Arlington - The McLeod County Chronicle


Arlington - The McLeod County Chronicle
Serving the Communities of Arlington and Green Isle, Minnesota
Single copy $1.00
Volume 132 • Number 45 • Thursday, May 19, 2016 • Arlington, MN 55307
Value engineering approved to cover bid overage
By Amy Newsom
The Sibley East School
Board, at its regular monthly
meeting on Monday night,
May 16, approved several
value engineering savings at
the Arlington school site as
presented by Joe Cecko, project manager with RA Morton.
The value engineering sav-
ings items included delete
new flag pole and repurpose
existing for a savings of
$2,500, brick type revision
from modular to utility size
saving $81,300, omitting the
roof top mechanical screening saving $141,413, delete
the 44 X 44 opening in gymnasium bar joist not required
for duct routing saving
$20,000, omit the gypsum
board finish above false ceiling and sound sealant saving
$8,585, vertical unit ventilator model change saving
$42,000, and drop-in ceiling
light fixture change saving
Cecko stated that the value
engineering equals a total deduction of $307,798 which
covers most of the base bid
RA Morton will also consider changes to the auditorium and gymnasium audio visual systems. Cecko stated
that they will “not compromise overall quality.”
The School Board also approved changing the light fixtures at the elementary school
to match the ones at the high
school for a savings of
$26,506. RA Morton will
also continue to research
other cost savings. Superintendent Jim Amsden stated
that they should “pursue the
ones that make the most
sense.” Cecko assured the
School Board it will not make
any changes that would affect
the quality.
Abby Hammes of Wendel
Architects presented the
School Board with a sample
of exterior material finishes
for the Arlington site. The
School Board approved the
materials presented by
School Board member
has interest in garages
Enterprise photo by Kurt Menk
Sibley East Groundbreaking Ceremony
A groundbreaking ceremony for the renovation/additions project at the Sibley East Public School in Arlington was held on
Wednesday afternoon, May 18. The guest speakers for the ceremony were Superintendent Jim Amsden, Sibley East School
Board Chairperson Brian Brandt and Arlington Mayor Rich
Nagel. The Sibley East band provided music while five groups
of individuals participated in the actual shoveling of ground.
Left to right: RA Morton President and CEO Preston Euerle,
Sibley East Superintendent Jim Amsden, Arlington Mayor Rich
Nagel, Sibley East School Board Chairperson Brian Brandt,
Wendel Architects representative Abby Hammes, teacher Tim
Uhlenkamp, teacher Ann Walsh, teacher Jaquie Hazelwood,
Sibley East School Board member Sarah Ziegler, Gaylord
Mayor Don Boeder and Green Isle Mayor Dale Zum Berge. The
project is expected to be completed in approximately 18
Arlington City Council votes 3-1 to
reaffirm acceptance of TSE building
By Kurt Menk
The Arlington City Council, during its regular meeting
on Monday night, May 16,
voted 3-1 and approved a motion to reaffirm its decision
from one year ago and accept
the donation of the administrative building from Technical Services for Electronics,
Inc, at no cost.
The agenda item had been
tabled at the previous regular
meeting on Monday night,
May 2.
City Council members
Michelle Battcher, Jim Heiland and James Jaszewski all
voted in favor of the motion.
City Council member
Galen Wills voted against the
motion. Wills said the city
currently does not have a use
for the building. He also cited
the cost to maintain the building.
City Council member Jennifer Nuesse had a prior commitment and was unable to
attend the meeting.
The donation includes the
security system along with
some furnishings, according
to City Administrator Liza
Donabauer. The size of the
building is 10,000 square
feet. The building was valued
at $79,200 one year ago.
TSE, according to Donabauer, plans to vacate the
building by the end of July.
The City Council did not
discuss any plans for the use
of the building at the regular
3-1 Vote
The City Council, in other
action, voted 3-1 and approved a motion to authorize
a Central Business District
Facade Loan Program.
Battcher, Jaszewski and
Wills all voted in favor of the
Heiland voted against the
motion because the program
is not open to businesses outside the central business district.
The program will provide
an incentive to stimulate visible investment in Arlington’s
central business district
(downtown). Property owners
are encouraged to consider
improvements that incorporate the surrounding community design and atmosphere
including but not limited to
aesthetics, environment, cultural and historic elements,
and architecture.
The program will provide a
matching forgivable loan for
actual design and construction costs up to $2,500 property address, per calendar
The proceeds from the sale
of the former drycleaner
building has been placed in
the Economic Development
loan fund and will fund the
Overall, it will allow 14
projects to move forward
using the proceeds from the
sale of the building. At this
time, one property owner has
expressed interest in the program.
Other Business
The City Council, in other
business, voted 4-0 and approved a motion to approve a
dance permit for the Arlington Fire Department.
The fire department plans
to combine its previous annual dance held in January and
open house held in October
into a Fall Block Party on
Saturday night, Oct. 15.
A dinner dance will be held
at the fire hall and parking lot
that evening. The meal will
be served from 5 p.m. to 7
p.m. while The Rhythm
Kings will provide musical
entertainment from 5 p.m. to
8 p.m. Maiden Dixie will
play from 8 p.m. to midnight.
A recreational fire (similar to
the one held at Fish Camp
during the Arli-Dazzle celebration, is also planned.
Heiland encouraged the fire
department to keep the volume down on the outdoor
band and be good neighbors.
In other news, Donabauer
announced that the Arlington
Farmers Market is right
around the corner and will
start on Monday, June 6.
Donabauer, in another matter, also announced that the
Arlington Clean Up Day will
be held at the Sibley County
Fairgrounds from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. Thursday, June 23.
The Arlington City Council
will hold its next regular
meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday,
June 6.
By Amy Newsom
Superintendent Jim Amsden, during the regular
monthly meeting of the Sibley East School Board on
Monday night, May 16, reported that Sibley East did
not receive any bids or offers
for the garages at the Arlington school site. He reported
that the garages would have
to be demolished.
School Board member Dan
Woehler then indicated an interest in them. Woehler will
have to supply a bid just like
any other individual and remove them before the construction deadline.
Woehler removes the garages
it will lower the estimated
$13,000 in demolition costs.
5-1 Vote
The School Board approved the consulting agreement with Harbo Consulting,
Mankato, by a 5-1 vote.
Harbo agrees to coordinate,
develop, and monitor health
and safety projects; conduct
annual and semi-annual inspections of the facilities for
asbestos and OSHA compliance; prepare reports of all
inspections including proposed work needed to bring
facilities and/or equipment
into compliance; coordinate
testing for lead, radon, asbestos, air quality, and other
substances as needed; coordinate hazardous waste disposal and recycling activities;
provide required training in
Right to Understand, respirator use, and infectious agent,
blood borne pathogens,
chemical hygiene plan, twohour asbestos awareness, and
other agency mandated training; develop an annual health
and safety program for
School Board approval; develop an annual health and
safety 10-year budget as part
of the overall 10-year long
term facility maintenance
plan for fiscal year 2018 to
fiscal year 2029; complete
annual long term facility
maintenance fund application; coordinate and review
health and safety expenditures; maintain all necessary
environmental records and
prepare all required public
notices for distribution; address environmental issues at
the request of the superintendent.
The amount of the contract
will be $57,267 or $19,089
per year during the three-year
School Board member
Nathan Kranz voted against
approving the contract because Sibley East had not
priced around with other consultants.
Superintendent Amsden
stated that they had not
shopped around because they
have been “happy with
[Harbo’s] service and they
are already familiar with the
The School Board entered
into a lease agreement with
Arlington Storage, Inc. to
lease 1,980 square feet located at Sixth Street in Arlington
at $200 per month. Arlington
Storage, Inc. is owned by
School Board member Dan
Woehler presented an affidavit which stated he was a
school board member and
owner of the business, but
that the price offered was a
reasonable value because the
expected price for such a size
unit would be in excess of
$500 per month.
Increase In
Lunch Prices
The Sibley East School
Board approved a 10 cent increase in school lunch prices
to continue to move toward
full compliance with the Federal Health Hunger Free Kids
Act of 2010. The bill allows
the USDA to implement new
standards for lunches provided in schools and provides
funding for nutrition programs and free lunch programs. This bill was signed
into law in December of 2013
by President Obama and the
new nutrition standards are
part of First Lady Michelle
Obama’s fight against childhood obesity. The bill provided $4.5 billion in new
funding for these programs
for 10 years and requires
schools to be audited every
three years to improve compliance with nutritional standards.
Superintendent Amsden reported that “42 to 43 percent
(of Sibley East students) receive free and reduced lunches.”
The Sibley East School
Board will hold its next regular monthly meeting in Arlington at 6:30 p.m. Monday,
June 20.
Sibley East
Continued on page 3
Pinske, Swanson, Karau file for county commissioner positions
By Kurt Menk
Two incumbents and one
challenger have filed for the
two open Sibley County
Commissioners positions as
the filing period opened on
Tuesday, May 17.
Incumbent Bill Pinske has
filed for re-election for the
Second District County Com-
missioner position.
The second district for the
county commissioner position
includes the City of Arlington, Arlington Township and
Kelso Township.
Incumbent Jim Swanson
and challenger Diana Karau
have filed for the Third District County Commissioner
The third district for the
county commissioner position
includes the City of Gaylord,
Dryden Township and Sibley
Other open positions that
will be on the ballot at the
general election will include
Third District Soil and Water
Supervisor, Fourth District
Soil and Water Supervisor
and Fifth District Soil and
Water Supervisor.
All positions on the ballot
will be for four-year terms.
The third district for the
soil and water position includes the City of Gibbon,
Grafton Township, Moltke
Township and Severance
Township. The incumbent is
Gary Schafer.
The fourth district for the
soil and water position includes the City of Winthrop,
Alfsborg Township, Bismarck
Township, Cornish Township
and Transit Township. The incumbent is Wayne Grams.
The fifth district for the soil
and water position includes
the City of Green Isle, Faxon
Township, Green Isle Town-
ship, Jessenland Township
and Washington Lake Township. The incumbent is Robert
“Bob” Nielsen.
The filing period will close
at 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 31.
The general election will be
held on Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 2
News Briefs
Accident near Belle Plaine
A two-vehicle accident reportedly occurred along
Highway 25 about three miles northwest of Belle Plaine
at 2:44 p.m. Thursday, May 12, according to the Sibley
County Sheriff’s Department.
Judith Skinner, 79, McGregor, was driving a 2014
Ford Escape westbound on Highway 25 and attempting
a left turn into a driveway, according to the report.
Joseph Spangler, 40, Green Isle, was driving a 1994
Ford pickup westbound on Highway 25 and struck the
rear of the Skinner vehicle. He did not attempt to avoid
the vehicle.
Spangler and a passenger, Bradley Spangler, 19, Henderson, did not suffer any apparent injuries, according to
the report. Skinner did not suffer any apparent injuries
either. All parties were wearing seatbelts. Driver inattention may have been a factor in the accident.
Both vehicles were towed from the scene, according
to the report.
G-F-W school bus accident
Blood drive set for May 24
The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at
the Arlington Community Center from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday, May 24.
To make an appointment or for more information,
contact Karan Pichelmann at 507-964-2882.
People who have eligibility questions can call 1-866236-3276.
College graduates announced
Ridgewater College announce the graduating class of
2016. Graduation ceremonies took place at the Hutchinson campus on Thursday, May 12 and at the Willmar
campus on Friday, May 13.
Elissa Lovaas, Arlington, earned a Diploma in Practical Nursing
Megan Wiltgen, Arlington, earned a Diploma in Education Paraprofessional.
Alexander Lenzen, Green Isle, earned a Diploma in
Dairy Management.
Korri Perschau, Green Isle, earned an AAS in Veterinary Technology.
Enterprise photos by Kurt Menk
Alli Harter
Lindsey Flieth
Alli Harter selected as the Junior of the Quarter,
Lindsey Flieth chosen Sophomore of the Quarter
By Kurt Menk
Alli Harter and Lindsey
Flieth were recently selected
as the Junior of the Quarter
and Sophomore of the Quarter respectively at the Sibley
East Senior High School in
The senior, junior and
sophomore students of the
quarter replaces the previous
Students of the Month at the
Sibley East Senior High
Harter is currently enrolled
in American Literature, Band,
Yearbook, Geography, Study
Hall, PreCalculus, College
Now Biology and College
Now Sociology.
Harter, who is a member of
the National Honor Society,
is a member of the “A”
Honor Roll. She is also a past
Student of the Month.
Harter is involved in band
at Sibley East. She was also a
member of the Sibley East
varsity girls tennis team last
fall and the Sibley East varsity girls basketball last winter.
She is currently a member of
the Sibley East varsity girls
softball team.
Her hobbies and work in-
Thank you for all
the cards and phone
calls and checking in.
My knee is really
Thanks to Rivers
Edge and Ridgeview
for the care and therapy group who keep
me in shape.
Love, Diana Glieden
The University of Jamestown held the 110th Commencement Ceremony at the Jamestown Civic Center
on Saturday, May 7.
Among the graduates was Arlington native Bryce
Kloeckl, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in
Nursing Degree.
Kloeckl is a graduate of the Sibley East Senior High
School in Arlington. He is the son of Tim and Jane
Kloeckl, Arlington.
The Class of 2016 included a total of 152 graduates;
118 of whom received undergraduate degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Science
in Nursing. The remaining 34 graduates were the inaugural class of the Fargo-based Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and received graduate degrees of Doctor of
Physical Therapy.
Thank you so
much for the
beautiful basket
full of goodies
I won in the
Mother’s Day
It was a
wonderful surprise!
Amy Pautsch
Please send cards to:
602 Marion Dr.
Arlington, MN 55307
We’d love for her to get
90 cards for 90 years!
Th.-Fri. 9-11 p.m.
Sat.-Sun. 3-6 p.m. & 9-11 p.m.
3.25 Captain Morgan Drinks
$2.50 Rail Drinks
$2.50 16oz./$3.00 20oz. Domestic Taps
$3.50 16oz./$4.00 20oz. Craft Taps
Open House May 26 3 p.m. To 5 p.m.
The Arlington Enterprise, in an upcoming edition,
will again publish a list of deceased veterans from the
Arlington and Green Isle area in conjunction with Memorial Day.
If a loved one was omitted from last year’s list or has
passed away during the past year, please contact Kurt
Menk at 507-964-5547 or email
Sundays: $4.00 Bloody Mary’s
507-964-2774 • 508 2nd Ave NW, Arlington
SE Board accepts donations
Call us to place your
Limited to
30 people.
Workshop with Jarrod Roll
Sat., June 11, 2016, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Monday, May 23: Arlington City Council,
council chambers, 6:30 p.m.
Sibley East School Board, room 149 at Arlington Campus, 6:30 p.m.
VFW Post 6031, veterans building at fair
grounds, 8:00 p.m.
Arlington AA & Al Anon, St. Mary’s Catholic
Church, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, May 25: Arlington Fire Department Relief Association, Arlington Fire Hall, 7
Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (straight thru)
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Arlington State Bank
30.00 – includes lunch
& tombstone cleaning kit
on her 90th Birthday
May 27th
Whether you sent prayers, a
card, a plant or food – we thank
Our appreciation to Pastor Rapp
for the heartfelt memorial service
and to Corrine Powers for the beautiful music.
Special thanks to the Doehling
families for their generosity and the
LWML group for the kitchen help.
Gary will live on in our memories
Marlene Moeller
Wendy & Brian Bruers
Gail & Greg Thomes
Michael & Angie Moeller
Happy Hour
All items decorating gravestones in the Arlington
Public Cemetery are permitted 1 week prior to
Memorial Day and need to be removed from the
grass area within 2 weeks after the holiday to
allow for the orderly mowing and maintenance of
the cemetery.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Arlington City Council
Names of deceased veterans
Helen Engelmann
At the regular Sibley East School Board meeting on
Monday, May 16, the School Board members accepted
the resignation of Pat Vossen as a paraprofessional in
Gaylord, approved the hiring of Jodi Sprandel as Sibley
East food service director at $17 an hour, and approved
Carol Dammann as assistant head cook in Arlington
with a stipend of $20 a day.
Card Shower
Resignations and hires
The Sibley East School Board, at its regular monthly
meeting on Monday night, May 16, accepted donations
from the following: $50 from Gordon and Sherry Bates
for football, $5,152.19 from the Gaylord Game Protective League for the trap team, $500 from Stacy and
Frederic Latzke Jr. for FFA, $200 from VFW New
Auburn Post 7266 for school patrol, $6,812.20 from
Gaylord Sertoma for bleachers, and $3,406.10 from the
City of Gaylord for bleachers.
Flieth is currently enrolled
in Health Occupations, Certified Nursing Assistant, Honors Chemistry, English, Algebra II, History, Spanish II and
Physical Education.
Flieth is a member of the
“A” Honor Roll and is a past
Student of the Month.
She is also involved in Visual Arts and Knowledge
Bowl at Sibley East. In addition, she was a member of the
Sibley East varsity girls tennis team last fall and is currently a member of the Sibley
East varsity girls track.
Her hobbies and work include dance, lifeguarding and
teaching swimming lessons at
the Gaylord Area Aquatic
She is the daughter of
Doug and Amy Flieth, Gaylord.
Thank You
Thank You
Kloeckl is college graduate
clude sports, babysitting, and
coaching softball.
After graduation, Harter
would like to attend a college
that offers a speech therapy
She is the daughter of
Steve and Audrey Harter,
There were no reported injuries during an accident involving a school bus and a grain truck at the intersection
of County Road 3 and 270th Street about three miles
northeast of Gibbon, according to the Sibley County
Sheriff’s Department.
Julie A. Fischer, age and town unavailable, was driving a 2016 G-F-W school bus and carrying 11 passengers south on County Road 3, according to the report.
Lyle G. Forst was driving a 1997 International 400 series grain truck east on 270th Street. As the school bus
neared the intersection, the grain truck pulled out. The
bus driver swerved to miss the other vehicle. The grain
truck made contact with the door of the school bus and
broke the glass in the door and caused scratches and
dents down to the right side of the bus.
(507) 964-2256
Reservations Required
Fax (507) 964-5550
For Information contact: Dwight Grabitske:
507-964-5878 or email
Arlington Historical Society • Kolden Funeral
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 3
Sorenson is Senior of the Quarter
Cancer Cruise to benefit Alex Gieseke
By Kurt Menk
The fifth annual Cancer
Cruise will be held in Arlington on Saturday, May
The event will consist of
a 5K Fun Run/Walk and
Car Show and Cruise.
All proceeds from the
day will be donated to the
Alex Gieseke family to
help with expenses associated with Alex’s second
cancer journey.
The 5K Fun Run/Walk
will be held at Four Seasons Park in Arlington at
8:30 a.m.
A pre-registration fee
The School Board approved
the 2016-2017 athletic fee
schedule. The fee schedule
will remain the same as last
Athletic Director Randy
Walsh reported that he has
“never had anyone not participate because of the fees.” The
family maximum for athletics
is $450.
The School Board also
voted 5-1 to pass a resolution
cruise through the eastern
part of Sibley County and
end in Henderson at approximately 5:30 p.m.
T-shirts can be purchased
separately, but pre-ordering
is suggested. There are no
guarantees of extra shirts
being available for sale on
the day of the 5K Fun
Run/Walk and Car Show
and Cruise.
For more information,
.com or 507-964-5603.
The rain date will be
Sunday, May 22.
Former Lazy S Saloon destroyed in fire
Enterprise photo by Kurt Menk
Rachel Sorenson
a nanny, plans to coach youth
softball this summer. She is a
member of the Arlington
United Methodist Church
where she sings in the church
choir. In addition, Sorenson
has gone on a number of mission trips.
After graduation, Sorenson
plans to attend the University
of Wisconsin at River Falls
and major in elementary education.
She is the daughter of Scott
and Brenda Sorenson, Arlington.
By Kurt Menk
The former Lazy S Saloon
in New Auburn was destroyed in a fire early Sunday
morning, May 15, according
to the Sibley County Sheriff’s
The sheriff ’s department
took a report of a structure
fire at 7401 Seventh Avenue
to approve renewed membership in the Minnesota State
High School League for 20162017.
Kranz questioned the cost
of membership and voted no
because he “did not know the
dollar amounts.”
Business Manager Janna
Tessmer later informed the
School Board that the costs
were $2,090.
Revised Budget
The School Board approved
the revised 2016 school budg-
et presented by Tessmer. The
total revised revenue for
2015-2016 is at $59,827,826.
The revenue amount includes
the $43 million for the school
construction projects. The expenditures are at $21,904,726.
Tessmer budgeted a loss of
$35,664 in the unassigned
general fund balance and stated that they would like to see
it close to zero. If necessary,
they will move some of the
tech director’s salary and benefits into operating capital.
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Real Estate, Estate Planning,
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from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.”
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at the Gaylord Campus
Tickets can be purchased at both campuses prior to the carnival!
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332 Sibley Avenue, Gaylord, MN 55334
Tel. (507) 237-2954
Corner of Hwy. 5 & Chandler
Arlington, MN
Wills - Family Law
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General Law Practice & Trials
607 W. Chandler St.
Arlington, MN 55307
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Fri. 8am-4pm; 1st & 3rd Sat. 8am-11am
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Steve Olmstead
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Gaylord, MN 55334
Mowing, fertilizing and
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garden tilling, core aeration
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Adam and David Hansen
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Klehr Grading
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Call Shane
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1701 Old Minnesota Ave.
Saint Peter, MN
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Join us for games, food, and fun!
Office Hours: Monday–Friday
Law Office
May 26th, 4-30 – 7:00 p.m.
Dr. John D. Gustafson, D.D.S
Dr. Jared Gustafson, D.D.S
106 3rd Ave. NW,
507-964-5177 or
Toll-Free 866-752-9567
Come One, Come All:
To The Sibley East
Elementary Carnival!
Family Dentistry
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Saturdays by Appointment
Jim ’s
Large Animal
Veterinary Services
Ultrasound repro, Surgical,
Medical and Nutrition
Small Animal House Call
by Appointment
Medical, Vaccination Services
and Surgical Referral
Dr. Robert G. Ovrebo
Office 507-964-2682
Cell 507-995-0507
Tyler Kranz, Owner
Thursday, May 26th, 2016 @ 7 pm
Green Isle Community School Gym
190 McGrann Street, Green Isle “This activity is made possible by a grant provided by Prairie Lakes
Regional Arts Council from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage
(507) 326-7144
Fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money
• 5” Seamless Gutters
• 6” Seamless Gutters
• K-Guard Leaf-Free
Gutter System
• 24-Hour Emergency
• Free Estimates
Judge Thomas G. McCarthy
ley County Sheriff’s Department.
Fire crews located one occupant in the building and
they escaped without injury,
according to the report.
The building was a total
loss, according to the report.
The cause of the fire remains
under investigation.
Farm – Residential
Green Isle Community School
requests the pleasure of your company
at our Elders’ Celebration
in New Auburn at 9:35 a.m.,
according to the report.
The New Auburn Fire Department responded to the
call, the report said. It was assisted on the scene by the
Gaylord Fire Department,
Glencoe Fire Department, Allina Ambulance Service,
Minnesota State Patrol,
American Red Cross and Sib-
Business & Professional
Sibley East Continued from page 1
Fees and
also includes a t-shirt. People can also register for the
fun run/walk on the day of
the event.
The Car Show will be
held in the parking lot at St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church,
101 West Chandler Street,
and will start at 11 a.m.
Classics, trucks, rat rods,
motorcycles and any street
legal vehicle are welcome.
A nominal donation is
suggested to enter a vehicle. Pre-registration is not
required, but the donation
does not include a t-shirt.
The Cancer Cruise will
leave Arlington at 4 p.m.
The group of vehicles will
By Kurt Menk
Rachel Sorenson, a senior
at the Sibley East Senior
High School, was recently
chosen by her classmates as
the Outstanding Senior of the
Seniors at Sibley East vote
for the outstanding member
of the senior class each quarter. The names of those students are then submitted to
the Gaylord Rotary Club to
consider for a scholarship
sponsored by the club. The
scholarship was scheduled to
be presented to the outstanding senior of the year during
the annual awards ceremony
on Wednesday night, May 18.
Sorenson is currently enrolled in Teaching Assistant,
Band, British Literature,
Study Hall, Choir, PreCalculus, Economics and Sociology.
Sorenson is a member of
the “A” Honor Roll. She is
also a past Student of the
Sorenson is involved in
band, jazz band and choir.
She was also a member of the
Sibley East varsity girls volleyball team last fall and is
currently a member of the
Sibley East varsity girls softball team.
Outside of school, Sorenson works in guest services at
the Gaylord Area Aquatic
Center. Sorenson, who is also
The Arlington Enterprise is happy to
place your engagement and wedding
photos with details or the birth of your
child or grandchild in our weekly edition.
There is NO CHARGE for this service.
W W W. A R L I N G T O N
Email your photos and information to:
or call 507-964-5547 for more info.
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 4
Construction to begin
on Arlington school site
Our View: Selling memorial bricks
would be an outstanding fundraiser
The renovation/addition project at the Sibley East Public School in Arlington is set to begin Monday, May 23.
As Superintendent Jim Amsden stated in a letter to the
editor this week, “During the next 18 months there will
be a significant amount of construction activity at the Arlington site.”
This is also an excellent opportunity for the Sibley
East School Board to explore an idea to sell bricks as
memorials from the 1936 portion of the building which
is set to be demolished. Former and current students and
teachers, along with school district residents, would have
a chance to purchase a brick and have a permanent part
of Arlington, Arlington-Green Isle and Sibley East
school history.
The Arlington Historical Society, which pushed to
have the south entrance arch of the 1936 building to be
part of the new construction, would be a logical choice
to facilitate the memorial brick program. The Arlington
Historical Society, for its efforts in this endeavor, could
be given a portion of the fundraising monies. The remaining monies could go into special fund and be a resource for additional scholarships or a particular project
at the school.
The memorial brick program would be a win-win opportunity for Sibley East. People could have a part of
history and the school could raise additional funds at the
same time. Since the bricks are already there, the only
real expense would be the purchase of a small inscripted
plaque which could be glued to each stone.
This idea and opportunity beats the current plan of
hauling the bricks to a landfill.
Too Tall’s Tidbits
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to the following local and
area residents compliments of the
Arlington Lions Club Community
May 20
Brynlie Duenow, Jim Neubarth,
Samantha Pomplun, Mark Vrklan,
Brooke Thomes, Michael Winter,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Archer, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Luepke, and Mr. and
Mrs. Andy McCarthy.
May 21
Katie Rickert, Caia Smart, and Mr.
and Mrs. Eric (Pichelmann) Heiss.
May 22
Lori Berger, Fran Ferch, Andrew
Hislop, Dorrine Scharping, Mr. and
Mrs. Ryan Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jason Lenertz, and Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Stumm.
May 23
Morris Mesenbring, Jeanette Seeman and Takarra Traxler.
May 24
In Memory Of LeRoy Winters,
Marisa Kroells, Logan Glieden,
Bette Nelson and Deborah Perschau.
May 25
In Memory Of Norb Brau, In Memory Of Shirley Kubal, Jim Farber,
Rick Koepp, Mark Melsha, and Mr.
and Mrs. Barry Nagel.
May 26
In Memory Of Debbie Mathwig,
Will Hislop, Kurt Kolander, David
Krohn, Jeremy Latzke.
If Hillary Clinton and Donald
Trump are in the same boat and it
capsizes, who survives? America!!!
Two inexperienced hunters went
hunting in the woods. Before long
they got lost. “Don’t worry,” said the
first hunter, “I heard that when
you’re lost you should fire three
shots in the air and someone should
hear you.”
They fired three shots in the air
and waited a half hour. They tried
again another three and nothing happened. Finally they decided they
would try it once more.
“This better work,” said the second hunter nervously. “These are
our last arrows!”
A passenger train is creeping
along, slowly. Finally it creaks to a
halt. A passenger sees a conductor
walking by outside. “What’s going
on?” she yells out the window.
“Horse on the track!” replies the
Ten minutes later, the train resumes its slow pace. However, five
minutes later it stops again.
The lady sees the conductor
walking by again. She leans out
and yells, “What happened? We
caught up to that horse again?”
“Take out a pen and paper,” the
teacher said. “Imagine you are a millionaire, and write an essay on how
you are feeling.”
All the children started writing
their essay except for Willy. “Why
aren’t you writing your essay,
Willy?” asked the teacher.
“I’m waiting for my secretary,”
he replied.
A husband and wife are fighting,
and she yells at him, “The only reason you married me was because my
great uncle left me a million dollars.”
He turns back and calmly
replies, “Don’t be ridiculous. I
don’t care who left it to you!”
Josh phoned his heart surgeon to
schedule an appointment for an immediate surgery.
“I’m sorry,” the receptionist answered, “we don’t have anything
available for the next three weeks.”
"But I could die by then!” replied
“No problem,” answered the receptionist. “ Just call before to
cancel the appointment.”
Two farmers are sitting next to
each other. One says to the other, “I
have such a big farm I could climb
in my truck, and it would take me
two days to get across the whole
The other farmer turns back to
him and replies, “I also used to
have a truck like that!”
Established in 1884.
