Bergan Forever Alumni Newsletter (June 2012)


Bergan Forever Alumni Newsletter (June 2012)
Alumni Newsletter June 2012
Vol. 3 Issue 2
Knight Notes from the President
Rev. David Belt
At Bergan’s 2012
graduation ceremony,
I had an opportunity
to offer a few words
members of our
alumni. I shared with
them that Doctor
Jonas Salk once said that the greatest
gifts that parents could give to their
children are “roots and wings.”
Through our work and ministry at
Bergan, we have the honor of
assisting parents in their primary task
of raising their children, of giving
them “roots” in faith, knowledge, and
service. But there comes a time when
our students have to be set free, and
allowed to go into the world to make
a difference through their love,
talents, and abilities. I asked the
graduates to always remember that,
wherever this great journey of life
takes them, they are always “Bergan
Knights.” They will always be a
member of our family, and we will
continue to support them with our
love and prayers.
Mr. Ron Beacom
Assistant Principal:
Mr. Chris Rainforth
 Rev. James Keiter
 Ms. LeAnn Hemberger
 Mr. Gary Schmidt
 Mrs. Kathy Kaup
 Rev. James Keiter
Alumni Relations:
 Mr. Gary Schmidt
 Mrs. Brook Zakovec
Administrative Staff:
 Mrs. Judy Miles
 Mrs. Sherry Thompson
 Mrs. Sylvia Weier
Scrip Coordinator:
 Mrs. Sharon Francis
As members of Bergan’s alumni, you
are always connected to our
community and our mission of
educating and forming the young
people that have been entrusted to us.
The students that we serve today rely
 Mr. Joe Uhlik
on your prayerful support and
generosity in order to become firmly
rooted in faith, knowledge, and
Like any household of faith, Saint
Patrick’s Parish and Archbishop
Bergan Catholic School need financial
resources in order to fulfill our
mission. We are in the beginning
stages of planning a capital campaign,
so that we can raise the money we
need to pay off our elementary school
building loan and to pay our operating
debt. We hope that we can count on
you to be a part of our success, and
that you will consider a gift in this
While we look ahead to a campaign to
reduce our debt, I think it is also
important to take a moment and
appreciate how far we have come as a
parish and school community. In the
past year, we have seen an increase in
Sunday Mass attendance; there is an
increase of over 18% in Sunday
giving; our parish and school expenses
are well below budget; we recently
achieved our financial goal for the
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal; the
enrollment at Archbishop Bergan
Catholic School is gradually
increasing; the school re-structuring
plan that we implemented a year ago
was more efficient while making our
program of study more effective.
Among the most encouraging news
that I can share is that, even though
we anticipated a deficit in this year’s
budget of $280,000, our projections
show that, between increased income
and decreased expenses, we should
end the fiscal year with a balanced
While we have some work ahead of
us, our future is bright. The success of
our coming campaign will dramatically
reduce the interest that we will have to
pay on our loans, while at the same
time help strengthen the financial
position of our parish and school.
This, in turn, will allow us to focus
our full attention to ministering to our
parish families and educating our
children in the Catholic faith.
“Roots and wings.” As you have been
given the gift of a solid, faith-based
education, I ask that you help us build
upon the legacy of faith and service
that has been entrusted to us. Help us
to educate and prepare the next
generation of leaders in our Church,
country, and community.
Father David Belt
Inside this issue:
We Remember…
Alumni teaching at
Hall of Fame
Knight Event
Kindergarten Graduation,
Sixth Grade Sendoff &
High School Graduates
Bergan Alumni Office
Honor year class officers
Alumni Reunion News
and Reunion Registration
Alumni Board Members
& Calendar
"Don’t wait to share your stories of the “dash.”
Though school let out for
summer break on Ascension
Thursday, it never seems to be
summer until we’ve celebrated
Memorial Day Weekend. As a kid
growing up in Hartington, NE we had
a family tradition of always taking
flowers to the cemetery on Memorial
Day morning and then staying for the
Mass that Monsignor Werner would
offer at the cemetery.
