp) project aims to assist internationally educated occupational therapists (IEOTs) and re-entry occupational therapists as they seek to transition into practice in Canada. The certificate program consists of four academic courses and one 300-hour practicum 92% 92% of IEOTS who completed the certificate program passed the National Occupational Therapy Certification Exam 14 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 CERTIFIED 80% of IEOTS who completed the certificate program received licensure 80% 75% 75% of IEOTS who completed the certificate program obtained employment as occupational therapists OTEPP’S STUDENTS COME FROM COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD, TRULY REPRESENTING OUR GLOBAL COMMUNITY. THE OTEPP TEAM IS PROUD OF THE MANY SUCCESSES OF ITS STUDENTS AND GRADUATES. | 15 A caring heart “I really love what I do and it has been a privilege to do it and be recognized.” – Mary Law 16 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 Mary Law Professor Emeritus, SRS, McMaster University Throughout her career as researcher, teacher and clinician, Mary Law has been lauded for the difference her caring heart has made to the lives of children with disabilities and their families. “I really love what I do and it has been a privilege to do it and be recognized,” said Law who retired in June, 2014 as Professor in McMaster University’s School of Rehabilitation Science. An occupational therapist, she served as Associate Dean and Director of the School of Rehabilitation Science, held the John and Margaret Lillie Chair in Childhood Disability Research and was the Co-Director of the MHM program and CanChild. During Law`s tenure the School of Rehabilitation Science grew significantly both nationally and internationally. With developmental pediatrician Dr. Peter Rosenbaum, she founded CanChild, a research and educational centre that is a world leader and premium source for childhood disability information. After successfully winning a provincial government competition, the two pioneers created a network linking McMaster researchers with those in children’s rehabilitation centres throughout Ontario. “The focus is on research that is meaningful to children, their families and service providers,” she said. Twenty-five years later, CanChild is still going strong, growing into a world-wide network. “We are doing a lot of knowledge translation through our website to which we get 15,000 visitors a month,” Law said. In May, The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists presented Law with its Lifetime Membership Award. Her instincts on uncovering better ways to improve the lives of children with disabilities continue to be as ground-breaking as ever. Law is the recipient of several dozen awards, including her selection as keynote speaker at the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress in Santiago, Chile in 2012 and the Whittaker memorial Cerebral Palsy Award presented to her in 1999 by the Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services for outstanding achievement in rehabilitation research and development for children with cerebral palsy. Years ago, as a young student, Law randomly selected occupational therapy as a career never expecting it would lead to an international career in which she served as an expert consultant to institutions as far away as South Africa, the Netherlands, Israel and Australia. Her prolific lifetime publications include 14 books, 66 chapters in books, 208 papers in refereed journals, 67 papers in refereed conference proceedings, 50 technical reports and 285 abstracts and/or papers. Her instincts on uncovering better ways to improve the lives of children with disabilities continues to be as ground-breaking as ever. “We have just finished an intervention study looking at how changes in the environment within a community can help youth with disabilities participate in community activities,” she said. The environment of this research, and how it can be altered is the focus so that children with disabilities can participate in everything from baseball and riding a bike to hanging out with friends. Reflecting on her 24 years at McMaster, Law said she appreciates the collaboration that has been fostered within the School, Faculty, and across the University and the opportunity to work with great teams of people. “I’m of the belief that no one individual can make a difference,” she said. “It’s by working together with excellent people that you really can do well.” | 17 MAC H OPE 2 Making an impact in our community Student physiotherapists and occupational therapists are gaining excellent educational training and real-world skills in the unique MAC H2OPE clinic in downtown Hamilton, a partnership between the School of Rehabilitation Science and Hamilton’s YMCA. The clinic was initially developed as part of a proposal for McMaster University’s Forward with Integrity Fund (FWI). This fund was established as a result of President Patrick Deane’s FWI initiative, which encourages students to be involved in the broader Hamilton and global community. MAC H2OPE is also a part of Live Well – a comprehensive group of exercise and education programs made possible through a partnership between the YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford, McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences. Under the supervision of registered therapists, students assess and treat individuals who have a wide range of conditions, such as acute or chronic neurological challenges and musculoskeletal injuries, and who do not have access to publicly funded OT or PT services, or extended health insurance coverage. At MAC H2OPE students gain valuable clinical and organizational experience while enabling improved quality of life for people who may be at risk in health and wellbeing. For both students and clients, MAC H2OPE has been an overwhelming success. Sarah Wojkowski and Lorie Shimmell, Directors of Clinical Education for the PT and OT programs respectfully, have indicated that the clinic has had a “phenomenal response” from the community. There continues to be on-going demand for services, with a growing waiting list of over 60 people. Current students and PT/OT graduates, also praise the deeper insights into patient care they are gaining from their experiences at the clinic. Meaghan Barker, a class of 2015 Physiotherapy student noted that she was