minutes of the deprtmental promotion committee meeting held on 10
minutes of the deprtmental promotion committee meeting held on 10
OF THE DEPARTMENTAL , MINUTES IO.I}-2OI1IN THE CONF'ERENCE PROMOTION COM]\ItrTTEE MEETING HELD ON CPO. PESHAWAR A meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee was held on 10.12.2015 at 1500 hours in the CPO Conference Room-II, under the Chairmanship of Mian Muhammad Asit Addl: IGP/Headquarters Khyber to discuss the representation cases of Ministerial Staff. 2. The following officers attended the meeting:I il. III. IV V Mian Muhammad Asif, Addl: IGP/HQrs: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Mr. Muhammad Alam Shinwari, DIG/HQrs: I(hyber Pakhtunkhwa. Dr, Masood Saleem, DlG/Enquiry & Inspection, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Mr. Naieeb ur Rahman Bugvi, AlG/Establishment, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Mr. Falak Nawaz, Acting AIGiLegal, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Chairman Member Member Member Member 3. The Committee discussed the following representation cases in detail and took decision noted below in each case:- I. REPRESENTATION OF MT'HAMMAD KHAN STENOGRAPHER He submitted that Seniority List of the Stenographers issued vide CPO No. 3930/E-V, dated 0l-06-2015 is not correct wherein his name come at Sr. No.3 but mistakenly shown at Sr. No. ? of the Seniority List, which needs correction as his date of appointment in Police Department is 16.03.1982 and he is the most Senior than others. DECISION According to Rules l0-b of KPK Police Department Ministerial Service Rules, 1974, seniority shall be determined from the date of continuous regular appointment. The applicant was promoted Stenographer on 04.09.2008, while on whom the applicant raised objections, Abdur Rashid was promoted on 17.10.1991, Matiullah Khan on 28.06.1997, Muhammad Ilyas on 23.05.2001, Fazal Subhan on 23.05.2001, respectively. Therefore, his representation was found not maintainable and filed. I REPRESENTATION OF ASSTT: GRADE CLERK SARDAR.UR-REHMAN He submiffed that in the Seniority List of Asstt: Grade Clerks issued on 17.06.2015 his name exists at S.No.l7 wherein Asstt: Grade Clerks at S.Nos. 3,4,5,7,ll & 14 have been shown senior to him . despite they promoted later than the appellant. He requested for his due seniority with his colleagues. DECISION Sardar-ur-Rahman appeared before the committee and stated that after perusal of the record, he was satisfied with his position on Seniority List. He requested to withdraw his representation. IIL REPRESENTATION OF ASSTT: GRADE CLERK MUZAFFAR IOBAL He submitted that he was appointed as Junior Clerk on 13.05.19'19 and promoted as Senior Clerk on 27.10.1991. He was promoted as Asst: Grade Clerk on24.02.2015 after 24years while his junior colleagues were promoted as Asstt: Grade Clerks after 14 years being 9/10 years prior. He was deprived from promotion as Asstt: Grade Clerk with his colleagues. He requested for the fixation of his due seniority with colleagues. DECISION As per record, Muzaffar Iqbal case was discussed in the DPC meeting held on 01.1 1.2007. He was superseded due to indifferent record and for his being under enquiry. Later on, he was promoted as Asstt: Grade Clerk on 04.02.2015. His seniority was affected due to indifferent record and for being under enquiry. Therefore, his representation was found not maintainable and filed. IV. REPRESENTATIONOFASSTT:GRADECLERKNOORAFGHAN He submitted that his date of appointment in Police Department is 06-08-1981 and promoted as Senior Clerk on 10.12.1990 and Assistant Grade Clerk on 08-1L2A07. The appellant was not assigned the duties of sgnior post due to departmental enquiry pending against him. Later on, departmental proceedings culminated into exoneration of applicant and promoted on 23-05-2009 with his colleagues. The upshot of Notification regarding his promotion as Asstt: Grade Clerk was that his seniority will be reckoned from 08.11.2007. But, his name has been shown at S.No.Sl of impugned Seniority List while the name of Abdul Ghaffar-Il exists at S.No.18. Abdul Ghaffar-Il and appellant were promoted to the post of Asstt: Grade Clerk vide same notification but Abdul Ghaffar-Il was shown senior to him. The name of appellant was required to be placed below the name of Abdul Ghaffar-Il at S.No.l8 and above the name of Fazal Shah at S.No.19. His seniority neither fixed in accordance with date of appointment in the post of Junicir Clerk nor in accordance to the post of Asstt: Grade Clerk. He has requested that his seniority may be revised and his name may be placed below the name of Abdul Ghaffar-Il at S.No.l8. DECISION As per record, Noor Afghan case was discussed in the DPC meeting held on 01.11'2007. He was deferred due to incomplete record for the periods for years 2003,2004,2005 &2006.Later on, he was promoted as Asstt: Grade Clerk vide CPO Notification No. 13 170/E-IIL dated 23 .05.2009 with his colleagues with the condition that he will be reverted back to his substantive rank in case his ACR for the year 2007 did not turn out satisfactory. Later-on, his ACR for the year 2007 was received satisfactory, which is available on record. .N te 2 The committee accepted his appeal for restoration of his seniority in the light of Para-7 of Services & General Administration Department Notification No. SOR-I (S&GAD) l-29175, dated l3th April 1987. His name may be placed in the Seniority List at due place. Chairman ASIF) Addl: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. (Mt HAMMAD (DR. & lnspection, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar Peshawar. q NnI& jr"- (FAL4I(NAwAz) (NAJEEB uR RAHn{.}Y Acting AIGiLegal, AIG/Establishment, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. Peshawar. Approved (NASIRKHAN DURRANT) Provincial Police Offi cer, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. Lr.