Spring 2013 - Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama
Spring 2013 - Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama
A 501c3 non-profit helping local cancer patients in need Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama Board of Directors: Drue Tubbs President Nigel Guntharp Vice President Sarah Spear Treasurer Randall Turner Secretary David Barranco Morris Capouya Dr. Stephen Davidson Mary Day Kylle McKinney John McPherson Patrick Mullen Dr. Nina Nelson-Garrett Tommy Patterson Kent Rose Larry Stevens Virginia Whitfield David Woods Advisory Board: Donna Henderson Billy Livings Dr. Keith Thompson Executive Director: Lucile Waller lwaller@montgomerycancer.com 4145 Carmichael Road Montgomery, Alabama 36106-2801 334.273.2279 p 334.386.2921 f www.cancerwellnessfoundation.org HOPE NEWS Volume 2, Issue 1 March 2013 Larry Davidson—Lessons in Hope and Faith The Cancer Wellness Foundation is fortunate to have an extended family. A wonderful partnership with Baptist Health provides a very special service to our patients. That service is “Catch the Hope.” Hope and encouragement is delivered in the form of Christian servant Larry Davidson. Larry serves as Chaplain at Baptist Health and devotes time weekly to ministering to patients at the Montgomery Cancer Center. His obedience to God is evident in both his service to others AND his own personal struggle with cancer. Chaplain Larry Davidson prays with Lucile Waller of the Cancer Wellness Foundation. Dea r Lou belle , Just wan ted y new ou t jour o kn ney circu msta . You ha ow, Mom nce ve a , how with lway or si meta thin tuat s tau gs h stasi wan ion. ght s to ts to S me n ave been o m , m inste y bo is Bu ake ot to prog nes, ad o canc ddy “awf ressi I ch f ma C. Ye er th uliz ng i ose t king s, I a eir e e” a nm o Loub befri nem this m be ny y elle, end diag y f r i e w t n up w my c hat’s nosi ding hate hen we w ance s of c a e w v f e v uliz r. Ev ere y ance ryon er yo me s ing! eryo oun e’s w ome r u ca ne M g, yo orst n truly u ta enem y best n impo while yo First e u w fri y. ght u r t ’r , a e e u end nt le While hope is central to many very tyin s to choi sson one “loo ces. s eac g your s They who rece hoe.” k aroun h da patients’ fight with cancer, one ques d i c y v Bud an w tion and . Let es a dy C diag hine over pick me s “Wh is te cannot have HOPE without hare , res nosi a y?” Y achi ign s of c et, th nd over som with ng o e wi ance r shi . Now a o t u t q FAITH. Larry fills the need for ne. S h yo r ma uest , I ce chan t answe u. ion ome kes o r t a rs . A i i ces t s nev chos nly u ne o n o de e to cancer patients and their er a them f thr nder epen ger turn ask ee stan of a the “ ed in nswered rela d th bun wou . Why t w W i families who need spiritual e an onsh ch o ldn’t a rd h ?” i n f ger ers l ips w dest selfput p i r ve in a rt o u ith t up w oy s h Seco encouragement—HOPE. And heir f ith m ndersta o a p n e ndly g spou ndin and er e spe , so se an man robs g an wing his FAITH is a shining y tim me can d fa them d gr o u m c t an owth es th e p a rt of ily a ger a . Bes at “M r patien of ca nd r example to those in the i ll th ts ch obs r. Co ncer surv e tim des ,you oose u ivor i l s d t e! he d to re beat s the choi waiting areas and treatment ying sign re a M r. C ce is . Lou re. M for s ain’t min care ome belle y bes .” e. I c O , give rooms of MCC. , t ne but h, I an jo rs or look know you told wast in fo w friend I ca at h in us that , Bu n gi rces ow m the s grac g my ca d v w e d The motto of the i a t y C, up a ncer cari ny c e, te is te nd r h my do est ance achi if I b a c esi c ng a r tor, eliev Cancer Wellness So, L his m hing me nd s e tha gn. I ha oube usta e t v t h d e i a i t l l c i t the earn ’s a le, b or re i ning Foundation is Giving curs ecau ed th nes and sign my f e. No se I ! Sur at I my aith C. Bu ! Bu have e, I w will in G tIa d Help...Giving Hope. Larry d t be he c od. a yCi m le “hea ho sag arni nt to “be ling ift o ng t at th ice, I’m .” We has become a central toda f hat d e e can o c y, I a d i ther di ds” w talk m go thro ith m ng to sh abou e is a h element in the fulfilling ugh ing in uge y bes t tho to co the p for t diffe t new e ---not se di u ain, he g renc whin ffere the Foundation’s frien know nt my n ood. e e n b d, B i e c g It ev twee ing es an hts b udd Loub that n “c en c o y t y s h mission of hope. t elle, u han e a re” a r da rs, n ges m a smile I mu clay y. A ot s nd will st y att to sh chan cars. I w t least fo Larry has graciously itud ow th agree w We a r ill sm ge o e, to ith S at th re ha t h o i a . le ers a is al int P rd p r desp agreed to open the roun l-sur aul, air; e s s e dm passi do per destr e ng p “We have book on his life so oyed secuted, n every s ower ” (II ide, but n is fro this trea b C u o orin su t aba t I’m m Go that others might thia goin d an re in jar ndon not crus ns 4 g to hed; d no s of ed; s :7-8) shin perp truc benefit. His story . e, Lo lexed t from u k do ubel s. wn, , b u l e t not but n ! Sm as a letter to his iles in ot of Gr ace mother follows. from L a rr Your y D. Elde Lucile Waller, Executive Director st, PAGE 2 CWFCA FACT Since 2007, patients have received over $22 million in products and services through the Cancer Wellness Foundation! CWFCA FACT The Foundation has been able to leverage a small staff & budget to turn $1 donated into as much as $11 in products & services for patients! Local Groups Bring Christmas Cheer to Patients Some local cancer patients found a little extra Christmas cheer in December through the efforts of the Junior League of Montgomery and the Alabama Council of Association Executives. To combat the worries of preparing a holiday meal or to provide a bit of comfort by way of a personal gift, these groups reached out to local cancer patients through the Wellness Foundation. A group of Junior Leaguers led by Amy Edelman joined with the Wellness Foundation staff to provide a home cooked Christmas dinner to 12 cancer patients and their families. The volunteers gathered for a cooking party on a Sunday afternoon in December at the Christchurch XP kitchen to make dressing and casseroles. Homemade accompaniments were combined with turkeys and pecan pies donated by Publix and Priester’s, The complete dinners were later delivered to patients’ homes. ACAE, under the direction of President, Billy Norrell, spread cheer with the donation of personal patient gifts such as scarves, hats, plush throws and blankets, soft socks, and nutritional supplements. About 100 patients received ACAE’s thoughtful niceties from the staff of the Foundation and the Montgomery Cancer Center. Spotlight on Supporters Major Donors Baptist Health Employees of Montgomery Cancer Center, Baptist Health, Carmichael Imaging, Central Alabama Radiation Oncology Estate of Betty Barker First United Methodist Church Broadhead Missions and FUMC Church Women Gary and Carla Guthrie Montgomery Cancer Center Pat and Cherry Mullen The Dr. Dave Welch Memorial Foundation We thank all of our supporters and recognize these businesses, organizations & individuals who have graciously given significant resources to support the Wellness Foundation’s mission and events in 2012 and 2013. Friends of The Foundation Alabama Power Samuel Adams Dr. and Mrs. Robert Avery Morris Capouya Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coleman Charis Crafters Mary Day The Frank and Fred Friedman Family Foundation Nigel Guntharp Harmon Dennis Bradshaw ITEC Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Jehle Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Jordan Paul Krig John McPherson Mayer Electric Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County Commission Tommy and Diane Patterson Warren Rose Family Amy Slade Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stabler Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephens Lacy Taylor Jim and Ann Thomas Waste Management Mr. and Mrs. David Woods Event Sponsors Alabama Oncology Hematology Associates Anchor Mortgage Alabama Power Alabama Steel Supply AUM Bonnie Banks Baptist Health BBVA Compass Blue Cross Blue Shield Celgene Central Alabama Radiation Oncology Central Alabama Urology Associates Chappy’s Deli Cisco Systems Dr. Stephen Davidson Eisai Pharmaceuticals ER Med Galassini & Associates Genomic Health Harmon Dennis Bradshaw Hyundai Iberia Bank Jackson Thornton Merrill Lynch Montgomery Cancer Center Neptune Technology Group Dianna Northam Oncology Supply Pickwick Antiques Joy and Cole Portis JL Smith Foundation Southern Homes & Gardens Troy University Montgomery Wells Fargo Wells Printing Under the direction of Lindsay Cleveland, Trinity’s Angel Choir serenaded cancer patients then distributed handmade Valentines. In Kind Gifts Academy Sports Alabama Council of Association Executives Alabama Outdoors Alabama Shakespeare Festival Baptist Foundation B. Barganier Interiors Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles, PC Sara Beasley The Bedroom Best Buy Bishop Parker Furniture Boosters Bonefish Grill Bud’s Best Cookies Capitol Chevrolet Capitol City Club Carrabba’s Italian Grill Chappy’s Deli Charlotte Gaston Interiors Chicken Salad Chick Cloverdale Playhouse Cohen’s Electronics The Deli Derk’s Filet & Vine Doug’s 2 Dreamland BBQ Dunn’s Florist Earthfare Faulkner University Jazz Band Fine Line Engravers Enterprise Rent A Car Fireplace & Patio The Fresh Market Gigi’s Cupcakes Gold Valley Jewelry Granville Home Furnishings Harold’s Jewelry Heather Pierce Designs Home Depot It’z a Gift La-Z-Boy Furniture Lemongrass Salon & Spa Marco’s Pizza Mathison Interiors Merle Norman Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department Montgomery Zoo Paul Robertson Photography Perwinkle Pickwick Antiques The Pink Room Boutique Priester’s Pecans Publix Supermarkets Raycom Media Rosemont Gardens Donnie Sasser Southern Flair Southern Homes & Gardens Travel Leaders/Total Sports Travel True Restaurant Walton Gardens Ware Jewelers Wells Printing Wintzell’s Oyster House Media Partners Bell Media Bluewater Broadcasting BOOM! Magazine Cumulus Broadcasting Faith Radio Frazer TV The Fusion G2 Productions Lamar Advertising Pride Magazine River Region’s Journey Magazine RSVP Magazine Larry Stevens & SMI Advertising WCOV WAKA/WNCF WSFA 2012-2013 Grantors Alabama Department of Transportation American Cancer Society City of Montgomery Community Development The Daniel Foundation of Alabama Junior League of Montgomery Working Women’s Home Association Eli Manning to Speak at 3/15 Event to Benefit Cancer Patients New York Giants Super Bowl winning quarterback Eli Manning will be the featured speaker at the Cancer Wellness Foundation’s signature fundraiser on Friday, March 15, 2013. About Eli... Eli is a two-time Super Bowl MVP, beating the New England Patriots in 2008 and 2012. Along with his father, Archie, legendary former New Orleans Saints quarterback, and his brother, Peyton, Super Bowl and NFL MVP, Eli Manning carries the torch honoring his family's NFL quarterback legacy. Held at the Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center in Montgomery, the evening begins at 6 pm with a sold out VIP reception where lucky attendees will be treated to a meet-and-greet and photo opportunity with the football standout. At 7 pm, dinner will be served in the Convention Center where Eli Manning will answer questions in a casual “chat” format with Dee Jackson of WAKA and Jeff Sherer of WSFA. A live auction of Manning-signed Giants and Ole Miss sports memorabilia will add to the evenings festivities. Individual tickets are $100 which includes dinner, auction and the program. Reserved tables of 8 with prime seating are $1200. Proceeds from the event fund the Wellness Foundation’s efforts to assist local cancer patients in need. Eli graduated with a Marketing degree from the University of Mississippi, where he received numerous academic and athletic honors, including the Maxwell Award as the nation's best all-around player, the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award, the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame Scholar Athlete Award, and SEC Player of the Year, to name a few. He was the top selection in the 2004 NFL Draft. Off the field, Eli is involved in numerous charitable organizations. He and his family assisted in the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. He has become a leading supporter of the NFL and American Heart Association’s campaign, What P VI D Moves U, a national youth movement and Reserved Tables & VIP Passes L SO T! awareness initiative to promote physical fitness U 334.273.2279 O and healthy living to children. He also devotes time to The March of Dimes, and committed to General Admission Tickets raise $2.5 million for construction of the Eli www.cancerwellnessfoundation.org Manning Children's Clinics at the Blair E. Batson Renaissance Box Office 481-5100 Hospital for Children in Jackson, Mississippi. Sponsor Opportunities 334.273.2279 Ticketmaster.com SILVER Alabama Oncology Hematology Associates at SPONSORS SPONSORS PRESENTING GOLD SPONSORS TITLE PLATINUM SPONSORS SPONSOR SPONSORS MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN! Eli and his wife, Abby, reside in New Jersey. Every summer, along with his father Archie and brothers Cooper & Peyton, Eli operates the Manning Passing Academy, a summer camp for high school quarterbacks and receivers. Blue Cross Blue Shield Capital City Gastroenterology Celgene Eisai Pharmaceuticals Galassini & Associates Advertising Jackson Thornton Merrill Lynch Cherry and Pat Mullen Neptune Technology Group Skippy Charity Smith Family Holdings Wells Fargo The Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama: Who We Are… Founded in 1997, CWFCA is a non-profit 501c3 organization who mission is to help cancer patients throughout Central Alabama gain access to lifesaving chemotherapy and radiation treatments. We do this through our primary programs that offer assistance with transportation to and from treatments and cancer related medical appointments; and access to medications to manage the side effects of treatments as well as cutting edge oral chemotherapy agents to treat the cancer itself. Our advocates focus on social service guidance and insurance navigation. CWFCA is the only organization in the area to meet the needs of patients once a cancer diagnosis is made. We are supported entirely by grants and donations from businesses and individuals. Donors can take pride in knowing that all of their dollars go to help patients in their local communities. Need help for yourself, a family member or friend struggling with cancer? Call 334.273.2279 www.cancerwellnessfoundation.org Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Montgomery, AL Permit #202 4145 Carmichael Road Montgomery, AL 36106 Giving help...giving hope. 334.273.2279 Return Service Requested 11 th Nanette Lanier Memorial APRIL 6, 6, 2013 2013 APRIL G LF $10,000 Drawdown Silent Auction Bonnie Crest Country Club $100 Early Entry for Golfers $120 after March 26 il Apr Cash Prizes for Winning Golf Teams Golfer Goody Bags, T-shirts, Lunch and More! Buffet Dinner with Live Music and Silent Auction 5:30 pm Until 3 01 6, 2 st Cre b e i n u Bon try Cl n u o C Only 300 Tickets Will Be Sold for the $10,000 Drawdown! You Do NOT Have to be Present to Win! Promote Your Business! Sponsorship Opportunities Available and Begin at Only $100! For Tickets, Golf Registration or Questions: Call 334.273.2279 Email: jhoover@montgomerycancer.com www.cancerwellnessfoundation.org Proceeds Benefit the Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama IN RA T DA E: 3 Ap 1 ril
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