able to “… see different aspects of physiotherapy that I hadn’t personally experienced before.” Meaghan was at the clinic 2 days per week and combined her placement at MAC H2OPE with research at a private clinic. Jessica Campbell, a registered Occupational Therapist and a 2013 graduate from the MSc(OT) program, completed her last clinical rotation at MAC H2OPE. She reflected on her time at MAC H2OPE by indicating, “the clinic gave me the opportunity to put my skills into practice before entering the workplace,” she said. “It gave me confidence and brought all my skills together.” AT MAC H2OPE STUDENTS GAIN VALUABLE CLINICAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE WHILE ENABLING IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PEOPLE WHO MAY BE AT RISK IN HEALTH AND WELLBEING. MAC H2ope leadership team pictured from left to right: Gioia DiVincenzo, Lori Letts, Julie Richardson, Lorie Shimmell, Sarah Wojkowski, Stephanie Nicoll, Vanina Dal Bello-Haas. March-April 2014: 19 November-December 2013: 19 July-September 2013: 20 0 18 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 5 58 10 15 20 Total number of patients treated at the MAC H2OPE Clinic from its inception to June 2014 | 19 “WE WANT TO BE A PART OF HELPING OTHER FAMILIES.” INDEED, THAT’S WHAT CANCHILD IS ULTIMATELY ALL ABOUT.” – Christine Chambers Changing the lives of families for 25 years “The centre has developed major research programs in the field of childhood disability research. It has established a worldrenowned knowledge translation and exchange program. It has fostered a reputation for recruiting the brightest investigators and carefully training the next generation of outstanding scholars, promoting innovation and inspiring critical thinking about these issues along the way.” –P atrick Deane, President McMaster University CanChild is an internationallyrenowned research centre located within the School of Rehabilitation Science in partnership with the Department of Pediatrics. CanChild is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and educators who collaborate to improve the life quality of children and youth with disabilities and their families. Investigators at CanChild are world leaders in generating innovative knowledge with respect to childhood disability. On Monday, June 23, 2014 members of CanChild, media, parents, and children gathered at McMaster to celebrate the first 25 years of the centre. In attendance were the two founders, Drs. Peter Rosenbaum and Mary Law, who were able to reflect on how far CanChild has come. Dr. Law notes that, “25 years ago we didn’t have reliable and valid ways to measure the outcomes of our services. [As well] our interventions really only focused on ways of changing the child.” She credits the work of CanChild as having taken a leading role in how therapies are developed and evaluated, and also in reconsidering the kinds of outcomes that services can provide. While Rosenbaum admits that they had no idea that the organization would last twenty- five years, the numbers offered at the celebration told an impressive story. During its life, CanChild has received more than $40 million in research grants. All of it received within an area of research that can easily go overlooked. Dr. Patrick Deane, the president of McMaster University, noted that “CanChild has the pleasure of reflecting on its accomplishments, which are extraordinary. The centre has developed major research programs in the field of childhood disability research. It has established a world-renowned knowledge translation and exchange program. It has fostered a reputation for recruiting the brightest investigators and carefully training the next generation of outstanding scholars, promoting innovation and inspiring critical thinking about these issues along the way.” The reflections of parents and children from the anniversary celebration supplemented the accomplishments of CanChild. “No one wants to go through this alone,” says Christine Chambers, mother of Kyle Chambers, about her family’s involvement in research and knowledge translation. “We want to be a part of helping other families.” Indeed, that’s what CanChild is ultimately all about. Pictured in back, left to right: Sheryl and Kevin Kingsley (parents of Keegan and Kristina); Stephen Collins, associate dean, research, Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS); Peter Rosenbaum, co-founder, CanChild; Lennox Huang, chair, Department of Pediatrics; Patrick Deane, McMaster president; John Kelton, dean & vice-president, FHS; Jan Willem Gorter, executive director, CanChild; Peter Fitzgerald, president, McMaster Children’s Hospital. Pictured in front, left to right: Keegan Kingsley; Kristina Kingsley; Mary Law, co-founder, CanChild; Patricia Solomon, associate dean and director, School of Rehabilitation Science; and Kyle Chambers. 20 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 | 21 By the Numbers OT 128 Enrolled students 72 students accepted for the September 2013 start date 1,087 students applied for the September 2013 start date $30,766,167 24 RS 116 Enrolled students 21 MSc Thesis-based students 39 PhD students total awarded funding to faculty as PI and Co-PI CIHR 56 MSc Course-based students Research grants led by RS students (PI or Co-I) 6 MSc students 157 PhD students OT clinical 4 38 176 SRS Professional Associates cements pla 83 SRS Clinical Faculty Enrolled students 22 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 ments lp ace 3 PT clinical 53 259 Enrolled students 69 students accepted for the September 2013 start date 1,353 students applied for the September 2013 start date MHM 108 PT 134 3 PhD students received CIHR Doctoral Awards | 23 Faculty Sue Baptiste Professor Professor Baptiste’s research interests focus on faculty development and roles in problem-based, learner-centred curricula, as well as, acculturation of internationally educated health professionals into Canadian professional practice Jackie Bosch Associate Professor Dr. Bosch’s area of research is in motor recovery post stroke, clinical trials methodology and measuring function. Liliana Coman Assistant Professor Dr. Coman’s research interests include strategies for enhancing teaching and learning in higher education settings, the role of physiotherapy in primary care and physiotherapy models of practice. Vanina Dal Bello-Haas Associate Professor Assistant Dean, Physiotherapy Dr. Dal Bello-Haas`s research interests include older adults and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases, maximizing function and quality of life along the aging and disease continuum, and innovations in teaching and learning. Carol DeMatteo Associate Professor Professor DeMatteo’s area of research is in mild traumatic brain injury/concussion in children and obstetrical brachial plexus injuries. Shaminder Dhillon Assistant Professor Professor Dhillon’s current research interests focus on students with disabilities in post-secondary professional programs. In the past, she has also examined advocacy, human rights, disability, and professional issues for occupational therapy. 