This past Memorial Day, I had the
privilege of celebrating the Mass at
Calvary cemetery in Fremont. Over
400 people were present to celebrate
the Mass on this very special day.
This is a day when we especially
remember those men and
women who have served our country
and gave their lives protecting the
many freedoms that we cherish.
After celebrating the Mass, I visited
with several people and wondered
around the cemetery for a bit. One of
the traditions that I noticed at Calvary
cemetery was that deceased alumni of
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
had a plaque and Bergan flag placed at
their grave. As I looked at these various graves and headstones, I was
reminded of the story of the dash. In
short, the story of the dash is a story
of all the life that is lived in the dash
(-) between a person’s birth and their
death. Many, many stories can be told
from all that happens in that “dash.”
We shouldn’t wait until someone dies
however to tell those many good news
stories from the “dash.” Archbishop
Bergan is blessed to have over 2000
alumni through its 50+ years of
graduating classes. Imagine all the
great stories of the accomplishments
and good news that Bergan alumni
have to share.. Share those stories
with us for future newsletters. Join us
for the annual reunion and share those
stories. Don’t wait to share your
stories of the “dash.”
Father Jim Keiter
Alumni News
We Remember…
Donation Matching Program
Susan Kingsley-February 18, 2012. Mother of Jenny
Kingsley Paden ('98); Mary Kinsley Policky ('01); and
Adam Kingsley ('03).
Richard Spence-February 18, 2012.
Phyllis Stranik Spence ('55).
Husband of
Frances Kurth-February 23, 2012.
Mother of
Sharon Kurth Jirovsky ('63); Barbara Kurth Neel
('65); and Paula Kurth Brand ('71).
Ruth Lauer-March 4, 2012.
Lauer ('79).
Mother of Gerald
William "Spider" Pabian-March 22, 2012. Father of
Larry Pabian ('66); Randy Pabian ('70); and Patty
Pabian Buhl ('77).
William "Bill" Brabec ('66)-March 24, 2012. Brother
of Marlin Brabec ('69).
Gerald "Jerry" Vondenkamp-April 7, 2012. Father
of Vicky Vondenkamp Cary ('71); Rick Vondenkamp
('72); and Jayne Vondenkamp Riggs ('74).
Harlan Thompson-April 15, 2012. Husband of
Sherry Vance Thompson ('67). Father of Scott
Thompson ('88); and Lori Thompson ('94).
Frank Jirovsky-May 2, 2012. Father of Dave Jirovsky
('69). Grandfather of Angie Piepers Klevemann
('90); and Christi Piepers Roschewski ('93).
Allison Marie Peterson ('07) and Theodore John
Peters were married October 28, 2011 at St.
John's Church on the Creighton University
Campus in Omaha. Allison is employed at St.
Stephens the Martyr and Theodore is employed
at Yahoo!
Many companies provide matching gift
programs that multiply their employees’
charitable donations. To obtain a matching
gift, contact your employer’s human
resources department for a form or
information about online procedures.
Complete the donor/employee portion of the
form and send it to: Archbishop Bergan
Catholic School, Development Office, 422
East 4th Street, Fremont, NE 68025. The
Development staff will complete their part of
the form, and return it to the company to
initiate its fulfillment of the match.
Estate Planning
Remember Archbishop Bergan Catholic
School in your estate planning. For more
information contact Gary Schmidt at or
402-721-1846, ext. 17
2012 Class Reunion
Banquet will be on Saturday, July 14, 2012. Our
2011 banquet was a blast! Everyone had a great
time visiting with fellow alumni and past
teachers. Honor years for 2012 are listed
with their class officers on page 6. We have
representatives and plans for the following
classes: 1957, 1962, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987,
1992 and 2002. If you are interested in
representing your class honor year, please
contact either Gary Schmidt (402) 721-1846 or, or Kathy Kaup
(402)721-1846 or
The names of our newly formed Alumni Board
and class years are listed on page eight. Please
note the registration form for the event on page
Let your classmates know about
We want to know about where and how you
are, and so do your fellow classmates. Please
submit news and photos to Kathy Kaup,
editor,, or the Alumni
Office, 422 East 4th Street, Fremont, NE
Memorial Funds
Memorial funds can be established to
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School. For
more information contact the St.
