May - Ashburn Farm Association
May - Ashburn Farm Association
Across the Fence The Ashburn Farm Community Newsletter Happy Mother’s Day! Inside This Issue ARB Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Board Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Summer Kick Off������������������������������������������������������7 Community Yard Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Annual Property Inspections .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pool Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Library Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 May 2016 Odd Job Squad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Paw Prints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-18 Advertising Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 What’s Coming in June. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Volume 28, Issue 5 Distribution 4,400 2 May 2016 From the Editor . . . It’s hard to believe, but Summer is just around the corner! As things get into full swing again, the Association staff is planning several events, including our annual Summer Kick Off, Community Yard Sale, and more. Once again, the Association will be holding its Spring Community Yard Sale to help residents sell some of those buried treasures in their attics/garages/etc. The Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 14th, so you still have plenty of time to get ready for it. We will be advertising the sale in the local papers to bring out lots of buyers! Take a look at page 9 for more details and registration information. Staff and volunteers are also hard at work on plans for our Summer Kick Off event. This year, it is scheduled for May 28th from 4 - 9 PM. This is always a great event for the entire family to attend! We will have some new restaurants coming this year with all of their specialties, along with lots of your old favorites. There will be a live band playing throughout the evening. For the kids, there will be all kinds of rides, moonbounces, games, and much more! Zambelli Fireworks will be back again with their incredible fireworks display. (Please note that portions of Windmill Drive will be closed during the event, so you will need to plan ahead.) (set up tents/tables/equipment, selling tickets, working security, running games, helping clean-up, etc.), we need you!! please email Rachel at or call the Association Office at 703-729-6680 to volunteer. Don’t forget that you can always sign up for our Association email alerts! Just go to our website and enter you email address on the form on the home page. It only takes a minute, and it will keep you up-to-date on everything in Ashburn Farm! Until next month . . . Happy Mother’s Day! Alicia Young Editor We are still looking for lots of volunteers to help us with this event - we can’t do it without your help! If you are interested in helping, ARB Annual Meeting The Ashburn Farm Architectural Review Board (ARB) will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 12th, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Windmill Community Center. The purpose of this meeting is to provide suggestions for amendments, additions, or further clarifications in the Architectural Design & Maintenance Standards. All are welcome to attend!! Planning an Exterior Change or Modification to Your Property? If you are making an exterior change/modification to your property, you must submit an Exterior Alteration Application, along with the applicable worksheets. Please see the Architectural Standard and/or website to see if a worksheet is required for your project. Approval must be received from the Architectural Review Board before you start your project. The application and worksheets can be downloaded from our website: Should you have any questions, please contact the Association Office at 703-729-6680 or email May 2016 3 Across the Fence This is a monthly community publication for the residents of Ashburn Farm. Published by the Ashburn Farm Association. Alicia Young – Editor Jeremy Cushman – General Manager Tim Hughes – President, Board of Trustees 4100 Total Circulation, mailed to residents and owners. Printing by GAM Printers, Sterling, VA. DEADLINES: Display Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Classified Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Committee Reports/Community News – 15th of the preceding month For more information on Advertising Specifications and Guidelines, please see the back pages of this newsletter. All material (news, advertising, etc.) is subject to editing at the discretion of the Editor and/or General Manager. Ashburn Farm Association does not endorse or attest to the services offered by any advertisement and will not be held responsible as a result. Ashburn Farm Association