Contest Health Base Movies Auto Matters Around Town
Contest Health Base Movies Auto Matters Around Town
DISPATCH Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • ARMED FORCES Navy FIFTY FOURTH YEAR NO. 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees EVERYDAY IS VETERANS DAY! $2 SELECT PINTS Military Discounts Everyday Open to Close 25 Taps OPEN AT 9am for WORLD CUP L 2 NEW LOCATIONS 1 (855) 479-7473 San Marcos 174 So Rancho Santa Fe Oceanside 3231 Waring Ct . #N &URZQ9DOOH\3DUNZD\0LVVLRQ9LHMR)UHHZD\ FREE MASSAGE New clients only. Not valid with any other offer. 7/10/14 Contest 2 concert tickets to Brad Paisley ... 4 Health A PTSD clue ... 8-9 Base Movies ...10 WASHINGTON (June 20, 2014) - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel greets Medal of Honor recipient retired Marine Corps Cpl. William “Kyle” Carpenter during a Hall of Heroes induction ceremony at the Pentagon. President Barack Obama presented Carpenter with the Medal of Honor at the White House a day earlier, for his actions while deployed in Marjah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in 2010. DOD photo by Glenn Fawcett ‘Rim of Pacific’ kicks off Auto Matters ... 21 Around Town ... 21 Classifieds ... 24-25 NEW DUCATI MOTORCYCLES IN STOCK! MILITARY SPECIALS! SAN DIEGO - Twenty-three nations, 47 ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft, and 25,000 personnel will participate in the biennial Rim of the Pacific, or RIMPAC, maritime exercise scheduled June 26 to Aug. 1 in and around the Hawaiian Islands. The world’s largest international maritime exercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans. RIMPAC 2014 is the 24th exercise in the series, which began in 1971. Brunei and China are slated to participate in RIMPAC for the first time in 2014. This year’s exercise also includes forces from Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, and Japan, to name a few. Hosted by Pacific Fleet, RIMPAC 2014 will be led by Vice Adm. Kenneth Floyd, commander of the 3rd Fleet, who will serve as the Combined Task Force commander. Royal Australian Navy Rear Adm. Simon Cullen will serve as deputy commander of the CTF, and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Rear Adm. Yasuki Nakahata will be the vice commander. This year’s exercise theme is “Capable, Adaptive Partners.” The participating nations and forces will exercise a wide range of capabilities and demonstrate the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. These capabilities range from disaster relief and maritime security operations to sea control and complex warfighting. Financing Experts OAC 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 FRANK TOYOTA SERVICE SPECIALS X WAS 11995 4-WHEEL ALIGNMENT $ 89 $ 95 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW $GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU &HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD 2IIHUH[SLUHV BATTERY TRUE-2 SPECIAL 60 MONTH PRO-RATE WARRANTY X WAS 12995 $ 99 $ 95 +tax Z([FKDQJH ,167$//$7,21,1&/8'(' 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV([FOXGHV+\EULGV 9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD2IIHUH[SLUHV CHECK ENGINE LIGHT FAST LANE OIL & FILTER CHANGE Military Special Only X 29 $ ,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWDRLOILOWHU WAS 5HSODFHHQJLQHRLOSHUIDFWRU\VSHFLILFDWLRQV $ 3495 7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV FREE&KHFNVHWWLUHSUHVVXUHWRYHKLFOHVSHFLILFDWLRQV FREE 0XOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQ Oil & Filter Change. FREE &DU:DVK We Make it easy! 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An artist rendering of the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA 7). Navy photo illustration Future USS Tripoli keel authenticated PASCAGOULA, Miss. - The keel laying and authentication ceremony for the amphibious assault ship, the future USS Tripoli (LHA 7) was held at the Huntington Ingalls Industries Pascagoula shipyard June 20. Ship Sponsor Mrs. Lynne Mabus and retired Lt. Cmdr. Steve Senk, the chief engineer of the previous Tripoli (ex-USS Tripoli, LPH 10) served as the keel authenticators. The laying of the keel traditionally marked the first step in ship construction. With today’s advanced modular shipbuilding, the keel laying ceremony now recognizes the joining together of a ship’s components and is a major milestone in the ship’s construction. Fabrication of Tripoli started in July 2013. “We’re honored to have Mrs. Mabus with us today to confirm the ship’s keel is truly and fairly laid. Mrs. Mabus is a part of this ship’s history and together we can look forward to many more ship milestones,” said Capt. Christopher Mercer, Amphibious Warfare Program Manager within Program Executive Office, Ships. “This keel laying ceremony marks a significant first step in bringing shape to the Navy’s next amphibious assault ship.” Like the recently delivered America (LHA 6), LHA 7 incorporates key components to provide the fleet with a more aviation centric platform. The design of the future Tripoli features an enlarged hangar deck, realignment and expansion of the aviation maintenance facilities, a significant increase in available stowage for parts and support equipment, and FREE SD increased aviation fuel capacity. The ship will also be the first LHA replacement ship to deliver fully ready to integrate the entire future air combat element of the Marine Corps to include the Joint Strike Fighter. “Like America, Tripoli boasts a very credible and capable aviation centric design that replaces the Tarawa class of amphibious assault ships,” said Mercer. “The design brings with it increased capabilities and will maximize the Navy’s investment in future aircraft.” to improve and increase the reliability of our homeland ballistic missile defense system,” Missile homeland defensive architecture continue to provide the warfighter an effective and dependable system to defend the country,” he added, after congratulating the government and industry team that conducted the test. “Their professionalism and dedication made this test a success,” Syring said. All components seemed to perform as designed, MDA officials said in a statement, and program officials will spend the next several months assessing and evaluating system performance based on telemetry and other test data. The test, called flight test ground-based interceptor-06b, will provide the data needed for the assessment and to assess the performance of many Ballistic Missile Defense System elements for homeland defense, officials said. The Missile Defense Agency’s Flight Test 06b Ground-Based Interceptor launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base. Missile Defense Agency photo The MDA, the Air Force’s 30th Space Wing, and the Navy, among others, were involved in the integrated exercise. Defense Agency Director Vice Adm. James Syring. “We’ll continue efforts to ensure our deployed ground-based interceptors and our overall “This is a very important step in our continuing efforts The BMDS is designed to counter ballistic missile threats of all ranges - short, medium, intermediate and long. The system has many integrated elements and a layered architecture that offers several ways to destroy incoming missiles and warheads before they reach their targets. The architecture includes networked sensors and groundand sea-based radars to detect and track targets, and groundand sea-based interceptor missiles like the EKV to destroy a ballistic missile using the kinetic energy from a direct hit. This is called “hit-to-kill” technology. An explosive blast fragmentation warhead also see MDA, page 4 BOB BAKER LAX SHUTTLE WITH ASIANA AIRLINES Ask us about our special Ticket NOW PAY LATER PLAN MANILA .....$1080 CLARK.............$1120 CEBU.............$1115 BANGKOK........$1165 SEOUL...........$987 TOKYO.........$1090 OKINAWA........$1195 SHANGHAI......$1140 HONG KONG....$1050 (SHKI(EVXW Ask for our Weekly Specials & from Asia Fares ALL TAXES & FEES INCLUDED Some restrictions apply. Prices subject to change. #2007746-10 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92111 )D[ THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE .IIT'LIVSOII7TSVX\ 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI email: WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI 248 $999 $ 15735 Net Cost $ EXXLMWTVMGI(( &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX *EGXSV]6IFEXI 7500 2IX7EZMRKW JVSQ1764 $ MRWXSGO TIVQSPIEWI XE\ (S[R 4E]QIRX 1 at this payment #EW168861 Payments+tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $999 Customer Cash + $500 Lease Rebate + $500 Military Rebate* = $1999 Due at signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved above average credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $23990 2014 RAM 1500 )\TVIWW5YEH'EF\ %YXSQEXMG%MV'SRHTG,EVHXST&PYIXSSXL7MVMYW 0,)1-WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost 27,990 $ EXXLMWTVMGI)0 2014 (SHKI'LEPPIRKIrXL%RRMZIVWEV]7<8 WTIIH%YXS9'SRRIGX2EZMKEXMSR0IEXLIV 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI &SRYW'EWL 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI 'SRWYQIV'EWL 6EQ&SRYW&YGOW 8VYGO&SRYW'EWL 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI 26,490 $ EXXLMWTVMGI), *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, 25,990 $ EXXLMWTVMGI)7 2014 Dodge Charger SXT 308 $999 $ Net Cost Net Cost TIVQS0IEWI XE\ (S[R 4E]QIRX 1 at this payment #EH141215 Payments+tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $999 Customer Cash + $1000 Lease Cash Rebate + $500 Military Rebate* = $2499 Due at signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved above average credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $30290 (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) Camp Pendleton Cannon Rd. Car Cntry Rd. * Must present valid Military ID. 1YWX½RERGIZILMGPI[MXL'LV]WPIV'ETMXEPAll advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 6-29-2014. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 3 .IIT;VERKPIV7TSVX\ Washington Navy Yard honors shooting victims, co-workers by Terri Moon Cronk WASHINGTON - The memory of those killed during a Sept. 16, 2013, shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard will always burn brightly and the wounds will carry on for a lifetime, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said June 23. Mabus spoke at a Navy Yard ceremony held to honor the three women and nine men who died that day after a contract employee entered the base and opened fire, as well as to honor the courage and sacrifice of numerous others. “As a family, we grieve and continue to grieve,” Mabus said. “We gather here again as a family to recognize the heroism of those we lost and the heroism that confronted evil on that day last fall.” When the shooting began, Sexual Assault Reports: Week of June 1 - 8 WASHINGTON - This week’s overview of alleged sexual assaults is compiled based on 3 initial reports across the Navy from June 1-8. This timeframe reflects only the receipt of the initial reports; two of the reported incidents occurred during this period and eight occurred outside of the report period. Each report will be fully investigated. Looking at this snapshot in time, we see the following: * Two reports are from events that occurred on-base, one from an event that occurred off-base. * Three of the alleged offenders were male. * Among the three alleged offenders, one was a petty officer, one was an E3 or below and one was a civilian. employees of the Naval Sea Systems and Naval Facilities Engineering commands ran into danger to aid and protect others, the Navy secretary said. He also cited the colleagues, friends and strangers who saved others from peril and comforted one another. “The courage we witnessed by Nick Simeone WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama announced June 19 plans to send up to 300 military advisers to Iraq to help the government in Baghdad combat a rapid advance by Sunni-led insurgents who have taken over towns and cities and routed Iraqi troops in the north and west of the country, a situation which the president said threatens to plunge Iraq into civil war. To contact a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator at the Department of Defense Safe Help Line, call (877) 995-5247. To learn more about Navy’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program, visit The president spoke after another in what have been a series * Among the alleged victims, three are E3 and below. Of these reported, the alleged victims are three females. “Thousands represented here today, whose lives had been in real peril just three days before, Obama announces military advisers heading to Iraq “American forces will not be returning to combat in Iraq, but we will help Iraqis as they take the fight to terrorists who threaten the Iraqi people in the region and American interests as well,” Obama said, adding that U.S. forces will help train, advise and support Iraqi security forces. * Two of the reported incidents were alleged to be service member on service member, one non-service member on service member. on the 16th of September did not end with the closing of that terrible day,” Mabus said, adding that people began returning to work the following day, and that three days later, most of the Navy Yard was reopened. FREEDOM FEST were back doing the vital work of our nation. That courage endures,” he said. Navy Yard employees embody the mottos Semper Fortis - “always courageous” - and Semper Fidelis - “always faithful,” Mabus said. Navy Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert, chief of naval operations, said Navy Yard personnel comprise sailors, civilians and families. of meetings with his national security team to review options on how to respond to Iraq’s request for military assistance in putting down rapid gains made by insurgents led by Syrian-based fighters known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS, whose advance on Baghdad has threatened reprisals from Iraq’s Shiite majority and a return of full blown sectarian conflict. “We are all shipmates,” he said. “Last September [when] tragedy struck, shipmates demonstrated courage. Since that day, you have all embodied resilience [and] determination to continue the mission.” “We’ll be prepared to take targeted and precise military action if and when we determine that the situation on the ground requires it,” he said. “Your nation turns to you now in this period of our world, and the future, more than ever before,” the admiral added. “You have unmatched dedication, teamwork and patriotism, and I’m honored to call you my shipmates.” Obama said joint operation centers in Baghdad and northern Iraq will be stood up to better share intelligence and coordinate planning with the Iraqis as they confront the terrorist threat posed by ISIS. Navy Yard employees, both military and civilian, are the foundation of American sea power, Greenert said. About three dozen awards honored fallen Navy Yard employeesand surviving co-workers, an official at the ceremony said. The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a WINNER! Win two concert tickets to FRIDAY, JULY 4 3-9 PM NAVAL BASE POINT LOMA, NMAWC 4 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 FREE and OPEN to authorized base personnel and family members! + Fun Zone Inflatables + Music + Interactive Family Games + Entertainment Courtesy of Bring a bit of cash for some tasty summertime treats! No portable BBQ units, glass, alcohol or pets. Sponsored by Neither the Navy nor any other part of the Federal government officially endorses any company, sponsor or their products or services. Anheuser Busch Brad Paisley Sleep Train Amphitheatre July 10 ** 7 p.m. Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Brad Paisley, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, July 2, 2014. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to Subj: Brad Paisley. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Brad Paisley Deadline is Wednesday, July 2, 2014, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military MDA continued from page 3 can destroy a ballistic missile. Yesterday’s successful test used the second-generation capability enhancement II, or CE-II, EKV. The architecture also includes a command-andcontrol, battle-management and communications network that gives operational commanders links between sensors and interceptor missiles. Earlier this month, Syring testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee on the agency’s budget request for fiscal year 2015. “My highest priority remains the successful intercept flight test of the CE-II [variant] exoatmospheric kill vehicle,” he told the senators. In December 2010, two intercept tests of the EKV failed, but in January 2013 the agency conducted a successful nonintercept flight test of the EKV and confirmed it was on the right path to return the ground-based midcourse defense element of the system to sustained flight testing. During yesterday’s test, an intermediate-range ballistic missile target representing a threat to the U.S. homeland was launched from the Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. USS Hopper, with its Aegis weapon system, detected and tracked the target using onboard AN/SPY-1 radar that sent data to the ground-based midcourse defense fire-control system via the command, control, battle management and communication system. The sea-based X-band radar also tracked the target and relayed information to the GMD fire control system to help with target engagement and to collect test data. About six minutes after target launch, the groundbased interceptor launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Then an operational crew of soldiers from the Army’s 100th Missile Defense Brigade at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado remotely launched the interceptor, and a threestage booster rocket system propelled the interceptor’s EKV into the target missile’s projected trajectory in space. The kill vehicle maneuvered to the target, performed discrimination - or determined the difference between the warhead and a decoy - and intercepted the threat warhead using only the force of the direct collision to destroy it. This was the first intercept using the second-generation EKV. VA moves to secure new scheduling system WASHINGTON - The Department of Veteran Affairs announced June 18 that it’s continuing the process to replace its medical appointment scheduling system through an acquisition process. T Last week, VA hosted pre-solicitation “Industry Day” meetings with technology vendors to discuss the Department’s upcoming scheduling system acquisition. “Our top priority is getting Veterans off waitlists and in to see their doctors,” said Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson. “We’re taking a series of immediate actions to ensure our Veterans receive the timely access to quality health care they have earned and deserve. We need lasting, long-term reforms, including a complete overhaul to replace the outdated technology for our scheduling system. “Bringing an innovative scheduling product into our world-class electronic health record system is a crucial part of providing the scheduling staff in our facilities with the tools necessary to succeed. Our Veterans deserve nothing less than our best, and that’s exactly what we intend to give them.” This Industry Day presents a unique opportunity for VA to communicate directly with potential vendors on all aspects of about business needs, industry best practices and challenges specific to VA’s scheduling system. “Bringing an innovative scheduling product into our world-class electronic health record system is a crucial part of providing the scheduling staff in our facilities with the tools necessary to succeed.” - Sloan Gibson the upcoming scheduling system acquisition. The Industry Day serves as a face-to-face platform for exchanging information VA’s scheduling technical requirements are complex and require clear, well-articulated communication to ensure comprehensive understanding by industry and potential vendors. As part of today’s events, VA is conducting a live scheduling system architecture Q&A ses- sion to ensure potential solutions seamlessly interface with VA’s VistA electronic health record. VA uses this type of event to facilitate communication with vendors and reduce the risk of misinterpretation and miscommunication on technical requirements. The information shared during the Industry Day will provide VA with a better understanding of what needs to be included in the upcoming scheduling system solicitation, with the ultimate goals of receiving solid proposals and reducing time to field new technologies. VA celebrates 70th anniversary of the original ‘GI Bill’ WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is celebrating 70 years of investment in the education and economic prosperity of America’s Servicemembers and Veterans. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, better known as the “GI Bill” was enacted on June 22, 1944. The law provided a wide range of benefits for Veterans returning from World War II, including low-cost home loans, education and vocational training. The original GI Bill was heralded as a success and major contributor to America’s stock of human capital that sped longterm economic growth across the Nation. Today, a new group of Veterans is accessing the Post-9/11 GI Bill and other education benefits, following in their footsteps. Roughly 8 million out of 16 million World War II veterans used their GI Bill education benefit. Subsequent legislation expanded and extended similar “GI Bill” benefits to generations that followed, including Veterans of the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars as well as those serving during peacetime. Passage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill provided this important benefit to our newest generation of Veterans, including activated members of the National Guard and Reserve components. VA provides a variety of education and training benefits for veterans pursuing a wide range of education goals - including certificate programs, post-secondary degrees and work-study programs. Since August 2009, VA has paid out more than $41 billion in Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. FRA and others support VA reform FRA, in cooperation with 16 other Veteran Service Organizations, sent a joint letter last week to chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees to express common views to be considered during conference committee negotiations to resolve the differences between House and Senate legislation, which was recently passed to address the current health care access crisis at Veterans Affairs. The letter stresses that no vet who is eligible for health care services from VA should be forced to wait too long or travel too far to get medical treatment and services they have earned through their service. The letter requests that the VA coordinate and pay for all non-VA health care provided to vets, and that the VA use all unobligated funds before requesting supplemental spending authority. The letter also urges enacting the VA budget on a two-year basis, and that any provisions designed to increase accountability of senior management retain at least some minimum due process protections. Some legislators are reluctant to approve due to the cost of these reforms, estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to be $35 billion over the next three years. This cost is in addition to the $44 billion the VA now spends for medical care annually, and could ultimately increase costs by an additional $50 billion per year. These legislators need to hear that the price of taking care of our vets “who have borne the battle” is part of the cost of defending the nation. VA investigated for retaliation The Office of Special Counsel is investigating numerous claims of retaliation against VA employees, known as “whistleblowers,” who exposed wrongdoing at the agency. Press accounts indicate that whistleblowers at the VA regularly receive retaliation from VA management when revealing wrongdoing to the press, Congress, or the GAO. Retaliation includes demotions, transfers, and even termination of employment. If OCS determines that retaliation occurred against whistleblowers, it can recommend termination of employment of guilty supervisors. Final determination of such terminations of employment is decided within the agency and can be appealed to the Merit System Protection Board. A fresh Camp Snoopy with 3 NEW RIDES This Summer! © Peanuts Worldwide LLC, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company® © 2014 Cedar Fair, L.P. KB14-183 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 5 Get your discount tickets at your local Military Ticket Office Career & Education Business Plan Workshop Series offered at San Diego Small Business Development Center You are invited to take advantage of San Diego’s best kept secret - the San Diego Small Business Development Center (SBDC)! SDBC offers: •Professional consulting •Expert training •Access to leading-edge re- sources The Slingshot Program is designed to position a company for funding. Participating businesses will be equipped with the proper tools and knowledge needed to pitch their companies to a panel comprised of financiers. The two-three month program gives Registration opens for 2014 ‘Forecast to Industry’ FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. -- The Defense Information Systems Agency will conduct the 2014 Forecast to Industry in the DISA Headquarters Conference Center here Aug. 20, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The event will provide our industry partners with in-depth information about DISA’s acquisition and procurement plans. DISA’s senior leaders will present briefings on business opportunities, acquisition topics and planned procurements for the 2015/2016 fiscal years. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with senior leaders, program managers, and acquisition representatives during question and answer sessions and on an individual basis. Registration will open at 9 a.m. today. The conference center accommodates seating for 700 attendees. Participants who are unable to attend in person can participate via live streaming. For registration and additional information go to: http://www.disa. mil/News/Conferences-and-Events/Forecast-to-Industry-2014. Relocating to Hampton Roads/ Norfolk/Virginia Beach? Let me help you find your perfect home! ([FHSWLRQDOSHUVRQDOVHUYLFHDW12&267WREX\HUV ,QKRXVHH[SHUWLVHZLWKILQDQFLQJLQFOXGLQJ9$ORDQV (DV\DFFHVVWRDWHDPRISURIHVVLRQDOVZKRFDQPDNH \RXUFORVLQJDQGPRYHLQDVQDS )UDQN7.DW] 5HWLUHG1DY\-$*2IILFHU .HOOHU:LOOLDPV5HDOW\*UHHQEULHU 9ROYR3DUNZD\6XLWH &KHVDSHDNH9$ (757) 620-8895 - Cell 2IÀFH BORDER PASS SMOG CHECK OTAY MESA BRAKE & LAMP 6 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 same. Forget the theory and management jargon. Take your idea, develop your marketing strategy and put it into use. Get in business and get sales, quick! The Workshops will be held at 880 National City Blvd. Ste. 103, National City. (619) 482-6391. All workshops host registration before the workshop from 8:30-9 a.m. Market Research: Tuesday, July 8, 9-11:30 a.m. Instructor: Aleta Wilson, Ph.D. Regional Director. Every successful business needs to learn about its customers, competitors and industry. This workshop will show how to locate and analyze data to understand which products and services are in demand, and how to be competitive. Attendees will actually begin their research during the workshop. Workshop will also help businesses determine the best places to locate their businesses and how to be competitive. Market research can also provide valuable insight to help you reduce business risks, spot current and upcoming problems, and to identify sales opportunities. Marketing: Defined, Explained, Applied: Tuesday, July 1, 9-11:30 a.m. Instructor: Aleta Wilson, Ph.D. Regional Director. 8:30-9:00 a.m. registration. Workshop includes an outline and discussion of the major parts of any good marketing plan including completing the research, developing a marketing strategy, and converting the strategy into action plans. It includes a sample marketing plan for use with your business. Whether you need to know how to develop a marketing plan for a home business or a high tech government contracting venture; this workshop will show you how because the basic parts of developing marketing plans are the Financial Plan Development: Tuesday, July 15, 9-11:30 a.m. Instructor: Jeremy Kravetz, Busi- We Buy, Sell & Consign MOTORCYCLES Stop Dreaming... Start Riding Today! Bad Credit? We Can Help! Puddin’s Wholesale Wheels 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR 760-746-0958 3XGGLQV:KHHOV#\DKRRFRPZZZ3XGGLQV:KROHVDOH:KHHOVYSZHEFRP IWNDW]#NZFRP Expires 7/31/14 business owners the opportunity to work with Senior Business Advisors who will help them achieve success. You are not required to attend all seminars in the series. Sailors Have More Fun T-shirts! In Navy Blue & Gold on premium quality t-shirt. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. Only $18.98 each or 3 for $49.98 postpaid. Expires 7/31/14 Quantity price avail. for clubs & retailers. Adults (Chest Sizes) XS S M xxx 30-32 34 Childs (Equiv. Sizes) 2-4 L XL XXL 36-38 40-42 44+ 6-8 10-12 14-16 xxx xxx To order state quantity of each size desired and send check or money order to: Expires 7/31/14 Expires 7/31/14 L.K. Fosgate; POB 31617, Las Vegas, NV 89173 All shipments will be prepaid to to U.S. PO’s, APO’s & FPO’s. Questions? Email: Indicate quantity of each size _____Total ordered _____ $_________ Name_________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City ______________________ State _____ Zip Code ______ If ship to address is different please indicate. ness Advisor. This workshop is designed to show businesses how to develop their financial plans, and attendees will actually draft their plans during the workshop. This workshop is essential for those seeking funding for their business venture, because funders expect a business to be able to provide information about their financial needs and why. This workshop will show businesses how to determine their funding needs for the next three to five years, and explain to funders how they intend to use the funds. Funders want to know if the money is for operating expenses, debt retirement, or acquisition of equipment, etc. The workshop also addresses situations such as business acquisition, and debt repayment. shot” of any company’s financial health. Every term is defined in simple, understandable language. Every concept is explained with a basic, straightforward transaction example. Using a show-and-tell approach, you’ll be able to see exactly how each transaction affects the three key financial statements of any enterprise. Simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting and projections. Business Plan Finalization: Tuesday, July 29, 9-11:30 a.m. Instructor: Carla Holland, Director. This workshop is the last in a series designed to allow business people to start and complete their plans in 6 sessions. This workshop allows attendees to present their plans that they have been developing over the last 6 sessions. Attendees will present their completed plan to the class for feedback. Additionally, it prepares students for the next workshop “How to Perfect Your Pitch”. Financial Projections Step By Step, Tuesday, July 22, 9-11:30 a.m. Instructor: Jeremy Kravetz, Business Advisor. This workshop empowers non-financial managers by clearly and simply demonstrating how the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement work together to offer a “snap- * No cost to participants and businesses located in the City of San Diego. All others pay a fee of $49. Dispatchers/Customer Service Center Reps Western Towing is looking for self-motivated individuals to fill positions as Inbound Call Center Dispatchers and Customer Service Representatives. These positions are full-time. Qualified candidate should possess excellent communication and computer skills, be able to multi-task and handle multiple phone lines, work independently and must be punctual and reliable. Candidate must also have excellent decision-making skills. Prior dispatching experience helpful. MUST be able to pass pre-employment drug screening. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package including 401(k), medical, dental, life insurance and more. Email resume to: or fax resume to 619-923-3211 or apply in person at 4380 Pacific Highway, San Diego. Drug-free EOE Sailors Have & More Fun CRIMINAL DUI T-shirts! 0 InDown* Navy Blue & Gold on EXPERT LEGAL DEFENSE FOR ALL CRIMES Little or $ & Affordable Payments premium quality t-shirt. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. Only $18.98 each or &+&+'(%71(*27,$7,21 3 for $49.98 postpaid. $ $ 300 Off* Quantity price avail. for clubs & retailers. Down* Call 24 hrs - FREE Consultation BANKRUPTCY 0 XS S Affordable Payments Attorney fees Present M MilitaryLID at consultation XXL XL Adults (Chest Sizes) Our attorneys over 34 100 years of 40-42 44+ xxx have 30-32 36-38 combined legal experience 1-619-234-3333 Free info by phone Childs (Equiv. Sizes) 2-4 6-8 10-12 14-16 xxx xxx To order state quantity of each size desired and send check or money order to: L.K. Fosgate; POB 31617, Las Vegas, NV 89173 All shipments will be prepaid to to U.S. PO’s, APO’s & FPO’s. Questions? Email: *David Weil, Supervising Indicate quantity of each size _____Total ordered _____ $_________ Attorney. No money down to begin most misdemeanor Name_________________________________________ cases and Bankruptcy cases Address ________________________________________ if requested in San Diego County. Filing and Legal City ______________________ State _____ Zip Code ______ fees need to to be paid As seen before ship to address is different please indicate. filing. onIf TV Interpersonal Edge: Intuition is Study: Grumpy and negative people more efficient than happy colleagues? key to uncommon success (Daily Mail) Everyone hates a hater. They’re the ones who hate the sun because it’s too hot, and the breeze because it’s too cold. The rest of us, then, can take comfort in the fact that haters may not want to get involved in as many activities as the rest of us. But in a twist of irony, that grumpy person you know may actually be better at their job since they spend so much time on fewer activities. This, according to U.S. research, gives them the opportu- Leave a message? Millennials just say no! The concept of leaving (and checking) voice mail is, to millennials, obsolete. That red number on their iPhones announcing how many voice mail messages are waiting? Ignored. The recording? Instantly deleted. Mike’s oral-toaural disaster? Averted. A spokeswoman for Vonage reported that voice mail deposits had dropped by 8 percent from October 2013 to April of this year. And a 2012 Pew report on the phone habits of children age 12 to 17 confirmed various truths we hold to be self-evident: Teenagers texting more (sending and receiving a median of 60 a day in 2011 versus 50 in 2009) and calling far less on their cellphones than they used to. Those who make daily landline calls to friends have become nearly extinct: 14 percent as compared with 30 percent in 2009. nity to hone their skills in specific tasks more so than people with a sunny disposition. Researchers at the University of Illinois and University of Pennsylvania found that people who had a positive attitude were likely to get involved in more activities. Meanwhile people who ‘hate’, do very few things with their time. In two studies, participants reported all of their activities over a one-week period and also completed a measure of attitudes. Nearly 15 percent of the differences in how many activities people took part in over a week was associated with being a hater versus a ‘liker’. Haters and likers didn’t differ in how much time they spent doing activities throughout the week; they merely differed in the number of activities that they did. Haters could be characterized as less active because they do fewer things as people with a positive attitude. But they could also be characterized as more focused because they spend more time on the small number of tasks. ‘The present results demonstrate that patterns of general action may occur for reasons other than the desire to be active versus inactive,’ the researchers wrote. ‘Indeed, some people may be more active than others not because they want to be active per se, but because they identify a large number of specific behaviors in which they want to engage.’ The findings may have implications for understanding the development of skills and expertise. For example, likers may adopt a jack-of-all-trades approach to life, investing small amounts of time in a wide variety of activities. This means they never have expertise in one activity. In contrast, when haters find an activity they actually like, they may invest a larger amount of time in that task, allowing them to develop a higher level of skill. Companies will often get rid of grumpy people to avoid a toxic environment. But this study suggests that having some negative employees around will actually increase productivity. Is it good to have a blend of happy and grumpy employees in order to get more work done? by Dr. Daneen Skube Q. I often hear that timing is critical to workplace success. I do try to analyze the best moment to take action at work but find myself paralyzed by all the possibilities and a lack of complete data. How do I figure out timing as I navigate my complex workplace? A. I recommend my clients develop their hidden psychic talents. Now that I’ve got your attention, what I mean is this: For real success, intuition is just as important as intellect. Intuitive capacity is not some weird and wacky notion that goes along with a belief in aliens. Rather, it is a much-researched skill that allows the human brain to instantly analyze a huge amount of data and spit out an action plan. People wonder what concrete steps they can take to develop this skill. I recommend keeping an intuition journal. Intuition whispers while the intellect screams. To use your intuition, you first have to pay attention to the tiny, subtle waves of guidance that often barely ripple across your conscious mind. In your journal, record as many whispers of suggestion as you can notice. Use simple decisions - What street should I take? When should I call that client? When will my boss be in her office today? Use your phone, a small note pad, or a piece of paper in your wallet or purse to jot down your impressions. At the end of each week, make sure you go through the suggestions your intuition made. You will be surprised how many of these flashes of ideas were right on. You’ll also see you are missing the boat of opportunity when you ignore this information because it is quiet and occurs in the periphery of your consciousness. Be aware that the suggestions of your intuition may be the opposite of your rational analysis. The usual road you take to work may always be the least congested, but tomorrow, if you feel you should take a different road, then try it out. You may find an accident was blocking your typical route. Who knew? Actually, your intuition knew! As you learn to trust these subtle whispers, you will turn up the volume. After a while, you’ll find it easier and easier to hear these impressions. Eventually, you will let your intuition be your constant copilot as you navigate your day. Everything from when you go to the store to what you say to get a promotion will benefit from your newfound skill. What my clients and I enjoy is discovering that our timing is exceptional. We tend to pull up to the store just when a parking spot at the door is available, we make important calls exactly when that person is at their desk, and we say precisely the words that influence people whose help we need. One of my clients refers to it as feeling incredibly lucky all day long. It’s nice to know that your best advisor actually resides inside a place you can never lose and have instant access to - yourself. Q. I’ve been trying to change many aspects of my job for years and don’t seem to be making any progress. I hate to be a whiner, but I really feel like I’m stuck because my circumstances have been really unfair. Is there a way to kick-start some real change toward job satisfaction? A. Yes, stop blaming your external circumstances because you are giving away your power. Instead ask yourself what you can change about your behavior and your reactions and real change will begin to occur. Thanks for reading the Dispatch! 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQWHH 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 619-749-0742 • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • MILITARY DISCOUNT Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad You name it, We’ve Got It THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 7 While the landline figure is logical, given their declining use in American homes, it is a telling statistic when it comes to millennials’ reluctance to leave voice mail messages. Having grown up in a texting-friendly culture, with unmediated cellphone access to their friends, they have had little formative experience leaving spoken or relayed messages over the phone. About Your Health Learn to breathe easier by managing asthma Most people have little trouble climbing a flight of stairs or taking a brisk walk, but these simple activities can be tough for someone with asthma. Although there’s no cure, you can breathe easier by knowing how to keep the condition under control. Asthma is a common, longlasting disease that affects the lungs. It can begin in childhood or adulthood. More than 25 million Americans have asthma, including 7 million children. Without proper care, asthma can become serious, even deadly. But most people with asthma learn to manage the disease so they have few symptoms or none at all. Major symptoms of asthma include wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing), shortness of breath, coughing that’s worse at night and early morning, and chest tightness. These symptoms arise from reactions that narrow the airways, the tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs. When symptoms flare up, it’s called an asthma attack. The airways of people with asthma are prone to inflammation, which causes the airways to swell and narrow. They become extra sensitive to certain substances that are breathed in. These are called “triggers.” Asthma triggers can worsen inflammation and cause the muscles around the airways to tighten, further shrinking air passages and making it harder to breathe. Cells in the airways might also produce excess mucus (a sticky, thick liquid), making the airways even narrower. colds but don’t go on to develop chronic asthma. “But some kids start wheezing at age 3, and the problem continues,” says Lemanske. “These kids also tend Asthma is one of the most common causes of chronic (longterm) illness in children—and some symptoms appear more often in children than in adults. “Children have smaller airways, so if they have asthma, they tend to wheeze more often, particularly during the night,” says Dr. Robert Lemanske, Jr., a pediatric asthma expert at the University of Wisconsin. Some preschool age children frequently wheeze when they get Controlling Asthma to be more allergic.” A doctor will test for asthma by doing a physical exam and asking about your medical history to learn when and how often your symptoms occur. Your doctor may also ask you to breathe in and blow out into the tube of a spirometer. This device measures how much air you can breathe out and how fast you can do it. “It’s sometimes tough to do a spirometry test on young children,” says Dr. Michelle Freemer, an NIH asthma expert. For youngsters, a doctor will do a physical exam and may perform other tests to identify a written asthma action plan. (Here’s a sample asthma action plan from NIH). Your action plan should spell out the daily treatment plan to help control your asthma. This may include recommendations for medications and for avoiding exposure to your triggers. The action plan should also give specific instructions for what to do when asthma symptoms start and what actions to take if symptoms worsen, including when to seek medical attention, go to the hospital, or call an ambulance. normal, you can use your action plan to adjust your treatment. “Patients with asthma should have an action plan, so they know if they’re getting into trouble and what to do about it,” Freemer says. Long-term control medicines—such as inhaled corticosteroids—are used every day to help control symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. “Inhaled corticosteroids are recommended as the preferred long-term control medications for most children and adults,” says Freemer. “Taken For some patients, Freemer notes that a hand-held device called a peak flow meter can help FREE ESTIMATES - Serving Military for Over 23 years CLUTCH A/C Body BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL $ Service Work from $ Per Axle, Parts & Labor included. 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San Diego’s Center For Cleansing & Nutrition Detox, Digestive Health Gut Restoration Programs, and Nutritional Health Coaching ...healing from the inside out Visit our website at: 858-500-6596 A small percentage of people with asthma have a hard time controlling their symptoms even when they take their medicines regularly. Their airways become extremely inflamed and particularly sensitive to asthma triggers. They wheeze more, wake more throughout the night, and are at greater risk for breathing failure and trips to urgent care. If your asthma is severe, see a specialist to identify the most appropriate, personalized treatment. The underlying causes of asthma are still unclear. Researchers believe asthma is caused by a combination of your genes and environmental factors. If you have allergies or a parent who has asthma, you’re at increased risk for the disease. Obesity and exposure to cigarette smoke may also raise the risk of developing asthma. NIH scientists are continuing to investigate the causes of this disease. Researchers are also working to develop new approaches to help prevent and treat asthma. Levine’s team is studying the effects of house dust mites inside the home. While exposing mice to dust mites, the researchers identified a protein in the lung that blocked the development of asthma. With further research, the finding may eventually lead to new approaches for preventing or controlling asthma symptoms in people. Japanese-Style Massage Comfort your body & mind! Relax with a soothing massage in an Asian Inspired atmosphere at a very upscale and quiet location! We have Deep Tissue, Swedish, Relaxation, the Shiatsu Massages, Luxurious Table Shower, best girls! Body Scrub or Jacuzzi Available Oriental Spa 10433 Friars Rd. Suite A San Diego, Ca 92120 If young children have trouble taking inhaled medications, there are masks and other devices that can help. Some kids are given a nebulizer, a portable machine that releases medicine in a mist. “For most people with asthma, if you take your prescribed medicines and stay away from the triggers, you’ll do well,” Levine says. Keep your asthma under control so you can keep living life to the fullest. No Fees Unless You Win - Free Consultation! GRAND OPENING daily, they help reduce inflammation to control the disease.” If you or your loved ones have asthma, identify your triggers and try to avoid them. Monitor your symptoms, and take prescribed medications regularly. Don’t Risk a Permanent Denial and Lose Back Pay on Body Treatments WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED “There are 2 main types of medicines for managing asthma: quick-relief and long-term controllers,” says Levine. Quickrelief medicines—such as shortacting bronchodilator inhalers— are used to relax the muscles in the airways to make it easier to breathe within a few minutes. If exercise is an asthma trigger, doctors may recommend taking this medicine 5 to 15 minutes before exercise or strenuous activity. VA Disability Claim Denied? Most Cars. Parts & Labor included 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR FAMILY MEDICINE you monitor your asthma. You blow into the device to measure how strongly your lungs can force air out. If the meter shows that your air flow is lower than • Get regular checkups for your asthma. • Make a written asthma action plan with your health care provider and follow it. • Use asthma medicines exactly as prescribed. • Identify which triggers make your asthma worse— such as dust mites, mold, air pollution, or secondhand tobacco smoke—and try to avoid them. • Exercise can trigger asthma attacks in some people, but physical activity is important to your health; ask your doctor about medicines and other options that can help you stay active. Common asthma triggers include cigarette smoke, air pollution, mold, house dust mites, and furry animal dander. Other asthma triggers include weather changes, exercise, stress, and respiratory infections like common colds. “Preventing such infections is important,” stresses Dr. Stewart Levine, an asthma expert at NIH. “People who have asthma should also obtain a flu shot, as they may be at higher risk for flu-related complications.” possible asthma triggers. Whether you’re young or older, it’s important to know how to manage your asthma. Work with your doctor to develop 2SHQ'D\V6XQ:HGDPSP 7KXUV)UL6DWDPSP 619.284.1266 20% OFF :LWKWKLVDG Brain’s ‘error messages’ may hold PTSD clue by John Crawford, VA Research Communications To err is human. Every day people forget to lock their door, pay a bill, or yield at a stop light. Like it or not, mistakes are part of life. Now VA researchers are looking at how Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder react to their own mistakes. The results could reveal clues as to why some Veterans are more resilient to traumatic events than others. The science of error-related negativity (ERN) is one way to study electrical activity in the brain. It works like this: When someone makes a mistake, the brain releases an electrocortical response. Think of the old science fiction movies where test subjects are shocked for answering incorrectly. The brain works in something of the same way, delivering a negative electrical signal whenever an error is made. “Every time we make an error, our brain consciously or unconsciously recognizes it and lets us know,” says Dr. K. Luan Phan, a professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and chief of neuropsychiatric research at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. “It’s a neural signal so that we don’t keep making the same error in the future.” Different patterns seen in anxiety, depression Researchers sus- pect that higher intensities of ERN are tied to anxiety disorders, while lower intensities have been identified in people with depression. PTSD. Another 16 presumably healthy participants without any history of trauma were recruited locally. The participants took a ver“We’ve known for about 20 sion of the Eriksen flanker task, a years that ERN simple, timed contime we flict test involving is elevated in “Every people with make an error, our lines of arrows. In o b s e s s i v e brain consciously or some instances, the compulsive arrows would all disorders and unconsciously rec- point in the same that adds to ognizes it and lets direction. In others, their sense that us know...” they would appear something isn’t at random which right, so they makes it harder to may check the doorknob repeat- perform and increases the likeliedly to ensure they locked it,” says hood of making mistakes. The Phan. “And in the last five years participants were asked to click on we’ve found increasing evidence either the left or right mouse buttying ERN to a number of anxiety ton, depending on which direction disorders. Until recently though, the arrows faced. Throughout the no one had studied how ERN in- test, the Veterans were monitored teracted with traumatic experience by an electroencephalographic and PTSD.” (EEG) recording device. On the surface, it seemed to make sense. PTSD is characterized by sustained anxiety and hypervigilance. Phan suspected that patients with PTSD would have greater concerns of mistakes and greater brain reactions to making mistakes, as evidenced by ERN. Study involved 34 Veterans Thirty-four Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans from the Ann Arbor Healthcare System were recruited for the study. While all 34 had experienced combat trauma, only 16 met the diagnosing criteria for “We expected to see higher ERN magnitude among patients with PTSD,” said Phan, “but were surprised to not observe this. In fact, the PTSD group scored very similarly with the healthy group.” This, according to Phan, is actually good news. “It means individuals with PTSD are still able to generate healthy signals for errors in their brains, which may help them not make the same mistakes over and over again.” What did come as a surprise to Phan were the EEG measures in the 18 combat-exposed Veterans who did not have PTSD. In comparison to both the PTSD and healthy groups, the combatexposed group displayed blunted error signals. In other words, they had lower-than-normal ERN intensity. Future therapy goal: ‘Reduce the error signals’ The study, which was published in the July 30, 2013, edition of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, suggests that for some people, having a less active error-monitoring system could make them more resilient to developing PTSD from combat trauma. “We know all the participants had combat trauma exposure, but many came back unscathed at the time of our data collection,” says Phan. “Perhaps not being so sensitive to errors in your environment is actually protective. It might allow for the reduction of PTSD and anxiety disorders.” While his study results need to be confirmed through further testing, he hopes one day scientists will learn how to therapeutically manipulate the ERN system for patients’ benefit: “If we can reduce the error signals, then maybe we can reduce PTSD,” says Phan, who is quick to point out that he’s looking years into the future. “First we need to replicate what we saw, but this gives us something to track.” SecDef Chuck Hagel orders military health system review Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby provided the following statement: “On Tuesday, Secretary Hagel outlined the parameters of the comprehensive review he ordered of the department’s military health system. “The 90-day review will be led by Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work, with the assistance of the acting undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness and the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, and the direct participation of the secretaries of the military departments and the service chiefs. In addition, Secretary Hagel has asked Deputy Secretary Work to solicit the perspectives of outside experts in the areas of patient safety and quality care. “The review will focus on the following core areas: access to health care, safety of care, and quality of care. “Secretary Hagel has requested regular updates on the progress of the review. Additionally, Secretary Hagel expects an initial update by June 6 and the final report to be delivered to him no later than August 29. “As the secretary has made clear, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our people. To the degree we learn about issues affecting the health care of our military health beneficiaries, including active duty service members, retirees, and their eligible family members, we will address them.” School Directory Chinese Bilingual Preschool Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years Kearny Mesa Area 858-633-2950 “Where Your Child Can Learn Mandarin Too!” Public Charter School Grades K-8 Open to all San Diego County Families 858.271.1414 Business & Service Directory !!Attention Military!! 2SHQ:HGWKUX6XQ)ULRSHQSPSP 2MILITARY SPECIAL 2 FREE SHIPPING BOX WITH ANY SHIPMENT 7HUUD1RYD3OD]D(DVW³+´6W6XLWH$ &KXOD9LVWD&D ³1XPEHU´6DQ'LHJR9$/RDQ2I¿FHU )LQDQFLQJ)L[HG 12&/26,1*FRVWORDQVDYDLODEOH 9$ORDQVGRZQWRDFUHGLWVFRUH $5DWLQJZLWKWKH%%% 3URXG6XSSRUWRIWKH:RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW Call me for your FREE loan approval! David Stein 858.337.9744 NMLS #343820 APR on above rate 3.625%. Rates subject to change New Energy Massage 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D 1 Block West of I-15 619.795.0955 $ 'LVFRXQWRQDQ\0DVVDJH Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY BEAUTICIANZ %5$,'(5= BARBERZ Sat Open 8AM-10PM with live entertainment & music. Fun for the whole family!! MILITARY FREE ON SAT. w/ID & coupon Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 :0LVVLRQ$YH (VFRQGLGR&D 2I¿FHRU FDOOGino 760-535-8880 +$,5:($9,1*+$,5%5$,',1* HAIR CUTTING 6LQFH 2527 University Ave. • San Diego 92104 619.293.0475 $/7(5$7,216'5<&/($1,1* 919 GRAPE SPA & MASSAGE Expert Tailoring & Organic Cleaning Process :(6(:210,/,7$5<3$7&+(6 Alterations & Cleaning Specialists for: - Military, Law Enforcement & School Uniforms - Leather & Suede Garments - Men - Women - Children - Household Items - Bridal & Designer Garments 2))0,/,7$5<',6&2817 2Q$OWHUDWLRQV&OHDQLQJ Limit 1 coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offer. 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQ'LHJR&$ By the beautiful San Diego Harbor, next to the Airport 'HHS7LVVXH6ZHGLVK6KLDWVX 5HIOH[RORJ\0RUH 10 OFF 1st Visit $ :*UDSH6WUHHW6' 619.255.8885 723/$&(<285$' ,1285 %86,1(66 ',5(&725< &$// &ɪʙLIʝʢʜLɈ5HɪOʤɨ )ʦQʏʖQɒ Great rates on home loans! &RQYHQWLRQDO9$)+$ 3XUFKDVHRU5H¿QDQFH &DOOWRGD\-DPLH.DKQ 858.790.2300 THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE! Email: 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 619-565-6371 Se Habla Espanol THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 9 California Vet & VA Home Loans AFROCENTRIC On Base & On Board FREE Summer Bowling. Now thru August 29 kids (15 years old and younger) bowl FREE at both MWR Bowling Centers! Visit to print out your free two-game coupon. For more details call Admiral Robinson Recreation Center at 619-556-7486 or Sea ‘N Air Lanes at 619-545-7240. Youth H2O Polo. $45 for 8 club sessions • Mondays & Wednesdays • 9-9:45 am. Freat introduction to the sport for youth ages 6-12. The intent is to provide basic skills and understanding of the sport in a recreational format. Although water polo is known for its toughness and endurance, Splashy Ball harnesses all the fun and dynamic aspects of the game in a safe and easyto-learn aquatic experience that will motivate kids to swim and stay fit. For more details call 619-553-0934. Junior Golf Camp. Learn the game of golf on one of the most beautiful courses in San Diego; Sea ‘N Air Golf Course aboard Naval Air Station North Island. Camp is designed for youth 6-14 years old and runs Monday-Friday, July 7-11 and July 28-August 1 from 2-4 pm for only $200 per week. For more details or to register call 619-545-9659. Summertime Golf Fun, July 16 and August 20. Awards and prizes are up for grabs this summer with 9-hole team format golf at the Admiral Baker Golf Course. Check in at 3 pm with a 4 pm shotgun start. Enjoy Happy Hour from 3-4 pm. For more details call 619-487-0090. Roll & Grow Bumper Bowling League, Saturdays • 9:30 am. Join the fun anytime! For only $5 per week, plus USBC Annual Membership of $17, your child will learn proper bowling techniques, meet other bowlers, be part of a team, receive a team jersey and have a great time! Contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center at 619-556-7486. Sunday Group Dance Classes, $5 per person per class ~ 6 pm Beginner, 7 pm • Intermediate. Head over to Admiral Robinson Recreation Center every Sunday to learn Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango, Hustle, and Night Club Two Step. Plus, LINE DANCE Classes NOW OFFERED! Every Sunday at 8:30 pm after the group classes, learn the Electric Slide and other popular line dances. Cost is $5 per person per class. BINGO, COVERALL game pays $750 every Saturday night! All Main Pack games pay $200. The BINGO Hall opens at 4 pm every Saturday night with Fun Games beginning when 5 or more players are present. Main session begins at 6:30 pm. Contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, Bldg. 3223, at 619-556-7486. Bike Rentals. Naval Base Coronado is proud to offer its bike rental program available at three locations: Liberty.Rec, NASNI, Bldg. 2000 • 619-545-2878. Q-Zone, NAB, Bldg. 337 • 619-437-3190. Fiddler’s Cove Marina, Hwy 75 • 619-522-8680. GOLF Junior Golf. Every Saturday • 9-11 am • $20. A great sport for kids and parents to play together! Each Saturday session includes instruction and lunch. For more details contact the Naval Base Golf Performance Center at 619-556-7502. FREE Active Duty Golf Clinics. Wednesday 5-6 pm and Friday 12-1 pm. Improve your game with professional instruction! For more details contact the Naval Base Golf Performance Center at 619-556-7502. Tee Time Golf Specials. Pre-book tee times Monday-Thursday 9:30 am-1 pm for two golfers with cart and save $3 on each golfer. Book your tee time using Promo Code: WW2WC. Not valid with any other promotions. Book at or call Admiral Baker Golf Course at 619-487-0090 and Sea ‘N Air Golf Course at 619-545-9659. IT’S TIME TO GET GOLF READY! Let one of our PGA Professionals assist in getting your game golf ready at one of our Navy Golf facilities. Admiral Baker Golf Course, Mission Gorge: 619-487-0090 Sea ‘N Air Golf Course, NASNI Coronado: 619-545-9659 Golf Performance Center, Naval Base San Diego: 619-556-7502 BOWLING Monday Madness. Hot dogs, soda, games and shoe rental only $1.25 each! Available at Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, 619-556-7486 and Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI, 619-545-7240. Free Bowling for Active Duty. All active duty personnel bowl FREE from 11 am-1 p.m. every Monday at Sea ‘N Air Lanes and every Tuesday, Admiral Robinson Recreation Center offers FREE bowling and billiards from 11 am-1 p.m. For more information call Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI at 619-545-7240 or Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD at 619-556-7486. LIBERTY Laser Tag, Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NMAWC: 619-524-6587. Saturday, June 21 • 4 pm. Liberty Hall is heading out to North County to enjoy the newest laser tag arena in the county! Enjoy multi-level play and lots of tasty treats in between games. Sign up today! Scenic Sunday: Sunset BBQ, Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NMAWC: 619-524-6587. Sunday, June 22 • 5 pm • $10. Join Lib Hall as we head to the beach for a cookout and enjoy an awesome night under the setting sun! SeaWorld San Diego, Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty.Rec, NASNI: 619-545-2878. Saturday, June 28 • 10 am-5 pm • *FREE for active duty/$70 guest. Join Liberty.Rec for a splashing good time with Shamu! *Admission is free for active duty with your Waves of Honor use. Sign up by 6/23. Shooting Range, Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NMAWC: 619-524-6587. Saturday, June 28 • 1 pm • $50. Sign up at Lib Hall today for a great day on the range! La Jolla Kayak, Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NMAWC: 619-524-6587. Sunday, June 29 • Noon • $60. Sign up for a guided kayak tour of some of San Diego’s best spots. We might even check out some caves! SPORTS & FITNESS NEW ~ WARRIOR WORKOUT. Mondays 7:15 am. Gain functional strength and improve cardiovascular fitness levels while preparing for the PRT! Try it this Monday at Peak Physique Fitness Center, NAB, Bldg. 170. For more information call 619-437-2984. Get More Out of Your Workout! FREE fitness instruction is offered at all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons! Individual or small group sessions are available. For details or to schedule an appointment, contact the base Fitness Center nearest you or visit www.navylifesw. com for locations. Did you know FREE, and low cost, group exercise class schedules are now online? Bookmark AQUATICS Learn to Swim with MWR! Affordable private and semi-private lessons are available for all ages. Admiral Prout Field House Pool, NBSD • Bldg. 3279 • 619-520-3048. Admiral Baker Pool, Mission Gorge • 619-284-4054. Balboa Athletic Complex Pool, NMCSD • Bldg. 12 • 619-532-5757. Island Club Pool, NASNI • Bldg. 579 • 619-545-7228. Main Base Pool, NBPL • Bldg. 1 • 619-553-0934. NAB Pool, NAB • Bldg. 508 • 619-437-5012 FREE Active Duty Swim Lessons. Lessons are led by an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Available for beginning, intermediate and advanced swimmers with instruction on the side stroke available as well. Space is limited ~ call today! Tuesdays & Thursdays from 6-7:30 am and Saturdays by appointment at NAB Pool, Bldg. 508, 619-4375012. Wednesdays from 7-7:45 am at NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1, 619-553-0934 It’s Always Summer in Coronado! With a 50-meter, 9-lane heated outdoor pool, NAB is the place to be for water fun and exercise! This newly built facility offers recreation and lap swim hours, locker rooms, a family changing area, and deck furniture for relaxation. So dig out your swimsuit and make the short drive to Coronado! Pool use is FREE for active duty, dependents and DoD civilians, and $5 per guest. For more information call 619-437-5012. Water Aerobics,Tuesdays and Thursdays • 9-10 am. A great full-body, low-impact workout! FREE for active duty, dependents and DoD, $3 per guest. Visit the Admiral Prout Field House Pool, NBSD, Bldg. 3279, or call 619-520-3048 for more information. Masters Swim Practice, NAB Pool, Bldg. 508 • Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:30 am-1 pm. NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1 • Tuesdays 6:30-7:15 am.Are you looking for serious workout? We have the answer, come join us! Call 619-437-5012 (NAB) or 619-553-0934 (NBPL) for info. Q-Zone Theater- NAB, M ov i e s 10 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 Naval Base Theater - NBSD, a t the Bases 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 Lowry Theater – NASNI, Thursday, June 26 6 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8 p.m. Maleficent - 2D (PG) Friday, June 27 5:50 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 8:30 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) Saturday, June 28 12:50 p.m. Maleficent - 2D (PG) 3 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) 6: p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 8:30 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) Sunday, June 29 12:50 p.m. Maleficent - 2D (PG) 3: p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 5:50 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 8:10 p.m. Blended (PG-13) Monday, June 30 5:50 p.m. Maleficent-2D (PG) 7:50 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) Tuesday, July 1 5:50 p.m. Godzilla-2D (PG-13) 8:20 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Wednesday, July 2 5:50 p.m.A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 8:10 p.m.X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) Thursday, July 3 5:50 p.m.X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 8:30 p.m.Blended (PG-13) Thursday, June 26 6 p.m. Maleficent-2D (PG) 8 p.m. Neighbors (R) Friday, June 27 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 8:30 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Saturday, June 28 1 p.m. Maleficent - 3D (PG) 3 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) 6 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 8:20 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past - 2D (PG-13) Sunday, June 29 1 p.m. Maleficent - 2D (PG) 3 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) 8:30 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Monday, June 30 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) 8:30 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Tuesday, July 1 6 p.m. Million Dollar Arm (PG) 8:20 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) Wednesday, July 2 6 p.m. A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 8:20 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-2D (PG-13) Thursday, July 3 6 p.m. X-Men: Days of Future Past-3D (PG-13) 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, June 26 12 p.m. Wreck it Ralph (PG) 5 p.m. Winter’s Tale (PG-13) Friday, June 27 5 p.m. 300: Rise of an Empire (R) Saturday, June 28 2 p.m. Cesar Chavez (PG-13) 5 p.m. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG-13) Tuesday, July 1 12 p.m. Muppets Most Wanted (PG) 5 p.m. Labor Day (PG-13) Wednesday, July 2 5 p.m. 3 Days to Kill (PG-13) Thursday, July 3 12 p.m. Free Birds (PG) 5 p.m. Vampire Academy (PG-13) Action | Adventure | Family A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. 97 min Bob Hope Theatre - Miramar 858-577-4143 Bldg. 2242 *Indicates last showing Camp Pendleton Theater 26-Jun Thur 6:30 PM *Mom’s Night Out PG 27-Jun Fri 6:30 PM A Million Ways to Die in the West-R Thursday, June 26 6:30pm Maleficent (PG) ***3D*** 9:00 PM Blended PG-13 Friday, June 27 28-Jun Sat 6pm A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 3:00 PM Maleficent (3D) PG 9pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13) 6:30 PM X-Men: Days of Future Past (3D) PG-13 Saturday, June 28 9:30 PM Million Dollar Arm PG 1pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13) ***3D*** 29-Jun Sun 4pm Maleficent (PG) 1:00 PM X-Men: Days of Future Past (2D) PG-13 6:30pm Godzilla (PG13) 6:30 PM Godzilla (2D) PG-13 Sunday, June 29 Wednesday, July 2 1pm A Million Ways to Die in the West (R) 4pm ***FREE MOVIE*** The LEGO Movie (PG) 6:30pm • Neighbors (R) 6:30pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13) Thursday, July 3 Wednesday, July 2 6:30pm Million Dollar Arm (PG) 6:30pm Maleficent (PG) Bob Hope Theatre will be showing the World Cup Finals on Thursday, July 3 July 13 and the baseball’s All-Star game on July 15on their 6:30pm X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG13) 40’ x 20’ screen. Come join the fun! ***3D*** 760-725-9217 closed mon-tue h F Ministries for preschool, kids, youth & adults Awana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm 10770 Rickert Rd., San Diego, Ca 92126 619-735-4330 Family Life Places of Worship The Kid’s Doctor: Parents can help teens deal with stress by Sue Hubbard, M.D. If you have a teenager, you’ve 5/15 5/22 5/29 6/5 6/12 probably heard the words, “I’m stressed out!” on a regular basis. I don’t remember ever saying this as a teen, but I’m sure there must have been some version of that saying in the air, although stress wasn’t much of an issue when I was growing up. Our society, as a whole, is much more stressful (I think both real and perceived) today, and parents often utter the same words. But while the teenage years are sometimes difficult, and may be stressful at times, they should also be filled with friends, fun and downtime. There should be “lazy” days to fill up with “whatever.” swap Trying to get them to believe what I tell them is not always easy! For example, a teen may not always see “eating junk food” as poor nutrition. Their brains need protein, vegetable and fruits to keep functioning at warp speed, yet skipping meals is quite common. Teens should not be in pressure cooker mode all the time. But when I talk to my adoles- have nearly every waking hour cent patients, most tell6/26 me quite 6/19 7/3 filled with school commitments the contrary. They’re always (and crazy competitive class worried about grades, and start schedules), extra-curricular hristand Community discussing SAT ACT tests Church activities, homework, private long before Summer high school. Most time is a great time tolessons come backand to church! part-time jobs. swap C concentration and mood. I see many high school students who are convinced they have ADHD, even though they’ve never had such issues before. Suddenly, say they can’t focus, which may be exacerbated by lack of sleep. Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858) 549-2479 Many teens are getting too little sleep (do yours get the recommended 8 hours per night?), have poor nutrition, and spend too much time on the Internet. swap Stressed teens 9/4report difficulty falling asleep (or staying asleep), which may lead to further problems with Rentals Top DVD 1. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, Paramount Pictures, PG-13 2. Her, Warner Bros., R 3. The Monuments Men, 20th Century Fox, PG-13 4. Ride Along, Universal Pictures, PG-13 5. Pompeii, Tristar Pictures, PG-13 6. About Last Night, Screen Gems, R 7. That Awkward Moment, Focus Features, R 8. The Nut Job, Open Road Films, PG 9. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 20th Century Fox, PG 10. I, Frankenstein, Lionsgate, PG-13 B ayview Baptist Church F irst Baptist Church C alvary Chapel Coronado Living Waters F irst Baptist Church of Mira Mesa C hrist Community Church G reater Victory Baptist Church C ity of Praise H ope Lutheran Church C The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired ollege Avenue Baptist Church A multi-ethnic, multigenerational community We invite you to join us this Sunday: 8:45 am - Bible Studies & Seminars for all ages 10 am - Worship Services in English & Spanish (Children's Ministry is available for babies thru grade 4 @10am) 4747 College Ave, San Diego 92115 (near SDSU) 619.582.7222 - I 4019 48th Street San Diego, CA 92105 Sunday & Sunday School @10am & 7pm, Wed @7:30 pm Friday Bible Study and youth @ 7:30pm / 619-440-2393 A full gospel multi-ethnic church "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, Thursdays Women's Bible Study (on break for summer) 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 "Helping People Find and Follow Jesus" Sundays at 9:00am and 10:30am Ministries for preschool, kids, youth & adults Awana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm 10770 Rickert Rd., San Diego, Ca 92126 858-566-3671 Dr. G.A Williams, Pastor 1045 S 29thStreet San Diego, Ca 92113 (619)236-9041 Sunday Devotional Hour 7:45 am/ Sunday School 9am Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Nursery/Child Care Provided Tuesday Ministry Group for the Family 6:30-7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study led by Pastor Williams 7:30-8:30pm Multicultrual, Everyone is welcome!! 7371 Brookhaven Road, San Diego 92114 Sunday Bible Study: 9am Sunday Worship 10am Pastor Jogy Olivar (619) 735-4330 Pastor Jogy Please come and join us in Worship! mmaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. André Ramos 537 E Street, Ramona CA 92065 760-789-0583 Confessions: Sat 3:30pm Saturday Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 (in Spanish) New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you. Navy Dispatch/AT EASE Church Directory. (619)280-2985 M esa View Baptist Church M t. Moriah Christian Church P S W Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday School at 9:30 am, morning worship at 11 am New Worship location: 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 858-485-6110 "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 rince of Peace Lutheran Church VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 23-27, 9:30am-12 Noon Ages 4 yrs-7th grade (in the fall) 6801 Easton Court, Allied Gardens For information/directions: (619)583-1436 t. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Church Anglician Tradition and Spirituality in full communion with Rome Holy Eucharist Sun. 12:45pm 4300 Oceanside Blvd , Oceanside CA estminster Presbyterian Church Sharing Lives, Building Families, Deepening Faith 3598 Talbot Street, San Diego, 92106 - Phone: (619) 223-3193 Sunday Adult Seminar: 8:45 am - Sunday Worship: 10:00 am Men's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Women's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 6:30 pm E-mail: - Website: THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 11 F Father's Day is Sunday, Jume 15! Join us to celebrate Dads! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858) 549-2479 Stress can often be reduced by parental involvement in setting a teen’s daily schedule. I don’t mean you should tell your teen what to do all the time. But the security that comes from knowing that breakfast will be served every day, that dinner will be a family meal, and that there’s a set “bedtime” when the computer and phone must go dark can ease the tension in a teen’s life. "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, Thursdays Women's Bible Study 9:30 am (childcare available) 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 aith Tabernacle Church 1224 10 St (Corner of 10th & B) Coronado CA 92118 (619) 435-8233 Sunday Worship 9:30 am - Childrens Sunday School 10am Wednesday Evening Study 7pm - Church Sanctuary Men's Fellowship Breakfast Saturday 7:30 am Weekly Women's Bible Study: Call church for current study information Stress will always be part of life, but teenagers should not perceive that their life is filled with constant tension. They have plenty of time for that once they become parents, right? irst Baptist Church Places of Worship 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:45 am and 11 am Worship Service Wednesday 6pm Youth Fellowship,7pm WNL Wednesday Nig "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" Having parents willing to sit down and help a teenager see their way through a stressful event or provide wisdom or perspective also helps control anxiety. And try to strike a balance between “not being involved” but “being available.” Of course, that’s sometimes easier said than done! Local Military Ronald Reagan, Carrier Air Wing Two to participate in RIMPAC PACIFIC OCEAN - San Diego-based aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and Carrier Air Wing Two departed from the Southern California operating area June 18 to participate in the biennial Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise scheduled June 26 to Aug. 1, in and around the Hawaiian Islands. RIMPAC is the world’s largest international maritime exercise and serves as a unique training opportunity for participating countries to foster and sustain the cooperative relationships and interoperability that are critical to ensure security on the world’s oceans. Reagan and its embarked Carrier Strike Group Nine command staff will work with 46 ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel from 23 nations to exercise a wide range of capabilities and demonstrate the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. 12 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 MM2 Kevin Delacruz, right, and MMFN Breanna Balster rethread a bolt aboard USS Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan is en route to Hawaii for Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2014. Navy photo by MC3 Charles D. Gaddis IV “RIMPAC has a long, rich tradition dating back to 1971, so we’re incredibly excited to be participating in this important international exercise,” said Capt. Christopher Bolt, Reagan’s commanding officer. “Every opportunity we have to strengthen relations with our partner countries and exercise cooperative efforts allows us to improve the way in which we provide safety and security for the world’s sea lanes.” Reagan last participated in the RIMPAC exercise series in 2010. Navy SEAL died during training evolution CORONADO Chief Special Warfare Operator Bradley Cavner, 31, of Coronado died from injuries sustained during an accident while conducting parachute jump training operations in El Centro June 23. “The training SEALs go through is inherently high-risk,” said Cmdr. Christian Dunbar, Naval Special Warfare Group One’s chief staff officer. “Bradley was a warrior who selflessly answered his nation’s call to defend freedom and protect us.” Cavner (shown, at right) enlisted in the Navy February 3, 2003 and graduated from boot camp at Recruit Training command Great Lakes, Ill. in April 2003. In July 2004, Cavner completed Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL and SEAL Qualification training in Coronado, with class 247. He has served with West Coast-based SEAL units since August 2004. Cavner is survived by his parents, sister and two brothers. An investigation is being conducted to determine the cause of the accident. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 13 Chapel rededicated to Marine who took enemy fire for Navy chaplain by Sgt. Christopher Duncan CAMP PENDLETON - The Caruso Chapel was rededicated to Sgt. Matthew Caruso, at the School of Infantry-West, here, June 23. the sacrifice he husband made in service to the country. “It’s terrific to be here this time since I missed the first one,” said Smith. Smith was unable to travel due to pregnancy during the chapel’s initial dedication. “The ceremony was stirring and it’s such an honor to be here. My husband made a tremendous sacrifice.” 14 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 The chapel was initially dedicated to Caruso in 1953 and he was awarded the Silver Star Medal in 1950 for shielding Connie Griffin, a chaplain then assigned to the 7th Marine Division (reinforced), from enemy fire with his body during an ambush in the Korean War, Dec. 6, 1950. Kidd holds change of command at sea Caruso’s brother and the son, whom he never had the opportunity to meet, stood before a congregation of more than 100 Marines, sailors and civilian friends and family members to share fond memories and words of appreciation. Elizabeth Smith weeps as she listens to her son, Daniel Caruso, share his warm feelings about his father, Sgt. Matthew Caruso, with a congregation of more than 100 Marines, sailors and civilian friends and family during the rededication of the Caruso Chapel. Marine Corps photo “My earliest childhood memory was that flag draped casket, and I remember my mother holding me and crying,” said Daniel Caruso, a retired Marine aviator, while holding up his father’s Silver Star Medal which was pinned on Daniel during a ceremony when he was 4 months old. “I don’t remember a thing before that, and if he were here today I would tell my father that Caruso’s brother John wept while recalling the loss he and his family felt when hearing the news of Matthew’s passing. ‘I wish I could have had you in mine and mom’s [lives], but you found a higher calling and I’m proud of you.’” “I remember receiving the telegram and watching my father turn pale as he read it,” said Matthew as his eyes welled with tears. “I was on the burial detail, escorting him home, and a woman who was on the train stopped and said to me, ‘Did you know the Marine that was killed?’. I said, ‘Yes, ma’am. He was my brother.’” Caruso is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Smith, who shared her gratefulness to the Navy and Marine Corps for the great appreciation they have shown for by MC Declan Barnes SOUTH CHINA SEA - A time-honored change of command ceremony was held aboard USS Kidd while underway June 25. Flag officer assignment Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert announced June 20 that Capt. James W. Kilby, selected for the rank of rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Navy Surface Warfare Development Command, San Diego. Kilby is currently serving as deputy for ballistic missile defense, Aegis, Destroyers and Future Surface Combatants, N96F, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, District of Columbia. Nimitz to move to Bremerton in 2015 USS NIMITZ, At Sea - Aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) will move to Bremerton, Washington, in 2015 for 16 months to conduct a scheduled large-scale maintenance period. Nimitz, currently homeported in Everett, Washington, will relocate to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton for planned incremental maintenance. The Navy is working to ensure that the relocation of the aircraft carrier doesn’t interfere with the provision of positive, career enhancing opportunities for the ship’s assigned Sailors and their families. Cmdr. Thomas Zerr assumed command of Kidd from Cmdr. Gabriel Varela, marking the end of three years as executive and commanding officer for Varela. Navy Personnel Command will release guidance to the aircraft carrier that will specifically address how the transition will influence permanent change of station moves, housing allowances, detailing, exceptional family members, and other personnel-related concerns. “It’s extremely bitter-sweet that I leave behind the greatest crew I’ve ever had the privilege to serve with,” said Varela. “Kidd has performed magnificently over the past three years that I’ve had the honor to be assigned to her, and you all have done everything that your country and I have asked of you.” The Navy is making every effort to avoid unnecessary permanent change of station moves for Sailors and their families due to the relocation of the aircraft carrier. The Navy’s goal is to minimize the impact the ship’s relocations will have on personnel. Nimitz, serving as the flagship for Carrier Strike Group 11, returned to Everett in December 2013 after completing a nine-month Western Pacific deployment to the U.S. 5th, 6th and 7th areas of responsibility. SOME HONORS AREN’T WORN ON YOUR CHEST USS SAN DIEGO (June 16, 2014) - A crew chief with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 163 (Reinforced), 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, provides security with an M240G medium machine gun on an UH-1Y Super Huey in support of a visit board search and seizure exercise conducted during Certification Exercise (CERTEX). The 11th MEU and Amphibious Squadron 5 team conducts CERTEX to hone mission-essential tasks, execute specified MEU and Amphibious Ready Group operations, and certify the foundation of a cohesive warfighting team for exercises and operations they may encounter in their upcoming deployment. Marine Corps photo by Gunnery Sgt. Rome M. Lazarus PACIFIC OCEAN (June 22, 2014) - USS Sampson (DDG 102) fires its MK 45 5-inch gun during a livefire exercise. Sampson is en route to Hawaii for Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2014. Twenty-three nations, more than 40 ships and submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in the biennial RIMPAC exercise now to Aug. 1. Navy photo by MC3 Conor Minto And some universities aren’t the same as others. Transfer credits you earned through military training. Receive the Ashford Military Grant to save money. Use technology to keep you in class when deployed. Earn your degree online and on your schedule. SAN DIEGO (June 20, 2014) - The commander of Naval Medical Center San Diego, Rear Adm. Bruce Gillingham, awards Lt. Evan Butlin, of NMCSD Department of Medical Services, with the command ‘Good Catch Award’ for attention to detail, follow-up and situational awareness. The award recognizes individuals at NMCSD that go beyond the call of duty in the service of others and patients. Navy photo by MC2(SW/AW) Sean P. Lenahan CALL 888.243.1123 OR VISIT MILITARY.ASHFORD.EDU 14 AUA M 0 2 8 0 • A C - 0 25 5 P RIN T E D 0 4 / 14 8620 Spectrum Center Blvd. San Diego CA 92123 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 15 SAN DIEGO (June 19, 2014) – Naval Medical Center San Diego Bioskills & Simulation Training Center Director of Operations, Eduardo R. Medina, discusses training techniques in the Medical and Surgical Simulation Center to members of Navy Recruiting District’s Phoenix and Minneapolis during a tour of the hospital. Navy photo by MC3 Justin W. Galvin HSC-23 embarks on landmark deployment in 4th Fleet USS MCCLUSKY - For the “Wildcards” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 23, Detachment 3, currently stationed on board USS McClusky (FFG 41), their departure on April 10 was to be one for the history books. This landmark Counter-Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC) deployment in support of Operation Martillio - in which the detachment is tasked to fight illegal drug trafficking - is a first ever for the HSC community. A short-fused requirement, the Wildcards’ maintainers and aircrew worked around-theclock for six solid weeks to train and complete necessary mission qualifications in their MH-60S “Knighthawk” helicopters to prepare for the detachment. As a joint, inter-service evolution with the Coast Guard’s Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON) and the Navy’s HSM and HSC Pacific Fleet Weapons Schools, pilots and aircrew from all three commands were on hand to instruct the Wildcards in the Airborne Use of Force (AUF) mission. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY/SSI Been Denied? NEVER Give Up! Appeal Today! You could be entitled to thousands of $$$ in back pay! Hearing Scheduled? No Attorney? NEVER Go Alone! No fee EVER unless you win! FREE Attorney Advice! 858-888-2289 FHA, VA & CONVENTIONAL LOANS Alton “AJ” Jones, MBA Former Navy Seal Joe Nichols, MBA )RUPHU1DYDO2IÀFHU IB Mortgage Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Home Services CA Realty 619-429-8888 NMLS Lic #346471 FAST Pre-qual! FULL Loan process VIA e-mail & internet 16 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 HOME SALES 619-200-8885 26 Years of Experience! DRE Lic #00967374 Focusing on your family “We are bringing a new capability to the Navy. Our crews are trained to fight illegal drug trafficking not only during the day but at night. Only one other Navy unit, a reserve unit, is so trained. We’re taking the smugglers by surprise.” said Cmdr. Jennifer Wilderman, the squadron’s commanding officer. “We’re very happy to lead the fleet in this advancement, support U.S. Southern Command in this critically important operation, and help fight the influx of illegal drugs into our nation.” According to an article published in 2004 by Lt. Craig Neubecker, a plank-owner of HITRON, on the history of the command’s initial development, “In 1998, the Coast Guard estimated that it was stopping less than ten percent of the drugs entering the U.S.via the sea.” In response to this alarming statistic, the Coast Guard decided to form HITRON to “counter the go-fast threat.” As a result, there was a conspicuous and nearly immediate increase in interdiction rates. To further expand HITRON’s new-found success, the Coast Guard and the Navy initiated several joint efforts to make Coast Guard aircraft more shipboard compatible. In 2006, the Navy began utilizing the SH-60B “Seahawk” aircraft - flying off of Navy frigates - to support the joint operations. “It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to work with the Wildcards of Det 3” said Cmdr. Ann McCann, the McClusky’s commanding officer. “Their unique capabilities, especially in airborne use of force, will be a game-changer for Frigate and MH-60 operations in this important mission. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish together.” Future operations are likely to shift to other platforms as the Seahawks and the Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates reach their respective retirement ages. Newer weapons systems such as the MH-60S, the MH-60R, and the littoral combat ships (LCS) will be tasked to fill the gap left behind by the aging platforms. Naval Aviation will continue to be a predominant force in preventing the flow of illicit narcotics across U.S. borders. SELF STORAGE 877-917-7990 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT Makin Island ARG ‘manned and ready’ by MC2 Stacy M. Atkins Ricks SAN DIEGO - The Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) returned to San Diego, June 23, after completing a near two week Certification Exercise (CERTEX) in preparation for a scheduled deployment. CERTEX is a comprehensive, complex training evolution that combines the Navy and Marine Corps maritime and sea-to-shore capabilities challenging Sailors and Marines to carry out a variety of operations that mirror real-life scenarios. “A successful CERTEX provides us with the ability to say that we are ready to answer our nation’s call,” said Capt. Victor Cooper, the commodore of the ARG and commander of Amphibious Squadron (COMPHIBRON) 5. “It certifies that all of the vastly different components that make up our team can come together and form a stronger and more complete unit to accomplish any task within our scope of capabilities.” Operations included various amphibious operations and ship-to-shore movements, combat rubber raiding craft drills, day and night flight operations, mass casualty drills, damage control preparations, communication emission exercises, weapons familiarization training and visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) exercises. “The Sailors and Marines with the ARG and the 11th MEU have done a fantastic job getting us to this point and are nothing short of impressive,” said Cooper. “Their devotion to duty and ability to overcome any obstacles are truly inspirational and provide the nation with a level of competency and motivation that I am proud to be a part of.” The Makin Island ARG includes USS Makin Island (LHD 8), USS San Diego (LPD 22), and USS Comstock (LSD 45). The ARG departed its homeport in San Diego, June 10, to kick off CERTEX, the last stage of work-ups before their upcoming deployment. Now that the exercise is completed and the ARG has evaluated mission readiness as a unit, many Sailors and Marines are confident in their ability to respond and react to the nation’s needs. Arts & Entertainment 4th of July celebrations abound San Diego Bay: July 4 9pm. Fireworks presented by the Port of San Diego. Display from barges placed strategically around the bay off Shelter Island, Harbor Island, North Embarcadero and Chula Vista. or www. San Diego Embarcadero Marina Park South: 7/27/4 - Summer Pops presents “Star Spangled Pops” with Marvin Hamlisch. Classical and patriotic music synchronized with fireworks at 9pm. www. San Marcos: July 4 - Fireworks show and entertainment at Bradley Park, Rancho Santa Fe Road and Linda Vista Drive. Activities begin at 6pm and fireworks display at 9pm. www. Santee: July 4 Town Center Community Park East. Carnival rides, games, live music. www. SeaWorld: Experience the Sky Blast fireworks celebration “Into the Blue” with music and choreographed blasts that will light up the summer night. Fireworks begin at 9:30pm. (800) 25-SHAMU Temecula: July 4 - Star Spangled 4th of July Parade & Extravaganza, 2-10pm. Regan Sports Park at 30875 Rancho Vista Road, 92592. www. Vista: July 4 - Red, White, & Boom Independence Day Celebration, 9pm. Moonlight Amphitheatre in Brengle Terrace Park, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive. (760) 726-1340 ext. 1571. Now through Labor Day, September 1st, 2014 The San Diego Botanic Garden is proud to participate in the Blue Star Museum program, offering free admission to all active duty, National Guard and Reserve members of the U.S. military and their families (card carrier plus 5 immediate family members) from May 1st through Labor Day, September 1st, 2014. Thanks to the generous support of a Garden member, the San Diego Botanic Garden is able to participate in the Blue Star Museum program, a partnership among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, Joining Forces, MetLife Foundation and museums across the country. Military days of observance in June Month of June: PTSD Awareness Month June 6 D-Day Invasion Anniv. June 14 US Flag Day June 14 U.S. Army Birthday June 23 U.S. Coast Guard Aux. Birthday June 28 Operation Red Wings Observance PTSD: The wounds you can’t see Simply show one of the following active military I.D. cards at admissions: • Army • Navy • Air Force • Marines • Coast Guard • National Guard and Reserve. Visit our website for more information: http://www.sdbgarden. org/events.htm San Diego Botanic Garden is an oasis nestled in Encinitas in San Diego County. Visitors enjoy restful vistas, flowering trees, majestic palms, and the nation’s largest bamboo collection. The Garden is on 37 acres and consists of four miles of garden trails throughout 29 uniquely themed gardens including: Hamilton Children’s Garden, Mexican Garden, Tropical Rain Forest, and Mediterranean Garden. ‘Benefit concert’ in support of military & veterans “A Tribute to the Veterans of the Greatest Generation & Today’s Heroes” is slated forSunday, June 29 at The Saban Theatre • 8440 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills. The concert will feature The Pointer Sisters. Schedule 4 p.m. - VIP Red, White & Blue Carpet Reception & Dinner - $150.00 • Meet military heroes, film, sports & music celebrities • Price includes: buffet, two drinks and dessert 5:30 p.m. - Opening Ceremony & Military/Veteran Tribute, with Special Celebrity Guests 8 p.m. - The Pointer Sisters with Opening set by “Sayed Sabrina” Fundraising Ticket Price – Balcony: $58.00 / Mezzanine: $58.00 / Orchestra: $68.00 + fees Your tickets will be available at will call – theater box office RAFFLE – $20.00 each or 3 for $50.00 Grand Prize: 2014 Kia Soren- to 2nd Prize: 7 day Hawaiian Trip for Two including airfare & hotel 3rd Prize: 7 day Alaskan Cruise for Two Benefiting NSW Navy Seals Family Foundation GI Film Festival WLA Veterans Home Support Foundation Jewish War Veterans Dept. of CA Tickets are on sale at http:// vetsbenefitconcert.eventbrite. com Benefiting organizations have 501(c)(3) tax exempt status For more information please contact: Benefit Office @ 213765-9033 or email: SUMMER MILITARY SPECIAL U.S. Military Personnel & Families Admitted FREE to San Diego Botanic Garden Now through Labor Day, September 1, 2014. Simply show your active duty military ID card at admissions. You and 5 immediate family members get in free! 4XDLO*DUGHQV'ULYH(QFLQLWDV&D 760.436.3036 June 27th has been designated as PTSD Awareness Day. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be terrifying for the person suffering from it as well as for family members who may not recognize the symptoms or understand the nature of it. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 17 (Event dates and times are subject to change. Please verify before going.) Oceanside: June 28 - Independence Day Parade on Coast Hwy from Wisconsin Ave to Center Civic Drive, 10am. (760) 754-4512 Oceanside: July 3, 6-10pm - Firework Show Celebration at Rancho Del Oro in Oceanside 9:15pm www.visitoceanside. org Camp Pendleton: July 4 - 4th of July Beach Bash and fireworks. Vendors and live entertainment all day. Fireworks show starts after dusk. www. Carlsbad-Park Hyatt Resort Aviara July 4 - 4th of July Fireworks Show. Locals and residents gather on the Aviara golf course to watch a magnificent display. www. Carlsbad-La Costa Resort and Spa: July 4 - Fireworks display (for hotel guests and registered members only). Coronado: July 4 - Independence Day Parade on Orange Avenue at 10am. Festivities all day at Spreckles Park: Art in the Park all day and free concert at 4:30pm. Fireworks show starts at 9pm. (619) 437-8788 www., Del Mar Fairgrounds July 4 - San Diego County Fair at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Fireworks display begins approx. at 9:30pm followed by concert by America and the Navy Band Southwest. (858) 793-5555 Escondido: July 4 - Independence Day Celebration in Grape Day Park with fireworks display. 130 Woodward Avenue, Escondido, 92025. www. Imperial Beach Pier: July 4 9pm fireworks off the end of the pier. www.bigbayboom. com. Julian: July 4 4th of July Parade in the small town of Julian, nestled in San Diego’s apple country. www.julianca. com La Jolla Cove: July 4 9pm Legoland: July 4 - “Red, White and Boom” Fireworks show begins approx. at 8:30pm and is choreographed to a spirited American music tribute. (877) LEGOLAND www. Mission Bay Park: July 4 - Fireworks at dusk. www. Poway: July 4 - Old Fashioned Fourth at Old Poway Park. Fireworks from Poway High School begin approximately 9pm. www.poway. org/oldpowaypark Ocean Beach: July 4 9pm fireworks display from the pier. www.oceanbeachsandiego. com Old Town: July 4 from 11am to 4pm. Parade, crafts and activities, concert and food specialties. www.oldtownsandi- Free admission for military families at San Diego Botanic Garden Variety: ‘Breaking Bad’ star Giancarlo Esposito on a career ‘just beginning’ by Jenelle Riley Giancarlo Esposito recently realized a lifelong dream: meeting Sidney Poitier. The actors crossed paths at a post-Oscars party, where Esposito had to work up the nerve to approach his idol. “I’m half Italian and half AfricanAmerican and my dream was always to be a communicator and an artist,” says Esposito. “When I came to this place called America, I was regarded as a black man, not a human being or an Italian. But his performances were always without color, even if they dealt with color. He had such dignity and compassion and charisma.” Esposito says seeing an actor like Poitier opened his eyes to possibilities for himself. “Some of us are put in a box or we put ourselves in a box and we keep repeating ourselves because we like to work. Sidney was an original every time,” he says. “And I was finally able to tell him that he inspired me to cultivate a sound spirit in what is not a level platform I play on in the motion picture industry.” Though he turned 56 last week and has been a professional performer since age 8, Esposito says he hardly considers himself a veteran. “I feel like I’m just beginning,” he says with a laugh. Though he has a long stage and film career, he is being recognized in the television category, as the medium has been very good to him of late - he’s starring on season two of NBC’s “Revolution” as insurance adjuster turned militia leader Tom Neville. But it was his role as Gustavo “Gus” Fring on the AMC hit “Breaking Bad” that catapulted him from “that guy” character actor to a force to be reckoned with. LOCAL ATTRACTIONS BREWERY TOURS OF SAN DIEGO Gus started in season two of the show as a seemingly gentle soul using a fast-food joint to front his drug empire. By the end of season four, he had gone down as one of the most terrifying, yet complex, bad guys to ever grace the small screen. Esposito does not downplay the effect “Breaking Bad” had on his career, referring to the show as “bringing me back from the dead.” Point out he has always worked regularly as an actor, he elaborates, “Things were dry and I worried I wouldn’t be able to support my family. But the real problem I should have recognized was that I wouldn’t be able to support my spirit. I still get this great joy from delivering something real and honest and truthful in helping to tell a story. There’s just nothing like it in my life.” Esposito was born in Denmark to an African-American mother, a nightclub singer who once shared billing with Josephine Baker, and an Italian father, a stage carpenter. The family moved to New York when he was 6, and by 8, Esposito was into voiceover work. Also at the age of 8, he landed his first role in a Broadway show, the musical “Maggie Flynn.” Many stage productions followed, and at 17, he auditioned for the movie “Taps.” Casting director Shirley Rich kindly informed him that he needed to 619-961-7999 learn to act for the camera. He took her advice, enrolling at Elizabeth Seton College and spending a year at the Actors Institute in New York. After winning his first of two Obie Awards for Charles Fuller’s 1980 play “Zooman and the Sign,” he booked his first film role. The movie was none other than “Taps,” which still hadn’t been made since his audition five years earlier. Bad,” he admits many offers to play villains came his way, most of which he turned down. He often played men on one side of the law: there were cops (“The Usual Suspects,” “Homicide: Life on the Street”) and drug dealers (“Fresh,” “King of New York”). After “Breaking While he awaits word on another season of “Revolution,” Esposito is pursuing a second passion: directing. He made his feature debut with 2008’s “Gospel Hill,” about the murder of Omarr’s weekly ARIES (March 21-April 19): Find suitable ways to alleviate stress and offset demands this week. Everyone seems to want too much, too soon, and all at your expense. You may be too attractive for your own good. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Reciprocity is the name of the game. During the upcoming week, be sure to return favors and reimburse people for their kindnesses. Assume that every gift and coupon has a string attached. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Set your financial goals. During the week ahead, you may gain the ear of an ally or supporter at work. Listen to a friend who may have his or her finger on the pulse of a money-making proposition. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Live in the moment, but don’t forget that it’s just a moment. You might be charming and likeable, but when the attention fades later this week, you must show solid accomplishment. Your Invitation to a Fun & Romantic Getaway V A C AT I O N RENTALS IN MAMMOTH LAKES Tucked away in the quaint village of Idyllwild Individual cabins for rent, with in easy walking distance of the Village. Call today to book a romantic weekend Enjoy Elegance In Accommodations Visit Our Year Round Resort! "Ask about our 3-7 night specials! Ask for Active Military Discount 5 to 30% book online: 2 Night Minimum 30% OFF 951-659-3151 He says he couldn’t be happier with the place he is in right now. “The most important part is to keep creating. I’m excited to be on this trajectory; I think I’m right where I’m supposed to be.” Astrological *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE” Manzanita Cabins 18 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 “I remember seeing James Cagney in ‘White Heat’ and realizing you could love a villain if he’s played in a way where you can relate to him,” Esposito notes. “That’s what I tried to do with Gus. And I saw some of those features in Tom in ‘Revolution’ that also appealed to me.” a civil-rights activist. And he is “deeply ensconced” in a movie he hopes to shoot by the end of the summer, “John Brown: Patriotic Treason,” which will star Ed Harris as the abolitionist. Based on Evan Carton’s 2006 book “Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America,” Esposito will also star as Frederick Douglass. 1 (800) 336-6543 forecast LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You can’t please all the people all the time. Take a breather before you begin your next major undertaking. It’s possible there will be a few loose ends to tend to in the week to come. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Live and learn. You can only do your best until you know better. But once you know better, you have no choice but to do better. In the upcoming week, take your life lessons to heart. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Focus on friendships this week. Group meetings, associations and clubs can help you do better in business or offer ideas to help you fulfill your financial ambitions. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend. You needn’t be suspicious of everyone in the week ahead, but do be leery of anything that sounds too good to be true. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): The urge to mingle and socialize is strong this week, so get out there. Expect to pay your dues, as you could meet up with people who glitter but aren’t golden. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Major transitions might alter your relationships and boost your ambitions, but this may mean longer hours and more stress. The need for better organization becomes evident in the week ahead. ------ MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR ------ 2014 SAN DIEGO SPIRITS FESTIVAL 1PSU1BWJMMJPOPO#SPBEXBZ1JFSt"6(645tQNQN 'VFMZPVSQBTTJPOBOEZPVSTFOTFTHFUZPVSUJDLFUTBOEKPJOVTUPTBNQMFUIFXPSMETöOFTU CSBOETJO4QJSJUTJODMVEJOH5FRVJMBT(JOT7PELBT8IJTLFZT#PVSCPOT.F[DBMT'JOF -JRVFVST.PPOTIJSFCSBOET&OKPZDVMJOBSZDSFBUJPOTBOECFFOUFSUBJOFEXJUI#VSMFTRVF BOEMPUTPGTVSQSJTFFMFNFOUTJODMVEJOHB#FW.P#VCCMZ'FTU All Inclusive Tickets with UNLIMITED TASTING Spirits & Food Samples (FUZPVSUJDLFUTPOMJOFBU BOEVTFQSPNPDPEF)&30&4GPSEJTDPVOU BTPVSXBZPGTBZJOH5)"/,:06 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Extra spit and polish may be in order. No one may notice your concerns or fears, but they’ll certainly notice your mistakes. Make an effort to put your best foot forward all week. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Don’t let dogma dampen your determination. Philanthropic ideals might not work well in the real world this week. Focus on achieving financial ambitions through hard work, not investments. FFSC is here for you this July with workshops and advice Happy Fourth of July from Fleet and Family Support Center. The month of July celebrates the American spirit, which is alive and well in our military families. July is also a time of transition for many military families. If you have just arrived in San Diego, welcome to America’s Finest City. If you are PCSing to a new duty station, FFSC can help with planning your CONUS or OCONUS move. With transitioning, many spouses are looking for new employment, as well. FFSC can help you prepare for a job search with many of the workshops we offer. Be sure to check out our highlighted workshops in this month’s e-newsletter, as well all the other great programs available in our quarterly programs and workshops schedule. As always, should you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the e-newsletter please let us know. FFSC Team Fleet & Family Support Centers (FFSC) are located at Naval Base San Diego (NBSD), Naval Base Coronado (NBC), Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL), and in the following housing areas: Murphy Canyon (MCB), Village of Serra Mesa (VSM), Bayview Hills (BVH), and Gateway Village (GVB) and in Santee! We offer great services, programs and workshops (free to all active and reserve military, retirees, and family members). Make the Fleet & Family Support Center your one-stop shop for all of your quality of life needs! All services are free and confidential. Services include: * Family and Personal Enrichment * Exceptional Family Member Programs * Financial Management * Internet Safety and Your Child * Career Services * Resume Writing * Individual, Marital, Child, Crisis Counseling and Support Groups, * And much more!!!!! Continental United States (CONUS) by ensuring you have the latest information on your next duty station, financial entitlements, and secrets of reducing moving stress. July 1, 2-3:30 PM, FFSC Santee Branch 8120 Arlette Street Santee, CA 92071 Please call our 24-hour toll-free number 1.866.923.6478 to schedule a one-on-one appointment or attend a workshop. Moving can be stressful on a family. Remember, FFSC offers counseling services for individual, child, couple, and families that is private and confidential. Often, just knowing an experienced professional is listening to you can provide a great feeling of relief. That relief can lead to productive problem solving. Counselors are available to help with such issues as adjusting to military life, relationship challenges, grief & loss, parenting skills, and much more. Call 866-923-6478 to schedule an appointment. Connect with FFSC virtually as well. Please visit us at www. or our Facebook page at Also, check out our videos on our YouTube channel com/FFSCSD FREE WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES FROM FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER in JULY Transferring within CONUS: More Resources & Less Stress for your next PCS! Be ready for your next Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move within the Military Spouse Employment Workshop: Ready to enter the workforce and not sure where to start? Get your resume reviewed, explore your education and career goals, and learn about networking opportunities. Call 858-277-4259 to learn more and register. July 11, 25, 9-11AM Bayside Community Center, 202 Comstock St. San Diego, CA 92111 MWR ACTIVITIES FREEDOM FESTIVAL, Friday, July 4, 3-9 PM FREE NMAWC, Naval Base Point Loma. FREE and OPEN to all authorized base personnel and family members. Take part in interactive family games, great music and the kids can enjoy the ‘Fun Zone’ inflatables. Please remember, NO PORTABLE BBQ UNITS, ALCOHOL, GLASS OR PETS ALLOWED. ACTIVITES TO DO AROUND TOWN BIG BAY BOOM! July 4, 9 PM Locations around Mission Bay The Big Bay Boom July 4th Fireworks Show is back, promising another spectacular display over San Diego Bay. For more information visit http://www. SAN DIEGO SYMPHONY MILITARY FAMILY CONCERT July 5, 11AM-2PM Embarcadero Marina Park South 206 Marina Park Way San Diego, CA 92101 The San Diego Symphony is proud to offer you and your family complimentary tickets to the Star Spangled Pops. For ticket and event information, visit IMPERIAL BEACH SUN & SEA FESTIVAL: July 18-19 Noon to Dusk 10 Evergreen Ave. Imperial Beach, CA 91932 The 2014 Imperial Beach Sun & Sea Festival will feature world-class sandcastle sculptors creating some of the best sand creations on the West Coast as well as a community parade, live music, children’s craft activities and much more. Visit http://www.sunandseafestival. com OPEN COCKPIT DAYS, July 26-27 9AM-3:30PM MCAS Miramar Come visit us during the summer months and sit in the cockpit of an airplane and feel like a real pilot. Bring your little kids-and big kids- to enjoy a free day out in the sun. For more information, visit https://flyingleathernecks. org/open-cockpit-days/ BLUE STAR FAMILIES OFFERS FREE ADMISSION TO MUSEUMS ACROSS THE COUNTRY From now until September 1, 2014, military families can visit various museums across the country free of charge. To find participating museums, visit Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) are located: * Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) 3005 Corbina Alley San Diego, CA 92136 619-556-7404 * Naval Base Coronado (NBC) Building 318 G, Saufley Road San Diego, CA 92135 619-545-6071 * Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL) 140 Sylvester Road San Diego, CA 92106 619-553-7505 And in the following housing areas: * Murphy Canyon (MCB) 4867 T Santo Road San Diego, CA 92124 858-277-4259 * Village of Serra Mesa (VSM) 3141 Afton Road San Diego, CA 92123 619-556-1277 * Bayview Hills (BVH) 1967 Sky Harbor Road San Diego, CA 92139 619-556-1275 * Gateway Village (GVB) 3207 Rosecrans Place San Diego, CA 92110 619-222-5548 * Santee Branch 8120 Arlette Street Santee, CA 92071 619571-4868 Dining Directory Military Discount Everyday 10% OFF RESTAURANT & SPORTS BAR *UHDW$WPRVSKHUH +LGHI79V *UHDW)RRG HOURS: Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm Fri & Sat 11am-2pm %RQLWD5G%RQLWD&D On the Bay MILITARY 10% OFF 0(;,&$1 UG$YH6DQ'LHJR&D BEER Giorgino’s “Best cheesesteaks in town” 1237 28th Steet, Golden Hill 92102 619-234-9141 Mention this ad for 25% OFF Offer expires 7/10/14 0DULQD3DNUZD\&KXOD9LVWD&D Ramon Gomez ZZZGROSKLQVUHVWDXUDQWFRP Featuring Fabulous Food by International Chef Banquets, Catering, Weddings, Quinceanera’s, Anniversaries, Hails, Promotions, Retirements & 1/2 Way Parties THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY!! THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 19 UFC Fights Trivia Mondays at 7pm Mon-Fri DRINK/BEER SPECIALS Military Hookah Special $ 7.50 Sports & Events Washington Redskins trademark revoked (ABC News) What’s going to happen to the Washington Redskins now that the U.S. Patent and Trademark office said the team’s federal trademarks will be canceled? The government agency ruled 2-1, following a petition by five Native Americans, today that the team’s name is “disparaging of Native Americans.” revenue from a disparaging term of slur,” Sen. Maria Cantwell (DWa.) told ESPN. “I find it very unlikely that someone is going to overrule the patent office on this. This is a huge decision by a federal agency.” As a result, the team may have a harder time protecting its name and logo if other people use them without permission on, say, sweatshirts and hats, the Associated Press reported. Cantwell, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, authored a letter signed by 50 Democratic senators last month that encouraged a name change. Cantwell also said that if the Redskins and the league refuse to change the name, there are many options available for the Senate, including perhaps ridding the NFL of its tax exempt status. Robert Tuchman, president of sports and marketing firm Goviva, called the decision “much bigger than the Redskins.” Lawyers, however, have differing opinions about whether your local T-shirt company can now print and sell Redskins gear. “If they are forced to change what does that mean for the Chicago Blackhawks and other teams that are in the same boat?” he said. “This decision does not mean that the Redskins trademark is no longer enforceable, or that third parties will now be able to sell Redskins merchandise,” said Monica Riva Talley, a trademark attorney not involved in this dispute. “This puts a big dent in their business model of trying to gain REPAIRS • RENTALS • SURFBOARD BLANKS SURFBOARDS • WETSUITS Riva Talley said the team still owns enforceable “common law” trademark rights in the name based on its many decades of use. Even Riva Talley admits the decision may have a domino-effect in the dispute over the team’s name and logo, which Native American groups have called racist. “What it may do is help sway public opinion as to whether a sports team, much less one located in the nation’s capital, should use a term found to disparage a segment of the population,” she said. From a brand value perspective, Riva Talley said the Redskins trademark may become less marketable if the public perception is that the mark is disparaging. An NFL spokesman declined to comment. Bob Raskopf, trademark attorney for the Washington Redskins, said in a statement: “We’ve seen this story before. And just like last time [in 1967], today’s ruling will have no effect at all on the team’s ownership of and right to use the Redskins name and logo.” SDSU announces 2014 football promotions schedule The San Diego State athletic department has announced the 2014 promotional and giveaway schedule for the SDSU football program’s six home games this fall, as the Aztecs attempt to win their second Mountain West championship in three years and play in a bowl game for a schoolrecord fifth straight season. Leading the list of promotions is the annual KGB SkyShow, which will be held Homecoming Weekend against non-conference opponent Idaho on Nov. 8 at Qualcomm Stadium. The largest fireworks show in the area, SkyShow annually attracts one of the largest crowds of the season, including last year when 42,978 fans attended the season opener against Eastern Illinois. Game time is set for 3:30 p.m. PT, followed by the KGB SkyShow. Among the prized giveaways in 2014 is the student t-shirt giveaway for the season-opener against Northern Arizona on Aug. 30, which will include the Welcome Week Student Tailgate and carnival outside of Qualcomm Stadium, and also Memorial tribute to Tony Gwynn slated SAN DIEGO - On behalf of the Gwynn family, the San Diego Padres today announced that a free, public memorial tribute to Tony Gwynn will be held on Thursday, June 26 at 7:19 p.m. at Petco Park. Gates will open at 5:30 p.m. Fans may enter through the Home Plate or Park Boulevard gates on Park Blvd., as well as the Gaslamp Gate on 7th Ave. or the East Village gate on 10th Ave. FULL WETSUITS $ 95 79 15% MILITARY DISCOUNT On clothing & accessories 3780 Mission Blvd. • Mission Beach 20 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 (858) 488-9374 The event will celebrate Tony’s legendary life, accomplishments, and contributions to the Padres, to San Diego, and to the sport of baseball. It will feature special guests from throughout his lifetime. Free parking will be provided in three locations: two surface lots along Imperial Avenue (Parcel C lot and Tailgate lot) on the southeast side of Petco Park, and the Padres Parkade garage (10th Ave at J St). is proclaimed Youth Football Day. In addition, the Aztecs’ game against MW foe UNLV on Sept. 27 will have a blanket giveaway and has been declared Band Night. SDSU’s Oct. 18 home matchup against Hawai’i will be Family Weekend and feature a carnival outside of Qualcomm Stadium. Meanwhile, the newest members of the Aztec Hall of Fame class will be honored during the home contest against Air Force on Nov. 21, which will also be Fleet Week. A family pack of four tickets, four hot dogs, four bags of chips and four sodas will be available for $72 in select areas for all contests except the SkyShow game against Idaho. Furthermore, season tickets are now obtainable for purchase for as low as $66 per seat. Tickets may be purchased online at, at Qualcomm Stadium Window “E” Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by calling (619) 283-7378 Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All orders have a $15 handling fee regardless of the point of sale. SkyShow View Level pre-sale tickets for KGB listeners, Aztec season-ticket holders and Aztec Nation subscribers will begin Friday, June 20 at 9 a.m. San Diego State returns 12 starters and 40 letterwinners from a team that finished 8-5 overall and 6-2 in MW play a year ago, culminating with a victory over Buffalo, 49-24, in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl. With its bowl game appearance, SDSU became one of only 29 teams in the nation, and one of just five non-BCS, schools to play in a bowl game in four straight years. Aztec Football Promotional Schedule: Saturday, Aug. 30 vs. Northern Arizona, TBA Student t-shirt giveaway/Welcome Week student tailgate/carnival/Youth Football Day Saturday, Sept. 27 vs. UNLV, TBA Blanket giveaway/Band Night Saturday, Oct. 18 vs. Hawai’i, 7:30 p.m. PT Family Weekend/carnival Saturday, Nov. 8 vs. Idaho, 3:30 p.m. PT KGB SkyShow/Homecoming Friday, Nov. 21 vs. Air Force, 6:30 p.m. PT Hall of Fame/Fleet Week Saturday, Nov. 29 vs. San Jose State, 12:30 p.m. PT AutoMatters: Wheels, motorsports at the Fair I joined the Mustang Club of San Diego. Fortunately that club also participates in the annual car shows at the Fair. Yesterday was that day. Those of you who have been reading AutoMatters over the years already know that there are car shows, motorsports and other wheeled things to enjoy at the San Diego County Fair. The 2014 edition of the fair is no exception. I am so excited to share this with you as soon as possible that instead of writing the column that I’d intended and prepared for today, I will go through over 2,700 photos that I took, edit a few and write this for you in time for my deadline tomorrow morning. This will be a real challenge. Each year I show a car in the event they call “GREAT WHEELS! The Car Shows at the Fair.” At first I was showing one of my succession of three Mazda Miatas with the San Diego Miata Club. Eventually I sold my last MX-5 (Miata) and special-ordered a beautiful white, with brick red leather interior, 2011 Mustang GT 5.0. The Fair – superbly represented each year by Bob Meigs, the car show’s master of ceremonies and event organizer, takes a photo of each car – to be mounted on a large foam-core board, complete with the year’s fair theme graphic, for presentation to us as we are about to leave the show. This year the fair’s theme is “The Fab Fair” “paying tribute to the British Invasion that revolutionized the music industry 50 years ago.” After we were guided to park our cars in position in the car show display areas just inside a busy fair gate, we were free to head off to enjoy a few hours at the fair, hang out with friends on folding chairs by our cars, or both – as I did. This day at the fair coincided with day one of Motorsports Week (“vrooom! Vrooom! We start the engines”). Under a roof that kept us shaded and cool, we fully enjoyed the spectacle in the Del Mar Arena. There were two shows (I went to both). First Jimmy Fitzpatrick (founder of the “Fitz Army” and Metal Mulisha athlete) and Destin Cantrell treated us to a world- class freestyle motocross (FMX) demo, in which they performed incredible feats of skill and bravery. Speeding up to a tall, steep ramp, they launched high in the air, got off of their motorcycles, performed seemingly impossible acrobatics and then got back on their motorcycles and landed safely, every single time! You can read more about freestyle motocross at: www.FitzArmy. com and www.metalmulisha. com/events/. Next up was Tuff Truck Racing – the insane main event. “Tuff Truck racing is an exciting off-road racing event consisting of modified trucks (and sometimes stock trucks for fun) going around a course filled with different jumps, bumps and turns.” This course was all dirt, and there was plenty of it. “Tuff Truck racing is a game of survival!” The trucks were run one at a time, with their laps timed and an announcer calling the action. and awesome sport, visit www. Over the next few days at the fair there will also be a demolition derby (which I covered in AutoMatters #284 last year), beach buggy racing, antique car races, Terracross championship racing and monster trucks. If you miss the motorsports fun at this year’s fair, be sure to mark your calendars for next year. As always, please write to with your comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2014 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters #338 2014 41st Annual San Diego City of San Marcos Summer Concerts in the Gardens features Skelpin: Irish/Spanish Fusion. Sat., June 28, 7:30pm at Wood House Gardens in Woodland Park. (760) 744-9000. www. Monty Python’s Spamalot at the Moonlight Amphitheater. Through June 28, 8pm. www. Scottish Highland Games & Gathering of the Clans, Sat.Sun., June 28-29, 10am-5pm. Scottish Country Dancing; Highland Dancing, Drum Major, Bagpipe & Drumming, Heavy Athletics, Sheep Dog Trials. Scottish Food & Drink. Children’s Activities, Goods for sale. (No alcohol, no dogs allowed). Brengle Terrace Park, 1200 Vale Terrace Dr., Vista. (760) 726-3691 or (619) 884-2940. Gourdstock 2014, Sat.-Sun., June 28-29, 9am-5pm. Free. Fifth Annual Gourd Festival. Carving, decorating, and embellishing gourds. Country farm setting, tree-filled park, farm animal area. Vendors, demos, classes, picnic area more! (760) 781-3311 or Bates Nut Farm, 15954 Woods Valley Road, Valley Center. Spring Antique Engine & Tractor Show, Sat.-Sun., June 28-29, 9am-4:30pm. Military Free with photo ID. Antique Equipment & Tractor Parade, Threshing Demo, Weaving & Spinning, Blacksmithing, N’ Scale Model Railroad. . Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum, 2040 N Santa Fe Ave., Vista. (760) 941-1791 www.agsem. com Scottish Highland Games & Gathering of the Clans June 28 & 29 9am-5pm Brengle Terrace Park 1200 Vale Terrace Dr. Vista, CA 92084 0,/,7$5<6(1,25',6&2817 $ 8 AT THE GATE Entertainment Featuring: Wicked Tinkers +LJKODQG:D\0HQRI:RUWK$ODVGDLU)UDVHU Natalie Haas For more information: 760-726-3691 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 21 There will be an activity area for children, and a beer garden for adults. Concludes with fireworks. Larson Athletic Field - San Ysidro, 455 Sycamore Rd. near the Cesar Chavez Recreation Center. (619) 428-5200 Outrigger Iron Canoe Championships, Sat., June 28, 7am5pm. Outrigger Canoe Racing is one of a few totally co-ed water sports. Club members from California, US, and Canada will compete. Hula dancers onshore. Come and watch! West Mission Bay Park, Mariner’s Point, Kai Elua Outrigger Canoe Club, (858) 876-8382 Summer Movies in the Park. Sat., June 28, 7-9:30pm at Poway Community Park, 13094 Civic Center Drive. Tour Nature, Sat., June 28, 8:30-10am. Free. Leisurely hike amid the scenic landscapes and historic grounds of Old Mission Dam and get some fun facts as your MTRP naturalist unwraps secrets of nature. Meet at Campground Entry Station. Kumeyaay Lake Campground, Two Father Junípero Serra Trail, Santee. Mass Creativity Day, Sat., June 28, 10a.m.-4p.m. Free. Make art, share art, and discover what others are creating at this outdoor arts festival. The New Children’s Museum, 200 W. Island Ave., downtown San Diego. Rummage Sale: Homeless Treasures, Sat., June 28, 7am1pm. Free. Fourth annual citywide event has a huge assortment of items at bargain prices. St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 8350 Lake Murray Boulevard, San Carlos That does not include all of the trucks that broke their suspensions (mostly in the first show) as they came crashing down hard from one particularly huge, nasty dirt jump. To find out more about this insanely wonderful Freestyle motocross Kicking up the dirt. Around Town Gem Faire, Fri.-Sun., June 2729, Fri noon-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 10-5. $7. 100+ exhibitors. Fine jewelry, gems, beads, crystals, gold and silver, minerals, and more. Classes/demos. Scottish Rite Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South, Mission Valley. Carlsbad TGIF Concerts in the Park. Fri., June 27, 6-8pm. Stagecoach Park, 3420 Camino de los Coches, Carlsbad. www. Cruisin’ Grand. Fri., June 27, 5pm-9pm. Grand Avenue, Escondido. The #1 car cruise in the nation. Padres vs D-backs, Fri,-Sun., June 27-30. $10-$60. Fri-Sat 7:10, Sun 1:10pm. Reds in town Mon.-Wed., June 30-July 2. MonTue 7:10, Wed 12:40pm. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd., East Village downtown San Diego. FIFA World Cup in Brazil, through Sun., July 13. Oceanside Independence Day Parade, Sat., June 28, 10 a.m.-noon. 100+ entries. Coast Highway 101 from Wisconsin Avenue to Civic Center Drive. Downtown Oceanside, http:// 35th Annual Ocean Beach Street Fair & Chili Cook-off, Sat., June 28, 10am-8pm. Free. Beach festival with amateur chili cook-off. Live entertainment, an Artist Alley, vendor booths, beachside beer garden, Children’s area. Ocean Beach, Newport Avenue (4800-5000 Block & surrounding areas). (619) 224-4906 San Ysidro Independence Day Festival, Sat., June 28, 310pm. Free. Festival with music, car show, food, game booths. When I cover motorsports I typically take a lot of photos but they are mostly of racing. It is only rarely that there is an ontrack coming-together, and it is even rarer that I am in the place at the track where I could see that and potentially shoot it. The Fab Fair’s “Tuff Truck Racing: Open Class” was just about the opposite. For example, in close succession during the timed runs of three trucks, the drivers flipped their trucks over on a turnaround on the track – right in front of rows of screaming fans, who can see everything. I got photos of all of it, in case you were wondering how I could have possibly taken over 2,700 pictures in one day at the fair. TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 m10 am m10:30 Wake Up San Diego at 7 San Diego Living The 700 Club CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right Good Morning America Wild Kratts Curious George Curious George m11 am m11:30 m12 pm America Now America Now We the People CBS News 8 at 11AM Judge Judy m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 RightThisMinute Wild Kratts Katie Curious Curious George George Steve Harvey Arthur Sofia the First Mickey Mouse Varied Cal. Wild Programs West SportsCenter Secretly Varied Pregnant Programs Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Arthur The Ellen DeGeneres Show NBC 7 News at 4 Varied Programs Varied Programs 2014 FIFA World Cup Varied Programs SportsCenter ESPN2 Hoarding: Buried Alive Four Weddings What Not to Varied Programs Wear Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Coll. Football Varied Live Programs Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Varied Programs SportsNation Varied Programs Cake Boss Cake Boss Law & Order: Special Victims Unit THURSDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G DELIVER US FROM EVIL July 2 BEGIN AGAIN July 4 pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News JUNE 26, 2014 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 The Vampire Diaries ’ (CC) Big Bang The Millers Theory (CC) Black Box “Free Will” (N) ’ (CC) Historic SnapShot ’ Places Hollywood Game Night ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G A complex, life-changing relationship forms between a talented songbird and the disgraced music executive who is helping her cut her first album. pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Dog With a ›››‡ Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy) Voices of Tom Jessie (N) Hanks, Tim Allen. ’ ’ (CC) NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: John R. Elliott SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN HERO Campaign 300. (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN FC (N) Boxing Friday Night Fights. Ivan Redkach vs. Sergey ESPN2 Gulyakevich. From St. Charles, Mo. Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: TLC Bride Bride Bride Bride Bride Bride ››› The Bourne Ultimatum (2007, Action) Matt Modern Modern USA Damon, Julia Stiles, Joan Allen. Family ’ Family ’ *subject to change m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Whose Line Whose Line Hart of Dixie ’ (CC) Is It? Is It? Undercover Boss Hawaii Five-0 “Ma lalo o “Hudson Group” ’ ka ’ili” (CC) Shark Tank A juice and What Would You Do? smoothie cart. ’ ’ (CC) Washington Roundtable Extraordinary Women Week “Amelia Earhart” ’ A Leap of Faith: A Meredith Vieira Special (N) ’ (CC) Zapped (2014, Comedy) Zendaya, Girl Meets Spencer Boldman. Premiere. ’ World ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) Olbermann (CC) (CC) Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL ATL ATL Modern Modern Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ m10 pm 22 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Justice League Dr. Chris Pet Vet Good Morning Wild Kratts “Mimic” NBC 7 News am m9:30 m10 Curious George The Chica Show (EI) m10:30 m11 am m11:30 Dragon Ball Z Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Kai ’ Fusion ’ (CC) ZEXAL ’ 15 Minute All In With Game Derm Arthritis pain? Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Meals Laila Ali Changers Exclusive! Series (N) (CC) 2014 FIFA World Cup Round of 16: 1A vs. 2B. From Governador Magal- SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) haes Pinto Stadium in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (N) (Live) Curious Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur 50s & 60s Party Songs (My Music) Pop songs and dance George ’ (EI) Train hits. ’ (CC) Noodle and Justin Time Tree Fu Tom Action Sports From Ocean City, Md. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Doodle (EI) (EI) (DVS) (EI) m12 pm m12:30 Jake and the Sofia the Austin & Ally Jessie ’ Jessie ’ I Didn’t Do It Zapped (2014, Comedy) Zendaya, Spencer Girl Meets Pirates First ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) Boldman. ’ World ’ 2014 Wimbledon Championships Early Round, Day 6. From the All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (N) (Live) (CC) Doc ESPN2 TLC USA SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter Featured Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Lottery Changed My Life (CC) (CC) (CC) Millionaire janitor. Paid Program Paid Program Smoothies Royal Pains “A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough” Cheerleading From Orlando, Fla. Lottery Changed My Life ’ (CC) Suits Logan Sanders pushes Harvey. Cheerleading From Orlando, Fla. Lottery Changed My Life ’ (CC) Graceland “Tinker Bell” (CC) (DVS) m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 Paid Program Salon Get Sub D Wealth-Trad- Paid Program Dog Bounty Secrets! ing Hunter PGA Tour Golf Quicken Loans National, Third Round. From Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Md. (N) (Live) (CC) 2014 FIFA World Cup Round of 16: 1C vs. 2D. From Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (N) (Live) This Old Ask This Old Victory Greener Test Kitchen Cooking House ’ House Garden World School Motorcycle Racing Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. From Sacramento, Calif. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) DISN McStuffins ESPN Jimmy Kimmel Crossing South Tonight Show m11:30 Seinfeld (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Austin City Limits ’ (CC) Live at the Belly Up Crossbones “Antoinette” NBC 7 (N) ’ News Tonight Show I Didn’t Do Liv & It ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) I Found the I Found the Gown Gown Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ Say Yes: ATL Modern Family ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 2013 World Series of Poker 2013 World Series of Poker From Las Vegas. From Las Vegas. Lottery Changed My Life Untold Stories of the E.R. “Wiccan Millionaire” ’ (CC) ›‡ Little Fockers (2010) Robert De Niro. The whole clan arrives for the Focker twins’ birthday. m3 pm m3:30 Dog Bounty Hunter Top Kitchen! The Cleveland Show The Insider (N) (CC) Jack Hanna Ocean Mysteries Savor San A Growing Diego Passion Paid Program Paid Program Mickey Austin & Mouse ’ Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsNation (CC) Say Yes: ATL Modern Family ’ XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Futurama ’ Futurama ’ (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum Zou (EI) Nightly News m6 pm m6:30 Love-Ray- Love-Raymond mond Evening News News 10News at Red Carpet 6pm The Lawrence Welk Show NBC 7 Paid News at 6 Program m4 pm 2013 World Series of Poker 30 for 30 From Las Vegas. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ›‡ The Back-up Plan (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin, Michaela Watkins. m4:30 The CleveThe Cleveland Show land Show Judge Judy Judge Judy ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Burn Notice “False Flag” (CC) R. Steves’ SnapShot ’ Europe On the LazyTown Money (N) ’ (EI) Austin & Ally Austin & Ally A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 A.N.T. Farm ’ (CC) World Cup Tonight (N) Thrills/Spills Untold Stories of the E.R. “Delusional Bride” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Pique” ’ JUNE 28, 2014 m7 pm m7:30 The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) Burn Notice Killing off gang members. (CC) As Time Keeping Up Goes By Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) Hawaii Five-0 “Kupu ’eu” ’ (CC) Bet on Your Baby (N) ’ (CC) Father Brown Driver’s death. ’ (CC) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) 48 Hours ’ (CC) m10 pm m10:30 m11 San Diego Engage6 News ment 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) The Assets “What’s Done Nightline Prime (N) ’ Is Done” (N) ’ (CC) Trains Around North America America’s railroad history. ’ (CC) The Blacklist “Madeline Pratt” ’ (CC) pm m11:30 The Office ’ (CC) News The Office ’ (CC) Criminal Minds ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Globe Trekker ’ (CC) (DVS) NBC 7 Saturday News Night Live GoodI Didn’t Do I Didn’t Do Dog With a Dog With a Jessie ’ Girl Meets I Didn’t Do Austin & Mighty Kickin’ It ’ Liv & Jessie ’ Charlie It ’ It ’ Blog ’ Blog ’ (CC) World ’ It ’ Ally (CC) Med ’ (CC) Maddie (CC) World Cup Tonight (N) ESPN FC Highlights, news, reactions and opinions SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN (Live) from the day in soccer. (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) NHRA Drag Racing O’Reilly Auto Parts Route 66 Arena Football Spokane Shock at Los Angeles KISS. From the Baseball Tonight (N) World Cup Tonight (N) ESPN2 Nationals, Qualifying. From Joliet, Ill. (N) Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif. (N) (Live) (Live) (CC) Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Buying Buying Sex Sent Me to the E.R. TLC “Deep Trouble” ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) “Forbidden Fruit” Naked (N) Naked (N) “Forbidden Fruit” Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Pursuit” Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Family ’ Family ’ Good- DISN Charlie 2 X 3” ad pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News JUNE 28, 2014 am Wake Up San Diego (N) Recipe Rehab ’ (EI) Jack Hanna m10:30 m11 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Blue Bloods “Mistaken Identity” (CC) 20/20 ’ (CC) SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON m9 m11:30 Seinfeld (CC) Letterman JUNE 27, 2014 pm DISN Blog ’ Genre: Drama, Romance Cast: Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo, Hailee Steinfeld, Adam Levine, Catherine Keener, James Corden m8:30 pm San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld ’ 10pm (N) (CC) Elementary “Ears to You” News ’ (CC) NY Med (Season 10News at Premiere) (N) ’ (CC) 11pm Death in Paradise ’ Masterpiece Mystery! Morse investi(CC) gates a hit-and-run death. ’ Undateable Undateable Last Comic Standing (N) NBC 7 (N) ’ (N) ’ ’ (CC) News The Originals Sophie divulges a secret. ’ Big Brother New twists are revealed. Rookie Blue (N) ’ (CC) FRIDAY EVENING TVData© m5 BEGIN AGAIN am m10:30 m11 Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Dog With a ›››‡ Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy) Voices of Tom Liv & Jessie ’ A.N.T. Austin & (CC) (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) Blog ’ Hanks, Tim Allen. ’ Maddie (CC) Farm ’ Ally (CC) 2014 NBA Draft From the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN (CC) (CC) (CC) World Cup ESPN FC Highlights, news, reactions and opinions from the day SportsCenter (N) (Live) Olbermann (N) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) NASCAR FIFA World ESPN2 in soccer. (N) (CC) (Live) (CC) Now (N) C. Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat American Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Here Comes Honey Boo Here Here Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Here Here TLC Gypsy Wedding ’ Turn 10 (CC) Boo ’ (CC) Comes Comes Turn 10 (N) Comes Comes ››› The Bourne Identity (2002, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. An ››› The Bourne Supremacy (2004) Matt Damon. Jason ››› The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) USA amnesiac agent is marked for death after a botched hit. Bourne fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. Genre: Horror, Thriller Cast: Eric Bana, Edgar Ramirez, Olivia Munn, Joel McHale, Sean Harris, Dorian Missick m8 Law & Order: Varied SVU Programs Teen DELIVER US FROM EVIL m7:30 Here Comes Here Comes DISN Beach A New York cop joins forces with an unconventional priest to combat demonic forces in their city. TVData© m4:30 RightThisMinute Wild Kratts Rachael Ray Super Why! Doc McStuffins pm Judge Judy General Hospital Jake and the Varied Doc Pirates Programs McStuffins 2014 Wimbledon Champion- 2014 FIFA World Cup ESPN ships Wimbledon Varied Programs m4 Judge Judy Dinosaur Dinosaur Train Train Days of our Lives Thomas & Friends Access Hollywood Live m3:30 Dr. Phil The Chew Daniel Tiger pm Engagement Engagement Daniel Tiger Mickey USA m3 The Bill Cunningham Show 10News Midday Sesame Street NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Varied Programs m2:30 Paternity Court Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Today Little People, 19 KidsWorld Count Varied Programs pm Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Train DISN Mouse TLC m2 We the Justice for All Justice for All Paternity People Court Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 Wealth-Trad- Wake Up San Diego (N) ing CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) ’ (CC) Paid Program (N) ’ (CC) Good Morn- 10News This Morning at This Week With George ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (N) Wild Kratts Curious Curious Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur (CC) George George ’ (EI) Train NBC 7 News Meet the Press (N) (CC) Fast Joint Paid Program Relief JUNE 29, 2014 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 Paid Program Cindy Paid Program Get Sub D ›› No Good Deed (2002) Samuel L. Jackson. Three bank Sanctuary The team gets a Da Vinci’s Inquest “Sixes and Crawford robbers hold a policeman hostage. cryptic distress call. ’ Sevens” ’ Paid Program Paid Program PGA Tour 2014: The Life PGA Tour Golf Quicken Loans National, Final Round. From Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Laura (N) (CC) Md. (N) (Live) (CC) McKenzie Born to Sea Rescue The Wildlife Expedition 2014 Wimbledon Championships Week One Highlights. From the All-England Lawn World of X Games Surfing Explore ’ (EI) Docs Wild ’ (EI) Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (Taped) (CC) action from Fiji. (N) Moyers & Washington KPBS Round- Charlie Rose Civil War: The Untold Story Civil War: The Untold Story Civil War: The Untold Story Civil War: The Untold Story Company Week table “Bloody Shiloh” ’ (CC) “River of Death” ’ (CC) The Good Son: Ray Mancini Action Sports From Ocean City, Md. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. From Paid Program Graham Story (N) (CC) Sacramento, Calif. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Bensinger Doc Jake and the Sofia the First Austin & Ally Jessie ’ Austin & Ally Jessie ’ Pirates (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 2014 FIFA World Cup Round of 16: 1B vs. 2A. (N) (Live) Girl Meets Austin & Ally Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie World ’ (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) SportsCenter From Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2014 FIFA World Cup Round of 16: 1D vs. 2C. From Itaipava Arena ESPN (N) (Live) (CC) Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil. (N) (Live) Sports ReSportsNation SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit NHRA Drag Racing O’Reilly Auto Parts Route 66 Nationals. From Joliet, Ill. (N) (Live) ESPN2 porters (N) (N) Games Games Games Games (CC) Paid Program ’ (CC) Paid Program Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries TLC (CC) the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress “Shattered” (CC) ’ (CC) David JerPastor Chris Joel Osteen Covert Affairs “Shady Lane” Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims USA emiah (N) (CC) (CC) (DVS) Unit ’ (CC) Unit “Parasites” Unit “Tangled” Unit “Fallacy” Unit “Criminal” DISN McStuffins TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 SAF3 “Adrift” The team’s helo crashes. CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour Ken Kramer’s Wk S.D. Talk Stoop Nightly News m6 m6:30 Cleveland Cleveland Show Show Evening News News 10News at Let’s Ask 6pm America Ballykissangel “Par for the Course” (CC) NBC 7 Get Sub D News at 6 m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 Futurama ’ Futurama ’ America’s Funniest (CC) (CC) Home Videos (CC) 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Big Brother New heads of households. America’s Funniest Wipeout “Hotties vs. Home Videos (CC) Nerds 4.0” (N) (CC) Doc Martin “Hazardous Last Tango in Halifax Exposure” (N) ’ (Season Premiere) (N) American Ninja Warrior “St. Louis Qualifying” Three brand-new obstacles. ’ m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 America’s Funniest San Diego EngageHome Videos (CC) 6 News ment Reckless “Pilot” (Series Unforgettable “New Premiere) (N) ’ Hundred” ’ (CC) Rising Star (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Masterpiece Mystery! Morse investigates an apparent suicide. America’s Got Talent ’ (CC) Vicious ’ (CC) I Didn’t Do GoodGoodJessie ’ Jessie ’ Liv & I Didn’t Do Austin & Girl Meets Liv & Austin & It ’ Charlie Charlie (CC) (CC) Maddie It (N) Ally (N) World ’ Maddie Ally (CC) MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees. From Yankee Stadium in SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN the Bronx, N.Y. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) World Cup ESPN FC Highlights, news, reactions and opinions World Cup Tonight 2014 FIFA World Cup Round of 16: 1B vs. 2A. (N ESPN2 from the day in soccer. (N) Same-day Tape) Who the Who the Who the Who the Who the Who the Sister Sister Sister Wives “Growing up Return to Amish (N) TLC Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Wives ’ Wives ’ Polygamist” ’ ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Harm” Victims Unit “Lead” Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ I Didn’t Do MONDAY EVENING XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Dog With a Dog With a Good Luck Charlie “Good Dog With a Jessie ’ Blog ’ Bye Charlie” Blog ’ (CC) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN (Live) (Live) (CC) World Cup ESPN FC Highlights, news, reactions and opinions from the day ESPN2 in soccer. (N) Toddlers & Tiaras “Glitzy My Big Fat American To Be Announced TLC Divas” (CC) Gypsy Wedding ’ NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles “Lone NCIS: Los Angeles USA “Sacrifice” ’ Wolf” ’ “Honor” ’ DISN Blog ’ m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 Antiques Roadshow “Vintage Columbus” Last Comic Standing ’ (CC) Austin & Dog With a Ally (CC) Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) (CC) Big Medicine ’ (CC) m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman Let It Shine (2012, Comedy-Drama) Tyler James Williams, Coco Jones. ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Big Medicine ’ (CC) Big Medicine ’ (CC) A.N.T. Austin & Farm ’ Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR 30 for 30 Now (N) Shorts (N) Big Medicine ’ (CC) 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel POV Activist Grace Lee Boggs. (N) (CC) NBC 7 Tonight News Show Graceland “Tinker Bell” (CC) (DVS) m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Person of Interest “Provenance” (CC) Celebrity Wife Swap (N) ’ (CC) Frontline Investigation into insider trading. The Night Shift “Coming Home” (N) Radio Rebel (2012, Drama) Debby Jessie ’ Ryan, Sarena Parmar. ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (N) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Next Great Baker “Sugar Buddy’s Bakery Rescue High” (N) ’ “Bing’s Bakery” Royal Pains “Steaks on a Covert Affairs “False Plane” (N) Skorpion” (N) pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel To Be Announced NBC 7 News Tonight Show Jessie ’ Dog With a (CC) Blog ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR FIFA World Now (N) C. Next Great Baker “Sugar High” (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ JULY 2, 2014 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at Inside Edi7pm (N) tion (N) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Radio Rebel (2012) GoodGoodAustin & Dog With a Charlie Charlie Ally (CC) Blog ’ MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Boston Red Sox. Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN From Fenway Park in Boston. (CC) (Live) (CC) ESPN FC (N) Boxing Friday Night Fights. Mark Davis vs. Michael ESPN2 Farenas. From Ledyard, Conn. (N) Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat American To Be Announced TLC Gypsy Wedding ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit “Snitch” Victims Unit “Torch” Victims Unit ’ DISN Debby Ryan. ’ pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News Famous in 12 (N) ’ (CC) Supernatural Castiel asks Dean for help. NCIS DiNozzo’s father NCIS: Los Angeles has a secret. ’ “Ascension” ’ Extreme Weight Loss “Melissa” A widow who turned to food. (N) ’ (CC) Time Scanners How History Detectives pyramids evolved. ’ Special Investigations America’s Got Talent “Audition” Hopefuls audition for the judges. ’ (CC) GoodCharlie WEDNESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 Sister Wives “Growing up Polygamist” ’ Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) Under the Dome “Heads Will Roll” ’ Mistresses “Playing With Fire” (N) (CC) Antiques Roadshow Billy Connolly’s Route 66 “Vintage Pittsburgh” ’ (CC) American Ninja Warrior ’ (CC) (DVS) WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) GoodGoodDog With a Jessie ’ Girl Meets Liv & Charlie Charlie Blog ’ (CC) World ’ Maddie 30 for 30 (N) ESPN FC Highlights, news, reactions and opinions SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN from the day in soccer. (N) (CC) WNBA Basketball Indiana Fever at Atlanta Dream. WNBA Basketball Chicago Sky at Los Angeles ESPN2 From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (N) Sparks. (N) (Live) (CC) Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat American Next Great Baker “Empire State of Mind” Creating TLC Gypsy Wedding ’ an iconic Big Apple cake. ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ Good- DISN Charlie 2014 FIFA World Cup JULY 1, 2014 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News GoodLiv & Charlie Maddie SportsCenter (CC) m8 pm m8:30 Arrow Diggle learns that Lyla is missing. Big Brother (N) ’ (CC) m9 pm m9:30 The 100 Finding an antibiotic for Jasper. Criminal Minds “Persuasion” ’ The Middle The Gold- Modern The Gold(CC) bergs ’ Family ’ bergs ’ Nature Pacific salmon NOVA “Ghosts of populations. ’ Murdered Kings” America’s Got Talent “Audition” Hopefuls perform for the judges. ’ (CC) To Be Announced SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) (CC) Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Crush” m10 pm m10:30 m11 San Diego 6 News at 10pm (N) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ’ Motive “Raw Deal” A suspicious suicide. ’ Secrets of the Dead ’ (CC) (DVS) Taxi Brooklyn “Brooklyn Heights” Zapped (2014) Zendaya. A girl uses a smartphone app to magically control boys. ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Quints by Surprise: The 5 Turn 10 (CC) Turn 5 (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Avatar” pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel To Be Announced NBC 7 News Tonight Show Jessie ’ Austin & (CC) Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (N) (CC) Kate Plus 8: Sextuplets Turn 10 (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) 2 X 3” ad THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 23 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m11:30 WealthTrading Criminal Minds ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Inspector Morse’s Oxford ’ (CC) NBC 7 Jerome’s News Furniture m10:30 m11 Whose Line Whose Line Beauty and the Beast (N) Is It? Is It? ’ (CC) 2 Broke Mom ’ Big Bang Big Bang Girls ’ (CC) Theory Theory The Bachelorette (N) ’ (CC) TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 pm Rock TV with Miles News JUNE 30, 2014 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m4:30 JUNE 29, 2014 pm DISN It ’ TVData© m5 pm A.N.T. Farm “trANTsferred” Austin & Ally Austin & Ally ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown 30 for 30 30 for 30 World Cup Tonight (N) (Live) Shorts (N) (CC) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Who the Who the ’ (CC) Bleep Bleep Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) Unit “Raw” ’ SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORD PUZZLE m4 White Collar Neal goes undercover. (CC) Entertainment Tonight ’ (CC) RightThisInside Edition Minute (N) Civil War: The Untold Story ’ (CC) Access Hollywood (N) ’ (CC) CL ASSIFIEDS AUTOS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS WE BUY CARS – MOTORCYCLES – MOTORHOMES – Running or not. Lost title Ok. $Cash paid $ 888-244-9039. To place your ad, please call 10/23 _________________________________________________ AUTO REPAIR Department (619) 280-2985. 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See your ads in print, and on the web, on Thursday! 24 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 HEALTH & BEAUTY For Military Personnel Only Learn to trade E-Mini SP500 futures from a 27 year Wall Street Professional Please call Stephen for further information 619-477-9600 1222 1st St. Unit 6 Coronado, CA 92118 619-424-5106 619-435-4488 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL FOR MILITARY DISCOUNT WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Visit our website: Spring Into Summer Specials!! Salon Services San Diego/El Cajon Parkway Plaza 877-545-7774 ATTENTION Need more money? Want a career? Work from home. We train you. Check out the freedom project at 7/31 _______________________________________________ BIG BUCKS! Be a part of a 60yr old USA Co, rebranding & re-launching worldwide, perfect business, owned by an American multi-billionaire. Call or text 619-887-7726 6/26 _______________________________________________ Advertise in our classifieds. Call today! 619-280-2985. CAREER ALREADY EMPLOYED? 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We are filling up fast, so call now 1-800-205-9897 or 619-232-1336 IMPERIAL HOUSE APTS Move-in Special 6/26 1 MONTH FREE RENT $825-$1125/mo. Onsite laundry Assigned parking REAL ESTATE MEMORIAL SERVICES BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board the last operational World War II Vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102. 11/6/14 MODELING FURNITURE NEW MATTRESSES --------------ALL BRANDS-------------We also buy & sell used Harley Davidson Parts PUDDIN’S WHOLESALE WHEELS 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR WE NEED RENTALS IN CORONADO Long term and seasonal. Premier Properties Management 619-429-4120 RENTALS APARTMENTS 6/26 ___________________________________________________ 1-877-543-6094 ENTERTAINMENT 10% Discount for 2 hour Party for 20 kids or less WE BUY, SELL & CONSIGN MOTORCYCLES WWW ATC H E S . C O M W.. P L A Q U E S A N D PPA 6/26 Frannie the clown 619-224-2300 TFN _____________________________________ SPARKLING CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning & Repair/Grout Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning/Stain & Odor Removal Water Removal/24 Hr Emergency Service Call Andy 619-669-8882 GENERAL FOR SALE PRISTINE! IMMACULATE! GORGEOUS! VA LOANS WELCOME! 7/3 ________________________________________________ IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH & WEALTH!! A leading nutrition company is seeking serious individuals who are interested in improving their health and helping others to do the same. Training is provided! Call 347.435.1141 for more information! Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS REAL ESTATE HOUSES Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: Thomas Jacobucci REALTOR® Your Real Estate Resource Center Specializing in supporting Military Financing • Buying & Selling Your Home • VA Loan Experts • Property Manager Experts • Home Maintenance Specialists BRE #01900160 Call 760-604-3354 CALL ME FOR INFO ON OUR WEEKL O AN SEMIN ARS WEEKLYY VA LLO SEMINARS 1, 2 &3 Bedroom Apartments & Townhomes 619.934.4000 619-423-6070 OR EMAIL: ACTIVE DUTY SPOUSES You are invited to join the Navy League of the United States. Just $30 per year. Call (619) 230-0301 View ads online at • (619) 280-2985 RENTALS CONDOS RENTALS HOUSES CASA DE ORO/SPRING VALLEY – THIS IS A MUST SEE COMPLEX TO APPRECIATE! Upper level Lrg 1BR/1BA, granite counters in kit/ba, fridge w/wtr & ice dispenser, upgraded appls, grounds/assign prkg, tropical pool, luxury lndry room.**$200 OFF 1st Month’s Rent** $945/mo + $800 dep. 9860 Dale Ave D-10. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 6/26 ___________________________________________________ CITY HEIGHTS – Remodeled 1BR/1BA loft condo w/newer carpet, granite counters, fplc, W/D, walk-in closets, balcony, gated building w/covered prkg, $1150/mo. Craigslist search for Jerry 619-977-1930 6/26 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO – Unique 3BR/2.5BA, stand alone in the heart of the Village, walking distance to all, furnished/unfurnished, includes W/D & garage, avail Mid-June. 912 E Ave. Call Steve 619-302-0974 6/26 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO SHORES – Beautiful, unfurnished, remodeled 1BR/1BA, La Princessa Tower w/bridge & bay views. At beach & shops/restaurants. Amenities include pools/ gym. Long term only. Avail now. Owner 619805-6149 6/26 ____________________________________ EL CAJON – TRULY A MUST SEE! Custom 1BR/1BA in gated complex, ss appls, fridge, stove, DW, built-in micro, double ss sink, stacked W/D, laminate floors, cer tile in kit/BA, upgraded light fixtures & ceiling fans, crown molding, two tone custom paint, 1 assigned prkg, comm pool & work out room, $975/mo + $700 dep. **$200 OFF 1st Month’s Rent** 800 N. Mollison Ave #28 & #44. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 6/26 ____________________________________ FASHION VALLEY BLUFFS – 1BR/1BA, 3rd floor unit, great location, nw crpt, 1 assigned prkg, pool/jac, comm amenities, $1210/mo, free wtr, cbl/HBO, no pets/smkg, move in ready by July 1st. Agt Pam 619-296-9378 7/17 ____________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 2 blocks to beach, 2BR/ 2BA, 1200sf, 1 car gar, W/D, avail June 22, 238 Daisy Ave, $1900/mo. Call 619-341-2404 or 619-301-7200 6/26 ___________________________________________________ LA JOLLA OCEANFRONT – Luxury, pano view, valet optional, gym, pool, spa, security, steps to village & shopping, 2BR/2BA, $3950/ mo. 714-335-0138 no agts 7/3 ___________________________________________________ SAN MARCOS - **MOVE IN SPECIAL** $100 OFF 1ST Month’s Rent. Upstairs, end unit, 2BR/1BA, lam floors, cer tile, carpet in BR’s, linen cabinets, all white appls, deck, hallway mirror, ceiling fans, off-st prkg, carport, great location, cls to all, $1295/mo + $900 dep. **ONE OF A KIND UNIT! A MUST SEE! **3435 Capalina Rd. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 6/26 RENTALS COTTAGES IMPERIAL BEACH – 4BR/2BA house for rent! 50% SPECIAL DISCOUNT! 3202 Veralee St. Call 619-423-6070 8/14 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 3BR/2BA house for rent! SPECIAL DISCOUNT!!!! 584 13th St. Call 619423-6070 8/14 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! 50% DISCOUNT! 3BR/1BA house. 514 Delaware St. Call 619-423-6070 8/14 ____________________________________________________ JAMUL – Country home w/wrap around porch, 5BR/2.5BA, granite tops, SS appls, park like setting. $2350/mo. 619-468-3514 7/10 __________________________________________________ LA MESA – 3BR/2BA, 2000sf, million $$ view to ocean! Fplc, office, fam/living rms, patio, lrg rear yrd, recently remodeled $2695/mo w/lse. Bill 619-823-1674 7/10 __________________________________________________ NATIONAL CITY – 4BR/2BA, great location, clean, on corner lot w/large yard, storage shed included. $2050/mo. 619-750-1110 7/3 __________________________________________________ PARADISE HILLS – Newly remodeled 4BR/ 2BA, lrg fam room, 1715sf, 2 car gar, fplc, well kept in a quiet neighborhood, close to all, $2000/mo. Call Rose 619-863-3122 or Beth 619-292-2170 WE NEED RENTALS IN CORNADO Long term and seasonal. Premier Properties Management 619-429-4120 7/3 ____________________________________ HORTON PARK/SAN DIEGO 92102 – Furnished 2BR, $1200/mo, utils + cbl included, $1000 dep, **MILITARY DISCOUNT**, carpet, near bus stop, off Federal & Euclid. 619264-6437 6/26 __________________________________________________ anxiety, panic, mood disorders, fatigue, sleeplessness, worry, anger, fears, helplessness, hopelessness? Let Recovery International help you. We do not take the place of the professional, we work in conjunction with. Low cost self help group ($1-$5 free will donation) with daily meetings through out San Diego County. (619) 275-0364. Phone meetings also available. T/F SERVICES OFFERED SANTEE - Newly Remod 2&3 BR Mobile hms for rent in all age park. $1000- $1350 Move in Special!!! Mission Del Magnolia 619-449-1500 GRAPE STREET SPA & MASSAGE 919 W. Grape St., SD 619-255-8885 6/26 ____________________________________________________ La Pacific RV Park offers long term stays! Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 9/11 STABLES HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD $350/month Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. 760.840.0187 619.428.4411 25/mo Discount $ VACATION RENTALS for active military! CORONADO – Seasonal Rentals, call for pricing and availability. Premier Property Mgmt 619-429-4120 RENTALS STUDIOS ESCONDIDO – Remodeled, AC/heat, W/D, oven, fridge, micro, full bath, own entry, $800/ mo, includes all utilities. 858-842-2492 7/10 _________________________________________________ POWAY - Remodeled, AC/heat, cbl, net, oven, fridge, micro, full bath, own entry, $800/ mo, includes all utilities. 858-842-2492 7/10 6/26 6/26 7/3 Do you suffer from: stress, tension, SPA 7/10 __________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – Beautifully upgraded 2BR/1.5BA, 1 block to Strand, 2 blks to Bay/ Bike Path, 7 blks to beach; granite, travertine, stainless; new lighting, paint, lrg balcony, lrg 2 car gar, $1650/mo, yr lease, pets nego. 619423-1290 ____________________________________ COLLEGE AREA – 2BR/2BA, detached 2 car gar, near SDSU, refinished hardwood flrs, fenced yrd, off st prkg. $1800/mo. 619-5340915 SELF HELP 6/26 __________________________________________________ RENTALS TOWNHOUSES ____________________________________ CLAIREMONT – 4BR/2BA, 2 car gar, new flooring, fplc, view, grdnr, quiet, no pets/smkg, $2250/mo. 858-271-0038 6/26 SAN DIEGO/SPRING VALLEY – WOW! ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED! PRIVATE YARD FOR THOSE WEEKEND BBQ’S! Clean 1BR/1BA, $935/mo, tile throughout, new storage shed, blinds & gas range, prvt yrd, off-st prkg, cls to 125 & 54 frwy, nice, quiet, family neighborhood, sml pets considered, please do not text. Photos avail on Craigslist. Call Cathy 619307-1758 6/26 RENTALS HOUSES WWII VETERAN looking to rent a room. Private entrance preferred. Quiet, tidy & very honest person. Can only afford $400/ mo. Please call Harold 424-212-9670 ROOMS for RENT 6/26 WANTED TO BUY WANTED! CASH PAID! CLOTHING • CDS • DVDS LPS • BOOKS • COOL STUFF 2947 El Cajon Blvd 619-261-1744 3939 Iowa • North Park 619-444-CASH 1416 Garnet • Pacific Beach 858-272-7283 4879 Newport Ave. • Ocean Beach 619-222-5011 2$ Thrill • 447 Broadway • El Cajon 619-701-2274 For Large Quanities Call Jeff 858-382-7396 Thrift Trader CHULA VISTA - $575 furn master BR, prvt BA, nr Southwestern College, no drugs/alcohol, M pref. 619-507-9761 6/26 _________________________________________________ EL CAJON – Large master BR in house, private bath, no smkg/drugs, F pref. $750/mo. 619-504-2140 6/26 _________________________________________________ EL CAJON – New 3BR/2BA, furn home, granite, pool, prkg. No smkg/drugs/pets. $600/mo. 619-258-4277 Must see! 6/26 ATTENTION READER Investigate before you invest! Make an informed decision before you invest money in any business. Call the California Attorney General (800) 952-5225 or the Federal Trade Commission (877) FTCHELP or visit THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 25 NORMAL HEIGHTS – THIS IS A “MUST SEE” ADORABLE 1BR/1BA COTTAGE, side yard, new stove & new fridge in remodeled kitchen, new ceramic tile throughout, 1 assigned prkg, cat ok, $1150/mo + $850 dep, month to month. **MOVE IN SPECIAL** $200 OFF the 1st full Month’s Rent. Near Adams Ave nightlife, Mission Valley & Downtown. 4581 Hawley Blvd. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 ROOMS for RENT WANTED Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. June Jo Koy, Fri., June 27, 7:30 p.m. World. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Larry Hernandez, Fri., June 27, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. 10th Annual Gospel Fest: Fred Hammond, Sat., June 28, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Johnny Mathis, Sat., June 28, 7:30 p.m. Pala Events Center, 11154 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 9467252. July Steve Martin & Steep Canyon Rangers, Tues., July 1, 7:30 p.m. Bluegrass. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Huey Lewis & the News, Tues., July 1, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 7551161. REO Speedwagon, Wed., July 2, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, Thurs., July 3, 3 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Matisyahu, Thurs, July 3, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. America, Fri., July 4, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Grand Funk Railroad, Sat., July 5, 6:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Ezequiel Pena, Sun., July 6, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Kiss and Def Leppard, Sun., July 6, 7:30 p.m. Rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Bob Weir & Ratdog, Sun., July 6, 7 p.m. Blues/rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Cher with guest Cyndi Lauper, July 7, 7:30 p.m. STAPLES Center, 1111 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015. www. Cher with guest Cyndi Lauper, Wed., July 9, 8 p.m. Honda Center, 2695 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. www. Cher, Fri., July 11, 7:30 p.m. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Leah Turner Concerts Brad Paisley, Randy Houser, Leah Turner, Thur., July 10, 7 p.m. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Ringo Starr & his All Starr Band, Fri., July 11, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Wynonna, Sat., July 12, 8 p.m. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951) 693-1819. Air Supply, Sat., June 7, 8 p.m. Country. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951) 693-1819. Little River Band, Sun., July 13, 7 p.m. Pop. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Steely Dan, Sun., July 13, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Ted Nugent with Pistol Day Parade, Sun.-Mon., July 13-14, 8 p.m. The Grove of Anaheim, 2200 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim, Orange County. (714) 712-2750. Chris Isaak, Wed., July 16, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Happy Together 30th Anniversary Tour (the Turtles, CHuck Negron, Mark Farner, Nitch Ryder & the Detroit wheels and Gary Lewis & the Playboys, Thur., July 17, 6:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Jesse Cook, Fri., July 18, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Dru Hill with Silk and Shair, Sat., July 19, 7:30 p.m. Pop/ world. Johnny Mathis, Sat., June 28, 7:30 p.m. Pala Events Center, 11154 Hwy 76, Pala. (877) 946-7252. Reventon Super Estrella 2014, Sat., July 19, 5 p.m. STAPLES Center, 1111 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Jewel (solo acoustic), Sun., July 20, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. MISSION CONNECTIONS THAT SUCCEED. SAIC’s services and solutions, powered by our expertise as a technology integrator, make us ready to help you tackle your most complex challenges and whatever comes next. We’re the next generation SAIC. 15-0164 26 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 + TECHNOLOGY © SAIC. All rights reserved. Trippin’ The Sixties, Sun., July 20, 7:30 p.m. $20. Rock. AMSDconcerts, 1370 Euclid Ave., San Diego. (619) 303-8176. Lady Gaga, Mon.-Tues., July 21-22, 8 p.m. STAPLES Center, 1111 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Doobie Brothers, Tues., July 22, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Neighbourhood, Danny Brown, White Arrows, Tues., July 22, 7:30 p.m. $25-$39.50. Rock. Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Lyle Lovett and His Large Band, Wed., July 23, 8 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box of- fice 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Tori Amos, Thurs., July 24, 7:30 p.m. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Jesus Christ Superstar, Thurs., July 24, 8 p.m. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Slightly Stoopid, NOFX, Stephen Marley, Sat., July 26, 7:30 p.m. Reggae/ska, rock. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Boston, Sun., July 27, 8 p.m. Rock. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951) 693-1819. Summer Fun on the 101: Music Festival at Leucadia’s Roadside Park June 27-28 Summer Fun on the 101 celebrates the unique collaboration of surf and music. This free concert series is set for Leucadia’s Roadside Park on June 27-28. This is the fourth year of the festival and it has grown in size, community participation, as well as musical range. The event kicks off at 3 p.m. on Friday with an art show at Ducky Waddle’s. Bands will play at 454 Tattoo, Lou’s Records and Ducky Waddle’s on Friday night. At noon on Saturday bands will play at Leucadia Roadside Park. There are activities for kids and adults including a beach clean up from Moonlight to Beacon’s Beach. After dark watch surf movies by local filmmakers Hayley Gordon and Korduroy. tv. The Saturday event also includes a beer garden featuring Firestone Brewery. For more information call (760) 436-2320 or visit UPDATE YOUR RIDE Serving San Diego’s Military for 10+ years #1 in Satisfaction, Guaranteed The job is done right the first time Security You Can Rely On Free Tint for Military Alarms, Rims & Stereos Payment Options 10% OFF WITH THIS AD CERTIFIED CAR AUDIO 6670 Miramar Road #A, San Diego, CA 92121 • 858-453-7787 Family owned & operated since 1991 TRANSMISSION 3DOP$YH6DQ'LHJR&D 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGLIIHUHQWLDOUHSDLUV 0DQXDODQG$XWRPDWLF7UDQVPLVVLRQV 6DPH'D\6HUYLFH$YDLODEOH )5((7RZLQJZLWKLQDUHDIRUPDMRUMREV TRANSMISSION REBUILD % OFF /DERU&RVWV 2IIHUH[SLUHV Massage Oils Pleasure Products 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV $ /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD 2IIHUH[SLUHV Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 E-mail: Publisher.............................Sarah Hagerty and much more! 4th Avenue with $25 purchase /DERU $ TRANSMISSION 781(83 Armed Forces Dispatch (619) 280-2985 Romantic Gift Sets Validated parking of Arrivederci lot on CLUTCH REPLACEMENT ([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG )5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ )5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV )5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLFZLWKRXUUHSDLU 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO Sexy Lingerie 415 University Ave. Hillcrest 619.291.6969 DIFFERENTIAL REPAIR SPECIALISTS Your number one source for Military news. Call 619-280-2985 to place an advertisement The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is in no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM MAZDA FIAT Bob Baker Quality PreOwned Vehicles ‘03 Jeep Wrangler ‘14 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Moab #3P335833 stk#T20602 $14988 #EL246305 stk#P20500 $CALL ‘13 Mazda3 i SV ‘09 Hyundai Santa Fe #9H251159 stk#FT4309 $12995 #D1702935 stk#MT22925 $15444 5500 $ Below New Vehicle Price! ‘07 Volvo V70 2.5T Wagon ‘12 Fiat 500 Sport #72629412 stk# T20609 $14990 #CT212249 stk# FT4284 $10941 ‘14 Mazda6 i Grand Touring ‘13 Dodge Challenger #DH646171 stk#R20501 $23986 #E1106868 stk#MP22947 $26996 ‘02 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner ‘11 Mazda3 s Grand Touring ‘10 Toyota Corolla ‘12 Mitsubishi Lancer #2Z890874 stk#FT4320 $13995 #B1445722 stk#MT22916 $17444 #CU027703 stk#T20387 $14990 #AZ379883 stk#MT22981 $13491 ‘12 Ford Focus ‘13 Mazda5 ‘07 Toyota Camry ‘11 Jeep Wrangler #CL279335 stk#MT22910 $12992 #D0154884 stk#MR22940 $17441 #73102566 stk#T20601$11990 #BL522686 stk#P20456 $24488 *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 6-29-2014. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 • • 27 ‘14 Dodge Charger ‘12 Toyota Tundra ‘12 Scion xD ‘11 Mazda CX-9 GT #CX045432 stk#T20587 $25357 #B0317119 stk# MT22908 $25995 #EH131249 stk# R20538 $25990 #C1026888 stk#T20547 $14988 Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda Fuller Summer Days RED TAG ! T N E V E E L A S Sales Going on Now at Fuller Kia Going on Now! 2014 Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Escape & F-150 0% APR FOR 60 MONTHS! The Fastest Growing Kia Dealer in the South Bay 3p*p2,*+ New Cadenza Impossible to Ignore in Stock Now! 2014 Ford Fiesta 4 Dr. Sedan SE MSRP....................$17,935 Fuller Discount.......-$3,455 Sale Price..............$14,480 Retail Customer Cash..-$1,000 Retail Bonus Customer Cash.. ....................................-$500 Competitive Lease Conquest... ....................................-$500 2014 Ford Military Appreciation...............-$500 AG RED T ENT! V E E L SA 1.9 % 2014 KIA SORENTO SX AWD For 60 Months* On all 2014 Accord, Civics, Pilots & Odysseys NET SALES COST 2014 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX AUTOMATIC $ *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/30/14. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #EM110936. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. MSRP....................$23,505 Fuller Discount.......-$3,025 Sale Price..............$20,480 Retail Customer Cash..-$1,000 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash.........-$1,000 Competitive Lease Conquest.. ................................-$1,000 2014 Ford Military Appreciation...............-$500 NET SALES COST $16,980 OVER 50 IN STOCK $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $139. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $11,988. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. MSRP..................$62,805 Fuller Discount.....-$7,825 Sale Price............$54,980 Retail Customer Cash... ..........................-$3,500 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash.....-$1,000 ................................-$1,000 2014 Ford Military Appreciation...............-$500 NET SALES COST $48,980 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/30/14. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #EEA18358. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/30/14 800-507-1644 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #EG550244 2014 KIA RIO SX MSRP.........................$14,815 Fuller Discount............-$1,816 Sale Price..................$12,999 NET SALES COST $ NEW 2014 Honda Accord LX 4 Dr. Sedan 189 $ *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/30/14. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #EUD66038. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 2014 Ford F-250 SRW 4X4 Crew Cab Super Duty FX4 Off Road 139 32,999 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH 2014 Ford Escape S FWD 28 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 MSRP.........................$39,385 Fuller Discount............-$6,386 $ $11,980 AG RED T ENT! V E E SAL LOADED, CARGO NET, CARGO COVER, CARGO TRAY, 7 PASSENGER, MUD GUARDS, 3RD ROW SEAT & REAR WHEEL LOCKS, PANORAMIC ROOF *Must have Tier One or Two credit. See dealer for details. NET SALES COST AG RED T ENT! EV E L A S Fuller Kia LEASE FOR AUTOMATIC PLUS TAX PER MONTH On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #E6356414. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. OVER 30 IN STOCK 2014 KIA OPTIMA SX $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $189. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $13,656.10. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. MSRP.........................$31,430 Fuller Discount............-$5,500 NET SALES COST $ NEW 2014 CR-V 2WD 4 Dr. Wagon LX 189 $ 12,999 25,930 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH LOADED, SX PREMIUM TOURING PACKAGE, LIMITED PACKAGE, CARGO MAT, CARGO NET, CARGO TRAY, IPOD CABLE, TEMPORARY SPARE TIRE SX. 1 at this price #EG300813 OVER 20 IN STOCK $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $189. $0 security deposit. Residual $14,502.75. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. 619-656-2600 SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE 580 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA BUYING SERVICE *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 6/30/14 *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to 800-507-1644 540 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/30/14