Patrick’s Parish Office, 422 E. 4th Street,
Fremont, NE 68025 or 402-721-6611.
In the issues of the Bergan Knights
Forever Newsletter, we will be listing
alumni that we have lost touch with, listing
alumni by decades. We will continue to list our
lost alumni in our issues of Bergan Knights Forever.
If you have a current address or any other
information regarding any of the following
alumni, please contact the Alumni Office at
402-721-1846 or
The response so far has been very helpful!
Thank you!
The 90’s
Last ......... First ......... Maiden
1990 ..... Ahl ............... Tony
1990 ..... Heinrich ...... Tina
1990 ..... Lana............. Peter
1990 ..... Ottis ............ Bradley
1991 ..... Arett ............ Andrea
1991 ..... Bruckner ..... Jason
1991 ..... Cook............ Darrin
1991 ..... Fontes ......... Flavia
1991 ..... Ortmeier ..... Sandy ........... Matthes
1991 ..... Wantke ........ Marius
1992 ..... Brohimer .... Father John
1992 ..... Chisholm .... Donna
1992 ..... Gunderson . Lance
1992 ..... Heiman ....... Lynette ......... Wesch
1992 ..... Larsen ......... Kate
1992 ..... Larson ......... Tonya
1992 ..... Moore ......... Kris
1992 ..... Reboll .......... Joaquin
1992 ..... Riley ............ Amy ............. Moser
1992 ..... Tschudin ..... Andreas
1992 ..... Wiebold ...... Martin
1993 ..... Baum ........... Bryan
1993 ..... Caparros ..... Elmer
1993 ..... Cerny........... Debra
1993 ..... Fischer ........ Roy
1993 ..... Garcia.......... Nieves
1993 ..... Krakov ........ John
1993 ..... Kull ............. Corey
1993 ..... McWhirter .. Steve
1993 ..... Otteman...... Doug
1993 ..... Revas ........... Inez
1994 ..... Colling......... Allan
1994 ..... Henningsen ... Christian
1994 ..... Koenig ........ Robert
1994 ..... Kohler ......... Alyssa ........... Andrews
1994 ..... Stenger ........ Jeff
1995 ..... Bergman ..... Heidi
1995 ..... Helmers ...... Amy
1995 ..... Hurt............. Christopher
1995 ..... Kriutzfield .. Mike
1995 ..... Larson ......... Brian
1995 ..... Pounder ...... Leslie
1996 ..... Brester ......... Ben
1996 ..... Brown ......... Aaron
1996 ..... Carlson ........ Bobbie ......... Hill
1996 ..... Foell ............ Kim .............. Nielsen
1996 ..... Hughes........ Carrie ........... Brooks
1996 ..... Kluck........... Chad
1996 ..... Knobbe ....... Aaron
1996 ..... Kuhns ......... Jennifer ........ Grote
1996 ..... Muller .......... Kelly
1996 ..... Rios ............. Regina
1996 ..... Spieker ........ Patrick
1997 ..... Cody ............ Erin
1997 ..... Cody ............ Shana
1997 ..... Engler ......... Michael
1997 ..... Hill............... Robert, Jr.
1997 ..... Hofmann .... Stefanie
1997 ..... LaRocca ...... TJ
1998 ..... Cheshier ...... Mark
1998 ..... Clifford ....... Ryan
1998 ..... Peatrowsky . Casey
1998 ..... Whitmer ...... Heather ........ Cerny
1999 ..... Barrett ......... Cortney
1999 ..... Brown ......... BJ
1999 ..... Ehrlich ........ Sarah
1999 ..... Everitt ......... Jaimee
1999 ..... Goreham .... Travis
1999 ..... Herre ........... Jacob
1999 ..... Mumm ........ Rob
1999 ..... Nelson......... Benjamin
1999 ..... Sohler .......... Emily
1999 ..... Thomsen..... Matthew
1999 ..... Unger .......... Samantha
1999 ..... Yates............ Jessica
Alumni teaching at Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
The main reason I
decided to teach at
Bergan was because of
the "Bergan Family". I
love the atmosphere at
Bergan and being able
to share my faith as a
part of teaching. I think
it is a true testament
that so many alumni (I think there are 10 of
us now) have returned to Bergan to work
and send their children here. My husband
Ryan ('05) and I got married June 4, 2011
and don't have children yet but we are firm
believers in the education of the whole child
that Bergan provides.
