re-branding urban youth


re-branding urban youth
etiquette pros quarterly
May 2014
Inaugural Edition
National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals
impacting the urban community through etiquette
Etiquette…Changing the
Narrative about Black Youth
taking photos that brand you an expert
Madame Ophelia Devore
National etiquette week 2014
Honoring an etiquette pioneer
Madame Ophelia Devore
Is Etiquette Relevant to the Urban Community
Taking Photos that Brand you an Expert
My health begins with my choice
Prepping for an Excellent Workshop
Joining a Sisterhood of Etiquette/Debutante Pros
Lady Rasheeda Jones Making a Difference
Is the “Thug Brand” Destroying our Youth?
From the Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
I am so excited to present this all new platform for
urban etiquette and debutante professionals. We
want you to shine and feel empowered as we
address the issues facing the youth services
industry. Through much prayer and relentless
commitment, I introduce Etiquette Pros Quarterly,
NAUEP’s new magazine to reach even more
people with the message of hope, etiquette and
Etiquette Pros Quarterly is designed as a
resource for etiquette professionals and individuals
who work with youth. Our e-zine features
the latest trends in behavior,
etiquette tips and empowerment
through contemporary etiquette issues
impacting their lives.
We welcome your feedback
and most of all need your
prayer and support. Etiquette
is not simply an act of behavior,
it is a lifestyle to be embraced
by all.
Keep it urban classy,
Lady T
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
Shifting Viewpoints
Does Etiquette Have a Place in Urban Culture?
Since the beginning of time, the next generation,
has always rebelled against the “rules of
society.” After all, it’s great to be eccentric,
different, dare I say…a “rebel.”
But in truth, though our differences are what sets
us apart as individuals, or similarities is what
allows society to live together harmoniously.
Etiquette is the common thread that holds society
together. Etiquette is an unspoken set of rules
such as, “please,” and “thank you.”
acknowledges others feelings, presence and
Despite the unspoken rules of etiquette being
played out daily, many in the urban culture are
unaware of the nuisances surrounding the use of
etiquette. Because it has long been seen as
something rich people have, some in the urban
community have rejected the benefits of
knowing which fork to use.
In a recent Pew Study, more than a quarter of
Fortune 500 companies admit to considering
social graces when hiring a potential job
candidate. So, the unfounded rationale that
etiquette is something that passed in the 50’s is a
Etiquette is the secret weapon “successful
people,” use to dominate the game and unless
urban America begins to invest in educating
themselves and embracing its importance, the
pitiful unemployment numbers will continue.
It’s time for the urban community to support the
need for etiquette and embrace its advantages. If
you believe the old adage, “fake it to you make
it,” then etiquette should be the perfect vehicle to
help you arrive at your desired destination.
For more information on how you can get
involved, log on to and find
out how you can learn more about etiquette
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
MadameOphelia Devore
The Mother of Urban Etiquette
With the recent passing
of one America’s premier etiquette
pioneers, NAUEP would like to honor Madame Ophelia Devore. Despite the
perception that Emily Post is the mother of etiquette in America, the public has
rarely been introduced to the first woman of urban etiquette. Madame Ophelia
DeVore's impact on the field of African American etiqette is noteworthy because she
is the first African American woman in the United States to own a modeling agency.
Throughout the 1950's and 60's, Madame DeVore opened a modeling agency for
African American women to learn the grace and elegance needed to be booked by
prestigious fashion houses. Her efforts led to many young women who would have
normally been passed over for a modeling opportunity a chance to model not only in
America but throughout Europe.
If you’ve ever admired the effortless class and style in which actresses like Diane
Carroll and Cissley Tyson displayed in the 1950’s and 60’s, you would have to
look to Ophelia Devore.
Madame Devore opened the first modeling agency for African American
women in 1946 in New York where she groomed African American actresses and
models for the national stage. A pioneer in the field of image etiquette, Ms. Devore
was a master of social graces and often consulted with presidents and great men and
women of power.
Lady Devore speaks passionately about her desire to empower Black women in her
personal interview on her website, Log on to Madame
DeVore's website to learn about her background and impact on young African
American women and the legacy she has left for us all.
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
Taking Photos
that Brand
you an EXPERT
Selfies can seem like such a good idea…you
remember the picture you posted of you and your
girls outside that trendy restaurant after partying
a bit too much? Or how about the picture of you
in that oh-so-cute hi/lo skirt that’s a little too
high? Hold on - before you post another picture
on Instagram or Snapshot or even Facebook, I
would like you to think about this:
Though this may be the way of most people,
individuals who work in the field of empowering
young women should always present themselves
intentionally in photos.
You are a business owner of an etiquette company that
is poised on the brink of greatness. Does that selfie
you just posted add or diminish from your professional
Professional photos offer many benefits, including
giving you the freedom to “design” the image that you
want of yourself.
You see, you are the spokes model, salesman, creative
genius and the face of your brand. You reflect all those
core principles that you teach today’s youth.
Do you want to be seen as savvy and conservative?
Trendy yet professional? A professional photo allows
you to show who you are in the best possible light.
Professional, dynamic and knowledgeable are some of
your key selling points when you address students,
parents and prospects. In light of this, does that selfies
represent the best first impression to your audience?
Trust me, everyone from clients to school admissions
officers to hiring managers are now searching social
media to find out more about potential candidates,
including you.
As you start to see yourself as the person behind your
brand, then your professional image takes on more
importance. You are the “face and image” of your
etiquette business and photos can add spark and
interest to your brand without saying a word.
What will anyone searching for you find?
I always encourage my clients to take professional
photos for business and even for general postings.
By Miriam Glover of Miriam Glover Marketing
A word of caution: If you must post personal pictures,
make sure you have filters, such as friend acceptance,
so you will know who wants to access to your page.
Remember, once you post a picture, it can go viral and
there’s no way to undo what’s been released.
Control and manage your image and you will be one
stepper closer to success.
national association of urban etiquette professionals
Staying Fit
See the Results…
When starting a new business, you must
be at your best. Integrating a healthy
exercise routine and diet will help you
accomplish the goals you have set, deal
with the stress and allow you to look the
part of an expert.
Stretch Daily
Stretching daily is a great way to
remain flexible and feeling young.
When you don’t stretch your muscles
begin to shrink and tighten making it
easier for you to get an injury doing the
simplest of tasks.
Eat Healthy
As a business owner, you stay
Quite busy, and how you feed your body
is crucial to your health. Eat foods high
in fiber, enjoy fruits and vegetables and
add more chicken and fish in your diet.
Eat healthy and enjoy a long career.
Make Exercise a part of
your Daily Routine
Beyond daily stretching, getting your
heart rate up at least three times weekly
will help you have healthier heart.
Running, riding a bicycle, playing
basketball, dancing and jump roping all
lead to a healthier and stronger heart.
Emotionally Speaking
Being stressed out, overworked and
getting little rest can all lead to poor
health. Make sure you are making
decisions that won’t lead to drama in
your life, and work hard at surrounding
yourself with positive people, places
and things.
Add variety in your exercise routine and SEE results!
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
Before your Workshop
Are you prepared to maximize your OPPORTUNITY?
Check your GO BAG!
Make it Memorable
Stay organized with your pre-packed GO
BAG. Check it weekly to stay ready!
Review the Workshop Details
Profile your hostess and setting. Take note
of the number of participants, the venue,
and time.
Master your Craft
Practice your workshop and its delivery.
Get rid of note cards or anything that could
distract your audience.
Pack your GO BAG with your business card
and post cards to distribute at your
upcoming classes. Give out door prizes or
host a contest so you can capture as many
emails as possible.
After the Workshop
Thank your host and add him/her to your
email list. Stay in touch throughout the year
with etiquette tips and class schedules.
Your clients deserve the best experience possible.
Your clients’ experience depends upon your readiness.
Take some time to
PREPARE to make a lasting IMPRESSION!
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
Ask Lady T?
Tips to growing your etiquette business
Question: How do I deal with clients who don’t want to pay for my services?
Answer: Dealing with those who don’t appreciate the value of compensating
you for your services doesn’t have to be a challenge. Building your brand is
the key to unlocking the safe. Take some time to build your brand by building
media relationships, conducting community programs and creating workshops
with KEY COMMUNITY PARTNERS. After you build your portfolio and fee schedule,
others will respect you and approach you as they should…with budget in hand.
If you want your question answered in EPQ, send your question to
Lady Farida Mays
Celicia Smith
Prudence Howard
Melissa Thurmond
Briena Johnson
Yolundra Jackson
Lady Kim Teamer
Sharlonda McKenzie
Wyvetta Granger
Ogechukwu Nwamu
Shelley Stanton
Renee Weathersby
Celebrating their
Lynne Peterson
Kasha Crannon
Letty Quiroz
Sarina Fields
Elmer Davis Rhodie
Kimberly Sullivan
Stayce Wagner
Tonja Prudhomme
Lady Karissa Johnson
Ms. Tonja Prudhomme is
an etiquette expert who
elegance with Creole flair.
A resident of Shreveport,
La. Tonja impacts the
lives of young men and
women by conducting
schools, churches and
As she
preps for the opening of
her charm school on the
bayou, NAUEP wanted to
recognize this very dear
sister and congratulate
her on the next step to
her success.
Lady Karissa is a world
traveler who is taking the
message of etiquette all
around the world. In 2012,
Karissa left our beautiful
shores for China where she
taught English to children.
Through her work, she was
granted an opportunity to
teach etiquette, and just
this past year Karissa was
invited to Saudi Arabia to
teach 200 young women
We want to
salute Karissa for her hard
work and congratulate her
for taking the message of
etiquette WORLWIDE!
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
etiquette pros quarterly
Though becoming an etiquette
consultant is exciting, the truth've
only just begun. Business owners have a great deal of
responsibility and as an etiquette professional, you
want to make sure you have all the tools you need to
be successful.
Recently, one of the NAUEP Junior Debutante
affiliates contacted the national office. She needed
help putting together a sponsorship letter in order to
receive funding for her non-profit efforts.
By the end of the day, NAUEP team members crafted
a concise and compelling letter that she is now using
to solicit her supporters for funding.
Your affiliation includes:
- License to use the NAUEP logo and affiliation
- Discounts on products and events
- Ongoing support and training opportunities
- Name listed on the NAUEP roster online
- Eligibility for prizes and leadership
If you haven't logged on to re-affiliate,
make sure to do so TODAY! For more
information, email us at
An opportunity to connect and assist people is what
the national association is all about and we are
honored to assist our affiliates in any way we can.
As an association, it is our goal and mission to provide
you with the best tools possible to impact your
community through etiquette, leadership and debutante
Affiliate members enjoy ongoing training and
connection to their fellow etiquette experts. Continue
to fan the flames of your etiquette passion and
maintain your credentials by re-affiliating each year.
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
Denell Parker
Peta-Gay Henry
NAUEP National Certification Director
Forging innovative partnerships for etiquette
Peta-Gay Henry, CEO and Founder of the Le'Charme Etiquette
School in Tamerac, Florida has taken her etiquette business in
new directions through innovative partnerships and events.
Certified in 2012 through NAUEP, Peta-Gay began her etiquette
journey providing workshops through partnerships with local art
galleries and schools. As she worked to help teach young women
and men who attended art classes, the word began to spread about
the great work she was doing with children.
In 2013, through her great vision and hard work, Peta opened the
doors of her first Le’Charme School location where she provides
Etiquette instruction, on-on-one coaching and specialty birthday
Most notable are the partnerships she has formed with department
stores to impact the lives of little girls. Peta partners with a local
department store to provide a special tea party for girls as parents
enjoy a few hours of shopping. For a reasonable price, girls are
treated to dainty pastries and treated like a princess.
In addition to her growing department store partnerships, Peta is
also known for throwing the best “Princess Parties,” in the state of
Florida. Her menu of special parties include princess, rock and
roll, spa day and much more.
Through her innovation and some well-placed partnerships, Peta
has been able to make her etiquette passion become a reality for
her business.
national association of urban etiquette professionals
Denell Parker is a certified etiquette
professional and event planner who has a
passion for seeing young women reach
their full potential.
As a part of the NAUEP National Training
Team, Denell is responsible for training
new and returning NAUEP Etiquette
Professionals from across the country. As
a leader on her job, in her home and
community, Denell has made an immediate
impact on the women of NAUEP through
her warm and welcoming training style.
Professionally, Denell serves as Principal
Proposal Analyst for General Dynamic
Information Technology of Virginia. She
is a wife and committed member of various
women’s groups and associations.
NAUEP is proud that Denell has chosen to
partner with us as she lends her amazing
background and expertise to the training
To learn more about certifications, please
contact Denell at or
give us a call at 1.800.291.6492.
Empowered for Excellence
Empowered forExcellence
Certification SCHEDULE
Certification and Workshops for the Emerging Professional
Etiquette/Protocol Certification
Junior Debutante Certification
Leadership Training Certification
UrbanGentz Certification
Choose a Certification Right for You!
Etiquette/Debutante Certification
Basic, Plus, and Elite
Certifications available
Live demonstrations and
hands-on instruction
5 Key Etiquette Areas
Marketing and Booking
Girl's Programming Professional
Etiquette for Professionals
Booking Paid Engagements
Branding and Marketing Your
Girl's Program
Public Speaking Techniques for
Emerging Professionals
gain your credentials and begin your
journey to service
We cordially invite you to join us for this extensive training designed to empower
individuals seeking to gain their credentials in etiquette or debutante instruction and
for those seeking to enhance their existing girl's programming. NAUEP is a leader in girl
and teen curriculum development and training and we are excited to equip you with
the tools you need to make your program a success.
2014 Schedule
June 27 - 28, 2014 - Tamarac, FL
September 26 - 27, 2014 – Las Vegas
October 10 - 11, 2014- Atlanta, GA
*** Dates Subject to Change***
NAUEP is the largest and most well-respected association for
individuals seeking to impact the urban community through girl's and
teen programming. Earn your credentials with the largest association
dedicated to improving the lives of urban children and youth. * 800.291.6492
etiquette pros quarterly
Ladies By Design
Junior Debutante Course
Transforming Little Girls into Little Ladies
Lady Rasheeda Jones
Orlando, Florida
Empowering Girls to be Successful in
Every Area of their Lives!
reserved for the wealthy, becoming a
Debutante for many young women
residing in underserved communities
has been out of reach. Despite this lack
of access, NAUEP has been able to
bring the Debutante tradition to
countless little girls and young women
because of astute leaders like,
Rasheeda Jones of Orlando, Florida.
Serving as a teacher at Kingsway
Christian Academy, Rasheeda has
worked closely with principal, Diane
Copeland to bring this program to light.
It would not have been possible
without the leadership of Faith
Creation Fellowship, Rev. Thomas
Copeland, Pastor. Lady Jones is
surrounded by little girls who have
never been exposed to social graces
For the past two years
however, Lady Jones and her coinstructors, Lynette Ortiz and Diane
Williams have changed this by
impacting over 100 girls through
weekly meetings.
As a woman of action, Lady Jones felt
taking the "tisk, tisk," approach was
unacceptable and began the Daughters
of the King Etiquette Training
Program. Daughters of the King is
birthed out of Lady Jones' overall
ministry goal which is to help young
women be successful in every aspect
of their lives.
She credits the Ladies By Design
Course with providing a template for
weekly meetings and feels the faithbased aspect of the program provides
the spiritual foundation needed to
truly make a difference in the lives of
the young women.
Lady Jones states she has seen the
self-esteem and assurance of the little
girls increase considerably since their
participation in the program.
In addition to the noticeable
difference in the girls, she also states
she can personally attest to the
strengthening of the mother/daughter
relationships among participants.
notes and monthly calendars all of
which she feels is important for
parent involvement.
Her call to impact girls began in the
12th grade when she states God told
her she was going to be working with
young women. As she walks out the
prophecy of God she received in the
12th grade, Lady Rasheeda is a living
example of the difference women
who care can make in the lives of
little girls.
Lady Jones feels her strength comes
from the support she receives from
her family, faith, and upbringing.
When asked about the rewards of
working with the little girls she
simply said, "The feeling is
We commend Lady Rasheeda
Jones and her team for planting the
seeds of grace and elegance in little
girls who would have never had a
chance to become their very BEST!
She keeps the lines of communication
open with parents through emails,
national association of urban etiquette professionals
etiquette pros quarterly
“The tragedy is not how the world defines you…it is how you define yourself.”
Trenette Wilson
Is the “thug brand,” destroying urban youth?
Recently in two high profile cases, two young African
American men were gunned down and the juries in both
cases found the shooter innocent. As jurors spoke out,
they repeatedly sympathized with the shooter even
though the murdered young men had no weapons.
One needs only to glance at both circumstances to
realize that Americans, in general see all young
minorities in a negative light. Most people have little
to no interaction at all to determine how African
Americans behave, but based on the “national
narrative,” which states all minorities are criminals,
thugs and sex-crazed maniacs, many people paint the
entire race with one broad stroke, which has led to real
life consequences.
This shameful portrayal of African Americans as
menaces to society has played to the steady beat of a
drum through strategic campaigns carried out through
music and media images. If the targeted overt racist
images won’t suffice, youth provide enough selfies to
fill in the blanks.
Since the average child sees 80,000 commercials by the
time they are in kindergarten, this according to Gabriela
Baeza in her report, Girls Risk Factors, Trends, and
Strategies 2011, there must be a well-thought out effort
to REBRAND Black Youth and how America sees
national association of urban etiquette professionals
This sounds like a job for Scandal’s, Olivia Pope. If
we had a moment with her, she could give Black
America some great advice on how to re-take the
narrative and shift the focus. Unfortunately, we don’t
have a real Olivia to lead us to the land of public
relations bliss, but all is not lost.
There are a few simple steps that can turn the tide of
bad press, and begin to paint black youth in a different
Step 1: Decide the “Thug,” doesn’t represent
Black America – though mom can be angry about
what she sees on television, until you see the current
picture being painted about black youth as negative,
you won’t see the need to alter it.
Step 2: Decide what image/picture best describes
If the images that represent young, black America
doesn’t represent you, then paint the picture that does.
Once you define your generations’ brand, you can
begin to formulate a campaign around raising
Step 3:
Use social media to “Re-brand” your
All youth have a following. Why not use your
etiquette pros quarterly
influence to share positive pictures, words of
encouragement or raise awareness. You’ll be
surprised how many people need to hear
something positive.
Step 4: Decide you will be a positive messenger
You be the difference! Your decision to carry
yourself with dignity and respect will cause others
to respect you.
Step 5: Unite around re-branding – young
people have the rare chance to use social media to
get the word out in a big way. Unify around
positivity and show the world how loud one
message can be.
Etiquette Week
Raises Awareness
about Etiquette
May 12 – 16, 2014
For more information about Re-branding urban
Youth, log on to
By Trenette Wilson, CEO & Founder…on a
mission to re-brand urban youth. Will you help
Passive marketing is the act of marketing
without saying a word. For etiquette
instructors, passive marketing is critical to
starting the conversation about etiquette
without spending a dime on advertising.
Start your passive
marketing today!
Only available to current NAUEP affiliate
Log on to affiliate today at
national association of urban etiquette professionals
Demonstrate your manners during
National Etiquette Week by purchasing
your DYM t-shirt. Wear your t-shirt
during the week to encourage
conversation around the importance of
To get your DYM t-shirt, log on to and support etiquette.
etiquette pros quarterly
Clothes that
brand you a
Pro wherever
you go…
As soon as you tell others you are an etiquette
professional, they immediately look at you from
head to toe. Even if dressed casually, there is a
certain expectation on the part of the public about
how they think you should dress.
Expand your wardrobe by creating clothes clusters
so you can look like the pro you are no matter what
the occasion.
national association of urban etiquette professionals
Lady t introduces princess mia
- A new resource to increase your income while building
girls self esteem! -
Available for the first time, NAUEP presents an
opportunity for you to increase your income by
licensing you to sell the all new Princess Mia’s
Etiquette Adventures.
For a deeply discounted price, you can purchase a
set and sale at your own price. Ideal for setting up
a public reading with schools, churches and
community organizations where you can make
available to parents and administrators.
Start earning additional income today by
broadening your brand and introducing little girls
to the new princess of etiquette.
Discount on bulk prices for etiquette/debutante
Licensed to conduct readings at schools,
churches and organizations
Full color book
Ideal for girls 7 to 9 years old
Perfect to create income without all the hard
Expand your etiquette brand by connecting to the
public in a unique way
If interested, contact to download
the information packet.
national association of urban etiquette professionals