Our Annual Report 2015 - Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School


Our Annual Report 2015 - Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School
Our Annual Report 2015
Aberdeen Hall is a world class, university preparatory school offering Preschool to Grade 12. We stand
apart with an enriched academic curriculum designed to achieve 100% university acceptance.
State-of-the-art facilities include the expansive Great Hall, science laboratories, digital recording and design
studios and fine arts amenities. Our campus provides exceptional sports facilities for varsity teams in
basketball, volleyball, track, cross-country, soccer, rugby and more.
Founded in 2004 – 75 students (Preschool – Grade 3)
Located in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia,
the school is adjacent to the University of British
Columbia (UBC) Okanagan campus
44 Acre Campus
School colours:
blue and gold
students 231
Faculty/Student ratio: 1:10
A wide variety of courses offered
Foreign languages offered:
French & Spanish
Advanced Placement (AP) courses
offered: AP English Literature
& AP Physics 1
Staff &
Early Learning Centre Enrollment –
Preschool and Kindergarten
Junior Hall Enrollment – Grades 1-6
Senior Hall Enrollment – Grades 7-12
International Students
Oman, Hong Kong,
Germany, China,
Japan, and Korea
School Leadership
Chris Grieve, Head of School
Grant Ozechowsky, Director of Senior School/Deputy Head
Susanne Raye, Director of Junior School
Lisa White, Controller
Ashley Bryden, Director of Curriculum & Innovative Learning
Steve Acree, Director of University Guidance
John Gareau, Director of Athletics
Lindsay Grieve, Director of Operations
Christina Kuhn, Director of Performing Arts
Jaime Hill, Assistant Director of Senior School
Our campus has three buildings which
include the:
Early Learning Centre – Preschool & Kindergarten
Junior Hall – Grades 1-6
Senior Hall – Grades 7-12
Our Graduates
have been
accepted to:
Canada: University of Alberta, Blanche
Macdonald Centre, University of British
Columbia, University of British Columbia
Okanagan, University of Calgary, Carlton,
Dalhousie, McGill, McMaster, Mount
Allison, Okanagan College, University of
Ottawa, Queens, University of Toronto,
University of Victoria, Vancouver Film
School, Waterloo, Western
United States: Belmont Abbey College
United Kingdom : Durham University,
University of Liverpool
of Aberdeen
Advanced Placement
of students scored
3+/5 on exam
Percent of graduates
accepted to their first
or second choice
post-secondary institute:
Community Service
Students in all grade levels participate in community
service. Senior School students must complete
30 hours of service work before graduation.
SAT testing
Is offered three times per year and test & prep courses are offered in
April for Aberdeen Hall students and students in the region throughout
the school year. (The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college
admissions in the United states).
Fine Arts
Participation in the fine arts begins in Preschool and continues
through to Grade 12.
Fine arts facilities include our digital design studio, band rooms,
digital recording studio and art studio
The school hosts two drama productions each year and provides
music and public speaking opportunities throughout the school year.
Accreditations and Memberships
Aberdeen Hall is accredited by the British Columbia Ministry of
Education and is a member of the Independent Schools Association
of British Columbia (ISABC) and The Federation of Independent
Schools of BC (FISA).
Mascot: Gryphon
Junior School Teams
• Cross-country Running
• Volleyball
• Wrestling
• Swim Team
• Basketball
• Track and Field • Golf
• Rugby
• Soccer Training
Senior School Teams
• Volleyball
• Senior Boys Soccer
• 7/8 Rugby
• Wrestling
• Cross-country Running
• Basketball
• Golf Team & Academy
• Track and Field • Senior Girls Soccer
• Mountain Biking
Over 80% of Senior
School students play
at least one sport.
Aberdeen Hall has a no-cut athletic
policy up to varsity level. Equal
playing time at Junior level is
provided to all athletes.
Financial aid is available for
families with students in
Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Students receiving financial assistance:
1 • Stats and Facts
3 • Contents
4 • Message from Head of School
5 • Message from the Board Chair
6 • Admissions Highlights
7 • Senior School Report
9 • Junior School Report
11• Celebrating Philanthropy
12• Save the Date
13• Q&A
15• International Programme
16• Weekly Boarding
17• Athletics Update
19• Performing Arts
25• Financial Facts
26• 2016 School Calendar
950 Academy Way, Kelowna, BC V1V 3A4
(250) 491-1270 • www.aberdeenhall.com
from the
Head of
ast year was certainly a momentous one for
Aberdeen Hall in many ways. We celebrated
our 10th anniversary, had our first alumni class
attend university and completed Phase 4 of
our campus plan. All grade school students
have been enjoying the opportunity to have
their lunch and assemblies in the new Great Hall. What a
warm and welcoming space for our students, faculty and
parents. We are very grateful to the donors and volunteers
who have contributed much to make Aberdeen Hall what it
is today; a community focused on providing children with an
outstanding education in an inspiring campus.
