1 Als voorzitter van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren


1 Als voorzitter van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren
Als voorzitter van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Antiquaren (NvvA), is het voor mij een bijzonder genoegen
deze derde Gezamenlijk Catalogus in het kort bij u in te leiden. Het is een selectie uit het aanbod van nagenoeg
alle antiquaren die lid zijn van onze Vereniging. Zoveel leden met zoveel verschillende disciplines en onderwerpen
– van het oude boek tot de meeste recente zeldzame eerste druk; van de vroege kaart, een stadsgezicht of een
andere bijzondere prent tot fraaie moderne grafiek -, zoveel individualisten hier bijeen die een representatieve
en interessante selectie uit hun voorraad aanbieden.
De NVvA is aangesloten bij de internationale organisatie The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
(ILAB-LILA), hetgeen betekent dat op al onze verkopen een garantie geldt. Meer hierover kunt u vinden op
de website www.ilab.org onder het lemma “Code of Ethics”. Alles over de NVvA kunt u daar ook vinden of
op onze eigen homepage www.nvva.nl .
Het verschijnen van deze catalogus valt samen met de 29th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair,
die van 23 tot en met 25 oktober zal worden gehouden in de Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA), Piet
Heinkade 27 te Amsterdam (zie voor uitgebreide informatie: www.amsterdambookfair.com ). Daarom is in
deze catalogus ook alvast een plattegrond van de deelnemers opgenomen. Zij hopen allen u daar te mogen
Ik besluit met een woord van dank aan het organisatiecomité van de beurs, die alleen met uw bezoek deze
beurs weer tot een succes kan maken, maar zeker niet in de laatste plaats dank ik onze secretaris Frank Rutten
voor zijn niet aflatende steun deze catalogus samen met Auke van der Berg (Rozenberg Publishers) toch nog
op tijd te realiseren.
Ik wens u veel leesplezier, waarbij ik vanzelfsprekend de wens uitspreek dat er ook een aankoop uit voort­vloeit.
En natuurlijk geldt dat ook voor een bezoek aan onze beurs.
As president of the Dutch Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (NVvA), it is my great pleasure to give you
a brief introduction to this third joint catalogue. It gives a selection from the offerings of nearly all antiquarian
booksellers who are members of our association. So many members covering so many different fields and
subjects – from early books to the most recent rare first editions; from old maps, city views or other remarkable
prints to lovely modern graphic art – so many individualists brought together here to offer a representative
selection from their stock.
The NVvA is associated with the international organization, The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
(ILAB-LILA), which means all our sales are covered by a guarantee. You can find more details on the website
www.ilab.org under the heading “Code of Ethics”. You can also find all you wish to know about the NVvA
there or on our own homepage, www.nvva.nl.
The present catalogue appears in conjunction with the 29th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair,
which will be held from 23 to 25 October in the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA), Piet Heinkade 27
in Amsterdam (for further information: www.amsterdambookfair.com). For that reason, the catalogue also
contains a floor plan giving the locations of the participants. They all look forward to welcoming you there.
I close with a note of thanks to the bookfair organisation committee, which needs only your visit to make
this fair a success once again. Last but not least, I wish to thank our secretary Frank Rutten for his unflagging
support for the punctual execution of this catalogue, together with Auke van der Berg (Rozenberg Publishers).
I wish you pleasure in your reading, and it goes without saying that I hope it will also lead to a purchase.
The same applies, of course, to your visit to our bookfair.
Ton Kok
(president NVvA)
Antiquariaat Acanthus
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Iris M. van Daalen
Achter Sint Pieter 180
3512 HT Utrecht
Phone: +31 (0) 30 2314949
+31 (0) 30 2314949
- Travel
- Old & rare books
- Illustrated books
- Performing arts
- Children’s books
- Games and Paper toys
- Popular prints
- Ephemera
We hebben een winkel.
Open: woensdag t/m zaterdag.
We have a shop.
A selection from our stock:
contemporary account of the Siege of Vienna by the Turcs
Montalbo, Francisco de. Historia de las guerras de Ungria desde el anno de 82 hasta el de 88. Palermo,
Pedro Copula, 1693. Small folio. 31 x 21.5 cm. (24), 454, (20) pp. With full-page engraved coat of arms of
the Duke of Uzeda, Viceroy and commander of Sicily, to whom the book is dedicated. Contemp. marbled
calf, spine ribbed and richly gilt with green title-label.
e 2.400,Extremely rare contemporary account of the Siege of Vienna by the Turcs in 1683, a milestone in European history. At the time the House of Habsburg dominated Europe. Leopold I of the Austrian Habsburgs was German
Emperor and King of Hungary, where as the Spanish Habsburgs ruled in Milan, Sicily, and the Americas. The
Habsburg family were stout defenders of the Roman Catholic faith against the Reformation, which flourished in
Hungary. When Leopold I started to expand his power in Hungary and tried to suppress protestantism, the protestants called the Turcs for help. In 1683 a Turkish army of 200,000 men marched to Vienna. From July 14 until
September the 12th, Vienna was under siege by the Turcs. Leopold I begged for troops from the countries of
Europe and the Pope sent money.Vienna was then relieved by the imperial army, supported by strong Polish
troops, and the Turkish army was heavily defeated. Hostilities however dragged on, until finally the Peace of Karloviez was signed in January 1699. The account, divided into six books, describes in detail all the events leading up
to the siege of Vienna and its aftermath up to the official recognition and crowning of Leopold I in 1689 as King
of Hungary. With an extensive index at the end. No further details could be found on the author except what he
stated about himself on the title-page; “Fray Francisco de Montalbo de la Sagrada Religion de S. Geronimo, Doctor
Theologo y Predicador de Su Magestad”. He is also known as being the author of a book on the splendid
funeral of the Spanish Queen, Marie Louise de Bourbon: “Noticias funebres de las magestuosas exequias.”
published in Palermo in 1689. Fine copy of a very rare book. Not in any of the usual reference works.
Art décoratif et industriel de l’U.R.S.S. L’Édition du Comité de la Section de l’U.R.S.S. à l’Exposition
Internationale des Arts Décoratifs: Paris, 1925. Moscow, (printed by:) Fabrika “Goznak”, 1925. 4to. 94,
XXVIII, (12 advert.-) pp. With 2 tipped-in colour ills., 11 monochrome plates, 3 full-page lithographed ills.
Original colour wrappers designed by A. Rodchenko. e 2.000,The famous exhibition catalogue of the Russian contribution at the Paris Arts and Crafts exhibition, with the wellknown coverdesign by Aleksandr Rodchenko (1891-1956). The book won a silver medal for its book design, with
contributions by i.a. A. Lunatcharsky, A. Lebedeff, A. Efross, N. Docoutchaeff, D. Sterenberg a.o. An exceptionally
good (nearly mint) copy. Kahn-Magodmedov p. 132 (ill.); Compton, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34, p. 54.
Antiquariaat Acanthus
influentual book on colour with 27 beautiful ‘chromo-calcographed’ plates
Chevreul, Michel Eugène. Des couleurs et de leurs applications aux arts industriels à l’aide des cercles
chromatiques. Avec XXVII planches gravées sur acier et imprimées en couleurs par René Digeon. Paris, J.B.
Baillière, 1864. Folio. 26, (2) + 27 plates, of which 1 large folding, depicting the ‘couleurs d’un spectre
solaire’, 14 colour scales, and 12 colour circles, printed by Ch. & A Chardon, and Lamoureux. Orig. blue
cloth, title gilt, printed endpapers. e 3.850,First edition with beautiful colour-engraved plates of a rare and
significant work by Michel Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889!), professor of chemistry at the Natural History museum in Paris, and
since 1863 its director. Chevreul was also the director of the dyeing
division of the Royal Gobelin Tapestry works. In that function he
received many complaints about the dyes being used there. In
particular, the black colours appeared to be different when used
next to blue colours. He determined that the perceived colour was
influenced by its surrounding colours. He carried out researches
on colour contrasts, which led him to a concept known as ‘simultaneous contrast’, on which he wrote the pioneering study: ‘De la
loi du contraste simultané des couleurs’ (later translated as:‘The
Principles of Harmony and Contrast of Colours’), in 1839. After several other publications he completed his
work on colour contrasts with 2 other significant works. The first - our title, giving a colour classification
system, colour circles and lightness scales, first published in 1864. And the second: ‘Compléments d’études
sur la vision des couleurs’, first published in 1873. The enormous influence which Chevreul’s colour theories
also had in the artistic world and its movements, especially impressionism, neo-impressionism, and orphism,
has been well documented.
The colour engraved plates by René-Henri Digeon are of exceptionally fine quality. Digeon worked together
with Chevreul as an engraver and lithographer. Chevreul praises Digeon of executing his overlapping colour
etching technique with such an exceptional accuracy and sensitivity. Their experiments with all sorts of
chemicals, even urine, to keep the intensity of each different colour when printed, are described with detailed
recipees. He also recommends that the colour circles should’t be exposed to much to light. No further details
could be found by us on René Digeon, except that his earliest 2 titles, on chromo-calcography, are published
around 1855, incl: ‘Notice explicative sur la chromocalcographie ou reproduction de toutes espèces
d’aquarelles par la combinaison de 4 planches gravées sur acier et imprimées en taille-douce (jaune, bleu,
rouge, noir)’. He is possibly related to the engraver Antoine René Digeon (b. 1844) with whom he is often
confused. Good copy of a rare and important book, with magnificent colour printed plates.
The Faber Birren Collection of books on colours, QC495 C45; on Chevreul: DSB, III, pp. 240-244; on
Digeon: Thieme-Becker,Vol 9, p. 284
Zwart, P. Reclame. Rotterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar N.V, (1931). Oblong 8vo. (32) pp. Fine typographical
booklet in Piet Zwart’s classic style, printed in black, blue and orange. Designed throughout in Zwart’s classic
style, including asymmetric typography, primary colours like red, orange, blue and black, bold type forms,
combined with photo montage. Bound as a blockbook, with its original 1/3 overlapping plain yellow wrapper, and a circular cut-out on front, covered with transparant red glassine paper.
e 8.500,Very rare publication designed by Piet Zwart (1885-1977), the
famous Dutch typographer, photographer, and designer, who became one of the most influental in modern typographical design.
This booklet was commisioned by the public relations department
Antiquariaat Acanthus
of the printers and publishing company Nijgh & Van Ditmar N.V. in Rotterdam. It deals on advertising, the
benefits of advertising, and it tries to define what good advertising is about. Vague contemporary stamp on
front. A good complete copy with the glassine covering intact.
Broos, Piet Zwart (Cat. Haags Gemeentemuseum), ills. 156-159; Alston W. Purvis, Dutch Graphic Design
1918-1945, p. 78, 79, ills. 4-28 and ills. on front and between p.122 and 123.
‘father of the impossible figures’, extensive archive and original drawings
Reutersvärd, Oscar. (1915-2002) and Bruno Ernst. Archive containing over 350 original drawings of
impossible figures and an extensive correspondance on Oscar Reutersvärd’s life and work. An affectionate
correspondance, spanning nearly 20 years, with Bruno Ernst, the famous author and biographer of M.C.
Escher, manuscript letters with extra drawings, clippings, original photographs, exhibition posters and many
with dedications to Bruno Ernst. Sweden, 1983-2001 (2002). The drawings are on thick drawing paper or on
fine Japanese paper, coloured and uncoloured, and of different formats.
e 45.000,Oscar Reutersvärd (1915-2002), the father of the impossible figure’,
was a well-known Swedish artist who pioneered the art of creating
impossible figures, objects which appear solid on paper, but cannot
actually be built. In 1934 Oscar Reutersvärd created the most famous
and one of the simplest of impossible figures out of a strange two-­
dimensional representation of cubes, that he named ‘the impossible
triangle’. Reutersvärd invented several other impossible structures and
famous objects, including ‘the impossible staircase’ from 1950, better
known as the ‘Penrose stairway’ (incorporated in Escher’s print
“Ascending and Descending”), and the ‘tribar illusion’. Whereas M.C.
Escher build inhabited worlds around impossible objects, Reutersvärd’s
designs typically consist of pure geometric forms, all in isometric projection. In 1954, Roger Penrose, after attending a lecture by the artist
M.C. Escher, rediscovered the impossible triangle and drew it in its most familiar 3-dimensional form,
which he first published in a 1958 article. Penrose later stated that he was at that time unaware of Reutersvärd’s earlier designs. Although Roger Penrose and M.C. Escher (with his incorporation of the impossible
triangle in his famous lithograph “Waterfall” in 1961), made the ‘Penrose triangle’ famous, it was independently discovered and refined years earlier by Reutersvärd. Later, there have been innumerable adaptations and
variations on the impossible staircase, not only by Roger Penrose, but by Oscar Reutersvärd as well. Reutersvärd
continued drawing impossible figures all his life. In 1983, the Swedish Government honored Reutersvärd’s
achievements by issuing a set of 3 stamps that were depicting his impossible figures.
Bruno Ernst, the wellknown Dutch biographer of M.C. Escher, came in contact with Reutersvärd in 1983
and a cordial friendship developed, as expressed in this extensive correspondance. They exchanged many
ideas on impossible figures and Reutervärd’s work profited from Bruno Ernst’s ideas and mathematical
knowledge. In the early 1990s, Ernst decided to prepare for a comprehensive study on Reutersvärd life and
work. He asked for biographical and information and, step by step, Reutersvärd began to write down his life,
comment on his work, ideas and hopes. He supplied Bruno Ernst with photographs, newpaper clippings,
announcements of exhibitions etc. The book was never written, but this can be easily done so with the
present material. This unusually large collection, basically Bruno Ernst’s Reutersvärd archive, contains all the
key elements for a biography of Reutersvärd’, in addition to many original special drawings, most often
commented upon in his letters and with dedications. A fine and very large collection.
Cf. Obituaries of Reutersvärd, in papers and periodicals, 2002. On the impossible triangle: Penrose, L.S.,
and Penrose, R. “Impossible Objects: A Special Type of Illusion,” British Journal of Psychology, 49: 31, 1958
Antiquariaat Acanthus
Chandler, R. Travels in Asia minor: or an account of a tour made at the expense of the Society of Dilettanti.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1775. 4to. XIV, XIII, (3), 283, (1) pp. With a large folding engraved map of ‘the
Aegaean Sea or Archipelago, with the Coasts of Europe and Asia, and part of Asia Minor’ by Thomas
Kitchin. Contemp. sprinkled h.calf with marbled boards, gilt lettered morocco title-label.
e 1.450,First edition of the personal journal of an expedition made by Richard Chandler (1738-1810), a wellknown
English antiquary. With him went as architect Nicholas Revett (1720-1804), and William Pars (1742-1782),
as artist. They embarked in June 1764 and returned in November 1766. The expedition was the first independent
mission of the Society of Dilettanti, and aimed to explore and describe the antiquities of Ionia. The Society
of Dilettanti was a society of noblemen and gentlemen which sponsored the study of ancient Greek and
Roman art, and the creation of new work in the classical style. It was founded as a London dining club in
1734 by a group of people who had been on the Grand Tour. The group aimed to “correct and purify” the
public taste of the country; from the 1740s, it began to support Italian opera, and from the 1750s, it was the
prime mover in establishing the Royal Academy. The official results of this first expedition were published as
‘Ionian Antiquities’ in 1769, and indeed exerted a major influence on Neo-Classicism in Britain.
Atabey 215; Blackmer 318; Weber, 552; Cox I, p. 232.
Stedmans travels to Surinam for children
I. G. Stedmann’s Reisen in Surinam für die Jugend bearbeitet von M. Chr. Schulz. Neue Auflage mit V
illuminirten Kupfertafeln. Berlin, in der Schüppelschen Buchhandlung, (ca. 1800-1805). 8vo. XII,180 pp. With
5 contemp. handcoloured engravings, 4 plates and 1 large title-illustration. Contemp. marbled boards with
gilt printed title on spine.
e 1.250,Rare German adaptation for children of the famous book by John Gabriel Stedman (1744-1797): ‘Narrative
of a five years expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam’ (1796). First separate edition of a book
which appeared as Vol. I.: ‘Karl Stedmann’s Reisen in Surinam.’ in a series of travel accounts for children,
adapted by Chr. Schulz: ‘Kleines Magazin von Reisen: zur angenehmen und belehrenden Unterhaltung der
Jugend. Nach den neuesten deutschen und ausländischen Originalwerken bearbeitet’, Berlin, Oehmigke, 1800.
Our copy was originally a gift to the library of the ‘Kon. Koloniaal Militair Invalidenhuis Bronbeek’ by the
famous Frederik Muller: With several old stamps of Bronbeek, and a label
of Fr. Muller.
Sabin 91073 (dating it 1799); cf: Wegehaupt I, 2016 (other edition, publ. by
Aeric books & prints
Eric Schneyderberg
Van Heemstrastrjitte 16
8561 GB Balk
Tel. + 31 (0) 514 601 783
- Pop art
- Modern Art
- Photography
- Literature
- Modern music memorabilia
[BOB DYLAN] JULES HALFANT. Original mock-up for a handbill. 1963. 38 x 26 cm.
e 3.900,Mock-up for a handbill (image size 25 x 20 cm) announcing
a very early concert by BOB DYLAN at the New York City
Town Hall, April 12th, 1963; his first ever solo performance
in a main venue. The piece consists of 17 pieces of paper
carefully affixed on cardboard, some fine hand-lettering, as
well as a roughly reproduced photograph of a very young
Dylan. Included are a few critic’s quotes, like: “One of the
most compelling blues singers ever recorded.” and “He’s so
goddamn real, it’s unbelievable.” The historic New York
Town Hall concert also was the first show ever for which
Dylan performed self-written material only, in stead of playing traditionals and / or cover versions. The main part of this
show, attended by a mere 900 people, was recorded by
Columbia Records, who never officially released the material.
The lower margin shows some handwritten instructions
concerning size, edition, etc. (“Rush please!”) by the uncredited
designer who happens to be Jules Halfant. Halfant was the
house designer for Vanguard Records, which is a bit ironic as Dylan was rejected by this company in the
earliest stage of his career.
ROY LICHTENSTEIN. Imperfect. Stockholm, Heland Wetterling Gallery, 1988. Or. silkscreened
wrappers. 8vo.
e 340,Curiously shaped catalogue: top and fore-edge cut off crooked, following the theme of the exhibition: a series
of works titled Imperfect Paintings. The front of the wrappers, showing a repetition of small red dots on a white
background, has been delicately SIGNED BY ROY LICHTENSTEIN in black feltpen. Imperfect but mint.
YOKO ONO. Grapefruit, a Book of Instructions, introduction by JOHN LENNON. London, Sphere Books,
1971. Or. wrappers. Square small 8vo. 1st paperback edition.
e 2.600,First paperback edition of the revised and expanded version of Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit, which was first published
in Japan, 1964, in a limited edition of 500 copies. This edition, first issued in 1970, contains a short but very
appropriate introduction by ex-Beatle John Lennon. This copy has been SIGNED BY YOKO ONO and
JOHN LENNON in blue and black felt pen on the first blank page. These signatures were obtained during
a short and hectic signing session at Selfridge’s department store, Oxford Street, London, July 14, 1971.
[ANDY WARHOL] THE ROLLING STONES. Sticky Fingers. USA, Rolling Stones Records [n.d.]. 30 cm.
vinyl record in or. sleeve (design: Andy Warhol).
e 1.800,USA reissue of the classic 1971 album, in the famous zipper-sleeve made after a design by Andy Warhol; one of
the landmarks in the history of pop album sleeve design. The front of the sleeve has been boldly SIGNED BY
ANDY WARHOL in black feltpen, vertically along the left hand side. A very fine copy, with innersleeve.
Antiquariaat AioloZ
Piet van Winden & Laurens Heij
Botermarkt 8
2311 EM Leiden
Tel. (071) 514 09 07 / 06 217 083 79
Fax (071) 512 84 98
- Autographs
- (Dutch) Literature
- Fine printing
- Avant-Garde
- Photography
- Modern illustrated books
- Twentieth century
ART NOUVEAU - l’ IMAGE. Revue littéraire et artistique ornée de figures sur bois. No. 1-12. Ed. R. Marx
and J. Rais, T. Beltrand, A. Lepère and L. Ruffe. [Paris], H. Floury, [1896-1897]. Twelve separate issues in
orig. issue wrappers by A. Mucha, De Feure, G. Darbour, M.P. Verneuil, Drogue, H. Bellery Desfontaines,
Prouve, E. Belville, Toulouse Lautrec, P. Berton and Marcel-Lenoir; general wrappers by A. Angst. With 48
(col.) woodengraved plates and many woodengraved ills. after Bonnard, Boutet de Monvel, Degas, Van
Dongen, E. Grasset, G. Jeanniot, J.-E. Laboureur, A. Mucha, C. Pisarro, H. Riviere, Steinlen, F. Valloton, A.
Willette (no.1 frontwrapper lacks upper corner (triangle ca.3x5 cm.); no.7 and 10 split on spine. Otherwise
in fine condition) e 1.750,All published. Complete run of one of the most important French Art Nouveau serials, in separate parts,
complete with the general wrappers. Extremely rare in this form. With literary contributions by M. Barrés,
C. Debussy, R. de Gourmont, P. Louys, R. Marx and E. Verhaeren a.m.o.
BLANKERS-KOEN, Fanny – PEEREBOOM, Klaas. Olympisch Logboek. Amst., De Bezige Bij, [1948].
Orig. cloth with dustwrapper (sl. worn). With photogr. plates and b/w ills. by Uschi e 245,Signed “Fanny Blankers-Koen” on first free endpaper. Blankers-Koen won 4 gold medals (hurdles and relays)
on the London 1948 Olympics – she was granted the nicknames ‘De Vliegende Huisvrouw’ or ‘The Flying
Dutchmam’. In 1999 Blankers-Koen was elected ‘international athlete of the 20th century’ by the IAAA, the
International Association for the Advancement of Athletes
HEANEY, Seamus. The Golden Bough. Banholt/ Mexico City, In de Bonnefant/ Imprenta de los Tropicos,
1992. With 5 double-page screenprints on a background of goldleaf by Jan HENDRIX. Printed in 53 copies
by Hans van Eijk on Lanaquarelle paper, numbered and signed by the author/ translator and artist, top edge
gilt, folio e 1.750,Marvellous production. Number 2 of 3 (!) deluxe copies ‘printed ad personam’, bound in full black leather
with matching halfleather slipcase by Hans van der Horst of the Eenhoorn Bindery with a blocked design
based on one of the prints. With the prospectus and separate colophon leaf. The Golden Bough, a fragment
of Virgil’s Aeneid, is reproduced in Latin and in Heaney’s English translation, together with a postscript by
Heaney. Heaney was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature
HERMANS, W.F., Fons RADEMAKERS, Ed van der ELSKEN. Als twee druppels water. (Scenario naar
de roman “De Donkere Kamer van Damocles” van W.F. Hermans. Original film publicity prospectus,
Cineurope Film/ Hafbo, [1963], stapled/ loose as issued, stencil synopsis (2 lvs.), synopsis (variant, 1 leaf ),
yellow paper stencil list of actors, green paper stencil list with biographies (i.a. of W.F.H. and Fons Rademakers),
pink paper stencil list of technical crew (listing Ed van der Elsken as ‘Assistent Camera, Stillfotograaf ’, 8 page
promotional photo-illustrated booklet (30 x 23 cm.) with 19 photo-still illustrations (incl. frontwrapper) by
Ed van der ELSKEN, design Wim Wandel, 5 original movie photo-stills (silverprints, 24 x 18 cm.) by Ed
van der ELSKEN (all with copyright stamp ‘Hafbo’ on verso; all but 1 (a Nan Los close-up) reproduced in
the promotional booklet), together in orig. folder with photo-illustrated frontwrapper (folders and photos
pinholed in corners). e 4.250,7
Antiquariaat AioloZ
Rarissime. Highly collectable as a publication by Hermans
never before found on the market, as a rare set of Ed van der
Elsken original photographs, as an original and extremely rare
Ed van der Elsken photobook and as the original prospectus
for a cornerstone of Dutch film-industry.
Als twee druppels water really was a ‘tough cookie’ for both director Fons Rademakers and author Hermans. Hermans got
himself into huge trouble and lingering lawsuits trying to
avoid sharing royalties with his publisher Van Oorschot. He
wrote a new scenario based on the novel, but Rademakers
rejected the scenario as being far too comprehensive. To Hermans’
discontent Rademakers decided to follow his own scenario
implementing several suggestions done by Hermans (i.a. the
controversial final scene). Hermans lost all faith in the
production and took all opportunities to vent his spleen on
the film and on Rademakers, mainly to guard himself from
critics. Hermans also tried to cover himself by anonymously
writing the prospectus synopsis to the film, following his own
scenario rather than the one used by Rademakers. His authorship of the synopsis is no longer questionable.
However, the film was widely acclaimed and is considered today as a highlight of Dutch film production.
With a budget of Hfl. 620.000, it was the first mega-production movie in Holland. Dutch beer magnate
Freddy Heineken was willing to participate in the film under the restriction that his girl-friend of that time,
Nan Los, would be offered a role in the film. Los got an important role in the character Marianne. With his
participation Heineken obtained the rights. In 1969, after his relationship with Nan Los had ended,
Heineken forbid further circulation and showing of the film – it was re-released not before 2002, after
Heineken’s death
HERMANS, W.F. Les roches meubles de l’Oesling. Typescript with autograph and manuscript corrections, stapled/
paperclipped (85 ½ lvs., 27,4 x 21,3 cm.); revised version (8 ½ lvs.); ‘Tables des Matières’ (1 leaf) e 2.950,Original typescript for the thesis that would appear - with nearly all suggested corrections applied - in 1955
under the title suggested here: ‘Description et Génèse des Dépots meubles de Surface et du Relief de
l’Oesling. (Ardenne luxembourgeoise)’, our version however still without the bibliography and appendix of
the final thesis). Apart from the many corrections and remarks in the author’s hand in pencil and pen,
mostly inbetween the lines or in the margins, but also on 1 mounted letterpaper leaf of the ‘Physisch
Geografisch Laboratorium van de Universiteit van Amsterdam’, with many corrections of Hermans’ French,
done by P. Nicolas and corrections and suggestions (partly erased, but well-legible) with respect to content
done by a third party (earlier ascribed to his promoter P.J. Bakker, but we read P.C.B.). Absolute Fundgrube
for the Génèse of the text as published and most probably the only ever occasion in Hermans-history where
the ‘Grote Gelijkhebber’ is eager to be corrected! Fellow scientists recently regarded the thesis as groundbreaking and brilliant
HOYTEMA, Theo van. Het leelijke jonge eendje. Naar het sprookje van Hans Christian Andersen. Amsterdam,
C.M. van Gogh, 1893. Orig. colour-lithographed boards Th. van Hoytema (lacks backstrip, bookblock
loose). With 31 full-page colour-lithographs (quarto-size) by Th. van Hoytema, large folio e 950,One of 100 proof copies, designed with a different lithograph on frontcover with incorporated: ‘Gedrukt bij
S. Lankhout & Co. Den Haag Proefexemplaar’. The trade-edition is issued as a quarto-size blockbook, here
all plates are laid down in the corners on large album leaves, which are bound as a blockbook
Antiquariaat AioloZ
JOYCE, Lucia - CHAUCER, Geoffrey. A Chaucer A.B.C. being a Hymn to the Holy Virgin in an English
version (…). Initial letters designed and illuminated by Lucia Joyce. Preface by Louis Gillet. Paris, The
Obelisk Press, 1936. Orig. wrappers w. board chemise and (sl. defective) slipcase. With 23 col. initials by
Lucia Joyce. Printed in 300 numb. copies on Arches mould-made vellum paper
e 1.750,Fine copy of this scarce alphabet with initials illuminated by Lucia (daughter of James) Joyce. “Joyce
arranged without [Lucia’s] knowledge to have her lettrines published at his expense in A Chaucer ABC and
in his own Pomes Penyeach” (Anderson, James Joyce and his world)
OOSTERHUIS, Pieter. K.N.H. & R.V. Photo-album containing 19 original mounted photographs
(daylight collodion prints, gold toned) of horses (11,8 x 18 cm.) , all leaves w. blindstamp “P. Oosterhuis
Photograph Amsterdam”, full red morocco with slanting gilt crown and lettered “N.H. & R.V.” below on
frontcover, all edges gilt, oblong quarto
e 2.475,One of a kind photo-album, probably commissioned by the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Harddraverij &
Rensport Vereniging, The Royal Dutch Horseracing Club, now located at Duindigt, Wassenaar. Impressive
portrait gallery of Russian import breeding horses, all identified in the calligraphed captions below
POUND, Ezra. The Pisan Cantos. [New York], New Directions, [1948]. Orig. cloth with green tinted
dustwrapper. 1st edition (foot of spine bumped; the notoriously brittle dustwrapper near fine) e 2.750,With full-page Signed Dedication to the renowned sinologist William ‘Bill’ R.B. Acker on first free endpaper:
“[opening in pen and ink with an unread 1-line quote(?) in probably translitterated Chinese] Bill Acker [by
now the pen is giving up – Pound continues in ballpoint:] June ’53 S.tiz. [signed] Ezra Pound his pen as
Fang’s is inkless”. Pound was sent to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington D.C. from 1946 to 1958 after
having been found incompetent to face trial for treason during WW II. Desirable copy of this important
work. The Pisan Cantos are the most admired and read of the cycle, having influenced many other poets.
Only very few dedication copies are known from the St. Elizabeth’s period
REVE – NIJHOF, Jos. Tragedie in een burgermanswoning. Over het dramatische karakter van De ondergang
van de Familie Boslowits. Offprint e 50,As published in: Bzzlletin 170/171 (1989, p.35-51). With autograph dedication by the author: “voor Andries
[Middeldorp], Nestor en Vriend, Jos” and with a loosely inserted typescript letter signed to the same (1991)
ROMEIN, Annelies. Het jaar rond. Een getekende kalender met tekst van Annie Romein-Verschoor. The
Hague, Servire, 1946. Orig. spiralbound dec. boards. With 12 coloured plates to the months of the year and
binding design by Annelies Romein e 295,Very rare. Not in NCC. Annelies Romein is primarily known for her photographic portraits of her parents
Jan and Annie Romein and of Gerard Reve. When Reve’s debut novel De Avonden was published in 1947
Annelies Romein was the first professional photographer of the author and his circle (to which she belonged
herself )
WESSING, Koen. Chili september 1973. (Amst., De Bezige Bij), [1974]. Orig. wrappers. With 24 (19
double-page) photogr. illustrations by Koen Wessing (mint copy).
e 1.750,SIGNED by the photographer
ZONDAGSDRUKKERS – FRENKEL, M.B. Acht gedichten. Amstelveen, de Zondagsdrukkers, 1983.
Orig. wrappers. Printed in 50 copies on Hahnemühle. Unopened copy e 125,Selection by Reinold Kuipers from 25 poems by Frenkel that were published in periodicals in the thirties.
First Frenkel book-publication
Antiquariaat Antiqua
R. van der Peet
Herengracht 159
1015 BH Amsterdam
Phone +31 (0)20 624 59 98
- Old and rare books
- Economy and political economy
- Philosophy
- Music and music-literature
- Early science
BRUNET, Jacques Charles, Manuel du Libraire et de l’Amateur de Livres,contenant 1. Un nouveau dictionnaire
bibliographique. 2. Une table en forme de catalogue raisonné. Paris,Brunet & Leblanc,1810. 3 vols. 8vo.
XVIII,614 + (IV),704 + XI, (I),393,(1 blank) pp. (some light foxing). Original boards, spines with red &
brown labels (corners & spine-ends slightly frayed). && First Edition of the most influential work on
Bibliography. – Petzholdt p.90-91.
e 800,HUGO, Hermannus, De Prima Scribendi Origine et Universa Rei Literariae Antiquitate,cui notas opusculum
de scribis, apologiam pro Waechtlero, praefationem et indices adjecit C.H. Trotz. Trajecti ad Rhenum
(Utrecht), Apud Hermannum Besseling,1738. 8vo. (XL),611,(66,1 blank) pp. Title with small vignette,printed
in red & black. With 5 engraved plates of which 2 folded showing different book forms, scrolls,etc. Cont.
vellum. Nice copy. && Brunet III,366. Second and augmented (best) edition on the origin and development
of writing and printing. The invention of printing is here attributed to the Chinese and to Johannes Mentelin
in Europe.
e 850,HUYGENS, Constantijn, Momenta desultoria; poëmatum libri XIV. Editio altera, multò priore auctior,
procurante Ludovico Hugenio C.F. Cùm praefatione Casparis Barlaei. Hagae-Comitum,Ex Typographia
Adrani Vlacq,1655. sm.8vo. (LXXVI),423,(1 blank) pp. (tiny wormhole in outer margins at the beginning).
With frontispice,title printed in red & black with sm. engr. vignette. Mod. (19th.cent.) half calf,spine richly
gilt,with raised bands & red label. Nice copy. && Willems 768 (long note). Berghman (Stockholm) 871.
Rahir 768.
Second (last) augmented edition of Huygens’ Latin poetry.
e 280,RELANDUS, Hadrianus, Dissertationum Miscellanearum. Trajecti ad Rhenum (Utrecht), Ex Officina
Gulielmi Broedelet, Bibliopolae,1706-1708. 3 parts in 1 vol. sm.8vo. (VIII),232,(24) + (VIII),324,(46) +
(VIII),250,(30) pp. With engraved vignettes on titles,illustrated with a large folding map of Ceylon and 6
engraved plates showing, Chinese, Malabarian, Japanese and other Oriental alphabets and inscriptions.
Contemporary vellum. Copy in fine condition with small library-stamp on first title-page & old bookplate
on paste-down endpaper of Bibliotheek van de Doopsgezinde Gemeente te Amsterdam. && First Edition
of a book of great interest by Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), professor in the Oriental languages at Utrecht.
In this collection of thirteen dissertationes Reland deals extensively with the non-semitic Oriental languages
such as Persian, the language of ancient India, Malayan,etc. and also with the languages of the New World.
Including a chapter of the Eliot American-Indian Bible reprinted. The section on American languages closes
with dictionaries of the Eskimo and the Icelandic languages. Compare the long description given by Sabin
e 2.500,-
E.H. Ariëns Kappers / C.P.J. van der Peet bv - Japanese Prints
Erik H. Ariëns Kappers
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 32
1017 DG Amsterdam
Tel. (020) 623 53 56
Fax (020) 638 43 71
- 16th/20th century prints
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
1606 Leiden – 1669 Amsterdam
Beggar with a wooden leg. (Capteijn Eenbeen). Etching, c.1630. on 17th century paper without watermark.
Fine even impression with margin around the platemark. Very good condition. Untouched, some small
spots. The plate was in the possession of Clement de Jonghe, mentioned in his estate inventory of 1679 as
no. 22 “Capteijn Eenbeen”. Bartsch 179, Holstein 179 2(II), Nowell Usticke 179 IIe (III).
e 8.900,-
Gerrit Claesz Bleker
c. 1610 Haarlem – 1656 Haarlem
The Angel promises Abraham a son. Etching, 1638. Signed and dated in the plate “GBleker f. 1638”. Fine
early impression of this rare print. On paper with a foolscap watermark. Trimmed inside the platemark at
top and bottom just outside the borderline. Before the address of Franciscus van den Enden and the no. in
the right lower border. Bartsch 1., Dutuit 1. 1(III), Hollstein 1. 1(IV). e 3.200,11
E.H. Ariëns Kappers / C.P.J. van der Peet bv - Japanese Prints
NAGASAKI Scroll, attributed to Girin, Jô (1784 - ….)
A handscroll depicting 36 different couples from 36 countries. The scroll is unsigned but the style is very
much that of Girin, Jô whose drawings have a nice simple style.
Date: c. 1817. Size: hight 26.2 cm. Each depiction of a couple c. 20 cm in width.
Restored all through but still a very nice scroll, with vibrant colours.
e 4.500,The complete list of all the countries depicted and described:
1. Chinese (from the Great Ming) 2. Koreans 3. People from Ryukyu (The Ryukyu Islands)
4. People from Tonkin (North Vietnam) 5. Tartars 6. Javanese
7. People from Macassar 8. Siamese 9. Moguls 10. Dutch 11. Persians 12. Turks
13. Muscovites 14. Spaniards 15. Portuguese 16. Italians 17. Germans (‘People from Germania’) 18.
People from Takasago i.e. Taiwan (‘Takasago’ is the name of the aboriginals of Taiwan) 19. ‘Oronkai’,
people from a country to the North-East of Korea, , hence most likely Manchuria or Hei-long-jiang 20.
People from Luzon (one of the large islands of the Philippines) 21. People from ‘Rataran’, Ilha de Laroes
an island to the south of Japan and to the east of Luzon in the Pacific Ocean, ‘Island of Thieves’, 22. People
from Sumatra
23. Lilliputters, Midgets 24. English 25. Russians 26. Brazilians 27. People from Guinea (Africa) 28.
People from Laos 29. Armenians 30. People from Bangka (island near Sumatra) 31. People from Karelië
32. People from Denmark (N.B. the country name ‘Daniya’ denotes both Denmark and Norway) 33.
Hungarians 34. People from Solimang (Pakistan) 35. People from Argentina 36. Canadians (‘Kanada’,
a country near America which has four seasons)
ASHER Rare Books - since 1830
Michael J. Roos & Julius W. Steiner
Zeeweg 264
1971 HJ IJmuiden
P.O. Box 258
1970 AG IJmuiden
Tel. +31(0)255-523839
Fax +31(0)255-510352
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Bibles
- Early printing
- Manuscripts
- Travel
- Atlases, maps and views
- Nautical science
- Natural history
- Science and technology
Sanctis] Bernardi in Duytssche.
[Colophon:] Zwolle, Peter van Os, 27 May 1495. Folio (27.5 x 20.5 cm). Sermons, translated from the
Latin into Dutch, with a full-page woodcut on the title-page (with the letterpress title above it) showing
Mary and Jesus appearing before the author, a full-page woodcut of the Annunciation, a full-page woodcut
of Jesus at the end (“speciosus forma pre filys homi[num]” Psalm 45:3), 17 smaller woodcut illustrations plus
1 repeat (mostly 10.5 x 8 & 7.5 x 6 cm) in the text (6 flanked by any 2 of 6 woodcut decorative strips), and
the woodcut armorial device of the printer-publisher (plus 1 repeat). Set in textura types. With 2 large blue
manuscript uncial initials with interior decoration left white and red penwork decoration, numerous uncial
initials in red or blue (a few with interior decoration left white), rubricated throughout. Contemporary black calf,
blind-tooled in a panel design, over (modern) wooden boards, 2 brass catchplates (clasps lacking). e 35.000,EXTREMELY RARE SATIRICAL DWARVES, WITH ALL 78 PLATES
[CARICATURES - DWARVES]. De Waereld vol Gekken Nesten anders genaamd Het Dwergen Tooneel
of geschakelde samenspraak van des zelfs personagien. = Le Monde Plein de Fols, ou Le Theatre des
Nains enrichi, d’un discours chêné de leurs personages.
Amsterdam, Wilhelm Engelbert Koning, “1720” [ca. 1720/30]. 4to (23.5 x 18 cm). 4 parts in 1 volume.
With 76 engraved caricature plates (16 x 10.5 cm, 58 with 1 figure and 18 with 2 figures), and 2 engraved
contents leaves (for parts 1 and 2), with the contents described in verse (2 lines for each plate). The title
appears at the head of the contents for part 1. French red goatskin morocco (ca. 1860) by C. HARDY,
gold-tooled turn-ins, marbled end-papers, headbands in green, white and brown, green ribbon marker,
marbled and gilt edges.
e 13.250,13
ASHER Rare Books - since 1830
HORST, Tileman van der and Jacob POLLEY. Theatrum Machinarum Universale; of keurige
verzameling van verscheide grote en zeer fraaie Waterwerken, Schutsluizen, Waterkeringen, Ophaalen Draaibruggen. Met hare gronden, opstallen en doorgesnedens; ... I. [-II.] deel.
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenk [II] & son (vol. II: Petrus Schenk [III]), 1757-1774. Imperial folio (50 x 34 cm).
With 2 title-pages in red and black, each with the same engraved allegorical device, a double-page engraved
dedication plate (with 2 large cartouches showing the arms of the Beemster polder and of the 9 members of
its water authority) and 41 double-page and 7 larger folding engraved illustration plates, the folding plates
numbered as 2 to give plates I-XXV (vol. I), I-XXIV and I-VI (vol. II). Further with 1 woodcut tail-piece
and bands of cast fleurons. Half red roan, blue-grey paper sides (ca. 1800).
[WHALING - EQUIPMENT - AUCTION POSTER]. HAAMSTEDE, Barent van, Floris BONTEKONING and Saaling AUKES. Een Extraordinary Welgestoffeert Walvis-Vangers Gereetschap, te
koop tot Amsterdam, op Maandag, zynde den 18. September, 1758. ‘s Avonds ten 6 uuren precies. ...
gereetschap, gevoert by Commandeur Lourens Woutersz. Hooft, ... Eenige goederen ... nog aan boort
van ‘t schip de Antonio en Francisco leggende; ... Het voorsz. ... gereetschap legt tot Oostzaanen, aan de
kookery van de erven van Cornelis Roos; ... De verkoopinge zal zyn ten huyze van Matthys Poolman,
castelyn in ‘t Nieuwezyds Heeren Logement, ...
Amsterdam, Karel van Ryschooten, (1758). Broadside (1mo: 54 x 43 cm). A poster for an auction of whaling
equipment, with a woodcut (10 x 13 cm) depicting whaling ships and harpooners’ boats, a spouting whale,
men stripping blubber from a whale, boiling it down for whale oil, etc. Further with a large (47 mm) woodcut
decorated initial, and roman, italic and textura types. With a printed inventory of equipment and detailed
manuscript notes of the bidding, prices and purchasers.
e 4.200,14
Antiquariaat John Benjamins
John Benjamins
Klaprozenweg 105
1033 NN Amsterdam
P.O. Box 36224
1020 ME Amsterdam
Tel. +31 (0)20 630 47 47
Fax +31 (0)20 679 29 56
- Rare Periodicals
- Bibliography
- Fine Arts
- Literature
- Linguistics
- Social Sciences
PHANTOMAS. Revue / Review / Revista / Zeitschrift / Tidskrift / 6 fois l’an. Nos. 1-163 (all publ.). Bruxelles,
déc. 1953-1977. Unbound, original pictorial wrappers, various sizes (8vo, roy-8vo or 4to). Numerous
illustrations and photographs. ADDED: No. 31/34 (Humour Vert) in the variant De-Luxe edition with a
green cover and on larger size. ADDED ALSO: 7 original designs, as detailed below.
e 10.000,-
An extraordinary set of this artist periodical, founded and directed
by Théodore Koenig, Joseph Noiret, Désiré Viardot, later with
Gabriel & Marcel Piqueray. The best and most influential periodical
for the artistic and literary avant-garde in Belgium after the War.
Several issues are double or triple-issues, devoted to particular topics, often in scope and content like books.
Special issues (e.g.): No. 50: Robert Filiou/Gianni Bertini, with the roulette (Poème à jouer Roulette by
Filiou, Cat.Filiou No.6) on page 3 perfectly intact, and covers by Gianni Bertini; L’Art Naif; L’Amour;
L’Humour vert (31/34); La nature; Italie; Homo Ludens; La Mémoire; Le Coeur. Several deal with one author
or artist: M. Havrenne, Colinet, Permantier, Broodthaers, Pansears, Koenig, Noiret, Puttemans, etc.. Added:
a poster for the retrospective Phantomas Exhibition of 1975 in the Museum of Ixelles (Elsene) in No.
140/145. The numbers 10, 15/16, 22, 23, 31/34 and 41/42 are noted for their unusual and nicely designed
covers, which are (despite their fragility) perfectly conserved in this set. Detail of the 7 added original pieces
(working models for covers, etc.): -No. 38/40. mai 1963: Serge VANDERCAM. Original working copy for
the cover of this triple-issue: collage of black and red paper, pasted on heavy beige paper, 21,8x15,8 cm. -No.
41/42. oct. 1963: Hugo CLAUS. Original ink drawing, Signed. 17x16 cm. (Right lower corner has trace of
tape used to affix the drawing to the master-copy, causing loss of some paper without affecting the image
(This issue devoted to Flemish avant-garde poetry, with contribution by Claus). - No. 100/111. 1971: Guido
BIASI. Original drawing, black ink, 30x20 cm, as the printer’s model for this special issue “Mémoire”, with
Antiquariaat John Benjamins
extensive handwritten letter to Koenig, a.o. instructing about the page-make-up. - No. 118/123. 1972:
Vanni VIVIANI. Original drawing, ink and colour pencil: Apple in a square. 22,2x15 cm. This issue devoted
to the heart (“Pour la circonstance l’artiste quitte un peu de sa rigueur en donnantà sa sempiternelle pomme
la forme d’un coeur d’ou s’échappe une feuille encore soudée à son rameau”. On the reverse side instructions
by Viviani for the page-make-up. TOGETHER WITH a very nice drawing/message to Th. Koenig in
black,red and green (not used for the periodical): “Caro teodoro”. ti mando I disegni del cuore, promessi per
fantomas,spero vadano bene, tu come stai? Io vivo a ti abbraccio.” -No. 133/139: ERRO and Wout HOEBOER . Pastel and gouache. 32x23cm. Model designed by Erro bu the graphic part is done by Wout Hoeboer. (signed and dated on the reseverse by Hoeboer). TOGETHER WITH: ORIGINAL WORKING
COPY for the POSTER: (in black and white; 50,5x36,5 cm; drawing and pasted-on printed lettering): Arbre Généalogique de la Belgique sauvage (the genealogical chart of the avant-garde periodicals published in
Belgium). A very nice and important docuyment reproduced in Koenig’s history, p. 307 (fig 107). (See: Th.
Koenig, Histoire de la peinture chez Phantomas).
PLAGES. Revue. Directeur fondateur Roberto Gutiérez. Nos. 1-118. Boulogne, 1978- Novembre 2007.
Orig. wrappers or other formats of publication, as issued. (all in fine to mint condition).
e 16.500,The oldest French artist journal, founded by the Argentinian artist Roberto Gutiérrez (who arrived in France
in 1963 and became French citizen in 1978). Most issues measure 21 x 29 cm, except for the special numbers
(published as objects, like no. 38 - Argent- , which has the form of a safe). All issues with original art works by
artists (No. 14 Joseph Beuys), either on paper or in the form of small objects. Although Plages was not
printed in a very small edition sets of this magazine are now quite difficult to find.
Antiquariaat Gert Jan Bestebreurtje
Gert Jan Bestebreurtje
Langendijk 8
4132 AK Vianen
P.O. Box 113
4130 EC Vianen
Tel. +31-(0)347-322548
Fax +31-(0)347-322346
- Early printing
- Maritime
- Voyages and travel
- Exploration
- Old and rare books
- Indonesia, Surinam, Netherlands Antilles
LUDOLPH, Job. Nieuwe doch aanmerkens-waardige historie van Abissinien, andersints Ethiopien,
getrokken uit de Latijnsche historie .. en nu in’t Nederduitsch gebracht door Willem Calebius. Utrecht,
Johannes Ribbius, 1687. 4to. Later half vellum, with old brocade-paper to boards. With folding map and 8
engraved plates (3 folding). 222,(10) pp.
e 1.550,First Dutch edition. - The treatise by the scholar, Job (Hiob) Ludolf (1624-1704), was first published in
Latin (Historia Aethiopica) in 1681, and is regarded as the first authoritative account of Abyssinia. He has
been called the ‘founder of Ethiopian studies in Europe’. Although he never visited the country, Ludolf
formed a close working relationship with an Ethiopian monk resident in Rome, himself clearly a highly
intelligent man. From this fruitful partnership emerged grammars and dictionaries of the classical Ethiopian
language as well as a lengthy history of the country. The large folding map by Tellez, is a landmark of cartography,
as it is the first to show the source of the Blue Nile at Lake Tana. The fine plates depict illustrations of
Ethiopean fauna, a banana plant, decapitation of missionnaries, etc.- (Owner’s name on title-page; partly
dampstaining, slight browning, stronger to one quire). - Rare Dutch edition.
Tiele 702; Cat. NHSM I, p.203; Cox I, p.365: Still a valuable work; Gay 2658; Ibrahim-Hilmy I, p.395.
SANDERSON, Johan, Hendrick TIMBERLY, Johan SMITH. Seer gedenckwaerdige vojagien, door
Europa, Asia en America. Nevens een pertinente beschrijvinge van ‘t Heylige Landt, en voornamelijck van
het oudt en nieuw Jerusalem en tempel Salomons. Als oock de schrickelijcke belegeringen .. der selver stadt ..
Amsterdam, Jochem van Dyck, 1678.
4to. Contemporary half vellum (extremities of spine sl. dam.). With allegorical engraved title-page and 4
engraved folding plates in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe. (8),158 pp.
e 1.250,First Dutch edition. - Johan Sanderson travelled in the Levant in 1584-1602 (including a description of
Constantinople); Hendrick Timberley went to Jerusalem in 1600-1601 and Capt. Johan Smith visited
Europe and Tartary in 1596-1607. - Printed title-page mounted, otherwise fine. - Scarce.
Tiele 955; Cat. NHSM I, p.134; Sabin 78871; Tobler 112; not in the Blackmer or Atabey collection.
Antiquariaat Bisschopshof
J.W. Kervezee
Schoutenstraat 5
3512 GA Utrecht
Burg. Galleestraat 38
7251 EC Vorden
Tel. 030-2314093 / 0575-550955
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Atlases, maps and views
- Illustrated books
- Travel
SCHOTANUS à STERRINGA, B. Uitbeelding der Heerlijkheit Friesland; zoo in ‘t algemeen, als in haare
XXX bijzondere Grietenijen; door Dr Bern. Schotanus à Sterringa. Nu nieuwelijks met bijgevoegde aangrenzingen,
en veel vermeerderingen: nevens d’afteekening van Oud Friesland, in VII verscheidene landkaarten; door
den Heere Menso Alting: en de vertalinge der oude naamen. (Leeuwarden), François Halma, 1718. Folio.
Originele gemarmerde leren band met vergulde rug met op de platten het wapen van Friesland in goud­
opdruk. Met een titelplaat door J. Folkema en Joh. Hilarides naar G. van de Haven, 3 pagina-grote heraldische
gravures, de algemeene kaart van Friesland, origineel gekleurd in de tijd, 30 grietenij-kaarten, enkele gesigneerd
door Jan en Gasper Luyken en 8 historische kaarten van Friesland gesigneerd door J. Mulder. De eerste 11
grietenij-kaarten zijn van Oostergo, daarna 9 Grietenij-kaarten van Westergo, daaropvolgend de 10 Grietenijkaarten van Zevenwolde, 1 historische kaart door Schotanus en als laatste de 7 historische kaarten door
Menso Alting. Een schitterende boek, de mooiste en beste atlas van Friesland in een bijna perfecte staat uit
de beroemde bibliotheek van Mr F.C. Koch met opdracht. Enkele kleine wormgaatjes en restauraties aan de
rug en hoeken.
e 13.500,MEERTEN- SCHILPEROORT, A.B. VAN. Penélopé of maandwerk aan het vrouwelijk geslacht toegewijd.
Bevattende: De beschrijving en afbeelding van allerhandse soorten van vrouwelijke handwerken; benevens
eenige lektuur, over onderwerpen uit den vrouwelijken kring. Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck. 1821-1835.
Eight volumes, (all published); eight engraved additional vignette title-pages by P. Velijn after G. Kruseman
and 192 aquatint, stipple-engraved, etched or lithograph plates (181 hand coloured prints of which 87 are
double-page.), mainly by D. Sluyter after C. Borsteegh, almost all with fine contemporary hand-colouring,
some additionally partly printed in colour, numerous woodcut text illustrations, uniform half calf, spines gilt
relaying original backstrips. (vol VI. plate 24 detached and soiled in the margins, Vol. VII vignette title
loose), a highly desirable item. XX, 192, 327; (6), 192, 344; 191, 342; 196, 336; 195, 344; 192, 336; 192,
328; 192, 332 pp.
An attractive set, rarely found complete, of this scarce and finely illustrated Dutch periodical devoted to
womens’s handicrafs. The first half of each volume is concerned with the making of all manner of objects,
from purses and tobacco-pouches to baskets, cushions, bell-pulls, vases and screens; in addition, crafts such
as floral arrangement are also covered. Throughout, the work is hansomely illustrated with examples of the
object to be made, with fine hand-coloured (or, in afew cases, colour printed) plates; both in the illustrations
and the text, much attention is paid to the techniques and materials used.The second half of each volume is
entitle ‘Lectuur’, and is devoted to reading matter suitable for women; in addition to reviews and recommendations, a number of short stories are also offered. Volumes IV and VIII contain general indexes to
volumes I-IV and volumes V-VIII. While the initial plan was to publish twelve volumes, in the event only
the present eight volumes were published. Complete copies, a good condition as this one, is very scarce. A
very fine set in this state and condition of great rarity.
e 12.000,-
Antiquariaat Bisschopshof
D(ALENCé, J.). Traittez des Barométres, Thermométres et Notiométres ou Hygrométres. Amsterdam, Paul
Marret 1708. 12mo. Vellum. Title printed in Red and Black, with printersmark on title, frontispiece and 35
charming engravings all by H. Schoonebeek. (8), 139, 4 pp. Thirth edition (first Amsterdam, 1688, second
Liege, 1691). Wormholes in lower margin and restored in parts but a very charming book.
e 950,BROWN, EDWARD. Naukeurige en Gedenkwaardige Reysen Van Edward Brown, M. Dr. Aafgesonden
van ‘t Collegie tot Londen; Lid van ‘t Kon. Soc. en Medicijn van Sijn Kon. Maj. in Egeland: Door Nederland,
Duytsland, Hongaryen, Servien, Bugarien, Macedonien, Thessalien, Oostenrijk, Stiermark, Carinthien, Carniole,
en Fruli, enz. Vellum. Titelplaat en 17 gravures door Jan Luyken. (6), 87, 1 blanco, 159, 1 blanco, 128, (8)
pp. 1ste druk. Band en papier licht gebruind, enkele prenten gevlekt maar een goed exemplaar. e 2.250,VAILLANT, FRANCOIS LE. Reize in de binnenlanden van Afrika, langs de Kaap de Goede Hoop in de
jaaren MDCCLXXX tot MDCCLXXXV, gedaan door den Heer... Uit het Fransch door J.D. Pasteur. Te
Leyden en Amsterdam, by Honkoop en Allart. 1791(-1798). 5 vols. Contemporary half calf, raised bands
with gilt letering and marbled boards (renewed). With 34 plates (7 folding) and one large folding map of
South Africa. XXXIII, (5), 352; (3), 360; XXII, 332, (1); (2), 374, (1); (2), 392, (2) pp.
Tiele 659. Very good & rare set.
e 2.400,FASHION - PERIDIODICAL -, Kabinet van Mode en Smaak. Tweede druk. Haarlem, A. Loosjes Pz
(1791) - 1792. Sm 8vo. Contemporary half calf, raised bands, spine with gilt lettering on red labels. With
engraved portrett from Ward Bingleij by Sallieth 1791, after Schmidt. With 3 title vignettes, 34 handcoloured
engravings aboud fashion, 3 pages wit music and 7 others (2 folding). 448, VIII, (1); 422, VI, (2); IV, 436,
VII, (1) pp. The first Dutch magazine dedicated to fashion. Litle foxing at the begining and end, but a fine
copy. Lacks 1 endpaper. Good copy of a rare work.
e 1.750,HAAG, DEN - DE LEIDSMAN. De Leidsman der Vreemdelingen door ‘s Gravenhage en de omleggende
dorpen; Geevende een beknopte Beschryving van de Kerken, publieke en Byzondere Gebouwen, Straaten,
Pleinen, en al het geene in deeze Vorstelyke Plaats en de omleggende Dorpen merkwaardig is. In ‘S Gravenhage,
By Pieter van Os, 1763. 12mo. Oorspronkelijk perkament. Het werkje heeft een voortitel en een titelblad,
deze is in rood en zwart gedrukt, 12 fraaie gravures gesigneerd “JB” ( Jan Besoet ?). 176 pp.
Nijhoff Van Hattum 188. 1ste uitgave. Charmant en zeldzaam boekje met leuke gravures, de 12 plaatjes
hebben allen Frans en Nederlands opschrift. In latere edities zijn de gravures meerdere malen herdrukt.1
Gezigt van de Pince Graft. 2 Gezigt der Inzyde van het Hofje van Nieuwkoop. 3 Gezigt van het Hofje van
Nieuwkoop. 4 Gezigt van het Stadhuis en Vleeshal. 5 Gezigt van het Voorhout. 6 Gezigt van de Vyver. 7
Gezigt van de Gevange-Poort. 8 Gezigt van het Stadhouders Quartier. 9 Gezigt van het Binnen-Hof. 10
Gezigt van de Prince Graft. 12 Gezigt van de Brouwers-Molen. Perkamente bandje gebruind. e 1.200,SALMON, THOMAS. Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van Afrika. Waar in uitmunt, De
beschryving van Barbarie, Senegal, Guinee, de Kaap der Goede Hoope, van de Kanarische, Vlaamsche en
Fransche eilanden, van St. Helena enz. Volgens de waarneemingen van de Heeren Shaw, Adanson, de la
Caille en andere hedendaagsche reizigers. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1763. Deel 41. 18th century half leather,
spine gilt with gilt lettered red label. With frontispiece 4 maps and 1 folding view. (4), 810, (15) pp.
A very good copy; lightly stained in the upper margin.
e 675,-
Antiquariaat Bisschopshof
COORNHERT, DIRCK VOLKERTZ. Recht ghebruyck ende misbruyck van tydlicke have. Welckers
sin-rijcke af-beeldingen van D.V. Coornhert syn bedacht / oock met syn eygen hand in ‘t koper gesneden.
Hier by is gevoeght ‘t bedrogh des werldts/ of het luije en leckere leven door Pandulphus Collenutius, mede
den Lof-sang van’t Goud/ oock Gedichten op den A.B.C. alles in seer leer-lycken Dichtseer stichtelyck en
vermakelyck gestelt. Van Ryckdom, Nodruft en Gebreck ick beluyck, ‘t Onzaligh Misbruyck, mettet zaligh
gebruyck. T’ Amstelredam, Door Dirck Pietersz. (Pers). Boeckverkooper/ wonende op ‘t Water/ inde witte
Persse/ recht tegen over de Rozen-Marckt. ( Ad the end: Ghedruckt by Paulus van Ravesteyn Anno 1620 ).
4to. Contemporary vellum. With a fine portrait of Coornhert on title and 25 copperplate emblems by J.H.
Wiericx. With Anagram “Ick Strii op ons eerde” on title and printersmark in woodcut ad the end. (3), 67 =
93 pp. Landwehr Emblem and Fable books 179. Scheepers 343. Each emblem is explained by a poem and
another starting with a capital letter in alphabetical order. Third and most complete edition partly printed
in civilité. Title slightly damaged and soiled; stamp on title. Rare!
e 1.950,-
Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs
Fred Duivenvoorde & Alie van’t Riet
Turfkaai 33
4331 JV Middelburg
Tel. +31-118-633531
Fax +31-118-634150
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- General stock
- Zeelandica
- Topography
- Maritime history
- Hydraulic engineering
- Old and rare books
- Old maps and prints
18843 Aurelius, C.. Die Cronycke van Hollant, Zeelant ende Vrieslant. Beghinnende van Adams tijden tot die
gheboorte ons Heeren Jesum / voortgaende tot den Jare 1517. Met den rechten oorspronck hoe Hollandt eerst
begrepen en bewoont is gheweest vanden Troyanen. Ende is inhoudende van die Hertoghen van Beyeren / Henegouwen ende Bourgondyen / De tijt dat sy aent Graefschap gheweest hebben....(I). Hier is by ghevoeght het tweede deel
/ oft vervolch / vande Hollandtsche Cronijcke / mitsgaders de gheschiedenissen van dandere Nederlanden ende der
selver omliggende Provincien: Hoe ende wanneer die veranderinghe inde Religie toeghecomen is / met dOorloghen
daer uit ontstanden. Vanden Jare 1516. totten Jare 91 (II). Bound with: Historie ofte wiider verclaringhe van de
Nederlantsche gheschiedenissen / oorloghen ende veranderinghe inder Religie ende regieringhe / eerst opghecomen
doort gheweldich aendryven van Philippus de tweede van dier name / Coninck van Spaignien / totter invoeringhe
vande Spaensche Inquisitie / van alles wat sich verloopen heeft vanden Jare 1566. totten uitganghe vanden Jare 90
(III) And: Appendix (IV). Ad (I):Dordrecht; 1591; Peeter Verhaghen. Ad (II): Amstelredam; 1591; Cornelis Claesz.
Ad (III): Amsterdam; 1590; Cornelis Claesz. Folio; Author: E.D.V. (= Ellert de Veer);39 portraits (woodcuts) and
with map of Holland; contemp. blind and gilt stamped leather on wood with copper clasps, corner pieces and
central piece; (6), 264; (8), 162; (1), 130, (6) lvs; Small pieces of leather front and back side missing. Spine from
later date (18th century). 1 Corner piece different. Several leaves water stained. Left and right side map with very
small margins and 2 small pieces (ca. 1,5 cm) restored; 2 water stains in the lower margin affecting small pieces of
the plate. Famous ‘Divisiekroniek’. First edition appeared in 1517 based upon the ‘Chronicon Hollandiae’ by
Johannes à Leydis. Ref.:Haitsma Mulier and Van der Lem: 20 and 483. This edition of the ‘Divisiekroniek’ with the
supplement (part III and IV) and the map of Holland seldom offered! e 1.700,18708 Beverwyck, Joh. van. Wercken der genees-konste, bestaende in den Schat der gesontheyt, Schat der
ongesontheyt, Heelkonste; mitsgaders eenige tractaten daer onder begrepen, en oock verscheyde stucken, die
ten deele na des Autheurs overlijden , ten deele uyt sijn Latijnsche wercken overgeset,en nu eerst daer by
gevoeght zijn. Alles volgens de lest-vermeerderde exemplaren van nieus oversien, doorgaens grootelijcks
vermeerdert en verbetert: mitsgaders met nieuwe Registers. Verciert met Historiën, Kopere Platen, alsook
vermeerdert met Verssen van den Ed. Heer Jacob Cats, Ridder &c. Amsterdam; 1680; By de Weduwe van
J.J. Schipper, engraved frontispiece; 78 copperengavings (some full page) and 1 woodcut; contemp. vellum;
(18), 252, (8), 128, 328, 48, 278, 12 pp. Van Beverwyck was lector in medicine at Dordrecht. He became
very popular by this published medical handbook during the 17th century. e 975,18686 Martinet, J. F. Zeemans handboek. Amsterdam; 1781; Johannes Allart; small 8o; blind printed vellum; (8),
274 pp. Name on endpaper. With coat of arms of Vlissingen (Flushing) (worn) on front and backside. Very
interesting edition to educate sailors about the sea, maritime history, how to handle on a ship and when going on
shore leave, how to pray in different circumstances, etc. At the end 15 shanties. Very rare first edition! e 750,13085 Gelder, Dirk van. Veere. 14 Houtgravures door Dirk van Gelder. n.p.; circa 1953; n.n.; 14 woodengravings
by Dirk van Gelder; halfcloth, gilt stamped portfolio. Fourteen signed woodengravings of outstanding quality.
In 14 seperate passepartouts. Cloth portfolio slightly loosened. Former copy of Mr. J. van Aartsen (former
Royal Governor of Zeeland). With calligraphed dedication: Officiële Opening Jachthaven “Oostwatering”
Veere 31 mei 1969. e 1.500,21
Antiquariaat De Boekenbeurs
18772 Jovius, Paulus (Paolo Giovio)(Pauli Iovij) and Ulloa, Alonso (Alfonso).
De historien van Paulus Jovius, bisschop tot Nucera: Inhoudende de
waerachtighe beschrijvinghe van alle ghedenckwaerdige geschiedenissen
die van het jaer 1494. tot het 1547. (sic!) in Europa / Asia ende Africa / te
water ende te lande / by Keyseren / Coningen / Vorsten ende Heeren met
wondere veanderinghen /soo in vreed’s als in oorloghs tijden verloopen
zijn: tot noch toe by gheene andere soo naecktelijck beschreven (I). Added:
Historie ende het leven van den aldermachtichsten ende victorieusten
Keyser Caerle de vijfde van dien name (II). Ad I: Amstelredam; 1604;
Zacharias Heyns; translated by Jacques Heyns; with a poet of C. Ketel,
Anth. Smyters and W. Bartjens; engraved title page; contemp. blind
stamped leather on wooden boards with copper clasps, central pieces and
corner pieces; raised bands(3), 185, (9), 87, (2), 165, (3) leaves. Ad II:
Amstelredam; 1610; Jacob Pietersz. Paets; engraved title page; 18 (mostly full page) portraits by N. de
Clerck; (2), 221, (8) leaves. 2 Very interesting titles in one binding. Front and back side small pieces of
leather missing. Spine of later date. First title page frayed and browned. Inside some water stains in the margins.
Overall a fair copy! Both titles seldom offered!
e 4.000,18750 Kollwitz, Käthe. Etching. Self-portrait Käthe Kollwitz (Koningsbergen 1867- Moritzburg 1945).
Etching 10 X 14 cm; signed by pencil. Leaf 24,5 X 32,5 cm. Slightly rust stained. e 1.750,-
Antiquariaat Paul Bremmers
Paul Bremmers
Brusselsestraat 91
6211 PC Maastricht
Tel. + 31 (0)43 325 3762
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Maps and atlasses
- Old and rare books
- Decorative prints
Extremely rare view of the city of Maastricht. Engraved by Gérard Jollain, Paris ca. 1670.
The engraving was based on the view of Braun and Hogenberg (Civitates Orbis Terrarum). Only Jollain
added a nice plan of Maastricht in the upper left corner and a coat of Arms in the upper right corner. At the
bottom a description in latin and in french. Copperengraving 51x34,5 cm. Verso blank.
e 3.950,-
Mastricht “Der Fahnenschwinger”.
Very rare woodcut from J. Kallenberg von Köbel (monogram IK). Active between 1535-1563. It shows a
man holding the 6-peak flag of Maastricht. Taken from; “Wappen des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher
Nation”. Original woodcut. Verso, the “Fahnenschwinger”of Lichtenmain. 14x22 cm. e 390,23
Antiquariaat Brinkman
Hendrik Brinkman & Frank Rutten
Singel 319
1012 WJ Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 623 83 53
- Taal- en Letterkunde
- Philology (French, English & German)
- Classical Antiquity
- History
A.L.F. en A.P.S. (= Th.van SNAKENBURG & J.ELIAS Mz.) Proeve van dichtoeffening, bestaende in
herderszangen,brieven,klink- en mengeldichten. Met frontispice en 5 platen (4 door J.Folkema naar Fr.van
Mieris & 1 door J.Wandelaar naar Fr.van Mieris), titelvignet, wapenvignet (wapen v.Huydecoper) en 26
slotvignetten (gedeeltelijk gesigneerd door I.C.Philips). Leiden, De Janssoons vander Aa, 1731. (28),353,(5)
p. orig.halfleer, rug met ribben en fileten, marokijnen titelschild. (bibl.stempel op schutblad en titel) - onafgesneden,
zeer fraai exemplaar van een mooi gemaakt boek.
e 300,ELGER, Willem den. Zinne-beelden der Liefde, Met Puntdigten en Aanteekeningen. Met frontispice
(d.H.vander Aa), titelvignet en 50 emblematische prentjes in de tekst. Amsterdam, Wed.J.van Heekeren &
Isaak vander Putte, 1725. 4to. (xii),368 p. Blind gestempeld perkament (bibl.stempels op schutblad en titels,
band wat smoezelig)
e 330,Landwehr, Dutch Emblem Books 62b; Praz p.322. De kopergravures, uit ‘Amores divini et humani effectus’
zijn volgens Praz van Michael Snyders en Gillis van Schoor.
JOSEPH van de H.BARBARA. Het geestelyck kaert-spel met herten troef, oft het spel der liefde. Met
titelgravure en 13 platen (d.Fred.Bouttats). 3de druk. Antwerpen, Jacobus van Gaesbeeck, (ca.1730).
(viii),520,(viii) p. orig.kalfsleer (stempels op gevlekte schutbladen, achterschutblad gedeeltelijk uitgescheurd,
smoezelig exemplaar)
e 180,Landwehr, Dutch Emblem Books, 116f; Praz p.384
PROEVEN van POËTISCHE MENGELSTOFFEN, door het dichtlievend kunstgenootschap onder de
spreuk: Kunstliefde Spaart geen Vlijt,en prijsvaarzen. Met titelvignetten. Leyden, C.van Hoogeveen jr., 1774
- ‘s Graavenhaage, J.Thierry en C.Mensing, 1796. 13 delen in 7 banden. orig.half-kalfsleer m.fileten, marokijnen
rugschilden. (deel I in 2e druk; bibl.stempel op schutblad en titel, een zeer goed exemplaar van de complete
e 2.300,RUSTING, Salomon van. De Vol-Geestige Werken. Bestaande in Lust en Onlust in den Hemel ..(enz.).
Beneffens D’Iliaden van Homerus. Ulisses in Pheaka. Prognosticatie op het Jaar 1693. En meer andere
geestigheden. Met titelplaat. t’ Amsterdam By Jan ten Hoorn, 1693. (16),700,(1) p. + 3 p.cat.Jan ten
Hoorn. Perkament. (bibl.stempel op titel en laatste blad; gaatje in schutblad, hier en daar iets gebruind, maar
een heel goed exemplaar)
e 440,Waller 1460 voor de 4e druk (1712). In 1685 en 1687 verschenen in twee delen, bracht Ten Hoorn deze
tweede druk in één deel uit.
WAP, J.J.F. (uitg.) Astrea: maandschrift voor schoone kunst, wetenschap en letteren, verzameld door Dr.
Wap. Met 7 platen. Utrecht, Dannenfelser en Doorman, 1852-1858. 6 delen. 4to. hleer (bibl.st., marginaal
iets watervlekkig, jrg.3-6 zonder titelpagina; overigens een zeer goed exemplaar van de complete serie) e 660,-
18-19 november 2008
met o.m. de bibliotheek van:
Jhr. Mr. M.A. Beelaerts van Blokland (1910-1990)
Topografie (o.m. een unieke collectie Brabantica (incl. een
verzameling hoogst zeldzame ansichtkaarten), Zuid-Holland en
Friesland), Geschiedenis (o.m. werken van Petit, Guicciardini,
Eytzinger, Mollijns), Genealogie/Heraldiek, Manuscripten (o.m. met
een historisch-genealogisch handschrift van Wouter van Gouthoeven
(vroeg 17de eeuw), kalligrafische oefenboeken en heraldische
manuscripten), een grote collectie almanakken, etc.
Pierre Janssen (1926-2007)
Kunst(geschiedenis), Literatuur, Geschiedenis
14-15 november 10.00 – 17.00 uur
16 november 12.00 – 17.00 uur
17 november 10.00 – 17.00 uur
catalogus op www.b-n.nl of aan te vragen bij
Burgersdijk & Niermans
Nieuwsteeg 1
2311 RW Leiden
T 071-5126381/5121067
F 071-5130461
E auctions@b-n.nl
Charbo’s Antiquariaat
Roel Charbo
Koninginneweg 79
1075 CJ Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 676 12 29
+31 (0)20 676 17 26
- history
- topography
- cartography
- geography
- ethnography
- travel
- maritime and colonial history
- history of art and culture
History, topography, cartography, geography, ethnography, travel,
maritime and colonial history, history of art and culture.
COMTE, PIETER LE, Praktikale zeevaartkunde en theoretische kennis, voor handel en scheepvaart. Asd.,
Hulst van Keulen, 1842. 4to. VIII+16+313 pp. With 684 fine steel-engr. ills. on 121 plts. (numbered 1-120
+ 53A; plate #48 in facsimile). Index, list of subscribers. Contemp. half calf, cloth boards, spine gilt; marbled
endpapers. Warranted with autograph signature by the author. (Expertly rebacked with or. spine laid on,
covers sl. rubbed; tear in p. 107/8 closed. Overall well preserved, clean copy).
e 1.500,DOREN, J.B.J. VAN, Reis naar Nederlands Oost-Indie, of land- en zeetogten gedurende de twee eerste
jaren mijns verblijfs op Java. ‘s-Grv., Van Langenhuysen, 1851. 2 vols. in 1. Large 8vo. 315;401+(3) pp.
With 2 lithogr.titles, 3 fold. maps/plans, 18 lithogr./engr. costume plts. coloured by hand and heightened
with gum arabic, 9 lithogr.plts.(inl. 8 tinted), 79 woodcuts in text. Hardcover. Contemp. half morocco with
richly gilt spine, marbled boards. (Corners & edges of binding sl. rubbed; bookplate on front pastedown,
occas. minimal spotting, a few plates with minor spotting or off-setting. Overall a very well preserved copy
of a hard to find travelogue about the Dutch East Indies).
* Bastin-Brommer (who ‘have been unable to trace a copy in the Netherlands’) N 237; Landwehr 273; Tiele 332,
Cat. NHSM I, p. 246.
e 1.750,HOURTICQ, LOUIS (et al), Le paysage français de Poussin à Corot à l’exposition du Petit Palais (Mai-Juin
1925). Etudes et catalogue par Louis Hourticq, Emile Dacier, Georges Wildenstein, Raymond Bouyer, Paul
Jamot, Gaston Brière. Préface par Etienne Bricon. Paris, Editions de la Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1926. Large
4to. 149+(2) text pp. + 84 b/w plts. Hardcover. 3/4 dark blue leather, spine richly gilt, top edge gilt, marbled
endpapers. Fine copy.
* #17 of 510 numbered copies, this copy in a fine luxury binding, which is quite scarce.
e 500,KLEERKOOPER, M.M. & STOCKUM, W.P. VAN, De boekhandel te Amsterdam, voornamelijk in de
17e eeuw. Biographische en geschiedkundige aanteekeningen. ‘s-Grv., Nijhoff, 1914-1916. 2 dln. VII+1745
pp. Namen- en titellijst, reg. Gebonden. Half linnen met gemarmerde platten. (Ex-libris op binnenzijde
vooplatten). Goed ex.
* Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van den Ned.Boekhandel, X.
e 750,SCHOKKER, H.W., Handboek voor de kennis van den scheepsbouw, voornamelijk met het oog op het
Amerikaansche stelsel, naar de geschriften van John W. Griffiths en andere bronnen. Met eenen atlas van 60
platen. Asd., Kraay, 1861. 2 vols. (text & plate vol.). Large 4to. XI+805 pp. With col. lithograph frontisp.
(clipper Nightingale) & 2 fold. tables in text vol.; 60 lithographed line drawings on 69 leaves in plate vol.
Index, list of subscribers. Hardcover. Or. quarter morocco with embossed cloth covers and a gilt picture of a
clipper ship on both front covers, gilt lettered spines. (Split in rear joint of 1st vol. closed; occas. light foxing,
incl. to frontisp., light browning/off-setting in plate vol.).
e 850,26
Antiquariaat Forum
Sebastiaan S. Hesselink & Laurens R. Hesselink
Westrenen, Tuurdijk 16
3997 MS ‘t Goy-Houten, Utrecht
Tel. (030) 60 119 55
Fax (030) 60 118 13
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Early printing
- Manuscripts
- Travel
- Illustrated books
- Children’s books
Recipe- and cookery book giving an interesting and unique glimpse in the Dutch kitchen and painters workshop at
the beginning of the Golden Age
1. BOUS, A. de. Diversche suycker-wercken; Temperyngen de verdyepyngen van colueren om te schilderen;
en remedien om diversche gebreken des menschen licchame. Netherlands, 1611. 4to. Contemp. limp
vellum. Floral border ornaments and marginal ills. including fruits, birds, etc., coloured with washes, 3 pp.
with small pen-drawings.
e 15.900,Very nice and interesting early 17th-century cookery book, containing also recipes for medical care and
painters, giving an interesting and unique glimpse in the Dutch kitchen and painters workshop at the
beginning of the Golden Age.- Well preserved, with ex-libris of J.B. Vervliet.- (Few minor defects).
No copy in Dutch libraries
2. BRONCKHORST, J. v. De numeris libri II. Deventer, T. de Borne, 1551. 8vo. 19th-century half calf.
Woodcut printer’s device on title and verso of last leaf, full-page woodcut plate with 22 finger notations.
Bound with: (2) SNEL, W. De re nummaria liber singularis. (Leiden), ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengii,
1613. Woodcut printer’s device on title. (3) SCALIGER, J. J. De re nummaria dissertatio, liber posthumus.
(Leiden), ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1616. Woodcut printer’s device on title.
e 13.250,Ad 1: Extremely rare work setting forth the Roman and Greek notations, the fundamental operations with
Hindu numerals, the finger notation found in Baeda’s works, astrological numerals of the Middle Ages and
the Boethian theory of numbers. Ad 2: First edition on the coinage of ancient Greece and Rome dedicated
to H. Grotius. Ad 3: First edition on the monetary system of ancient Greece and Rome by J.J. Scaliger.- Fine
copies.- Ad 1: Typ. Bat. 827; Smith, Rara arithmetica, p. 197. Ad 2: Cat. Goldmith 426; Simoni S 197. Ad
3: Cat. Goldsmith 453; Simoni S 49.
Unrecorded edition of a Dutch devotional work
3. (FLORIS VAN HARLEM). Den wech des levens. (Antwerp, H. Peetersen van Middelburg ?, ca. 1546).
8vo. Contemp. vellum. Title in woodcut borders and printed in red & black.
e 11.675,Unrecorded edition of a Dutch devotional work, with dedicatory letter by Floris van Haarlem to Gheraert
Heerman, dated Louvain, 2 April 1542.- Good copy.- (Few minor defects).- Cf. Belg. Typ., 1159-62.
Rarely surviving example of an eighteenth-century perpetual Wall Calendar
4. HENNING, V.B. Eeuwig Durende Almanac. (Nuremberg), V.B. Henning, (ca. 1750). (Ca. 345 x 204 mm).
Wall Calendar, consisting of a base and 2 volvelles affixed with wooden spindle, hand-painted and varnished
engraving with floral motives and two climbing lions at the top and the motto ‘Omnes continet unus’ at the
bottom, mounted on pasteboard, affixed to wooden mount with maker’s paper label on back. e 12.200,27
Antiquariaat Forum
Rare perpetual Wall Calendar with two volvelles in fine working condition, produced for the Dutch or Flemish
speaking market, displaying the month (‘Maende’), day of the week (‘Tage’ (!)), date, Zodiac signs (‘Loop
van de Sonne’), time of sunrise and sunset etc., by the instrument maker Veit Balthasar Henning (1706-1762).Rare example, preserved in a very secure suede lined protective case.- (Carefully restored and reinforced).Thieme/Becker 16, p. 408; cf. Zinner, Deutsche und Niederländische astronomische Instrumente, p. 372.
Three rare Dutch astronomical works; the book by Luchtenburg: no copies found in Dutch public libraries or in
any other library
5. LUCHTENBURG, A. v. Mathematice, astronomice, en theologice aanmerkingen, over d’eeuwige en
volmaakte tafels van de sons cirkel, met zyn waare plaats en declinatie. Delft, H. van Kroonevelt, 1699. 4to.
Contemp. calf. Folding engr. table. Bound with: (2) MOOLEN, S. VAN DE. Astronomia of hemel-loop-kunde.
Amst., J. Loots, 1702. Engr. frontispiece, 12 folding engr. plates. (3) SLIKKER, D.J. Klaar bewys over het onmogelyk
der Oost en West-vinding. Amst., J. Loots for the author, 1703. Four folding engr. plates.
e 9.400,Ad 1: Extremely rare work on the calculation of the orbit of the sun and its place in the twelve houses of the
heaven. Ad 2: Interesting book with calculations regarding the orbits and eclipses of the sun & moon, stars,
and new calculations of the orbit of Mercury, based on the work of the astronomers P. Gassendus and
Hevelius. Ad 3: Important work on the ‘impossible’ calculation of the geographical longitude at sea.- Good
copies.- (Few minor defects; lacking pp.145-52 of (3)).- Bierens de Haan 2894 (1), 3356 (2), 4341 (3).
Portraits of the Dutch sovereigns - From the library of Van Alkemade & Van der Schelling
6. MEYSSENS, J. & C. Les portraits des souverains princes
et comtes de Hollande. (No place & name), 1662. Small
folio. Contemp. vellum. Engr. title, 39 numbered engr.
e 4.200,Beautiful rare series of portraits of the sovereign princes and
counts of Holland and Flanders. From the well-known
collections of the Dutch historians C. van Alkemade and P.
van der Schelling, and later the famous German collector
Johannes Bernardus Nack.- Beautiful copy.- (Small, repaired
tear in last portrait).- Van Someren 97a & 97b; Hollstein
XIV p. 26.
Bound for the Dutch statesman Johannes Mepschius, later in Jan
Six’s library
7. OVID. Ars Amatoria.- Metamorphoseon libri XV.Fastorum Lib. VI. Tristium Lib. V. De Ponto Lib. IIII. Lyon,
S. Gryphius, 1547. 3 vols. 16mo. Contemp. Lyonese red
morocco bindings in Italian style, spines gilt, sides with double
lined gilt border, central panel and central quadrilobe cartouche, sides with gilt title on front covers, on the
rear covers the gilt name of the original owner Joannes Mepschius. Printer’s device on 3 titles. e 26.500,Very nice set of Lyonese Ovid-editions in italic type. These are the only books we know off bound for the
Dutch lawyer and statesman Johannus Mepschius, the ‘Alva’of Groningen, and later belonged to Jan Six
(1618-1700), the friend and patron of Rembrandt.- Fine set with a very interesting provenance.- (Few minor
defects).- Adams O 494; Baudrier VIII, p. 216.
Antiquariaat Forum
Extremely rare first edition in the Northern Netherlands of Perret’s adaptation of de Dene’s famous emblem book
8. PERRET, E.. XXV Fables des animaux. Delft, A. Gerards, 1618. Folio. 19th-century red buckram. Large
woodcut printer’s device on title, 25 fine engr. large full-page plates.
e 20.675,Extremely rare second French edition - the first published in the Northern Netherlands - with 25 beautiful
large engraved fable plates inspired by Marcus Gheeraerts’s plates of his famous Aesop-series from 1567. No
copy in the Dutch public libraries!- Good copy.- (Paper sl. browned).- Hodnett, Marcus Gheeraerts (1971),
p. 38 & 69; Praz p. 450; Landwehr, Emblem & Fable Books (1988) 613; Fabula Docet 40; Hollstein XXXIII,
Jan van de Velde II, nrs. 460-2.
From the library of Willem I, King of the Netherlands
9. POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES, A.M.G. Vie politique et militaire, écrite par lui-même, et publiée de
son vivant. Paris, C.J. Trouvé for the author, 1824. 8vo. Contemp. full-grained orange morocco, spine ribbed
and richly gilt with gilt plumed helmets in compartments, richly gilt and blind-stamped borders on sides, large
gilt armorial supralibris of King Willem I on sides. Lithographed frontispiece of Louis Charles by Constans
after Lebrun. e 3.200,First edition, luxuriously bound for the first King of the Netherlands, Willem I van Oranje Nassau (181540) of this biography on the political and military life of A.M.G. Poissonnier-Desperrières, aide-de-champs
of La Fayette in 1789, a.o. relating to the revolutionary period and the early days of the ‘Restoration’ (ca.
1814-16).- Splendid copy in Dutch Royal binding.
The Roman tragedies in the spotlight of the famous Leiden philologists; one part in an unrecorded variant issue
10. SCRIVERIUS, P. (ed.). Collectanea veterum tragicorum... Leiden, J. Maire, 1620. 2 parts in one vol.
8vo. 17th-century dark brown calf, triple fillets along edges with blind tooled ornamented centre piece on
sides. Printer’s device on titles. Bound with: (2) The 2nd part of: SENECA Tragicus, [Opera omnia], ed. P.
Scriverius. Leiden, H. Haestens for J. Maire, 1620.
e 3.725,Ad 1: First Scriverius’s edition of all extant fragments of the earlier Roman tragedians, dedicated to Vossius.
The second part by Vossius is here in a variant issue containing an unrecorded dedicatory letter by Vossius
to his friend R. van den Honert. Ad 2: Collection of commentaries on Seneca’s tragedies, published as
second part of his Opera omnia, edited by Scriverius.- Good copies with bookplate of John Evelyn.- (Minor
defect).- Bibl. Belg. V, pp. 126-7.- Ad 1: Breugelmans, Fac et spera, 1620,2. Ad 2: Breugelmans, 1620,4 (2).
Rare complete copy of Glazemaker’s translation of Seneca’s Moral works
11. SENECA, L. A. (& J. H. GLAZEMAKER). De zedige werken...Door J.H. Glazemaker uit het Latijn
in de Nederlantsche taal vertaalt. Amst., T. Houthaak for G. van Goedesberg & A. Jansz. for J. Dalé (3rd
part, 1671), 1657-71. 4 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. Contemp. vellum. Woodcut printers’ devices or fleurons on
titles. Bound with: (2) PLUTARCH & J. H. GLAZEMAKER. Verscheide zedige werken. Amst., T.
Houthaak for G. van Goedesberg, 1661. Woodcut printer’s device on title.
e 4.770,Ad 1: Rare complete set of Seneca’s moral, or ethical works and 124 letters dealing with moral issues, translated
by J.H. Glazemaker. Ad 2: Original edition of Glazemaker’s translation of eight of Plutarch’s virtuous writings.
Jan Hendrik Glazemaker (1620-82) was a prolific translator of many literary and philosophical works. His
translations stand out by those of his contemporaries because of their simplicity and punctuality.- Fine copies.(Some water staining in third vol.).- Ad 1: Geerebaert p. 163, II. A-C; Muller 345 (bound with 2); De Vries
384 (first vol only); Scheepers II, 364 (ed. Amst., G. van Goedesberg, 1657-61, bound with 2); De Rynck
& Welkenhuysen, De Oudheid in het Nederlands, p. 337; Thijssen-Schoute 28, 16, 35. Ad 2: Geerebaert p.
69, no. 10; De Rynck & Welkenhuysen, De Oudheid in het Nederlands, p. 307; Thijssen-Schoute 36.
Antiquariaat Forum
The earliest topographic print series in the Northern Netherlands
12. (TYSENS, G.) & C. J. VISSCHER. Haarlemmer duinzang. Amst., H. Bosch, 1728. Oblong 8vo. Contemp.
half red roan. Engr. vignette on title, 12 numbered full-page engr. plates (incl. frontispiece).
e 5.000,First edition of an arcadic poem, glorifying the landscapes surrounding Haarlem and Zandvoort.- Good
copy, with bookplates of Vincent van Gogh, H. Boekenoogen, B. van Hees and A. van Hees.- (Hinges
weak).- Nijhoff-Van Hattum 299; Hollstein XXXVIII, 149-160; V.d. Steur, Harlemia Illustrata, pp. 8-9 &
nos. 56-67.
Extensive descriptions available of all items on request
Prices are in Euros, incl. VAT
item 4
Antiquariaat A. Gerits & Son
Arnoud Gerits
Prinsengracht 445
1016 HN Amsterdam
Tel. +31-20-6272285
Fax +31-20-6258970
- Economics
- History
- Law
- Philosophy & Theology
- Political and Social Sciences
- History of Ideas
L’AMI DU PEUPLE EN 1848. An Ier de la République reconquise, par F.-V. Raspail. Paris, Au Bureau du
Journal, 27 février-14 mai 1848. 21 numbers of 2 pages each. Folio. Modern half red morocco, marbled
boards, gilt lettering to spine.
e 4.500,Hatin 439; Izambard, La Presse Parisienne de 1848-1849, p. 6; La Révolution de 1848, Bibliothèque Nationale,
1948, 450.
Extremely rare complete set of this important journal, especially since, according to Izambard, the first two
numbers were distributed as posters. Publication ceased after Raspail was arrested on May 15, 1848.
The whole is preceded by ‘Lettre du Citoyen F.V. Raspail, Représentant du Peuple, Aux Citoyens Électeurs
de la Seine, Merci!’, dated September 22, 1848, and by ‘République Démocratique et Sociale. Raspail Président’,
dated November 1, 1848, both posters of great rarity.
‘Contre les gens du National, de la famille Arago à Buchez, et du journaliste Marrast à l’avocat Marie de
Saint-Georges, Raspail était des plus virulents’ (Maitron, DBMOF, vol. iii, pp. 281-283).
François Vincent Raspail, doctor, publicist and republicain activist. Between 1825 and 1830 Raspail published
about 50 articles ranging from botany, zoology, and paleontology to microscopic anatomy, physiology, and
forensic medicine. These studies were based on an early statement of cell theory, and he may be seen as a
founder of microchemistry. He was also a pioneer advocate of antisepsis and improved sanitation and diet.
His scientific career was limited by his continued refusal to accept official positions or awards. Also important
were his studies on prison conditions and industrial safety.
The present journal was a democratic-socialist newspaper during the 1848 revolution. It was among the very
few which survived for a longer period after the Provisional Government abolished or suspended almost all
the restraints that the previous regime had placed on the press. It’s success was mainly due to Raspail who
also presided over a club with the same name. His involvement in the journée of 15 May led to his detention,
and he was sentenced to six years in prison in March 1849; while in prison he was elected a deputy for Paris and
Lyons in the September by-elections and won 37,000 votes, mainly from Paris and Lyons, in the presidential
elections of December 1848. The first poster refers to his election as deputy, thanking those who voted for
him, the second to his ‘presidential campaign’ in 1848.
- One poster cut short lightly touching the last line.
(MIRABAUD, J.B.) Le monde, son origine, et son antiquité. Premiere Partie. A Londres, 1751. - (Followed
by:) (MIRABAUD, J.B.) De l’âme et de son immortalité. Seconde Partie. A Londres, 1751. - (Followed by:)
(LE MASCRIER, J.B.) Essai sur la chronologie. No place, no date. 3 parts in 1 volume. xii, 244 pp.; (2), 172
pp.; 72 pp. 8vo. Contemporary vellum, title to spine, sprinkled edges. e 900,Barbier, iii, 335 (listing parts 1-2 only); Conlon 51:418; Darnton, The Corpus of Clandestine Literature in
France 1769-1789, 452; Le Bucher bibliographique, 690; L’Illuminismo francese alla Fondazione Feltrinelli,
76; Weller, Die falschen und fingierten Druckorte, p. 131.
First edition.
Most copies apparently do not have the third text which is often believed to have been added with the 1778
edition. These texts were edited and published by Dumarsais and Le Mascrier, and the latter is the author of
Antiquariaat A. Gerits & Son
the text on Chronology.The first two texts have been written by Mirabaud. Usually the first text is attributed
to the Dutch publisher Bernard but this is an error: the first work was published in a collection of texts by
Bernard in 1740 (Dissertations mêlées sur divers sujets importants) which is probably the reason this text has
been attributed to Bernard. But the text was written by Mirabaud as is clearly shown in Ira O Wade’s study
The clandestine organization and diffusion of philosophic ideas in France from 1700 to 1750, chapter VI, where
one finds sufficient evidence for the fact that both texts are in fact written by Mirabaud. Mirabaud wrote
much but published little. The first text was originally entitled Opinion des anciens sur le monde and its purpose
was none other than to disprove the first chapter of Genesis, but he masked it so effectively under a deluge
of erudition that it was perceived only by those who were searching for arguments in favor of the rejection
of the bible. Mirabaud did not insist on the conclusion that the world was in fact much older but he certainly
did suggest it. In the second work, which was originaly entitled Opinion des anciens sur la nature de l’âme, he
passed from discrete suggestion to bold affirmation which explains why it was not included in the collection
Bernard published in 1740 as well as Mirabaud’s irritation when Dumarsais and Le Mascrier published this
text in this work.
Wade interestingly also points to the fact that there seems to have been a close collaboration between people
such as Mirabaud, Boulainvilliers, Fréret, Dumarasais and Le Mascrier and writes “Does it not indicate the
existence of a tenuous organization, a “coterie philosophique,” at least forty years before the “coterie holbachique”?
Jonathan I. Israel writes, in his Enlightenment Contested, that the texts circulated in manuscript and where
published in Bernard’s collection in a short version and ‘then in full version, in a clandestine collection published
by Du Marsais and Le Mascrier, in 1751’ (see pages 728-729).
- First and last blank browned, ex-libris Karlernst Schmidt on front paste-down.
PHALANGE, LA. Journal de la science sociale découverte et constituée par Charles Fourier. Industrie, Politique, Sciences, Arts et Littérature. Troisième série. Paris, Au Bureau de la Phalange, 1840-1842. 6 volumes.
First volume: nrs 1-51; second volume: nos 1-52; third volume: nos 1-52; fourth volume: nos 1-53; fifth
volume: nos 1-77; sixth volume, first part, nos 1-79. 4to. Contemporary green half calf, marbled boards
(some damage to top of spine of volume 1, all spines lightly rubbed, marbled paper of volume 2 somewhat
damaged). e 11.000,Del Bo, p. 51.
Original edition, complete with the exception of volume VI, 2nd part, covering the period, 1 janvier-30
juillet 1843.
The extremely rare continuation of Le Réforme Industrielle (1832-1834) and of La Phalange (1836-1839) and of
fundamental interest for the history of the Fourierist movement and its views on society. In the years 1840-1850,
during which the movement waned and waxed, 41 Phalanges were formed. The journal dealt with questions of
doctrine (Considerant’s ‘Exposition de élémentaire de l’économie sociale de Fourier’, ‘De la liberté de penser’, ‘La
démocratie moderne et le gouvernement’, Colin’s ‘La politique d’organisation’, Laverdant’s ‘De la division des
peuples et de la patrie’, Paget’s ‘Sur le travail des enfants dans les manufactures’); with economical questions (Considerant’s ‘Sur la cause des coalitions’, Toussenel’s ‘Féodalité industrielle’, Paget’s ‘Étude critique sur l’organisation
du travail’, Cantagrel’s ‘Les mauvais conservateurs perdront la France’, Pompéry’s ‘La plus folle des Utopies n’est
pas le phalanstère mais la charte constitutionnelle’, etc. etc.); with peace politics, it contained polemics against the
church, the conservatives and the numerous other socialist schools (Cantagrel’s ‘Violance des journaux catholiques’,
Considérant’s ‘Corruption du Christianisme par les feuilles bigotes’, ‘Réponse au M. Proudhon’) and also
informed the reader about the progres of the school such as ‘Progrès des principes sociétaires en Amérique’.
Other collaborators were: A. Bureau, A. Brisbane, A. Colin, A. Paget, A. Toussenel, Baudet-Dulary, Charbonnier,
Pellarin, Laverdant, Bourdon, Cantagrel, Renaud, Blanc, le Rousseau, Considérant, Tamisier, Vigoureux,
Gagneur, Perreymond, Pompéry, etc. etc.
- First few leaves of volume 2 partly loose at top and with a faint stain in the upper margin, a very rare and
well preserved set.
Leen Helmink Antique Maps & Prints
Leen Helmink
Regentesselaan 20
3818 HJ Amersfoort
Tel. +31 33 462 7623, +31 624 861 365
Fax +31 33 465 9296
- Fine and rare original antique maps
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Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis
Fokas Holthuis & Paul Snijders
P.O. Box 18604
2502 EP Den Haag
Tel. +31-70-346 6020;+31-6 5329 7017
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Literature
- Autographs
- Literary archives
- Fine printing
- Modern illustrated books
BIESHEUVEL, J.M.A. Het huwelijk. Original typescript of this short story, signed by the author. 6 leaves
A4. With many additions, alterations and deletions in ink.
e 800,* About the last weeks of an old widower and his dog. This story not in Biesheuvel’s Verzameld werk (2008).
Added: the first publication of the story, in the Christmas 1973 issue of Studio, the magazine of Dutch public
broadcaster KRO.
BLOEM, J.C. Four A.L.S. to ‘Amice’ (a colleague), all dated 1939, and an unpublished poem. e 1.600,* In 1939 the poet J.C. Bloem had a lowly job on the department of Social Affairs in The Hague. In the
course of the year, he reported ill as many as 23 times. The present letters all report Bloem being ill, in an
extremely piteous tone: ‘Ik had gehoopt, vandaag weer op het Dept. te komen, maar ik voel mij te beroerd.
Wat het is weet ik niet, misschien griep, maar ik denk dat er toch wat anders achter moet zitten. Morgen
komt de dokter. Je weet, dat ik mij al een heelen tijd al beroerd gevoel. Ik ben den heelen dag dood-op; Alles
is mij te veel’.
The unpublished poem is a six-line occasional poem, monogrammed ‘J.B.’. The poet thanks his colleagues
(‘Toovenares en Toovenaar,/ Dat zijt gij vieren heel voorwaar’) for flowers received.
BROUWERS, Jeroen ‘Voor het eerst op het Pensionaat’. In: Sijoppersblad. Tijdschrift van het Pensionaat Sint
Jozef te Zeist. Vol. 4 (1950-1951). Cloth. e 1.200,* Brouwers’s very first publication, an amusing story in the magazine of his first boarding school when he was
only ten years old. Brouwers writes about his drive from Den Bosch to Zeist, his first impressions, meeting
other boys and what happened on his first day. He concludes: ‘Een paar dagen later kwam de frater op me af
en vroeg of ik iets voor het Sijoppersblad wou maken. Het moest gaan over mijn indrukken van de eerste
dag. Nou ik vind het hier heel fijn en het opstel dat ik moest maken heb je net gelezen.’
The boardinghouse in Zeist is one of the keys for Brouwers’s work, he experienced it as the worst period of
his life: ‘Ik heb geen kampsyndroom, ik heb een kostschoolsyndroom’ (‘I don’t
have a concentration camp syndrome, I have a boarding school syndrome’), he
later disclosed in an interview.
Added: vol. 5 (1951-1952; missing: nr. 3). In loose issues. In nr. 10 ‘Onze
Schoolreis’ by Jeroen Brouwers and five others. And ‘Kijkjes achter de schermen
11. Leidende functie in Hotelbedrijf ’ by J.Th.M. Brouwers, Jeroen Brouwers’s
These volumes 4 and 5 exactly cover Brouwers’s Zeist period. Extremely rare,
never offered before!
FRANK, Anne Het achterhuis. Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus
1944. Met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor. Amsterdam, Contact,
(1947). Boards with dust jacket designed by Helmut Salden (a few tiny professional repairs). (2), X, 254 p. First edition. e 4.500,34
Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis
* Het achterhuis, translated as The Diary of a Young Girl, is one of the world’s best known diaries and one of
the monuments of modern history. This is a fine, hardly read copy of the true first edition of June 1947, with
the exceptionally rare dust jacket, which is usually missing because of its extremely fragile nature.
GRESHOFF, Jan Extensive collection of manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and paper cuttings of the 1928-1937 period. e 8.500,* Impressive, very varied collection of poetry and essays by
one of the most influential literary figures of the interbellum
period, containing more than 750 leaves of manuscript, 150
leaves of typescript, a dozen corrected proofs, a large number
of cuttings and some curious ephemera, like press cards and
even an X-ray of Greshoff ’s teeth in 1937!
The collection encompasses manuscripts and typescripts of
book reviews, full of human interest, memoirs of literary
friends (such as J.C. Bloem, Jan van Nijlen, Arthur van
Schendel and S. Vestdijk) and enemies (P.C. Boutens), French
literature, art and international travels. Then there are early and sometimes very different and unpublished
versions of Greshoff ’s poems, reading notes, names and addresses, lists of titles and a pencil drawing. Full
description (6 pp.) on request.
SLAUERHOFF, J. Three extensive A.L.S. and a correspondence card to his literary friend and later biographer
C.J. Kelk and his wife. 1926-1935.
e 6.000,* Multifaceted collection of letters, in which all sides of Slauerhoff ’s character may be observed: the
cosmopolitan poet and ship’s doctor trying to strictly separate these two disciplines (‘De samenleving op een
schip is niet van dien aard, dat men met lauwertakken om zijn pet kan loopen’), Slauerhoff as a traveller,
perpetually pinched for money (‘Het moeten produceeren om de inkomsten is funest’) and his poor health
(from the hospital in Genoa: ‘’t Zou ook te mooi zijn als alles liep!!’).
In 1926 he asks his friend Kelk from Surabaya to be his literary property keeper, for ‘Marsman laat taal noch
teeken over zijn “faits et gestes” hooren en zoo wensch ik ‘t hem niet over te laten. Ik ben er nog’.
Furthermore about his friend and colleague Dutch author E. du Perron and his wife (‘Des Perrons hadden
ook wel zin in de Côte maar ik geloof dat het verstokte Parisiens zijn, en ook vrij veeleischend – Wij zijn
bescheiden niet, als echte kleine luyden’), about the climate in Tangier (‘Bijna altijd is het hier vrij koel’),
about a delayed dispatch of books to Italy (‘Ik dacht al dat jullie mij brochures over Rot front etc. gestuurd
hadden’), about placing a translation at De Spieghel, a publishing firm run by two women (‘Wil je de spiegeleieren
eens vragen of ze in de Uilenreeks niet een vertaling van
mijn hand van El Tricorno van Alarcon willen uitgeven?
(...) De Spiegelaarsters schijnen niet dol op me te zijn.
Doe een goed woordje voor me en zeg dat ik toch zoo
kwaad niet ben maar vaak opsternaat door kinine en
andre medicijnen’). Slauerhoff ends with a poetical salute:
‘Saludos/ je Slau/ sin dudos/ schrijf gauw.’
We sell rare books, association copies, autographs, archives and vintage ephemera, not only Dutch literature, but
also other languages and various historical subjects. Take a look at our website www.fokas.nl. However, many of
our books and other rare items are not online.
Every week we send an e-mail newsletter in Dutch to our subscribers (for free), containing a selection of our books.
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Antiquariaat Isis
L. Belt & T.Butterhof
Folkingestraat 20
9711 JW Groningen
Tel. ++31 (0)50-3184233
Fax ++31 (0)50-3112298
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Philosophy
- Old and rare books
1 FLEMING, H.F. VON, Der vollkommene Teutsche Jäger, darinnen die Erde, Gebirge, Kräuter und Bäume,
Wälder, Eigenschaft der wilden Thiere und Vögel, so wohl Historice, als Physice, und Anatomie: dann auch die
behörigen Gross- und kleinen Hunde, und der völlige Jagd-Zeug; letzlich aber die hohe und niedere Jagd-Wissenschaft. Nebst einem immer-währenden Jäger-Kalender. Mit vielen darzu gehörigen, und nach dem Leben gezeichneten Kupffern, vorgestellet, colligiret und beschrieben. Deel 2: Des vollkommenen Teutschen Jägers anderer
Haupt-Theil, darinnen nicht allein die in dem ersten Theil vorgetragene Materien erläutert und abegehandelt (...)
sondern auch unterschiedene neue und auserlesene Jagd- und Frost-Sachen gelehret werden, deme auch zugleich
der wohlunterrichtete Teutsche Fischer mit angefüget ist, nebst viele darzu dienenden Kupffern (...). 2 dln. Leipzig,
Johann Christian Martini, 1719-1724. Met gegraveerd portret van Fleming + 105 gegraveerde afbeeldingen
(waarvan een deel uitvouwbaar). Perkament. Gr. 4°. (VIII), (XVI), 400, (IV), 111, (33), (VIII), (XII), (VIII), 500,
(32) pp. *banden enigszins vlekkig; 4 prenten ontbreken; papier en prenten hier en daar (licht) watervlekkig;
enkele prenten gerepareerd; papier en prenten hier en daar (licht) roestvlekkig* * Lindner, 611.01 (Eerste deel 1719
met 60 gravures). Souhart, 187. Harting, 99. Eén van de belangrijkste Duitse jachtboeken uit de achttiende eeuw. Fleming
was een ervaren jager. Hoewel een deel van het werk is gebaseerd op andere auteurs is veel van het geschrevene ook op
eigen waarneming en ervaring gebaseerd. ‘Das Hauptwerk der deutschen Jägerei im 18. Jahrhundert, 1724 erschien der
Ergänzungsband mit einem Abhang zur Fischerei’. Lindner 611.01, II. Schwerdt, 1, 175. (Tweede deel 1724 met 50
gravures). Jagdbibliothek Prof.dr. h.c. Dr. Kurt Lindner. Auktion 41/1, 6.-7. Mai 2003. F. Zisska & R. Kistner
München [584388]
e 5.000,2 FREDERIK HENDRIK VAN NASSAU, COMMELIN, ISAAC, Frederick Hendrick van Nassauw prince van
Orangien. Zyn leven en bedryf. Met koopere figuren verciert. 2 delen in 1 band. Utecht, Weduwe van Snellaert ende
Gerrit Nieuwenhuisen, 1652. Gegraveerde titelpagina + portret van Frederik Hendrik + 34 gegraveerde (grotendeels
uitvouwbare) afbeeldingen. Perkament. Gr. 4°. (VIII), 276, (6), (II), 216, (4) pp. *schutbladen voor- en achterin
vlekkig; rechterbovenhoek titelpagina licht vlekkig; portret Frederik Hendrik achterzijde reparatie; papier hier en
daar licht roest/watervlekkig; niet-contemporaine perkamenten band* * Haitsma Mulier, 117b. De eerste editie verscheen
in 1651 in Amsterdam.Borba de Moraes, 1, 194.Alden & Landis, 651-53 [584387]
e 5.000,3 GICHTEL, JOHANN GEORG, GRABERN, JOHANN GEORG, Eine kurze Eröffnung und Anweisung
der dreyen Princpien und Welten im Menschen, in unterschiedlichen Figuren vorgestellet: wie und wo eigentlich
ihre Centra im innernMenschen stehen; gleich sie der Autor selbst im göttlichen Schauen in sich gefunden, und
gegenwärtig in sich empfindet, schmecket und fühlet. Samt einer Beschreibung der dreyerley Menschen, nach
Art des in ihme herrschenden Prinzipii oder Geistes. Worinnen sich ein jeder als in einem Spiegel besehen kann,
unter welchem Regiment er in seiner Lebensgestalt stehe und lebe. Nebst einer Anweisung was der Streit
Michaels und des Drachen, auch was das wahre Beten im Geist und Wahrheit sey: abgemalet und vorgestellet
(...) im Jahre 1696. Neue Auflage. Berlin und Leipzig, Christian Ulrich Ringmacher, 1779. Met 5 gekleurde
buitentekstgravures (waarvan 1 uitvouwbaar) + 1 vignet. Half leder. 8°. (VIII), 146, (2) pp. *papier hier en daar
licht roestvlekkig* ‘Johann Georg Gichtel, 1638-1710, German mystic, was born at Regensburg. In Strasbourg he
studied for a short period theology. After this he entered the faculty of law. He was admitted an advocate; but having
become acquainted with the baron Justinianus von Weltz (1621-1668), a Hungarian nobleman who cherished
schemes for the reunion of christendom and the conversion of the world, and having himself become acquainted with
Antiquariaat Isis
another world in dreams and visions, he abandoned all interest in his profession, and became an energetic promotor
of the ‘Christerbauliche Jesusgesellschaft’. The movement in its beginnings provoked at least no active hostility; but
when Gichtel began to attack the teaching of the Lutheran clergy and church, especially upon the fundamental doctrine
of justification by faith, he exposed himself to a prosecution which resulted in sentence of banishment and confiscation
(1665). After many months of wandering (...) he reached the Netherlands in january 1667, and settled at Zwolle,
where he co-operated with Friedrich Brecking (1629-1721), who shared his views and aspirations. Having become
involved in the troubles of this friend, Gichtel, after a period of imprisonment, was banished for a term of years from
Zwolle, but finally in 1668 found a home in Amsterdam, where he made the acquaintance of Antoinette Bourignon,
and in a state of poverty lived out his life of visions and day-dreams, of prophecy and prayer. He became an ardent
disciple of Jakob Böhme, whose works he published in 1682; but before the time of his death, he had attracted to
himself a small band of followers known as Gichtelians or Brethern of the Angels, who propagated certain views at
which he had arrived independently of Böhme. Seeking ever to hear the authoritative voice of God wihin them, and
endeavouring to attain to a life alltogether free form carnal desires, like that of ‘the angels in heaven, who neither
marry nor are given in marriage’, they claimed to exercise a priesthood ‘after the order of Melchizedek’, appeasing the
wrath of God, and ransoming the souls of the lost by sufferings endured vicariously after the example of Christ. While,
however, Böhme ‘desired to remain a faithful son of the church’, the Gichtel’s correspondence was published without
his knowledge by Gottfried Arnold, a disciple, in 1701 (2 volumes), and again in 1708 (3 volumes). It has been
frequently reprinted under the title Theosophia practica’. The Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ninth edition. Edinburgh,
1879, X, 588 [588144]
e 1.400,4 GOEREE, W., Mosaize historie der Hebreeuwse kerke, zoo als dezelve was in de stam-huyzen der h.
vaderen des Ouden Verbonds, voor en onder de belofte; en in alle die plegtelijke toebereydzelen van het
dienstbaar Jerusalem; door welke de goddelijke wetgeever Moses, een ceremoniëele godsdienst aan den berg
Sinai heeft ingesteld; om het zaad van Abraham, door de vader van Jakob in ‘t afgodisch Egipten overgeplant,
naa der zelver uytgang, van heel de bygeloovige weereld af-te-zonderen; en in land Kanaans, tot een heylig volk
en koninklijk priesterdom in bewaaring te stellen tot op de verschijning van den messias. Uyt d’aller-oudste
geheugnissen Hebreen, Kaldeen, Zabeen, Egyptenaaren, Syriers, Feniciers, Grieken en Romeinen opgehelderd;
en doorgaans met veel naauwkeurige printverbeeldingen gestoffeerd; door een liefhebber der joodsche oudheeden. Vervat in vier deelen. Mozaise historie der Hebreeuwse kerke. Begonnen met het leevens-bedrijf van
den voortreffelijken Joseph (...). Uyt d’aller-oudste geheugnissen der Egyptenaaren en derzelve afgodize zeeden
opgehelderd, en tot de byzondere zaaken der Israeliten naader gebragt, tot aan derzelver onderdrukking en
harde slaavernye onder de tyrannige koningen, Ramsses Miamun en pharao Amenophis. Mosaize historie der
Hebreeuwse kerke. Begonnen met de geboorte van de goddelyke wetgever Moses (...). Uyt d’aller-oudste
geheugnissen der volken, zeeden en gewoonten opgehelderd (...). Mozaise historie der Hebreeuwse kerke.
Vervattende den staat der Israeliten geduurende de toebereydzelen van het dienstbaar Jerusalem in de woestyne
van Sinai (...). Amsterdam, Willem en David Goeree, 1700. Met 4 titelplaten + 1 portret van Willem Goeree +
46 uitvouwbare prenten + 32 prenten + 15 tekstgravures (waarvan 3 uitvouwbare kaarten en 2 enkelzijdig).
Leder. Folio. (XLVIII), 728, ((20), (VI), 804, (20), (XVIII), 755, (17), (XII), 693, 15) pp. *knepen engiszins
zwak, schutbladen gebruind, enkele schutbladen los, boven-onderzijde rug deel 2 licht beschadigd* ‘Willem
Goeree, Middelburg 1635, Amsterdam, 1711. Zoon van Hugo Willemsz. Goeree, doctor in de godgeleerdheid en
vanaf 1625 medicus te Middelburg, en Anna Ewouds. Door het vroegtijdig overlijden van zijn vader was het volgen
van een studie voor hem onmogelijk geworden. Hij werd boekhandelaar en woonde van 1666 tot 1677 in Middelburg
en daarna te Amsterdam. NNBW, 7, 479-480. Van der Aa, 7, 251-52 [584287]
e 2.300,5 HOOFT, P.C., Nederlandsche historien, seedert de ooverdragt der heerschappije van kaizer Karel den
Vyfden op koning Philips zynen zoon, tot het einde der landtvooghdeye des graven van Leicester. De vierde
druk, naar des schryvers eigen handtschrift op ontallijke plaatzen verbetert, met des zelfs leeven vermeerdert,
en nu op nieu met meerder printen versiert. Mengelwerken, ten deele mooit tevooren gedrukt. Nu op veele
Antiquariaat Isis
plaatsen verbetert en vermeerdert. Alle de werken van C. Corn. Tacitus, in ‘t Hollandsch vertaalt door den
heer P.C. Hooft, ridder van St. Michiel, drossardt van Muiden, en baljuw van Goylandt. 4 dln. Amsterdam,
Hendrik Wetstein en Peter Scepérus, Leiden, Daniel van den Dalen, Utrecht, Willem van de Water, 170304. (Nederlandsche historien). Titelplaat + 2 frontispices + 23 portretten + 26 afbeeldingen (waarvan 25
dubbelbladig). Leder. Gr. 6°. (VIII), (XXXVI), 586, (II), 587-1242, (42) pp. (Mengelwerken). Titelplaat +
frontispice + 30 afbeeldingen (waarvan 28 verdeeld zijn over 7 bladen met elk 4 gravures). Leder. Gr. 4°.
(XXXII), 758 (1) pp. (Alle de werken van Tacitus). Frontispice + 14 portretten + 8 dubbelbladige afbeeldingen. Leder. Gr. 4°. (XXXII), 528, (84) pp. * ‘Piet Corneliszoon Hooft, Amsterdam 1581 - ‘s-Gravenhage 1647.
Van 1598 tot 1601 reisde de Amsterdamse burgermeesterszoon Hooft door Frankrijk, Italië en Duitsland, in eerste
instantie met de bedoeling zich te oriënteren voor een carrière in de handel. Vooral het Italiaanse verblijf maakte
grote indruk op hem en gaf richting aan zijn voorkeur voor de letterkunde. Hij studeerde korte tijd in Leiden letteren en rechten en in 1609 werd hij benoemd tot drost van Muiden en baljuw van Gooiland. Door zijn toedoen
werd de Muiderkring een middelpunt van het literaire en intellectuele leven van de Republiek. Aanvankelijk
schreef Hooft vooral gedichten en klassiek geïnspireerde treurspelen; vervolgens toneelstukken die gebaseerd waren
op episodes uit de vaderlandse geschiedenis. Tenslotte wijdde hij zich sinds 1618 aan de geschiedschrijving, met
name die van de Nederlandse opstand, waarbij Tacitus zijn grote voorbeeld was’.Haitsma Mulier, 193, 235Deze
uitgave is een nauwkeurige herdruk van de editie uit 1677. Er zijn 13 portretten en 16 prenten meer dan in de
vorige uitgave, alle overgenomen uit Bor, Oorspronk (...) der Nederlandsche oorlogen, 1679-1684. De nieuwe
prenten, niet de portretten zijn alle van de hand van Jan Luyken, maar niet ondertekend. In 1704 heeft men de
toen uitgegeven Mengelwerken en Tacitus met de Nederlandsche Historien in éen uitgave samengevoegd, door er
een gemeenschappelijke titel voor te plaatsen, Alle de werken van den heer P.C. Hooft. In vier deelen. Leendertz.
Bibliographie der werken van P.C. Hooft 128, 128A. Gegraveerde titel door I. van Munnichuysen naar G. de
Laresse. Het portret van Hooft is gegraveerd door A. Sijlvelt naar I. Sandrar.Van de andere portretten wordt de
graveur niet genoemd. Van de andere prenten zijn er 6 van C. Decker. Leendertz, 126 [584284] e 4.750,6 PARACELSUS, The hermetic and alchemical writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the great. Now for the first time faithfully translated into English. Ed. with a biographical
preface, elucidatory notes, a copious hermetic vocabulary, and index, by A.E. Waite. 2 dln. London, James Elliot
and Co., 1894. (XVI) 394, (VIII) 396 pp. linnen. *banden licht verkleurd, ruggen licht beschadigd, ex libris* *
Dl1: Hermetic chemistry, Dl 2: Hermetic medicine and hermetic philosophy [582248]
e 500,7 VOLNEY, C.F., Oeuvres complètes de C.F. Volney. Mises en ordre et précédées de la vie de l’auteur. 8 dln.
Paris, Bossange, 1821-22. Met portret, 8 kaarten en 24 afbeeldingen. Hlf ldr. (IV), (L), 438, 456, (VI), 455, 513,
(IV), 457, (XII), 407, (XX), 494, (XVIII), 537 pp. *ex libris, papier en afbeeldingen hier en daar roestvlekkig*
‘Comte de Constantin-Francois Chasseboeuf, Frans filosoof en historicus, Craon 1757 - Parijs 1820. Na zijn studies in
Algiers, werd hij in de Parijse salons opgemerkt door een verhandeling Sur la chronologie d’Herodote (1781). In 1783
maakt hij een zwerftocht door het Nabije Oosten, wat resulteerde in een Herodotiaanse reisbeschrijving Le voyage en
Égypte et en Syrie (1787, 2 dln). In 1789 werd hem een mandaat als vertegenwoordiger van de derde stand in de StatenGeneraal toegewezen. Sindsdien paarde hij aan een bewogen politieke bedrijvigheid een vruchtbare carrière als essayist.
Vooral het Lockiaanse traktaat Les ruines ou méditations sur les révolutions des empires (1791) was erg populair. In 1793
gaf hij een soort van filosofische catechismus uit: La loi naturelle ou principes de la morale, déduits de l’organisation de
l’homme et de de l’universe. In 1795 reisde hij naar Amerika. Hij werd lid van de Académie francaise (1795) en senator
(1799), in welke functie hij tegen zijn vroegere vriend Napoleon oppositie voerde. (...). Moderne encyclopedie der wereldliteratuur. Bussum, z.j., 5, 179. ‘Der französische Aufklärungsphilosoph Volney ist Naturalist und Materialist. Seine
moralphilosophischen Ansichten übernimmt er von Helvetius. Danach besteht kein Gegensatz zwischen Selbstliebe und
Forderung des Gemeinwohls. Das Ideal der Vernunftherrschaft glaubt Volney in der Französischen Revolution annährend
verwirklicht. Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit setzt er gleich. Volney’s Geschichtsphilosophie ist Anwendung seiner Ethik’. W.
Ziegenfuss. Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1950, 806-07 [581735]
e 1.250,39
Antiquariaat B.M. Israel
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1934 CC Egmond a.d. Hoef
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- Medicine
- Science and Technology
- Art books
- Geography
- Atlases
- Maps and views
- Prints and drawings
GAUSS, K. FR. Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium. Hamburg,
F. Perthes & I.H. Besser, 1809. 4to. W 1 plate. Recent dark brown polished half clf. Mid 19th c. marbled
covers, corners and edges rubbed; lower covers bumped and badly rubbed.). (XII, 227, I (errata), 20 pp.).
(Wide margined copy; small stamp on title ‘E.B’ within circle). e 6.000,DSB V, 298/315: ‘Gauss is the best described as a mathematical scientist, or, in the terms common in his
days, a pure and applied mathematician. Ranging easily, competently, and productively over the whole of
science and technology... Gauss appears as the ideal mathematician displaying in herioc proportions in one
person the capabilities attributed collectively to the community of professional mathematicians.’: H & L
11897: ‘Ouvrage magistral ‘: PMM, 257: ‘The Prince of mathematics.’ ‘Gauss ranks, together with
Archimedes and Newton as one of the greatest geniuses in the history of mathematics... Much of Gauss’s
time in later life was devoted to astronomy and magnetism. His ‘Theoria...’, 1809, contains an analysis of the
problems arising in the determination of the motions of the planets and comets from a limited number of
observational data.’: Ball, p. 449: ‘... a treatise which contributed largely to the improvement of practical
astronomy, and introduced the system of curvilinear triangulation.’: Norman Collection vol. I, 879: ‘In this
work Gauss developed and introduced the system of orbit calculation from 3 observations he had devised in
1801 to locate the planetoid Ceres...’: Epochmaking work, since Kepler’s ‘Astronomia Nova’ the most perfect
textbook on motion in unperturbed orbits.
GAUTIER d’AGOTY, Jacques Fabien [1716 - 1785] Le Poumon et le Coeur. ‘Planche XIV de l’Anatomie
des Viscères, Dissequez, peints et Gravez en couleur par Mr Gautier’ [Text running from left to right at top
margin of the plate]; Bottom margin with legenda. Paris, Gautier d’Agoty. No date [ab. 1754]. Multiple
plate color mezzotint. A stunningly beautiful anatomical presentation in colour printing of the heart and
lungs. 1 colour printed mezzotint plate [meas. appr. 47 x 61 cm, engraved surface] printed from 4 separate
plates: the first plate for the blacks (burin engraving and lettering); the second plate in mezzotint for the blue;
the third in mezzotint for the yellow; the fourth in mezzotint and ‘dotted manner’ for the red. According to
Rodari [see note] a fifth plate was used for a final layer of veins. Varnished state. Plate number upper left
[Planche XIV]. Lower mid center a tear and a few pinholes skillfully filled in and restored. Minimal imperfections
and scratches. Lower blank margin [which will no longer be showing when framed] a waterstain. A few tears
and small holes skillfully filled in and repaired. Some imperfections and surface scratches as is usual. From:
l’Anatomie générale des viscères’ [Paris, ca 1754]. Varnished state.
e 6.800,Extensive one page description w. all quotes in full upon request.: Rodari, Exhibition catalogue Bibl. Nationale
‘Anatomie de la couleur’, i.l.c. esp. item 109, p. 124 (w. a full page colour ill. on page 125, from the Collection
Paul Jammes).: Colin Franklin, A cat. of early colour printing, preface p. 1: Grasselli, M. Morgan, Colourful
Impressions, pp. 45 - 47: Choulant, p. 270: Putscher, M., pp. 52 & 57: Singer, H.W. ‘der Vierfarbendruck’, pp.
177 - 199: Hirsch/Hübotter, vol. II, p. 509: Hahn Dumaitre, P. 305, 307: Blake STC 18th c., p. 169: All Gautier
d’Agoty colour prints are very much sought after, full size figures in 3 sheets, printed from 4 or 5 plates, as well
as the single page plates have become increasingly rare and hardly ever appear in the trade or at auction.
Antiquariaat B.M. Israel
MONRO, A. [Primus].- [Transl. by J.J.Sue] Traité d’Ostéologie, traduit de l’anglois de M.Monro ... Où
l’on a ajouté des planches en taille-douce, qui représentent au naturel tous les Os de l’adulte & du foetus,
avec leurs explications ... par M. [Jean Joseph] Sue. Première Partie [Deuxième Partie].Paris, chez Guillaume
Cavalier, Libraire, rue Saint Jacques, au Lys d’or, 1759. Very large folio [56 x 42.5 cm]. In 2 vols. W. 1 engr.
front. [the early variant before all letters; the names of the artist and engraver here added in ink ‘J.B.M.Pierre
del.’ & ‘N.Dupuis sculp’], 2 engr. vigns., 6 large engr. head- and tailpieces [A1, V1, X1, Hhh1, Iiii1, Ooooo1]
‘J.B.M.Pierre del. L.Lempereur sculp’.], numer. historiated engr. initials, 31 engraved pls. [signed ‘Jardinier’,
‘Aubert’, ‘Gobil’, ‘Dupuis’ etc. after ‘J. Tharsis’ [plates IV and XXIX], ‘Tharsis’ [plates III, XI, XXX], ‘Tarsis’
[plates II, XXVII, XXXI] & 31 accompanying engr. outline pls. Fine contemp. full marbl. clf., spines w.
elaborate floral gilttooling. 2 dark red title shields. Covers w. triple gilt rule along the outer edge of the
covers. Edges of the covers w. a double gilt rule. (Lower outer hinge weakening; spine end vol. I a few light
imperf.). [n2, a-q1, A-5O1; n1, 5P1-7X1]. (IV, XXXII, 1-212; II, 213 - 317 pp.). (Outline pls. I and full
engr. plate XXVI a small tear in margin rep.; Outline plate VII a tear in lower margin rep.). (De luxe large
paper copy, wide blank margins 7 - 9 cm; all edges gilt; superb comb marbled endp.). (W. green silken reading
e 9.500,First edition in French. Superb copy on extra quality handmade paper. The engraved alleg. frontispiece here
in the early variant ‘avant-la-lettre’. The engraved head-pieces w. medallions and books carrying the names
of Winslow, Morgagni, Monro, Paré, Haller, Cheselden, Albinus, Heister, Senac. First edition in French of
one of the great anatomical atlases of the 18th c., which was originally published in an octavo edition [‘The
Anatomy of the Humane Bones’], then almost without illustrations, in Edinburgh in 1726. In beauty of
execution and in importance comparable only to Vesalius and Valverde in the 16th century, Casserius, van
der Gracht, Bidloo & Cowper in the 17th century and Cheselden, Albinus, Gautier d’Agoty, Mascagni &
Vicq d’Azyr in the 18th century. Choulant Frank, p. 324 [Under Jean Joseph Sue]: ‘Jean Joseph Sue, the
younger, a son of the anatomist of the same name and Christian name, and father of the novelist , Eugène
Sue, was himself an anatomist and surgeon . As such he held the position of surgeon at the Hôpital de la
Charité and was at the same time professor of anatomy and surgery at the medical school and instructor in
anatomy for the artists at the Academy of Painting in Paris. ... [Sue translated into French the ‘Anatomy of
the bones’ by the Scotch anatomist, Alexander Monro (1697 - 1767), and published it under the title “Traité
d’Ostéologie” Paris, 1759, large fol., in 2 volumes, of which the first contains the French text, the second and
thinner volume the copperplates. These plates represent whole skeletons, or single bones, the latter either in
in natural size or in sizes very near the natural. They also represent the skeleton and single bones of the fetus.
The workmanship is very fine, especially as regards the single bones ...a total of 62 anatomic plates...’: Röhrl,
History and Bibliography of artistic anatomy. Didactics for depicting the human figure [Olms Verlag, 2000],
pp. 151 - 152, discussing Suë le fils’ publication ‘Élémens d’anatomie’ of 1788, the text of which ‘...stems
from the Anatomy of Human Bones (1726) by the distinguished anatomist ... Alexander Monro primus, ...
the first illustrated edition was made by Suë de la Charité ... in 1759, yet this French translation was not
authorized by Monro. The copper engravings, drawn by Tharsis and other artists and supervised by physicians,
are shown with fine and exact lines, and demonstrate the early influence of the ‘Tabulae’ by Albinus. Those
plates [i.e 14 of them] were also used unaltered in the Élémens..’ of 1788...’, see also p. 455: Haller, Bibl.
Anatomica, vol. II, p. 176, 395: Russel, Br. Anatomy, item 590: ‘This translation ... is a most sumptuous
production, completely overshadowing the original. Its only counterpart is Cheselden’s ‘Osteographia’. ‘:
Blake, p. 309: Cole Library, vol. I, 1339: Wellcome libr. vol. IV, p. 156:
Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh
Matthys de Jongh
Groenmarkt 11
7201 HW Zutphen
Tel. (0575) 54 31 36
- Political economy
- Social sciences
- Political history
- Dutch history
BACHOFEN, Johann Jakob. Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung über die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt
nach ihrer religiösen und rechtlichen Natur. Stuttgart, Krais & Hoffmann 1861. 4to. XL,435,[1]p., printed
in double columns. With illustrated title leaf and 9 (3 folding) lithograph plates. Modern half calf, gilt back,
marbled sides. Only very light paperspotting. A fine copy. e 5.500,First edition. Bachofen's investigations into the role of women in ancient and primitive societies resulted in
a completely new outlook on the formation of social structures and the genesis of the legal system. *Printing
and the mind of man 349.
[CARDON, Pieter.] Den oorspronck vande ruïne en aermoede der Spaensche Nederlanden, als-mede de
aenwijsinghen der hulp-middelen om de selve landen wederom te herstellen. Ende inde selve te doen herleven den af-ghestorven koophandel, schip-vaert, landt-bauw, 't maecken van manufacturen, ende alder-hande
soorten van handt-wercken ... Den tweeden druck ... Tot Luyck, ghedruckt by Geraert Chockier 1686. Small
8vo. [VIII],80p. Contemp. vellum. e 2.950,Second edition. A treatise on the miserable state of the Southern (Spanish) Netherlands and the means for
redress, strongly favouring mercantilist measures. Written in the form of a dialogue between a Brabant
nobleman and a Flemish merchant. First published the previous year (according to the present printer's
preface 'a few weeks ago') by the same publisher; a new edition, also called 'second revised edition', appeared
in 1699, and a third in 1715. *Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi.
[COURT, Pieter de la.] Interest van Holland, ofte gronden van Hollands-welvaren. Amsterdam, J.C. vander
Gracht 1662. Small 8vo. Contemp. vellum. e 600,First edition. *Wildenberg 1041. Preceded by: [Pieter de la COURT] Historie der gravelike regeering in
Holland... [No place 1662.] [XVI],264p. With engraved title. *Wildenberg 1052. And by: [Johan UYTENHAGE
DE MIST] De stadthouderlijcke regeeringe in Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt ... Amsterdam, J.C. van der
Gracht 1662. 110,[1 errata]p. *Wildenberg 1071 variant.
Gazette de Leyde. - Nouvelles extraordinaires de divers endroits [With supplements]. [At end of each
number:] Avec privilege de Nos Seigneurs les Etats de Hollande, & de West-Frise, a Leide, par Etienne Luzac
1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1763, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1783 & 1785. Together 12 volumes. 4to.
Published twice-weekly, each issue 8 pages plus a supplement of another 8 pages. Fully collated, wanting:
1759, nr 40 supplement; 1763, nr 36; 1771, nr I-IX and nr LXXX supplement; 1783, nr 97. But for the last
2 volumes uncut, the first 7 volumes in contemporary marbled boards, backs with red label ('Gazette de
Leide'), neatly removed library labels, the following 3 volumes in contemporary grey boards, the last 2 volumes
in contemporary resp. recent calf-backed boards. Old library stamp on first issue of each year, cancelled on
first paste-down; 1771 stained in the beginning, else remarkably bright and clean. Apparently folded when
forwarded, now hardly visible. Printed in a small type on fine paper with narrow margins; documents, eyewitness accounts, etc. are printed in an even smaller type; the main parts printed in double columns, the
supplements in a single column. e 6.500,An extremeley rare collection of 12 years of the most famous journal of the eighteenth century, including
the supplements. This journal, usually known as Gazette de Leyde, was founded in 1677 and in 1738 bought
by Etienne Luzac who would continue it for over 60 years, since 1772 together with his cousin Jean Luzac,
Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh
professor of law, history and Greek in Leyden. The fame of this journal rests upon the wealth of information
delivered by a great number of correspondents in all major European cities as well as in Africa, America and
Asia. It was the most trusted journal particularly during the last decades of the eighteenth century, widely
read all over the world 'at the gates of the Seraglio and on the banks of the Ganges, and copied from by almost
all other newspaper editors'. Thomas Jefferson called it 'the best in Europe' and 'the only one worth reading'
and it was said to be the only journal read by Louis XVI. It was of major importance for the history of
America. Luzac was strongly attached to the American cause and corresponded with leading men of the
revolution like John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington.
GRASWINCKEL, Dirck. Placcaten, ordonnantien ende reglementen, op 't stuck vande lijf-tocht, sulcx als
de selve van outs tot herwaerts toe op alle voorvallen van hongers-noot en dieren-tijdt beraemt zijn ende
ghedaen publiceeren; ten meeren-deels, door de ... Staten van Hollant ende West-Frieslant. By een vergadert
ende met verscheyden ghelijck-formighe ordonnantien ende reglementen, met verdere betrachtingen bevesticht.
[Followed by:] Aenmerckinghen ende betrachtinghen, op de placcaten, ordonnantien, ende reglementen, &c.
over 't stuck van kooren ende greynen ... [Leyden], ter druckerije van de Elseviers 1651. 2 delen in 1. Folio.
[XII],203,175,[1]p. Contemp. half vellum. Endpapers, half-title and last leaf frayed, title and corner of first
leaves stained. e 2.350,First (only) edition. The first part collects all regulations concerning the corn trade in the Netherlands from
1501 to 1634. The second part contains Graswinckel's treatise on the economics of the corn trade of which
has been said that it ranks among the best of the scientific achievements of the Dutch in the seventeenth
Labadie,J.de. - MARESIUS, Samuel. Histoire curieuse de la vie, de la conduite, & des vrais sentimens du
Sr. Jean de Labadie, dont le nom, & la reputation, font tant de bruit parmy les gens de bien. La Haye,
Theodore Duurcant 1670. 12mo. 359p. Contemp. overlapping vellum. A very nice copy. e 750,First (only) edition. A defence of the dismissal the previous year of Jean de Labadie as minister of the reformed church of Middelburg, followed by two relating pieces: Modeste refutation de la declaration en forme
de manifeste, publiée par Jean de Labadie, pour justifier ses desseins, ses resolutions schismatiques qui luy ont attiré
une juste deposition (p.107-304) and Declaration chretienne et sincere de plusieurs membres de l'eglise de Dieu &
de Jesus-Christ, touchant les justes raisons et motifs qui les obligent à n'avoir point de communion avec le synode
dit Walon (p.305-359).
[LA METTRIE, Julien Offray de.] L'Homme machine. A Leyde, de l'Imp. d'Elie Luzac, Fils 1748. [i.e.
1752 or before]. 12mo. [XX],109p. Modern, but nor recent half vellum, marbled sides, gilt back. Usual mild
browning. A very nice copy. e 3.750,Second edition. One of the most bold expositions of materialistic views. The first edition of this book,
though also dated 1748 in fact printed already in 1747, was immediately seized and burnt by the magistrate
of Leiden, and the present edition hence seems the earliest available. *Stoddard 31. En français dans le texte
LOCKE, John. Several papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c. Writ upon several occasions, and
published at different times. London, printed for A. and J.Churchill 1696. 3 works issued in 1 volume with
a general title. Small 8vo. [IV],4,192; [XVI],112; 24p. Nineteenth-century half brown morocco, marbled
sides, gilt back. Bookplate to first paste down. Fine. e 3.950,First collected edition of Locke's three seminal contributions to economic science: (1) Some considerations
of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and of raising the value of money. In a letter to a Member of
Parliament, 1691. The second edition corrected. (2) Further considerations concerning raising the value of
money. Wherein Mr. Lowndes's arguments for it in his late Report concerning An essay for the amendment of
Antiquariaat Matthys de Jongh
the silver coins, are particularly examined. The second edition corrected. (3) Short observations on a printed
paper, intituled, For encouraging the coining silver money in England, and after for keeping it here. These three
works were issued together with a general title - here in its second state, a cancel differing only in the addition
of Mr. before Locke's name - according to Yolton lacking in many copies. *Yolton 163B (156, 162 and 159).
Attig 504 (495, 503 and 501). Christophersen p.24.
MONCADA, Sancho de. Restauracion politica de Espana, primera parte ... Ocho discursos ... Madrid, Luis
Sanchez 1619. 4to. [VI],42,16,[9]-10,12,12-14 lvs, thus complete. Title with coat of arms of Philip III of
Spain. Modern but not recent half calf, ribbed back with gilt red labels, marbled endpapers. Upper margin
stained with some affect to the paper but not affecting text. e 3.750,First edition. With the present Discourses Moncada obtained a reputation as a political economist and
uncompromising protectionist. A second edition of this appeared in 1746. *Colmeiro 283. Not in Kress,
Goldsmiths or Einaudi.
SCHLETTWEIN, Johann August. Les moyens d'arreter la misere publique et d'acquitter les dettes des etats.
Carolsrouhe [Paris], Michel Macklot 1772. Small 8vo. 96p. With engraved allegorical vignette on pages 3
and 5, and tail piece on page 6. Uncut in contemp. decorated boards. First leaves a bit yellowed, stain in
margin of 2 or 3 leaves. An old hand added his(?) name to the first paste down, and used the margins of the title,
verso and page 3 to repeat the author's name and the title etc. Still an unsophisticated good copy. e 2.450,First (only) edition. Schlettwein was the major representative of physiocracy in Germany. *Kress 6899.
WILLEM I, prins van Oranje. Apologie, ofte verantwoordinghe des doerluchtighen ende hooghgheborenen
vorsts ende heeren, heeren Wilhelms van Godes ghenade prince van Orangien ... Teghen den ban ofte edict
by forme van proscriptie ghepubliceert by den coningh van Spaegnien . ..Leyden, Charles Silvius 1581. 4to.
130,[2]p. With portrait of William of Orange and coat of arms on p.12, repeated on the last leaf. Modern
vellum. Slightly stained in beginning and end. e 650,*Knuttel 558 (second of 3 Dutch issues from the same year and the same publisher). TB 258 (idem).
POTTIER DE LA HESTROYE. Réflexions sur le traité de la dîme royale de Mr le mareschal de Vauban. Divise’es
en deux parties. [No place, no publisher] 1716. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo (in 8vo’s and 4to’s). [IV],160,100p. Contemp.
calf, gilt back, rubbed, small defect at top of back, marbled endpapers, red sprinkled edges.
e 1.250,First (only) edition. A criticism of Vauban’s proposal of 1707 to replace all taxes in force by a flat tax of 10%.
The second part contains some additional ‘reflections’, a Proposition touchant la taille, les aydes et la gabelle
(p.50-67), and a Memoire sur la Compagnie de Guinée & de Senegal, & sur le commerce d’Afrique, & des colonies
françoises de l’Amerique (p.69-100). In a ‘preface’ on page 68 the (anonymous) printer says that the same
person that gave him the criticism of Vauban also gave him this memoir on African and French American
trade, given to him by a person ‘experienced in that trade’. This has lead to (now disproved) attributions of
this piece to John Law. Kress 2997. Goldsmiths’ 5322. INED 3649. Not in Einaudi.
SAY, Jean Baptiste. Tratado de economia politica, o exposicion simple del modo como se forman, distribuyen y consumen las riquezas. Escritas en Francés ... y traducido al Castellano. Por ... Madrid, en la
oficina de Pedro Maria Caballero [volume 3: Gomez Fuentenebro y compania] 1804-07. 3 volumes. 12mo.
XXVIII,388,[6],[1 errata]; 449,[8],[3 errata]; 444,[1]p. Contemp. red morocco, gilt backs with double
green labels, gilt dentelles, marbled endpapers, yellow edges. From the library of D.F.F. de Navarrete, with
his name on a printed label on the verso of the titles. A very fine set.
e 2.250,First Spanish edition, rare. This is the first edition of Say’s magnum opus in any language to appear after the
original edition of 1803.
Antiquariaat Junk B.V.
Allard Schierenberg
Van Eeghenstraat 129
1071 GA Amsterdam
Tel. (020) 676 31 85
Fax (020) 675 14 66
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Natural history
- Voyages and travel
Histoire naturelle de la montagne
de Saint-Pierre de Maestricht. Paris,
H.J. Jansen, An VII (1799). Folio
(545 x 360mm). pp. 184, with
engraved title vignette, 1 engraved
map and 54 engraved plates, and
20 original drawings for the book.
Contemporary half calf, spine
with gilt lettering and lines, sides
marbled boards (skilful restoration
to hinges).
e 53.000,A unique copy of this important
work on paleontology. One of
100 copies printed on large paper
and most probably the author’s
own copy, as 20 original drawings,
of which 3 relating to Faujas de Saint-Fond himself, are bound in as follows: 1. Grey wash drawing by
Maréchal ‘Faujas de Saint Fond visitant les carrières de Maestrich’ ; 2. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal, same
title; 3. Grey wash drawing by Veyrene without title; 4. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal ‘Faujas de Saint
Fond visitant....’; 5. Original pen drawing by Gaulle for plate IV ‘Machoire fossile de 4 pieds de longueur’;
6. Original pen drawing by Gaulle for plate V ‘Os maxillaires fossiles... crocodille, d’autres à un Cétacé
inconnu’ ; 7. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XIX ‘Bec de Sêche, dents de Squales et de Requins’ ;
8. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XXII ‘Coquilles fossiles Bivalves’; 9. Grey wash drawing by
Maréchal for plate XXVI ‘Térébratules fossiles’; 10. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XXVII
‘Terebrates et autres coquilles fossiles’; 11. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XXVIII ‘Coquilles
fossils...’; 12. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XXXI ‘Ammonite articulée’; 13. Grey wash drawing
by De Seve for plate XXXII ‘Belemnites, Vertebre et portions de Crables’; 14. Colour drawing by Oudinot
for plate XXXIV ‘Numismales et Madrepores’; 15. Colour drawing by Oudinot for plate XXXV ‘Madrepores
de diverses espèces’; 16. Colour drawing by Oudinet for plate XXXVI ‘Madrepores’; 17. Grey wash drawing
by Maréchal for plate XXXVIII ‘Fongites’; 18. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XXXIX ‘Madrepores
et Rétépores’; 19. Grey wash drawing by Maréchal for plate XL ‘Madrepores’; 20. Pen drawing by Gaulle of
a crocodile jaw.
The artists, Maréchal, De Seve, Oudinot, famous French natural history artists of the period have all
contributed to Faujas de Saint Fond’s work, apart from Veyrene whose name does not figure on one of the
54 engraved plates in the work. All original drawings are superb works of art and fine examples of the high
quality of natural history drawings of the period.
Antiquariaat Junk B.V.
Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond (1741-1819) was a wide ranged naturalist with special interest for minerals
and fossils, but he was also a physicist and chemist. One of his most important works was the ‘Recherches
sur les volcans éteintes du Vivarais’. He was appointed by Louis XVI assistant naturalist to the natural
history museum and royal commissioner for mines. In 1793 he was nominated first professor of geology at
the Jardin des Plantes. In his capacity of commissioner for mines Faujas travelled in almost all the countries
of Europe, everywhere devoting attention to the nature and constituents of the rocks.
The above work describes the fossils of the youngest stage of the Cretaceous, named after the capital of the
Dutch province of Limburg and is worldwide known as Maastrichtian. “The end of the Maastrichtian is
marked by one of the most dramatic events in the earth’s history, highlighted by the flash like extinction of
numerous marine and terrestrial organisms... One of the largest representatives was ‘Mosasaurus hoffmanni’,
an ambush predator with a total length of about 17m... [the skull of this crocodile which was found deep
within one of the underground limestone quarries of Maastricht] was to become the type specimen of ‘Mosasaurus hoffmanni’, southern Limburg takes a prominent position at the roots of vertebrate palaeontology...
Ultimately, a major role was reserved for George Cuvier... [and] contributed to Cuvier’s thinking about the
concept of extinction” (E.W. Mulder, Maastricht Cretaceous finds and Dutch pioneers in vertebrate palaeontology published in the ‘Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology’ 16, 4).
The original drawing of the ‘Mosasaurus hoffmanni’ plate IV in the publication is present and is a very fine
pen drawing by Gaulle. It is one of the first portrayals of this important reptile.
A well preserved and unique copy of this important work, with a bookplate of Eug. Chaper. Brunet II, 1192;
DSB IV, pp. 548-9.
Antiquariaat De Kloof
Hans Schokkenbroek
Kloveniersburgwal 44
1012 CW Amsterdam
Tel. +31-20-622 3828
Fax +31-20-627 1395
- Nederlands recht
- Law book section
- Economics
- Philosophy
Veldhuysen Jr., G. PROSTITUTIEBESTRIJDING IN AMSTERDAM. Handgeschreven register van bordelen,
café’s, logementen, winkels en adressen in Amsterdam, waar prostitutie plaatsvind & Handgeschreven ‘lijst
van Personen aan bordelen of rendez-vous ontmoet’ [±1895].
e 1.800,54 pp. Samen gebonden met 2 handgeschreven brieven aan Dominee G. Veldhuysen Jr. over prostitutie.
Latere halflinnen band. Samen­gebonden met een vijftal brochures over het onderwerp:. Otto Gerhard Heldring]
Een brief uit het asyl Steenbeek; en een antwoord van een regtsgeleerde [= Justinus Jacob Leonard van der
Brugghen] over de wetgeving op bordeelen, hoererij, enz. Arnhem : J.W. Swaan, 1852 24 pp.; S. de Vries.
Het Haagsche zeden- en politieschandaal; Duitsche Greet historie. Den Haag, 1908. 24 pp.; J.A. Schorer.
Tweeërlei maat : kritische beschouwingen naar aanleiding van het nieuw voorgestelde artikel 248 bis
Wetboek van Strafrecht in het den 16 Sept. 1910 gewijzigde wetsontwerp tot bestrijding van zedeloosheid.
‘s-Gravenhage : Belinfante, 1911. 60 pp.; [O.G. Heldring]. O.G. Heldring en zijne gestichten tegenover de
bestrijding der onzedelijkheid. [Verzameld door Marianne Carolina Klerck van Hogendorp]. ‘s Gravenhage
: Beschoor, 1890. 32 pp.; H. Pierson. Gewettigde ontucht. Arnhem, J.W. & C.F. Swaan, 1878. 2e druk. 46
pp.; Rapport der Enquête-Commissie uit den Amsterd. Gemeenteraad met de zgn. Geheime Nota Voûte
(1897). (Gemeenteblad, ca. 80 pp.)
Het resultaat van het speurwerk in Amsterdam van G. Veldhuysen Jr., dominee en Middernachtzendeling in
de strijd tegen de prostitutie in Amsterdam. De plaatselijke politieverordening werd in 1897 aangescherpt
naar aanleiding van o.a. dit en ander onderzoek. In 1888 ziet de Middernachtzending het licht. Als de overheid niets doet aan de bestrijding van prostitutie, is de gedachte, dan doen we het zelf wel. De werkwijze van
de Middernacht-zending is gedurfd, zelfs naar huidige maatstaven. Bij nacht en ontij gaan de zendelingen de
straat op en posten voor bordelen, om in Gods naam hoerenlopers tot inkeer te brengen. Dat leidt tot veel
irritatie, woede, en zelfs agressie. Een zendeling rapporteert ‘ernstige mishandelingen’. Toch verandert er weinig
totdat de Middernachtzendeling Velthuysen jr., de Groningse jurist Van Swinderen, Hendrik Pierson en zijn
neef Andrew de Graaf eind jaren negentig van de 19e eeuw het
‘Nationaal Comité tot Bestrijding van den Handel in Vrouwen’
oprichten. Er moet ‘gewerkt, onderzocht, gespeurd worden’,
benadrukt Velthuysen op de eerste jaarvergadering begin januari
1900, ‘opdat wij den weg leeren vinden in het somber labyrinth’.
Het Nationaal Comité geeft J. Balkestein, politie-inspecteur te
Haarlem, opdracht tot gedegen onderzoek en die komt in 1902
met zijn onderzoeksverslag over de structuren van prostitutie. De
‘gevallen vrouw’ is geen dader; ze is slachtoffer, verstrikt in een
web van bedrog en uitbuiting. In diverse steden en plaatsen
volgt een bordeelverbod. Ook in Amsterdam.
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
A. (Ton) Kok
Oude Hoogstraat 14-18
1012 CE Amsterdam
Tel. + 31-(0)20-623 11 91
Fax +31-(0)20-623 28 09
- Art
- Architecture
- Archaeology
- Biology
- Ethnography
- Olympics
- Botany
Personal file of Arthur van Rantwijk
with letters and notes from the period 1946-1947,
when he was a member of the editorial staff of the Dutch literary magazine Criterium,
including an original typed letter by Willem Frederik Hermans.
Letter [one sheet, text on recto] by John Meulenhof addressed to Arthur van Rantwijk [dated: 25 november
1946], in which he thanks Van Randwijk for joining the editorial staff. The two appendixes contain information
on salary of the staff and the new ambitions of the publisher for the magazine.
Letter [typescript with corrections and annotations in ink, one sheet with text on recto & verso, signed] by
Willem Frederik Hermans addressed to Arthur van Rantwijk [dated: Amsterdam 24 Dec. ‘46]. In this letter
W.F.Hermans complains about the editorial interference of John Meulenhof. The publisher had asked to
remove some sentences from one of his a contributions.
Letter [typescript on two pages with text on recto] by Adriaan van der Veen addressed to J.M.Meulenhof
[dated: Den Haag, 29 Januari 1946]. In this letter Van der Veer informs Meulenhof about a trip he made to
Undated letter “Eenige opmerkingen over Criterium” [carbon copy on four sheet, three sheets with text on
recto, one sheet with text on recto & verso] by Arthur van Rantwijk addressed to Adriaan Morriën, Adriaan
van der Veen and Willem [Frederik] Hermans. In this letter Van Rantwijk comments upon the content and
function of the editors. He complains a.o. about the large contributions of Willem Frederik Hermans.
Letter [manuscript on one sheet, text on recto & verso] by Adriaan Morriën addressed to Arthur van Rantwijk
[dated: Amsterdam, 9 Maart 1947]. In this letter Morriën gives his comments on the writing style in
W.F.Hermans contribution [E. Du Perron als Leermeester] for the march number of Criterium. Morriën
suggests to Van Rantwijk that the three of them [Van der Veen, Van Rantwijk & Morriën] should write more
to compensate the contributions of W.F.Hermans.
[answer to preceding letter]
Letter [carbon copy on one sheet with text on recto & verso ] by Arthur van Rantwijk to Adriaan Morriën
[dated: Den Haag, 11 Maart 1947] in which Van Rantwijk seriously criticizes the contribution [E. Du Perron
als Leermeester] of W.F.Hermans. Van Rantwijk added on verso a small letter in ink to Adriaan van der Veen.
[article E. Du Perron als leermeester was published in Criterium vol. 5 (March 1947), no.3, pp. 177-189].
AND: a collection of 17 small letters (editorial notes), etc., adressed to Van Rantwijk.
e 2.250,-
Antiquariaat A. Kok & Zn. B.V.
Archaeology - Jaubert,Amédée.
Relation de Ghanat et des Coutumes de ses Habitans. Traduite littéralement de l’Arabe.
Paris, Imprimerie d’Éverat, 1825. 246 pp. Large fold. map “” D’un portion du Scham (La Syrie), du Djéziré
(La Mésopotamie) et de l’Iraq-Arabi (La Babylonie), contenant les trois Paschaliks de Hhaleb, Reha oud
Ofra et Baghdad. Dressée de 1811-1818”. 246 pp. - [BOUND UP WITH:] Extrait de la traduction faite
par M.le Baron de Nerciat - Mémoire de M.de Hammer sur la Perse pour ce qui concerne seulement la
partie geographique. p.247-p.526. 12 engr. maps. Modern binding. (Recueil de Voyages et de Mémoires par
la Société de Géographie Tome 2, Partie I & II). Text with light waterstain in top margins. Plates in fine
e 600,Asian art - Pope,Arthur Upham & P.Ackerman.
A survey of Persian art from prehistoric times to the present.
Tehran, 1977. 16 vols. Text & ills. Cloth, corners a bit bumped.
e 1.000,-
Bibliography - Socard,Alexis.
Livres populaires imprimés à Troyes de 1600 à 1800.
Paris, 1864. IV,174 pp. Illustr. Raised h.leather, gilt binding, marbled boards.
e 200,-
Genealogy - Stromeyer,Manfred.
Merian-Ahnen aus dreizehn Jahrhunderten.
Konstanz Limburg / Lahn, 1963-1967. 8 vols. 2840 pp. 200 ills. Cloth,d/j. In boxes.
Dustjacket of volume eight damaged.
e 400,-
Italian art – Campos,D.Redig de & B.Biagetti.
Il Giudizio Univerale di Michelangelo.
Roma, 1944. 2 vols. XVI,214 pp. 127 plts. H.cloth. (Monumenti Vaticani VII).
e 450,-
Modern art – Tinguely,Jean.
Amst., Stedelijk Museum, 1973. Unpag. [46 pp.]. B./w. photogr. Soft cover. (SM 545)
Catalogue. - Singed by Tingely on the cover.
e 125,-
Shipping - Bruijn,J.R. a.o.
Dutch-Asiatic Shipping in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Hague, 1979-1987. 3 vols. XI,356,626,765 pp. Cloth. (Rijks Geschiedk. Publ. 165-167) Vol. I: Introductory volume. Vol. II: Outward-bound voyages from the Netherlands to Asia and the Cape (1595-1794).
Vol. III: Homeward-bound voyages from Asia and the Cape to the Netherlands (1597-1795).
e 400,Toys - Allemagne,Henry R.d’.
Histoire des Jouets.
Paris, (1902). 316 pp. 250 text-ills., 100 gravures hors texte, 50 col. plts. Raised h.leather binding, marbled
boards. - Very slightly worn. Very clean plates.
e 1.450,-
Krul Antiquarian Books
René Krul
Verdilaan 23
2151 NA Nieuw-Vennep
Tel. +31 (0)252 622 586
Fax +31 (0)252 622 586
- Atlases and maps
- Photography
- Travel
- Expeditions
- Prints and drawings
- Tribal arts
- Original photographs
ALMANACH. Almanach en Politiek Zakboekje voor de Vereenigde Nederlanders 1782 & Burger- en
Huismans Almanach en Leerzaam Belang-Boekje voor alle Standen en Kostwinningen voor het jaar 1789 en
1790. Amsterdam, W. Holtrop, 1782 & 1789. (32),120,(32),96,(28),112p.,with 2 double-page handcoloured
maps of the Netherlands. Very Rare.
e 490,BOYLE, Roberto. Nova Experimenta Physico - Mechanica de Vi Aëris Elastica et ejusdem Effectibus, Facta
maximam partem in Nova Machina Pneumatica, Et ad (Nepotem suum) Nobillissimum Dnum Carolim
(...). Accessit Defensis advergus Objectiones Franc Lini. Roterdami, Apud Arnoldum Leers, 1669. (20),
351,(8)p., with 1 folding plate with nummerous figures, index, 12mo raised bands, gilt title. - Ex Bibliotheca
J. W. Six.
e 1.530,BOYLE, Roberto. Tentamina, Quædam Physiologica. Diversis Temporibus, & Occasionibus conscripta. &
Historia Fluiditatis et Firmitatis. Amstelodami, Casparum Commelinum, 1667. 194,(2)159p., 12mo full
calf, raised bands in five comp., gilt titles & decorations. - Ex Bibliotheca J. W. Six. - First edition in Latin
to be printed on the continent. Very nice copy.
e 900,BÜTTIKOFER, Johann. Reisebilder aus Liberia. Resultate geographischer, naturwissenschaftlicher
und ethnographischer Untersuchungen während der Jahre 1879 -1882 und 1886 -1887. Leiden, E. J. Brill,
1890. 2 volumes, XV,440p, VIII, 510 p..with 2 frontispieces (1 in lithography and 1 in photography), 22
photographic plates pasted in, 8 plates in coloured lithography, 136 illustrations in text and 5 maps (one
folded and coloured at the back), Index, large 8vo, gilt lettering and illustrated original cloth. Very good
e 1.530,CATONIS, DIONYSI. Disticha de Moribus, vulgô Catoni adscripta: Cum Graca Planudis versione, et Desiderii
Erasmi Roterodami scholis (...). Franekeræ, Johannem Arcerium, 1660. 129p., 12mo vellum. e 1.300,CLUVERII, Philippi. Introductionis In Universam Geographiam, Tam Veterem Quam Novam. Libri VI.
Acessit P. Bertii Breviarium Orbis Terrarum. Amstelodami, LudoVicum Elzevirium, 1651. (6),394,(10)p.,
engraved illustrated title-page, 4 folding engravings and tabels. 12 mo full vellum.- Very goo d. This edition
is from 1651 without maps.
e 490,SLEIDANI, I. De Quatuor Summis Imperiis Libri tres: Postrema editione hac accurate recogniti. Leiden,
Lugd. Batavorum Ex Officina Elzervirana, 1631. 309,(22)(1)p., Fully engraved title-page.12mo, Full vellum.
- Very good.
e 195,VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Nic. Heinsio Dan. Fil. Lugd. Batavorum, Ex. Officina Hackiana, 1671. 468p., illustrated
titelpage, with 101 engravings, 24mo (6,3 x 11,5 cm), full calf, raised bands, gilt titles and decorations. Nice
e 1.750,50
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen Boeken Manuscripten en Grafiek
J.A.P. Bosch & drs. T.W. Blankevoort
Jansweg 39
2011 KM Haarlem
Tel. (023) 532 39 86
Fax (023) 532 38 93
- Auction sales of:
- Books
- Manuscripts
- Prints
- Drawings
Twice a year (Spring and Autumn) specialized auctions of books, manuscripts and prints.
Our annotated and illustrated catalogues with detailed descriptions in English cover a wide range of subjects:
-books (old and rare books, scholarly libraries, reference books, first editions, binding, fine printing and
illustrated books, etc.)
-prints (old master prints, decorative prints, modern graphic art, Japanese prints, cartography and topographical
prints, posters, photographs, ephemera etc.
-drawings (old, modern and decorative drawings)
-manuscripts (medieval manuscripts, literary manuscripts, autographs, documents etc.)
For specialized collections we issue separate catalogues (past subjects include erotica, medieval manuscripts, Dutch
literary manuscripts, gastronomy, holy pictures, modern Dutch graphic art, the library of Boudewijn Büch)
Our Autumn auction (25-28 November) will contain i.a.:
-a fine illuminated French Book of Honours (approx. 1460)
-a fine Latin Psalter (Eastern Brabant/Lower Rhine, approx. 1500)
-a large collection of art (reference) books, incl. the reference library of the Dutch art dealers Pieter Scheen
and incl. a collection of antiquarian artists’ manuals/monographs and old books on Italy
-books and type/manuscripts by W.F. Hermans from the collection of Rob Delvigne
-a fine collection of books and manuscripts by Gerard Reve
-(Dutch)(literary) letters and manuscripts from a private collection, i.a. by B.Aafjes, W.Arondeus,
W.Bilderdijk, J.C.Bloem, G.Bomans, F.Bordewijk, P.C.Boutens, C.van Bruggen, C.Buysse, F.Coenen,
L.Couperus, J.Der Mouw, L.van Deyssel, A.van Duinkerken, F.van Eeden, M.Emants, Ch. Eyck, P.N.van
Eyck, S.Freud, Chr.van Geel, G.Greene, J.I.de Haan, Th.van Hoytema, R.Hynckes, W.Kloos, P.Koch, O.
Kokoschka, K.Kollwitz, W.van Konijnenburg, J.van Looy, Lucebert, H.Marsman, W.de Mérode, Nescio,
M.Nijhoff, D.Nijland, E.du Perron, G.Reve, A.Roland Holst, R.N.Roland Holst, H.Roland Holst-van der
Schalk, W.Sandberg, A.van Schendel, G.B.Shaw, J.J.Slauerhoff, J.Sluyters, T.A.Steinlen, F.Timmermans,
Ch.Toorop, J.Th.Toorop, A.Vermeylen, S.Vestdijk, G.Walschap, W.Witsen and K.van de Woestijne
-a large collection of cartography
-a fine section of picture postcards
-a comprehensive collection of modern graphic art, incl. Prent 190 and a collection of etchings by Walter Vaes
Otherwise all the usual subjects: Bibliography and typography, Literature and fine printing, Illustrated books,
Children’s books, History and topography, Natural history and sciences, Old and rare books, Old master prints,
Modern graphic art, Drawings, etc. etc.
On view: 20, 21 and 23 November, 10.00-16.00 hrs., or by appointment. Catalogue on request.
The catalogue will also be available online from the beginning of November on our website www.bubbkuyper.com
Antiquariaat Fa. Loose
R. Loose
Papestraat 3
2513 AV Den Haag
Tel. (070) 346 04 04
- Atlases
- Maps and views
- Decorative prints
- Juvenile books
- Almanacs
- Topography (general)
- Fashion and costume
- Travel
Newyearswishes / broadsheet
- 1703 Bürgerliche Bibliothec “Zürich Öeconomia”. Copperplate, 16,5x25 cm. with 16 lines engr. verse.
Sheet 25x33 cm. Other (later) years available.
e 100,- 1759 Rotterdam. Karremans Nieuwejaars Zegenwensch (garbage collector). Woodcut ill. with printed
text. Several holes, mounted. 40x31,5 cm.
e 700,- 1789 Utrecht. Ashaalders en Karlieden Nieuwejaars Heil-en Zegen-w. Woodcut ill. with printed text.
Torn and stained. 42,5x31 cm. Other (later) years available.
e 190,- 1864 Utrecht. Rondbrengers and Rondbrengsters v.d. Reizende Nieuwsbode. Woodengr. ill. with printed
digest of the past year. Small tears and stains. 54x4 cm.
e 50,- 1854 s’Gravenhage. Stokers der Fabrijk van Loopend gaz. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. Small marg.
tears and folds.
e 60,- 1855 s’Gravenhage. De Gezamenlijke Brandbijthakkers. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. Small stains and
marg. tears. Other (later) year available.
e 50,- 1855 s’Gravenhage. Aanstekers der Lantaarnen. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. Small stains and marg.
e 30,- 1787 Amsterdam. Vulders en Aansteekers der Lantaarnen. Woodcut ill. with printed text. Sheet 34x21
cm. Margin frayed, folds. Wed. J. v. Egmont.
e 100,- 1863 Amsterdam. De Gas-Opsteker der Stads-Lantaarnen. Woodengr. ill. (several cracks) with printed
text. Folds. (Also available 1873).
e 34,- 1866 Amsterdam. De Nachtwacht. Woodengr. ill. + borders. Margin frayed, fold. Other (later) years
e 15,- 1871 Amsterdam. Wed. Lageman, poster (wake-up caller). Woodengr. ill. with printed text. e 30,- 1847 Amsterdam. Courantombrengster Wed. P. Roelofs. Woodcut ill. with printed text. Tears + light
stains. 53x45 cm. Other (later ) years available from male newspaper boys.
e 75,- 1851 Heenvliet. Lantaarnaansteker en kerkendeurwachter. Typogr. border only. Folds + marg. tears.
e 40,- 1899 Rijswijk. Asch- en Vuilnisman P. v. d. Burg. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. Folds + marg. tears.
Other (later ) years available.
e 22,70
- 1879 De Bildt. Nachtwachts P. de Graaf en J. Kuit. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. marg. tear, fold.
Other (later) years available.
e 35,- 1873 Oude Wetering. Klapwaker A-Markens. Woodengr. ill. with printed text. Folds.
e 45,-
Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink
H.J. Meemelink
Mankesstraat 6
2597 CN Den Haag
Tel. (070) 324 05 36
- Natural history
- Prints and drawing
- Botany
- Gardens
- Agriculture
Bretschneider, Emil: History of European botanical discoveries in China. (London & St. Petersburg, 1898),
Leipzig, K.F. Koehler, 1935, facsimile edition, 2 volumes, pp. xv, 1-624; [ii], 625-1167, (1), 4to, embossed
gilt-lettered cloth. Fine set.
e 315,Cluyt, Dirck (Clutius) & Charles de l’Escluse (Carolus Clusius): Index Stirpium terrae commissarum sub
extremum Septembrem anni 1594 in Lugdunensi Academiae apud Batavos horto. (Leiden, 1594), [1938], 36
leaves on stubs in photo-facsimile, small 4to (140 x 172 mm), nicely gilt-lettered and ruled brown cloth.
Rare facsimile of an unpublished manuscript, which gives in an elegant hand a complete inventory and a
scale plan of the Hortus of the Leyden University.
e 290,Hibberd, Shirley: New and rare beautiful-leaved plants; containing illustrations and descriptions of the most
ornamental-foliaged plants not hitherto noticed in any work on the subject. London, Bell and Daldy, 1870,
pp. viii, 144, wood-engraved text-illustrations and 54 coloured wood-engraved plates by A.F. Lydon and
printed by B. Fawcett, large 8vo, embossed green cloth with elaborately gilt-decorated spine and pictorial gilt
upper cover.
e 530,Hogg, Thomas: A concise and practical treatise on the growth and culture of the carnation, pink, auricula,
polyanthus, ranunculus, tulip, hyacinth, rose and other flowers; including a dissertation on soils and manure, and containing catalogues of the finest and most esteemed varieties of each flower. London, G. and
W.B. Whittaker, 1824, 3. edition, pp. xxxi, 327, 6 hand-coloured engraved and lithographed plates with
protective tissue, 8vo, uncut, boards with printed label (rebacked), slip-case. Nice copy.
e 425,Houttuyn, Martinus: Natuurlyke historie of uitvoerige beschryving van dieren, planten en mineraalen, volgens
het samenstel van den heer Linnaeus. Met naauwkeurige afbeeldingen. Amsterdam, F. Houttuyn and J. van
der Burgh, 1761-1785, 37 volumes, pp. ca. 22.000, 296 engraved plates (mostly folding) by J.C. Philips and
G. Philips, 8vo, trimmed, half calf with sprinkled boards, spines with raised bands, gilt-ruled decoration,
lettered and decorated red labels. Fine set.
e 11.660,Mawson, Thomas H.: The life & work of an English landscape architect. An autobiography by Thomas H.
Mawson … London, B.T. Batsford & New York, C. Scribner, (1927), pp. xvi, 368, frontispiece, plate- and
text-illustrations, small 4to, gilt-lettered and decorated cloth. Beautifully produced book. Presentation
copy. e 370,Montagne, A.: De stad Leiden. Album bevattende eenige afbeeldingen der voornaamste hoofdgebouwen en
fraaiste gezigten in en nabij de stad Leiden. Naar de natuur geteekend en op steen gebracht door G.J. Bos en
met tinten gedrukt door P.W.M. Trap. Met bijschriften door A. Monragne Jz. Leiden, D.J. Couvée, [18591860], 2 series, pp. [iii], 80; [iii], 78; 2 chromolithographed title-pages and 40 chromolithographed plates,
4to, gilt edges, gilt-lettered blind-stamped cloth with gilt coat of arms of Leiden on lower covers. Somewhat
later carefully rebacked in the same style.
e 2.650,53
Meijering Art Books
Michael Meijering
P.O. Box 1282
5200 BH ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Tel. + 31 (0)73 5134201
Fax + 31 (0)73 5134202
- Chinese and Japanese art books
Jiao Bingzhen
Gengzhi tu (Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving) 1 volume being the illustrations of Tilling
Beijing, 1739. Qianlong edition of 1739 with poems and descriptions. First Thus. Three-quarter leather.
Book condition: Good . This scarce volume of the Gengzhi tu (Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving) consists
of the 23 woodblock prints of rice cultivation. Bound in a 19th century three quarter leather over cloth
binding. Condition over all very good with some minor wear.
The earliest known work entitled Gengzhi tu (Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving) was based on the Gengzhi
shi (Poems on Tilling and Weaving), a set of 45 verses (21 on rice cultivation, and 24 on rearing silkworms
for the manufacture of silk) composed for the Southern Song court around 1145 by Lou Shu (1090-1162),
who was serving as a county magistrate near the imperial capital Hangzhou. Sometime around 1210, Lou
Shu’s poems were engraved on stone by his grandsons with the support of their uncle, the Grand Secretary
Lou You. A quarter-century or so later, in 1237, an edition of the poems was published with accompanying
woodblock illustrations by Wang Gang, a prominent military officer from Jiangxi province. Although this
too has not survived, it is widely believed to have been the seminal illustrated edition.
The Southern Song version of the Gengzhi tu, whose compositions are preserved in a Japanese edition of
1676, is geographically specific even though no place names are explicitly stated. At this point in time, rice
cultivation in paddies, the planting of mulberry trees, and the raising of silkworms were distinctly southern
Chinese activities. The emergence of the Lou Shu’s original Gengzhi tu cycle in 1145 is closely linked to the
removal of the Song imperial house from Kaifeng in the north to Hangzhou in the south less than two
decades earlier, in 1127. The poems and pictures they generated were clearly a statement of the new focus
on the political economy of the Southern Song court, since wheat and millet could not be grown in the
climatic zones of the vastly shrunken empire.
Meijering Art Books
The Gengzhi tu series of pictures was well known during the
early Ming dynasty by virtue of its inclusion in the Yongle
dadian (Great Encyclopaedia of the Yongle Period) around
1407, but that portion of the work is unfortunately now lost.
The treatise Tiangong kaiwu (Exploitation of the Work of
Nature) published by Song Yingxing (b. 1587) in 1637 must
also be mentioned as having included many related illustrations of agricultural and sericultural activities showcasing the
latest technological advancements; it may well have served as a
catalyst for the later revival of the Gengzhi tu pictorial cycle.
Gengzhi tu representations reached a heightened level of development in the early Qing dynasty. From the beginning of
his long reign, the Kangxi emperor expressed great interest in
agricultural activities of the empire. He established experimental ricefields on the periphery of the Fengze yuan (Garden of Abundant Marshes) in Beijing, where in 1681 or so he
discovered the existence of a fragrant, early ripening type of
rice called yu dao (“imperial rice”). Ready for harvest in the sixth lunar month, as opposed to the usual varieties that ripen only in the ninth month, this “imperial rice” underwent a full decade of development and
testing in Beijing and Chengde; large-scale cultivation exclusively for palace consumption took place in
Chengde, where the growing season was even shorter than that of Beijing. It was formally introduced by the
emperor to his high officials in 1691. In 1715, the miracle rice was introduced to Suzhou, Nanjing, and
other places in the Jiangnan region in south-central China, where two crops a year could be harvested.
Regular and bountiful harvests have always been symbols of peace, prosperity, social harmony, and good
government, and thus expressions of patriotic pride. Needless to say, multiple harvests made possible by
direct imperial intervention would have been regarded as confirmation of Qing rule as mandated by Heaven.
Early in his reign, the Qianlong emperor took pains to put his own mark on the Gengzhi tu theme. Following in the footsteps of his grandfather, he commissioned his own woodblock-printed version in 1739, with
a fresh set of imperial prefaces, poems, and pictures believed to have been executed by the court painter Chen
Mei (act. mid-18th century) but based on those by Jiao Bingzhen. In 1769, the Qianlong emperor ordered
the pictures and poems on the Gengzhi tu executed by the Yuan-dynasty artist Cheng Qi (act. second half
of 13th century) to be engraved on stone, from which rubbings could then be taken and widely disseminated. But the 1696 version by Jiao Bingzhen was still the preferred model, as demonstrated by a number
of works now in the National Palace Museum, such as a Qianlong painted album of the same subject by
Chen Mei, as well as an anonymous album of paintings.
Apart from painted sets, miniature albums were also made, some provided with their own cases and others
placed within the tiny but lavishly decorated treasure-box ensembles (duobao ge). One such miniaturized treatment
of the theme by court artists was made during the early Qianlong period (between 1736-1745) and deposited
in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. It is divided into two cases (one containing 23 pictures of tilling and the
other 23 of weaving). Each case contains four volumes measuring only 9.54 cm in the vertical dimension, 5.4
cm across, and only 1.64-1.74 cm in thickness. The first volume of the “tilling” pictures contains the preface
of Kangxi emperor. The pictures are all in ink and color on silk and every one is accompanied by a caption
title. Each picture is followed by poems composed by the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong emperors; they
were inscribed in gold ink on black paper by the official Zhang Zhao and the gold decorative borders surrounding
the texts all depict twin dragons clamoring for a pearl. Although such miniature versions were based on Jiao
Bingzhen’s model, court artists often took liberties in rearranging various parts of the compositions, just as Jiao
made changes to Lou Shu’s original pictorial scheme.
e 8.500,55
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Frederik Muller Rare Books B.V.
Frederik Muller
Noordermeer 10
9251 LS Bergum
Tel. 00 31 511 43 21 46
Fax 00 31 511 43 21 35
- Atlases
- Maps
- Topographical Prints
- Early books of travel and discovery
- Dutch prints of art
Aranda, Manuel de
Kort verhael van mijne ongelukeghe reyse…
gevanghen van de Turcken ende..
wat van hetgene is inde Slavernie ghepasseert hebbe…
Manuscript on paper
No place; no date. Signed (twice) by the author.
(printed version: Gay: 1057)
Price on request
Small in quarto. XIX decorated full calf, raised bands, gilt
Title page on fine milkwhite vellum (in French)
One blank (vellum) one blank (paper)
5 nn leaves; 1 leave (title page); 138 pp; 2 blanks (vellum)
Ownership (on inlaid sheet)
(1) Manuel de Aranda.
(2) Marie Francoise Jacqueline de Aranda married to van der Staeghen de
Mussain (c 1760)
(3) Baron Armand Constant vander Staeghen de Mussain, grandson of (2)
ca 1830
Excellent condition. No repairs. Probably rebound for last owners mentioned in the XIX century.
Emanuel de Aranda was born (1614) in Gent and grew up speaking Flemish. At age 25 he went to Spain
“to learn Spanish”. On his way back (oversea as he had suffered attacks on his overland trip to Spain) his ship
was attacked by “ Turkish” (time of the Ottoman Empire) pirates and Aranda was taken prisoner to Algiers
(1640-1642), where he was sold as a Christian slave and lived two years in slavery. Eventually he was bought
free and returned to Flanders. He died in 1686. The diary he wrote was published from 1656 onwards and
became one of the pillars of the documentation on the phenomenon of Christian slavery.
No original manuscript of this book, het Kort verhael is known to exist (Latifa Zrari, 1997). It was first
published in French in Brussels in 1656 (Mommart); than in Paris in 1657 (Clousier); than in Brussels again
by Mommart in 1662 and in Paris in 1665 and in Leyden in 1671. From 1662 onwards other – unpublishedshort texts of de Aranda were added in these publications (13 tracts). There was an English edition published
in 1666 (London, Starkey). The first Flemish edition was published in the Hague, 1666 and a later edition
in Brugues in 1682. There is a modern edition of 1992 (Rocher, Paris, 1997). Our text is (but in Flemish)
the same text, word by word, as the first edition in French in Brussels.
The book starts with 5 (non- numbered) leaves that explain Arandas family situation: his marriage, the birth
(and death) of his children. It opens by saying, Ick Emanuel de Aranda & F Fransissi, oudt 30 jaeren ben
Frederik Muller Rare Books B.V.
getraut den 26 Decemb anno 1644 to Gendt in de S te Michielks Kerke met Catarina van hauwegem
filia etc etc. The 2 of November 1645 our daughter was born, Catarina Francisca etc etc (dies 30 november
1670 at 12.00 hours in the night as a later marginal note). Than he writes that the last day of August 1647
his son is born, op den lesten Augusti anno 1647 tusken 10 en 11 heuren voor middach is gebhooren
mijnen soone Bernaert Geberiel… (dies 15 May 1684 written in the margin) etc etc until the last, a daughter
called Isabella Juana in December 1666. The last birth registered, a son called Pieter Lowys, (1673) is written
in the margin. Other marginal notes continue till 1686, the year of Arandas death. These notes on the family
seem to be Aranda’s own.
After a non-numbered title page follows the text of the story itself. This is written in the sma ehand as the
preliminaries on identical paper, this time contemporary numbered. The text ends, signed by Aranda, but
is not dated. The language used seems to me an uncertain Flemish.
The text tells in much detail of the capture and later the slavery of Aranda and other Flemish burgers like
Jonkheer Jean Baptiste van Calven en Reiney Salders. The Christian slaves are sold at an open market.Their
new master is Alli Pegelin. The boss of Pegelin at his turn is the Bassa. There are thousands of Christian slaves
in Algers at the time. Their owner might use them in his galleys (not Aranda), to build houses on top of a
hill where even the mules can not come; grind corn for the mistress of the house (until Aranda makes a move
at another lady, than he is back building houses, cutting trees). There are incidents of severe maltreatment
like being whipped, and fist blows on the head. There is little food.
But overall there is a relatively free life, a mixture with other slaves, regular talks with the slaveowner (who
hopes the slave is rich and will eventually yield a large ransom) and there is a continuous process of negotiations
on small favours. For example Aranda borrows money (100 patacons) from an Italian who will get his
money back in Antwerp with a 25 % mark up. The money allows Aranda to find a place to sleep in a room
with fresh air.
Than two Turkish (Muslim) slaves come from Antwerp send by the family , bringing moving letters, to take
the places of Aranda en Caloen, and also to free a Turkish slave, prisoner in Brugge (Belgium). But the
owner wants money and asks for of 2000 patacons (lingua franca) and 500 is offered by Aranda, if he can
leave for Livorno and await his freedom there until the full ransom is paid. Than the local power structure
is shown in that the Bassa calls them in , has them beaten, threats to cut off their ears and noses, demanding
a ransom for himself, not only for the direct owner (Pegelin) (page 50). Aranda argues that there is a law in
the Ottoman Empire, supported by the Great Turk (Sultan in Istambul) that a soldier can always be bought
free, but the Bassa tells him he represents the Sultan here and he is the law.
All in all an authentic, original view into the fate of this one Christian slave in Algiers, a phenomenon which
perdured for centuries and that between 1520 and 1660 alone concerned 400.000 persons.
Manuscript text of Kort Verhael, written by Aranda himself (signed twice; ownership history). When it is
written is not completely clear. It could either be the original, after which the French, English and Dutch
version was published (and should than have been written before 1656 and the preliminaries, later added).
An argument in favour is that the original text must have been in Flemish. The original was never found
(Z’rari, page 12) . It can also be a translation in Flemish of the French text, as originally published, by
Aranda as used for the Brugues publication of 1682.
Antiquariaat Dat Narrenschip
Jaap v.d. Bovenkamp
Turfkaai 11
4331 JV Middelburg
Tel. (31) - (0)118 - 674 141
- Maps and views, especially of the Netherlands
Antiquariaat Papyrus
Rita Colognola
Prinses Mariannelaan 106
2275 BK Voorburg
Tel. +31 (0)64 815 4024
- Early printing
- Art
- Natural history
- Science and technology
(Anatomy, Painting) Charles BELL Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting. London, Longman,
Hurst, Rees and Orme, 1806. Folio, iii-xii (of xii, lacks half-title), 186, (2) pp., 6 plates (frontispiece and 5
plates numbered I-V); several stipple engraved text-illustrations (1 full-page). Modern half-calf. Little offsetting in places. Very good copy. First edition. Charles Bell (Edinburgh 1744 – Hallow 1842) “introduced new
methods of determining the functional anatomy of the nervous system. … in 1804 Bell moved to London,
where he opened his own school of anatomy and gradually built up a surgical practice. He combined his skill
in painting with his scientific interests in Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting (1806). Besides being
an exposition of the anatomical and physiological basis of facial expression for artists, the book included
much philosophy and critical history of art. The book gained Bell some reputation and remained popular,
going through several editions up to 1893. … Bell was knighted in 1831 in recognition of his scientific
achievement.” (DSB). “Bell’s artistic and literary skills, combined with his knowledge of anatomy and physiology, served to make his essays on the anatomy of expression in painting a tour de force of science, art
history and philosophy. Although the expression of emotions had often been treated by artists, it had rarely
been studied by someone who excelled in both art and science, and never as completely as in the present
work. Bell’s exposition of the anatomical and physiological basis of facial expression impressed Charles Darwin, who mentioned it in his own Expression of the emotions, stating that Bell had laid ‘the foundation of the
subject as a branch of science.’.”(Norman). Norman Library 170; DSB I, 583-584.
e 2.500,-
Antiquariaat Plantijn
D. (Dieter) R. Duncker
Meijsberg 12
4861 BP Chaam
Tel. + 31 161 492 008
Fax + 31 161 492 794
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Maps
- Prints
- Books
- Devotional art
- Manuscripts
1. AITSINGER (EYZINGER),M. Belgici Leonis Chorographia. Das
ist Ein Newe Landt beschreibung des Belgischen Lewen, in XVII
Provincien des gantzen Niderlandts aussgetheylet. (Cologne,
Franz Hogenberg, 1587). Small folio. contemp. limp vellum with
two ties. With engraved symbolic title, folded “Leo Belgicus”-map,
17 maps and 8 portraits, all engraved by Franz Hogenberg. The maps
and portraits on double leaves with text verso. In original vellum, occasionally moister stained.
FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. A German summery of Michael
Eyzinger’s historical and topographical description of the Low Countries
with the famous “Leo Belgicus” map, first published in 1583. In the
matter of an atlas the book describes the 17 provinces and shows
portraits of King Philipp II of Spain, Queen Elizabeth I. of England,
Dutchess Margeret of Parma, the Dukes Alexander Farnese and Ferdinand Alvares of Alba, the Commendatore
Luis Requesnes, Philipp’s brother John of Austria and William of Orange. Fifteen of the provinces are shown
on individual maps, whereas the descriptions of Mechelen and Antwerp are added to the maps of France and
Germany. The atlas includes the folding map showing the entire Low Countries in the shape of a lion. The
splendid “Leo Belgicus” became a symbol of the unity and strength of the 17 Provinces and was the prototype
for numerous similar maps up to the beginning of the 19th century, and is here present in its second state
with coats of arms of Elizabeth of Valois and Anna of Austria and has small letters and numbers next to the
list of the provinces, relating to the grid of the map. Besides the fact that Eyzinger was the first to make use of
the likeness of a lion in the topography of the seventeen provinces, he was also the first to introduce the map
grid as a guide for the user. Though there are copies known without this map one can be sure that Eyzinger
wanted it to be part of the publication, because he mentions the map in the preface to Ernest of Bavaria,
Archbishop and Elector of Cologne.. The 17 smaller maps had been used before in the “Itinerarium Orbis
Christiani”, which was published from 1579/80 onwards and were used again in 1588 in Eyzinger’s 3De
Europae Virginis”. They are engraved by Franz Hogenberg. In the “Chorographia” they appear in their third
state, showing a grid similar to his lion-map. About the symbolic and enigmatic engraved title much has been
speculated. In a circle, there are the coats of arms of England, France and Germany joined by a triangle and
the word “Sacra”, with three wind symbols and Hebrew letters outside the circle. Eyzinger is known for his
special affection to cabbalistic enigmas, as the one inserted at the lower right corner of the lion map proves.
Van der Heijden, Leo Belgicus 1.2. Meurer, Atlas Colonienses, ETZ I. e 30.000,2. Zesen, P. von Beschreibung der Stadt Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Doornik, 1664. 12mo. Mit / Kupfertitel
u. 57 (55 gefalt.) Kupfertaf. 11 BIL, 567 S. Ldr. d. Zt. Rsch., goldgepr. doppelter Deckelfilete u. Goldschn.,
Vorderdeckel mit Monogramm IFMZB u. datiert 1(6)69; Dünnhaupt 4297, 52.2. - Seltene Ausgabe in
12mo, im Jahr der Erstausgabe. “A sort of 17th century Baedeker, with excellent factual descriptions of the
streets, embankments, and buildings which Zesen knew so well from personal experience” (Faber du Faur 824
zur Ausg. in 4to). Diese 12mo ist textlich unverändert, der Appendix von P. van Aengelen ab S. 545 ist jedoch
Antiquariaat Plantijn
neu. Die Taf. sind neu gestochen. Dunnhaupt gibt, wie der
Titel, 60 Taf. an, laut Buchbinderanw. müssen es aber nur 58
Taf. sein. Im vorliegenden Expl. sind die Ansichten Weesper-Port
u. Amstels-Brug, die laut Buchbinderanweisung getrennt
eingebunden werden sollen, aber eine grosse Ansicht bilden,
unzerschnitten eingebunden worden. Nice copy of which the
spine is restored.
e 1.200,3. Bertius, P. Tabvlarvm geographicarvm contractarvm
libri quinque, cum luculentis singularum tabularum explicationibus. Editio tertia, A’dam, Apud Cornelium
Nicolai [= Cornelis Claesz], 1606. Obl. 8°, [16], 679, [9] p.
W. engr. t.-p. & 174 f.-p. maps. Or. vell., made of an old antiphonary leaf. Some pp. have marg. repairs;
some sl. (water)stains & traces of use; quite nice copy. *Koeman/ Van der Krogt 341:53; Sijmons (Atlasses
ULA) 176; Koeman (Atlantes Neerl.) Lan 7. Pocket atlas with text by Petrus Bertius, 1565-1629, who
became Official Cartographer to Louis XIII. He was related by marriage to Jodocus Hondius and Pieter van
den Keere. Beginning in 1600, he created this small-sized atlas, based on maps of Mercator and town views
of Kaerius and others. Koeman refers to Lan = Barent Langenes who published in Middelburg in 1598 his
‘Caert - Thresoor’, thus creating a new model for small atlases. The maps from the Caert - Thresoor provide
also the material in Bertius’ Tabulae (1600), but from the 2nd. ed. (1602/’03) the sequence of the maps has
been adapted to the ‘Geographia’ of Ptolemaeus. This 3rd. ed. has a more extensive description of Spain than
the earlier editions.
e 17.000,4. PARÉ, Ambrosius. De chirurgie, ende alle de opera, ofte wercken. (...) Noch is op het nieuws hier by
ghevoeght de beschrijvinghe der deelen des menschelijcken lichaems, in ‘t Latijn beschreven door D.
Joh. Fernelium: ende in ‘t Nederduyts overgeset door D. Sebastiaen Egbertsz. Contemporary vellum
over wooden boards, spine divided in 6 compartments, title in ink, blind-stamped ornament in centre
within a rectangle frame formed by a double blind-stamped fillet. The illustrations originate from the 1582
first edition. Dutch edition (16), 940, (12); 42, (2) pp with over 300 woodcuts in text, depicting surgical
techniques and illustrations, and several woodcut initials.
e 2.900,5. C: G: Zorgdragers Bloeyende opkomst der aloude en hedendaagsche Groenlandsche visschery. Waar
in met eene geoeffende ervaarenheit de geheele omslag deezer visscherye beschreeven, en wat daar in
dient waargenomen, naaukeurig verhandelt wordt. Uitgebreid met eene korte historische beschryving
der noordere gewesten, voornamentlyk Groenlandt, Yslandt, Spitsbergen, Nova Zembla, Jan Mayen
Eilandt, de Straat Davis, en al ‘t aanmerklykste in d’ontdekking deezer landen, en in de visschery
voorgevallen. Met byvoeging van de walvischvangst, in haare hoedanigheden, behandelingen, ‘t
scheepsleeven en gedrag beschouwt, door Abraham Moubach. Amsterdam, J. Oosterwyk 1720.
Description: 4to. Contemporary vellum, with richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by J. Folkema after F.
Ottens, 6 folding engraved maps, and 7 engraved plates. (38), 330, (14) pp. First edition of the most important
early account of whaling in the northern seas.
Bound with : Fredrik Martens nauwkeurige beschryvinge van Groenland of Spitsbergen, waer in de
walvisch-vangst, gelegentheyd van ‘t ys, en haer wonderlyke kragt en figuren duydelyk worden
aangewezen. Nevens den aard van ‘t land, gewassen, ys-bergen, gevogelte, viervoetige dieren en visschen
deser contreyen. Ook hoe de walvisschen gevangen, gekapt en gesneden worden... Amsterdam Wed: van
Gysbert de Groot, 1710. (7) 88 pp. With three illustrations. This second voyage is an adaptation of the
originally German work by Friedrich Martens. Very rare edition
e 7.000,61
Antiquariaat Plantijn
6. Anonymous, Geographeischer Löwe vorstellend die gesamte XVII Niederländische Provintzien [….]
Frankfurt 1672. One sheet (together with equestrian figures) copper engraving : 300 x 293mm (map without text) 410 x 293mm (map with text) 410 x 515mm (map and equestrian figures) In the top left corner of
the Lion map the famous announcement of Louis XIV : “Schau mein Sohn all diese Länder in dem Löwen
für gestelt solst du noch der einst beherrschen sampt dem grösten theil der weldt”. Below the equestrian
figures of the Netherlands as a whole and the numbers of towns and villages. Below the hoofs : the siege of
Nijmegen, captured by the French in 1672 and occupied until 1674. Verso blank.
e 12.000,-
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Antiquariaat Quist
Ernie Quist
Voorstraat 50
3311 ER Dordrecht
Tel. + 31 (0)78 631 8867
Fax + 31 (0)78 631 8867
- Books
- Manuscripts
- Maps
- Prints
Ariosto.Lud. Orlando Furioso. Venetia, Orlandini, Stefano, 1730. Delle annotazioni de piu celebri autori
che sopra esso hanno scritto, E di altre utili, e vaghe Giunte. In questa Impressione Adornato, come nel`
indice seguente la prefazione si vede. 2 Vols. Folio. 576 (I) & 400 (II) pp. Full, contemp. Vellum, with 4
letterpieces (2, chipped , damaged) Brunet I , 430; Cicognara; dalle libri del 1700: Important work, for the
text as well as for the superb baroque engravings, with their elaborately engraved borders..
e 1.900,Reste, Bernard De. Histoire Des Peches Des Decouvertes et Des Etablissements Des Hollandois Dans Le
Mers Du Nord. Paris, 1798.
Ouvrage traduit du Hollandois par les soins du Gouvernement, enrichi de Notes, & Orne de Cartes & de
Figures a l’usage des Navigateurs & des Amateurs de l’Histoire Naturelle. 3 Vols. Paris, Nyon, (An IX de La
Republique) XXXVI-432 , 462 pp. & 378 pp. This fine set conatains a total of 22 (folding) plates and 6
maps, e.g. Whales, a large folding print of an elaborately whaling scene, with nice large vessels, natural
history prints, tools and arms of the whalers, as well as folding maps of: Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen Island,
Iceland etc. e 2.850,Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. London, Chatto & Windus, 1932.
BRAVE NEW WORLD, A novel by Aldous Huxley. 306 pp. First edition. London, 1932, preceding the US
edition. Original blue cloth with (bright) gilt lettering on spine, plain covers, some shelf wear/discoloration,
The usual minor foxed endpapers e 1.450,Burney, Charles. General History of Music, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Period. London, 1789.
2-Nd. Ed. 4 Vols. Richly illustrated.3 engraved fronts, 1 engr. portrait 8 engraved plates (2 folding) 6 textills.
1 folded woodcut, and a large number of musical scores, both engraved and printed scores.Vol.I 501 pp. Vol.
II , (dated 1782) 595 pp. Vol. III 622 pp. Vol IV 688 pp. each Vol. with a separate (extensive) index. An
important work, illustrated by a contemporary review from the hand of, no less, as Mary Wollstonecraft
(later Shelley) dated 1790; “ Every lover of this captivating art must thank the author empathically for his
unnerved researches whilst the unimpassioned philosopher may coldly a more connect and comprehensive
interest with the inquiry and drawing a methaphysical inferences from the ingenuity displayed in the
progressive improvement of music advance a step further in the “Terra Incognita” of the human mind”. See;
Lowndes: 325, Gregory and Bartlett; 47. Fine, Orig.richly gilt spines with title pieces, sprinkled dark brown
boards, all hinges a trifle weak. e 1.500,Mayer, Luigi. Views in Egypt from the original drawings in the posession of Sir Robert Ainslie Taken During
His Embassy To Constantinople By Luigi Mayer: Engraved Under The Direction Of Thomas Milton. With
Historical Observations And Incidental Illustrations of The Manners And Customs of the Natives Of That
Country. Engraved Frontispice, Portrait of Luigi Mayer. 102 pp. with 48 very fine, full page, handcoloured
aquatint plates. Bound With: Views in Palestine from the original drawings of Luigi Mayer with an historical
and descriptive account of the country and its remarkable places. (Repeated in French) , London, Ackermann,
Antiquariaat Quist
1804. 47 pp. 24 very fine full page handcoloured aquatint plates. Bound with: Views in the Ottoman
Empire, chiefly in Caramania a part of Asia Minor, hitherto unexplored. With some curious selections from
The Islands of Rhodes and Cyprus and the Celebrated Cities of Corinth, Carthage and Tripoli, With historical
observations (etc.) London, 1803. With 24 very fine, full page, handcoloured aquatint plates. A total of 96
plates, with tissue guards. See at length: Blackmer: 1097, 98/99. Colas: 2018/20/21, Abbey Travel: 369 and
Atabey: 786. A magnificent set of this cherished collection of plates,. Some light offseting of text at plates-verso,
and id. of plates. Fine, gildstamped brown , full calf ,with elegant “Greek Border”.. Skillfully rebacked with
use of the original, richly gilded spine. e 12.000,Mozart, Leopold. Grondig onderwys in het behandelen der viool. Haarlem, Enschedé 1766 . Grondig onderwys
in het behandelen der viool. Met 4 konstplaaten en een Tafel van de regelen der Strykmanier etc XVI-259
PP. Engraved frontispice, [Mozart playing the violin, by C.v.Noorde] Engraved head piece at the dedication
PP. [To the Dutch King, William the Fifth] 6 PP. Introduction by Mozart, delicately printed in Enschedé ‘s
famous “Civilité” type, and 3 plates on how to hold and to play the violin and how to handle the bow, with
a further, large folding table with music, on the technique of the bow and further, numerous musical examples
in the text. A copy with generous margins.See: Scheurleer I, p345 : The first Dutch translation of the famous
and influential “Versuch Einer Grundlichen Violinschule” (Ed. Augsburg 1756). Highly interesting from a
typographical point of view. Printed by the famous Johannes Enschedé, one of the leading Dutch printers of
his time, and still existing in the same town.He used a method invented by Joan Michael Fleischmann to
print the music in the book. Orig. full calf, with gilded, double filet lines and a fine blind-stamped roll border.
Spine with raised bands and contrasting titlepiece. Top of spine worn, small portion missing. The large table
with closed tear, the prints, including the title page, loosely inserted.
e 2.950,Kruikius, Nicolaas & Jacob. `t Hooge Heemraadschap Van Delfland. Delft, 1712.
Wall map in 27 large sheets, each 51,5 x 59 Cm. Scale 1: 10.000(!) With the title in a long panel to be
intended to run across the top, with the “Delfland” coat of arms, supported by two allegorical figures, 9 large
coats of arms of the officials, and a elaborately engaved, large, compass rose, and at the bottom a very nice,
large etched, pastoral scene, after Arnold Houbraken , engraved by P.Sluyter. A most sumptuous publication.
As well as a loosely inserted single sheet overview map, dated 1712. Fockema Andrea & Koeman wrote in
Old maps and their makers(1975) “the most beautifull map of Delfland, the Kruikius map is stunning”.
According to M.Donkersloot de Vrij ( Topographical maps in the Netherlands before 1750, 1981) “ the
total price of this map, that took so many years to conceive, was 20,000 guilders(!!) and was sold for 12
guilders, then. A good impression. 1/2 Calf, XIX-Th. Century Boards.
e 8.200,-
Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema
Dik Ramkema
Bloemendaalseweg 241
2051 GC Overveen
Tel. +31 (0)23 5269144 // + 31 (0)6 1762 0872
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Children’s books
- Illustrated books
Papier Fabrik, nd., (ca.1880), (80) pages printed in chromolithography and black & white, decorated thin
boards in colour, cloth spine, 15,5x10,5cm
Condition: Fine [10569]
Printers mark on front and back cover. With 5 slots cut along the outside edge of the pages, each slot gives a
differend series of pictures or instruction pages. Contents: Stamp Album, Picture book, Black silhouettes, Caricatures
and animals, with instructions in 10 languages: English, German, Denish/ Swedish, Dutch, Italian,
French, Russian, Czech/ Polish? See Haining p.110. Very rare in this condition.
e 950,Cramer, Rie. Little Dutchy: Nursery songs from Holland. English rhymes & musical settings by Will
Ransom & Alex de Jong & pictures by Rie Cramer
and others.
London, (etc.), George G. Harrap & Co, Ltd. 1925, 1st
ed., 79p., 12 mounted colour plates by Rie Cramer; front
board, colour frontispiece and bl/w. text ills by Anne Anderson, board w. mounted colour plate, cloth lettered
spine, 28x23cm.
Condition: Near Fine; lower corner front board sl. bumped,
few edges faint foxing. [10722] Rare Rie Cramer; the colour plates are taken from the Dutch edition: ‘Kinderdeuntjes
uit Grootmoeders Tijd’, 1922.
e 385,[POP-UP] Disney, Walt Miepsie Muis en het eendje. Serie “Pieco” boeken. Amsterdam “D.M.B.” n.d.
(ca.1935), 32p., black & white text-ills. and 3 fine pop-ups in colour over two pages, decorated clothbacked boards,
22,5x16,5cm. Condition: Fine; corners slightly rubbed. [11006] Nice early Disney pop-up.
e 155,GERMAN BOARD GAME: Bahn für Luft-Ballon / Bahn für das Dampf-Schiff / Bahn für das Locomotiv.
No place, no publ., n.d. (ca.1844), 52,5x68cm. folded in 6 colour lithographic squares and 10 rectangle
number squares (2x3 top and bottom, 2x2 left and right), mounted on cloth.
Condition: Good; few small stains [11027] Rare colourful early board game, depicting: Hot air balloon with a
ship hanging under it; steamship and a train, set within a beautiful scene with 5 persons, one Chinese, three natives
and a European, with a building along the water, the train riding over a tunnel where horses and coach go under
the railway and the water, (the Thames tunnel? built by Marc Isambard Brunel and his son Isambard Kingdom
Brunel in between 1825 and 1843).
e 1.500,-
Antiquariaat Dik Ramkema
[Tangram]. Giuoco Chinese Ossia. Racolta di 364 Figura Geometrische formate con un Quadrato
diviso in 7 pezzi, colli quali si ponno formare infinite Figure diverse, com Vuomini, Bestie, Ucelli,
Case, Cocchj, Barche, Urne ed altre suppeletili domestiche: Aggiuntovi l’Alfabeto. e li numeri Arabi,
ed altre nuove Figure.
Rome, Presso Agapito, n.d. (ca.1813 /17), title with engraving of three Chinese, cutting paper and laying
figures, XXX pages with Tangram figures printed on one side, original printed limp boards: front text within
decorated frieze and back board with illustration of a Chinese child with umbrella.
Condition: Good: boards and interior damp stained /water stain on lower part, throughout, spine damaged. [11007]
Curious Tangram picture book. The earliest known Chinese book is dated 1813, but the Tangram game itself was much older.
Very rare Italian copy of an early (first Italian?) Tangram book.
e 500,-
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Antiquariaat Rashi
Ingrid M.C. Oey
P.O. Box 503
4200 AM Gorinchem
Tel. +31 183 66 55 99
Fax +31 183 63 36 73
- Judaica
- Hebraica
- Orientalia
- Holocaust
1 ABRAMOVITCH, RAPHAEL (ed.). Di farshvundene velt. The vanished world.New York, Forward Association,
1947. (Or. red cloth., 575, (7) pp. Yiddish and English. Richly illustrated. Oblong. Some brownings.)
e 650,First compilation of photographs (about 550) on the lost Jewish communities of Europe. Abramovitch was a refugee
active in the Bund and working for the Jewish Daily Forward.
2 AQUILINUS, ALEXIUS (1732-1785). Pentateuchi hebraeo-samaritani praestantia in illustrando et
emendando textu masorethico ostensa, una cum aliis subsidiis hermeneutico-criticis, ad totum textum
hebraeum rite intelligendum servientibus. Heidelberg, Typis Joannis Bapt. Wiesen, 1783. (Cont.hleather,
(8), 496 pp. 8vo. Old handwriting on titlepage. Containing Hebrew and Samaritan type.)
e 450,3 [BIBLE]. Biblia Hebraica Manualia. ad praestantiores editiones accurata. Cura et studio Iohannis
Simonis. Editio tertia emendatior. Bound with: E.F.C. Rosenmüller, Vocabularium veteris testamenti
hebraeo-chaldaicum ut cum bibliis hebraicis manualibus. Halle, Sumtibus Orphanotrophei, 1822. (Cont.
hleather, 1334, 112 pp. (appendices), 140 pp. 8vo. Punctuated Hebrew.)
e 200,Darlow & Moule 5177.
4 EMMANUEL, ISAAC SAMUEL (1912-1969). Precious stones of the Jews of Curaçao. Curaçaon Jewry
1656-1957. New York, Bloch Publishing Company, 1957. (Or. cloth, 584 pp., 1 map and 3 fold. colored
maps and 79 ills. on plates. Some minor previous repairs. A good copy.)
e 450,Standard work on Curaçaon Jewry describing the important tombstones of the cemetery of the Congregation Mikvé
Israel while giving much historical information on the history of the Jews of Curaçao.
5 [N.I.K]. Verordeningen voor het Nederlandsch-Israëlietisch kerkgenootschap binnen het Koninkrijk der
Nederlanden. Eerste deel 1814-1821. Tweede deel 1822-1829 (=Reglementen 1-100 incl. registers).
‘s-Gravenhage, ter algemeene lands drukkerij, 1822-1830. (Cont.hleather in 1 vol., Ex lib copy.) e 650,The first series of official Dutch government ordinances since the foundation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in
1813 (under King William III) in which the Dutch Jewish community (Sefardim) became equal to Dutch law.
These ordinances regulated every aspect of public life: education, the financing of Synagogues, Rabbi’s salaries etc. Rare
6 SCHUTTE, RUTGER (1708-1784). Verhandelingen over de reize der israelieten in de woestijne, en eenige
bijzonderheden van Jerusalem en deszelfs omtrek. Uitgegeven met een Voorberigt door J.C. Mohr. Utrecht, G.T. en
A. van Paddenburg - Rotterdam, J. Bosch en R. Arrenberg - Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn. 1785. (Cont.vellum,
VIII, 229, (3) pp. and 1 large fold. map of Upper Egypt and Gaza. Library stamp on title page.)
e 325,7 STEINHARDT, JAKOB. Neun Holzschnitte zu ausgewählten Versen aus dem Buche Jeschu ben Elieser
ben Sirah mit einer Einleitung von Arnold Zweig. Berlin, Aldus Druck, 1929. (Or. hvellum, 14 leaves and
9 woodcuts. Text in parallel Hebrew and German facing the woodcuts. A fine clean copy.)
e 800,Ninth publication of the Soncino-Gesellschaft der Freunde des jüdischen Buches. Limited bibliophile edition of
800 copies, signed by the artist.
Antiquariaat Dieter Schierenberg B.V.
Jeroen Schierenberg & Dieter Schierenberg
Zamenhofstraat 150, Unit 320
1022 AG Amsterdam
Tel. (020) 636 22 02
Fax (020) 636 20 71
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Natural history
- Anthropology and ethnography
- Travel and exploration
- Science/history of science
- Bibliography of natural history
- Periodicals
De Bruyn, P.
Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn door de vermaardste deelen van Klein Asia, de Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus,
Metelino, Stanchio, &c. mitsgaders de voornaamste steden van Aegypten, Syrien en Palestina, verrijkt met
meer als 200 kopere Konstplaaten, vertoonende de beroemdste Landschappen, Steden, &c. Alles door den
Autheur selfs na het leven getekend.
e 11.600,Delft, H. van Krooneveld, 1698. Folio (33.2 x 21.0 cm). 398 pp., 1 engraved frontispiece by J. Mulder, 1
engraved portrait of de Bruyn by Kneller, 1 engraved folded map of the eastern Mediterranean and 119 nice
engravings (many folded). Contemporary full calf.
Commelin, J. & C. Commelin
Rariorum plantarum Horti Medici Amstelodamensis descriptio & Icones. Beschryvinge en curieuse afbeeldingen
van rare vreemde Africaansche, Oost-West-Indische en andere gewassen vertoont in den Amsterdamsche
Kruyd-Hof. Met groote moeyte en arbeid op stads-kosten in vele jaren aangewend, en by een versameld door
Casparus Commelin M. D. en botanicus horti Medici. Monumental work on the exotic plants in the famous
17th century Amsterdam Botanic Garden.
e 31.800,Amsterdam, P. and J. Blaeu and (weduwe van) Abraham van Someren (1697, 1701). Two parts in two. Folio.
2 frontispieces 5 coats-of-arms and 225 numbered plates on 222 leaves.
Houttuyn, M. [Linneaus]
Natuurlijke Historie of uitvoerige beschrijving der Dieren, Planten en Mineraalen, volgens het Samenstel
van den Heer Linnaeus. Met naauwkeurige Afbeeldingen.
e 8.000,Amsterdam, F. Houttuyn, 1761-1785. 3 sections in 37 volumes. With 296 fine engravings. 8vo, contemporary
half calf over speckled boards. Gilt spines with red leather labels. A fine set.
Junghuhn, F.
Java-Album: Landschafts-Ansichten von Java, nach der Natur aufgenommen von Franz Junghuhn. e 10.000,Leipzig, Arnoldische Buchhandlung, 1856. Oblong folio (37.5 x 53 cm)
with 11 fine colour chromolithographed plates, some finished by hand.
Loose as issued in original boards, front cover with mounted lithographed
illustration and an embossed glazed gilt decoration.
Völschau, J.
Geillustreerd Hoenderboek bevattende alles wat op de Hoenderteelt betrekking heeft als: Inrichting der hoenderhokken, aankoop van hoenders,
hunne behandeling, verzorging, ziekten, enz. enz.
e 2.200,Amsterdam, Uitgevers-Maatschappij “Elsevier”, 1888. 4to with 40 fine
chromolithograph plates and, and many woodcuts of poultry. Original
pictorial and rich gilt brown cloth binding. A very good copy
Antiquariaat Die Schmiede
A. & G. Leyerzapf
Brouwersgracht 4
1013 GW Amsterdam
Tel. (020) 625 05 01
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- German literature
- Illustrated books
- Private press books
- Bibliography
- History of printing
EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Nature.(München, Bremer Presse 1929).88 pp., title and 8 initials in red by
Anna Simons.Orig.gilt vellum (signed: Bremer Binderei F[rieda]. Th[iersch].) in slipcase.4to. e 1.400,Lehnacker 29; Rodenberg II,10; Schauer II,69.One of 130 (of a total of 530) numbered copies handprinted
on handmade “Zanders” paper.
(KAUKOL, M.J.Cl.). Christlicher Seelen-Schatz Ausserlesener Gebetter.[Bonn 1729].Titel, 4 Bl.Widmung,
123 Bl., sämtlich in Kupferstich m.Wappentafel, 9 Zwischentiteln u.32 illustrativen Initialen u.Vign.
Maroquinbd.m.reicher floraler Deckel-u.RVerg., dreiseitigem Goldschnitt u.Goldbrokatpapiervorsätzen
(um 1750).
e 1.100,Rümann 504; Bonacini 924; Lanck./O.I,80.Eines d.schönsten kalligraphierten Bücher d.deutschen Barock,
berühmt auch seiner Ansichten wegen (u.a.Schloß Brühl).Expl.der dem Auftraggeber dieses Gebetbuchs,
Kurfürst Clemens August v.Köln vorbehaltenenen Teilauflage mit zusätzlichem Widmungsblatt u.der
Wappentafel.Expl.mit d.Korrektur a.Bl.20.Schönes, sauberes Expl.in bemerkenswertem Einband.
Laudate Dominum. Psalmen und Lobgesänge.Frankf., Ars-Librorum (1963).24 S.OLed.m.VDeckel-u.
RVerg.(entw.v.H.Zapf ).4°. e 725,(3.Ars-Librorum-Druck).Spindler 40,23.Handsatz in Hammer-Unziale und Aldus-Buchschrift Kursiv.
Druck in rot, grün u.schwarz in 950 num.Expl., Druckvermerk vom Verleger u.Typographen G.de Beauclair
signiert.1 von “etwa 20” (Tiessen, G.de Beauclair S.62) Expl.d.Vorzugsausgabe im Ledereinband v.W.Pingel.
Tadelloses Expl.in rotseidener gefütterter Or.-Kassette.
Lessing, G.E. Fabeln. (Darmstadt, Kleukens-Presse 1920). 79 S., 22 handkolorierte OHolzschnitte v.Kay Nebel.
OMaroquinband m.handumstoch.Kapital u.schlichter Blindpräg.a.Rücken, Decken u. Innenkanten e 680,(6.Druck d.Kleukens-Presse. Rodenberg I,104; Schauer II,67 (m.Abb.). Auf Zandersbütten in der KleukensAntiqua gedruckt in 250 num.Expl.)
MERZ, Konrad. Ein Mensch fällt aus Deutschland. Amsterdam, Querido 1936.209 S.OLn.m.Schutzumschl.
(v.Paul Urban).
e 375,1.Ausg.dieses autobiographischen Romans, der in “DIE SAMMLUNG” die bekannte Kontroverse über
“Exilliteratur” auslöste.St/T 347.Exemplar aus dem Nachlaß d.Autors Cor Bruijn, der Konrad Merz nach
seiner Flucht aus Berlin einige Zeit beherbergte u.ihm finanziell u.bei der Verlegersuche half.
Vors.m.eigenhändiger Widmung d.Verf.vom 13.3.1936.Beil.4seit.eigenh.Brief vom 18.11.1935 mit der
Nachricht von d.Annahme seines Buchs vom Querido Verlag.Außerdem liegt ein vermutlich Ende 1934
verfasstes 17zeil.eigenh.Gedicht d.Verf.an die Familie Bruijn bei.Umschlagrücken leicht lädiert, Schnitt,
Vors.u.Titel m.leichten Stockflecken.
ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel. Hand and Soul.(Maastricht,) Halcyon Press 1928.39 pp., 10 initials in red by
Jan van Krimpen.Richly gilt dark red polished orig.morocco with marbled endpapers in slipcase. e 375,Van Dijk 162.Printed by J.Enschedé in a 15th century Roman type in 361 numbered copies.One of 30
Roman numbered deluxe copies on Imperial Japon.
Antiquariaat Die Schmiede
ZWEIG, Stefan. Triomf en tragiek van Erasmus van Rotterdam.Maastricht, Stols (1934).255 pag., 8 platen
en 35 afbeeldingen, 1 originele houtsnede (portret van Erasmus) van W.J.Rozendaal. Oorspr.linnen.Gr.8°. e 225,1ste nederlandse druk, vertaald door R.P.Sterkenburg.Kort na de oorspronkelijke duitse uitgave verschenen
en voorzien van nieuwe illustraties.1 van de 25 genummerde luxe exemplaren op Van Gelder, impressum
door de auteur gesigneerd.Schutbladen deels licht verkleurd, verder fraai exemplaar.
Antiquariaat Secundus
P.F.W.H. Everaers
Notendijk 7
4583 SV Ter Hole
Tel. 0114-314209
Fax 0114-314209
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Old and rare books
- Topography and history of Flanders and Zeeland
- Books on art
- Flemish literature in first and special editions
- Illustrated books
- Picturebooks before 1940
1. (Binding - Middelburg) Saldenus, Guiljelmus - Kinderschool. Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg, AkademieDrukker, 1786. Vellum with gilt coat-of-arms on both sides with silk cords, prize with tissue guards, (IV),
192pp. 13,5 x 8 cm. Prizebook of Middelburg (Spoelder p. 641-648: type Middelburg 6). The book was given to
Dina Antonia Boom by “De Heeren Opzienders van de Schoolen der Stad Middelburg....gebruikende het Onderwys
van Mr. Joh. der Mouw”. Signed by J.H. Schorer and A. Andriessen Aug. 1787. Schorer (Middelburg 17601822) was i.a. Burgomaster of Middelburg and Governor of the Province of Zeeland. Saldenus (1627-1694)
catechism belonged to the most popular of the early Dutch school-catechisms. He studied theology at Utrecht,
worked as a minister of the Church at Renswoude, Kockengen, Enkhuizen, Delft and The Hague. The catechism
was many times reprinted till into the 19th century. A very small hole in the margin of the frontcover; ribbons
repaired; otherwise a very nice and lovely booklet with a rare religious schoolbook inside.
e 500,2. (Cambodia - Angkor) Dufour, Henri - Le Bayon d’Angkor Thom bas reliëfs. Publiés par les soins de la
Commission Archéologique de l’Indochine. d’Après les documents receuillis par la Mission Henri Dufour
avec la collaboration de Charles Carpeaux. Paris, Ernest Leroux, Éditeur, 1910-1914. 2 Volumes. Or. halfcloth
with ties, (IV), 32pp. + 8 fascicules with 128 heliogravure plates; (IV), 8 fascicules with 135 heliogravure
plates, loose in 2 portfolios as issued. Ca. 38,5 x 29 cm. Published by the: “Ministère de l’Instruction Publique
et des Beaux-Arts”. With the global plan in part I and every fassicles with the specific plan. Volume I with “Bas-reliëfs
des galeries extérieures””; volume II with “Bas-reliëfs des galeries interieures”. Small tears in margins; covers a little
browned and with light traces of use; anyhow a good set.
e 1.250,3. Dodonaeus, Rembertus - Cruydt-Boeck van Rembertus Dodonaeus, volgens sijne laetste verbeteringe;
Met Biivoegsels achter elck Capittel, uut verscheyden Cruydtbeschryvers: Item in ‘t laetste een Beschryvinge
vande Indiaensche Gewassen, meest getrocken vvt de Schriften van Carolus Cluysius. Leyden, In de Plantijnsche
Druckerije van François van Ravelingen, 1618. Blind stamped panelled calf over wooden sides on 5 raised
bands with new clasps and catches, (IV), engraved titlepage, (29), 1495, (55)pp. Folio. The second edition of
this great classic herbal includes all the woodengravings from the first 1608 edition, but with the extra descriptions
of exotic and tropical plants as a supplement, called: “Beschrijvinge van de Indiaensche en de ander vreemde cruyden”.
The architectural titlepage includes the portraits of Dodoens and Clusius, engraved by Willem Isaakz Swanenburg;
the book has 1470 woodengravings in the text. First 17 leaves restored along margins; also the last 4 leaves, with
on a few places some loss of text; here and there some pages a bit stained; names of formerly owners on first free
endpaper and halftitle (1655, 1732 & 1751); binding professionaly restored (i.a. the clasps renewed); the rest of the
book in a good condition with dark impressions of the herbs.
e 5.000,4. (Dutch literature) Beversluis, Martien - Echo der liefde. (een bundel Refereinen). Origineel typoscript
en handschrift, 1946. Karton, ongepagineerd. Geschreven in het interneringskamp te Vught tussen 7 en 28 aug.
1946. Gedicht I t/m XXIX in typoscript; de andere (XXX t/m XLVIII+1) in handschrift. Elk gedicht door de auteur
gedateerd onder aan de pagina; titelpagina in handschrift door de auteur; op de laatste pagina een kleine tekening
en opdracht van de auteur aan pater Jacques Schreurs. Gedateerd: Vught, 10 Nov. 1946. Titelpagina met de
stempel van M.S.C. in Stein.
e 750,71
Antiquariaat Secundus
5. (Dutch literature) Claus, Hugo & Camille d’Havé - Emblemata. Aalst, Uitgeverij Hooft, 1977. Losbladig in origineel linnen portfolio. Groot folio. In het colofon door Hugo Claus en beeldend kunstenaar
Camille d’Havé genummerde en gesigneerde oplage van 50+X exemplaren (dit is nr. 5/50). Met 3 gedichten op
Vélin d’Arches 250 gr. en 3 etsen gedrukt door Roger van Akelijen, waarvan er een met de hand gekleurd; de etsen
nog afzonderlijk genummerd en gesigneerd. Hoofts Bibliofiele Serie 11. Mooi exemplaar.
e 1.350,6. (Dutch literature) Crone, C.C.S. - Drie in de pan. Verhalen. Maastricht, z.u., 1942. Or. halfperkament,
13+3p. Ca. 20 x 13 cm. Gedrukt in blauw en zwart met de Holl. Mediaeval van S.H. de Roos. Totale oplage 33
exemplaren: 25 op romanpapier + VIII op Oud Hollandsch papier; dit is nummer VI/VIII. Met gesigneerd
opdrachtje van 11 oktober 1943. Iets verkleurd; goed exemplaar. De Jong 164.
e 250,7. (Music - autograph letter) Stockhausen, Karl-Heinz - Manuscriptual letter. Autograph signed letter by
the composer to “Herr Sabbe” with indications on the performance of his work “Michaels Reise um die Erde”.
15 Lines on A4; dated 1.XII.1978. On the versoside: copy-plan of the incorporation on the stage for the performance
by the composer. Good condition.
e 750,8. (Zeeland) Hattinga - ATLAS VAN ZEELAND; Vervattende Naauwkeurige Kaarten Van Alle De Eilanden,
op order van Z.D.H. den Prince van Oranje, Meetkundig Opgenomen Door De Heeren Hattinga, Geduurende
De Jaaren 1744 Tot 1752. Benevens Grondtekeningen en Gezigten der Steden, Afbeeldingen der Voornaamste
Openbaare Gebouwen, Dorpen, Sloten, Heerenhuizen enz. Naar ‘t Leven getekend door den konstryken C.
Pronk. Als mede Portraiten van eenige der vermaardtse Staatsmannen en Zeehelden. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion,
1760. Contemporary gilt mottled-leather binding on six raised bands and with a floral cross within two
floral borders on the covers. Portrait-frontispice of Jan van Borssele (28,5 x 23 cm), 6 pp. text (“Aan Zyne
Excellentie....”; a complete index), 6 maps (of which 2 folding), 6 plans, 24 views (of which 7 double-page),
45 plates with 2 views and 18 portraits. Folio. With the not in Koeman mentioned “De zel-neering of het
Darink-delven, zoo als het oudtyds, in Zeeland, geoefend werdt” between “Mr. Jacob Verheye” and “De stad
Brouwershaven van den Dyk te zien”. Some maps a bit browned (like often); spine very professionally restored
(downer segment renewed). Very nice copy! Koeman III, Tir 8.
e 4.750,9. (Juvenilia - Avant garde) Jespers, Floris / Jan Peeters - Kinderlust. Antwerpen, Drukkerij “Reclam”, J.F.
Bogaerts & R.R. Dodson, s.d. Or. wrapper, 12p. (=24 pages text) and 12 fullpage illustrations. Oblong: 23,2
x 30,5 cm. A very fine copy of this rare vulnerable childrenbook and Belgian avantgarde-item. With lithographed
front- and backcover and illustrations in colour by Floris Jespers! The début of Jan Peeters as an author of childrenbooks;
he was one of the more inspiring founders of the Flemish literature for children; the texts in this edition are pure
games with the language with sound and rhythm for the little children. S. Loots (Vlaamse kinder- en jeugdboeken
van 1830 tot heden. Antwerpen, 1986. Page 152) and E. Rijckaerts (Vlaamse jeugdliteratuur sinds 1832. Brussel Antwerpen, 1979. Page 75) give as year of publication 1923; Griet Carpentier-Lebeer on-the-contrary writes
1915-1916! (Etsen Floris Jespers. Antwerpen, 1984. Page 248.) Gaston Burssens doesn’t mention this issue at all
in his study about Floris Jespers (Antwerpen, 1945); maybe it was already very rare at that moment! Emiel Willekens
uses 2 illustrations of this beautiful book for his contribution in: “De hele Bibelebontse berg”, p. 500. A name on
page 1; otherwise an almost mint copy!
e 1.750,10. (Art - Etchings) Valéry, Paul - La jeune Parque. (Bruxelles, J.-E. Goossens), 1935. Or. wrapper, loose
in quires as issued, unnumbered pages. 33 x 25,5 cm. “Avec seize eaux-fortes de Gh. de Menten de Horne”
(1908-1995). Limited editon of 125 copies (this is nr. 63/100 on Rives). All etchings printed in colour (protected
with tissue guards) by Eugène Delâtre, Paris and signed by the artist. Carteret IV-386; Monod-10885. Paul Valéry
was very content with the etchings. Very nice copy.
e 950,72
Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg
Max Silverenberg
Kleine Berg 81a
5611 JT Eindhoven
Tel. ++ 31 (0)40 2432064
Fax ++ 31 (0)40 2462879
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Illustrated books
- Judaica
- Maps and prints
- Art
- Local history
beurs stl adam 2008
1. BRAUN & HOGENBERG Marseille. koeln1580. 32 x 36 cm. Very attractive copper engraving. old col.
Classic Braun & Hogenberg with figures in foreground.Legend top left.
e 395,-
2. EMMANUEL, ISAAC S. & SUZANNE A. EMMANUEL History of the Jews of the Netherlands Antilles.
2 vols. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati 1970. 1165 pp. with 311 illustrations in separate plates. 4to.
hardcover. cloth with dustjacket. As new. small tear in wrapp. index with 4.400 entries.
e 350,important work
3. RIMMEL, EUGENE The Book of Perfumes. Chapman & Hall, London 1865. 266 pp. More than 250
illustrations; 1 color plate; 12 b/w plates. Gilt page edges. 8vo.Original gilt-stamped red leather binding, The
FIRST EDITION of Rimmel’s popular history of perfume. Some pages slightly foxed.
e 225,4. ROUX, C.C.F.M. LE De Bergpapoea’s van Nieuw-Guinea en hun woongebied (3 vols). Brill, 1948 1950, Leiden xxv+-1029 pp. ,cloth, 2 vols 4to, 1 vol. folio oblong (atlas)with 118 plates, 4 maps, folio
original cloth, num ills, Standard work; ethnographic study; more than 200 ills, most in b/w; large atlas with
fine pictures; with 4 folded maps in pocket; perfect condition( together 3 vols.).
e 450,Standard work
Antiquariaat Max Silverenberg
“The Colossi History of The World”, Pontificum Romanorum, series logica. Plate depicts Pontificum
Romanorum, the Pope standing in full robes with his hand raised in blessing, his vestment covered with text
giving a list of all the Popes from the 1st-17th century with their dates, character and manner of death. To
the left is a vignette of St. Peter’s Church with Romulus and Remus in the foreground, on the right representations
of ecclesiastical vestments and articles. Key to symbols top right. plate size, 48 x 59 cm.
e 750,6. SEUTTER, GEORG MATTHÄUS (1729-1760) & TOBIAS CONRAD LOTTER (1717-1777)
“The Colossi History of The World”, Colossus Monarchicus Statua Danielis. The fourth plate is of Colossus
Monarchic Statua Daniellis, a martial Colossus with sword and sceptre. On his helmet, breastplate, skirt and
legs are tabulated the Great Empires of History, Assyrian, Persian, Greek and Roman, including the Oriental
Kingdoms and the Western Empires. The effigy is based on Daniela’s interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
plate size, 48 x 59 cm.
e 750,7. [VAARZON MOREL, W.F.A.J.]. RENNES, J. VAN. Een Hollandsche Kermis. De Erven Bohn, Haarlem
1897. 12 lithogr. plates in black and red and orig. clothb. lithogr. board portfolio by W.F.A.J. VAARZON
MOREL, plates w. accomp. text, loose as issued, large folio.
8. ZWART, PIET Het boek van PTT. Nederlandsche Rotogravure Maatschappij, Leiden 1938. 50 pp. Orig.
dec.pictorial wrappers. With ills. in color. Design, typography Piet Zwart. Fine copy (back professionally
e 350,74
J. De Slegte B.V.
J. De Slegte B.V.
Kalverstraat 48-52
1012 PE Amsterdam
T. 020 622 59 33
F. 020 624 16 20
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Fine arts
- Literature
- General science
- History
- Atlases, maps, views
BARTON, Rick An original “Chinese line” painted book in cloth covers, 24 x 18 cm., all painted by hand,
using Chinese line. This drawing measures 24x540 cm. Signed and dated (’61) by Rick Barton
A Beat artist who got famous once (in the 50’s), Rick was a very difficult character. He loved the fame, then
pretended ... ? ... he hated it, more. He didn’t trust it, yet reveled in it. He was always yelling about the “bitch
goddess: success!” Believing that too much fame spoiled art. Classically trained, he bridled at any fuss, yet
craved it like a dope fiend. What Rick wanted is so simple to see now. The man simply wanted someone in
a cafe to recognize the brilliance of his line work, and offer him good money for it. He lost his fame after his
agent left him. That’s all. He was “out of time”. He gave most long books to his lawyer.
Barton grew up as a “Dead End Kid,” on the streets of New York City. His youth was spent reading classic
literature and hanging out all day in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Two men tried for many years to
bring Barton’s artwork to a larger public. Henry Evans, the artist’s first San Francisco agent and publisher,
and Harold La Vigne, his second. There are seven or eight Barton works in the Library of Congress, as well
as the Special Collections division of the San Francisco Public Library. Most of Barton’s painting was
accomplished using small Asian brushes. Rick produced thousands of line paintings this way. In the mid and
late 50’s he was being written up in newspapers as, “The Hokusai Of San Francisco”. Still, he never compromised
for what he called the “art scene” and it must have hurt like hell. That Barton was unwilling to compromise
for the art market is an understatement. He never reacted well to any offers concerning his work, except
offers to buy it outright. He even threatened to knife people for even suggesting, in good faith, that he might
do something commercial. Paradoxically, he spent most of his time talking endlessly about exactly how one
might go about making a living in the arts, while avoiding actually doing so. A real trick. Rick’s anger at the
“injustice” of the art market, “the scene” as he called it, was legendary. He would fly into rages, especially blaming
America for, “not recognizing her artists!” His grief drove him to give away his priceless line drawings in
saloons to people who could little appreciate his genius Barton referred to himself as, “a Black Hat Bonpo
Schismatic Lama”. Barton adopted his title from Tibet’s rich tradition, with his own twist, of course. He was fond
of rendering in pencil and working in oils. Mostly however, Barton did what he called, Chinese line painting.
His ink brushes were capable of very fine lines, from single hair to bold, and Rick used them in combination
with the ultimate trained eye. All of his line paintings were from life. And on paper at least, almost always from
whatever objects and people were in his immediate vicinity. Barton also loved working in cafes. His pieces
contained gardens of potted plants --- palms and philodendrons abounded --- as well as the tabletop in front
of him, including ashtrays crowded with stubbed out cigarettes, with matches of course. He painted hundreds of knives, forks and spoons, as well as glasses, cups, sugar shakers and portraits.
Many of his paintings repeated, again and again, Barton’s signature statement: his hand drawing his own
hand. He worked toward, “finding the line,” as he put it. That is, working the brush and ink for hours as a
form of intimately detached meditation, seeking singularity of eye, hand and heart, until his brush moved
over the paper like a planchette traversing a Ouija board.
Oils aside, Rick Barton’s first love was always Chinese line painting. Comparing his passion for Asian scrolls and
his horror of Western artists he called: “Schmieranski’s!” (German for: “dreadful painters”) Barton was fond of
saying, “Barbarians always bend the paper”. . He was a tall Beat original, stooping for none, not Ginsberg, Corso,
Rexroth, Ferlingetti or any other so-called cultural icon. Not a one of them. Rick Barton was a true artist, and an
amazingly well educated man for having had no formal education. (Quotes from Dave Archer).
e 2.500,75
J. De Slegte B.V.
BARTON, Rick An original “Chinese line” painted book in cloth covers, 27 x 21 cm., all painted by hand,
using Chinese line. This drawing measures 27x 630 cm. Signed and dated (’61) by Rick Barton. e 2.500,TOOROP, Jan, By Plasschaert Amsterdam, Drukkerij en uitgeverij J.H. de Bussy, 1925. 59 pp. + 44 tipped
in black and white plates. 27,5x22 cm. Printed in a limited edition of 1000. This is one of the 30 copies
from the DeLuxe-edition. Bound in full vellum with gilt lettering, in a slipcase. With a signed decication in
red pencil to Willem Dreesmann, dated 1926 Slighyly browned/ foxed as usual, nevertheless a very fine copy.
450 Euro
[Boekenweekgeschenk], DIS, Adriaan van. Palmwijn. Amsterdam, CPNB, 1996. Een exemplaar van de in
een beperkte oplage verschenen gebonden editie. Gesigneerd door Adriaan van Dis.
e 200,BELLMER, Hans. An original erotic pencil drawing on squared paper, depicting his usual (semi-) naked
ladies and phallic symbols. 17,2x10,3 cm. Signed by the artist. Added: JELENSKY, Constantin. (préface).
Les dessins de Hans Bellmer, Éditions Denoël, 1966. 32x24,5 cm. 109 pp. Illustrated with black and white
illustrations. Bound in pink cloth, in dust-jacket, in a slipcase
e 3.500,Grotius, H. Philosophorum sententiae de fato. Amsterdam, Ludovicum Elzevier, 1648, 2nd ed. 13,5x7,5
cm. (8),384pp., With a woodcut printer’s mark. Bound in contemporary vellum. With an old half erased
owner’s entry on title: Signed: Constanter (= Constantijn Huygens) = Willems 1065; Berghman 384; Rahir
1074; Copinger 2000; Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 524; Ruit hora XXVII, p.274. “Réimpression d’un ouvrage
posthume de Grotius, paru la même année à Paris.” (Willems). Rare.
e 1.500,Stadhouder WILLEM III+ HUYGENS, Constantijn jr.. An original handwritten passport 31,5x 20 cm.
Starting with: Wilhelm Henrick, bij der gratien godes Prince van Orange, -- gouverneur en Stadthouder van
Hollandt Seelandt ende Westvrieslandt, Capitain generaal ende Admirael der Vereenighde Nederlanden, etc.
Dated: ’s-Gravenhage, 13 December 1673, Signed: Wilhem Henrick ( =Later to become king William
III of England) + Constantijn Huigens jr. The passport is slightly damaged and waterstained And has a
hole on the place where presumably the wax seal used to be.
Constantijn Huygens the Younger was the son of statesman and poet Constantijn Huygens the Elder and
brother of physician Christiaen Huygens, who invented the wave theory of light. After going to Leiden to
study in 1644, Huygens succeeded his father as secretary to stadtholder Frederick Henry, traveling throughout Europe and keeping the first of many diaries.
In 1672 Huygens became secretary to William III, captain-general of the Dutch armed forces. He accompanied
the stadtholder on campaigns in the North and South Netherlands, France, Germany, Ireland, and England,
where William was crowned king in 1688.
e 2.500,GROTIUS, Hugo. Autograph letter to François-Auguste de Thou, 1 August [1635]. Bifolium, 32,5x
22cm, With a text on the front of the leave, And an address and remains of the seal on the back. This is a
splendid , elegantly written autograph letter
Of the Dutch statesman, Swedish ambassador in Paris, man of letters and universal scholar Hugo de Groot
(1583-1645) to François-­Auguste de Thou (1607-1642) “Intendant de la justice et des finances du Roy en
larmee de sa Maiestecommandee par Mons. Le Cardinal de la Valette”. De Thou, son of the famous historian and bibliophile Jacques-Auguste (1553-1617), had just lost his brother Achille (died 6 april 1635).
Grotius letter of consolation is a fine example of his stoic Christian ghilosophy. The letter was untill recently only known from a seventeenth-century copy. Added: A Latin transcription and a French translation.
Reference: Briefwisseling van Hugo Grotius, VI (1967) n. 2208.
e 9.500,76
J. De Slegte B.V.
ORANJE NASSAU, Albertina Agnes van + Maria van. Autograph letter. (in French) To the Duke of
Bournonville, with a request to send passports for them so that both Princesses, both daughters of Stadhouder
Frederik Hendrik could continue their journey to Creutznach. Signed by both the Princesses and with a2
black seals attached to it. Unfortunately a bit damaged.
e 900,ANONYMUS. Minutes of court of Policy 1775-1776, 231 pp [+18 pp register]. In contemporary wrappers.
The wrappers are heavily damaged and do have some wormholes. The paper on which the text is written is
browned, but in good condition. The handwriting is elegant and easy to read. This is a manuscript account of
the day to day events of the government in the Dutch colony of Essequebo and Demerary, later British Guyana.
It is written as an account of the meetings of the important governing people of those days. It deals with the
period between May 1775 and November 1776. Present at most of the meetings were G.H. Trotz, former
Governor, (between 1772 and 1774). At the time of this account he was “Directeur-Generaal” . Also mostly
present was P,C. Severijn, military commander since 1774. Another member almost always present was the
“fiskaal” (tax man) A.A. Brown, who held that office between 1774 and 1787. Also often present were the
gentlemen Doedens, Boter and van der Heijden. They all signed these minutes, as did the clerks, who probably
wrote these minutes. From these minutes you get a fairly good idea of what things people of that time thought
to be important. It deals with appointments of government functionaries, The selling and buying of properties
and plantations, but it also deals with the detention of a confused man and some problems concerning slavery.
Dutch-Guyana was the name for the Dutch colonies on the coast of Guyana An important map of this region was in 1599 made by Jodocus Hondius (de Nieuwe caerte van het wonderbaer ende goudrijcke landt
Guiana) and this area was colonised by The Dutch, mainly by people from Zeeland At several places on the
rivers Pomeroon, Essequebo, Berbice, Suriname and other rivers trading posts were established. Here mainly exchange trade with the local Indians took place, and on a small scale the first plantations were founded.
Also the English and French established trading posts here, though life was not easy. A lot of settlers died
from various tropical diseases or attacks by the Indians or other European enemies.
The first attempts to colonise were founded by private persons, often in the form of a private company. After
1621 when the WIC (West Indies Company) was founded the colonies of Pomeroon, Essequebo, Berbice
were part of the territory of the WIC.
Dutch Guyana was not a state, more a geographical location. The colonies that formed Dutch Guyana had
different owners. Essequebo and Demerary were governed directly by the WIC. Other parts of Guyana were
governed by different companies.
The river Demerary, which was part of the colony of Essequebo was opened for exploitation in 1745. In the second
half of the 18th Century the colonies of Essequebo, Demerary and Berbice were thriving. In 1791 the WIC stopped
existing, but still these colonies had record productions in these times. In 1814 The Dutch colonies of Demeraray,
Essequibo and Berbice became British, forming British Guyana. The former Dutch colonists kept their old rights,
and most stayed living there. This is a nice account of Dutch colonial history in Guyana.
e 2.500,HUGENS, Christiaan. (= Huygens).Wereld beschouwer of gissingen over de Hemelsche Aardklooten en
derzelver cieraad. Met noodige wiskunstige afbeeldingen. Uith het Latijn vertaald door P. Rabus. Tweede
druk . Rotterdam, Barend Bos, boekverkoper, 1717. 16,5 x 10 cm. 203 pp. + 6 folded plates. Bound in half
red leather, A bit worn. This book contains the controversial argument in favour of extra-terrestrial life, and
was based on the Copernican theory of the universe. Huygens further assumed that the earth, not being the
centre of that universe, logically would not be the only planet capable of sustaining life as we know it. In the
second part of this work Huygens discussed the different movements of the heavenly bodies and how they
must appear to the inhabitants of the planets. Christiaan Huygens was a brilliant mathematician, engineer,
astronomer and opticien. Some of his most important work was on the pendulum to regulate clocks and on
the improvement of telescope lenses, which led to his discovery of Saturn”s ring. The present work gives a
history of this discovery.
e 1.250,77
Antiquariaat Spinoza
Dr. W.J. Burgers & Manja Burgers
Den Texstraat 26
1017 ZB Amsterdam
Tel. +31 (0)20 6209129
Fax +31 (0)20 6257540
- Judaica
- Christian Hebraist
- Spinozana
2 volume set of early French Spinozana. 1. [French
translation of Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
with 3 titlepages]. [First title:] La clef du Santuaire
par un sçavant homme de nôtre siècle. Leiden 1678.
[Second title:] Reflexions curieuses d’un Esprit desInterressé [...] Cologne, Claude Emanuel, 1678.
[Third title:] Traitté des ceremonies superstitieuses
des Juifs tant anciens que modernes. Amsterdam,
Chez Jacob Smith, 1678. 2. Refutation des erreurs de
Benoit de Spinosa. Par M. de Fenelon Archevêque de
Cambray, par le P. Lami, Benedictin & par M. le
Comte de Boullainvilliers. Avec La vie de Spinosa, Ecrite par Jean Colerus. Bruxelles, chez François Foppens,
[actually Amsterdam] 1731. [Published together with:] ISHAK OROBIO, Certamen philosophicum propugnatae veritatis divinae ac naturalis adversus Joh. Bredeburg. Amsterdam 1703. 12mo. 2 vols. uniformly
bound. 18th cent. French green morocco. Gilt decorated. Very fine copies
with bookplates of the original owner: Spencer Compton, VIII Duke of
e 6.000,Ad 1. Kingma-Offenberg pp.16 (Y1). The copies with all three titlepages
are scarce. Wolf 373. Ad 2. Collection of 5 different texts in 2 parts, collected
and edited by Abbé Nicolas Lenglet du Fresnoy. Van der Linde 107-108.
Bamberger 315.
ELIAS ROBLIK, Jüdische Augen-Gläser. Das ist: Ein in zwey Theil verfastes,
und denen Juden zur Erkanntnuss des wahrn Glaubens vorgesteltes Buch.
[3 parts in 1 vol.]. Brünn, Znaim und Königgrätz, 1741-1743. Folio.
Contemporary leather, worn. Raised bands. (12), 513; (6), 307, 428 pp.
and 6 copper-engravings (including frontispiece and 1 double page folded
plate). Some browning of the text-block in a few pages. One small repair
in margin titlepage. Some fingersoiling of first leaves. Very good.e 1.100,Attack on the Jewish doctrine, not on the Jewish people. The first part
presents an apology of Christianity for the Jewish reader, mainly based on the New Testament. The second
part presents judaism in the eyes of the author, mainly based on Eisenmenger’s Entdecktes Judentum, as
stated explicitly on the titlepage of the second part:”Allwo aus dem Jüdischen Buch (Talmud genannt)
beweisen wird, dass der jetzige jüdische Glauben ein falscher und gottloser Glauben seye.” Not in Fürst.
REUCHLIN bound with PAGNINI. 1. JOHANNES REUCHLIN. De accentibus, et orthographia, linguae Hebraicae [...] libri tres. Hagenau, Thomas Anselm, 1518. LXXXIII leaves. 4 unnumbered pages with
musical scores and 1 final leaf in facsimile (xerox). Last few leaves show some minor worming and are
Antiquariaat Spinoza
slightly affected by mould.2. SANTES PAGNINI, Habes hoc in libro candide: Lector Hebraicas Institutiones in quibus quidquid est grammatices Hebraicae facultatis edocetur [...] 8 lvs. pp. 1-177;188-421 and
colophon (misnumbered but complete). Illustrated with many woodcut initials and small portrait of the
author. Ink of old handwriting has caused some wholes in the margin. First pages are affected by a large ink
stain in the margin and some marginal waterstaining. Last page repaired without loss of text. Lyon, 1526.
4to. Old halfvellum in 1 volume. Spine damaged. A convolute of 2 rare Hebrew grammars, with some defects but still in a good condition. e 6.000,Ad 1. Reuchlin’s last major work on Hebrew grammar. First known musical scores of biblical Hebrew cantillation ever printed. See Hanoch Avery: `The Ashkenazi tradition of Biblical chant between 1500 and 1900’,
Tel Aviv 1978. Sendrey 2081. Steinschneider Bibl. Handb. 1671. Adams, p. 142, nr. 380.Ad 2. Printed from
the right to the left. First edition. Steinschneider Bibl. Handb. nr. 1506 mistaken, as pointed out by Porges,
Nachträge. The first Hebrew book printed in Lyons (Freimann, Gazetteer p. 47). Pagnini, 1470-1536, Italian Hebraist, `became one of the foremost Hebraists of the age’ (Encyclopedia Judaica). In Lyons he published his Hebrew grammar in 1526, the Latin translation of the Hebrew Bible in 1528 and the large Hebrew dictionary in 1529.
JACQUES CHRISTIAN BASNAGE, Histoire des Juifs depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu’à present. Pour servir de
continuation à l’histoire de Joseph. Nouvelle édition augmentée. 15 vols. La Haye, Scheurleer, 1716. 12mo.
Contemporary leather, slightly worn at places. Raised bands. Some spines partly cracked. Top spines worn.
Inside some browning. Ex libris. Library stamp on each halftitle. Some browning. Very good complete set. e 1.000,Second enlarged edition (final). Brunet I, p. 691. Basnage, 1653-1725, Protestant divine and historian. `His
books are important as the first comprehensive and truly erudite history of the Jews in the Christian era,
filling a gap between early Jewish historical writings and modern Jewish historical research.’ (Encyclopedia
BERNARD PICARD – A. MOUBACH, Naaukeurige beschrijving der uitwendige godtsdienst-plichten,
kerkzeden en gewoontens van alle volkeren der waereldt; in een historisch verhaal, met eenige naaukeurige
verhandelingen ontvouwen, door verscheiden aanmerkingen opgeheldert, en in kunstige tafereelen
afgemaalt:geteekent door Bernard Picard in VI delen. Uit het Fransch in Nederduitsch overgezet door Abraham Moubach. Amsterdam- Rotterdam - ‘s Gravenhage, 1727-1738. Folio 29x43,5 cm. 6 vols. Orig. leather. 1 Bottom spine damaged. 2 Top spines damaged. Rubbin at extremities. 224 plates of which 32 doublepage by B. Picard. Slight browning and foxing in a few places. Very good. This is the rare large-size edition e 5.400,Translated from the first French edition, 1721-1725. On the Jewish plates, see Rubens, A Jewish iconography, London 1954, nr. 1193ff
Antiquariaat A.G. van der Steur
A.G. van der Steur & Th. Hopman
Kruisstraat 3
2011 PV Haarlem
Tel. (023) 531 14 70, 532 42 37
Fax (023) 542 06 70
- Dutch history
- Old master prints
- Portrait prints
- Genealogy, heraldry
- Manuscripts
- Old and rare books
- Local history
Eigentijdse bronnenuitgaven Nederlandse geschiedenis 1747 – 1822
NEDERLANDSCHE JAERBOEKEN, inhoudende een verhael van de merkwaerdigste geschiedenissen ….
binnen …. Vereenigde Provincien, 1747 t/m 1765, 23 delen (incl. Supplement en Registers). Complete set
in 42 banden, met prenten, half leer, mooi exemplaar.
e 2.000,NIEUWE NEDERLANDSCHE JAERBOEKEN, of Vervolg der merkwaerdigste geschiedenissen …. in de
Vereenigde Provincien, de Generaliteitslanden en de Volksplantingen van den Staet, 1766 t/m 1795, 30 [van 33]
delen, in 76 banden; mist de delen 31, 32 en 33 (betr. 1796 – 1798). Half leer, mooi exemplaar.
e 2.500,NIEUWE NEDERLANDSCHE JAARBOEKEN [uitg. M. Stuart] nummers 1 t/m 6, [betr. 1813 – 1814],
6 deeltjes in één kartonnen band. Alles wat verscheen.
e 125,JAARBOEKEN van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, door M. Stuart, 1814 t/m 1822, complete set in 14
kartonnen banden, zeldzaam.
e 1.200,DAGBLADEN van het verhandelde ter vergadering van de Provisioneele repraesentanten van het volk van
Holland, 4 delen (26-1-1795 t/m 2-3-1796) in 4 kartonnen banden. Folio. Complete set.
e 1.800,DAGVERHAAL der handelingen van de Nationaale Vergadering [7-3-1796 tot 4-5-1798]. Complete set in
9 half leren banden, 4°, mooi exemplaar.
e 900,DAGVERHAAL der handelingen van het Vertegenwoordigend (…) lichaam des Bataafschen volks, resp.
Wetgevenden Lichaams van het Bataafsch Gemeenebest [4-5-1798 tot 12-6-1802], complete set in 14 half
leren banden, 4°, mooi exemplaar.
e 1.200,RESOLUTIEN van het intermediair administratief bestuur van het voormalig Hollandsch gewest, deel 1
t/m 14 (febr. 1798 t/m maart 1799), gebonden in 3 half leren banden, folio. Bijgebonden in deel I: Decreeten der extraordinair beschreven vergadering van het Provinciaal Bestuur van Holland (…) van 23 tot 31
January 1798.
e 795,ZUID-HOLLANDSCHE COURANT [uitg. R. Paling te Woerden] 1/2/1786 t/m 19/9/1787 (= laatst
verschenen nummer). Gebonden in één half leren band, folio.
e 250,UTRECHTSCHE COURANT [uitg. G. Nieuwenhuis] 1/2/1786 t/m 17/10/1787. Gebonden in één half
leren band, folio (mist 1786: nummers 17, 95, 106, 107, 142 en 1787: nummers 4, 14, 18, 117).e 200,VADERLANDSCHE COURANT [uitg. Gebr. Baalde te Buiksloot], 1/2/1786 t/m 3/10/1787 (= laatst
verschenen nummer). Gebonden in één half leren band, folio.
e 250,-
Antiquariaat André Swertz
André Swertz Antiquarian Bookseller
Burg. Reigerstraat 69
3581 KN Utrecht
P.O. Box 85054
3508 AB Utrecht
Tel. (030) 252 01 69
Fax (030) 252 29 00
Participant 29th Amsterdam
Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
- Private Press Books
- Modern Fine Arts / Artist’s books
- Typography
- Dutch Literature
WERKMAN, H.N. - HOT PRINTING. A complete issue compiled by H.N. WERKMAN with one poem
by himself (printed on brown paper), a cover and 2 “hot printing’s” all signed with printed initials “h.n.w.”
in the right under corner. 1935/1937, (4 pp, 3 blanc) [the
cover], 4 leaves (one blanc). 32.1 x 24.9 cm. * Issue compiled
by Hendrik Werkman, of which only a very few are known.
The cover is the very famous print, titled “hot printing” and
printed in a very limited number of copies, and several times
used as the cover for the editions Hot Printing, as it was used
here, the real purpose! Werkman published this hot printing,
in several combinations [mostly 2 prints and 1 or 2 text-leaves],
published in a very small number of copies. This copy contains
the prints HP 11 [profile facing right] and HP 14 [retrospect]
and his text “hoopvol begin 1936”. As it was sent (or distibuted by Werkman on his bicycle) there is one extra fold in the
middle, but that is not very visible. - Overall a very, very fine
under the title HOT PRINTING, are realized in 1935 and
1936 and consist of 20 (including the cover) different prints.
which are very rare. These are also the first prints, made by
Werkman in small editions, but comparing them, they are all
unique! With the [cover] print which Werkman gave the name
hot printing was also born the name Werkman used for this
special way of printing for which he is famous all over the
world. - Cat. Hot Printing 35-g1; Zuithoff: Hot printing, pp.
To this compilation is added an almost complete set of the hot
printing prints and consist of [numbers according to Jan Martinet]:
1. an extra example of the cover “hot printing”, double page
leaf - spine torn [HP 35-g1];
2. “hot printing” 1: racehorses [HP 35/37-23];
3. “hot printing” 2: men with little dogs [HP 35/37-24];
4. “hot printing” 3: woman in green [HP 35/37-25];
5. “hot printing” 4: porcelain doll [HP 35/37-26];
6. “hot printing” 5: woman with medicine bottle [HP 35/3727];
Antiquariaat André Swertz
7. “hot printing” 6: skipper [HP 35/37-28];
8. “hot printing” 7: two masks [HP 35/37-29];
9. “hot printing” 8: woman with yellow shawl [HP 35/37-30];
10. “hot printing” 9: seated woman [HP 35/37-31];
11. “hot printing” 10: composition with human figure [HP 35/37-32];
12. “hot printing” 11: profile facing right [HP 35/37-33];
13. “hot printing” 12: composition [HP 35/37-34];
14. “hot printing” 13: little man at table [HP 35/37-35];
15. “hot printing” 15: nude on sofa [HP 35/37-37];
16: “hot printing” 15 (variant): nude on sofa [HP 35/37-37]
17: “hot printing” 16 recto: violoncello [HP 35/37-38(a)];
18: “hot printing” 16 verso: violoncello [HP 35/37-38(b)];
Not available in the single leaves: “hot printing” 14: retrospect [HP 35/37-36], (but available in the above
mentioned issue); “hot printing” 17: harbour [HP 35/37-39] and “hot printing” 18: composition with playing cards [HP 35/37-40], of which only one copy is known.
All leaves have a very small damage (1-2 square cm.) at the bottom of the leaves and not affecting the image,
due to probably fluid, except (according to the nos above) 6, 14, 16, 17/18, which are in MINT condition.
Also available in this rare and unfindable collection 3 other text leaves, written and printed by Werkman:
“februari aanbieding”, “leve de poëzie” and “gestadige beweging”, all printed on brown paper, aprox. 32.5 x
20 cm.
A remarkable collection and - in my opinion - in very good condition. - As mentioned above: Werkman
created and printed these prints as a number of “illustrations” to distribute them together with some of his
“poems”, but only a very few were distributed in that way. All prints (and also his poems) were printed in
very limited editions. - The collection as offered here is REALLY THE ONLY ONE I KNOW! in private
hand, and in fact in very good condition.
e 145.000,-
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29th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
Stand overview
29th Amsterdam Antiquarian Book, Map & Print Fair
32 Acanthus – Utrecht
17 Asher Rare Books – IJmuiden
29 Michael Banzhaf – Tübingen (D)
14 Het Bisschopshof – Utrecht
6 De Boekenbeurs – Middelburg
35 Paul Bremmers – Maastricht
3 Forum – ’t Goy – Houten
9 Fokas Holthuis – Den Haag
2 IRIS Globes and maps
25 Isis – Groningen
10 Ronald Jansen – Weesp
15 Junk – Amsterdam
8 Kok & Zn – Amsterdam
19 Hans Lindner – Mainburg (D)
4 Fredrik Muller – Bergum
5 Plantijn – Den Haag
34 Quist – Dordrecht
28 Dik Ramkema – Overveen
40 Rashi – Gorkum
27 Rijzende Zon – Tilburg
1 Sanderus – Gent (B)
16 Dieter Schierenberg – Amsterdam
31 Die Schmiede – Amsterdam
7 Secundus – Ter Hole
18 Bernard Shapiro – London (UK)
41 Max Silverenberg – Eindhoven
12 De Slegte – Amsterdam
11 De Slegte – Antwerpen (B)
33 André Swertz – Utrecht
26 Vangsgaards – Copenhagen (Dk)
39 Marc van de Wiele – Brugge (B)
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