Postmaster send address changes to:
Arlington Enterprise.
402 West Alden Street, P.O. Box 388,
Arlington, MN 55307.
Phone 507-964-5547 FAX 507-964-2423.
Hours: Monday-Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.;
Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Friday closed.
Entered as Periodicals postal matter at Arlington, MN
post office. Postage paid at Arlington USPS No. 031-980.
Subscription Rates: Minnesota – $37.00 per year.
Outside of state – $43.00 per year.
Letters To The Editor
They just can’t help themselves
To The Editor,
For months, years actually, I have
been complaining about the increased rate of spending approved
by the Minnesota Legislature. This
session alone I have been critical of
the spending in the Transportation,
Bonding, Supplemental Budget, and
Tax bills approved by the Senate
DFL majority. Allow me to use SF
3572, which passed off the Senate
Floor today, to better illustrate my
frustration with the level of legislative spending in Minnesota.
Senate File 3572 is a composite
of several state agencies that found
some money left unspent from a
prior appropriation that is about to
expire. Rather than allowing that to
happen, the Department of Agriculture discovered an unfunded “need”,
so they proposed to grab the money
before the appropriation expires. It’s
not a lot of money by State standards (only about $3.5M), but that’s
not the point. The point is “they”
(the DFL majority in the Senate)
cannot stop spending. I think they
have Addictive Spending Syndrome,
not unlike being an adjudicated
spendthrift. It’s a political condition
that develops when part of the legislature is left in control for decades
and has no fear of reprisal from constituents.
Whether you consider yourself a
Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you must face the reality that
the DFL-led Senate is spending us
into perdition. For a least a decade,
your state spending has increased at
an alarming rate and has been ex-
tracted from you to pay for programs you don’t know about and
likely wouldn’t approve of if you
I’m sending out a warning to you
and using SF 3572 as the best example I can find to illustrate the mindset of those who are in control of the
Minnesota Senate. They just can’t
help themselves, so you are going to
have to hold them accountable and
let them know they can’t get away
with this kind of spending.
Please do not hesitate to contact
me with any comments, questions,
or concerns.
Scott Newman
State Senator
Superintendent Amsden updates school neighbors
Dear School Neighbors,
The new construction and remodeling project at the Arlington Campus is set to begin on May 23. During the next 18 months there will be
a significant amount of construction
activity at our Arlington site.
Workers will begin their work day
at 7 a.m. and conclude each day by
5 p.m. During this period of time
residents will notice increased diesel
truck traffic on Second Avenue as
equipment and materials are delivered to the Arlington site. There will
undoubtedly be increased noise levels from back-up beepers and construction equipment during the work
period. During dry periods there will
be increased levels of dust surrounding the site.
RA Morton Construction Managers have assigned Mr. Michael
Beach to be the site construction
manager. He will work closely with
city and school officials to coordinate all construction activities that
surround the school site. He will
also be available to surrounding res-
idents to address questions or concerns related to the construction
process. Mr. Beach can be contacted
by phone at 218-766-7350 or e-mail
We look forward to the completion of the new and updated facilities during the next 18 months.
These facilities will serve our students for generations to come and be
an asset to our local communities
and school district.
Jim Amsden
SE Superintendent
Guest Column
Charity helps, but it’s not the answer
By Glenn Mollette
I’ve been involved in benevolent
projects for many years. Most of
these efforts have been buying and
distributing food and clothes for the
very poor. In recent years I have
been involved in Safe Fresh water
wells for rural South Africa. As long
as I live I will be involved in some
type of Christian related humanitarian project at some level. I don’t regret being connected to doing something to help people who are hurting. There is a tremendous blessing
that comes through handing a kid a
new pair of athletic shoes or a new
coat. I wish I could do more.
The problem is that charity is not
the answer. It helps. It’s just not the
I would take one small factory
hiring one hundred people in a
county over fifty charities in a county. A paycheck is always better than
a handout. One factory or any employer hiring one hundred people at
a reasonable salary is better than a
bunch a little charities raking and
scraping to keep a light bulb burning
at their local food bank. Unfortunately, too many of these charities
are visited once or more a month by
Karin Ramige, Publisher;
Kurt Menk, Editor; Barb Mathwig, Office; Ashley Reetz, Sales;
and Jean Olson, Proof Reading.
This page is devoted to opinions and commentary. Articles
appearing on this page are the
opinions of the writer. Views expressed here are not necessarily
those of the Arlington Enterprise, unless so designated. The
Arlington Enterprise strongly
encourages others to express
opinions on this page.
Letters from our readers are
strongly encouraged. Letters for
publication must bear the
writer’s signature and address.
The Arlington Enterprise reserves the right to edit letters
for purpose of clarity and space.
low paid workers who simply cannot survive on $8 an hour. Thus, you
have the unemployed and the working poor who keep the food pantries
open and scurrying for funds to buy
cheap food from a larger national
network chain. Overall, America
must have higher wages. We hear
too much about sticking higher
wages to a few certain corporations.
However, we must bring real paying
jobs back to America from coast to
Sadly, I can go back to the same
places where food and clothes have
been disbursed and nothing has
changed. The same little shacks with
the same families live inside. As I
have heard, give a man a fish and
you’ll feed him again and again.
Teach him to fish and he will feed
Non-profits need to focus on creating some jobs for their communities. I realize this is seldom seen as a
mission of some such entities but it's
way past time as our nation struggles economically. Most churches
have idle space Monday through
Saturday. Why not help a small
business or two get on their feet?
Cheap rent and a little congregation-
The editorial staff of the
Arlington Enterprise strives to
present the news in a fair and
accurate manner. We appreciate
errors being brought to our
attention. Please bring any
grievances against the Arlington
Enterprise to the attention of the
editor by e-mail to kurtm@ or by
phone at 507-964-5547.
al support might enable somebody
to get started in a business that
might eventually hire others. Years
ago, one of our local churches put in
a Subway restaurant as a way to
help church members have employment. Churches have to do more
than just plan the next potluck dinner. What if your church or nonprofit could help a few people out of
unemployment? Surely, this would
be the beginning path to a brighter
life. Also think about how you might
help others educationally. You could
provide a free Internet Café with
some weekly adult education. Please
know there are lots of people out
there in your community who do not
know how to do anything. Some
training might save them and a future generation.
If you are feeling entrepreneurial
start something that hires people.
When Friday comes everybody will
be better off if you are handing out
paychecks instead of free soup and
sandwiches. Charity helps but it’s
not the answer.
Glenn Mollette is an American
Syndicated Columnist and Author.
He is the author of eleven books and
read in all 50 states.
Press Freedom
Freedom of the press is guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
“Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or the
Ben Franklin wrote in the
Pennsylvania Gazette in 1731:
“If printers were determined not
to print anything till they were
sure it would offend nobody
there would be very little
Deadline for the Arlington
Enterprise news is 4 p.m., Monday, and advertising is noon,
Tuesday. Deadline for The
Galaxy advertising is noon
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 5
David ‘Charlie’ Thomes, 59, Arlington
Submitted Photo
Community Service Project
The Sibley East Junior High Youth Development recently donated 100 coloring/activity
books and 100 boxes of crayons to the Sibley
Medical Center in Arlington. These items will
be given to children as they wait in urgent
care or at the emergency room. Left to right:
Jackson Reid, Giselle Ramirez, Carly Weber
and Mason Kranz.
85 Years Ago
May 14, 1931
Louis Kill, Editor
From the Green Isle RecordEvidence of the redskins having at one time inhabited the
shores of lakes in Washington
Lake township was proven last
week when Owenie Keefe found
an Indian axe or tomahawk on
his land near the lake last week.
The weapon or tool was made
out of a piece of granite rock
and weighs about five pounds
and is in perfect condition. It is
reported that a number of other
articles, such as pipes and arrowheads, have been found near
there some years ago. The axe
can be seen at the Green Isle
filling station.
The new turbine pump which
was installed at the village
pumping station last week, was
tried out Saturday and is operating very satisfactorily. The
pump is delivering about 600
gallons of water per minute and
can fill the huge tank in one
hour and a half. A couple of
hours of pumping each day is
now sufficient to keep the village supplied, whereas, with the
old pump it was necessary to
pump almost continually.
Milt Fall had been fishing but
with bad luck. On his way home
he entered a fish market and said
to the dealer, “Harry, stand over
there and throw me five of the
biggest of those trout.”
“Throw ‘em? What for?”
asked the dealer in amazement.
“I want to tell the family I
caught ‘em. I may be a poor
fisherman, but I’m no liar.”
65 Years Ago
May 17, 1951
Louis Kill, Editor
Good neighbors gathered at
the Clarence Bergs farm on the
east side of the city last Sunday
and took over the job of planting
the crop for the owner, who is
hospitalized with injuries sustained in a tractor accident last
week. They plowed, harrowed
and seeded all day, and when
evening came the job was done.
The skies literally opened up
and shed their moisture to the
very limit Tuesday night. It
started raining shortly after the
supper hour and continued at intervals during the night. About
two and one-half inches of rain
fell before morning, according
to the rain gauge at the Big
Stone Canning Co. The rain put
a damper on farm work for a
few days at least.
An open house honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Christ Narr of Arlington, on their golden wedding anniversary will be held on Sunday afternoon, May 20th, at St.
Paul’s Lutheran School Auditorium in this city. The Narrs have
two sons, Christ A. Narr of Henderson and Arnold Narr of Arlington.
45 Years Ago
May 13, 1971
Val G. Kill, Editor
The Arlington-Green Isle Indians took sole possession of
first place in the Minnesota
River Conference with a 3-0
shut-out over the Montgomery
Redbirds. Ace pitcher Mike
Hartmann showed great control
as he struck out 15 batters,
while giving up only three hits
and two walks.
Bennett Harold Bade, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bade of
Arlington, was promoted to the
position of L/Cpl. After receiving his promotion L/Cpl. Bade
was sent overseas to Okinawa
and is stationed at Camp
Sixth grade students from all
schools in Sibley County took
part in the fourth annual Arbor
Day observance called by coun-
ty commissioners. Students
from the different schools planted a total of 40 to 50 trees at the
Rush River Park in Henderson
15 Years Ago
May 17, 2001
Kurt Menk, Editor
Mike Vrklan was selected by
his peers as the Sibley East
Teacher of the Year. “It’s really
nice,” said Vrklan, who is an Industrial Technology Instructor at
the Sibley East Senior High
School in Arlington. “The
honor is a little extra touch. It’s
Mayor Czech proclaims
Wednesday, May 23 as Mike
Vrklan Day
Mike Vrklan has been a
teacher-work coordinator and
coach in what is now the Sibley
East School District for 32
years. He has been a member of
the Arlington City Council for
the past four years. Mike has
been an outstanding public servant for many years. He has devoted tremendous energy, time
and talent to his students and the
people of Arlington. In addition,
he has been a good neighbor and
friend to many of us. It is a privilege for me to designate
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 as
Mike Vrklan Day in Arlington.
Dave Czech
Mayor of Arlington
A Sons of the American Legion organization is being established in Arlington. The group,
sponsored by the American Legion Post #250, will feature patriotism, citizenship, discipline,
leadership and legionism. Sons,
stepsons, adopted sons and
grandsons of American Legion
members and sons of deceased
members or veterans who were
eligible to join the American Legion are qualified to join this organization. Age is not a factor.
Spring Concert set for Monday, May 23
The Sibley East Music Department will present a
Spring Concert in the Arlington high school gymnasium
at 7 p.m. Monday, May 23.
The concert will feature
performances from the Concert Band, Sophomore Choir,
Concert Choir and various
solo and ensemble performances.
The band and choirs will
be performing pop music
from the past and present,
featuring selections from
Coldplay, Toto, Cyndi Lauper, The Eagles, The Doobie
Brothers, John Legend, and
Ed Sheeran.
An awards presentation
will occur during the concert
honoring music students for
throughout the year. Some
of these awards include The
John Philip Sousa Award for
Band, The National School
Choral Award for Choir, the
Sibley East Senior Musician
of the Year, as well as several
The Sibley East bands are
directed by Jim Callahan and
the choirs are directed by
Lenore Strouth.
Everyone is invited to attend the last high school concert of the year and celebrate
the accomplishments of the
young Sibley East musicians.
Sibley County Relay For Life is June 17
By Kurt Menk
The Sibley County Relay
For Life will be held at the
Sibley County Fairgrounds in
Arlington on Friday evening,
June 17.
The survivor registration
will begin at 4 p.m. The
Slamming Cancer Team will
also host the survivor dinner
at 4 p.m.
The track will be open for
all teams from 4 p.m. to 7
The opening ceremony fol-
lowed by the survivor lap will
be held at 7:15 p.m.
The lighting of luminaries
will be held at 9 p.m.
The closing ceremony will
be held at 11:45 p.m.
Annual Spring Fling scheduled for next Wednesday
The Sibley East Junior
High Music Department will
perform its annual Spring
Fling in the large gym in
Gaylord at 7 p.m. Wednesday,
May 25.
The concert will feature the
junior high bands as well as
the junior high choirs. Musical selections will include a
variety of pop songs from the
past and present, Broadway
repertoire, folk songs, and
David “Charlie” Thomes
passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family
at home in Arlington on Sunday, May
15, at the
age of 59.
He courageously
for seven
A visitation and funeral were held at
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in
Arlington on Wednesday,
May 18. The visitation started
at 3 p.m. while a funeral mass
followed at 6 p.m. In lieu of
flowers, memorials were preferred. Cremation Society of
Minnesota was in charge of
Charlie was born to Ralph
and Marilyn Thomes in Arlington on March 23, 1957.
He graduated from the Ar-
lington-Green Isle High
School in 1975. He was united in marriage with Brenda
O’Brien on Dec. 1, 1979. The
couple welcomed five children into their family between 1985 and 1992. Charlie’s family was the most important part of his life. His
children will always remember him as a loving, caring,
hard-working, jack-of-alltrades, best dad in the world.
Charlie called himself a PD
-- “professional driver,” driving for Locher Bros., Kamps,
Inc., Trebelhorns & Associates, and Cemstone until he
was forced to retire in 2014
due to his illness. He was
highly dedicated to his career
and had an unmatched work
ethic. He was a member of
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
and the Knights of Columbus.