Staff The Association Staff is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations of the Association. The staff cannot make or change rules nor can they make arbitrary exceptions to existing rules. We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have or provide information. The Association Office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jeremy Cushman - General Manager Janice Brewer - Architectural Review Administrator Cheri Jean* - Financial/Disclosure Coordinator Alicia Young - Communications Director Bob Silvay - Covenants Administrator Betty Potter - Covenants Assistant Matt Johnson - Maintenance Assistant Chrissy Gier - Covenants Department Chip Mathews - Maintenance Assistant Rachel Hess - Activities Coordinator Kristen Cornwell - Activities Coordinator *Notary Public at Large for the Commonwealth of Virginia (call for information or appointment) Ashburn Farm Association 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, Virginia 20147 Phone: 703-729-6680, Fax: 703-729-0247 Email: Community Policing Officer: 703-729-4497 4 Ashburn Farm Assessments & General Information Collection Policy Assessments are due the first day of each month. Any installment of the annual assessment not paid to the Association within thirty (30) days after the due date shall be considered delinquent and a late charge of $25.00 shall be assessed to the Owner and posted to the Owner’s account for every thirty (30) days delinquent. Home Sales Effective July 1, 1989, the Virginia General Assembly enacted a new law entitled the “Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act”. This act requires the seller of a home to make certain disclosures to the intended purchaser of their lot. All home sales in Ashburn Farm are subject to the Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act. A written request of the Association Disclosure Package and a check in the amount of: $225.00 for an electronic disclosure (on CD-R) for townhome/single family; $250 for a paper disclosure for townhome/single family; $100 for electronic or paper disclosure for condo; are required to begin processing. A rush fee of $50.00 may be paid to receive your disclosure within 3 days. Checks should be made payable to the Ashburn Farm Association. A form is available on the website or at the Association Office. The completed package will be issued within 14 calendar days to the requesting party or agent. For further information, please contact the Association Office. Further Information Please feel free to contact Summit Management Services for further information or with any questions you may have about your assessment account. Summit Management Services, Inc. Phone: 301-495-0146 Ashburn Farm Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is an all-volunteer resident group that is responsible for interpreting the covenants and rules governing Ashburn Farm. Board of Trustees meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Windmill Community Center located on Windmill Drive. All Ashburn Farm homeowners are encouraged to attend. Tim Hughes - President Milan Detweiler - Vice President Marc Ripperger - Secretary Steve Lubore - Treasurer Rich Oakley - Trustee Mike Kimmel - Trustee Shirley Tabor - Trustee May 2016 Board Briefs This complete draft of the BOT meeting minutes will be reviewed and voted on at the next BOT meeting. The complete set of minutes may be viewed at the Association Office. At the regular BOT meeting held on April 5, 2016, the following items were discussed: • President, Tim Hughes, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. • A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to approve the March 1, 2016 minutes, as submitted. APPEALS • 43615 Plantation Terrace, Appeal of 55-513 Hearing Committee – The homeowner did not attend the meeting. A motion was made to approve the appeal for the shed on the property at 43615 Plantation Terrace. The shed is already in place. It was noted that, had the owner applied for the shed before building it, the shed would not have been approved because it does not meet the Architectural Standards. The motion failed (0/7/0/0). • 42836 Crossbow Court, Appeal of Late Fees - A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to grant the appeal to waive the $25 late fee and $5 administrative fee. The homeowner paid the assessment on the 26th, but Summit did not clear the payment until the 2nd, resulting in the late fee. The homeowner has made all other payments on time. COUNTY SUPERVISOR’S ADDRESS - RALPH BUONA • On April 21st, the Traffic Calming vote will be taken at the Supervisor’s meeting. Once approved, the traffic calming will be implemented in Ashburn Farm. Belmont Ridge Road will be widened to 4 divided lanes and construction will start mid-summer from Gloucester