24 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 Vickie Galea Associate Professor The main focus of Dr. Galea’s research is the study of motor behaviour using neurophysiological assessments as a window into typical and altered motor control of the upper limb. Rebecca Gewurtz Assistant Professor Dr. Gewurtz has been involved in research exploring disability in the workplace, employment among individuals living with mental illness, and supported housing for persons with mental illnesses. Her focus is on how social and structural issues impact community participation and the delivery of services. Jocelyn Harris Assistant Professor Dr. Harris is interested in developing treatment interventions that will maintain and promote recovery for individuals after stroke and traumatic brain injury when living in the community. Bonny Jung Associate Professor Dr. Jung’s research focuses on interprofessional education, inclusive education, clinical education and curriculum development (ie. problem-based learning, universitycommunity partnerships). Michelle Kho Assistant Professor Dr. Kho’s research focuses on novel early rehabilitation strategies to reduce weakness in critically ill patients, clinical trials in critically ill patients, knowledge translation, research methodology (systematic reviews, practice guidelines), and health services and outcomes research. Mary Law Professor Dr. Law’s research centres on the development and validation of client-centred outcome measures, evaluation of occupational therapy interventions with children, the effect of environmental factors on the participation of children with disabilities in day to day activities, and transfer of research knowledge into practice. Lori Letts Associate Professor Assistant Dean, Occupational Therapy Dr.Lett`s current research focuses on adults and older adults with chronic illnesses and helping them to manage their conditions in the context of the community. This involves work in primary care and other community settings. Joy MacDermid Professor Assistant Dean, Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs Dr. MacDermid`s research projects focus on developing, and transferring into practice, the best evidence for prevention, assessment, and management of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. Norma MacIntyre Associate Professor Dr. MacIntrye’s research program is to improve arthritis care provided by physiotherapists. To date, her investigations have focused on understanding the mechanisms that influence bone and joint health, such as sensori-motor and biomechanical factors, muscle-bonejoint interactions, and the biological and clinical effects of physical agents, including hydrotherapy and therapeutic ultrasound. Monica Maly Associate Professor Dr. Maly’s area of research is in knee osteoarthritis, biomechanics, gait analysis, physical activity, accelerometry, qualitative research, disability. Cheryl Missiuna Professor Dr. Missiuna`s area of research is in children and youth with disabilities, developmental coordination disorder (DCD), applied health services research and knowledge translation. Sandra Moll Assistant Professor Professor Moll’s research interests relate to mental health/ mental illness and qualitative, participatory methods. Her primary program of research focuses on workplace mental health, including peer education and support for healthcare providers. Michael Pierrynowski Associate Professor Dr. Pierrynowski’s research program focuses on evaluating innovative modeling and statistical tools to understand the motion of the ankle, knee, spine, and neck and examining how the application of these models allows health care professionals to better treat their patients. Nancy Pollock Associate Professor Professor Pollock’s research interests include: evaluation of interventions and service delivery models, goal setting with children, school-based occupational therapy practice, and family-centred practice. Julie Richardson Professor Dr. Richardson’s research interests include measurement and intervention issues to promote mobility and lower-extremity functioning in older adults, risk factor assessment for decline of mobility and functioning with aging and the health transitions that older persons undergo in the process of disablement. Lorie Shimmell Assistant Professor Director of Clinical Education, OT Professor Shimmell’s research interests are centered in educational research including reflective journaling in the development of OT competencies, preparation of student occupational therapists for international placement experiences, and capacity building in clinical education. Patty Solomon Professor Associate Dean (Health Sciences) Director, School of Rehabilitation Science Dr. Solomon`s area of research is in HIV, disability and rehabilitation, and educational innovation as relates to problem-based learning and interprofessional education. Debra Stewart Associate Professor Associate Professor Stewart’s area of research is in transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities as well as qualitative research methods. Paul Stratford Professor Professor Stratford’s research interests are in the field of clinical measurement. Ada Tang Assistant Professor Dr. Tang’s area of research is in exercise and cardiovascular health among people with stroke and other neurological conditions, particularly as these relate to cardiovascular risk factors and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Joyce Tryssenaar Associate Professor Dr. Tryssenaar’s field of research includes curriculum development and evaluation, rural and remote education and practice, and interprofessional experience in online learning. Brenda Vrkljan Associate Professor