He was active on the Arlington Sportsmen’s Park Board
and enjoyed playing slow
pitch softball with his brothers and friends for many
Charlie is survived by his
wife, Brenda; children, Billy
(Bethany Trout), Sally
(Brandon Barth), Tricia
(Luke) Westphal, Mick, Mary
(Taylor Trimbo and son,
Mason Trimbo); and his “little buddy” Seger. Siblings include Dick (Carol) Thomes,
Margo (Harlan) Otto, Susie
(Mike) McCarthy, Norma
Thomes (Scott Wheeler),
Barry (Connie) Thomes,
Lorie Thomes, John (Amy)
Thomes and Bob (Gail)
Thomes. In-laws include
Colleen (Mark) Trebelhorn,
Dan (Pam) O’Brien, Lisa
O’Brien, Marie (Scott) Brau
and Tony (Lynn) O’Brien;
and many nieces and
He is preceded in death by
his parents, Ralph and Marilyn Thomes; brother, Dan
“Buck” Thomes; in-laws, Bill
and Dorothy O’Brien; and
Eleanor Trocke, 85, Arlington
Eleanor Trocke age 85, of
Arlington, passed away at the
Arlington Good Samaritan
Center on
We d n e s day, May
service was
Z i o n
Church in
at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, May 17. Rev. James
Carlson officiated.
Casket bearers were Mark
Lueck, Doug Wolf, Grant
Bening, James Trocke, Paul
Trocke and Peter Trocke.
Visitation was held at Zion
Lutheran Church from 5 p.m.
to 7 p.m. Monday, May 16. It
continued one hour prior to
the service at the church on
Tuesday, May 17.
Interment was in the Zion
Lutheran Cemetery.
(Michaelis) Trocke was born
(Eickschen) Michaelis in
New Auburn Township on
July 18, 1930. She was baptized at Zion Lutheran
Church in New Auburn
Township on Aug. 3, 1930,
and later confirmed in her
faith at Zion Lutheran Church
on April 18, 1943.
Eleanor attended District
34 country school and was a
graduate of the Arlington
High School in 1948. Eleanor
was united in marriage with
Everil Trocke at Zion Lutheran Church on Aug. 7, 1949.
This union was blessed with
sons, Robert and Randall.
Eleanor was a longtime
employee of the Geib-Janni
Lumber Company and the
proprietor of Color Mates
Inc. in Arlington. She was a
lifetime member of the Zion
Lutheran Church where she
sang in the choir, taught Sunday School and Confirmation
classes, was a member of the
Zion Church Women and its
Wednesday Circle, and was a
willing volunteer whenever
Eleanor was a member of
the Arlington VFW Post 6031
Auxiliary, Sibley County
Medical Center Board of Directors, Sibley Medical Center Women’s Auxiliary, and
the Arlington Garden Club.
She was also a member of the
Arlington Commercial Club
and was an avid supporter of
the Arlington A’s baseball
team. Eleanor was a strong
community supporter and had
been named the Arlington
Senior Citizen Of The Year.
Eleanor enjoyed reading,
crossword puzzles, baking,
cooking and watching sports.
She cherished the time spent
with family.
Eleanor is survived by her
loving family: son, Randall
(Nancy) Trocke of Brooklyn
Park; grandchildren, Elisha
(Stephen) Moseley of Minneapolis, Teresa (Charlie)
Holm of New Ulm, Andrew
Trocke of Brooklyn Park,
Michael (Amy) Trocke of
Plymouth, and Kelly (Matt)
Schilz of Brooklyn Park;
great grandchildren, Sullivan
and Harris Moseley, Annaliese Trocke, and Jack
Freeman; sister, Beatrice
Tews of Arlington; sister-inlaw, Norma Michaelis of Arlington; nieces, nephews,
other relatives and many
Eleanor is preceded in
death by her parents, John
and Lydia Michaelis; husband, Everil Trocke; son,
Robert Trocke; brothers,
Marvin Michaelis and Duane
Michaels; father-in-law and
mother-in-law, Herman and
Marie Trocke; brothers-inlaw and sisters-in-law, Arnold
Tews, Celestine and Ernie
Nieland, Maynard and Vivian
Trocke, Marvin and Beverly
Trocke, Virgil and Martha
Trocke, Gerald and Annmarie
Trocke; and nephew, Joel
Memorials are preferred to
the Zion Lutheran Church.
Arrangements with the
Johnson Funeral Home
in Waconia. www.johnson
Gene O. Siewert, 77, Hamburg
Gene O. Siewert, age 77, of
Hamburg, passed away at the
Glencoe Regional Health
Services Long Term Care in
Glencoe on
M o n d a y,
May 9.
service was
H a m b u rg ,
at 11 a.m.
May 13.
Rev. Donald Andrix officiated.
Casket bearers were Gene’s
Visitation was held at
Emanuel Luthern Church,
Hamburg, from 4 p.m. to 8
p.m. Thursday, May 12. It
continued one hour prior to
the service at the church on
Friday, May 13.
Gene was born to William
and Agnes (Grochow) Siewert in Hamburg on May 4,
1939. He was baptized and
confirmed at Emanuel
Lutheran Church in Hamburg. On April 24, 1965,
Gene was united in marriage
to Lois J. Plieseis at St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church in Arlington.
Gene loved spending time
with his family attending his
grandchildren’s concerts and
sporting events. His number
one passion was fishing and
sharing his time on or near
the water with his brother,
children and grandchildren.
He was a longtime UPS driver, being a part of the company for 31 years. Gene played
a lead role in the teamsters
local union 638. He was a
member of the Hamburg
Lions Club and on the Hamburg Fire Department both
for 20 years. Gene was a
faithful member of Emanuel
Lutheran Church in Hamburg
serving as church usher on a
regular basis. For a period of
time in his life he umpired for
the Bar League softball. Gene
was a Minnesota Twins fan
watching a game whenever
he could and was a proud veteran of the United States
Gene is survived by his
loving family: wife, Lois;
children, Dan (Christine)
Siewert of Excelsior, Beth
(Bradley) Holm of Darwin,
Michael (Jenny) Siewert of
Glencoe, and David Siewert
of Lester Prairie; grandchildren, Alexandra Siewert, Cassidy Holm, Robyn Siewert,
Derek Holm, Tyler Siewert,
Jakob Siewert and Megan
Siewert; brother, John
(Mavis) Siewert of Gaylord;
brothers-in-law and sistersin-law, Glen (Linda) Plieseis
of Arlington, Timothy Plieseis of Arlington, and Darla
Plieseis of Arlington; nieces,
nephews other relatives and
Gene was preceded in
death by his parents, William
and Agnes Siewert; a sister in
infancy; father-in-law and
mother-in-law, Wilbur and
Gladys Plieseis; and brotherin-law Dennis Plieseis.
Arrangements are with the
Johnson Funeral Home
in Waconia. www.johnson
The choirs are directed by
Lenore Strouth and the bands
are directed by Jim Callahan.
Everyone is invited to attend this final performance of
the school year.
Arlington Enter prise / Sibley
Call us today at 507-964-5547
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 6
Steve Kloempken inducted
into the USBC Hall of Fame
Enterprise photo by Kurt Menk
Sibley East senior catcher Logan Jorgenson
waited for a throw home while Belle Plaine
leadoff hitter Jon Vinkemeier scored the first
run of the game during the top of the third inning.
Sibley East baseball team
splits a pair of 3-2 games
By Kurt Menk
The Sibley East varsity
boys baseball team split a
pair of 3-2 games in Minnesota River Conference action this week.
The Wolverines, 7-5 in the
MRC and 10-8 overall, will
host Lake Crystal-Wellcome
Memorial in non-conference
action at 4:30 p.m. Thursday,
May 19. Sibley East will
travel to Watertown-Mayer in
non-conference play at 7 p.m.
Friday, May 20.
The Wolverines will start
their playoffs on Friday, May
Belle Plaine 3
Sibley East 2
The Sibley East varsity
boys baseball team yielded a
run in the top of the eighth inning and was edged by visiting Belle Plaine 3-2 in Min-
nesota River Conference play
on Monday night, May 16.
The Wolverines, who
trailed 2-0, scored two runs in
the bottom of the seventh inning and tied the contest at 22.
Seniors Logan Jorgenson
and Collin Pautsch paced
Sibley East’s eight-hit attack
with two singles each. Seniors Travis Schmidt, Nick
Doetkott and Paul Glisczinski
and juniors Scott Holmquist
collected one single apiece.
Pautsch pitched the first
seven innings and surrendered one earned run on
seven hits. He also fanned
five and walked two.
Senior Mitchell Mathews
worked the final frame and
suffered the mound loss. The
right hander gave up one
earned run on two hits.
Sibley East 3
Tri-City United 2
The Sibley East varsity
boys baseball team edged visiting Tri-City United 3-2 in
Minnesota River Conference
action on Tuesday afternoon,
May 17.
Senior Travis Schmidt
pitched the first six innings
and picked up the mound victory. The right hander yielded
two earned runs on eight hits.
He also struck out four and
issued three walks.
Senior Mitchell Mathews
hurled a scoreless seventh inning and recorded the mound
Junior Seth Fredin sparked
the offensive attack with two
singles. Seniors Dylan Pauly,
Nick Doetkott, Schmidt and
junior Tanner Kurtzweg
added one single each.
SE girls softball team drops 2 MRC games
By Kurt Menk
The Sibley East varsity
girls softball team dropped a
pair of games in Minnesota
River Conference action during the past week.
The Lady Wolverines, 1-11
in the MRC and 3-14 overall,
will host Sleepy Eye in nonconference action at 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 19.
Tri-City United 8
Sibley East 5
The Sibley East varsity
girls softball team lost to visiting Tri-City United 8-5 in
Minnesota River Conference
action on Tuesday afternoon,
May 10.
Morgan Stearns powered
the Lady Wolverines with
two home runs. Alli Harter
and Maddie Kjellesvig contributed one single each and
one double apiece. Alyssa
Louwagie also belted a home
run while Ashley Grack, Leah
Serbus and Jerrica Rosenlund
added one single each.
Sydney Schott pitched the
first five innings and gave up
eight hits.
Rachel Sorenson worked
the final two frames and
yielded two hits.
LeSueur-Henderson 10
Sibley East 0
The visiting Sibley East
varsity girls softball team was
no-hit by Carlie Brandt during a 10-0 loss to Le SueurHenderson in Minnesota
River Conference action on
Thursday afternoon, May 12.
The Lady Wolverines also
committed nine errors in the
Rachel Sorenson pitched
the first four innings and suffered the mound loss.
Sydney Schott worked the
fifth inning.
Arlington A’s defeat Belle Plaine and Le Sueur
By Kurt Menk
The Arlington A’s baseball
team recorded two victories
last week.
The A’s, 3-1 overall, will
host Gaylord at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 20. Arlington will
also host Cleveland at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, May 25.
Arlington 3
Belle Plaine 0
Matt Pichelmann tossed a
five-hitter as the Arlington
A’s blanked visiting Belle
Plaine 3-0 on Saturday after-
noon, May 14.
Pichelmann, who went the
distance on the hill for the
mound victory, struck out
Nathan Thomes sparked
the bats with two singles.
Josh Nelson delivered a tworun single while Nathan
Henke, Trevor Schrupp and
Pichelmann added one single
Arlington 12
Le Sueur 3
The visiting Arlington A’s
baseball team trounced Le
Sueur 12-3 on Sunday night,
May 15.
Shane Henke sparked the
offensive attack with two singles and two doubles. Nathan
Thomes and Tyler Agree had
two singles apiece while
Lucas Schwope ripped a double. Nick Doetkott, TJ Roseland, Nathan Henke and Matt
Pichelmann added one single
Scott Husfeldt pitched the
first five innings and posted
the mound victory. The
southpaw struck out three.
Dan Chies worked the final
four frames in relief.
Green Isle baseball team defeats visiting Glencoe 4-1
By Kurt Menk
The Green Isle Irish baseball team topped visiting
Glencoe 4-1 on Sunday afternoon, May 15.
Zach Herd paced Green
Isle’s seven-hit attack with
two singles. Alex Twenge
ripped a double while Mac
Zachow, Brian Scherschligt,
Matt Breyer and Josh Kraby
added one single apiece.
Zach Herd, Ben Alexander,
Scherschligt and Kraby
scored one run apiece for the
Lucas Herd pitched scoreless ball over the first five innings and posted the mound
victory. The right hander
gave up two hits and fanned
10. He also walked one.
Alex Twenge worked the
final four frames and secured
the mound save. The right
hander allowed on earned run
on two hits. He also fanned
nine. He also walked two.
The Irish, 3-0, will travel to
Kimball at 2 p.m. Saturday,
May 21.
Green Isle will also travel
to Plato at 2 p.m. Sunday,
May 22.
In addition, the Irish will
host state champion Plato at
7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26.
By Kurt Menk
Steve Kloempken was one
of five members recently inducted into the United States
Bowling Congress Hall of
Fame during a ceremony at
The Orleans Hotel and Casino.
He is the son of Ron
Kloempken, Chanhassen, and
Donna Hall, Las Vegas. He is
also the nephew of Marlene
Moskop, Arlington.
Kloempken, a resident of
Pleasant View, Utah, was inducted for Outstanding
USBC Performance.
Kloempken is a two-time
Team USA member, winning
gold medals in doubles and
trios in 1991 at the World
Bowling Men's Championships in Singapore. Collegiately, he helped Wichita
State win three consecutive
Intercollegiate Team Championships from 1993-1995. At
the USBC Open Championships, he won Team AllEvents in 2003 and Regular
All-Events in 1993. In 27
years as an Open Championships competitor, Kloempken holds a 213.5 average.
“It’s just an honor to be included in such a great group
of professionals, bowlers and
great people,” Kloempken
said. “And, that was an awesome class. I couldn’t be
Submitted Photo
USBC President Frank Wilkinson, left, with Steve Kloempken,
more proud for the people I
was inducted with. Even during the moments where they
brought in all of the past hall
of famers, your jaw drops to
just imagine that’s who I’m a
part of and our class is a part
of. I’m just really honored
and fortunate, and I look forward to being part of this hall
of fame for years to come.”
Other 2016 USBC Hall of
Fame include Kim Adler of
Melbourne, Florida, and
Mike Durbin of Hollywood,
California, in the Superior
Performance category; Harry
Sullins of Chesterfield Township, Michigan, in the Veterans category; and Joan
Romeo of Van Nuys, California, for Meritorious Service.
Sibley East girls track team ties
for 5th place at Sleepy Eye meet
By Kurt Menk
The Sibley East varsity
girls track team tied for fifth
place honors during a sixteam meet at Sleepy Eye on
Tuesday afternoon, May 10.
Sleepy Eye captured top
honors with 106 team points.
Wabasso followed in second
place with 104 team points.
Norwood Young America
(93), MLA (70), Sibley East
(56) and G-F-W (56) rounded
out the field.
Alyssa Weber and Megan
Krentz paced the Lady
Wolverines in the meet.
Weber placed first in the
high jump event with a leap
of 4’10.”