Parkway to Croson Lane (near Briar Woods HS), and should be completed by 2018. Supervisor Buona discussed students crossing Hay Road while walking to and from school. A public hearing will be occurring on April 27th regarding the “road diet” to decrease the lanes on Hay Road to allow a safer crossing for the students. • He discussed the problems experienced by the County during “Snowzilla”, and stated that “Ashburn Farm just got forgotten … and VDOT screwed up”. He noted that the surrounding communities were passable long before Ashburn Farm. This was due to issues that VDOT had with some of its snow removal sub-contractors. Supervisor Buona has worked with the County and State to ensure that these issues do not happen again in the future. • Metro to Ashburn is on schedule to be handed over to MWAA in August of 2019. He said that three parking garages will be built, holding approximately 5,000 vehicles each. • The land off Belmont Ridge Road near the interchange with Route 7 was recently found to contain a slave burial ground. That land is going to be deeded by Toll Brothers to Loudoun County for its preservation. The new interchange under construction will be built around that burial ground, and the current Belmont Ridge Road will become just a gravel access road to the area. OLD BUSINESS • Farmingdale Traffic Calming Study – On April 21st, the Traffic Calming vote will be taken at the Board of Supervisor’s meeting. Once approved, traffic calming will be implemented in Ashburn Farm. • • • does not want to allow trash containers to be stored in front of the homes. They also feel that the small recycle bins do not work to keep the trash/recycling from blowing. She would like to have the community surveyed to see what their recommendations are because she does not feel like the residents are invested in keeping the community clean. She would like to have the community use “blue bags” for recycling instead of clear or white bags or the recycling bins. The resident will send her survey question ideas to Jeremy and the Board for review. Abandonment of Old Shellhorn Road (Route 643) Easement – A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to approve the abandonment of the Shellhorn Road easement. The property will be gifted to the Association, and there will be no maintenance needed. Breezyhill Pool Slide – A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to purchase two new slides, at a cost NTE $13,000, to repair the slides that are currently installed at Breezyhill Pool. De Long Room Rental Contract Update Resolution – Jeremy Cushman has proposed increasing the rental fee for the DeLong Room, in order to pay for the cleaning of the room after each rental by a professional cleaning service. A motion was made to approve the Resolution #04052016, including the increase for equipment fees. It is expected that the cleaning fee may increase substantially when staff is no longer doing the work. The motion will be tabled until proposals can be received. ADJOURNMENT A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to adjourn the regular business meeting at 9:37 PM. 2016 ANNUAL MEETING • President, Tim Hughes called the meeting to order at 9:48 PM. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to approve the minutes of the April 7, 2015 Annual Board of Trustees meeting. PROOF OF NOTICE OF MEETING • Secretary, Marc Ripperger, provided proof of notice for the 2016 Annual Meeting. The notice was printed in the January 2016, February 2016, March 2016, and April 2016 newsletters and placed on the Association’s website beginning in January 2016. PROOF OF QUORUM • Tracy Cirone, Election Committee Chairman, provided the requirements for the proof of a quorum. At least 10% (386 members) of the membership of the Association must vote in order to hold a legitimate election. A total of 433 ballots were cast. ELECTION RESULTS • The Election Committee Chairman, Tracy Cirone, provided the results of the election. Tim Hughes announced the newly-elected members of the Board of Trustees as: Tim Hughes, Stephen Lubore, Richard Oakley, and Marc Ripperger. ADJOURNMENT OF THE ANNUAL MEETING A motion passed (7/0/0/0) to adjourn the 2016 Annual Meeting at 10:00 PM. NEW BUSINESS • Ad Hoc Trash Committee Recommendations – A member of the Committee addressed the Board and stated that the Committee May 2016 5 6 May 2016 May 2016 7 8 May 2016 May 2016 9 10 May 2016 Annual Property Inspections May 2016 11 12 May 2016 May 2016 13 Library Corner April Showers…….Bring May flowers!! Revel in spring and all its beauty! Get ready for warmer weather and if you’re planting your gardens you may just need to break out the sunscreen! May brings another great month at the Ashburn Library. The force is strong this month with the Star Wars Road Show with the