Dr. Vrkljan is the lead investigator of the McMasterCandrive team, a Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)-funded initiative. Brenda’s area of research is in driver rehabilitation and community mobility across the lifespan as well as technology use and participation in older adulthood. Christopher Winn Assistant Professor Physiotherapy Coordinator, Northern Studies Stream Professor Winn’s research interests include orthopedics, primary care and human resource strategies to underserviced areas. Laurie Wishart Associate Professor Dr.Wishart`s area of research is in motor learning and control in older adults, as well as development and evaluation of rehabilitation interventions focused on older adults and individuals with neurological impairments (stroke). Sarah Wojkowski Assistant Professor Director of Clinical Education, PT Professor Wojkowski’s research specialty is in primary health care, chronic disease self-management and emerging roles for rehabilitation. | 25 Clinical Placement Facilities OT McMASTER CATCHMENT Brain Injury Services Hamilton Ontario Brant Community Healthcare System - Brantford General Hospital Brantford Ontario Cambridge Memorial Hospital Cambridge Ontario Canadian Mental Health Association Kitchener Ontario Waterloo Wellington Dufferin Canadian National Institute for the Blind Hamilton Ontario CBI Health Burlington Burlington Ontario CBI Health Hamilton Hamilton Ontario CBI Home Health Hamilton Hamilton Ontario Central West Specialized Developmental Services OakvilleOntario City of Hamilton Ontario WorksAddictions Services Initiative Hamilton Ontario Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy Ancaster Ontario ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development Burlington Ontario ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development Mississauga Ontario Guelph General Hospital Guelph Ontario Haldimand Abilities Centre Hagersville Ontario Halton Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Burlington Ontario Halton Health Care Services Georgetown Hospital Georgetown Ontario Halton Healthcare Oakville Trafalgar Hospital Oakville Ontario Halton Region Children’s Development Services Oakville Ontario Hamilton Council on Aging Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences- Children’s Developmental Rehabilitation Program Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton General Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences Juravinski Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences McMaster Children’s Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences Regional Rehabilitation Centre Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences St. Peter’s Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Program for Schizophrenia Hamilton Ontario Hillside Festival Guelph Ontario Homewood Health Guelph Ontario Hotel Dieu Shaver Health & Rehabilitation Centre St. CatharinesOntario Joseph Brant Hospital Burlington Ontario 26 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 NORTHERN STUDIES STREAM Lansdowne Children’s Centre MAC H2OPE Maximum Independence McMaster Family Health Team McMaster University Sports Fitness Camp McNally House Hospice Mohawk College Options for Independence (OFI) Niagara Health Sciences Greater Niagara General Site Niagara Health Services St.Catharines General Hospital Welland McMaster Family Health Team North Hamilton Community Health Centre Participation House Partnering for Change Partnership Place Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK) Ross Rehabilitation and Vocational Services Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre St. Joseph’s Health Centre St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton St. Joseph’s Healthcare Brant Assertive Community Treatment Team St. Joseph’s HealthcareCentre for Mental Health Services St. Joseph’s Healthcare - Hamilton Assertive Community Treatment Team 2 St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton East Region Mental Health Services St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Halton Geriatric Mental Health Outreach Program Stone Church Family Health Centre Therapy Specialities - CBI Home Health University Health Network Rehabilitation Solutions-Cambridge University Health Network Rehabilitation Solutions - Mississauga Wellington Psychiatric Outreach Program William Osler Health System Brampton Civic Hospital Wise Elephant Family Health Team Brantford Ontario HamiltonOntario Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Grimsby Ontario Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Niagara Falls Ontario St. CatharinesOntario Welland Ontario Hamilton Ontario Brantford Ontario Peel Region Ontario Brampton Ontario Milton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Barrie Ontario Guelph Ontario Hamilton Ontario Brantford Ontario Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Ontario Burlington Hamilton Brantford Ontario Ontario Ontario Cambridge Ontario Mississauga Ontario Hamilton Ontario Brampton Brampton CCAC Northeast School Health Children’s Centre Thunder Bay Cochrane-Temiskaming Children’s Treatment Centre Dryden Regional Health Centre George Jeffrey Children’s Centre Kenora Association of Community Living Lake of the Woods District Hospital Meno-Ya-Win Health Centre North Bay Regional Health Centre North West Community Care Access Centre One Kids Place Haileybury Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Timmins Ontario Dryden Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Kenora Ontario Kenora Ontario Sioux LookoutOntario North Bay Ontario Fort Frances Ontario Huntsville Ontario Options Northwest Partners in Rehab Rainyriver Hospital Riverside Health ServicesLaVerendrye Hospital Sault Area Hospital Shelter House St. Joseph’s Care GroupLakehead Psychiatric Hospital St. Joseph’s Care Group St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre St. Joseph’s Health Centre West Parry Sound Health Centre Thunder Bay Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Fort Frances Ontario Fort Frances Ontario Sault Ste. MarieOntario Thunder Bay Ontario Thunder Bay Thunder Bay Sudbury Thunder Bay Parry Sound Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario London Ontario OUT OF CATCHMENT Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program Camp Robin Hood Central Community Mental Health Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Closing