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View - Port of San Diego
Port of San Diego’s DAY AT THE DOCKS Sunday, April 19, 2009 Official Event Guide and Fishing Planner Celebrating the Start of the 2009 Fishing Season DAY AT THE DOCKS CONTENTS At A Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Parking & Shuttles . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Port Chairman’s Welcome . . . . . . .5 Festival Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Music Line Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Community Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Festival Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Seminar Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Anglers Legacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Kids Fish Free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Green Port Green Fishing . . . . . .12 Marine Life Protection Act . . . . . .13 Available Sportfishing Trips . . . . .15 Ocean Kayaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Opportunity Drawing . . . . . . . . .17 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Guide to Landings . . . . . . . . . . .22 Cover Art: The cover art is by the late Chuck Byron. Chuck contributed many pieces of his original art to the Day At The Docks event over the years. To his memory, the San Diego Sportfishing Council is proud to participate in the 6th Annual Chuck Byron “Fish-On!” Tournament scheduled for September 19 & 20, 2009. Kids are also invited to participate in the Marine Art Activity Center and Contest being held during Day At The Docks and presented by Lori Byron. For more information: Day at the Docks | 3 The Port Of San Diego’s DAY AT THE DOCKS We gratefully acknowledge the following event sponsors: County Of San Diego DOUGLAS LAMBERT INSURANCE SERVICES 976-BITE All Outdoors Radio Arizona Boating & Watersports Magazine Avet Reels Everingham Bros Bait Co Let’s Talk Hook-Up Log Newspapers/ Fish Rap San Diego Community Newspaper Group Rod & Reel Radio Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine Seeker Rods Sportfishing with Dan Hernandez Urgent Care & More Western Outdoor News Day At The Docks is produced by Catherine Miller & Associates, Inc. 4 | Day at the Docks Welcome to the Port of San Diego's DAY AT THE DOCKS 2009 The Port of San Diego’s Day At The Docks is a spectacular sportfishing showcase, designed to appeal to a broad audience. The day is full of fun, hands-on activities, displays, presentations, entertainment and an open door to the world of ocean sportfishing. With the Port of San Diego, we invite you to discover this attraction on San Diego’s Big Bay. Now let’s get down to what's happening. It’s Sunday April 19th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. And it's ABSOLUTELY FREE! Here are some of the highlights: KID’S FISHING ADVENTURE — Sponsored By Okuma Fishing Tackle, West Marine, Everingham Brothers Bait Company and Bioline Biofilament From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kids’ Fishing Adventure provides hands-on experience for young anglers 4-12 years old. Everingham Bros Bait has supplied thousands of feisty mackerel. Okuma has supplied the tackle and expert assistance is provided by the San Diego Rod & Reel Club and San Diego Anglers. To minimize waiting get a free ticket and a reserved time to fish at the San Diego Rod & Reel Club booth. CATCH, PREP & COOK CENTER — Learn to make the most of your fresh caught fish. Learn easy canning and smoking techniques, see sushi prepared and take home delectable recipes to try with your next fresh catch. LONG RANGE EXPO PAVILION — Sponsored by Point Loma Community Bank. An entire area is set aside for San Diego’s premier long range fishing fleet. Long-range boats will have displays and knowledgeable staff available to discuss their multi-day trips. Seminars will be presented on the LongRange Stage all day. FISHING SEMINARS — From entry-level introductions to saltwater fishing through advanced topics covering specific species and techniques, our seminar schedule is packed with interesting, useful information presented by San Diego fleet skippers and sportfishing pro staff. A full seminar schedule is inside. GOURMET GALLEY — There is a great variety to choose from! Seafood, Thai, Chinese, Mexican, BBQ and more. Many local restaurants around Shelter Island will also be serving DAY AT THE DOCKS specials on and around Shelter Island. BOAT RIDES — The whole family will want to take a boat ride around The Big Bay and it only costs $2. Trips run continuously throughout the day from Point Loma and H&M Landing. LOTS OF BOATS — You’ll find boats of all types. The modern sportfishers in the San Diego fleet will be hosting a grand open house and you’ll see a U.S. Coast Guard patrol boat, Harbor Police fire boat, Vessel Assist, Sea Tow, kayaks and trailerable boats. CASTING CONTEST — Sponsored by Seeker Rods and Avet Reels. This competition is for everyone, pro and novice alike. Competition at 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. MARINE ART — Check out the work of some special marine artists: paintings and prints by Chuck Byron Galleries, Marine Art by Glory Giffen, hand-carved fish sculptures and bronzes by David Wirth and more. HOT TACKLE — All the top manufacturers will be there. You’ll find some great bargains on fishing tackle from exhibitor retailers and in the landing tackle shops. There's plenty more to see and do at the PORT OF SAN DIEGO’s DAY AT THE DOCKS 2009. We hope to see you on the 19th and often through the upcoming season. Parking & Shuttles Parking is at a premium around the landings during DAY AT THE DOCKS. But don’t worry; there’s plenty of FREE parking on Shelter Island. Double-decker buses will be running all day providing FREE shuttle service from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to and from the festival. Accessible handicapped parking is available on the street near the north end of the parking lot at North Harbor Drive. The Port of San Diego Welcomes You to the 30th Annual Day at the Docks world’s most talented captains and anglers, and catch a glimpse into sportfishing. Free admission to Day at the Docks allows all visitors to attend fishing seminars and casting contests. For children, a “kids fishing adventure” provides an exciting introduction to fishing. Live music, food and fun are all a part of this festive day! Stephen P. Cushman Chairman, Board of Port Commissioners On behalf of the Board of Port Commissioners and the Port of San Diego, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the Port of San Diego’s Day at the Docks. A San Diego sportfishing tradition for 30 years, Day at the Docks has grown into