Washington DC area Star Wars Collecting Club. A definite must see for Star Wars Fans of all ages! Spring is the perfect time to dust off your bicycle after being dormant during the cold winter months. Looking for a fun and easy way to be green and fit? Join the Bicycling for Fun and Work with Patricia Turner of BikeLoudoun and learn all sorts of great two-wheeled information and finally get started on your journey of biking to work. If you have school age kids then definitely please come to Meet the Author: Allen Eisenberg, founder of Bullying Recovery LLC, who will discuss the very important topic of bullying and how to overcome it. And, of course, be sure to check out all the wonderful book clubs for children, teens and adults. As always, for complete listings of all Storytimes as well as all the Loudoun County Library system programs and activities please visit their website: http// and don’t forget to pick up the most recent copy of PAGES! at your local library. Did all that spring gardening and planting leave your dinner plans in the dust? Then take a quick trip to Wendy’s in Broadlands on Tuesday May 3rd. On the first Tuesday of every month from 5:00-8:00pm Wendy’s partners with Friends of the Ashburn Library (FOAL) and generously donates a portion of their profits. Come on down and help support the Ashburn Library and enjoy a quick and tasty meal too! Thank you Wendy’s for your continued support! SPECIAL EVENTS Mental Health Awareness Bookshelf - Visit any library to explore the numerous novels and non-fiction books labeled Bibliotherapy; reading materials with subject matters that a reader can personally identify with, and perhaps achieve healing or peace through interacting with them. Book displays can be found in the teen area of each branch. For teens & adults. Bicycling for Fun and Work w/ Patricia Turner of BikeLoudoun Learn about trails, routes and bicycle-related projects, including planned bike connections to the new Metro stations. Also, find out how you can participate in Bike to Work Day on May 20. Thursday, May 5, 7 p.m. 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Celebration - with special guest children’s author Sue Fliess Join us for stories, games and activities to encourage the participants and honor the graduates of our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program. For ages 0-5 with a caregiver. Friday, May 6, 10:30 a.m. Star Wars Road Show with Washington DC area Star Wars Collecting Club - Bring in any Star Wars item and experts will tell you what it is, its history and possibly its value as a collectible. Come see displays of Star Wars collections and may the Force be with you! Sunday, May 15, 1 p.m. Documentary Film and Discussion - In recognition of PRIDE Month, join us for a screening of Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine (89 minutes) and then talk about what his short life and tragic death 14 meant to the LGBTQ community and the national discussion that followed. This documentary and discussion is intended for mature audiences and is recommended for teens and adults. Saturday, May 21, 2 p.m. Meet the Author: Alan Eisenberg - Eisenberg will share personal stories of growing up as a bullying victim, how bullying impacted him both mentally and physically and the techniques he has used to overcome it. He writes of this experience in A Ladder in the Dark: My Journey from Bullying to Self-Acceptance. Eisenberg is the founder of Bullying Recovery, LLC, whose mission is to help those who suffer from the effects of bullying find the help they need. This program is offered in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. Sunday, May 22, 2 p.m. ART ON DISPLAY - Pet Portraits by John Dietrich CLOSINGS - Memorial Day - Monday, May 30 ADULTS Sewing Social - Bring your own machine and a current project. All levels are welcome. Sunday, May 1, 2 p.m. ESOL: English Conversation Group - An informal conversation group for non-native speakers to practice speaking English. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. & Thursdays, 10 a.m. Adult Book Club - The Astronaut Wives Club: A True Story by Lily Koppel. Tuesday, May 3, 7 p.m. Graphic Novel/Comics Book Club - Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley. Copies of the book will be available at the Ashburn Information Desk. The Graphic Novels/Comics Book Club meets at Comic Logic, 44031 Ashburn Shopping Plaza, #281, Ashburn, VA. Wednesday, May 4, 7 p.m. Strategy Gaming - Modern Adult Programs: Join fellow strategy and Eurogame enthusiasts for friendly competition with games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and more! For adults. Sunday, May 8, 2 p.m. AARP’s Life Reimagined with AARP Retiree James Brooks Life Reimagined is all about possibilities - envisioning them, evaluating them and making them a reality. Feel empowered to plan your next move. Thursday, May 19, 10 a.m. ESOL: One-on-One ESOL Tutoring - Starting May 23, visit the Information Desk to sign up for English for Speakers of Other Languages tutoring during June and July. ESOL learners will be partnered with a volunteer for a 1-hour session each week for 2 months. TEENS Teen Takeover - Earn volunteer hours by helping with projects in the library, play games, make things or just hang out. Snap pictures and post them while you’re here...