I got my degree in Education and Human
Sciences and an endorsement in coaching
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I just
completed my first year of teaching. This
past year I taught 2nd grade and I loved it!
Within the last week I found out that next
year I will be taking on the role of a resource
teacher for the elementary building. I am
also very excited about this new adventure
and the opportunity to help students K-6
succeed academically, socially and in their
The other teachers and faculty here at
Bergan are like family...partially because
most of my teachers and coaches are still
teaching here. At first I thought it would be
weird and that the other staff would treat
me like a student still but that has been the
farthest from the truth! My high school
teachers and coaches have been excited to
learn from me just as much as I have been
to continue to learn from them.
The elementary staff is the best group of
people that I have ever worked with! It is
great to get to come to "work" everyday and
be with your best friends and to be able to
share and grow in our faith together.
Katie Belak Nielson
Class of 2006
Each newsletter we will feature one of our own in no particular order, who has come back to grace the halls of our school in either the
Preschool/Elementary Building or the Jr. High/Sr. High Building to teach future alumni. As of this writing, the alumni teaching here are: Patti
Puls Bowman (84), Kate Wewel Hurst ('88), Kim Moore Diekmann ('90), Angie Fisher Kempf ('90), Kris Moore Janke ('92), Danielle Schmitz
Paulson ('93), Christopher Paulson ('95), Ryan Stieren ('02), Seth Mruz ('05) and Katie Belak Nielson ('06). Starting to teach next fall will be
Cindy Mahlberg Nielsen ('73).
First Archbishop Bergan Catholic School Athletic Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame selection committee has
named the following candidates to the
first Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Athletic Hall of Fame. Congratulations to
those selected! It is truly a great honor!
 Football Team: 1966-67
Coach: Lou Wewel (1928-1982)
Individual Athlete: Sheri Rump
Nominations were selected from the
following categories:
athlete, coach,
contributor, and team. The maximum
number of inductees each year shall be
three, including a maximum of one team
and/or a maximum of one posthumous
inductee. Those who were nominated,
but were not selected will automatically be
considered for induction next year.
The awards will officially be presented at
the Alumni Reunion Banquet on Saturday,
July 14th at St. Patrick’s Auditorium.
Reservations can be made by mailing in
your payment and form on page 7 of this
at click on online
donations or in person at the Parish
Please contact any members of the
football team you know and encourage
them to attend the reunion banquet and
formal presentation. If you are selected
for induction and are not able to attend
the induction ceremony, he/she (or family
member) may choose a family member or
other representative to attend in their
We are looking forward to seeing
everyone from the football team of 19661967, and family and friends of Lou
Wewel and Sheri Rump.
We will make every effort to send a
personal invitation to those selected.
D A T E :
Friday, November 16, 2012
Plan now to attend Knight 2012, “Diamonds are for Knights”.
We invite all St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish
parishioners and St. Patrick’s/Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
alumni to join us at Archbishop Bergan Catholic School – Jr.
High and Sr. High Building for a night of fun, food, and
fellowship. This is a big fundraising event for our school with the
Live and Silent auctions. Please consider how you might be able
to contribute to this event. Donations of volunteer time, item
donations and/or financial contributions are a few of the many
ways to help make this event a success. For more information on
how you can be a part of the success of Knight 2012, please
contact the Development Office at 402-721-1846.
"Archbishop Bergan Catholic School exists to instill a passion,
as exemplified by Christ, for faith, knowledge and service."
