File - Hebron United Methodist Church


File - Hebron United Methodist Church
Hebron United Methodist Church
2325 Mebane Oaks Road
Mebane, NC 27302
Pastor: Bryan Sexton, Jr.
P a s t o r’ s
Greetings to the Saints,
We live in uncertain times in
which many things we have taken
for granted may not be taken for
granted any longer. There is a
sense of impending gloom and
doom throughout the world and
nation. But we are not the first
generation of human beings or
Americans to face such uncertain
times. In the midst of all uncertainties and threats to our sense of
security and peace there is ‘good
news’ from heaven to calm our
troubled hearts. Even as we face
the ‘shut down’ of our government due to the battles that are
being fought in the halls of Congress and the White House we
should ‘fear no evil, for Thou
art with me’. As Christians, we
are thankful to live in the great
nation that we do and to enjoy the
October 2013
prosperity and freedoms that we
do. But even as our prosperity
and many of our freedoms seem
to be in jeopardy today we remember that we are citizens of a
much greater reality than what
we have here on earth. That
great reality is the “Kingdom of
Heaven”, also known as “The
Kingdom of God”, and also
known as “The Kingdom of
Christ”. Over and over again
the Psalmist cries out to the
Great God of Heaven for help
and deliverance from dreadful
circumstances. And always the
Psalmist affirms and reaffirms
that hope is found in God alone.
If we were to trust in the reports
that are published by the
world’s “news” agencies we
would not want to get out of
bed in the morning. So perhaps
it would serve our hearts and
spirits well to simply “turn off”
the news and “turn on” the
Word of God. Only Divine solutions can help our troubled
world. The problem is that the
world does not want God’s solutions to our troubles. So why
do we continue to listen to what
the world has to say. Who we
choose to listen to and believe
shapes our opinions, our under-
standing, our emotions and mental
outlook, and our “world view”.
God’s Word is full of hope, good
promises, and good news to all that
will believe what God has to say.
Believing God is called Faith.
And Faith cometh by hearing, and
hearing, by the Word of God. The
New Revised Standard Version of
the Bible says it like this in Romans 10: 14But how are they to
call on one in whom they have not
believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have
never heard? And how are they to
hear without someone to proclaim
him? 15And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent?
As it is written, “How beautiful
are the feet of those who bring
good news!” 16But not all have
obeyed the good news; for Isaiah
says, “Lord, who has believed our
message?” 17So faith comes from
what is heard, and what is heard
comes through the word of
Hear once again the encouraging
words of the Psalmist from Psalm
I waited patiently for
the LORD; And He inclined to
me, And heard my cry. He
also brought me up out of a
Continued on Page 2
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Page 1
Continued from Page 1
horrible pit, Out of the miry
clay, And set my feet upon a
rock, And established my
steps. He has put a new song
in my mouth—Praise to our
God. Many will see it and
fear. And will trust in
the LORD. Blessed is that
man who makes the LORD his
trust, And does not respect
the proud, nor such as turn
aside to lies.
As the Apostle Paul reminds us in
Philippians 3:20: 20For our citizenship is in heaven, from which
we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21who
will transform our lowly body that
it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to
subdue all things to Himself.
In these troubling times remember
this; the most important word
in the Bible is “with”.
“Behold, the virgin shall be
with child, and bear a Son,
and they shall call His name
Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us”.
(Matthew 1:23) Jesus said; “
I am with you always, even
unto the end of the
age” (Matthew 28:20) So we
are not alone! God is always
with us. Jesus is always with
us. We belong to Him by
faith. We are His children by
faith. And The Great God of
Heaven is ALWAYS filled
with protective love for His
children! Government shutdown? It’s happened before,
17 times to be exact. Is the
world going to end because
Page 2
our elected leaders cannot
agree? I take great comfort, not from the news media, but from the Word of
God which tells us in
Psalm 46:
God is our
refuge and strength, A
very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not
fear, Even though the
earth be removed, And
though the mountains be
carried into the midst of
the sea; Though its waters
roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains
shake with its swelling.