#locohangout. Wednesday, May 18, 4:30 p.m. CHILDREN Reading Buddies Storytime - Encourage your child’s love of books and reading development by pairing them with a teen reading buddy for one-on-one reading time. Preschool-Grade 2. Mondays, 4:30 pm. May 2016 Picture Book Extravaganza - Celebrate Children’s Book Week with stories and activities from some of your favorite picture book authors. Monday, May 2, 6:30 p.m. Homework Buddies - Teens help your children with their homework. For Grades K-5. Wednesdays, May 4 & 11, 5 p.m. Art at the Library - Learn about artists, movements and illustrators. Explore your creative side and take your masterpiece home. This month we will be learning about the magnificent flowers of Georgia O’Keeffe. For Grades K-5. Thursday, May 5, 4 p.m. STEM Junior - Teens lead science and math learning activities and stories. For Preschool. Saturday, May 7, 11 a.m. LEGO® Family Build - Build a LEGO® creation. Saturday, May 7, 2 p.m. Magic Tree House Book Club - Summer of the Sea Serpent by Mary Pope Osborne. For Grades 2-3. Join Jack and Annie on a Magic Tree House adventure each month with games, activities and book discussions. See the Youth Services desk to reserve a copy of the book. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashburn Library. Tuesday, May 10, 4 p.m. My First Book Club - Each month explore a different easy reader series. This month: Nate the Great by Marjorie Sharmat. For Grades K-1. Thursday, May 12, 4 p.m. and family. For Grades 3-5. Thursday, May 12, 7 p.m. Homeschool Enrichment: Summer Reading Sneak Peak - Celebrate the end of the school year with crafts and activities, and get a sneak peek into our summer reading program. For Grades K-5. Monday, May 16, 2 p.m. LEGO® Builders - Build a themed creation. For Grades 3-5. Tuesday, May 17, 4 p.m. Children’s Book Club - Saving Lucas Biggs by Marisa de los Santos and David Teague. For Grades 4-5. Explore different genres of children’s literature each month with games, activities and book discussions. See the Youth Services desk to reserve a copy of the book. Sponsored by the Friends of the Ashburn Library. Thursday, May 19, 7 p.m. Library Playdate - Coffee and conversation for adults. Toys and play space for children. For all ages with an adult. Friday, May 20, 10 a.m. Explorers Club: African Safari - Discover different countries through books and activities. May: African Safari. For Grades K-2. Tuesday, May 24, 4 p.m. Hope you all visit the library soon! Debbi Zisko Friends of the Ashburn Library (FOAL) 123 Math & Science: Optical Illusions - Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them! Color, light, patterns and our own brains can create optical illusions capable of deceiving our minds. Come play some tricks on yourself, then take them home to show your friends Ashburn Farm Odd Job Squad Please consider the following young people for your odd job needs! The Ashburn Farm Association makes no claim as to the qualifications of the below-mentioned persons. Please be sure to update your contact information regularly. Thank you! Name Address Phone Age Jobs Marta Whitescarver Day Lily Terr. 703-835-5354 14 Red Cross certified babysitting, pet sitting Alyssa White Stonecrop Pl. 571-243-1094 14 Pet sitting, yard work, Red Cross certified babysitter, snow shoveling, car washing Madeleine Walker Golden Meadow 703-842-5395 12 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitter, snow shoveling, mother’s helper, dog walking Madi Stringer Wayside Cir. 703-593-6378 11 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitter, yard work BradySterling Smokehouse Ct. 412-760-1007 12 Pet sitting, yard work, plant watering Sydney Sterling Smokehouse Ct. 412-760-1007 14 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitter, mother’s helper, plant watering Riley Seppings Ribboncrest Ter. 574-223-8078 10 Pet sitting, snow shoveling William Seppings Ribboncrest Ter. 574-223-8078 13 Pet sitting, yard work, snow shoveling Christian Kopko Smokehouse Ct. 571-291-9163 10 Pet sitting Sydney Jackman Weatherwood Dr. 703-431-6904 12 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitter Lizzie Hopkins Hollyberry Ct. 703-729-1049 16 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitting Nicholas Heishman Needlepine