In the past our energy has been devoted to building new
traditions, starting new courses, adding grades and opening
facilities. This year our focus is excellence in programming
and operations. All of our school departments spent time
last summer fine tuning and implementing their operational
multi-year strategic plans.
As our school continues to grow, we are deeply committed
to maintaining the personal attention for which we have
become known. This year, the Senior Leadership Team has
been collaborating to formalize a specialized “Aberdeen Hall
Elements of Teaching Excellence.” By sharing a consistent
philosophy, instructional design and strategic teaching
model between our school divisions, we can ensure a high
level of quality throughout all aspects of programming. Our
goal is that in the future, our school will be known not only
Chris Grieve
Head of School
This year our focus is excellence in
programming and operations.
as a rising star in the independent school community, but
as a paragon of professional development and teaching
Aberdeen Hall’s brief history has been a remarkable
journey from a fledgling elementary school to a flourishing
Preschool-Grade 12 institution. Many of our parents have
worked tirelessly alongside the faculty; serving on the Board
of Directors, contributing to our great community spirit
through our Parent Guild, driving endless kilometres for
sporting events and field trips and serving thousands
of wonderful hot lunches. As we move into the next phase
of development, we are exploring how we can make
things even better. This will involve close examination of
all programming, but more importantly, it will involve how
we teach it.
We thank you for your ongoing support.
Message from
the Board Chair
s we reach the halfway point of our year
I took some time to reflect on how far we
have come from our first school year not
so long ago. During the 2014-2015 year
we celebrated our 10th anniversary by
adding another significant piece to our
master campus plan. The addition of the Senior School and
Great Hall allowed all of our students and staff more space
to learn and grow. Preschool and Kindergarten now have
their own building in the Early Learning Centre, Grades 1-6
are enjoying the spaces vacated by our younger set, and
Grades 7-12 have moved into our new Senior Hall. When I
stop by the school, the Great Hall is always busy with Junior
and Senior students either attending assemblies, eating
meals or taking part in classes.
Our Cornerstone Capital Campaign was launched to fund
a portion of our Phase 4 campus. I commend the donors
that supported the school and sincerely thank them for
their leadership.
I have thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the school grow from
its founding moments until now and remember well the
small rented school with approximately 70 students. To see
550 students enjoying their education with our faculty and
staff is a dream become reality for our Board of Directors.
As we look to the future, the School Administration and
Board have embarked on our 2016-2020 Strategic Planning
project. Phase 5 will focus on Arts and Athletics and will
add facilities to inspire our students in both of these areas.
We look forward to receiving feedback from our community
on what this phase will look like.
On behalf of the School Administration and the Board
of Directors, we would like to thank the Aberdeen Hall
community for a great year filled with many moments
of success.
Michael Holzhey
Board Chair
I commend the donors
that supported the school
and sincerely thank them
for their leadership.
e have seen an incredible growth in
the student population at Aberdeen
Hall. Over the past two years, we
have been fortunate to greet 211
new students into the Aberdeen
Hall community. We have expanded
grades 2, 3, 5 and 7 to three classes to accommodate the
growth of our student population. Our enrollment for the
2015/16 school year is 556. We are so pleased to see our
school population grow, while continuing to ensure we
retain our unique, small school community by providing
our students with age specific learning environments in
our Early Learning Centre, Junior Hall and Senior Hall.
Aberdeen Hall has welcomed families from all over the
world, from Costa Rica to Northern Canada to Hong Kong.
We are very grateful that so many families have chosen
Aberdeen Hall for their children’s education. Kelowna is
such an amazing city, attracting great families from all over
the world to settle here and enjoy the many benefits the
Okanagan Valley has to offer.
Last year the Admissions team launched our Weekly Boarding
Programme, an opportunity for students from surrounding
communities to attend Aberdeen Hall and stay with a host
family, returning home on weekends. This programme opens
the doors to all the advantages of an Aberdeen Hall education
for students outside of the Kelowna area.
Over the past two years, we
have been fortunate to greet
211 new students into the
Aberdeen Hall community.
It is always interesting to learn about how our new families
heard about the school. Our website is a vital tool in
providing information about us; however, we more often
hear that a family member or friend has referred a student
to us. We are so appreciative of our current families for their
recommendations and for continually sending new students
to visit our school and learn what sets Aberdeen Hall apart
in educational excellence. As advocates of Aberdeen Hall,
our current families are by far our most valued members of
the Admissions team!
he school year of 2014-2015; what a ride!
Our academic year in our new classroom
block allowed us to offer additional classes
that would have otherwise been impossible.