Turn off the news! And turn on
God’s Word! Thus shall your
hearts be comforted by THE
Stay in the Word,
Pastor Bryan
Prayer Concerns
Harriet Squires
Rachel Lankford
Betty Albright Surgery 8th
Judy Pugh
Our Nation
Keith Troutman
Jean Varner
Vicky Cash
Rocky Hall
Howard Kernodle
Barry Kernodle
Kathy Lane
Tootie Riley at ARMC
If you have a prayer concern for
next week fill out a prayer request card or call the church
office at 919-563-3375 or send
an email to
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Mark your calendars! Spaghetti lunch on Sunday, Oct.
13th. This will be hosted by
the MYF and will be the last
fundraiser before Pilgrimage
in November. There we will
join with thousands of youth
from our conference in fellowship, worship and learning
with Olu Brown from Atlanta,
GA. Our conference youth
will be exposed to testimonies
in word, dance and music.
Your support is always appreciated.
Congratulations to our new
MYF officers!!
Callie Walters
Co-Vice Presidents
Caleb Sykes
Laney Culberson
Hannah Robertson
Laney Culberson
Support Committee
Caleb Culberson
J.P. Whited
When asked what this group
of youth wanted to be know
“Sharing Christ’s love”
“having fun”
Were just a few of the descriptions that were given.
October 2013
Worship Committee
Judy Hall
Christian Dixon
Janice Blalock
Peggy Summers
Caleb Culberson
Christopher Creekmuir
Brad Hinton
Jacob Beasley
Cicero Sykes
Marvin Doby
Al Atkins
Jeffrey H. Sykes
Rosa Whited
Andrew Overby
Kathryn Sanderson
Henry Arnette
Hunter Warren
Megan Wilson
Louise Kirkpatrick
Lindsay Gibson
John Reich
Callie Walters
Mike Blalock
Jennifer Warren
Stuart Gladden
T.W. Kirkpatrick
Grace Lobaugh
Henry Lankford
Jesse Chatfield
Robin Wilson
Sammy Lankford
Jay Nicholson
If your birthday or that of a loved
one is not on this list or is incorrect, please call the church office
to correct it.
October 2013
The Worship Committee met
on September 8 with nine
members present. Tim Dallas
opened our meeting with
prayer. The outcome of our
greeters’ meeting was discussed with the committee, as
well as the worship service.
We discussed White Christmas and there will be more
information in the bulletin in
late October. The church calendar was updated during our
meeting as well as the Administrative Board later that night.
On a side note, if you would
like to be a greeter prior to our
10:30 a.m. worship service, or
help with the nursery or children’s time during this service, please let me know and I
will get you in touch with the
appropriate people.
United Methodist Men’s
Fish Fry
October 26, 2013
4:30 until 6:30 pm
Fellowship Hall at Hebron
Proceeds will go to the
church budget.
Ladies are asked to
bring a desert.
Everyone is invited to
come and join for the
good food and great fellowship!
Hope to see you there!!!
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Acolyte Schedule
October 6th
Aaron Moss
Maddie Moss
October 13th
Caleb Sykes
Alex Arizmendi
October 20th
Patrick Forrest
October 27th
Callie Walters
November 3rd
Maddie Moss
Caleb Sykes
Aaron Moss
Maddie Moss
Aaron Moss
Caleb Sykes
Sub Patrick Forrest
REMEMBER: If it is your assigned
day, it is your place to swap out and
get a sub if you cannot serve —DO
NOT assume the sub on the schedule will be there to cover for you.
They MIGHT have a conflict
Reminder to always wear black
and white if you are on the
The deadline for the November issue of our newsletter is
Tuesday, October 22nd.
Be sure to check out the latest
newsletter for Agua Viva ministries at
Page 3
Items to be donated can be put in the hallway behind the sanctuary beginning on Sunday, Oct. 13. All items
must be in working order and priced by the person donating them. Children and babies clothes are being
accepted but no adult clothing. Baked goods may be delivered to the fellowship hall on Friday, Oct. 25th.
Volunteers are needed on Friday night, October 25th to help sort items. Volunteers are also needed for the
sale on Saturday. We need Men to volunteer to help deliver items to the church if needed.
Page 4
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
October 2013
Minutes for September 2013
Board Meeting (submitted by
Susan Martin)
The Administrative Council met
September 8th, 2013 with 16
members present.
Tim Dallas called the meeting to
order and Phil Whited opened the
meeting with prayer.