Krentz placed first in the
discus event with a throw of
Elizabeth Alejandro placed
second in the 3200 meter run
Third place winners for
Sibley East included Elizabeth Alejandro (1600 meter
run), Alyssa Weber (400
meter dash), Megan Krentz
(shot put) and Sibley East 4
X 800 meter relay team
(Tamara Ehrich, Breanna
Fahning, Lillian Beneke and
Alison Eibs).
Sibley East did not have
any fourth place winners.
Fifth place winners for the
Lady Wolverines were Sibley
East 4 X 100 meter relay
team (no names available)
and Sibley East 4 X 400
Alison Eibs, Audrey Parrott,
Lillian Beneke and Alyssa
Sibley East will compete in
the Minnesota River Conference Track and Field Meet at
Jordan on Thursday afternoon, May 19.
Sibley East boys track team places
5th at recent meet in Sleepy Eye
By Kurt Menk
The Sibley East varsity
boys track team placed fifth
among six teams during a
meet at Sleepy Eye on Tuesday afternoon, May 10.
G-F-W captured top honors
with 120 team points while
Norwood Young America finished second with 109 team
points. Wabasso (96.5), MLA
(88.5), Sibley East (73) and
Sleepy Eye (20) rounded out
the field.
Sibley East did not have a
first place winner.
Second place winners for
the Wolverines included Tim
Otto (400 meter dash), Sibley
East 4 X 200 meter relay
team (Zac Latzke, Jesus Rodriguez, Erick Alvarado and
Tim Otto) and Sibley East 4
X 400 meter relay team (Tim
Otto, Xavier Wassather, Jens
Lundstrom and Brody Bates).
Third place winners for
Sibley East were Brody Bates
(200 meter dash), Bryton
Rosenlund (110 meter hurdles), Austin Snyder (high
jump) and Sibley East 4 X
800 meter relay team (Logan
Tesch, Xavier Wassather,
Jose Felipe and Jens Lundstrom).
Fourth place winners for
the Wolverines included
Justin Bennett (800 meter
run), Christian Figueroa (shot
put) and Sibley East 4 X 100
meter relay team (Zac Latzke,
Jesus Rodriguez, Erick Alvarado and Cody Voight).
Fifth place winners for Sibley East included Logan
Tesch (110 meter hurdles and
300 meter hurdles), Leighton
Rose (200 meter dash) and
Tim Otto (long jump).
Sixth place winners for the
Wolverines were Bryton
Rosenlund (300 meter hurdles) and Jens Lundstrom
(800 meter run).
Sibley East will compete in
the Minnesota River Conference Track and Field Meet at
Jordan on Thursday afternoon, May 19.
Minnesota Twins to hold youth baseball
clinic in Arlington on Saturday, June 4
Play Ball! Minnesota will
offer a free baseball clinic to
youth in Arlington The clinic
will be held at the Arlington
Baseball Park at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 4. In the event of
rain, the clinic will be relocated to the Sibley East Senior High School.
Presented in partnership
with Great River Energy, the
Play Ball! Minnesota Youth
Clinics program provides
boys and girls from throughout the Upper Midwest with
the opportunity to enhance
their skills and have fun,
while also hearing positive
The clinic is divided into
two 90-minute sessions, and
provides quality and fun instruction for boys and girls
ages 6 to 13. The clinic begins at 10 a.m. when youth 6-
9 years of age should report
at start time. Youth 10 to 13
should arrive at 11:30 a.m.
The clinic will focus on hitting, fielding and throwing,
and parents are encouraged to
participate with their children.
The Play Ball! Minnesota
Youth Clinics program was
created in 1961 by longtime
Twins scout Angelo Giuliani
as way to promote the game
to all youth. Since then, more
than one million Upper Midwest and Southwest Florida
youth have participated in a
Play Ball! Minnesota Youth
For more information or a
complete 2016 Twins Youth
Clinics schedule, please visit
About the Twins
Community Fund
Established as a nonprofit
organization in 1991, the mission of the Twins Community
Fund is to enrich local and regional communities by providing resources for the
healthy development of children and families through an
association with baseball,
softball and the Minnesota
Twins. The Twins Community Fund is governed by a
board of directors representative of the Upper Midwest.
Target, Treasure Island Resort
& Casino, U.S. Bank, and
Delta Air Lines are Cornerstone Partners; contributing
annually to the Twins Community Fund. For more information or to make a contribution visit
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 7
Sibley County Court
The following misdemeanors,
petty misdemeanors and gross
misdemeanors were heard in
District Court April 29-May 6,
2016: Minnesota State Patrol
(MSP); Sheriff’s Office (SO);
Department of Natural Resources (DNR); MN Department
of Transportation (MNDOT):
Roberto Rodriguez-Sieventes,
23, Arlington, parking-left of
center/wrong direction, $32, Arlington PD.
Marisa Y. Ecceles, 34, Gaylord, no parking 2a.m.-6a.m.,
$62, Gaylord PD; Merlyn R.
Learing, 68, Garvin, improper
turning (left) at intersection,
$135, Gaylord PD; Abdi E.
Mahmoud, 61, St. Peter, unsafe
passing on right, $135, Gaylord
PD; Joel L. Salazar, 49, Gaylord, no parking 2a.m.-6a.m., no
parking 2a.m.-6a.m., $124, Gaylord PD; Jose J. Sanchez Jr., 27,
Gaylord, no parking 2a.m.6a.m., $62, Gaylord PD.
Reinaldo D. Diaz, 40, Arlington, speed, $125, MSP; Danielle
M. Hemmingsen, 37, Odin,
speed, $125, MSP; Michelle, M.
Neises, 44, South Haven, speed,
$145, MSP; Justin A. Schade,
30, Gaylord, DWI-operate motor
vehicle under influence of alcohol, dismissed, DWI-operate
motor vehicle-alcohol concentration 0.08 within two hours,
stay of imposition, unsupervised
probation one year, chemical dependency evaluation/treatment
within 60 days and file proof
with court administration, follow recommendations of evaluation, sign all releases of information, victim impact panel, file
proof with court administration,
remain law-abiding, no same or
similar, $385, MSP; Brian L.
Scholla, 49, Glencoe, speed,
$125, MSP; John D. Shea, 55,
Mankato, no proof MV insurance, dismissed, MSP; Robert R.
Summers, 48, Indianapolis, Ind.,
trucking violation-seatbelt violation in a commercial vehicle,
$110, MSP; Brandon T. Voigt,
23, Arlington, speed, $125,
Riley M. Cermak, 18, Belle
Plaine, minor consumption,
$185, SO; Teresa J. Clark, Arlington, speed, $145, SO; Christine M. Newman, 30, Sweeny,
Texas, speed, $145, SO; Julie A.
Trimbo, 55, Henderson, pass no
pass zone, $135, SO.
David B. Beck, 67, New
Ulm, DWI-operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol,
stay of imposition, supervised
probation two years, local confinement two days, credit for
time served two days, home
monitor (electronic) 28 days for
indeterminate, EHM with EAM
to be hooked up within 30 days,
contact with probation, follow
all instructions of probation,,
sign probation agreement, chemical
evaluation/treatment within 30
days, follow recommendations
of evaluation, sign all releases of
information, no alcohol/controlled substance use, no possession of alcohol or drugs, random
testing, victim impact panel, remain law-abiding, $560, DWIoperate motor vehicle-alcohol
concentration 0.08 within two
hours, driving after revocation,
dismissed, Winthrop PD; Edwin
J. Irizarry, 59, Winthrop, driving
after revocation, continued, unsupervised probation one year,
pay costs, obtain driver’s license
or a permit within six months
and provide proof to the city attorney’s office, no same or similar, keep court/attorney informed
of current address, $200,
Winthrop PD; Jon R. Kubes, 31,
Lonsdale, possession of a hypodermic needle, dismissed,
Winthrop PD.
The following felonies were
heard in District Court April 29May 6, 2016:
Christopher B. Rizor, 50,
Castle Rock, Colo., nonsupport
of spouse or child, commit to
commissioner of correctionsAdult(MN correctional facilitySt. Cloud, one year, stay for two
years), unsupervised probation
indeterminate, sentence to service 21 days for indeterminate,
local confinement 38 days, credit for time served 25 days, adult
(job readiness, fill out and submit five job applications per
week and provide proof to probation agent and child support
agent, cannot work for cash or
for income that cannot be verified), pay restitution $360 per
month, contact with probation
and child support agent, follow
all instructions of probation,
sign probation agreement, remain law-abiding, no possession
of alcohol or drugs, random testing, make and keep required appointments with case manager
and review hearings with the
court, no alcohol/controlled substance use, keep court/attorney
informed of current address, notify court immediately if you return to MN., provide name, address and contact person of current employer, if you switch jobs
provide notification within five
days, $33,213.32, nonsupport of
spouse or child, dismissed, SO.
Eugenio Casteneda-Garcia,
39, Lafayette, DWI-test refusal,
dismissed, DWI commit to commissioner of correctionsadult(MN correctional facilitySt. Cloud, 36 months, stay for
five years), supervised probation
five years, sentence to service
five days per year for indeterminate, local confinement 33 days,
credit for time served 33 days,
home monitor (electronic alcohol) 147 days for indeterminate,
EHM with EAM to begin immediately upon release from jail,
follow all state and federal criminal laws, contact your probation
officer as directed, tell your probation officer within 72 hours if
you have contact with law enforcement, tell your probation
officer within 72 hours if you
are charged with any new crime,
tell your probation officer within
72 hours if you change your address, employment or telephone
number, cooperate with the
search of your person, residence,
vehicle, workplace, property,
and things as directed by your
probation officer, sign releases
of information as directed, give
a DNA sample when directed,
do not use or possess firearms,
ammunition or explosives, do
not register to vote or vote until
discharged from probation and
your civil rights are fully restored, contact with probation,
follow all instructions of probation, sign probation agreement,
chemical dependency evaluation/treatment within 30 days,
follow recommendations of
evaluation including aftercare,
sign all releases of information,
victim impact panel, no alcohol/controlled substance use, no
possession of alcohol or drugs,
random testing, remain lawabiding, $260, driving after revocation, dismissed, Winthrop
PD; Jon R. Kubes, 31, Lonsdale,
5th degree possession of a controlled substance, continued, supervised probation three years,
local confinement 15 days, credit for time served one day, contact with probation, follow all
instructions of probation, sign
probation agreement, no alcohol/controlled substance use, no
possession of alcohol or drugs,
random testing, remain lawabiding, sign all releases of information, follow all state and
federal criminal laws, contact
your probation officer as directed, tell your probation officer
within 72 hours if you have contact with law enforcement, tell
your probation officer within 72
hours if you are charged with
any new crime, tell your probation officer within 72 hours if
you change your address, employment or telephone number,
cooperate with the search of
your person, residence, vehicle,
workplace, property, and things
as directed by your probation officer, sign releases of information as directed, give a DNA
sample when directed, do not
use or possess firearms, ammunition or explosives, do not register to vote or vote until discharged from probation and your
civil rights are fully restored,
chemical dependency evaluation/treatment, follow recommendations of evaluation, $560,
Winthrop PD; James H. Zobel,
60, Winthrop, 1st degree possession of a controlled substancesubsequent offense, commit to
commissioner of correctionsadult(MN correction facility-St.
Cloud, 98 months, stay for seven
years), supervised probation
seven years, local confinement
30 days, credit for time served 0
days, report within 30 days,
home monitor (electronic) 48
days for indeterminate, electronic home monitoring to begin immediately upon release from jail,
local confinement 90 days, credit for time served 0 days, may
apply for jail sentence to be
waived, follow all state and federal criminal laws, contact your
probation officer as directed, tell
your probation officer within 72
hours if you have contact with
law enforcement, tell your probation officer within 72 hours if
you are charged with any new
crime, tell your probation officer
within 72 hours if you change
your address, employment or
telephone number, cooperate
with the search of your person,
residence, vehicle, workplace,
property, and things as directed
by your probation officer, sign
releases of information as directed, give a DNA sample when directed, do not use or possess
firearms, ammunition or explosives, do not register to vote or
vote until discharged from probation and your civil rights are
fully restored, contact with probation, follow all instructions of
probation, sign probation agreement, chemical dependency
evaluation/treatment, follow recommendations of evaluation,
sign all releases of information,
no alcohol/controlled substance
use, no possession of alcohol or
drugs, random testing, take medications in the prescribed dosage
and frequency, no same or similar, remain law-abiding, aftercare, Winthrop PD.
Enterprise photo by Kurt Menk
St. Paul’s Track Team
The following students are members of the track team at St.
Paul’s Lutheran School in Arlington. Front Row: (left to right)
Shanessa Densmore, Karcyn Dose, Kerigan Brau, Jaidynn Dietel, Jenna Wendland, Will Kaesermann, Charlie Matzke and
Ethan Groninga. Back Row: (l to r) Coach Audrey Ziegler, Ellie
Groninga, Kirsten Ziegler, Dominick Olson, Connor Johnson,
Nathaniel Ziegler and Kadin Seeman. Missing from the photo
are Leyton Brau, Anthony Bullert, Sara Post, Nina Post and
Paige Pflanz,
Protect your personal information from marketers
Editor’s Note: The following article was submitted by
the Office of Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson.
Senior citizens often receive mail that asks for their
personal information in exchange for details about life
insurance, funeral expense
benefits or supplemental
Medicare benefits. Once seniors provide their information, they are sometimes
flooded with mailed solicitations or hounded by sales
The organizations that send
these mailings are not affiliated with the government. They
sell your personal information to insurance companies
that then use it to try to sell
you life, burial, or supplemental Medicare insurance.
These companies, called
“lead generators,” send mailings that look like they may
be from government agencies. They feature headings
like “New 2016 Government
Benefit Update for Minnesota
Citizens,” “IMPORTANT
Enrollment Qualification Request Card.”
One mailing pressures seniors to return the card to see if
they qualify for a “Final Expense Insurance Program”
that may pay 100% of final
expenses or as much as
Another mailing asks seniors to provide their personal
information to see if they
qualify for a “NEW state-regulated” life insurance program that would pay up to
$50,000. The mailing also
claims that by returning the
card, people may receive a
no-cost dental, vision, and
hearing discount plan.
They ask you to fill out a
postage-paid card with your
name and date of birth and
promise to provide free information about the “benefits
available to you.”
Lead generators want you
to hand over your personal
information before you have
time to think about it. The
mailings usually ask you to
act quickly. One states that
your request for information
won’t be processed if it is re-
ceived later than 15 days.
You Should Know...
The Minnesota Department
of Commerce regulates the
insurance industry. When a
mailing uses a phrase like
“state-regulated,” it may be
trying to sound more official
or like it is notifying you
about a new government benefits program. In reality, all
insurance companies are regulated by the state, so a
“state-regulated” plan is nothing new or special.
What can you do?