For the first time, we offered two sections
of Chemistry 11, a section of Biology 11,
Calculus 12 and Philosophy 11. Our Flex/Resource
Department had a new home, providing these students
and their teachers with a location in which to work. The
dedicated Art, Music, IT and Drama rooms really assisted
our Fine Arts and Applied Skills teachers in growing their
Students and teachers clamoured to utilize the bright and
inspiring Skylab spaces in the Great Hall. Witnessing the
students interact socially with their peers and teachers
during lunch in this new center point of the school was
terrific. In addition, being able to host events such as
dances, assemblies and graduations really made student
life at Aberdeen Hall more engaging.
Some other notable moments from last year include:
•Successful Advanced Placement classes in Physics and
English Literature
•Provincial level athletic teams in girls’ volleyball, boys’
soccer, track and field and cross country running.
•“Best ever” placings in girls’ junior volleyball, boys’ junior
basketball and Gr7 boys’ basketball, along with our first
ever senior boys’ rugby team
•The addition of several international students to our
Senior School
•University acceptance offers to over 21 schools including
UBC’s Sauder School of Business, UBCO Engineering,
Queens’ Commerce, Ottawa U of Science.
•Successfully organizing and facilitating Grade 12 Graduation
Ceremonies, Promenade Celebration and Grad Trips
Grant Ozechowsky
Director of Senior School,
Deputy Head
This year we are very eager to launch our new MySchool
platform. This student management system will streamline
how we organize and communicate with our students and
their parents.
The addition of our Design Studio is really making an
impact on our Fine Arts department. The 21st Century tools
and projects completed by our students in this facility will
certainly highlight our students’ school experience. We are
also proud of our new Mastery Class, which is aimed at our
Grade 9 students. This programme employs project-based
learning to help students develop their critical thinking,
problem solving and resiliency skills. We are hopeful that the
success of this new course will become a keystone for our
middle years students.
We made some minor adjustments to our timetable to
make our school day a little more efficient and have added
approximately twenty-five minutes of class time to each
student’s week. We are now adding an assembly and
advisory block to the timetable. This allows homeroom
teachers to design activities that will help students develop
their “soft” skills (leadership, conflict resolution, teamwork
etc.). We will also use this class for division-wide as well as
grade-specific assemblies. It is our hope that this will help
us build an even stronger sense of community among the
student body.
We will continue to make adjustments to the courses
and policies that have made our Grade 10-12 students
successful. That being said, a goal for our school during
the coming years is to further develop a unique middle
years programme (Grades 7-9) that will arm our students
with the skills, knowledge and attributes that will make
them successful in high school and beyond.
Witnessing the students interact
socially with their peers and teachers
during lunch in this new center point
of the school was terrific.
Susanne Raye
Director of Junior School
he 2014-2015 school year was an exciting
year for the Junior School, with the addition
of over fifty new students and their families.
Our Preschool and Kindergarten classes
moved into their new home in the Early
Learning Centre.
This facility is designed to have five self-contained Preschool
classes with a maximum of ten students and one teacher in
each class. The two Kindergarten classes are large and full
of natural light, and there is easy access to the playground
for all the classes.
Our goals for this year include the introduction of a new
math programme, a review of the Visual Art Scope and
Sequence, the creation of a vertical Information Technology
Scope and Sequence, as well as an in-depth review of the
new BC curriculum. The addition of a school-wide Director
of Curriculum and Innovative Learning will help facilitate
these goals.
We continue to enjoy many of Aberdeen Hall’s outreach
traditions: The Terry Fox Run, We Scare Hunger, Toonies for
Turkeys, Boot, Coat and Toy Drive, Jump Rope for Heart,
and Spread the Net. Last May, during our Healthiest Month
Ever, we focused on the importance of sleep in children’s
lives and were fortunate to be addressed by an expert on
the subject, Dr. Ron Cridland.
We introduced a community service element to our Grade
six Graduation Programme. These students now work to
complete fifteen hours of service in their community. A great
number of students rose to the challenge. Our Student
Council programme also flourished, with many activities
being suggested and implemented by our council members.
Our Outreach programme and our Character Counts
programme continued to help us meet our school’s mission
to develop “compassionate and contributing citizens”.
With the assistance of our newly appointed Director of
Performing Arts, we enjoyed a well-presented music show
in February. During the finale, we had over 250 students
on stage performing Green Day’s Time of your Life, an
impressive feat. This year, our focus will be on the winter
play productions.
Our Athletics Programme also flourished last year, with the
addition of a dedicated Junior School Athletics coordinator.
We enjoyed success at the swim meet, the wrestling
competition, track and field meet, Grade 6 basketball
tournament, and a Grade 5 and 6 rugby inter-school
competition. This year our goal is to expand the programme
to include competitive volleyball and basketball inter-school
competitions and an extra track and field meet. Students
also enjoyed our annual skating and swimming field trips.
