May-June Newsletter 2016 - Rock Valley Christian School


May-June Newsletter 2016 - Rock Valley Christian School
Rock Valley
Christian School
1405 17th Street
Rock Valley, IA 51247
Phone: 712-476-2615
May / June 2016
School Report – April/May
The Amazing Race theme for the month of May is “The Prize.” The theme verse is found in Philippians
3:14 which reads “I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in
Christ Jesus.” The 8th grade students will give their Farewell Chapel this month.
As we complete another school year and another school theme, I have to admit that the theme
‘Amazing Race’ has turned out to be one of my favorites. We have been able to incorporate the monthly
themes in so many ways this past year. Being a sports fan and a poor runner has led me to have many reflec1ons on all the different stages and aspects of the race in Christ Jesus.
In 8th grade Bible, we read and studied the en1re book of Mark. One of the most intriguing lessons
was the story of the Demon Possessed Man in Mark 5. The story ends with Jesus commanding the demons to
leave the man. They did so by going into a herd of pigs killing nearly 3,000 of them.
The most interes1ng part of the story was that the demons begged Jesus to send them into the pigs.
They recognized that Jesus was the Son of God and had the power to condemn them to eternal hell. So to
summarize, the greatest adversary that exists to the kingdom of God knew that they would be defeated!
Transla1on – WE WIN!! As followers of Jesus Christ – WE WIN!! The prize of heaven awaits for all
who have put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Mr. Vis
Graduation information:
Eighth grade graduation will be held at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 26th, at Calvin CRC .
Congratulations to this year’s Co-Valedictorians:
And to the Citizenship Award Winner:
Van Otterloo
For the giBs in memory of Art Kooima.
♦ For the giBs in memory of Bev Boon.
♦ To the Cornie & Grace Harthoorn family for
their estate planning giB to RVCS .
♦ For the giBs in memory of Elaine Kats
We thank the Lord for all the giBs we receive! These giBs, along with other founda1on
giBs, are added to the already exis1ng fund to con1nue to support the Chris1an educa1on of students for years to come.
Also, thank you to the members of the
RVCS Founda1on who promptly submit their dues
when they become due.
Geography Bee
The school’s annual geography bee contest
was held for the junior
high students in March.
Cole Zevenbergen, 8th
grader, answered the
most questions correctly
to become this years
winner. Cole and his
parents, Glenn & Stephanie, traveled to Cedar
Falls on April 1st for the State Geography Bee
contest. Cole enjoyed participating at the state
level and represented Rock Valley Christian
very well.
Congratulations Cole!
Team: Iowa
Ash1n Van’t Hul, Cade Tiedeman, Mason Kelderman, Abby Ver Burg,
Jenna Dibbet
Team: Virginia
Hannah Groothof, Kerrigan Van Beek, Kylie De Jager, McKenna
De Weerd, Keegan Van Surksum; Noah Jansma - absent
In 5th grade, we celebrated March Madness with a variety of ac1vi1es. The students were assigned to different basketball teams. Throughout the month of March the students competed against each other with
different ac1vi1es such as:
Poetry contest: students picked 2 poems and they
were put in a bracket. Students voted for their
favorite poem
Social Studies: Geography bee
Math: March Mathness
Science: Distance compe11on
Building a structure to hold a basketball by only using newspapers and masking tape
Some of the ac1vi1es were more challenging than othParker Van’t Hul, Jaiden Groeneweg, Aysha Pollema,
ers as the students were encouraged to work together
Jaelyn De Jong, Aus1n Blom, Colton SackeG
and discuss things with their teammates.
Team: Kansas
Team: Villanova
Jake De Wit, Jace Mulder, Conner De Groot, Madison
Visser, Taylor Statema, Brooklyn Van Beek
Team: Maryland
Cowan Van Kley, Brody Van’t Hul, Eli Blankespoor,
Faith Groeneweg
The Northwest Iowa Reading Council held
their annual Crea1ve Wri1ng contest and RVCS had
two students achieve a Second Place Ra1ng!
One young author was second grader
Haevyn Ranschau. Her work was en1tled: “D’weat
and the Haunted House Next Door.” Her story follows:
“Once upon a time there lived a little boy
named D’weat. D’weat had a friend named
Michelle. Michelle had a twin brother named
Micle. D’weat and Michelle thought Micle was
annoying. D’weat, Michelle, and Micle lived in a
town called Hill Ville. D’weat’s neighbors were
named Mr. and Mrs. Portnie. Mrs. Portnie could
be a little cranky sometimes. One day Michelle
and D’weat were playing outside, and they heard
a noise coming from Mr. and Mrs. Portnie’s
house. It was a very strange noise. Then D’weat
and Michelle saw a big, huge, giant, humongous
green monster come out of their house! D’weat
and Michelle ran down the street as fast as they
could! They passed First, Second, Third, Fourth,
and Fifth Streets! The big, huge, giant, humongous green monster was chasing them! Finally an
exterminator exterminated the big, huge, giant,
humongous green monster. Then D’weat and
Michelle went back to D’weat’s backyard. When
they got back to D’weat’s backyard, they went
into Mr. and Mrs. Portnie’s house to check it out.
They found out Mr. and Mrs. Portnie’s house was
actually haunted! So D’weat and Michelle went to
a man named Dr. Flu’s lab. They asked Dr. Flu if
he had a potion that could change a haunted
house into a normal house. Dr. Flu told D’weat
and Michelle that he didn’t have one. But he did.
On D’weat and Michelle’s way out of Dr. Flu’s lab
they saw a potion. The potion was a potion that
could change a haunted house into a normal
house. When Dr. Flu wasn’t looking D’weat and
Michelle stole the potion and left. On D’weat and
Michelle’s way back to D’weat’s backyard, they
dropped the potion! But Michelle knew they
would drop the potion so she grabbed a second
one! Then Michelle told D’weat and they kept on
running back to D’weat’s backyard. When they
got there they put the potion on Mr. and Mrs.
Portnie’s house, and it worked! D’weat and
Michelle did their happy dance. The end.”
The second young author was fiBh grader
Cowan Van Kley. His work was en1tled: “The Amazing
Race” and reads as follows:
“It was time for the final three. For the finals,
the teams came to the beautiful Grand Tetons. The Tetons are right next to Yellowstone and don’t have as
much people as their neighbor. In this mountain range,
there is lots of hiking trails, waterfalls, and white water
rafting rivers. Now, here are the teams. Team Hooker,
Kris and Jordyn, were in first place. In second, the New
Yorkers, Andrew and Sara, who are rivals with team
Hooker. In last, the Hikers, Joey and Josh, have the advantage this task. The first task was Roadblock. The
teams had to hike to Hidden Falls. On the way, they
needed to keep an eye out for their next clue and
bears. Teams also had the option to learn how to use
bear spray. The Hikers skipped the bear spray lesson,
but the others stayed. Once the other teams got done
with their lesson, the Hikers found the clue. The next
task was a Detour. The theme: photography. They
could either take a picture while hiking, or take a picture of a bike. In Hike, they must take a picture of what
the park is known for: moose. If they do take a picture
of these magnificent creatures, a ranger will give them
their next clue. Or in Bike, teams must ride in a gondola
above a bike trail. If they take a picture of three different bikers, a judge will give them their next clue. The
Hikers chose hike, of course. When Team Hooker
found a clue, they chose bike. Though the New Yorkers
found their clue, they got lost. “It felt like we would
never catch up.” Andrew says. Finally, the New Yorkers
found a boat ride across Jenny Lake. They chose bike.
The Hikers may have snapped a picture, but it’s a long
way till they reach the final task: skydiving. “When I
heard skydiving, I said, ‘Your turn Josh’” Joey says. Later, the New Yorkers had it easy, and so did Team Hooker. It was going to be close. Sara dove for the New
Yorkers and Kris went for Team Hooker. Down below,
it was a nail biter for everyone. First one person
leaped, then another, then another. Then one person
didn’t open their parachute on time so one team got
ahead of the other. And the winner is...The New Yorkers! Then came the Hikers, and then Team Hooker.
What a race for the New Yorkers: only winning this leg,
and beating the Hikers who won 4 legs and Team
Hooker who won 7 legs. Congrats to the New Yorkers!”
Congratula1ons Haevyn & Cowan!
March 14, 2016
I. James Vanden Bos opened the mee1ng with devo1ons and prayer.
II. Mo1on to approve agenda was supported and
III. Mo1on to approve minutes of the Feb. 8, 2016
board mee1ng was supported and approved.
IV. Mo1on to approve Income Statement and
Balance Sheet and expenditures totaling
$119,400.28 was supported and approved.
V. Brad Vis gave fund reports for informa1on.
VI. Brad Vis gave principal’s report for informa1on.
VII. CommiGee reports were given for informa1on.
VIII. Concept minutes—Jason Kooima
IX. Next board mee1ng is scheduled for Monday,
April 11, 2016.
X. Mo1on to adjourn was supported and
XI. Evan Altena closed with prayer.
Secretary, Jason Kooima
The 6th Grade Medieval
Banquet was held on
Tuesday, March 22nd.
Besides dressing the part,
the students presented
their Coat of Arms, ate
medieval food, and provided entertainment and
APRIL 11, 2016
I. James Vanden Bos opened the mee1ng with
devo1ons and prayer.
II. Mo1on to approve agenda was supported and
III. Mo1on to approve minutes of the March 14,
2016 board mee1ng was supported and approved.
IV. Mo1on to approve Income Statement and
Balance sheet and expenditures totaling
$137,881.12 was supported and approved.
V. Brad Vis gave fund reports for informa1on.
VI. Brad Vis gave principal’s report for informa1on.
VII. Mo1on to approve a School Improvement Team
was supported and approved.
VIII. Mo1on to approve Joe E. Van Tol and Sarah
Vander Pol as Founda1on Board Members was
supported and approved.
IX. CommiGee reports were given for informa1on.
X. Concept minutes—Brad Postma
XI. Next board mee1ng is scheduled for Monday,
May 9, 2016.
XII. Mo1on to adjourn was supported and approved.
XIII. Jared Blankespoor closed with prayer.
XIII. AGendance: Absent with no1fica1on: Jus1n
Groeneweg, Jason Kooima, and Dan Ver Burg.
Secretary, Jason Kooima
The kindergarten class just completed a unit on 2D and 3D
shapes. The students learned the names of the shapes and
how to make shape patterns. Then they learned to identify
shapes in real world objects and then they made other pictures from the shapes. The students not only had fun during
this unit but also learned a lot about shapes!
Kase Hoekstra &
Kaysha Altena
6th Grade Math Bee
Rock Valley Chris1an sent 5 students to the 6th grade math
bee on April 21st. The group included Emily De Jager, Sydney
Vander Pol, Ali Van OGerloo, Julia Veldman, and Allison
Walhof. The math bee consisted of public and private schools
in northwest Iowa. The math bee recognizes and gives medals
to the top 20 individuals out of the well over 100 student
par1cipants. A team score is also calculated using a combina1on of individual scores and the team round. The top 10
teams are recognized but only the top 4 teams are given
awards. Emily De Jager, Juila Veldman and Ali Van OGerloo all
placed in the top 20 for RVCS, with Emily 1ed for 20th, Julia
1ed for 17th, and Ali coming in 1ed for 6th place. The team was one ques1on on the team round away
from 4th, seGling for 5th place behind West Lyon (1st), Netherlands Reformed (2nd), Sheldon (3rd) and
Sibley-Ocheyedan (4th). Math bee teachers both present and past from RVCS were asked when the last
1me a class finish this strongly in the math bee. However, no class in recent memory has matched the
current 6th grade’s success. The girls now look forward to the 7th grade math bee hosted by Dordt
College next year.
- Mr. McCray
Happy Retirement to Evelyn Bajema!
Evelyn has been a bus driver at RVCS for the past 41 years!! That’s a really long time
and we appreciate ALL you do and have done for & with us Evelyn! You will be greatly missed!
Help us in thanking Evelyn by sending a note, card, letter, email, etc. to school. We will
collect notes and present them to her all at once the last week of school.
Her 41 years have consisted of:
Approximately 14,760 routes driven (180 days/school year x AM & PM route = 360 routes/
year x 41 years)
41 routes driven for field trips—probably more
First ever blown tire just this past April—thank goodness all went well!
Being “on-call” for late starts and/or early outs
Listening to numerous stories from kids
Parade of States
Each fourth grade student selected
and researched a state. A parade was recently held for family and friends in the bus
barn. One day they also brought food representative of that state and shared with each
Following is a list of Mrs. Visscher’s
students listing their name, state name, the
food they brought to share, and an interesting fact about their state:
Joelie Broadway—Alabama, peach pie. Talladega Super Speedway is in Alabama. It is
the largest race track in the National Association for Stock Car Racing.
Kylan De Weerd—New York, cheesecake.
Niagara Falls is in New York. It is 176 feet
Noah De Weerd—Alaska, deer meat. Alaska’s lowest temperature ever recorded was –
80 degrees F. and the highest ever recorded
temperature was 100 degrees F.
Ryan Groeneweg—Hawaii, bananas. Did you know the Pearl
Harbor attack happened in
Hawaii on December 7, 1941?
Aaron Kamstra—Maine, blueberries. At
Maine’s Lobster Fair people run across crab
Ethan Kooima—Ohio, lifesavers. One interesting face about Ohio is Cedar Point. Cedar
Point is home to really cool roller coasters.
Tyler Mantel—Maryland, Smith Island Cake.
The lowest temperatures ever recorded in
Maryland was –40 degrees.
Raya Van Beek—Mississippi, corn bread.
The largest shrimp in the world are located
in Mississippi and can be as long as your arm!
Ryder Van Bemmel—Pennsylvania, Hershey
bars. Hershey Park is an amusement park
with over 40 acres of rides, roller coasters
and aquatic shows.
Payton Marks—Minnesota, milk
& blueberry muffins. ‘Target’
store originated in Minnesota.
Aubrey Vander Ziel– South Dakota, Buffalo meat & milk. In
South Dakota, there is the Great Buffalo
Roundup. There are about 1,200-1,500 buffalo in the roundup. It is on September 30
this year.
Kiana Van Egdom—Rhode Island, Johnny
cakes (invented in Rhode Island). A fact
about my state is that the Tennis Hall of
Fame is located here.
Lily Van Maanen—New Jersey, Jersey bagels. The Wings and Water Festival shows
animals that fly and animals that live in the
Kayla Van Otterloo—Texas, chips & dip.
Texas is the only state to have six different
nations fly over it. They are Spain, France,
Mexico, The Republic of Texas, The Confederate States of America, and the United
Samantha Van Otterloo—Nebraska, Wimmer’s Wieners. Nebraska is called the Corn
Husker state.
Kayleigh Van Tilburg—Arkansas, chocolate
gravy with biscuits & orange snowman.
‘Walmart’ stores were created in Arkansas
and have over 2.2 million employees.
Parade of States,
Following is a list of Mrs. Van Otterloo’s students listing their name, state
name, and a favorite fact about
their state:
The food I brought was tacos.
Jenna Van Otterloo—Washington. One thing
that I learned is that Dove Cameron is from
there. She is 20 years old and was born in
Seattle, Washington.
Taylor Altena—Montana. I
found that Montana State University wont he football championship in 1998.
Kaili Weber—Virginia. One of my favorite
things was that the civil war happened mostly in Virginia. I brought cornbread because
there is a colonial town called Jamestown
and cornbread is a colonial food.
Lucas Kooima—Kentucky. My
favorite thing was that Abraham Lincoln is
from Georgia but came to Kentucky. They
are also known for their fried chicken.
Savaeh Sichmeller—Florida. One thing I
learned was about the Everglades National
Park. I enjoyed learning about that. I
brought Florida oranges for my food.
Megan Vander Pol—California. My favorite
fact was the Golden Gate Bridge. A popular
food is oranges.
Ryan Van Otterloo—Georgia. I learned
about the Georgia Aquarium. It is the largest aquarium in the world. The food I
brought was Georgia peaches. I also brought
Coke because that started in Georgia.
Logan Van Otterloo—Oklahoma. I brought
strawberries for my state and I learned
about how Mickey Mantle was from there.
Sienna Tripp—Indiana. Sugar Cream Pie was
a popular food. I liked learning about the Indy 500 and how fast the cars go, and how
much the tickets cost.
Katie Kooima—Oregon. They have a Chocolate Fest every year in Portland, in midJanuary. Some foods that come from Oregon
are chocolate, hazelnuts, blackberries, and
salmon. (Swedish fish)
Anna Visser—Arizona. My favorite thing
about making my float was making the Grand
Canyon out of clay. I didn’t know the temperature got so cold or so hot there. The hottest is 128 and the coldest is –41 degrees.
It is mostly 100 degrees. Arizona is also
know for chimichangas and cactus candy.
Barbie De Lachica—New Mexico. My favorite thing was the Mexican-American war.
That war was how New Mexico got its name.
Breya Van Kley—Tennessee. I learned about
Martin Luther King Jr’s life. He went to Tennessee to talk to the African American people. He got shot in the jaw. He stayed there
for a while then went into surgery and died.
Ethan Van’t Hul—Missouri. I
thought it was neat that
there is an elevator that goes
to the top of the St. Louis
Arch. The food I brought was
ribs and 7-Up.
Rylan De Groot—Michigan.
What I liked best was that I got to dress up
like a Wolverine’s football player. I brought
cereal for my food.
Olivia Van Otterloo—Colorado. My favorite
thing is Pike’s Peak. It is so high and I have
been there before on vacation. I also got to
see a baseball game I brought Colorado
Peach cobbler for my food.
Albertha Altena* (In memory of)
Evan & Kim Altena*
Howard & Lynette Altena*
Louis Altena*
Mike & Belinda Altena
Troy & Michelle Altena*
Nathan & Jodi Anderson
Lawrence Baartman (In memory of)
Wanda Baartman*
Bill & Kathy Bajema*
Ron & Evelyn Bajema
Dale & Joyce Bakker*
Todd & Julie Bartman*
Randy & Shonna Blankespoor*
Elaine Bolkema*
JL & Betty Bolkema
Lee Bolkema* (In memory of)
Mike & Carol Bonestroo
Jim & Sheryl Boogerd*
Marie Boogerd
Robert & Lori Boogerd
Andy & Johanna Boon (IMO)*
Elmer & Lori Boon*
Loren & Gaylene Bouma
Chad & Sandra Breuer
Arie & Helen Byl
Randy & Pat Byl
Don & Rena Cannegieter
Lydia De Boer*
Passtor Dan & Mary De Groot
Jason & Abigal De Groot
Dennis & Pam De Jager
Don & Helen De Jager*
Gary & Carla De Jager
Harvey De Jager*
Kyle & Mindy De Jager
Rhodus & Henrietta De Jager (IMO)
Jim & Marge De Kam
Wilmina Dekkers
Clarence & Esther De Roon
John & Carol De Roon
Peter & Lena De Roon (In memory of)
Steve & Bonnie De Ruyter
Steve & Lorna De Vries*
Gerald De Weerd* (In memory of)
Stan & Arlis De Weerd*
Dave & Dianne De Wit
Peter & Betsy De Yager*
Harlan Dorhout (In memory of)
Ivan & Nancy Dorhout*
Siebert & Judi Dorhout
Don & Donna Driesen*
Dorothy Driesen*
Kevin & Linda Engbers
Vi Engbers
Dwayne & Melanie Eppinga*
Dell & Joy Faber*
Jim & Melinda Faber
Marv & Dee Faber
Junior & Elinor Gesink*
Glass Doctor of NW Iowa
Dixon & Char Granstra*
Albert & Joanna Groeneweg
Walt & Alta Groeneweg*
Corwin & Donna Harthoorn*
Grace Harthoorn*
Mike & Tammy Haverhals*
Hi-Way Chevrolet Buick, Inc.
Arvin & Betty Hoogendoorn*
Darwin & Tracy Hoogendoorn*
Merlyn & Jean Hubers
Michael J. Hubers
Rick Huisken*
Trudy Huisken
Lila Jansen* (In memory of)
Dick & Carla Jansma*
Justin Jansma* (In memory of)
Kevin & Kristin Jansma
Merle & Carolyn Jasper*
Willie & Gert Jonker*
K&J Body Shop*
Ed & Elaine Kats*
Ken & Hendrene Kats*
Larry Kats*
Randy & Pam Kats*
Roger & Hilaine Kempema
Ron & Martha Kixmiller
Don & Charisse Klein*
Marvin & Helen Klomp
Merle & Ruth Koedam*
Ben & Gloria Kollis*
Derek & Shelli Kollis
Art Kooima*
Brad & Kathy Kooima*
Bruce & Linda Kooima*
Carol Kooima*
Dale & Koni Kooima
Doug & Wilma Kooima
Elsie Kooima (In memory of)
Helen Kooima*
Jason & Robbi Kooima
Jerry Kooima* (In memory of)
John C. Kooima*
Ken & Eileen Kooima
Ken & Ruth Kooima*
Nancy Kooima*
Terry & Lyla Kooima*
Vern & Lauri Kooima*
Loren & Lora Kooiman*
Erwin & Alma Kooistra
Alice Kosters*
Harold Kosters (In memory of)
Merlyn & Linda Kroese*
Ron & Marlene Kuyper*
Alvin & Sue Leloux
Francis & Bertha Leloux*
John & Claretta Lobbes
M&H True Value*
Scott & Sherry Mantel
Modern Woodman
Paul & Kathy Moos
John & Val Mouw
Brian & Tricia Mulder*
Ray & Nancy Mulder*
Rolland & Johanna Mulder (IMO)*
Pearl Munneke
Jeff & Karen Nibbelink*
Nelva Nyenhuis
Duane & Arlis Obbink*
Don & Joyce Oostenink
Peoples Bank*
Brad & Kerri Pollema
Dale & Mary Pollema*
Wes & Rhonda Pollema
Brad & Brenda Postma*
Jim & Jan Roelofs
Herm & Cheryl Rozeboom*
Rick & Lynnette Rozeboom
Jeff & Sharon Santema*
Dr. Ed & Kim Starkenburg
Gene & Karen Statema
Jason & Becky Statema*
Glen Stiemsma (In memory of)*
Maxine Stiemsma*
Sundance Repair*
Florence Termaat
Floyd & Robin Te Slaa*
Lee & Vi Te Slaa
Marlene Te Slaa
Grace Teunissen*
Cornie Teunissen* (In memory of)
Scott & Kristi Tiedeman*
Rhonda Triezenberg
Valley Industrial Powder Coating, Inc.*
George & Dorothy Van Beek, Jr.
Vern & Ellen Van Beek*
Randy & Cinda Vande Griend
Marv & Harriet Vande Kamp
Vande Vegte & Zomer Real Estate
James & Rachelle Vanden Bos*
Don & Jan Vanden Bosch
Evan & Wanda Vanden Bosch
Marv Vanden Bosch
Don & Cindy Van Den Top
Mark & Darsha Van Den Top
Warren & Pat Vander Pol
Ken & Jolene Vander Ziel*
Peter & Viola Van Driel*
Lyle & Joyce Van Engen*
Howard & Avonne Van Ginkel
Paul & Andrea Van Ginkel*
Brad & Lisa Van Heuvelen*
Richard & Michelle Van Heuvelen*
Gaylon & Cindy Van Holland*
Darlene Van Holland*
Tom & Marlene Van Holland
Arnold Van Kley* (In memory of)
Retta Van Kley*
Anita Van Maanen
Galen & Marlene Van Maanen
Joan Van Maanen*
Ken & Nattalee Van Oort*
Larry & Marcia Van Oort
Harold & Mary Jo Van Otterloo
Harvey & Joanne Van Otterloo
Merlin & Cindy Van Otterloo*
Nolan & Julie Van Otterloo*
Marion & Jan Van Soelen
Alvina Van’t Hul*
Brody Van’t Hul*
Chad & Sandra Van’t Hul*
Loy & Jan Van’t Hul*
Loy & Taryn Van’t Hul*
Mark & Deb Van’t Hul
Parker Van’t Hul*
Tim & Debbie Van’t Hul
Wyatt Van’t Hul*
Joe & Kari Van Tol
Joe & Judy Van Tol*
Todd & Julie Van Tol
Bill & Margene Van Zanten*
Cornie & Wilma Van Zanten
John & Mary Van Zanten
Jamie & Shera Van Zee
Jeremy & Denise Van Zee*
Dave & Amy Ver Burg
Marion & Marcene Ver Burg
Brad & Pam Vis
Gerrit & Kay Vis*
Roger & Carol Vis*
Stan & Sharon Visser
David & Linda Weemhof
Lloyd & Norma Winters
Merle Wynia*
Loretta Wynia (In memory of)*
Lucas Wynia*
Glenn & Stephanie Zevenbergen
*Indicates life1me membership
Support Chris1an educa1on by becoming a Founda1on member! For a yearly fee of $25 or $500 for life1me membership, you can become
a Rock Valley Chris1an School Founda1on member. Please visit the school office or mail to Rock Valley Chris1an and you will be added to the
membership list! (This list will be updated every other month).
To become a Business Member of the Rock Valley Chris1an School Founda1on:
Annual Membership: Emerald Level ($250); Sapphire Level ($500); Ruby Level ($750)
Life1me Membership: Diamond ($1000); Bronze ($2500); Silver ($5000); Gold ($7500); Pla1num ($10,000)
Rock Valley Chris an School does not discriminate in its employment policies and prac ces, or in its educa onal program on the
basis of race, color, age, sex, handicap, na onal origin or ancestry.
_____Enclosed is $25.00 for a one year membership.
_____Enclosed is $500.00 for a lifetime membership.
_____Enclosed is $_____________________membership / donation.
_____I (we) would like to talk with someone about estate planning.
Address __________________________________________
MAY 2016
5/6 track practice 3:30—5:00 PM
Girls AND boys soccer practice 3:30—5:00 PM
GOTR 3:30-4:50 PM
7/8 Western track meet
Girls soccer practice 3:30—5:00 PM
GOTR 3:30-4:50 PM
3rd Grade Ag Safety Day
4th & 5th grades to Des Moines, IA
1st grade field trip to Oak Grove
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn Visscher
Board Meeting
No SCRIP this week
Soccer vs. Inwood (away) GIRLS ONLY 4:00pm
Society Meeting 6:30 PM in gym
5/6th Track practice 3:30-5:00 PM
6th grade field trip to Oak Grove
GOTR 3:30-5:00 PM
Dordt track meet 5th—8th grades
Dordt track meet rain date
GOTR 3:30-4:50 PM
3rd Grade field trip to Camp Foster
Soccer vs. Sheldon (home) Girls/Boys 4:00 PM
OEL Baking Cookies
Soccer vs. SCCS (away) Girls/Boys 4:00 PM
2nd grade field trip to Sioux City
Kindergarten field trip
GOTR 3:30-4:50—finale
Unity Track meet 12:30 PM-Northwestern Field
Happy Birthday Ashley Wielenga
Soccer vs. Hull Prot. (home) Girls/Boys 4:00 PM
Golf registrations due at school
Happy Birthday Sherry Mantel
GEMS Sunday
7th & 8th grade field trip
8th Grade Farewell Chapel
All School Sing-Along—wear theme shirts
Last day of school—Noon dismissal—no hot
8th Grade Graduation—Calvin CRC—7:00 PM
Happy Birthday Retta Van Kley
Memorial Day—First CRC breakfast in gym
Cadets march in parade—8:30 AM
1. Schedule your 6th-8th grade student for their
Athletic Physical if you have not done so already—
drop off the completed form in the office prior to
August 24th.
2. Preschool Parents: schedule your child’s immunizations, physical and dental appointments if you
have not done so already.
3. Kindergarten Parents:
A. Schedule your child’s immunization appointment if any need to be updated—check with your
physician if you have questions.
B. Schedule your child’s physical exam if it is over two
years old.
C. Schedule your child’s dental screening— should
not need if done as a first-year preschooler.
All forms may be dropped off in the office or by using the
Scrip drop box outside of school—by August 24th.
JUNE 2016
June Office Hours: Monday—Thursday; 9:00am—1:00pm
SCRIP ORDERS DUE Mondays by 11:00am : 13th, 20th,
27th. 27th is the last day to order until August 1st.
10 RVCS 18-hole Best-ball Golf Tourney—12 PM start
13 Board meeting
JULY 2016
OFFICE THIS MONTH. However, you may order ScripNow online if signed up for Presto Pay. Checks over $300
may be written to businesses at any time—these transactions
will be posted August 1st—the new Scrip fiscal year.
Happy Birthday Michaela Van Surksum (10th), Josh Van
Grouw (14th)
4 Independence Day
11 Board Meeting
24 Distribute School supply list to churches
Happy Birthday Taryn Van’t Hul (12th) Rhonda Pollema
(14th), Dennis Van Zee (15th) Kandi Van Oort (20th) Brad
Vis (21st), Darci Palsma (21st)
Happy Birthday Andrea Van Ginkel
No scrip this week
Registration 9:00 AM—7:00 PM
Scrip orders due by 11 AM
Office hours August 1—August 19: 9:00am—1:00pm
8 Board Meeting
Late registration 5:00—7:00 PM
12 Teacher In-service
13 Teacher In-service
Open House—bring school supplies to classrooms
24 Opening Exercises, First CRC, 9:00
AM—wear theme shirts.