Kindergarten Graduation
Parents, Grandparents and friends gather with Principal Ron Beacom and teachers, Patti (Puls, '84) Bowman and Lori McIntyre to
honor the Kindergarten class with a graduation ceremony. The students sang the "Days of the week," "Movin' on Up" to the music of
"Louie Louie," complete with a kick line, "Waves of Mercy" and received "diplomas" to celebrate their accomplishments. (More
pictures on
Sixth Grade Sendoff
The sixth graders celebrated their last full day of school in the Elementary Building with a luncheon and awards as part of the
sixth grade sendoff. Next year these students will attend classes in the Jr. High/Sr. High building. Best wishes to all of you!
Welcome Class of 2012 to our Archbishop Bergan Alumni Association
"This class has recognized that they are part of something larger than them
and has taken great pride in providing great service to others." Ron Beacom, Principal
Front L to R: Maddie Bowman, Alyssa Pinales, Ashley Werth, Emily Fryklind, Kelsey Chamberlain, Larami Harris, Micaela Lesaik, Laura Morris.
2nd Row L to R: Dylan Crytzer, Micheala Eurck, Kara Kucera, Katie Meiergerd, Kaylie Farber-Brown, Marissa Vakiner, Dillon Laaker. 3rd Row
L to R: Zack Beeghley, Jake Jensen, Gage Lemmers, Austin Schmidt, Amber Wiese, Christian Smith, Cassidy Reller. 4th Row L to R: Matt
Sleister, Austin Dam, Noel Johnson, Jackson Mahrt, Austen Neill, Matt Jacobs, Fr. David Belt
We recognize that the primary educators
for every student reside in the home with
them. Thank you for choosing
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School and a
Catholic education as your partner for this
very important job. It is so exciting to see
the young people that come to us in the
fall and watch how they grow in one year
before leaving us in the spring. God truly
does some amazing things when we allow
him to work through us.
An equally impressive transition is to see
our Kindergarten students as they first
experience life in the school (picture and
story on page 4) to our seniors as they
graduate. The class of 2012 was certainly
an impressive group. These 28 young
people have taken education and the
process of learning very seriously. Each of
them sitting has earned a scholarship to
continue their education beyond high
school. In all, this collective group has
accepted a remarkable $763,000+ in
academic scholarships alone (turning
down over $1 million). Currently, when
adding in performance and athletic
scholarships, on average, each of these 28
students will have earned over $30,400 in
scholarship money. 100% of these
students took the ACT test. Their class
amassed an average composite score of
24. When averaging just the scores of the
26 students planning to attend 4 year
schools, that composite average jumps to
a 24.7. (2.6 points higher than the state
average and 3.6 points higher than the
national average)
Yet, if you got to know these new
additions to our alumni, to only list their
academic accomplishments would be
selling them short. We have three
members in the group who cut and helped
direct our one-act play to a district
championship and 3rd place finish at State.
There is a state speech champion and a
state speech runner-up in the class.
Members of the group led the band to a
Superior + rating at the district music
contest this past month. This class has
recognized that they are part of something
larger than them and has taken great pride
in providing great service to others. One
member sponsored his own blood drive.
Another managed to orchestrate a
fundraiser benefit for a family whose
young son is suffering with cancer. These
and others, through their membership in
key club, gathered over 11,000 diapers in a
diaper drive. They have provided tutoring,
coached little leagues and raised funds for
charities. Most impressively, the class of
2012 seemed to accomplish all of this
without ever taking themselves too
seriously and understanding that they are
mere instruments for God to do his work.
Congratulations to the class of 2012 in
carrying out the outstanding tradition that
so many have worked hard to start and
maintain over our many years of existence.
Ron Beacom
From the Bergan Knights Alumni Office
Hello to all the Alumni!
Another school year completed and the
reunion is just a few weeks away! The
reunion banquet is scheduled during the
weekend of J.C. Fremont Days, Saturday,
July 14th. You can send your payment and
registration which is located on page 7 of
this newsletter in the mail, or pay and
register online at
click on online donations or stop by the
Parish office in person. Registration
deadline is Friday, June 29th.