the most significant sportfishing event of its kind in California, perhaps the world. As an avid fisherman, I am delighted that Day at the Docks provides a wonderful opportunity to visit this bustling center of sportfishing activity, mingle with some of the Visitors can tour the sportfishing boats, as well as take a ride around San Diego Bay. While at the sportfishing landings, visitors are encouraged to try the many popular restaurants at America’s Cup Harbor including Point Loma Seafoods, Today, the Port of San Diego is home to the world’s largest and most ϐ ϐǡϐ accommodations and access to some of the most exciting saltwater ϐǤ Hudson Bay, and Pizza Nova. The first Day at the Docks was created so the community could better understand and appreciate San Diego sportfishing. Today, the Port of San Diego is home to the world’s largest and most sophisticated sportfishing fleet, providing first class accommodations and access to some of the most exciting saltwater sportfishing in the world. Anglers, from the beginner to the expert, can fish in the waters off Point Loma aboard half-day trips or travel on multi-week voyages to the tip of Baja California and beyond. So enjoy Day at the Docks and the magnificent waterfront view. If you’d like to know more about the Port of San Diego, please visit our website at And thank you for visiting. Sincerely, Stephen P. Cushman Chairman, Board of Port Commissioners Day at the Docks | 5 MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE DAY Between fishing seminars, how-to demos and prize giveaways, you’ll be entertained on two stages with a great variety of music presented by an all-star lineup. POUND DOG, a very versatile band, takes the Main Stage at 9:00 AM. Good old classic rock and roll is their mainstay. Collectively they have over a hundred years musical experience. Pound Dog has the ability to play from small venues to corporate shows. With a sound straight out of Louisiana's dance clubs, bayou festivals and backyard crawfish boils, the BAYOU BROTHERS will rock you right on into "Fat Tuesday". A rousing, rollicking, heart thumpin', foot stompin' musical gumbo y'all won't soon forget!!! Main Stage at 12:30. THREE LEGGED DOG will perform at 3:15 PM. These are true fishermen musicians. Originally a side project started by members of The Fablushes and The Fontaines, Three legged dog has leaped forward to a life all its own. 30 Years of Success Thanks to Community Effort PRIVATE CHARTER FLEET 1-Day or Multi-Day Trips to Coronado and Outer Banks Black Pearl Hi-Count Success All Sportfishers are Available for Private Charters Fish Count Hotlines 1/2 and 3/4-Day Boats 619-224-3474 1-Day Boats 619-223-1626 Call Now LOCAL DAYLIGHT FISHING TRIPS Daily Double ...............................................................1/2-Day Deep Sea Fishing Point Loma .................................................................3/4-Day Coronado Islands Mission Belle ..............................................................3/4-Day Coronado Islands OVERNIGHT TRIPS: Coronado Islands & Outer Banks El Capitan .....................................................1-Day Coronado and Outer Banks El Dorado ...................................................................................1-Day Outer Banks Grande ..........................................................1-Day Coronado and Outer Banks Holiday ..........................................................1-Day Coronado and Outer Banks New Lo-An ...................................................1-Day Coronado and Outer Banks MINI-LONG RANGE FISHING: South to Baja Mexico El Capitan..........................................................1.5, 2.0 and 2.5-Day Outer Banks Grande...............................................................1.5, 2.0 and 2.5-Day Outer Banks Holiday............................................................................1.5 to 7-Day Outer Banks New Lo-An ..............................................................1.5 and 2.0-Day Outer Banks Success..............................................................1.5, 2.0 and 2.5-Day Outer Banks LONG RANGE FISHING: South to Baja Mexico American Angler ...............4 to 16-Day Trips.................Call Lori 619-223-5414 Independence....................4 to 18-Day Trips...............Call Judy 619-226-6006 Intrepid.................................3 to 15-Day Trips..............Call Carol 877-686-7827 Qualifier 105 .......................4 to 15-Day Trips............Call Q-Girls 619-223-2786 Vagabond ...........................3 to 10-Day Trips.............Call Dawn 619-224-6500 for Reservations 619-223-1627 Or Purchase Tickets Online at… 1403 Scott Street, San Diego, CA 92106 6 | Day at the Docks An event of this size would not be possible without the support of many. Our patron sponsors: the Port of San Diego and County of San Diego; Event sponsors: Point Loma Community Bank, West Marine, Douglas Insurance and Berkley Fishing Tackle; and exhibitor sponsors who went the extra mile to support this event. Thanks to our many volunteers and contributors who make this event possible: Everingham Bros. Bait Company, San Diego Rod & Reel Club and San Diego Anglers members, Urgent Care and More for event first aid, the Burn Institute, OMBAC members, our seminar speakers, landing personnel, boat owners, crews, exhibitors, prize donors and many others who have contributed their ideas, time effort and support to this event. Our thanks also to our media partners: 976-Bite, 976-TUNA, All Outdoors Radio, Arizona Boating & Watersports, Dan Hernandez Productions, Let’s Talk Hook Up; Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine, Rod & Reel Radio, San Diego Community Newspaper Group, Western Outdoor News and The Log/FishRap Newspapers. Our sincere thanks! DAY AT THE DOCKS 2009 SCHEDULE WEST MARINE MAIN STAGE Corner of Emerson & Scott Streets 9:00 Welcome 9:00 Pound Dog — A Little Classic Rock & Roll to Get the Day Started 10:00 Pete Haynes, Local and Long Range Fishing Authority 10% of Anglers Catch 90% of the Fish 11:00 Captain Chris Randel M/V Indian from H&M Landing Offshore Fishing for Tuna and Yellowtail 12:00 Red Raffle 12:30 The Bayou Brothers – Rockin' Zydeco, Blues & R&B 1:45 Captain Dave Bacon, Sportfishing Writer and Captain — Secrets for Catching Calico Sand Bass & White Seabass 2:30 White Raffle 3:15 Three Legged Dog — True Fishermen Musicians 4:15 Blue Raffle 5:00 Bye ‘til Next Year! LONG-RANGE EXPO STAGE Sponsored by Point Loma Community Bank 10:30 Howard Hada & Norm Fujimoto, Izorline Pro Staff Fishing Lines and Secure Knots 11:30 Doc Lobanski “Doc Ski”— Fishing for Wahoo 12:30 Captain Andy Cates, Operator M/V Red Rooster III from Lee Palm’s