Ct. 703-726-3383 15 Pet sitting, yard work, house sitting Daniel Heishman Needlepine Ct. 703-726-3383 13 Pet sitting, car washing, mother’s helper, house sitting Josh Haskett Grainery Ct. 703-726-6943 12 Pet sitting, babysitting, snow shoveling Erin Frey Coppersmith Dr. 703-858-2949 13 Pet sitting, Red Cross certified babysitter, mother’s helper Joseph Davis Deerwatch Pl. 703-729-7721 12 Pet sitting, snow shoveling, house sitting, yard watering Mary Davis Deerwatch Pl. 703-729-7721 13 Pet sitting, plant watering Thomas Davis Deerwatch Pl. 703-729-7721 15 Lawn mowing, string trimming, bush trimming, mailbox post painting, snow shoveling, yard work, raking Andrew Brown May 2016 Blacksmith Sq. 202-777-3600 10 Cat sitting 15 Paw Prints 16 May 2016 Classifieds Businesses & Services Ashburn Classics The Ashburn Classics will hold their next meeting on May 14, 2016, starting at 10:30am at the Mills Recreation Center in Ashburn Village. The program will consist of a Mother’s Day brunch, and there will be special musical entertainment for which there will be a small fee charged. Anyone 50+ in the Ashburn area is invited to attend. The Ashburn Classics also has satellite clubs; ie, a book club, mystery book clubs, bridge, and other games. If you would like to have more information, please contact the club president, Arlene - 703-726-0711 or events chair, Carmen - 703-723-3724. Quality Turf Care Lawn maintenance - mowing, trimming, and edging. Free estimates. Ashburn Farm resident - serving the comunity for 20 years. Contact Tim Weaver @ 703-967-9603 or tbweaver5@ Home Improvement Contractor Specializing in remodeling bathrooms, remodeling laundry rooms, express water heater replacement (24/7), hot tub installation, plumbing, electrical work, finishing basements, expert at waterproofing wet basements. 30 years experience. For all your home improvement needs, please call Marc at 703-7240772. Certified Personal Trainer Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Management Consultant with over twenty years of experience would love to help you get stronger, leaner, and gain overall fitness just in time for summer. Learn how to be a healthier you! Call Debbie (Ashburn Farm resident) at 703-615-1665. Website: Garden Coach and Designer Experienced gardener, teacher and coach ready to partner with you in your gardening ventures, big or small! Ashburn Farm resident; certified in landscape design and education; trained Master Gardener. Now is the perfect time to refresh your existing garden or to start a new one! Call Jeanette at 703.727.9398 or email Website: Fun, Part-Time Job, Being Healthy Are you interested in Natural Healthcare? Starting your own business? Would you love to create residual income? Become part of a fun growing business for people who care about improving their health and those around them. Contact Susan Webb 703-724-9313 or MOMS Club® of Ashburn We offer support for stay-at-home mothers, including those who work part-time or have a home-based business. Our club is volunteer-run, is a wonderful way to meet other mothers & get involved in the local community. Weekly fun events & May 2016 playgroups, monthly field trips & speakers. Interested? Contact Betsy at or visit www.bigtent. com/groups/ashburnmoms. Mail Post Replacement Replacing old original posts with beautiful well-crafted posts from MAILBOXREPLACEMENT.COM Does your mail post match the beauty of you Ashburn Farm home? Your new post will keep Ashburn Farm the sought after community it is. HOA approved complete replacement, new post, box and numbers removal & installed $249. Over 250 satisfied residents v/r Pete 703-965-3397. YOUR HANDYMAN SERVICES We are a complete home services company. Get your home ready for the summer, for rent, or for selling. Licensed and Insured. Call today 571-437-4113 or email PRIVATE MATH TUTORING I will tutor your math student in your home. Improve their abilities in middle school, SAT/ACT, high school and college mathematics. Contact Steve Lubore, Ph.D. at 703-729-9248 or ASHBURN LAW OFFICE, PLC. Ashburn Law Office, PLC., is dedicated to serving clients’ needs honestly, expeditiously and affordably in the following areas of law: wills/living wills, prenuptial agreements, criminal charge expungements, traffic infractions, DUI/DWI, divorce, personal injury, landlord/tenant disputes, immigration, contractual disputes and more. 44081 Pipeline Plaza Suite 105 Ashburn, VA 20147., 703-986-3337, Attorney@ Looking for A Full-Time Lawn Service? Spring is almost your lawn ready? I offer a full range of lawn care services. Mowing, (including trimming, edging, and blowing off debris); weed control; lawn fertilization; aeration; and many other yard care services. Call Dan Baltich for a FREE estimate: 571-278-1885. Bane Electrical Service LLC Small