As always, we will have Mass prior to the
banquet, including recognition of deceased
alumni of the honor classes. The time is
changed for Saturday night Mass to
5:00 p.m., followed by a social at St. Patrick’s
auditorium at 6:00 p.m. with dinner being
served at 6:30 p.m.
This year for the first time we are inviting
members of our newest alumni, the class of
2012. Principal Ron Beacom will introduce
the class as a group and give an accounting
of their achievements as a class. They have
graduated as the top ranking class
academically in the history of the school.
Another banquet first, we will be inducting
the first Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
Athletic Hall of Fame members as part of
the program.
After the banquet and program, a beer
garden with a live band is being planned
outside the auditorium (pending approval of
the city of Fremont and state Liquor Commission) on some of the green space. Those
of you who enjoy visiting can remain in the
auditorium after the program and share quiet
c o n v e r s a t i o n
i n
t h e
auditorium. For our guests who want to get
up and dance, there is the beer garden.
There is something for everyone!
Lastly, but of most importance is a request
of prayers for Rick Vondenkamp (’72) who
is battling cancer.
I hope you plan to attend the reunion this
year. I always look forward to seeing and
visiting with you. The reunion banquet is
my favorite activity of the year!
As always,
Gary Schmidt
Honor Year Class Officers
*Maiden names in parenthesis
Virginia (Burt) Henningfeld
Jerry Ullrich
Ed Hannan
President – Rick Vondenkamp
Vice President – LouAnn (Battiato) Shilton
Secretary – Kim (Sherlock) Custer
Treasurer – Betty (Schuler) Weingarten
President – Kris Paterson
Vice President – Kyle Coughlin
Secretary – Jason Vyhlidal
Treasurer – Trevor Kingston
President – David Jonas
Vice President – Jon Kern
Secretary – Barbara (McCarthy) Grasseschi
Treasurer – James Coday
President – John Uhlik
Vice President – Daniel Buresh
Secretary – Margaret (Emanuel) Springer
Treasurer – Doreen (Hegemann)
President – Aaron Hughes
Vice President – Robert Hill
Secretary – Shana Cody
Treasurer – Matt Metschke
President – Harold Bartley
Vice President – Robert Hastings
Secretary – Dona (Rockwell) Ernst
Treasurer – Richard Kleekamp
President – Frances Donner
Vice President – Jane (Martin) Hoffman
Secretary – Sharon (Vance) Thompson
Treasurer – Mike Harrison
President – Maurice Hoffman
Vice President – John Havranek
Secretary – Michelle Fix
Treasurer – Leann (Kwiatkowski) Tysdal
President – Mary (Wiebold) Larson
Vice President – Paul Piskorski
Secretary – Bobbi (Fielder) Korpi
Kristin (Delaney) Tynon
Aaron Von Seggern
Jeremy Leonard
Nicole Cerny
Colin Kneifl
Joe Losee
Connie Boesch
Adam Walz
St. Patrick's Catholic Parish
Facebook Page
Archbishop Bergan Catholic
School Website
Attention ALL Alumni!!
Not your honor year? So what! I'll bet you know classmates from other classes who will be here for their
honor years, don't you? So what are you waiting for? Make a reservation for the Alumni Dinner and evening
on Saturday, July 14 using the form below. Or you can register online at and click on
online donation. Just do it! Deadline is June 29th.
Reunion Notes
The following is the information we have
regarding honor class contacts. If you are
interested in representing your class, or having
information regarding honored classes, please
contact either Gary Schmidt (402) 721-1846 or, or Kathy Kaup
(402)721-1846 or
Class of 1957
Sister Colette (Judy) Baldwin
Class of 1962
Norma Beck Hass
Class of 1972
Diane Givens Paul
There will be a gathering at the Outpost Grille
& Steakhouse in the Clarion at 23rd & Bell
Street (formerly the Wilderness Lodge) on
Friday, July 13th, with the banquet on
Saturday, July 14th.