Contact local folks first. If
you think you need the benefits that these mailings mention, don’t send your personal
information to someone you
don’t know in order to get
more information. Contact
your local insurance agent or
chat with a friend or family
member about possible options.
Throw the mailing away.
You don’t have to disclose
your personal information to
receive information about insurance options. Personal in-
formation is only necessary
to get an insurance quote or
to apply for coverage.
Check your existing insurance coverage. Lead generators try to scare you and
make you think that you may
not have enough money to
pay your final expenses or
that Medicare won’t pay your
medical bills. A lot of people
already have life or supplemental Medicare insurance
Contact the Minnesota Senior LinkAge Line. The Senior
LinkAge Line is run by the
Minnesota Board on Aging.
When you call the Senior
LinkAge Line, a state employee who is trained on a
host of issues affecting seniors can talk to you about insurance options and help you
make a good decision.
Minnesota Senior LinkAge
Minnesota Board on Aging
P.O. Box 64976
St. Paul, Minnesota 551640976
1-800-627-3529 (TTY)
Sell your stuff in the classifieds!
15 words
or less for
McLeod County
Glencoe Advertiser
($50¢ each additional word.
$45 without a photo.)
Sibley Shopper
The Galaxy
Renville County
Western Peach
Renville County
402 W. Alden St., P.O. Box 388, Arlington, MN 55307
507-964-5547 •
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 8
Judge Thomas McCarthy to be
honored at Elders Celebration
in Green Isle next Thursday
Cloey Anderson (Sibley East Ag Department Scholarship),
Mason Latzke (State Chapter Farmer, State Winner Diversified
Agriculture Production) and Sibley East FFA Instructor Tim Uhlenkamp.
The following members of the Sibley East FFA received major
awards during a year-end banquet in Arlington on Wednesday
night, May 11. Left to right: Sibley East FFA Instructor Jeff
Eppen, Sarah Malinowski (Sixth Place Horse Evaluation and
State Convention), Zac Latzke (Star Chapter Agribusiness),
sions will be held in the
Courthouse computer lab at
7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in
These class sessions are
free to Sibley County residents and businesses.
To register and reserve a
spot, please contact Amy
Newsom at 507-210-3773 or
Beginning Monday, June
13, Sibley County will be offering a variety of computer
classes covering: computer
basics and Windows, Word
and PowerPoint, and Excel.
Justin Nissen, owner of Computer Restore, will be the instructor for these computer
The first class of computer
basics and Windows will be
held in the Courthouse computer lab from 7 p.m. to 8
p.m. Monday, June 13. It will
cover Windows 7, 8 and 10,
viruses and what to do when
something goes wrong.
Microsoft Word and PowerPoint will be covered from
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday,
June 20 and 27. It will cover
the basics of Word and how
to create a PowerPoint slide
presentation. The final classes
will be Monday, July 11 and
18 and will cover the basics
of an Excel spreadsheet, data,
formulas, tables, and charts.
Businesses and residents
are welcome to attend one or
all of these free classes by
contacting Amy Newsom at
linden trees can attract pollinators. Sturdy, long-lived
trees such as oak, walnut or
hackberry can add beauty and
increase property values.
“I recommend planting a
variety of different tree
species to add diversity to
your property, which will
make it more resistant to tree
pests and climate change,”
said Jennifer Teegarden,
DNR forestry outreach specialist. “Some trees, like
green ash, aren’t recommended at all because of their susceptibility to the tree-killing
emerald ash borer beetle.”
Teegarden reminds homeowners that if they plan on
digging, they should first call
Gopher State One Call at 811.
Someone will be dispatched
to mark underground utility
lines. It’s also important to
not plant trees under power
lines or right next to building
Caring for trees extends beyond simply planting them.
Place two to four inches of
mulch around the base of the
tree, making sure to keep
mulch away from the trunk to
avoid rot. Also, new trees
need a good soaking of water
every week in the summer
and fall for a few years after
Be sure to plant your tree
ve. N
5 A 55307
, MN
) 96
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OW n.-Fri.
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Spring is a great time to plant trees, according to DNR
With the warm weather, the
Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources reminds
homeowners and forest
landowners that spring is an
excellent time to plant trees.
There are many good reasons
to plant trees.
Deciduous trees—those
that shed their leaves in the
winter—can help save money
on summer cooling bills, if
planted on the south or west
sides of buildings. Planting
conifers on a building’s north
side can help block energysucking winter winds. Fruitand nut-bearing trees can provide homes and food for hungry wildlife. Basswood and
Tire -Ups
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Sibley County to offer web presence
and computer classes this summer
Sibley County will be offering web presence and computer classes this June and
July thanks to a grant from
the Blandin Foundation.
Beginning Tuesday, June 7
Sibley East teacher Mike
Feterl will be teaching a fourpart web presence class to
help area businesses become
aware of online marketing
opportunities. This class will
connect business owners with
high school students to gain
their perspective on the businesses websites. Class ses-
right and avoid common mistakes. For example, planting
trees too deeply stresses trees,
which shortens their lives.
Homeowners should check
the DNR’s tree planting and
care Web page for proper tree
planting instructions and help
selecting a tree.
Sibley East FFA
earnest in March. Every student is expected to learn each
of the songs. At the same
time, students began learning
their lines and marks as tdbarna directed the show, with
teachers leading a majority of
the rehearsals.
School Director Brandy
Barrett is proud of the Elders
program. “It’s a unique way
to give back to the community, honor those who have
paved the way, and for the
children to learn about history and culture first hand. It is
sheer joy to witness the intergenerational bonds forming.”
The one-night-only performance is free to the public.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts
Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the
Arts and Cultural Heritage
Enterprise photo by Kurt Menk
Dim the lights. Cue the
music. It’s show time! Two
southern Minnesota artists
will come together to help
create Minnesota’s only Elders Celebration hosted annually by elementary students
from Green Isle Community
School at 7 p.m. Thursday,
May 26.
As it has done every year
since 2005, Green Isle Community School selects a noteworthy elder to honor with a
night of original musicals
based on his life and performed by the students before
a packed house.
The creative process began
in December during an oral
history presentation made by
this year ’s selected elder,
Judge Thomas G. McCarthy.
Based on those presentations,
Tara Jungclaus (composer),
and tdbarna (lyricist & playwright) together forged a 60minute musical.
Music rehearsals began in
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You are required to destroy noxious weeds on your property
Notice is hereby given this 15th day of June, 2016 pursuant to Minnesota
Statute, all owners, occupants, agents, and public officials in charge of lands
in Sibley County, Minnesota, that noxious weed standing, being or growing
on such lands shall be destroyed or eradicated by effective methods, or
combination thereof, approved by your local weed inspector, as often as may
be required to prevent the weeds from blooming and maturing seeds, or
spreading by roots, root stocks and other means. The noxious weed list may
be obtained from your County Agricultural Inspector.
Any recipient of an individual notice may appeal the order for control or eradication of noxious weeds. This appeal must be filed, in writing with a member
of the Sibley County Appeal Committee within two (2) working days from the
time the notice is received. Regularly scheduled meetings from June 15 to
September 30 will be held at the Sibley County Courthouse.
By Order of the Township and Municipal Weed Inspectors of Sibley County
Just place your ad in ONE STOP
for ANY of these papers:
City of Arlington
Richard Nagel, Mayor
Liza Donabauer, City Administrator
Lisa Tesch, Deputy Clerk
Vicki Pomplun, Administrative Assistant
City of Green Isle
Dale ZumBerge, Mayor
Bert Panning, Clerk/Treasurer
Arlington Township
Darrel Alsleben, Chair
Francis Bigaouette, Supervisor
Kenneth Mueller, Supervisor
Sheila Henke, Clerk
Bill Rosenfeld, Treasurer
Washington Lake Township
David Rohde, Chair
David Flannery, Supervisor
William “Bill” Donnay, Supervisor
Diana Kroells, Clerk
Therese Ott, Treasurer
Green Isle Township
Gary Burdorf, Chair
Kevin Biermann, Supervisor
Doug Ranzau, Supervisor
Norman Schauer, Clerk
Penny Luepke, Treasurer
Glencoe Advertiser • McLeod County Chronicle
The Galaxy • Sibley Shopper • Arlington Enterprise
The Board of County Commissioners asks your cooperation in this weed
control work.
Glencoe Office:
Arlington Office:
Bobbie Harder, Chair; Joy Cohrs; Gary Kruggel; Jim Swanson; Bill Pinske
716 E. 10th St. • P.O. Box 188
Glencoe, MN 55336
402 W. Alden St. • P.O. Box 388
Arlington, MN 55307
County Inspectors: Jeff Majeski and Alan Herschman
Ph: 320-864-5518
Ph: 507-964-5547
No rocks are allowed in the right of way of township roads. Persons have
until June 30th to remove all rocks or the township will hire removal with cost
and penalty assessed to the landowner.
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 9
Church News
Fr. Keith Salisbury
Thursday: Weekly Mass at
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Keith Salisbury, Pastor
Friday, May 20: 8:30 a.m.
Mass (Mar). 5:00 p.m. Mass
Saturday, May 21: 5:00 p.m.
Mass (Mar).
Sunday, May 22: 7:30 a.m.
Mass (Bre). 9:00 a.m. Mass
(Mic). 10:30 a.m. Mass (Mar).
Monday, May 23: 8:30 a.m.
Mass (Bre) 8:30 a.m. Word and
Communion (Mar). 8:00 p.m. AA
and Al Anon (Mar).
Tuesday, May 24: 8:30 a.m.
Mass (Bre and Mar). 3:45 p.m.
Word and Communion (Arlington Good Samaritan).
Wednesday, May 25: 8:30 a.m.
Mass (Mar). 9:00 a.m. Word and
Communion (Oak Terrace). 9:30
a.m. Bible study (DeWitte’s,
Thursday, May 26: 8:30 a.m.
Mass (Bre and Mic). 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous (Mic).
32234 431st Ave., Gaylord
Scott Richards, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 10:15 a.m.
(Missouri Synod)
Gary L. Ruckman, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 9:00 a.m.
Bible class. 10:00 a.m. Worship
with Holy Communion, pot luck
Thursday, May 26: 5:30 p.m.
Deadline for bulletin information.
107 W. Third St., Winthrop
507-647- 5777
Parsonage 507-647-3739
Kyle Kachelmeier, Pastor
Saturday, May 21: 6:00 a.m.
Men’s Bible study at Hahn’s Dining. 9:00 a.m. Clothes Closet.
10:00 a.m. Food Cupboard.
Sunday, May 22: 9:30 a.m.
Worship. 10:45 a.m. Sunday
School Celebration. 1:00 p.m.
Veritas workshop.
Wednesday, May 25: 9:00 a.m.
Prayer coffee at Eunice’s.
Thursday, May 26: 9:30 a.m.
Women’s Bible study. 6:30 p.m.
Men’s Bible study at Peiks’.
(Missouri Synod)
Green Isle
Eric W. Rapp, Pastor
Friday, May 20: 10:00 a.m.
deadline for Sunday bulletin and
monthly activity calendar.
Sunday, May 22: 9:00 a.m.
Worship with Communion. 10:00
a.m. Sunday school.
Tuesday, May 24: 9:00-11:00
a.m. Pastor at Zion.
Wednesday, May 25: 6:30 p.m.
Confirmation and Wednesday
night school.
(Missouri Synod)
Kurt Lehmkuhl, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 9:30 a.m.
Worship. 10:30 a.m. Fellowship.
Monday, May 23: 7:00 p.m.
Guild meeting and Bible study.
(Missouri Synod)
Green Isle Township
Eric W. Rapp, Pastor
Friday, May 20: 10:00 a.m.
deadline for Sunday bulletin and
monthly activities calendar.
Sunday, May 22: 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, May 24: 9:00-11:00
a.m. Pastor at Zion.
Wednesday, May 25: 6:30
p.m. Confirmation and Wednesday night school.
814 W. Brooks St., Arlington
Deborah Dawson, Pastor
Saturday, May 21: 9:00 a.m.
Spring Musical practice.
Sunday, May 22: 9:00 a.m.
Last day of Sunday school with
awards and teacher appreciation.
10:00 a.m. Worship with Sunday
school Spring Musical.
Monday, May 23: Pastor on
Vacation 5/23-5/30.
Tuesday, May 24: TOPS in
church basement.
Wednesday, May 25: 7:00 p.m.
Stewardship meeting.
Thursday, May 26: 9:00 a.m.
and 1:00 p.m. Zion service on
cable. 2:00 p.m. Newsletter deadline.
Community Church
Christian & Missionary
114 Shamrock Dr., Arlington
John Cherico, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 9:30-10:15
a.m. Adult and children’s Sunday
school. 10:30 a.m. Worship service. (Children’s Church and Nursery provided for ages up to 4).
Tuesday, May 24: 7:00 p.m.
NEW!! Men’s Book Study. “No
more excuses. Being the Man
You Were Meant to Be” by Tony
Evens. A serious, in-depth 8 week
study, where men can discuss real
challenges that all men face
today. Join us at the church for
this great study.
Wednesday, May 25: 6:30-8:00
p.m. Kids Clubs for children preschool to 5th grade at the church.
You can register at the door.
There is no charge. There will be
laughter, fun and a chance to discover the best friend any of us
will have through life-Jesus
Christ. 6:30 p.m. R.E.A.C.H.
youth group at Creekside.
7th Ave. N.W., Arlington
Robert Brauer, Pastor
Saturday: Church services at
9:30 a.m. Bible study at 11:00
a.m. Fellowship dinner at 12:00
p.m. All are welcome.
Rodney J. Stemme, Pastor
Saturday, May 21: 10:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. Worship on channel 8. 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible
study at Bette Nelson’s.
Sunday, May 22: 9:00 a.m.
Worship with Confirmation and
Grad. recognition. 10:15 a.m.
Fellowship & Sunday school.
10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. worship
on channel 8.
Monday, May 23: Deadline for
June newsletter items.
Tuesday, May 24: 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 26: 10:00 a.m.
and 2:00 p.m. Worship on channel 8.
Peter J. Naumann, Pastor
Pastor Emeritus, Vacancy Pastor
Cell: 952-807-3424
Saturday, May 21: Cancer Car
Cruise Show & St. Paul’s food
stand in the parking lot.
Sunday, May 22: 8:45 a.m.
Sunday School. 9:00 a.m. Family
Bible study. 10:00 a.m. Worship
with Communion. 4:00 p.m. Pastor Rauh’s Installation with pot
luck to follow.
Monday, May 23: 10:00 a.m.
Calendar info due. 7:00 p.m.
Mission Society meeting. Food
taken to Food Shelf.
Tuesday, May 24: 9:00 a.m.
Counting committee.
Wednesday, May 25: 2:00
p.m. Bible study.
Thursday, May 26: 10:00 a.m.
Bulletin information due. 11:00
a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Services on
cable TV channel 8.
County Museum to open on Memorial Day
The annual, traditional and
season opening of the Sibley
County Historical Museum
follows Henderson’s Memorial Day services, according
to Curator Sharon Haggenmiller.
Volunteer guides have been
on hand for this event since
1949 or 67 years. Why Memorial Day? Members of the
Sibley County Historical Society (SCHS) had been considering the idea of purchasing a building to become the
permanent home for all of the
artifacts collected since the
Society began in 1940. After
looking at several sites, the
former A.F. Poehler house
came up for sale. It was a
perfect investment for SCHS
to be able to purchase the
house where its President August L. Poehler spent his
childhood. With the help of
several area organizations,
members were able to open
the doors to a museum on
Memorial Day in 1949.
This year, the Society is
eager to host a special Memorial Day event on Monday,
May 30. Two of its donated
organs from the late 1800s
have been refurbished recently by Myron Lindemann,
Redwood Falls. He has been
invited to demonstrate the results of his handiwork and his
musical talent for our visitors.
He will also give a bit of history about each of the organs.
His schedule will be 2:15
p.m., 2:45 p.m., 3:15 p.m.
and 3:45 p.m. This will give
people the opportunity to attend a Memorial Service in
their respective communities,
then take a drive over to Henderson and stop by the Sibley
County Historical Museum to
hear strains of beautiful organ
music from these century old
Volunteer guides will also
be on hand to show new displays of tools and arrowheads
once used by Native Americans who inhabited the area,
military items including a
parachute, and artifacts from
area churches. Everyone is
invited. Refreshments will be
The Sibley County Historical Museum is located at the
west edge of Henderson
along State Highway 19.
This is a huge brick house
built in 1884 with three floors
of displayed artifacts from
the late 1800s to the early
1900s all donated by Sibley
County families. A small log
cabin (1858) is also located
on the grounds. It was
moved there in 1960 and
shows a contrast of lifestyles
from pioneer days.
Call 326-3401 for a meal
Suggested Donation $4.00
Meals are served at Highland
Commons dining room
Monday: Chef salad with turkey,
ham, cheese, lettuce, salad dressing, tomato & cucumber slices,
muffin, margarine, bar, low fat
Tuesday: Liver or pepper steak,
buttered boiled potatoes, peas,
bread, margarine, apricots, low fat
Wednesday: Swedish meatballs, paprika potatoes, spinach,
bread, margarine, ice cream, low
fat milk.
Thursday: Roast beef, mashed
potatoes, carrots, dinner roll, margarine, pudding dessert, low fat
Friday: Chicken chow mein,
rice, chow mein noodles, oriental
vegetables, mandarin oranges,
cookie, low fat milk.
Arlington & Gaylord
May 23-27
Breakfast is served at 8:00 a.m.
daily. A 1/2 pint of milk is served
with each meal daily. Menu is subject to change.
Monday: Cooks choice.
Tuesday: Cooks choice.
Wednesday: Cooks choice.
Thursday: Cooks choice.
Friday: Cooks choice.
May 23-27
A 1/2 pint of milk and an enriched grain product is served with
each meal. Additional milk is
available for 40 cents each. Menu
is subject to change.
Monday: Italian dunker, cheese
bread, broccoli/carrots, fruit, milk.
Tuesday: Tator Tot hotdish,
creamy fruit salad, bread stick,
fruit crisp, milk.
Wednesday: Cooks choice.
Thursday: Sloppy Joe, hashbrowns, brown beans, fruit, milk.
Friday: Cooks choice.
May 23-27
A 1/2 pint of milk and an enriched grain product is served with
each meal. Additional milk is
available for 40 cents each. Menu
is subject to change.
Monday: Cooks choice.
Tuesday: Cooks choice.
Wednesday: Cooks choice.
Thursday: Cooks choice.
Friday: Cooks choice.
Bob Holmbeck, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 9:15 a.m.
Sunday school. 10:00 a.m. Worship service.
Wednesday, May 25: 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday evening Bible classes
and youth focused. Supper-Welcome!
507-248-3594 (Office)
Deb Meyer, Pastor
Find us on Facebook:
St. Paul’s UCC Henderson
Sunday, May 22: 10:00 a.m.
Worship service.
15470 Co. Rd. 31, Hamburg
Dan Schnabel, Pastor
Sunday, May 22: 8:30 a.m.
Sunday school and adult Bible
study. 9:30 a.m. Worship service.
Wednesday, May 25: 6:30-8:00
p.m. Catechism class.
St. Brendan’s Catholic Church
Green Isle
Pastor Keith Salisbury
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m.
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him
as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10 NIV
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Arlington, MN 55307
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Cell (320) 583-4324 Phone 952-467-2992
Arlington State Bank
Serving the Community Since 1895
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or TOLL FREE: 1-888-466-3700
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402 W. Alden, Arlington
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Visit us online at
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 10
The Arlington Planning & Zoning Committee will hold a public
hearing on Thursday, June 2,
2016 at 7:01 p.m. or as soon
thereafter, in the City Hall Council
Chambers, 204 Shamrock Drive
to consider an Ordinance amending Ordinance 169, the Arlington
Zoning Ordinance by adding Subdivision 11 to Section 13 providing for certain solar energy systems as accessory uses.
As proposed building mounted
solar energy systems would be
allowed as accessory uses in
most zoning districts. Ground
mounted solar systems would be
prohibited as accessory uses. A
copy of the draft ordinance in its
entirety is available for review at
City Hall.
Any person desiring to comment on these matters is invited
to do so in writing or orally at the
time of the public hearing. Inquiries should be directed to Cynthia Smith-Strack, Zoning Administrator, at 507-964-2378 during
normal business hours. Written
comments should be sent to the
Zoning Administrator at 204
Shamrock Drive, Arlington MN
/S/ Cynthia Smith-Strack
Cynthia Smith-Strack,
P&Z Administrator
Publish: May 19, 2016
NO. 2310
MONDAY APRIL 18, 2016 @ 6:30
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting
was called to order at 6:30p.m.
Members: Brian Brandt, Laura
Reid, Sarah Ziegler, Michelle
(Missy) Weber and Danny
Woehler were present.
Ziegler moved, second member
Woehler, to approve the agenda.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Minutes-Recommend approval of
the March 21, 2016, School
Board Meeting Minutes. Personnel; Volunteer Coach: Kelsey
Sunvold-Softball, Mark Lundstrom-Track Fundraiser- Chuck
Hartmann-“Gold Card” discount
program through Adrenaline
Fundraising, Dan Meier, Boys
Basketball and Cross Country,
donation letter campaign, Annie
Kreger- Visual Arts Team, sales of
cheese cake and pizza, 6-12 Art
Department Donors Choose web
donations. Resignations-Kiley
Puetz 4th grade Gaylord, Lorraine
Lieske-Arlington Cook (effective
June 3rd, 2016), Linda MeyerHead Cook, Gaylord (effective
June 8, 2016), Joan BudahnHead Cook, Arlington (effective
June 3, 2016), Danielle Frauendienst, Para Gaylord, Anastacio
Aranda, Para Gaylord Maternity
Leave: Laura Zender, On or about
July 16th, 2016 through January
1, 2017. Approval of consent
Agenda: Motion by member
Weber, seconded by member
Reid, to approve the consent
agenda. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Discussion/Information Item:
FY 2017 Preliminary Budget Assumptions- Janna Tessmer.
Discussion/Information Item:
2017 Music Trip. Lenore Strouth
and Jim Callahan will provide and
update to the board on planning
for the 2017 Music trip.
Discussion/Action item: Determine 2016-17 fees for preschool
programming in the 4yr. old PALS
program and the 3yr. old Discovery program. Motion by Member
Reid, second by member Weber,
to set 2016-17 tuition at $80 per
month for the PALS program and
2016-17 tuition at $60 per month
for the Discovery program. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Motion by member Reid, second by member Woehler, to set
Transportation fees for 2016-17
at $30 per month for the PALS
program and $20 per month for
the Discovery program. The motion was approved by unanimous
Preston Euerle, RA Morton, Information and action regarding
School/High School bids. (Items
will be added at the meeting following the April 14th, 2016 bid
Motion by member Ziegler,
second by member Reid, to accept Alternate 1: FACS remodeling: 1. Provide added cost to remodel FACS Room 145, 147, and
161 as indicated on Sheet A833.
Motion by member Weber, second by member Woehler to table
Alternate 2: Shop Wing Roof Replacement: 1. Provide added cost
to replace roofing and insulation
at Shop Wing as indicated in lieu
of patching as noted. The motion
was approved by unanimous
Motion by member Reid, second by member Woehler, to table
Alternate 3: Art/Special Ed Wing
Roof Replacement: 1. Provide
added cost to replace roofing and
insulation at Art/Special Ed Wing
as indicated in lieu of patching as
noted. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote.
Motion by member Woehler,
second by member Ziegler to
table Alternate 4: Locker Repaint-
ing 1. Provide added cost to electrostatically paint existing hallway
lockers as indicated. The motion
was approved by unanimous
Motion by member Weber, second by member Reid to accept
gym skylights deduct cost to
delete 8 unit skylights at gym 101
and reject (6) hollow metal borrowed lights between gym 101
and hall 2020. The motion was
approved by unanimous vote.
Motion by member Ziegler,
second by member Weber to reject Alternate 6: Direct Digital
Controls System: 1. Provide
add/deduct cost to provide DDC
system by alternate manufacturer
per section 230924 in lieu of section 230923. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
MOTION by member Weber,
second by member Ziegler, to approve the lowest qualified and responsible bidder for each bid section as recommended on the Bid
Recap document presented by
R.A. Morton & Associates, Inc. for
the base bid amount plus the approved alternate amount, contingent upon a successful pre-award
interview with each prime contractor. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote.
Discussion/Action item: Asbestos abatement contract with
VCI Environmental, Inc. to complete abatement of asbestos at
the Arlington School site during
the summer of 2016. Motion by
member Weber, second by member Reid, to approve the Asbestos
Abatement Contract with VCI Environmental, Inc. The motion was
approved by unanimous vote.
Jim Amsden- Review and approve 2016-2017 Operating Capital Budget and proposed projects.
Motion by member Reid, seconded by member Weber, to approve
the 2016-2017 Operating Capital
Budget and proposed projects.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Bills and Payments: Recommend approval of April 2016 bills
totaling: $1,518,737.10 Motion by
member Weber, seconded by
member Ziegler, to approve the
April 2016 bills and payments totaling $1,518,737.10. The motion
was approved by unanimous
Discussion/Action item(s): 12
Month Confidential Employee
Work Agreement. Salary Considerations: Motion by member
Weber, second by member
Ziegler to set the Business Manager annual salary at $63,412 for
2015-16 and $65,314 for 201617. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote. Motion by member Weber, second by member
Reid, to set the Human Resource/Payroll Clerk annual
salary at $46,350 for 2015-16 and
47,741 for 2016-17. The motion
was approved by unanimous
Proposed Contract Language
Motion by member Ziegler,
second by member Woehler to
accept VIII. HEALTH INSURANCE A) If an employee chooses
a high deductible/health savings
account (HSA) insurance plan,
the District shall pay $2,000 of
$2600 for single plan deductible
and $4,000 of $5200 for two (2)
person or family plan deductible.
This amount shall be pro-rated
accordingly for employees who
are less than 12-month full-time.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Motion by member Weber, second by member Ziegler to reject
C) 12-month full-time employees
who earn full-time insurance benefits and are married to a full-time
employee who earns full-time
benefits shall be eligible to receive a two (2) person or family
insurance plan with the premium
cost paid in full by the District.
The District shall contribute
$6000 to the married couple’s
HSA. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote.
Motion by member Ziegler,
second by member Reid to accept D) employee who separates
from service whose total years of
service to the School District (excluding time spent on unpaid
leave) and age equal 70 shall be
eligible to continue participation in
the School District group medical/hospitalization insurance plan
with the School District paying in
full the premium for single coverage until that employee reaches
the age of qualification for
Medicare. If an employee who
separates from service chooses a
high deductible insurance plan,
the School District shall contribute
$2,000 to the employee’s HSA
account. The spouse of a retiring
employee shall be eligible to remain in the health/hospitalization
group until he/she qualifies for
Medicare. The entire premium for
the spouse will be their responsibility. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote.
Motion by member Reid, second by member Woehler, to approve addition to XIX. HOME OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL
DUES REIMBURSEMENT: B) Effective July1, 2015 The school
district shall provide for the payment of professional dues in addition to MASBO up to $500 annually. The superintendent will approve the specific organizations
and dues amounts annually. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Accept donation in the amount
of $500, Gaylord Fire Department
Relief Assoc.-Trap Team, $500,
Green Isle Lions Club-Trap team,
$100, Dexter Kuphal Construction
LLC- Carnival, $50, Knights of
Columbus-Carnival, $1,000 New
Auburn Fire Department-Trap
Team, $100 AgStar FinancialWrestling, $10, Trinity Lutheran
Church-Art Supplies, $20, St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church Sunday
School-Art-A-Thon, $100, Sibley
Electric Incorporated-Art-A-Thon,
$25, Ann or Thomas Whalen-Carnival, Motion by member Ziegler,
seconded by member Weber to
accept the donations as listed.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
River Bend Special Education
Cooperative Report- Missy Weber
Martens, Steve Harter, and Tim
Schellhammer presented to the
board events and information relative to their buildings. Superintendent Amsden updated the
board on Gaylord construction
and MMPA Solar approval with
the City of Arlington.
Special School Board Meeting
scheduled for Monday April 25th,
2016, 6:30pm Arlington Campus
Room 149 for the purpose of canvassing votes from the April 19th,
2016 Special School Board Election and acceptance of bids on
the Arlington Middle School/High
School project. Reminder: Next
Regular School Board Meeting is
scheduled for May 16, 2016 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in room #
149, Arlington Campus.
Motion by member Reid, second by Member Woehler to adjourn the meeting The motion was
approved by unanimous vote. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was
adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Brian Brandt-Chair
Michelle Weber-Clerk
APRIL 25th, 2016 SPECIAL
MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2016 @ 6:30
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting
was called to order at 6:30p.m.
Members: Brian Brandt, Dan
Woehler, Melissa Weber, Laura
Reid, Sarah Ziegler
Reid moved, second by Member
Woehler, to approve the agenda.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
board members present signed
and notarized by Rosemary
OLD BUSINESS: Preston Euerle,
RA Morton, Information and action regarding Arlington 6-12 Middle School/High School bids.