Commercial & Residential. Trouble shooting experts! Specializing in High Chandelier Installs, Recessed light installations and Home Inspection items. In Ashburn since 1999! Call 703-723-6501 or email Free Essential Oil Classes Curious how to improve your health naturally? Come learn more about using essential oils. Free classes every Thursday, Whole Foods Market, upstairs, 19800 Belmont Chase Drive, 10:30 AM or Thursday evening at 7:00 PM, Westmaren Condominium Club House, 20971 Timber Ridge Terrace in Ashburn Farm. Contact Susan at 703-724-9313 or 17 Classifieds Tutor SAT, AP, College Prep, reading/writing. Current students instructed: grades 3rd-12th. AP, SAT, College Pathway Coordinator and Data Analyst administrator. PhD Candidate and previous teacher of year. Can provide 20+ exemplary references. Local and Flexible. 703-439-9662; GRASS MOWING and Landscaping Excellent service for end unit town homes, single family, absentee landlords and real estate agents hadling vacant home sales. Mow, edge, trim and blow plus Scott’s seasonal applications available. A great gift idea! Retired Professionals Lawn Service. Email: or The HAPPY HATTERS The HAPPY HATTERS, a newly organized Red Hat Club in the Ashburn area, will tour Aldie Mill in Aldie, Virginia, on May 21, 2016, Following the tour, we will have lunch at a nearby restaurant. The exact time is to be decided. For more information regarding the HAPPY HATTERS, please call Peggy at 703-7233056. Hi Neighbor!! I love cats! Will take care of yours anytime! I am an adult who will provide loving care for your cat(s); in their own home, as you require. Ashburn Farm only. $25 per visit. $10 each additional cat. Call Linda 703-729-7806. For Sale For Sale Oak Entertainment Center with 2 matching side units with doors, a coffee table, a behind the couch table and a side arm table. Asking $400. A Para Body EX500 exercise station. Bought used, but rarely used by both owners. Asking $200. (Bought for over $1,000) A Carlson extra tall gate with pet door. Asking $30. A Thomasville solid and heavy office desk with drawers and dividers on both sides with matching chair. Asking $250. Queen oak headboard and frame. Asking $30. Antique queen bedroom set with matching dresser and mirror, armoire and vanity with stool. Asking $500. Other miscellaneous items... Please call Debbie at 703-975-6263 to make offers. Advertising Information and Specifications The following information lists the specifications for display advertising in Across the Fence. All advertising is due (copy and payment) by the 10th of the preceding month of the issue. Ad Type Bus. Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Open Rate $90 $170 $310 $525 Inside Cover N/A $190 $390 $650 Extended Contract* $85 $150 $280 $495 Dimensions 3.5”w x 2”h 3.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 9.8”h *Extended contracts refer to advertising commitments for a period of six months or more. Pre-payment of the term is required in order to take advantage of the extended contract discounts. An Insertion Order Form must be submitted with ad. Forms are available at the Association Office or via fax and our website. Advertiser must provide in digital form (PDF or TIF files only, PC formatted). Ad copy may be in black & white or color. Ads will run as-is; no alterations will be made by the Association. Ads exceeding the proper size reserved will not run. 18 Space Reservation and Payment Requirements Ad space is limited and reserved on a first come-first served basis. Payment in full is due for ad space before the deadline (except for extended term contracts – these are due at reservation). We do not bill – pre-payment of ad space is mandatory. Make checks payable to Ashburn Farm Association. If payment is not received by the deadline, the space becomes forfeited. We will not refund payment due to missed deadlines for copy. Copy submitted must meet the required specifications. We will not be held responsible if copy is not submitted by the deadline even though payment has been received. Advertising copy and payment can be mailed to: Ashburn Farm Association Attn: Alicia Young, Editor 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, VA 20147 Note: The Editor reserves the right to reject any advertisements for any reason. Ads that are deemed inappropriate or distasteful for this publication will not be run. No political advertising permitted. Advertising orders cannot be canceled after the deadline without prior arrangements. Questions can be forwarded to or 703-7296680. May 2016 May 2016 19 Coming In June... June 1: Assessments Due June 7: BOT Meeting June 9: ARB Meeting June 17: B&F Meeting 20 June 19: Father’s Day June 28: Open Space Comm. June 30: ARB Mtg/Hearings May 2016
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