I am delighted to be in my new role as Director of Junior
School. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the administration
team to grow the school in admissions, but my heart
has always been in teaching. I look forward to working
on continuing to develop the Aberdeen Hall Elements of
Teaching Excellence, implementing the new curriculum and
initiating new methods of assessment.
Our Student Council programme also
flourished, with many activities being
suggested and implemented by our
council members.
Celebrating Philanthropy
at Aberdeen Hall
s we look back over the last 11 years and
the astounding success and growth of
Aberdeen Hall, we sincerely acknowledge
that what we have today would not be
possible without the contributions of our
many supporters featured on the following
pages. Over the past decade, donors to our Annual Fund
and Capital Campaigns have contributed 3 million +.
We are in awe of what we can accomplish together as a
philanthropic community at Aberdeen Hall. Thank you to all
those who gave last year and to those who have been with
us since the beginning of our amazing journey in supporting
the development of Aberdeen Hall.
The 2014/15 school year brought many exciting enhancements
to our school. With the completion of the Great Hall came
the stunning focal point of our campus, and the addition
of the Boyarchuk Food Market has made lunch service
a healthy and convenient option for all our families. The
Loft Cafe brings together our faculty, parent and student
communities and serves as a much-welcomed social hub.
The new SportCourt flooring in the dome has enhanced
our growing athletic programme, allowing our athletes
to develop and excel. All of these wonderful additions
to our school would not have been possible without the
philanthropic contributions of our amazing supporters.
We are most grateful that you include Aberdeen Hall in
your giving!
A less visible but none-the-less life-changing outcome
of philanthropy at our school are the gifts designated to
provide scholarships and bursaries. Currently, 13% of our
student population benefits from this incredible generosity.
We are proud to be able to offer the advantages of an
Aberdeen Hall education to deserving students who would
not otherwise have been able to join our outstanding
community. We are continually grateful for gifts supporting
scholarships and bursaries and, with your support, look
forward to growing this programme.
The culture of philanthropy at Aberdeen Hall is evolving
in a manner that makes us very grateful to be members
of the Aberdeen Hall community. To those on our Parent
Guild, you are leaders in this process. Thank you for your
individual and collective roles. To all who have volunteered
their time and energy to Aberdeen Hall, we thank you for
your support. To each of you whose name appears on the
following pages, your acts of giving have combined to make
a profound difference to Aberdeen Hall. We sincerely thank
you for your leadership and generosity.
Aberdeen Hall Gives Back... to the Community
• BC Cancer Foundation
• Central Okanagan Hospice Association
• Habitat for Humanity
• Heart and Stroke Foundation
• Kelowna Futures Tennis Tournament
• KGH Foundation
• 2015 Ride to Conquer Cancer
• Gospel Mission
• Food Bank
May 28, 2016
Jaime Hill
Assistant Director of Senior School
Q.Can you provide a brief overview of
your position?
My role as Assistant Director is to coordinate the programmes
that serve the educational, social, cultural, and recreational
interests at our Senior School. I help students with their
timetables and elective choices, work with the Spirit Council,
and oversee students who will be working towards their
Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Q.What are your goals in your new role?
My focus for this role is to continue providing programmes
that have been successful and popular at our school but,
also to introduce new ideas and develop with the great staff
with whom I have the opportunity to work with. There are
so many people who are passionate at our school, and we
want to continue to develop our culture of students, parents,
and staff who are increasingly proud to be Gryphons.
Q.Student life? Can you expand on this?
I will work with the Spirit Council, who are the student
leaders of our school. This will include supervising
the selection process and providing the students with
opportunities to develop leadership and programming
skills. I will help them organize dances, social activities,
pep rallies, and help nurture school spirit.
Steve Acree
Director of University Guidance
Q.Can you provide a brief overview
of your role and the process you
take the students through starting
in Grade 9?
Well first of all, thank you for the opportunity to be
interviewed for your magazine. I’m a regular reader and
I always enjoy the challenging questions that you pose
to your interviewees.
My role is to guide each student in identifying skills,
gifts and interests, and to assist in gaining acceptance
to the university that is the best fit for him or her.
For most students, this process begins in Grade 10.
Individualized meetings are conducted with each
student in Grades 10-12 to explore opportunities,
map out graduation pathways, and plan for university
entrance. The application process in the Grade 12 year
is initiated and supported as part of our Cornerstones
Programme. Those interested in applying to the United
States or to a university in the UK are identified in the
Grade 9 year, and we begin the process of meeting the
entrance requirements in the ninth grade.
Q.What are your goals for University
Guidance? Are you trying anything
new and exciting?
Ultimately, my goal is the securing of placement at the
post-secondary institution that is the best fit for each
student. We seek to have 100% acceptance for those
who apply to those best-fit institutions.
This year new and existing students are excited to apply
to universities in the United States and the UK. This will
be a big step for Aberdeen Hall as we begin the process
of sending our students out to international destinations.
Ashley Bryden
Director of Curriculum and
Innovative Learning
Q.Can you provide a brief overview
of your new position and why it was
My new position has two primary components: working
with teachers to support them as they continually grow their
practice and ensuring that the programming we offer will
deliver our school mission of enabling students to realise
their personal potential.
Q.What are your goals in your new role?
My primary goal is to continue to build a culture at our
school where everyone (students and teachers included)
values personal growth and lifelong learning. We are so
fortunate that our leadership team, parents, faculty and
staff have all worked to create an environment in which this
can happen, and I am passionate about expanding it even
further. I believe that continuing to develop a growth mindset
(in which talents and intelligence are not viewed as being
fixed and static) in our students and faculty will help propel
each and every person to reach their personal potential.
My new role will be about providing stakeholders with the
strategies, resources and support required to do that.
the Assistant Director of the Senior School with a focus on
Student Life. That position had me working directly with
students, teachers and the leadership team to advance
some of the non-academic areas of our school. The skills
and knowledge that I gained through that position set the
stage for my transition into this new role, where I will now
focus my attention on the academic areas of our school.
My primary goal is to continue to build
a culture at our school where everyone
(students and teachers included) values
personal growth and lifelong learning.
Q.What are some of the other positions
you have held at Aberdeen Hall?
2015-2016 will be my seventh (wow!) year at Aberdeen
Hall. I was hired as a new teacher fresh out of university,
and I haven’t looked back since. When I started my career
here, I immediately knew that the combination of high
expectations and support for teachers would provide me
with the best environment in which to grow. I started out
teaching middle years mathematics and Cornerstones, and
as our school grew to include high school, I also taught
senior mathematics. A few years into my career, I became
e are delighted to welcome our 22 new
and returning international students
for the second year of our international
programme. Representing Hong
Kong, China, Germany, Japan, Kuwait,
Korea and Oman, these young people
bring a wealth of talent and cultural flavour to our school
community. We were proud to finish our 2014-2015 inaugural
year with four Grade 10 and Grade 11 students making the
school honour roll - a tremendous achievement given that
English is a third language. Congratulations to Taeyi Kim,
Sylvia Lam, Rita Lam and Larry Wan.
A unique aspect of the international programme is student
participation in the Junior school’s after-school activities
programme. Students choose from options ranging from
ballet, soccer and volleyball to cross country running, French
and art, and they assist teachers who are working with the
younger students. This serves to integrate our new students
into the school community while introducing them to local
culture in an enjoyable and interactive environment. We are
pleased to have several international students participate
on school athletic teams, representing the AH Gryphons in
soccer, volleyball, basketball and cross-country running.
Like their Canadian peers, our international students have
many interests which they pursue outside of school. Three of
our students from Hong Kong have been accepted into the
Okanagan Symphony Youth Orchestra and have performed
throughout the Okanagan. Rita Lam, Sylvia Lam and Isaac
Poon play first violin in the orchestra, performing in weekend
performances throughout the Okanagan.
Contributing to the success of our international division
is the Family Boarding programme in which international
students live with local Canadian host families. In addition
to the benefit of being immersed in an English-speaking
environment, students are learning about local culture
and family values. Sharing dinner conversations, helping
with household chores and participating in family activities
are opportunities that are invaluable in assimilating and
contributing to Canadian culture while making lasting
We are committed to representing the diversity that exists
in the world around us by welcoming international students
who will complement the focus and integrity of Aberdeen
Hall and bring new perspective to share with our school
Weekly Family Boarding
Programme at Aberdeen Hall
The best of both worlds
With Aberdeen Hall’s Weekly Boarding Programme,
your child now has the opportunity to access
some of the best educational, athletic and arts
programming in British Columbia.
Our innovative 5-day programme provides
a supportive home atmosphere with a local
family. Students pursue their studies in Kelowna
from Monday to Friday and return home on the
weekends. It’s the best of both worlds!
Weekly Boarding is $650.00/month in addition
to tuition and provides:
• A safe, caring and comfortable home environment
•Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School stands apart with
an enriched academic curriculum designed to achieve
100% university acceptance.
•Our 44-acre campus provides stellar sports facilities
for varsity teams in basketball, volleyball, track,
cross-country, soccer and rugby.
•We believe a strong character will serve our students
and their communities, and we incorporate character
shaping curriculum within every class.
•Our speciality programming provides excellent
educational experiences in Performing and Fine Arts,
Design Studio opportunities, Robotics, Outward
Bound field trips and more.
•Our unique Flex programmes in partnership with the
White Caps Soccer and Pursuit of Excellence (POE)
Hockey, allow our students to pursue their passion
at an elite level, while accessing the very best of
Aberdeen Hall excellence.
• A private furnished bedroom with study facilities
• Inclusion in family activities and meals
•Support in accessing transportation for commuting
For information, please call Admissions at 250-491-1270
or email: admissions@aberdeenhall.com
John Gareau
Director of Athletics,
Senior School PE Teacher
he Aberdeen Hall Athletics Programme
is now established within the city, valley
and province. Our school’s philosophy of
integrity, commitment and excellence is the
core foundation of our team structure and
coaching. We use this philosophy as a guide
to help fulfill our vision statement, providing our students
with a highly successful and positive athletic programme
as well as following our mission to be a premier Single “A”
athletic programme in the province.
In 2015, we had achievement at many levels. In the fall,
our growing girls’ volleyball programme had great success.
The grade 7 team placed second in their league. The
grade 8 team had an undefeated league season, and
this was followed with our Junior team winning the city
championships. To cap off the volleyball season, the Senior
girls’ team was second in the city, second at the valley
championships and finished in ninth place in our first ever
provincial championship.
Our boys’ soccer team has been building on its success
each year, finishing their league season as city champions.
They also competed in their first ever provincials and
finished in sixth place. We were proud that our own student,
Willow Benitz, represented our school at the cross-country
running provincials and placed in the top third of the field
this past fall.
The winter season brought basketball. The school fielded
our strongest grade 7 boys basketball team, and it was
a pleasure to watch them develop their skills through the
season. The team achieved second round of city playoffs.
The Junior boys’ basketball team had an impressive season
and not only made it to the second round of basketball
playoffs but were the only team to defeat KLO this season.
Our Senior boys’ basketball team had a record season,
finishing third place in the city for Single A schools, and we
nearly qualified for Valley Championships for the first time.
Spring brought a flurry of new sports. The girls’ soccer
team had their most successful season to date, qualifying
for the Valley Championships for the first time, finishing in
sixth place. Our ever-popular track and field programme
was exciting to watch, as many of our students achieved
their personal bests in events each week. Last year we sent
many students to valley championships, with a record of ten
students participating in the Provincial Championships.
Aberdeen Hall also hosted the Single A Golf Provincials.
Our growing golf programme consists of three components.
Firstly, is our recreation programme where students enjoy
the game in a constructive learning environment. This
is followed by our Junior golf team, which competes
throughout the city. Ultimately, the students compete for a
position on our Senior golf team. This past year our Senior
golf team won the City Championships, were second in
Valleys and placed third in our first ever golf Provincials,
which we hosted at Black Mountain Golf Club.
Our school’s philosophy of integrity,
commitment and excellence is the
core foundation of our team structure
and coaching.
After such a great year, we can now see the beginnings
of athletic tradition. We see coaches and athletes learning
to perform at their personal best, ultimately becoming
champions. Great things are in store for the Aberdeen Hall
Athletic Programme in the years to come.
Performing Arts
at Aberdeen Hall
Christina Kuhn
Director of Performing Arts
berdeen Hall has established a strong
reputation in the Performing Arts. Our
programming provides students exceptional
instruction, inspiring selections, and
exciting performance opportunities in the
areas of visual arts, drama and music. The
Performing Arts Programme is designed to allow students to
develop their skills, creativity, imagination and expression,
with the ultimate goal of igniting a life-long passion for the
arts to enrich their adult lives.
2014-2015 Highlights Include:
Junior Drama Production at KCT including:
• K-2 Toys the Musical
• Grade 3 Frosty the Snowman
•Grade 4 New Year’s Celebrations from Around
the World
• Grade 5 Greek Myths
• Grade 6 Shakespeare Skits
Senior Winter Production at RCA including:
• Grade 7 21 Reasons Not to be in a Play
• Grade 8 Santa man
• Grade 9/10 Aesop, Come Back!
• Grade 11/12 Gold in the Bones
In-house Preschool Musical Performances
“Adventures in Imagination” Winter Camp
Grades 3-12 Music Concert “Time of Your Life” including:
performances in violin, cello, guitar, percussion and vocals
Community Choir at Northwood Retirement Resort
Great Hall Grand Opening International Student
Grades 3-5 Strings field trip to the Okanagan Symphony
Orchestra School Concert Series “The String’s the Thing”
Annual Speech Arts Competition
AIM French Play Presentations
Grade 5 Medieval Fayre
Aberdeen Hall Gala Art Project
Grade 12 Fashion Show
Grades 3-12 June Music Celebration in the Great Hall
Various field trips in and around the community including:
The Nutcracker Ballet Student Matinee, Club Penguin
Tours, and the Kelowna Art Gallery
Afterschool clubs including: drawing for beginners, art
enrichment, sculpture, craft club, ballet and hip hop dancing
3 Aberdeen Hall students selected to play first violin in the
Okanagan Symphony Youth Orchestra
Aberdeen Hall has established a strong
reputation in the Performing Arts.
2004 Circle: $1,000,000 +
Michael & Nadia Holzhey
Governors’ Circle: $500,000 - $999,999
Chair’s Circle: $250,000 - $499,999
Jeremy & Gina Charney
Head’s Circle: $100,000 - $249,999
Garry & Lisa Lapointe
Georg & Gloria Holzhey
Jan Ozechowsky
Jeff & Lori Hastings
Ken & Lisa Zandee
Robert Thomson
Ted Callahan
The Maier-Penalva Family
Norval Bradley
Cornerstone Circle: $50,000 - $99,999
Citation Developments
Bill & Heather Morel
Carey & Shelley Small
Christiane Holzhey
John & Joyce Watson
Saul & Genoa Katz
The Bunka Family
The Pirie Family
Timothy & Jennifer Schroeder
Foundation Circle: $25,000 - $49,999
Don & Iona Reitsma
Alan & Carol Dolman
Barry Lapointe
Derek Urban & Linda Sjoman
Mary Jo Schnepf
Michael & Jody Shenher
Steve & Annette Woloshyn
The Bowman Family
The Manola Family
The Sutton Family
The Thomas Alan Budd Foundation
The White Family
Tyler & Cindy Bollhorn
Leader’s Circle: $10,000 - $24,999
TEAM Construction
Abe & Gail Kroeker
Apex Geomatics
Brent & Caroline Gilchrist
Duane Ortynski
Dwain Yagelniski & Olena Kohut
Grant C. T. Turner Enterprises
Kelowna Auction World
Kevin Carson
Midwest Ventures Ltd.
Odlum Brown Limited
Paul & Bonnie Cleve
Robert & Mona Steinberg
Robert & Monica Penner
Roman & Cristina Bertolutti
Rose Synowec
Sal Gupta & Juliette Carr
Silver Sage Winery
The Webster Family
Aberdeen Circle: $5,000 - $9,999
Alex & Catherine Harkess
Allen & Joyce Jemson
Andrew & Leslie Godwin
Ariel & Dalia Tyk
Brian & Roseanne Peterson
CAB Financial
Cindy Delve
Collingwood Insurance
Corporate Ventures
Danny McBride
Davis & Leah Podollan
Ernie Moreau & Alexandra Thomson
Ian & Julie Watson
Ian Clark
Interior Savings Credit Union
Irene Dayton
Jim & Joan Byrne
John & Joan Logel
Keith & Gillian Kostek
Kevin & Trisha Isabey
Lorne Fox & Pina Michieletti
Lyn Harder
Malvinder Hoonjan & Harpreet Lotay
Mario & Tianna Emond
Mark & Elizabeth Provencher
Michael & Becky Krenzel
Nicholas & Helen Taylor
Oley & Joan Kasper
Paul & Karin Watson
Ramon & Carri Lawrence
Robin & Desiree Brodhurst
Ron & Elaine Cridland
Sharron Simpson
Shilo & Andrea Sazwan
Signcraft Ltd.
Synergy Landscape Design Ltd.
Terry Burton & Dvoira Yanovsky
The Cabel Family
The Nystrom Family
The Paterson Family
Tyson & Sonya Russell
Wayne Woodhouse & Karen Bennett
Yetta Katz
Zeher Chadi
Leadoff Circle: $1,000 - $4,999
World of Music
Allen & Karen McLeod
Anand & Elenora Jugnauth
Anthony McCarthy, Sun Valley Electric Ltd.
Axel & Jodi Merckx
Benson & Sue Boschman
BHP Billiton
Brad & Melanie Gabel
Brad Bennett
Brian & Anne Pauluzzi
Brian & Jessica Miller
Brian & Monica Chai
Cameron & Jacqueline Johnston
Chris & Karen Kircher
Chris & Lindsay Grieve
Christian & Jessica Brix
Christian & Maria Hansch
Christoph & Jolanda Himmelstein
Chutney Restaurant
Claude Bernard & Sheri-rae McTavish-Bernard
Colin & Kristine Oberg
Constance Bachman
Cory & Shannon Cross
Crystal Classic Interiors
Dan & Jamie Podmorow
David & Susanne Raye
David Smith & Particia Ternier-Smith
Dawett Fine Indian Cuisine
Dean & Cherie Braham
Deepu & Parvati Mirchandani
Derek Moran & Tamara Stone
Dung & Mai Pham
Edgeworth Properties Inc.
Ernest & Sharon Jack
Francis & Jenny Cheng
Fred & Joan Speckeen
Gary Ashworth
George & Lorraine Stekl
Greg & Kelli Ducharme
Greg & Kim Appelt
Hart Millwork Ltd.
Health Coach
Ian Corrie
Leadoff Circle: $1,000 - $4,999
Jane Hofmann
Jason & Maggie Doyle
John A. Hemmerling Law Corporation
John Swallow
John Wiman & Nanci Dodman
Jon Carlson
Joshua & Amy Wiesenthal
Karl & Jennifer Oppenheim
Kelowna Banquet & Conference Centre
Ken & Cindy Corcoran
Kevin & Colleen Gaudet
Kevin Kingston & Paula Craig
Kirk Michael Enterprises
KoLu Clothing
Kukri Sports Canada
Lakeshore Vein and Aesthetics
Leon & Randy Meier
Lorraine Neal
Mara Hofmann
Marc & Judith Novakowski
Mark & Cheri Percival
Mark & Kelley Van Hees
Mark Fipke
Mark Schupperheijn
Mary Grieve
Meiklejohn Architects
Michael & Alexandra Hawley
Peter & Brenda Sherba
Peter Rogers
Randy & Tracey Maradyn
Ray & Beryl McTavish
Rayburns Marine World
RBC Dominion Securities
Richard Acres & Julie Johnson
Richard Lueng & Katie So
Scotia Bank Group
Siego & Masao Matsubara
Stage Right Etc.
Stephan & Lisa Mostowy
Stephen & Kasia Ryan
Tac North America Ltd.
The Jackson Family
The Meyer Family
The Momi Family
The O’Neill Family
The Rudokov Family
The Shupe Family
The Woychuk Family
Tod & Carolyn Melnyk
Todd Ortynski, End of the Roll
Vance & Kara Beck
Victor Corrie & Maifeng Jiang
Westpac Banking Corp.
Wilden Properties
Michael & Catherine Ocana
Michelle Smith Design
Ming Shi Sze To & Wai Chan
Murray & Becky Rothlander
Nancy Syme
Neil & Heather Hudson
Neil & Karen Smith
Nicole Rustad
Okanagan Geology Committee
One Life Health & Wellness
Thanks to all of our donors.
We could not achieve our
goals without your generous
Salaries & Benefits. . . . . . . . . 67%
Programme Costs. . . . . . . . . . 10%
Mortgage Payments. . . . . . . . 9%
Financial Assistance. . . . . . . . 8%
Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%
Year Rolling Financial Plan
Consecutive breakeven or surplus budgets
Finance Committee meetings each year
96% Staff Retention
90+ Staff & Faculty
Amazing Directors of the Board
Dedicated volunteers on our Finance Committee
Awesome students
for every teacher
Appraised Value
of our Campus
Goal for mortgage
in 10 years
29 9
24 1 28 12
January 2016
11 • Monday. . . . . First Day after Winter Vacation
19 • Tuesday. . . . . Preschool – Kindergarten
Open Morning 9:00-10:30am
28-Feb. 3. . . . . . . . Senior Exams (Gr. 6-12)
May 2016
20 • Friday. . . . . . . Spring Mid - Term Break (School Closed)
23 • Monday. . . . . Victoria Day (School Closed)
24-27. . . . . . . . . . . Senior Horizons Week
28 • Saturday . . . . School Gala
30 • Monday. . . . . Grandparents’ Day
30-June 3 . . . . . . . Junior School Exams
February 2016
08 • Monday. . . . . Family Day (School Closed)
19 • Friday. . . . . . . Open House Day
24 • Wednesday. . Gr. 3-12 Music Celebration
March 2016
11 • Friday. . . . . . . Last Day of School
Monday, March 14, 2016 – Friday, March 25, 2016
Spring Vacation
25 • Friday. . . . . . . Good Friday (School Closed)
28 • Monday. . . . . Easter Monday (School Closed)
29 • Tuesday. . . . . First Day Back
April 2016
07 • Thursday. . . . Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30 - 8:00pm)
12 • Tuesday. . . . . Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30 - 6:00pm)
15 • Friday
Professional Development
(School Closed)
June 2016
03. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 12 Graduation Ceremonies
04. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 12 Prom
7-10. . . . . . . . . . . . Junior School Horizons Trip
08-15. . . . . . . . . . . Final School Based Exams (Grade 7 to 12)
10 • Friday. . . . . . . Preschool Parent Conferences
(Daycare Available)
17 • Friday. . . . . . . Year End Ceremonies (Noon Dismissal)
Last Day of Classes
20-24. . . . . . . . . . . Senior School Provincial Exams
(June 20, 21 Professional Development Workshop)
June 20 – September 5, 2016
Summer Vacation
For a complete list of all events
visit us online at
Sign up at: www.Aberdeenhall.hotlunches.net