Sportfishers — Fishing Techniques with Kites & Balloons 1:30 Wendy Tochihara, Izorline International Pro Staff Member of MLPA Stakeholders Group — MLPA 101 Marine Life Protection Act — How It May Affect You and What You Can Do About It. 2:30 Bryan Porter, Seeker Rods Choosing the Right Rod for the Situation 3:30 Shimano Pro Staff Fishing the Lucanus Jig Technique BERKLEY/SEVEN STRAND WEIGH STATION STAGE Adjacent to Fisherman’s Landing 10:00 Ed Surek, Seeker Pro Staff, Cory Sanden, MC Swim Baits In Bay Fishing with Artificials 11:00 Bob Hoose, Berkley Saltwater Rigging Saltwater Gulp Baits for Inshore Fishing 12:00 Jim Salazar Promar — Hooping for Lobster & Crab 1:00 Steve Carson, Rapala Lures Fishing with Rapala Lures for Tuna & Yellowtail 2:00 Jason Fulton, Accurate Reels Choosing and Assembling Tackle Outfits 3:00 Jim Davis, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary — The Latest in Marine Radios, Safety, Emergency Communications and GPS CATCH, PREP & COOK CENTER Aboard M/V International Star, H&M Landing 10:30 Wendy Tochihara, Izorline International Pro Staff Preparing Poki, A Hawaiian Style Cevechi 1:00 Darren Gorski, Quality Seafood Buyer Teiji Ohkawa, Corporate Sushi Chef, The Fish Market Restaurants — Choosing Quality Fish and Sushi Preparation Demo 3:00 Rick Trevino, Indigo Café Seared Ahi with Mango Salsa Aboard M/V Sea Adventure 80, H&M Landing 11:00 Chef Larry Lewis, San Diego Culinary Institute Sesame Crusted Ahi 1:00 Jean Neisewander, Outboard Boating Club Secrets to Successful Canning at Home 3:30 Shauna Barton, South Bay Lady Anglers Prepares Her Famous Fish Tacos ABOARD VESSELS IN THE FLEET M/V Islander – Fisherman’s Landing All Day OEX Pro Staff; Ocean Kayak Fishing from a Mother ship M/V Prowler – Fisherman’s Landing 12:30 & 3:00 Steve Carson, Rapala Pro Staff Trolling with Rapala Jigs For Yellowtail & Tuna NEW CAPTAIN ANDY CATES DUNK TANK Sponsored By Pelagic Clothing & Loaded Energy Drinks Capsize a Captain! 3 Balls for $5 Captain Randy Toussaint — Royal Star 11:00 Captain Brian Keyohara – American Angler 11:30 Captain Justin Fleck – Excel 12:00 Captain Billy Santiago – Royal Polaris 12:30 Captain John Klein – Qualifier 105 1:00 Captain Sean Trowbridge – Legend 1:30 Captain Jeff Debuy – Independence 2:00 Mike Lackey – Vagabond 2:30 Rock Cod Rick – Let’s Talk Hook Up 3:00 CASTING DEMONSTRATION & CONTESTS Sponsored by Avet Reels and Seeker Rods 11:00 & 2:00 Competition Open to the Public Held at the pier north of H&M Landing IZORLINE KNOT TYING COMPETITION Competition all day at the Izorline booth. “Tie Off” at 3:30 MARINE ART CENTER FOR KIDS Art contests all day FLY TYING DEMONSTRATION & WORKSHOP All day at the San Diego Fly Fishers booth CAPTAIN NICK’S FISHING POND For youngsters. Proceeds benefit Home of Guiding Hands KIDS FISHING ADVENTURE All day at H&M Landing, Fisherman’s Landing & Point Loma Sportfishing IN THE WATER KAYAK DEMO’S OEX Dive & Kayak Centers all day by Fisherman’s Landing Donations collected for Friends of Rollo Benefits Hubbs Sea World White Seabass project BOAT RIDES ON THE BIG BAY Only $2! All day from H&M Landing & Point Loma Sportfishing U.S. COAST GUARD Special Purpose Craft for Law Enforcement at Fisherman’s Landing Open all day for inspection PORT OF SAN DIEGO HARBOR POLICE FIRE BOAT On Display at H&M Landing Dock Day at the Docks | 7 Berkley Weigh Station Stage All-Star Seminar Lineup Set for DAY AT THE DOCKS T he topics range from beginning saltwater fishing to battling the ferocious wahoo; from the secrets of fishing San Diego Bay to the proven techniques for fishing offshore for tuna and yellowtail; from caring for your equip- ment to tying that knot that won’t give. The seminar lineup for Day at the Docks 2009 boasts some of the industry’s most knowledgeable figures who are willing to share their experience and know-how. Here’s the lineup: West Marine Main Stage At Fisherman's Landing Scale TIME PRESENTER TOPIC 10:00 Pete Haynes 10% of the Anglers Seminar presenter, local and long Catch 90% of the Fish range fishing authority and knot tying expert. 11:00 Captain Chris Randel M/V Indian from H&M Landing Offshore Fishing for Tuna and Yellowtail 1:45 Captain Dave Bacon Outdoor Writer for The Log Newspapers; Charter Captain A Captain’s Secrets for Fishing White Seabass Adjacent to Fisherman's Landing TIME PRESENTER TOPIC 10:30 Howard Hada & Norm Fujimoto — Izorline Pro Staff Fishing Lines and Secure Knots 11:30 Doc Lobanski “Doc Ski” Fishing for Wahoo 12:30 Captain Andy Cates — Operator Fishing Techniques with Kites & Balloons M/V Red Rooster III from Lee Palm’s Sportfishers Wendy Tochihara Izorline International Pro Staff Member of MLPA Stakeholders Group MLPA 101 — Marine Life Protection Act — How It May Affect You and What You Can Do About It 2:30 Bryan Porter Seeker Rods Choosing the Right Rod for the Situation 3:30 Shimano Pro Staff Fishing the Lucanus Jig Technique 1:30 8 | Day at the Docks In Bay Fishing with Artificials Ed Surek — Seeker Pro Staff Cory Sanden — MC Swim Baits 11:00 Bob Hoose — Berkley Saltwater Rigging Saltwater Gulp! Baits for Inshore Fishing 12:00 Jim Salazar — Promar Hooping for Lobster & Crab 1:00 Steve Carson — Rapala Lures Fishing with Rapala Lures for Tuna & Yellowtail 2:00 Jason Fulton Accurate Reels Choosing and Assembling Tackle Outfits 3:00 Jim Davis U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Latest in Marine Radios, Safety, Emergency Communications and GPS Catch, Prep & Cook Center TIME PRESENTER TOPIC Aboard M/V International Star, H&M Landing 10:30 Wendy Tochihara Izorline International Pro Staff 1:00 Darren Gorski Quality Seafood Buyer Teiji Ohkawa Corporate Sushi Chef The Fish Market Restaurants 3:00 Rick Trevino Indigo Café Preparing Poki, A Hawaiian Style Cevechi Choosing Quality Fish and Sushi Preparation Demo Seared Ahi with Mango Salsa Aboard M/V Sea Adventure 80 at H&M Landing 11:00 Chef Larry Lewis San Diego Culinary Institute Sesame Crusted Ahi over Avocado and Pepper Tian with Baked Parmesan Tuille 1:00 Jean Neisewander Outboard Boating Club Secrets to Successful Canning at Home 3:30 Shauna Barton South Bay Lady Anglers Prepares Her Famous Fish Tacos Long-Range Expo Pavilion Sponsored by Point Loma Community Bank TOPIC 10:00 Corner of Scott and Emerson TIME PRESENTER On Board Fleet Vessels LOCATION M/V Islander Fisherman's Landing M/V Prowler Fisherman's Landing TIME PRESENTER All Day OEX Pro Staff & Islander Crew 12:30 & 3:00 Steve Carson Rapala Pro Staff TOPIC Mother Ship Ocean Kayaking Trolling With Rapala Jigs for Yellowtail & Tuna Anglers’ Legacy to Be Featured T he San Diego Sportfishing Council is featuring Anglers’ Legacy at Day at the Docks. In partnership with West Marine and the Port of San Diego, the San Diego Sportfishing Council will encourage visitors to “Take the Pledge,” a promise to introduce at least one newcomer to boating and fishing in the com- ing year. Fishing legend and lecturer Pete Haynes and former Padre pitcher and sportscaster Randy Jones will be on-site to lead the effort to collect Anglers’ Legacy Pledges. Those who sign up to become Ambassadors will receive a trophy fish poster to record details about their prize catch, an Anglers’ Legacy decal and a canvas boat bag from West Marine. “As the spring fishing and boating season kicks off, we are pleased that the San Diego Sportfishing Council will feature Anglers’ Legacy at their annual celebration,” said RBFF president and CEO Frank Peterson. “Our partnerships have generated major momentum for the pro- Anglers' Legacy, a program aimed at increasing first-time fishing and boating experiences, has signed on more than 100,000 Ambassadors nationwide since its inception in May 2006 gram over the past year. As we introduce newcomers to the sport, we contribute to the preservation of our aquatic resources and conservation efforts through the sale of fishing licenses, fishing tackle and boating supplies.” “With the support of West Marine, I am confident we’ll be able to add a significant number of Pledges to this valuable RBFF program,” said organizer Catherine Miller. “In addition to facilitating this Pledge drive, we hope to raise general awareness that as stewards of the sport we have a responsibility to the future of sportfishing to introduce newcomers to angling.” Anglers' Legacy, a program aimed at increasing first-time fishing and boating experiences, has signed on more than 100,000 Ambassadors nationwide since its inception in May 2006. According to a 2008 survey of Ambassadors, most purchase approximately $140 in fishing tackle and equipment, $153 in boating supplies and accessories, and more than three fishing licenses which support critical fish and wildlife management efforts through the Sport Fish Restoration Program. More Than 1,000 Pounds of Mackerel! M ore than 1,000 pounds of mackerel await kids at the Day At The Docks Kid’s Fishing Adventure, one of the most popular attractions during the event. And, it’s free! Stocked fishing pen areas are set up on the docks at each of the Landings. The mackerel provided by our live bait Kids Fish Free All Month of May Day At The Docks kicks off a “Kids Fish Free” promotion – a great value and easy on the pocket way to introduce kids to ocean sportfishing. Beginning April 20th and continuing through the entire month of May the San Diego Bay based sportfishing fleet will take kids fishing FOR FREE on open party 1/2 day, 3/4 day or full day fishing trip when accompanied by a paid adult. Coupons for the promotion are available at Southern California West Marine Stores and on the Sportfishng Council Website at To be eligible, kids must be 15 or younger. One complimentary child’s ticket is earned with each non-discounted adult fare purchased. Rental tackle is included in the child’s ticket, if needed. A deposit for rental tackle is required. Reservations are required and this promotion is limited to space available. Please indicate that you have a Kids Fish Free Coupon when making reservations. Mexican permits, if required are not included. Sponsored by West Marine and Anglers Legacy. What a great way to introduce a child you know to the world of sportfishing! Make plans with your child today to go fishing in May! supplier Everingham Bros. Bait Company During Day At The Docks children ages 4-12 are invited to fish with assistance by members of the San Diego Rod & Reel Club and San Diego Anglers Club. Rods and reels are provided by Okuma Fishing Tackle Company. A Kid’s Fishing Adventure delivers hands-on action for the first time angler. To avoid waiting in lines, stop by the San Diego Rod & Reel Club booth or San Diego Anglers Club booth early and get a free ticket for the Kids Fishing Adventure at a reserved time. Sponsored by OKUMA FISHING TACKLE, EVERINGHAM BROS BAIT COMPANY, WEST MARINE and BIOLINE FISHING. Fish Mexico’s Baja Coast and Offshore Islands! Aboard 105’ of Long Range Fishing Luxury… Catch Yellowfin Tuna, Bluefin Tuna, Dorado, Wahoo, Albacore, Yellowtail, Amberjack, Grouper and Snapper! The Red Rooster III Features Air conditioned staterooms Spacious galley • Satellite TV Gourmet meals and much more. ALL TRIPS DEPART AT 1:00 PM AND RETURN AT 9:00 AM Sailing Date Return Date SPRING 2009 SAT., MAY 30 MON., JUNE 15 THU., JUNE 18 FRI., JUNE 26 SAT., JULY 4 Days Cost Maximum Passengers/Remarks SUN., JUNE 14 THU., JUNE 18 FRI. JUNE 26 SAT., JULY 4 SUN., JULY 12 15 3 8 8 8 $3995. 795. 2095. 2195. 2195. 23/JUNE HEAT- ACCURATE REELS 30/FREELANCE/TUNA 28/TOM HULTGEN MEMORIAL 28/BILL CASPER/ACCURATE REELS 28/JORGE NICIFORE MEMORIAL “BEEFER X” SUMMER 2009 TUE., JULY 14 SUN., JULY 19 FRI., JULY 24 MON., JULY 27 FRI., JULY 31 TUE., AUG. 4 SAT., AUG. 8 THU., AUG. 13 TUE., AUG. 18 SUN., AUG. 23 SUN., AUG. 30 FRI., SEPT. 4 SUN., JULY 19 FRI., JULY 24 MON., JULY 27 FRI., JULY 31 TUE., AUG. 4 SAT., AUG. 8 THU., AUG. 13 TUE., AUG. 18 SUN, AUG. 23 SUN., AUG. 30 FRI., SEPT. 4 TUE., SEPT. 8 5 5 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 5 4 $1700. 1700. -----1385. ----------1700. 1700. 1700. 2450. 1700. 1385. 30/FREELANCE/TUNA 30/NEWELL/YO-ZURI Sponsor GLENN’S ALIGNMENT SERVICE MAHONEY CHARTER 30/ 30/JACKSON /BEKENDAM 30/ 30/ 30/ARNIE COHEN sponsor 28/BLACKWATER/ACCURATE REELS 30/PACO FISHING TRIP 30/LABOR DAY TRIP FALL 200 TUE., SEPT. 8 SAT., SEPT. 12 WED., SEPT. 16 TUE., SEPT. 22 SUN., SEPT. 27 WED., OCT. 7 SUN., OCT. 18 TUE., NOV. 3 FRI., NOV. 13 FRI., NOV. 27 FRI., DEC. 11 SAT., DEC. 26 SAT., SEPT. 12 WED., SEPT. 16 MON., SEPT. 21 SUN., SEPT. 27 WED., OCT. 7 SAT., OCT. 17 SUN., NOV. 1 FRI., NOV. 13 WED., NOV. 25 FRI., DEC. 11 MON., DEC. 21 TUES., JAN 5 4 4 5 5 10 10 14 10 12/9 14 10 10 $1385. 1385. 1700. 1700. 2895. 2895. ----2695. 3265. 3820. 2595. 2595. 28/Sportfishing with Dan Hernandez 28/ 26/IZORLINE Sponsor 26/FREELANCE/TUNA 29/ 29/NEWELL/Y0-ZURI Sponsor WINTER WANDERLUST 29/ Sponsor ACCURATE FISHING PRODUCTS * 23/ROD & REEL RADIO Sponsor 29/IZORLINE/CALSTAR/ACCURATE Sponsor 29/NEW YEARS SPECIAL LONG RANGE Trips from 3 to 21 Days Fish with Captain Andy Cates * Fly-Back from Cabo San Lucas 2801 Emerson Street, San Diego, CA 92106 For Reservations & A Free Brochure: 619-224-3857 Day at the Docks | 11 Green Port A Green Port Program was developed by the Port of San Diego to support the goals of the Green Port Policy ( that was approved by the Board of Port Commissioners in 2008. The ultimate goal of the program is to achieve long-term environmental, societal and economic benefits through resource conservation, waste reduction and pollution prevention. The Green Port Program unifies the Port’s environmental sustainability goals in six key areas. Overseen by the Green Port Program Steering Committee, the Port sets measurable goals and evaluates progress in each area on an annual basis. The Green Port Program both continues the Port’s existing environmental efforts and expands these efforts through new programs and initiatives. Green Fishing Alternative We are pleased to welcome a new exhibitor, Bioline Fishing to the Port of San Diego’s Day At The Docks. Its latest product, Bioline Biofilament, is a low visibility clear biodegradable fishing line made from 100% biodegradable polymer and is TM specifically designed to conserve the environment. Bioline retains 100% of its tensile strength for 10-12 months on your reel and is engineered to biodegrade within approximately 5 years. The reels in use for the Day At The Docks Kid’s Fishing Adventure have been topped off with the Bioline fishing line. Bioline Biofilament is available for purchase at H&M Landing. For more information visit 12 | Day at the Docks US Coast Guard’s Special Purpose Craft — Law Enforcement (SPC-LE) will be on display. SPC-LEs are intended to operate from Coast Guard Boat Forces units and Marine Safety and Security Teams (MSSTs) with the following missions: Defense Operations, Port Safety and Security, Recreational Boating Safety, Marine Environmental Protection, Enforcement of Laws and Treaties, Marine Safety and Security and Search and Rescue. The Marine Life Protection Act In 1999, California Governor Gray Davis signed into law the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). The stated purpose of the MLPA is to improve the array of marine protected areas (MPAs) existing in California waters through the adoption of a Marine Life Protection Program and a comprehensive master plan. That plan which has already been implemented on the central coast, is currently being developed for Southern California and will create “marine life reserves” with a “no-take component”. This month several preliminary draft proposals were presented. Although this is the first round, the proposals will only be revised two more times (and reduced to three in number) by the stakeholders before a preferred alternative is chosen by the Blue Ribbon Task Force. Those final maps are due by September, just six months from now. The “Round 1” draft marine protected See MLPA page 16 Several of the proposals are draconian in scope and one, Draft External Proposal C would effectively close off vast areas of ocean in ways that would destroy recreational saltwater angling as we know it. Day at the Docks | 13 INDIAN SPORTFISHING Indian is 65’ x 20’ with Air Conditioned Staterooms and Open Berthing for 24 Anglers -Large Galley, 2 Ton Spray Brine Fish HoldOperating from H&M Landing 2009 OPEN PARTY SCHEDULE (Price Includes Meals & Permits.) 1.5 Day Baja Freelance Trips Albacore/Yellowtail JUNE 6-7, 13-14, 27-28 .......$285.00 JULY 8-9, 22-23 ....................$325.00 AUG 5-6, 26-27 ....................$325.00 SEPT 2-3, 9-10, 24-25 ..........$325.00 SEPT 30 - OCT 1 .................$325.00 (1.5 Day Trips Depart 8 PM the evening before and Return 2nd Day between 6-7 AM) 1.5 & 2 Day Trips 2 DAY July 18 -19 $450 2 DAY Sept 19 - 20 $450 FATHERS DAY (1.5) June 20 - 21 $315 4th OF JULY (2) $450 July 4 - 5 LABOR DAY (2) $450 Sept 6 - 7 All 2 Day Trips depart at 9 PM on the evening before and return 2nd Day between 6-7 PM. Trips limited to 24 anglers. 24 Angler Charter Rates SPRING SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER Islands Tuna Jun & Oct Tuna July-Sept Tuna Jun & Oct Tuna July-Sept Tuna Jun & Oct Tuna July-Sept 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1.5 Day 1.5 Day 2 Day 2 Day Mon-Thurs $2,000 $3,400 $3,700 $6,000 $6,500 $7,000 $7,400 Fri-Sun $2,200 $4,200 $4,500 N/A N/A $8,500 $9,000 Food, beverages, tackle and filleting not included in charter rates. BOOK ON-LINE WITH VISA OR MASTERCARD AT: WWW.INDIANSPORTFISHING.COM 619-523-TUNA (8862) 14 | Day at the Docks MLPA continued from page 16 area (MPA) arrays created by the three work groups of the MLPA South Coast Regional Stakeholder Group (SCRSG) and draft MPA proposals submitted by external individuals and groups are now posted to the MLPA website ( Over the next few weeks, the draft MPA arrays and draft external proposals will be analyzed not only by the MLPA Master Plan Science Advisory Team, but also by the California Department of Fish and Game staff, California State Parks staff, and MLPA Initiative staff and contractors, and will reviewed by the MLPA Blue Ribbon Task Force and the public for initial feedback. Several of the proposals are draconian in scope and one, Draft External Proposal C would effectively close off vast areas of ocean in ways that would destroy recreational saltwater angling as we know it. In San Diego County alone, Prop C would permanently outlaw fishing: • Along the entire La Jolla coastline • Along two thirds of Point Loma • Along the entire Imperial Beach shoreline including the pier • Along a nine square mile area off Cardiff. All recreational anglers are stewards of the environment and advocates for sustainable fisheries and conservation. However, we agree with a large number of Californians who believe that excessive closures could have a significant negative impact on local economies and our freedom to fish. Sportfishing is our love and our passion, so don’t let your favorite fishing spot be locked up forever. Get involved. Participate in the process. Let your state legislators know your concern. Go to and find out more! Fishing Trips Available from San Diego T he San Diego sportfishing fleet operating out of San Diego Bay offers the widest range of trips found anywhere in the world. And the season is year around! During the year, of course, the fishing grounds and targeted species will vary according to the season. Below is a sampling of the types of trips that are offered and the accommodations you can expect aboard the boats. All the boats in the San Diego fleet meet strict safety requirements. The crews are licensed and experienced professionals who understand boat safety and know the fishing grounds locally and all along the Baja Coast. Boat personnel are always available and willing to assist the novice angler as well as the seasoned pro. Now, an explanation of the trips – • Open Party Trips are regularly scheduled trips for which individual tickets are available for purchase. Advance reservations are recommended. Departure times may vary by destination and time of year. • Private Charters can be arranged for any size group. Choose from any trip listed here or customize an itinerary from a bay cruise to a multi day trip of island hopping. 1/2 Day Fishing Fares* Adults: $42 Children, seniors, military: $32 Tackle rental: $10.00. 3/4 Day Fishing Available all year. This intermediate length trip of nine to ten hours departs from Point Loma Sportfishing and from H&M Landing at 6:00 AM. Targeted fish- ing grounds include the Coronado Islands, which lie 14 miles south of San Diego in Mexican waters, the Baja Coast and offshore banks. When fishing in Mexican waters, a Mexican fishing license is included in the fare.Spring, summer and fall trips target Yellowtail, White Sea Bass, Calico Bass, Barracuda and Bonito. Winter trips target Sand Bass, Rock Cod and over 50 species of bottom fish. See FISHING TRIPS page 16 Half Day Fishing These popular five to six hour trips fish the coastline from Imperial Beach to the Point Loma Kelp Beds according to the "best bite". From Spring through fall there are two daytime departures daily from both Point Loma Sportfishing and H&M Landing at 6:30 AM and again at 1:00 PM. In the summer months an additional departure is offered at 6:30 PM for a "twilight run". In the winter months the boats run one trip during the week leaving at 9 AM, returning at 3 PM and resume the two trips per day at 6:30 AM and 1:00 PM on weekends. Summer & Fall Fishing seasons target yellowtail, bass, barracuda, bonito and flurries of tuna. Winter & Spring Fishing Seasons target yellowtail, sandbass, rockfish, sheephead, sculpin, white seabass & barracuda. Day at the Docks | 15 FISHING TRIPS continued from page 15 3/4 Day Fishing Fares* Adults: $95 Children, seniors, military: $85 Tackle rental: $15.00 Full Day Bottom Fishing During the winter months these one day overnight trips fish the Coronado Islands, 60 Mile Bank or 43 Fathom spot for more than 50 species of rock cod and bottom fish caught locally, including red rock cod, ling cod, cow cod and sculpin. Trips depart at 11 PM and return late the next afternoon or early evening. You can count on bringing home a sack full from almost any day's fishing. Trips are available from H&M Landing. Full Day Bottom Fishing Fares* $135 Tackle rental: $21.00. Full Day Coronado Islands Available in Spring and Fall. These one-day overnight trips run from 18 to 21 hours in length. Departing all three landings between 10 and 11 p.m., they return between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.. Fishing begins at daybreak around the rugged shores of the Coronado Islands and continues until the early afternoon. Usually preferred by the more experienced angler, these trips provide more time at the fishing grounds and action in waters less heavily fished than the local coastline. In the spring and summer you can expect to catch a variety of game fish including Yellowtail, White Sea Bass, Calico Bass Barracuda and Bonito. A Mexican fishing license is included in the fare. Boats operating on these runs are equipped with bunks for sleeping while enroute to the fishing grounds and have full service galleys. Trips are available from these member Landings: Point Loma Sportfishing, H&M Landing, and Fisherman's Landing. Full Day Coronado Islands Fares* Adults: $125-$175 Children: $80-$150 Tackle rental: $17.00-$20.00. Full Day Outer Banks Trips Summer and fall are the seasons for these one day, 21 to 23 hour, overnight trips. Targeting the migrating schools of albacore, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, big eye tuna and dorado the season can begin as early as June and run as long as 16 | Day at the Docks November. These are the "headline" game fish that make San Diego's summer.The one day trips depart between 10 and 11 PM and return between 7 to 10 PM the following night, depending on the location and distance of the prior day's fishing. The fishing grounds can be anywhere from 30 to 100 miles offshore and can change on a daily basis. A wide open tuna bite at the outer banks provides for some very exciting fishing!If the fishing grounds remain at 100 or more miles, day & a half and two day trips are often scheduled during the summer season, offering the possibility of staying longer in the fishing grounds to take advantage of the bite. As on the Full Day Coronado Island trips, boats operating on these runs are equipped with bunks for sleeping while enroute to the fishing grounds and have full service galleys. When fishing in Mexican waters, a Mexican fishing permit is required and is included in "Open Party" fares. When fishing in US waters, a California fishing license is required. At the height of the season, when demand is very high, several boats in the fleet will offer what is referred to as "limited load". For a higher ticket price, the boat will reduce the number of anglers that it carries in order to provide an even more comfortable fishing environment for anglers. Trips are available from these member Landings: Point Loma Sportfishing, H&M Landing, and Fisherman's Landing. Full Day Outer Banks Fares* Adults: $175-$250 Children: $150-$250 Surface Tackle Rental: $17.00-$30; Trolling Tackle Rental: $25.00-$35.00 Multi-day Outer Banks Available Summer and Fall. Trips of two to five days fish the outer banks and the offshore islands of the northern Baja Peninsula for Tuna, Yellowtail and Dorado. Because you spend more time in the fishing grounds and less time travelling to and from, multi-day trips are an exceptional bargain. Enjoy comfortable accommodations aboard boats specifically designed for long range cruising. See individual sportfishing companies for current schedules and pricing. Trips are available from these member Landings: Point Loma Sportfishing , H&M Landing, Fisherman's Landing, and Lee Palm's Sportfishers. Mexican Long Range Fishing Multi-day trips of 2 to 21 days are scheduled throughout the year, depending on the season. Shorter trips of 2 to 6 days are offered in the spring and summer months, while longer trip of 8 to 21 days are offered through the fall and winter.Trips of 2 to 6 days will usually fish 100 to 300 miles south of San Diego in the coastal waters of Baja California and the offshore islands of San Martin, Guadalupe, San Benitos and Cedros. Target species include albacore, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, big eye tuna, skipjack, yellowtail and calico bass.The longer trips of 8 to 12 days usually fish 300 to 1000 miles south of San Diego at such places as Uncle Sam Bank, Alijos Rocks, the 23 Fathom Bank and Thetis Bank, where the targeted species include yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, big eye tuna, yellowtail, wahoo and dorado. The longer trips of 13 to 21 days will fish along the Baja coast and ultimately fish