the Gap Healthcare Group Closing the Gap Healthcare Group Grey Bruce Health Services Halifax Infirmary Harbour Grace Regional Centre Mental Health and Addictions Services Health and Community ServicesRural Avalon Eastern Health Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Kawartha Therapy Services, Inc. Lakeridge Health Lakeridge Health Whitby Campus Saskatoon Saskatchewan Markham Ontario Calgary Alberta Ottawa Ontario Owen Sound Ontario St. Thomas Ontario Owen Sound Ontario Halifax Nova Scotia Harbour GraceNewfoundland Holyrood Newfoundland Toronto Ontario PeterboroughOntario Oshawa Ontario London Health Sciences Centre Victoria Hospital London Health Sciences Centre Victoria Hospital Mississauga Hospital North York General Hospital Pathways Health Centre for Children Queensway Carleton Hospital Ross Memorial Hospital Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Runnymede Healthcare Centre Saint John Regional Hospital Southlake Regional Health Centre St. Michael’s Hospital Surrey Memorial Hospital The Arthritis Society Winchester District Memorial Hospital London Ontario Mississuaga Ontario Toronto Ontario Sarnia Ontario Ottawa Ontario Lindsay Ontario Ottawa Ontario Toronto Ontario Saint John New Brunswick Newmarket Ontario Toronto Ontario Surrey B.C. Owen SoundOntario Winchester Ontario INTERNATIONAL Disabled Persons Association of Bhutan Thimphu Kingdom of Bhutan Ontario Ontario | 27 Clinical Placement Facilities PT McMASTER CATCHMENT Absolute Rehabilitation & Wellness Stoney Creek Ontario AIM Health Group Hamilton Ontario Alton Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic Burlington Ontario AMICA Retirement Home Dundas Ontario Be in Motion Physiotherapy Oakville Ontario Beamsville Physiotherapy Beamsville Ontario Brain Injury Services Hamilton Ontario Brant Community Healthcare System Brantford General Site Brantford Ontario CBI Home Health - Guelph Guelph Ontario CBI Physiotherapy and Rehab Centre Burlington BurlingtonOntario Centre for Health Promotion and Rehabilitation McMaster University Hamilton Ontario David Braley Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation Centre Hamilton Ontario Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice Hamilton Ontario Dundas Community Physiotherapy (DSD Management) Dundas Ontario Dunnville Physiotherapy (PT Health) Dunnville Ontario Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates (EPA) - Acton Halton Hills Ontario Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates (EPA) - Elora Elora Ontario Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates (EPA) - Georgetown Georgetown Ontario Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates (EPA) - Guelph Guelph Ontario Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates (EPA) - Orangeville Orangeville Ontario ErinoakKids - Brampton Brampton Ontario ErinoakKids - Burlington Burlington Ontario Escarpment Sports Medicine Centre Milton Ontario Extendicare Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario Fairview Physio and Wellness Centre Inc. (PT Health) Brantford Ontario Fit For Life Physiotherapy Burlington Ontario Flamborough Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation WaterdownOntario Go Physiotherapy Hamilton Ontario Grand River Physiotherapy Fergus Ontario Guelph General Hospital Guelph Ontario Guelph Medical Place Physiotherapy and Health Centre (PT Health) Guelph Ontario Halton Healthcare Services Corporation Georgetown Hospital Georgetown Ontario 28 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 Halton Physiotherapy Centre Burlington Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences - CDRP Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton General Site Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences - Juravinski Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences McMaster Children`s Hospital Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences McMaster University Medical Centre Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences Regional Rehabilitation Centre Hamilton Ontario Hamilton Health Sciences St. Peter’s Hospital Hamilton Ontario Harvester Road Physiotherapy (PT Health) Burlington Ontario Health and Performance Centre University of Guelph Guelph Ontario Health First Rehabilitation & Consultants Dundas Ontario Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre St. CatharinesOntario ICC Healthnet Canada Inc. - Niagara Falls Niagara Falls Ontario Impact Physiotherapy & Performance Fergus Ontario Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Burlington Ontario Kenora Area Health Access Centre Kenora Ontario Kenora Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre Kenora Ontario Lake of the Woods District Hospital Kenora Ontario Lansdowne Children’s Centre Brantford Ontario LifeMark Health - Main Street East, Hamilton Hamilton Ontario LifeMark Physiotherapy Mohawk Road East, Hamilton Hamilton Ontario Lifemark ProActive Therapeutics - Oakville Oakville Ontario MAC H2OPE Clinic Hamilton Ontario McMaster University - Sports Fitness School Hamilton Ontario Meadowlands Physiotherapy Ancaster Ontario Mobility Orthopaedic Rehab Centre (DSD Management) Brantford Ontario Motion Physio Hamilton Ontario Niagara Health System Greater Niagara General Site Niagara Falls Ontario Niagara Health System Port Colborne General Site Port ColborneOntario Niagara Health System St. Catharines General Hospital Site St. Catharines Ontario Niagara Health System Welland County Hospital Site Welland Ontario Niagara Peninsula Children’s Centre St. Catharines Ontario North Hamilton Community Health Care Centre Hamilton Ontario Performance Physiotherapy (DSD Management) Stoney Creek Ontario Physio-Care Services Hamilton Ontario Portal Village Retirement Home Port ColborneOntario Queenston Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centres (PT Health) Stoney Creek Ontario Rehabilit8 Physiotherapy Clinic Hamilton Ontario Reinhold Rehabilitation Services Hamilton Ontario Riverside Health Care Facilities Fort Frances Ontario Ross Physiotherapy Solutions Georgetown Ontario Saint Elizabeth Health Care Hamilton Ontario Simcoe Physiotherapy Centre/ North Shore Physiotherapy Simcoe Ontario Six Nations Health Services Ohsweken Ontario St. Catharines Physiotherapy Centre St. Catharines Ontario St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph Ontario St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Ontario Steps For Health Hamilton Ontario Stoney Creek Physiotherapy (PT Health) Support In Motion The Arthritis and Sports Medicine Centre (DSD Management) The Physiotherapy Edge Total Health Physio Tri-City Physiotherapy Universal Health Care Upper James Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine (DSD Management) Upper Ottawa Physiotherapy Victoria Physiotherapy (PT Health) Wellington Ortho and Rehab Associates West End Physio West Lincoln Memorial Hospital William Osler Health Centre Brampton Civic Hospital Woolwich Community Health Centre Stoney Creek Ontario Hamilton Ontario Ancaster Grimsby Ancaster Cambridge Brantford Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Guelph Hamilton Grimsby Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Brampton St. Jacobs Ontario Ontario OUT OF CATCHMENT Calgary Fall Prevention Clinic Cambridge Memorial Hospital Corbett Clinic ErinoakKids - South Milway Site GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre Great Lakes Physiotherapy - Brock Physiotherapy and Athletic Injury Centre Integrated Health Services - Elmsdale Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital Calgary Alberta Cambridge Ontario Edmonton Alberta Mississauga Ontario Vancouver B.C. Whitby Ontario Elmsdale Nova Scotia Richmond Hill Ontario Peterborough Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Clinic Queenway Carleton Hospital River Valley Health Sports & Exercise Medicine Institute St.Clair Clinic Stouffville Physiotherapy Clinic Trillium Health Partners Mississauga Hospital PeterboroughOntario Ottawa Ontario Waterville New Brunswick Toronto Stouffville Ontario Ontario Mississauga Ontario NORTHERN STUDIES STREAM Atikokan General Hospital Atikokan Ontario Back in Motion Physiotherapy Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Dryden Regional Health Centre Dryden Ontario George Jeffrey Children’s Treatment Centre Thunder Bay Ontario Nipigon District Memorial Hospital Nipigon Ontario Northern Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Thunder Bay Ontario Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital Red Lake Ontario Rehab Plus Timmins Ontario Restore Physiotherapy Sault Area Hospital St. Joseph’s Care Group St.Joseph`s Hospital The Arthritis Society Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Timmins & District Hospital Timmins Ontario Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Thunder Bay Ontario Timmins Ontario INTERNATIONAL Disabled Persons Association of Bhutan Thimphu Kingdom of Bhutan Mount Meru Regional Hospital Arusha Tanzania | 29 Clinical Faculty & Professional Associates Clinical Lecturers Bailey, Annette Bauer, Martha Cano, Jennifer Case, Patricia DePaul, Vincent Dyk, Lesya Fisher, Janet Fraser-MacDougall, Vicki Gambarotto, Cindy Morrison, Andrea Newman, Anne Peace, Deborah Reid, Julie Stazyk, Kathy Toal, Colleen Clinical Professor Geddes, Lynne Associate Clinical Professors Dilworth, Peter Edwards, Mary Gross, Anita King, Gillian Lineker, Sydney McGibbon Lammi, Brenda Michlovitz, Susan Miller, Patricia Moreland, Julie O`Brien (Thomson), Mary Ann Palisano, Robert Parkinson, Bill Russell, Dianne Strong, Susan Triano, John (Jay) Wilkins, Seanne Assistant Clinical Professors Berry, Susan Campbell, Wenonah Carmazan, Carmen Cheifetz, Oren Cole, Beverley Costigan, Aileen Cupido, Colleen Decker, Kathryn Dix, Leah Dufour, Sinead Forhan, Mary Foster-Seargeant, Elaine Graham, Nadine Hancock, Wendy Hand, Carri Hecimovich, Cathy Henderson, Allison Hewitt, Kimberley Ho, Enoch Kennedy, Deborah Law, Janet Lee, Lowana Lockhart, Julia McGuire Holt, Brianna McLaughlin, Laurie Morris, Nicola Muller, Monique Newman, Anastasia O’Brien, Kelly Plews, Nancy Pollock, Barb Pontello, Karen Principi, Elaine Reinikka, Kristi Samrai, Baljit Shilton (Desjardins), Michelle Southam, Joan Spadoni, Greg Steggles, Elizabeth Szala-Meneok, Karen Thomas, Bronwen Toal-Sullivan, Darene Toffolo (Weitauer), Nancy Wise, Kathryn Wright, Marilyn Wright, Virginia Professional Associates Accettura, Angela Alderson, Monica Alexander, Milinda Baillie, Bonnie Baker, Eric Ball, Pamela Balsor, Brad Banks, Anthea Birkett, Leslie Bishop (Ashforth), Helen Bladon, Ian Bonnyman, Alison Bradshaw, Michelle Bressler, Sandra Brittain, Tania 30 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 Buchko, Bonnie Burke-Gaffney, Jan Cammarata, Michael Caric, Christy Carlesso, Lisa Carroll, Kathi Chalova, Katrina Chan, Michael Chisholm, Brock Chowdhury, Sophia Cleary, Francine Cushing, Jennifer Daniel, Sylvia Davidson, Shivaun Denis, Suzanne Derouet (Niven), Leigh Ann DiRezze, Briano Ditchburn, Lisa Dobson-Brown, Kate Domanski, Susan Eberts, Daiana Empey, Brian Everest (Philpot), Angela Fairfield, Sarah Falicoff, Alfredo Ferguson, Eric Ferguson, Michaela Firth, Jennifer Fleck (Willis), Rebecca Floriani, Carla Foley, James Fonstad, Patricia Francis, Deborah Freeman, Matt French, Esme Fried, Tom Gaik, Sandy Garner, Frances Geronimo, Julie Gjertsen (Agro), Deb Good, Colleen Gough, Sarah Gow, Shirley Graham, Karen Grum, Rosemary Hale, Chelsea Haramule, Daphne Harper, Theresa Haworth-Csermak, Deb Henderson, Jennifer Hendry (Jardine), Cheryl Hettinger, Leony Hirano, Gord Hoogsteen, Katherine Huschilt, Mark Hutchings, Tracy Jager, Paul Andre Jaworski, Karl Kasaboski, Joanne Kawka, Stefany Ladak, Aliza Lazenby, Dale Lee, Diane Lee, Jennifer Lee, Kara Leslie, James Lohit, Archana Long, Kristen MacLeod, Anne MacLeod, Rebecca Maffey, Lorrie Mangoff, Stephen Mannen, Janet Manson, Gillian Margallo, Karen Marley, Taffina Mayens, Elisa McCall, Robert McEvoy, Esther McGrath, Colleen McGrath, Kristen McMahon, Patricia McQueen, Dan Medeiros, Patricia Meester, Stacey Mensink, Andrew Mercier, Deana Millar, Paulette Miller, John (Jack) Mulkewich, Miriam Murphy (Bear), Christina Murphy-Turliuk, Anne Nagpal, Aarti Niewiadomski, Stella Olsen, Kristen Packham, Tara Lisa Panagakos, Diane Parise, Kristen Park, Debbie Park, Jonathan Patton, Stephen Perrett, Laurie Faculty Publications Piatek, Stefanie Pillinini, Linda Poling, Mike Pond-Clements, Erika Pratt, Christine Preston, Gloria Prystanski, Sally Putignano (O’Donnell), Kara Ramsaran, Kalinda Regehr, Tom Rich, Sharon Robinson, Susan Rogers, Tim Rose, Sarah Samanta, Sampa Sandercock-Ho, Jane Sanderson, Brett Schinkel, Katie Schnurr-Smith, Ronda Schulz, Katie Schwellnus, Heidi Secen, John Simpson, Gail Smith, Anne Smith, Ashley Smith, Jenna Staresinic, John Stavness, Carrie Stevens-Sutherland, Melanie Stewart, Kelly Stott, Matthew Strike (Christie), Karen Suppiah, Raj Synnott, Robyn Tait, Diane Templeton, Gillian Valadares, Robin Vallely, Michael Van Es, Judy Van Sickle, Heather Vaughan, Heather Versi, Bashir von Zweck, Claudia Westaway, Michael Westbrook, Elizabeth Weusten-Smith, Deborah White, Catherine Wizowski, Lindsay Worne-Laing, Deana Yee, Silvana Vanina Dal Bello-Haas Sue Baptiste Risdon C, Baptiste S. (2013) Bringing Complexity Thinking to Stress and Resilience. In: Rees et al. (eds) Innovations in Undergraduate Medical Curricula. Nguyen T, Baptiste SE. (2013) A Comprehension and Communication Tool: a resource for internationally educated occupational therapists. Austr. J. Occ.Ther., 19 DEC 2013DOI: 10.1111/1440-1630.12089. Marquis E, Jung B, Fudge-Schormans A, Vajoski S, Wilton R, Baptiste S, Joshi A.