2006-2007 Financial Report - TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
2006-2007 Financial Report - TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College
TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College 2006 - 2007 Annual Report School Vision & Mission The mission of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Wong Fut Nam College is to provide comprehensive and multifarious services to children and young people to enable them to exert their full potentialities and, eventually, to serve the community. We are committed to achieving an all-round development in our young generation through the provision of a congenial learning environment. It is hoped that our young people will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge and be given the opportunity to cultivate an independent mind in order that they will become good citizens with a willing commitment to worthy causes and a genuine concern for social affairs. We firmly believe in the school motto: “Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty and Faithfulness”as the guiding principle in the moral and intellectual development of our children and young people. We strive to promote proper values and a positive outlook on life and encourage them to lead a full and meaningful life. Address ﹕1C, Oxford Road, Kowloon. Tel ﹕2336 9151 Fax ﹕2336 3114 Website ﹕http://www.twghwfns.edu.hk Email ﹕twghwfns@eservices.hkedcity.net Our School Brief Introduction of our School School History TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College is a whole-day co-educational school subsidised by the government. It was named TWGHs. Number One Secondary School when it was set up in 1961. The school was renamed TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College to commemorate its donor, Mr. Wong Fut Nam, who made a donation of $500,000 in 1971. School Facilities Our school campus, which is located in Oxford Road in Kowloon Tong covers an area of about 4000 square meters. It consists of 25 classrooms, an assembly hall which can accommodate 1200 people and special rooms that include a Multi-media Learning Centre, a library, a language laboratory, a multi-media music room, an art room, a geography room, 2 computer rooms, an IS laboratory, a Biology laboratory, a Physics laboratory , a Chemistry laboratory and several multi-purpose classrooms. All the classrooms, special rooms and the Assembly Hall are air-conditioned and each is equipped with a set of multi-media equipment, which includes a computer, an LCD projector, an overhead projector and a screen. Every part within our school premises is connected by a local area network and a wireless LAN. Teachers and students can make use of the Internet and Intranet for teaching and learning. School Management School-based Management has been implemented since 1997 and the Advisory Council was responsible for giving advice to the SMC. In February 2006, the Incorporated Management Committee of TWGHs. Wong Fut Nam College (IMC) was established under the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279). The IMC consists of managers from the Sponsoring Body, the principal, and a teacher manager. A parent manager, an alumni manager and an independent manager. The IMC meets 3 times a year to : (a) ensure that the vision and mission of the School as set by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals are carried out; and (b) develop the general direction for the School, formulate the educational and management policies of the School; and (c) oversee the planning and budgetary processes, monitor the performance of the School, ensure accountability and transparency of School management and strengthen the community network. -1- Composition of Incorporated Management Committee Category Sponsoring Alternative Body Sponsoring Principal Teacher Alternative Parent Teacher Alternative Alumni Independent Parent Body 05/06 06/07 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -2- Our Students Class Organisation Level S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Total No. of Classes 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 29 No. of Boys 113 112 114 93 67 28 34 561 No. of Girls 87 88 84 100 114 35 26 534 Total Enrolment 200 200 198 193 181 63 60 1095 Unfilled Places 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 04/05 05/06 06/07 05/06 06/07 Early exit students 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 04/05 -3- Students’ attendance rate 99.50% 99.00% 98.50% 98.00% 04/05 97.50% 05/06 97.00% 06/07 96.50% 96.00% 95.50% S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Promotion 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% 04/05 42% 42% 05/06 06/07 48% S3 to S4 S6 places filled by own S5 -4- S5 to S6 (Other Schools) Destination of exit students Destination of S5 graduates 90% 80% 81% 76.8% 77% 04/05 05/06 06/07 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2% 1% 1.7% 2% 4% 6.6% 11.6% 8% 4% 3% 0% 1%1.1% 5% 0.6% 4% 4% 1.7% 0% S6 S5 VTC Ov erseas Full-time Employ ment Others Unknown Destination of S7 graduates 90% 81% 80% 80% 74% 70% 04/05 05/06 06/07 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 16% 12% 0% 0% Local university 0% S7 0% VTC 10% 9% 7% 10% 3% 5% Overseas -5- 3% 0% Full-time Employment Others Others Our Teachers Qualification 35 31 32 30 30 24 25 19 20 21 04/05 (Total 54) 05/06 (Total 55) 15 06/07 (Total 56) 10 4 5 2 2 0 Master's degree or above Bachelor's degree Tertiary non-degree Professionally-trained teacher 100% 100% 05/06 06/07 100.00% 99.50% 99.00% 98.50% 98.18% 98.00% 97.50% 97.00% 04/05 -6- Subject-trained teachers 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 04/05 05/06 06/07 04/05 Chinese 05/06 06/07 04/05 English 05/06 06/07 Maths Teaching Experience 45 38 40 40 42 35 30 04/05 (Total 54) 25 05/06 (Total 55) 20 13 15 8 10 5 06/07 (Total 56) 11 1 3 4 2 1 2 0 0-2 yrs 3-5 yrs 6-10 yrs Over 10 yrs -7- Professional Development Number of CPD hours undertaken by principal The number of CPD hours undertaken by the principal 200 193 193 180 hours 150 100 50 0 04/05 05/06 06/07 -8- Our learning and Teaching To achieve TWGH aim of ‘whole-person education’, we provide students with learning experience in academic subjects, creative arts, sports, service and life education to achieve all-round development in our students. We focus on the five elements in teaching and learning: cater for learner diversity, collaborative learning, problem-solving, situational learning and use of information technology of which student-oriented curricula are designed. To encourage students to excel academically, we offer remedial classes in Chinese, English and Mathematics for junior secondary students. CEG funding is allocated for tutorial classes (Chinese, English, Mathematics) to consolidate students’ foundation in these subjects. Every year, we recommend highly-achieving students to join the Support Measures for the Exceptionally Gifted Students Scheme (EDB project) and competitions to develop students’ potentials. To cultivate a reading habit among students, we implement reading schemes like ‘Reading On The premises’ and ‘Morning Reading Scheme’. To provide a language-rich English learning environment, English is used as medium of instruction in cultural subjects and Life Education. Besides, we received more than $470,000 from EDB for a 4-year English Enhancement Grant Project to organize activities like English Ambassadors, English Drama, and English Debates to create a better environment for English learning which eventually improves students’ standard of English. To ensure smooth transition to the NSS curriculum, we offer Project Learning in S1 and S2 to cultivate the Nine Generic Skills among students. Through project research, students integrate knowledge in different subjects, consolidate and put into practice. Our Life Education in junior secondary classes focuses on personal growth and development, which lays the foundation and enriches related modules in Liberal Studies in the NSS curriculum. Besides, we offer Integrated Humanities in S4 and S5 to raise students’ awareness on social, China and global issues. -9- Number of Active School Days S1-3 Number of days in a school year with regular classes (S1-3) 200 Days 150 100 50 0 04/05 05/06 06/07 Number of days in a school year with learning activities organized for the whole school or whole-school level of students (S1-3) 8 Days 6 4 2 0 04/05 05/06 06/07 -10- Lesson Time for the 8 Key Learning Areas (KLAs) S1-3 25% 20% 18.9% 18.9% 19.7% 19.7% 18.9% 19.7% 15% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 13.6% 13.6% 10.6% 13.6% 10% 10.6% 9.1% 10.6% 9.1% 9.1% 4.5% 4.5% 5% 2.3% 2.3% 4.5% 04/05 2.3% 0% Chinese Language Education English Language Education Mathematics Education Personal, Social and Humanities Education Science Education Technology Education Arts Education Physical Education 05/06 06/07 -11- Reading Habit Students’ frequency of borrowing reading materials from the school library 04/05 05/06 06/07 S1-3 S4-5 S1-3 S4-5 S1-3 S4-7 Once a week or more frequently 11.26% 2.47% 11.48% 3.43% 7.03% 1.93% Once every 2 weeks 16.97% 7.61% 16.55% 9.48% 12.73% 6.96% Once a month 17.98% 12.14% 19.60% 12.90% 15.58% 11.60% Less than once a month 34.62% 33.74% 34.63% 41.53% 44.05% 33.07% Never 19.16% 44.03% 17.74% 32.66% 20.06% 46.42% Average no. of reading materials borrowed from the school library per student per year 04/05 05/06 06/07 S1-3 7847 8060 8269 S4-7 2496 3454 2845 -12- 2006-2007 Major Concerns (Achievements & Reflection) 1. Further develop students’ academic potentials Strategies / Tasks Achievements 1. Promote high-order thinking * Related workshops were and problem-based learning to organized for all teachers reinforce students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills Suggestions for improvement * Encourage teachers to apply learned strategies in teaching 2. Formulate effective plans and * Stakeholders Survey and APASO * Set up investigation measures to meet the school’s were conducted and data were committee for follow-up needs as revealed from data analyzed work collected through School Self-evaluation 3. Design teaching materials * and relevant procedures to implement remedial and enrichment programmes, * continue to implement Extensive Reading Scheme to promote reading and foster independent learning among students Related programmes were run * Extend related programmes e.g. pilot scheme Assessment for to other subjects Learning in Maths Department “Reading On The Premises” Scheme and other Reading Schemes were continued 4. Continue to participate in the * Related programme was partnership scheme of conducted successfully * ‘Problem-based Learning ‘Problem-based Learning Method' organized by Method’ was adopted in Professor Chan of HKU Integrated Humanities in conducting School-based Assessment -13- * Encourage teachers to employ strategies in teaching 2. Equip teachers with the understanding and pedagogies for the New Senior Secondary Curriculum (NSSC) and language proficiency for English as Medium of Intstruction (EMI) Strategies / Tasks Achievements Suggestions for improvement 1. Encourage teachers to refine pedagogies to * Most teachers applied * Encourage teachers to promote more teacher-student / interactive teaching & use related pedagogies student-student interaction and to foster learning effectively and extensively collaborative learning among students students responded * Encourage teachers to positively apply strategies more creatively 2. Continue the ‘DOLACEE’ scheme to * All teachers of EMI * Evaluate strategies for enhance our teachers’ ability to teach in subjects completed the future use English course * Teaching and learning of subject-based English language was added to the curriculum 3. Arrange resources/subsidies to all EMI * Some teachers attained * Provide more resources teachers to attend courses to attain the the proficiency and information for English proficiency by the end of 2008 teachers 4. Start to prepare for a shift of MOI of * English was used as * Allocate more resources non-academic subjects (PE, Visual Arts, medium of instruction in to related teachers Music, Life Ed) to English related subjects starting from S1 5. Provide information / organize teacher * professional development activities to equip teachers with the understanding and * pedagogies for the NSSC NSSC seminars were organized Subject teachers attended seminars * Chinese department participated in the ‘SEED Project’ * Integrated Humanities was offered in S4 & S5 * Elements of Liberal Studies were incorporated into the Life Education curriculum -14- * Allocate more resources and encourage teachers to master the NSSC 3. Further promote moral and civic education by making use of external support Strategies / Tasks Achievements * Programmes duly 1. Jointly launch personal development programmes with external organizations: completed F.1 – PATHS to Adulthood Programme * Positive feedback was (A Jockey Club Enhancement Scheme) gathered from parents, teachers and students F.2 – Life Skills Training Programme (Health Dept.) Suggestions for improvement * Plan for Class-teacher Periods in senior forms and OLE programmes F.3 – Service Learning (The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups) F.4-F.7 – class-teacher periods to prepare for OLE in the NSSC 2. Continue the implementation of * Programme duly school-wide award scheme ‘WFN completed Life-wide Achievement Award Scheme’ * Number of students to encourage and recognize students’ reaching their goals achievements in all aspects; encourage Bronze medal – 2 all subject panels to set awards of Silver medal – 5 various nature Gold medal – 2 * Improve procedures to let more students gain awards 3. Continue the implementation of ‘Student * Students performed well * Simplify procedures to Daily Performance Coupon system’ to at school and received a make implementation more encourage teachers to reward average total of 668 merits convenient students to gain confidence which in turn S1 – 292 S4 – 27 * Reinforce positive motivates them to excel themselves; to S2 – 125 S5 – 112 behaviour and prevent help detect student problems at a S3 – 99 S6 - 13 negative behaviour preliminary stage which helps to prevent * Occurrence of negative it from deteriorating behaviour among problem-students was reduced 4. Organize activities for the 45th * More than 2000 guests * Evaluate process for future Anniversary to heighten students’ sense participated in activities use of belonging for the 45th Anniversary on 19-20th December -15- 2006-2007 Financial Report Income HK$ Bugeted Actual Expenditure Expenditure HK$ HK$ Government Funds 1. Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant a. School & Class Grant 598,787.00 990,715.66 b. Noise Abatement Measure / Lift Maintenance / 355,000.00 247,716.65 Air-conditioning Grant for Preparation Room c. Administration Grant 2,446,605.00 2,316,672.58 d. Subject Curriculum / Advanced Supplementary Level 153,006.00 79,894.70 Subject / Advanced Level Subject/Extensive Reading Scheme / Moral and Civic Education Grant e. School-based Management Grant 162,760.00 69,805.70 f. Composite Information Technology Grant 220,600.00 250,761.00 g. Student Support Grant 6,600.00 3,068.30 h. Capacity Enhancement Grant 449,429.00 430,755.78 i. Additional Time-limited Capacity Enhancement Grant 478,240.00 438,650.30 j. Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant 389,800.00 217,982.10 k. Boarding Grant --Total of EOEBG﹕ 5,812,122.44 5,260,827.00 5,046,022.77 2. Teacher Relief Grant 3. Teacher Professional Preparation Grant 4. New Senior Secondary Curriculum Migration Grant 5. Gant for Running IMC 6. Cash Grant for Yi Jin/Secondary Schools Collaboration Project 146,240.50 480,000.00 106,000.00 237,923.57 -- 115,173.00 291,605.75 38,600.00 270,412.00 -- 84,271.95 294,951.55 34,877.98 237,923.57 -- Sub-total of Grovernment Funds﹕ 6,782,286.51 5,976,617.75 5,698,047.82 School Fund 1. Tong Fai 2. Trading Operations 3. Rental From Tuckshop 4. Others 5. Approved Collection for Specific Purposes Account 6. Donation 142,970.00 ) ) 1,177.63 ) 302,150.00 ) 682,293.92 184,800.00 ) ) 112,802.36 ) ) 288,450.00 335,160.00 70,245.28 135,182.00 -31,415.26 Sub-total of School Funds﹕ Total of 2006/07 School Year: 865,381.99 Government Funds﹕ School Fund﹕ 61,968.55 185,048.45 71,122.02 0.00 -- 1,084,238.69 (240,543.93) 218,204.72 103,766.74 81,427.53 7,647,668.50 6,613,927.75 6,482,002.28 1,165,666.22 1,084,238.69 81,427.53 -16- 766,099.67 783,954.46 Total Surplus / (Deficit) for the 2006/07 school year 637,310.00 Surplus / (Deficit) HK$ Support to Students In recent years, we provide extra guidance support on students’ personal growth and development. We agree on the goal of providing whole-person education and all-round development. We emphasize the importance of collaboration between discipline and counseling work as positive reinforcement to encourage students to improve themselves. We sought for help from school social worker and educational psychologist in the process. Besides incorporating Life Education into formal curriculum, various departments like Board of Students Development, Discipline Department, Counselling Department, Careers Department, Pastoral Care Department, ECA Department etc. organize different activities according to schedule and various needs. Through these activities, we hope that full support and guidance can be provided for students comprehensively. Morning assemblies, week assemblies, Orientation Days, Teachers’ Sharing sessions are supplemented with Class-Teacher Period activities to provide counselling guidance on school life. Besides, students bodies like Prefects Team, Students Union, Four Houses, ECA clubs, Class Clubs, Peer Tutors and Peers Counsellors offer students opportunities to receive leadership training. We offer PATHS to Adulthood Programme (F.1), Life Skills Training Programme (F.2) and Service Learning Programme (F.3) to junior students to provide them with guidance in personal growth. To offer senior form students guidance in further studies and career choices, seminars on F.4 streaming and further studies, Careers Talks, Alumni Sharing Day and visits are arranged. To encourage all-round development among students, awards like WFN Life-wide Achievement Award Scheme, Student’s Daily Performance Coupon System, Service Award are presented. To provide support for ALAS, After School Tutorial Classes, Pre-exam After School Tutorial Classes, Homework Control Scheme, LIFE Scheme, Campus Service Scheme, School-based After School Learning and Support programme etc. are arranged. In conclusion, we hope that with joint effort of various departments, more effective plans for student development can be devised to foster all-round development of students. -17- Performance of Students Students’ average HKAT scores of S1A test for the subjects Chinese, English & Mathematics Chinese 100.00 80.00 Score 65.08 57.66 60.00 51.27 63.06 55.85 47.67 School Territory 40.00 20.00 0.00 04/05 05/06 06/07 S1A test English 100.00 Score 80.00 76.61 72.66 77.01 60.00 School 46.71 40.00 44.96 47.44 20.00 0.00 04/05 05/06 S1A test -18- 06/07 Territory Mathematics 100.00 Score 80.00 72.80 76.18 75.81 60.00 40.00 School 50.62 54.76 54.44 05/06 06/07 20.00 0.00 04/05 S1A test -19- Territory HKCEE results 04/05 05/06 06/07 School Territory School Territory School Territory 171 - 187 - 181 - Percentage of students awarded grade E or above in at least 5 subjects 97.7% 60.1% 97.3% 67.1% 99.4% 67.1% Percentage of students awarded 14 points or more in the best 6 subjects 73.7% 30.6% 69.5% 31.5% 72.9% 32.3% No. of students sat HKCEE results 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% School 40% Territory 30% 20% 10% 0% 04/05 05/06 06/07 04/05 Grade E or above in at least 5 subjects -20- 05/06 06/07 14 points or more in the best 6 subjects HKALE results 04/05 No. of students sat 05/06 06/07 School Territory School Territory School Territory 58 - 58 - 60 - 57% 93.1% 55.7% 100% 56.6% Percentage of students awarded the minimum entrance requirement 94.8% for local degree courses HKALE results 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% School Territory 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 04/05 05/06 06/07 Percentage of students awarded the minimum entrance requirements for local degree courses -21- Participation in Extra-curricular Activities 04/05 05/06 06/07 Sports 376 211 219 School Music Festival and Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 310 220 321 Chi. 176 Eng. 135 Chi. 218 Eng.178 Chi. 161 Eng. 135 Scout 15 11 21 Girl Guides 42 38 37 Red Cross 80 49 56 The Boys’ Brigade HK 32 22 23 School Speech Festival Inter-school Activities and Awards Won in the Past Three Years Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Visual Art Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Celebration of 10th Anniversary Reunification Territory-wide Secondary and Primary Schools Drawing Competition ╚ 中國媒材類別(中學組) P.A. of the Youth of Hong Kong The Youth of Hong Kong - Painting and Calligraphy Competition ╚ West painting (S.G.) World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Committee Russia International Youngster World Peace Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition ╚ Chinese Painting 香港大埔區文藝協助會 少年書畫耀香江美術大賽 ╚ 西畫組 -22- Champion Merit Gold Prize 優秀獎 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 教統局/中華電力有限公司/北區花鳥蟲 魚展覽會/北區家長教師會聯會 ╚ 全港學界書籤設計比賽 2006/07 優異 The Rotary Club of Kwun Tong Hong Kong Youth Cultural & Arts Competitions ╠ Chinese Painting (Secondary Section) ╚ Western Painting (Secondary Section) Hong Kong Art School Hong Kong School Drama Festival ╠ Secondary Section (Cantonese) ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚ Secondary Section (English) 2nd Merit Award of Distinction Award in Commendable Overall Performance, Outstanding Script, Outanding Cooperation Award in Outstanding Script, Outstanding Actor, Outstanding Actress Outstanding Stage Effect, Outanding Cooperation and Commendable Overall Performance 第 29 届奥林匹克運動會組織委員會文 化活動部 The National Juveniles and Children's Competition of Calligraphy Painting and Photography ╚ Chinese Painting (Secondary Section) Hong Kong Culture and Art Foundation 新世紀的創意--香港青少年書法繪畫比 賽 (第二屆) ╚ 繪畫青少年組 中國青少年研究中心 中國少年兒童美術書法攝影作品大賽 ╚ 國畫組 -23- 二等獎 2nd, Merit 一等獎 三等獎 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Nanyang Commercial Bank Student Drawing Competition ╚ F4 to F7 (Senior Section) Highly Commended , Certificate of Merit 日本大阪日中文化交流會 第二十一屆中國: 日本國際書畫大賽 ╚ 書畫大賽 銅獎、銀獎、 優異 Cultural Department, PRC and Dandelion Culture & Arts Limited National Voluteer Recommendation on Painting and Calligraphy Representatives ╠ Junior Hard Pen Calligraphy, Hong ║ Kong ║ ╚ Junior Hard Pen Calligraphy, National Competition The Po Leung Kuk of Hong Kong 世界物理年 2005 美術設計創作比賽 ╚ 香港賽(組別四) 香港教育專業人員協會及香港硬筆書 法家協會 全港中學生硬筆書法比賽 ╠ Junior ║ ╚ Senior 2nd prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize Silver Medal 3rd 亞軍 2 優異獎 優異獎 優良獎、 優異獎 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Hong Kong Flower Show Nanuang Commercial Bank Student Drewing Competition ╚ Senior Section Merit Kowloon West Youth Care Committee Anti-juvenile Crime Video Clips Competition ╚ 減罪 90 秒 優異 -24- 2005/06 2006/07 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 九龍社團聯會, 九龍婦女聯會, 香港 青年協進會 華彩繽紛賀國慶 ╚ Western - Youth Hung Li Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Society, Hong Kong 芳草杯少兒書畫大賽 ╚ 少年西畫 新華社新華書畫院 京港青年書畫比賽 ╚ 硬筆組 2005/06 2006/07 Merit Certificate 銅獎 金獎、優異獎 Music International Youth & Music Festivals “Youth & Music in Vienna” ╠ Symphonic Band Contest 2nd ╚ Orchestra Contest 2nd Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association Hong Kong Schools Music Festival ╠ Female Voice Solo(Age17 & Under) ╠ Female Voice Duet (Age18 & Under) ╠ Male Voice Solo (Age 15) ╠ Vocal Solo (Age13 & Under) ╠ Vocal Solo (Age11 & Under) ╠ Anthems (Age 14 & Under) ╠ Anthems (Age 14 & Under)(Eng) ╠ Strings Ensemble(Intermediate) ╠ School Orchestra ╠ Woodwind Ensemble (Secondary ║ School) ╠ Wind Duet (Intermediate) ║ ║ ╠ Wind Duet(Senior) ╠ Brass Ensemble(Intermediate) ║ ╠ Wind Concerto ╠ Brass Ensemble ╠ School Band (Sceondary School) ╠ School Band (Senior) -25- Proficiency Merit 2nd, Merit Proficiency Merit Proficiency 2nd, 4 Merit, 4 Proficiency Merit, 2 Proficiency 2 Proficiency 3rd, Merit 2 Proficiency 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Proficiency 4 Merit, Proficiency 1st,1st,2nd,2nd, 6 Merit, Proficiency Proficiency 3 2nd,3rd, 2 Merit Merit 3 Merit Merit rd 2 Merit 3 Proficiency 2nd Merit 2 Proficiency Name of Competition / Organization Nature ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ Award details 2004/05 School Band (Intermediate) Piano Solo (Grade 3) Piano Solo (Grade 4) 1st, Honours, Merit, Proficiency 2nd, 2 Merit Piano Solo (Grade 5) Piano Solo (Grade 6) 3rd, Honours, 4 Merit, Proficiency 3rd, Honours, 2 Merit Piano Solo (Grade7) Piano Solo(Grade 8) Piano Solo Piano Solo (Junior) Piano Solo (Sonatina) Piano Duet (Senior) Piano Duet (Intermediate) Violin Solo(Grade 3) Violin Solo(Grade 7) Violin Solo(Grade 8) Viola Solo (Intermediate) Cello Solo(Grade 6) Cello Solo (Junior) Cello Solo (Intermediate) Cello Sonata Double Bass Solo Guitar Solo(Intermediate) Zheng (Intermediate) Zheng (Senior) 2005/06 3rd Merit, 2 Proficiency 3 Merit, Proficiency 2nd, Merit 1st, 2 Proficiency 2 Merit Proficiency Merit, 2 Proficiency Merit 2nd Merit Proficiency Proficiency 2 Merit rd 2006/07 2 Proficiency 2nd, Merit 2nd,Merit, Proficiency 2 Merit, Proficiency 3rd,Merit, 3 Proficiency Proficiency, 2 Merit Merit Proficiency Proficiency 3rd, 2Merit Proficiency 3 , Merit Merit Merit 1st, Merit Merit 1st, 3rd, 2 Merit, 2 Proficiency 2nd, 2 Merit, Proficiency Flute Solo (Junior) Flute Solo (Intermediate) Flute Solo (Senior) Di Solo (Intermediate) Recorder Duet Clarinet Solo(Junior) Clarinet Solo(Intermediate) Clarinet Solo(Senior) Oboe Solo (Senior) Merit 2 Proficiency 2nd, 2 Merit, Proficiency 3rd, Merit Merit 1st,Merit, Proficiency 2nd, 2 Proficiency 2 Proficiency 4 Merit 2nd Proficiency 3rd,Merit 5 Merit 2 Merit Proficiency Saxophone Solo (Junior) Saxophone Solo (Intermediate) -26- 3 Proficiency 3rd, Merit, Proficiency Merit Honours Merit Merit 2nd, 2 Merit 4 Merit, 3 Proficiency 3rd, 2 Merit Merit, Proficiency 2 Merit 1st,2nd,4 Merit, 2 Proficiency Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 ╠ Saxophone Solo (Senior) ║ ╠ Trumpet Solo (Junior) ║ ╠ Trumpet Solo (Intermediate) ║ ╠ Trumpet Solo (Senior) ║ ╠ Tuba Solo ╠ French Horn Solo(Senior) ╠ Trombone Solo(Intermediate) ╠ Trombone Solo(Senior) ╠ Tuba Solo ╚ Eumphonium Solo Leisure and Cultural Services Department Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows ╠ Symphonic Band Contest Overall ╠ Symphonic Band Contest Secondary School Class: Senior ╚ Symphonic Band Contest Secondary School Class: Intermediate Merit, 2 Proficiency 1st, 2 Merit, 2 Proficiency Merit, Proficiency 2005/06 2006/07 1st, Merit 2nd,Merit 3rd, 3 Merit 3rd,Merit, 2 Proficiency 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2 Merit 3rd, Merit 2nd 2nd, Merit 1st,3 Merit, 2 Proficiency Merit 2 , Merit Proficiency Merit 2nd, Merit, Proficiency 2nd, Proficiency Champion Champion Champion Gold Prize Gold Prize Gold Prize Bronze Prize Silver Prize Bronze Prize 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 1st 4th nd 2 Proficiency 2 Proficiency 2nd,Honour Sports HKAAA Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletic Meet ╠ Girls' Grade A1 800m ╠ Girls' Grade A1 100m Hurdles ╠ Girls' Grade A2 Javelin ╠ Girsls' Grade B 4x400m Relay ╚ Boys’ Grade B 100m Hurdles HKAAA, Watsons Water Watsons Water Hong Kong Age Group Athletic Meet and Open Meet ╠ Girls' C Grade Discus ╠ Girls' A1 Hurdles ╠ Girls' A2 Hurdles ╠ Boys' B Grade Javelin ╚ Boys' C Grade Hurdles 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 2nd 3rd 九龍城區康樂體育促進會九龍城民政 事務處 Kowloon City District Athletics Meet ╠ Girls' Open 1500m -27- 2nd, 3rd Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 3rd 2nd,4th 2nd 1st 2nd ╠ Girls' Open 4x400m Relay ╠ Girls' Open 800m ╠ Girls' Open Long Jump ╠ Girls' Open Shot Put ╠ Girls' Open Javelin ╠ Girls' 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' A Grade 100m ╠ Girls' A Grade 200m ╠ Girls' A Grade 400m ╠ Girls' A Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' B Grade 100m ╠ Girls' B Grade 200m ╠ Girls' B Grade 400m ╠ Girls' B Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' B Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' B Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' B Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' C Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 60m ╠ Boys' A Grade 400m ╠ Boys' A Grade 800m ╠ Boys' A Grade 1500m ╠ Boys' A Grade Long Jump ╠ Boys' A Grade High Jump ╠ Boys' A Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Boys' B Grade 100m ╠ Boys' B Grade 200m ╠ Boys' B Grade 1500m ╠ Boys' B Grade Long Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade Javelin ╠ Boys' B Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Boys' C Grade 100m ╠ Boys' C Grade 200m ╚ Boys' C Grade 4x100m Relay 3rd 2nd 4th 2 ,3rd 2nd st rd 1 ,3 2nd nd 2005/06 2006/07 2nd 3rd 2nd,4th 4th 2nd,3rd 4th 1st 1st,2nd 2nd 1st th 4 1st 3rd 3rd st nd 1 ,2 3rd 1st 1st 4th rd th 3 ,4 2nd 4th 2nd,4th 1st 1st,4th Tung Wah Group of Hospitals TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Athletic Meet ╠ Girls' C Grade 100m ╠ Girls' C Grade 1500m ╠ Girls' C Grade 200m ╠ Girls' C Grade 400m ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 800m ╠ Girls' C Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' C Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Shot Put 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 3rd 1st 1st 1st 2nd -28- 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 2nd 1st 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 4th 1st 5th 4th 4th 2nd 3rd 1st Name of Competition / Organization Nature ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ Award details 2004/05 Champion Girls' Grade C Overall Girls' B Grade 100m 2005/06 3 Runner-up 1st Girls' B Grade 1500m Girls' B Grade 200m Girls' B Grade 400m Girls' B Grade 4x100m Relay Girls' B Grade 4x400m Relay Girls' B Grade 800m Girls' B Grade High Jump Girls' B Grade Long Jump Girls' B Grade Discus Girls' B Grade Javelin Girls' B Grade Shot Put Girls' B Grade Hurdles 3rd Girls' B Grade Overall Girls' A Grade 100m Girls' A Grade 1500m Girls' A Grade 200m Girls' A Grade 400m Girls' A Grade 4x400m Relay Girls' A Grade 800m Girls' A Grade Hurdles Girls' A Grade High Jump Girls' A Grade Long Jump Girls' A Grade Shot Put Girls' A Grade Javelin Girls' A Grade Discus Girls' A Grade Overall Girls' Overall Boys' C Grade 100m Boys' C Grade 100m Hurdles Boys' C Grade 1500m Boys' C Grade 200m Boys' C Grade 400m Boys' C Grade 4x100m Relay Boys' C Grade 4x400m Relay Boys' C Grade 800m Boys' C Grade Overall Boys' C Grade High Jump Boys' C Grade Long Jump Boys' B Grade 100m Hurdles Boys' B Grade 100m Boys' B Grade 1500m Boys' B Grade 200m Boys' B Grade 400m Boys' B Grade 4x100m Relay Boys' B Grade 4x400m Relay Boys' B Grade 800m 4th Champion 1st 4th 4th 2nd 2nd 1st 3rd 3rd 2nd, 4th 1st 5th Champion 2nd 6th 1st th 4 4th 1st 5th 1st 2006/07 rd 2nd 1st 6th 3rd 2nd 1st 1st 1st (New Record) 1st 4th 6th 6th 2nd 3rd 6th 5th 1st 1st (New Record) 2nd 2nd 2nd 5th 3rd 2nd Runner-up 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 1st Runner-up 2nd 2nd 1st 5th 1st 6th 4th 2nd -29- 1st Runner-up 6th 5th 5th 2nd 1st 6th 1st 3rd 5th 3rd 3rd 1st Runner-up 1st Runner-up 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 5th 2nd 3rd 1st Runner-up 1st 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 ╠ Boys' B Grade Triple Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade Overall ╠ Boys' B Grade Long Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade Javelin ╠ Boys' B Grade High Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade Discus ╠ Boys' B Grade Overall ╠ Boys' A Grade 100m ╠ Boys' A Grade 100m Hurdles ╠ Boys' A Grade 200m ╠ Boys' A Grade 800m ╠ Boys' A Grade Javelin ╠ Boys' Overall ╚ Boys' and Girls' Overall 2005/06 3rd th 6 2nd 3rd 6th Champion 2nd 3rd Pooi To Middle School ╚ Girls' 4x100m Invitation Relay CCC Kung Lee College ╚ Boys' 4x100m Invitation Relay 2nd China Holiness College Invitation Relay Race ╚ Girls' 4x100m Relay 2nd 1st 1st Runner-up 5th 4th 2nd Runner-up 1st Runner-up 3rd 2nd 1st 1 ,2nd 2nd 3rd st 1st 2nd 1st -30- 3rd 4th 3rd 2nd Runner-up 1st Runner-up 3rd Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Seconary School Invitation Relay ╠ Girls' 4x100 Relay ╚ Boys' 4x100 Relay 1st Runner-up 3rd 2nd United Christian College Invitation Relay ╠ Girls' 4x100m Relay ╠ Boys' 4x100m Relay ╚ Boys' 4x400m Relay HKMA David Li Kwok Po College Invitation Relay ╚ Boys' 4x100m Relay Kei Heep Secondary School Invitation Relay ╠ Girls' 4x400 Relay ╚ Boys' 4x100 Relay Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School Invitation Relay ╠ Girls' 4x100 Relay 2006/07 2nd 2nd,3rd Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter School Athletics Championships ╠ Girls' C Grade 100m ╠ Girls' C Grade 100m Hurdles ╠ Girls' C Grade 1500m ╠ Girls' C Grade 200m ╠ Girls' C Grade 400m ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x100 Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x400 Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 800m ╠ Girls' C Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' C Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' C Grade Overall ╠ Girls' B Grade 100m ╠ Girls' B Grade 200m ╠ Girls' B Grade 4x100 Relay ╠ Girls' B Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' B Grade Discus ╠ Girls' B Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' B Grade Javelin ╠ Girls' B Grade Overall ╠ Girls' A Grade 100m Hurdles ╠ Girls' A Grade 1500m ╠ Girls' A Grade 4x400 Relay ╠ Girls' A Grade 800m ╠ Girls' A Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' A Grade Javelin ╠ Girls' A Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' A Grade Discus ╠ Boys' C Grade 100m ╠ Boys' C Grade 100m Hurdles ╠ Boys' C Grade 1500m ╠ Boys' C Grade 200m ╠ Boys' C Grade 400m ╠ Boys' C Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Boys' C Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Boys' C Grade 800m ╠ Boys' C Grade Long Jump ╠ Boys' C Grade Overall ╠ Boys' B Grade 100m ╠ Boys' B Grade 100m Hurdles ╠ Boys' B Grade 200m ╠ Boys' B Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Boys' B Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Boys' B Grade 800m ╠ Boys' B Grade 1500m -31- 2005/06 4th 1st 4th 3rd 1st 3rd 2006/07 3rd 4th 3rd 4th 3rd 1st 4th 1st 3rd Champion 3rd,4th 1st,4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 1st 4th 2nd 1st 3rd 4th 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd 4th 2nd 2nd 1st 3rd 2nd 1st 1st 1st st 1 4th 1st 4th 1 Runner Up 2nd 1st 3rd 1st 4th 2nd 1st st 2nd Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 4th ╠ Boys' B Grade 1500m Javelin ╠ Boys' B Grade Triple Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade High Jump ╠ Boys' B Grade Overall ╠ Boys' A Grade 100m ╠ Boys' A Grade 200m ╠ Boys' A Grade Shot Put ╚ Boys' Overall 4th 2nd 2005/06 2006/07 4th 1st Champion 2nd 1st 1st Runner-up South China Athletic Association SCAA Inter School Athletics Meet ╠ Girls' C Grade 200m ╠ Girls' C Grade 400m ╠ Girls' C Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' C Grade 800m ╠ Girls' C Grade Overall ╠ Girls' C Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' C Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' B Grade 200m ╠ Girls' B Grade 400m ╠ Girls' B Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Girls' B Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Girls' B Grade Overall ╠ Girls' B Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' A Grade 1500m ╠ Girls' A Grade 400m ╠ Girls' A Grade 4x100 Relay ╠ Girls' A Grade 4x400 Relay ╠ Girls' A Grade 800m ╠ Girls' A Grade Overall ╠ Girls' A Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' A Grade Javelin ╠ Boys' C Grade 4x400m Relay ╠ Boys' C Grade Shot Put ╠ Boys' B Grade 3000m ╠ Boys' B Grade 4x100m Relay ╠ Boys' B Grade 4x400m Relay ╚ Boys' B Grade 100m Hurdle Watsons Group As Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards ╚ HK Student Sports Awards Mizuno Half Marathon Championships ╚ Women's Junior 1st,2nd 1st 2nd st 1 , 3rd 1st Runner Up 3rd 1st rd 3rd nd 2 , 3rd 2nd Runner-up 2nd 2nd st 1 1 Runner-up 3rd 3rd st 3 2nd 3rd 1st Runner-up 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Runner-up 2nd 1st,2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Runner-up 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd Runner-up 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd HKStudent Sports Awards 5th -32- 2nd HKStudent Sports Awards Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Hong Kong School Sports Federation Inter-school Cross CountryChampionship ╠ Boys' C Grade ╠ Individual Boys' C Grade ╠ Individual Boys' B Grade ╠ Girls' C Grade ╠ Individual Girls' C Grade ╠ Girls' A Grade ╠ Individual Girls' A Grade ╠ Girls' A Grade Overall ╚ Girls' Overall nd 2 8th HKAAA Watsons Water Hong Kong Age Group Athletic Meet ╠ Girls' C Grade Discus ╠ Girls' C Grade High Jump ╚ Girls' A2 Grade 1500m Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter-school Swimming Championships ╠ Girls' Grade C 100m Free Style ╠ Girls' Grade C 100m Breast Stroke ╠ Girls' Grade C 50m Breast Stroke ╠ Girls' Grade C Overall ╠ Boys' Grade C 100m Breast Stroke ╠ Boys' Grade C 4x50m Medley Relay -33- 1st,3rd 1 Runner-up 3rd rd 3 Runner-up 5th 2006/07 3rd 4th 3rd st 2nd 3rd 4th nd 2 Runner-up Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation School Individual Fencing Tournament ╚ Girls' B Grade Foil 賽會組委會(珠海) National Amateur Fencing Championship ╚ Girls’ B Grade Foil Watsons Athletic Club, HKAAA Watsons Water Hong Kong Junior Elite Athletic Championship ╠ Girls' C Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' C Grade Discus ╠ Girls' B Grade 400m ╠ Girls' B Grade 4x100m ╠ Girls' B Grade 800m ╠ Girls' B Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' Grade A1 1500m ╠ Girls' Grade A Hurdles ╠ Girls' Grade A Javelin ╚ Boys' Grade B 4x100m 2005/06 3rd Runner-up 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 2 , 3rd 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd nd nd 3rd 2 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd 4th 2nd 2nd 3rd Name of Competition / Organization Nature Award details 2004/05 ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ Boys' Grade C 4x50m Free Style Relay Boys' Grade C 50m Back Stroke Boys' Grade C 50m Breast Stroke Boys' Grade C 50m Butterfly Boys' Grade C 50m Free Style Boys' Grade C Overall Boys' Grade C 200m Individual Medley Boys' Grade B 4x50m Relay Boys' Grade B 4x50m Medley Relay Boys' Grade B overall Boys' Grade B 100m Back Stroke Boys' Grade B 200m Back Stroke Boys' Grade B 200m Breast Stroke Boys' Grade B 200m Individual Medley Boys' Grade A 100m Breast Stroke Boys' Grade A 200m Individual Medley ╠ Boys' Grade A 4x50m Medley Relay ╚ Boys' Overall 3rd, 4th 2nd st 1 Runner-up 3rd 2nd 2nd 4th 4th 2nd 4th Silver Cup 2 nd 2 , 3rd nd 2 Runner-up 1st 3rd 1st 1st 1st 4th 3rd 3rd 1st 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd Runner-up 3rd 3rd 4th Silver Cup 3rd 2nd Champion Champion 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Lok Sin Tong Yu Kan Hing Secondary School Swimming Invitation Relay ╠ Girls' 4x50m Invitation Relay ╠ Boys' 4x50m Invitation Relay ╚ Girls' 4x100m Invitation Relay 3rd Champion 2 Runner-up nd -34- 2006/07 nd School Promotion Scheme - Athletics Training Centre Joint Schools Athletics Challenge Day ╠ Girls' D Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' D Grade Discus ╠ Girls' C Grade 100m ╠ Girls' C Grade Hurdles ╠ Girls' C Grade High Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Long Jump ╠ Girls' C Grade Shot Put ╠ Girls' C Grade Discus ╚ Boys' C Grade Javelin United Christian College Swimming Invitation Relay ╠ Boys' 4x50m Free Style ╚ Girls' 4x50m Free Style 2005/06 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 HK Amateur Swimming Association Age Group Short Course Swimming Competition ╚ Boys' 11 & 12 Years 100m Breast Stroke Kowloon City District Board Kowloon City Disctrict Age Group Swimming Competition ╠ 100m Free Style ╠ 200m Free Style 2005/06 2006/07 3rd 3rd Runner-up Champion Champion, 3rd Runner-up ╚ 200m Breast Stroke Yau Ma Tei and Tsim Sha Tsui District Board Yau Ma Tei and Tsim Sha Tsui District Swimming Competition ╠ 50m Breast Stroke ╠ 100m Breast Stroke ╚ 200m Breast Stroke LCSD Sham Shui Po Sports Association Sham Shui Po Age Group Swimming Competition ╚ 200m Breast Stroke Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Wong Tai Sin District Board Wong Tai Sin District Swimming Competition ╚ Boys' Youth Group (10-12 year-old) 50m Breast Stroke Hong Kong Canoe Union Hong Kong Open Short Course and Age Group Canoe Competition ╠ Boys' Junior (Age 12-14) T1-500 ╠ Boys' Junior (Age 12-14) T1-200 ╠ Boys' Youth (Age 14-16) T1-500 ╠ Boys' Youth (Age 14-16) T1-1000 ╚ Boys' Youth (Age 15-17) T1-1000 Scout Association of Hong Kong 童軍賽船大會 ╚ 獨木舟錦標賽(童軍組) 香港外展訓練學校同學會 吐露港獨木舟大賽 ╚ 初級組單人大會艇隻組 -35- 1st Runner-up 1st Runner-up 1st Runner-up 2nd Runner-up Champion 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 5th 2nd Champion 1st 1st Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 TWGHs Joint Tung Wah Secondary Schools Table Tennis Competitions ╚ Girls' Event Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Inter School Badminton Competition ╠ Boys C Grade Overall ╠ Boys B Grade Overall ╚ Boys' Overall Wanchai Badminton Club ╚ National Day, Badminton Cup LCSD, HKVAA School Sports Promotion Scheme ╚ Volleyball Badges Award Scheme (Test Day) Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Soccer Competition Division Three (Kowloon Two) ╚ Boys B Grade 2006/07 1st Runner-up 2nd 3rd 1st Champion 1st Runner-up 2nd 2 Gold, 12 Silver 3rd Runner-up Hong Kong Taekwondo Association Inter-school Taekwondo Competition ╠ Girls Middle Taekwondo ╠ Girls 42-44kg ╠ Girls 44-46kg ╠ Girls 46-49kg ╠ Girls 49-52kg ╠ Girls 55-59kg ╠ Girls 63-68kg ╠ Girls Overall ╠ Boys Bantam Taekwondo ╠ Boys 55-59kg ╠ Boys 63-68kg ╚ Boys 73-78kg 3rd 2nd 3rd 台灣樹林巿 樹林市長盃暨國際跆拳道公開賽 ╚ 搏撃比賽 2nd Tuen Mun Taekwondo Competition ╠ Light Middle ╠ Boys Fly ╠ Girls Children Group M ╚ Girls Fly 1st 2 ,3rd 3rd 3rd -36- 2005/06 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 1st nd 3rd 3rd Runner-up 3rd 2nd 2nd 5th 3rd Runner-up Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Kowloon City District Road Safety Campaign Committee 九龍城區道路安全運動校際七人足球 及射龍門競賽暨啦啦隊宣傳創作邀請 賽 ╚ 道路安全運動啦啦隊宣傳創作邀 請賽 2005/06 2006/07 Champion Speech Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association Hong Kong School Speech Festvial ╠ F1 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ║ ║ ╠ F1 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ║ ║ ╠ F1-2 Dramatic Duologue ╠ F1-2 Choral Speaking (Mixed ║ Voice) ╠ F2 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ╠ F2 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ╠ F2 Mixed Voice Choral Speaking ╠ F3 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking ╠ F3 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ║ ╠ F3-4 Choral Speaking (Mixed ║ Voice) ╠ F3-4 Dramatic Duologue ║ ╠ F4 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking ╠ F4 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking ║ ║ ║ ╠ F5 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking ╠ F5 Girls Prose Reading ╠ F5 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking ╠ F5 Dramatic Duologue ║ ╠ F6-7 Girls Solo-Verse Speaking -37- 3rd 3rd,3rd 2nd 3rd,3rd 2 Merit(2nd), 2 Merit(3rd), 9 Merit, 6 Proficiency Merit(2nd), 3 Merit(3rd), 15 Merit, 2 Proficiency 2 Proficiency Merit 3rd,3rd,3rd 3rd,3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 1st,3rd,3rd 3 Merit Merit(2nd), 7 Merit, Proficiency 2nd Merit(1st) 3rd,3rd,3rd,3rd 2 Merit(2nd), 18 Merit 2nd,2nd 2nd,3rd 2nd,3rd 1st Merit(3rd), 3 Merit Merit(2nd), 7 Merit 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Merit Merit(2nd), Merit(3rd), 10 Merit, Proficiency Proficiency 3 Merit, 2 Proficiency Proficiency Name of Competition / Organization Nature ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ║ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ ╠ ║ ║ ╠ ╠ ╠ Award details 2004/05 2005/06 F6-7 Boys Solo-Verse Speaking 1st F6-7 Dramatic Duologue Bible Reading (Age 16and over) 公開粤語詩文獨誦 粤語二人對語 粤語普通話戲劇獨誦 中一二級粤語二人對話 3rd 3rd 2 nd 中一二級普通話詩詞獨誦 3rd 中一二級普通話散文獨誦 中一二普通話女子散文獨誦 中一二普通話女子詩詞獨誦 中一至三粵語男女個人視讀 2006/07 Merit(1st), 2 Merit, Proficiency 4 Merit Merit(2nd), Merit(3rd), 8 Merit, Proficiency 5 Merit Merit(1st), Merit(2nd), 6 Merit Merit(1st), Merit(2nd), 2 Merit, Proficiency Merit 2nd st rd 1 ,3 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd 中一粵語女子詩詞 1st,2nd,3rd 2nd 3rd 中一粵語男子散文 中一粵語男子詩詞 中一級粤語詩詞獨誦 rd 3 中一級粤語散文獨誦 2nd 中二粵語女子散文 中二級粤語詩詞獨誦 中二級粤語散文獨誦 中三四級粤語二人對話 2nd,2nd 2 ,3rd,3rd nd 1st ,2nd, 3rd 1st 1st 中三四普通話男子散文獨誦 中三四粵普男女二人對話 中三四級普通話詩詞獨誦 中三四級普通話散文獨誦 2nd, 2nd, 3rd 中三粵語女子散文 中三級普通話散文獨誦 中三級粵語散文獨誦 -38- 3rd 2nd, 3rd 2nd Merit(1st), 5 Merit, Proficiency 11 Merit, 3 Profiiciency 7 Merit 2 Merit(1st), 5 Merit(3rd), 9 Merit, Proficiency, Merit Merit(1st), Merit(3rd), Merit 6 Merit Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 ╠ 中三級粵語詩詞獨誦 ║ ║ ║ ╠ 中四至七粵語男女個人視讀 ╠ 中四粵語男子詩詞 ╠ 中四級粤語二人對話 ╠ 中四級粤語散文獨誦 ║ ║ ╠ 中四級粤語詩詞獨誦 ║ ╠ 中五至七級粤語二人對話 ║ ║ ║ ╠ 中五至七粵普男女二人對話 ╠ 中五至七粵語男女個人即席演講 ║ ║ ╠ 中五至七級粵語女子詩詞集誦 ╠ 中五至七級普通話散文獨誦 ╠ 中五至七粵語男女散文集誦 ╠ 中五粵語女子散文 ╠ 中五級粤語散文獨誦 ║ ║ ╠ 中五級粤語詩詞獨誦 ║ ║ ╠ 中六七粵語女子散文 ╠ 中六七級粤語散文獨誦 ╚ 中六七級粤語詩詞獨誦 普通話教師學會 全港新詩,散文普通話朗誦比賽 ╚ 初中組 2nd, 2nd, 2nd 2nd 2005/06 2006/07 Honours(1st), 2 Honours(2nd), Merit(3rd), 3 Merit 1st, 3rd 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd 1st, 3rd Merit(2nd), Merit(3rd), 7 Merit Merit(3rd), 3 Merit Honours(1st), 2 Merit(2nd) , 4 Merit, 2 Proficiency 1st 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd Honours(1st) Merit 2nd 2nd 1st rd 3 Merit(1st) Merit(2nd) 3 Merit 2 Merit(2nd), Merit(3rd), 2 Merit 1st 3rd, 3rd 1st Merit(3rd) 優秀獎、 優良獎 Debate / Public Speaking The English Speaking Union (Hong Kong) English Festival Speak Up, Speak Out : Public- Speaking Training Programme -39- Top Team Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 國際會計師公會-香港分會 全港青年學藝比賽 ╚ 全港中學普英雙語演講比賽 – 中四及中五組 香港青年法律工作者協會及香港電台 香港法言-中學生法治辯論比賽 ╚ 香港應全面推行母語審訊 東華三院中學第二屆聯辯論比賽 ╚ 辯論比賽決賽 香港明愛青少年及社區服務-九龍社區 中心 左思右想批判思維及創意訓練計劃 ╚ 左思右想辯論比賽 2006/07 優異獎 季軍 亞軍 3rd Services Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華義工服務嘉許典禮 ╠ 最高義工服務時數個人獎(中學組) ╚ 最高義工服務時數單位獎(中學組) Social Welfare Department Volunteer Movement ╚ Volunteer Service 2nd,3rd 2nd Gold(34) Silver(117) Bronze(111) Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院慈善獎券義賣比賽 ╠ 籌得善款最多獎(中學組) ╚ 善款總額與全校學生人數比例獎 (中學組) Gold(52) Silver(86) Bronze(64) Gold(69) Silver(120) Bronze(117) 1st 1st 1st 1st Academic Joint School Science Exhibition Proposal Competition ╚ Tertiary 1st Runner-up Innovation and Technology Commission, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Hong Kong Student Science Competition ╚ Traffic Information Provision System Honorable Mentions Hong Kong Baptist University Dean's List -40- Dean's List Dean's List Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 The Hong Kong Polytechanic University 2005/06 2006/07 Dean's Certificate Shun Hing Electric Works and Engineering Scholarship The Hongkong Bank Foudation Overseas Scholarship Dr. Kong Footcare Overseas Clinical Placement Scholarship Degree with First Class Honours Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Social Services Lo Chung Wan Memorial Scholarship、 Dean's Honours J.H. Kinoshita Prizes、 Dean's Honours、 Dean's Honours、 The University of Hong Kong Dean's Honours、 Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarship、 Hong Kong University Alumui Prize、 -41- Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List Dean's Honours List Dr. Stephen S.F. Hui Prizes in Geography David Wong Memonrial Prize Fosroc Prize Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Mizuno & CFB Scholarship、 HKU Worldwide UIG Student Exchange Scholarship、 Swindon Book Co Prize in Psychology、 Chan Kai Ming Prize、 2005/06 Spence Robinson Scholership 2006/07 Chan Wing Kan Prize in Chinese Language Cheung Nim -ping Prizes in Chinese Literature John Swire Donor Scholarship Dean's Honours The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dean's List The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Dean's List The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Outstanding Overall Average Course Grades TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College, ST. Bonaventure College & Highschool, Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College Co-school Chinese Culture Quie Commpetition ╚ Chinese Culture QuieCommpetiton Dean's List Sports Winner 1st 經濟日報 「我最敬愛的老師」寫作比賽 ╚ 寫作比賽 分區冠軍、 分區優異獎 Environmental Campaign Committee Hong Kong Environmental Protection Festival ╚ "GreenLife" Blogging Competition -42- 1st Runner-up Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 中國歷史教育學會 中學中國歷史徴文比賽 ╚ 高級組 2005/06 2nd Pui Ching Middle School Pui Ching Middle School 3rd Invitational Mathematics Competition ╚ Heat Event (Form 3 Level) Silver Award, Bronze Award London Cleamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations LCC & I Examinations ╚ 1st Level Book-keeping Junior Achievement Hong Kong Management & Economics Simulation Exercise 2005 Hong Kong Business Challenge ╚ 2005 Hong Kong Business Challenge 中大教育學院 中大教育學院青年人雜誌 2004 年十月 號 1st in Hong Kong and 2nd in World 1st Place 作品獲選 明報 明報生命教育版 作品獲選 -嘉許 啟思網站 我最喜愛的一齣電影徵文比賽 作品獲選 -嘉許 香港太陽報副刊 作品獲選 -嘉許 匯知教育機構 全港微型小說創作大賽 ╠ 初中組 ╚ 高中組 嘉許、嘉許 推薦獎 香港教育圖書公司 滬港新澳四地課外閱讀報告比賽 ╚ 初中組 冠軍 -43- 2006/07 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 Futurekids Computer Learning Center, Cambridge ICT Assessment Centre University of Cambridge International Examination - ICT Starter Award ╠ On Track Level ║ ║ ║ ╚ Next Step Level HK Robotic Olympic Association HK Robotic Olympic Games ╚ Robot Design (Multi-motor) 2005/06 2006/07 1st Runner-up 2nd Runner-up Merit Best Multimedia Design Award Outstanding Student Award, Pass (Certificate) Merit Hong Kong Institute of Education The HKIED Longman Mathematics Day ╚ Mathematics Problem - Solving Competition Third Prize Eye On International Education Assciation K' bot Hong Kong Campionship 、Most 東華三院王氏港建國際(集團)有限公司 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學獎學金 TWGHs WKK Int’l (Hldgs) Ltd University of British Columbia Scholarship CHAN PUI TIN Creative Award Scholarship C$25,822 AU PAK HUNG C$26,182 AU PAK HUNG C$25,822 東華三院李兆忠紀念獎學金 TWGHs Li Shiu Chung Scholarship YU CHUN HUNG YU CHUN HUNG $20,000 $20,000 YU PUI TAK $20,000 WU KIN MO CHEUNG SAU KWAN YU PUI TAK $20,000 LEE SZE MAN WU KIN MO YU PUI TAK $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 FAN YUI CHI LEE SZE MAN $20,000 -44- $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 WU KIN MO FAN YUI CHI LI KA HO $20,000 $15,000 $20,000 LEE SZE MAN LI KA HO $20,000 $20,000 FAN YUI CHI $15,000 百週年紀念獎學金 LAM WING TUNG Centenary Scholarship $2,500 翁世晃伉儷紀念獎學金 Mr. & Mrs. Yung Sai Fong Memorial Scholarship 黃乾亨獎學金 Philip K.H. Wong Scholarship 鄭一正獎學金 FAN YUI CHI $2,500 YEUNG HO YAN CHAN YUN SANG $2,500 $2,500 FAN SO SUM CHEUNG YAN MING $2,500 $2,500 KWOK KA MAN Cheng Yat Ching Scholarship $1,200 黃鳳翎獎學金 Wong Fung Ling Scholarship TAM CHUEK HIN WONG TSZ NOK $2,500 $2,500 南九龍獅子會獎學金 Lions Club of South Kowloon Scholarship 陳耀莊獎學金 Chan Yiu Chang Scholarship TSE WING TING $2,500 LUK KA YING $1,000 王華湘紀念獎學金 Wong Wah San Memorial Scholarship CHAN FONG MING NG KA YU $2,500 $6,000 CHOW WAI KIT LO AMBROSE $6,000 第一中學獎學金 No.1 College Scholarship LEE SZE MAN CHAN FONG MING $2,000 $6,000 WONG SZE MAN LO AMBROSE $2,000 -45- $6,000 $2,500 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 CHOW TIN KIT $2,000 KWOK WAI LOK $2,000 YIM CHEUK LUN $2,000 WONG YAT HANG $2,000 東華三院謝婉雯醫生紀念獎學金 Dr. Tse Yuen Man Memorial Scholarship CHAN MIU YING CHEUNG YAN MING $2,500 $2,500 CHEUNG YAN MING NG KA YU $2,500 $2,500 林至謙紀念獎學金(物理) Lam Chi Him Memorial Scholarship TSE SHING HIN SEETO WING SUM CHAN MAN FUNG $200 $200 $200 MOK CHUN FUNG KWAN TAN SUI WONG KWOK TO $100 $100 $100 CHAN FONG MING TSE SHING HIN WONG YUK HEI $200 $200 LO AMBROSE TSANG YIN LOK $100 $200 SEETO WING SUM $100 $100 WONG YU HON LO AMBROSE WONG HO CHUN $200 $200 $200 CHAN WAI YING CHAN LEONG KI LO AMBROSE $100 $100 $100 TSE SHING HIN $200 -46- CHEUNG YAN MING CHAN WAI YING LING CHEUK NAM $200 $200 $100 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 80-81 獎學金 80-81 Scholarship (Highest Score in HKCEE) 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 WONG YAT HANG WONG YU HON WONG YU HON $100 $100 LAM WING TUNG WONG YAT HANG $200 $1,000+$200 TSE WING TING CHEUNG YAN MING $100 $100 CHEUNG YAN MING LEE TANG FOR CHAN FONG MING $500 $500 $500 CHAN YUN SANG LEE TSZ YING LO AMBROSE $500 $500 CHEUNG TING TING LAM SZE LONG WONG CHAK LAM $200 $200 $200 SUEN KA WAI CHEUNG TING TING LAM SZE LONG $1,000+$200 CHUNNG MAN HON $100 $500 LEUNG WING NAM $500 朱榮庭紀念獎學金 Chu Wing Ting Memorial Scholarship (First in Aggregate) $200 $200 $200 尤德爵士紀念獎學金 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship CHAN FONG MING SUEN KA WAI CHENG WAN SZE $200 $200 $200 CHAN YUN SANG LAW CHIU FUNG FONG YU HUNG $1000 $1,000 $1,000 FAN SO SUM CHAN FONG MING MOK SHUK MAN $1,000 $1,000 MOK HO YIN HUNG WING YIN $1000 東華三院王定一獎學金 TWGHs Eddie Wang Scholarship LAM HIN LUNG $500 $500 CHIU TSZ YAN $500 TIN LEE LAI YIU IDA $500 $500 HON KA FUNG HO CHING YEE KONG HA NI $500 $500 $500 -47- $500 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 仁濟初中學生最顯著進步獎勵計劃 Yan Chai Award for the Most Improved Junior Secondary Students 東華傑出學生獎 Tung Wah Student of the Year Award (All-round) 東華傑出學生獎(課外活動) Tung Wah Student of the Year Award (ECA) KMO 獎學金(服務) KMO Scholarship (Services) 2005/06 2006/07 CHEUNG YAN MING TANG MING CHUNG CHAN LEONG KI $3,000 $4,000 $3,000 WONG YAT HANG LIU YAT YEUNG CHAN CHUN TAT $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 LAW WAI YIN CHENG HO CHEUNG LAU YEE LI $600 $1,000 $1,000 KMO 獎學金(學術) KMO Scholarship (Academic) CHAN FONG MING $3,000 LO AMBROSE $3,000 香港基督少年軍 CHAN MIU YING 香港基督少年軍之友獎學金計劃 (香港基督少年軍之友獎學金) $2,500 book coupon The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong Hong Kong Stedfast Association Scholarship Scheme (Hong Kong Stedfast Association Scholarship) LAM MEI YEE TIN LEE LAI $2,500 book coupon $1,000 book coupon LAU TSZ MEI CHOY MEI WA $2,500 book coupon $1,000 book coupon LAM MEI YEE $2,500 book coupon 東華三院黃笏南中學傑出領袖獎學金 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Outstanding Leadership Scholarship 東華三院黃笏南中學傑出社區服務獎 學金 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Outstanding Community Services Scholarship 東華三院黃笏南中學最佳化學科成績 獎學金 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Scholarship for Best Results in Chemistry PANG KAI ON CHIU CHUN HO FONG YU HUNG $1,000 $1,000 CHEUNG KWAN WING CHIU KA FUNG KONG LUN FAT $1,000 $1,000 LEE TANG FOR LO AMBROSE TSE SHING HIN $500 $1,000 LAW CHIU FUNG TAM KOK CHING $500 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 TSE WING TING $1,000 -48- $1,000 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 東華三院黃笏南中學最佳生物科成績 獎學金 TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Scholarship for Best Results in Biology 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 LEE TSZ YING LO AMBROSE TSE SHING HIN $500 $500 $500 TSE WING TING LEUNG WING NAM LEUNG WAI YIU $500 $500 $500 FAN SO SUM YIM CHEUK LUN 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (高級程度會考優異成績獎) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Oustanding Results in the HKALE) 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (中學會考優異成績獎) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Oustanding Results in the HKCEE) $500 $500 SHAM MEI CHI KWOK KA MAN $500 $500 LAM WING TUNG CHEUNG YAN MING $500 $500 WONG TSZ NOK WONG YAT HANG $500 $500 KWOK KA MAN LAW YAN YUEN TAM CHI WAI $500 $500 LAM MAN CHEUNG CHING HIU LAM $500 $500 KWOK YIK SING KWONG HO MAN $500 $500 $500 WONG YUET CHING $500 LAM MAN CHING $250 CHAN TAI LAM LEUNG SHUK NGAR LEE TANG FOR $250 $500 $500 CHAN FONG MING LEUNG WING NAM LEE TSZ YING $500 $500 $500 CHEUNG YAN MING $500 LO AMBROSE WONG YU HON $500 $500 CHAN LEONG KI $500 WONG YAT HANG $500 -49- Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (體藝成績優異獎 – 體育組) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in Sport) 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 LAU SUI PANG TONG CHEUK HIN WOO SIU SING $300 $300 HO CHEUK YING LO NGA TING CHEUNG YAN YEE $300 $300 WONG YUK HEI LEUNG YEE HANG LEE CHUN HIN $300 $300 $300 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (體藝成績優異獎 – 音樂組) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in Music) 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (體藝成績優異獎 – 美術組) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in Arts) 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (服務優異獎) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in Services) $300 $300 LI CHEUK HUNG LO WING MAN TSOI SZE YAN $300 $300 $300 HSUAN JIA CHYI LAI HIU TUNG CHAN HOI WAH $300 $300 $300 CHAN HO YAN CHAN HO YAN $300 $300 SO CHING YAN LAW WAI YIN $200 $300 LAW WAI YIN CHAN LONG CHING CHENG HOI CHI $300 CHAN CHUNG NGA $300 $200 $200 CHENG HO CHEUNG LAW YUET HA $200 $200 LEUNG PO YAN NG PUI SAN $200 $200 CHAN MIU YING CHAN NGAN LO $200 $200 CHAN PUI YI $200 CHEUNG SUI CHING $200 CHEUNG LIK HO $200 HO MAN HEI $200 LAM SZE LONG $200 YU KIN CHEUNG $200 CHAN CHUNG NGA LEUNG I KI $200 $200 HSUAN JIA CHYI MOK SHUK MAN $200 -50- $200 Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 YUNG SUI LING LEUNG KING PONG $200 $200 FONG WING TING $200 CHENG HO CHEUNG $200 CHAN SIU YIN CHIU KA $200 FUNG $200 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (黃笏南積極校園生活獎勵計劃獎學 金) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in the WFN Life-wide Achievement Award Scheme) 東華三院黃笏南中學家長教師會獎學 金 (星級學會獎) TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Parent-Teacher Association Scholarship (Outstanding Performance in the Star Club Award Scheme) YEUNG HO CHUN SIU HANG NAM $300 $300 KWONG WING KI $300 Library Club $1,000 Drama Club $1,000 Chinese Cultural Club $500 Social Services Club $500 Others Jumpin Gym USA and Green Student Council Jumpin Gym USA Good Student Awards - "Be an Environmental Protection Adventurer" Campaign ╚ Secondary Section OPCF Hong Jibng 攜手保育生態獎勵計劃: 環保論壇 ╚ 如何在保存傳統文化與環育生態 環境之間取得平衡中學組 Ocean Park Foundation Fund Hong Kong ╚ "Hand-in-Hand Conserve Our Wildlife" Award Scheme Champion 得獎作品 4 Gold Award 7 Silver Award 17 Bronze Award -51- Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 2005/06 香港女青年會與深水埗區議會保護環 境及綠化工作小組合辦 源因為你環保創作比賽之環保家庭比 賽 ╠ 環保家庭比賽(中學初中組) ║ ║ ╚ 環保家庭比賽(中學高中組) The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 第三屆(總領袖生訓練證書課程) ╚ 專題研題 2006/07 1st,2nd,3rd, 5 Merit 1st,2nd,3rd, 5 Merit 我最欣賞學 生領袖乙級 獎 Hong Kong Scout Association ╚ Chief Scout's Award Chief Scout's Award 紅章, 金章, 初級組服務 金章, 三年 服務年章, 初級組步操 比賽亜軍 The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong 深水埗區議會保護環境及綠化工作小 組, 香港基督教女青年會 源來有你環保創作比賽(環保口號設計 比賽) 環保口號設計比賽 深水埗區議會保護環境及綠化工作小 組, 香港基督教女青年會 香港環保節 2005: 避免及減少製造"廢 物"活動舊書循環用運動問答比賽 ╚ 問答比賽(中學組) WWF Hong Kong Ocean's 10 Bus Design Competiton ╚ Ocean's10 Bus Design Competition The Hong Kong Award for Young People 2nd, Merit 冠軍、季軍 2nd Runner-up ╚ Silver Award Presentation 6 Silver Award Hong Kong Observatory and HK edcity Weather Diary ╚ Most Active Participating Schools Bronze Prize -52- Nature Name of Competition / Organization Award details 2004/05 EMB, The Hong Kong Schools Dance Association Schools Dance Festival ╚ Secondary, Modern Dance, Solo 10 Outstanding Teens in Hong Kong 1st Runner-up Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians' Association IASL 香港區學校圖書館獎項 ╚ 圖書館服務生 卓越獎 Hong Kong GO Association Limited Hong Kong Amateur Go Championship ╚ 青年組(高級) 第七名 香島中學, 華仁書院等聯校 港中學校際中國象棋賽(富恆盃) ╚ 女子組 優異獎 -53- 2006/07 Merit Hong Kong Playground Association 6th Hong Kong Oustanding Teens Election ╚ Hong Kong Oustanding Teens Election Joint School Librariansip Competition Preparation Committee Joint School Librarianship Competition ╚ Overall result 2005/06 Champion 2nd Runner-up Physical Development The average of total scores of the four physical fitness items: (bent-knee sit-ups / sit-and-reach / endurance run/walk / push-ups (for male) or bent-knee push-ups (for female) Average of total scores of the specified physical fitness items 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 04/05 05/06 06/07 boys girls 14-yr old S3 students boys girls 15-yr old S3 students The percentage of students in the school within the acceptable weight range by gender Students within acceptable weight range 70.0 60.0 50.0 04/05 05/06 06/07 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 boys girls 14-yr old S3 students boys girls 15-yr old S3 students -54- Social Services Date Service Participants Nov 04 Dec 04 F.3 Service Learning: visit the Home of Elderly Flag Day of the Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod F.3 students 23 Feb 05 F.3 Service Learning F. 3 students Feb 05 Visit to a home of the elderly (F.3 service learning) F.3 students Mar 05 Understanding the Adolescent Project –Social Service 15 Jul 05 Flag Selling Day of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 452 Oct 05 Service Learning Workshops Dec 05 東華三院黃祖棠長者地區中心:「福袋傳情兩心知」活動 Dec 05 Service Learning: visit the home of elderly Dec 05 Services for the Yaumatei Multi-Service Centre of Salvation Army 16 Dec 05 Flag Day of Baptist Church 30 Jan 06 F.3 Service Learning Workshops F.3 students Feb 06 Service Learning Workshop organized by Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups F.3 students Mar 06 F3 Service Learning visit 35 Apr 06 Flag Selling Day of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 328 Nov 06 F3 Service Learning Dec 06 Service Learning: visit the home of elderly Mar 07 Orbis International Charity Raffle Ticket Selling 8 May 07 Flag Selling Day 10 May 07 Hand-in-Hand, Conserve Our Wildlife Award Scheme – raffle ticket selling 12 May 07 P.A.T.Hs elderly service 45 Jul 07 Volunteer Work : visit the home of elderly 26 Aug 07 Flag Selling Day of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 236 F.3 students 52 F.3 students F.3 students -55- 200 School Tours Date Activities Participants Jul 04 Taipei Cultural Exploring Tour 29 Jul 04 Songshan Shaolin Temple Kongfu Study Tour 2 Aug 04 Shanghai Music Exchange Tour of Symphonic Band 45 Jul 05 12th WASBE International Conference – outreach programmes cum Singapore Music and Cultural Exchange Tour 92 Jul 05 TWGHs Students’ Visit to Shanghai for Project on National Education 3 Aug 05 Beijing – HK – Macau Exchange Conference 3 Jul – Aug 05 UK Cambridge English Language and Cultural Study Tour 12 Oct 05 2005 Beijing National Symphonic Band Competition 55 Jun – Jul 06 Exploring Tour on the Livelihood in Suzhou - Hangzhou 37 Jul 06 Japan Osaka Music Exchange Tour 20 Jul 06 Macau – Zhuhai – Shenzhen Music Exchange Tour 55 Aug 06 Tour to Zhangjiajie cum English Summer Camp 10 Jul 07 International Youth & Music Festivals “Youth & Music in Vienna” 80 Aug 07 Tour to Zhangjiajie cum English Summer Camp 14 -56-