April 2015 - Alabama Partnership for Children
April 2015 - Alabama Partnership for Children
Subscribe Facebook Share 0 Past Issues Twitter 0 Translate Short URL Google +1 Alabama Partnership for Children - Smart Start Updates http://eepurl.com/bjaHs View this email in your browser Zero to Five Matters - - - April 2015 ~ A newsletter focused on our most valuable investment ~ Initiative Focus: Joining Hands for Week of the Young Child The Alabama Partnership for Children is coordinating the annual Joining Hands for Week of the Young Child event, designed to bring attention to the needs of young children, ages birth to five, to local and state decision makers. In keeping with previous years, we ask that child advocates across the state coordinate with anyone that works with young children to collect handprints that children have traced and decorated. These handprints will be delivered to the State House in Montgomery, AL, and posted in Alabama Legislative offices on Tuesday, April 14th. We are asking all child advocates to join us in delivering the handprints and the Week of the Young Child message, early years are learning years, to State Legislators on April 14th. Please let us know you plan to attend by completing and returning the attendance confirmation form by April 13th. Logistics for the day are as follows: Joining Hands for Week of the Young Child Subscribe Share Past Issues Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Time: 10:00 Facebook 0 a.m. - 12:00 Twitter noon0 Google +1 Location: Alabama Department of Children's Affairs Alabama Center for Postsecondary Education Building Translate Short URL http://eepurl.com/bjaHs 135 South Union Street 2nd Floor Conference Room Montgomery, AL Agenda: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. legislators 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon General information and prepare information to deliver to Deliver handprints Feel free to contact the APC with any questions or comments regarding Joining Hands for Week of the Young Child by calling toll-free (866) 711-4025 or emailing mpiggott@SmartStartAlabama.org. Register Today!!! Alabama Project LAUNCH Summit Early Brain Development and Social/Emotional Health And Professional Development Institute R Subscribe Facebook Share 0 Past Issues Twitter 0 May 20-21, 2015 Google +1 Translate Short URL R http://eepurl.com/bjaHs Bryant Conference Center Tuscaloosa, Alabama Featuring Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Register online at www.training.ua.edu/launch Registration Form Professional Development Institute & Summit Information Vendor Registration Form Partner Focus: VOICES for Alabama's Children, Child Advocates Urge Lawmakers to Remain Committed to Improving Alabama's Child Well-Being VOICES for Alabama's Children and more than 100 child advocates including business leaders, educators, parents and children rallied in Montgomery on March 31st for the second annual Child Advocacy Day. Participants heard key legislative priorities from the following, VOICES bill sponsor, Sen. Greg Reed (R - Jasper), Sen. Jack D. Williams (R - Birmingham), Rep. Dario Melton (D - Selma) and Commissioners Nancy Buckner (Department of Human Resources) and Jeana Ross (Department of Children's Affairs). Following lunch, 150 pre-k supporters including 75 adorable pre-k students from Anniston, Montgomery, and Wetumpka assembled on the State House steps for the Parent VOICES for Pre-K Rally. Parent advocate, Jeanna Bulman of Orange Beach and lawmakers including Sen. Quinton Ross (D- Montgomery), Rep. Bill Poole (R - Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate R Tuscaloosa) and Rep. Terry Collins (R - Decatur), energized the crowd gathered to Short URL Pre-K http://eepurl.com/bjaHs support a 0$13.2 million increase Class Facebook Twitter 0 in funding Googlefor +1 the state's voluntary First Program. Parent VOICES for Pre-K, a statewide parent grassroots campaign organized by VOICES for Alabama's Children, rallied in support of the increased funding for Alabama's First Class Pre-K Program. "Children only have once chance to be a preschooler and benefit from early learning opportunities - they don't get a do-over," said Parent VOICES for Pre-K advocate, Jeanna Bulman. "We must take advantage of this time and equip them with the tools they need to be successful in school and in life." Bulman, a mother of two from Baldwin County, understands the benefits of the state's voluntary pre-k program. Her oldest son was one of the 13 percent selected last year to attend a local First Class Pre-K class. Bulman's youngest son will be eligible for the program in the 2015-2016 school year, but with limited availability, slots are filled through a lottery-style drawing at local boards of education. During the rally, several legislative champions of children's issues expressed their commitment to expand funding for the First Class Pre-K Program so that all the state's four-year-olds have access. "We are at a pivotal time in our state for child well-being," said VOICES for Alabama's Children's executive director, Melanie R. Bridgeforth. "We have made progress, but we still have miles to go. In order to keep Alabama's child well-being on the right trajectory, we must invest in proven programs like high-quality pre-k such as the state's First Class Pre-K Program." Subscribe Facebook Share 0 Past Issues Twitter 0 Translate Google +1 Short URL http://eepurl.com/bjaHs Alabama Senate Majority Leader Greg Reed (R - Jasper) addresses the audience at the 2nd Annual Child Advocacy Day April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month! Prevent Child Abuse America's national signature campaign, Pinwheels for Prevention, is based on the belief that every day is an opportunity for you to recognize that we all play a role in the lives of children. As our nation recognizes April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, let's take this time to recognize the various roles we can play: Educate: Learn more and educate others about healthy child development and child abuse prevention; become a messenger for prevention. Advocate: Lend your voice to bring about change for children in the U.S. and affect the policies that impact children and the communities in which they live. Participate: Volunteer your time and talent to organizations that focus on children, their families and the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Donate: Make financial gifts to support these efforts. To learn more please visit http://ctf.alabama.gov/. R Subscribe Facebook Share 0 Past Issues Twitter 0 Facebook Translate Short URL Google +1 Twitter http://eepurl.com/bjaHs Website Mark Your Calendars: April FOCUS: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month April 2015 Check out this month's Smart Start FOCUS packet on Week of the Young Child and Child Abuse Prevention Month. Each month a packet of resources and materials is compiled surrounding the month's FOCUS (Focus On Children Under Six) and distributed to all Wear Blue Day for Child Abuse Prevention Month Friday, April 10, 2015 R Subscribe Facebook Share Past Issues Week of the Young Child 2015 0 0 April 12-18, Twitter Joining Hands Translate April 14, 2015 Alabama Head Start Association Spring Conference attention to birth-to-five statewide. For more information please contact Michele Smith Piggott April 21-23, 2015 Birmingham, AL The National Smart Start Conference May 4-7, 2015 Greensboro, NC Provider Appreciation Day May 8, 2015 Project LAUNCH Early Childhood Summit on Early Brain Development and Social/Emotional Health and Professional Development Institute May 20-21, 2015 Tuscaloosa, AL Copyright © 2015 Alabama Partnership for Children, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Alabama Partnership for Children 2529 Bell Road Montgomery, AL 36117 unsubscribe from this list R organizations that request the Short URL in localhttp://eepurl.com/bjaHs Google +1 information for distribution communities. It is our hope that this monthly FOCUS will provide more update subscription preferences Share Forward Tweet