Alternate 2: Shop Wing Roof Replacement: 1. Provide added cost
($70,700) to replace roofing and
insulation at Shop Wing as indicated in lieu of patching as noted.
Motion by member Reid, second
by member Weber to accept Alternate 2: Shop Wing Roof Replacement: 1. Provide added cost
($70,700) to replace roofing and
insulation at Shop Wing as indicated in lieu of patching as noted.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Alternate 3: Art/Special Ed Wing
Roof Replacement: 1. Provide
added cost ($62,600) to replace
roofing and insulation at Art/Special Ed Wing as indicated in lieu
of patching as noted. Motion by
member Weber, second by member Ziegler, to accept Alternate 3:
Art/Special Ed Wing Roof Replacement: 1. Provide added cost
($62,600) to replace roofing and
insulation at Art/Special Ed Wing
as indicated in lieu of patching as
noted. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote.
Alternate 4: Locker Repainting 1.
Provide added cost ($17,250) to
electrostatically paint existing
hallway lockers as indicated. Motion by member Weber, second
by member Ziegler to accept Alternate 4: Locker Repainting 1.
Provide added cost ($17,250) to
electrostatically paint existing
hallway lockers as indicated. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
School Board of Independent
School District No. 2310, State of
Minnesota, as follows:
1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the special election of the voters of this
school district held on April 19,
2016, was in all respects duly and
legally called and held.
2. As specified in the attached
Abstract and Return of Votes
Cast, at said election a total of
1123 voters of the school district
voted on the question of selecting a candidate to fill a vacant
seat as part of the Sibley East
School District No. 2310 school
board of which 501 voted in favor
of Nathan Kranz, 375 voted in
favor of Jonathon Hazelwood,
111 voted in favor of Erica
Mendez, 69 voted in favor of
Michael Christeson, 54 voted in
favor of Diana Karau, 8 voted in
favor of Maria Cermak, and 2
voted for a write-in candidate and
Nathan Kranz was declared the
winner of the vacant seat.
3. The clerk is hereby directed
to certify the results of the election to the county auditors of each
county in which the school district
is located in whole or in part and
to the Commissioner of Education.
The motion for the adoption of
the foregoing resolution was
made by Member Reid duly seconded by Member Woehler and
upon vote being taken thereon,
the following voted in favor thereof: Dan Woehler, Laura Reid,
Brian Brandt, Missy Weber, Sarah
Ziegler and the following voted
against the same: None where
upon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
member Reid, second by member
Ziegler to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at
Brian Brandt-Chair
Michelle Weber-Clerk
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting
was called to order at 6:30p.m.
Members: Brian Brandt, Dan
Woehler, Laura Reid, Sarah
Ziegler, and Nathan Kranz were
present. Missy Weber was absent.
solemnly swear that I will support
the Constitution of the United
States and of the State of Minnesota, and faithfully discharge
the duties of the Office of School
Board Member of Independent
School District No. 2310 in the
Counties of Sibley and Nicollet
and State of Minnesota, to the
best of my judgment and ability,
so help me God. (Sign Oath Document)
Reid moved, Second by Member
Ziegler, to approve the agenda.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Review Proposal Requests #3:
State Plan Review Modifications
Walking Path, #4 Revised Parking
Lot Layout, #5 Food Service Plan
Review Modifications,
Action to accept State Plan Review code revisions ($18,235.59)
and proposal request submittal
revision to include lime walking
path (add $7310) or accept 2) bituminous in lieu of lime walking
path ($13,870) modifications as
detailed in Proposal Request #3
Motion by member Reid, second by member Ziegler to accept
State Plan Review code revisions
($18,235.59) and proposal request submittal revision to include
lime walking path (add $7310)
modifications as detailed in Proposal Request #3 Document.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Action to accept/reject line item
Proposal Request #4: Revised
Parking Lot Layout.
Motion by member Kranz to increase the parking lot by ½ the
proposed 30 stall increase. The
motion was not seconded and
Motion by member Ziegler,
second by member Reid to accept line item modifications as detailed in Proposal Request #4 Revised Parking Lot Layout Document in the amount of $32,891.35
(30 stall increase). The motion
was approved 4-1. Kranz opposed.
Action to accept line item Proposal Request #5: Food Service
Plan Review.
Motion by member Reid, second by member Woehler to accept line item modifications as detailed in Proposal Request #5
Document Food Service Plan Review in the amount of $1,610.22.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Review Change Order Procedure Recommendation.
Motion by member Woehler,
second by member Kranz, to set
a Superintendent approved Proposal Request Value Limit of
$15,000. The Superintendent will
update the board at monthly
meetings of Superintendent approved Proposal Requests. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
member Reid, second by member
Ziegler to adjourn the meeting.
The motion was approved by
unanimous vote. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:35p.m.
Brian Brandt-Chair
Michelle Weber-Clerk
Notice is hereby given that the
Sibley County Planning & Zoning
Commission will hold a public
hearing on Monday, June 6, 2016
to begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Sibley
County Courthouse Annex Basement, 400 Court Avenue, Gaylord, MN 55334.
The purpose of said public
hearing, as requested by the Sibley County Zoning Ordinance, will
be to give all interested parties
opportunity to be heard upon the
amendments in the Sibley County
Zoning Ordinance which are as
1. Adding regulation for solar
2. Changes clarifying bluff setback regulations
Copies of these amendments
are available, on request, at the
office of Sibley County Zoning Administrator.
You may appear if you so desire, either in person or by agent
or attorney, in opposition to or
support of the proposed plan and
The hearing of said requests is
not limited to those receiving
copies of these notices, and if you
know of any neighbors or affected
property owners, who for any reason, have not received a copy, it
would be appreciated if you would
inform them of said public hearing.
Sibley County Planning & Zoning Commission
Jeffery W. Majeski
Sibley County Zoning Administrator
Gaylord, MN 55334
(507) 237-4091
Dated this 17th day of May
Publish: Week of May 18, 2016
They are not gone until those who knew them forget to remember…
This Memorial Day,
Let us Pause and Reflect.
In the May 26 edition of the Arlington Enterprise and the
May 29 edition of the Sibley Shopper there will be a special
tribute to relatives and friends that have passed away.
You can place an “In Memoriam” ad in this special section
for only $12.00 for BOTH editions.
Choose one of the following styles:
In loving memory of
John Smith
who passed away Dec. 18, 2005
Sadly missed
by wife,
Jane Smith
In Memoriam
John Smith
who passed away May 5, 2009
Dearly missed by
his wife
and family
but not forgotten
C. GoneJohn
who passed away July 2, 2008
Dearly missed by
his wife
and family
And choose one of the following symbols:
Name of the deceased: ______________________________
Date of Death: ____________________________________
Name of person(s) dedicating memorial: ________________
Paid by:__________________________________________
Gone but not forgotten
John Smith
who passed away Jan. 8, 2008
Dearly missed
his friends
Mail or drop off by Tues., May 24 to:
/ Sibley Shopper
402 West Alden St., P.O. Box 388
Arlington, MN 55307
Phone 507-964-5547 FAX 507-964-2423
Hours: Mon.-Wed. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thurs. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Fri. CLOSED
or e-mail your information to
Arlington Enterprise
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 11
ONE WEEK: $1580
The McLeod
County Chronicle
For 20 words, one time in
ANY TWO PAPERS and on the internet.
30¢ per word after first 20 words.
(based on first week pricing)
The Glencoe
The Sibley Shopper
Arlington Enterprise
The Galaxy
1/2 Price
3-WEEK SPECIAL: 2 3rdWeek
To place an ad: Call: 507-964-5547; Fax: 507-964-2423; E-Mail:; Mail: P.O. Box 388, Arlington, MN 55307
All ads appear online @
All Five Papers Reach Over 50,000 Readers Weekly in over 33 Communities
Advertising The McLeod County Chronicle Mondays at Noon The Glencoe Advertiser, The Sibley Shopper
The Arlington Enterprise Tuesdays at Noon
& The Galaxy Wednesdays at NOON
Misc. Farm Items
Help Wanted
Wanted To Buy
Building Contractors
$$ DOLLARS PAID $$ Junk vehicles, repairable cars/trucks. FREE
TOWING. Flatbed/ wrecker service. Immediate pick up. MondaySunday, serving your area 24/7.
(952) 220-TOWS.
2004 Winnebago Sightseer, 31 ft.
with one slide-out. 82,000 miles.
Repairs up to date. $25,000. Olivia
(320) 522-0262.
Misc. Service
WANTED TO BUY: Old signs all
types, farm primitive painted furniture all types, cupboards, cubby
units, locker and pool wire baskets, wood & metal pieces with
lots of drawers, old pre-1960 holiday decorations, industrial/school
items such as metal racks, stools,
workbenches, lightning rods and
balls, weather vanes, architectural
items like corbels and stain glass
windows. Gas station and oil related items from signs to pumps,
dress forms, old store fixtures,
chandeliers, old lighting fixtures,
mantels, hardware store parts,
bins, feed/grain/seed related items
and old cement statuary/bird
baths. We buy one item and entire
estates. Check out the barns, attic
and basement. Don’t get a dumpster until you call us first. We are
local. (612) 590-6136 or email
Golf carts for sale and service, all
brands. Will take trades. (320)
864-6308, cell (320) 510-5716,
ask for Lee.
27 Ft. 2003 Jayco mobile home,
32,000 miles, $30,000 or will accept reasonable offer. (507) 9645252.
Office/retail space on Main Street
in Arlington. Contact Dave at (507)
Heating/Air Conditioning
HANDYMAN: Will do remodeling
of kitchens, bathrooms, hanging
doors and windows, painting,
sheet rocking, texturizing or any
minor repairs inside or outside.
Will also do cleaning of basements/garages. Call (320) 8482722 or (320) 583-1278.
for weddings, shuttles, Twins,
bachelor(ette) parties, birthday or
business. Call Ryan (320) 5832674 or for
more info.
• 16x20 or 24x36
Photo Posters
• Photo Reprints
• Banners
• Invitations
Birthdays & MORE!
Health Care Skilled Nursing Facility
has the following opening:
Applications are also available on site.
Retirement Community of Gaylord
as low as
24”x36” Photo Posters
Scenery Photos,
Sports Photos,
Kid Photos,
Call or see County web site
for Application and Job
Sibley County HR Dept
Interested candidates may apply online at or submit a resume
Young farmer looking for land to
rent for 2015 and beyond. Competitive rates and reference available. Call Austin Blad (320) 2213517.
Get Away
Deadline: 5/27/2016
Oak Terrace Skilled Nursing Facility is seeking a Director
of Nursing for our 52 bed facility. This position is full time
(40 hours a week) and is eligible for all benefits.
Benefits include Health, Dental and Life Insurance and a
generous Paid Time Off plan. Candidates must have a current
license as a Registered Nurse in the State of Minnesota.
Candidates should have knowledge of current acceptable
nursing practices as well as state nurse practice laws and
state and federal regulations for long term care.
Want To Rent
Special-96.1% Goodman gas furnace and programmable thermostat, $2,200 installed or AC unit,
$1,990 installed. Service all
brands furnaces and AC’s. J&R
Heating & AC, Lester Prairie (320)
supervision performs case
aide duties for clients,
contacting service vendors,
account clerk duties & data
entry to various software.
REQ: Combination of
education & work-related
experience. Must be Merit
System eligible, DL/vehicle &
crim bkgrd ck.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Two and 3BR houses with detached garages in Olivia. Please
call (320) 212-3217.
Business Opportunity
use and market “Green” Conklin
products made in Minnesota to
save our planet! Buy wholesale
factory direct and market nationwide from your home! For a free
catalog and dealer information
check out or
call toll free 1-855-238-2570.
Business, Office
your place or ours. White oak lumber decking and buy logs. Give
Virgil a call. (320) 864-4453.
Public Health & Human
Case Aide
FT – Under limited
Renville area Farm operation seeking full and part time employees with
mechanical ability and/or trucking
experience. Salary/benefits/vacation
DOE. Must pass drug test.
Please call (320) 329-3536 or email
30 Years professional home repair
service. Interior/exterior. Fair rates
for quality work. Call (320) 3590333.
Call 507-964-55at47
op in
to place your order or st
se /
Arlington Enterpri
Sibley Shopper office
x 388
402 W. Alden St., PO Bo
Arlington, MN 55307
*Photo can be from the Arlington Enterprise, Sibley Shopper, McLeod County Chronicle,
Glencoe Advertiser or one of your own digital files.
Embellishments (ie.: borders, logos, text, etc.) at an extra cost of $10-20.
has openings in the following positions:
40 hours every 2 weeks.
Duties include general cleaning in
all areas of the facility.
Call us
to place
your HAPPY
44 hours every 2 weeks.
Looking for an energetic individual to lead activities.
Have fun while you work!
Lynn Grochow, Human Resource
Oak Terrace Retirement Community of Gaylord
640 Third St., Gaylord, MN 55334
Phone (507) 237-8703 • Fax (507) 237-5744
Your opinion is
something we
always want to hear.
Contact us with
Questions? Comments?
Story Ideas?
Let us know how we're doing.
402 W Alden St.
Arlington, MN 55307
Wanted: Your OLD TRACTORS,
any condition, make or model. We
also specialize in new and used
Call Kyle. Located west of Henderson. (612) 203-9256.
Qualified, experienced, ambitious
people needed to fill driver positions for local, regional and OTR
hauling. Two years minimum experience, must meet all DOT requirements, have class A CDL. Competitive wage, paid holidays, vacation pay and health insurance. For
application please call (320) 5235029. (320) 523-5029.
Arlington Enterprise, Thursday, May 19, 2016, page 12
2016 Sibley East
spring sports
Varsity Baseball
ty Sof
Varsity Golf Team
Varsity Boys Tra
Varsity Girls Track
A & N Radiator Repair
After Burner Auto Body
Arlington Enterprise
Arlington NAPA
Arlington State Bank
Arneson Law Office
Brau Motors
CMC Construction
Cenex C Store
Chef Craig’s Caterers
CornerStone State Bank
Good Samaritan Society
Kolden Funeral Home
Kreft Cabinets, Inc.
Krentz Construction, LLC
Lensing Insurance
Arlington Campus
Gustafson Family Dentistry Liberty Station
Local Lawn Enforcement
Haggenmiller Lumber
Hutchinson Co-op (Arlington) Mesenbring Construction
Jerry’s Home Quality Foods Morreim Pharmacy
Dr. H.M. Noack
Kick’s Bakery
Pinske Real Estate &
Quick Shop/Subway
R & R Auto Repair
Reetz Floral
TSE, a division of Ametek
Thomes Bros.
Construction, LLC
UFC/United Xpress
Vos Construction, Inc.
Y-Not Plumbing & Heating
Photos by Lifetouch