(2013) Creating, resisting or neglecting change: exploring the complexities of accessible education for students with disabilities. Can.J. for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. The Berkeley Electronic Press. Jackie Bosch Anand SS, Meyre D, Pare G, Bailey S, Xie C, Zhang X, Montpetit A, Desai D, Bosch J, Mohan V, Diaz R, McQueen MJ, Cordell HJ, Keavney B, Yusuf S, Gaudet D, Gerstein H, Engert JC, on behalf of the EpiDREAM Genetics Investigators. (2013) Genetic information and the Prediction of Incident Type-2 Diabetes in a High-Risk Multi-Ethnic Population: The EpidREAM Genetic Study. Diabetes Care, 36(9): 2836-42. Punthakee Z, Bosch J, Gerstein HC. (2013) Setting the Record Straight on TIDE: A Lost Opportunity for Patients with Diabetes. Diabetologia, 56(9):1884-7. Mayosi BM, Ntsekhe M, Bosch J, et al. (2013) Rationale and design of the Investigation of the Management of Pericarditis (IMPI) trial: A 2 × 2 factorial randomized double-blind multicenter trial of adjunctive prednisolone and Mycobacterium w immunotherapy in tuberculous pericarditis. American Heart Journal, 165(2):109-15. Lopez-Jaramillo P, Cohen DW, GomezArbelaez D, Bosch J, Dyal L, Yusuf S, Gerstein H. (2014) Association of Handgrip Strength to Cardiovascular Mortality in Pre-Diabetic and Diabetic Patients: A subanalysis of the ORIGIN trial. International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 174(2): 458-461. doi: 10.1016/j. ijcard.2014.04.013 Gilbert RE, Mann JF, Hanefeld M, Spinas G, Bosch J, Yusuf S, Gerstein HC, and on behalf of the ORIGIN Trial Investigators. (2014) Basal insulin glargine and microvascular outcomes in dysglycaemic individuals: results of the Outcome Reduction with an Initial Glargine Intervention (ORIGIN) trial. Diabetologia, 57(7):1325-1331. Teo KK, Pfeffer M, Mancia G, O’Donnell M, Dagenais G, Diaz R, Dans A, Liu L, Bosch J, Joseph P, Copland I, Jung H, Pogue J, Yusuf S and on behalf of the Aliskiren Prevention of Later Life Outcomes (APOLLO) trial investigators. (2014) Aliskiren alone or with other antihypertensives in the elderly with borderline and stage 1 hypertension: the APOLLO trial. Eur Heart J. doi:10.1093/ eurheartj/ehu079 Bosch J, Donnell MJ, Barreca S, Thabane L, Wishart L. (2014) Does Task-Oriented Practice Improve Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke? A Systematic Review. ISRN Stroke, 10. doi:10.1155/2014/504910 Mayosi BM, Ntsekhe M, Bosch J, Pogue J, Gumedze F, Badri M, Jung H, Pandie S, Smieja M, Thabane L, Francis V, Thomas KM, Thomas B, Awotedu AA, Magula NP, Naidoo DP, Damasceno A, Banda AC, Mutyaba A, Brown B, Ntuli P, Mntla P, Ntyintyane L, Ramjee R, Manga P, Kirenga B, Mondo C, Russell JB, Tsitsi JM, Peters F, Essop MR, Barasa AF, Mijinyawa MS, Sani MU, Olunuga T, Ogah O, Adebiyi A, Aje A, Ansa V, Ojji D, Danbauchi S, Hakim J, Matenga J, Yusuf S. (2013) Rationale and design of the Investigation of the Management of Pericarditis (IMPI) trial: A 2 × 2 factorial randomized double-blind multicenter trial of adjunctive prednisolone and Mycobacterium w immunotherapy in tuberculous pericarditis. Am Heart J.165(2):109-15 . Lilian Coman Solomon P, Coman L. (2013) Problem Based Learning in Bradshaw, M.J. & Lowenstein, A.J editors: Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions (6th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Dal Bello-Haas V, Florence JM. (2013) Therapeutic exercise for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or motor neuron disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD005229. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005229.pub3. Magnus CRA, Arnold CM, Johnston G, Dal Bello-Haas V, Basran J, Krentz JR, Farthing, JP. (2013) Cross-education for improving strength and mobility following distal radius fractures: A preliminary randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 94(7):1247-1255. Morgan D, Walls-Ingram S, O’Connell ME, Cammer A, Crossley M, Dal Bello-Haas V, Forbes D, Innes A, Kirk A, Stewart N. (2014) Informal Caregivers’ Hopes and Expectations of a Referral to a Memory Clinic. Social Science & Medicine. 102:111-118. Richardson J, Dal Bello-Haas V, LoyolaSanchez A, Joy MacDermid J, Sinclair S. (2013) Self-management of Function in Older Adults: The Contribution of Physical Therapy. Curr Transl Geriatr and Exp Gerontol Rep. 2(4):215–229. Busch AJ, Webber SC, Richards RS, Bidonde J, Schachter CL, Schafer LA, Danyliw A, Sawant A, Dal Bello-Haas V, Rader T, Overend TJ. (2013) Resistance exercise training for fibromyalgia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 12. Art. No.: CD010884. DOI: 10.1002/ 14651858.CD010884. O’Connell ME, Dal Bello-Haas V, Crossley M, Morgan DG. (2014) Clinical Correlates of Awareness for Balance, Function, and Memory: Evidence for the Modality Specificity of Awareness. J Aging Res. doi: 10.1155/2014/674716. Epub 2014 Jan 16. O’Connell ME, Dal Bello-Haas V, Crossley M, Morgan DG. (2014) Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Exercise: Comparison of Memory Clinic Patients and their Caregivers and Prediction of Activity Levels. J Aging Phys Act. (Epub ahead of print) | 31 Carol DeMatteo Lin CY, DeMatteo C. (2013) The challenges of loss to follow-up in longitudinal acquired brain injury research: One research team’s experiences. Pediatrics Research International Journal, vol 2013. Zemek R, Osmond M, Barrowman N, Anderson P, Barlow K, Beauchamp M, Beer D, Boutis K, Brooks B, Burns E, Craig W, DeMatteo C, Dubrovsky S, Farion K, Freedman S, Gagnon I, Gravel J, Hoshisaki B, Keightly M, Klassen T, Meehan W, Meeuwisse W, Mikrogianakis A, Richer L, Sangha G, Vassilyadi M. (2013) Predicting and Preventing Postconcussive Problems in Pediatrics (5P) study: protocol for a prospective multicentre clinical prediction rule derivation study in children with concussion. BMJ Open, 3(8):1-10. Levac D, Wright V, Missiuna C, DeMatteo C, Wishart L. (2013) The motor learning strategy-inter rater reliability within usual and virtual reality phys therapy interventions. Pediatric Physical Therapy 25(1):53-60. Rebecca Gewurtz Kirsh B, Gewurtz R. (2013) Promoting mental health within workplaces. In R.J. Gatchel & I.Z. Schultz (Eds.), Handbook of occupational health and wellness. (pp. 243-266). New York, NY: Springer. Moll SE, Gewurtz RE, Krupa T M, Law MC. (2013) Promoting an occupational perspective in public health. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80:111-119. Richardson J, Loyola-Sanchez A, Sinclair S, MacIntyre N, Harris JE, Letts L, Wilkins S, Burgos G, Wishart L, McBay C. (2014) The Contribution of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy to Self-Management Interventions for Chronic Disease: A Scoping Review. Clin Rehabil. Apr 30, (Epub ahead of print). Bonny Jung Nguyen T, Baptiste S, Jung B, Wilkins S. (2013) A new comprehension and communication tool: A valuable resource for internationally educated occupational therapists. Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy, doi: 1-.1111/1440-1630.12089. Michelle Kho Cook D, Duffett M, Lauzier F, Ye C, Dodek P, Paunovic B, Fowler R, Kho ME, Foster D, Stelfox T, Sinuff T, Zytaruk N, Clarke F, Wood G, Cox M, Kutsiogiannis J, Jacka M, Roussos M, Kumar H, Guyatt G; CONECCKT-T (Cooperative Network of Critical Care Knowledge Translation for Thromboprophylaxis) Investigators; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. (2014) Barriers and facilitators of thromboprophylaxis for medical-surgical intensive care unit patients: a multicenter survey. J Crit Care. 29(3):471.e1-9. Lamontagne F, Quiroz Martinez H, Adhikari NK, Cook DJ, Koo KK, Lauzier F, Turgeon AF, Kho ME, Burns KE, Chant C, Fowler R, Douglas I, Poulin Y, Choong K, Ferguson ND, Meade MO. (2013) Corticosteroid use in the intensive care unit: a survey of intensivists. Can J Anaesth. 60(7):652-9. Gewurtz R, Cott C, Rush B, Kirsh B. (2014) How is unemployment among people with mental illness conceptualized within social policy? A case study of the Ontario Disability Support Program. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. 10.3233/WOR-141843. Damluji A, Zanni JM, Mantheiy E, Colantuoni E, Kho ME, Needham DM. (2013) Safety and feasibility of femoral catheters during physical rehabilitation in the intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 28(4):535.e9-15. Gewurtz R, Cott C, Rush B, Kirsh B. (2014) How does outcome-based funding affect service delivery? An analysis of consequences within employment services for people living with serious mental illnesses. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. doi: 10.1007/s10488-014-0534-8. Law M, King G. (2013) Participation of children with physical disabilities. In D. Pierce, Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy, Thorofare, NJ: Slack Inc. Jocelyn Harris Harris JE, Mehta S, MacDermid JC. (2013) Chapter 13: Moving Evidence into Practice: Case Examples of the Knowledge-to-actioncycle at work. In: Law MC, MacDermid JC (Eds), Evidenced Based Rehabilitation. A guide to Practice (3rd edition). Bosch PR, Harris JE, Wing MK. (2013) Review of Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation for Dorsiflexion Assist and Orthotic Substitution. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, epub Nov pii: S00039993(13)01113. 32 | SRS ANNUAL REPORT 2013-2014 Mary Law Anaby D, Lal S, Huszczynski J, Maich J, North J, Law M. (2013) Interrupted time series design: A useful approach for studying interventions targeting participation. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, doi:10. 3109/01942638.2013.866612. Shikako-Thomas K, Shevell M, Lach L, Law M, Schmitz N, Poulin C, Majnemer A. (2013) Picture me playing - A portrait of participation and enjoyment of leisure activities in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(3):1001-1010. Majnemer A, Shikako-Thomas K, Lach L, Shevell M, Law M, Schmitz N. and the QUAA group. (2013) Mastery motivation in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(10):3384-3392. Shikako-Thomas K, Schmitz N, Shevell M, Lach L, Law M, Poulin C, Majnemer A. and the QUALA group. (2013) Determinants of participation in leisure activities among adolescents with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(9):2621–2634. Di Rezze B, Law M, Eva K, Pollock N, Gorter JW. (2013) Development of a generic fidelity measure for rehabilitation intervention research for children with physical disabilities. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 55(8):737–744. DeMatteo C, Stazy, K, Singh SK, Giglia L, Hollenberg R, Baronia B, Malcolmson CH, Mahoney W, Harper JA, Missiuna C, Law M, McCauley D. (2013) Quality of life after brain injury in childhood: Time not severity is the significant factor. Brain Injury, 28(1):114-121. Bourke-Taylor H, Pallant J, Law M. (2013) Update on the Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale following evaluation using rasch analysis. Child: Health, Care and Development, DOI: 10.1111/cch.12035. Majnemer A, Shikako-Thomas K, Shevell M, Poulin C, Lach L, Schmitz N, Law M. and the QUALA group. (2013) Pursuit of complementary and alternative medicine treatments in adolescents with cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology, 28(11):1443-1447. Shikako-Thomas K, Shevell M, Lach L, Law M, Schmitz N, Poulin C, Majnemer A. and the QUALA group. (2013) Are you doing what you want to do? Leisure preferences of adolescents with cerebral palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, doi: 10.3109/17518423.2013.794166. Moll SE, Gewurtz R, Krupa TM, Law MC. (2013) Promoting an occupational perspective in public health. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(2):111-119. McColl MA, Law M. (2013) Interventions that affect self-care, productivity and leisure among adults: A scoping review. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 33(2):110-119. Hand C, Law M, McColl MA, Hanna S, Elliott S. 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