Class of 1977
There will be a social at Jerry & Patti Delaney's
home at 2940 N. Laverna Street at 7 p.m. on
Friday, July 13th. Snacks will be provided,
please bring your own beverage. Please RSVP
to Jerry Delaney at 402-721-1239 or Doreen
Hegemann Beaudette at 402-727-0752.
Please Get Bio's sent back, we would like to
hear from you even if you cannot come.
Let us know if
you can make it, we would like as many to
come as possible! Thanks, Doreen
information please contact: Keri Hanson
Pittenger at, Mary
Wiebold Larson at,
Carla Conklin Walters at 402-753-3653, or
Roger Ortmeier at 402-289-1525.
Class of 1982
There will be a golf tournament Saturday, July
14th at Whitetail golf course, 9 holes, 4 man
teams with the banquet on Saturday, July 14th,
please let me know by Friday, July 13th at
12:00 midnight central standard time. Our
teachers are welcome to participate in the golf
tournament and the banquet. Greg Robinson
Kris Moore Janke
Class of 1987
There will cocktails from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. at "J's Steakhouse" 406 North Main
Street on Friday, July 13, 2012. Dinner will
follow. At 9:00 the class will meet at the LA
Fireproof Door (the Door), 325 North Main
to listen to John LaMar and the live music of
the "Write-Offs" a local band. For more
Craig Kneifl
Class of 1992
Friday, July 13th, cocktails and munchies, 7:00
p.m. at Erin Rock, 1447 Mayfair Ave. Bring
your choice of drink & an appetizer/snack.
RSVP July 11th to Erin Rock at or 402-320-5853. The
banquet is Saturday, July 14th.
Class of 2002
Saturday, July 14, 2012 Alumni Dinner; Social at 6:00 p.m. /Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
St. Patrick's Auditorium, 431 North Union
Dinner Tickets are $20 per Person (Alumni/Guests)
Name:_________________________________________________Maiden name _______________________
Class of_____Spouse/Guest__________________________________________________________________
Number of tickets @ $20 per person___
Method of payment:___Check___Visa___MasterCard___American Express
Card number:____________________________________Exp. Date:_______Vcode:_____
__Online registration and payment: click online donation
Payment and RSVP deadline by Friday, June 29, 2012
Please return this portion and payment to: Bergan Alumni Association, 422 East 4th Street, Fremont, NE 68025
Alumni Board Members
Dates to Remember
Eleanor Krumel Kubin .............................................. 1956
Gordy Whitcomb ........................................................ 1961
Norma Beck Hass ....................................................... 1962
Daniel Mueller ............................................................ 1964
Robert Brown .............................................................. 1970
Joseph Wewel .............................................................. 1973
Julie Henggeler Butler ............................................... 1979
Kris Stover Love ......................................................... 1980
Stacia Stover Anderson .............................................. 1984
Thomas Meister........................................................... 1984
Lisa Arett Vanek ......................................................... 1988
Kris Moore Janke ........................................................ 1992
Danielle Schmitz Paulson .......................................... 1993
Craig Kneifl .................................................................. 2002
Vacation Bible School ................. June 25-29, 2012
Alumni Reunion .................................. July 14, 2012
"Diamonds Are For Every Knight"........ November 16, 2012
Archbishop Bergan Catholic
School Website
St. Patrick's Catholic Parish
Facebook Page
Bergan Knights Forever
a ministry of
St. Patrick’s Catholic Parish
422 East 4th Street
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 721-6611
Archbishop Bergan Catholic School
** Preschool/Elementary Building **
1515 North Johnson Road
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 721-9766
**Junior/Senior High Building **
545 East 4th Street
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 721-9683
Bergan Knights Forever/Alumni Newsletter
Publisher: Rev. David Belt
Editor: Mrs. Kathy Kaup
Phone: 402-721-1846
Email: or
Please send updated contact information including email addresses to
Bergan Alumni Office, 422 East 4th Street, Fremont, NE 68025. To
submit news or photos send to:
Kathy Kaup, editor, at

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