islands south of Cabo where yellowfin tuna from 200 to over 300 pounds and wahoo up to 100 pounds are caught on a regular basis. Long range fishing provides a special brand of excitement. Fishing is usually tuned for more and bigger fish. During the trip fish are stored below deck in refrigerated fish holds to keep the catch in frozen pristine condition. Vessels operating extended "long range trips" are fully self-sufficient, provide comfortable accommodations, excellent food service and carry the latest in electronics and fish finding equipment. Multi-day trips will range in cost between $175 to $450 per day and are inclusive of all meals. Policies vary with regard to the inclusion of the cost of Mexican fishing permits in the fare from boat to boat. All of the long range operations offer special tackle rental packages suited to the length of trip and the species that will be targeted.More detailed information can be found at individual company websites. Point Loma Sportfishing: H&M Landing: Fisherman's Landing; Lee Palm's Sportfishers: * All quoted prices are subject to change. OCEAN KAYAKS Kayaking has become a popular sport in recent years and anglers are finding that they can provide a unique angling experience in both near shore and offshore waters. OEX Dive & Kayak Center will again be featuring ocean going Kayaks, and providing seminars throughout the day on this type of fishing. The M/V Islander, specifically outfitted to serve as a “Mothership” for kayakers on trips to offshore islands and banks, will provide the platform for the seminars. OEX Pro will be aboard the M/V Islander located at the Fisherman’s Landing all day. Co-Owners and Captains, Shane Slaughter and John Conniff will also be on board to answer any of your questions about Kayak trips and provide you with her spring and fall schedules. Expect expanded trip schedules and opportunities as this type of trip gains in popularity. The Qualifier 105 out of Point Loma Sportfishing, additionally has trips scheduled this spring and fall. In the water demos will be available at Day At The Docks on a limited basis. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Inquire about availability at the OEX Dive & Kayak booth at the top of the dock at Fisherman’s Landing. A donation of $5 is being requested in support of Hubbs Seaworld Research White Seabass project. Drawing to Benefit the Burn Institute An annual Day At The Docks tradition is the THREE BIG opportunity drawings to raise money for The Burn Institute. Every year Day At The Docks exhibitors generously donate great prizes to make the raffles a success. This year is no exception. Great prizes include fishing rods, reels, fishing trips, jackets, tackle boxes & lures, restaurant certificates, passes to area attractions, bay cruises and much more. The Burn Institute is a non-profit health agency dedicated to reducing burn injuries and deaths in San Diego, Imperial, San Bernadino & Riverside counties. Founded in 1972, one of the Institute's first accomplishments was to establish the UCSD Regional Burn Center. Today the Burn Institute continues to reach thousands of children & adults each year with lifesaving fire and burn prevention education; fund vital burn research and treatment; and conduct burn survivor support programs that help children and adults cope with the devastating psychological and physical effects of their injuries. The Burn Institute provides many valuable services and is deserving of our support. We hope you’ll join the San Diego Sportfishing Council in supporting their efforts by participating in one or all three of the drawings held throughout the day. Day at the Docks | 17 EXHIBITORS 976 BITE FISH REPORTS Internet & Telephone Fish Reports ALLFISHWEAR.COM Embroidered Shirts & Hats ALL LIT UP — Lamps ARIZONA BOATING & WATERSPORTS AZ Boating & Watersports Newspaper 976TUNA Internet Site & Radio Show ALL OUTDOORS RADIO NETWORK Local Radio Show; KCBQ 1170 A & E ENTERPRISES — Sun Hats ALLEN KAYAK — Kayaks ACCURATE FISHING PRODUCTS — Fishing Reels AMERICAN COOLERS ARTWORKS BY GLORY GIFFIN Marine Paintings, Drawings & Cards ANGLER WEAR — Clothing AVET REELS — Fishing Reels ACTION PROMOTIONS Crystals, prism, suncast, body jewels ANGLER'S ARSENAL Retail Tackle Store BAJA FISH GEAR Tackle For Fishing Baja ANGLER'S CHOICE Tackle Store BAKER CUSTOM TACKLE Fishing Reels, Topless Frames For Big Game Reels ALL AMERICAN ROLLER GUIDES — Fishing Rod Hardware For Off Shore Rods ARTEHOUSE Vintage Wood Signs BALLYHOOD TOP GUN LURES Salt Water Fishing Lures BARRETT'S LEMONADE Regular & Diet Lemonade BBQ 4 U BBQ Tri-Tip, Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Cajun Sausage BELMONT SHORE BAG LADY Tote Bags, Cell phone bags BERKLEY / 7 STRAND Fishing Tackle Products BIG FISHING TEASE Fishing Apparel, Custom Embroidery & Screen Printing BIOLINE FISHING Biodegradable Fishing Line CALIFORNIA OFFSHORE MARINE — Defiance Boats BLACKWATER INT'L INC. Fishing Line CALIFORNIA ROD RACK CO Custom Rod Racks BLOODYDECKS LLC On-Line Fishing Community CALIFORNIA SEA GRANT-UCSD-SCRIPPS OCEANOGRAPHY State Program Dedicated To Research, Education, And Conservation BLUE WAVE JEWELRY Nautical & Hawaiian jewelry BOAT DEPOT Wellcaft, Yamaha BOB’S #1 TACKLE CO. Terminal Fishing Tackle BOOYAA — Fishing Apparel BOYCE IMAGES — Underwater Photography & Tiles BUBBA'S HOT RODS.COM Rods, Reels, Custom Tackle BURN INSTITUTE Fire & Burn Prevention CA DEPT OF FISH & GAME State Educational CA HIGHWAY PATROL Law Enforcement Info & Recruiting CALCUTTA GAFFS — Fish Gaffs CAPT. NICK'S FISHING POND Landside Fishing Experience For Small Children CASTA DESIGN — Quality Apparel & Custom Graphics CATALINA OFFSHORE PRODUCTS Uni Goop Fish Attractant & Fish Tacos CERTIFIED YACHT MANAGEMENT Marine Services CHARLES BECK MERCH Good Stuff CHINGON CUSTOM MARINE FABRICATION Marine Metal Fabrication CHUCK BYRON GALLERIES Event T-Shirts & Kids Art Activities COAST CLOTHING CO Old Guys Rule T-Shirts, Sweatshirt Polos, Hats COFE PRODUCTS Reel Upgrade & Repair COSTA DEL MAR SUNGLASSES Costa Del Mar Sunglasses, Polarized Sunglasses COUNTRY KETTLE CORN Kettle Corn & Bottled Water D&J MARKETING AND SALES Grip-N-Hook, lurs, sportfishing supplies DAVID WIRTH SCULPTURE Bronze & Wood Sculptures DE-FISHING SOAP Soap that Removes the Smell of Fish DESIGNER INSPIRED SHADES Polarized Glasses, Shields, ClipOns, Bifocals DIONYSOS GREEK FOODS Greek foods DISCOVER BAJA TRAVEL CLUB Travel Club For Baja, Mexican Insurance, Books Etc EL CAJON FORD — Ford Trucks EL GORDITO FELIZ Tacos, Tortas, Burritos, Quesadillas, Pupusas DAIWA — Daiwa Fishing Tackle, Rods, Reels & Accs. EXOTIC HAMMOCKS DAN HERNANDEZ PRODUCTIONS Sportfishing Television Program FISH DOPE.COM Internet Fishing Reports DAVCO, LLD Realistic Fish Domed Decals FASTLANE SAILING — Kayaks FISH RAP — Fishing Newspaper FISH STUFF — T-Shirts/Hats FISHERMAN'S LANDING TACKLE — Fishing Tackle Day at the Docks | 19 EXHIBITORS FISHHEAD ART — Fish Art FISHSHIRTS.COM Custom Digitally Printed Apparel Products INTERNATIONAL GAME FISH ASSOCIATION International World Record Keeper & Marine Advocacy Organization FIVE Star Fish Processing Fish processing IZORLINE INTERNATIONAL Fishing Lines, Tools & Accessories FRIENDS OF ROLLO Youth Fishing Organization JERKY HUT — Beef, Turkey, Fish Jerky, Pepperoni Sticks GET-THE GAFF Custom Gaffs JIM RAGSDALE Hats, Caps, Visors GRAND PACIFIC RESORTS JIM'S CUSTOM FISHING RODS Custom Rods, Apparel GUNTHER GRAPHICS Marine Art, Illustrations, Fish Paintings HAWAII MAP COMPANY Decorative Coastal Map HIGH SEAS TRADING CO Men's Clothing HIGHTIDE SPORTFISHING Surface Iron HOBIE POLORIZED Polarized Sunglasses HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INTITUTE White Seabass Head Recovery JON PETLEY CUSTOM GOLDSMITH INC Jewelry-Nautical KRACKY JACKS Hats Made Of Sea Grass LET'S TALK HOOKUP Radio Fishing Show LONG CAST FISHING Lucky Chum Fishing Lures, Artificial Bait Enhancement M&M CUSTOM RODS Rods & Reels M/V EXCEL SPORTFISHING Long Range Sportfishing Boat OUTWEST Marketing Lures And Lighted Sabika Rigs M/V INDEPENDENCE Long Range Sportfishing Boat PACIFIC COAST CONCESSIONS-HOT DOG ON A STICK Hot Dog/Cheese On Stick, Burgers M/V INTREPID SPORTFISHING Long Range Sportfishing Boat M/V QUALIFIER 105 Long Range Sportfishing Boat M/V ROYAL POLARIS Long Range Sportfishing Boat M/V SEARCHER Long Range Sportfishing Boat M/V SHOGUN Long Range Sportfishing Boat MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION OF SAN DIEGO Fund Raiser For Make A Wish PACIFIC YACHT TOWERS Custom Fishing Towers, TTops, Archs, Fabrication PELAGIC, INC — Apparel PENN FISHING TACKLE Fishing Rods & Reels PETER J ART GALLERY Artwork & T-Shirts PLANET RECORDS — Jewelry MARINE LIFE PROTECTION ACT — Information POINT LOMA CREDIT UNION Financial Information MARITIME INSTITUTE INC Boating Education, Captain's Licensing PORT OF SAN DIEGO Steward Of San Diego Tidelands MARLIN CLUB, SAN DIEGO Sportfishing Club, Weigh Station POWER PRO — Fishing Line MATHENY'S WAGON WORKS Sausage Sandwiches MC SWIMBAITS — Plastic Lures NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES (NOAA) Research & Info Relating To Sportfishing & Weather NEWPORT BLUE Men's Graphic T's & Swimwear OKUMA — Fishing Tackle OEX DIVE AND KAYAK CENTER — Kayaks ORANGE COUNTY RODS Fishing Rods 20 | Day at the Docks PACIFIC COAST SPORTFISHING — Magazine PROMAR/AHI -USA Hoop Nets for Lobster & Crabbing RAY CARUSO Scrimshaw (Fossil Mammoth Ivory) Shark Teeth RECYCLED FISHING TACKLE Used & Antique Fishing Tackle RESCUE TAPE-HARBOR PRODUCTS INC Rescue Tape - Self-Fishing Silicone Repair Tape ROD & REEL RADIO Radio Show ROD DOCK — Fishing Rod Holder Installed In Trucks RODTEK SPORTS USA Fishing Bags, Poles And Accessories S & B FIRST COOK BBQ Beef, Chicken On Stick, Egg Roll, Chowmein SALTYDOC — Saltwater Fly & Light Tackle Fishing SAN DIEGO ANGLERS Recreational Sportfishing Club SAN DIEGO COUNTY CREDIT UNION — Credit Union Info & Give-Aways SAN DIEGO FLY FISHERS Fly Fishing Club SAN DIEGO OCEANS FOUNDATION — White Seabass Restocking Project SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPT Career & Boat Safety Info SAN DIEGO ROD & REEL CLUB Sportfishing Club SAN DIEGO SAIL & POWER SQUADRON — Educational Boating Safety Course SEA TOW — Marine Towing SECOND HOOK TACKLE Used Tackle SEEKER ROD CO. Rods & Blanks SENORTUNA.COM Sportfishing Website SHIMANO Fishing Rods, Reels And Lures SO. CAL DEAF ANGLERS CLUB Deaf Anglers Club SOLDIER'S ANGELS Care Packages To Deployed And Wounded Military TACKLE SPECIALTIES Fishing Rods TADY LURES Lures & Related Products TERRAFIN SOFTWARE Satellite Imagery, SST & Ocean Color Charts THE SWEET STOP Funnel Cakes, Smoothies, Burgers, Fries TUFF GRIND — Hats and T-shirts TUFF SHED Storage buildings and garages WESTERN OUTDOORS PUBLICATIONS Newspapers & Magazines TURBINE COMPONENTS, INC. Prototype machining and welding WFO SPORTFISHING Tackle Management Systems ULTILMATE STORAGE BAGS Boat and Tackle Strorage Bags UNION TRIBUNE Newspaper subscriptions UNITED ANGLERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Non Profit Anglers Advocacy Group URGENT CARE & MORE First Aid US COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Marine Safety VESSEL ASSIST/BOATUS Marine Towing, Insurance, Pubs WHOPPER STOPPERS Custom Fishing Rods WIKI TIKI — Polynesian Design Apparel, Bags & Posters WORLDWIDE FISH MOUNTS /DOC SKI Fiberglass Fish Reproductions & Custom Rod Wrapping XTREME LUBE Reel Lubricant ZEBCO / QUANTUM Fishing Rods, Reels & Line WEST MARINE Angler's Legacy Pledges WESTCOASTFISHING.COM Fishing info website Day at the Docks | 21 Guide to San Diego Landings All of the landings listed below offer both “open party” and private charters. Each has its own tackle shop. All of the landings are situated in one area, side by side in Point Loma. Parking is available for a minimal fee. Fisherman’s Landing 2838 Garrison St., San Diego, CA 92106 Phone: (619) 221-8500; Fax: (619) 222-0799 Fisherman’s Landing specializes in full-day, multiday and long-range fishing trips. In the winter months, they also offer natural history tours Baja California. Point Loma Sportfishing 1403 Scott St., San Diego, CA 92106 Phone: (619) 223-1627; Fax: (619) 223-1591 Point Loma Sportfishing has a wide range of trips including half-day, 3/4-day, full-day, multiday and long-range fishing. From December through March they also offer local whale watching excursions. Make-A-Wish Tuna Challenge The annual tuna tournament and fundraiser in San Diego benefiting Make-A-Wish Foundation of San Diego, is scheduled for September 12 - 13, 2009. Begun in 1991, it has grown to become the largest tuna tournament in the continental United States. Tickets are avail- H&M Landing 2803 Emerson St., San Diego, CA 92106 Phone: (619) 222-1144; Fax: (619) 222-0784 H&M Landing offers half-day, 3/4-day, fullday, multiday and longrange fishing trips. Dive trips and a marine floating classroom program are also available. In the winter months, they offer local whale watching trips and natural history tours to Baja California. 22 | Day at the Docks Lee Palm’s Sportfishers 2801 Emerson St., San Diego, CA 92106 Phone: (619) 224-3857; Fax: (619) 224-2201 Lee Palm’s Sportfishers operates the long-range fishing vessel Red Rooster III on a year-round basis. able for their Big Boat Raffle of a Defiance sportfisher provided California Offshore Marine and on display at Day At The Docks. For more info: