Amsterdam, 2 October 2010 - Adams Amsterdam Auctions


Amsterdam, 2 October 2010 - Adams Amsterdam Auctions
Amsterdam, 2 October 2010
Saturday 2 October 2010
at 10.00 am (Lots 1 - 444)
and 2.00 pm (Lots 445 - 801)
Herengracht 386
1016 CJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Saturday 25 September 11.00 am - 5 pm
Sunday 26 September
11.00 am - 5 pm
Tuesday 28 September 10.00 am - 6 pm
Wednesday 29 September 10.00 am - 6 pm
Thursday 30 September 10.00 am - 6 pm
Friday 1 October
10.00 am - 2 pm
Piet van Winden
All conditions and restrictions cf. p. 6
T: +31 20 320 11 31
F: +31 20 737 06 33
SCIENCES, including:
“I was born…”, would be the first sentence of my book.
And I must definitely be in the title.
I also decided how the cover should look like. Me, as a
writer, on the motorbike, staring right into the lens. I had
already made some sketches.
It was winter, 1958, and I was living in a cheap hotel at
the Place de la Contrescarpe. In Paris, because in those
days that was the place to be if you wanted to conquer
the world. I was 18 and penniless. Art is starvation. In the
evening, when my Algerian girlfriend took the metro
to Place Pigalle where she performed an act in a filthy
striptease bar – to pay for her studies at the Sorbonne – I
started to work. Until midnight I was toiling and the
words splashed out of my pencils and ballpoints. It was
in Paris that I wrote my first sentences. On the back of
billboard posters, on the cheapest block-note paper, I
wrote everything off my chest as they say.
I was wild, hungry and restless. When would it be finished?
When it was too cold to write in my unheated room
during the day, I went to a café around the corner, on the
Rue Mouffetard, where I could sit the whole day with just
one cup of OXO-bouillon without anyone disturbing me.
I taught myself how to write by spelling out the
newspapers when I was young. Sometimes I knew more
about the world’s problems than my teachers at school.
After primary school and one year of secondary school I
started working at a factory. I couldn’t continue studying
because my mother and I lived in poverty and I couldn’t
be tamed at home, at school or on the streets.
I became a Government Pupil and I was placed under
supervision. “Continue studying” was the advice I
received from the career counsellor and so I qualified for
the Amsterdam School of Graphics.
I could have gotten a Government scholarship, but I had
to pull out because I didn’t even have enough money to
buy a cup of coffee at the train.
A few years later I ended up in Ibiza. After a successful
year as a painter, I became penniless again. Because
there was no money for paint and canvas, I put all my
effort into writing my book. Feverish, sometimes long
after midnight, I was working in my house in the Peña.
I learned how to type with two fingers instead of one. I
could barely pay the deposit and rent of the machines
I got from the local bookshop. I wrote on everything I
could possibly lay my hands on. Block notes, blank
newspaper, scrap paper.
When I ran into debt and had no typewriter, I continued
writing with a ballpoint until I was able again to rent a
new machine. The pile of papers grew higher and higher
and suddenly it was there: the whole manuscript. I was 22
and I finished a book. The book.
In the spring of 1964 it got published and I moved from
Holland, to America and further on. I lived and worked all
over the world. Always on the move, travelling.
Everywhere I went, I took my boxes, suitcases, and bags
with me. I never went anywhere without my clothes,
books, paint, typewriter and The Manuscript that I
proudly cherished as if it were part of my body. Together
with all my other stuff it slowly disappeared in the pile
of my messy, scattered belongings. Sometimes I panicked
because I thought I’d lost it. Then I called everyone
around the globe only to discover that it was lying in the
wardrobe of a girlfriend in Stockholm where I’d left it after
I’d taken it with me from New York to do some additional
work for the next edition. My trunks and suitcases became
a heavy load. I couldn’t find anything. And it became an
even heavier load when in the nineties the manuscript
of De Avonden from my beloved friend Gerard Reve was
offered on the market. More and more people told me
that my manuscript was very valuable. I decided that I
had to keep it in a safe at my publisher’s. I received some
attractive proposals, and, in my opinion, got offered
enormous amounts of money. But I know nothing about
money. I’m an artist. The Manuscript became a heavy load
and I had to get rid of it somewhere along the way. Why
would I take my troubles with me as if it were a fellow
traveller? More often, various institutes and collectors
took interest in the manuscript. But before I’ll lose my
child again I want to ensure that it will be in good hands
and be taken care of properly. So: goodbye manuscript.
Fare thee well.
Paris, September 2010
Saturday 2 October 2010 - 10.00 am
Fencing Books and Militaria (1540 - 1800)
Idem, since 1800
General History and Travel
Dutch History and Law
Dutch Topography
House of Orange
Maps, Views and a Globe
Dutch Maps and Views
Science, incl. Natural History and Botany
Idem, Medicine, Astronomy and Magic
Idem, Pharmacology
Children’s Books
Literature & Emblem Books
Art and Architecture
1 - 35
36 - 64
65 - 97
98 - 113
114 - 139
140 - 153
154 - 208
209 - 234
235 - 249
250 - 266
267 - 287
288 - 292
293 - 316
317 - 348
349 - 411
412 - 444
Saturday 2 October 2010 - 2 pm
Works of Art
Modern Literature and Fine Printing
including Ik Jan Cremer, The Manuscript (see separate catalogue)
The Gert Jan Hemmink Collection I: Joost Veerkamp (separate catalogue)
Front cover: Lot 117 (Blaeu)
Inside Front Cover: Lot 622 (Ed van der Elsken)
445 - 583
584 - 666
667 - 745
746 - 800
Back cover: Lot 585 (Eva Besnyö)
Inside Back Cover: Lot 258 (Entomological collection)
de onverbiddelijke veiling van het manuscript van
verscheen ter gelegenheid van de onverbiddelijke veiling
van het manuscript van
en bevat een niet eerder gepubliceerd ‘Vaarwel’
van de hand van
Jan Cremer.
Van de eerste oplage van deze editie werden
100 exemplaren
genummerd en gesigneerd door
Jan Cremer
en voorzien van een facsimile-uitgave
van het omslagontwerp door
Jan Cremer,
eveneens genummerd en gesigneerd door
Jan Cremer.
Dit is nummer
Adams Amsterdam Auctions Herengracht 386 1016 CJ AMSTERDAM
tel. 020 320 11 31
Two extra catalogues for this auction:
Download these catalogues at
or order the printed edition now!
A. Ik Jan Cremer (€ 10)
B. Ik Jan Cremer - signed deluxe edition (€ 100)
C. Gert Jan Hemmink - Joost Veerkamp (€ 6)
Pay on IBAN NL 71 INGB 0654 2135 93, BIC INGBNL2A of AABP Auctions B.V.,
Leiden (adding € 7,50 for postage if you are not in Holland), indicating the edition(s) of
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FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
ABBAT, L’ & MAHON, Andrew (transl.). The art
of fencing, or, the use of the small sword. London, Richard
Wellington, 1735. 8vo. Contemp. calf, double gilt fillet,
ribbed spine gilt, red morocco title label lettered in gold.
With 12 engr. plates by Lud. du Dempsy showing several
fencing techniques. (6), X, 133, (3) pp.
Second English edition of an important work by Jean L’Abbat,
advocating the French School. Dedicated by the translator
to George Sackville. Publisher’s advertisement on verso titlepage. The first edition appeared in 1734. Good copy.- (Neatly
re-backed, first free endpaper loose, some offsetting, armorial
bookplate of Sir Edward Wilmot to upper paste-down,
bookplate of Robert R. Martin to first free endpaper. Thimm p.
1; Pardoel 1420 (erroneously? listing a French title); cf. Vigeant,
pp. 76-77
First edition of an important and beautifully illustrated
fencing treatise
AGRIPPA, Camillo. Trattato di scientia d’arme, con un dialogo
di filosofia. Rome, A. Blado, 1553. 4to. Nineteenth-century
vellum, gold-tooled boards, spine gilt with black and
red title labels lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, red
edges. Engraved portrait of the author on verso of titlepage, 6 full-page engravings, 50 half-page engravings, fine
woodcut initials. (4), LXX, (1) lvs.
First edition of this beautifully illustrated, very important early
fencing-treatise, by the highly educated author who introduced
a practical reduction in the number of guards to only 4, and
who was the first swordsman to have advocated the almost
sole use of the point of the sword. Fine copy.- (Front board
somewhat warped; bookplate on front endpaper). En Garde 26;
Thimm p. 3f; Pardoel 15; Vigeant p.23f; Castle, Schools and
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
In England he was a fencing teacher to the English royal family,
practising the fencing techniques and positions according to the
French fencing school. Good copy.- (Skilfully re-backed with
the original spine laid down, corners restored). Thimm, p. 10;
Vigeant, p. 29; Pardoel 117
-. -. London, n.publ., 1787. Oblong 8vo. Contemp. mottled
calf, spine with red morocco title label, lettered in gold.
With 47 numb. illustrations on 44 engr. plates, later handcolouring. VIII, 105, (1 blank), (8 index) pp.
English edition of an important work on fencing, edited by the
son of the author. All plates with later hand-colouring. Good
copy.- (Skilfully re-backed, bookplate of Alfred Dyke Acland
on paste-down, slight offsetting). Thimm p. 10 (identifying the
translator as Rowlandson); Vigeant p. 29; Pardoel 122
masters of fence p. XXV and p. 45; Cockle 745; Lipperheide 2948;
Harvard, Italian, 6
Beautifully illustrated bilingual treatise on fencing
-. The school of fencing with a general explanation of the principal
attitudes and positions peculiar to the art. London, n.publ., 1787.
Oblong 8vo. Contemporary calf, spine with red morocco
title label lettered in gold. With 47 numb. illustrations on
44 engr. plates. VIII, 105, (1 blank), (8 index) pp. (200-300)
English edition of an important work on fencing, edited by
Mr Angelo’s son. With an engr. advertisement of ‘Mr. Angelo
and Son’ on paste-down, advertising for fencing lessons. Good
copy.- (Skilfully re-backed, boards chafed, corners bumped,
some offsetting). Thimm p. 10 (identifying the translator as
Rowlandson); Vigeant p. 29; Pardoel 122
ANGELO. The school of fencing, with a general
explanation of the principal attitudes and positions
peculiar to the art. - L’école des armes, avec l’explication
générale des principales attitudes et positions concernant
l’escrime. London/Londres, S. Hooper, 1765. Oblong
folio. Contemp. marbled calf, gilt ruling, spine gilt in
compartments, red morocco title label lettered in gold.
With 47 numb. full-page engr. plates, showing different
fencing positions, by Hall, Ryland, Chanmber and
Grignion after J. Gwyn. (6), 63, (5) pp.
First bilingual edition of this important and beautifully
illustrated work on fencing. The first edition was published in
French in 1763 and re-issued in various sizes; the plates as well
as the text were reproduced in the Encyclopédie of Diderot
and d’Alembert. Angelo Domenico Malevolti (1716-1802) was
a son of a wealthy Italian merchant. When the author came to
England, he changed his rather outlandish name into “Angelo”.
(-.) Escrime, contenant quatorze [= quinze] planches. - Fourbisseur.
Contenant dix planches. (Paris, Briasson, David & Le Breton,
1765). Folio. Twentieth-century blue cloth with marbled
endpapers. The first section with 53 figures on 15 full-page
engr. plates by Prévost and Defehrt, the second section
with 80 figures on 10 engr. plates by Defehrt and La
Chaussée after Lucotte. (4), 15, (1), (2) pp.
Two sections from the first edition of the Encyclopédie of Denis
Diderot and Jean le Rond d’Alembert (‘Planches’ IV, 1765). The
first section, depicting various fencing positions, is reprinted
from Angelo’s L’ecole des armes, published in London in 1763.
(Vigeant and Thimm both erroneously state that it is a French
translation published in 1787.) The second section illustrates
the manufacture of swords, sables and the like. Fine copy.(Bookplate of Jack Gorlin on paste-down). Vigeant p. 29; Thimm
p. 10; Pardoel 799 (under Diderot)
ANONYMOUS. Der geöffnete Fecht-Boden auf welchen durch kurtz
gefaste Regeln gute Anleitung zum rechten Fundament der Fecht-Kunst
gegeben und gewiesen wird, worinnen die Haupt-Lectiones bestehen,
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
und wie sie nach heutiger Manier ausgeübt, auch vortheilhafftig mit
guter Addresse können angebracht werden, mit dazu dienlichen Figuren
Verfertiget von Sr. C. Hamburg, Benjamin Schiller, 1715.
12mo. Modern boards. With 10 etched full-page lettered
plates, woodcut title-vignette, initials and head-and
tailpiece. 53, (3) pp.
plate of Malcolm Fare and handwritten owner’s entry on first
free endpaper). Thimm p. 41; Vigeant p. 41; Pardoel 464; STCN/
NCC (1 copy)
Splendid fencing manual by a famous master
In the introduction, the unidentified author explains the use
of the publication: “Hier öffnet man nunmehro vor junge
Cavalliers und andern galantes Hommes auch der Fecht-Boden,
welcher allem Ansehen nach in unserm Ritter-Platze bishero
gemangelt hat”. The work was part of the series ‘Der geöffnete
Ritter-Platz’, intended for young nobles. The lettering of the
plates skips C and D, but these are present as illustrations on
plate A. Good copy.- (Bookplate of Malcolm Fare on upper
paste-down). Thimm p. 42; Vigeant p. 137; Pardoel 484 (all under
First edition of the only fencing manual in Dutch
BRUCHIUS, Johannes Georgius. Grondige beschryvinge van
de edele ende ridderlijcke scherm- ofte wapen-konste. Noyt diergelijcke
in dese Nederduytse tale in den druck uytgegaen. Leyden, for the
author, 1671. Oblong 4to. Contemp. mottled calf, spine
with raised bands and red morocco title label lettered
in gold. With an etched author’s portrait and 35 etched
plates, showing several fencing techniques. (16), 159, (1)
Extremely rare first edition of the only fencing manual in
Dutch, written and illustrated by the Leyden fencing-master
Johannes Georgius Bruchius who was born in Zweibrücken in
ca. 1630. “Le seul ouvrage, en Hollandais, que nous connaissions
sur l’escrime” (Vigeant). Only one copy in NCC/ STCN (UB
Leiden). The author dedicated his work to the curators of the
Leiden university. Good copy.- (Spine skilfully restored; leather
slightly damaged by ink corrosion; author’s portrait with tear;
book plate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis on front endpaper; book
CAPOFERRO DA CAGLI, Ridolfo. Gran simulacro dell’arte
e dell’uso della scherma. Siena, S. Marchetti and C. Turk, 1610.
Oblong 4to. Contemp. limp vellum with title in ink on
spine. With woodcut printer’s device on title-page and in
colophon, engr. coat-of-arms of the dedicatee Francesco
Maria Feltrio della Roevere, Duke of Urbino, flanked
by the personifications of Justitia and Prudentia on the
verso of the title-page, engr. portrait of the author in
rich allegorical border, 43 full-page numb. engravings by
R. Schiaminossi, all letterpress pages within ornamental
border, partly with woodcut initials and/or ornaments.
(8), (8), 56, (8), 62-68, (2), 70-118 [= 120], (4) pp.
Splendid publication. The title translates: “Great Simulacrum
of the Use of the Sword, by Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli, Master
of the most excellent German Nation in the famous City of
Siena.” (probably a reference to Capoferro’s role as fencing
master to the large German fraternity at the University of
Siena). This title fully represents its contents: “Of all the Italian
works on fencing, none ever had such a share in fixing the
principles of the science.” (Thimm). A second edition (with
44 plates) was published in 1652. The extensive treatise is
divided in a few introductory chapters followed by numerous
illustrated practical examples. Ridolfo Capoferro, active in
Siena, developed theories and a specific system that were only
improved and refined by Rosaroll Scorza and Grisetti in their
work La scienza della Scherma (...), 1803. Good copy.- (Re-cased
with new endpapers; boards somewhat soiled; outer margins
of a few leaves skilfully strengthened; some offsetting). Thimm
pp.44-45; Vigeant pp. 43-44; Pardoel 510
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
C.F.A. de Graillet, and 14
folding engr. plates of fencing
men, wood engr. head- and
tailpieces. XXII (introduction),
(23)-181, (1 binder’s index) pp.
DANET, (Guillaume). L’art des armes, ou la maniere la plus
certaine de se servir utilement de l’epée, soit pour attaquer, soit pour se
défendre, simplifiée & démontrée dans toute son étendue & sa perfection.
Paris, Jombert, Herissant, fils & Lacombe, 1766-1767. 2
vols. 8vo. Contemp. calf, blind-tooled boards, spine gilt
with raised bands and morocco title label lettered in gold,
marbled endpapers. With richly designed emblematic
frontispiece, engr. portrait of the author, engr. armorial
headpiece for the dedication, engr. armorial tailpiece
with the French Royal coat of arms, and 45 folding engr.
plates by L.G. Taraval after Taxcilliere, showing the various
positions and movements of two gentlemen fencing in the
fields. (4), XXXVIII, 247, (3); X, (4), 215, (1) pp. (1.500-2.000)
Very rare first edition of this work
on fighting and fencing. The
second edition, with the same
plates, was published in 1786 by
the same publisher. A third edition
was issued in 1800 in Paris & Lille
by the Impr. Blocquel with plates
of a different character. Fine copy
in attractive binding.- (Some
plates slightly soiled, book plate of
Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis to upper
paste-down). Sloos, Warfare and
the age of printing, 05069; Thimm p. 76; Pardoel 780; Vigeant p.
50; Lipperheide 2977
First edition of a revolutionary course in fencing by Guillaune
Danet, Royal fencing master at Paris and teacher of the Prince
de Conty, to whom the work was dedicated. The new principles
taught by Danet went against everything taught up till then at
the Paris ‘Académie d’Armes’. The Academy also tried with all
its might to suppress the teaching of these new principles at the
fencing school that Danet had founded at Paris; the Academy’s
attempts, however, remained unsuccessful. Good copy.- (Spine
and corners skilfully restored, plates slightly soiled). Vigeant pp.
48-9 (43 plates); Thimm pp. 74-5 (idem); Lipperheide 2975 (45
plates); Pardoel 760 (idem)
DEMEUSE, Nicolas. Nouveau traité de l’art des armes, dans
lequel on établit les principes certains de cet art, & où l’on enseigne les
moyens les plus simples de les mettre en pratique: Ouvrage nécessaire
aux personnes qui se destinent aux armes, & utile à celles qui veulent se
rappeler les principes qu’on leur a enseignés. Liege, F.J. Desoer, 1778.
2 vols. 8vo. Nineteenth-century red morocco by BUMPUS
(Oxford St), gilt corner-pieces and double gilt filets, ribbed
spine gilt, title lettered in gold, inner gilt fillets, all edges
gilt. With engr. half-page coat-of-arms of the dedicatee
FABRIS, Salvator. Della vera pratica & scienza d’armi libri dve.
Nel primo de qvali si tratta li fondamenti dell spada sola. Le raggioni
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
di spada, e pvgnale. Padua, Pietro Paolo Tozzi, 1624. Folio.
Modern vellum, title in ink on spine. With woodcut
printer’s device on title-page, full-page engr. portrait
of Christian IV of Denmark, a half-page engr. author’s
portrait (p. 132) and 190 half-page engr. illustrations of
fencing techniques. (6), 256, (2) pp.
Second edition of an important and lavishly illustrated fencing
manual by Salvator Fabris, fencing teacher to Christian IV of
Denmark, with the same illustrations as the first edition, engr. by Jan
van Halbeeck and Francesco Valesio. The colophon (p. 256) is pasted
over with a loosening strip of illustrated paper, which reveals that
the book was printed by Hendrich Waltkirch, who also printed the
first edition in 1606. Good copy.- (Some leaves strengthened; some
browning and offsetting). Vigeant 56; Thimm, 97; Pardoel 898
by Johann Joachim Hynitzsch and printed by Michael Vogt, with
German and Italian in parallel columns. Vigeant, Thimm and
Pardoel mention an edition of the same date, printed by ‘Michael
Boge’; the name Vogt, printed in Gothic type, must have been
misread. The Italian-born Salvator Fabris was a fencing teacher
to Christian IV of Denmark. His influential manual was first
published in 1606 and reprinted and translated several times.
The translator, a fencing master in his own right, studied under
Heinrich von und zum Velde (1585-1662). Given the fact that the
latter died in 1662, he could not possibly have patronised this
edition, as Thimm suggests. Good copy.- (Skilfully re-backed
with the original spine laid down, covers slightly worm, some
wormholes in lower cover, bookplate of Jack Gorlin to upper
paste-down). Thimm, p. 97; Vigeant 57; Pardoel 899
GARSAULT, (François
Alexandre Pierre de).
Le guide du cavalier. Paris,
Libraires Associés, 1770.
12mo. Contemp. mottled
calf, spine gilt, red morocco
title label, red edges. With
engr. frontispiece and 6
full-page engr. plates by N.
Ransonette after Garsault.
V [= IV], 311 [= 216] pp.
First edition of this attractive
manual on horsemanship by
captain François Alexandre
Pierre de Garsault (16921778), who wrote extensively
on the subject. Printed by Didot in 1769. Good copy.- (Binding
chafed, first free endpaper sl. soiled, bookplate J.H. Anderhub);
Mennessier de la Lance, vol. 1, p. 527; Podeschi 59
-. Scienza e pratica d’arme.- Italiansche Fecht Kunst. Leipzig,
Erasmus Hynitzsch, 1677. Folio. Contemp. blind-tooled
calf, spine with raised bands and red morocco title label
lettered in gold. Title in red and black with full page
engr. author’s portrait by C. Romstet after L. Hartung (p.
132), full page engr. portrait of fencing master Heinrich
von und zum Velde by C. Romstet (p. 224) and 109
engr. illustrations in the text, showing various fencing
techniques. (12), 246, (2) pp.
Attractive edition of an important work on fencing, translated
GIGANTI, Nicoletto. Scola, overo teatro, nelquale sono
rappresentate diverse maniere, e modi di parare, e di ferire di spada sola,
e di spada, e pugnala. Padua, Paolo Frambotto, 1628. Oblong
4to. Modern purple calf, blind-tooled with gilt fillets and
corner-pieces, spine with raised bands and title lettered
in gold. With woodcut vignette on title-page, numerous
head-pieces, full-page etched author’s portrait and 42
etched plates showing various fencing techniques. (16), 95,
(1) pp.
Second edition of a classic work on fencing by the Italian
master Nicoletto Giganti Vinitiano, concentrating on pure
swordplay, dedicated by the publisher to ‘Lazaro Stvbick di
Koenigstein’, and to Cosmo de Medici by the author. The work,
first published in 1606, was very influential, the instructions
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
them to the Italian, German, and Spanish guards. Good copy.(Spine slightly chafed, some browning, some plates misbound).
Vigeant, p. 64; Thimm, p. 117; Pardoel 1114
being limited to the use of the rapier and the dagger. “Ce maitre
est regardé comme l’inventeur du développement tel qu’on le
pratique encore aujourd’hui” (Vigeant). Good copy.- (Some
leaves strengthenend, some leaves slightly soiled). Vigeant, p. 62;
Thimm, 116; Pardoel 1105
GIRARD, Pierre Jacques François. L’academie de l’homme
d’épée; ou, la science parfaite de exercices deffensifs et offensifs, en 116.
plans en taille douce, accompagnés d’explications detaillées avec soin.
The Hague, Jean van Duren, 1755. Oblong 4to. Modern
half calf, spine gilt with raised bands and title lettered in
gold, marbled boards, red edges. With a full-page engr.
author’s portrait as frontispiece, engr. by Jacques Favanne,
engr. title vignette and 116 engr. plates by Thevenard, all
text pages decorated with printer’s flowers. (4), 156,
(6) pp.
Very rare re-issue of Girard’s influential and innovating fencing
manual Traité des armes (The Hague, De Hondt, 1740). STCN
lists only one copy (KB, The Hague). The preface is signed by the
editor P.I.H. The fine illustrations represent the various attitudes
of the French School and the way of successfully opposing
GRASSI, Giacomo di. Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l’arme si
da offesa, come da difesa, con un trattato dell’inganno, & con un modo
di essercitarsi da se stesso, per acquistare forza, giudicio, & prestezza.
Venice, G. Ziletti, 1570. 4to. Nineteenth-century half calf,
spine gilt with raised bands, title lettered in gold, marbled
boards and endpapers. With woodcut printer’s device
on title, full-page engr. portrait of the author standing
between attributes of his sport, and 21 half-page engr.
illustrations in text. (8), 151, (1 blank) pp.
Rare, beautifully illustrated first edition of one of the earliest
text books for young noblemen on the art of fencing,
introducing important improvements in the theory of the
art and teaching a very much simpler method than that of
Marozzo. The author was fencing master at Treviso. His work
teaches the art of fencing still in the wider frame of its early
days, not only teaching the art of fencing with the single rapier,
the rapier and dagger, the cloak and rapier, etc., but also fighting
with the sword and round target, the square target, with the
two-handed sword, with the weapons of the staff, etc. It also
deals with “falsing” and with specific bodily exercises. Grassi’s
work was translated into English in 1594. Fine copy.- (Book plate
of A. Kühnholtz-Lordat on paste-down, book plate of Luigi Cora
on free endpaper, some water staining in last gathering). Vigeant
p. 66; Thimm p. 121; Pardoel 1146; Lipperheide 2949
HEUSSLER, Sebastian (ed.). Neu kunstlich Fecht-Buch.
Darinnen 500 Stuck im ainfachen Rapier, wie auch ettliche im Rapier
und Dolch, dess weitberümbten Fecht- und Lehrmeisters Sig. Salvator
Fabri da Padoa, so wol auch anderer Italianischen und Französischen
Fechter beste Kunststuck, nach rechter lini und fundamentalischer
ordnung. Nuremberg, Balthasar Caimox, 1615. Oblong 4to.
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
HOPE, William. The compleat fencing-master: in which is fully
described the whole guards, parades and lessons belonging to the smallsword; as, also the best rules for playing against either artists or others,
with blunts or sharps. Together with: directions how to behave in single
combat on horse-back: illustrated with figures engraven on
copper-plates, representing the most necessary postures.
London, printed for Hugh Newman, 1697. 8vo. The third
edition. Blind tooled speckled calf, ribbed spine with
paper title label. With 12 engr. folding plates. (22), 197,
(17) pp.
Contemp. blind-tooled calf, spine gilt with raised bands,
title lettered in gold, marbled endpapers, red edges.
With richly engr. title-page and 130 engr. plates in the
text. (16), 232 pp. Bound with: (2) IDEM. New künstlich
Fechtbuch darinnen etliche vorneme Kunststück, dess
weitberümbten Fecht-und Lehrmeisters Sig: Salvator
Fabri da Padua, wie auch anderer Italianischen und
Französischen Fechter beste Kunststücklein im Dolchen
und Rappier. Nuremberg, printed by Ludwig Lochner for
the author, 1615. With engr. illustration on title-page and
36 half-page engr. plates in the text. (2), 45 [=54] pp. (3)
IDEM. New künstlich Figuren Büchlein, darinnen etlich
schöne Stellungen vom Rappier und Mantel fechten,
und andere dergleichen Waffen zu finden, auch wie man
sich im ernst und Schimpf gegen dem Feind bey Tag und
Nacht zum vortheil damit beschützen und gebrauchen
kan. (Nuremberg, Sebastian Heussler, 1615?). Title-page
with engr. illustration and 19 engr. plates.
Three very rare and richly illustrated fencing manuals, edited
by fencing master Sebastian Heussler. Ad 1 concentrates on
pure swordplay, Ad 2 treats fighting with rapier and dagger and
Ad 3, finally, depicts fighting with rapier and mantle as well as
some other techniques. The three works are compiled from
various French and Italian sources, especially from the manuals
of Salvator Fabris. Heussler was the first to introduce Italian
fencing in Germany. His work was very successful, judging from
the reprints of 1630, 1665 and 1716-1717. Good copies.- (Spine
slightly damaged, upper hinge weak, some leaves restored,
some water staining, Ad 1 trimmed). Ad 1: not in Vigeant;
Thimm, p. 134; Pardoel 1253; VD17 23:267689Q. Ad 2: not in
Vigeant; not in Thimm; not in Pardoel; VD 17 23:267721V. Ad 3:
Thimm, p. 134; not in Vigeant; not in Pardoel; not in VD 17
Rare re-issue, with a cancel title-leaf, of the first edition,
published in 1687 as The Scots fencing-master. This charmingly
illustrated fencing manual was reprinted several times, but
most of these reprints are in fact reissues, printed from the same
setting of type and furnished with a new title-page. William
Hope (1660-1724), a famous Scottish master, was knighted in
1698 and published several works on fencing, which were a great
stimulus to Scottish fencing. Good copy.- (Slightly warped,
joints splitting, spine restored, title-page loose). This edition not
in Thimm; nor in Vigeant; Pardoel 1280
-. A new, short, and easy method of fencing: or, the art of the broad and
small-sword rectified and compendiz’d. Edinburgh, James Watson,
1707. 4to. Modern blind-tooled chamois, ribbed spine,
blind-lettered title. With folding table and 9 engr. plates,
all mounted on modern paper. XVI, (2), 288 pp. (400-600)
First edition of William Hope’s main work. The illustrations
were originally issued as one folding sheet, comprising 16
figures. In the present copy the figures have been cut out,
mounted on modern paper and bound between the letterpress
leaves. Fair copy.- (Some leaves restored). Vigeant, pp. 72-73;
Thimm, p. 139; Pardoel 1281
-. A new, short, and easy method of fencing: or, the art of the broad
and small-sword rectified and compendiz’d. Edinburgh, James
Watson, 1707. 4to. Contemp. mottled calf, spine ribbed,
title lettered in gold, red speckled edges. With one folding
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
letterpress table. XVI, 288, (2) pp.
Fair copy.- (Without the plates, spine neatly restored, some
wormholes, armorial book plate on verso title-page). Vigeant,
pp. 72-73; Thimm, p. 139; Pardoel 1281
LIANCOUR, (Wernesson de). Le maitre d’armes ou l’exercice
de l’épée seule dans sa perfection. Dédié à monseigneur le Duc de
Bourgogne. Paris, Amst., Daniel de la Feuille, 1692. Oblong
4to. Nineteenth-century red morocco by BUMPUS
(Oxford St.), gilt corner-pieces and fillets, ribbed spine gilt,
title lettered in gold, inner gilt fillets, edges gilt. With engr.
head-piece and 14 engr. plates. 47, (1) pp.
KAHN, Anthon Friedrich. Anfangsgründe der Fechtkunst
nebst einer Vorrede von dem Nutzen der Fechtkunst und den Vorzügen
dieser Anweisung. Göttingen, J.C.L. Schultzen, 1739. 4to.
Twentieth-century blind-tooled morocco with French
fillet, title lettered in gold, French inner fillets, top edge
gilt. engr. portrait of the author and 25 engr. plates by J.J.
Kauffmann, C.F. Fritzsch a.o., mainly after L.E. Cuerland,
each plate with 3 fencing scenes. (2), 46 pp. (2.100-2.400)
Rare and important fencing treatise by “the principal authority
on the subject on University fence schools (...)” (Thimm),
incorporating an account of the Kreussler’sche Schule. The
author was fighting-master at the Georgius Augustus University
at Göttingen. He introduced the term Kreusslerische Schule,
considering Wilhelm Kreussler (1673) as the founder of fencing
with the rapier. He was also one of the so-called Marxbrüder,
fencers focusing completely on fighting with the rapier,
following Fabris, Giganti and Cavalcabo. Fine copy in attractive
binding.- (Bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis on upper
paste-down, bookplate of Malcolm Fare on first free endpaper).
Vigeant p. 75; Thimm p. 153; Pardoel 1351; cf. Lipperheide 2972
(listing the edition published in 1761, with the same plates)
Second edition of a rare and attractively illustrated work on the
art of fencing. The first edition was published in Paris in 1686, after
which the author rewrote and reduced the work for clarity’s sake.
Wernesson de Liancour (Mid 17th Century - 1732) is the fencing
master credited with developing the modern lunge technique. He
had a profound influence on later master, including Domenico
Angelo. Fine copy in attractive binding.- (Lacks frontispiece,
bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis to upper paste-down).
Vigeant, p. 84; Thimm, p. 165; Pardoel 1502; STCN (one copy only)
MARCELLI, Francesco Antonio. Regole della scherma
insegnate de Lelio, e Titta Marcelli scritte da Francesco Antonio
Marcelli figlio, enipote e maestro di scherma in Roma. Rome, Dom.
Ant. Ercole, 1686. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Nineteenthcentury blind-tooled vellum with centre-piece by
BUMPUS (Oxford St.), spine ribbed, black morocco title
labels lettered in gold, red edges. With engr. frontispiece,
depicting 7 fencing masters of the Marcelli family, Swedish
engr. coat-of-arms on title-page and 34 engr. illustrations
in the text. (8), 161, (15); (10), 113, (9) pp.
Very rare first and only edition of this monumental Italian
fencing treatise, dedicated to the queen of Sweden. The
illustrations were engr. after designs by the author, who
was a son of Lelio Marcelli and a nephew of Titta Marcelli,
fencing masters in Rome. In part 2, a leaf with contemporary
manuscript annotations is bound in. Fine copy.- (Some
wormholes in part one, bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
MAROZZO, Achille. Opera nova de Achille Marozzo Bolognese,
Maestro Generale, de l’arte de l’Armi. (Venice, ca. 1540?). 4to.
Nineteenth-century half calf, spine gilt, title lettered in
gold, marbled boards. Rich allegorical woodcut title-page
and 83 mostly full-page woodcuts of fighting positions and
duelling men. (4), 131, (1 blank) lvs.
Attractive edition of an important and early work on fencing.
The first edition appeared in 1536 and was reprinted several
times thereafter. This is probably the second edition which
appeared undated ca. 1540 dedicated to Count Guido Rangone
(d. 1539). It has the same title-page, collation and woodcuts as
the 1550 edition, but a differently set text, a different woodcut
on verso of leaf 28, and the text in the lower half of leaf 126 verso
is printed upside down. The woodcuts, depicting the use of the
sword, the pike and the dagger, are partly monogrammed ‘b’,
‘bR’ and ‘d’, identified by Nagler as Francenso Barattini Romano.
The work is divided into five chapters, each dealing with specific
weapons. The final part of the work, beautifully printed in
various shapes, is devoted to knife-fighting. Good copy.- (Joints
splitting, some waterstains, bookplate of Thomas Evelyn ScottEllis on paste-down). Vigeant, pp. 90-91; Thimm p. 181?; Pardoel
Ellis on upper paste-down, book plate of Malcolm Fare on free
endpaper). Vigeant, p. 87; Thimm, pp. 178-79; Pardoel 1638
MARTIN, le sieur. Le maistre d’armes ou l’abrégé de l’exercice
de l’épée, démontrée par le sieur Martin maistre en fait d’armes de
l’Academie de Strasbourg, orné de figures en taille douce. Strasbourg,
for the author, 1737. Small 8vo. Contemp. mottled calf,
ribbed spine gilt, green morocco title label, lettered in
gold. With 16 folding
engr. plates. 1-6, (2),
7-185, (3) pp. (400-600)
First and only edition of
a work which drew its
inspiration from L’Abbat.
Fair copy.- (Spine slightly
damaged, lacks first free
endpaper, owner’s entry
on title-page (‘Louis
Departout’), eighteenthcentury annotations on
endpapers and plates,
some occ. staining,
bookplate of Jean Georgel,
‘maitre d’armes’, on verso
title-page). Vigeant, p. 92;
Thimm 183 (erroneously
listing it as 12mo); Pardoel
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
McARTHUR, John. The army and navy gentleman’s companion;
or a new and complete treatise of fencing. Displaying the intricacies
of small-sword play; and reducing the art to the most easy & familiar
principles by regular progressive lessons. London, printed for J.
Murray, 1784. 4to. Twentieth-century half calf, ribbed
spine with purple morocco title label, title lettered in gold,
marbled boards. With engr. frontispiece by J. Newton after
J. Sowerby, engraved title-page, 3 full-page and 16 folding
engraved plates by J. Newton after McArthur. (4), XXII,
(4), 162 pp.
Second enlarged and revised edition of a beautifully illustrated
fencing manual, dedicated to the Duke of Argyll; the first
edition appeared in 1780-81. The work explains the art in
two series of lessons, the first containing 13 lessons on the
guards, simple parades and thrusts in general, the second
series comprising 20 lessons on the various round parades,
counter disengagements, feints, glissades etc. A third part
deals with assaults and attacks in general. On the last pages, a
useful alphabetical glossary of technical terms is added. With
a list of subscribers. Good copy.- (Occasional offsetting, some
waterstains, front matter misbound). Vigeant, p. 32; Thimm, p.
172; Pardoel 1692; Lipperheide 2978
OLIVIER, Jean. Fencing familiarized: or a New treatise on
the art of small sword. A new edition.- L’Art des armes
simplifié: ou Nouveau traité sur la maniere de se servir
de l’epée. London, John Bell, 1780. 8vo. Contemp. calf,
ribbed spine, red morocco title label, title lettered in gold.
With half-page engr. coat-of-arms to both the English and
French dedication, and 14 engr. plates, mostly folding,
showing several fencing positions, by D. Jenkins, W. Blake,
C. Grignion and Goldar, after designs from life by T.
Roberts and Jenkins. (4), VII, (5), X-XLVII, (1), 205,
(1) pp.
Attractive edition of this bilingual fencing treatise by the famous
French master Jean Olivier, dedicated to the Earl of Harrington.
The first edition was published by the same publisher in 1771.
The present edition was revised, corrected and augmented with
a new set of plates. “Ces gravures sont supérieures à celles de
la 1re édition, mais mal numérotées” (Vigeant). In some copies
the first plate is bound as frontispiece. Good copy.- (Spine neatly
restored, some offsetting, some foxing). Vigeant p. 98; Thimm p.
211; Pardoel 1946
-. L’art des armes simplifié, ou nouveau traité sur la maniere de se
servir de l’épée: enrichi de figures en taille douce représentant toutes les
differentes attitudes d’òu dependent les principes et la grace de cet art;
peintes d’après nature. London/ York, J. Bell/ C. Etherington,
1771. 8vo. Twentieth-century blind-tooled chamois. With
folding engr. frontispiece depicting the interior of Olivier’s
Academy for Fencing and 7 (of 8) folding engr. plates of
fencing positions after Ovenden. (2), V-XLIX, 196 [= 194],
(1) pp.
First edition of Olivier’s Fencing familiarized, with the text in
English and French juxtaposed. “The work is very sound, and
thoroughly justifies its French title, as it contains a simplified
system, shorn of all unnecessary and obsolete details.” (Thimm).
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
The nice frontispiece shows the interior of a fencing classroom,
with an ongoing exercise between two students, closely followed
by the master himself sitting in a chair, by a group of other
students at the left and by some spectators standing outside
looking through the windows. Good copy.- (One plate lacking,
frontispiece and some lvs soiled, lacks half-title?). Vigeant pp.
97-98; Thimm pp. 210-11; Pardoel 1945
comprising title, foreword, 24 text leaves, and 35 plates,
including 2 folding plates (in facsimile?).
Rare first edition of an important, entirely engr. work on the art
of fencing, in which emphasis is laid on the so called ‘riposte’.
A second edition was published in ca. 1750. Good copy.- (Spine
skilfully restored, occasional slight water staining). Vigeant pp.
103-104; Thimm p. 222; Pardoel 2030
PEN DRAWING, Showing two men fencing. (Germany, ca.
1612). Framed (ca. 22 x 28 cm.). Pen on paper (ca. 9 x 16
Design for an illustration in the famous fighting book New
künstliches Fechtbuch by Jacob Sutor, published in Frankfurt in 1612,
with two lines of contemp. text in German (mostly illegible)
and the number ‘163’ in centre of drawing. In good condition.(Unexamined out of the frame)
PERCHE, LE, (Jean-Baptiste). L’exercice des armes, ou le
maniment du fleuret, pour ayder la memoire de ceux qui sont amateurs
de cet art. Paris, N. Bonnart, (ca. 1676). Oblong 4to.
Nineteenth-century half calf, spine gilt in compartments,
title lettered in gold, marbled boards. Entirely engr.,
ROWORTH, C. The art of defence on foot with the broad sword and
sabre, uniting the Scotch and Austrian methods into one regular system.
To which are added remarks on the spadroon. London, printed for
T. Egerton, 1798. 8vo. 2nd edition. Twentieth-century blue
morocco signed BUMPUS (Oxford St.), gilt fillet on boards
and edges, ribbed spine gilt, title lettered in gold, gilt inner
fillet, top edge gilt. With 3 full-page and 5 folding engraved
plates by Bawtree. (4), 108 pp.
Second edition of a finely illustrated treatise, divided into
two parts. The first part is devoted to practice at a target,
the second part treats practice with an antagonist; a short
appendix concludes the book. The first edition was published
anonymously in the same year. Fine copy.- (Some browning,
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis on paste-down).
Vigeant, p. 116 (erroneously identifying the illustrator as
Bantrec); Thimm, p. 249; Pardoel 2291 (calling for 10 plates)
SCHMIDT, Johann Andreas. Leib-beschirmende und Feinden
Trotz-bietende Fecht-Kunst; oder: leicht und getreue Anweisung auf
Stosz un Hieb zierlich und sicher zu fechten; nebst einem curieusen
Unterricht vom Voltigiren und Ringen. Nuremburg, printed by
the widow of J.H. Spörlin for J.C. Weigel, 1713. Oblong
8vo. Later half calf, title lettered in gold, marbled boards.
Title in red and black, engraved frontispiece showing the
author in his own fencing-school and 84 mostly full-page
engr. plates in and out of the text, showing fencing scenes,
wrestling men and men practising horse-vaulting. (22),
376 pp.
First edition of this scarce, richly illustrated typographical
masterpiece by the ‘Fecht- und Excercitien-Meister’ of
Nuremburg. “L’ouvrage de Schmidt est curieux par le genre
d’ornements de ses planches, et sa méthode ne manque pas
d’originalité” (Vigeant). Good copy.- (Waterstaining, vague
stamp on title-page, somme plates coloured by a youthful
hand). Vigeant p. 120; Thimm p. 260; Pardoel 2365; cf.
Lipperheide 2970, listing the edition 1737
SENESE, Alessandro. Il vero maneggio di spada d’Alessandro
Senese gentil’huomo Bolognese dedicato al Sereniss. Prencipe Ferdinando
Carlo Arciduca d’Austrai, Duca di Borgogna, Stiria, Carintia, &c.
Landgrauio d’Alsatia, &c. Bologna, heirs of Vittorio Benacci,
1660. Folio. Contemp. vellum, red edges. With etched
allegorical frontispiece and 14 etched plates by Giuseppe
Mitelli (included in signatures, but not in pagination),
woodcut title-vignette, one woodcut illustration in the
text and several woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces.
(16), 70, (2) pp.
Rare first and only edition of this beautifully illustrated and
sought-after Italian fencing treatise, dedicated to Charles
Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria. With preliminary poems by
‘Io. Phil. Cert’ and Bonaventure Rubeus. The work comprises
mainly an adaptation of the old principles to the somewhat
lighter rapier of those days. No copies in ABPC and only a
few copies in JAP 1950-2009. Very good copy.- (Bookplate of
Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis on paste-down, owner’s entry on
free endpaper, some foxing and offsetting, some plates with
contemp. annotations). Vigeant, p. 123; Thimm, p. 265; Pardoel
Extremely rare handbook on fencing and duelling in
Italian and Spanish
TEXEDO, Don Pedro, Sicilia de Tervel. Escuela de
principiantes, y promptuario de questiones en la philosofia
de la berdadera destreça de lea armas.- Scuola de’
principianti, e sommario di questioni nella filosofia della
vera destrezza delle armi. Naples, Juan Françisco Paz, 1678.
FENCING & MILITARIA (since 1800)
4to. Contemp. limp vellum with remnants of leather ties,
title in ink on spine. With full-page engr. portrait of the
dedicatee Don Fernando Joachim Faxardo de Requessens y
Zuniga by A. Clowet, a full-page engr. portrait the author,
9 full-page and 3 half-page engr. plates, showing and
illustrating the movements and steps of fencers. (24), 89,
(1) pp.
Extremely rare original and only (?) edition of an interesting
Italian/Spanish manual on fencing and duelling by Don Pedro
Texedo, Sicilia de Tervel. Only two copies could be traced (in
the British Library and the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid). On
the verso of the title-page there is the full-page engr. portrait
of the dedicatee, Don Fernando Joachin Faxardo de Requesens,
y Zuniga, Marques de los Velez, Molina, y Martorel ... y
Capitan General de el Reyno de Napoles, etc., followed by the
dedication, in Spanish, by Don Pedro Texedo, dated Palermo, 5
March 1678, on p. (3-10); the preface in Spanish and Italian in
two columns on p. (11-21); three privileges, dated 18 April and
1 June 1678, on p. (21-22); a laudatory poem on the author by
Don Juan de Chaves Abogado de los Reales consejos, y auditor
general de las galeras de Espana on p. (23); and the engr. portrait
within an allegorical border of the author on p. (24). The text
in Spanish and Italian on two parallel columns. The book is
concluded by a sonnet to the author by a friend. Good copy.(Spine restored and slightly soiled, last leaf restored). Thimm, p.
286; Pardoel 2595; Palau 331.182; not in Vigeant; not in BL, 17th c.
Italian books
ANDRÉ, Émile. L’escrime française. 1er-6ème Année. Paris,
1889-94. Later blue cloth. With numerous illustrations in
the text. Issues 1-166. 3 vols. 4to.
The first 6 vols. of this bi-monthly review devoted to French
fencing, edited by the prolific author Émile André. Good copy.(Covers stained). Thimm, p. 9; Pardoel 96
BELLANGÉ, Hippolyte. Collection des types de tous les corps
et dus uniformes militaires de la République et de l’Empire. Paris, J.J. Dubochet & Co., 1844. Large 8vo. Contemp. half cloth
with pasted orig. spine and front wr. With 50 full-page
wood-engr. plates in contemp. handcolouring. VII, (1
blank), 112 pp.
Finely illustrated work with uniform plates by the painter and
lithographer Hippolyte Bellangé (1800-1866), who concentrated
on military and patriotic themes. Including depictions of
Napoleon and Eugène de Beauharnais. Good copy with clean
plates.- (Binding used; text with foxing; few quires loose/
loosening). Colas 287; Hiler p. 78; cf. Lipperheide 1158
BOËSSIÈRE the younger, Texier la. Traité de l’art des armes,
a l’usage des professeurs et des amateurs. Paris, Didot l’Ainé, 1818.
8vo. Contemporary black buckram, all edges gilt. With 20
folding engr. plates, depicting various fencing positions, by
FENCING & MILITARIA (1540 - 1800)
Adam after Bodem. xxii, 309, (1 blank) pp.
The author was the son of the famous fencing master that
anonymously published an essay against the treatise of
Guillaume Danet, in 1766. He opposed his father with his
reforms in the art of fencing, and laid the foundations of the
fencing methods perfected by Jean-Louis. Fine copy.- (Some
occasional foxing). Thimm, p. 33; Vigeant, pp. 38-39; Pardoel 396
First edition of a Spanish fencing manual, written for the
students of a Spanish school for young nobles. All basic
principles and rules for fencing are taught, and the different
techniques of the various schools of fencing, French, Italian and
Spanish, are discussed. The work is clearly arranged and divided
in separate chapters for the exercises and training of the various
positions of the hands and feet, while in the last chapters the
more complex movements and fighting stratagems are treated.
All important positions are illustrated on the lively designed
engr. plates. By the end, the students certainly must have
become expert in the art. Good copy.- (Front board with some
wormholes, extremities of spines slightly damaged, corners
slightly bumped). Thimm 37; Vigeant 40; Pardoel 445
(CAPIAUMONT, A.). Manuel d’escrime a la baïonette
simplifiée prescrit par M. le ministre de la guerre pour
les Régiments d’Infanterie et de Chasseurs à pied, par
disposition du 13 décembre 1845, deuxième division no 34.
Liége, Felix Oudart, 1848. 8vo. Later half cloth, marbled
endpapers. With 18 folding engraved plates. (2), 44 pp.
Together with: (2) Manuel d’escrime approuvé par M. le ministre de
la guerre le 18 mai 1877. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1877.
16mo. Orig. printed boards. 127, (1) pp. With numerous
lithogr. figures in the text.
Ad 1: Fine copy. Ad 2: Good copy.- (Spine damaged, covers
stained). Ad 1: not in Vigeant; not in Thimm; Pardoel 506. Ad 2:
not in Vigeant; Thimm, p. 178; this edition not in Pardoel
BREA, D. Manuel Antonio de. Principios universales
y reglas generales de la verdadera destreza del espadin,
segun la doctrina mixta de Francesa, Italiana y Española,
dispuestos para instruccion de los caballeros seminaristas
del real seminario de nobles de esta corte. Madrid,
Imprenta Real, 1805. 4to. Later half calf with marbled
boards, spine with red morocco title label. With 18 engr.
plates depicting several fencing techniques. (8),
68 pp.
Fine copy.- (Uncut). Thimm 37; Vigeant 40; Pardoel 445
Spanish fencing manual
-. Idem. Marbled calf, gilt ruling, spine gilt, marbled edges
and endpapers. With 18 engr. plates depicting several
fencing techniques. (8), 68 pp.
CHAPPON, Louis. Theoretisch-practische Anleitung zur FechtKunst. Pesth, gedrukt [!] auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1839.
Oblong 4to. Contemp. marbled boards, orange coloured
paper spine. With lithographed author’s portrait as
frontispiece and 80 lithographed plates, showing various
fencing techniques. 54, (2) pp.
FENCING & MILITARIA (since 1800)
Very rare and lavishly illustrated fencing manual by Louis
(or Lajos) Chappon (1802-1878), fencing teacher to Archduke
Stephen, to whom this work is humbly dedicated. The manual
treats several fencing techniques, including bayonet fighting
and vaulting, and can be used to great advantage both by
soldiers and by civilians, as the author stresses in the preface.
In 1848 Chappon published two other fencing manuals, one in
Hungarian and one in German. Good copy.- (Spine damaged,
top of spine missing). Thimm, p. 56; Pardoel 599; not in Vigeant
CHATELAIN, le Chevalier. Traité d’escrime, a pied
et a cheval, contenant la démonstration des positions,
bottes, parades, feintes, ruses, et généralement tous
les coups d’armes connus dans les académies. Paris,
Magimel, Anselin & Pochard, 1818. 8vo. 2nd edition. Later
half red morocco, marbled boards. With 9 figures on 8
lithographed plates. (4), 83, (1 blank) pp.
Second, enlarged edition. The first edition appeared in 1817.
Both Thimm and Vigeant call for 9 plates, probably counting the
figures instead of the plates. A German adaption was published
in 1819. Good copy.- (Uncut). Thimm, p. 58 (note; 9 plates);
Vigeant, pp. 46-47 (9 plates); Pardoel 617 (8 plates)
CORDELOIS. Leçons d’armes par Cordelois du duel et de l’assaut
théorie complètes sur l’art de l’escrime. Paris, J. Dumaine, 1872.
8vo. 2e édition illustrée. Contemp. half red morocco,
ribbed spine gilt, title lettered in gold, marbled boards,
edges and endpapers. With engr. author’s portrait as
frontispiece by M. Brown and 28 steel engr. plates by
Chenet. (4), 329, (3) pp. Together with:(2) DESMEDT,
Eugène. La science de l’escrime. Avec une préface de Max Waller un
dictionnaire de l’épée et un guide des escrimeurs. Brussels, Widow
Monnom, 1888. 8vo. Later half calf with the orig. Wr.
bound in, ribbed spine richly gilt, title lettered in gold,
marbled boards and endpapers. 253, (1) pp. With portrait
of the author and 14 photo-engr. plates after J. Malvaux.
(3) Hergsell, Gustav. Die Fechtkunst. Vienna (etc.), A.
Hartleben, 1881. 8vo. Orig.l gilt decorated brown cloth,
red edges. XIII, (3), 358 pp. Illustrated with 22 lithographed
F. Tempsky/ G. Freytag, 1910. Folio. Later blue cloth with
red title label. Numerous illustrations on 78 plates and 157
illustrations in the text. (2), LXXXI, (3) pp.
Rare facsimile of Dürer’s magnificent manuscript of ca. 1500 on
wrestling and sword fighting, published in the series Jahrbuch
der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten
Kaiserhauses, Band XXVII, Heft 6. Good copy.- (Bookplates of
Jack Gorlin and Malcolm Fare on paste-down)
GOMARD, A.-J.-J. Possellier dit. La théorie de l’escrime
enseignée par une méthode simple basée sur l’observation de la nature.
Paris, Librairie militaire de J. Dumaine, 1845. 8vo. Contemp.
half red roan, marbled boards. With 20 lithographed plates
of fencing positions. (8), 319, (5) pp.
Together with: (2) PRÉVOST, Camille. Théorie pratique de
l’escrime. Avec préface et notice par Ernest Legouvé et la biographie de
Prévost Père par Adolphe Tavernier. Paris, M. de Brunhoff, 1886.
Large 8vo. Contemp. half grained roan, with the original
wrappers bound in, ribbed spine. Numerous (full-page)
ills. by Bourgoin, partly after photographs of Nadar. (3)
ANDRÉ, Emile. Manuel theorique et pratique d’escrime. Paris,
Garnier Frères, 1896. Later half morocco with the orig.
Wr. bound in, ribbed spine gilt, marbled boards. 8vo.
Illustrated. (2), 493, (1) pp.
Ad 1: Good DEDICATION copy.- (Binding chafed). Ad 2: Good
DEDICATION copy.- (Binding chafed). Ad 3: Fine copy.- (Spine
sl. faded). Ad 1: Vigeant, p. 64; Pardoel 1123. Ad 2: Thimm p.
231; Pardoel 2121; cf. Vigeant p.107. Ad 3: not in Vigeant; not in
Thimm; Pardoel 98
Ad 1: Fine copy.- (Cornes slightly bumped, some foxing). Ad 2:
Fine copy.- (Bookplates of J.R. Garcia Donnel, Armand Massard
and Jean Georgel). Ad 3: Very good copy.- (Upper hinge weak,
some annotations, bookplate of Jean Georgel). Ad1: Vigeant, p.
47; Thimm, p. 66; Pardoel 680. Ad 2: Thimm, p. 78; Pardoel 793;
Ad 3: Vigeant p. 69; Thimm p. 134; Pardoel 1238
DÜRER - DÖRNHÖFFER, Friedrich. Albrecht Dürers
Fechtbuch. Mit 78 Tafeln und 157 Textabbildungen. Wien/ Leipzig,
GORDON, Athony. A treatise on the science defence, for the
sword, bayonet, and pike, in close action. London, T. Egerton, 1805.
4to. Contemp. boards, printed title label on spine. With
FENCING & MILITARIA (since 1800)
19 etched plates, including one folding, by J. Lee after R.
Smirke jr. (8), 66 pp.
First edition of an innovative work, giving detailed instructions on
the attack and defence with the bayonet, dedicated to the Duke
of York. A second edition was published in 1806. Good copy.(Slightly soiled, some water staining, first free endpaper with tear,
repaired with paper). Not in Vigeant; Thimm 119; Pardoel 1132
GUERININIÈRE, François Robichon de la. École de
cavalerie. Tome premier. Paris, Magimel & Metz, Collignon,
1802. 8vo. Contemp. half calf with gilt title on spine. Engr.
author’s portrait for frontispiece, 30 engr. plates (2 folding,
28 full-page). (7, 1 blank), 296 pp.
MÉRIGNAC, Émile. Histoire de l’escrime dans tous les temps et
dans tous les pays. Paris, Imprimeries Réunies, 1883. 2 vols.
8vo. Twentieth-century red half morocco with original
wrappers bound in, spine ribbed gilt, title lettered in
gold, marbled endpapers. With etched author’s portrait,
frontispiece, half-titles and one plate (facing p. 283 vol. 2)
by E. de Malval, 17 lithographed plates outside the text
after Récipon, Dupuy, Girardin and Daniel, and numerous
illustrations and head- and tail-pieces in the text. XVI, 433,
(3); (4), 598 pp.
Fine uncut copy.- (Upper joints vol. 1 slightly rubbed, some
foxing, bookplate of Jean Georgel, ‘Maitre d’armes’, on pastedowns). Thimm, p. 191; Pardoel 1750
Good copy.- (pp. 135-36 lacking); Mennessier de la Lance II, p. 28
LAFEUGÈRE, Justin. Traité de l’art de faire se sarmes. Paris,
Garnier, Nouvelle édition 1825. 8vo. Three-quarter calf,
marbled boards with the original wrappers bound in. With
lithographed author’s portrait as frontispiece and 2 folding
engr. plates, illustrating various fencing positions. xvi, 352
pp. Together with: (2) JACOB, Jules & Émile ANDRÉE (ed). Le
jeu de l’épée. Paris, Paul Ollendorff, 1887. 8vo. Contemp. half
red morocco, marbled boards and endpapers. (2), XXXVI,
278 pp. (3) BEAUMONT, Edouard. L’épée et les femmes. Paris,
Libraire des bibliophiles, 1881. 4to. Contemp. half green
morocco with the original wrappers bound in, ribbed
spine, title lettered in gold, marbled endpapers. (4), VIII,
278, (2) pp. With frontispiece and 4 photo-engr. plates.
Ad 1: Fine copy. Ad 2: Very good copy.- (Corners bumped,
bookplate of Jean Georgel on upper paste-down). Ad 3: Fine
copy.- (Some foxing, bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis
on upper paste-down, bookplate of Malcolm Fare on free
endpaper). Ad 1: Vigeant, pp. 78-79; Thimm, p. 157; Pardoel 1429.
Ad 2: Thimm, p. 8; Pardoel 1326. Ad 3: Vigeant, pp. 34-5; Thimm,
p. 26 (erroneously dated 1882); Pardoel 277
LAMARCHE, Claude. Traité de l’épée. Paris, Marpon &
Flammarion, 1884. 8vo. Contemp. half red morocco,
ribbed spine gilt, title lettered in gold, marbled boards
and endpapers. With lithographed frontispiece and 14
lithographed plates and numerous illustrations in the text.
Together with: (2) LAMARCHE, Claude. L’épée. Paris, Ernest
Flammarion, 1884. 8vo. Later half calf with the original
wrappers bound in, marbled boards. XV, (1), 312 pp. With
numerous illustrations in the text.
Ad 1: Good copy.- (Frontispiece and title-page loosening). Ad 2:
Very good copy. Ad 1: Thimm, p. 158; Pardoel 1639. Ad 2: Not in
Thimm; Pardoel 1640
POLLOCK, W.H. e.a. Fencing with a complete bibliography of the
art by Egerton Castle. Boxing by E.B. Michell. Wrestling by Walter
Armstrong. London, Longmans, Green and Co, 1889. Large
8vo. Contemp. half blue morocco. With frontispiece and
40 plates, including 18 photo-engr. plates on fencing.
Number 109 of 250 on large paper. XV, (1), 338 pp. Together
with: (2) VIGEANT, (Arsènes). Un maître d’armes sous la
Restauration. Paris, Motteroz, 1883. 8vo. Later half morocco
with the original wrappers bound in. 194, (2) pp. With
an etched portrait of Jean-Louis as frontispiece. Number
423 of 420 copies on ‘vélin’ (of a total of 480). (3) LECHAT,
Charles. L’escrime en 1930. (Liège, Benard, 1931). Oblong
folio. Half cloth, title label pasted on front cover. (1), 60
numb. lithographed lvs., showing numerous caricatures
of fencnig master.
Ad 1: Good copy.- (Spine rubbed, bookplate of Alfred Money
Wigman). Ad 2: Fine copy.- (Bookplate of Thomas Evelyn
Scott-Ellis). Ad 3: Good copy.- (Re-bound and re-backed). Ad 1:
Thimm, p.227 (with different date); This edition not in Pardoel.
Ad 2: Thimm, p. 323; Pardoel 2722. Ad 3: not in Pardoel
ROBERT, Georges. La science des armes. L’assaut et les
assauts publics le duel et la leçon de duel. Avec une notice
sur Robert Ainé par M. Ernest Legouvé de l’Académie
française. Et une lettre de M. Hébard de Villeneuve
président de la Société d’Encouragement de l’Escrime.
Paris, Garnier Frères, 1887. Large 8vo. Later purple half
calf, marbled endpapers, with the original wrappers bound
in. With a portrait of Robert Ainé, 8 folding tables and
numerous illustrations in the text. (4), 231, (1) pp.
Good copy.- (Binding slightly chafed and discoloured, foxing
throughout. bookplate of Phillippe Bourgeois on paste-down).
Thimm, p. 242; Pardoel 2206
FENCING & MILITARIA (since 1800)
ROLAND, George. A treatise on the theory and
practice of the art of fencing, illustrated with twelve
highly finished plates, and continued by easy and
progressive lessons, from the simplest position to the most
complicated movements. Edinburgh, London, printed
for A. Constable and Comp. etc. “and sold by the author
at his fencing rooms”, 1823. 8vo. Twentieth-century
speckled half calf, raised bands, title lettered in gold,
marbled boards. With 12 lithographed plates by Forrester
& Morison after G. Simson, some (partly) hand-coloured.
XI, (1), 181, (1) pp.
First edition of this treatise by George Roland, fencing master
at the Royal Academy of Edinburgh and son of Joseph Roland,
fencing master at the Royal Military Academy of Woolwich. A
reissue, printed from the same setting of type, was published in
1824. Fine untrimmed copy.- (Owner’s entry on title-page, some
light foxing). Vigeant, pp. 111-12; Thimm, p. 243; Pardoel 2217
-. -. London, Edinburgh, printed for William Sams, 1824.
8vo. Nineteenth-century gold- and blind-tooled red
morocco, signed BUMPUS (Oxford St.), ribbed spine gilt,
title lettered in gold, gilt inner fillets, top edge gilt. With
12 lithographed plates by Forrester & Morison after G.
Simson. XI, (1), 181, (1) pp.
Re-issue of the 1823 edition, printed from the same setting of
type, with a new title-page. Fine copy.- (Lower part of the titlepage slightly soiled, bookplate of Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis on
paste-down). This edition not in Vigeant; Thimm, p. 24; Pardoel
ROLAND, Joseph. The amateur of fencing; or A treatise on
the art of sword-defence, theoretically and experimentally
explained upon new principles; designed chiefly for persons
who have only acquired a superficial knowledge of the
subject. London, printed for the author by W. Williams,
1809. 8vo. Contemp. blue half roan, spine gilt, title lettered
in gold, marbled boards. XXXII [= XXXVI], 228 pp. Together
with: (2) ROLAND, George. An introductory course of fencing.
Second edition. Edinburgh, published by the author, (1837?).
8vo. Original gold- and blind-tooled cloth. 41, (3) pp. With
5 lithographed plates showing various fencing techniques.
(3) TAVERNIER, Adolphe. Amateurs et salles d’armes de Paris.
Paris, Marpon & Flammarion, (1886). 8vo. Later marbled
half calf, marbled boards and endpapers. (6), 342 pp. With
etched frontispiece and numerous illustrations in the text
by Genniloud.
Ad 1: Good copy.- (Binding slightly rubbed, 4 bookplates of
fencing masters). Ad 2: Very good copy.- (Binding chafed). Ad 3:
Fine copy. Ad 1: Vigeant p. 110f; Thimm p. 244; Pardoel 2224. Ad
2 Vigeant, p. 112; Thimm, p. 243; Pardoel 2221. Ad 3: Thimm, p.
285; Pardoel 2578
ROLANDO, Le Sieur Guzman. The modern art of
fencing agreeably to the practice of the most eminent
masters in Europe. By le sieur Guzman Rolando, of the
Academie des Armes. Carefully revised and augmented
with a technical glossary, etc. by J.S. Forsyth. London,
printed for S. Leigh (colophon: printed by S. and R.
Bentley), 1822. 12mo. Original printed and decorated
yellow boards. With 23 Contemp. hand-coloured engr.
plates by S. Hall after W. Derby. XXXI, (1), 240, (4) pp.
First edition of this popular and nicely illustrated pocket-sized
handbook. The title-page with a quote from John Locke on
education: “Fencing has so many advantages in regard to health
and personal appearance, that every gentleman of respectability
ought to have so striking a mark of distinction.” Publisher’s
FENCING & MILITARIA (since 1800)
stock list on last 4 pages (‘Established school books’). A Spanish
edition was published by Ackermann (London) in 1826. Good
copy.- (Spine neatly restored). Vigeant p. 113; Thimm p. 244;
Pardoel 2226
ROSAROLL SCORZA, (Giuseppe) & Pietro
GRISETTI. La scienza della scherma espota dai due amici. Milan,
Giornale Italico, 1803. 8vo. Contemp. dark green half calf,
red morocco title label, title lettered in gold, marbled
boards. With 10 folding etched plates illustrating fencing
techniques. (6), XLVI, (2 blank), 357, (5) pp.
First edition of a thorough work on fencing. Rosaroll and
Grisetti based their fencing principles on the Neapolitan system
of fencing, which was in its turn based on the 16th- and 17th
century Italian rapier play. The work is rather complicated
because of the many calculations and formulae which the
authors use in order to evaluate and compare force, velocity and
power of fencing. The 10 folding plates show 10 pairs of men.
The work was reprinted 3 times. The present copy is SIGNED
by both authors on page 358. Good copy.- (Lower part of spine
damaged, some foxing, two lvs. trimmed with slight loss of
text). Vigeant, p. 115; Thimm, p. 262; Pardoel 2234
as fighting with the two-handed sword, written by the French
military officer Saint Martin, stationed in Austria. In France,
the author was known as one of the best apprentices of the
fencing master Danet, who reformed French fencing in the
eighteenth-century. The present manual could also be obtained
at the author’s residence in Vienna. Good copy.- (Spine skilfully
restored, some minor foxing, armorial bookplate of C.G.R.
Matthey on paste-down). Vigeant, pp. 119-120; Thimm, p. 252;
Pardoel 2314
salles d’armes de Paris. Paris,
Glady Frères, 1875. 8vo.
Contemp. three-quarter
green morocco, ribbed
spine gilt, marbled boards.
Title printed in red and
black, engr. frontispiece
and 20 engr. portraits.
(8),191, (13) pp.
Number 218 of 500 copies
printed on Van Gelder (of
a total of 550 copies). Good
copy.- (Joints weak, first
free endpapers loosening).
Vigeant, p. 117; Thimm, p. 215; Pardoel 2308
TAVERNIER, Adolphe. L’art du duel. Préface par Aurélien
Scholl. Paris, C. Marpon & E. Flammarion, 1885. Large 8vo.
Later red half cloth with black morocco title label and
original wrappers bound in. With double suite of plates
printed in black and bistre: 4 etched plates by Milius,
Courtry, Bichard en Lefort and 24 lithographed plates by
numerous artist. (8), VI, 237, (3) pp.
SAINT MARTIN, J. de. L’art de faire des armes réduit a
ses vrais principes. Contenant tous les principes nécessaires
à cet art, qui y sont expliqués d’une manière claire et
intelligible. Vienna, Janne Schrämble, 1804. 4to. Contemp.
marbled calf, spine gilt, red morocco title label, title
lettered in gold, decorated endpapers. engr. portrait of
the author on verso first leaf, engr. coat-of-arms of the
dedicatee the Archduke of Austria, Charles Louis and 72
engr. plates (including 2 folding) depicting the various
positions in fencing and sword-fighting. (8), XII, (2), 91,
(1); (2), IV, 57, (1) pp. 2 parts in 1 volume.
First edition of this richly illustrated manual for fencing, as well
Number 34 of 60 copies printed on Japanese vellum. With
SIGNED ms. DEDICATION to Auguste Sauphar (dated 16
March 1909), with Tavernier’s signature terminating in a rapier.
Thimm only lists an illustrated and limited edition dated 1884,
mistakenly, so it seems. Pardoel lists an 1885 edition, illustrated
with just one plate. Fine copy. Thimm, p. 285; Pardoel 2577
(calling for one plate only)
VIGEANT, (Arsène). Un maître d’armes sous la Restauration.
Paris, Motteroz, 1883. 8vo. Later full blue morocco by
MARIUS MICHEL with the original wrappers bound in,
covers with richly gilt geometrical pattern, spine ribbed
and gilt, title lettered in gold, morocco paste-downs
and marbled free endpapers, g.e., kept in a blue marbled
slipcase. With an extra etched portrait of Jean Louis as
frontispiece and an extra suite of the illustrations and
vignettes by De Pannemaker after Marcel and Deville. 194,
(2) pp.
Fine copy in an exceptional masterbinding.- (Bookplate of Jean
Pierre Delhay). Thimm, p. 323; Pardoel 2722
Humboldt’s reizen in Amerika en Azië. Leyden, D. Noothoven
van Goor, (1859-61). 4 vols. 8vo. Contemp. half calf,
decorated gilt spine with title lettered in gold, marbled
boards. Two full-page plates, two folding maps, all
lithographed. Together with: (2) KLENCKE, H. & E.M.
BEIMA. Levensbeschrijving van Alexander von Humboldt. Leyden,
P.H. van den Heuvell, 1861. 8vo. Bound as above. Two fullpage plates, full-page map, all lithographed.
Good set
- - ROSEVELT. (Several handwritten documents
concerning the estate of Johannes van Rosevelt (d. 1815),
including plantations in Surinam.). 1816-1824. Folio.
Contemp. marbled boards, with Rosevelt family crest-seal
Interesting collection of 12 handwritten documents, bound in
one volume, concerning the estate of Johannes van Rosevelt
(d. 1815), since 1762 member of the Council of Flanders,
and married to Johanna Theodora Barchman Wuytiers and
Balthazarina Adriana de la Biestrate. As is evident from the first
document, a notarial act, the inheritance was received in 1816 by
Simon Jan Baptist van Rosevelt, Theodorus Gerard Daniel van
Rosevelt, and Louisa Johanna van Rosevelt (married to Everard
Hendrik Cunaeus). The Rosevelt family, ancestors of Franklin D.
Roosevelt, played an important role in the local government of
Zeeland and Leyden. In good condition
1771. Berlin, (C.L. Kunst, 1771). 12mo. Contemp. blackstamped pink painted vellum with fastening flap, g.e. Fullpage engr. frontispiece, engr. title, folding engr. map of
Berlin and environment incl. Potsdam, 12 full-page engr.
plates. (168) pp. Together with: (2) Genealogischer Calender auf das
Schalt Jahr 1776. Berlin, (C.L. Kunst, 1776). Contemp. blackstamped marbled painted vellum with fastening flap, g.e. ,
in contemp. cardboard portfolio. Full-page engr. title, 12
full-page engr. plates. (168) pp. (3) Taschenbuch auf das Jahr
1800 für Natur- und Gartenfreunde. Tübingen, J.B. Gotta’schen
Buchhandlung, (1800). Orig. ill. boards, marbled paper
spine. Full-page engr. frontispiece, 13 folding engr. plates.
XXXII, 190 (4) pp. (4) M.A.D. Les dépeches du jour de l’an.
Paris, Libraires associés, (1771). Contemp. wrappers dec.
with woodcut flowers. Full-page woodcut frontispiece,
woodcut musical scores in text. (80) pp.
Four charming 18th-century almanacs/calendars, the latter also
with some songs. Good copies.- (Ad 1: Sm. hole in frontispiece.
Ad 2: Binding dam. and loosening; sm. hole in last page).
Engelmann 58 (1), 140 (2); Köhring p. 32 (1 &2), p. 157 (3); cf.
Grand-Carteret 906 (4)
ASIA - (HAAN, F. DE.) Oud Batavia. Bandoeng, A.C. Nix &
Co., 1935. Text vol. & atlas. Large 8vo. Second edition. Orig.
black cloth with embossed title and decoration on front
cover. Text vol. with two loose b/w maps contained in a
folder at the end and ills. in text, atlas with numerous b/w
ills. and plates.
Detailed memorial of the town of Batavia 1619-1919, the capital
city of the Netherlands Indies, site of a VOC post from 1610, and
founded in 1619 by J.P. Coen, as regional headquarters for the
Dutch East India Company. Added: 9 orig. b/w photographs
showing archaeological sites and colonial mansions (Ca. 19301940). Sizes ca. 18x23 cm. (8) and ca. 17 x 11 cm. (1). Good set.(Front hinge of vol. 1 weakening; both front covers with sm.
damage; the sm. photograph with two rep. tears)
- - (HAM, Frederik Jacob van den). Reisindrukken uit
Palestina. (Groningen, Wolters, 1895). 8vo. Brown cloth
with gilt title on front cover. 36 pp.
Very rare first and only edition of a account of a voyage to
Palestine by Frederik Jacob van den Ham (1846-1912), professor
of the Hebrew language and antiquities at the university of
Groningen in the years 1877-1912. Fine copy.
- - ALBUM with 24 Chinese watercolours, mounted on thick paper.
(Mid 19th century). (32,1 x 25,7 cm). Contemp. red half
roan, silk over wooden boards.
Attractive, brightly coloured series of narrative scenes against
the background of Chinese landscapes. Plates in fine condition.(Binding rubbed, some plates loose or loosening, sl. soiled)
Jesuit letters from Japan
first and last lvs. sl. frayed at edges; some sl. waterst.). Cordier,
Japonica, pp. 67-68; Alt Japan Kat. 298; Laures 140 (lists one copy
only in Japan); Streit IV, 1519 (with a full list of all letters); Salva
3282; Palau 46311; not in Adams
Interesting collection of letters by Jesuit missionaries staying
in the Far East
- - JESUITS - Cartas que los Padres y Hermanos de la Compañia
de Jesus, que andan en los Reynos de Japon, escrvieron a los dela misma
Compania, desde el año 1549, hasta el 1571. En las quales se da noticia
de las varias costumbres y idolatrias de aquella gentilidad: y se cuenta
el principio y successo y bondad de los Christianos de aquellas partes.
Alcala, Juan Iniguez de Lequerica, 1575. 4to. Contemp.
limp vellum, with ties. Woodcut of the Crucifixion on
verso of the colophon at the end; woodcut characters of
the Japanese alphabet in text. (6), 315, (5) pp.
First Spanish edition of 82 Portuguese letters, written from
Japan by Jesuit missionaries. The original Portuguese edition
was published in Coimbra in 1570; the present edition is
augmented by ten highly important letters, which were never
published before. Newly added were furthermore: the life of
Franciscus Xaverius, Relacion de las cosas de la India by Manuel
Acosta, and Breve relacion de la Isla y Reynos del Iapon.
Directly after the title an extra leaf is added, not mentioned
by the bibliographers, with the approbation, dated 1574. The
leaf with the colophon on recto and the fine woodcut of the
Crucifixion on verso, being originally the last leaf of the last
quire, is here put at the end of the text, before the index. The
first Portugese was published in Coimbra in 1570. Good copy.(Old owner’s ms. entry on title and on first free endpaper;
- - LETTERE dell’ India
Orientale, scritte da’
reverendi padri della
Compagnia di Giesù.
Nelle quali si scopre la
grande arte usata da gli
istessi, per liberar l’anime
de gli infideli Indiani
dalla potesta del nimico
infernale, & ridurle
alla nostra santa fede.
Novamente stampate, &
ampliate in molti luoghi,
& ricorrette con diligenza.
Venice, Antonio Ferrari, 1580. Small 8vo. Contemp. limp
vellum. Woodcut publisher’s device on title and larger
variant on recto of the first of the last blanks. (8), 342, (4,
last 3 blank) pp.
First edition of this interesting collection of letters by Jesuit
missionaries staying in the Far East. The work contains 25 letters
written between 1566 and 1577, of which 11 are reporting on the
situation in China and Japan. Of interest for Japan is the letter
sent from there by Luis d’Almeide, from 1566, of about 40 pages.
Further the letter by Luis Froes from Japan, of 65 pages, and
the letters from 1574, 1576, and 1577, written by the Head of the
Japan mission, Franciscus Cabral, the first two of about 30, the
last one of 10 pages. Other letters came from China and India,
from Goa, Malacca, Ternate, Cochin, etc. Good copy.- (Upper
hinge and first gathering loosening). Cordier, Japonica, pp. 7374; Alt Japan Kat. 803; STC Italian 349
Sumptuously illustrated and in superb signed Dutch binding in
Japanese style
- - OVERMEER FISSCHER, Johannes Frederik van.
Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Japansche Rijk. Amst., C.A. Spin for
J. Müller & Comp., 1833. 4to. Contemp. calf: presentation
binding tooled in gilt and blind, both sides with broad
composite border and centre ornaments in a romantic
15 richly hand coloured and glazed plates, showing
Japanese costumes and scenes from daily life. VII, (3), 320
Japanese style, spine richly gilt in compartments, gilt title
in second compartment, g.e., with printed label of
binder inside back cover (J.H. PETERS). With half-title,
Rare copy of the edition-de-luxe, in a beautiful hand colouring,
of this work on Japanese life and culture, bound in a richly
gilt and panelled binding, designed in a pseudo-Japanese style.
Johannes Gerhard Frederik van Overmeer Fisscher (1800-1848),
a Dutch civil servant, departed at an early age to the Dutch East
Indies. From 1820-29 he spent 9 years at Deshima as the secretary
and director of the warehouses, making the journey to Edo in
1822. He became close friends with several Japanese intellectuals
and artists and built up a Japan-collection, which is now housed
in the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde at Leiden. The present
edition was published during his leave in Holland (1830-35). The
contents of the work range from the customs and religion of
the Japanese people to the dress, their way of life and the aspect
of their towns, including sections on flora and fauna and on life
in the factory at Deshima. “Fisscher succeeded in producing
a highly informative book which played an important role in
introducing Europeans to the still little-known land that was
Japan” (Nipponalia). Very good copy.- (Binding sl. soiled, some
waterstaining). Alt Japan Kat. 1099; Landwehr, Coloured Plates,
385; Nipponalia (1972), 1899 (XVII, with illlus.)
des noms principaux
de l’histoire et de la
géographie du Japon.
Suivi de 17 appendices
sur les Empereurs,
Shogun, Nengo,
Sectes bouddhistes,
provinces, départements, mesures, etc.
Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth,
1899. 8vo. Contemp.
glazed purple calico,
title lettered in gold
on spine, blind-tooled triple fillet on covers. With engr.
printer’s device on title, engr. tailpieces and Japanese
characters. VII, 297 pp.
First edition of this French-Japanese dictionary written by Edmond
Papinot (b. 1860), an apostolic missionary. The dictionary contains
the names of the Emperors and Empresses of Japan, the names of
the mountains higher than 2000 meters, the most important rivers
and cities of more than 20.000 inhabitants and some appendices.
Good copy.- (Top and bottom of spine slightly damaged). Cordier,
Bibliotheca Japonica, Col. 693-4; Nipponalia 697; BM Cat, Col. 591
- - PARABAIK MANUSCRIPT on paper, illustrated with
numerous watercolours. (South East Asia, Birma, mid 19th
century). 9 x 39,5 cm.
Good condition.- (Some small tears and waterstains)
Indonesia in full-colour
- - PERELAER, M.T.H. Het kamerlid Van Berkenstein in
Nederlandsch-Indië. Teekeningen door Jhr. J.C. Rappard. Leiden,
A.A. Sijthoff, (1888?). 4 parts in 2 vols. Folio. Orig. red cloth
decorated with gold and black. With 107 fine chromolithographed plates after J.C. Rappard. (8), 205; (4), 202, (2);
(6), 195, (2); (2), 198, (2) pp.
Attractive edition of an imaginary voyage through 19th-century
colonial Indonesia by Michaël Théophile Hubert Perelaer (18311901), illustrated with fine chromo-lithographical plates after J.C.
Rappard. Very good set.- (Skilfully re-backed with the original
spines laid down, some minor foxing). Bastin-Brommer, 691
By the famous governor himself: Java during the
English interlude
- - RAFFLES, Sir Thomas Stamford. The history of Java.
London, for Black, Parbury, Allen and Murray, 1817. 2
vols. Large 4to. Early 20th-century half calf, decorated gilt
spine in compartments with title lettered in gold, marbled
boards. Folding engr. map of Java handcol. in outlines, 10
full-page col. aquatint costume plates, 54 full-page and 1
folding mostly soft-ground or line etched aquatint plates
with numerous views and ills., folding letterpress table,
half-page views and tables in text. XLVIII, 479 (1 blank);
VIII, 291 (1 blank), CCLX pp.
Large paper copy of the first edition of this classic history of
Java by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), treating Java’s
history, geography, demography, natural history, religion, law,
customs, antiquities, European administration, commerce,
military system Javanese ethics, literature,music, etc. Good set.(Half-titles and 4 pp. advertisements lacking; pp. 105-6 of vol. 1
mounted; some spotting and offsetting of tables). Abbey, Travel
554; Tooley 391; Bastin-Brommer, pp. 5-7
With the rare atlas
- - SERRURIER, Lindor. De wajang poerwa eene ethnologische
studie. Leyden, Voorheen E.J. Brill, 1896. (2nd abridged
edition). Text vol. 8vo with large atlas vol. (96,5 x 53 cm).
Text vol. modern half buckram, marbled boards, atlas
vol. original decorated buckram. Text vol. with elaborate
lithographed title, 6 double-page plates, 2 folding tables,
one folding map, and numerous ills. in the text. Atlas vol.
with 6 tables and 21 splendid chromolithographed plates
by P.J. Mulder. VII, (1), 250 pp.
Important and beautifully illustrated work on the Javanese
shadow theatre by Lindor Serrurier (1846-1901), professor of
Japanese and ethnology, and from 1882 and 1896 director of ‘s
Rijks Museum voor Volkenkunde (the present-day National
Museum of Ethnology). Good set.- (Text vol. rebound, one table
restored with tape, some plates in atlas vol. sl. foxed)
- - SHAW, Thomas. Reizen van den heer Thomas Shaw (...) door
verscheiden gewesten van Barbarye en de Levant. Amst., Jacobus
Loveringh, Widow Loveringh & Allart, 1771-1774. 2 parts
in one vol. 4to. Contemp. half calf, speckled boards. With
5 engr. head-pieces and 35 (of 37) engr. plates, including
many zoological
and botanical ills.,
as well as several
folding maps (handcoloured in outline).
XXIV, XX, 382 [=
378]; (10), 208, 68,
(8) pp.
woodcut vignettes on title-pages, and 5 facsimile’s of
letters. 203, (1); 196 [=206] pp.
Very rare Dutch
edition of an
important work on
Northern Africa,
its history, culture
and natural history
by Thomas Shaw
(1692-1751). The work
is, among other things, important for the history of botany,
as Shaw describes in a supplement 600 plants which he had
personally collected, including 140 which were previously
unknown to botanists. Good copy.- (Binding rubbed, some
library stamps). STCN 2 copies; this edition not in Gay, Bibl. de
l’Afrique et l’Arabe; nor in Tiele, Land- en Volkenkunde; nor in
Nissen, ZBI; cf. Howgego, Encycl.of Exploration S-92
Addressed to the head of the postal service in Bandoeng
with on the left side the address of L. baron van Randwijck in
Middelburg. In good condition
BURKE, Edmund. Reflections on the revolution in
France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in
London relative to that event in a letter intended to have
been sent to a gentleman in Paris. London, for J. Dodsley,
1791. 8vo. Contemp. half calf. (IV), 364 pp.
Good copy with contemp. ms. annotations on recto first flyleaf.(Some browning towards end; sm. hole in last page). Todd 56b
CANINA, Luigi. Tavole per servire alla dimonstrazione di
quanto fu dichiarto nella esposizione storica e topografica
del foro Romano e sue adiacenze. Roma, dai tipi dello
stesso Canina, Edizione seconda, 1845. Folio. Contemp.
green cloth. With 8 double-page steel-engr. plates and 6
large foldinge steel-engr. plates. (8) pp.
Atlas only. Good copy.- (Binding sl. rubbed, spine sl. damaged,
some plates strenghtened). BAL 541 note
CHAUMEL DE STELLA, Joachim & Auguste de
SANTEÜL. Essai sur l’histoire du Portugal depuis la fondation de la
monarchie jusqu’a l a mort de D. Pèdre IV (1080-1834). Brussels,
N.-J. Gregoir & V. Wouters et Co., 1841. 2 parts in one vol.
8vo. Contemp. grained half roan, ribbed spine, marbled
boards, decorated endpapers. Lithographed portraits of
Don Pedro and Dona Maria by P. Degobert as frontispieces,
Good copies.- (Binding sl. damaged)
card published on the occasion of the first quick postal
flight between Amsterdam and Batavia in November 1933.
With several (date) stamps. (10 x 15 cm).
(FREDERICK II King of Prussia). Mémoires pour servir a
l’histoire de la maison de Brandebourg. Berlin/The Hague, Jean
Neaulme, 1751. 12mo. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigée
& augmenter. Contemp. calf, ribbed spine gilt, title label
lettered in gold. Title printed in red and black. Engr.
illustration on title-page, engr. privilege, two large engr.
folding maps by Jacob van Schley, and two large folding
engr. genealogical tables by Jacob van Schley. (24), 403,
(1) pp. Bound with: (2) IDEM. Mémoire pour servir a
l’histoire de Brandebourg. Imprimé pour la satisfaction
du public, 1750. 8vo. Title printed in red and black, engr.
ill, on title-page, engr. frontispiece, depicting Frederick
the Great. (6), 124 pp. (3) IDEM. Suite des mémoires pour
servir a l’histoire de Brandebourg, contenant le régne de
Frederic I. Imprimé pour la satisfaction du public, 1750.
8vo. Title printed in red and black. (2), 133, (1) pp. (4)
IDEM. Dissertation sur les raisons d’établir ou d’abroger
les loix. Frankfurt/Leipzig, 1751. 8vo. 62, (2 blank) pp. (5)
HISTORIE des Anti-Machiavels. Nebst denen darüber
gefällten Urtheilen. Frankfurt/Leipzig, 1745. 8vo. Woodcut
vignette on title-page, tail-piece on last page. 136 pp.
Good copies.- (Binding sl. rubbed, some red pencil markings).
Ad 1: STCN 3 copies only
With a splendid map of the South Sea
vertonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der
actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankrijk, Engeland, en
de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaare MDCCXX. Gedrukt
tot waarschouwinge voor de nakomelingen, 1720 (= ca.
1740). Folio.Contemp. calf, spine ribbed and richly gilt
with title lettered in gold. With 82 mostly double-page or
folding engr. plates with caricatures on the 1720 Bubble,
including a map of the Mississippi, a large folding map and
plan of Enkhuizen, and a large folding map of the South
Sea. (4), 25; (1), 8,
(2), 52, (2); 1-8,
(2), 9-31, (1);
9, (1) pp.
Famous collection
of texts and plates
satirizing the
Englishman John
Law, his Mississippi
Company, and
the international
land and trading
speculation in
worthless shares
of the South Sea
bubble of 1719-1720,
which resulted in an 83
international scandal. The present copy, representing the second
edition, has an exceptionally large amount of plates, including a
by Covens & Mortier.
This highly decorative
map with several
elaborate insets includes
the Pacific and Atlantic
oceans, North and
South America, as well
as the northern part of
Australia; California is
depicted as an island.
Good copy.- (Upper
joints cracked). Muller,
Historieplaten, 3535
ff; Van Rijn, Atlas van
Stolk, 3452 ff; Cole,
The Great Mirror of
Folly, nrs. 1-73 (16, 17,
65 in two states), and
Supplement 2-4, 6-7, 21; Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, vol. III, p. 75,
nr. 94
GUEVARA, Ernesto Che. El diario del Che en Bolivia.
Havanna, Instituto del Libro, 1968. 8vo. Orig. illustrated
wrappers. Illustrated. XXX, 346, (20, incl. interleaved
blanks) pp.
First edition. Good copy.- (Wrappers sl. foxed; occ. spotting
HEER, Oswald. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Zürich, Friedrich
Schulthetz, 1865. 8vo. Grained half roan, marbled boards,
speckled edges. With wood-engr. frontispiece 6 wood-engr.
plates, 11 numb. lithographed plates and one folding,
hand-coloured map. XXIX, (1), 622 pp.
large folding map of the South Sea, titled ‘Carte nouvelle de la
mer du sud’ (ca. 60 x 95 cm) by De Leth and originally published
First edition. Good copy.- (Spine rubbed, upper joints and
hinges sl. cracked)
HELLWAND, Friedrich von. Amerika in Wort und Bild.
Eine Schilderung der Vereinigten Staaten. 2 vols. Sm. folio. Leipzig,
Schmidt & Günther, (1870). Dec. cloth with American
Flag, Indian and eagle and gilt lettering on boards and
spine. Profusely illustrated, 255 ills. (vol. 1) and 323
ills. (vol. 2), with folding map of the United States and
Canada. 767 pp.
Good condition (joints splitting)
MILLET, Martial. Notice sur l’Université d’Orange. Avignon,
impr. de Seguin frères, 1878. 8vo. Half red cloth. 44 pp.
Very rare historical work on the history of the university at
Orange by dr. Martial Millet. Fine copy, with dedication to
M.F.A.G. Campbell (1819-1890), the director of the Royal Library
of the Netherlands (since 1869), by the author. Ony 2 copies
found recorded worldwide
MELA, Pomponius. De situ orbis. Venice, Aldi et Andreae
Soceri, 1518. 8vo. Contemp. manuscript vellum. With 2
woodcut Aldine devices. 233, (3) lvs.
First Aldine edition with the works of classical Latin geographers
and a contemp. work by Victor, with a detailed list with the
streets, buildings and monuments in Rome.Besides the Mela
including: Gaius Julius Solinus’s Polyhistor; Augusti Antonini’s
Itinerarium provincial; P. Victor’s De regionibus urbis Romae
liber; and Dionysus’ Afri poema de orbis situ prisciano
interprete. Very good copy, with ownership’s inscription on the
title-page.- (Title-page slightly foxed and frayed). BMC, STC
Italian, p.432; Renouard 83:6
METZ, Jean de & Georges LEGRAIN. Au pays de Napoléon.
L’Egypte. Ouvrage illustré de nombreuses gravures et panoramas au
phototype. Grenoble, Jules Rey, 1913. Large 4to. Contemp.
half brown morocco, title in gilt on spine and front cover,
orig. wrappers bound in. With numerous engravings and
panoramas in phototype in text. 158 pp. With important
photographical illustrations depicting the places on the
itinerary of Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt.
Very fine copy
MÜNSTER, Sebastian. Cosmographei oder beschreibung
aller länder, herschaften. stetten, gebreuchen,
hantierungen etc. ietz zum drittem mal trefflich sere
durch Sebastianum Munsterum gemeret und gebessert.
Basel, (Heinrich Petri), 1550. Folio. Contemp. blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards with brass catches.
With ca. 910 woodcuts, including 14 numb. double-page
maps, 37 unnumb. double-page, and 3 large folding maps
plans and views. (78), 1233, (1) pp.
Important edition of the Cosmographei, the earliest German
description of the
world, by Sebastian
Münster, a German
cosmographer, and
Hebrew scholar.
This lavishly
illustrated work was
first published in
1544 and reprinted
and translated
numerous times
therafter; the
present editon
was the last one
to appear during
the lifetime of the
author, who died of
the plague in 1552.
Good copy.- (Edges
of covers and top
and bottom of spine
neatly restored,
some plates and
lvs. strenghtened,
some waterstains
in margins, lvs. bb3
and gg5 doubled,
clasps missing).
Burmeister 70; Sabin
51387; Brunet III,
author on title-page
and ca. 825 woodcuts,
including 26 numb.
double-page maps,
53 double-page maps
and 3 large folding
maps plans and views.
(130), 1414, (2) pp.
-. Cosmographey
oder Beschreibung
aller Länder
und fürnembsten
Stetten des gantzen Erdbodens, sampt jhren
Gelegenheiten, Eygenschafften, Religion, Gebreüchen,
Geschichten unnd Handthierungen. Basel, Heinrich
Petri, 1578. Folio. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin over
wooden boards with brass catches. Front cover with
panel depicting Charles V in rich suit of armour, holding
a sword in his right hand, and below the words ‘Carole
mortales dvbitant homo sisne devsve : Svnt tva sceptra
hominis sed tva facta Dei’. Back cover with panel depicting
Johann Friedrich I in rich suit of armour with a sword in
his right hand, and below the words ‘Victvs eras acie fidki
constantia tandem victorem ante homines fecit et ante
devm’. Title printed in red and black, with portrait of the
Map 26 depicts the
New World. Good
copy, annotated in
Latin by a contemp.
hand.- (Binding with
some wear, clasps
missing, one map
with tear along fold,
some wormholes).
Burmeister 80; Sabin
51392; Brunet III, 1945
(OPEL, L.). Adam
Opel und sein Haus.
Fünfzig Jahre der
Entwicklung 18621912. (Darmstadt,
L.C. Wittichsche
1912) Oblong folio.
Orig. wrappers, title
in gilt compartment
on front. Illustrated.
(3 blank, 4, 1 blank),
121 (2, 1 blank) pp.
Good copy.- (Wrappers
with some damage)
ROHLFS, Matthias. Hamburgischer verbesserter SchreibCalender aufs 1770. Jahr. Hamburg, H.C. Grund, (1770). Sm.
8vo. Contemp. gilt-stamped marbled vellum with copper
clasps and catches, orig. copper writing pen preserved.
Double-page contemp. hand-coloured engr. frontispiece,
title and calendar in red & black, 6 full-page contemp.
hand-coloured numb. engr. plates. (64), 63 (1) pp.; (8) pp.
for making notes, of which 2 used. Together with: (2) Punch’s
Pocket-Book for 1871. London, Punch office, 1871. 8vo. Orig.
purple morocco with fastening flap and gilt-stamped ill.,
g.e. Ill.. 192 pp.
Good copies.- (Ad 2: binding used; front hinge weak; not
collated but apparently complete)
History of the Danish King Christian IV (1577-1648)
SLANGE, Niels, & Hans GRAM. Den stormægtigste
konges Christian den fierdes konges til Danmark og
Norge, de Venders og Gothers, hertugs til Slesvig,
Holsten, Stormarn og Ditmersken, greves til Oldenborg
og Delmenhorst, historie. Copenhagen, trykt udi Hans
Kongel. Majests. privilegerede Bogtrykkerie, 1749.Folio.
Late 18th-century full calf, richly gilt spine with four
bands painted black and a central gilt piece with a harp
in roundel, both covers richly decorated with gilt centrepiece: a walking Athena in roundel, within black painted
borders decorated with gilt ornaments, gilt inner dentelles
on black painted calf, green silk endpapers, g.e. engr.
portrait of the author by C. Fritzsch (Hamburg, 1737) after
a painting by Denner (1718), portrait of King Christian IV
by C. Fritzsch (1735) after a painting by Carel van Mander
woodcut head- & tail-pieces and initials. (6), 3-10, 1534
(=1535), (1) pp.
First edition of an extensive and important work on the life of
the famous and glorious Danish King Christian IV (1577-1648)
and the history of Denmark and Norway in general, by Niels
Slange (1656-1737), chancellor at the court, and Hans Gram
(1685-1748), royal librarian & historian and professor of Greek.
The work is divided into four parts, starting in the year 1588
and ending with the death of Christian IV. Very good copy in
an exceptional Danish master binding.- (Joints splitting, some
minor foxing). Bibl. Danica III, 68; not in Kyster, Bookbindings
in the public collections of Denmark, I, The royal Library
Copenhagen (Copenhagen, 1938)
SLAVERY - Free negroes partaking of the blessings secured to them
by the British Parliament, which abolished slavery throughout all its
colonies, August the 1st. 1834. London, E. Wallis, (1834). 25
x 32,5 cm.With large hand-coloured engr. illustration.
Together with: (2) PIDDING, Henry. Massa out. ‘Sambo werry dry’.
London, published by the artist, 1828. Mezzotint (39 x 26
cm), showing a black man drinking with a dog sitting at
his feet. (3) GILLER, W. The fair penitent. London, Moon Boys
and Graves, 1830. Mezzotint (35 x 25 cm) after a painting
by Henry Pidding, showing a black man in the stocks
in front of a jail house, with a dog sniffing his feet. (4)
ROWLANDSON, Thomas. A cat in pattens. Hand-coloured
etching after Rowlandson, dated 1803, depicting an old
maid with a black servant. (5) Uncle Tom’s cabin. A series of
8 hand-coloured lithographs (2nd half 19th cent.) with
English captions by Claude Régnier after Numa, printed
in Paris by Lemercier, illustrating Hariet Beecher Stowe’s
famous novel.- And 3 others.
Ad 1: Rare broadsheet with a poem by J. Montgomery,
celebrating the abolition of slavery in the British Empire on 1
August 1834. Good copies.- (Ad 1: Sl. wrinkled, mounted on
canvas. Ad 2-3: Strong impression, paper sl. soiled. Ad 4: Edges sl.
frayed. Ad 5: Sl. waterstaining)
postal cards with black and white photographs of the concentration camp.
(Ca. 1944-45). 1 card sized 9x 28 cm., the others ca. 8.5 x 14
In good condition.- (The large postal card folded once)
HUNTING.- MOYREAU, J. Partie de chasse pour le vol,
Gravé d’apres le tableau original de P. Wouvermens qui es au cabinet
de Monsieur Peilhon secretaire du Roy.- Together with: L’Arrivée des
chasseurs. Gravé d’apres le tableaux original de P. Wouvermens (...)
qui est au cabinet de madame La Comtesse de Verrue. Paris, Chez
Moyreau, 1759 & 1735. In uniform frames (ca. 50 x 60 cm).
Two framed engraved hunting scenes after painting of P.
Both in good condition
ANONYMOUS. Gedenkboek van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging
van gezagvoerders bij de binnenvaart. Amst., n. publ., 1924. 4to.
Original decorated blue cloth. Lavishly illustrated. (2), 134
Fine copy
-. Les amusemens de la Hollande avec des remarques nouvelles et
particulières sur le Genie, Moeurs et caracteres de la nation. Entremeles
d’épisodes curieux et interessans. The Hague, Pierre van Cleef,
1739. 8vo. Contemp. marbled calf with red gilt title label
on ribbed spine, marbled endpapers, red edges. Title in red
& black. (4), 252 pp.
Anonymously published work in French on costumes &
customs of the Netherlands. A second volume appeared in 1740.
Fine copy.- (Ownership’s entry in ms. on first endpaper)
-. Nederland’s adelboek. The Hague, W.P. van Stockum & Son,
(1919-78). 8vo. Orig. gilt- and blind-stamped red cloth.
Illustrated. 38 vols.
This set comprises the years 1919-31, 1936-38, 1950-1970 and
1978. Good set.- (Some bindings loose/faded; not collated,
sold w.a.f.)
BAARLAND, Adriaan van. Rerum gestarum a Brabantiae
Ducibus historia, conscripta usque in annum 1526. Louvain, Jerome
Welle, 1566. 12mo. Contemp. vellum with new ties, title in
ink on spine. Woodcut initials. (4), 176 lvs.
In honour of the Dutch national naval hero
Short history of the dukes of Brabant by the famous Dutch
humanist Adriaan van Baarland, or Hadrianus Barlandus (ca.
1486-1538), professor at Louvain. The added part on the cities
of the Netherlands on lvs. 168-76 had already been published
in 1524 as addition to his Latin schoolbook “Dialogi XLII”.
Good copy.- (Binding and some lvs. restored, some staining).
Belg. Typ. I, 258; Bibl. Belg. B 278; Machiels B 115; cf. NijhoffKronenberg 236
(BOSCH, Lambert van den). Waerachtige historie van ‘t
geslachte, geboorte, leven, bedrijf, gevangenisse (....) van wijlen heer
J. van Olden-Barnevelt. Amst., J. van der Straten, 1669. 8vo.
Contemp. vellum, title in ink on spine. Four full-page
engr. plates (3 portraits, 1 view). (16), 616 pp.
Fair copy, sold w.a.f.- (Lacking plates)
BRANDT, Gerard. Het leven en bedryf van den heere Michiel de
Ruiter, Hertog, Ridder, &c. L. Admiraal Generaal van Hollandt en
Westvriesland. Amst., (P. & J. Blaeu) for Wolfgang, Waasberge,
Boom, van Someren & Goethals, 1687. Folio. Contemp.
blindstamped vellum, spine in compartments with
title lettered in gold. Full-page frontispiece dated 1686,
7 double-page plates with sea-battles and De Ruyter’s
funeral procession by Daniel Stoopendaal, full-page
portrait of Michiel de Ruyter, full-page plate of De
Ruyter’s tomb, all. engr. (10), 1063 (i.e. 1065), (23) pp.
Contains with separate title-pages: R. Hogerbeets, Van het
aenleggen ende volvoeren der processen and ‘t Hollandse
versterf-recht. Fine copy.- (Spine sl. soiled, annotations on first
free endpaper). Ter Meulen & Diermanse 773
First edition of this famous biography of the Dutch naval hero,
Michiel Adriaanszn. De Ruyter, written by the historian Gerard
Brandt (1626-1685) less than 10 years after De Ruyter’s death.
This story of Holland’s best known admiral is still the basis
for the study of his life. Very good copy with wide margins.(Pasted bookplate on inside front cover of W(illem) J(an) van
Vollenhoven? (1924-2006), brother of Pieter van Vollenhoven
(born 1939) who is married to Princess Margriet of OranjeNassau; occ. some browning; vellum of spine cracked; hinges
weak). Cat. NHSM 843 - 849; Muller, Ned. Historie Pl., 2053, 2148,
2187, 2258, 2485, 2583, 2604, 2606
(DOEDIJNS, Hendrik). Haegse Mercurius. The Hague, Gillis
van Limburg for the author, august 1697 - September 1699.
4to. Contemp. calf, with gold-tooled spine. With richly
engr. satirical frontispiece by Guillaume van der Gouwen
and small woodcut figure of Mercury at the head of each
issue. 3 annual volumes, 2 of 104 issues each, the last of
11issues, bound together in 1 volume.
Complete run of a popular periodical published twice weekly,
Wednesdays and Saturdays, with gossip and comments upon
the latest news about royalty, theatre, outstanding events, etc.
It was the first satirical and burlesque periodical published in
the Netherlands, as distinct both from the scientific periodicals
and from the moralistic “spectatorial” periodicals. Good copy.(Few issues heavily browned and foxed). Waller 469; Muller 296;
Buijnsters-Geerars, Bibliogr. 18-eeuwse satir. Tijdschr., in: Doc.
blad Werkgroep 18e Eeuw, I, 5, IV, 16
de. Inleydinge
tot de Hollandse
beschreven by Hugo
de Groot (...). Met
een groot nieuw
register voorsien.
Amst., Hendrik
Boom & Wid.
Dirk Boom, 1692.
4to. Contemp.
vellum with title
in ink on spine.
Title printed in
red and black, woodcut vignettes on title-pages. (8),
358 (= 356), (36) pp.
HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Spiegel van staat des Vereenigde
Nederlands. Waar in de macht en “t vry bestier, van
yder der Zeven verbonde Provincien en haar byzondere
steeden, zo in rechten als regeeringen werd ontvouwd.
aanwyzende aan, de in, en uytheemschen, alle de hooge
en lage rechbanken, collegien en ampten, dewelke in de
zelve, tot dienst van den staat, en het recht, zyn ingesteld.
Amst., Jan ten Hoorn, 1706-7. 2 vols. 4to. Contemp. blindruled mottled calf, ribbed spine, black leather title label,
title lettered in gold. Two etched frontispieces, 2 large
etched vignettes, 16 large folding etched plates (ca. 16 x 27
cm) with historical allegories by Romeyn de Hooghe, and
several woodcut head- and tailpieces & initials. (16), 480,
55, (1), 143, (1), 44, (4); (20), 335, 339, (9) pp.
First and only edition of this important work on the history
and political constitution of the Dutch Republic, strikingly
illustrated by Romeyn de Hooghe (1645 - 1708), the most
significant, prolific and (in)famous printmaker of the late Dutch
Golden Age. Good set.- (Spine vol. 1 sl. damaged, joints vol. 2
splitting). Verkruijsse 1706.02 & 1707.02; Landwehr, Romeyn de
Hooghe 103; Van der Steur 12; Hollstein IX, 737-752; Nijhoff,
Bibl. Historica-Neerlandica III, 779
MIERIS, Frans van. Groot charterboek der graaven
van Holland, van Zeeland en heeren van Vriesland:
beginnende met de eerste (...) brieven van die
landstreeken, en eindigende met den dood van (...) Jacoba
van Beijere. Leyden, (printed by Andries van Damme for)
Pieter van der Eyk, 1753-56. 4 vols. Folio. Contemp. half
red roan, speckled boards. Titles printed in red and black.
(76), 619, (1); (70), 870; (60), 796; (78), 1088 pp.
First and only edition of this historical work, which is still an
important genealogical source. With list of subscribers. Good
set.- (Binding rubbed and slightly damaged, occ. water staining).
Dekkers, p. 118; De Buck 1406. Haitsma Mulier & Van der Lem
and etched frontispiece. (12), 700, (94) pp. Together with: (2)
(HOORN, Nicolaas ten?). Wegwyzer door Amsterdam (...) Beneevens
eene beschryvinge van het heerlyk stadhuis. Amst., Nicolaas ten
Hoorn, 1713. 8vo. Contemp. vellum. (14), 476 pp. Title in red
and black. With 20 (of 26) folding engr. plates.
(SCRIVERIUS, Petrus). Histoire des contes d’Hollande et estat et
gouvernement des Provinces Unies du Pays Bas. The Hague, A. Vlaq,
1664. 12mo. Contemp. overlapping vellum. (8), 424 pp.
First and only Dutch edition. Ad 1: Good copy.- (Frontispiece
loose, lacks first free endpaper, title-page damaged at lower
margin). Ad 1: Haitsma Mulier & Van der Lem 502d. Ad 2: Poor
copy.- (Several plates and text lvs missing, some plates damaged,
hinges weak)
First edition of a work in French on the history and politics of
the Dutch United Provinces during the years 853- ca. 1658 by the
historian Petrus Scriverius (1576-1660), translated from Flemish
according to the prologue. With a chapter on the VOC and WIC
on pp. 263-291. Very good copy.- (Small tear in p. 153; ownership’s
entry in ink on first blank). Barbier II, 743; STCN 3 copies
WELEVELD, L. A. van. Handboek van den Nederlandschen adel.
The Hague, H.C. Susan, C. Hz., 1848, 1852. 3 volumes. 4to.
Contemp. half morocco, with gold-tooled spine. With 3
engr. title-pages and 504 engr. coats-of-arms. (2), vi, 20,
200, 77, (3 blank) pp.
The first and only edition of a manual of Dutch nobility by L. A.
van Weleveld, employee of the Dutch High Court of Nobility
(Hoge Raad van Adel). With the coats-of-arms of the Dutch
nobility. Very good copy.- (Few loose ills.; binding slightly rubbed)
(WICQUEFORT, Abraham de). Memoires Touchant les
ambassadeurs et les ministres publics. Cologne (= The Hague?),
Perre du Marteau (=Steucker?), 1676. 12mo. Contemp.
calf, gold-tooled spine. 500 pp.
About the case of the lawyer Gerbrant Sas from The Hague who
was employed at the Court of Justice in the private business
of the English merchants. When he wounded a man in the
street he was prosecuted, but eventually got acquitted under
pressure by the States-General. Very good copy.- (Binding bit
rubbed, spine slightly chipped). STCN (1 copy); Yearbook of the
international law commission vol.2, 1960, p. 4
SMIDS, Ludolf. Korte leevensschets en afbeeldingen der Graaven
van Holland van Dirk de eerste, tot koning Filip de twede, zynde de
laatste. Haarlem, Johannes Marshoorn, 1744. 4to. Contemp.
half calf, marbled boards. With folding engr. frontispiece,
folding engr. table, and 35 full-page engr. portraits. (28),
200 pp.
Fair copy.- (Lacks gathering 2*, sl. waterstaining)
VOSSIUS, Matthaeus & BORREMANS, Nikolaes.
Historische jaer-boecken van Holland en Zeeland, handelende van ‘t leven
en bedrijf der graven, van Diderick den eersten af, tot het einde van vrouw
Jacoba toe. Eertijds in ‘t Latijn beschreven door Matthæus Vossius (...) en
nu vertaelt door Nikolaes Borremans. Gorinchem, Paulus Vink, 1677.
4to. Contemp. vellum. With engr. vignette on title-page
ZUTPHEN, Bernhard van. Practycke der Nederlansche rechten
vande daghelijcksche soo civile als criminele questren. Leeuwarden,
Gysbert Sybes, 1655. Contemporary vellum. With engr.
title-page. (4), 640 pp. 4to.
Third or fourth edition of an important Dutch juridical
work of the seventeenth-century, first published in 1636. Two
editions appeared in the same year by the same publisher. Very
good copy.- (One small corner torn of not affecting the text).
Bibliotheca Belgica Juridica, p.198; STCN (this issue: 4 copies)
(Late 17th century). Framed etching (frame: 25 x 129 cm,
plate: 18,5 x 122 cm), Signed in plate lower left corner:
‘getekent en geëtst door Mr. Romeyn de Hooghe etc.’.
Ad 1: Very good copy.- (Sl. warped). Ad 2: Very good copy.(Unexamined out of the frame). Ad 1: Landwehr 109; Verkruijsse
1786.01; Hollstein IX, p. 127, nr. 308-321; cf. The Anglo-Dutch
garden in the age of William and Mary, p. 144 ff
AMSTERDAM - FOKKENS, M. Beschrijvinge der
wijdt-vermaarde koop-stadt Amstelredam, van hare
eerste beginselen, oude voor-rechten, en verscheyde
vergrootingen; haar oude en nieuwe gebouwen, heerlijken
aanwas, in 400 jaren, en, haar tegenwoordigen stant.
Amst., Abraham & Jan de Wees, 1663. 12mo. Den tweeden
druck. Contemp. marbled boards. With engr. title-page,
engr. folding plan, 2 full-page and 12 folding engr. views of
Amsterdam (16), 353, (15) pp.
Incomplete copy of a rare pirate edition. Fair copy.- (Binding
slightly damaged, water stained throughout, plates incomplete).
Nijhoff-Van Hattum 96 note (calling for one plan and 22 plates);
STCN (3 copies)
APELDOORN - HOOGHE, Romeyn de. Korte beschryving
benevens eene naauwkeurige afbeelding en verdere gezichten, van’t
koninglyke lusthuis ‘t Loo. Amsteldam, G.W. van Egmond, 1786.
8vo. Contemp. vellum. With 11 (of 14) etched/engr. plates
by Romeyn de Hooghe. 16 pp. Together with: (2) IDEM. Large
panorama view of ‘Het Hofhuijs’ and adjacent buildings wit a parade.
- - LOO PALACE - SCHENK, Petrus. Het huis van voren,
komende uit de laan, van den kant van Appeldoorn.- Domus anterior, e
diverticulo a parte Appeldornae. Amst., Petrus Schenck, (ca. 1710).
Framed. (Ca. 24 x 27.5 cm.). Coloured engr. view (ca. 19.5 x
17 cm.) of the Loo palace as seen from the front. Together with:
Two b/w framed etched/engr. views of the church in Middelburg, Zeeland
(one engr. by J.C. Philips 1746), one b/w framed woodengr.
View of Hoogeveen, two engr. b/w Views of Bodegraven (ca. 1750)
pasted on one leaf, two maps of the cities of Alphen and Rossum
coloured in outlines from Jacob Kuyper’s ‘Gemeente-atlas van
Nederland’ (Leeuwarden, H. Suringar, 1871), and one other.
All various sizes.
Good copies
Extra illustrated town-atlas of the Low Countries by Blaeu
BLAEU, J. (1) Toonneel der steden van de Vereenighde Nederlanden,
met hare beschrijvingen. (2) Toonneel der steden van ‘s Konings
Nederlanden, met hare beschrijvingen. Amst., J. Blaeu, (1649-1700).
Contemp. vellum. 3 vols. Large folio.
Extra illustrated, “De Wit edition” of Blaeu’s famous “Town-
Atlas”, with Dutch text, with the plans and maps of all the
cities, fortresses, and sieges of the Dutch Republic, here
including the provincial maps by De Wit in Contemp. colour.
With 131 additional plates incl. all the 36 plates from the
Speculum Zelandia and a.o. views of Utrecht and Haarlem. Vol.
1.1 Gelderland and Holland- Map of the United Netherlands
published by Clemendt de Ionghe, 1661-64 (Van der Heijden
& Blonk 2005, map 3.2).- 3 plates of Haarlem engraved by I. v.
Velde after P. Saenredam and published by P. Goos, showing the
interior and exterior of the church and the town hall, preceded
by a title page showing Damiate, engraved by Akersloot after
I. Bouchout- 6 prints of the different façades of the Amst.
Town Hall, marked Fig. D - I. - portrait of Desidirius Erasmus
by Lucas Vorsterman after Hans Holbein (to the description of
Rotterdam). - large plan of The Hague by Cornelis Elandts (41 x
41 cm), dated 1667. - Maizon Royale de Rijswijk, ou se tiennent
les Conferences de la Paix generale, published by Anna Beek.Afbeeldinge van ‘t Grote Bál gegeven by H.K.H. Mevrouw de
Princesse van Orange in Decemb. 1686 by D. Marot.- Caroli II
Regis Magnæ Brttanniæ ex Hollandia in Angliam discessus, 2
June 1660, by P.H. Schut, published by Nicolaus Visscher Vol. 1.2
Other provinces- All 36 plates from the Speculum Zelandiae.Plan of Utrecht by C. Specht, 1695 (Donkersloot-Vrij) - 5 prints
of Utrecht, Vredenburgh / St. v. Lam fec. - Her. Specht excu;
De E. Mog. Heere State Kamer / G. Ver Haer figu. - Her. Specht
excu.; the Maliebaan, the Dom and the Town Hall, engraved by
I. van Vianen and published by Casper Specht, 1697.Vol. 2, the
Royal Netherlands, several fortification and battle plans were
inserted, some loose. These are not listed here.Furthermore
17 plates from Theatrum praecipuarum urbium ducatus
Brabantiae necnon comitatum Flandriae et Zelandiae (towns in
Brabant and Flanders belonging to the Southern Netherlands).
Good copy.- (Spines restored). Van der Krogt, Koeman’s
Atlantes Neerlandici, 43:121A (vol. IV to be published)
First edition with explanatory texts of one of the first print
series depicting the Netherlands
BROUËRIUS VAN NIDEK, Matthaeus & (vols. 3-6:
Isaac LE LONG). Kabinet van Nederlandsche en Kleefsche
oudheden, geöpend, opgeheldert en wydlopig beschreven,
in steden, dorpen, sloten, adelyke huizen, kloosters,
kerken, godshuizen, poorten, en andere voorname
stads- en landgebouwen. Amst., Willem Barents (vols.
2-6: A. Schoonenburg), 1727-33. 4to. Uniformly bound
in Contemp. vellum, with title written in ink on spines.
With engr. frontispiece, titles printed in red and black
and 300 numb. views of cities, villages, castles, city
gates, towers, churches, abbeys, etc. throughout the
Netherlands, including the area around Kleve, Germany,
all by Abraham Rademaker (1675-1735); these views (83 x
115 mm) are printed on leaves (outside pagination) with
short explanatory text in Dutch, French and English
underneath. (24), 312; (4), 323, (1); 327, (1); 311, (1); 328;
319, (1) pp.
First edition of this beautiful and well-known work containing
one of the first complete series of topographical views of (great
parts of) the Netherlands and surroundings of Kleve, Germany.
The 300 views had been published earlier, in 1725 with Willem
Barents in Amst., without text as: Kabinet van Nederlandsche
Outheden en gezichten, in 2 vols. with only short captions
underneath the plates by Abraham Rademaker (1676/77 - 1735).
Reprints of the views without text appeared in 2 vols. with A.
Schoonenberg te Amsterdam in 1731 and ca. 1750 with Is. Tirion.
Between 1727 and 1733 the 6 vols. of our edition were published
by Willem Barents, with texts by Matthaeus Brouërius van Nidek
and Isaac le Long. A reprint of this edition appeared in 1770-1771
with Blussé at Dordrecht, with the re-engr. plates in the text in
stead of on leaves with captions in Dutch, French and English
on separate leaves with blank versos as in our edition. Between
1792 and 1803 the last and corrected edition by J.H. Reisig was
published in 8 vols.Matthaeus Brouërius van Nidek (1677-1742)
was a book and print collector and editor of print series. He also
assisted in the publication of (historical) dictionaries. The text of
Brouërius van Nidek in our Kabinet runs till vol. 2, p. 145. From
there the texts are by the publisher and translator Isaac le Long
(1683-1762). The views are numb. from 1 till 300 and are signed at
bottom left : ‘A. Rademaker fecit’. The year at the bottom right
is often referring to the date of the drawing or print from which
Rademaker has engr. his view. Good set.- (A few lvs. browned).
Bodel Nijenhuis 95; Haitsma Mulier & Van der Lem 86 and 309
-. & Isaac LE LONG. Kabinet van Nederlandsche en Kleefsche
oudheden. Amst., Willem Barents (vol.1), A. Schoonenburg
(vols. 2-6). 1727-33. 4to. Contemp. vellum, uniformly
bound. Engr. title to vol. 1, engr. coat of arms to
dedication in vol. 1, letterpress title to each vol. in red
& black, 250 (of 300) numbered engr. views of cities,
villages, castles, city gates, towers, churches, abbeys, etc.,
throughout the Netherlands, including the area around
Kleve, Germany, by Abraham Rademaker (1675-1735);
these views (83 x 115 mm.) are printed on leaves (outside
pagination) with short explanatory text in Dutch, French
and English underneath. 6 vols. First edition of one of the
first series of topographical views of (great parts of) the
Netherlands and surroundings of Kleve, Germany.
Bodel Nijenhuis 95; Haitsma Mulier & Van der Lem 86 and 309.
Fair set, sold w.a.f.- (Lacking plates 51-100 of vol. 2; some plates
in vol. 5 misbound; some waterstaining throughout)
BRUGMANS, H. & F. GOETZ. Oud-Nederland. Een
verzameling der belangrijkste gezichten, steden, dorpen en kasteelen uit
vroeger eeuwen. Amst., A. de Lange, 1927. Large 4to. Orig. half
calf, decorated gilt spine with title lettered in gold. 160
numb. full-page b/w plates. XI (1 blank) pp.
Good copy.- (Spine discol.)
DELFT - (BOITET, Reinier). Beschryving der stadt Delft.
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1729. Folio. Contemp. half calf, spine
gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered
in gold. Engr. allegorical frontispiece with the coat-ofarms of Delft and a view on Delft in the background,
title printed in red and black with large coat of arms of
Delft, one double-page (situation in 1560) and a folding
plan of Delft surrounded by new fortifications (which
were never built), a splendid large folding view on Delft
(240x1250mm) by C. Decker after R. Boitet, one full-page
and 17 double-page plates partly signed by P. Smith and R.
Boitet after C. Decker; some interesting woodcut vignettes
and tail-pieces. (16), 132, (43), 132-271, 274-278, 277-564, (22,
numb. as ‘564’), 565-657, 658-660, 661-804, (14) pp.- (text
continuous, last 2 pages blank).
First and only edition of this most important description of the
city of Delft, usually ascribed to Reinier Boitet, a bookseller
and poet at Delft. The work is based on the earlier description
of Delft by Dirk Evertsz. van Bleyswijck (1640-1681), the
Beschryvinge der stad Delft, (Delft, Arnold Bon, 1667; NijhoffVan Hattum 29) and large parts of Van Bleyswijck’s text are
reprinted by Boitet. Boitet also re-used 16 of Van Bleyswijck’s
plates. The work was compiled, or edited by Reinier Boitet with
the cooperation of Hugo van Heussen, Hendrik van Ryn, and
above all the famous Dutch poet Hubert Cornelisz. Poot. The
result is a magnificent and updated description of one of the
major cities of Holland.On the verso of the half-title a poem
by Hendrik Schim, explaining the facing frontispiece; after the
preface (8 pp.) follows a laudatory poem by Schim (3 pp.) and
an instruction for the binder; after the text is an index on 14 pp.
Good copy.- (Lacks the engr. dedication leaf to the burgomasters
of Delft and the dedication (6 pp.), binding sl. damaged). De
Buck 3529; Nijhoff-Van Hattum 34
ende nieuw Dordrecht. Behelsende desselfs opkomste,
voort-gangh ende regeringe. Loop ende verloop van den
Rhijn, Wael, Maes, &c. Haarlem, Ambrosius Vermerck,
1666. 12mo. Contemp. vellum, title in ink on spine.
Woodcut printer’s device on title-page (depicting a
printing press) and an engr. folding map. (24), 545, (5) pp.
en Overflakkee, zijne wording en zijn voortbestaan tot op heden.
Sommelsdijk, W. Boekhoven, 1895. 8vo. Half buckram,
marbled boards. With 2 folding maps, numerous
photographs and illustrations in the text. 469, (3) pp.
Together with: (2) Beschrijving van het eiland Westvoorn, meest
bekend onder den naam, van: eiland Goedereede. Sommelsdijk,
G. Jongejan, 1822. 8vo. 16 pp. Orig. printed wrappers. (100-150)
Good copies.- (Ad 1: Spine faded and slightly damaged; Ad 2:
wrappers slightly soiled)
First edition, dedicated to Cornelis & Johan de Wit with preliminary
poems by ‘Constanter’ (= Constantyn Huygens) and Snellinx. The
map illustrates the courses of the Rhine, the Waal and the Meuse.
Fair copy.- (Upper hinge broken, one leave loose, owner’s entry on
endpaper and title-page). Nijhoff-Van Hattum 226
22 september 1799 dienende tot een jornaal [!]. (Ca. 16,5 x 10 cm).
Contemp. marbled calf, gilt floral borders, gilt floral
ornaments on spine. Manuscript on paper. (40) lvs. (200-300)
Interesting manuscript journal by S.B. Stellingwerff, an
inhabitant of Lemmer (Friesland). The greater part of the
journal is an eye-witness report of the English attack on
Lemmer in september 1799. Our knowledge of this attack is
based on the journal of Poppe Jans Poppes, to which the present
journal is an interesting addition. The other part of journal
comprises entries from 1818 until 1823, describing tourist trips
made to The Hague, Rotterdam, and Gouda, as well as a visit of
the crown prince to Lemmer. Good copy.- (Binding loose, entry
on first page: ‘Dagboek van mijn grootvader S.B. Stellingwerff 22
sept. 1799/ Lemmer S. Stellingwerff 1913.’)
GELDERLAND - (NIJHOFF, I.A.). Statistieke beschrijving
van Gelderland. Arnhem, P. Nijhoff, 1826. 8vo. Contemp. half
cloth. Numerous folding tables, 2 engr. plates. VIII, 551 (1
blank, 3, 1 blank) pp.
zomertogtje met platen en eene kaart. Haarlem, A. Loosjes, 1805.
8vo. Orig. printed wrappers.
An illustr. literary celebration of the natural and man-made
beauty of South Holland, in the form of an excursion by a group
of young friends (men and women), with the engr. title-page
and ill. plates printed on wove paper, made by Jan Aggesz.
Kool (1742-1816). Fair copy.- (Spine dam., some waterstaining).
Landwehr, Colour Plates 354; Saakes 4 (1806), p. 200
And 1 other not collated work on the history of the Drenthe
province dated 1842. Good copy. Bodel Nijenhuis 594
- - LANDT-RECHTEN, Gereformeerde-, ende gewoonten van het
rijck van Nymegen, van de Ampten van tusschen Maes ende Wael, Over
ende Neder-Betuwen, mitsgaders van de heerlijkheden ende gerichten
daer onder resorterende. Arnhem, Elisabeth van Biesen-de Haas,
1686. 4to. Contemp. vellum. With woodcut coat-of-arms
of Gelderland on title. 209, (1) pp.
Fine copy.- (Sl. browning and foxing)
VERVOORN, F.O. Beschrijving van het eiland Goedereede
LEIDEN - (CORNET, J.L.?). De intogt van hertog Jan van
Beijeren binnen Leyden. Op den 18den augustus 1420, in maskerade
voorgesteld door H.H. Studenten der Leydsche Hoogeschool, op den
8sten februarij 1840. Leyden, H. Schreuder, 1840. Oblong
folio. Contemp. half calf with marbled boards. With 18
lithographed plates. (4) pp.
col. lithogr. plates and many tinted lithogr. ills. Second
Spines discoloured (3)
Rare collection of lithographs, possibly after drawings by Jodocus
Ludovicus Cornet (1815-1882). Good copy.- (Spine sl. damaged,
title-page and index mounted, part of one plate torn off)
- - ORLERS, J.J. Beschrijvinge der Stadt Leyden. Inhoudende ‘t
Begin, den voortgang, ende den wasdom der selver: de stichting vande
Kercken, Cloosteren, Gasthuysen, ende andere Publijcque Gestichten, etc.
desgelijcs de oprechtinge vande Academie, ende de Collegien Theologie.
Mitsgaders Verhael van alle de Belegeringen, ende Aenslagen, die de
selve Stadt zedert den Jare 1203. geleden heeft, totte laetste strenge
Belegeringe ende Verlossinghe, ghevallen inden Jaere 1574. Leyden;
Delft, Abraham Commelin, Andries Jansz. Cloeting, 1641.
4to. Contemp. vellum. With woodcut printer’s device on
title, large folding engr. plan of the city by G. Bouttats
after J. Peeters, based on a drawing by Ian Prs. Dou, dated
1614, 2 double-page engr. maps of the sieges, one large
folding, after Hogenberg, and 10 about half-page engr.
views and illustrations in text. (30), 738, (14) pp. (600-800)
Second, much enlarged edition of a detailed historical
description of the city of Leiden by Jan Orlers, bookseller and
later burgomaster of the city of Leiden (1580-1646). Of special
interest is the fact that this edition of the book contains the
first printed mention of REMBRANDT, destined to become
one of the world’s foremost painters. Fine copy.- (Binding sl.
soiled, some annotations on paste-down). Nijhoff-Van Hattum
LENNEP, Van and W.J. HOFDIJK. Merkwaardige kasteelen
in Nederland. Leiden, Brill, Van Doesburgh, 1883-1884. 3
vols. 8vo. Orig. gilt. dec. cloth. 354,438,441 pp. With 6 p.
MAASKAMP, Evert. Atlas portatif du Royaume des Pays-Bas
(Parti septentrionale.)- Zak-atlas, van het Konijnrijk der Nederlanden.
(Noordelijk gedeelte.). Amst., E. Maaskamp, (1821). (190 x 100
mm). Contemp. boards with printed title pasted on front
cover. With one folding engraved table and 13 folding
engr. maps of the Dutch provinces, all hand-coloured in
outline. (4) pp. text in French and Dutch.
Unrecorded pocket-sized atlas, comprising one engr. folding
table, and 13 folding hand-coloured engr. maps of the Dutch
provinces, including Antwerp. The last map, depicting ‘NoordBraband en Limburg’, is not called for in the index. Date derived
from the first map. Koeman only mentions a ‘Nieuwe zak-atlas’,
apparently published in the same year. Fair copy.- (Binding
rubbed, spine damaged, hinge broken, owner’s entry on
endpaper). Not in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici; not in NCC;
not in WorldCat; not in KvK
OUDEWATER - (KINSCHOT, Gaspar Rudolph).
Beschryving der stad Oudewater; waarin aangetoont word der zelver
herkomst uit het Utrechtsche bisdom, overgang tot de graaflykheid van
Holland en haare gemaakte onafscheidbaarheid van de zelve: mitsgaders
der zelver voorrechten, regeeringsvorm, en droevige lotgevallen van
aloude tyden af tot nu toe beschreven, uit de oudheid bewezen en met
de nodige bewysstukken bevestigt. Als mede de handvesten, privilegien
en octroyen, zoo eertyds door de Graaven van Holland, als naderhand
door de staaten van dat gewest aan die stad van tyd tot tyd gegund en
verleend, alles byëen verzamelt, opgestelt en in ‘t licht gegeven door den
thans in dienst zynde bailjuw, dykgraaf en schout der zelfde stad. Delft,
Reinier Boitet, 1747. 4to. Contemp. half roan, with black
title-label. Title in red and black with engr. coat of arms
of Oudewater, full-page engr. dedication by J.C. Philips, 2
engr. maps and 5 views of Oudewater (all folding), engr.
by F. van Bleyswyk, J. Besoet and J. van der Spyk after
H. de Winter, 2 engravings of a seal and coins in text,
woodcut tail-pieces and initials. XVI, 600, 14, (2) pp.
First edition of this topography and history book of Oudewater.
The 7 engravings depict plans and views of the city in 1632
and 1746, the ‘Nieuwe Poort, the castle in 1555, the town hall,
the church, and the ammunition depot with the orphanage
of Oudewater. All engravings are after designs by Hendrik de
Winter. Good uncut copy.- (Binding sl. rubbed). Nijhoff-Van
Hattum 159; Bodel Nijenhuis 1343; NNBW, III, cols. 691-692
by Philips Doublet (1633-1707) in the Le Nôtre, or Baroque style.
The missing title-page has been replaced by the (damaged)
title-page of a different work: Generale en particuliere gezigten
van de heer van st. Annalands hofstede, genaamt Clingendaal,
of which also two large views are added. Good copy.- (Binding
rubbed, some sl. waterstaining in margins, lacks title-page).
Hollstein XXIV, Scherm, 21-22, 26-32; Hollstein XXVIII,
Stoopendaal 17-42; STCN (2 copies)
ROTTERDAM – Generale keure ende ordonnantie der stad
Rotterdam. Rotterdam, Van Waesberge, (1712-1817). 4to.
Contemp. vellum, titles in ink on spine, edges red. 10 vols.
Exceedingly rare and important collection of numerous
separately entered placards and ordinances issued by the
authorities of Rotterdam between 1712 and 1817, with a general
title-page and table of contents. Fine set. Ledeboer, Het geslacht
van Waesberghe, p. 193; Nijhoff, Bibliotheca historico-Neerlandica
(III), 2205; not in Nijhoff-Van Hattum, nor Bodel Nijenhuis.
SOUTH HOLLAND - OLLEFEN, L. van. De Nederlandsche
stad- en dorp-beschrijver. I. deel. (‘t Eiland van Dordrecht, de Hoeksche
waard, de Zwijndrechtsche waard, de Riederwaard, en ‘t Land van
IJsselmonde). Amst., H.A. Banse, 1793. 8vo. Contemp.
boards. engr. title-page by J.C. Schultsz, one engr.
folding map, hand-coloured in outline, and 22 (of 29)
engr. topographical plates by Anna C. Brouwer after J. v.
Diepenhuijsen en M. v. Altena. (2), X, 2 pp. and 31 separate
First volume of an attractively illustrated topographical work,
published in installments of separately signed and paged
gatherings. The work is sought-after because of the many
beautiful engr. views of villages and towns. Complete sets are rare.
Fair copy.- (Spine lacking). Tiele 818; not in Nijhoff/Van Hattum
Laurens. (Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten, in de hofstede
van Clingendaal gelegen by ‘sGravenhage). (The Hague, Nicolaas
Visscher, 2nd half 17th century). Oblong 4to. Contemp.
half roan, marbled boards. With 32 etched plates, of which
24 by Daniel Stoopendaal and 8 by Laurens Scherm.
Rare collection of striking prints depicting the garden of the
estate Clingendaal (or Clingendael) near The Hague, designed
UTRECHT - BEIJER, J. DE & H. SPILMAN. (Collection of
14 full-page engr. views of Utrecht.) (Amst., Wed. Isaac Tirion,
1773). Oblong folio. Modern half vellum. 14 engr. views
(ca. 21 x 17,5 cm) by Hendrik Spilman after Jan de Beijer of
the city-gates and the old moats or “Singels” outside the
city-walls of Utrecht.
Taken from a large-paper copy of Het Verheerlykt Nederland,
and bound together in one volume. Fine copy
M. Gezichten van
buitenplaatsen en
gebouwen gelegen
tusschen de stad
Utrecht en de
Grebbe, geteekend
naar het leven.
Utrecht, I.P.
1829. Oblong folio. Contemp. half buckram, marbled
boards. Lithographed title (verso in French) and 70 (of 75)
full-page lithographed views of houses and gardens at De
Bilt, Zeist, Doorn, Driebergen, Leersum, Amerongen, etc.,
versos blank.
WITH loosely inserted view of ‘Huis te Zeist’ by M. Spilman after
J. de Beyer. Fair copy.- (Binding damaged, one plate loose, foxing
ANONYMOUS. (Album of verses. Manuscript). Various places,
1886-1936. Illustrated cloth (1) and boards (2). 8vo. (100-150)
Three charming albums of verses with numerous pasted ills.
of:(1) Sophia v.d. Steur Waldeck (?), with entries from 1886-1890
and a loose letter dated March 4, 1934 from ‘Fietje’ (= Sophie van
Randwijck?) addressed to ‘Lieve Oma’ (Dearest grandmother).
(2) A(nna) E. Wackwitz (born 1912 and the mother of Sophie
van Randwijck) , with entries from 1912-1934 (the last one of
her daughter Sophie). Added here: C. Huygens, Gedachten
eener Koningin, Amsterdam (ca. 1905) with ms. dedication to
Anna Wackwitz dated The Hague, Oktober 1917.(3) Sophie Booy
barones van Randwijck (1923-2009), with entries from 1931-1936.
In good condition.- (With 1 other misc. printed work)
VOORNE – Keuren ende privilegien des lands ende heerlijckheyts
Voorne. Rotterdam, Pieter van Waesberge, 1717. 4to.
Contemp. vellum, title in ink on spine. With armorial
woodcut vignette on title-page. (2), 292, (11), (1 blank) ; 27,
(2), (1 blank) pp. 2 parts in one vol.
Good copy
ZEELAND - (KLEIJNJAN, J.). Schelderegiem en schelderegie.
(1944). (28 x 21,5 cm). Half green cloth, marbled boards,
title label on front cover. Illustrated with numerous maps,
tables and graphs, partly hand-coloured and partly loosely
inserted in folder. 88 pp.
Original typescript of a thorough report for Rijkswaterstaat on
the flow and management of the river Schelde, drawn up by the
civil engineer J. Keijnjan and illustrated with numerous detailed
maps. Good copy.- (Spine sl. damaged)
BEATRIX, Queen of The Netherlands. Original b/w
photographs. (ca. 1950-60). 8 photographs (each ca. 7 x 11.5
cm.) depicting Beatrix at an age of 13-15 years old i.a. while
on the beach with Sophie Booy barones van Randwijck
(1923-2009), 13 negatives of the same size but from other
photographs than the ones mentioned above. Preserved
in a sm. portfolio of ‘Gevaert film’ addressed to ‘Mevr.
Barones v. Randwijck’. Together with: (1) B/w photograph
depicting Beatrix at an age of ca. 20? surrounded by 4 soldiers and 2
women. ca. 8.5 x 13.5 cm. (2) B/w photocard depicting Beatrix en face
at an age of ca. 15. ca. 14 x 9 cm. (3) Two printed postcards with ms.
additions addressed to Sophie Booy barones van Randwijck from princess
Marijke (now princess Christina) thanking her for the birtday wishes
she received. each ca. 10.5 x 14.5 cm. Dated February 18, 1954
resp. Soestdijk, February 18, 1960. The cards, both with
the Soestdijk postal stamp, have been send through the
internal mail of the palace Soestdijk.
In very good condition
BOOY, Thijs & Sophie BOOY barones VAN
RANDWIJCK. Manuscript album including a personal ms.
dedication of princess Wilhelmina and numerous ms. signatures of
members of the House of Orange, nobility, family members etc., among
other things commemorating the wedding of Thijs Booy with Sophie
baroness van Randwijck on November 30, 1954. (November 20,
1954)-1994. Oblong folio (21 x 32 cm.). Green leather in
crocodile skin style. (R.W. BINCK The Hague). (148) lvs.
About 30 lvs. are used.
Thijs Booy (1923-2003) and Sophie Booy baroness van Randwijk
(1923-2009) were the private secretaries of princess Wilhelmina
from 1952-1962. Beatrix, Queen of The Netherlands (born 1938)
was one of the bridesmaids at their wedding.The album starts
with a 6-line ms. dedication on recto of first leaf from princess
Wilhemina to Thijs and Sophie Booy giving them her kindest
regards and wishing them great happiness in their marriage.
The album includes signatures of the best man, master of
ceremony A.W. Kist, H.J. de Savornin Lohman van Hasselt,
J.E. Booy-Schelhaus, A.E. van Randwijck-Wackwitz, princess
Wilhelmina, A.M. Wackwitz vd Steur, C.A.O. Boetselaer-v.
Pallandt, S. Boreel- v. Randwijck, Lodewijk Storm van ‘s
Gravensande, etc. etc. The last entry is dated November 10, 1994
the fortieth wedding anniversary of Thijs and Sophie Booy. In
good condition
BOOY, Thijs. Lot of 23 books incl. duplicates mainly by Thijs
Booy. Amst., a.o. (ca. 1946-65). Various sizes. Bound. Some
Kort geschiedkundig overzicht van het paleis ‘Het Loo’ (The
Hague, 1914). Good copies, some with ms. entry of i.a. Thijs
Booy, private secretary of princes Wilhelmina from 1952-1962.(Some with browning, weak hinges; not collated, sold w.a.f.).
The book by Smit not in De Jong
JULIANA, Princess of The Netherlands (1909-2004).
A.L.S. in ink to Sophie Booy baroness van Randwijck (1923-2009),
former private secretary of princess Juliana. L’Elefante Felice, Porto
Ercole (Grosseto) & Soestdijk, 1981-82. One postcard
and two letters. Specification: (1) Postcard (10.5 x 15 cm.;
both sides used) dated August 16, 1981 with the stamps
of L’Elefante Felice, the former Italian holiday villa of
the House of Orange which was sold after the death of
prince Bernhard in 2004. Princess Juliana expresses her
condolances to Sophie Booy about the death of her father.
(2) A.L.S. (ca. 27.5 x 18 cm.; verso blank) dated May 1982
on the stationery of the Soestdijk palace (blind-stamp in
upper right corner). Princess Juliana thanks all her friends
and acquaintances for the letters and congratulatory
messages she received for her birthday. Signed ‘JulianaLula-Loekie-.... enz. enz.
(3) A.L.S. (ca. 27.5 x 18 cm.; verso blank) dated May 1985
on the stationery of the Soestdijk palace (blind-stamp in
upper right corner). Princess Juliana thanks Sophie Booy
for the congratulatory messages she received for her
birthday. Signed ‘Juliana’.
All in very good condition
Some with ms. entry and notes of Thijs Booy, who was the
private secretary of princess Wilhelmina from 1952-1962. Also
including two copies of the book by princess Wilhelmina,
Eenzaam maar niet alleen (Amst., 1959) with ms. dedication
‘Met vriendelijke groeten van de schrijfster’, a corrected reprint
of Booy’s ‘De jeugd in West-Europa’ with the accompanying
letter of the foundation ‘Vrij Nederland’ dated March 21, 1947,
a typescript titled ‘Gedichten van Hieronymus van Alphen
(Uitgave 1946)’ and various translations incl. a Finnish one of
Booy’s ‘Het is stil op Het Loo (Amst., 1963). Good copies.- (Not
collated, sold w.a.f.)
LOT of 11 Dutch books. Haarlem, Nijkerk, Den Haag, Amst.,
1849-1959. Various sizes. Bound. Illustrated.
HISTORY - LITERATURE - LOT of 13 Dutch works. The
Hague, Amst., a.o., (ca. 1920-1965). Various sizes. Wrappers
or cloth. Illustrated.
LOT of commemorative books on the occasion of various
days. i.a. openings of buildings, jubilees, inaugurations,
funerals, etc. Leyden, Amst., Baarn, etc., 1891-1948. Various
sizes. Bound. Illustrated. 16 works incl. doubles. (150-200)
Incl. W.A.P. Smit, Masscheroen 1941 (The Hague, W. van Hoeve),
De Koningin-moeder en Amsterdam (Amst., 1929), N.M.
Japikse, Opvoeding van prinsessen en prinsen van de huizen
Oranje en Oranje-Nassau (Rotterdam, 1947), Levenskunst van
Epictetus (Zutphen, 1932) and Koningin Wilhelmina, moeder
des Vaderlands (Amst., Grafisch bedrijf, 1963) and C.H. Peters,
Incl. A.L.G. Toussaint, Gedenkschrift van de inhuldiging des
konings Willem III (Haarlem, A.C. Kruseman, 1849), J. Postmus,
Het Princen-boekske (Den Haag, A. Berends, ca. 1900) and a
vellum bound copy with g.e. in matching slipcase of the book by
Wilhelmina, Eenzaam maar niet alleen (Amst., 1959).- And one
other misc. work. Good copies.- (One with ms. entry of Thijs
Booy, private secretary of the princess Wilhelmina from 19521962; some sl. browned; one loose in binding; not collated)
Incl. Bezoek van de Hare Majesteit de Koningin Regentes
en gedenksteenlegging door de H.M. jeugdige Koningin
Wilhelmina, op het terrein van het in aanbouw zijnde nieuwe
Buiten-Gasthuis Amsterdam 28 mei 1891 (printed in 100 copies
only), Grepen uit het leven van koningin-moeder Emma
(Amst., 1934) and A toi la gloire, kerkdienst bij de begrafenis van
Koningin Wilhelmina in de Nieuwe Kerk te Delft op 8 December
1962 (Baarn, 1963). Good copies, some with ms. entry of Thijs
Booy, private secretary of the princess Wilhelmina from 19521962.- (Some with browning/waterstaining; not collated, sold
LOT of royal speeches, proclamations and radio speeches of Queen
Wilhelmina on various occasions. Amst., Antwerp, e.a., 1954-55.
4to. & 8vo. Bound. Illustrated. 8 works incl. doubles.
Good copies.- (Not collated, sold w.a.f.)
SCHWEITZER, Albert. A.L.S. in ink to princess Wilhelmina of
The Netherlands (1880-1962). Lambaréné (Gabon), January
1, 1954 (= 1955!). (27 x 21 cm.). One leaf with French text
on both sides. Together with: (2) ANDERSON, E. De wereld
van Albert Schweitzer. The Hague, Stok, (1955). Large 4to.
Cloth with d/j. Illustrated. Ca. 130 pp. With on half title
a personal ms. dedication from princess Wilhelmina
dated 1955 to Thijs Booy, private secretary of princess
Wilhelmina from 1952-1962.- And 2 other works on
Ad 1: The theologian, organist, philosopher, and physician
Albert Schweitzer (January 14, 1875- September 4, 1965)
writes to princess Wilhelmina to thank her for a telegraph
she sent him to congratulate him with his eightieth birthday
on January 14. According to the letter, Schweitzer was very
impressed by Wilhelmina’s work De Grote Onbekende (The
Great Unknown). Furthermore he tells of his struggle to finish
the village he is building for the 250 lepers he treats in his ever
expanding hospital. An interesting fact is that Schweitzer dated
his letter January 16, 1954 instead of 1955, the year he celebrated
his eightieth birthday. Ad 1: In good condition.- (Folded twice).
Ad 2: Good copy
WILHELMINA, Princess of The Netherlands (18801962). Original photographs illustrating the entrance of Queen
Wilhelmina in the Zeeland province shortly after World War II. (Ca.
1945). 3 vols. Sm. folio. Contemp. cloth. First vol. with ms.
title ‘De Blijde Inkomst’ in red, numerous black and white
photographs, size each ca. 11 x 11 cm. Together with: (2) Ons
Vorstenhuis. Album with numerous postal cards in b/w and
colour illustrating various events of the House of Orange.
(1937-ca. 1940). Large 4to. (ca. 31 x 30 cm.). Cloth with
illustration and title ‘Ons vorstenhuis’ on front cover.
Ad 1: The pictures are taken by the ‘Militair gezag, sectie
voorlichting, subsectie foto (Kapt. W. v/d Poll, Kapt L.
Woudhuysen, 2e Luit. H. de Bruyn) = the military authority,
section information, subsection pictures under the reign of
Captain W. v/d Poll, Captain L. Woudhuysen and 2nd Lieutenant
H. de Bruyn.
Ad 2: Album illustrating the marriage of prince Bernhard
and princess Wilhelmina (January 7, 1937), the birth of
their children, vacation and family trips, birthdays, etc. Few
postal cards are used, i.a. one adressed to A.E. Baronesse van
Randwijck-Wackwitz in Middelburg with a 10-line ms. epistle
from her mother. Ad 1: In very good condition.- (Bindings sl.
soiled). Ad 2: In good condition
-. Bust on a pedestal of Wilhemina aged ca. 15 years old.
On the front of the pedestal the inscription ‘Wilhelmina’
and on the back ‘Koningin der Nederlanden’. (Before
1948?). Porphyry? Height ca. 21 cm.
In fine condition
-. Original watercolour of a sunset showing the dawn of day (in the
park of the palace ‘t Loo?). Signed bottom left ‘W’. (Ca. 1955?). (Ca.
9.5 x 14 cm.). Laid down. Together with: (2) Drawing in pencil on
strong blank paper showing the hands of princess Wilhelmina (made by
herself?). (Ca. 1955?). Ca. 32.5 x 25.5 cm. (3) Christmas card for
5 maps with the North and South Pacific and
the coast of Brazil
1960 with tipped printed illustration (ca. 9.5 x 13 cm.) of a dawn
of day by Wilhelmina with her ms. dedication to Thijs and
Sophie Booy wishing them a merry Christmas. (4) Double
Christmas card (ca. 15 x 17 cm.) for 1962 with on the inside
right a tipped printed illustration (ca. 13 x 15 cm.) of a dawn
of day by Wilhelmina signed bottom left. The printed text
explains that it was the wish of Queen Juliana to send this
Christmas card designed by her mother despite of her very
recent passing. Framed. (5-6) Two picture postcards (1 in colour,
1 b/w, each ca. 15 x 10.5 cm.) from princess Wilhelmina to
Thijs and Sophie Booy in which she among other things
thanks them for their birthday wishes. (Ca. 1955?). (7) B/w
photograph pasted on strong paper of princess Wilhelmina in
her late seventies behind a desk with a dog next to her. 11 x
14 cm. Below right in pencil the name of the photographer
(?) M.E. Meijboom A’dam. (8) B/w postcard showing the funeral
procession of princess Wilhelmina on December 8, 1962.
GIVRY, M.M. Carte Réduite de la Rade de Pernambuco et de ses
Attérages situés à la Côte du Brésil. AND: GRESSIER, M.M. Plan
de la Rade de Pernambuco leve en 1819. ca. 92 x 62 cm. (Paris),
Dépòt-général de la Marine, 1824. Together with: GIVRY,
M.M. Carte Réduite de la Côte du Brésil comprise entre Porto Seguro
et Pernambuco. 1825. ca. 61 x 91 cm. And: GIVRY, M.M. Carte
Réduite de la Còte du Brésil comprise entre Pernambuco et Ciará. 1826.
ca. 91 x 61 cm. Paris And: DAUSSY, Pierre. Carte de l’Océan
Atlantique Septentrional. 1854. ca. 90 x 62 cm. (Paris), Dépòtgénéral de la Marine, 1824-1854. Also with: POWELL, E.J.
South Atlantic Ocean Western Portion. London, Admirality, 1871
(=1908). With corrections 1872 and 1908. (ca. 69x 118 cm).
Four charts from the Dépòt-général de la Marine (Ad 1-4),
showing the North and South Atlantic, and the coast of Brazil.
With a large English map of the South Atlantic and South
America (Ad. 5). Good condition, with some manuscript
All in very good condition
-. Various works (in Dutch, English, French) written by Wilhelmina.
Amst., Paris, Grand Rapids, a.o., 1950-59. Various sizes.
Bound. Illustrated. 11 works incl. duplicates.
Incl. three copies of Eenzaam maar niet alleen (Amst., 1959) of
which two with ms. dedication in ink by Wilhelmina, De grote
onbekende (Amst., 1950), Le grand inconnu (Paris, 1950), Het
besef van de universele gemeenschap (Amst., 1951).- And 9
misc. works (1939-61), incl. Voet, Merken van Amsterdamsche
goud- en zilversmeden (The Hague, 1912) and Evangelium
veritatis (Zürich, 1956). Good copies.- (Some with few defects;
not collated)
- - DANCKERTS, Justus. Novissima et Accuratissima Totius
Americae Descriptio. Amsterdam, Justus Danckerts, (ca. 1680).
(49 x 57 cm). Engraved map in fine handcolouring. Map of
the Americas with decorative cartouche flanked by natives
in the lower left corner.
Mint condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, II, Dan 1, p. 91,
nr 2
with gold. A very decorative chart of the North Atlantic,
showing prominent Greenland, Iceland and parts of the
North American continent. The map is decorated with a
large figurative cartouche in the upper center, as well with
compass roses, ships and an allegoric ornated decorative
milage scale.
Very good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, III , p. 197,
nr. 30
Foelicis emporium celeberrimi nominis, quo ex India, Aethiopia ...
Mombaza, Quiloa, Cefala. (Cologne, Braun & Hogenberg,
ca. 1585). (34 x 48 cm). Four interesting engraved bird’s
eye views of important African port cities: the upper half
of the sheet is dedicated to Aden, with underneath in
3 smaller views Mombasa (Kenya), Kilwa (Tanzania) &
Sofala (Beira, Mozambique). Verso: text in Latin. From
Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
Fine copy. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p.
51, nr. 54, (to be published); Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, II, p.
16, nr. 53
ASIA - DANCKERTS, Justus. Accuratissima totius
Asiae tabula recens emendata per I. Danckerts. (Amst., Justus
Danckerts, ca. 1680). (49 x 57 cm). Engraved map in fine
handcolouring. Fine map of Asia, showing Arabia to Japan,
Formosa and a part of Australia.
Good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, II, Dan 1, p. 91,
nr. 4
ARCTIC - GOOS, Pieter. Pascaerte van Groen-landt,
Yslandt, Straet Davids en Jan Mayen eylandt, hoemen de selvige van
Hitlandt en de Noordcusten van Schotlandt en Yrlandt beseylen mach.
Amsterdam, Pieter Goos, 1666. (43 x 54 cm.). Engraving
in fine contemporary outline colouring and heightened
- - ORTELIUS, Abraham. Indiae Orientalis insularumque
adiacienti um typus. (Antwerp, Jan Moretus, 1601). (34 x
50 cm). Engraving. Latin text on verso. This rare map
represents the best available information on Southeast
Asia and the East Indian Islands. The map extends from
Portugese India in the west, through China, Japan,
Southeast Asia and the East Indies to the Northwest coast
of America.
Mint condition. Van den Broecke 166; van der Krogt, Koeman’s
Atlantes Neerlandici, IIIA, p. 112, no. 111
islands and shows the Philippines and Indonesia. From:
‘Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties du monde,
ou sont exactement remarquees les empires, monarchies,
royaumes, estats, republiques &c G. Delisle’. Amsterdam,
J. Covens & C. Mortier, 1730.
CARIBBEAN - KEULEN, Johannes van. Pascaerte
vande Caribes, S.Juan de Porto Rico, de oosthoeck van I.
Espangnola als mede de vaste Cust van Nueva Andalusia
met de eylanden daer omtrent ghelegen. Amsterdam,
Johannes van Keulen, (1709). Nieu-lyckx uygegeven en van
veel fouten verbetert. (52 x 60 cm.). Fine contemporary
coloured engraved map, heightened with gold. Verso
blank. Fine chart of the Caribbean, including Tortuga,
Isla Margarita, Bonaire, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados,
Guadeloupe, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia etc.
Very fine map. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, II, C & M 4, p.53, nr.
In very good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, Keu
28, p. 300, nr. 138.
Cornelis and Guillaume de L’ISLE. Carte des Indes et
de la Chine dressée sur plusieurs relations particulieres
rectifiées par quelques observations par Guillaume de
l’Isle de l’Academie Royale des Sciences. Amsterdam,
Johannes & Cornelis Covens et Mortier, (1730). (62 x 63
cm.). Fine contemporary handcoloured engraved map.
An uncommon and attractive early 18th century map of
South East Asia prepared by Guillaume de L’ Isle, (16751726). The map extends from India to Korea and Japan
with all of the Malay Peninsula, and the East Indian
- - HAAS, Johan Matt. Regni Sinae vel Sinae Propriae.
(Nuremberg, Johann Matt. Haas, ca. 1740). Framed (52 x
58 cm). Engraved map in contemporary colouring. A large
and detailed map of China published by one of the heirs of
Johann Baptist Homann in Nuremberg. Original colour is
used to delineate China’s provinces. An explanatory table
at lower left gives the Chinese, Tartar and Latin names for
features such as rivers and lakes. The title cartouche at low
right is flanked by Chines dragons.
Fine condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame).
- - HONDIUS, Henricus. China. Amsterdam, Henricus
Hondius, 1634. (35 x 47 cm.). Engraving. Dutch text on
verso. This map of China shows the Great Wall, Korea
as an Island and Japan. One highly sought after map of
Mint condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I,
p. 194, nr. 168.
- - LOON, Joh. van. Imperii Sinarum Nova Descriptio.
Amsterdam, Gerard Valk & Pieter Schenk, (ca. 1700). (47
x 53 cm.). Fine contemporary colouring. Engraved map
of China showing all the Chinese provinces, Korea and
the island of Formosa in the south. Ships in the sea and
cartouche with Chinese costumes. This fine decorative
map was first printed in “Atlas Novus” by J. Janssonius in
1658. It was re-issued from the 1690s onwards by Valk &
Schenk who added their imprint to the plate just under
the sea-battle between the two western ships off the coast
of Hainan.
Very fine copy. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I,
p. 275, nr. 67 (earlier ed.).
FRANCE - BRITTANY - BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas. Lot
of 2 seacharts.- Carte de l’Isle de Belle-Isle.- Carte
réduite des passages de l’Iroise du Four et du Raz pour servir
aux vaisseaux du Roy dressée au depost des cartes, plans et
journaux de la Marine par ordre de M. le Duc de Choiseul
Colonel-Général des Suisses et Grisons Ministre de la Guerre
et de la Marine par le S. Bellin Ingenieur de la Marine, 1764.
(Paris, 1761 & 1764). Both ca. 65 x 98 cm. Engraved maps. Two
seacharts of a part of the Atlantic Ocean by Jacques Nicolas
Bellin royal hydrographer (1703-1772). Ad 1: map with BelleIsle the French island off the coast of Brittany. With an inset
with a plan of the port of L´Havre and its citadel, and an
inset of the coastal line of Bretagne. It was also published in
Bellin’s ‘Le Neptune françois/ou recueil des cartes marines’.
Ad 2: chart of the Iroise Sea or Mer d’Iroise, one of the most
dangerous seas in Europe, bordering on the English Channel
to the north, the Celtic Sea to the west and the Bay of Biscay
to the south.
Good copies.- (Ad 1: Some minor tears in margins;ad 2: Small
tear in middle)
- - JANSSONIUS, Johannes. Champagne Comitatus Campania.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, (ca. 1638-44.). (38 x 50
cm.). Dutch text on verso. Nice engraved map showing
the county of Champagne.
Fine copy. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I, p.
412, nr. 10.
- - KEULEN, Johannes van. Nouvelle Carte marine croissant
en degres d’une parte des Cotes maritimes de Bretagne et de Poitou Nieuwe Wassende Graadige Pas-Kaart van Bretagne en Poitou. Amst.,
Johannes van Keulen, (ca. 1709). (53 x 60 cm.). Engraving.
Verso blank. Fine map, showing parts of the coast of
Bretagne and Poitou, stretching from Le Croizie to L’Ance
de St. Gillis.
In fine condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 374, nr. 334.
- - KEULEN, Johannes van & sons. Nieuwe Geometrische
Caart van ‘t Inkomen der rivier de Loire ofte de rivier van Nantes,
zijnde de dieptens in de groote zee genomen met laag water, by nieuwe
en volle maan. Amst., Johannes van Keulen en Zonen, (ca.
1720). Gemaakt na de nieuwste Franse en andere beste
observatien. (42 x 59 cm.). Engraving. Verso blank. Nice
geometrical map showing the tides of the river Loire from
the sea.
In good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 383, nr.
- - ORTELIUS, Abraham. Poictou.- Pictonum vicinarum que
regionum fidiss descriptio. (Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1587).
(37 x 51 cm.). Engraving. French text on verso. Fine map
of Poitou dated 1579, first published in the second French
edition of Ortelius’ Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Antwerp,
In fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici,
IIIA, p. 198, nr. 21; Van den Broecke 38.
handcoloured map, ‘J. Condet sculpsit’. Large map of the
region including the Netherlands, Belgium and northern
Germany. Based on the geography of Nicolas Sanson and
Guillaume Delisle, and the observations of Tycho-Brahe,
Johannes Kepler, and Willebrord Snellius, all of which are
mentioned in the elaborately decorated title cartouche.
Good copy. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici C&M 8, p.58, nr. 47.
- - THEUNISZ., Jacob. De Custen van Bretaigne, Waer in
vertoont wort alle gelegentheyt tusschen Caap de Hague en ‘t Eylant
Heyssant. Amsterdam, Jacob Theunisz. op ‘t water inde
Lootsman, 1644. (43 x 53 cm.). Coloured. No text on verso.
Very rare engraved map of the coasts of Brittany, showing
the canal with parts of the coasts of England.
Good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 235, Jac 14,
nr. 41
- - HONDIUS, Henricus & Johannes JANSSONIUS.
Wirtenberg Ducatus. Amsterdam, Gerard Mercator for
Henricus Hondius, (ca. 1638-44). (37 x 44 cm.). Engraving.
Dutch text on verso. Fine detailed map of the Wittemberg
Very good copy. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici,
I, p. 410, nr. 73.
Cornelis and Guillaume de L’ISLE. Nova Imperii
Germanici Descriptio in omnes suos circulos Electoratus.
L’Allemagne dressée sur les observations de Tycho Brahé
de Kepler de Snellius sur celles de messieurs de l”academie
Royale des Sciences &c. Amsterdam, Johannes Covens
& Cornelis Mortier, (after 1757). (50 x 63 cm). Engraved
- - MERCATOR, Gerard. Saxoniae Superioris Lusatiae
Misniaeque Descriptio. Amsterdam, Joannes Jansonius, (ca.
1638). (35.5 x 50 cm). Fine map of Obersachsen, Lausitz and
Meissen, here with the new title cartouche alterations.
Dutch text in verso.
Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I, p. 409, nr. 60
vant landt te Pomeren also tselfde in zijn meefen en gedaente is, Orae
maritimae ducatus (...) Pomeranae pars Pomeren. Aldus verthoont
en doet hem op Tland van Pomeren, alsmen van Bornholm aencompt
en beneffens landt zeijlende is tot Rijgsche hooft toe, twee mijlen
van v. legghende. (Leyden, C. Plantin, 1585). (34 x 52 cm).
The engraved chart of Pomeren from the Spieghel der
Zeevaerdt by Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer. This map, showing
the coastal line of Poland and the city of Pomeren and the
Danish island Bornnholm, is here with Latin and Dutch
text and comes from the first printing of the second part.
These charts are now very rare and sought after.
Mint condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, Wag p. 476,
nr. 40b.
- - SCHENK, Petrus. Germaniae Compendium tria Continens
Imperii Collegia. Kort begrip van Duytsland, desselfs ryx collegien
hunne zittingen en wapens kreits verdelingen en aantekeningen daar op.
Amst., Petrus Schenk, 1708. (51 x 60 cm). Engraved plan in
fine contemporary colouring. Fine historical plan with the
arms of the 15 princes and ecclesiastical authorities, as well
as a map of Germany. Plate from Schenk, Schouw-tonneel
des oorlogs.
Fine condition. Muller, Historieplaten, 3031, XXXIV; Tooley,
Oddities, p. 39; Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, III, p. 120, nr. 32
- - HONDIUS, Henricus. Nassovia Comitatus. Amsterdam,
Henricus Hondius, (ca. 1638-44). 38 x 50 cm. Engraving.
Dutch text on verso. Fine map of Nassau.
Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I, p. 297, nr. 63
GIBRALTAR - HOMANN, HEIRS. Carte Topographique des
pays et cotes maritimes Qui forment le Detroit de Gibraltar. Nurnberg,
Homann Heirs, 1756. (50 x 59 cm.). Contemporary outline
colour. Verso blank. Beautiful engraved sea chart. The
chart covers Gibraltar strait, Spanish and African coast,
showing towns, rivers and mountains pictorially in
relief. Four tidal tables comparing tide levels and times
at different seas; notes on currents. Inset map extending
from part of Ireland and England, through France, Spain
and Portugal to the north coast of Africa.
In very good condition.- (Some occ. spotting/thumbing).
- - WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz. Caerte van de zee custe
Krogt). Fine condition.- (Restored with loss of text mainly in
Pacific part). Van der Krogt, Globi Neerlandici, Valk 2, state C1
ICELAND - BLAEU, Willem. Tabula Islandiae auctore Georgio
Carolo Flandro. Amsterdam, Willem Janszoon Blaeu, (1634).
(39 x 50 cm). Engraving in fine handcolouring. Attractive
and detailed map of Iceland, based on information from
the Dutch navigator Joris Carolus from Enkhuizen. The
map is decorated with cartouches, compass roses, rhumb
lines, a Dutch sailing ship and in the lower left hand
corner a cartouche with title decorated with two winged
sea monsters.
Mint condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici,
II, p. 324, nr. 9.
GLOBE - MORTIER & COVENS & Fils. Nouveau globe
terrestre dressé d’après les rélations les plus recentes, et addujetties aux
observations astronomiques, avec les routes des differentes, voijages faites
autour du monde par les Cap.t Cook, la Perouse & c. & celle du Cap.
Phipps vers la Pole septentrionale par C. Covens à Amst. chez Mortier
Covens & Fils geographes. Gravé par C. van Baarsel. Amst., Mortier,
Covens & Fils, (ca. 1802). Diameter 31 cm, 12 inches.
Charming terrestrial globe issued by Covens and made by the
globemakery of Valk. The scale is ca. 1: 41000000. “The map is
updated to reflect all the new discoveries up to that of the Bass
Strait (between Tasmania and Australia, 1797-8). The routes of
the explorers are drawn in, as mentioned in the title.” (Van der
INDIA & EAST INDIES - WIT, Frederick de. Tabula Indiæ
Orientalis. (Amst., Frederick de Wit, 1662). (Ca. 45,5 x 56
Attractive map depicting India, Southern China, the Philippines,
the East Indies and part of the Northwest coast of ‘Hollandia
Nova’ (Australia), engraved by Joannes Lhuilier. Title in
cartouche, surrounded by 4 Orientals. Very good copy.- (Tears at
fold in upper and lower margin). Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici,
III, p. 214, nr. 80
(2 different views, one anonymous), Bartanico nel
Arcipelago, Gibraltar, Penon de Velez, Oran e Marsaguiur,
Satalia nel Arcipelago, Pelaguse nel Arcipelago, Canis pro
nel Arcipelago, Fanar nel Arcipelago.
Good condition with wide margins. Hollstein, XLII, p. 128-133,
nrs. 60/III, 62/II, 63/II, 64/III, 66, 68/III, 70/III, 71/II, 72/II, 78/III
LONDON - Cary’s new pocketplan of London, Westminster and
Southwark. London, W. Hales, (1790). (40 x 60 cm). Kept
in original (?) slipcase, decorated with marbled paper,
publisher’s label pasted on. Engr. map of London in 18
parts, partly hand-coloured, mounted on canvas, folded
measuring ca. 14 x 10 cm.
Together with: (2) Karte ofver Sverige och Norrige eller Skandinavien.
Stockholm, n. publ, 1826. One engr. overview map of
Scandinavia (50 x 38,5 cm), and a large engr. wall map in 7
(of 8) separate parts, all folded and mounted on canvas.
Good copies.- (Ad 2: one part missing)
MAPS - A large collection of ills. from Prevost’s Historische
beschryving der reizen. (Mid 18th century).
Very attractive collection of 181 engraved maps, views, plans,
and ills. in various sizes, including plans of Jedo and Nagasaki
(with the artificial island Deshima), views of Batavia, maps of the
Moluccas, the Philippines, Africa, ills. of Chinese gods, priests of
Fo (Buddha), Fakirs etc. etc., all beautifully engraved by Jacob
van der Schley (1715-1779) or executed under his supervision.
General in very good condition.- (A few plates stained)
(Collection of 12 etchings of cities, castles and harbours in the
Mediterranean Sea). (Antwerp,) Jacob Peeters, (ca. 1650).
(11 x 27 cm). Loosely kept in a portfolio. Very attractive
collection of etched views, 10 by Lucas Vorsterman II
(1624-1666) and 2 anonymous, comprising the plates:
Camos nel Arcipelago, Tripoli de Soria, Gli DarDanelli
MILITARY - HOMANN, HEIRS. Kriegs-Ingenieur- u.
Artillerie-Charte, welche die vornehmste Terminos, so wohl der
Geometrie, Fortification, Artillerie u. Ernst-Feuerwerck als auch
anderer im Krieg vorkommender Sachen ... aufs Deutlichste vorstellet.
Nurnberg, Homann heirs, 1737. (51 x 72 cm.). Engraving.
Very good impression of the military map by the
Homann’s, showing different weapons, artillery and
In good condition.- (Few rep. tears)
MOLUCCAS - BLAEU, Willem Janszoon. Molvccae
Insvlae Celeberrimae. (Amst., Willem & Johan Blaeu, 1635).
(Ca. 37,5 x 48,5 cm).
Hand-coloured engraved map of Molucca Islands
Machian, Timor, ‘Pottebackers Eyland’, Tidoro, Ternate,
Gilolo and Bachian (in inset). Title and inset in elaborate
cartouche. Scale in Germanica and Gallica miles. The
lower right corner shows two figures in local dress. The
map was published in vol. 2 of Le theatre du monde. Very
good copy.- (Sl. browning, tear in margin). Van der Krogt,
Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici , II, p. 596, nr 8560:2.2
Large map of Hungary, Slovakia and parts of Croatia,
Romania and Serbia
MÜLLER, Johann Christoph. Regnorum Hungariae
Dalmatiae, Croatiae, Sclavoniae Bosniae et Serviae cum principatu
Transylvaniae. Nuremberg, Johann Baptist Homann, (1817).
Large engr. map, in four parts (ca 123x102 cm). Partially
coloured and with two illustrated cartouches. (900-1.200)
Large map of Hungary, Slovakia and parts of Croatia, Romania
and Serbia. Reasonable condition, mounted on modern cloth.(Soiled and with small tears in the margins). Sandler, p.61
NAVY – British Fleet at Spithead. London, 1858. (Ca. 35 x
51 cm). Woodengraving under passe-partout from The
Illustrated London News, August 14, 1858.
Good condition.- (Some spotting)
- - STORCK, Abraham. (Naval scene). Framed (32,5 x 38
cm). Washed pen and ink drawing, heightened with white,
signed in lower right corner ‘A.S.’ (= Abraham Storck, ca.
Fine condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame). Cf. Nagler, Die
Monogrammisten, I, 1293
OPTICAL VIEWS - Prospectus camerate vinee in hortis
gubernatoris pondicherii in Indiis Orientalibus ad orom
Cormandelis. (Late 18th century). (Ca. 32 x 42,5 cm).
Attractive hand-coloured engraving, used as optical view and
depicting an vaulted vineyard on the Coromandel coast of India.
Good condition.- (Sl. browned, some small stains)
PEEPSHOW - (Concertina book with 8 hand-coloured engraved views
of the river Rhine (?)). (ca. 1860). (11,5 x 17 cm). Original printed
Very attractive concertina book, showing 20 numbered castles
and villages on the sides of a river, possibly the river Rhine.
Good copy.- (Front cover sl. damaged, back cover strengthened)
PERSIA - OLEARIUS, Adam. A new map of Persia by A.
Olearius. (N.p., ca.1680). (Ca. 38 x 53 cm). Hand-coloured
engraved map.
- - MARINA ITALIANA. Grande corazzata Italiana di 1o ordine.
Lepanto. (Milan, M. Meneghini & Co., (ca. 1860). (41 x 64
cm.). Hand-coloured lithograph on strong paper showing
an Italian navy boat on sea.
In good condition.- (Corners with loss of paper; few sm. tears
mainly in margin)
Fine condition
POLAND - Ducatus Silesiæ Glogani vera delineatio secunda cura
ac labore confecta a Iona Sculteta Sprotta Silesio. (Amst., Willem
Jansz. Blaeu, ca. 1640). (Ca. 42 x 52). Engr. map, handcoloured in outline. Together with: (2) HONDIUS. Silesiæ
ducatus accurata et vera delination. Amst., Henricus Hondius,
(1638). (Ca. 39 x 50 cm). Engr. map. AND 36 other engr.
maps depicting Silesia, in various sizes (18th-19th century).
Generally in good condition.- (Some occ. sm. tears and stains).
Ad 1: Van der Krogt II, 2920:2. Ad 2: Van der Krogt I, 2900:1C.1
- - WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz. Situs Iuttiae vna cum ostijs
aquarum alitudinibus et vadis omnium eius insularum. De gelegenheijt
van Iutlandt, mits gaders de gaeten, diepten, ende ondiepten, van alle
de Iutsche Eylanden, van Boeuenberghen tot dat Eijlandt Silt. Doer
Lucas Ianß Waghenaer van Enchuijsen. Leiden, Plantin, 1585. (35
x 54 cm). The engraved chart of Iutlandt comes from the
Spieghel der Zeevaerdt by Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer. This
map is with Latin and Dutch text and comes from the first
printing of the second part. These charts are now very rare
and sought after. On verso text in Latin.
Very good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 476,
nr. 44b
SCANDINAVIA - KEULEN, Johannes van. Paskaart van de
Kust van Noorwegen beginnende van Swarten Os tot aan Heyligelander
leen. Naaukeurigh opgestelt, waar in vervaat werdt ‘t Liet van Dronten.
Amst., Johannes van Keulen, (1695). (51 x 59 cm.).
Engraving in fine colouring. This interesting map shows
the Norwegian coast at Trondheim as well as the adjacent
In fine condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, Keu 20B p.
294, nr. 31
SPAIN - GOOS, Pieter. De Custen van Hispania als Andaluzia,
Portugal, Gallisien, Biscajen en een gedeelte van Vranckrijk, beginnen van
Heysant tot aen de Straete van Gibraltar. Amst., Pieter Goos, 1662. (42
x 53 cm.). Fine outline colour. No text on verso. Fine engraved
chart of the coast of Spain with Andalusia, Portugal as well as
a part of France. From Goos’ The Lighting Colomne or Sea-Mirrour,
published in Amsterdam in 1662.
Good condition.- (Some light browning). Koeman, Atlantes
Neerlandici, III , p. 212, nr. 45.
Tabvla Magellanica, qua Tierrae del Fuego, cum celeberrimis fretis a F.
Magellano et I. Le Maire detectis novissima et accuratissima desciptio
exhibetur. (Amst., Willem & Johan Blaeu, 1642). (Ca. 41,5 x
44 cm.).
Hand-coloured engraved map showing Tierra del Fuego, the
Strait of Magellan and Le Maire Strait, orientated to the north
and dedicated to Constantijn Huygens with his coat-of-arms. In
the lower left corner 3 natives of Tierra del Fuego are depicted.
Scale in ‘Milliaria Germanica’. The map was published in vol.
2 of Novus atlas, das ist Welt-beschreibung. Fine copy. Van der
Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici , II, p. 604, nr 9950:2B
SUMATRA - BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas. Kaart van het
eiland Sumatra, gerigt op de daghregisters der zee-lieden en op verscheide
handschriftelyke kaarten, welke in de bewaarkamer der grondtekeningen
des Franssen zeevaards zyn. (Amst., ca. 1750). (Ca. 27 x 29 cm).
Hand-coloured map of Sumatra with French title in cartouche,
engraved by Jacob van Schley. Possibly from Prevost, Historische
beschryving der reizen. Fine copy
TARTARY - HONDIUS, Jodocus. Tartaria. (Amst., Jan
Janssen, 1634). (Ca. 34 x 49,5).
Hand-coloured engraved map of Tartary, orientated to the
North, title and ‘Jodocus Hondius lectori salutem’ in cartouche,
scale in Milliaria Germanica communia. The map was published
in Gerardi Mercatoris et J. Hondi. Atlas ofte afbeeldinghe vande
gantsche weerldt. Very good copy.- (Tear and stain in upper
margin). Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici , II, p.
703, nr. 8050:1A
der Mächtigen Seeschlacht, so sich zwischen den Hispanischen und
Holländischen Schiffarmata in den Duynen den 21 Octobris 1639. zú
getragen, darinen die Holländer under dem Admiral Martin Harperstromp
die Victori erhalten. (Frankfurt, 1648). (Ca. 21 x 65,5). (500-700)
Engraved panorama view of the famous sea battle, known as the
Battle of the Downs, named after an anchorage between Dover
and Deal, at which Lieutenant Admiral Maarten Tromp defeated
the Spanish Armada. Printed from 2 plates. Ill. from Merian,
Theatrum Europaeum. Very good copy.- (Some folds)
either side brandishing weapons. Sailing ships can be seen
in the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean.
In very fine condition.- (Some thumbing/browning in edges).
Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I, p. 415, nr. 102.
TURKEY - (BLAEU, W. & J.). Natolia, quae olim Asia
Minor. Amst., Blaeu, (ca. 1640). 39 x 50 cm. Engr., handcoloured in outline. Nicely decorated map of Anatolia,
the governmental and political center of the great Turkish
Empire, here extending from the Aegean to Euphrates
river in the east and includes Cyprus and part of Crete.
The decoration consists of a title cartouche flanked by two
heads with turbans, sea monsters, a naval engagement and
a Turkish man holding the scale cartouche. Verso: Latin
Fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, II,
p. 116, nr. 72
- - JANSSONIUS, Johannes. Turcicum Imperium. Amst.,
Johannes Janssonius, (ca. 1640). (42 x 53 cm.). Handcoloured engraving. Dutch text on verso. An attractive
engr. map with a particularly fine cartouche showing the
Turkish Sultan on his throne and allegorical figures at
- - KEULEN, Johannes van & Sons. Nieuwe Zee Caart van
de Propontis of Zee van Marmora, met de twee straaten Hellespont en
‘t Naauw van Constantinopolen benevens alle desselfs haavens, kaapen,
golven, casteelen, dorpen, fonteinen, ruines, vaarbanken, dieptens, droogtens
en ankergronden, meestendeels gevolgd naar de Engelse caart van P.D. Bohn.
Amst., Johannes van Keulen en zonen, 1770. 40 x 65 cm.
Verso blank. Fine double page engraved map showing the
Sea of Marmara with Constantinople.
In good condition.- (Slightly browned). Koeman, Atlantes
Neerlandici, IV, p. 34, nr. 454
- - WIT, Frederik de. Turcium Imperium. Amsterdam,
Frederik de Wit, (1680). (45 x 56 cm.). Hand-coloured
engraving. Verso blank. Detailed map covering the
Ottoman territories in Balkans, Anatolia, Levant, Arabia
and North Africa. The cartouche shows an Ottoman
administrator or possibly the Sultan in a victorious
pose with his aides on both sides. Below them are war
Mint condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, III, p. 216, no. 123
Part of the series Vedute di Roma. Fine condition.- (Ample
margins, sewing holes in left margin). Hind 46 III
- - ROSSINI, Luigi. Veduta dell’antico ponte situato fuori di porta
Romana nella citta di cora. Etching (59 x 42 cm). Signed in plate
‘Rossini disc e inc.’ (lower left corner) and ‘Roma 1825’
(lower right corner). Together with: (2) IDEM. Sepulcro regio
o consolare inciso nella rupe del Monte Albano. Etching on paper
(43,5 x 50,5 cm). Signed in plate ‘Rossini disc e inc.’ (lower
left corner) and ‘Roma 1825’ (lower right corner).
A1: Good condition.- (Some foxing). Ad 2: Fair condition.(Waterstained, browned, tear in right upper margin)
VENEZUELA - JANSSONIUS, Johannes. Venezuela cum
parte Novae Andalusiae. Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, (ca.
1650). (39 x 50 cm.). Engraving, coloured in outline. French
text on verso. Showing Venezuela, the Caribbean islands
north of the coast of Venezuela from Aruba to S. Margarita,
Trinidad and Tabago and the Windward islands. (400-600)
Fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I,
p. 333, nr. 98.
WORLD MAP - L’ISLE, Guillaume de. Mappa totius
Mundi adornata juxta observationes. Augsburg, Jeremias Wolff,
(ca.1720). (43 x 65 cm). Hand-coloured engraved map.
Beautiful world map by the great French cartographer
Guillaume De L’Isle showing the routes of Tasman,
Magellan, Schouten, Olivier van Noort, William Dampier,
Very fine condition. Shirley, The mapping of the world, plate 416
(first state).
VIEWS - PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista. Veduta del tempio
della Fortuna virile. Etching (38 x 59 cm). Signed in plate
lower right corner ‘Piranesi Architetto fec.’ (1758). Third
state of VII.
Large map of Amsterdam and its surroundings
AMSTERDAM - DROGENHAM, Gerrit, and Daniel
STOOPENDAAL. Nieuwe accurate Kaart van Amstellandt, met
een gedeelte van ‘Sticht, Rhynlandt, en Noordhollandt; met de Ye stroom
en de banscheidingen van de steden en dorpen, daer in gelegen... Amst.,
Reinier and Josua Ottens, (ca. 1750). Backed with modern
cloth and hung on wooden rollers. Engraved map (ca.
95x112 cm). Engraved by Daniel Stoopendaal. Partially
Second edition of a large map of Amsterdam and its surroundings.
First published by Nicolaas Visscher in the last quarter of the
seventeenth-century. With corrections by J. Petersom. Part of
this map was published as Afbeeldinge van de wijdvermaarde
en beroemde koopstad Amsterdam met d’omleggende landen.
In good condition,- (Very browned, slightly soiled and with
some dampstains and restored tears). Donkersloot-De Vrij,
Topografische kaarten van Nederland vóór 1750, 753
G. FREITAG). Frisia Occidentalis. Amsterdam, H. Hondius,
(1638). 39 x 50 cm. Engraved map by E.S. Hamersveldt & S.
BERGEN (N.H.) - VEELWAARD, V. & Zoon. Kaart der
Afwatering van Bergen in de gemeenten Bergen en Schoorl. December
1823. (Amsterdam, L. van Es), 1825. (36 x 63 cm). Handcoloured engraving. Very rare and decorative map in
bright contemporary colours with the North Sea and the
villages of Schoorl and Bergen and surroundings. Map 6 of
D.T. Gevers, Bijlage der Verhandeling over het toegangbaar maken der
Fine condition.
Rogeri after A. Metius & G. Freitag in nice contemporary
colouring. Map of the province of Friesland, showing the
isles of Vlieland, Terschelling and Ameland. Verso with
Latin text
Good copy. P.J. de Rijke, Frisia Dominium 38; Van der Krogt,
Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, I, p. 219, nr. 37
Gelriae pars Quarta Quae est Arnhemiensis, Sive Velavia.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, (ca. 1652.). (39 x 52 cm.).
Coloured. Engraving. French text on verso. Nice map of
the Veluwe area
Good condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici
I, p. 329, nr. 83
HOLLAND - (BLAEU, Willem). Caerte van de Scher-Meer,
alsoo deselve is bedyckt, ende by cavels van 15 morgen suyver landt door
lotinge uytgedelt,op den 25 october Anno 1635 ende aldus met groote
verbeteringe int licht gegeven. (Amst., Willem Blaeu, ca. 1664).
47 x 57 cm. Hand-coloured engraving. Attractive map of
the polder Schermer near Alkmaar by Cornelis Ian allers
Bogaert and published by Blaeu. At the lower right side a
coat of arms of Schermer. In the lower part a charmingly
decorated title cartouche. Scale: 600 Schermeer lant
roeden.600 Schermeer dyck roeden
Fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, II,
p. 396, nr. 53
- - VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. De Ghelegentheyt ende
Belegheringhe ve Schencken-Schans. Anno 1635 en 36. Amsterdam,
Claes Jansz. Visscher, (ca. 1637). (48 x 58 cm.). Engraving.
Latin text on verso. Rare map of Schenkenschans from
Visschers atlas Belgium sive Germania Inferior (400-500)
Fine condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, III, p. 159, no. 19.
HAARLEM - Vue de Haarlem, du Côte du Spaar. Paris, Basan,
(ca. 1780?). Broadsheet (36.5 x 50 cm.). Engraving on paper
by F. Basan after Van Dalen showing the Spaarne river
with boats in the foreground and the houses and churches
of Haarlem in the background
In good condition.- (Edges frayed, some waterstaining)
- - (-). Kaerte van alle de sanden, gorsingen, slicken, waerden ende
kreecken, gelegen tusschen Huysduynen, Wieringen, Wieringerwaerdt,
Zyp ende Kalands-Ooge, genaemt het Koe-Gras. (Amst.,
Willem Blaeu, ca. 1664). 47 x 57 cm. Fine handcoloured
engraved map. Nice map of the polder Koegras in the
province North Holland with Huysduynen, Wieringen,
Wieringerwaerdt, Zyp etc. With a fine title-cartouche.
Verso: French text. Scale: 1000 Rynlantsche roeden
Fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, II,
p. 370, nr. 51
Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici IIIB, p. 610, nr. 9;
Van den Broecke 79; Blonk 11
- - KEULEN, Gerard van. Nieuwe afteekening van alle de
banken, canaalen, tonnen en dieptens geleegen voor de stad Enkhuysen
in de Zuyder Zee. (...) Getekend door: Ian Belkmeer. (Amst.,
Gerard van Keulen, ca. 1720). (51 x 58 cm). Engraved map.
Fine map of the city of Enkhuizen showing in detail the
important harbours, dykes and buildings. There is a later
state, with the imprint of Gerard van Keulen. The map
was also published as part of Het groote tafereel der dwaasheden.
- - ROGERI (ROGIERS), Salomon & Pieter WILS.
Caerte vande Scher-meer Met hare Dycken, Wegen, Wateringen ende
Cavel-Slooten. Amsterdam, (, ca. 1635). (49 x 62) cm.
Engraving in fine full colouring. Very rare and beautiful
coloured map of the polder Schermer near Alkmaar,
showing the dykes, roads and waters, with decorative
cartouche and the coat-of-arms of Scherm-meer. (700-900)
Very good condition. Donkersloot-De Vrij, Topografische
kaarten van Nederland, 129
This state not in Koeman; cf. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV,
p. 379, nr. 276.
- - KEULEN, Johannes van. Nieuwe Paskaert van de Kust van
Hollandt tussen Texel en de Maes. Amst., Johannes van Keulen,
(ca. 1685). 51 x 59 cm. Attractive colouring. Verso blank.
A very attractive engraveded sea chart of the coast of
Fine condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 382, nr. 65
- - ORTELIUS, Abraham. Hollandiae Antiquorum catthorum
sedis nova descriptio. Actore Iacobo A. Daventria. Antwerp,
Christopher Plantin, 1587. (48,5 x 35,5 cm). Engraving.
Very fine and decorative map of Holland.
- - VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. Agri Zypani Nova Descript. Amst.,
Claesz. Jansz. Visscher, (1621-22). 48 x 50 cm. Engraving.
French text on verso. Map of Zijpe, first published in 1617
by P. van der Keere. Later states were made by Blaeu and
Countries in an oval frame, first published in 1570 in Latin,
and republished several times in different forms until ca.
Fine condition. Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici,
IIIb, p. 630, nr. 14
Good condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame). Van den
Broecke 58; Van der Heijden 14; Van der Krogt, Koeman’s
Atlantes Neerlandici, 3000:31A
LOW COUNTRIES - ORTELIUS, Abraham. Descriptio
Germaniae Inferioris. Antwerp, Abraham Ortelius, (ca. 1590).
Framed (38 x 51 cm). Beautiful engraved map of the Low
- - SPEED, John. A New Mape of Ye XVII Provinces Of Low
Germanie. (London), George Humble, 1654. (40 x 52 cm).
Attractive hand-coloured engraved map in the second
state. First published in A Prospect of the most famous
Parts of the World (London, 1627). The very succesful
map was republished in 1654 (two different states)
and 1674. Its decorative border incorporates profiles of
Amsterdam, Antwerp, Ghent, Middelburg, Groningen,
Zutphen, Utrecht and Atrecht and figures depicting ‘a
Gentleman’, ‘a Brabander’, ‘a Hollander’, ‘a Fisher-Man’, ‘a
Countreyman’ and their female counterparts (1.500-1.800)
In good condition.- (Some restorations). Van der Heijden 88
XXXVIII, nr. 225; Donkersloot-de Vrij, Topografische kaarten van
Nederland vóór 1750, 18; Van der Krogt, The Atlas Blaeu-Van der
Hem II, p. 469, nr. 15:63; Muller, Historie Platen Suppl. 1668b.
NORTH HOLLAND - DOU, Jan Jansz. ’T HooghHeemraetschap vande uytwaterende sluysen in Kennemerlant ende
West-Frieslant. (Amst.). Late 19th-century reprint from the
original copperplate. (54 x 69 cm.). Nicely coloured. A
very detailed map of the province of Noord Holland in
the Netherlands between Amsterdam, Haarlem and Den
Helder. North orientated to the right
Very good copy. Cf. Fockema-Andrea p. 69 (earlier editions)
- - VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. & Anthonis METIUS.
Caerte van de Heer-Huygen-Waert, met de omliggende dorpen en
huysen, soo die tegenwoordich bedyckt en afgegraven is, ... anno 1631...
aldus gecavelt ende gemeten, bij dees ondergheschreven geadmiteerde
lantmeters, Anthonis Metius, Cornelis Corneliss, Baert Claess, Dirk
Verdoes en Thomas Sevenhuysen. Amst., Claes Jansz. Visscher,
(second half 18th century). 60 x 58 cm. Issue of the map
of the Heerhugowaard polder with the extremely rare
border showing coats of arms of the sitting members of
the polder-board Carel de Dieu, Johan Baert, Gysbert
Sevenhuysen, Cornelis van Foreest, Adriaan Baert and
Jacob Josias Vryburg. Only 2 copies known
In fine condition. Simon, Claes Jansz. Visscher, 208a; Hollstein
- - VISSCHER, Nicolaas. Kennemaria et Westfrisia
vulgo et vernacule Noord-Holland tam in minores quam
præcipuas ditiones peraccurate distincta et edita per
Nicolaum Visscher. Amst., Pieter Schenk Jr., (ca. 1720). 58 x
50 cm. Fine colouring. Map of the Dutch region of North
Holland between Amsterdam, Enkhuizen and the island
of Texel. Two large pictorial cartouches, the dedication
cartouche with 7 coats of arms and cherubs. Published by
Pieter Schenk junior from the plate by Nicolaas Visscher.
Good condition. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, IV, p. 182, nr.
pp. 282-3; not in Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici; not in Egmond,
Covens & Mortier
THE HAGUE - DELFT. Large engraved wall map depicting
The Hague, Rijswijk, Voorburg, Delft and their surroundings. (,
n.publ., early 19th century). Ca. 127 x 108 cm. (2.000-3.000)
Good condition.- (Mounted on modern paper)
UTRECHT - Nieuwe Kaart van het Baljuwschap van Gooyland.
Amst., Isaak Tirion, 1750. (Ca. 32 x 37 cm).
Engraved map under passepartout. Poor condition.- (Browned
and wrinkled, some tears repaired with tape)
- - BLAEU, Joan. Yselstein - Oudewater - Woerden. (Amst., Joan
Blaeu, ca. 1649). Double leaf (ca. 54 x 62 cm.) on two joined
sheets with three engr. plans of IJselstein, Oudewater,
Woerden and one engr. view of the latter place. Each
plan/view measures ca. 15.5 x 23 cm. Latin text on verso.
Framed Ca. 63 x 70.5 cm..
SALLIETH, Mathias de. (Het O.I.C schip Woestduyn, gestrand
op de Noorderrassen). (Middelburg, Pieter Gillisen en Zoon, ca.
1780). (25 x 45 cm). Series of 4 engravings in different states.
Very rare set of 4 engravings, all in first states, avant la
lettre, on the shipwreck of the East Indian Company ship
Woestduyn, wrecked at the Noorder Rassen at the mouth
of the river Schelde in Zealand, on its return from Batavia
in 1779. The story of the ship’s wreckage was depicted in
a series of 4 prints published by P. Gillissen en Zoon in
1780. The first engravings depicting the ship sailing, here
without signature or captions. The 2nd engraving is the
print ‘Het kappen van tuig en masten van het O.I. Comp.
Schip Woestduyn.... 1779”, without captions, no signature
etc. The 3rd engraving is this set is similar to the previous
but here the name of the ship is added. The 4th engraving
depicts the total shipwreck, also without captions and
Very fine set. Muller, Historieplaten, 4345 (2); Atlas van Stolk
4295, 2; cf. Landwehr, VOC, 444 and 445 and cat. NHSM I, p. 190
van Zuid-Holland, en het sticht van Utrecht (...) in de overstromingen van
den jare 1726 onder water gezet. Amsterdam, Covens & Mortier,
(ca. 1726). (Ca. 122 x 117 cm). Engraved wall map, handcoloured in outline, title on pasted paper strip. Published on
the occasion of the diasatrous flood in 1726.
Very good condition. Blonk-Van der Wijst, Hollandia Comitatus,
From a Latin edition of Joan Blaeu’s town-atlas. In good
condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame). Koeman, Atlantes
Neerlandici, I, p. 300, nr. 43
ZEELAND - ORTELIUS, Abraham. Zelandicarum Insularum
Exactissima et Nova Descriptio. (Antwerp, Gielis Coppens
van Diest, 1570 or 1571.). (35 x 48 cm). Engraving, handcoloured. Latin text on verso. One of the earliest states
of this map of Zeeland by Ortelius, with the villages of
Corendijck, Piershil, and Beyerlant on separate islands.
Also showing ships and a sea creature.
In very good condition.- (Lower blank corners torn off). Van den
Broecke 78; Van der Krogt, Koeman’s Atlantes Neerlandici, IIIA,
p. 48, nr. 18, p. 53 (state 31:001c or 31:002), p. 62, nr. 18
ANONYMOUS. Het geestelyk paradijs der god-minnende zielen,
beplant met godvruchtige oeffeningen van kleyne getyden, litanien
en gebeden. Maastricht, N. van Gulpen, (ca. 1795). 8vo.
Contemp. calf. With several woodcuts in the text. 420, (4)
Rare edition of a popular prayer book. Fair copy.- (Binding
rubbed, spine damaged, paper soiled). Not in STCN; NCC 2
- - WIT, Frederik de. Comitatus Zelandiae Tabula.
Amsterdam, Frederik de Wit, (ca. 1680). (46 x 55 cm.).
Engraving in fine contemporary outline colouring. Verso
blank. A handsome map of Zeeland detailing the islands
of Walcheren, Beveland, Schouwen and Tholen within the
Schelde estuary, and Zeelandic Flanders in the south. The
map details the topography, roads and cities, including
Middelburg, Tholen and Bergen op Zoom. Neptune sits
astride the aquatic-themed cartouche at top.
Fine copy. Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici, III, p. 216, nr. 129;
Gittenberger & Weiss, Zeeland in oude kaarten, pp. 104-05
& JUNIUS, Franciscus.
Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra,
sive, Libri canonici, priscæ
Judæorum Ecclesiæ à Deo traditi,
Latini recens ex Hebræo facti,
brevibusqì[ue] scholiis illustrati
ab Immanuele Tremellio &
Francisco Junio. Accesserunt libri
qui vulgo dicuntur apocryphi,
Latinè redditi, & notis quibusdam
aucti à Francisco Junio. Multò
omnes quàm antè emendatiùs editi & aucti locis innumeris: quibus etiam
adjunximus Novi Testamenti libros ex sermone Syro ab eodem Tremellio,
& ex Græco a Theodoro Beza in Latinum versos, notisqì[ue] itidem
illustratos. Secunda cura Francisci Junii. Frankfurt am Main/
Geneva, Heirs A. Wechel for J. Tornæsius, 1590. 6 parts in
one volume. 4to. Contemp. vellum with blind-stamped
centre-piece, ribbed spine with title in ink, remnants of
silk ties. With woodcut printer’s device on title-pages. (12),
228; (8), 271, (1); (8), 219, (1); (4), 342, (2); (8), 162, (2); (8),
500 pp.
Revised edition of Tremelllius’ translation of the Old Testament,
annotated by by Junius, with the New Testament in Beza’s
translation. Good copy.- (Binding slightly soiled; first endpaper
loosening; contemp. annotations on title-page and endpaper).
Darlow & Moule 6182
- - DUTCH - Biblia, dat is: de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle
de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Nu eerst,
door last der Hoogh-Mog: Heeren Staten Generael vande Vereenighde
Nederlanden ... Uyt de oorspronckelijcke talen in onse Nederlantsche tale
getrouwelijck overgeset. Leyden, Paulus Aertsz. van Ravensteyn,
for widow and heirs of Hillenbrant Jacobsz. van Wouw, 16361637. 4 parts in 1 vol. Folio. Contemp. blind-stamped full
calf over wooden boards with two brass catches and clasps.
With richly engr. architectural title, printed title to part 2
& 3, woodcut head- and endpieces, woodcut initials, and 6
large engr. maps. (24), 288; 27; (1 blank, 2), 138; (2), 166, (12);
3307; H. de la Fontaine Verwey, Uit de Wereld van het Boek II,
pp. 77-102; Poortman, Bijbel en Prent I, p. 188-89; Poortman &
Augusteijn, Kaarten in Bijbels p.141; Le Long, Boekzaal, pp. 8029; Cat. Bijbel-Tentoonstelling Sted. Museum Amst., 1914, 634
(without maps); Cat. Tentoonstelling Bijbel en Prent 11 (idem)
- - - - Biblia, dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de
Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Nu eerst,
Door last der Hoogh-Mog: Heeren Staten Generael vande Vereenighde
Nederlanden ... Uyt de oorspronckelijcke talen in onse Nederlantsche tale
getrouwelijck overgeset. Leyden, Paulus Aertsz. van Ravensteyn,
for widow and heirs of Hillenbrant Jacobsz. van Wouw,
1636-1637. 4 parts in 1 vol. Folio. Contemp. blindstamped
full calf over wooden boards, two brass fastening catches
(clasps lacking). With richly engr. architectural title,
printed title to part 2, woodcut head- and endpieces,
woodcut initials. (24), 288; 27; (1 blank, 2), 138; (2), 166,
(12); (4), 76 ff.
First edition of the authorized Dutch version of the Bible, as
published without maps. Reasonable copy.- (Title sl. soiled;
binding heavily dam. with lower part of spine and parts of calf
on both sides missing; some marg. waterstaining throughout;
sm. tears in two lvs.). Darlow & Moule 3307; H. de la Fontaine
Verwey, Uit de Wereld van het Boek II, pp. 77-102; Poortman,
Bijbel en Prent I, p. 143 ff. extensively on the text; Poortman
& Augusteijn, Kaarten in Bijbels p.141; Le Long, Boekzaal, pp.
802-9; Cat. Bijbel-Tentoonstelling Sted. Museum Amst., 1914,
634 (without maps); Cat. Tentoonstelling Bijbel en Prent p. 64
Lavishly illustrated
(4), 76 ff.
First edition of the authorized Dutch version of the Bible. This
first edition, also called the ‘Standaardbijbel’ or ‘Corrigeerbijbel’,
must be considered a true monument in Dutch history and
for Dutch language, and it was only published after many
troublesome years of combined effort of translators, the States
General and printers. The new type of Bible is also a monument
of Dutch typography of the seventeenth century: letter,
typesetting, printing, layout, all deserve the highest praise. In
1618 the Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church decided to make
an authorized translation of the Bible in Dutch. ADDED: 5 engr.
folding maps, dated 1642 and published by Claes Jansz. Visscher,
and one folding engr. map of the Holy Land (‘Chorographia
terræ sanctæ’) published in Antwerp by Johannes Galle (Ca.
1635). In 1642 Claes Jansz. Visscher published 6 maps exclusively
meant for copies of the States version of the Bible. Good copy.(Spine rubbed, top and bottom damaged). Darlow & Moule
- - - - Biblia, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de
canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments. Dordrecht/
Allioli (1793-1873). Good set.- (Some underlinings in pencil
throughout; some marg. browning; not collated, but apparently
JUDAICA – HEBRAICA. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem,
Keter, 1973. 16 vols. Folio. 2nd (corrected) printing. Orig.
cloth. Illustrated
Added: the yearbooks of 1973 (1st printing), 1974 (1st printing)
and 1975-6. Fine uniformly bound set
- - -. Haftarot mi-kol hasanah ke-minhag qehilot ha-‘Askenazim weha-Sefardim. Amst., Proops, 1755. 12mo. Contemp. calf.
Woodcut printer’s device on title-page and last page. (96)
pp. And one other Hebrew work published by Proops.
Good copies
Amst., Jacob & Pieter Keur/ Pieter Rotterdam, 1714. 2 vols.
Folio. Contemp. mottled calf, covers with cornerpiece,
centrepieces and gilt ruling, cover edges gilt, spine ribbed
and richly gilt, red morocco title label, speckled edges.
engr. title-page, 6 engr. double-page folding maps by
Stoopendaal, 184 full-page and 28 double-page engr. plates
by various artist, including A. de Blois, J. van Vianen, and
J. Mulder, after G. Hoet, B. Picart, A. Houbraken and some
others. (20), 302; (2), 134, (12, 164, (2), 60 lvs.
Beautifully illustrated ‘Statenbijbel’ with 6 six maps, including
a worldmap, and the striking engr. plates from Figures de la
bible, published by B. Picart in 1720. Fine set.- (Binding with
some minor imperfections, armorial bookplate of Hendrik van
Couwenhoven (1711-1792) and a short handwritten genealogy
of his family on free endpaper). Darlow-Moule 3337; Poortman
& Augusteijn, Kaarten in Bijbels, pp. 196-203 (2nd state of 3);
Poortman Bijbel en prent, pp. 140-145; STCN (6 copies)
- - GERMANICA. Die Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen
Testaments. Aus der Vulgata übersetzt von Dr. Joseph Franz von Allioli.
Vienna & Leipzig, Verlag der Goldenen Klassiker-Bibel,
Max Herzig, (ca. 1894). 2 vols. Folio. Orig. richly gilt and
embossed cloth, spine with giltlettered title, decorated
endpapers, g.e. With in total 92 ills. after German, Italian
Spanish, Dutch and French paintings; printed troughout
in red & black
Richly decorated complete set of the German translation of
the Vulgate in German by the theologian Joseph Franz von
- - - - OLIVEYRA, Selomoh de. Yad la on dal sefatim = Livro
da gramatica Hebrayca & Chaldayca. Incl.: Dal sefatim = Gramatica
breve da lingua Chaldaica. And: Adiçoems nas Rayzes do Hes-Haym.
Amst., em casa de D. Tartas for Semuel Teyxeyra, 5449
[1689] or 1688? 3
parts in one. 8vo.
Later vellum
with gilt title on
spine. With 2 titles
in architectural
woodcut border.
(8), 71, (1), (8)
pp. Bound with:
(Hebrew text) =
Hes-Haym: Arvore
de vidas, Thezouro
da lingua sancta ...
Amst., David de
Castro Tartaz,
[5]442 [1682]. 3
parts in one. Title
in architectural
woodcut border.
(6), 72 lvs.; 44, (4);
53, (1) pp. And 3 other works by S. de OLIVEYRA, all in
Hebrew incl.: Iggeret Ayelet Ahavim. With in total 3 titles in
architectural woodcut border and with one engraving in
(Ca. 1895)-2004. Various sizes. Cloth or boards. Some
Incl. the 3-vol. set of the ´Bijbel’, illustrated by Doré, in slipcase
published at Amsterdam, Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep,
2004. Good copies.- (One with binding rep. and loose in spine)
PAINTINGS - INDIA. Four colourful religious Indian/Hindu
batik paintings on linen showing various divinities. (20th century?).
Variously sized but all between 35 x 25 & 54 x 35 cm. All
but one sewn in a frame of black fabric
In good condition.- (Traces of folds and some sm. damage, also
to one of the cloth frames)
Amsterdam prize binding
Interesting collection of rare, grammatical, linguistical and
religious works in Hebrew, Spanish and Portuguese. Fine copies,
with two ownership´s entries (one dated 1746) in ms. on first
endpapers.- (Hinges clumsily strengthened). Ad 1: Roest 990;
Fuks II, 489. Ad 2 Roest 990, 991; Fuks II, 476
- - - - ONDERWIJZER. A.S. Pentateutch met Nederlandsche
vertaling, alsmede de Haftaroth, Sabbathgebeden, Jozeroth enz. Amst.,
Van Creveld & Co., 1903-04. Orig. gilt- and blind-stamped
blue cloth. 5 vols. 8vo. Together with: Four other works on
Judaica in Dutch or English (19th & 20th century), of
which one is a 2 volume set.
Good copies
- - - - POLAK, G.I. & M.L. VAN AMERINGEN. Gebeden
der Nederlandsche Israëlieten. Amst.. J.L. Joachimsthal,
1856-1858. 5 vols. 8vo. Orig. blind- and gilt-stamped
blue cloth. Together with: (2) IDEM. A mixed-up set of
Gebeden der Nederlandsche Israëlieten. Amsterdam. J.L.
Joachimsthal,1879-1904. 18 vols. 8vo. Orig. blind- and giltstamped brown cloth.
Ad 1: Apparently complete? Ad 2: Large compiled set. Good sets
LOT of 4 Dutch theological works. Amst., Leyden, Kampen,
SIMSONIUS, Edward. Chronicon historiam Catholicam
complectens. Leyden, Johannes vander Linden, 1729. Folio.
Contemp. vellum with decorated gilt spine, sides with
decorated gilt borders and 5 coat of arms of Amsterdam
(large one in centre and 4 smaller in corners), rests of ties.
Engr. coat of arms of Amsterdam on added presentation
leaf, full-page engr. frontispiece by J. Wandelaar, title in red
& black. (8) ff., 1716 cols.; (25) ff.
Extensive history of the Catholicism, here in a prize binding
and presented to Sam. Quinctino Brouwer by the rector Otto
Arntzenius in Amsterdam on October 12, 1748. Fine copy.(Upper side of spine dam.; last 2 lvs. of index with few burning
holes; not collated, but apparently complete). Spoelder,
Amsterdam 12; Ebert 21287
ARCHER, Thomas Croxen. Popular economic botany; or
description of the botanical and commercial characters of the principal
articles of vegetable origin used for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing,
building, medicine, perfumery, etc. London, Reeve and Co., 1853.
8vo. Orig. red gilt cloth. With 20 numb. handcoloured
lithographed plates. (5), VI-XV, 359 pp.
First edition of a botanical work a.o. with descriptions of coffee,
tea, cocoa, cloves, cinnamon, nuts, palms, opium, tobacco,
cinchona etc. Fair copy.- (Hinges weak, ownership’s stamp on
title, top of spine damaged, plate 5 clumsily restored). British
Museum Natural History p. 55
VALENCIA, Jaime Pérez de. Christopolitani episcope longe
reverendi. Divinae plane expositiones in centum & quinquaginta Psalmos
Davidicos. Paris, Ioanne Paruo & Josse Badius, (February
1518). Folio. Calf, with parts of clasps. Letterpress titlepage in black and red with woodcut border. (16), ccccxl ll.
Extensive commentary on the Psalms and various other biblical
texts (including the Song of Solomon). Very good copy.(Rebacked; some minor spots and a few small tears). Adams B
1400; Renouard, Badius III, pp.131-32
BAINBRIDGE, George Cole. The fly fisher’s guide. Fourth
edition. London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, &
Longman, 1840. 8vo. Orig. brown cloth with gilt title on
front. With 9 plates incl. frontispiece (8 hand-coloured, 1
b/w) showing a trout, hooks and methods of tying flies,
artificial flies, and an improved method of baiting the
minnow. VIII, 135, (1 blank) pp.
Popular guide on fly-fishing first published in Liverpool in 1816,
containing i.a. instructions for angling and which artificial flies
to use. Good copy with contemp. ms. annotations.- (Front
hinge partly broken). Westwood & Satchell p. 21
BERTRAND, Elie. Dictionnaire universel des fossiles propres, et des
fossiles accidentels. Contenant une description des terres, des sables, des
sels, des soufres, des bitumes; des pierres simples & composées, communes
& précieuses, transparentes & opaques, amorphes & figurées, des
minéraux, des Métaux, des pétrifications du regne animal, & du regne
végétal & c. Avec des recherches sur la formation de ces fossiles, sur leur
origine, leurs usages & c. Avignon, Louis Chambeau, 1763. 8vo.
Contemp. mottled calf, spine gilt in compartments, with
red morocco title-label lettered in gold, red-painted edges,
marbled endpapers. XXXII, 606 pp.
Rare Avignon issue of the first edition of this comprehensive
encyclopaedia of fossils, minerals and (gem)stones, which also
served as a collector’s guide, compiled by the Swiss naturalist
and geologist Élie Bertrand (1712-ca. 1790). Good copy.- (Ex libris
on 2nd free endpaper). Sinkankas 602; Hazard I 2136; Conlon
63;616 (other edition); BMGC 475 (other edition); Jammes,
Cabinets de curiosités (Paris 1997) 37 (other edition); Zittel, p. 21
Introducing a new science: vegetative physics
BUC’HOZ, P.J. Dissertations sur le cèdre du Liban, le platane et le
cytise, arbres très-intéressants, et qui méritent d’être cultivés en France,
non seulement par leur port majestueux et par leur décoration dans nos
forêts, mais encore par les avantages réels qu’ils nous présentent pour
l’agriculture et les arts, leur culture étant d’ailleurs très-facile. Paris,
Aux frais de Madame Buc’hoz, épouse de l’Auteur, 1806.
8vo. Modern marbled boards, with brown morocco titlelabel on spine. 96 pp.
Rare treatise to promote the planting and cultivating in France
of more foreign trees, by Pierre Joseph Buc’hoz (1731-1807), a
well-known French natural scientist and botanist, who wrote
and compiled many works on the subject. Good uncut copy,
with the bookplate of Comte Goblet d’Aviella.- (Sl. stained). Not
in Nissen, nor in Pritzel
BUFFON, (Georges Louis LECLERC, Comte de).
Histoire naturelle, generale particuliere. Des oiseaux. Paris, F. Dufart,
An IX-X [= 1800-1]. 2 vols. 8vo. Later grained green half
roan, marbled boards. With 19 engr. plates, and an extra
hand-coloured series of the same plates, making a total of
38 plates. 422; 416 pp.
Volumes 54 and 59 of Buffon’s Histoire naturelle, with 38
attractive ills. of birds. Good condition.- (Spines faded)
DIEFFENBACH, Ernst. Vorschule der Geologie. Eine Anleitung
zur Beobachtung und zum richtigen Verständniss der noch jetzt auf
der Eroberfläche vorgehenden Veränderungen sowie zum Studium der
geologischen Erscheinungen überhaupt. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg
und Sohn, 1853. 8vo. Contemp. half calf, marbled boards,
Illustrated. XVIII, 624 pp.
Good copy.- (Pasted ex-libris and stamps on inside front cover;
some foxing; binding used)
BONNET, CH. Recherches sur l’usage des feuilles dans les plantes, et sur
quelques autres sujets relatifs a l’histoire de la vegetation. Gottingue, Leide,
Elie Luzac, 1754. 4to. Contemp. mottled calf, ribbed spine gilt,
red morocco title label lettered in gold. With engr. vignet on
title, title printed in red and black, and ills. and figures on 31
folding engr. plates, by J. Wandelaar, J. van der Schley after
designs by Soubeyran. VIII, 343, (1) pp.
First edition of a famous work by the French philosopher
and natural scientist Charles Bonnet (1720-1793). His work,
presenting new discoveries on the functions of the leaves of
plants, combined with quite novel experiments on the chemical
reactions of leaves of various plants, made a great impression
on all natural scientists. It virtually introduced a new science:
vegetative physics. Fine copy. Nissen 201; Pritzel 981
DUMÉE, Paul. Tableau des principaux champignons comestibles &
vénéneux. Paris, Klincksieck, (ca. 1890). Sm. 8vo. Orig. green
boards with title lettered in gold on frontcover. Large
folded chromolithograph with 31 species of mushrooms.
(3) pp. Together with: (2) IDEM. Petit atlas de poche des champignons
comestibles et vénéneux les plus répandus. (Idem, ca. 1895). Sm.
8vo. Orig. dec. brown cloth. With 36 colour plates. XIX, 77;
20 (booksellers catalogue) pp.
Two nice works on edible and poisonous mushrooms. Ad 2:
from the series ‘Bibliothèque de poche du naturaliste, III’. Good
copies.- (Ad 2: upper hinges and some lvs. loose)
Entomological collection, comprising 60 wooden drawers and
258 + 178 (globe)
25 smaller wooden boxes, containing mostly beetles and
butterflies, including Curculionidae, Papilionidae, Pienidae,
Sphinidae, Circmbycidae etc. Generally in good condition
Rare fourth edition of this popular manual on hunting, fishing
and bird catching, with detailed ills. showing snares, traps and
other hunting devices. Another issue was published in the
same year by Daniel la Feuille, with the same setting of type.
Good copy.- (Upper joints splitting, owner’s entry on first free
endpaper and bookplate of R.G. Posthumus). Thiebaud 409-410;
Schwerdt I, p. 181; this edition not in STCN
MARSILLI, L.F. (=MARSIGLI). Natuurkundige beschryving
der zeën. The Hague, De Compagnie, 1786. Folio. Contemp.
half calf, speckled boards, with modern title label pasted
on front cover. With richly engr. frontispiece by M. Pool,
12 mostly folding maps, profiles of coast-lines and tables,
and 40 full-page engr. plates with numerous ills. of seaplants and plant-animals. (4), XXV, (1), 216 pp. (900-1.200)
(FORTIN, François). Les ruses innocentes, dans lesquelles se
voit comment on prend les oïseaux passagers, & les non passagers: &
de plusieurs sortes de bêtes à quatre pieds. Amst., Pierre Brunel,
1695. 8vo. Contemp. mottled calf, spine ribbed gilt,
marbled edges. Title printed in red and black. With engr.
frontispiece and 66 engr. plates, mostly full-page, some
folding. (12), 1-58, (8), 59-122, (10), 123-186, (8), 187-232, (8),
233-292, (4) pp.
First Dutch edition of a popular description of the plants and
corals of the sea by Luigi Ferdinando Conte de Marsigli (16581730), a celebrated Italian geographer and natural scientist. The
work, first published at Bologna in 1700, was the first to describe
what the author himself called “coral-flowers”. With the preface
by Boerhaave, written for the French edition, published at
Amsterdam in 1725. Fine copy.- (Bookplate and two stamps of
A.P.M. de Kluis, few small stains on front cover). Poggendorff II,
p. 59 Nissen, ZBI, 2700 Bibl. Natura Artis Magistra 1390
One of the finest works on medical plants
NEES VON ESENBECK, Theodor Friedrich Ludwig.
Plantae officinales oder Sammlung officineller Pflanzen. Düsseldorf,
Arnz & Comp., (1821)-1833. 4 vols. (1 text-vol., 2 plate
vols. and the supplement vol. with plates and interleaved
text). Folio. Contemp. half red morocco with gilt-lettered
title on spine, brown marbled boards. Lithographed
title to plate and supplement-vols.; the plate vols. with
in total 432 full-page lithographed plates (425 handcoloured, 7 b/w); the supplement-vol. with 120 full-page
hand-coloured lithographed plates, making a total of 552
plates. Text vol.: (406, incl. title, preface and contents); ff.;
supplement vol.: (96) ff. with explanation for all 120 plates.
Rare complete set, with the often absent supplement of this
fine work by the German botanist and pharmacologist Theodor
Friedrich Ludwig Nees von Esenbeck (1787-1837), who is best
PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Des wijdt-vermaerden natuer-kondighers
vier boecken, handelende van de nature (...) Hier zijn by gevoeght, de
schriften van verscheyden andere oude autheuren, de natuer der dieren
aengaende; en nu in den lesten druck wel het vierde part vermeerdert,
uyt verscheyden nieuwe schrijvers en eyghen ondervindinghe. Amst.,
Joost Hartgers, 1644. 8vo. Contemp. vellum. With
engraved title-page signed ‘C.D.D.’ showing Adam and Eve
surrounded by various animals. 652, (4) pp.
Good copy.- (Hinges weak). Geerebaert CXXVII e; not in De
Rynck & Welkenhuysen
SOLLEYSEL, Jacques de. Le parfait mareschal, qui enseigne
a connoistre la beaute’, la bonte’ et les defauts des cheveaux. Liège,
Francois Broncard, 1708. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to.
Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. With engr.
frontispiece, engr. folding plate, full-page engr. plate and
ca. 28 woodcuts in text. (8), 462, (14); (2), 368, (12) pp.
remembered for his systematic research concerning the
medicinal properties of plants. Good set.- (Bindings used; as
usual some browning and foxing; ex-libris and stamps on inside
of each vol.). Plesch, Mille et un livres botaniques p. 347; Nissen,
BBI 1442; Pritzel 6662; Great Flower Books p. 69
Written by the famous French “Écuyer” Jaques de Solleysel
(1617-1680), Le parfait marechal is a handbook on horses
covering everything from how to improve a horse’s teeth, to the
various bits one can use.The first edition of this classic on horses
Le parfait marechal (The perfect stable master) was published
in Paris in 1664 and was followed my many editions. An English
translation appeared in 1717. Reasonable copy.- (Wormholes
throughout, some tears, some foxing, engr. plates frayed, first
and last pages soiled; binding damaged; weak hinges, rubbed).
Menessier de la Lance II, p.526; cf. Nissen, ZBI, p. 387
(1664 ed.)
VASSE, Jacques-AbrahamAntoine. Souvenir de Beloeil,
dédié à son Altesse Sérénissime la
Princesse de Ligne, née Princesse
Lubomirska. Brussels, Deltombe,
1853. Oblong folio (51,5 x 35
cm). Contemp. half brown
cloth, with red buckram
boards, fron tcover with title
lettered in gold in central
gilt ornament. With 12
tinted (green and/or brown)
lithographs (each measuring
ca. 24 x 32 cm), mostly after
drawings by Antoine Vasse,
some by Van der Heecht,
lithogr. by Gerlier, Van der
He(e)cht, or Gratry and
printed by J. Lots, with captions underneath, interleaved
with tissue guards. (8), 17, (1) pp.
Very rare and fine suite of lithographs, printed in a limited ed.
of 150 copies, depicting one of the most famous Belgian gardens,
created in the seventeenth century and still in existence today,
rivalling the beauty of the gardens at Versaille. The suite is
preceded by a laudatory poem to the Princess de Ligne and
several pages of text, describing the history of the castle, the
garden and the genealogy of the Ligne family. Good copy.- (Half
title and title-page sl. soiled, some lvs. foxed in margins, plate 6
severely browned). De Ganay, 249; Van der Marck, Romantische
boekillustratie in België, p. 191; Oxford companion to gardens,
pp. 50-52; WorldCat 3 copies; not in KvK
VER HUELL, A.W.M.C. De visch en de mensch. Leiden &
Amst., I.H. Gebhard & Co., (1849). Oblong 4to. Orig.
lithogr. wrappers. Lithogr. title to first vol., 29 lithogr.
plates in total (one pasted) with humorous fishing scenes.
(1 leaf, verso blank) dedication. 4 vols.
Good set.- (Wrappers frayed; some browning)
of wild flowers of the USSR. Descriptive catalogue of bulbs and roots.
With coloured plates. Moscow, Lektechsyrio Corporation,
(1935?). 8vo. Orig. grey cloth with ties, cover with title
lettered in gold. With 43 plates of which 40 in colour. 54
Very fine copy.- (Binding sl. discoloured)
ANONYMOUS. Astronomische oefening, verhandelende de
beginselen der sterreloopkunde. Amst., Heirs of F. Houttuyn,
1769-71. 2 vols. 8vo. Richly gilt decorated Contemp.
calf, decorated endpapers. With 24 hand-coloured
folding astronomical plates. (16), 220, (16); (16), 292, (12)
pp. Together with: (2) ZUTPHEN, A. van. Nederland werd
dikwerf opmerkelijk beschermd en gered, door de krachten der natuur.
Gorinchem, Jacobus Noorduyn, 1821. 8vo. Contemp.
boards. IV, 88 pp.
Ad 1: Fair copy.- (Spine loose, some browning, bookplate
of Petrus Snaarenberg). Ad 2: Fair copy.- (Binding and first
gathering loose, last leaf torn off). Ad 1: Buijnsters 50809; Bierens de Haan 5607 (vol. 2 only); not in CWOL. Ad 2:
Saalmink, p. 2242; not in CWOL
BAKER, Henry. Het mikroskoop gemakkelyk gemaakt. Amst., F.
Houttuyn, 1770. 8vo Contemp. boards. 18 folding engr.
plates. (16), 498, (14) pp.
Second Dutch translation of Henry Baker’s 1742 The Microscope
Made Easy. Henry Baker (1698-1774) was an English naturalist,
poet and pioneer of education for the deaf and for children with
speech impediments. He made a significant contribution to the
popularization and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Good
copy.- (Binding dam. and front cover loose; one loose plate, one
rep. page). Nissen, ZBI 202; Horn-Schenkling I, 683
BECHER, Johann Joachim. Physica subterranea, profundam
subterraneorum genesin è principiis hucusque ignotis, ostendens. Leipzig,
Joh. Ludov. Gleditsch, 1703. 8vo. Later half vellum,
speckled boards. Title printed in red and black, engraved
frontispiece. (32), 560, (2), 561-1008 [= 998], (36), (8), 304,
(16) pp.
Incorporates 3 supplements, including one by Georg. Ernestus
Stahl. Good untrimmed copy.- (Library stamp on title-page).
Ferguson I, pp. 88-89
BLUME, Carolus Lodovicus (Karl Ludwig BLUME).
Dissertatio inauguralis medica, de arsenico et ratione qua in animalia
agit. Leyden, J.W. van Leeuwen, 1817. 8vo. Contemp.
wrappers. (8), 48 pp.
Inaugural dissertation of the German-Dutch botanist Karl
Ludwig Blume (1796-1862). Good copy.- (Pasted ex-libris on
verso title)
BREWSTER, David. Plates illustrative of Ferguson’s astronomy:
and of the twelve supplementary chapters. Edinburgh, printed for
John Ballantyne and Company [etc.], 1811. 4to. Half
CONJURING - CHALOZ, A.L.G. Le petit magicien, dédié a
mes enfans. 1800. (25 x 19 cm). Contemp. gold-tooled calf,
spine richly gilt, red morocco title label lettered in gold,
g.e. With 20 handsome watercolours, and several diagrams
in the text. (6), 185, (19) pp.
Very attractive and neatly written manuscript, devoted
to ‘physique amusante’ and conjuring, describing various
experiments, physical and mathematical problems, as well as
conjuring tricks. Fair copy.- (Binding chafed, 23 lvs. torn into
half, some ink corrosion)
DIONIS, Pierre. Cours d’operations de chirurgie. Brussels, freres
t’Serstevens & Antoine Claudinot, 1708. 8vo. Contemp.
vellum with title in ink on spine. Title in red & black, fullpage engr. frontispiece, 9 full-page engr. plates, over 50
engr. ills. in text, showing surgical instruments and other
tools. (22), 615, (25) pp.
calf, marbled boards. Half-title, title-page, 4 pages with
explanatory text, engr. frontispiece and 24 fine engr.
astronomical plates, mostly folding, numb. 1-17 and I-VII
Fair copy.- (Joints cracked, boards damaged, some staining)
Extensively illustrated work on surgery by Pierre Dionis (16431718), first publ. in 1707 at Paris. Dionis taught operative surgery
at the Jardin du Roi, a famous training ground for surgeons.
Good copy.- (Upper right corner of title-page torn off; some
browning and waterstaining). Garrison & Morton 5575; not in
Norman, nor BMN
EICKEN, Gerhard Wilhelm von. Grundlinien zu Kenntniss
der wichtigsten Krankheiten des Menschen oder Handbuch der
medicinischen Pathalogie. Mannheim, Schwan & Götz, 1795.
Contemp. wrappers. VIII, VIII, 402 [=502], (2) pp. 8vo.
Together with: (2) VOGEL, Samuel Gottlieb. Handbuch zur
Kenntnis und Heilung der Blutflüsse. Stendal/Wien, Joseph
Gerold, 1801. 8vo. Contemp. blue wrappers. (4),
196 pp.
Ad 1: Fair copy.- (Uncut, wrappers loose, twine partly gone). Ad
2: Very good copy.- (Uncut, some minor imperfections)
EULENBURG, Albert. Real-Encyclopädie der gesamten
Heilkunde. Berlin & Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1907-14.
15 vols. 8vo. Orig. half calf. Illustrated.
Good set.- (Bindings rubbed)
With unrecorded map depicting the southern hemishere
including Australia
HARTSOEKER, Nicolaas. Conjectures physiques. Amst.,
Henri Desbordes, 1706. 4to. Contemp. full calf, spine
gilt in compartments with title lettered in gold. Title
with woodcut ornament, two engr. headpieces, double
folding engr. map of the Southern hemisphere, woodcut
illustrations in text. 371, (1), blank pp. Bound with: (2)
IDEM. Suite des conjectures physiques. Amst., Henri Desbordes,
1708. 4to. Title with woodcut ornament, engr. headpieces
in text, 5 full-page numbered engr. plates i.a. of a heart
and Siamese twins, woodcut illustrations in text. (8),
147, (1) pp. (3) IDEM. Seconde partie de la suite des conjectures
physiques. Amst., Nicolas Viollet for the author, 1712. 4to.
Title with woodcut ornament, 10 folding numbered engr.
plates with various illustrations i.a. of the anatomy of
the eye and the eye’s perspective, woodcut headpieces.
(1, 1 blank), 156 pp. First edition of this scientific work
with its continuations by the well-known scientist and
instrumentmaker, Nicolaas Hartsoeker (1656-1725), on
geography (the directions of winds), physics, optics etc.,
treated in the form of lectures. Together with: Huygens, Van
Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam, of which he personally
knew the first two, Hartsoeker belongs to the leading Dutch
scientists of the second half of the Golden Age, highly
regarded and praised for his knowledge.
Poggendorff I 1026-1027; Bierens de Haan 1929; DSB VI, pp. 148149; the map with Australia not in Schilder, Australia Unveiled.
Very good copy with wide margins.- (Binding used; front hinge
weak; occ. some browning)
HAÜY, Abbé. Traité
élémentair de physique.
Paris, Courcier,
Trosième edition, revue
et considéralement
augmentée, 1821. 3 vols.
8vo. Original wrappers.
With 19 folding etched
plates. (2), lxij, 510, (2);
(4), 452 pp.
physician Christoph von Hellwig (1681-1721), enlarged with
several plates, annotations by Johann Gottlob von Hellwig, an
index, and a preface by Johann Hieronymus Kniphof. Good
copy.- (Some lvs. soiled and repaired, owner’s entry on titlepage). Blake, p. 205. Hirsch III, pp. 139-40
Extremely rare anatomical mezzotint plates
Very good untrimmed
copy.- (Some plate sl.
waterstained, some foxing)
JENTY, Charles Nicholas. Uteri praegnantis & ad partum
maturi demonstrationes. London, n. publ., 1757. Royal
broadsheet (60 x 46 cm). 6 mezzotint plates by Richard
Purcell, E. Fischer and Thomas Burgess, after drawings
from life by Johannes Rymsdyk and Thomas Burgess.
Together with: (2) ALBINUS, Bernard Siegfried. Uteri mulieris
gravidae. Leyden, J. & H. Verbeek, 1748. Royal broadsheet (60
x 46 cm). 7 engr. plates by Jan Wandelaar.
HELLWIG, Christoph von. Nosce te ipsum, vel anatomicum
vivum, oder kurz gefasstes doch richtig gestelltes anatomisches Werck.
Frankfurt/ Leipzig, Augustinus Crusius, (ca. 1745). Folio.
Modern half calf with ribbed spine. Title printed in red
and black. With engr. portrait of the author on title and 12
engr. anatomical plates with movable parts. (6), 87,
(9) pp.
Corrected ed. of this attractive anatomical atlas, by the German
Ad 1: Extremely rare Latin edition of this set of striking
anatomical ills., depicting a pregnant uterus of a woman in
her full term. Charles Nicholas Jenty was born and trained
as a surgeon in France, but by 1757 he probably had been
teaching anatomy in England for some years. He published two
anatomical works, illustrated with mezzotint plates, a technique
little-used for anatomical ills.. Of the present work a English
edition was published in the same year, followed by Dutch
and German editions with the plates newly engr. According
to ABPC and JAP no sets of this Latin edition have not been
on the market in the last decades. Ad 1: In fair condition.(Margins frayed, some tears and waterstains). Ad 2: All plates
heavily waterstained. Ad 1: The Fabric of the Body, pp. 456-459;
WorldCat/KvK 5 copies. Ad 2: The Fabric of the Body, p. 328, nr.
LOT of 7 German works on medicinal baths. 1797-1870. 8vo.
Original printed wrappers. Some illustrated.
Including: RÖPER, F.L. Geschichte und Anekdoten von
Dobberan in Mecklenburg nebst einer Beschreibung
der dortigen Seebadeanstalten. (Neustrelitz, 1797) and
CARTELLIERI, P. Das Klima und die Heilmittel von Franzensbad
bei Eger. (Wien, 1870). Good copies (one waterstained)
missing, Contemp. annotations and 3 ms lvs., comprising a
Dutch translation of Hugh Chamberlen’s introduction to his
English translation of Mauriceau). Biblliotheca Walleriana 6362
MATHEMATICS & FORTIFICATION - ANONYMOUS. Geometria of meetkonst. Vestingbou of fortificatie. Artillerie.
(Early 19th century). 3 parts in one vol. Folio. Contemp.
vellum with ties. With numerous mathematical pen
drawings (one folding and loosely inserted) and several
watercolours of canons and fortifications. 40; 39; 21 lvs.
Three interesting manuscripts in ink on geometry, fortification
and artillery, possibly used as a schoolbook. Good condition.(Binding sl. soiled)
MAURICEAU, François. Tractaet van de siektens der swangere
vrouwen en der gene die eerst gebaert hebben. (...) Uit het Frans vertaelt.
Amst., Albert Magnus, (1683.). 4to. Contemp. blind-ruled
vellum. With engr. frontispiece and numerous engr.
anatomical ills. in the text. (16), 408, (24) pp.
Fair copy.- (Bookplate of R.G. Posthumus, binding sl. soiled,
paste-downs loose from board, some waterstaining, leaf B1
OSA, Ardoino Ubbidente dell’ [= JORDAN,
Simon]. Die Nichtigkeit der Hexerey und Zauberkunst in zweyen
Büchern. Frankfurt/Leipzig, Johann Jacob Stahel, 1766.
8vo. Contemp. half red roan, marbled boards. (8), 600
pp.Bound with: (2) IDEM, Kurze Rechtfertigung des
weltbetrügenden Nichts, samt Widerlegung deren
Einwendungen gegen dasselbige. N.p., n. publ. (ca. 1763).
8vo. 48 pp.
Two rare treatises against belief in witchcraft and magic by Simon
Jordan (1710-1766), published under the pseudonym Ardoino
Ubbidiente dell’ Osa. A German priest and professor of theology,
Jordan wrote several works in which he sought to overcome
the popular belief in witchcraft, much like Balthasar Bekker
did half a century earlier. The first treatise, an adaptation of a
work by Scipio Maffei, was first published in 1761 as Das große
Welt betrügende Nichts . The second treatise is a refutation of
criticism brought forward against the latter work. Good copies.(Binding rubbed, Ad 1: f. D1 torn with sl. loss of text). Ad 1: not in
Coumont, Demonology and Witchcraft. Ad 2: not in Coumont,
Demonology and Witchcraft; not in WorldCat; KvK 1 copy only
Second edition of this extensive work on the anatomy of the
human body by Jan Palfijn (ca. 1649-1730), followed by a short
study on the autonomy of Siamese twins. First published in 1718.
Good copy. BMN p. 98; not in Choulant, Norman, nor Garrison
& Morton
PENDER, Joh. Micro-cosmus ofte kleyne werelt: dat is, een
vergelyckinge van s’menschen lichaem by de groote werelt. Breda, Jan van
Waesberge, 1648. 4to. Blue wrappers. With large allegorical
woodcut on f. *2r. (16), 86 [= 84], (4) pp.
Interesting allegorical poem with extensive annotations
comparing the microcosm of the human body with the
marcrocosm of the earth. Good copy.- (Sl. waterstaining in
margins of a few gatherings, owner’s entry on title-page).
Ledeboer, Het geslacht Van Waesberghe, p. 116. BMNI, 80; not in
Muller/De Vries/Scheepers
The human anatomy in full detail
RICHTER, T. Magazijn van Ontleedkunde. Volledige Verzameling
van Ontleedkundige Afbeeldingen van het Menschelijk Ligchaam, Naar
teekening der voornaamste geleerden in dat vak. Vertaald en hier en daar
vermeerderd door S.J. GALAMA. Amst., C.G. Sulpke, 1837.
4to. Contemp. half calf, marbled boards. With 75 handcoloured lithographed plates. (2), CCCXL pp.
PALFYN (PALFIJN), Johan. Heelkonstige ontleeding van ‘s
menschen lichaam. Tweden druk. Leyden, Jan & Hendrik van den
Deyster, 1733. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Contemp. vellum, spine
with title lettered in ink. Title in red & black, 44 numb.
folding engr. plates showing the anatomy of the human
body in full detail, incl. 4 of Siamese twins. (24), 709, (26, 1
blank); 69 (3) pp.
Volume one only of this beautifully illustrated work on
anatomy. Good copy from the library of Bob Luza with his
bookplate on upper paste-down.- (Re-backed with the original
spine laid down, waterstained)
SCOPOLI, Johan A. Fundamenta chemiæ prælectionibus publicis
accomodata. Papiæ, Joseph Bolzanus, (1780?). 8vo. Contemp.
boards, red speckled edges. (8), 238, (18) pp.
Fine copy. Ferguson II, 355
ANONYMOUS. Nederlandsche apotheek. The Hague,
Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 1826. 8vo. Contemp. half
cloth. Folding plate. XXIV, 441, (1 blank, 39, 1 blank, 1, 1
blank) pp.
Good copy.- (Ex-libris and stamps on inside front cover; one rep.
page; some spotting)
-. Pharmacopoea Batava. Amst., J. Allart, 1805. Large 4to.
Contemp. half calf. Two engr. tables. (22), 21 (1), L, 302 (=
306), 33 (12, 1 blank) pp.
Good copy on large paper.- (Spine gone and boards loose)
-. Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis. Leyden, A.
& J. Honkoop, 1788. 8vo. Boards. XIV, 116, (20) pp. (75-100)
Good uncut copy.- (Binding used)
ELZEVIER, Kornelis. Lexicon Galeno-Chymico-Pharmaceuticum
of apothekers woordenboek. Amst., Widow of S. Schouten & Son
and Gerrit de Groot, 1755. 2 vols. Large 4to.Contemp. half
calf, spine with gilt-lettered title on red morocco label.
Engr. frontispiece, engraving in text, title to each vol. in
red & black.
Massive 2000 page dictionary of every possible pharmaceutical
compound, with annotations on the best and quickest method
of preparation, use and effectiveness. Very good set on large
paper.- (Bindings used; pasted ex-libris and stamps on inside
front cover; some waterstaining). BMN I, p. 375: Wellcome II,
522: Stoeder 240-245
vols. incl. multiple volume works. 1794-1913. Various sizes. Bound.
Some illustrated.
Includes works in Dutch, German, French etc. by a.o. Jourdan
(Pharmacopée universelle), Henkel (Lehrbuch der allgemeinen
und medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik) and Geiger &
Mohr (Pharmacopoea universalis). Most with pasted ex-libris
and stamps. Not collated, sold w.a.f.
ANONYMOUS. Bram’s avonturen in Amsterdam., n.publ.,
[±1880]. 4to. Dec. orig. halfcloth. With 6 p. col. lithogr.
plates and tinted lithogr. ills. (20) pp.
Contents loose. Titled on frontcover: “De Avonturen van
een Haagschen jongen te Amsterdam”. Not in the usual
-. Het aardig leven van Thijl Uillespiegel waar in verhaald worden
niet alleen veel aardige en klugtige poetsen en boevereijen, maar ook
bijzonderlijk zijne wondere avonturen. Z. Boemel (Zaltbommel),
Johannes Noman, (ca. 1810?). 8vo. Sewn. Woodcut on title
and woodcuts in text. 64 pp.
BOTTEMA - HICHTUM, Nienke van. Er was eens een
oud-vrouwtje. Een oud-Friesch vertelseltje voor Hollandsche kinderen
bewerkt. Leeuwarden, R. van der Velde, (1908). Folio.
Dec. wrappers. With 14 p. ills. (6 in colour) by Tjeerd
BOTTEMA. First edition.
Dam., spine repaired (sellotape). And: 5 other children
pictorial books: Listal. De zandmannetjes; 3 Vertelsels voor het
zandmannetje komt door Oom Caspar; Marie Hildebrandt.
Klein maar dapper; Mapje en Papje in het Hazenbos; Upton. The
Golliwogg’s Air-Ship (1902). (sl. dam.) (6)
Rare Uilenspiegel edition. Good copy.- (Sl. thumbed; last page
sl. dam.; corners folded)
BARRIE, J.M. Peter Pan and Wendy. Decorated by Gwynedd
M. Hudson. London, Hodder & Stoughton, (1931?). 4to.
Original blue decorated cloth. Illustrated throughout with
a.o. 21 full-page colourplates in text by G.M. Hudson. 272
Good copy.- (Binding sl. discoloured, upper hinges
BESKOW, Elsa. Pelles nyakläder. Bilderbok. (Stockholm, Albert
Bonniers, 1946). Orig. dec. halfcloth. With fine ills. by Elsa
Beskow. (14) pp. Swedish edition. Oblong folio.
Minimal irregularities. And: 9 other Swedish children pictorial
books (10)
BRUNHOFF, Jean de. 1. Kung Babar., 2. Babars Resa., 3. Babar
och Hans Familj., 4. Sagan om Babar. 4 Books, Swedish translation.
Stockholm, London, New York, Ljus, (1946-1947). Folio. Orig. dec.
wrappers. 48, 48, 40, 48 pp.
All 4 damaged, spines missing. Fine ills. in colour. 1 and 3 First
Swedish edition, 2 and 4 Second Swedish edition
COMICS - De wonderlijke avonturen van Jopie Slim en Dikkie Bigmans
aan het strand. Op steen gebracht naar de origineele schetsen van den
engelschen teekenaar welks uitsluitend reproductierecht behoort ... Uit het
engelsch vertaald door het dagblad “De Telegraaf’. Baarn, Uitg. Mij.
De Blauwvoet v. Nuss & Voskuyl, (1922). 4to. Orig. half red
cloth with illustrated boards. Illustrated throughout. (11)
lvs. One of the earliest Dutch comics.
Fair copy.- (Loose in hinges)
CRAMER - HICHTUM, Nienke van. Vertellingen uit de
duizend en één nacht. Utrecht, de Haan, (1925). 3 vols. Dec.
cloth. With fine ills. by Rie CRAMER. First edition.(75-100)
Minimal irregularities. With 7 other children books illustrated by
Rie Cramer: De avonturen van Pinokkio; Tristan en Isolde; Roggeveen. De gouden gans, Roodkapje; Lente; Februari; October (10)
CRAMER, Rie (1887-1977). Bergerettes. Vieilles chansons de
la France avec accompagnement de piano. Utrecht, W. de Haan,
(ca. 1915). 4to. Orig. wrappers with pasted coloured
illustration on sides. Pasted coloured ills. in text, printed
musical scores throughout. (19, 1 blank) pp.
Together with another work by Cramer: Noëls de France.
Utrecht, W. de Haan, (ca. 1920). Bound as above. ills. as above. (19)
pp. And 2 other not collated works by the same author. In good
condition. (The ‘Bergerettes’ lacks the ties; some browning)
FRYER, Jane Eayre. The Mary Frances knitting and crocheting
book & The Mary Frances sewing book. London, George G.
Harrap & Co., (ca. 1914-18). 2 vols. 8vo. Orig. illustrated
blue cloth. Illustrated, also incl. coloured plates for the
knitting book and folding plates with patterns on rice
paper for the sewing book. 270; 280 pp.
Good copies.- (Bindings used; not collated but apparently
(GREENE, Graham) - CRAIGIE, Dorothy. The little train.
(London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1946). Oblong 8vo. Orig.
dec. yellow cloth. 45 pp. With fine ills. by Dorothy Craigie.
First edition.
Some foxing, and small tears in 7 pages. The first of Graham
Greene’s four children’s books written for Craigie
KELLER, Gerard (ed.). Duizend en één nacht. Bewerkt door
Gerard Keller. (Volledige Arabische vertellingen van de Duizend en Één
Nacht). Met meer dan 3000 illlustratiën van Gustave Doré
en anderen. Nijmegen/Arnhem, Gebr. Cohen, (1889). 7
vols. Large 8vo. Orig. red cloth, gold- and blind-stamped.
Illustrated throughout by Gustave Doré a.o.
Nice set.- (Bindings loose, binding of vol. VII partly restored, pp.
529-534 loose in vol. III)
KINDERVREUGD. of verzameling van kunstjens en trekken van
vernuft. Amst., J.C. van Kesteren, (1812). Sm. 8vo. Contemp.
half green cloth with boards. engr. title, and 4 full-page
engr. plates, all handcoloured. (4), 129, (2) pp.
Very rare children’s book with stories, riddles etc. Fine copy.(Binding sl. rubbed, half-title dam.). Only 3 copies found
recorded; Saakes 5 (1812), p. 312 (other ed. published by H. van
Kesteren); not in CWOL
in den winter. (The Hague, Servire, ca. 1929). Orig.
wrappers. Illustrated. (9) pp. 4to. Together with: (2)
(translators)). Volksrijmpjes. (Idem, 1930). 4to. Orig.
wrappers. Illustrated. (8) pp. (3) MARSCHAK, C. Ben ik ‘t
nou of ben ik ‘t niet? (Idem, 1930). 4to. Orig. wr. Illustrated.
(10) pp. (4) (MARSCHAK, C., L. DWORSON & E. HESSBINGER (translators)). De reis door Rusland. (Idem, 1930).
4to. Orig. wrappers. Illustrated. (8) pp.
Fine copies.- (Some occ. sl. spotting)
(LEBEDEV, Wladimir W. (1891-1967)) - MARSHAK,
Samuil Yakovlevich. Moroschenoe. (Ice-cream). (Moscow,
Raduga?), 1929. 4to. Orig. dec. wrappers. With colour ills.
by Wladimir LEBEDEV. (10) pp. 3rd (?) edition. Together
with: 4 other ill. Russian children’s books, ill. in the style of
LOT of 6 Dutch books by Guus Betlem, Daniel Defoe, C.A.
Leembruggen, Jan Ligthart, a.o. Amst., Utrecht e.a., (ca. 1900) 1974. Various sizes. Illustrated cloth or boards.
Good copies.- (Bindings used, some loos(ening) in spine and
LOT of 6 Dutch books. (Amst., C. Collodi, ca. 1930), De
avonturen van Pinokkio (Utrecht, 1927) and W.P. Razoux, Een
aardig prentenboek met leerzame vertellingen (ca. 1925). The Hague,
Utrecht, Bussum, e.a., (ca. 1925-)1942. Various sizes.
Illustrated boards, cloth. Illustrated.
Incl. G. Rembadi Mongiardini, Pinokkio’s geheim. Good copies
with ms. entries from several children of the Van Randwijck
family, incl. Sophie Elisabeth van Randwijck (1923-2009) and
Jetje van Randwijck.- (Not collated; some with spotting or weak
hinges; two loose in boards; sold w.a.f.)
MÜLLER, C. De naarstigheid der kinderen beloond, in aangenaame
en leerzaame verhaalen en gesprekken. Rotterdam, J. Meijer,
1793. 8vo. Contemp. marbled boards, remnants of ties.
With 4 engr. illustrations in the text by G. Kilsen after G.
Manheer. (2), 117, (1) pp.
Collection of 5 charming Russian children’s books. Marshak’s
classical book about a fat capitalist who ate to much ice-cream.
Fine copies
LOT of 12 illustrated Dutch children’s books. Incl.: (1) Van
het toovervischje. Een oud sprookje op nieuw verteld en berijmd.
(Rotterdam, ca. 1920). Large 8vo. Orig. boards with
coloured illustration on front cover and vignette of the
firm ‘Van Nelle’ on back cover. Coloured scrapbook
plates on every page. (1), 33 pp. Nicely illustrated and
well produced children’s book published by the Dutch
coffee and tea business “Van Nelle” in Rotterdam, an
early example of product-promotion via children. (2)
TOONDER, M. Tom Poes. Vertellingen. (Amst., Bezige Bij,
(1949)). (3) IDEM. Tom Poes in de palmoen en het Lemland.
(Laren, A. Blitz, (1962)). (4) CRAMER, R. Het engeltjesboek /
platen en tekst van Rie Cramer. ‘s-Gravenhage, G.B. van Goor
Zonen’s U.M., (1938?). (5) BLOEMINK, F.H.N. Blijde mei.
Met platen van Rie Cramer. (Gouda, G.B. van Goor zonen). (6)
HILGERS, Th.J.A. Indische sprookjes. (Rijswijk, Blankwaardt
& Schoonhoven, (1923)). (7) KRAMER, J.G. De kajuitsjongen
van admiraal Heemskerk. (Leiden, Sijthoff, 1900). 1900 - 1962.
Illustrated. Various sizes and bindings.
Good copies.- (Some minor stains, bindings rubbed, some
hinges broken)
Very rare first edition of this educational children’s book with
little stories and dialogues on children’s morals and rules
of conduct. The stories also include warnings on dangerous
playing. The popular work was reprinted several times. Good
copy with ms. entry on free endpaper: ‘Dit wordt aan W.H.
van der Horst Lil ter beloning van naarstigheid ten geschenke
gegeven’, dated ‘den 1. van Hooimaand 1801’.- (Binding rubbed,
some thumbing). Buijnsters-Smets 1580; Coll. Caljé-Van Gulik
179; STCN only one copy
NEDERLANDSCH A B-BOEK, Het. Behelzende in het kort
voor de jeugd, alle de voornaamste merkwaardigheden onzes Vaderlands,
van deszelfs opkomst af tot heden toe. The Hague, Widow J. Allart
en Comp., 1823. 12mo. Original printed boards. With
allegorical illustration on engr. title by P. Velyn, pictorial
alphabet with 24 finely designed views, portraits and
historical scenes on 6 full-page engr. plates, and a folding
engr. map of The Netherlands, incl. Luxemburg, handcoloured in outline. (I-II), (2), XXXVI, 311, (1) pp. (100-150)
First edition of a famous A B Book on Dutch history of the
country, with a beautiful engr. pictorial alphabet, showing
views of Dutch cities, the Dutch East-Indies, ships, harbours,
industries, a printing shop, etc. The fine engr. and handcoloured map still includes Belgium and Luxemburg. The book
was dedicated to the sons of King Willem II. Fine copy.- (Spine
chafed, owner’s entry on first free endpaper, map torn at fold).
Waller 11; Muller 1073; Scheepers II, 996; Coll. Caljé-Van Gulik
(ca. 1900). Orig. chromolithographed wrappers by Pieter
van Geldrop. ills. by Geldrop throughout. And 5 other not
collated children’s books printed 1875-1982.
Good copies
SCRAPBOOK - SON, C. van. Plaatjes-album Vaderlandsche
historie. Serie 1. Leeuwarden, 1926. Large 4to. Orig. wrappers.
With all pasted ills. 29 (3) pp. (2) SCRAPBOOK.- HILLE
ZAKALBUM. De Hoge Veluwe deel 1. Zaandam, (1954). Sm.
4to. Orig. cloth with pasted illustration. With all pasted
ills. (4), 30 (2) pp.- And 3 other misc. works.
Good copies.- (Some browned, one loosening in spine)
Levend speelgoed. Een grappige droom. Amst., Van Holkema &
Warendorf, (ca. 1910). Oblong folio. Orig. dec. half cloth.
With colour-printed illustrated title, and 23 half-page
colour-printed plates by B.E. van Osselen-van Delden
(1847-1936). (24) lvs.
First edition. It is one of the especially fine children’s picture
books published by Holkema & Warendorf at the beginning of
the 20th century. Lower spine damaged, bookblock loose. KLKL
800; Bibelebontse Berg p. 626
RABIER, B. & N.W.C. KUYK. Jocko of de vermakelijke
avonturen van een Aap. Alkmaar, Kluitman, 1920. 4to. Original
illustrated boards. Illustrated. 64 pp.
Poor copy.- (Joints and hinges broken, binding restored with
RENNES, Catharina
van. Heidekoninginnetje.
(Utrecht), 1902. Large
8vo. Orig. chromolithographed boards.
Musical scores and
ills. throughout. 24,
(1, 1 blank) pp. Together
Mien). Baron van
Hippelepip. Zaltbommel,
Nutsuitgeverij, 1911. Orig.
boards. Eight coloured
full-page plates 36 pp. 8vo.- A is een Aapje. Amst., J. Vlieger,
(transl.). De wonderbaarlijk avonturen van Baron von Münchhausen.
The Hague, Kruseman, 1967. Folio. Orig. cloth. Ill. (50-60)
Ad 1: Good copy.- (Wrappers stained; some lvs. loose). Ad 2-3:
Near fine copies.- (Not collated)
ARENTS, Thomas. Mengel poëzy. Amst., Hendrik Bosch,
1724. 8vo. Contemp. vellum, title on spine. With engr.
frontispiece. (48), 344, (8) pp.
Only edition of the collected poems of Thomas Arents (16521701), member of Nil Volentibus Arduum, collected and
published by Mattheus Brouërius van Nidek (1677-1743). Very
good copy.- (Few minor spots)
Don Quichote, the pseudo sequel – in rare Dutch translation
ANONYMOUS. Abeeldinge vanden ouden ende nieuwen-tijt waer
met Orpheus wandelt, spreeckt, singt ende speelt. (N.p., n. publ.,
1625). 4to. Modern marbled boards. With 5 allegorical
engr. mostly half-page ills. (28) pp.; (1) lvs.
Illustrated pamphlet about prophesies, containing several
songs and poems. Bound in is a folded leaf with a poem titled
´Voorsegginghe van Merlingh.´ Very good copy.- (Few minor
stains). Knuttel 3590; Rogge III, p. 65
-. Zakboekje voor het verstand en hart voor het jaar 1807. Amst., P.E.
Briët, (1807). Sm. 4to. Orig. blue boards. Letterpress title, 6
double-page plates, all engr. (6, incl. title), 130 (2) pp.
Popular literary almanac published by Briët at Amsterdam.
Good copy.- (Binding dam.)
-. De volksmenner. Proeve van physiologisch-humoristische
soortbeschrijving. Amst., G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1844. 8vo. Orig.
ill. boards. Ill.. VII, 105 (6, 1 blank) pp. Together with: (2)
HILDEBRAND. Camera Obscura. Amst., Erven F. Bohn,
1939. Folio. Orig. cloth. Ill. d. With ms. signature of
the illustrator Jo SPIER on half-title. (3) BOMANS, G.
AVELLANEDA, A.F. de. Nieuwe avantuuren van den vroomen en
wijzen Don Quichot de la Mancha, oorspronkelijk in de Spaansche taal
beschreeven (...), en nu om der zelver geestigheid voor de eerste maal in’t
Neederduits gebracht. Utrecht, Willem Broedelet, 1706. 8vo.
Contemp. vellum. With engr. frontispiece and 16 full-page
engr. plates by L. Scherm. (14), 687 [= 683], (1) pp. (300-400)
Rare first Dutch edition of this pseudo-Don Quixote, meant
to be a sequel to the original work. After publishing his first
part of Don Quixote, Cervantes waited long before publishing
the second part. His Spanish colleague, Alfonso Fernando de
Avellaneda, jumped to the occasion and published his own
second part, titled Segundo tomo del ingenioso hidalgo don
Quixote de la Mancha, first published at Tarragona in 1614.
Good copy.- (Occ. sl. waterstaining, some wormholes and
staining in last endpapers). Arents 171; Buisman 73; Mateboer
1125; this edition not in CWOL
BREDERO, Gerbrand Adriaensz. Alle de Wercken. Amst.,
Joost Hartgers, 1644. 8vo. Contemporary calf, with goldtooled spine. 12 parts in 1 volume.
Pirated edition of the collected plays, poems and songs of the
poet and playwright Bredero (1585-1618) and the first edition of
his plays to appear in octavo. His work are very important for
the study of Amsterdam and it’s dialect. Incl.: Roddrick ende
Alphonsus; Griane; Lucelle; Moortje; Spaanschen Brabander;
Stommen ridder; Angeniet; Schyn-Heylich; Het daget uyt den
Oosten; Nederduytsche poëmata; Klucht vande koe; Symen
sonder soetigheydt; Klucht van den molenaer; Klucht van den
quacksalver. Very good copy.- (Slightly damp stained, last leaf,
with blank verso, cut out and pasted to a fly-leaf, spine cracked).
Unger I, D
poems). Venice, Aldi and Andreae Soceri, 1515. 8vo.
Contemp. vellum, title-label on spine. With 2 woodcut
Aldine devices. 148, (2) lvs.
Second Aldine edition of the works by the three most important
Roman lyrical and elegiac poets of the first century BC: Gaius
Valerius Catullus (84-55 BC), Albius Tibullus (54-19 BC), and
Sextus Propertius (50-15 BC), as edited by Avantius. Good copy.(Some browning and foxing, some minor spots and the first and
last pages slightly soiled). BMC, STC Italian, p.161; Renouard
CICERO. Rhetoricorum
M. Tullii Ciceronis aopera
praecipua...juxta editionem
Josephi Oliveti. Vienna,
J.T. Trattner, 1761. 8vo.
Contemp. vellum with
ornamental blind-stamp
on spine and partly on
sides. 694 (= 688) pp.
The principal works of
Cicero. Good copy.- (19thcentry ms. and notes on first
resp. last flyleaf)
ERASMUS. (Moorias egkoomion. Stultitiae Laus. Declamatio, cum
commentariis Ger. Listrii, & figuris Jo. Holbenii. E codice Academiae
Basiliensis. Acc. dedicatio illustrimo Colberti. Praefatio Caroli Patini.)
engr. title-page, hinges weak). Ad 3: Fair copy.- (Lvs K1 and K2
missing, binding slightly damaged)
Basel, Genath, 1676. 8vo. Contemp. calf, spine ribbed.
With engr. title after Hans Holbein, engr. headpieces, fullpage portrait of Erasmus after Holbein, engr. plate of the
tombstone of Erasmus, 2 full-page portraits of Holbein,
and 81 engravings after Holbein in the text, 6 folded and
tipped in. (78), 336, (12) pp.
The first edition of the ‘Praise of Folly’ with the charming
‘doodles’ which Holbein drew in the margins of his copy
while reading the book. With an interesting preface by Patin,
in which he raises the question of Listrius’ authorship of the
commentaries, discussed at length in the Bibliotheca Belgica.
Good copy.- (Binding rubbed and sl. damaged, typographical
title-page missing, some red pencil markings, bookplate on
paste-down). Bibliotheca Belgica E 884; Vanderhaeghen p. 125;
Erasmus Coll. City Library Rotterdam p. 149; Sale Cat. J.L.
Beijers, Jan. 1959 (Coll. Versnel), 297
GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott. Blyspelen van den heere
C.F. Gellert. Uit het Hoogduitsch. Met konstplaaten. Amst., G.
Warnars & P. den Hengst, 1778. 8vo. Contemp. half calf,
spine gilt with gilt-lettered title label, speckled boards.
With 4 full-page engr. plates by Reinier Vinkeles. (14),
511, (1) pp. Together with: (2) CATS, Jacob. ‘s Werelts begin,
midden, eynde, beslooten in den trou-ring, met den proef-steen, van den
selven. Amst., Isaak vander Putte, (ca. 1730). 8vo. Contemp.
vellum. With woodcut on title-page and numerous
woodcuts in the text, including a portrait of Anna Maria
Schurman. (3) ERASMUS, Desiderius. Colloquia nunc
emendatiora. Leyden, ex officina Elzeviriana. 1643. 12mo. Contemp.
vellum. Later hand-coloured engr. title-page and two
small engr. medallions on leaf 12v.
Ad 1: Fine copy.- (Some slight foxing). Ad 2: Good copy.- (Lacks
GODDAEUS, C. Nieuwe gedichten. Sonder rym, naa de Griexe
en Latynse dicht-maten, op allerhande soorten van verssen, ingestelt.
Noit voor desen in Neder-duits gesien, noch gebruiklik. Harderwyk,
Joannes Toll, 1656. Oblong 4to. Contemp. vellum. With
engr. frontispiece, woodcut on title-page and fine engr.
folding portrait of the author after Abraham Conradus
with a 6-line Latin poem by Franciscus Martinus. (40), 184
[= 164], (2) pp.
Very rare Dutch songbook, complete with the portrait of the
author, being an important contribution to Dutch poetic art,
with all songs strictly based on classical metrics. In his dedication
to the States of Gelre and Zutphen, the author presents his
work as the new and perfect form for all Dutch poetry, and a
model for future poets. Conrad Goddaeus was Minister of the
Church at Vaassen and a valued friend of Pieter Cornelisz. Hooft.
Very good copy.- (Re-cased with new endpapers, owner’s entry
on first free endpaper, sl. warped). Scheurleer, Liedboeken, 170;
Cat. Muziekhist. Museum Scheurleer II, p. 250; Scheepers I,
283: “Zeldzaam Liedboek”; Sale Cat. J.L. Beijers, Jan. 1959 (Coll.
Versnel), 315; Sale Cat. Coll. Buisman 361 (imperfect copy);
Wittop Koning, Harderwijker Boekdrukkers, 68, and illustr. 3839; Bibl. Mij Ned. Lett. I, p. 342
KOLM, Jan Sieuwertsz. Nederlants treur-spel. Inhoudende
den oorspronck der Nederlandsche beroerten. Amst., for Abraham
Huybrechtsz., by Paulus Aertsz. van Ravesteyn, 1616. 4to.
Later half vellum. (6), (72) pp.
First and only edition of the first Amsterdam play with actual events
from the Eighty Years’ War, as performed in the Brabant chamber of
rhetoric Het Wit Lavendel. Good copy.- (Dampstained and frayed
along the lower right edges, spine chipped). Ceneton B1825
LANGENDYK, Pieter. Gedichten. Haarlem, J. Bosch, (ca.
1750)-60. 4 vols. Large 4to. Contemp. half calf, speckled
boards. Engraved title by J. Wandelaar, printed title in red
& black with engr. vignette, 2 engr. author’s portraits by
J. Houbraken, 3 full-page engr. plates depicting coins, 2
folding engr. plates by J. Punt, 2 full-page engr. plates by
J. Wandelaar, and several engr. vignettes and head- and
tail-pieces. (40), 494, (5, 1 blank); (14), 1-422, (2), 423-495,
(3); VII, (12), 504, (11, 1 blank); 8, (4), 1-136, (4), 137-174, (2),
175-382, 34 pp. Together with: (2) IDEM. De graaven van Holland.
Haarlem, J. Bosch, 1745. 4to. Contemp. half calf, speckled
boards. Title printed in red and black, engr. vignette
on title-page by J. Wandelaar, engr. frontispiece and 32
portraits by Henricus Spilman after Jaco Jelgersma, each
with a letterpress title on separate leaf. (4), 8, XX, (52), 207,
(1); 224 [= 226], (2) pp.
ribbed spine with title in ink, sprinkled edges. (24), 636, (2),
(2 blank) pp.
First edition of this philological work by Johannes Rutgers
(1589-1625). Very good copy.- (Sl. warped, library stamp on verso
of title-page, two small tears). Willems, Les Elzevier 148; for
Rutgers: NNBW 16, cols. 576-577
SCOTT, Walter. The Waverley novels. London, Caxton, (ca.
1900). 26 vols. 8vo. Orig. green cloth. Illustrated. Together
with: (2) MEE, Arthur. The children’s encyclopedia. London, the
educational book company, (ca. 1900). 10 vols. Large 8vo.
Orig. red cloth. Illustrated.
Good sets.- (Not collated)
Ad 1: vols. 1 & 2 second edition. Fine sets.- (Spine sl. chafed)
ORIZANDT, J. Democritus belagchende weereldt over de
ghebreecken der hoveerdige, ende opgeblasen menschen des tijds. Van
nieuws oversien, ende verbetert. Den tweeden Druck.- (IDEM).
Heraclitus beschreyende de werelt, over de gebreecken der gierigaerts en
woeckenaers deses Tijds. Mitsgaders Democriti belagchende werelt, voor
desen by hem uytgegeven ende nu wederom oversien ende verbetert. The
Hague, Symon de Putter, 1643. (colophon: Leyden, W.C.
vander Boxe, ‘tlaetste van de maent februarius, 1643). 8vo.
Contemp. overlapping vellum, title in ms. in ink on spine.
With woodcut vignette on two separate titles. (32), 154; (4
blank), 376 (=374) pp.
Second, enlarged and corrected edition of Johannes Orizandt’s
(1639-1675 fl.) popular satyrical work. Good copies, bookplate
on first endpaper.- (Sl. soiled). Muller 421 (“Rare”); Scheepers II,
878; Waller 1303 & 1302
The life of Dirk Rafaëlz Camphuysen, with engraved portrait
RABUS, Pieter. Het Leven van Dirk Rafelsz. Kamphuizen.
Vooraf gaet het vers van Pieter Rabus op de Geestlyke Dichtkunde
van Kamphuizen. Amst., Marten Schagen, 1723. Small 4to.
Modern half vellum, with title on spine. With engr.
folding portrait of Camphuisen. 40 pp.
Fifth edition of a description of the life of the poet and church
minister Dirk Rafaëlz Camphuysen (1586-1627). Good copy.(First lvs. damp stained at lower right corner). STCN (4
complete copies); for Camphuysen see: NNBW 3, cols. 84-88
RUTGERS, Johan. Variarum lectionum libri sex. Ad Gustavum II.
Leyden, Elzevier, 1618. 4to. Contemp. blind-tooled vellum,
SENECA. Tragoediae. Venice, Aldi and Andreae Soceri, 1517.
8vo. Late nineteenth-century half morocco, gold-tooled
spine. With 2 woodcut Aldine devices. (4), 207, (5) lvs.
First and only Aldine edition of the collected tragedies of Seneca
edited by Avantius. Good copy,- (Sl. browned, some minor
spots, dampstained throughout, binding slightly rubbed). BMC,
STC Italian, p.621; Renouard 80:4
Collection of ‘incomprehensible’ poetry, with rare second part
boards. With satirical woodcut frontispiece, woodcut of a
wedding-party on title, and 10 full-page woodcuts in text.
168 pp.
Rare edition of this burlesque work, which stayed popular for
over a century, being first published in 1678. The collation and
fingerprint of the present edition slightly differs from the one
mentioned by Mateboer and listed in the STCN. Good copy.(First lvs. waterstained). Buisman 2217; Waller 1629; Muller 496:
“Curieus en zeldzaam volksboek”; De Vries 261; Mateboer 1403;
STCN 2 copies (one lacking the frontispiece)
(DORÉ, Gustave). The Doré gift book of illustrations to Tennyson’s
“Idylls of the King”. London, E. Moxon, Son, & Co. (1868).
4to. Orig. blue gilt and illustrated publisher’s cloth,
g.e. With 37 steel-engraved plates. 16 pp. The full-page
illustrations by Gustave Doré (1832-1883) are bound in at
the end, each facing a leaf with a verse.
Fair copy.- (Binding rubbed and pages loose in binding, some sl.
SWAANENBURG, Whilhelmus van. Parnas, of de ZangGodinnen van een Schilder. Amst., Hendrik Bosch, 1724. 4to.
Contemp. blind-tooled vellum, with title on spine and red
sprinkled edges. With engr. publisher’s device and engr.
frontispiece by G. Hoet after A.v. Buysen. (28), 255, (1);
3, (13) pp. Bound with: Gedigten op W.V. Swanenburgs Parnas.
Amst., Hendrik Bosch, 1724.
First edition of a famous collection of poetry by Whilhelmus
van Swaanenburg, who was regarded as mentally ill by his
contemporaries, but later recognised as an important poet
who’s poetry was inspired by occultism. With a rare second part
with the (mostly) negative reactions on this incomprehensible
collection of poetry. Very good copy.- (First pages dampstained;
binding slightly soiled and rubbed). STCN (ad 2: 3 copies)
(SWEERTS, H.). De tien vermakelijkheden des huwelyks, spotsgewijze beschreven door Hippolytus de Vrye, weduwenaar. Nevens het
Huwelyks Dool-Hof, van Jan de Mol. En een berigt, of het raadzaam
is, te trouwen. Amst., J. Kannewet, (ca. 1750). 12mo. Den
laatsten druk. Nineteenth-century half buckram, marbled
FLORENZ, Karl. Japanische Dramen. Terakoya and Asagao.
Übertragen von Karl Florenz. Sechstes Tausend. Leipzig /Tokyo, C.
F. Amelangs Verlag/T. Hasegawa, (ca. 1910). 4to. Later blue
cloth with calf title label. Printed on crepe paper, each leaf
folded, illustrated with colour woodcuts throughout. (3),
24; (5), (20) lvs. Together with: GORHAM, Hazel H. Japanese and
oriental pottery. Yokohama, Yamagata, (1953?). 8vo. Japanese
bound, in folding cloth decorated slipcase. Leaves folded
in Japanese manner. Illustrated. (3), (V), 256p. Charmingly
illustrated work with two classical one act Japanese dramas
in German translation. The first is “Terakoya oder Die Dorfschule:
Historisches Trauerspiel: In Einem Akt”, followed by “Asagao. Ein
Romantisches Schauspiel. In Einem Akt.” Ad 2: Excellent reference
source on Japanese pottery and a fine example of Japanese
20th-century printing.
Fine copies.- (Ad 2: Binding with waterstain and tear in spine)
vols. with various titles. New York, Little Leather Library
Corporation, (ca. 1920). 12mo. Green leather decorated in
Art Nouveau style. Redcroft edition.
Nice set
LOT of 4 works by Felix Timmermans, F. Bordewijk, a.o. Amst.,
Rotterdam e.a., (Ca. 1940)-1952. Various sizes. Cloth,
wrappers. Illustrated.
Good copies
(COURT, Pieter de la). Sinryke fabulen, verklaart en toegepast
tot alderley zeede-lessen, dienstig om waargenoomen te werden in het
menschelijke en burgerlijke leeven. Amst., Hieronymus Sweerts,
1685. 4to. Contemp. vellum. With richly engr. allegorical
frontispiece and 100 engr. ills. in the text by J. Gole. (20),
727 pp.
Beautifully illustrated first and only edition of this emblematic
fable book for the education of youth by Pieter de la Court
(1618-1685), a Leyden cloth merchant and author of the famous
political treatise ‘Interest van Holland’, in which he defended
the politics of Johan de Witt against the Stadtholder. The work
was adapted into verse by Jan van Hoogstraten and published
under the latter’s name in 1731, illustrated with the same engr.
plates. Very good copy.- (Upper joints splitting). Landwehr,
Emblem & Fable Books, 433; cf. Cat. Van Rijn 926 (Rotterdam ed.
of 1731 by Van Hoogstraten); Anne Stevenson Hobbs, Fables, p.
15, and pp. 26-27
HEINSIUS, Daniel. Nederduytsche poemata; by een vergadert
en uytgegeven door P.S. Amst., Willem Janßen (Blaeu), 1618.
4to. Contemp. vellum, red edges. engr. title-page, 19
engr. text ills. and 48 engr. emblems (2 series, numb. 1-24)
by Crispijn de Passe, his two sons Crispijn Jr. and Simon
and Michel le Blon. 20, 132, 29-67, (1) pp. Bound with: (2)
IDEM. Lof-sanck van Jesus Christus, den eenigen ende eeuwigen sone
Godes. Amst., Willem Blaeu, (ca. 1630). 4to. engr. vignette
on the title-page. 76 pp.
Ad 1: Rare second edition of this important work by Daniel
Heinsius (1580-1655), inspired by Neolatin and renaissance
French literature, edited by Petrus Scriverius, and illustrated
with striking emblems. The fact that Heinsius, a humanist
scholar of world fame, deigned to write in the vernacular was
a stimulus to the devellopment of the Dutch literature which
can hardly be overestimated. Ad 1: Fine copy. Ad 2: Good
copy.- (Last quires with waterstains in margins). Ad 1: Praz 366;
Landwehr 293; De Vries 30; Franken, De Passe, 1348; Hollstein
XVI, Crispyn de Passe I, 234. Ad 2: this edition not in Landwehr
HULSIUS, Bartholomaeus. Den onderganck des Roomschen
Arents, door den Noordschen Leeuw. (...) Hier zyn noch by ghevoeght
de victorien der Croon Sweden, sedert de doodt des auteurs vercreghen.
Amst., for Crispijn vande Passe, 1642. 4to. Imitation
seventeenth-century binding: mottled brown calf, spine
gilt in compartments with light brown morocco title
label lettered in gold, gilt binding edges, red speckled
edges. engr. allegorical title-page with a portrait of Gustav
Adolf of Sweden; printed title with engr. coat-of-arms
of Gustav Adolf, and 29 engr. and etched allegorical and
emblematical half-page illustrations in the text by Crispyn
de Passe the Younger. (12), 91, (1) pp.
Very rare first and only edition of this beautifully illustrated
political and emblematical work on the Thirty Year’s War by
Bartholomaeus Hulsius (1601-before 1642), a reformed minister
in Cillaarshoek. The book was printed for Crispijn vande Passe
by an unknown printer, possibly Jan van Hilten, who specialized
in the printing of political pamphlets. The ‘Lion of the North’
refered to in the title is the Swedish King Gustav Adolf II the
Great (1594-1632), who secured his fame by defeating the
Catholic League and the Habsburgs in Breitenfeld in 1631. Good
copy.- (Sl. cut short with loss of printing year on title; some
strengthened margins and repaired tears and worm holes, esp.
quires A-B; some soiling). Franken, 1373; De Vries 177; Knuttel
4872; Landwehr, Low Countries 360; Landwehr, Emblem books
248; Hollstein XVI, p. 146; Veldman, Crispijn de Passe, pp. 334-7
SPIEGHEL, Hendrik Laurentsz. Hart-spiegel. Amst.,
Johannes Colom, 1650. 8vo. Contemporary vellum, title in
ink on spine. Engraved illustration on title-page and 8 engr.
ills. in the text. 120, (46) pp.
Good copy. (Upper hinges sl. weakening, some pencil markings/
annotations). Praz, p. 501; Emblem Books in Leiden 473 (with
wrong collation); STCN (6 copies); this edition not in Landwehr
-. Hertspieghel en andere zedeschriften, met verscheidene nooit gedrukte
stukken verrijkt, en door aenteekeningen opgeheldert door P. Vlaming.
Met nieuwe figuren. Amst., Andries van Damme, 1723. 8vo.
Contemp. vellum with title in ink on spine. Title printed
in red and black, engr. frontispiece by A. van Buysen after
J. Goeree, engr. vignette on title-page, 9 engr. head-pieces
and 4 engr. ornaments by Jan Goeree, 2 anonymous
folding engr. plates, 8 anonymous full-page engr. plates
and 2 folding plates. (66), 364 pp.
Fine copy. De Vries 241; Landwehr, Emblems 754; Emblem Books
in Leiden 474
VENNE, Adriaen van de. Sinne-vonck op den Hollandtschen
turf, ende des selfs wonder veen-brandt: in gedicht uyt-geschildert, en
aen-gewesen op de Haegsche turf-marct. Hier noch by-gevoegt een
vermakelijcken Hollandtschen sinne-droom op het Nieuw wys-mal
van den ouden Italiaenschen smit; mitsgaders de vindinge der tabacks
wonder-smoock, rijckelijck verciert met konst-beelden. The Hague,
(Wt-gevormt in de poëtische druckerije van) Isaac
Burchoorn for the author, 1634. 16mo. Contemp. calf, gilt
and decorated spine with red morocco title label lettered
in gold, gilt binding edges, red sprinkled edges. Full-page
engr. author’s portrait by Daniël van den Bremden and
two signed engravings in text by Adriaen Jacobsz. Matham
after Adriaen van de Venne in the first part, full-page engr.
plate and six unsigned engravings in text in the second
part. 111 (1); (32), 108, (4) pp.
Amst., Johannes van Ravesteyn, 1669. 12mo. Contemp.
overlapping vellum, red edges, with green silk ties. With
emblem “Elc wat wils” on engr. title, engr. emblem on
verso A5, showing a jester with a mask, titled “Elck heeft
de zijn”, and 193 engr. emblems with caption in Dutch
or in Latin, and accompanied by a 2-line poem in Dutch
at the bottom. Extra added: 2 engr. emblems with jesters
(of which one is the same as on verso A5) pasted on first
blanks. (19), 196, (9) pp.
Rare first and only edition of a popular book on peat and smoking,
containing a laudatory poem on peat, a satire on smoking, one of
the earliest laudatory poems on tobacco, and a satire on smoking
by Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne (1589-1662). The versatile Dutch
Baroque painter, book-illustrator and author Van de Venne was
a founding member of Pictura, a group bent on improving the
independent status and social position of the artist in Dutch society.
Good copy.- (Binding sl. rubbed, spine sl. damaged). Arents,
Tobacco II, 194; Franken, Vander Venne, p. 99, III; Hollstein III, D.
van den Bremden, p. 218, no. 12; Hollstein XI, Adriaen Jacobsz.
Matham, p. 212, no.8; Hollstein XXXV, Anonymous after Adriaen
van de Venne, pp. 144-6, nos. 431-37; Waller 1732; Scheepers II, 282
One of the most famous and wittiest Dutch emblem books, with
epoch-making emblems by Claes Jansz. Visscher (1587-1637).
The work consists of 3 series of 50 emblems, every series ending
with a ‘conclusion’, and a fourth series of 10 emblems, called the
Minne-poppen, or emblems of love. Unlike the mythological
iconography of classic emblems, Visscher simply depicts objects
or subjects from daily life and by a keenly chosen arrangement
or action comes directly to his point in a clear, yet entertaining
way. The preliminaries contain two laudatory poems by J. Cats
and J. van den Vondel. Fine copy.- (Armorial bookplate on upper
paste-down). Praz 530 (ed. Amsterdam, 1614); Landwehr 874; De
Vries 56; Emblem Books in Leiden 516; La Fontaine Verwey, Uit
de Wereld van het Boek II, p. 63
VISSCHER, Roemer. Zinne-poppen; alle verciert met
rijmen, en sommighe met proze: door zijn dochter Anna Roemers.
BORIA, J. de. Emblemata Moralia, scripta quondam Hispanice.
Two charming works on Art Nouveau jewellery
APPLIED ARTS - BEAUCLAIR, René (ed.). Neue Ideen für
modernen Schmuck. Herausgegeben von René Beauclair. Im Verein mit
André Petitjean, Jules Armbruster, Paul Liénard, Emile Jammes, Paul
F. Follot. 24 Tafel. Stuttgart, Verlag von Jul. Hoffmann, (ca.
1900). Folio. Later portfolio with ties. With 24 numb. full
page plates of which 4 polychromes and 20 monochromes
(a.o. in red, purple, blue, green). (1 p.). Together with:
BERTRAND, V. (ed.). Art et joaillerie. 3e - 4e année. Vincennes,
Saint Maur, V. Bertrand, (ca. 1900). Folio. Later boards
portfolio. With 127 lithogr. plates numb. 75-216 depicting
numerous jewellery designs.
Rare set of designs for Art Nouveau jewellery by the leading
makers of the period. The designs for rings, brooches, hairpins,
combs etc., show the typical stylised floral and animal motives.
Good copy.- (Title with tear, some soiling in plates and sl. frayed
at the edges, ad 2: without plates 83, 87, 98, 114, 126, 131, 138, 141,
152, 171, 178, 179, 182, 198 and 210, some tears and soiling)
Latinitate autem donata a L(udovicus) C(amerarius) C.P. Berlin,
Johann Michael Rudiger, Ulrich Liebert, 1697. Small 4to.
Contemp. marbled calf, spine ribbed with dark-brown
title-label, sides blind-stamped in panel design, red
mottled edges. With large engr. publisher’s device on title,
and 100 engr. circular emblems by J.C. Schott. (6), 201, (1)
Rare Latin edition of a Spanish emblem book, translated by
Ludovicus Camerarius. The emblems, each with a motto and
a two-line verse, depict a great variety of subjects, including
an elephant and a bird of paradise. Fine copy, from the library
of Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753), with his name printed on
first free endpaper.- (First and last lvs. sl. browned). Landwehr,
German Emblem Books, 137; Praz p. 27; Berlin Kat. 4562; STC
German, 17th century, B 1866 and B 1867 (German ed.)
- - GLASS - BERLAGE, H.P. (text) - WASCH, Karel
(ed.). Vijftig jaar glasindustrie. Gedenkboek uitgegeven ter gelegenheid
van het 50-jarig bestaan der n.v. Glasfabriek “Leerdam “, voorheen
Jeekel Mijnssen & Co. te Leerdam. Rott., W.L. & J. Brusse’s
Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1928. Orig. gilt dec. wr. Design
A.C. STRASSER-BERLAGE. With woodcut frontispiece
and layout by A.D. COPIER. With 55 black and white
photographs. 135,(1) pp. Limited edition printed in red and
With fine photographs of glass designs by BERLAGE, DE BAZEL,
COPIER, GIDDING, LANOOY a.o. Spine sl. dam., edges frayed
and browned
- - - - BUDDINGH’, Cees (text). Crystal Leerdam. N.V.
Nederlandsche Glasfabriek Leerdam Holland, [1953]. Orig.
dec. boards with spiral binding. Layout and typographical
design by Dick ELFFERS and A.D. COPIER. 38 pp. Limited
edition printed in red and black.
With fine photographs of crystal pieces by the designers DE
BAZEL, Lucienne BLOCH, COPIER, Willem HEESEN, Floris
MEYDAM, Stef UITERWAAL and Iep VALKEMA. Fine condition.
Separate: invitation card and 2 orig. b/w photographs (24 x 18
cm.) from the archives of the N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche
Glasfabriek “Leerdam”. One of a ‘Coupe gravée: “Les Cinq Sens”,
design by Willem Heesen’, With 2 stamps and handwritten title
on verso. The other with the portrait of an engraver at work,
with stamp on verso and in handwriting “Graveur sur verre
Leerdam” and “ Photo: Panorama - Geillustreerde Pers”
- - JASPER, J.E. & MAS PIRNGADIE. De inlandsche
kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië. The Hague, Mouton & Co.,
1912-1930. 5 vols. Large 4to. Orig. red cloth, gilt title on
front cover and spine. With 187 full-page plates (171 col.,
16 b/w), numerous ills. in text.
Rare complete set treating the native arts and crafts of the
Dutch East Indies, i.a. plaiting, weaving, batik, the forging of
gold and silver and the tooling of base metals. Added: three
copies of the prospectus of vol. 4 and one of vol. 5, each with a
coloured plate example and the orig. subscription form. Good
set.- (Pasted bookplate of H. Boekenoogen on inside front cover;
spines discol.)
paper with 3 flip-over designs in pencil on paper. 33 x 22
Nice Baroque design for a door frame, giving the client four
options to choose from. In good condition.- (Some soiling and
sl. frayed at the edges, sm. hole)
Frontview of Herengracht 514
ANONYMOUS. Afbeeldingen van oude bestaande gebouwen.
Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij tot bevordering der
bouwkunst. - Vieux bâtiments existants. Recueil de
planches avec description. Amst., L. van Bakkenes, 1872 ca. 1900. 2 vols. Folio. Contemporary half cloth, marbled
boards. With 150 full-page engr. plates and 5 double-page
engr. plates.
Large collection of architectural plates, published in instalments.
Not all instalments present. Good set.- (Bindings rubbed, a few
plates cut short with sl. loss of text, some plates bound in wrong
A 17th-century coach-house
-. Design with frontview a coach-house. (Utrecht, ca. 1680). Pen
and inkdrawing on paper coloured with green & pink. 25 x
42 cm.
Nice Baroque architectural design for a coach-house. With scale
below in brown ink. Very good condition.- (Sl. frayed at the
Design in progress
-. Design with frontview of a door with four optional designs for the
decoration of the upperpart of the door (a.o. the freeze). (Dutch?, ca.
1680). Washed pen and inkdrawing on paper with 3 flipover designs in pencil on paper. 33 x 20,3 cm.
Nice Baroque design for a door party giving the client four
options to choose from. With a profileview. In good condition.(Some browning and sl. frayed at the edges)
- - Design with frontview of a door with four optional designs for
the decoration of the upperpart of the door (a.o. the freeze
(Dutch?, ca. 1680). Washed pen and inkdrawing on
- - Design with frontview of the house Herengracht 514, Amsterdam.
(Amst., ca. 1770). Washed pen and inkdrawing on paper,
coloured with yellow and blue watercolour. 54 x 47,5 cm.
Design for the house Herengracht 514 at Amst. in Louis XVI
style with two portrait bustes on the central door frame. Fine
drawing.- (Sl. frayed at the edges)
- - Set of 3 designs for the City Hall of Groningen. Netherlands,
(ca. 1780). Three numb. washed pen & ink drawings, some
coloured with pink and yellow, no. 1 & 2 with grey paper
passe-partout. Various sizes.
Set of three original 18th-century architectural designs for the
city hall of Groningen, made by one of the contestants of the
competition for designing a new city hall. This competition
was opened by the mayor Van Iddekinge in 1744. It was won by
the architect Jacob Otten Husly (1738-1796), the director of the
Amsterdam Art Academy, with his design of 1787. The building
of the hall was started in 1793 and finished in 1810.Details of the
drawings:1. Façade of the city hall. 48 x 62,5 cm. Washed pen & ink
drawing. Scale in ‘Voeten Groninger maat’. With four columns
on stairs.2. Cross-section. 47 x 63 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing,
coloured with yellow and pink. Scale in ‘Voeten Groninger maat’.
(3). Plan of the Groningen city hall: ‘Capitaale Verdiepinge’. 67 x 64
cm. Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured with pink, folded. Scale
in ‘Voeten Groninger maat’.All three drawings have a citation
below: ‘Ars non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem”. Very good set.(Some sl. soiling, folding, and edges frayed, small tear in drawing 1)
-. Set of five designs for a monument for quatre bras. (Netherlands,
ca. 1820). Five numb. washed pen & ink drawings, some
coloured with pink and blue. Various sizes. (1.200-1.500)
Set of five original early 19th-century architectural designs for
a monument of the battle at Quatre Bras (Belgium) in 1815.
Details of the drawings: 1. Plan of the monument. 62 x 50 cm.
Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured with pink & blue. Scale
in ‘Rhynl. maat’. 2. Frontview of the monument. 64 x 45,5 cm.
Washed pen & ink drawing. 3. Cross-section of the monument.
63 x 49,5 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured with pink &
blue. 4. View from above and afar from the monument. 35 x 50,5
cm. Washed pen & ink drawing. 5. Detail view of the stonework.
36 x 23,3 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing.All five drawings have a
citation of Vondel below. Very good set.- (Drawings sl. soiled and
frayed at the edges)
-. Set of five designs for Felix Meritis. Netherlands, (ca. 1786).
Five, lettered A-E, washed pen & ink drawings, coloured
with pink, yellow, brown, green or blue. Various sizes.
Set of five original late 18th-century architectural designs for
the famous Felix Meritis building at the Keizersgracht 324 at
Amsterdam. The Art & Science society ‘Felix Meritis” opened a
contest in 1786 which was won by the architect Jacob Otten
Husly (1738-1796) in 1787. This is one of the 16 international
entries. Details of the drawings: A. Design for the façade. 63 x
43,5 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing (black & brown). B. Design
for the groundfloor and garden. 112 x 48,5 cm. Washed pen & ink
drawing (black & brown), coloured with pink, green and blue,
folded. C. Design for the first floor a.o. the Muziekzaal (music
hall). 57 x 48,5 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing (black & brown),
coloured with pink and blue, folded. D. Design for the attic. 74
x 40 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing (black & brown), coloured
with pink. E. Design with cross-section. 60,5 x 85,5 cm. Washed
pen & ink drawing (black & brown), coloured with pink, blue &
yellow, folded. The paper is watermarked ‘J. Honig en Zoonen’.
Rietstap mentions Jan Honig & Co (-1894) and Jan Honig
& Zoon (1737-1787). With citation of Horace below: ‘Graiis
ingenium, graiis dedit ore rotundo; Musa loqui prater laudem
nullius avaris’. (cit. from Hor. Epist. 11.3. 32-3). Fine set.- (Some
minor soiling and edges sl. frayed)
- - DELARUE. Two designs for fans, painted on silk with a paper
border, signed ‘Delarue del.’ (20th cent.). (Late 19th cent.) (25 x
33 cm).
And 6 others, including 2 hand-coloured plates from Buffon’s
Histoire naturelle (ca. 1780) and two framed behind glass
paintings (20th cent.)
Westerhuys with designs for the main room of a house (variant
sizes), depicting the four walls and ceiling. Details of the
drawings: (A). Room design. 41 x 50 cm. Washed pen & ink
drawing dated ‘1772 inv. et delin.’. (B). Room design. 47 x 50
cm. Washed pen & ink drawing. (C). Room design. 47 x 53,5 cm.
Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured with yellow and blue. (D).
Room design. 40,5 x 45 cm. Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured
with pink. (E). Room design. 42 x 45 cm. Pencildrawing, signed
on verso ‘Dirk Westerhuys’. (F). Room design. 45 x 49 cm.
Washed pen & ink drawing, coloured with yellow. Good set.(Some soiling, folding, and edges frayed, small tears in drawing
B, C & F, drawing D with brown stain in lower part)
ARCHITECTURE - DESIGN - BLONDEL, GeorgeFrançois (1730-after 1791). MEZZOTINT.- Two church
interiors. (London), G.F. Blondel, (ca. 1765). Mezzotint plates
titled ‘A view of the inside of a church’ resp. ‘A view of
the stairs of the Vatican’, each 55 x 41 cm. and engr. by
Blondel. Plano, verso blank (ca. 60 x 45 cm.).
Good copies.- (Some false folds, sm. tears in blank margins; few
blank pieces of paper torn off)
- - - VRIES, H. (V.?). (Design for a tea-house). Netherlands,
1772. Washed pen and inkdrawing, signed and dated. 38 x
30 cm.
Nice drawing with an elaborate design of a frontview of a teahouse by H. v. Vries. Very fine drawing.- (Some minor soiling).
Thieme-Becker 34, p. 575
Dutch interior in the 18th-century
- - - - WESTERHUYS, Dirk. Set of 6 late 18th-century designs
for a reception room or ball-room. Netherlands, 1772. Washed
pen & ink drawings, some coloured with blue, pink and
yellow. (Variant sizes: see below).
Set of six charming original 18th-century drawings by Dirk
BOSBOOM, Symon. Cort onderwys vande vyf colommen
door Symon Bosboom stadts steen-houwer tot Amsterdam uyt den
scherpsinnigen Vinsent Schamozzij getrocken en in minuten gestelt seer
gemacklick voor de jonge leerlingen en dienstich voor alle jonge liefhebbers
der bouw-const. Amst., Jan Blom & Andries Vinck, 1682.
Folio. Contemp. vellum. With engr. title-page, 2 engr.
illustrations in the text, 2 double-page engr. plates, and 46
full-page engraved plates. (1-2) 3- 9, (1), 10-11, 30-31 pp.
or were on the point of appearing. Good copy.- (Binding used;
some lvs. loose(ning); some browning; back hinge cracked). E.
Littell, The museum of foreign literature, science, and art 37
(Philadelphia, 1839), p. 66
Very rare edition of a classic work on the five orders of
architecture by the Amsterdam municipal mason Symon
Bosboom (1614-1668), based on a work by Vincenzo Scamozzi
(1552-1616). The author treats the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic,
Roman, and Corinthian orders and the corresponding portals,
frontispieces, etc. Good copy.- (Binding soiled, hinges weak,
some waterstaining). This edition not in BAL; not in Fowler; not
in KvK; STCN/NCC 2 copies; WorldCat one other; cf BAL 330
BOUTEILLER, M. LE. L’exposition, journal de l’industrie et
des arts utiles, publiant par année 288 gravures sur acier, divisé en six
catégories. 4ème Catégorie, 6ème Livraison. Paris, Le Bouteiller,
1840. Folio. Orig. green lithogr. boards. With 23 full-page
hand-coloured lithogr. plates. 4 pp.; explanatory text-leaf
to each plate.
Issue of the rare French journal of the useful arts and
manufactures, which was publ. in installments from 1839 on by
the Paris publisher M. le Bouteiller. The fine plates - in this issue
incl. tableware, lamps and lanterns, a Gothic fireplace, guns and
a chinaware vase - give accurate representations and descriptions
of all the best modern works of art (painting and statuary excl.),
as well as manufactured products that either exist in France
CRAIG, W.M. A course of lectures on drawing, painting, and
engraving. London, printed for Longman [etc.], 1821. 8vo.
With 5 aquatint plates (one hand-coloured). X, 451,
(1) pp.
Good copy.- (Spine damaged, some browning, armorial
bookplate of William Cockburne)
GOEREE, Willem. Inleydingh tot de practijck der al-gemeene
schilder-konst. Middelburgh, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1670.
8vo. Contemp. vellum, title in ink on spine. Engraved
frontispiece. (16), 133, (3 blank) pp. Bound with: (2) IDEM.
Inleydinge tot de al-gemeene teycken-konst. Den tweeden druck, by na
de helft vermeerdert. Middelburgh, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1670.
8vo. Engr. frontispiece, engr. plate, 2 woodcuts and one
engr. illustration in the text. (6), 126, (2 blank) pp. (3)
IDEM. Verlichterie-kunde, of recht gebruyck der water-verwen. Eertijts
uytgegeven door (...) Geerard ter Brugge, Ende nu (...) vermeerdert.
Den tweeden druk. Middelburgh, Wilhelmus Goeree, 1670.
8vo. Engr. frontispiece. (16), 42, 58 pp.
Three rare and popular manuals on painting, drawing and
[GRÄFF, Werner] - CURT BEHRENDT, Walter. Der
Sieg des Neuen Baustils. Stuttgart, Akadem. Verlag Dr.Fr.
Wedekind & Co., 1927. Orig. photo wr. Design Werner
GRÄFF. With 74 ills. 63 pp.
Good condition (Flaps wr. loosening, edges frayed)
John. The work of Jan van Krimpen. A record in honour of his sixtieth
birthday [...]. Haarlem, Enschedé, 1952. Gilt cloth with
dustwr. Ill. with reproductions of drawings, specimens of
types, lettering and bookwork. 160 pp. Inscribed by J. van
Krimpen on first endpaper: “H.C. de Wit hartelijk van J.
van Krimpen 12 Januari 1952”
Good condition (one corner bumped, wr. sl. dam.,). Together
(Red.). De harp I. Utrecht, De Roos, 1946. Orig. gilt halfcloth.
Typ. J. VAN KRIMPEN. With separate orig. woodut by Dirk VAN
GELDER, monogrammed in pencil (lower right). 63 pp. Good
condition, some browning along the edges
- - [MEES, Fokko] (1887-1968). Hallo Bandoeng! Hier Den
Haag! Herinneringen aan de eerste telefoongesprekken tusschen
Nederland & Nederlandsch-Indië in MCMXXVIII [1928]. [Den
Haag, Posterijen, Telegrafie & Telefonie], 1928. Dec. cloth.
With woodcuts by Fokko MEES. 88,(2) pp.
Good condition (spine sl. discol., endpapers browned). Rare
colouring by Willem Goeree (1635-1711), bookseller and author. Ad
1 is the first edition of a standard practical handbook for painters,
published in the age of Rembrandt and Vermeer, giving valuable
insights into the golden age of Dutch painting. The work met with
great success, appearing in a second edition already in the same year
and remaining popular in the eighteenth century. Good copies.(Binding soiled, some stains). Ad 1: Kunst op schrift 5; STCN 4
copies. Ad 2: Kunst op schrift 4; STCN 4 copies; cf Kwakkelstein,
Willem Goeree. Inleydinge tot de Al-ghemeene Teycken-Konst.
(Leiden, 1998). Ad 3: Kunst op schrift 6; STCN 2 copies
GONSE, Louis. L’art Japonais. Vol.I. Paris, A. Quantin, 1883.
Large 4to. Contemp. half green morocco, ribbed and gilt
spine. Chromolithographed title, and 32 plates inserted (incl.
Chromolithogr. and gilt), numerous ill. in text. (2), IV, 310
pp. Important, elaborately illustrated work, spreading the
knowledge on Japanese art to the Western world. (150-200)
- - CARICATURE. Catchpenny print ‘Les occupations
journalières de Mr. Mayeux.’ (Ca. 1840?). Engraving with 16
handcoloured scenes illustrating the various occupations
of ‘Mr. Mayeux’. Broadsheet (ca. 36 x 23 cm.).
Good copy.- (Edges frayed, some ms. notes)
- - EMBLEMS - CATS - VENNE. Roert het burgerlijck leven.
(Amst., J.J. Schipper, 1655). engr. emblem by Adriaen
van de Venne from Jacob Cats’ Spiegel van den ouden en
nieuwen t dt (ca. 34 x 24 cm). Framed (53 x 39 cm).
Attractive allegorical hand-coloured emblem depicting ‘Mevrouw, genaemt het Gelt’ (Dame Money) with verses in Dutch,
German, Latin and French, describing the overwhelming
power of money. Good copy.- (Unexamined out of the
frame). Schama, The embarrassment of riches, pp. 332-3 (with
Fine copy.- (Binding sl. rubbed)
- - HEIGENMOOSER, Ernst (1893-1963). Collection of
seven etchings and prints: New Year’s wishes 1925, ‘26, ‘27, ‘29,
‘30), menu for ‘Stiftungsfest des deutschen Vereins für Exlibriskunst
u. Gebrauchsgraphik 12 Mai 1928’ and 1 ex libris ‘Fritz Kruse’.
München, 1924 - 1930. Handcoloured (3x), signed in pencil
‘E. Heig’ (4x) (lower right). ± P. 12 x 8 cm. S. 18 x 14 cm.
Good condition, fine drawings
- - JUIVE, LA. (1er acte). Lemercier, Paris, Coloured
lithograph (34.5 x 48 cm.), possibly showing the first act
of J.F. Halévy’s opera La Juive (1835). (ca. 1860). Plano, verso
blank (47 x 60 cm.).
In good condition.- (Age-browned; few sm. tears in blank
Amst., Arbeiders-Jeugd-Centrale, 1927-1930. Orig. stapled
wrappers. Design Fré COHEN. With ills. Set of 4 years
of this socialistic periodical (wthout 1928, vols. 1 and 3.
Together with: 5 other AJC publications with covers and ills. by
Fré Cohen: Stormtij. 1923. Prijskourant 1929-1930; Prijscourant
AJC 1932-1933; Martin GLEISNER. Dans voor allen. Van
gymnastiek naar de gemeenschapsdans, 1934; Flip BARMES. 15
jaar zon en vrijheid!, 1937 and 14 similar publications with covers
and ills by a.o. Wim BIJMOER, Bob BUYS, A.P. HARTLAND.
Good condition (13 + 19)
- - [ESCHER, Maurits Cornelis] (1898 –1972). De
Nederlandsche Bachvereeniging. Matthäus Passion van Johann Sebastian
Bach 1685-1750 op Goeden Vrijdag in de Groote Kerk te Naarden.
[Amst., 1938]. Orig. stapled wr. With on cover woodcut by
M.C. Escher (15,3 x 10,3 cm.), printed in purple from the
orig. block. 23 pp.
Textbooklet of J.S. Bach’s Matthäus Passion. Covers foxed, vague
fold corner, name in pen inside frontcover. Together with: 2
other textbooklets for the Matthäus Passion, Amst., Holdert &
Co. [1934] and loose sheet with the casting in 1964. (4). Bool 302
- - [COHEN, Fré] - VORRINK, Koos (red.). Opgang.
Driemaandeliks Jeugdtydschrift voor kunst, wetenschap en
arbeidersbeweging. VI, (1927) vol. 1-4 (march, july, november,
december); VII, (1928) vol. 2 and 4 (september, december); VIII,
(1929-1930) vol. 1-4 (may, november, january, march); IX, (1930)
vol. 1-3/4 (september, november, december). Lot of 14 issues in 13 vols.
- - GELDER, Dirk van (1907-1990). Veere. 14 Houtgravures.
N.p., [1953]; 14 Loose sheets with woodengravings by Dirk
van Gelder in passe-partouts. All signed in pencil (lower
right). In halfcloth, gilt stamped portfolio, inscribed and
signed (Veere - Juli- 1953): “Aan den Heer L.C.C.M. de
Bruijn in hartelijke dank aangeboden voor zijn toegewijde
zorg aan de tot standkoming van mijn map met 14
houtgravures van Veere besteed”. Various sizes in passepartouts 38 x 28 cm.
Very good condition with woodengravings of outstanding
quality. Added: ‘Kloosterzande’, woodengr. on paper, signed
in pencil (lower right). L. 12,2 x 16,9 cm.; S. 15 x 21 cm., title
page of Drie houtgravures by Dirk van Gelder, inscribed to
the same (Veere Oct. 1951) and a newspaper clipping about
Van Gelder, december 13, 1989. Together with: Dirk van
Gelder. De scheppingsdagen. [’s-Gravenhage, Nederlandsche
Vereeniging voor Druk- en Boekkunst, 1950]. Orig. wr. (32) pp.
With 9 p.-large woodengravings and 6 text woodengravings.
Pierre Henri SIMON. Prélude. 1946. With woodengravings by
Dirk van Gelder. And 6 others: Ben ESSERS. Strand. Woodcut
on ochre paper. 32,5 x 31,8 cm. In passe-partout. Page from
Wendingen 1919, vol. 7 and 8 (july, aug.); VAN KRIMPEN. Twaalf
Rijmprenten van Nederlandsche kunstenaars. Bijeengebracht
en verzorgd door Prof. G.V.A. Röling [...].1942; M.E. DE
ZAAIJER. Oorlogs prentenboek. Illegaal verschenen werk.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1945. With 12 handcoloured woodcuts. 28 x
21 cm. Very fine.; I. SPREEKMEESTER. New Year greeting-card.
1946-47. Folded sheet 25 x 32,5 cm.; Jettie OLIVIER. Zomersche
winter. 1949; DOMELA [NIEUWENHUIS], César and Maarten
MOURIK. Poem. Ill. by Domela. Folded sheet. Silk screen. 24 x
33 cm. Signed by Domela and Mourik. Inscribed : “aan Hans en
Elly, Ces” (9)
HIND, Arthur M. The etchings of D.Y. Cameron. London,
Halton and Truscott, 1924. Folio. Original half calf. Frontispiece and 95 numb. plates with reproductions, including
some photogravure plates. vii, (1), 43, (1) pp.
Number 188 of 200 copies. Very good copy.- (Spine sl. chafed)
IMMERZEEL, J. De levens en werken der Hollandsche en Vlaamsche
kunstschilders, beeldhouwers, graveurs en bouwmeesters. Amst., J.C. van
Kesteren, 1842-43. 3 parts in one vol. 8vo. Contemp. half
buckram. With engr. frontispiece and numerous ills. in the
text. XXXII, 300; (VIII) [= 6],336; VIII, 307, (1) pp.
Good copy.- (Hinges weak)
KLINGER, Max (1857-1920). Intermezzi. Rad. Op. IV. 12
Compositionen. Nuremberg, Theo Stroefer, (1881). Large folio
(63 x 45.5 cm.). Orig. half cloth portfolio with lith. title on
front cover, ties. 12 numb. aquatint plates by Max Klinger
on chine-collée.
Complete first edition portfolio by the Berlin artist Max Klinger.
Influenced by Goya and other printmakers, Klinger’s work laid
the foundation for the future German Expressionists. His images
rely on uncanny juxtapositions, irrational uses of scale, and
awkward points of view to create intriguing scenes that are often
uncomfortable and mysterious. He freely combined elements of
fantasy and reality, classical mythology, Christianity, German
literature and contemporary philosophy. All plates in very fine
condition.- (Portfolio with some dam. and waterstaining on
front; blank margins of plates with occ. spotting and browning).
Singer 52-63
Dated prize binding made for the Middelburg Drawing
LAIRESSE, Gerard de. Groot schilderboek, waar in de
schilderkonst in al haar deelen grondig werd onderweezen, ook door
redeneeringen en prentverbeeldingen verklaard. Haarlem, Johannes
Marshoorn, 1740. Tweden druk, vermeerdert met des
schryvers levensbeschryving. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. 19thcentury calf (dated 1841), richly gilt and decorated spine
with green title-label lettered in gold, sides with two gilt
floral rolls, corner pieces and central medallion of green
morocco inlay surrounded by a gilt wreath and ‘hanging’
on gilt chain, with gilt text: on front cover ‘Vernuft en
Vlyt’ and on back cover the date: 15 September 1841, gilt
binding edges, marbled edges. engr. frontispiece by G. van
der Gouwen after De Lairesse and Ph. Tiedeman, titles
with woodcut vignette, title to part 1 in red & black, engr.
portrait of De Laraisse by J.C. Philips after a self portrait
by De Lairesse, and 66 engr. plates, of which 5 folding, by
J. Boelens, G. Van Gouwen, C. van der Hem, J. Hoogsaat,
C. van Ingen, his son Joh. de Lairesse, G. Rademaker, J.
Schijnvoet, Stopendaal, P. Tiedeman, and others. (56), 434,
(34); 400, (28) pp.
Celebrated and very influential theoretical manual on the art of
painting by Gerard de Lairesse, in the second (= third) edition,
enlarged with a biography of the author by the painter Arnold
Houbraken, including the self-portrait of De Lairesse, engr.
by J.C. Philips after his self portrait. The fine and dated 19thcentury prize binding is probably made by a successor of the
‘Drawing Academy Bindery’, active in Middelburg from 1787 to
1807. The Teeken Academie (Drawing Academy) was established
in 1778 under the motto ‘Vernuft en vlijt’ (Genius and
Diligence) as a continuation of the weekly gatherings of a few
life-drawing enthusiasts that had begun the previous year. Very
good copy.- (Professionally re-backed with the original spine laid
down, stain on p. 257 of part 2). Berlin Kat. 4626; Cat. Kunsthist.
Bibl. Rijksm. Amst. I, 193; Kunst op Schrift 342, 343; ad binding:
Goud en velijn. Middelburgse boekbanden van de 17de tot de 19de
eeuw (Zeeuwse katernen 9, 1992), pp. 23-5 & 45-6; J. Storm van
Leeuwen, Dutch decorated Bookbinding IIB, p. 550-1, 659, 68490; Idem, ‘Rondom een Middelburgse prijsband van 1828’, in: De
Boekenwereld 1/5 (1984/85), pp. 2-5
-. Idem. Contemp. vellum with title in ink on spine. engr.
frontispiece by G. van der Gouwen after De Lairesse,
title in red & black, engr. portrait by J.C. Philips after
De Lairesse, and 66 engr. plates of which 5 folding by J.
Boelens G. Van Gouwen, C. van der Hem, J. Hoogsaat,
C. van Ingen his son Joh. de Lairesse, G. Rademaker, J.
Schijnvoet, Stopendaal, P. Tiedeman, and others. (56), 434,
(34); 400, (28) pp.
Celebrated and very influential theoretical manual on the art of
painting by Gerard de Lairesse, in the second (=third) edition,
enlarged with a biography of the author by the painter Arnold
Houbraken, including the self-portrait of De Lairesse, engr. by
J.C. Philips. Good copy.- (Re-cased with new endpapers, some
waterstaining). Berlin Kat. 4626; Cat. Kunsthist. Bibl. Rijksm.
Amst. I, 193; Kunst op Schrift 342, 343
LEMEI, W. Moderne woning-architectuur in Ned. Indië. (Batavia),
G. Kolff & Co., 1934. 4to. Original boards. (8) pp. and
numerous photographs.
Fair copy.- (Spine missing, front cover sl. stained)
Most important source for the history of painting and the lives
of the most famous (especially Dutch) painters up to 1603
MANDER, Carel van. Het schilder boeck waaer in voor eerst de
leerlustige jeught den gront der edele vrye schilderkonst in verscheyden
deelen wort voor gedragen. Amst., Paulus van Ravesteyn for
Jacob Pieter Wachter & & Cornelis Lodewijcksz. vander
Plasse, 1616-18. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Contemp. vellum
with title in ink on spine. Richly engr. allegorical titlepage by N. Lastman after Warnaar van de Valkert, full-page
engr. portrait of the author by N. Lastman. (16), 22, (2);
(4), 213 (3); (8), 122, (2); (8) lvs.
Second edition of Karel van Mander’s famous Schilderboeck on
the history of painting and the lives of well-known painters of
all times and all places up to 1603, with corrected and completed
indexes, and enlarged with a ‘Life of the author’, who had died in
1606. Good copy.- (Binding sl. soiled, upper hinges weakening,
some sl. waterstaining). Bibliotheca Belgica IV, M. 104; Arntzen/
Rainwater H69; Miedema, Karel van Mander. Het bio-bibliogr.
materiaal (1972), p. 19-20
-. Het schilder boeck, waer in voor eerst de leerlustighe jeught den grondt
der edel vry schilderconst in verscheyden deelen wort voorghedraghen.
Daer nae in dry deelen t’leven der vermaerde doorluchtighe schilders des
ouden en nieuwen tyds. Alckmaer/Haerlem, Jacob de Meester
for Paschier van Wesbusch, 1604. 2 parts in one vol. 4to.
Contemp. vellum with title in ink on spine. ith 2 richly
engr. allegorical titles by Jacob Matham after the author’s
design and full-page engr. portrait of the author by J.
Saenredam after a painting by Hendrik Goltzius, dated
1604. (16), 299, (5, 1 blank); (8), 136, (2) lvs.
Rare first edition of this important work by Carel van Mander
(1548-1606), one of the highlights of Dutch renaissance
literature, and the first work on the theory and history of
art to be published in the Netherlands. It treats the lifes of
classical, Italian, and Dutch painters, including Van Mander’s
contemporaries Hendrik Goltzius, Abraham Bloemaert, Jacques
de Gheyn, David Vinckeboons, etc. The second part discusses
the illustration of Ovid’s Metamorphoses and is still an imortant
source for our knowledge of the iconography of the time. Good
copy.- (Spine sl. damaged, covers with some stains, without the
ofter lacking cancelleaf M4 - the dedication to Bartholomeus
Ferreris, here present in photocopy). Bibliotheca Belgica, IV, M
103; Arntzen/Rainwater H69; Hollstein XI, Matham 367, XXIII,
Saenredam 127; STCN 13 copies (7 incomplete)
MANDER, Karel van & JONGH, Jacobus de. Het leven
der doorluchtige Nederlandsche en eenige Hoogduitsche schilders,
voormaals byeen-vergaderd en beschreeven door Karel van Mander,
en nu (...) vollediger gemaakt door wylen Jacobus de Jongh. Amst.,
Steven van Esveldt, 1764. 2 vols. 8vo. Contemp. half calf,
marbled boards. Title printed in red and black. With engr.
title-page, portrait of Van Mander, and 51 etched portraits,
including one of Laurens Janszoon Coster, the alleged
inventor of printing with movable type. (32), 354, (4); (2),
271, (59) pp.
Good set.- (Covers rubbed, upper hinge vol. one sl. weakening,
first gatherings waterstained)
MÜNTZ, Eugène. Léonard de Vinci. Paris, Hachette, 1899.
Orig. half red morocco, marbled boards. With 48 full-page
plates incl. frontispiece (engravings or col. lithographs)
outside text with tissue guards, numerous b/w ills. in
text. VI, (1, 1 blank), 552 (2) pp. Large 4to. Together with: (2)
SALAMAN, Malcolm C. Old English colour-prints. London,
‘The Studio’, 1919. Large 8vo. Orig. brown cloth. With 40
tipped in coloured plates. VI, 42 pp.
Ad 1: Richly illustrated work on Leonardo da Vinci treating a
large part of his paintings, drawings and other studies. Good
copies.- (Bindings with traces of use)
RUBENS. ALBUM de la galerie de Rubens dit du Luxembourg
composé de vingt-cinq tableaux gravés sur acier par les premiers artistes
avec un beau portrait de Rubens dessiné et gravé par Leclerc. Paris, R.
Visconti, (ca. 1876). Folio. Original gilt decorated red cloth,
g.e. With steel-engr. portrait of Rubens, and 24 steel-engr.
plates after Rubens. (4) pp.
Good copy.- (Binding sl. soiled, owner’s entry on free endpaper,
some foxing)
Kulturpolitische Korrespondenz Sondernummer 1/74. Für Friedrich
Schröder-Sonnenstern zum 82jährigen Künstlerjubiläum. (Peking,
Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur, 1974). Double leaf (61
x 43 cm.). Chromo-lithogr. throughout. (4) pp. Together
with: (2) EENDT, GALERIE D’. Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern
van 3 tot 29 oktober 1975. Amst., 1975. 8vo. Orig. Illustr. wr.
Illustr. (20) pp. One of 2000 copies. (2) EENDT, GALERIE
D’. Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern tentoonstelling II van 14 januari tot
8 februari 1979. 8vo. Orig. Illustr. wr. (15, 1 blank) pp. One of
1000 copies.
Ad 1: With ms. dedication in ink on front by SchröderSonnenstern dated April 8, 1975. Very good copies
Rare first edition of a beautifully illustrated artist’s
manual on perspective
SIRIGATTI, Lorenzo. La pratica di prospettiva. Venice,
Girolamo Franceschi, 1596. 2 parts in one vol. Large
folio. Modern vellum with gilt flower ornaments in all 4
corners on both sides. engr. title within richly designed
architectural borders, large woodcut printer’s device on
last blank of the first part, and numerous illustrations and
figures on perspective on 65 engraved plates, including
engr. half-title to the second part. (70) lvs.
Good copy, with the owner’s entry of Ludovici de la Dousepe
de St. Ouen on both titles.- (First title-page cut short as
usual; occasionally sl. browned or fingersoiled). Fowler 336
(incomplete copy); Mortimer, Harvard Italian, 479 (with
reproduction of the title-page, as usual cut short); Berlin
Kat. 4700; Cicognara 860; Adams S 1224; Comolli 3, 157-158;
Wiebenson III, B.11; Vagnetti EIIb38; Weinreb 6, no. 35; Johnson,
engr. title-pages, p. 22
Preparatory study by a famous Spanish sculptor
SUBIRACHS, José Maria (born 1927). Hombre - Mujer.
Original preparatory study for the marble sculpture. Signed and dated
in ink bottom right ‘Subrirachs 71’ and stamped ‘Art-3’
on verso. Pointillist drawing in pencil and brown marker
showing the abstracted anatomy of a man and woman.
(42.5 x 49 cm.). Together with: (2) GIRALT-MIRACLE, Daniel.
Subirachs. Barcelona, (1973). 4to. Orig. cloth with dustjacket. Illustrated. (136) pp.
Ad 1. The original sculpture after this drawing (114 x 63 cm) was
excecuted in marble in 1972. Ad 2. Catalogue giving an overview
of Subirachs sculptures, with ills. of the Hombre - Mujer
sculpture on dust-jacket and inside. Author’s ms. dedication
in ink dated Amsterdam 28-11-72 on recto half title. José Maria
Subirachs (Barcelona, 1927), one of the most famous sculptors in
Spain, is the creator of numerous public monuments, including
the famous Passion Façade of the temple of the Sagrada Familia.
Owing to the knowledge obtained in the workshop of Enric
Casanovas, Subirachs covers different aesthetics that vary from
the classicism to the noucentist, from the informalism to the
expressionism, and from the abstraction to the neo-figurative
art, that places him in the centre of the Catalan avant-garde
of the ‘50s and ‘60s. After his first exhibition in the Casa del
Llibre (Book house) in Barcelona (1948), he is granted with a
scholarship by the French Institute, which allows him to work
in France and Belgium and get to know these countries. Ad 1: In
very good condition. Ad 2. Good copy. Ad 1. GIRALT-MIRACLE,
Daniel. Subirachs. Barcelona, (1973), no. 151
TCHOUAN, Kiai-Tseu-Yuan Houa. Encyclopèdie de la
Peinture Chinoise. Traduction et commentaires par Raphaël Petrucci.
Illustrés d’environ cinq cents gravures. Paris, Librairie Renouard,
Henri Laurens, Editeur, 1918. Folio. Orig. wrappers. With
ca. 500 illustrations in text. XII, 519 pp.
Good copy, mostly unopened.- (Binding soiled, quires
VERMAARSCH, Joost. Eerste deel der bouw-kunst, ofte grondige
bewijs-redenen, over den sin ende practijck van den autheur Vincent
Scamozzi. Leyden, Abraham Verhoeff, 1664. 4to. 18th cent.
half calf, red morocco title label, marbled boards. With
engraved frontispiece and 52 numb. architectural ills.. (10),
issues, El Lissitzky in good condition, the loose folded woodcut
by Lion Cachet in ‘Houtsnijdersnummer’ and the separate inserts
‘Technische gedeelte’ (1918 vol. 1;3;6;8;9; 1919 vol. 2;7/8;12) and a
separate sheet with ‘Redactionele mededeling’ (1920, vol. 11/12).
Apart from the usual defects (some spines sl. dam., some small
pieces of paper missing) a very good and complete set
40, 16, 34 pp.
Rare first edition of this richly illustrated architectural manual.
STCN (3 copies only); this edition not in Bierens de Haan; nor
in BAL
WALLPAPER - Design for 18th-century wallpaper. (Ca. 1785)
Handcoloured woodcut on paper with cornucopiae and
bouquets, numb. 113 in lower margin. Three copies. Plano,
verso blank. (ca. 41 x 32 cm).
Good copies
Maandblad voor bouwen en sieren van Architectura et Amicitia. Amst.,
De Hooge Brug, I - VI, (1918 -1923)/Santpoort, Mees,
XII - XIV, (1924 - 1931), 116 vols. Orig. dec. wr. tied with
raffia in 6 portfolios with ties, 1 dec. cloth, VIII, (1925-26),
deluxe edition of the seven special numbers dedicated to
Frank LLOYD WRIGHT and 1 separate vol. (El Lissitzky),
Japanese binding. Large 4to.
A complete set of this important extraordinary avant-garde
Dutch arts journals published over 14 years, from 191831. Under the direction of architect Theodorus Wijdeveld,
Wendingen sought out the newest ideas and most creative
practitioners in all of the visual arts, including architecture,
graphics, sculpture, ceramics, glass and theatrical design. In its
fourteen years history, Wendingen featured the work of such
diverse artists and architects as Eileen GRAY, Josef HOFFMANN,
Michel de KLERK, Gustav KLIMT, El LISSITZKY, Erich
MENDELSOHN and Jan TOOROP. From 1925-26, it published a
series of seven issues of unparalleled beauty devoted to the work
of Frank LLOYD WRIGHT. In the first years only 650 copies have
been printed and bound by hand! Incl. the 7 Frank Lloyd Wright
- - -. Wendingen. Maandblad voor bouwen en sieren van Architectura et
Amicitia. II, (1919), vols. 7/8. Houtsneden nummer. Amst., De Hooge
brug, 1923. Orig. dec. wr. tied with raffia, design R.N. Roland
Holst. Ill. with large, loose woodcut by Lion Cachet and 59
woodcuts by various artists. 54/60 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy. Some small marg. tears in wrappers
- - -. Idem. V, (1923), vols. 5/6. Dedicated to the work of J. MENDES
DA COSTA. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1923. Orig. dec. boards
tied with raffia after a design by Da Costa. With ills. of
sculptures by Da Costa. 36 (2) pp. Large 4to.
Fine copy
- - -. Idem. VI, (1924), vol. 2. Dedicated to travel sketches and studies
of M. DE KLERK. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1924. Orig. lithogr.
wr. tied with raffia, design L.E. BEYERMAN. With ills. of
work by De Klerk. 36 pp. Large 4to.
Fine copy
- - -. Idem. VII, (1925), vol. 10. Dedicated to the furniture- and interior
art of M. DE KLERK. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1925. Orig.
lithogr. wr. tied with raffia, design by Fokko MEES. Ill. with
furniture- and interior designs by De Klerk. 26 pp. Large 4to.
Fine copy
- - -. Idem. IX, (1928), vol. 10. Dedicated to graphic art. Amst.,
De Hooge brug, 1928. Orig. dec. wr. tied with raffia, design
S.J. DE MESQUITA. Ill. with graphic art by L. SENGERS, S.
MOULIJN, N. EEKMAN, a.o. 18 pp. Large 4to.
- - -. Idem. X, (1929), vol. 8. Dedicated to the work of J.L.M.
LAUWERIKS. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1929. Orig. dec.
wr. tied with raffia, design Lauweriks. Ill. with works by
Lauweriks. 24 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy
Fine copy
- - -. Idem. IX, (1928), vol. 2. Dedicated to technique and art.
Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1928. Orig. dec. wr. tied with raffia,
design by W.H. GISPEN. With ills. of lenses, the harbour of
Rotterdam, a radio installation, lamps a.o. 18 pp. Large 4to.
- - -. Idem. XII, (1931), vol. 1. Dedicated to the work of S.J. DE
MESQUITA. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1931. Orig. dec. wr.
tied with raffia, design De Mesquita. Ill. with works by De
Mesquita. 24 pp. Large 4to.
Fine copy
- - -. Idem. IX, (1928), vol. 8. Dedicated to the caricatures of ALBERT
HAHN SR. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1928. Orig. dec. wr. tied
with raffia, drawing HAHN Jr. Ill. with Hahn’s caricatures.
24 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy
- - -. Idem. IX, (1928), vols. 3/4. Dedicated to the work of JAN
TOOROP in private collections. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1923.
Orig. dec. boards tied with raffia, design R.N. ROLAND
HOLST. Ill. with paintings and drawings by Toorop. 30 pp.
Large 4to.
Fine copy. Upper left corner of front cover very sl. dam
- - -. Idem. VIII, (1927), vol. 9/10. Dedicated to Austrian art. Amst.,
De Hooge Brug, 1928. Orig. dec. wr. tied with raffia, design
Christa EHRLICH. Ill. with paintings and drawings by G.
KLIMT, E. SCHIELE and O. KOKSCHKA, sculptures by H.
BUCHNER and M. POWOLNY, glass by J. HOFFMANN and
M. Powolny. 32 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy
- - -. Idem. X, (1929), vol. 10. Dedicated to the Russian theatre.
Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1929. Orig. dec. wr. tied with raffia,
design S.J. DE MESQUITA. Ill. with stage designs and scenes
of various plays. 24 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy. First page loosening
- - -. Idem. X, (1929), vol. 3. Dedicated to the paintings of DIEGO
RIVERA. Amst., De Hooge Brug, 1923. Orig. dec. wr. tied
with raffia, design Rivera. Illustrated with paintings by
Rivera. 24 pp. Large 4to.
Good copy
Good copy
German Album Amicorum from Nuremberg, 1798
ALBUM AMICORUM (of Wilhelmina Müller?). Nuremberg,
1798. 8vo oblong (10 x 18 cm). Original wrappers of
decorated paper (only back wrapper preserved), later
rebound in half red cloth (manuscript loose in binding).
With 2 full-page watercolours, one coloured printed
‘Album leaf’ on special paper, 7 (adaptable) printed
silhouettes of men and women on special glossy paper
by C. Sturm in painted and coloured wreath (outside
pagination), and two silhouettes in the text. 172 pp (pp.
7-10, 15-16, 21-2, 81-4 (blanks?) lacking), 6 lvs. (Register).
Charming Album Amicorum of a Nuremberg lady with ca.
30 contributions, mostly in German, and a few in French,
all written in Nuremberg between January and 9 September
1798, including the contributions by M.N. Schäfflerin, Sebald
Friedrich Salberg, M.L. Kaiser, Joh. Friedrich Döllinger, Jacques
Martien, Joh. Godfr. Dingler, Julia, M.M. and L.F. Harcher, A.
Fulbinger, and others.The possible owner of the Album was
Wilhelmina Müller who wrote her name on p. 71. If so, the
small and very early photograph (an oval of 25 mm, apparently
cut out of an originally greater one), pasted to the back of the
front cover, is her portrait.Interesting is the occurrence in the
Album of Silhouettes by C. Sturm, printed on separate leaves
of glossy paper which apparently were for sale in Nuremberg
to insert - after adaptation of the features of the contributors
- in Alba Amicorum! (One contributor has failed in adapting
the sihouette with a disastrous result (opposite p. 25) Good
during thirty months, from 1976 to 1978. Together with: The
Book of Kells. London, Thames and Hudson, (1974). Folio. Orig.
cloth, in matching slipcase. 226 (4) pp.
Both in very fine condition
-. Magic lantern with 27 dec. sheets of glass in cardboard boxes (on
bottom label Meyer & Blessing, Rotterdam). Tin lantern (±20 x 24
cm.) with electric lightning. Model for manual operation.
Ca. 1950. With 27 comic stories and fairy tales in colour
on sheets of glass (5 x 18 cm. each), rimmed with red and
light blue tape.
-. Set of 4 orig. satirical drawings (1935-40). Black crayon and
ink on paper. With a few mounted pieces of paper and
some white waterpaint corrections. Circa 40 x 35 cm.
Very decorative drawings on the European pre-war crisis. Good
condition (paper yellowed, 3x with pinholes in the corners) (4)
BLONDEL, Spire. Le livre des fumeurs et des priseurs. Paris, H.
Laurens, 1891. Large 4to. Contemp. half brown morocco,
marbled boards, gilt spine, orig. wrappers preserved,
uncut. With 16 full-page coloured lithogr. plates, b/w ills.
in text. (3, 1 blank), XVI, 296 pp.
Popular tobacco book for smokers and snuff takers. Good copy.(Some foxing and browning). Arents IV, 2264
ALMANAC - Taschenbuch für das Jahr 1812. Der Liebe und
Freundschaft gewidmet. Frankfurt am Main, Friedrich
Wilmans, 1812. Orig. printed paper wr., gilt edges. With
engr. frontispiece, 5 full-page engr. plates and 12 small
engravings illustrating each month. German almanac for
1812, with contributions by Gramberg, Schüsse, Langbein,
Pandin, Brachmann, Von Ahlefeld, Schreiber, Kind and
Linder. Containing a.o. several poems. (2), iv pp., 12 ll. 48,
14, (2), 65-262, (6) pp. 16mo.
Good copy.- (Wrappers browned, joints cracked)
ANONYMOUS. Codex Seraphinianus. (Amst.), Meulenhoff/
Landshoff, (1983). Folio. Orig. cloth with d/j. Illustrated
throughout. About 360 pp. First edition printed in The
Rare visual Encyclopedia of an unknown world written in an
(undeciphered) Alphabetic writing, written and illustrated by
the Italian artist, architect and industrial designer Luigi Serafini
CALLIGRAPHY - SENAULT, L. Heures Nouvelles tirées de
la Sainte Ecriture. Ecrites et gravées. Paris, chez l’autheur et
chez Claude De Hansy, (ca. 1695). Contemp. dark red
morocco, spine ribbed and richly gilt, sides with richly
gilt-dentelle borders, gilt inner dentelles, silk endpapers,
g.e. With 2 gilt-framed blank leaves at the beginning and
end, gilt-framed engr. frontispiece, richly engr. title with
coat-of-arms, flowers and fishes, 4 gilt-framed engr. plates,
and 260 engr. calligraphic text-pages, richly decorated and
illustrated, including 8 full-page engr. half-titles.
260 pp.
Beautiful, entirely engr. calligraphic book of hours dedicated to
Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Bavière, dauphine of France
(1680-1690). The text is calligraphed in a beautiful regular hand
and elaborately decorated with landscapes, flowers and fruits,
divine symbols, mermaids, calligraphic birds and ornaments etc.
Louis Senault produced several writing books and published a
number of editions of the present devotional work from the same
plates. Splendid copy. Brunet III, 148 Bonacini 1689 not in Berl. Kat
CLANDESTINE PRINTING - Collection of 43 issues,
dated circa 1945-1948. Posters, newspapers, caricatures,
publisher’s advertisements, broadside poems, timetables,
proclamations a.s.o. Incl. also some post-war publications
on the liberation of Holland
With proclamation of the birth of the son of Princess Juliana (!):
“Hare Koninklijke Hoogheid Prinses Juliana der Nederlanden
heeft heden den 18den Februari 1947 des voormiddags te 9 uur
het leven geschonken aan een flinken zoon. De toestand van
Moeder en Kind is op het oogenblik zeer bevredigend”. Very
interesting collection
CLERC, S. le. Practical geometry: or, a new and easy method of
treating that art. London, for T. & J. Bowles, 1742. 4th edition.
8vo. Contemp. calf. With 75 handsome engr. ills. in the
text, showing geometrical figures in landscapes. (2), 185,
(7) pp.
Translation of Pratique de la géometrie by Sébastien le Clerc
(1637-1714). Good copy.- (Binding rubbed)
COFFEE - CADET DE VAUX, Antoine Alexis
François. Dissertation sur le café; son historique, ses propriétés, et le
procédé pour en obtenir la boisson la plus agréable, la plus salutaire et la
plus économique. Suivie de son analyse. Paris, for the Bureau du
Journal d’Economie Rurale, Mme. Huzard and Xhrouet,
1806. 12mo. Contemp. blue boards. (4), 120 pp. (400-600)
First edition of this comprehensive treatise on coffee by the
eminent French chemist and pharmacist Antoine Alexis
François Cadet de Vaux (1743-1828), considered a classic in the
field. The chemical analysis of coffee at the end of the
dissertation is by a nephew of the author, Charles-Louis Cadet-
Gassicourt (1769-1821). Good copy.- (Corners and edges of
binding sl. rubbed). Vicaire 138 (second ed.); Hünersdorff, Coffee,
pp. 240-1; Wellcome II, p. 284 (second ed.); Müller, Kaffee, p. 37;
Jardin, p. 382; Bitting, p. 72, (second ed.)
DIORAMA - (Two elegant
French ladies in a boudoir).
[Paris, Impr. Gréguin,
[±1870]. Diorama with
printed background, with
printed signatures ‘H.
Guard’ and ‘A. Soudouze’
[?] of a French boudoir
with two ladies with
embroidered and silk three
dimensional dresses. With
embroidered flowers and
beads. 26 x 21 cm.
A curiosity, very attractive. Good condition. In frame, without
the glass
4 works a.o with: CITROEN, K.A., Amsterdamse zilversmeden
en hun merken. Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche
Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1975. 8vo. And with: (2)
Meestertekens van Nederlandse goud- en zilversmeden. Deel I. 18141963. (The Hague, Staatsuitgeverij, 1986). (3) Elias VOET
Jr. Merken van Haagsche goud- en zilversmeden. Voorafgegaan door
Haagsche goud- en zilversmeden uit de XVIe, XVIIe en XVIIIe eeuw
door H.E.Van Gelder. (The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1941).
(4) (IDEM). Merken van amsterdamsche goud- en zilversmeden. (The
Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966).
Fine copies
One of 15 copies
HANNETON, Le. Le Hanneton. Illustré satirique et littéraire
paraissant le jeudi. Collection of 19 vols. 1867 and 1868. Folio. Orig.
wr. Illustrated. 20 issues: 1867, VI. Vols. 5, 10, 12, 16-20, 23, 35,
36, 40, 43, 46 (15x); 1868 VII. Vols. 5, 7, 20, 32 (4x).
Together with: Le masque I, no. 17
works (9 Dutch, 3 German). Various places, 1898-ca. 1950. (Half)
cloth or wrappers. Some illustrated. Various sizes. (80-120)
Incl. works by Ritter (Eene halve eeuw Nederland), Nijhoff (De
dagen spreken), Uijterschout (Beknopt overzicht van de belangrijkste
gebeurtenissen uit de Nederlandsche krijgsgeschiedenis, a guide for
Frankfurt and environment from 1910 and a Dutch bible printed at
Utrecht by Joh. de Liefde. Good copies.- (Not collated)
EROTICA - NERCIAT, Andrea DE. Le doctorat impromptu.
Paris, Le Tradition, (1935). Contemp. purple morocco with
marbled boards, decorated spine with gilt title and laid-in
decoration in Art Nouveau style (VITS?), orig. wrappers
preserved, uncut. Coloured aquatint ills. in text, 16 fullpage b/w aquatint plates by André Collot. 125 (2, 1 blank)
pp. 4to.
One of 15 copies of this rare eroticum, intended for staff
members who helped realizing this edition and tributes. The
name of the former owner of this copy has been carefully
removed.- And 2 other misc. not collated works. Fine copy.(Pasted engr. bookplate on recto first flyleaf; corners of binding
with some dam.). Cf. Gay-Lemonnyer II, p. 26
parures. Les joyaux fantaisie par Gavarni texte par Méry minéralogie
des dames par le Cte Foelix. Paris/Leipzig, G. de Gonet/C.
Twietmeyer, (ca. 1850). 4to. Contemp. half red morocco,
marbled boards, spine gilt decorated. With hand-coloured
steel-engr. frontispiece and 15 hand-coloured steel-engr.
plates with laced edges and tissue guards by Geoffroy after
Gavarni. (4), 314, (2) pp.
First edition of this attractively illustrated work, depicting
women in various costumes and poses. Another, similarly
designed volume was published in the same year. Vicaire V, 770.
Colas 2041
- - WATTEAU. (Collection of 19 etched plates of theatrical costumes
by ‘C’, after Watteau). (N.p.,, 2nd half 18th cent.) 8vo.
Contemp. half calf, marbled endpapers.
Etched by Daniel Chodowiecky (1726-1801)? Fair copy.- (Covers
loose, spine damaged, bookplate on paste-down)
- - ROOSEVELT, Eleanor. Ik herinner mij... Vertaald door Jac.
van der Ster. Amst., Keesing, (1950). 8vo. Original blue cloth.
Illustrated. 359, (1) pp.
Number 48 of 150 copies, signed by the author. With
handwritten dedication by Keesing to Chief of Police L.A.A.
Cohen, dated 3 October 1950. Good copy
blanks) pp.- WELL,
G.J. van de. De
dynamo. Deventer,
AE. E. Kluwer, (1908).
Orig. half cloth,
boards. Chromolithogr. plate with
movable parts, b/w
ills. in text. 66 cols.
Oblong folio. (24 x
33.5 cm.).
Three movable books
explaining the human
eye, the human
anatomy and the
dynamo. Good copies.
(Bindings used; some
(MARTIN, Henri-Jean, Roger CHARTIER a.o.). Histoire
de l’édition Française. Tome 1. (Paris), Promodis, (1982). Folio.
Bound, with dustwr., in slipcase. Illustrated throughout.
629, (3, incl blanks) pp.
Fine condition.- (Dustwr. sl. dam. and a bit wrinkled)
Entirely engraved
MILLS - SCHENK, Petrus. Engraved plate from: Theatrum
Machinarum Universale; of Groot algemeen Moolen-Boek, behelzende
de beschryving en afbeeldingen van allerhande soorten van moolens, der
zelver opstallen, en gronden. Amst., Petrus Schenk, 1734. 55 x 53
Good condition
MOVABLE BOOKS - BLOK, D.J. Het menschelijk oog.
Deventer, Kluwer & Co., (1897). 4to. Orig. chromo-lithogr.
boards. Chromo-lithogr. plate with movable parts. 39, (1)
Together with: Anatomische atlas van het menschelijk lichaam.
Zeist, J.T. Swartsenburg, (ca. 1900). Orig. chromo-lithogr.
boards. Six chromo-lithogr. plates with movable parts. (12, incl.
MUSIC - NICOLAI, J.G. ABC pour le clavecin ou forte piano.IDEM. ABC XXIV sonates pour le clavecin sur les 24 tons de la
musique. Zwolle, the author, (1789-1790). 2 vols. in one.
Oblong 4to. Contemp. half vellum with beige decorated
paper boards. Ad 1: letter-engr. title, advice and a singlepage introduction, 82 engr. plates with music (no. 2-83), 6
engr. plates with text. Ad 2: engr. title, 75 engr. plates with
Two extremely rare, entirely engr. works by J.G. Nicolai (17441801), musician, composer and organist at Zwolle. The first
work contains a.o. 82 engr. pages with music (32 lessons and
some minuets, chansons etc.) and 6 pages with remarks on the
method used. The second work consists of an engr. title-page
with a floral ornamental border and 75 pages with engr. music.
The ‘toonkunst-library’ in Amsterdam only holds one copy
Good condition
PLATZ, Johann Christoph. Die teutsche Heb-Kunst in der
edlen Arithmetica mit 70 neu erfundenen Regeln erkläret. Frankfurt
am Main, bey Stocks seel. Erben und Schilling, 1740. 2
parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Contemp. calf, decorated gilt spine with
gilt-lettered title and pasted sm. label, front cover with gilt
initials F.G.Z.S.u.W and 1745. Full-page engr. frontispiece,
title in red & black, numerous woodcut mathematical ills.
and calculations in text. (18), 137, (6, 1 blank); 260 pp.
- - HAEMMERLE, A. & O. HIRSCH. Buntpapier. Herkommen,
Geschichte, Techniken, Beziehungen zur kunst. München, G.D.W.
Callwey, (1977). 4to. With dust-jacket. Illustrated with a.o.
paper examples pasted in. 255 pp.
Very rare work explaining the German principles of heaving
in mathematics by Johann Christoph Platz, who was a teacher
in Heidelberg. Very good copy.- (Frontispiece loosening). KVK
(1 copy); Heinsius, Allgemeines bücher-lexikon III, p. 202;
not in Kress, Goldsmith, nor the Commerzbibliothek der
Handelskammer Hamburg
of a later edition of the ABC pour le clavecin. Very fine copy.(Binding rubbed). Wullink, H.C.J. & F.D. Zeiler, J.G. Nicolai,
stadsmusicus en organist (1744-1801). in: Zwols Historisch
tijdschrift, pp. 94-104; not in MGG; not in STCN; not in NCC
PAPER - Lot of two albums with blanco 18th-century paper.
(Netherlands, 18th-century). One folio in cloth & 4to in
contemporary calf.
Fine copy
la Marine. Paris, Clousier, 1788. 4to. Contemp. marbled calf,
spine ribbed and richly gilt, with red title-label, lettered
in gold, gilt binding edges, marbled end-papers. With
190 illustrations and figures on 24 folding engr. plates by
Benard. XL, 294 pp.
RIRE, Le. Le Rire. Journal humoristique. Collection of 131 vols.
1900-1912. Orig. wr. Illustrated. 131 issues: 1900 (30x), vols.
270-291; 294-298; 311, 312, 320); 1904 (14x), nouv. série vols.
49, 51, 53, 84, 85, 87, 89-91, 93-95, 97,98; 1908 (23x), vols.
259-261; 263, 265, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274-287; 1909 (55x), vols.
309-350, 354, 358, 360; 1911 (1x), vol. 426; 1912 (8x), vols. 470,
487, 488, 492, 501, 502, 507, 516. Folio.
Good condition (some foxing and browning)
SCHICK, Louis. Instruction élémentaire pour jouer au Trente-etQuarante et a la Roulette avec les tableaux de ces jeux, d’après ceux
de la Banque de Hombourg, accompagné des tables de réduction des
monnaies de France et d’Angleterre en monnaies d’Allemagne ainsi
que le cours des pièces d’or et d’argent. Hombourg-Les-Baines,
Librairie de Louis Schick, 1862. 3rd edition. Orig. wr. With
ills. and 2 folding plates. 51,(1) pp.
Nice little book. White stripe on front cover, traces of use. Good
Laurent. Traité élémentaire de la mâture des vaisseaux, à l’usage des
élèves de la marine, composé & publié, d’après les ordres de monsigneur
le Maréchal De Castries, ministre et secrétaire d’Etat au Département de
Original edition of this extensive manual on all aspects of ship
building, illustrated with detailed plates showing the rigging
for various vessel types, the making of compound masts etc.
The author, Pierre Alexandre Laurent Forfait (1752-1807), was a
French engineer, hydrographer and politician, and Minister of
the Navy. He became Napoleon Bonaparte’s first Minister of the
navy after the 18 Brumaire. Very good copy.- (Spine sl. rubbed).
Cat. Ned. Hist. Scheepv. Mus. p. 751; Anderson p. 41; Polak 3522;
Scott 410; MacDonald 257
Rare first issue of the first edition
- - WITSEN, N. Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier:
waer in wijtloopigh wert verhandelt. de wijze van Scheeps-timmeren, by
Grieken en Romeynen: Scheeps-oeffeningen, strijden, tucht, straffe, wetten
en gewoonten. Amst., C. Commelijn, Broer & Jan Appelaer,
1671. Folio. Contemp. blindstamped vellum with red
morocco title label on spine. Portrait of the author, engr.
frontispiece and 114 mostly full-page plates. (14), 516,
40, (4) pp.
Very rare first edition in its first issue of the first and most
authoritative and important book on shipbuilding of the 17th
century by Nicolaas Witsen (1641-1717). The work is abundantly
illustrated, clearly showing all aspects of the ship’s construction
Breen) for the games of 1992 tipped in.). Ad 2: Very good and
complete copy of a rare ‘plaatjesalbum’.- (Binding slightly
rubbed, lists of Dutch contestants filled out)
of Dutch and English magazines and documentation dossiers. Amst.,
Amersfoort, Eindhoven, Montreal, etc., 1969-1973. Bound.
as well as ancient and non-European ship building. The book
treats the history of marine architecture, presents a comparison
between West European techniques of shipbuilding and that of
other cultures, discusses marine law, customs and discipline,
explains marine terminology and proverbs, etc. Good copy,
complete with the portrait of the author.- (Top of spine
cracked, warped, margins frayed, later endpapers). Cat. Ned.
Hist. Scheepv. Mus. p. 743; Bierens de Haan 5368; Landwehr,
Romeyn de Hooghe, 16 (112 plates only); cf. W. Nijhoff, De
Anglophobie van Nic. Witsen, in: Het Boek, 1925, p. 88 ff
Interesting collection including Suck, first European sexpaper
no. 4 (1970), 9 nos. of Aloha magazine, 5 nos. of Rolling Stone
magazine, 3 nos. of the rock culture newspaper Crawdaddy,
the documentation dossier Underground. Het andere Amerika
(1971), a study dossier on subculture and student movements
(1973), two editions of the information magazine on communes
‘Cormallen’, the collected Trashman by Spain Rodriguez, vol. 1.
no. 1 and the vol. II no. 1 issue of Zygote magazine.
In good condition
From the early days of football
SPORTS - MULIER, W. Athletiek en voetbal. Haarlem, De
Erven Loosjes, (1894). 8vo. Orig. half cloth, illustrated
boards. With numerous plates and ills. in text on athletics
and football. (8), 188 pp.
First edition of a short history of physical exercises and sports
with emphasis on the recently founded Dutch football clubs and
the beginnings of the new Olympics. Good copy (some pp. with
torn of lower blank corner; some pp. loosening in spine)
- - ROSSEM, G. van. IXe Olympiade. Officieel gedenkboek van
de spelen der IXe Olympiade Amsterdam 1928. Amst., J.H. de
Bussy, 1930. Large 4to. Original blue cloth. Numerous
illustrations and 3 folding tables. 1042 pp. Together with: (2)
GEUDEKKER, Kick. Helsinki 1952. Amst., Cigarettenfabriek
J. van Kerckhof, (1952). Oblong folio. Half cloth, illustrated
boards. 35, (1) p. With the portraits of the athletes tipped
Ad 1: Very good copy.- (Spine slightly damaged at top and
bottom, with an official ‘Dienstkaart voor studentendienst’
(M.F. Breen) for the games of 1928 and a ‘Donateurskaart’ (D.F.
WORT, H. van. H. van Wort. (Account book of a coffin maker).
1844-1924. Modern cloth, spine and cover lettered in gilt,
with bookmarker. 92 pp. With separate the orig. paper
Heartbreaking manuscript of the account book of the
coffin maker H. van Wort: “1848 September: Een Doodkisje
voor het Kindje van Benz Kooy Het Kisje met bekleedsel,
2,00 Voldaan”. The records contain a.o. dates, names and
prices. Good condition
Muzhona also lives and works in Tengenenge, Zimbabwe. Good
condition. Provenance: Private collection, The Netherlands
holding his feet). Sculpture, serpentine, Signed ‘KAMBEU’
and numbered in black marker ‘124’ (bottom). 28 x 20 x 50
Kambeu Chikwanda, born in 1946 in Malawi. He came to
Zimbabwe in 1963 to find a job. He was a general worker on
several farms. Then he went to the village Tengenenge in 1979,
Zimbabwe. The village is an open-air gallery. More than 11.000
sculptures are exhibited, made by over 300 different sculptors,
ANONYMOUS. (An elegant lady). Mixed media over a
printed base on cardboard. 50 x 28 cm.
Few dents and some scratching. Nicely framed
each having their own style, performance and stand. Good
condition. Provenance: Private Collection, The Netherlands
- - MANZI, Moveti (1964-). (Standing figure). Sculpture,
serpentine. 68 x 29 x 16 cm.
Manzi is a well known African sculptor. He also lives and works
in Tengenenge, Zimbabwe. Good condition. Provenance: Mega
Gallery, Ede; Private collection, The Netherlands
- - MUZHONA. (Sitting figure). Sculpture, serpentine,
inscribed and signed ‘MROHAKANETSA. MUZHONA’ and
in black marker ‘X’ (bottom). 72 x 50 x 23 cm. (900-1.200)
-. (Children standing on the ice, skating couple in the background).
Pencil, ink and watercolour on paper. Signed with initials
(?) (lower left). (9,5 x 14 cm).
Nice winter scene in contemp. gilt frame
-. (Landscape with trees). Oil on paper. 17 x 23,5 cm.
Very fine colouring. Good condition. Framed under passepartout
Hors commerce copy. Superb production with all the lithos as
loose sheets inserted. Very good condition, bright and fresh
colours, tear in bottom slipcase
-. (Still life with fruit, bottle and glass). Oil on panel. 30 x 45 cm.
Very attractive painting. Few small paintlosses, some crackles,
otherwise in good condition
APPEL, Karel (1921-2006) - SCHIERBEEK, Bert. A beastdrawn man. 7 Lithos by Karel Appel/Text by Bert Schierbeek. Amst.,
De Bezige Bij, [±1963]. Elephant folio. Cloth with mounted
photo of Appel and Schierbeek by Ed VAN DER ELSKEN.
In orig. plastic entitled slipcase. The 7 colour lithos are
handmade and were printed on Arches paper, signed in
pencil ‘appel’ (lower right), 5x 50 x 40 cm. and 2x 50 x 82
cm., folded. Limited edition of 75 numb. copies, signed by
artist and writer and a few H.C. copies (40) pp.
APPEL, Karel (1921-2006). (Composition with Figures).
Lithograph printed in black and blue on cream paper,
inscribed ‘e a’ (lower right), signed ’appel’ (lower left).
Sheet 28 x 24 cm.
‘Épreuve d’artiste’ (e a). Watermarked ‘Rives’. Very fine.
Reverse corners of the sheet tipped to the backing board. Good
condition and nicely framed; with passe-partout. Provenance:
Private collection; Galerie Krikhaar Amsterdam
ARNTZ, Gerd (1900-1989). Budapest ‘56. Linocut on Japan,
signed and dated ‘G. Arntz 1957/’86’ (lower right) and
numbered 45/60 (lower left), with margins. L. 21 x 30 cm.;
S. 32,5 x 41 cm.
Very fine. The paper slightly yellowed. Framed behind glass
BIERENBROODSPOT, Gerti (1940-). (Mummy). Ink,
pastel and gouache on paper. 23 x 6 cm.
BERSERIK, Herman (1921-2002). Buitengaats. Lithograph
printed in colours on paper, signed ‘Berserik’ (lower left) and
numbered 16/125. L. 46 x 56,5 cm.; S. 55 x 64,8 cm.
Very nice, small but impressive drawing. Mounted in passepartout with gilt framing lines in gilt frame. A soft horizontal
fold and few minor nicks in the left edge, otherwise apparently
in good condition
Watermarked ‘BFK RIVES’, a soft fold in the lower left corner,
otherwise generally in very good condition
-. (Egyptian figure). Black ink and wash on cardboard, signed
‘Gerti’ and dated ‘15/3/83’ (lower right). 39 x 21 cm.
In nice gilt frame. Good condition
-. Oplontis. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Dated ‘86’,
inscribed with title ‘Oplontis’ and signed ‘Gerti’ (lower
right). 61 x 90 cm.
KANDINSKY. Good condition, some chafings along the edges of
the arm-rests, one with adjustments to the joining of the tubes
underneath the seat
Mounted in passe-partout and nice gilt frame. Good condition
BOOGERS, Ad (1951-). (Pastel). Watercolour on wove
paper, signed and dated ‘Ad Boogers ‘86’ (lower right). 70 x
58 cm.
Framed. Good condition
-. (Green). Watercolour on wove paper, signed and dated
‘Ad Boogers ‘93’ (lower right). 75 x 55 cm.
Framed under passe-partout. Good condition
BREUER, Marcel (1902-1981). The Wassily Chair (2 x).
Dark brown leather, polished steel tubes, blindstamped
signature ‘Marcel Breuer’ (in the leather back support
upper left). 75 x 78 x 65 cm.
In 1925 Breuer designed this chair for the artist Wassily
BROEKSMIT, Frederika Henriëtte (1875-1945). (Peat
boats on a river). Etching on Japan vélin, signed in pencil ‘F.H.
Broeksmit’ (lower right) and numbered ‘16’ (lower left). P.
29 x 39 cm. S. 43 x 58 cm.
Together with: (Machine shed and grain-elevator). Aquatint on
Japan Vergé, signed in pencil ‘Fr.H. Broeksmit’ (lower right) and
inscribed with title ‘Loods en Graanelevator’ (lower left). L. 31 x
27 cm., S. 56 x 46 cm. Good condition, very fine
Accordionist). Lithograph in colour on beige paper, 1957. 36,2
x 54,4 cm.
Good condition (Sl. browned, light brown staines), framed behind
glass. From: Derrière le Miroir, 1957, the edition of 6000 copies. Provenance: Centaur Art Galleries, Las Vegas. Mourlot 204; Cramer 34
BYTEBIER, Jean-Marie
(1963-). Van pool tot pool.
Mixed media on paper
with type ‘De schedel 504’,
signed ‘Bytebier’ (lower
right). 39 x 29 cm.
Good condition, the reverse
mounted on paper and
framed. Provenance: Private
collection the Netherlands;
Galerie Nouvelles Images,
Den Haag
CHAGALL, Marc (1887-1985) manner of. (Blue tree and
figures). Lithograph in colour on beige paper. 36,4 x 47,7 cm.
Good condition, framed (without glass)
CANTRÉ, Jozef (1890-1957). Hond (Dog). Woodcut on Japan,
signed and dated in pencil ‘Jozef Cantré, 1920’ (lower right),
and inscribed with title ‘Hond, handdruk’ (lower left), signed
with initials in the block (lower left). 16,6 x 14,3 cm.
Good condition (brown stain upper left)
CHAGALL, Marc (1887-1985) by J. LASSAIGNE. (The
CHAGALL, Marc (1887-1985). (La Poule aux oeufs d’or).
Etching on cream paper, watermarked ‘BFK Rives’. Part II,
no. 61 from the series ‘Fables’ by La Fontaine. 200 copies. P.
29,4 x 23,7 cm. S. 39 x 30 cm.
Good condition
-. (Le chartrier embourbé). Etching on cream paper. Part II, no.
72 from the series ‘Fables’ by La Fontaine. 200 copies. P. 29 x
23,9 cm. S. 39 x 30 cm.
With separate the text ‘Le Chartrier embourbé’ on double sided
printed wove paper. 39 x 29 cm. Good condition
Bernard Daneau in separate booklet. Large folio oblong.
Steenschrijvers 2
No. I of VIII Roman numb. signed copies hors commerce. Very
fine condition
CREMER, Jan. Barbare II. Monochrome red with relief of
plaster on board, signed ‘Cremer’ and dated ‘58’ (lower
right). 172 x 219 cm. Decor object for the play ‘Ik Jan
Cremer. De onverbiddelijke Rock-opera’, used on stage.
-. (The Prophet Daniel in the Lion’s Den). Lithograph in colour
on beige paper, 1955. 35,8 x 26,2 cm.
Good condition, framed behind glass with passe-partout. From:
Verve, 1956, nos. 33/34, the edition of 6500 copies. Provenance:
Centaur Art Galleries, Las Vegas. Mourlot 142; Cramer 25
COUZIJN, Wessel (1912-1984). Il. [Den Haag, W.A. Palm,
1966]. 12 loose sheets in dec. cloth portfolio, 1 etching, 2
lithographes and 9 prints mixed technique, ± 40 x 50 cm.
Printed by hand by P. CLEMENT, Amst. in 83 copies on
Hahnemühle Bütten. Typograhy W. SANDBERG. Text by
In 1958 Cremer exposed a painting titled ‘Barbare’, a large work
with relief in a monochrome red. Our painting is titled Barbare II.
According to Freddy de Vree in 1957 Cremer made the foundation
for what he later called ‘Peinture Barbarisme’, a style in which
he kept painting until 1962. Monumental and very special item
made under supervison of the artist and used for his Rock-opera.
Small defects, very few unobtrusive paintlosses, plaster sl. cracked
in the middle where the 2 pieces of board join. Generally in good
condition. The boards mounted on wooden support structure.
Provenance: Praxino Pictures B.V., the producer of the play ‘Ik
Jan Cremer. De onverbiddelijke Rock-opera’. Freddy de Vree. Jan
Cremer, Antwerpen, 1985, p. 6. Very large, impressive piece. To be
bought first and then select a couch
DAKE, Carel Lodewijk
(1857-1918). Slootkant.
Etching on chine collé,
after a painting by Willem
Maris, signed in the plate
‘Carel L. Dake aq’ and
‘Willem Maris’ (lower
right), with margins,
published by Scheltema
en Holkema, Amst./
London. P. 61,5 x 45 cm.; Sight 80 x 56 cm.
In good condition. Framed
DAMAVE, Poppe (1921-1988). London. (50 x 62,5 cm).
Undated watercolour view of the city of London, signed
in the lower left corner. Poppe Damave (1921-1988) was a
member of ‘De Groep’.
Scheen I, p. 241. Very good condition.- (Under passe partout,
edges browned)
-. (View of a village). Pencil and watercolour on paper.
Signed ‘Poppe Damave’ (lower right) and dated ‘1958’
(lower left). 8.7 x 13.1 cm.
Soft folds to the left, otherwise in good condition, mounted in
DINGS, Nicolas (1953-). Kleine meesters (naar C. van
Everdingen). Gouache on paper, signed ‘Nicolaas Dings’ and
dated (lower right). 58 x 42 cm.
Good condition. The upper reverse corners tipped to the
mount. Framed. Provenance: Private collection the Netherlands;
Galerie de Zaal, Delft
-. Pestvogel 1. Sculpture, bronze. 58 x 19 x 14 cm.
Very nice. In good condition. Provenance: Galerie De Zaal, Delft;
Private Collection, The Netherlands
DE MESQUITA, Samuel Jessurun (1868-1944). (Sleeping
woman). Etching with drypoint, on wove paper, signed in
pencil ‘Jessurun de Mesquita’ (lower right) and signed and
dated in the plate ‘Jessurun de Mesquita 1917’ (lower left),
with margins. P. 39 x 67,5 cm.; Sight 41,5 x 69 cm.
Very fine. Good condition, framed under passe-partout.
Provenance: Private collection the Netherlands; Uri Premselaar
Amsterdam; Christie’s, Amsterdam
-. Pestvogel 2. Sculpture, bronze. 46 x 9 x 18 cm. (1.300-1.800)
Very nice. In good condition. Provenance: Galerie De Zaal, Delft;
Private Collection, The Netherlands
DRAWINGS & PRINTS - Album containing numerous loosely
inserted drawings, watercolours, engravings, lithographs and photographs
on paper on various subjects and one sm. painting on linen of a landscape.
The album: late 18th century; the contents: 18th-late 19th
century. The album: large folio (59 x 39 cm.); the contents
variously sized. Late 18th-century vellum. (84) blank lvs.
for the album.
Incl. (pencil)drawings and watercolours with naval scenes,
landscapes, animals, flowers, etc. etc. mainly anonymous but
some signed Lebourue, BNM, F. Smissaert, G. van der Reijden,
etc. The engravings and lithographs show views of cities,
churches and costumes. Incl. a black and white watercolour
naval scene after the engraving ‘Gezigt aan De Helder’ by D.
de Jongh, which was published in the ‘Atlas van de zeehavens
der Bataafsche Republiek’ (Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp, 1805). In
good condition.- (The binding used and ties gone; the contents
with occ. waterstaining)
EEKMAN, Nikolaas Mathijs (1889-1973). (A man with four
dogs). Woodcut on Japan, signed ‘Eekman’ (lower right),
monogrammed in red pencil (lower left). 24,6 x 27,7 cm.
Good condition (sl. browned), framed behind glass with passepartout
-. Old woman with dog.
Etching, signed ‘Eekman’
(lower right), numb. ‘4/50’
and monogrammed in
red ink (lower left). P. 30 x
23,5 cm. S. 50 x 40 cm.
Remarkable image with
old woman with knitting
needles, one in her hair, the
other in her hand in front
of the dog. Good condition
(paper browned, edges sl. wrinkled)
-. (Portret of an old woman). Pencil and ink on paper, signed
‘Eekman’ (lower right). 30,8 x 17,3 cm.
Good condition (unevenness in paper), framed behind glass
-. Visschende jongens (fishing boys). Pencil on paper, signed and
inscribed with title ‘Eekman, visschende jongens schets’
(lower right), monogrammed in red pencil (lower right).
24,8 x 19,2 cm.
Very fine drawing. Good condition (sl. browned), framed behind
-. (A young nude standing). Lithograph printed in colour
on wove paper, 1918. Signed in pencil and signed in
stone ‘Eekman’ (lower
right) and numbered
‘42/50’ (lower left),
monogrammed in red
pencil (lower right). 49,9 x
31,4 cm.
Good condition, framed
behind glass with passepartout
woodcuts, printed on Toshi,
signed ‘Eekman’ (lower right)
and numb. ‘190’ in pencil. On
the final woodcut red stamp
with his initials (lower left).
Good condition (paper browned).
Very fine and expressionistic
dance of death
ELST, Walter (1955-). (Standing horse). Oil on board, signed
and dated ‘Walter Elst 2000 Fecit’ (lower left). 27 x 35 cm.
Very fine painting with an uncommun subject for “The Master
of Still Life”, Walter Elst. Framed. Good condition
GERLACH, H. (Still life with flowers). Oil on board, signed
‘H. Gerlach’ (lower left). 21 x 130 cm.
Nice painting. Good condition (matted). Nicely framed
-. Fenaisons en Auvergne. (Landscape in Auvergne, France).
Watercolour on paper, 1920. Signed, dated and inscribed
with title ‘Eekman, ‘20, fenaisons en Auvergne’ (lower
left). 60 x 45,7 cm.
Good condition (bumps in paper), framed behind glass
-. Dood-dans. In zeven tempo’s. Paris, n. publ., 1924. Small
folio. Leporello in printed wr. With woodcut title and 7
HEEL, Jan van (1898-1990).
La négresse. Gouache on paper
of a black woman, signed
and dated in pen ‘jan v heel
La négresse paris 49’ (lower
right). 22.5 x 33.5 cm.
In very good condition.- (Upper
left corner with tiny tear).
Pasted on board 48.5 x 30 cm.
-. Negerpop. Oil on canvas. 1964, signed ‘jan v heel’ (lower
right), inscribed with title, dated and signed again ‘jan v
heel ‘64 negerpop’ (on the reverse). 60 x 50 cm.
Very fine painting. Good condition. Framed
-. (A landscape). Gouache on paper, signed and dated in pen
‘jan v heel 73’ (bottom). 25 x 20.5 cm.
With ms. dedication in pen at bottom dated 1974. Pasted on
board. In very good condition
HEIDENDAEL, Lau (1946-). (Still life). Oil and tempera on
canvas, signed and dated ‘L Heidendael 90’ (lower right). 65
x 60 cm.
In good condition, framed
HOOPE, Bob ten (1920). (Lying nude). Black crayon and
watercolour on cream paper, signed, ‘ten Hoope’ (lower
right). 45 x 55 cm.
HIRST, Damien (1965-) - SABBAG, Robert. Snowblind.
A brief career in the cocaine trade. Intr. Howard MARKS. Mixed
media sculpture, mirror-bound book with all edges silver.
In fitting slipcase, with the orig. cardboard numb. box.
With bookmark with faux American Express card, and
rolled $100 bill in special hole in the centre of p. 85-212,
no. 41 of 1000 copies. Signed by the authors and Damien
HIRST on title. 22,9 x 14,8 cm.
Damien Hirst: “It is quite cheap in terms of my work, but
expensive in terms of a book. But I have signed cigarette butts in
the past, and they have been going at auction for three hundred
pounds. So when you compare it to that, it is a bargain really.”
Good condition.- (A few bumps in the middle, small tears upper
edge). Framed. Together with: (Standing nude). Print in colour,
signed (lower right). 63 x 27 cm. and: an invitation, prospectus
(2x) and 3 posters for his exposition in Laren, 1968 (6)
HOYTEMA, Theo van (1863-1917). (Birds). Three
lithographs on paper, framed together. 1912. All signed
with initials ‘TH’. 12,8 x 18,6 cm. (each).
Written on verso ‘1912, links October, midden November, rechts
Juli’ (left, middle, right). Apparently in very good condition,
framed under passe-partout
HUBRECHT, Marie. (Underwater scene), as published in
Verdwenen Werelden. Visie van het leven der verschillende aardperiodes.
[The Hague, Van Stockum, 1936]. Watercolour on paper,
monogrammed (lower right). 25 x 33 cm. With 3 different
orig. paper wrappers in Dutch, English and French of the
original publication by Marie Hubrecht and Theodore
Monod and 1 printed plate of another watercolour by
Fine colored painting of the deep sea life. In passe-partout
corners, a tear in the upper right (sellotape on verso).
Some staining. Framed
KANTERS, Hans (1947-). Wroeging. Oil on board, 46 x
38 cm. Inscribed with title and dated ‘wroeging ‘‘81’ and
signed ‘Hans Kanters’ (on the reverse).
IEPEREN, Johan Hendrik van (1909-1995). (A house with
garden). Oil on board, signed ‘v. Ieperen’ (lower right). 76 x
63,5 cm.
Good condition, nicely framed. Very attractive painting. On the
reverse another painting by the same hand: a still life with vase,
apparently unfinished
JANSEN, Frederik
Johannes (1856-1928).
(A seated lady with a girl
on her lap). Charcoal on
paper. 6,5 x 49,5 cm.
The sheet yellowed, edges
sl. damaged, a paperloss
in the lower right corner.
Pinholes in the upper
Very fine painting, in good condition, framed. K. Nieuwenhuis,
Hans Kanters, Amst., Galerie Lieve Hemel Editions, 1987, F.
Duister, Hans Kanters, Amst., Galerie Hellingman, 1992; G.
Frenkel Frank, Hans Kanters - Het eeuwige circus van de
verbeelding, Wormer, 1997, p. 58
KLOPPENBURG, Jacobus (1930-). (Animals observed by nude
painter). Pastel on paper, 1993. 65 x 100 cm.
Kloppenburg has been active as an artist since 1943, his studies
include design, typography and architecture. His life work, the
mega-sculpture ‘the Artchive for the Future’ was removed from
his atelier on the orders of the City of Amsterdam, and still is
the subject of ongoing actions. Good condition (4 pinholes in
the corners and 7 pinholes along the edges). In passe-partout,
framed behind glass. Provenance: Private collection the
KONING, Dirk (1888-1978).
(Centipede and Abstract decoration).
Paintings behind glass (one
behind green glass), signed and
inscribed ‘D. Koning Blaricum,
1957’ (on the reverse). Each 10
x 6 cm.
Sticked on piece of board.
Together with: Dirk Koning. Org.
wr. Catalogue with 12 ills. of his
paintings 1916 - 1920. Oblong.
Good condition (2 black stains
cover). Dirk Koning was married
to Lou LOEBER and lived and worked together with her in
Blaricum. Provenance: a gift from the artist to the former owner
when she was a child
KUITWAARD, Christiaan (1965-). (Still life with bananas).
Acrylic on canvas, signed with initials and dated ‘CK . 5 5
98’ (lower right). 40 x 40 cm.
In good condition. Framed
-. (Treetrunks). Acrylic on canvas, signed with initials and
dated ‘CK 4.1.1999’ (lower left). 30 x 40 cm.
In good condition. Framed
-. (Bowl). Acrylic on canvas laid down on panel, signed
with initials and dated ‘CK 14 10 2003’ (lower left). 50 x 50
In good condition. Framed
board, signed (unreadable, lower left). 17,3 x 13,5 cm.
Characteristic picture of a farmer. Very fine painting in the
manner of the ‘Larense school’. Good condition.- (A few little
white spots). Nicely framed
-. (Chair). Acrylic on canvas, signed with initials and dated
‘CK 25 2 2003’ (lower left). 80 x 60 cm.
In good condition. Framed
LECK, Bart van der (1876-1958) (manner of). (Moored
ship). Linocut printed in colours on thin Japan, inscribed
D48 and 25,- in the sheet margin. 26 x 37 cm. (900-1.100)
Very interesting print which might be related to the lithographic
poster Batavierlijn (1916) by Bart van der Leck. The present lot is
likely to be an artist’s proof. Several creases in the sheet corners
and the margins, a paper loss in the right sheet corner, a short
slit in the right margin, printed somewhat out of register, the
margins printed as well, generally in good condition
LECK, Bart van der (1876-1958). Het hooglied van Salomo.
Amst., Versluys, 1905. Orig. half cloth with dec. boards
in Art Nouveau style, uncut. Fully lithographed in
sepia and olive green, ills. and decoration by VAN DER
LECK, lettering by KLAARHAMER. No. 100 of 250 copies
(according to the accompanied prospectus). (2),35,(3) pp.
With separate printed ‘Toelichting’, monogrammed by Van der
Leck and Klaarhamer, sheet 21,7 x 13,7 cm. Good condition,
ills. very fresh (corners sl. bumped, some stains, prospectus
browned). Not in Braches, Nieuwe Kunst, toegepaste grafiek;
Blotkamp, C., Vilmos Huszar; Bart van der Leck; Robert van
‘t Hoff; Gerrit Rietveld, De Beginjaren van De Stijl. 1917-1922.,
Utrecht (1986) p. 78-121; no. 154
(LARENSE SCHOOL). (Portrait of a farmer, Laren). Oil on
LELIVELT, T (?). (A rustic scene at the waterfront with mill,
peasants and sailing boats). Drawing in pencil and black ink on
wove paper, illegibly signed ‘T. Lelivelt’ (?) and dated ‘1789’
(lower right) 16,5 x 25,3 cm.
van (1886-1974). (Playing
children in front of a cathedral).
Etching on paper, signed
‘WvLeusden’’ (lower
right) and numbered
‘37/100’ (lower left).
40,5 x 22,5 cm.
Good condition (frame sl.
dam.). Framed under passepartout
Fine drawing. The sheet sl. yellowed, a small hole in the upper
left, a foxmark, two small brown stains, a crease with minor
gluestaining in the upper right corner. Mounted in passepartout and framed behind glass
LIÈVRE, Pascal (1963-) Greco “La tentation de St. Antoine”
Version lavande/rose. Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated
‘LIEVRE 2004’ and titled on the reverse. 100 x 81 cm.
In good condition. Unframed
LODEIZEN, Frank (1931-). (Afgebrande lucifers - Burned
matches). Multimedia, signed and dated in pen ‘frank
lodeizen 93’ (lower right). The matches are pasted on
paper. 26 x 38 cm.
In good condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame). Framed
-. ’Bert Schierbeek’. Number 2
of 7. Etching showing the
head of Bert Schierbeek
en face, signed and dated
in pencil ‘frank lodeizen
‘85’ (lower right) P. 19.5 x
20 cm. S. 25 x 33 cm.
LOEBER, Lou (1894-1983). (Boy sitting on a stove). Charcoal
on paper, dated and signed with initials ‘LL ‘23’ (lower
left). 48 x 32 cm.
Generally in good condition, the left sheet edge browned, the
sheet slightly yellowed. Very nicely framed with sheet partial
glued on board, 8 pinholes along the edges. Expressive drawing
with pre-cubist elements
-. (Flowers in vase).
Linocut, with margins, signed in full ‘Lou Loeber‘ (lower
right). 24,3 x 24,7 cm.
Apparently in very good condition. Flowers in pre-cubist style,
framed under passe-partout in wooden frame
In good condition, laid down
-. Bevrijde Stad II. Pencil and yellow and blue pastel on
tracing paper, inscribed with date and title ‘”Bevrijde stad
II” 1947’ and numbered and signed with initials ‘LL 113’
(lower left). 25,5 x 16,5 cm.
Design sketch for a painting. Generally in good condition, nicely
framed. Paper partially pasted to the passe-partout, two pinholes
(upper corners)
LOHMANN, Theo (1880-1963). (Village with church).
Etching, signed ‘Theo Lohmann’ (lower right) and
numbered ‘10/25’, signed and dated in the plate ‘’24’. P. 20 x
14,7 cm. S. 34 x 25,7 cm.
Image in good condition (paper edges dirty, some knicks, one
corner folded). Together with: Willem ARONDEUS (1894 - 1943).
De doode tuin. Coverill. in brown ink on creme paper, signed
‘Willem Arondeus’ (lower left). 30,3 x 19 cm. Good condition (3
small tears right edge, some vague folds) and 2 other (4)
LUCEBERT (1924-1994). (Two fantasy animal figures). Brown
ink on paper, signed ‘lucebert’ and dated ‘8 XI ‘52’ (lower
right). Sight 18 x 25,8 cm.
Sheet slightly yellowed, otherwise apparently in good condition.
Nicely framed under passe-partout
-. (Violet head). Mixed media on paper, signed in orange \
-. (Left foot). Black ink on cream paper, signed with initials
(lower right). 21,3 x 17 cm.
Fine condition. Framed with passe-partout behind glass
-. (Musical instruments). Black ink on cream paper, signed
with initials (lower left). 21,3 x 17 cm.
Fine condition. Framed with passe-partout behind glass
‘lucebert’ (lower left) and dated in blue ‘75.VIII.15’ (lower
right). 50 x 64 cm.
MAUVE, Anton (1838-1888). (A shepherd and his sheep).
Pastel on paper, signed ‘AM’ (lower right). 27,5 x 43,4 cm.
Very fine painting. Good condition, framed behind glass
In very good condition, framed
MASEREEL, Frans (1889-1972). (Coffin). Black ink on
cream paper, signed with initials (lower left). 21,3 x 17 cm.
Fine condition. Framed with passe-partout behind glass
-. (Florist with flowers). Black ink on cream paper, signed with
initials (lower right). 21,3 x 17 cm.
Fine condition. Framed with passe-partout behind glass
-. (Interior). Black ink on cream paper, signed with initials
(lower right). 21,3 x 17 cm.
Fine condition. Framed with passe-partout behind glass
MENSION, Cornelis Jan (1882-1950). (Various animals
portrayed in Artis). Twenty separate sheets with sketchbook
drawings in charcoal, some in felttip pen, some washed,
two with additional red chalk, one signed with initials.
Each 27,5 x 36 cm.
All generally in very good condition. Skillful characterizations
of the Zoo’s animals
Lithograph printed in colours, signed ‘E.a.T. Mesens’
(lower right) and inscribed ‘H.C.’. L. 48 x 36,8 cm.; S. 50,5 x
66 cm.
Nice colourful and decorative composition. E.L.T. Mesens was a
Belgian artist and writer influenced by the Surrealist movement.
Watermarked Arches France, the sheet slightly browned, with
soft creasing and wear at the sheet edges, one small soft crease in
the composition
MIZAR (?). (Two lying women). Pen and watercolour on
wove paper watermarked ‘Fabriano’, signed and dated
‘Mizar ‘98’’ (lower left). 22 x 29,7 cm.
Together with: two prints in colour, 1 by SABRI and 1 by Ahmed
NASSEER, both signed and dated resp. ‘1998’ and ‘1997’. resp.
20,5 x 26,5 cm. and 27 x 18,5 cm.
All three in good condition, two under passe-partout
MESENS, Edouard Léon Théodore (1903–1971).
(Composition with coloured squares, type and geometrical shapes).
MONTYN, Jan (1924-). (Composition with Figures). Etching,
aquatint (brown) on cream paper, inscribed ‘2/8 eigen
druk’ (lower left), signed ’Montyn’ and dated ‘’62’ (lower
right). Sight 45 x 31,5 cm.
Fine etching, figures based on children’s drawings. The sheet
slightly browned, with two or three foxmarks, otherwise
Very fine painting, in good condition, framed. Provenance:
Christie’s 2006; Private collection, the Netherlands
apparently in good condition and nicely framed under passepartout
MOUCHERON, Isaac de (1670-1744) (Attributed). (View
of Italy, surroundings of Florence). Brown ink and watercolour,
heightened with white. 26 x 34 cm.
Dutch School. The white with some cracking, otherwise good
condition. Nicely framed under passe-partout. Provenance:
Private collection the Netherlands
PONSIOEN, Joh. (1900-1969). (Still life with an egg on a plate,
pots and a chili pepper on a table). Oil on board, 24 x 38.5 cm.
signed ‘joh.ponsioen’ (lower right).
-. (Worker in the harbour in front of a ship). Charcoal, black, red
and white chalk and ochre watercolour on paper, 90 x 51,5
cm., signed ‘Joh. Ponsioen’ (upper right).
Great drawing in Toorop style. The sheet partially browned, a
paperwave, with traces of white paint along the edges, a small
tear upper centre (1 cm.). Framed. Provenance: Christie’s 2006;
Private collection, the Netherlands
in ink by the artist to the family (of Jan?) van Heel. In good
condition.- (Sm. holes of drawing-pin in each corner; upper
margin with sm tear)
POTIER, Michel. Portrait
of a woman and a man.
Watercolour, signed in pen
‘Potier’ (lower right). Ca.
1970 (?). 19 x 25,5 cm.
In very good condition
-. (Still life with flowers in vase). Oil on board, 38,5 x 24 cm.
signed ‘joh.ponsioen’ and dated ‘‘53’ (lower left,
upside down).
Painted over an earlier work (signature upside down belongs
to the former painting). Few small paintlosses, otherwise in
good condition, framed. Provenance: Christie’s 2006; Private
collection, the Netherlands
PORY, Isabel. A coloured
people family (man, woman
and one child). Gouache
on strong paper, signed
bottom left in black paint.
(Ca. 1970?). 38 x 28 cm.
With 3-line French ms.
dedication bottom right
RADEMAKER, Abraham. After Herman SAFTLEVEN.
(View from the town rampart of Utrecht on the ‘Bemuurde Weerd’ and
the ‘Westerstroom’ which flows underneath the bridge in the front into the
outer canal). Brown ink, brown wash on laid paper, 11,5 x
16,3 cm., with brown ink framing lines.
Good condition. Tipped on the upper margin, small fold lower
right corner, small paper loss in the left sheet edge, two tiny
paper losses in the lower left corner. In passe-partout
ROELANDSE, J.C. (1888-1978). (Resting workhorse). Crayon
and waterpaint on paper, signed ’J.C. Roelandse’ (lower
right). 12,1 x 18,1 cm.
J.C. Roelandse was a member of ‘Ars Aemula Naturae’ in Leiden
and a friend of Floris VERSTER and W.H. VAN DER NAT. His
impressionistic style was influenced by ‘De Haagse School’.
Apparently in good condition, nicely framed under passepartout. Provenance: Kunsthandel Simonis & Buunk
Eenhoornpers, [1945]. Loose sheets in portfolio. 13 original
drawings in ink for the publication of the Eenhoornpers.
± 21,5 x 31,5 cm., all signed or monogrammed, all
mounted in passe-partouts, together in portfolio with
mounted plate.
Fine line-drawings with the original plate for the title with part
of an other drawing on the reverse. Portfolio sl. dam. Good
(twentienth century).
(Geometrical composition).
Colour crayon on paper,
heightened with white,
monogrammed (lower
left of composition), 1928.
30 x 23 cm.
Interesting composition
combining circles and
rectangular shapes showing
affinity with Constructivism.
Paper browned, to a lesser
degree along the upper and
lower edges, few undisturbing foxmarks, a slight wave in the
upper edge, the lower sheet edge unevenly cut. Framed
RÖLING, Marte (1939 -). (Portrait of Queen Beatrix).
Silkscreen on paper, signed and dated ‘Marte Röling 1990’
(lower right) and numb. ‘68/200’ (lower left). 71 x 80 cm.
Famous portrait of the Queen. Good condition. Framed behind
ROZENDAAL, W.J. (1899-1971). (Nudes). Breda,
-. (Geometrical composition). Gouache on paper, signed and
dated (lower right). 41 x 28,5 cm.
Colourful composition. Very good condition.- (Paper slightly
browned). Framed
-. Reiger. Naardermeer. (Heron. Naardermeer). Pencil and crayon
on cream paper, signed with initials and dated ‘L S. 1930’
(lower left). Inscribed with title ‘reiger. Naardermeer’
(upper right). 25,3 x 35,8 cm.
-. (Geometrical composition). Colour crayon on paper,
heightened with white, monogrammed (lower centre). 50
x 32 cm.
A small skinned patch and a nick in the lower right sheet
corner, indentations of previous mounting along the upper
sheet edge, the reverse with residual papertape at the upper
edge, otherwise in good condition. Mounted in passe-partout
Interesting composition of flowing rounded shapes. Good
condition.- (Paper browned, to a lesser degree along the sheet
edges, some foxmarks, three pinholes in the upper edge).
SEEHAUS, Paul Adolf (1891-1919). Landscape with view
of a harbour and oriental church. 1917. Framed (27 x 36.5. cm).
Etching (ca. 16.5 x 11.5 cm.) on wove paper signed bottom
left ‘Seehaus 17’.
In very good condition.- (Unexamined out of the frame)
SCHELFHOUT, Lodewijk (1881-1943). (Forest). Oil on
panel, signed and dated ‘Louis Picnot Schelfhout, 1904’ (on
the reverse). 20,2 x 14,2 cm.
SELDERMANN, H. La Parade. Pen and watercolour on
paper, inscribed with title ‘La Parade’ (lower left). 28 x 21
Good condition, framed
Paper browned. Framed under passe-partout.
dated ‘Jan Sluijters Roma 12-2-05’ (upper left). 21 x 43 cm.
Good condition, a few short tears and some scratching, few
small paper losses. Nicely framed under silk covered passepartout. Provenance: Private collection the Netherlands;
Kunstgalerij Albricht, Vel
-. & Israel QUERIDO (Text). Advertising poster for the new
edition of ‘Amsterdamsch-epos’, published in three parts; Van Nes en
Zeedijk. De Jordaan. Manus Peet. Amst., Scheltens & Giltay,
(ca. 1925). Chromolithograph on linen with wooden stick
on both ends, 116 x 81 cm.
In good condition.- (Waterstaining on left side; few sm. losses on
former folds)
SLUIJTERS, Jan (1881-1957). (Dog, [Barzoj]). Black, blue
and red pencil on cream paper, signed in full ‘Jan Sluijters’
(lower right) 24 x 33,5 cm.
SNIJDER, Jan (1960-). (Tideline). Tempera on canvas,
signed and dated ‘Jan Snijder ‘99’ (on the reverse lower
right). 30 x 50 cm.
In good condition. Framed
Fine drawing. Good condition, nicely framed under double
passe-partout in gilt manufactured frame. Provenance: The
estate of Sluijters. With signed statement of authenticity by the
second son of the artist Robert Sluijters (on the reverse)
SPIER, Jo (1900-1978). Leidscheplein Oct. 1932. Drawing
in ink on brown paper, signed and inscribed ‘’Jo Spier
Leischeplein Oct. 1932’ (lower right). With 19 x 25,5 cm.
-. (Carriage with horse). Pastel on brown paper, signed and
Good condition (with some white watercolour spots on the
image). Framed under passe-partout. Together with: New
(lower right). Inscribed verso upper left with initial ‘S’ in
green crayon, the number ’160’ in red crayon, and date
‘1919’. 25,8 x 14 cm.
Interesting use of contrast between the female’s skin and
surrounding darkness. The paper browned along the sheet
edges, otherwise in very good condition
year’s greeting, print of a winter landscape, signed and inscribed
‘Gelukkig Nieuwjaar Jo en Tineke Spier 1/1 1951’ (lower left).
22,5 x 33 cm. Provenance: a gift from the artist to the former
STEINBERG, Saul (1914-1999). Derriere le miroir. Nos. 157
(1966), 192 (1971), 205 (1973), 241 (1980). Paris, Maeght,
1966-1980. 4 vols. Orig. wrappers. Illustrated. Folio.
Good copies
-. (A standing woman). Drawing in pen and black ink, signed
St. (lower right). 27,3 x 21,3 cm.
Lively and attractive sketch. Watermarked ‘BFK RIVES’, the
sheet faintly browned, to a lesser degree along the sheet
edges, some rippling in the left sheet edge, a narrow band of
gluestaining along the reverse sheet edges, the upper reverse
sheet edge glued to the passe-partout, generally in very good
STEINLEN, Théophile-Alexandre (1859-1923). (A female
figure in the dark). Black crayon on paper, signed ‘Steinlen’
-. (Four female portraits). Four sketches in pen and brush in
black ink on paper, each signed ‘St.’. Four different sizes
ranging from 6,4 - 12 cm. x 5,3 x 10,4 cm.
Four small separate sheets of paper, each with the upper reverse
sheet edge glued to the same passe-partout, one with a minor
gluestain on the reverse, otherwise in very good condition
-. (Three sketches of a woman). Black crayon on paper, signed
‘Steinlen’ (lower right). 26,4 x 17,8 cm.
Right hand part of an apparently previously larger sheet, with
uneven left edge, the sheet slightly browned, stronger along
the sheet edges, a small soft fold in the lower right corner, two
patches of glue with paper residues of former mounting in the
upper reverse sheet corners, generally in good condition
-. (Two figures). Pencil drawing on paper, signed ‘Steinlen’
(lower left). 23 x 16 cm.
Nice study in contrast. Watermarked ‘Arches Parchem gélatiné
pur fil’, gluestaining along the upper reverse sheet edge, a small
skinned patch in centre of the upper reverse edge, otherwise in
good condition
-. (Two kneeling female nudes tied in the dark; a veiled woman). Black
crayon on paper, signed ‘Steinlen’ (lower right). 16,2 x 26,3
Two kneeling female nudes with two small brown stains in the
thigh of the left figure, the reverse of the sheet glued in places to
the mount on which a second drawing, a veiled woman, in black
crayon is mounted. Together with: (four small drawings of boys
heads), each stamped ‘St.’ and mounted on a backing paper,
these glued into one passe-partout, two with scattered foxmarks
-. (Various subjects). Seven
lithographs, each signed
in the stone, some dated
or titled in the stone,
one numbered 168/400,
one inscribed ‘épreuve
d’artiste XIV’. Various
sizes from 23,5 x 17,5 cm.
up to 37,5 x 57,8 cm.
One sheet browned and
matstained, with paper
residues along the reverse
sheet edges, two sheets foxed, all but one mounted in a passepartout, some with gluestaining set off from the passe-partout’s
opening, few lesser defects
-. (Woman walking in the wind). Drawing in pen and ink on
paper, signed ‘Steinlen’ (lower right).
Vivedly sketched. The sheet faintly browned, to a lesser degree
along the sheet edges, some rippling in the left sheet edge, a
narrow band of guestaining along the reverse sheet edges, the
upper reverse sheet edge glued to the passe-partout, generally in
very good condition
-. (Various subjects, mainly
mothers and children). Seven
lithographs, two printed
in blue, five printed in
black, each signed in the
plate, one titled in the
stone, one printed on
cream background tone,
this lithograph dated 1915
in the stone and numb.
35/400. Sheets circa 38 x 28
cm., one 53 x 38 cm.
All but one with the upper reverse sheet edges glued onto a
STOFFERS, Elizabeth
(1881-1971). (Abstract
composition). Pastel on
paper, signed, dated and
monogrammed verso.
Sight 32 x 24 cm.
forest). Oil on canvas, signed ‘Kruijff’ (lower right). 17 x 29
In good condition. Framed
Composition in red and
green. Comparable pastels
by this artist were aquired
by the Centraal Museum
in Utrecht in 2000 with
the support of the Mondrian Foundation. Apparently in good
condition, unexamined out of the frame
-. (Owl). Oil on panel, signed ‘A.M. Stork-Kruijff’ and
dated (lower right). 25,5 x 24 cm.
-. (Abstract composition). Pastel on paper, signed, dated and
monogrammed (on the reverse). Sight 17 x 26,5 cm.
Composition in red and blue. Comparable pastels by this artist
were aquired by the Centraal Museum in Utrecht in 2000 with
the support of the Mondrian Foundation. Apparently in good
condition, unexamined out of the frame
Good condition, very nicely framed. Provenance: Private
collection the Netherlands
SURIE, Jacoba (18791970). (Portrait of a lady
with a hat, seated on a chair).
Pencil, black crayon and
watercolour on wove
paper. 49,5 x 41 cm. Study
of a standing nude lady
on verso. Pencil and black
crayon. With stamp:
”Nalatenschap J. Surie”
[estate of J. Surie] (lower
Good condition, (sheet edges browned, upper edge doubled
with a narrow strip of paper). Mounted in passe-partout
STORK-KRUIJFF, Anna Maria (1870-1946). (Girl in a
TOOROP, Jan (1858 - 1928). Domburg. Charcoal and pencil
on cream paper, signed ‘J Th Toorop’ and inscribed with
title ‘Domburg’ (lower centre). 11,5 x 15,3 cm. (1.000-1.200)
Design drawing for a painting, with handwritten colour
VEEN, Karel van (18981988). Kermis te Domburg.
Woodcut on Japan, signed
with initials in the block
(lower right). Sight 26 x
14,5 cm.
Nicely balanced print. Minor
creasing and a skinned patch
in the lower left, otherwise
apparently in very good
condition, framed under
indications. Very good condition. Framed under passe-partout
VELDHOEN, Aat (1934-). (Mother and child). Black ink on
paper, signed ‘Veldhoen’ (lower right). 48 x 34,5 cm.
Together with: (Portrait of a sleeping girl). Black ink on paper,
signed ‘Veldhoen’ (lower right). 32 x 49 cm. Lovely drawings.
Ad 1. Good condition (edges sl. browned, small piece of paper is
missing, some creases), Ad 2. Paper yellowed, folded right and
left edge, 8 pinholes, sl. dam.
-. (Two nuns in the train). Black crayon on paper, signed and
dated ‘Veldhoen VII 64’ (lower right). 48 x 34,5 cm. (50-70)
Good condition (edges sl. browned, some creases)
-. (Portrait of Christ). Lithograph, 1912, signed and dated on
the stone and signed again in pen ‘J Th Toorop’ (upper
right). 50 x 37 cm.
Very good condition. In passe-partout
-. (Pierrot-figure and naked woman kissing). Acrylic, oil and pencil
on canvas, signed and dated ‘19 Veldhoen 77’ (lower right).
36 x 30,5 cm.
Unframed. Bright coloured and cheerful painting
(1866-1944). (Chickens in farmyard). Oil on canvas, signed and
dated ‘E.v.d.Ven, 1904’ (lower left). 38,8 x 48,9 cm. (700-900)
Good condition (pinholes in the corners), framed
VOS, Peter (1935-). De reiger,
de vis. Lithograph on wove
paper, signed and dated
‘Vos ’73’ (lower right) and
numbered ‘23/75’, inscribed
with title. Sight 32 x 29 cm.
The sheet yellowed and
matstained, otherwise in good
condition. Framed under
passe-partout. Provenance:
Kunsthandel Jas, Utrecht; Private collection the Netherlands
-. (Two nudes). Acrylic on canvas, signed and dated ‘Veldhoen
98’ (upper left) and inscribed ‘Naar een schilderij van Gijs
Stuyling’ (upper right). 55,2 x 45,2 cm.
Good condition, nicely framed. Gijs Stuyling de Lange
(Amsterdam, 1947) is a colleague artist, specialized in graphic arts
VREDEN, Martin van (1952-). (Flowers). Acrylic on
canvas, signed and dated ‘Martin van Vreden 1999’ (on the
reverse). 121 x 100 cm.
Good condition, framed. Provenance: Private collection the
Netherlands; Galerie de Praktijk, Amsterdam
VEN, Emmanuel (Manus) Ernest Gerardus van der
VRIES, Erwin de (1929-). Erotic scenes. 3 gouaches on
watercolor paper, signed ‘Erwin’ and dated ‘72’ (twice lower
right and once upper right). 18,2 x 25,5 cm. (3x).
With catalogue with ills. [Sticusa and Prins Bernard Fonds,
1974]. Inscribed by the artist: “To Harry, Met dank voor de
werkzaamheden aan beeld Erotica, Erwin”. Very good condition,
fresh coloured
VUGHT, Reinoud van (1960-). (Two plants). Oil on
paper, signed and dated ‘Reinoud van Vught 2006’ (on the
reverse). 65 x 50 cm.
Good condition, unframed
WIEGERS, Jan (1893-1959). Lugano 1952. Wax crayon on
paper, signed ‘JanWiegers’ (lower right), inscribed and
dated ‘Lugano 1952’ (lower left). 38 x 50 cm., inscribed on
verso ‘San Salvatore’.
Few pinholes in the upper edge, the reverse matstained with
scattered foxmarks, strips of brown papertape along the reverse
left, lower and right edge, otherwise in good condition. In passepartout
ZADKINE, Ossip (1890-1967).
(Dancing figures). Lithograph
in colour on light brown
paper with blind stamped
mark (lower left), signed and
numbered ‘O. Zadkine’
(lower right), ‘187/250’
(lower left). L. 44,6 x 32,6 cm;
S. 55,5 x 37,5 cm.
Good condition (Sl. browned at
the edges), framed behind
Apparently very good condition. From the portfolio Guillaume
Apollinaire, Sept Calligrammes, Christophe Czwiklitzer, Paris, Basel
1967. Framed under passe-partout
ZWART, Willem de
(1862-1931). (Carriages at
the Buitenhof in The Hague).
Etching on wove paper,
signed ‘W de Zwart’
(lower right), numb. ‘99’
(lower left). 1885. 23,3 x
25,6 cm.
-. (L’infortune). Etching on paper, with margins, signed ‘O.
Zadkine’ (lower right) and numbered ‘103/375’ (lower
left). Sight 31 x 22 cm.
Apparently very good condition. Framed under passe-partout
-. (Sept Calligrammes). Etching on paper, signed ‘O. Zadkine’
(lower right) and numbered ‘A N 30/75’ (lower left). Sight
34,5 x 25 cm.
Good condition. R.W.P. de
Vries, Nederlandsche Grafische Kunstenaars uit het einde der negentiende en
het begin van de twintigste eeuw, Den Haag 1943, ill. nr. 48. In passepartout and framed
inscribed by Courbet
EVA BESNYÖ (1910-2003)
32 photos from the Milikowski-collection
BESNYÖ, Eva. Boy with bass, Hungary. Silver print, with
the photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva
Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1931, printed later. 40 x 38,9 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan. Eva Besnyö, een halve
eeuw werk, Amst. 1982, no. 12
selfportrait 1931
ANONYMOUS (manner of NADAR, Félix). Gustave
Courbet. Orig. photo, inscribed by the painter Gustave
Courbet: “A mon ami Antonin Goyers. Gustave Courbet”
(lower margin). ±1861. 17,2 x 25,8 cm., mounted on card
(21 x 33 cm.).
Minor condition.- (cut out card, with a few diagonal pencil
lines on the photo, some stains and indentations). Nice portrait
of the famous painter lying on the couch. With his autograph
inscription and signature in pen. His friend Antonin Goyers was
a Belgian artist who lived from 1826-1869
-. Selfportrait with camera. Silver print, with the
photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva
Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1931, printed later. 49,6 x 39,7 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, cover
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 24; 25; 27
-. Double shot of windows in Charley Toorop’s studio De Vlerken. Silver
print, with the photographer’s copyright stamp on the
reverse ‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam
tel. 123767’. 1934, printed later. 39,7 x 40,4 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E. Milikowski,
The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 35; Tineke de Ruiter. Besnyö
in Bergen, Antwerpen 2000, p. 21. Maria Austria Institute (MAI)
-. The slum Kiserdö, Hungary. Set of three silver prints: Feeding
the poor; Boy with bucket; Farmers. 1933, printed later. Each circa:
20 cm x 20,5 cm.
-. Unemployed men in front of a social security office. Silver print,
with the photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse
‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1936, printed later. 39,8 x 39,6 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Maria Austria Instituut (MAI)
4000015 (smaller image)
-. Fountain, world exhibition 1937, Paris. Silver print, with the
photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva
Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1937, printed later. 40 x 49,7 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 75. Maria
Austria Institute (MAI) 030025001178
-. Carel Willink, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1938, printed later.
39,8 x 40 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 70. Maria
Austria Instituut (MAI) 4000047
-. Charley Toorop paints the blossoms in her garden, Bergen, North
Holland. Silver print, with the photographer’s copyright
stamp on the reverse ‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe gkf
Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel. 123767’. 1939, printed later.
39,7 x 40,3 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 31; Tineke
de Ruiter. Besnyö in Bergen, Antwerpen 2000, p. 58. Maria Austria
Institute (MAI) 030025001169
-. Amsterdam, Jansen Strijkinrichting. Silver print, 1940, printed
later. 39,7 x 40 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Maria Austria Instituut (MAI)
-. Carriage and horse. Silver print, with the photographer’s
copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe
gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel. 123767’. Circa 1947,
printed later. 30,1 x 30,6 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands
-. Girl with leaf. Silver print, with the photographer’s
copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe
gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel. 123767’. Circa 1947,
printed later. 30,3 x 30,5 cm.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 159. Maria
Austria Instituut (MAI) 4000008 (smaller image, different
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands
-. Fishing boys, Leidsekade Amsterdam. Silver print, with the
photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva
Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1951, printed later. 39,4 x 30 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
-. Repairs after the Big Flood of 1953, Zeeland, Holland. Silver
print, 1953, printed later. 40,1 x 40,2 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Jacqueline Louwerse. Zeeland Toen.
Amst., 1990, p. 55
-. Yara Brusse, St. Maartenszee, Holland. Silver print, with
the photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva
Besnyö Fotografe gkf Vondelstraat 92 Amsterdam tel.
123767’. 1954, printed later. 48,3 x 39,7 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 114
-. Berthus Brusse, Vogelenzang, Holland. Silver print, 1959,
printed later. 39,6 x 49,4 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 115
-. Jan Slothouber, Eindhoven, Holland. Silver print, 1971, printed
later. 49,6 x 39,6 cm.
-. Emmy van Leersum, Amersfoort, Holland. Silver print, 1971,
printed later. 49,8 x 39,9 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 173
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 174
-. Protest action Dolle Mina, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1971,
-. Edgar Fernhout and Rachel Pellekaan at their wedding. Silver print,
1934, printed later. 49,6 x 39,9 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Tineke de Ruiter. Besnyö in Bergen.
Antw., 2000, p. 33; Maria Austria Institute (MAI) 030025001186
-. De Hoogovens, IJmuiden, Holland. Set of five silver prints: Men
in smoke; Crane and chimneys, both with the photographer’s
copyright stamp on the reverse ‘Eva Besnyö Fotografe gkf
Vondelstraat 92 Amst. tel. 123767’; Man with stones; Crane with
wood; Railings. 1935, printed later. 39,9 x 49,7 cm.; 20,2 x 20,5
cm.; 39,7 x 40,2 cm.; Each circa 20 x 20,3 cm. (5) (800-1.000)
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 67; 64; 65; 66.
Maria Austria Institute (MAI) 030025003932
printed later. 39,9 x 49,8 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 199
-. Charley Toorop working in her studio, Bergen, North Holland. Silver
print, 1941, printed later. 39,7 x 40,1 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989.
Das Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 170. Maria
Austria Institute (MAI) 030025001183
-. Berthus and Yara Brusse, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1955, printed
later. 39,5 x 49,5 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 109. Maria
Austria Institute (MAI) 030025003951
-. Protest action Dolle Mina, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1970,
printed later. 39,9 x 49,8 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 196. Maria
Austria Institute (MAI) 030026002263
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 209
-. Woman with drilling machine, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1976,
printed later. 39,9 x 49,6 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 228
-. Loeki Meurs, Egmond aan Zee, Holland. Silver print, 1975,
printed later. 49,9 x 39,7 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 229
-. Telescope, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1980, printed later. 39,7 x
49,6 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
Verborgene Museum Berlin, 1992. Provenance: Coll. E.
Milikowski, The Netherlands. Carry de Swaan, no. 230
-. Abortion protest action, Amsterdam. Silver print, 1976, printed
later. 39,8 x 49,6 cm.
Good condition. Exhibition: Photographien 1930-1989. Das
HARRIS, Alice. The white T. [New York], HarperStyle,
[1996]. Plastic boards with dustw. Profusely illustrated with
colour and black and white photographs. Intr. Giorgio
ARMANI. (144) pp. First ed.
The jacket opens to a 90 x 70 cm. poster in colour. Good
Cement Industrie, n.d. Orig. spiral binding with plastic
front cover. Design, photo- and typography Paul
Schuitema. With photographs. 33,(1) pp.
Fine copy
(1902 - 1987)] - HUIJTS,
J. (text). De grondslagen van
het tweede vijfjaarsplan. Den
Haag, De Baanbreker/
Servire, 1932. Orig. wr.
with photomontage on
front cover by Valentina
Kulagina. 63,(1) pp. First
Valentina Kulagina was
married to the famous
Russian graphic designer
Gustav KLUTSIS with whom
she also worked together. Good condition.- (some staining
along the edges and inside frontcover). Rare
[-. - LISSITZKY, El (1840-1941)] - NEUTRA, Richard J.
Amerika. Die Stilbildung des neuen Bauens in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Wien, Anton Schroll & Co., 1930. Orig. halfcloth with
photomontage wr. Design El LISSITZKY. With 260 ills. 163
pp. Neues Bauen in der Welt 2
Very good copy of this scarce Lissitzky design (Paper on top and
bottom of spine is damaged, a small piece is missing, also on left
upper corner cover)
[-. - -.]. Wat Gij Bij de Hand Wilt Hebben. Op school. In ‘t gezin. Op
kantoor. Brochure for dictionaries published by J.B. Wolters,
Groningen - Batavia. Folder, 3 p. with photomontage by
Paul SCHUITEMA. Printed in red and black.
Good condition. Together with: H.R. KNICKERBOCKER, De roode
handel dreigt! Leiden, Sythoff, [1932]. Authorised transl. by W.A.
Kramers. Orig. (dam.) wr. with photomontage by Albert HAHN
Jr. 186 pp. Second ed. (2)
[-. - -.]. Cement en beton. Vols. 1-7 and vol. 10. [Amst.],
Verkoopassociatie Enci-Cemij. N.V., 1937-1951. Vols 1-7:
Orig. stapled wrappers, vol. 10: halfcloth with photoboards. 8 vols. Illustr. with technical diagrams and
photographs. Orig. photomontage cover ills. by Paul
SCHUITEMA. 51, 52, 63, 77, 90, 44, 88, 232 pp.
[-. - SCHUITEMA, Paul (1897-1973)]. De 8 en Opbouw.
14-daagsch tijdschrift van de architectenkern [groep] “De 8” Amsterdam
en “Opbouw” Rotterdam, opgenomen in “Bouw en Techniek”.
III, (1932), no. 3, 4; VII, (1936), no. 13/14 and 26; X, (1939),
no. 22 en 25; XIII, (1942), no. 9, 10 en 11. Amst., Van
Holkema en Warendorf, 1932-1942. Orig. stapled dec. wr.
Basic coverdesign Paul Schuitema. With photographs and
ills. 10 issues in 9 vols., 4to.
With an orig. accompanying letter, from Enci-Cemij, dated 19
june 1961. Good condition (8)
Together with: the brochure for the publication of M. Bock. De 8 en
Opbouw 1932-1943 [...]. Amst., Van Gennep, 1989. Orig. wr. (similar
to the periodical) and 3 incomplete vols. (1932, no. 6 and 13;
reprint from 1936 no. 22 De krotwoningen) (12)
A beautiful production of one of Weber’s best books with full
page gravure prints of male models, actors, famous people and
nudes. Contains subjects: Brothers, Matt Dillon, Notebook,
Lifeguards, Clammers, Hall of Fame, Jeff, On Leave in Waikiki.
Very fine condition
[-. - -.]. [ENCI. From Marl to Cement]. Historical Review of the
cement-Industry in English. Enci Portland Cement. “A product of
Holland”. Maastricht (Holland), N.V. Eerste Nederlandsche
WEBER, Bruce. Bruce Weber. [Los Angeles, Twelvetrees
Press, 1983]. Cloth with dustwr. Limited Edition of 5000
copies. The photographs are repoduced by sheet-fed
gravure with additional halftone colours. (150) pp. Small
folio. First edition
-. Blood Sweat and Tears. Or how I stopped worrying and learned to
love Fashion. [New York], teNeues Publishing Company,
[2005]. Cloth with dustw. in publisher’s printed cardboard
shipping carton. With 107 colour, 216 black and white
and 21 toned ills. Designed by Dimitri LEVAS. Intr. Bruce
Weber, with additional texts, letters and poems by Brooke
NASH, Edna O’BRIEN, Françoise SAGAN, Elizabeth
TAYLOR, Dylan THOMAS, Tennessee WILLIAMS. 448 pp.
First Edition.
Fabulous fashion photographs from photographer Weber, incl.
selections from Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair. Very good condition.(Small irregularities cardboard shipping carton)
Artist and Model
Her face became one of the icons of modern photography,
but Vali Myers already was an artist herself when Ed
van der Elsken made her the heroine of his legendary
debut, Een liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint-Germain-des-Prés (Love on
the left bank). She left Australia as a dancer, but started to
make fine pen and ink drawings in Paris, some of which
incorporated in the book. Although Van der Elskens
poème-en-photos guaranteed her immortality when she was
only 26, she continued to inspire and create until the age
of 72, when she died in Melbourne. Her very flamboyant
presence also entered the work of Tenessee Williams as
“Carol” in Orpheus Descending, was filmed while tattooing
Patti Smith with a lightning bolt on her knee cap, was the
subject of films and documentaries, including “Death in
Port Jackson Hotel” by Van der Elsken again and her work
was bought by The Rolling Stones, not to mention all
her other famous acquaintances. “I’ve had 72 absolutely
flaming years”, she said shortly before dying and the
collection offered here makes this very clear, from her
early days in bohemian Paris captured by Van der Elsken’s
camera to her latter life in Amsterdam, in Dublin, in New
York, near Positano and back in Australia of which confess
her own work and her warm correspondence with ‘Gerard
and Ron’, the Dutchmen that offered her a second home
at the Amsterdam Chelsea (see below)
ELSKEN, Ed van der (1925-1990). Een liefdesgeschiedenis in
Saint Germain des Prés. Amst., De Bezige Bij, [1956]. Cloth.
With photographs by Ed van der Elsken. (116) pp. First
Upper and lower spine sl. worn, otherwise in good condition.
From 1950 to 1954 Van der Elsken lived and worked in Paris. In
1956 he published his first book Een liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain
des Prés, starring Vali Myers
original prints by Ed van der Elsken (1925-1990)
ELSKEN, Ed van der (1925-1990). Vali Myers, Paris, 1951.
Silver print, printed later, 30,4 x 23,8 cm. Some small spots,
otherwise in good condition.
One of Van der Elsken’s most famous mirror-window-pictures.
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, frontcover
dustwrapper; L’Amour!, 1995; Once upon a time, 1991, p. 3. Inventory
Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken sheet
4734, no. 33
-. Vali Myers, Paris, 1950-1954. Portrait with cigarette. Silver print,
printed later, 30 x 23,2 cm. Some small spots, otherwise in
good condition.
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 76-77. Parijs!
Foto´s 1950-1954, 1981. Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum,
Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet 1708, no. 6
-. Vali Myers, Roberto and Geri in front of café Le Mabillon, Paris,
1952. Silver print, printed later, 29,6 x 19,8 cm.
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition. Een
Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 1; Parijs! Foto’s 19501954, 1981; Once upon a time, 1991, p. 14. Inventory Beeldbank Ned.
Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet 4737
-. Bohemians in café Chez Moineau, Paris, 1953. Silver print,
printed later, 30 x 23,8 cm.
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 73. Inventory
Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet
-. Portrait of Vali Myers. Paris, 1954. Silver print, glossy, printed
later, 30,3 x 23,9 cm. Some small spots, otherwise in good
-. Vali Myers and a woman changing clothes in a room, Paris, 19501954. Cutout Vali Myers only. Silver print, printed later, 30 x
23,2 cm.
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 81. Parijs!
Foto´s 1950-1954, 1981. Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum,
Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet 1714, no. 6
-. Two photos of drawings by Vali Myers. (2 x Woman (Vali Myers?)
lying on bed). Matte prints, one of a signed and dated ‘Paris
51’ drawing by Vali Myers, resp. 19,5 x 29,5 cm. and 19,7
x 30,4 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) lower and upper
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 101; Parijs!
Foto´s 1950-1954, 1981. Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum,
Archives Ed van der Elsken sheet 1719, no. 29
-. Drawing by Vali Myers, Paris, 1950-1954. (Interior). Matte
print, 26,2 x 19,5 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) lower,
left and right edge. Together with: Matte print of a detail of
the drawing, 29,7 x 19,9 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.)
left and right edge. (2)
sketches of women by Vali Myers, against a window for a
special light effect, 29,7 x 19,9 cm. and white margin (± 5,5
cm.) lower edge (3)
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 103. Inventory
Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken sheet
1719, no. 30/31
-. Two photos of drawings by Vali Myers. (Naked emaciated woman)
and (Halfnaked woman). Matte print, 29,5 x 23,9 cm. and
matte print, 19,4 x 29,7 cm. and white margins (± 2 cm.)
lower and upper edge. Together with: Matte print of a hand,
holding a sheet of paper with a handwritten poem and
-. Sleeping woman in a café, Paris, 1950-1954. Silver print,
printed later, 29,4 x 24 cm.
Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der
Elsken, sheet 1686
printed later, 19,8 x 29,5 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.)
upper and lower edge.
Small spots, otherwise in good condition. Een Liefdesgeschiedenis
in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 101; Inventory Beeldbank Ned.
Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet 1642
-. Two photos of drawings by Vali Myers. (‘With only darkness for a
lover’) and one other, Paris, 1950-1954. Matte print of a signed,
dated ‘London 54’ and inscribed with title, drawing by Vali
Myers, 30,4 x 18,6 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) left and
right edge and: Matte print, 29 x 18,5 cm.
Een Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 100.
Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der
Elsken, A19, no. 45
-. Vali Myers (standing in underwear). Silver print, printed later,
29,6 x 19,8 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) right and left
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition
-. Vali Myers
drawing. Silver
print, printed
later, 23,9 x 28,8
Parijs! Foto’s 19501954, 1981
-. Vali Myers (sitting on her bed), Paris, France, 1954. Silver print,
one of Van der Elsken’s most famous mirror-pictures
-. Vali Myers, Paris, 1954. Silver print, printed later, 29,6 x
19,7 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) right and left edge.
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition. One of Van
der Elsken’s most famous mirror-pictures. Een Liefdesgeschiedenis
in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 107; Parijs! Foto´s 1950-1954, 1981;
L’Amour! 1995; Once upon a time, 1991;
Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der
Elsken, sheet 1642, neg. no. 24
-. Vali Myers, Paris, 1954. Silver print, printed later, 39,5 x
19,7 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) right and left edge.
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition. Een
Liefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Prés, 1956, p. 104. Inventory
Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet
1643, no. 33
-. Vali Myers dancing
in a night club, Paris,
1950-1954. Silver
print, printed later,
25,7 x 23,5 cm., white
margin (±4 cm.)
lower edge.
Inventory Beeldbank
Ned. Fotomuseum,
Archives Ed van der
Elsken, sheet 1669
-. Photo of Paul CITROEN. ‘Portrait
of Vali Myers’, 3 XII 1955. Matte
print, printed later, 30,2 x 19,8 cm.
and white margins (±2 cm.) right
and left edge
Hotel Amstelhuys
‘The Amstelhuys in Amsterdam was built in 1633 and used since 1670
as a hotel for artists. It was a Dutch counterpart of the ‘Chelsea Hotel’ in
New York, a residence for artists, musicians, writers, philosophers. Vali
Myers, artist and model of Ed van der Elsken in Paris, was a painter and
lived in Positano, Italy. She was a frequent guest of the Hotel Amstelhuys
and a good friend of the owners Gerard van Geldorp and Ron Leeh. Van
der Elsken made a film about her in 1972: ‘Death in the Port Jackson
Motel’ and gave her the above photos of ‘Saint Germain des Prés’. She
left them to Gerard and Ron to express her gratitude for their hospitality.
In 1980 the doors were closed and in 1982 the police had to clear the
“sometimes I think about the hotel and ‘my green room’
and it seems like heaven”
-. Vali Myers, Seine, Paris, 1950-1960. Silver print, printed
later, 20 x 29,8 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) upper and
lower edge.
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition. Inventory Beeldbank Ned. Fotomuseum, Archives Ed van der Elsken, sheet 1643
-. - ANONYMOUS. Ed van der Elsken, filming Vali Myers for the
film ‘Death in the Port Jackson Motel’, Positano, 1972. Silver print,
glossy, 19,5 x 29,5 cm. and white margins (±2 cm.) upper
and lower edge.
Some small spots, otherwise in good condition
-. - Hans BOUMA (text). Zomaar in een sloot ergens bij Edam.
Bussum, Van Holkema & Warendorf, [1977]. Orig. dec. boards.
With photographs in colour. (76) pp. First edition.
Inscribed by the photographer (inside front cover): “to the
beastly lady from Posi, Paris, Sydney, etcetera. 1978, edam from anneke and ed” and with little drawing of a flower (first
me” (a); “Hope so much it will be O.K. with you to lend “Gypsy
Bird”, “Never Never Land”, and “Dream of the Billabong” for
my exhibition at the Peter Stuyvesant Foundation [...]” (h).
Vali expresses her feelings about the Hotel Amstelhuys and
the owners often: “Sometimes I think about the hotel and ‘my
green room’ and it seems like heaven” (d); I don’t know if you’re
realized it, but sometimes sitting with you both, and Sammy
watching T.V. was a special kind of heaven for me” (c); She tells
about her travels and the life in Italy: “In Frankfurt, a young
customs policeman (a real silly-billy) got it into his head that I
was a terrorist!!! Imagine a tattooed terrorist!!!” (g); “Went to the
hairdresser here in Positano, and had a cold wave, which came
out looking like a breton hairstyle. So I no longer look like the
wild woman from Borneo” (e)
MYERS, Vali (1930-2003). Collection of orig. handwritten letters,
postcards and memo’s from Vali Myers to ‘Gerard and Ron’, the owners
of the ‘Hotel Amstelhuys’ in Amsterdam. All in plastic sheets
in ring binder incl. also photographs (15), slides (25),
newspaper articles (18), invitation cards for exhibitions in
Holland (6), poster for the exhibition in Galerie Hüsstege,
Amsterdam (3x); catalogue ‘The Dreamtime” Drawings and
Images from the world of Vali Myers’ from the exhibition of the
Peter Stuyvesant Stichting and photocopies in colour of her
drawings (9). Added: business mail to Vali Myers, adressed
to the Hotel Amstelhuys from The New York Review of Books
(1980) Including 8 A.L.S. in orig. envelopes, 1977 (a,b) - 1978
(c) - 1979 (d,e,f) - 1980 (g) - 1982 (h); 5 orig. handwritten
postcards with greetings and love, 2 from Positano, dated
April 30th. 77 and 19th Feb. 78, in envelopes; from London,
dated 20th. June 1980; 2 from Milano 1st Oct. 1980 and 20
Oct. 1980; 9 handwritten memo’s to Gerard and Ron:
“Have gone to Tajiri at Baarlo”; “Have gone to Wassenaar
(with a hangover)” and an orig. coloured photo print of
the drawing ‘Dream of the Billabong’ by Paul HARTLAND
with his stamp on verso
Very warm, optimistic and happy letters, also when the message
is more businesslike or practical. “There may also be arriving by
post, a parcel for me from New York, to your adress, (which is
the film that Ed van der Elsken made). Please take care of it for
-. - HOTEL AMSTELHUYS Guest book Hotel Amstelhuys,
Amstel 134-136 Amsterdam. 1971-1980. Ron Leeh, Gerard van
Geldorp. Orig. morocco album with gilt fillets (damaged).
Title handwritten by Vali MYERS (see illustration,
another inscription by her says: “To Gerard and Ron, who
own my home in Amsterdam). Unlined, unpaginated.
(75) pp. with signatures, texts, photographs, postcards,
provenance: all paintings, drawings and posters were
acquired directly from the artist
drawings, letters a.s.o. by the international guests of the
hotel. Among them: Michel FOUCAULT, Bela DARKO,
Uwe ZIMMER, and Vali Myers (5x, twice with postcard).
With 2 orig. telegrams (with the same text) by PRINS
BERNHARD Soestdijk, dated 6 and 10 sept. 1976: “Heel
veel dank voor uw telegram ik heb uw hartelyke woorden
zeer op prys gesteld Bernhard” with copy of the telegram
sent, dated 26-8: “Zijne koninklijke hoogheid prins
bernhard paleis soestdijk wy blyven achter u staan direktie
hotel amstelhuis amstel 134-136”.
Spine dam. and edges sl. chafed. Very impressive document from a
legendary place in Amsterdam. Together with: 2 orig. black and white
historical photographs of the Amstel with the building, stamped
on the reverse ‘[...] gemeentelijke archiefdienst Amsterdam [...]’,
16,5 x 24 cm and 23 x 18 cm and 1 close-up photograph of the
entrance of the hotel 17,4 x 25 cm. With newspaper article ‘Achter
de schermen van het Varieté’ by Willy VAN DER TAK in: Haarlem’s
Dagblad, 3 juin 1933, about the history of the pension for artists
(folded and dam.) and on “De Wurger van Augsburg” arrested
in 1973, but – a few years before - expelled from the hotel by the
managers because of letting in clandestine (juvenile) guests!
MYERS, Vali (1930-2003). Never Never. Pencil and black
ink on paper, signed and dated ‘Vali Myers 1975’ (lower
right). 29,1 x 19,3 cm. Together with: Form from the Peter
Stuyvesant Stichting of the exhibition ‘The Dreamtime’
Drawings and Images from the world of Vali Myers. The
exhibition was on view in Amsterdam from 13th to 26th
March 1982. The insurance value was Fl. 7.500.-.
Good condition. Framed under passe-partout. Provenance: All
paintings, drawings and posters were acquired directly from
Vali Myers by the former owner. Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-1979.
London, Open House, 1980, p. 117. “The Dreamtime” Drawings
and Images from the world of Vali Myers. Exhibition catalogue Peter
Stuyvesant Stichting, 1982, no. 48
1979. London, Open House, 1980, p. 104. The Dreamtime” Drawings
and Images from the world of Vali Myers. Exhibition catalogue Peter
Stuyvesant Stichting, 1982, no. 47
-. Dream of the Billabong. Pencil, black ink and water-colour
on paper, signed and dated ‘Vali Myers, 1978 ’79’ (lower
right), 21.3 x 31 cm. Together with: Form from the Peter
Stuyvesant Stichting of the exhibition ‘The Dreamtime’
Drawings and Images from the world of Vali Myers. The
exhibition was on view in Amsterdam from 13th to 26th
March 1982. The insurance value was Fl. 4.000.-.
Good condition. Framed under passe-partout. Provenance: All
paintings, drawings and posters were acquired directly from Vali
Myers by the former owner. The Dreamtime” Drawings and Images
from the world of Vali Myers. Exhibition catalogue Peter Stuyvesant
Stichting, 1982, no. 49
-. Gypsy Bird. Pencil and sepia on paper, signed and dated
‘Vali Myers 1977’ (lower right). 19,5 x 9,3 cm. Together
with: Form from the Peter Stuyvesant Stichting of the
exhibition ‘The Dreamtime’ Drawings and Images from
the world of Vali Myers. The exhibition was on view in
Amsterdam from 13th to 26th March 1982. The insurance
value was Fl. 5.500.-.
Good condition. Framed under passe-partout. Provenance: All
paintings, drawings and posters were acquired directly from
Vali Myers by the former owner. Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-
-. Lammas Tide. Orig.
vintage poster (98 x 45,5
cm.) after the drawing
‘Lammas Tide’, 1964,
printed in New York,
1970-1980. Unnumbered,
edition of 500 copies.
Good condition. Vali Myers.
Drawings 1949-79, p. 30-31
-. Black Shaman in the Sun. Orig. 4 negatives of the poster (98 x
65 cm.) 1968, printed in colour by Scandecor in Germany.
Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 52-53
-. Giuliano. Orig. vintage
poster (98 x 63 cm.) after
the drawing ‘Giuliano’
1967-1968, printed in
colour by Scandecor
in Germany. Inscribed
‘For Gerard and Ron,
with love, Vali Myers, 5th
April ‘76, Amsterdam’.
Together with: the 4 original
negatives of the poster.
Large tear (lower center).
Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-79,
p. 54-55
-. Houdini. Orig. vintage
poster (91 x 68 cm.) after
the drawing ‘Houdini’,
1971, printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Good condition.- (Minor
creasing along the edges).
Not in Vali Myers. Drawings
-. Giuliano. Orig. vintage poster (98 x 63 cm.) after the
drawing ‘Giulino’, 1967-1968, printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Good condition. Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 54-55
-. (Moon Hare). Orig.
vintage poster (69 x 69
cm.) after the drawing
‘Moon Hare’, 1973,
printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Good condition.- (Some
creasing along edges, short tear lower centre). Vali Myers.
Drawings 1949-79, p. 51
-. Morella. Orig. 4 negatives of the poster (98 x 63 cm.)
after the drawing ‘Morella’, 1973, printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 71
-. Vali Myers tentoonstelling
19 oktober tot 13 november
Galerie Hüsstege Westermarkt
27, Amsterdam. Orig. vintage
poster (96 x 68 cm.) 1973,
inscribed ‘To Gerard and
Ron, Vali Myers Oct ‘74’
(lower right), printed in
colour by Scandecor in
Some creasing, paper
damage at the upper right
corner, tear in upper, left
and under border and pinholes in all corners
-. Vera Petrovitch. Orig. vintage poster (64 x 98 cm.) after
the drawing ‘Vera Petrovitch’, 1973, printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Good condition.- (Some creasing upper left corner). Vali Myers.
Drawings 1949-79, p. 56-57
-. Vera Petrovitch. Orig.
vintage poster (64 x 98
cm.) after the drawing
‘Vera Petrovitch’, 1973,
printed in colour by
Scandecor in Germany.
Together with: the 4 orig. negatives of the poster.
Minor creasing along edges, minor damage and pinholes. Vali
Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 56-57
-. Never Never. Vali Myers
exhibition February 28 - March
17, 1976, Bodley II Gallery, 1063
Madison Avenue, N.Y. Orig.
vintage poster (69 x 74 cm.) after
the drawing ‘Never Never’,
Pinholes in corners, tear lower right. Framed behind glass. Vali
Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 117
-. Never Never. Vali Myers exhibition February 28 - March
17, 1976, Bodley II Gallery, 1063 Madison Avenue, N.Y.
Orig. vintage poster (69 x 74 cm.) after the drawing ‘Never
Never’, 1975.
Good condition.- (Some creasing along the edges, short tear
upper left corner). Vali Myers. Drawings 1949-79, p. 117
on Vali Myers
MYERS, Vali (1930-2003). Drawings 1949-79. [London, Open
House, 1980]. Cloth with dustwrappers. With foreword
by Ed VAN DER ELSKEN and introduction by George A.
PLIMPTON. 127 pp. With 123 reproductions. First edition.
Inscribed on half title: “for the dearest friends, Gerard and
Ronnie, of Hotel Amstelhuys 134-136, for many years my
‘burrow’ on my Viking travels to Amsterdam, love and luck,
always from Vali Myers 30th November 1980”. With separate
invitation card for the presentation
-. Same work. Together with: PLIMPTON, George. Truman Capote.
London, 1999, 498 pp.
Inscribed on half title: “for my special friends, Bert and
Bob with love Vali Myers 29th November 80”. With separate
announcement for the publication with reproduction of the
cover-drawing (33,5 x 24,3 cm.)
‘Vali Positano 2000’ (lower left), ‘Voor Gerard’ (lower
right), 27,5 x 21,4 cm.
Mounted in passe-partout and framed behind glass. Very fine
photo in very good condition. With: invitation for the exhibition
“Vali Myers and friends”, in envelope, adressed to Gerard
Geldorp, the former owner of The Hotel Amstelhuys, dated 19
february 2007; Simon VINKENOOG. ‘Vuurvlinder Vali en het
licht van de hoop’. In: Bres 86, jan./febr. 1981. With ills. in colour
of drawings. Inscribed by Marco Bakker: “Simon Vinkenoog bij
de expo van Marco Bakker 110307”
Gianni. Vali Myers. A
memoir. Fresno, California,
The Golda Foundation,
[2007]. Boards with
dustwrappers. With
photographs. (8),244,(4)
pp. First edition. (40-60)
With 1 empty envelope
dated 18.XI.80 and 1
unopened letter by the
author and her friend
Gianni Menichetti from
Positano, Italy to Vali
Myers, dated 15-11-1980
and adressed to ‘Vali Myers, Hotel Amstelhuys, Amstel 134-136
Amsterdam, Holland’. With PTT-sticker on verso ‘Geen Gehoor’
and in pen ‘BUS ZIT DICHT’
with Tajiri and Ferdi
-. - TAJIRI, [Shinkichi] (1923-2009). (The Gordian knot).
1969. Fan-shaped book with loose sheets and 1 plastic
screw. Text in danish and english. With biography by
himself and list of his work. 6,5 x 16 cm.
Inscribed on cover “For Vali, from Shinkichi and the family
[Tajiri]”. Good condition, sl. discoloured, corners creased
-. - BAKKER, Marco. Vali [Myers] Positano 2000. Orig. black
and white photograph, signed ‘Marco’, titled and inscribed
-. - -. Ferdi. Baarlo, Kasteel
Scheres, X Press, [1970].
Orig. dec. plastic. With
photographs and folding
colour litho ‘Hortisculpture
“Penis Vulgaris”’ by Ferdi.
Compiled by Tajiri. 500
numb. and signed copies
(no. 495).
Inscribed by the daughter of
Ferdi and Tajiri: “For Vali with love Giotta Fuyo 20 Mai ‘77”
Together with: TAJIRI, Ryo Vinci. Het verdwenen eiland. Baarlo,
Kasteel Scheres, X Press, [ca. 1978]. Orig. dec. wr. in plastic
binder. Comic strip drawn by Ryo Tajiri, the youngest daughter
of Tajiri, when she was 12 years old. One of 200 numb. and
signed copies (no. 48). Inscribed: “For Vali with love Ryo
Amsterdam oct. ‘78”
-. - -. FREED, Leonard
(photos) and Herbert
Seltsame Spiele. Wie der
Bildhauer Tajiri Mädchen und
Metall zähmt. Ein Fotobuch von
Leonard Freed. [Frankfurt am
Main], Bärmeier & Nikel,
[1970]. Orig. wr.. 108 pp.
Together with: 1.Tajiri. Rott., Boymans, 1974. Orig. wr. With 15
plates and illustr. b/w. 48 folding pp.; 2.Three catalogues about
Tajiri: Amst., Galerie 20, 1964, no. 9; Amst., Stedelijk Museum,
1979-1980, cat. no. 665 and Spiegel mit Erinnerungen. Shinkichi Tajiris
Wiederentdeckung der Daguerrotypie. Berlin, Künstlerhaus Bethanien
4, 1977; 3. Newspaper articles about Tajiri and 10 orig. b/w
photographs of a fox and a rabbit and Vali Myers with the family
Tajiri. With in pencil on the reverse of 2 prints ‘Photo by Vali
Myers’ and on the reverse of one other ‘Photo Tajiri’
ARETHUSA - VERVOORN, A.J. Bertils koningin van de nacht.
Baarn, Arethusa Pers Herber Blokland, (1988). Orig. blue
wrappers, uncut. Frontispiece etching. One of 60 copies.
(20, incl. blanks) pp. Large 4to. (32 x 25.5. cm.). (150-250)
Together with: HASEK, Jaroslav. Een verhaal over een portret van
keizer Frans Jozef I. (Baarn, Arethusa Pers Herber Blokland,
1986). Orig. blue cloth, uncut. Frontispiece handnumbered
chromolithograph by Adolf Born. (12 incl. frontispiece and
blanks) pp. Oblong sm. folio. 26 x 33 cm.- WERKMAN, H.N.
1882-1945. Uit de Blauwe Schuit. (Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff,
1945). Cloth box 34.3 x 24.7 x 2.7 cms., containing booklet, 16 pp.
text in Dutch + 7 facsimiles in colour, different sizes, 4 tot 8 pp.
All in very fine condition
BLOEM, J.C.; VONDEL a.o. Lot of 18 books, Poetry (9) and
Prose (9). Amst., Den Haag, a.o., (Ca. 1940-50). Dec. cloth or
boards. Illustrated. Various sizes.
Good copies.- (Some browning)
[‘BOEKENWEEK’] - TERSTEEG, J. De uitgever en zijn
bedrijf. Amst., Ned. Uitgeversbond, 1930. Orig. wr. 72 pp.
Predecessor of the later gifts for the annual ‘Boekenweek’
(Week of the book). Together with: Gift 1936: Roel
HOUWINK. Rondom het boek. Boards with wr. and Het boek
en de muzen, poster for an evening in the ‘Concertgebouw’,
Amsterdam during the Week of the Book 1947. Printed
in green and black. 44 x 30 cm. and Hendrik de VRIES, J.
SLAUERHOFF. Verzen uit Forum, Boekenweek 1960. Orig. wr.
24 pp.
Together with: 26 posters, bookwrappers a.s.o. concerning books
and typography (Piet WORM, De Fontijn 4x) and 31 books on
typography. Good condition, (Tersteeg: top of spine sl. dam.
some spots; poster sl. frayed along the edges)
BOMANS, Godfried.
‘Verrukkelijke Opgravingen’ In:
De Pinkelkrant. De kermiskrant
voor Nederland. Apeldoorn,
Drukkerij Boeijnga,
(1947). Tabloid. Frontpage printed in black and red. With 8 satirical ills. by I.
Spreekmeester, Uschi and Marten Toonder. 8 pp. (50-80)
Rare copy of the Pinkelkrant, a one-off satirical newspaper with
contributions by: Willy Corsari, Godfried Bomans, Hella
Haasse, Ed Hoornik, Simon Carmiggelt, Jan Derks, Chiel de
Boer, Marten Toonder, Uschi, I. Spreekmeester, B.J. Brienen
Jr., Fred Thomas, Wim Sonneveld, Rico J. Bulthuis Ferry, Bobo,
Leo Boekraad and Johan Elsensohn. Good condition. Brinkman’s
catalogus van tijdschriften, p. 1773
gedicht erbij lijkt het me een betere ruil (voor het inbinden van
de Marga Minco’s) hgr. Bram”
BORGART, Ben. Iguana. Script for television. Typescript,
loose sheets in file with pasted ill. with ‘first attempt’, 55
pp. Folio.
unpublished poem by Boudewijn Büch
CLAUS, Hugo - CONRAD, Patrick a.o. Mascara. [Make
up for murder]. Screenplay by Hugo Claus, Patrick Conrad,
Pierre Drouot and Malia Scotch Malmo. A film by Patrick
Conrad. Amst. Praxino Pictures/Brussel, Iblis Films, 1987.
Collection: 1. Synopsis. Typescript in photocopy. Spiral
binding with dec. cover. 36 pp. 2. Screenplay. Parallel
cutting/Short scenes/Titles over. Typescript in spiral
binding. 106 pp. 3. Brochure about the movies of Patrick
Conrad. Gent, 1987. With ills. 32 pp.
BÜCH, Boudewijn. Liederen van een oude heer. ‘zo komt jan
splinter door de winter’ (mijn moeder). Leiden, 20th August 1973-21
IIX 1973. Unpublished poems, 9 sheets typescript, numb.,
(with handwritten corrections), 1 sheet manuscript,
doublesided, 20/21 VIII 1973. A4, 8 sheets unfolded, 2 sheets
folded once.
Very early poems, written three years before his debut. With
interesting handwritten notes
-. Miele WS 5105 C. [Amstelveen, AMO, 1986]. Orig. wr. (8)
pp. Edition of 15 copies by Bram DE DOES
With stamp: “Collectie Corry Kornman” on last paste-down
endpaper. H.C. copy for David SIMALEAVICH, signed and dated
by Bram de Does (28.7.88). With separate handwritten note
by Bram de Does to David Simaleavich: “Beste David, met dit
Together with: 2 other screenplays produced by Praxino Pictures:
Leon DE WINTER. The Sinner. 1989. 132 pp. and Een slordig leven.
Een scenario by Jean UMMELS based on the book Agnes. Scenes
Uit Een Slordig Leven by Peter VAN STRAATEN (5)
-. Evergreens. Omdat o.a. Twintig hommages met nota’s daarbij.
Amstelveen, AMO. 1986. Orig. wr. (42) pp. 150 (of 195)
numb. H.C.-copies printed on Orion by Gerard TIMMER.
With ills. by Claus.
Signed by the author
-. Het verlangen. Een film van Pierre Drouot gebaseerd op de
gelijknamige roman van Hugo Claus. Scenario Hugo Claus. Amst.
Praxino Pictures/Brussel, Iblis Films, 1986. Collection: 1.
Complete scenario, text by Hugo Claus. Typescript in
photocopy. Spiral binding with dec. cover. 84 pp. and idem
in loose sheets; 2. budget for the production. Typescript
in identical spiral binding. 14 pp. 3. Dutch edition of the
scenario by Theo VAN GOGH and Guus LUIJTERS. Orig.
typescript with several corrections in ink and pencil by
both writers. 69 pp.
With great Dutch translations of the Flemish by Theo Van Gogh
and Guus Luijters
the one and only
-. I Jan Cremer. The Rock Opera. Collection: 1. The Synopsis,
26 pp. typescript in spiral binding. Amst., January 1985. A
synopsis and tentative list of songs by Louis FERRON and
Lennaert NIJGH. Directed by Frans MARIJNEN. Based on
Jan Cremer’s novel I Jan Cremer and Jan Cremer writes again; 2.
Scenario Lennaert Nijgh. Haarlem, Tobias Music, 1985. 97
pp. photocopy: “hou het s.v.p. vertrouwelijk!!!” With on
almost each page a little stamp (private stamp of Lennaert
Nijgh) with two owls (upper corner); 3. Publicity file with
3 cards and 2 posters (21 x 30 cm. and 60 x 40 cm.); 4. 5 orig.
Polaroid photos of the auditions and 4 colour photos from
New York with the producers (12,7 x 20,3 cm.). All in one
cardboard suit-case with pasted cut out ill. of the cover of
‘Ik Jan Cremer’.
CREMER, Jan. Ik Jan Cremer. The original autograph
manuscript. 1964. With the original designs, collages
and drawings for the cover and the complete publicity
campaign for the publication as thought out by Cremer.
All together more than just the original manuscript of the only
Dutch novel of which more than 12 million copies were sold.
Just like the fact that Ik Jan Cremer is more than a novel. This
‘Victory Boogie Woogie’ of Dutch literature goes far beyond the
literary genre and is one of the real crown juwels of the cultural
history of the Netherlands. See separate catalogue with texts by
Jan Cremer, Onno Blom a.o. or order the deluxe edition
Unique collection of documents on the stage-version of
Cremers masterpiece, directly from the producer
-. - MULLER, Frits (19322006). (Jan Cremer on his motor in
the snow). Cartoon, based on the
cover of the book Ik Jan Cremer.
Pencil, black crayon and white
waterpaint on cream paper,
signed with initial ‘F’ (lower
left). 24 x 15,5 cm.
Good condition
ELSKAMP, Max. Les sept notre dame des plus beaux métiers.
Antwerp, Albert de Tavernier, 1923. Orig. wrappers, uncut.
Woodcut borders and ills. throughout. One of 150 on Van
Gelder paper. (2 blank), 48,(2 blank) pp. Large 4to. (33 x
25,5 cm.). First edition.
Mint condition
FULLER, John. The ship of sounds. [Verona, Plain Wrapper
Press] for Sidcot, the Gruffyground Press, 1981. Orig.
wr., uncut. Frontispiece wood-engraving by Garrick
Palmer. One of 130 copies on handmade Fabriano Roma
Michelangelo and Veronese paper, signed by the author
and artist in pencil. (16) pp. 8vo. First edition.
Mint condition
dedicated to his friend Alexander A.M. Stols
GALANIS, Demetrios. Géométrie du compas ou vingt problèmes
de géometrie plane résolus par le seul secours du compas. Paris, aux
editions du Compas, 1933. Orig. half vellum with title on
spine, yellow boards, uncut. With 24 full-page etchings by
Demetrios Galanis in collation. One of 50 copies on Dutch
paper. 53, (3 blank, 1, 1 blank) pp. Large 8vo. (26,5 x 19,5
cm.). First edition.
A very special copy of this rare work by the early 20th-century
Greek artist Demetrios Galanis (1880-1966), a contemporary and
friend of Picasso. This copy, numb. 5, is dedicated by Galanis to
his friend Alexander A.M. Stols (1900-1973), the well-known
Dutch typographer-publisher. By the early 1920s Galanis was
famous in France and preparing for shows in Brussels, London,
and New York. Having moved to Paris in 1900, Galanis developed
his artistic talent beyond painting. He was also known for his
illustrative engravings in books, such as the Heritage Press
edition of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and the Cresset Press edition
of John Milton’s Paradise Lost. In very fine condition.- (Occ.
spotting on blank versos of pp.)
autograph poem by Goethe
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von. Was verkürzt mir die Zeit?
Weimar, 16 Juli 1821. Autograph poem, ink on unlined
paper, ca. 18,5 x 19,5 cm, signed and dated by Goethe.
Manuscript poem from Goethe’s West-östlicher Divan first
published in 1819. “Was verkürzt mir die Zeit?/ Tätigkeit!/
Was macht sie unerträglich lang?/ Müßiggang!/ Was bringt
in Schulden?/ Harren und Dulden!/ Was macht gewinnen?/
Nicht lange besinnen!/ Was bringt zu Ehren?/ Sich wehren!”
Reasonable condition.- (Browned, foxed and with several spots).
Mounted in contemp. folded passe-partout
JOYCE, James. The dead from Dubliners. (Verona, Officina
Bodoni for Kulgin D. Duval & Colin H. Hamilton, Frenich,
Foss, Pitlochry, 1967). Orig. half green morocco with
yellow paper boards, uncut, top edge gilt, in matching
slipcase. With 4 full-page etchings outside collation by
Pietro Annigoni. One of 150 press numb. copies signed
by Pietro Annigoni. Set in Bembo type and printed on
Magnani hand-made paper. 72,(1,1 blank,1,1 blank) pp.
Sm. folio. First edition thus.
Mint condition
KAMPEN, Nicolaas Godfried van. Handboek van de
geschiedenis der letterkunde bij de voornaamste Europische volken in
nieuwere tijden. Haarlem, heirs of F. Bohn, 1834-36. 4 vols.
Contemp. half calf, green marbled boards. 8vo. First
Very good set.- (Bindings used)
HAMSUN, Knut. Drei novellen. Leipzig, (Staatlichen
Akademie für graphische Künste und Buchgewerbe),
1931. Orig. black cloth covered with handmade paper with
blind-stamp on front cover, title on spine, in matching
slipcase. Illustrated with coloured woodcuts printed by
Otto Neubert. One of 125 copies (6, incl. blanks), 4-93 (1
blank, 1) pp. Large 8vo. (30 x 20 cm.).
Good condition.- (Front hinge weakening; slipcase damaged and
sl. waterstained; binding with spotting)
HELMAN, Albert. Sebastiaan. Amst., Starreveld, 1944.
Folded sheet. With 2 coloured ills. by Pieter STARREVELD,
uncut. No. XII of 40 Roman numbered copies, signed by
the illustrator. Folio.
Good copy.- (Sl. discoloured at edges, frontcover sl. dam.). De
Jong 375
[-.] - NIETZSCHE, Friedrich (ps.). Aldus sprak Zarathustra.
(= F. Hoes), 1943. Orig. half vellum with gilt-stamped
sm. tree on front cover, gilt-lettered title on spine. Illustr.
199,(1 blank) pp.
Ad 1: Complete with the loosely inserted erratum slip, stating
that p. 172 is not present due to interference of the Sicherheitsdienst. One of 250 copies. Ad 2: One of 250 copies. Driebergen,
1944). De Twee Fonteinen (= Amst., F. Hoes, Orig. half vellum,
gilt-lettered title on spine, uncut. 191, (9) pp. 8vo. (2) HOLLAND,
Folk. VAN. De Nederlanden. Amst., de Rechtvaerdige Trou Good
copies.- (Ad 1: front hinge weakening). De Jong 595 & 396
from the collection of Johan Polak
KELMSCOTT - KEATS, John. The Poems. [Hammersmith,
The Kelmscott Press, 1894]. Full limp vellum with silk
ties, lettered in gilt on spine. (14),384,(14) pp. Wood-engr.
title-page, woodcut initials designed by William MORRIS.
Edited by F.S. ELLIS. 307 copies printed in red and black by
William MORRIS.
With stamp: ”Ex bibliotheca Johan B.W. Polak” (on last pastedown endpaper) and blind stamped on first and last endpaper:
”Corry Kornman”. Fine copy.- (One tie damaged)
inscribed offprint of his debut
KLOOS, Willem. Rhodopis.
Lyrisch-dramatisch fragment.
Offprint in contemporary
binding. Gilt. boards.
25,(3) pp.
Rhodopis was Kloos’ debut in
the periodical ‘Nederland’.
With 5 corrections in
his handwriting: “eerbetooning” blotted out and becomes
“godsvrucht”, inscribed on title: ”Den Heer Taco H. de Beer
aangeboden als een bewijs van hoogachting en vriendschap door
Willem Kloos, 19 Mei 1880”. (Taco de Beer was one of the leading
critics of his time and co-founder of De Groene Amsterdammer).
Spine and boards discol., bookblock loose, otherwise good
MARTEL, Yann. Life of Pi. A Novel with ills. by Tomislav
Torjanac. [Edinburgh, Canongate, 2007]. Orig. half cloth
with dec. boards, in matching slipcase. Illustr. One of 3000
numb. copies signed by the author and illustrator. XIV,
315, (8, incl. blanks) pp.
In mint condition
MECKEL, Christoph. Trümmer des Schmetterlings. [Stuttgart],
Editium Tertium, (1997). Orig. half cloth with illustration
on front cover. Illustrated throughout. One of 80 copies
of the reserved edition containing an original hand numb.
and signed etching by the author on ‘Bütten’ paper. 55, (5,
incl. blanks) pp.
In mint condition
MONDRIAAN - LUCEBERT. a.o. Verschoven van het licht
tot in de mist. 16 dichters over Mondriaan. [Eindhoven, Stichting
Plint, 1994]. 16 folded sheets in cardboard portfolio, each
sheet illustrated with a work by Mondriaan. 1000 copies.
Large folio.
Good condition.- (Lower corners portfolio sl. bumped)
with great drawing by Fernand Knopf
MONT, Pol de. Iris. Antwerp, J.- E. Buschmann, 1894.
Contemp. half vellum, orig. illustr. wr.preserved, uncut.
Frontispiece etching by Ph. Zilcken and 9 full-page plates
outside collation, all pp. with woodcut floral borders. One
of 250 hand numb. copies. (8), 362, (2) pp.
Good condition.- (Front hinge weak; one page loosening)
NOVELS - DUTCH. Lot of 5 books. Amst., The Hague e.a.,
1931- ca. 1960. Dec. cloth. Ills. Various sizes.
Good copies.- (Some browned and loose(ning) in spine)
POETRY - DUTCH. Lot of 9 works by J.C. Bloem, Vondel, a.o.
Amst., The Hague, ca. 1900-1953. Dec. wr., boards, cloth.
Various sizes.
Good copies.- (Bindings browned and sl. dam.)
QUADFLIEG, Roswitha. Die zwanzig Dichter der RaaminPresse. (Hamburg, Raamin-Presse, 1998). Orig. half leather
in portfolio-style made of Surbalin and ‘Oasenziegen’
leather with black blind-stamped sides (CHRISTIAN
ZWANG, Hamburg), in matching board slipcase. With
20 coloured etched and miraclon plates by R. Quadflieg.
One of 100 copies signed by the author. Text and plate part
in leporello style; text part 41, (6) pp.; plate part (25 incl.
blanks) pp.
In mint condition
GERARD REVE (1923-2006)
an extraordinary private collection
“mét buikbandje” - only a few copies known
200,(4) pp. 4th ed. De Bijenreeks.
Signed on first endpaper in pink ballpoint ‘7/3/1959
GerardKvanhetReve’. Good copy
-. De Ondergang van de Familie Boslowits. Amst., De Bezige Bij,
1950. Boards with dustwr. Design Tientje LOUW. 48 pp.
First edition.
Good copy with fine dustwrappers.- (Spine and edges sl. dam.,
name on first endpaper, endpapers browned as usual). PvW. ZRV
REVE, Gerard. De Avonden. Een winterverhaal. Amst.,
De Bezige Bij, [1947]. Gilt. halfcloth with dustwr. and
extra paper wrapper ‘Bekroond met de Reina Prinsen
Geerligsprijs’. 237,(3) pp. First edition
With the extremely rare paper banderole on the occasion of the
literary award ‘De Reina Prinsen Geerligsprijs’. Only a few copies
known. Very good condition.- (Dustwr. sl. dam., ‘s’ in name on
spine is missing, sl. discoloured extra wrapper). PvW. ZRV 2
-. Same work. Amst., De Bezige Bij, [1948]. Gilt. halfcloth
with dustwr. 237,(3) pp. Third ed.
Good copy.- (Dustwr. sl. dam.)
-. Same work. Amst., De Bezige Bij, 1959. Boards with dustwr.
-. ‘De Ondergang van de Familie Boslowits’. Advance publication
in Criterium, 1946, no 15 (december). Together with: ‘De
Avonden’. Advance publication in Criterium, 1947, no 5
(may). [Amst., Meulenhoff, 1946-1947]. Orig. wr. (60-80)
Text differs from the later book version. Good condition.(Waterst. along edges, no. 15) (2)
-. The Acrobat. Amst./London, Van Oorschot, [1956]. Boards
with dustwr. 227,(3) pp. First edition.
Very fine copy.- (Name-stamp on halftitle). PvW. ZRV 5
-. Tien vrolijke verhalen. Amst., Van Oorschot, 1961. Boards
with dustwr. 166,(2) pp. First edition. De Witte Olifant.
Inscribed on first endpaper in pink ballpoint ‘Beter één
lul in de hand dan de lucht van tien. Amsterdam, 9.4.1964
GerardKvanhetReve’. Good copy.- (Sm. imperf. dustwr.). PvW.
-. Veertien Etsen van Frans Lodewijk Pannekoek voor Arbeiders
Verklaard. Amst., Thomas Rap, [1967]. Orig. boards. With
14 tipped-in ills. by Frans Lodewijk PANNEKOEK. (64) pp.
First edition.
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 15
with the original photos starring Reve wielding the whip
-. Gezicht op Kerstmis en Andere Geestelijke Liederen. [Amst.,
privately printed, 1965]. Orig. stapled sheets in (new) cloth
box with title. 49 numb. copies hors commerce. 33 pp.
Design frits BOER. First edition.
Signed ’GerardKvanhetReve’ on cover. With all corrections and
additions in handwriting. Final leaf loose from staples. Good
copy. PvW. ZRV 11
-. A Prison Song in Prose. Amst., Athenaeum-Polak & Van
Gennep/Rap, 1968. Orig. wr. Ills. Thomas KOOLHAAS.
(26) pp. First edition.
-. Zes gedichten. [Amst., Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep,
1965]. Orig. wr. 100 numb. copies on Hahnemühle Bütten.
Japanese binding. (16) pp. First edition.
Copy with various printer’s proofs and designs. With 3 revised
proofs containing corrections (in unknown) handwriting.
A. With 4 original silver prints of the photos made in Greonterp
while posing for the illustrations by Thomas Koolhaas, showing
Reve with a whip and “Loodgietend Prijsdier” as his victim. The
setting with the young plants, his spotted cap with paint or
birdshit, his tie, but especially the gene of Reve as ‘master’ with
his slave, make the pictures not useful for the ‘leatherscene’.
But it is clear that the photos are used for the book: Reves watch
is identical to the one on the cover.
B. Proof with 4 textp., 1 title illustration (the face of a woman!
instead of Reve) and a cover with a naked bottom instead of the
weeping boy.
C. Dummy (2 textp.) with ‘Athendeum’ for ‘Athenaeum’ and
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 10
-. Pleitrede uitgesproken ter zitting van het Gerechtshof te Amsterdam
door Gerard Kornelis van het Reve op dinsdag 17 oktober 1967.
Parketno. 3344-183-I-66. F666428. Amst., [De Arbeiderspers],
1967. Orig. wr. Limited edition of ca. 110 copies. 24 pp. First
Good copy.- (Bookplate, name and number inside front cover).
Very rare. PvW. ZRV 14
the surname of ‘Tony G.’ in full. The coverill. is darker than the
final version
D. 1 revision proof, dated ‘31 juli 1968’ with several corrections; 1
adjusted revision proof, dated ‘25 september 1968’ without new
corrections; 1 revision proof, dated ‘24 oktober 1968’ , with some
Very exceptional collection that showes Reves involvement with
the design and lay out of his work. No other prints are known,
nor from the model, nor from the photos.
Everything together in a fine cloth box, especially designed for
this master documents. PvW. ZRV 16
Design: Leendert STOFBERGEN. 24 pp. First edition.
Intended as a 1972/73 New Year’s gift which was not for sale.
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 20
-. Herkenning. [Zandvoort], Eliance Pers, 1970. Plaquette.
100 copies printed by hand by Peter MULLER on the
opportunity of the 47th birthday of Gerard Reve. Signed
Good condition.- (Very little inkspot upper front edge)
-. Uit de kunst. Brieven aan Simon Carmiggelt. [Zandvoort],
Eliance Pers, [1970]. Orig. wr. 50 numb. copies printed by
hand by Peter MULLER. (2),11,(7) pp. First edition.
Very rare. Good copy. PvW. ZRV 17
-. Vier Pleidooien. Amst., Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep,
1971. Cloth with (sl. discol.) dustwr. (spine sl. dam.). 57,(3)
pp. First edition.
PvW. ZRV 18
-. De Taal Der Liefde. Amst., 1972. Cloth with dustwr. 231,(1)
pp. First ed. Grote Bellettrie Serie
-. Trouw. [Zandvoort], Eliance Pers, [1973]. Plaquette in wr.
30 copies on handmade paper by Richard DE BAS, printed
by hand by Peter MULLER on the opportunity of the 50th
birthday of Gerard Reve.
Very rare. PvW. ZRV 24
The genuine first edition with the name ‘Fraciskus’ on inside
dustjacket. Fine copy. PvW. ZRV 19
-. Het Lieve Leven. Amst., Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep/
Rap, 1974. Cloth with dustwr. 176 pp. First edition. (30-50)
-. Credo. [Zandvoort], Eliance Pers, [1973]. Orig. wr. 50
numb. copies printed in blue and black. Uncut. 20,(6) pp.
First edition. Eliance-reeks 21.
Fine copy. PvW. ZRV 26
Good condition.- (almost undiscoloured). PvW. ZRV 22
-. Lekker Kerstbrood. Amstelveen, Peter Loeb, 1973. Orig.
boards. (8) pp. First edition.
Good condition.- (2 water stains upper front cover). PvW. ZRV 25
-. Onze Vrienden. Amst., Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep/
De Harmonie, [1973]. Boards with dustwr. 225 copies.
-. Rietsuiker. Amstelveen, Peter Loeb, 1974. Orig. boards
with the original tissue paper wrappers. 100 numb. copies.
(12) pp. First edition.
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 27
. Drie Toespraken. Amst., Loeb, 1976. Cloth with dustwr.
With portrait by Charles VLEK. 250 numb. copies in
softblue and black. 29,(3) pp. First edition. BIBLIOFIELE
Wr. sl. discol. PvW. ZRV 31
-. (Ik heb een testament). Een brief van G.K. van het Reve. Banholt,
[In de Bonnefant], 1980. Orig. dec. wr. 125 numb. copies
printed in red and black on Hahnemühle Ingres by Hans
VAN EIJK. (8) pp. First edition.
Good copy
Oompje Beer En Zijn Vriendjes. Amstelveen, AMO, 1987. Orig.
wr. 50 numb. and signed copies printed by Bram DE DOES.
(2),19,(5) pp. First ed.
One of 30 Arabic numb. copies on Immortal Fire. Good copy.(Spine discol.). PvW. ZRV 59-B
-. Archief Reve. 1931-1960 (red. Pierre H. DUBOIS, annotations
Sjaak HUBREGTSE). and Archief Reve. 1961-1980. 2 vols.
Baarn, Ambo, 1981-1982. Pap. resp. 271 and 236 pp. First
edition. DE PROM
-. Verzamelde gedichten. Amst., Van Oorschot, 1987. Cloth
with dustwr. 140,(4) pp. 3th ed.
Complete set. Good condition. PvW. ZRV 38; ZRV 42
-. Buitenland trekt onze meisjes aan; weten zij wel, waar ze terechtkomen?
[Bedum], Exponent, 1988. Orig. wr. 150 numb. and signed
copies in red and black printed by Menno WIELINGA.
Uncut. (12) pp. First ed.
-. Brieven aan Simon C. 1971-1975. Utrecht, Veen, 1982. Cloth
with dustwr. 284,(4) pp. First ed. Together with: Brieven van een
aardappeleter. 1993. 319,(1) pp. First ed.
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 58
Good copy.- (Spine sl. faded). PvW. ZRV 61
Both very fine. PvW. ZRV 43; ZRV 69
-. Zeergeleerde vrouwe. Utrecht, Veen, 1982. Orig. halfcloth.
300 numb. and signed copies hors commerce. 14,(2) pp.
First ed.
PvW. ZRV 41
“psychopatische krullentrekker”
-. Albvm Gerard Reve (ed. Joop SCHAFTHUIZEN). Amst./
Brussel, Elsevier, 1983. Cloth with dustwr. 150 deluxe
copies, numb. by Joop SCHAFTHUIZEN and signed by
Gerard REVE with one page orig. autograph. (160) pp.
First ed.
Superb autograph letter added, dated ‘Greonterp, 21 November
1976’, with the beginning “Excellentie”. The end of the letter
concerns his own passport: “Gaarne zoude ik thans de zaak
van mijn Nederlandse paspoort te berde willen brengen, dat
wel mijn beroep ‘auteur’ vermeldt, maar mijn naam zo goed
als onleesbaar door een psychopathische krullentrekker is
ingevuld”. PvW. ZRV 46
-. Brieven aan Frans P. 1965-1969. Utrecht, Veen, 1984. Cloth
with dustwr. 120 pp. First ed.
Very fine. PvW. ZRV 49
-. Schoon Schip 1945-1984. Amst., Manteau, 1984. Cloth with
dustwr. 319,(1) pp. First ed.
Mint. PvW. ZRV 47-.
-. Het Zesde Jaar. Amstelveen, AMO, 1989. Orig. wr. 75
numb. and signed copies in dark-red and black printed by
In de Bonnefant. Uncut. 13,(9) pp. First ed.
One of 38 arabic numbered copies on Zerkall in paper covers.
PvW. ZRV 63-B
-. Geen intellectuelenpoëzie. [Bedum], Exponent, 1990. Orig. wr.
150 numb. and signed copies in brown. Uncut. Spine and
upper margin discol. (8) pp. First ed.
PvW. ZRV 64
-. De Grote Taart. Amstelveen, [AMO], 1991. Orig. wr. Uncut.
75 numb. and signed copies printed by Hein ELFERINK on
Hahnemühle. (28) pp. First ed.
Very fine. PvW. ZRV 67-B
-. Hoe zwaar weegt een been? Open brief aan Rudy Kousbroek.
Oosterhesselen, De Klencke Pers, [1991]. Orig. wr. 60
numb. and signed copies. (11),5 pp. First ed.
Very fine. PvW. ZRV 65
-. Terugkeer. Gedichten. [Machelen aan de Leie, privately
printed, 1993]. Orig. stapled wr. 500 numb. and signed
copies printed by ‘de Nieuwe Grafische’. (13) pp. (50-60)
Photographic reprint (without the motto and with a new
colofon) of the poems that Reve, when he was 16 years old,
stenciled at ‘De Kameel’. PvW. ZRV 1 [reprint]
-. Slager Crolus Koopt Een Oude Viool. New York, Kunst Editions
(for JBR Organisatie-adviseurs), 1997. Loose sheets in softgreen cloth box (Portfoliobox Inc., Providence, Rhode
Island). With photographs by Vincent MENTZEL. One of
150 deluxe copies with an original barite-print. (32) pp.
First ed.
Barite print of Leonard BERNSTEIN, numb. 8/25 and signed by
Mentzel. Stamped on verso: “1997, Vincent Mentzel, Rotterdam
New York, J.B.R., Zeist, Kunsteditions New York”. PvW. ZRV 75
-. Het hijgend hert. Amst./Antw., [L.J. Veen/Atlas/Contact],
1998. Orig. illustrated boards, text bound as a leporello.
Limited edition, signed by the author, of the first chapter of
‘Het hijgend hert’, which was due to be published spring 1998.
Intended as a 1997/98 New Year’s gift which was not for sale.
Good copy. PvW. ZRV 77
-. ‘Gedicht Voor Mijn Negen
En Dertigste Verjaardag’.
Poem, typescript. Dated
‘Londen, 14 december
1962’, signed in ink
One sheet of unlined
paper, folded twice. With
3 autograph corrections
Good condition.- (Sm. tears
right and left edges (4 x))
-. - DONKERSLOOT, Peter (1959-). De Avonden 1989.
Mixed media (silkscreen, waterpaint, chalk and pencil) on
board, signed and dated ‘Donkersloot ‘87’ (lower centre),
inscribed ‘Thom Hoffman als Frits van Egters’ (lower
centre), 59 x 42,8 cm., mounted in passe-partout and
framed behind glass.
Good condition
-. - Frog-eyed portrait of Gerard
Reve with cap in his left hand,
covering his groin with his right
hand. Silver print, 23,8 x 18,3
cm. Copyright stamp on
verso “K.I.P.P.A.” (Kövesdi
International Press Agency),
Amsterdam”, “30 mei 1975”
and in handwriting “Gerard Reve”.
Good condition.- (Some small creases along the edges)
-. - MAAS, Nop. Kleine Bolsjewieken. De kleuterjaren van Karel
en Gerard (van het) Reve. vdBJ/Communicatie Groep, [1999].
Cloth with dustwr. With photographs. Limited edition,
printed in red and black. 63,(1) pp. First edition.
Together with: Gerard Reve /Geert VAN OORSCHOT. Briefwisseling
1951-1987. Amst., Van Oorschot, [2005]. Cloth with dustwr. With
photographs. 746,(6) pp. First edition
the scenario for the film with two autograph letters
-. - UMMELS, Jean. De Avonden. [The Movie]. Een [film]
scenario van Jean Ummels gebaseerd op de gelijknamige roman van
Gerard Reve. Eerste versie mei 1988; tweede versie oktober 1988;
vierde herziene versie, november 1988; vijfde herziene versie februari
1989, scenariobewerking Rudolf VAN DEN BERG; zesde herziene
versie, februari 1989. Amst., Praxino Pictures B.V., 1988.
Loose sheets in folder, resp. 136 pp.; 135 pp.; 111 pp.; 90
pp.; 92 pp. Zesde herziene versie also in spiral binding
film (30 p.), with 9 photocopies with the location planning
Folder with all the locations, maps, decor designs,
photographs, posters and the orig. handwritten sheet
music by Bob ZIMMERMAN. 16 pp.; portfolio with
newspaper clippings (14)
Together with: Two autograph letters to René Solleveld, the producer of the film.
Signed “je Gerard Reve” and “Gerard Reve (Blanke Dichter van
Stad en Land)” and dated “22 November 1989” and “24 Maart
1990”, onesided in ink, with the orig. envelopes. Reve writes:
“Het is een groots medium de film, maar het is geen medium
dat nuances kent […]. Een boek is denken, een film handelen.
Dat ‘respect voor het boek’, daar hebben we niets aan. Er uit
halen wat filmisch is en de rest laten vallen daar gaat het om.
[…]” and (in connection with the premiere and mayor Ed van
Thijn “Ik zie erg tegen de premiere op maar zet mijn tanden op
elkaar. [...] ïk mag niet in Amsterdamse gemeentelijke gebouwen
optreden [...] Men denkt dat alles kan en dat het geweldig ludiek
is. Dialoog: A. Heb jij niet mijn broer in het concentratiekamp
doodgeknuppeld? B. Ja, maar dat is alweer zo’n tijd geleden!
Bovendien, dat was een heel andere tijd.”
Interesting insight in the making of this film, awarded twice
with a ‘Gouden Kalf’, one for the best movie and one for the
best actor (Thom Hoffman). With lots of unique material
with title by Joost VEERKAMP and in the orig. version
with handnumb. pages and pasted on papers with
descriptions of the scenes, 399 pp. With the orig. contract
‘licentieovereenkomst (25/1/1988) between Gerard Reve,
the author and Praxino Pictures B.V., the producer. 5 p.,
unlined typescript divided in 12 articles, onesided, folded
once and perforated, signed in full and signed with initials
(4 p.) by Reve and Solleveld (Praxino Pictures). Notation
in handwriting Reve next to crossed out article 9: ‘’Artikel
9 vervalt G.R.” and again twice “vervalt G.R.”. Art. 9 deals
with the prolongation of the option to get the licence for
making the film. And ‘De Avonden Draaiboek/Storyboard.
Vooral niet te letterlijk nemen! Alleen voor intern
gebruik. december 1988’. Orig. typescript with drawings
in pencil and ink, like a comic strip. With corrections in
typ-ex., 400 pp.; ‘Breakdown’. Orig. typescript. 120 pp.;
Idem in photocopies in spiral bindings with coverills. by
Karel Beunis (grey and green); The Crew-, Cast, Location
list & Planning, in yellow spiral binding with title; Press
dossier; Sjef LAGRO (red.). Post-productionscript van de speelfilm
‘De avonden’. Amst., Praxino, [1989]. Spiral binding. 99 pp.;
‘Ontwerpplan’. Freek BIESIOT. 4p. folded prints (A3) with
sketches, descriptions and maps of the house and the
interiors. With photo’s and ills. for the atmosphere in the
-. - VESTDIJK, Simon. Zeer Geachte Heer Van Het Reve.
Woubrugge, Avalon Pers, 2006. Orig. gilt. cloth. 110
numb. copies on Zerkall. Preface Frank VAN DEN INGH,
introduction Kees FENS, annotations Nop MAAS. 27,(5)
pp. First edition
STREUVELS, Stijn. De vlaschaard. Tielt, Lannoo/
Antwerpen, Standaard. [1944]. Orig. dec. cloth (flax). With
4 ills. by Albert SAVERIJS. Deluxe copy, signed in full by
the author. 15th. edition published on the occasion of the
200.000th copy of the title. 235,(2) pp. Folio
Good copy
UZANNE, Octave. Vingt jours dans le nouveau monde. Paris,
May & Motteroz, (1893). Orig. ill. cloth. Ill. VII, (1 bl.), 214,
(2) pp. Oblong 8vo. (2) IDEM. Caprices d’un bibliophile.
Paris, E. Rouveyre, 1878. 8vo. Orig. wrappers, uncut.
Engr. frontispiece, title in red & black. IV, 146, (14, incl.
booksellers cat.) pp. One of 50 on ‘Whatman extra-fort’.
And 3 other 19th-century French works, of which 2 by the
same author.
Ad 1: Good copy. Ad 2: Reasonable copy.- (Front wrapper and
first quire loose; pasted ex-libris). The others (not collated) in
reasonable to good condition