Minutes from August Meeting
were read and approved w/ vote
Treasurer’s Report
General Fund - $6,092.69
Paid to Conference – $14,928.98
Savings - $27,983.38
Old Business:
The “talk about” Sunday School
Class held a hot dog lunch fundraiser to support apportionments
on August 18th with $811.00
profit made.
Reminder was made of church
wide yard sale and UMM fish fry
to benefit our church budget will
be held on October 26.
Mike Blalock reported that he
was able to fix the buffer; however the vacuum was broken and
in the shop.
New Business:
Traybor Hamilton presented his
Eagle Scout proposal: To construct a door in the kitchen that
would open into the storage closet
for storage of pots and other
kitchen items. Mr. Hamilton advised that he would work closely
October 2013
with trustees of church for direction of moving of water
A motion was made by Mike
Blalock for the board to approve the Eagle Scout project
by Traybor and to allow the
trustees to make the final decision as to the construction process which will include moving
the water heater and construction of shelves in existing storage area. Motion was seconded
by Mike Gregory. Discussion:
Phil Whited questioned if the
new access in kitchen would
require inspection by health department. Answer was no because not a commercial kitchen
anymore due to removal of daycare; however Mike Blalock
would verify with health department. Motion passed with a
unanimous vote.
Ben Boney advised and made a
motion that all plastic toys from
playground needed to be removed and the area cleaned up.
Motion was seconded and
passed unanimously.
Ben Boney questioned the
painting of sanctuary ceiling;
we have a bid to only paint outside edges from painter that has
not painted yet. The question
was if only paint outside edges
will there be a noticeable difference through the middle. Mike
Blalock volunteered to get another bid.
Finance meeting week of September 9th.
There will be fifth Sunday sing
on September 29.
Thanksgiving service will be on
Sunday evening instead of
Wednesday this year.
November 30 will be Decorat“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
ing of Church.
December 15 will be Cantata at
worship service and Children’s
Christmas play will be that night.
Youth will have fund raiser lunch
after church on October 13.
Youth made over $600 at ice
cream and salad lunch held in August.
January 11, 2014 will be Day
Apart meeting.
Pastor Report:
Charge conference will be Oct 21
at Graham UMC 7-9. There will
be 25 churches involved.
Bring can food to church each
Sunday to help those in need especially since loaves & fished
S.W.I.F.T. – October 12 is
Mebane downtown festival in
support of this ministry. Need a
chairperson for this organization,
currently running under UMM.
There will be a meeting September 15 after church for anyone
interested in joining a new covenant small group.
Pastor Bryan advised that there
will be a “My Hope” presentation
by Billy Graham on November 7.
This will be his last sermon to
reach out to America to bring
them to Christ. Bryan wants to
show this on DVD in our church.
Lisa Arnette suggested we have a
fellowship covered dish meal before the presentation as a community evangelist outreach. It was
accepted by the board. Bryan
asked the board to prayerfully
consider what you would do to
bring someone to Christ.
Tim closed the meeting and John
Hall closed the meeting in prayer.
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“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
October 2013
Autumn Fest & Antiques and
Art on The Street
Location; Historic Downtown
Date; October 12, 2013
Time; 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Mebane Autumn Fest embraces the warm heritage and love
of antiques that Mebane has become known for. We invite you to
go back in time as you stroll our
Historic Downtown area. The inviting sounds of live music, the
cool autumn air and interesting and
eclectic shopping of quality antiques and artisans on the street are
sure to delight you. You’ll also
love revisiting the many brick and
mortar establishments such as boutiques, gift and antique shops. The
dining choices are plentiful with
both permanent restaurants and a
variety food trucks.
Visit Downtown Mebane’s Autumn Fest and it will be an annual
event you will look forward to for
years to come. If you love Antiques, Music and Great Food, you
must be at the Mebane Autumn
Fest and Antiques on the Street
Saturday, October 12th!
• Jon Lambert of Mebane Antique
Auction Gallery will be available
to assist you with antique consultations, guidance for planning, categorizing and accessing your antique collections and estate. As a
highly respected specialist in the
world of antiques Lambert advises
on the latest trends and techniques
for planning and creating a valued
collection as well as preparing for
the disposal of collections as the
need arises. Bring your special
piece in for appraisal. