Exhibitor`s Guide - Salon Québec Floride
SEPTEMBER 16, 17 & 18, 2016 Exhibitor’s Guide PLACE BONAVENTURE, MONTREAL Partnership SOMMARY LIVE YOUR DREAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. IN FLORIDA ! TRADESHOW ORGANIZERS LOCATION OF EVENT DELIVERY ADDRESS ................................................................................. TRADESHOW HOURS TECHNICAL AND LOGISTIC COORDINATOR ADMISSION AND SETUP SCHEDULE ....................................................... DISMANTLING SCHEDULE DIMENSION DES KIOSQUES TURN-KEY STAND...................................................................................... PERSONALIZED STAND CUSTOM STAND STORAGE OF EMPTY BOXES AND OTHER CONTAINERS BOOTH ATTENDANCE ............................................................................... EXHIBITORS INSCRIPTION SUPPORT SERVICES FOR EXHIBITORS INSURANCE .............................................................................................. SECURITY TELEPHONE & INTERNET COMPUTERS / VIDEO ............................................................................... ELECTRICITY DISPLAY MATERIAL CLEANNING HOSTESS AND LABOR .............................................................................. GENERAL AND FIRE REGULATIONS CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AGENTS OFFICIAL EXHIBITORS GUIDE PROMOTOR’S OFFICE ............................................................................... LODGING SOLICITING ANS DISTRIBUTION DRAWING AND CONTESTS ....................................................................... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 EXHIBITORS BADGES FORM ............................................................................ 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS .............................................................................. 13 FIRE REGULATIONS .......................................................................................... 14 LOADING DOCK ACCESS MAP ........................................................................ 15 DECOR EXPERTS EXPO FORMS (both rental, design, carpet, signs, cleaning...) ............................................... 16 to 18 ELECTRICITY FORM .......................................................................................... 19 to 23 WATER & DRAIN SERVICES FORM .................................................................... 24 SIGN HANGING SERVICES FORM ..................................................................... 25 MATERIAL HANDLING AND RIGGING FORM .................................................... 26 to 29 ADDITIONNAL SECURITY FORM ...................................................................... 30 BOOTH CLEANING FORM ................................................................................ 31 HOSTESS FORM ............................................................................................... 32 CUSTOMS BROKER AND TRANSPORTATION FORM ......................................... 33 to 35 INTERNET/TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORM ...................................................... 36 COMPUTER AND MONITOR RENTAL FORM ..................................................... 37 INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 1. SHOW ORGANIZER SALON QUÉBEC FLORIDE is a realization of: 7591004 Canada Inc. 636 des Vignobles Street Rosemere (Quebec) J7A 4P9 Tel. : 450 818-5373 or 954 674-7163 Fax : 450 818-5372 PROMOTER : Luc Saumure lsaumure@salonquebecfloride.com TECHNICAL AND LOGISTIC : Louis Bernard lbernard@salonquebecfloride.com 2. EVENT LOCATION Place Bonaventure 800 de la Gauchetiere Street W. Montreal (Quebec) H5A 1K6 Tel. : 514 397-2222 / Fax: 514 397-2384 www.placebonaventure .com (Metro Bonaventure and Square Victoria) 3. DELIVERY ADDRESS Place Bonaventure Unloading dock: angle of St-Jacques and Monfort Streets (See attached form: Loading dock access map) Stand number, exhibitor name and Salon Québec/Floride mention must be appear on all parcels. No delivery will be accepted before Thursday September 15, 2016 INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 4. SHOW HOURS Friday September 16, 2016: Saturday September 17, 2016: Sunday September 18, 2016: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. – 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (trade) 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exhibitors will be able to access to the exhibit hall one hour before the opening. If you need earlier access, please contact the Louis Bernard. 5. TECHNICAL AND LOGISTIC COORDINATOR Louis Bernard deals with technical and logistic coordination. He will communicate to you the procedures of installations and the hours of delivery for move-in and move-out of your stand. LOUIS BERNARD lbernard@salonquebecfloride.com 514 916-8102 Important notice: No delivery will be accepted apart from scheduled hours. In the event of any problems or special cases, please call the technical and logistic coordinator. 6. MOVE-IN DAYS AND HOURS: Thursday, September 15, 2016: Friday, September 16, 2016: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. ONLY carries light parcels Note: All heavy material must be in before 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. The assembly must be finished on Thursday, September 15 for 9 p.m. in order to allow the storage of the boxes and the cleaning of the alleys as well as the installation of the alleys carpets. ONLY LIGHT MATERIAL WILL BE ALLOWED FRIDAY BEFORE 9 a.m. INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 7. MOVE-OUT DAY AND HOURS: Sunday, September 18, 2013 from 5 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. All stands must remain gone up until the official closing of the show. Please make sure that your traveling schedule will consequently do. The alleys will have to be free of any object and this, until the removal of the carpets from alleys (With 5 p.m.). The return of the boxes will begin immediately after the removal of the carpets. The exhibitors are requested to keep their equipment inside the limits of the space. The regulations on move-out will be given on Sunday September 18 by the technical team. WARNING: Everything must be leave before Sunday, September 18 on 11:59 p.m. After that, all packages or merchandises will be picking-up; handling and storage fees will be billed to you. 8. BOOTH DIMENSION: A booth dimension has an area of 100 square feet (9 square metres): 10 feet x 10 feet (3 m x 3 m) or a multiple of the dimension. 9. TURN-KEY STAND (UNCLUDE IN YOUR PACKAGE). A stand of 10' X 10' or 10’ x 20’ is included in your price of hiring. Sides of stand have 40'' height and all surfaces are of 10' X 10' or 10’ x 20 ‘. The fixed price stand includes: carpet, 1 clothed table of 2' X 6' of 40'' height, a second clothed table of 2' X 6' of 30'' height, 2 stools , 1 dustbin and a banner of 8' of height and 48 ‘' of width with your company logo on and other specifications of your company. No modification in some manner that is can be affected without the explicit authorization of the Management of the show. For any request concerning your stand please communicate with the direction of the operations - Louis Bernard: lbernard@salonquebecfloride.com or 514 916-8102 or without expenses: 1 877 371-8102 10. PERSONALIZED STAND: Exhibitors provided with a stand personalized (POP-UP) style: will be laid out in circumference of the show floor. These sites will be equipped with curtain and carpet only. 11. CUSTOM STAND: The exhibitors who use spaces of more than 10 X 10 and form peninsula or Island will have to fix their stands while respecting the visual directives of the show. A plan or outlines stand will have to be provided and authorized by the show organiser. 12. STORAGE OF EMPTY BOXES AND OTHER CONTAINERS TO BE KEEP To this end, boxes and cases must be identified and left in the aisles where they will be collected. Non-identified boxes will be considered as trash. 13. BOOTH ATTENDANCE It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure that at least one of his or her Representatives is present at all times at his or her booth during tradeshow hours. It is forbidden to installing or dismantled during the show, September 27 to 29, 2013. Any modification of the booth must be authorized by the show organiser. No material will be able to leave the show floor by the exhibitor without to have beforehand gotten a RIGHT OF EXIT near the technical coordinator. INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 14. EXHIBITORS INSCRIPTION You have to complete the form – Exhibitors badges (see enclosed) and send it back to us before September 2, 2016. Show organiser his reserving the right to limited exhibitor’s badges in one stand. The exhibitor’s badges will be distributed from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Thursday, September 15 and Friday, September 16, starting at 7 a.m., on site at the show office. 15. SUPPORT SERVICES FOR EXHIBITORS : The official show decorator SALON QUÉBEC FLORIDE is: DECOR EXPERT EXPO a/s Dianne Lachance 778, Place Trans-Canada Longueuil (Quebec) J4G 1P1 Tel.: 450 646-2251 Fax: 450 646-6342 The company provided the following services: rental of lighting equipment, rental of furniture, arrangement of plants, printing posters. Decor Experts Expo will have an office at the Show for the duration of the installation of the event. The forms must be completed by August 26, 2016. 16. INSURANCE: The exhibitor must provide the promoter with one proof of responsibility insurance during his or her stay on the site, as stipulated in the participation contract. SALON QUÉBEC FLORIDE and the building owner decline all responsibility for accidents. INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 17. SECURITY: The Exhibition Manager will have the qualify personal for the set up, the dismantling and between the duration of the tradeshow. By night, a security guard will be on place to check booths. The Exhibition Manager will not be responsible for any accident, break or theft during the tradeshow. If you have some security need, please use the attached form. 18. TELEPHONE & INTERNET If you require a internet line for your computer or the installation of a telephone in your booth for the duration of the show, please use the attached form. RESEAUX CYR Telephone : (450) 471-5792 Email : info-pb@reseauxcyr.com Contacts: Joël Cyr or Charles Beauregard 19. COMPUTERS / VIDEO If you require computer equipment or video for the duration of the show, contact our official supplier, SL Informatique. Please use the attached form. SL INFORMATIQUE Tel.: 514 368-9555 Fax: 514 368-9666 Stéphane Lagacé stephanel@slinformatique.com INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 20. ELECTRICITY: If you require electricity for the duration of the tradeshow, contact GES Inc.. Please use the attached form. GES INC. Tel.: 514 367-4848 / fax: 514 367-5115 www.ges.com / montreal@ges.com 21. HANGING You can’t hang anything without the authorisation of the show manager If you require hanging from selling for the duration of the show, contact GES Inc.. Please use the attached form. GES INC. Tel.: 514 367-4848 / fax: 514 367-5115 www.ges.com / montreal@ges.com 22. CLEANING: Place Bonaventure is responsible for cleaning the show’s public areas. If you wish to have your location cleaned, please use the attached form. PLACE BONAVENTURE Tel.: 514 397-2222 / fax: 514 397-2384 www.placebonaventure.com / info@placebonaventure.com 23. HOSTESS AND LABOUR: If you need to have hostess and labour to your disposition please use the attached form. INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 24. GENERAL AND FIRE REGULATIONS It is every exhibitor’s responsibility to respect the rules and regulations, Place Bonaventure and to ensure that the layout of his or her exhibition booth, as well as its contents, SATISFIES the rules set forth by the City of Montreal Fire Department. See rules attached form. 25. CUSTOMS CLEARANCE AGENTS: The official customs clearance agents and carrier is: NORTH AMERICAN LOGISTICS SERVICES INC. Tél. : 514 868 6850 ou 1 877 332-8987 Téléc. : 514 868-6651 www.nalsi.com / fvera@nalsi.com 26. EXHIBITOR’S GUIDE Official program of the Exhibition SOCIETE DE GESTION MJS 636 des Vignobles Street Rosemere (Quebec) J7A 4P9 Tel.: 450 818-5373 Fax: 450 818-5372 Contact: Luc Saumure 27. PROMOTOR’S OFFICE The promoter’s office will be in Place Bonaventure of Montreal starting on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7 a.m. INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS 28. LODGING: A bunch of rooms as is reserved for exhibitors of SALON QUÉBEC FLORIDE, please contact hotel. Montreal Bonaventure Hotel 900, de La Gauchetiere West I Montreal, Quebec H5A 1E4 I Canada Telephone: 514 878-2332 or 1 800 267-2575 http://hotelbonaventure.com/en/ 29. SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION: The advertising distribution of material as any request will have to be only made inside your site. 30. DRAWINGS AND CONTESTS : All drawings and contests organized by an exhibitor must under no circumstances involve the tradeshow’s promoter. All monies due the Régie des lotteries et courses du Québec must be paid by the person responsible for the drawing or contest and this person must provide proof that the drawing or contest complies with the regulations of the Régie des lotteries et courses du Québec. Régie des loteries et courses du Québec 1 Notre-Dame St. Suite 901 Montreal (Quebec) H2Y 1B6 Tel.: 514 873-3577 1 800 363-0320 INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS (EXHIBITORS BADGES) Please fill the form and send it back to us by fax or by E-mail SALON QUÉBEC FLORIDE 636 des Vignobles Street Rosemere (Quebec) J7A 4P9 Tel.: 450 818-5373 • Fax: 450 818-5372 Email : info@salonquebecfloride.com The number of badges is limited to a maximum of 5 persors for a 10 x 10 booth Please use capital letters Company: _________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Town, province: _____________________________________________________ Postal Code: _______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ Name:________________________________ Fonction: ____________________ STATUT ET RÈGLEMENTS RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Il est défendu d’appliquer de la peinture, de la laque ou toute autre substance collante de revêtement sur le plancher ou de clouer, de perforer ou de visser quoi que ce soit aux planchers et aux murs de l’édifice. Seuls les rubans adhésifs en tissus (simples ou à deux faces) peuvent être employés sur les planchers des Halls d’exposition. Aucun autre ruban adhésif ne doit être utilisé. 1. No paint, lacquer, or other sticky substance may be applied to the floor under any circumstances, and no item may be nailed, glued, stapled, taped, or otherwise affixed to the walls or floors anywhere in the building. Only single-sided or double-sided cloth-backed tape may be used on the floors in any of the Exhibition Halls. No other type of tape may be used. 2. Il est défendu de jeter tout déchet solide ou toute substance autre que de l’eau dans les drains de plancher. 2. It is forbidden to throw any solid waste or any substance other than water in the floor drains. 3. Hard tiles must not be glued or taped directly to the floors. 3. Les carreaux de substances dures ne doivent pas être collés directement sur le plancher. 4. Tout projecteur de 400 watts et plus devra être muni d’une lentille de verre solide ou d’un grillage dont les trous ne doivent pas être plus espacés que 6 mm sur 6 mm (1/4 po sur 1/4 po). 5. Les convertisseurs et ballasts électriques doivent être posés sur une plaque isolante pour ne pas endommager les tapis. 4. Any spotlight of 400 watts or more must be equipped with either a solid glass lens or a wire-mesh screen, the holes of which must not exceed 6 mm x 6 mm (1/4 in. x 1/4 in.). 5. Transformers and ballasts must be mounted on an insulating plate in order to avoid damage to carpeting. 6. Helium-filled balloons are not permitted in the Exhibition Halls under any circumstances. Only air-filled balloons with are permitted. 6. Les ballons gonflés à l’hélium sont interdits dans les Halls d’exposition. Seuls les ballons gonflés à l’air comprimé sont autorisés. 7. Floor weight restrictions • Level 100, Level 200, Level 400 East and West = 200 lbs/ft2 7. Restriction relative au poids sur le plancher : • Level 300, Level 500 North and South = 100 lbs/ft2 • niveau 100, niveau 200, niveau 400 est et ouest : 200 lb/pi2 8. Pool, Bath, and Pond installations • niveau 300, niveau 500 nord et sud : 100 lb/pi2 • Pools, baths, and ponds must be equipped with double liners consisting of 2 independent seamless layers. 8. Installation de piscine, bassin, bain : • Deux toiles de piscine plastifiées indépendantes et sans couture doivent être installées pour chaque piscine, bassin ou bain. • Maximum water level : • Hauteur de remplissage maximale : Level 100, Level 200, Level 400 East and West = 91 cm ( 36 in.) niveau 100, niveau 200, niveau 400 est et ouest : 91 cm (36 po) Level 300, Level 500 North and South = 61 cm ( 24 in.) niveau 300, niveau 500 nord et sud : 61 cm (24 po) 9. Bruit : Tout système d’amplification de la voix ou de musique ainsi que tout autre équipement émettant beaucoup de bruit peuvent être utilisés à condition de ne pas déranger ni d’incommoder les autres locataires de l’immeuble. 10. Vibrations : Les équipements provoquant de fortes vibrations doivent être munis de coussins antivibrations et doivent être soumis pour approbation à l’administration des Halls d’exposition. 11. Animaux: À l’exception des chiens-guides pour les personnes non voyantes, aucun animal ne sera admis à l’intérieur des Halls d’exposition à moins d’avoir obtenu une autorisation spécifique de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. 12. Règlement sur la protection des non-fumeurs. Un règlement provincial interdit de fumer dans les Halls d’exposition et dans les kiosques. 9. Noise:The use of noise or music amplifying systems and other equipment that produces loud noise is permitted as long as the noise produced does not disturb or cause inconvenience to other tenants in the building. 10. Vibrations :Any equipment that produces strong vibrations must be equipped with anti-vibration cushions, and must be submitted to the Management of the Exhibition Halls for approval. 11. Animals:Animals are not permitted inside the Exhibition Halls, without specific authorization from the Management of the Exhibition Halls, with the exception of seeing-eye dogs. 12. By-law respecting the protection of non-smokers : A provincial law prohibits smoking in the Exhibition Halls and booths. Any person who contravenes this by-law commits an infraction, and is liable to : • a fine of $50 to $300 for a first offence ; Quiconque contrevient à ce règlement commet une infraction et est passible : • a fine of $100 to $600 for a first repeat offence ; • a fine of $500 to $1000 for any subsequent repeat offence. • pour une première infraction, d’une amende de 50$ à 300$; 13. Changes in laws may be applied without prior notice. • pour une première récidive, d’une amende de 100$ à 600$; If an exhibitor, supplier, etc. causes damage to the building as a result of carelessness or non-observance of these rules, Place Bonaventure will invoice the responsible individual(s) for all repairs and cleaning services that are required to correct the damage. • pour toute récidive additionnelle, d’une amende de 500$ à 1000$. 13. Tout changement à la réglementation peut être appliqué sans préavis. Dans le cas où un exposant, fournisseur, etc., causerait des dommages à l’édifice en raison de la négligence ou du non-respect des règlements, Place Bonaventure facturera aux responsables de ces dommages les frais de réparation ou de nettoyage desdits dommages. Place Bonaventure reserves the right to apply any other building regulation as it sees fit. Place Bonaventure se réserve le droit d’appliquer tout autre règlement. 2013 * * RÈGLEMENTS INCENDIES FIRE REGULATIONS Veuillez prendre note que ce document ne fait état que d’une partie de la réglementation du Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal ( SSIM ). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Les kiosques doivent être construits : • De matériaux incombustibles ou ignifugés ; ou • De bois d’une épaisseur nominale de plus de 0,6 cm (1/4 po). Si le bois n’a pas l’épaisseur requise, il devra être enduit de peinture ignifuge répondant à la norme CAN/ULC-S102-M, avec preuve à l’appui ; ou • De tissus ignifugés pour répondre à la norme CAN/ULC-S109-M, «Essais de comportement au feu des tissus et pellicules ininflammables.» Des certificats à cet effet, délivrés par un organisme reconnu, doivent être présentés sur demande à l’administration des Halls d’exposition. L’exposant est responsable de répéter les traitements d’ignifugation au besoin pour s’assurer que les matériaux répondent à la norme NFPA-701. Le service de sécurité incendie se réserve le droit d’effectuer un test en tout temps afin de s’assurer de l’efficacité de l’ignifugation ( le tissu sera exposé directement à la flamme durant 12 secondes et devra s’éteindre en 2 secondes après le retrait de la flamme ). Remarque: Le papier peint est permis pourvu qu’il adhère solidement aux murs ou aux planches murales. Tout kiosque avec plafond ou tout aménagement recouvert ( tente, auvent, spa, verrière ) devra être soumis à l’administration des Halls d’exposition au moins un mois avant le début de l’exposition pour approbation. Les matériaux suivants doivent être ignifugés si on les destine à la décoration ou à l’étalage : • Fleurs et plantes artificielles. • Les rideaux, tissus, draperies, tapis et autres décorations doivent être incombustibles ou ignifugés à la satisfaction du service de sécurité incendie. Des certificats à cet effet doivent être présentés sur demande. L’usage des matériaux suivants est prohibé: • Coroplast et tout panneau de matière plastique ondulée. • Panneau de mousse plastique (foamcore ou foambord). • Tout papier métallique non solidement collé sur un fond approprié. • Styrène, styromousse, polystyrène. • Planche de papier ou carton ondulé. • Jute, paille, foin, copeaux d’emballage, paillis, copeaux de bois. • Les décorations constituées d’arbres secs ou de végétation séchée sont interdites. Les arbres naturels sont acceptés seulement s’ils ont des racines et doivent être conservés dans des pots de terre et arrosés tous les jours. Panneaux décoratifs: Les panneaux décoratifs constitués de matière plastique ondulée (coroplast) ou de mousse plastique (foamcore) qui sont utilisés à des fins d’affichage sont permis pour un maximum d’au plus 10 % de la surface des murs du kiosque. Ventes de marchandises: Il n’est pas nécessaire d’ignifuger les tissus, le papier et les autres marchandises combustibles destinés à la vente, mais une seule pièce de chacun des produits pourra être exposée. Chaque échantillon doit être de couleur, de dimension, de texture ou de tissage différents. Cependant, dans le cas où le produit de vente est utilisé pour la structure du kiosque, il devra être ignifugé. Aucun entreposage ne sera toléré dans les Halls d’exposition. L’entreposage des boîtes, caisses ( qu’elles soient vides ou pleines ), palettes de bois ainsi que tout équipement servant au transport de marchandises est interdit dans les Halls d’exposition. Les boîtes, caisses en bois et caisses en carton vidées de leurs marchandises doivent être promptement et proprement empilées dans les lieux d’entreposage désignés par le directeur de l’exposition ou par l’administration des Halls d’exposition. Aucun matériel ne doit être entreposé sur les côtés, à l’arrière ou à l’intérieur des kiosques. La marchandise destinée à des fins de distribution est tolérée à l’intérieur des Halls d’exposition seulement en quantité représentant la consommation journalière ( un jour seulement ) prévue pour la distribution. Les stands et les objets exposés ne doivent pas restreindre : • Les accès et la visibilité de toutes les issues. • La largeur de toutes les issues et allées de circulation. • La visibilité de la signalisation des issues et du matériel incendie (à moins d’offrir des mesures compensatoires en ajoutant de la signalisation). • L’accès au matériel pour combattre l’incendie. S’il y a un raccord de tuyau d’incendie dans le kiosque, il appartient à l’exposant d’assurer un accès de un mètre (3 pi ) directement de l’allée à ce raccord. 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) L’usage d’une flamme nue, que ce soit de chandelles, de lampes paraffine ou d’un feu à découvert n’est pas permis sans qu’une approbation écrite ait été obtenue au préalable auprès de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. Cette approbation ne sera accordée qu’exceptionnellement et sous certaines conditions. Appareil de chauffage ou de cuisson: Toute utilisation d’un appareil de chauffage ou de cuisson doit faire l’objet d’une demande d’approbation écrite auprès de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. L'installation d'une hotte pourrait être exigée. Aucun appareil de cuisson portatif alimenté au charbon de bois, au gaz, au propane ou au butane ne peut être utilisé à l’intérieur des Halls d’exposition. Les appareils de cuisson électrique et les réchauds avec Sterno sont acceptés. Les friteuses ouvertes sont interdites. L'utilisation de tout appareil de chauffage ou de cuisson au gaz naturel est acceptée si la demande d'approbation a été émise au moins un mois avant la tenue de l'événementL’utilisation de tout appareil de chauffage à combustion tel que l'hétanol est prohibée. Les liquides ou gaz inflammables ne doivent pas être utilisés dans l’édifice, à moins d’avoir obtenu une autorisation spécifique de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. La soudure et le coupage de métaux doivent faire l’objet d’une demande d’approbation écrite auprès de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. Si l’autorisation est accordée, l’exposant devra se procurer un permis de travail à chaud auprès du Service de sécurité de la Place Bonaventure. Les réservoirs de gaz propane sont prohibés dans les Halls d’exposition. Aérosols: Il est permis d’exposer un seul contenant de tout produit sous pression, du type bombe aérosol, dont la capacité n’excède pas 500 ml. De plus, il est permis d’exposer un contenant du type atomiseur n’excédant pas 500 ml de chacun des produits classés comme liquides inflammables. Véhicules et moteurs à combustion en exposition : • Tous les bouchons de réservoir de carburant des véhicules et moteurs à combustion exposés doivent être barrés ou scellés avec du ruban adhésif, de façon à empêcher les vapeurs de s’échapper (à l’exception des réservoirs n'ayant jamais contenu de carburant ). • Les réservoirs de carburant des véhicules exposés ne doivent pas être remplis plus qu'à moitié et ils doivent contenir au plus 38 litres (10 gallons). • Les accumulateurs ( batteries ) doivent être débranchés. • Aucun véhicule ne peut être déplacé sans l'autorisation écrite de l’administration des Halls d’exposition. • Les réservoirs de gaz propane, utilisés dans les roulottes, les véhicules récréatifs et utilitaires ou autres doivent être retirés avant d’entrer dans la salle d’exposition. Tout endroit fermé pouvant contenir 60 personnes et plus doit comporter 2 sorties d’urgence. Lorsque des rangées de sièges sont prévues pour un aménagement, les sièges doivent être reliés les uns aux autres s’ils sont regroupés par rangée de 5 sièges et plus. Les rangées peuvent comporter un maximum de 16 sièges et être séparées entre elles par des allées d’une largeur de 112 cm (44 pouces). Tout kiosque fermé doit être pourvu d’éclairage de sécurité en cas de panne électrique. Dans les pièces fermées où l’on envisage de faire l’obscurité à certains moments, les sorties doivent être indiquées par des enseignes lumineuses approuvées et branchées sur l’éclairage d’urgence. Extincteurs automatiques à eau ( gicleurs ) : • Tout kiosque de plus de 27,9 m2 (300 pi2) avec plafond doit être protégé par un système de gicleurs et doit être approuvé par l’administration des Halls d’exposition. • Tout kiosque de plus d’un étage doit être protégé par un système de gicleurs, posséder au minimum deux issues par étage et être approuvé par l’administration des Halls d’exposition. • Un dégagement de 45 cm (18 po) minimum est exigé sous les têtes d’extincteurs automatiques et doit être respecté en tout temps. • Il est interdit de suspendre tout matériel, peu importe sa nature, sur les têtes et sur la tuyauterie des extincteurs automatiques à l’eau. Please note that this document reflects only part of Montreal’s Fire Security Service ( Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal - SSIM ). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Exhibit booths must be built using : • non-combustible or flame-retardant materials. • wood with a nominal thickness in excess of 6 mm ( 1/4 in ). If the wood is less than 6 mm ( 1/4 in ) thick, it must be coated with flame-retardant paint that complies with standard CAN/ULC-S102-M, and proof of application must be submitted. • flame-resistant fabric that complies with standard CAN / ULC-S109-M “ Standard for Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films ”. Certificates to this effect issued by a recognized organization must be submitted to the Management of the Exhibition Halls upon request. The exhibitor is responsible for re-applying the flame-resistant treatment as required in order to ensure that the fabric complies with standard NFPA-701. The Fire Security Service reserves the right to conduct a test at any time in order to verify the effectiveness of the flame-resistance ( the fabric will be exposed to a direct flame for 12 seconds, and must extinguish itself within 2 seconds once the flame is removed ). Note :Wallpaper is permitted if it is securely pasted to the wall or to wallboard. Plans for booths that have ceilings and for all covered installations ( tents, canopies, spas, glass roofs ) must be submitted to the Management of the Exhibition Halls for approval at least one month in advance. The following materials must be treated with flame retardant if they are used for display or decorative purposes : • Artificial or dried flowers. • Curtains, fabrics, drapes, carpeting, and other decorative materials must be non-combustible or treated with flame retardant, to the satisfaction of the Fire Security Service. Certificates to this effect must be submitted upon request . The use of the following materials is prohibited : • Coroplast or other corrugated plastic paneling. • Foamcore or Foamboard ( plastic foam paneling ). • Paper foil that is not securely pasted to a suitable backing. • Styrene, Styrofoam, polystyrene. • Paper or corrugated cardboard panels. • Jute, hay, straw, packing materials, mulch, wood chips. • Decorations made from dry trees or dried vegetation are prohibited. Live trees are permitted if they are rooted and kept in a pot of soil and watered daily. Decorative panels Corrugated plastic (coroplast) and foam plastic (foamcore) sign panels are permitted up to a maximum of 10 % of the surface area of the walls of the booth. Merchandise for sale Fabrics, paper, or other combustible merchandise that is to be sold does not require treatment with flame retardant, but only one sample of each product shall be displayed. Each sample must be a different colour, size, texture, or weaving. However, if the merchandise that is for sale is used as part of the structure of the booth, it must be treated with flame retardant. Storage is not permitted inside the Exhibition Halls Storage of boxes, cases ( full or empty ), wooden palettes, and equipment used to transport merchandise is prohibited inside the Exhibition Halls. Boxes, wooden crates, and cardboard cases that have been emptied of their goods must be quickly and properly stacked in the storage areas indicated by the Show Manager or by the Management of the Exhibition Halls. No material may be stored beside, behind, or inside a booth. Merchandise that is designated for distribution is permitted inside the Exhibition Halls only in quantities representing daily consumption ( one day only ). No portion of a booth or a display shall restrict : • access to and visibility of all exits. • the width of exits and aisles. • visibility of exits signs or fire equipment ( unless signs are added in order to rectify the situation ). • access to fire-fighting equipment. If a fire hose cabinet is located inside a booth, the exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that there is 1 m ( 3 ft ) of direct access to the equipment from the aisle. 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) • • • • • 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) • • • • The use of an open flame, including candles, paraffin lamps, or any other open fire, is prohibited without prior written approval from the Management of the Exhibition Halls. Such approval will be only granted exceptionally and subject to specific conditions. Heating or cooking devices : A written request to use heating or cooking devices must be submitted to the Management of the Exhibition Halls for approval. The installation of a cooker hood might be requested. The use of charcoal, gas, propane, or butane cooking or heating devices is prohibited inside the Exhibition Halls. Electric cooking devices and Sterno warming devices are accepted. Open fryers are prohibited. The use of any heating or cooking equipment using natural gas is accepted if the approbation request has been submitted one month prior to the event. The use of any combustion heating equipment as hetanol is prohibited. Flammable liquids or gas shall not be used inside the building without specific authorization from the Management of the Exhibition Halls. Welding and metal cutting operations cannot be performed unless a written request for authorization has been submitted to the Management of the Exhibition Halls. If such authorization is granted, the exhibitor must obtain a hot work permit from the Place Bonaventure security department. Propane gas tanks are prohibited inside the Exhibition Halls. Aerosol containers : Only one pressurized container, with a maximum capacity of 500 ml, may be displayed. One atomizer type container with a maximum capacity of 500 ml can be displayed for each product that is classified as a flammable liquid. Vehicles and other combustion engines : Gas caps for vehicles and other combustion engines that are displayed must be locked or sealed with adhesive tape, to stop fumes ( with the exception of tanks that have never contained fuel ). Gas tanks for motor vehicles that are displayed can be filled to a maximum of half of their capacity, up to a maximum of 38 l ( 10 gal.). Batteries must be disconnected. No vehicle may be moved unless specific written authorization has been obtained from the Management of the Exhibition Halls. Propane gas tanks used in campers, recreational vehicles, or any other vehicle must be removed before entering the Exhibition Halls. Any closed area that is capable of holding 60 persons or more must have 2 emergency exits. Rows of seats that contain 5 seats or more must be fastened together. A row cannot contain more than 16 seats, and the aisles between rows must be 112 cm ( 44 in.) wide. A closed booth must be equipped with emergency lighting in the event of a power failure. An enclosed area that will be darkened at any time must be equipped with approved illuminated EXIT signs that are connected to the emergency lighting system. Sprinklers : A booth that has a ceiling and that is larger than 27.9 m2 ( 300 ft2 ) must be protected by a sprinkler system, and must be approved by the Management of the Exhibition Halls. A multi-level booth must be protected by a sprinkler system, must be equipped with at least 2 emergency exits on each level, and must be approved by the Management of the Exhibition Halls. Clearance of at least 45 cm ( 18 in.) must be maintained below sprinkler heads at all times. Hanging objects of any kind from the pipes or sprinkler heads is prohibited. En tout temps, l’administration de Place Bonaventure ou le Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal pourrait refuser toute installation ne répondant pas à leurs exigences. At anytime, the Place Bonaventure’s Management or the Montreal’s Fire Security Service ( Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal - SSIM ) could refuse any installation not meeting their requirements. Merci de votre collaboration. Thank you for your co-operation. ACCÈS AU DÉBARCADÈRE LOADING DOCK ACCESS Angle des rues St-Jacques et Montfort Corner of St-Jacques & Montfort Streets Montréal QC H5A 1G1 Aucune marchandise ne sera acceptée avant la date officielle de montage Montreal QC H5A 1G1 No merchandise will be accepted prior to official move-in date. x Décor Experts Expo www.decorexpertsexpo.com BON DE RÉSERVATION (MEUBLES ET ACCESSOIRES) (FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES) ORDER FORM Date: LONGUEUIL QUÉBEC 778, Jean-Neveu Longueuil (Québec) J4G 1P1 Tél.: / Phone: (450) 646-2251 Téléc.: / Fax: (450) 646-6342 TORONTO 267, rue Cambert Québec, (Québec) G1B 3S4 Tél.: / Phone: (418) 666-7133 Téléc.: / Fax: (418) 682-6697 Compagnie / Company: 1815, Meyerside drive, unit 10 Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1G3 Tél.: / Phone: (416) 241-8067 Téléc.: / Fax: (416) 241-5854 Tél: / Phone: Téléc: / Fax: ( ( ) ) Code postal / Postal Code: Adresse / Address: Courriel / E-mail: No.stand / Booth no.: Responsable / Contact: Date: Nom de l'événement Show name: TPS / GST 138629431RT Lieu / Place: 16, 17 et 18 Septembre 2016 September 16-17-18, 2016 UTILISEZ LES TARIFS DE LA COLONNE (B) SI PAYÉ APRÈS LE / USE COLUMN RATES (B) IF PAID AFTER CODE / QTY MEUBLES MEUBLES ET&ACCESSOIRES QTÉ / QTY TVQ / QST 1016915714 Place Bonaventure FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES FURNITURE & 26 AOÛT 2016 A B 1000 Boîte de tirage 12" plexi 12" plexi raffle cube 90,00 $ 112,50 $ 1002 Bras d'éclairage ajustable Adjustable lighting fixture (arm) 50,00 $ 62,50 $ 1004 Chaise noire Black chair 27,00 $ 33,75 $ 1005 Chaise sténo Chaises sténo ajustable Steno chair 42,50 $ 53,15 $ Ajustable steno chair 75,00 $ 1006 Chevalet - trépied Easel 29,00 $ 93,75 $ 36,25 $ 1008 Comptoir .5m x 1m x 40" blanc noir Counter .5m x 1m x 40" white black 130,00 $ 162,50 $ 1010 Comptoir blanc noir Counter white black 150,00 $ 187,50 $ 1012 Cube 40" 100,00 $ 125,00 $ 1031a ( portes / tablette ) hauteur: ( blanc ) 14" 24" 30" ( doors / shelve ) Cube ( white ) 40" height: 14" 24" 30" 12,00 $ 15,00 $ 75,00 $ 93,75 $ Coffee table 20" 42,00 $ 52,50 $ Low pedestal table 30" 58,00 $ 72,50 $ 80,00 $ 54,00 $ 100,00 $ 67,50 $ 68,00 $ 85,00 $ 81,00 $ 101,25 $ 76,00 $ 89,00 $ 101,00 $ 95,00 $ 111,25 $ 25,00 $ 31,25 $ 1014 Corbeille à papier 1016 Rail d'éclairage 2 ampoules, (électricité non comprise) Lighting fixture 2 spots, 1017 Table à café 20" 1018 Table bistro basse 30" 1018b Table bistro haute 40" Waste basket 1020 Table drapée: 2' X 4' TAB6 Table drapée: 2' X 6' TAB8 Table drapée: 2' X 8' (power not included) High pedestal table 40" Bleue Blanche Bleue Blanche Bleue Blanche Rouge Noire Rouge Noire Rouge Noire Blue White Blue White Blue White Draped table: 2' X 4' Draped table: 2' X 6' Draped table: 2' X 8' ( 42" de hauteur ) Blanche Noire ( 42" de hauteur ) Blanche Noire ( 42" de hauteur ) Blanche Noire Red Black Red Black Red Black ( 42" height ) White Black ( 42" height ) White Black ( 42" height ) White Black 1021 Table drapée haute 2' X 4' 1022 Table drapée haute 2' X 6' 1023 Table drapée haute 2' X 8' 1028 Tablette plexi 1030 Tabouret sans dossier High stool without back 30,00 $ 37,50 $ 50,00 $ 62,50 $ (pour mur rainuré) Droite Raised draped table: 2' X 4' Raised draped table: 2' X 6' Raised draped table: 2' X 8' Inclinée Plexi shelf Flat ( for slatwall) Angled 126,25 $ 1031 Tabouret avec dossier High stool with back 1032 Tapis uzite (p.c.) Uzite Carpet (sq. ft.) Grey Only 1,00 $ 1,25 $ 1035 Tapis 20 oz Gris (p.c) Grey Carpet 20 oz (sq.ft) 1,50 $ 1,90 $ 1036 Sous-tapis 1037 Tapis dimensions spéciales ou coupé (p.c.) Custom cut carpet 1038 Velcro mâle ou femelle (min. un mètre) 1039 Porte document (zigzag) Gris Seulement (autres couleurs sur demande) (p.c.) Visa No de carte / Card no.: Date d'expiration / Expiration Date: (other colors on request) Underpad (carpeting) (sq. ft) Velcro male or female (min. one meter) Literature Rack (zigzag) Amex Master card - / Titulaire de la carte / Cardholder: (sq. ft) - TOTAL 0,90 $ 1,25 $ 2,00 $ 4,60 $m 2,50 $ 5,75 $m 149,25 $ 186,55 $ SOUS-TOTAL / SUBTOTAL: $ TPS / GST (5%): $ TVQ / QST (9.975%): $ TOTAL: $ Signature du titulaire / Cardholder's signature: 50% du montant total sera retenu pour toute annulation / 50% of the total amount will be retained for any cancellation * Rev: ( déc. 2012 ) Chargé(e) de projet: Project manager: PAYABLE AVEC CE BON DE RÉSERVATION / PAYABLE WITH THIS ORDER FORM x Décor Experts Expo www.decorexpertsexpo.com BON DE RÉSERVATION ( PLANTES ET ARBRES) (PLANTS AND TREES) ORDER FORM Date: LONGUEUIL QUÉBEC 778, Jean-Neveu Longueuil (Québec) J4G 1P1 Tél.: / Phone: (450) 646-2251 Téléc.: / Fax: (450) 646-6342 TORONTO 267, rue Cambert Québec, (Québec) G1B 3S4 Tél.: / Phone: (418) 666-7133 Téléc.: / Fax: (418) 682-6697 Compagnie / Company: 1815, Meyerside drive, unit 10 Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1G3 Tél.: / Phone: (416) 241-8067 Téléc.: / Fax: (416) 241-5854 Tél: / Phone: Téléc: / Fax: ( ( ) ) Code postal / Postal Code: Adresse / Address: Courriel / E-mail: Responsable / Contact: No.stand / Booth no.: Date: Nom de l'événement Show name: TPS / GST 138629431RT Lieu / Place: 16, 17 et 18 Septembre 2016 September 16-17-18, 2016 26 AOÛT 2016 UTILISEZ LES TARIFS DE LA COLONNE (B) SI PAYÉ APRÈS LE / USE COLUMN RATES (B) IF PAID AFTER QTÉ // QTY QTY MEUBLES PLANTES&ET ARBRES TVQ / QST 1016915714 Place Bonaventure FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES PLANTS AND TREES A B Arbre naturel 3' Natural tree 3' 57,50 $ 71,90 $ Arbre naturel 5' Natural tree 5' 86,25 $ 107,80 $ Fougère Fern 34,50 $ 43,15 $ Fougère avec crochet Fern with hook 64,70 $ Plante à fleurs Flowering Plant 51,75 $ 49,45 $ Plante basse naturelle 18" à 24" Low natural plant 18" to 24" 46,00 $ 57,50 $ Plante tropicale 3' - 4' Tropical Plant 3' - 4' 52,30 $ 65,40 $ Chrysanthemum (season) Vase with fresh flowers (price upon request) 30,00 $ 37,50 $ Chrysanthème (saison) Vase avec fleurs coupées Visa No de carte / Card no.: Date d'expiration / Expiration Date: (prix sur demande) Amex Master card - / Titulaire de la carte / Cardholder: - TOTAL 61,80 $ SOUS-TOTAL / SUBTOTAL: $ TPS / GST (5%): $ TVQ / QST (9.975%): $ TOTAL: $ Signature du titulaire / Cardholder's signature: 50% du montant total sera retenu pour toute annulation / 50% of the total amount will be retained for any cancellation * Rev: ( déc. 2012 ) Chargé(e) de projet: Project manager: PAYABLE AVEC CE BON DE RÉSERVATION / PAYABLE WITH THIS ORDER FORM x Décor Experts Expo www.decorexpertsexpo.com BON DE RÉSERVATION (COMPTOIRS / CUBES) (COUNTERS / CUBES ) ORDER FORM Date: LONGUEUIL QUÉBEC 778, Jean-Neveu Longueuil (Québec) J4G 1P1 Tél.: / Phone: (450) 646-2251 Téléc.: / Fax: (450) 646-6342 TORONTO 267, rue Cambert Québec, (Québec) G1B 3S4 Tél.: / Phone: (418) 666-7133 Téléc.: / Fax: (418) 682-6697 Compagnie / Company: 1815, Meyerside drive, unit 10 Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1G3 Tél.: / Phone: (416) 241-8067 Téléc.: / Fax: (416) 241-5854 Tél: / Phone: Téléc: / Fax: ( ( ) ) Code postal / Postal Code: Adresse / Address: Courriel / E-mail: No.stand / Booth no.: Responsable / Contact: Date: Nom de l'événement Show name: TPS / GST 138629431RT Lieu / Place: 16, 17 et 18 Septembre 2016 September 16-17-18, 2016 UTILISEZ LES TARIFS DE LA COLONNE (B) SI PAYÉ APRÈS LE / USE COLUMN RATES (B) IF PAID AFTER 26 AOÛT 2016 1046 1007 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 CODE / QTY QTÉ / QTY 1046 MEUBLES & MEUBLES ET ACCESSOIRES FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES FURNITURE & Cube de récupération de cocardes Ballot Bin (.5m x .5m x 40") TVQ / QST 1016915714 Place Bonaventure A B 110,00 $ 137,50 $ 40" 100,00 $ 125,00 $ 125,00 $ 156,25 $ x 40" 2 x 28" 1 x 14" 330,00 $ 412,50 $ 290,00 $ 362,50 $ 310,00 $ 387,50 $ (.5m x .5m x 40") 1007 Cube ( blanc ) 1047 Panneau autoportant 1048 Cubes 1049 2 Comptoirs 1m x .5m x 40" 1050 Comptoir courbe 1mdia. x 40" 1051 Comptoir vitré .5m x 1m x 40" (1 tablette vitrée) Glass counter .5m x 1m x 40" (1 glass shelf) 240,00 $ 300,00 $ 1052 Comptoir vitré .5m x 1m x 40" (2 tablettes vitrées) Glass counter .5m x 1m x 40" (2 glass shelve) 240,00 $ 300,00 $ 1053 Colonne vitrée .5m x .5m x 8' Showcase (with glass) .5m x .5m x 8' 358,00 $ 447,50 $ 1054 Colonne vitrée .5m x 1m x 8' Showcase (with glass) .5m x 1m x 8' 398,00 $ 497,50 $ hauteur: hauteur: 1 14" 20" 30" Cube ( white ) 40" No de carte / Card no.: Date d'expiration / Expiration Date: 14" 24" 30" Free standing panel (1m x 8') (1m x 8') x 40" 2 x 28" 1 x 14" Visa height: Cubes height: 1 2 Counters 1m x .5m x 40" ( portes / tablette ) ( doors / shelve ) Curved counter 1mdia. x 40" Amex Master card - / Titulaire de la carte / Cardholder: - TOTAL SOUS-TOTAL / SUBTOTAL: $ TPS / GST (5%): $ TVQ / QST (9.975%): $ TOTAL: $ Signature du titulaire / Cardholder's signature: 50% du montant total sera retenu pour toute annulation / 50% of the total amount will be retained for any cancellation * Rev: ( déc. 2012 ) Chargé(e) de projet: Project manager: PAYABLE AVEC CE BON DE RÉSERVATION / PAYABLE WITH THIS ORDER FORM QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure Date butoir pour prix escomptés: Deadline date for discount price: 2 septembre, 2016 September 2, 2016 LISTE DE PRIX / PRICE LIST Qté/Qty Description Code $ Escompté Discount $ $ Régulier Regular $ 146.00 $ 212.00 $ 60.00 $ 87.00 $ Total Électricité / Electrical 0206 0310 1 Prise de courant 1500 watts ou moins / 110V positionnée à l'arrière du stand - si positionnement autre voir item 0310 ci-dessous. 1 outlet for 1500 watt or less / 110V positioned at the rear of the booth - If positioned other then see item 0310 below. Tout positionnement autre qu'à l'arrière du stand tel que fils en dessous du tapis, rallonge, prise du plafond Any other positioning of power such as wire under the carpet, extension, outlet from the ceiling 0210 15 Amp. 208V monophasé / 15 Amp. 208V power 1 phase 293.00 $ 425.00 $ 0213 20 Amp. 208V monophasé / 20 Amp. 208V power 1 phase 383.00 $ 555.00 $ 0216 30 Amp. 208V monophasé , (Ajouter l'item #0301) 30 Amp. 208V power 1 phase (Add item # 0301) 474.00 $ 687.00 $ 0217 30 Amp. 208V triphasé, (Ajouter l'item #0301) 30 Amp. 208V 3 phases (Add item # 0301) 474.00 $ 687.00 $ 0218 30 Amp. 550V triphasé, (Ajouter l'item #0301) 30 Amp. 550V 3 phases (Add item # 0301) 557.00 $ 808.00 $ 60 Amp. 110-208V triphasé, (Ajouter l'item #0301) 60 Amp. 110-208V 3 phases (Add item # 0301) 597.00 $ 866.00 $ 0207 Projecteur 750 watts suspendu du plafond / 750 watt flood from ceiling 168.00 $ 244.00 $ 0257 Rallonge électrique / Extension cord 36.00 $ 52.00 $ 0301 Branchement et débranchement / Connection and disconnection 102.00 $ 148.00 $ 0229-A Note: Installations électriques et éclairage (CA 110-208 volts monophasé) Electrical connections and lighting (110-208Volt Ac single phase) Vous devez OBLIGATOIREMENT joindre le formulaire d'autorisation de carte de crédit à ce formulaire. Toutes les commandes sont soumises aux politiques de paiement et aux limites de responsabilités de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement stipulées dans ce catalogue de l'exposant.Frais d'annulation: Après le début du montage du salon, toute annulation sera facturée à 100% du coût original. The payment & credit card authorization form MUST accompany this form.All orders are governed by the GES Global Experience Specialists Payment Policy and Limits of Liability & Responsibility as specified in this Exhibitor Kit. Cancellation fees: Items cancelled after move-in begins will be charged at 100% of the original price and 100% after installation . $ $ $ $ Montant / Amount R101720233 - TPS 5% GST 1002260545 - TVQ 9.975% QST TOTAL Compagnie / Company Merci de faire parvenir votre commande par / Please send your order by: F. 514.367.5115 - montreal@ges.com Service à la clientèle / Customer Service 514.367.4848 / 1.877. 399.3976 STAND # Services électriques Additionnel Additional Electrical Services QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure 2 septembre, 2016 September 2, 2016 Date butoir pour prix escomptés: Deadline date for discount price: LISTE DE PRIX / PRICE LIST Qté/Qty Code Description $ Escompté Discount $ $ Régulier Regular $ Total Électricité / Electrical 0212 110Volts monophasé 20 amp / 110Volt 1 phase 20 amp. 230.00 $ 334.00 $ 0215 110Volts monophasé 30 amp / 110Volt 1 phase 30 amp. 385.00 $ 558.00 $ 0219 110Volts monophasé 40 amp / 110Volt 1 phase 40 amp. 496.00 $ 719.00 $ 0227 110Volts monophasé 60 amp / 110Volt 1 phase 60 amp. 573.00 $ 831.00 $ 0213-A 110-208Volts monophasé 20 amp. / 110-208Volt 1 phase 20 amp. 413.00 $ 599.00 $ 0214-A 110-208Volts triphasé 20 amp. / 110-208Volt 3 phases 20 amp. 413.00 $ 599.00 $ 0216-A 110-208Volts monophasé 30 amp. / 110-208Volt 1 phase 30 amp. 504.00 $ 731.00 $ 0217-A 110-208Volts triphasé 30 amp. / 110-208Volt 3 phases 30 amp. 504.00 $ 731.00 $ 0220-A 110-208Volts monophasé 40 amp. / 110-208Volt 1 phase 40 amp. 524.00 $ 760.00 $ 0221-A 110-208Volts triphasé 40 amp. / 110-208Volt 3 phases 40 amp. 524.00 $ 760.00 $ 0228-A 110-208Volts monophasé 60 amp. / 110-208Volt 1 phase 60 amp. 597.00 $ 866.00 $ 0229-A 110-208Volts triphasé 60 amp. / 110-208Volt 3 phases 60 amp. 597.00 $ 866.00 $ 0231-A 110-208Volts monophasé 100 amp. / 110-208Volt 1 phase 100 amp. 881.00 $ 1,277.00 $ 0232-A 110-208Volts triphasé 100 amp. / 110-208Volt 3 phases 100 amp. 881.00 $ 1,277.00 $ 0213 208Volts monophasé 20 amp. / 208Volt 1 phase 20 amp. 383.00 $ 555.00 $ 0214 208Volts triphasé 20 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 20 amp. 383.00 $ 555.00 $ 0216 208Volts monophasé 30 amp. / 208Volt 1 phase 30 amp. 474.00 $ 687.00 $ 0217 208Volts triphasé 30 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 30 amp. 474.00 $ 687.00 $ 0220 208Volts monophasé 40 amp. / 208Volt 1 phase 40 amp. 496.00 $ 719.00 $ 0221 208Volts triphasé 40 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 40 amp. 496.00 $ 719.00 $ 0228 208Volts monophasé 60 amp. / 208Volt 1 phase 60 amp. 573.00 $ 831.00 $ 0229 208Volts triphasé 60 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 60 amp. 573.00 $ 831.00 $ 0231 208Volts monophasé 100 amp. / 208Volt 1 phase 100 amp. 852.00 $ 1,235.00 $ 0232 208Volts triphasé 100 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 100 amp. 852.00 $ 1,235.00 $ 0235 208Volts triphasé 200 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 200 amp. 1,106.00 $ 1,604.00 $ 0236-B 208Volts triphasé 300 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 300 amp. 1,267.00 $ 1,837.00 $ 0236-D 208Volts triphasé 600 amp. / 208Volt 3 phases 600 amp. 1,806.00 $ 2,619.00 $ 102.00 $ 148.00 $ 301 + coût de branchement et débranchement / + connection and disconnection charges Note: Prix pour moteurs au-dessus de 5cv disponibles sur demande / Prices for motors above 5cv available on request Vous devez OBLIGATOIREMENT joindre le formulaire d'autorisation de carte de crédit à ce formulaire. Toutes les commandes sont soumises aux politiques de paiement et aux limites de responsabilités de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement stipulées dans ce catalogue de l'exposant.Frais d'annulation: Après le début du montage du salon, toute annulation sera facturée à 100% du coût original. The payment & credit card authorization form MUST accompany this form.All orders are governed by the GES Global Experience Specialists Payment Policy and Limits of Liability & Responsibility as specified in this Exhibitor Kit. Cancellation fees: Items cancelled after move-in begins will be charged at 100% of the original price and 100% after installation . $ $ $ $ Montant / Amount R101720233 - TPS 5% GST 1002260545 - TVQ 9.975% QST TOTAL Compagnie / Company Merci de faire parvenir votre commande par / Please send your order by: F. 514.367.5115 - montreal@ges.com Service à la clientèle / Customer Service 514.367.4848 / 1.877. 399.3976 STAND # Règlementation électrique Electric Regulations INSTALLATIONS ÉLECTRIQUES / ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MODALITÉS RÉGLEMENTS 1. Tout exposant possédant des appareils ou systèmes électriques qui présentent des caractéristiques spéciales ayant des exigences supérieures , devra immédiatement en aviser GES Spécialistes mondial de l'événement. 2. Tout matériel fourni par GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement pour l'intallation, la location et l'entretien du matériel électrique demeure la propriété de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement. 3. Le prix indiqué pour la prise de courant comprend l'installation de la prise à l'arrière du stand. Toute connexion ou disjonction aux bornes d'appareils fait l'objet d'un tarif additionnel. 4. Les prix et les tarifs pour la main-d'oeuvre sont basés sur l'échelle de salaires courante ou peuvent être sujets à changement sans préavis. 5. Pour être prise en considération, toute réclamation au sujet des frais encourus pour l'installation électrique devra être présentée avant la clôture du Salon. 6. Interdiction: Il est interdit à quiconque de partager ou de redistribuer le courant électrique loué par un exposant ou pour le compte d'un exposant. Le courant électrique loué est pour l'usage exclusif de l'exposant dans son stand ou étalage et ne peut être acheminé ailleurs. Exemple: une prise de courant de 1500W ou une alimentation électrique de 100 ampères, louée par un client, fournisseur ou exposant ne doit pas être répartie et redistribuée vers l'étalage ou le stand d'un autre exposant. Dans un tel cas, tout individu ou campagnie qui aura passé la commande de location d'électricité, devra aussi assumer le coût du ou des services d'électricité fournis aux autres stands en plus des services d'électricité qu'ils auront commandés. Le tarif chargé à tout exposant utilisant un service d'électricité est le coût d'une prise de courant de 1500W au tarif en vigueur. 1. Le comité d'examinateurs a le pouvoir de refuser les installations électriques qui présenteraient des risques de feu et qui ne rencontreraient pas les exigences du Fire Underwriters Investigation Bureau of Canada. 2. Tous les moteurs de plus de 1/2 c.v. doivent être munis d'un démarreur magnétique et d'un sectionneur. 3. Pour fins d'inspection et de dépannage, les fils électriques des stands pré-fabriqués doivent être en tout temps facilement accessibles des deux cotés et de l'arrière du stand. 4. GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement ne se rend pas responsable des dommages résultant des pannes d'électricité ou des défectuosités dans les appareils nécessitant un service électrique de 24 heures. 5. Aucun circuit individuel d'éclairage ne pourra dépasser 1,500 watts. lorsque le circuit électrique d'un stand est muni de fusibles et qu'il dépasse 2,000 watts, ou 2 circuits, ledit stand devra être pourvu d'un cable d'alimentation 120-208 volts, triphasé. 6. Il n'est pas nécessaire de débrancher les appareils électriques ne fonctionnant pas après les heures de fermeture; le courant électrique est automatiquement coupé au panneau central. Il est strictemenet défendu de couvrir les lampes de papier, de tissu ou de toute autre matière inflammable durant la nuit. 7. Au moment de la fermeture chaque jour, l'exposant devra lui-même fermer les interrupteurs de tous les apareils en opération. 8. Votre matériel devra être prêt pour le démantèlement dès la clôture de l'exposition. Vous devrez également débrancher tous vos appareils électriques car le courant sera immédiatement coupé. 9. Les prix indiqués comprennent l'installation complète de tous les câbles d'alimentation, tableaux et fils, les frais d'inspection et d'entretien ainsi que l'enlèvement du matériel électrique à la fin de l'exposition. Tout le matériel demeure la propriété de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement. Indemnité d'annulation. Après le début de l'installation, toute commande sera facturée à 100% du coût original. Cancellation policy. All items cancelled after move-in begins, will be charged at 100% of the original price. GENERAL CONDITIONS ELECTRICAL REGULATIONS 1. Any exhibitor requiring load in excess should notify GES Global Experience Specialists. 2. All material supplied by GES Global Experience Specialists for the installation, rental and maintenance of the electrical works remains the property of GES Global Experience Specialists. 3. The price of an outlet includes the supply of this outlet at the rear of the exhibitor's booth. Any connection or disconnection such as to machine terminals is an additional charge. 4. Prices and labour rates are based on current wage scales and may be subject to change without notice. 5. All claims on electrical charges must be filed prior to the closing of the show to be considered. 6. No power sharing: Power that is rented by the exhibitor or by a supplier on behalf of the exhibitor or by any other customer is for use in only exhibit or booth and cannot be shared with another exhibit i.e. a 1500 watt outlet amp. service, etc. rented by one customer, supplier or exhibitor cannot be broken up into smaller units of power and used free of charge in another customer's booth or exhibit. The party that ordered the power will be responsible for the payment of the power supplied to these other booths as well as for the payment of the electrical power originally ordered, all as per listed catalogues prices. The minimum charge to any one exhibitor using power is for one 1500 watt outlet current prices. 1. The board of Electrical Examiners has the power to refuse connections where wiring constitutes a fire hazard, and does not meet the requirements of the Board of Fire Underwriters. 2. All motors above 1/2 hp, must be supplied with their own starters and disconnecting switches. 3. Specialty built displays and panels must have electrical wiring accessible for inspection and trouble shooting at all times; they must be accessible from sides or rear and not solidly built-in. 4. GES Global Experience Specialists is not responsible for power failure or any other equipment failure and resulting damages on 24-hour electrical service lines. 5. No individual lighthing circuit shall exceed 1,500 watts of lighting. Where the exhibitor furnished his own fuse protection for a display board and wattage is over 2,000 or 2 circuits, the board shall be wired for 120-208 volts, 3 wire main feed lines. 6. Do not disconnect any Non-Operating Electrical Units at closing hour of the show. These are turned off at the main switch-board automatically. Do not cover lamps with paper, cloth or other flammable material overnight. 7. Exhibitor must himself disconnect the control switch in his booth of all moving or operating devices before leaving at the closing hour of each show period. 8. Before show breaks on final day, stop your machinery and position it for dismantling , because power cannot be turned on again for hours after. 9. The above prices cover complete installation of all necessary feeders, Panels and Circuit Wiring. Inspection fees, Maintenance Electricians and Dismantling of Electrical Equipment at end of Exhibition. All material remains the property of GES Global Experience Specialists. QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure NOM DE COMPAGNIE: NO STAND RUE TÉLÉPHONE VILLE TÉLÉCOPIEUR PROVINCE/ÉTAT CODE POSTAL Paiement des services - GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement exige le paiement complet au moment où les services sont commandés. De plus, lors de votre commande initiale, nous vous demandons un numéro de carte de crédit accompagné du formulaire d'autorisation afin de l'utiliser pour couvrir les coûts relatifs à nos services, mais sans en limiter la portée; entre autre afin de facturer le temps et/ou le poids réel de la main-d'oeuvre et la manutention qui n'auraient pas été couverts lors du paiement initial. Toutes les taxes applicables seront également ajoutées et portées à votre compte de carte de crédit. Prix escomptés - Afin de profiter des meilleurs prix, vos commandes doivent avoir été reçues, accompagnées de votre paiement, le ou avant la date butoir indiquée pour les prix escomptés. Mode de paiement - GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement accepte les modes de paiement suivants : American Express, Mastercard, Visa, chèque et transfert bancaire. Les bons de commandes d'achat ne sont pas considérés comme un paiement valable. Des frais de 35.00$ seront facturés pour tout chèque sans provision ou tout transfert bancaire et ce, afin de couvrir les frais bancaires encourus par GES. Exemption des taxes - Si vous êtes exempté des taxes au Canada vous devez inclure votre certificat d'exemption de TPS et/ou TVQ à votre commande. NOM CONTACT COURRIEL NOM ET TÉLÉPHONE DU RÉPRÉSENTANT SUR LE SITE En complétant cette commande j'accepte la politique de paiement selon les termes et conditions du contrat avec GES SIGNATURE AUTORISÉE NOM AUTORISÉ - LETTRES MOULÉES SVP DATE Autorisation de paiement par carte de crédit informations obligatoires Numéro carte de crédit __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Date d'expiration Code de sécurité □ VISA □ Master Card □ AMEX Nom du détenteur de la carte Modification & Annulation - Il est de la responsabilité de l'exposant d'informer le représentant de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement de tout problème ou modification en ce qui a trait à sa commande. Aucun crédit Signature du détenteur de la carte ou ajustement ne sera émis après la fermeture du salon. Certains items, services ou coût de main-d’œuvre sont sujets à des frais d’annulation de 50% à 100% du coût total selon le statut de l'installation, du travail effectué, et/ou des coûts et frais de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement relié à la préparation et/ou l'installation. PAIEMENT COMPLET REQUIS $ Si vous avez des questions concernant notre politique de paiement, nous vous invitons à communiquer avec nous au 514.367.4848 ou à visiter notre Chèque fait à l'ordre de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement. Votre chèque bureau de services situé sur les lieux de l'exposition. doit être reçu 2 semaines avant la date du montage. Des frais de retard mensuel jusqu'à 1,5% seront appliqués sur tout solde non payé après la fermeture de l'événement ou tout solde provenant d'une carte de crédit erronée. Montant du chèque joint à ma commande: $ Nous utiliserons votre autorisation de paiement par carte de crédit pour régler tous les frais additionnels encourus par vos représentants lors du montage. COMPAGNIE Merci de faire parvenir votre commande par / Please send your order by: F. 514.367.5115 - montreal@ges.com Service à la clientèle / Customer Service 514.367.4848 / 1.877. 399.3976 # STAND Virement bancaire Plants & Fl IMPORTANT S.V.P. VEUILLEZ RETOURNER UNE COPIE DE CE DOCUMENT ACCOMPAGNÉE DE VOTRE CONFIRMATION DE VIREMENT BANCAIRE ÉMISE PAR VOTRE BANQUE: TÉLÉCOPIEUR 514.367.5115 OU PAR COURRIEL: montreal@ges.com POUR INFORMATION COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC LE SERVICE À LA CLIENTÈLE TÉLÉPHONE: 514.367.4848 - 1.877.399.3976 RENSEIGNEMENTS À COMPLÉTER Nom du Salon: ___________________________________________ Numéro de Kiosque:_________________________ Votre nom de compagnie: _______________________________ Adresse: ___________________________________________________ Montant de la facture: __________________$ Veuillez inclure les frais minimum de transfert + ______35.00$______$ Montant total du transfert: __________________$ Numéro de facture: ________________ Veuillez noter que nos factures sont en dollars canadiens, de préférence, veuillez effectuer vos transferts dans cette devise. COORDONNÉES BANCAIRES POUR ENVOYER VOTRE VIREMENT S.V.P. inclure toutes les informations de façon à ce que les fonds soit acheminés correctement à notre banque. POUR EFFECTUER UN TRANSFERT EN DOLLARS CANADIENS: Nom de la Banque: Adresse de la banque: CIBC (BANQUE CANADIENNE IMPÉRIALE DE COMMERCE) 1155, boul. René Lévesque Ouest Montréal, Québec, Canada H3B 3Z4 Nom du compte: Numéro de la Succursale: Code Swift: Exposervice Standard Inc. 010 CIBCCATT Numéro IBAN : N/A au Canada Numéro de compte: 8611718 Numéro de transit: 00001 Le numéro de Swift (BIC) est le numéro requis par la banque pour tous les transferts internationaux POUR EFFECTUER UN TRANSFERT EN DOLLARS AMÉRICAINS: Nom de la Banque: Adresse de la banque: CIBC (BANQUE CANADIENNE IMPÉRIALE DE COMMERCE) 1155, boul. René Lévesque Ouest Montréal, Québec, Canada H3B 3Z4 Nom du compte: Numéro de la Succursale: Banque intermédiaire Américaine: Code Swift: Numéro ABA: Exposervice Standard Inc. 010 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., NY, USA PNBPUS3NNYC 026005092 Numéro IBAN : N/A au Canada Numéro de compte: 8611718 Numéro de transit: 00001 Le numéro de ABA est le numéro de code routing pour les banques américaines et est requis pour tous les transferts à l’intérieur des ÉtatsUnis. Plomberie Plumbing QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure 2 septembre, 2016 September 2, 2016 Date butoir pour prix escomptés: Deadline date for discount price: LISTE DE PRIX / PRICE LIST Qté/Qty $ Escompté Discount $ $ Régulier Regular $ Ch./Ea. 185.00 $ 268.00 $ Ch./Ea. 31.00 $ 45.00 $ Ch./Ea. 204.00 $ 296.00 $ Description Code Total Plomberie / Plumbing 5000-ML50 Eau Voie principal 1/2'' / Water Main line 1/2' 5010-C50 Raccordement 1/2'' / Connection, Disconnection 1/2'' 5000-ML75 Eau Voie principal 3/4'' / Water Main line 3/4'' 5010-C75 Raccordement 3/4'' / Connection, Disconnection 3/4'' 5020-SR Évier eau froide drain inclus (voir note 2) / Sink cold water drain included (see note 2) Ch./Ea. 5020-SH Évier eau froide et chaude (voir note 1) et drain inclus (voir note 2) Sink cold water and hot water (see note 1) and drain included (see note 2) 376.00 $ 545.00 $ 5030-FE Bassin - Piscine (remplir et vider) 30m3 approx. / Basin - Pool (fill & empty) 30m3 approx. 311.00 $ 451.00 $ 5031-FE Bain - Spa (remplir et vider) / Bath tub - Spa (fill & empty) 207.00 $ 300.00 $ 5040-DF Drainage par le plancher (Location & installation de tuyaux ) ; prix par pied linéaire Drainage by the floor (Rental & installation of pipe) price by linear foot 4.00 $ 6.00 $ 41.00 $ 59.00 $ 347.00 $ 503.00 $ Lecommander taux horaire de pour travaux additionnels enfonctionner plomberie le chauffe-eau (25 gallons). L'eau chaude requise en plus grande Note 1: Veuillez prévoir lesmain-d'œuvre services électriques requis pour faire Hourly rate for additional plumbing 5050-MH 95.00 $ 133.00 $ quantité doit faire l'objet d'un prix séparé. Note 2: Aux endroits situés près d'un drain tel qu'identifiés sur le plan, près de certaines colonnes, sinon prévoir des coûts supplémentaires tels que l'item # 5640-DF ci-dessus. Note 1: Please make sure to order separately the electrical services needed for the water heater (25 gallons). Hot water required in larger quantity must be priced separately. Note 2: If situated near a drain as identified on floor plan; otherwise, include cost as per above item # 5040-DF. Veuillez indiquer l'endroit précis de l'installation (X) Please indicate point of installation (X) Informations supplémentaires / extra information: Montant / Amount devant du stand / front of booth Vous devez OBLIGATOIREMENT joindre le formulaire d'autorisation de carte de crédit à ce formulaire. Toutes les commandes sont soumises aux politiques de paiement et aux limites de responsabilités de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement stipulées dans ce catalogue de l'exposant. Frais d'annulation: Après le début du montage du salon, toute annulation sera facturée à 100% du coût original. $ $ $ R101720233 - TPS 5% GST 1002260545 - TVQ 9.975% QST TOTAL Compagnie / Company The payment & credit card authorization form MUST accompany this form.All orders are governed by the GES Global Experience Specialists Payment Policy and Limits of Liability & Responsibility as specified in this Exhibitor Kit. Cancellation fees: Items cancelled after move-in begins will be charged at 100% of the Ne pas oublier de joindre le formulaire de paiement Merci de faire parvenir votre commande par / Please send your order by: F. 514.367.5115 - montreal@ges.com Service à la clientèle / Customer Service 514.367.4848 / 1.877. 399.3976 Do not forget to include the payment form STAND # QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure 2 septembre, 2016 September 2, 2016 Date butoir pour prix escomptés: Deadline date for discount price: LISTE DE PRIX / PRICE LIST NOMBRE D'ENSEIGNES / NUMBER OF SIGNS Grandeur en pouce / Size in inches de 1 lb à 50 lbs (max. 2 points d'encrage) up to 50 pounds (max. 2 drops) Plus de 50 lbs (prix minium 276$) Over 50 pounds (minimum price 276$ ) 109.00 $ _______ X _______ 138.00 $ par enseigne / per sign Poids en livres / Weight in pounds _______ par point d'ancrage / per Drop Pour des exigences spéciales ou autres éléments à accrocher , veuillez communiquer au (514) 367-4848, Service à la clientèle. For special requirements or other elements to hang, please contact our customer service departement at (514) 367-4848. Tout accrochage ou ancrage au structure de la Place Bonaventure est strictement interdit. Place Bonaventure se réserve le droit d'exiger des frais aux contrevenants./ Any hanging or ancoring to the structure of Place Bonaventure is strictly prohibited. Place Bonaventure reserves the right to demand compensation to any offender. AVIS: Ce formulaire officiel doit être utilisé pour toute commande d'ACCROCHAGE. Il doit être dûment rempli et retourné à GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement et doit être reçu avant la date limite. Une charge additionnelle de 40% sera appliquée sur toute commande reçue après cette date . Notice: This official form must be used for any SIGN HANGING order. it must be correctly filled and return and received at GES Global Experience Specialists before the deadline date. An additional charge of 40% will be applicable on any order received after this date. Le présent calcul n'est qu'un estimé. Les coûts réels seront confirmés sur le site. S'il y a lieu, les ajustements nécessaires seront portés à votre carte de crédit. This calculation is an estimate only. The real costs will be confirmed on show site. If an adjustment should be necessary, the cost will be reflected on your credit card Responsabilité limitée de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement ●Responsabilité - GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement est responsable de pertes ou dommages causés à votre marchandise UNIQUEMENT si les dits dommages sont causés par une négligence de GES. ●Mesures de dédommagement - Si GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement a été négligent et que cette négligence a causé la perte/dommage de votre matériel, les mesures de dédommagement seront déterminées ainsi: a. Les mesures de dédommagement, dans quelconques circonstances (incluant le point b.) seront limitées au moindre coût entre la valeur dépréciée des biens ou le coût de réparation. b. Le moindre coût entre: 0,30$ par livre par morceau, 50,00$ par morceau ou 1000,00$ par circonstance. GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement ne vend, ni offre des assurances. GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement n'est pas reponsable si la perte ou le bris n'est pas causé par GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement. GES Limits of Liability ● Liability - GES Global Experience Specialists is liable for loss or damage to your goods ONLY if the loss or damage was caused by GES Global Experience Specialists negligence. ● Measure of Damage - If GES Global Experience Specialists was negligent and the negligence caused either loss or damage to your goods, then the measure of that damage will be determined by the following: a. Measure of damages in all situations (including b. below) will be limited by the Depreciated Value of the goods or repair costs, whichever is less. b. The lesser of $0.30 per pound per piece, $50 per piece, or $1000 per occurrence. GES Global Experience Specialists does not offer or sell insurance. GES Global Experience Specialists is not liable and will not owe for loss or damage to your goods if the damage was not caused by GES Global Experience Specialists. Note: Montant / Amount $ $ $ R101720233 - TPS 5% GST Vous devez OBLIGATOIREMENT joindre le formulaire d'autorisation de carte de crédit à ce formulaire. Toutes les commandes sont soumises aux politiques de paiement et aux limites de responsabilités de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement stipulées dans ce catalogue de l'exposant. Frais d'annulation: Après le début du montage du salon, toute annulation sera facturée à 100% du coût original. The payment & credit card authorization form MUST accompany this form.All orders are governed by the GES Global Experience Specialists Payment Policy and Limits of Liability & Responsibility as specified in this Exhibitor Kit. Cancellation fees: Items cancelled after move-in begins will be charged at 100% of the original price and 100% after installation . 1002260545 - TVQ 9.975% QST TOTAL Compagnie / Company Tél.:514-367-4848 / 1-877-399-3976 Courriel / Email: Merci de faire parvenir votremontreal@ges.com commande par / Please send your order by: F. 514.367.5115 - montreal@ges.com Télécopieur / Fax.:514-367-5115 Service à la clientèle / Customer Service 514.367.4848 / 1.877. 399.3976 ARRIÈRE DU STAND / BACK OF BOOTH STAND / BOOTH #_______________ STAND # QUÉBEC / FLORIDE 16 AU 18 septembre, 2016 Place Bonaventure Date butoirpour prix escomptés: LISTE DE PRIX / PRICE LIST TAUX (minimum 1 hre à l'entrée - Minimum 1 hre à la sortie) / RATE (minimum 1 hour move-in - minimum 1 hour move-out) Code CHARIOT(S) ÉLÉVATEUR(S) / LIFT TRUCK Poids maximun (par pièce) Maximum weight (per pieces) lundi au vendredi Monday to Friday 8:00 à 17:00 Après 17:00 et samedi After17:00 and Saturday Dimanche et fériés Sunday & holidays Estimation de temps / Estimated time 5200-MHR 0 à 5000 lbs / pounds 132.00 $ / hr 161.00 $ / hr 201.00 $ / hr Montage ________________________________ 5250-MHR 5001 à 8000 lbs / pounds 201.00 $ / hr 242.00 $ / hr 290.00 $ / hr Démontage ______________________________ EXIGENCES SPÉCIALES / SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS :_____________________________________________________________________ TOUTE EXPÉDITION DOIT ÊTRE PAYÉE À L'AVANCE ALL SHIPMENT MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE MODALITÉS D'EXPÉDITION / SHIPPING MODE Débarcadère du Place Bonaventure Loading Dock Coin St-Jacques & Montfort / Corner St-Jacques & Montfort Montréal, QC, H5A 1G1 Veuillez noter qu'aucune expédition ne sera acceptée avant la date ou débute le salon. Veruillez vérifier l'horaire de livraison avec l'organisateur de l'événement. Please note that no shipment will be accepted before the move-in of the show. AVIS: Ce formulaire officiel doit être utilisé pour toute commande de MANUTENTION DE MARCHANDISES. Il doit être dûment rempli et retourné à GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement et doit être reçu avant la date limite. Une charge additionnelle de 40% sera appliquée sur toute commande reçue après cette date . Notice: This official form must be used for any MATERIAL HANDLING order. It must be correctly filled out, returned, and received at GES Global Experience Specialists before the deadline date. An additional charge of 40% will be applicable on any order received after this date. Le présent calcul n'est qu'un estimé. Les coûts réels seront confirmés sur le site. S'il y a lieu, les ajustements nécessaires seront portés à votre carte de crédit./This calculation is an estimate only. The real costs will be confirmed on show site. If an adjustment should be necessary, the cost will be reflected on your credit card GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement est le fournisseur exclusif de toute manutention de marchandises, incluant tout déplacement de matériel dans les Halls. Des Chariots sont disponibles (sans frais) pour petits items pouvant être maniés par l'exposant. / GES Global Experience Specialist is the exclusive supplier for all material handling, including the moving of material in the Halls. Carts will be available (no cost) for small items that can be manipulated by the exhibitor. Responsabilité limitée de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement ●Responsabilité - GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement est responsable de pertes ou dommages causés à votre marchandise UNIQUEMENT si les dits dommages sont causés par une négligence de GES. ●Mesures de dédommagement - Si GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement a été négligent et que cette négligence a causé la perte/dommage de votre matériel, les mesures de dédommagement seront déterminées ainsi: a. Les mesures de dédommagement, dans quelconques circonstances (incluant le point b.) seront limitées au moindre coût entre la valeur dépréciée des biens ou le coût de réparation. b. Le moindre coût entre: 0,30$ par livre par morceau, 50,00$ par morceau ou 1000,00$ par circonstance. GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement ne vend, ni offre des assurances. GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement n'est pas reponsable si la perte ou le bris n'est pas causé par GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement. GES Limits of Liability ● Liability - GES Global Experience Specialists is liable for loss or damage to your goods ONLY if the loss or damage was caused by GES Global Experience Specialists negligence. ● Measure of Damage - If GES Global Experience Specialists was negligent and the negligence caused either loss or damage to your goods, then the measure of that damage will be determined by the following: a. Measure of damages in all situations (including b. below) will be limited by the Depreciated Value of the goods or repair costs, whichever is less. b. The lesser of $0.30 per pound per piece, $50 per piece, or $1000 per occurrence. GES Global Experience Specialists does not offer or sell insurance. GES Global Experience Specialists is not liable and will not owe for loss or damage to your goods if the damage was not caused by GES Global Experience Spécialists. Note: $ $ 1002260545 - TVQ 9.97% QST $ TOTAL $ STAND # Compagnie / Company Montant / Amount R101720233 - TPS 5% GST Toutes les commandes sont soumises aux politiques de paiement et aux limites de responsabilité de GES Spécialiste mondial de l'événement stipulées dans ce manuel de l'exposant. All orders are governed by the GES Global Experience Specialists Payment Policy and Limits of Liability & Responsibility as specified in this Exhibitor Kit. INDEMNITÉ D’ANNULATION: Après le début du montage de salon, toute annulation sera facturée à 50% du coût original et à 100% après la livraison. CANCELLATION CLAUSE: Items cancelled after move-in begins will be charged at 50% of the original price and 100% after installation. Tél.:514-367-4848 / 1-877-399-3976 Courriel / Email: montreal@ges.com Télécopieur / Fax.:514-367-5115 Ne pas oublier de joindre le formulaire de paiement Do not forget to include the payment form Material Handling is the unloading of your exhibit materials, delivery to your booth, handling of empty containers to and from storage, and removal of your materials from your booth for reloading onto your outbound carrier. This is not to be confused with the cost to transport your exhibit material to and from the event. Benefits of Advance Shipping to the GES Global Experience Specialists Warehouse Storage of materials for up to 30 days prior to your show. Delivery of Shipments to your booth by 8:00 AM on your first day of move‐in (schedule permitting). Some conventions centres and hotels do not have facilities for receiving or storing freight. Saves valuable set‐up time. How to ship in Advance to the GES Global Experience Specialists Warehouse Remove all old shipping and empty storage labels. Fill out and attach enclosed Advance Shipping Labels. Complete the enclosed Advance Material Handling order form. All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip showing the number of pieces, weight, and type of merchandise. Take the time to ensure that your display and products are packed neatly and securely. Do not ship uncrated materials to the warehouse. Please note that when utilizing a ground carrier other than the official carrier, U.S. shipments will require customs clearance before delivery to the advance warehouse. Clearance delays may occur. How to Ship to Exhibit Site Consign g all shipments p c/o / GES Global Experience p Specialists. p Remove all old shipping and empty storage labels. Fill out and attach enclosed Direct Shipping labels. All shipments must have a bill of lading or delivery slip showing the number of pieces, weight, and type of merchandise. Take the time to ensure that your display and products are packed neatly and securely. If you are shipping your carpet and/or lighting trusses, make sure it is loaded last so it can be unloaded first. Freight Carriers Select a carrier with experience in handling exhibition materials. Make sure to give your carrier explicit information as to where and when to check‐in. Delivery and pick up times are often out of the range of "normal" delivery hours, make sure your carrier is committed to meeting your target dates and times. While making shipping plans to the Show, also plan for the return shipment. Tracking Shipments Confirm your delivery date and time with your carrier, and have all pertinent shipping information in the hands of your representative at showsite. You may also want to review the return of your goods at the end of the show. Material Handling Charges Please prepay all shipping charges ‐ GES Global Experience Specialists cannot accept or be responsible for collect shipments. Crated and uncrated shipments must be separated and clearly identified on your bill of lading. Crated ‐ Material that is skidded, or is any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Uncrated ‐ Material that is shipped loose or pad‐wrapped, and/or unskidded machinery without proper lifting bars or hooks. Special Handling ‐ Defined as shipments that are loaded by cubic space and/or packed in such a manner as to require special handling, such as ground loading, side door loading, constricted space loading, and designated piece loading or stacked shipments. Also included are mixed shipments and shipments without proper delivery receipts. g Tél.:514‐367‐4848 / 1‐877‐399‐3976 Courriel / Email: montreal@ges.com Télécopieur / Fax.:514‐367‐5115 Overtime Surcharges ‐ Shows that move‐in or move‐out on weekends or late in the day may be subject to overtime surcharges. See enclosed Material Handling Order Form for details. Late Surcharges ‐ A surcharge may apply if advance freight is received after the published deadline date for shipments to arrive at the warehouse. See enclosed Material Handling Order Form for details. Storing Empty Containers Properly labeled empty shipping cartons will be picked up, stored and returned after the show. Labels are available at the GES Global Experience Specialists Servicentre of from your GES Global Experience Specialist Service Executive and are for empty storage only. Depending on the size of the show, it can take from one (1) to four (4) hours to return empty crates. Do not store any items in crates marked empty. Shipments left on‐site after exhibitor move‐out will be transferred to a storage warehouse. Charges relating to such shipping and handling are the responsibility of the exhibitor. Outgoing Shipments An OMHF (Outbound Material Handling Form / Bill of Lading) must accompany all outgoing shipments. Shipping information, outbound forms and labels will be available at the GES Global Experience Specialists Servicentre. Exhibitors selecting non‐official carriers will need to make their own arrangements for pickup. Make sure that someone from your company will be on‐site to oversee the outbound shipment of your display and product. p Machinery Labour and Equipment Labour and equipment for uncrating, unskidding, positioning, leveling, dismantling, recrating, and reskidding machinery and/or equipment must be ordered separately. Place your order for this using the In‐Booth Forklift and Labour Order Form. If your material requires specialized rigging equipment, please notify us promptly so that we can make arrangements. When possible supply your own rigging equipment with shipments and pre‐rig your material Insurance All of your goods should be insured by your own insurance policy. Although we do our best to handle your goods as our own, there are many variables in shipping and handling that can affect your exhibit and products. GES Global Experience Specialist has published GES Global Experience Specialists Terms & Conditions of Contract that are in your exhibitor service manual. Please read them carefully. It is recommended that your goods be insured. GES Limits of Liability Liability ‐ GES Global Experience Specialists is liable for loss or damage to your goods ONLY if the loss or damage was caused by GES Global Experience Specialists negligence. Measure of Damage ‐ If GES Global Experience Specialists was negligent and the negligence caused either loss or damage to your goods, then the measure of that damage will be determined by the following: a. Measure of damages in all situations (including b. below) will be limited by the Depreciated Value of the goods or repair costs, whichever is less. b. The lesser of $0.30 per pound per piece, $50 per piece, or $1000 per occurrence. GES Global Experience Specialists does not offer or sell insurance. GES Global Experience Specialists is not liable and will not owe for loss or damage to your goods if the damage was not caused by GES Global Experience Specialists . I. Definitions: Agents: GES Global Experience Specialist's agents, sub-contractors, carriers, and the agents of each. Customer: Exhibitor or other party requesting services from GES Global Experience Specialists. Carrier: Motor carrier, van line, air carrier, or air or surface carrier/ freight forwarder. Shipper: Party who tenders Goods to Carrier for transportation. Goods: Exhibits, property, and commodities of any type for which GES Global Experience Specialists is requested to perform services. Cold Storage: Holding of Goods in a climate controlled area. Accessible Storage: Holding of Goods in an area from which Goods may be removed during shows. Services: Warehousing, transportation, drayage, un-supervised labour, supervised labour and/or related services. Show Site: The venue or place where an exposition or event takes place. Supervised Labour: Labour that is provided to a Customer to install or dismantle a booth or exhibit space, and is supervised and/or directed by GES Global Experience Specialists. Un-Supervised Labour: Labour that is provided to a Customer to install or dismantle a booth or exhibit space and per Customer's election is not supervised and/or directed by GES Global Experience Specialists. Customer assumes the responsibility for the work of labour when Customer elects to use unsupervised labour. including but not limited to Customer Appointed Contractors and Installation and Dismantle Companies, any subtenant or other user of its' space or any agents or employees engaged in business on its' behalf of Customer or present at Customers' invitation. GES Global Experience Specialists to Customer: To the extent of GES Global Experience Specialists's own negligence and/or willful misconduct, and subject to the limitations of liability below, GES Global Experience Specialists shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Customer from and against any claims, lawsuits, demands, liability, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, resulting from any injury to or death of persons, or damage to property other than Goods. GES Global Experience Specialists assumes no liability for bodily injury resulting from Customer's presence in areas which have been marked as "off limits to exhibitors" and during hours and days when exhibitors are present in the facility, prior to the start of and after the conclusion of their space lease with show management. V. No liability for consequential damages. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY PARTY BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFITS OR INCOME. VI. GES Global Experience Specialists Liability for Loss or Damage to Goods Negligence standard: GES Global Experience Specialists shall be liable, subject to the limitations contained herein, for loss or damage to Goods only if such loss or damage is caused by the direct negligence or willful misconduct of GES Global Experience Specialists. II. Scope: Condition of Goods: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for damage, loss, These Terms and Conditions shall be binding upon Customer, GES Global Experience or delay to uncrated freight, freight improperly packed, glass breakage or concealed Specialists, and their respective Agents and representatives, including but not limited to damage. GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for ordinary wear and tear in Customer contracted labour such as Customer Appointed Contractors and Installation and handling of Goods or for damage to shrink wrapped Goods. All Goods should be able to Dismantle Companies, and any other party with an interest in the Goods. Each shall have withstand handling by heavy equipment, including but not limited to forklifts, cranes, or the benefit of and be bound by all provisions stated herein, including but not limited to dollies. It is the Customers' responsibility to ensure that Goods are packaged correctly prior time limits and limitations of liability. to shipment or movement on or off the Show floor. By acceptance of services of GES Global Experience Specialists or Agents, Customer and Receipt of Goods: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for Goods received any other party with an interest in the Goods agree to these Terms and Conditions. without receipts, freight bills, or specified unit counts on receipts or freight bills. Such Goods shall be delivered to booth without the guarantee of piece count or condition. III. Customer Obligations: Force Majeure: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for loss or damage that Payment for Services. Customer shall be liable for all unpaid charges for services performed results from Acts of God, weather conditions, act or default of Customer, shipper, or the by GES Global Experience Specialists or Agents. Customer authorizes GES Global Experience owner of the Goods, inherent nature of the Goods, public enemy, public authority, labour Specialists to charge its' credit card directly for services rendered on its' behalf after disputes, and acts of terrorism or war. departure, by placing an order on-line, via fax, phone, or through a work order on site. Cold Storage: Goods requiring cold storage are stored at Customer's own risk. GES Global Credit Terms. All charges are due before Services are performed unless other arrangements Experience Specialists assumes no liability or responsibility for Cold Storage. have been made in advance. GES Global Experience Specialists has the right to require Accessible Storage: GES Global Experience Specialists assumes no liability for loss or prepayment or guarantee of the charges at the time of request for Services. A failure to pay damage to Goods while in Accessible Storage. Storage charges are for the use of space and timely will result in Customer having to pay in cash in advance for future services. If a credit are not a form of insurance, or a guarantee of security. card is provided to GES Global Experience Specialists, GES Global Experience Specialists is Unattended Goods: GES Global Experience Specialists assumes no liability for loss or authorized to bill to such credit card any unpaid charges for services provided Customer, damage to unattended Goods received at Show Site at any time from the point of receipt of including charges for return shipping. Any charges not paid within 30 days of deliver will be inbound Goods until the loading of the outbound Goods, including the entire term of the subject to interest at 1.5% per month until paid. respective show or exhibition. Customer is responsible for insuring its' own Good for any and all risk of loss. IV. Mutual Obligations: Labour: GES Global Experience Specialists assumes no liability for loss, damage, or bodily Indemnification: injury arising out of Customer's supervision of GES Global Experience Specialists provided Customer to GES Global Experience Specialists: Except to the extent of GES Global labour. If GES Global Experience Specialists supervises labour for a fee, GES Global Experience Specialists's own negligence and/or willful misconduct, Customer shall defend, Experience Specialists shall be liable only for actions or claims arising out of its' negligent hold harmless and indemnify GES Global Experience Specialists from and against any claims, supervision. If Customer elects to use unsupervised labour, then Customer assumes all lawsuits, demands, liability, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and liability for the actions or claims that arise out of such work, and shall provide GES Global court costs, resulting from any injury to or death of persons, or damage to property, Experience Specialists and show management with an indemnity, including defense costs, relating to or arising from performance under this Agreement. for any claims that result from Customers' supervision or failure to supervise assigned Customer agrees to indemnify and hold GES Global Experience Specialists harmless for any labour. and all acts of its representatives and agents, Tél.:514-367-4848 / 1-877-399-3976 Télécopieur / Fax.:514-367-5115 Courriel / Email: montreal@ges.com Empty Storage: GES Global Experience Specialists assumes no liability for loss or damage to Goods or crates, or the contents therein, while containers are in storage. It is the Customer's sole responsibility to affix the appropriate labels available at the GES Global Experience Specialists Service Desk for empty container storage. Damage that is the direct result of GES Global Experience Specialists's negligence shall be subject to the limitations of liability set forth in this document. Forced Freight: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for Goods not picked up by Customer's chosen carrier by the show deadline. It is the Customer's responsibility to complete accurate paperwork for shipping and ensure its' Goods are appropriately labeled. Customer acknowledges that it is a lessee of space, and as such has an obligation to remove its' Goods on or before the targeted time. If Goods remain on the floor after this point, GES Global Experience Specialists has the right to remove them in order to restore the premises to its original condition for show management pursuant to the venue's lease with show management. In such cases GES Global Experience Specialists is authorized to proceed in the manner chosen Customer on the Order for Material Handling Services/ Straight Bill of Lading. Failure to select on of the provided options will result in re-routing at GES Global Experience Specialists's discretion, and at Customer's expense assuming the Goods are labeled for return. GES Global Experience Specialists retains the right to dispose of Goods left on the show floor without liability if left unattended, left without labels or not correctly labeled. Concealed Damage: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for concealed loss or damage, uncrated Goods, or improperly package or labeled Goods. Unattended Booth: GES Global Experience Specialists shall not be liable for any loss or damage occurring while Goods are unattended in Customer's booth at any time, including, but not limited to, the time the Goods are delivered to the dock until the time the Goods are received by Customer's chosen carrier. All Material Handling Forms and/or Straight Bills of Lading covering outgoing Goods submitted to GES Global Experience Specialists will be checked at the time of pickup from the booth and corrections to the count or condition will be documented where discrepancies exist. Measure of Damage: GES Global Experience Specialists's liability shall be limited to the lesser of 1) the depreciated value of Goods, 2) repair cost, or 3) the limitation of liability. The limitation of liability shall be $0.30 (thirty cents) per pound per piece, $50 (fifty dollars) per article or $1000.00 (one thousand dollars) per shipment. No Insurance: GES Global Experience Specialists is not an insurance company and does not offer or provide insurance. It is the obligation of Customer to ensure Goods are insured at all times. Loss or theft of the Goods in storage or in transit to and from the show and or while on the show floor is the sole responsibility of Customer, unless it is shown that GES Global Experience Specialists performed in a manner that constitutes gross negligence in the performance of its services for Customer. Notice of loss or damage: In order to have a valid claim, notice of loss or damage to Goods must be given to GES Global Experience Specialists within 24 hours of occurrence or delivery of Goods, whichever is later. Filing of Claim: Any claim for loss or damage to Goods must be in writing, containing facts sufficient to identify the Goods, asserting liability for alleged loss or damage, and making claim for the payment of a specified or determinable amount of money. Such claim must be filed with the appropriate party within the time limits specified below. Damage Reports, incident reports, inspection reports, notations of shortage or damage on freight bills or other documents, do not constitute filing of a claim. Claim for goods alleged to be lost, stolen or damaged at the Show Site must be received in writing by GES Global Experience Specialists within sixty (60) days after the close of the show. Tél.:514-367-4848 / 1-877-399-3976 Télécopieur / Fax.:514-367-5115 Courriel / Email: montreal@ges.com Claims for Goods alleged to be lost or damaged during transit must be received by the responsible party within nine (9) months of the date of delivery of Goods. GES Global Experience Specialists Logistics subcontracts the movement of Goods to third party carriers. Claims for damage in transit should be made directly with the Customer's carrier as shown on the Material Handling form / Straight Bill of Lading. In the event of a dispute eith GES Global Experience Specialists, Customer will not withhold payment or any amount due GES Global Experience Specialists for Services as an offset against the amount of the alleged loss or damage. Customer agrees to pay GES Global Experience Specialists prior to the close of the show for all such charges and further agrees that any claim Customer may have against GES Global Experience Specialists shall be pursued independently by Customer as a separate action to be resolved on its own merits. GES Global Experience Specialists reserves the right to pursue collection on amounts owed after show close, without regard to any amount alleged to be owed for damage, or loss. Filing of Suit: Any action at law regarding loss or damage to Goods must be filed within one (1) years of the date of declination of any part of a claim. VII. Jurisdiction, Choice of Forum. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of Canada or, alternatively, and depending on jurisdiction, the laws of the Province of Québec. VIII. Advance Warehousing / Temporary Storage / Long Term Storage. All terms and conditions relative to Advanced Warehousing / Temporary Storage / Long Term Storage are contained in the separate agreement entitled "Storage Agreement". In the event that a Storage Agreement is not executed between the parties, the following shall apply with respect to GES Global Experience Specialist's liability for Customer's Goods: The responsibility of GES Global Experience Specialists with respect to Exhibit Material is limited to the exercise of ordinary care and diligence in handling and storing of Customer's Goods. GES Global Experience Specialists shall be liable only for loss or damage to Goods caused by GES Global Experience Specialists's sole negligence. GES Global Experience Specialists's liability is limited to sixty ($0.60) cents per pound or the actual cash value per article. In the case of partial loss or damage, the maximum liability shall be prorated based on weight. GES Global Experience Specialists is not responsible for any loss or damage to Goods caused by, but not limited to fire, theft, the elements, vandalism, moisture, vermin, mechanical breakdown or failure, freezing or changes in temperature, as well as any other causes beyond GES Global Experience Specialists's immediate control. GES Global Experience Specialists is not responsible for the marring, scratching, or breakage of glass or other fragile items. GES Global Experience Specialists is not liable for the mechanical functions of instruments or appliances even if such articles are packed or unpacked by GES Global Experience Specialists. In no event shall GES Global Experience Specialists be liable for special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, including business loss of any kind, resulting from any damage to or loss of Goods or from any act or failure to act. Customer pays storage fees, if any or costs for advance warehousing for use of the space only. There is no guarantee of security or representations made by GES Global Experience Specialists as to appropriateness of the conditions for Exhibitors' Material. This risk of loss remains the Customer's alone and GES Global Experience Specialists recommends the Customer carry and maintain insurance in amounts sufficient to cover its risk. SPECIAL NOTE: THE CONSIGNMENT OR DELIVERY OF A SHIPMENT TO GES CANADA OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS BY A CUSTOMER OR BY ANY SHIPPER ON BEHALF OF THE CUSTOMER SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS AN ACCEPTANCE BY SUCH EXHBITOR (AND/OR OTHER SHIPPER) OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. EXHIBITION HALLS Tel.: (514) 397-2222 • Fax: (514) 397-2384 800, De La Gauchetière street W. Suite 240, Montreal (QC) H5A 1K6 www.placebonaventure.com • info@placebonaventure.com ORDER FORM In-booth SECURITY Name of show : _______________________________________ Address : ____________________________________________ Show dates : _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s company name: ______________________________ Postal (Zip) Code : ____________________________________ Booth no.(s) : _________________________________________ Telephone no. : ( On-site contact : ______________________________________ Fax no. : ( RATES e-mail adress : ______________________________________ ) _________________________________ ) _______________________________________ HOURLY RATE : $30 / HOUR (MINIMUM 4 HOURS) / LEGAL HOLIDAYS : $60 / HOUR (MINIMUM 4 HOURS) SCHEDULE DATES HOURS HOURS FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : TOTAL HOURS : ___________________________________ TOTAL HOURS : ___________________________________ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) : __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ t __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ t Place Bonaventure is the exclusive supplier of security services Credit card number and signature must be provided on this form - CHEQUES NOT ACCEPTED HOURS x $30 / HOUR :$ _____________ HOURS x $60 / HOUR :$ _____________ *30% surcharge (if applicable) :$ _____________ GST 5 % :$ _____________ QST 9.975 % :$ _____________ Total :$ _____________ Please note that your calculation will be confirmed by the Exhibition Halls’ Management. If needed, adjustments will be made and charged to your credit card. NOTE: This official form must be used for all IN-BOOTH SECURITY orders. It is to be completed and returned to the Place Bonaventure Exhibition Halls and must be received seven (7) working days prior to the 1st day of the official show move-in. *Late orders will be subject to a surcharge of 30%. Authorized signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and title (please print):___________________________________________________________________________________ Company name: ________________________________________________________________ Date : _______________________ All prices are quoted in Canadian currency and are subject to change without prior notice. GST: 830532347RT / QST: 1210870802 2016 EXHIBITION HALLS Tel.: (514) 397-2222 • Fax: (514) 397-2384 800, De La Gauchetière street W. Suite 240, Montreal (QC) H5A 1K6 www.placebonaventure.com • info@placebonaventure.com BOOTH CLEANING ORDER FORM Name of show : _______________________________________ Address : ____________________________________________ Show dates : _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s company name: ______________________________ Postal (Zip) Code : ____________________________________ Booth no.(s) : _________________________________________ Telephone no. : ( On-site contact : ______________________________________ Fax no. : ( ) _________________________________ ) _______________________________________ e-mail adress : ______________________________________ CLEANING SERVICES & RATES Booth cleaning service includes: - Light dusting of counter tops, tables (without obstructions) - Vaccuming of carpet - Garbage disposal CLEANING Booth cleaning service can be ordered either for the first day of the show or for the duration of the show. Please indicate the number of days required and select the applicable rate corresponding to your booth space. Rates are established per day. The booth cleaning ordered is done the night prior the opening of the show. NUMBER OF DAYS (excluding move-in/move-out) UP TO 200 SQ.FT. _____________ $30 / day SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) : UP TO 400 SQ.FT. UP TO 600 SQ.FT. $49.25 / day $66.25 / day UP TO 800 SQ.FT. $75 / day ABOVE 800 SQ.FT. $75 / day (1st 800 sq.ft.) + $0.086 / sq.ft. additional/day ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SERVICES CARPET SHAMPOO $0.68 / sq.ft. SPOT CLEANING $42.50 / hour SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) : t ____________________________________________________________________________________________ t Place Bonaventure is the exclusive supplier of booth cleaning Credit card number and signature must be provided on this form - CHEQUES NOT ACCEPTED - Sub-Total :$ ______________ *30% surcharge (if applicable) :$ ______________ GST 5 % :$ ______________ QST 9.975 % :$ ______________ Total :$ ______________ Please note that your calculation will be confirmed by the Exhibition Halls’ Management. If needed, adjustments will be made and charged to your credit card. NOTE: This official form must be used for all BOOTH CLEANING orders. It is to be completed and returned to the Place Bonaventure Exhibition Halls and must be received seven (7) working days prior to the 1st day of the official show move-in. *Late orders will be subject to a surcharge of 30%. Authorized signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and title (please print):___________________________________________________________________________________ Company name: ________________________________________________________________ Date : ___________________ ____ All prices are quoted in Canadian currency and are subject to change without prior notice. GST: 830532347RT / QST: 1210870802 2016 EXHIBITION HALLS Tel.: (514) 397-2222 • Fax: (514) 397-2384 800, De La Gauchetière street W. Suite 240, Montreal (QC) H5A 1K6 www.placebonaventure.com GREETING HOSTS & HOSTESSES ORDER FORM Name of show : _______________________________________ Address : ____________________________________________ Show dates :__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Exhibitor’s company name: _______________________________ Postal (Zip) Code : _____________________________________ Booth no.(s) :__________________________________________ Telephone no. :( On-site contact : _______________________________________ Fax no. : ( ) __________________________________ ) _______________________________________ RATES HOURLY RATE : $21.25 / HOUR (MINIMUM 4 HOURS) • SUPERVISOR : $24.75 / HOUR • LEGAL HOLIDAYS : $ 42.50 / HOUR (MINIMUM 4 HOURS) SCHEDULE DATES HOURS HOURS FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : FROM : TO : TOTAL HOURS : _______________________________ TOTAL HOURS : _______________________________ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) : __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit card number and signature must be provided on this form. • Cheques not accepted • Place Bonaventure is the exclusive supplier of hosts and hostesses services. Sub-Total : HOURS x $21.25 / HOUR :$ HOURS x $24.75 / HOUR :$ HOURS x $42.50 / HOUR :$ *30% surcharge (if applicable) :$ Taxes (G.S.T. + Q.S.T.) X 12.88 % :$ MASTER CARD VISA AMERICAN EXPRESS Card No.: Expiry Date: Card Holder: Card Holder's Signature: Total :$ Please note that your calculation will be confirmed by the Exhibition Halls’ Management. If needed, adjustments will be made and charged to your credit card. NOTE: This official form must be used for all Hosts & Hostesses Services. It is to be completed and returned to the Place Bonaventure Exhibition Halls and must be received seven (7) working days prior to the 1st day of the official show move-in. *Late orders will be subject to a surcharge of 30%. Cancellations within 48 hours notice will be billed at 4 hours per host / hostess. Authorized signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and title (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Company name: ________________________________________________________________ Date : ________________________ All prices are quoted in Canadian currency and are subject to change without prior notice. G.S.T.: 830532347 / Q.S.T.: 1210870802 2011 OFFICIAL SUPPLIER SEPTEMBER 16-18, 2016 AT PLACE BONAVENTURE, MONTRÉAL CUSTOMS BROKERAGE, FREIGHT, ADVANCE WAREHOUSE SERVICES AS YOUR OFFICIAL SUPPLIER HERE ARE THE SERVICES WE OFFER - A team with expertise in the convention and trade show business. - Customs clearance of all goods. - Transportation service ‘’ to’’ and ‘’ from’’ the show, from any point in the U.S.A. and the world. Including 30 days free advance warehousing (when using our transport services). - On site experienced personnel from the first move-in day, during the entire event until the last move-out day. - Preparation of all documents for the return of convention and exhibit material. If you are sending material to the advanced warehouse, you must complete and return this form to: North American Logistics Services Inc. Fax: 514-868-6651 or fvera@nalsi.com or avaldes@nalsi.com TRANSPORT FROM THE WAREHOUSE TO THE SHOW SITE FORM IF YOU ARE SHIPPING FROM U.S.A. TO THE ADVANCE WAREHOUSE, SHIPMENTS MUST BE CLEARED AT THE BORDER. Transport Services From the Advance Warehouse to the Show Site Fees: Fees 0 to 500 lbs: $ 195.00 cad + fuel surcharge + taxes 500 lbs and over : $ 195.00 cad + $ 0.12/ lb + fuel surcharge + taxes Maximum fee: $ 640.00 cad + fuel surcharge + taxes GOOD MUST BE RECEIVED AT OUR WAREHOUSE 10 DAYS BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE EVENT, AFTER THIS DATE A 25% WILL BE APPLIED FOR LATE ARRIVAL SURCHARGE Advance Warehouse Address c/o YRC 1725 Chemin St-François Dorval, Qc H9P 2S1 Exhibitor Name: Event Name: Salon Québec Floride 2016 Event Date(s): September 16-18, 2016 Booth #: Carrier/ Shipment Information Name of carrier providing transportation services: PRO #: Goods Shipped From: Shipping Date: Number of Pieces Dimensions (inches) Weight (LBS) Carton/Boxes L W H Crates/Fiber Case L W H Skid/Pallet L W H Carpet/Other L W H TOTAL IMPORTANT: North American logistics Services Inc. cannot accept uncrated goods. This merchandise must be delivered directly to the exhibit hall. Please make sure all arrangements have been made for your carrier to pick-up your freight from the show site address at the end of the event. Send Bill To: Terms of Payment and Security Deposit (Must be completed) Company Name: Address: Address: Prov./State: Postal/Zip: Email: City: Contact Name: Phone #: Invoices are processed electronically and transmitted to email provided. Charge to: Visa MasterCard American Express Cardholder Name: Card Account #: Cardholder’s Signature: Email: Expiry Date: CVC #: I hereby authorize the use of this credit card for payment of services related to this order form. OPTION #1 Process payment automatically on credit card provided. A 5%administration fee will be added to invoices paid by credit card. OPTION #2 Payment will follow within 15 days of invoice processing date. (Credit card provided may be charged if payment is not received within 45 days of invoice date). North American Logistics may require payment prior to delivery of goods. A 5%administration fee will be added to invoices paid by credit card. If you are sending material to the advanced warehouse, you must complete and return this form to: North American Logistics Services Inc. Fax: 514-868-6651 or fvera@nalsi.com or avaldes@nalsi.com Toronto/Head Office Tel: 905.951.1612 Montreal/Eastern Region Tel: 514.868.6650 Calgary/Prairie Region Tel: 403.851.1152 Vancouver/Western Region Tel: 778.328.2841 www.nalsi.com Please complete, print, sign and return completed forms to order@nalsi.com Quote ID# FB# ORDER FORM: Customs Brokerage & Transportation Services We wish to use North American Logistics Services for: (Please check one) Customs Clearance & Transportation Customs Clearance Only Transportation Only Delivery Address Pick Up Address Section 1 - Exhibitor and Event Information ***Company name or facility name*** Location Name: Pickup Date: Address: City: Contact: Phone #: Exhibitor Name: Email: ***Applicable only if pickup is from a tradeshow*** Event Date(s): ***Company name or facility name*** City: Montréal Contact: Email: Phone #: ***Applicable only if delivering to a tradeshow*** Return Freight Time: Prov./State: QC Event Date(s): Sept. 19-21, 2014 Booth #: Return services not required ***Company name or facility name*** Pickup Date: Address: City: Phone #: Time: Prov./State: Email: ***Applicable only if delivering to another tradeshow*** Exhibitor Name: Postal/Zip: H5A 1K6 US Tax #/EIN: Event Name: Salon Québec/Floride 2014 Return freight same as pickup address If same, only complete pickup date/time information Contact: Booth #: Delivery Date: Address: 800 de la Gauchetière W. Loading dock corner St-Jacques/Montford Location Name: Postal/Zip: US Tax #/EIN: Event Name: Location Name: Place Bonaventure Exhibitor Name: Time: Prov./State: Postal/Zip: US Tax #/EIN: Event Name: Event Date(s): Booth #: Section 2 - Carrier/ Shipment Information Name of carrier providing transportation services NALSI Other Number of Pieces Dimensions (inches) Weight (LBS) Carton/Boxes L W H Crates/Fiber Case L W H Skid/Pallet L W H Carpet/Other L W H TOTAL Additional Services: Lift Gate 53ft trailer accessible? Pickup: Yes Do you require additional Insurance? Inside Pick Up/Delivery No Delivery: Yes No Yes No Loading dock available? Pickup: Declared Value: Yes No Delivery: Yes No ***for insurance purposes only*** Cargo Insurance (only to be completed when using NALSI Transportation) **Please note additional fee's will apply for insurance coverage** Send Bill To: Section 3 - Terms of Payment and Security Deposit (Must be completed) Company Name: Address: Address: Prov./State: Postal/Zip: Email: City: Contact Name: Phone #: Invoices are processed electronically and transmitted to email provided. Charge to: Visa MasterCard American Express Cardholder Name: Card Account #: Cardholder’s Signature: Email: Expiry Date: CVC #: I hereby authorize the use of this credit card for payment of services related to this order form. OPTION #1 Process payment automatically on credit card provided. A 5%administration fee will be added to invoices paid by credit card. OPTION #2 Payment will follow within 15 days of invoice processing date. (Credit card provided may be charged if payment is not received within 45 days of invoice date). North American Logistics may require payment prior to delivery of goods. A 5%administration fee will be added to invoices paid by credit card. Please complete, print, sign and return completed forms to avaldes@nalsi.com & fvera@nalsi.com or by fax at 514-868-6651 Toronto/Head Office Tel: 905.951.1612 Montreal/Eastern Region Tel: 514.868.6650 Calgary/Prairie Region Tel: 403.851.1152 Vancouver/Western Region Tel: 778.328.2841 www.nalsi.com C om pute r & Moni to r R ental Fo rm Quantit y PC’s – incl’s K/B & Mouse Win 7 English Macintosh MacBook Pro Monitors Printers Equipment Specifications Show Rate HP I7 8gb/160Gb/1GBVRAM/DVD-R $200.00 I5 4Gb/500Gb/15 screen $175.00 24” LCD Monitor (if taken with PC) 24” LCD Monitor 32” LCD Monitor 42” LCD Monitor 60” LCD Monitor 70” LCD Monitor Dual Post Stand for LCD with monitor Dual Post Stand for LCD no monitor HP 3015 LaserJet (PC or MAC) HP 3525x LaserJet color Ink used for HP $0.00 $75.00 $175.00 $325.00 $550.00 $725.00 $40.00 $150.00 $200.00 $475.00 HP I7 8gb, 300gb, 15 inch screen $225.00 Extended Price Laptops Network or Internet Set-up Software Installation (customer provided) Looking for something else just call Call for pricing Call for pricing Sub-total Delivery/Setup Tax (15%) Total Owed Payment Information Card #: Name on Card: Signature: Expiry Date: P.O. # : Delivery / Pickup info Exhibitor Information Company Name: Ordered By: Address: City: Phone # Website Address: $75.00 Prov/State: PC/Zip: Booth Name / Number: Delivery Date: Time Requested: On-site Contact: On-site Phone #: Email Address: EMAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM TO GUARANTEE EQUIPMENT RESERVATION Fine Print: As the official supplier, Services Location Informatique Inc. (SLI) will provide on-site service throughout the show. Rental prices listed above are for the whole show period, based on delivery the day prior to the show. The customer is liable for loss or damage to the equipment during the show until SLI employees arrive to remove it at the end of the show. A company representative must be in your booth at the time specified to sign for the equipment ordered. Cancellations on-site will be billed at 100%. S ervices Locati on I nfo rmati que Inc. 2955 rue Star, St-Hubert Qc J3Y 3W5 Tel : 450-766-2022 email : stephanel@slinformatique.com
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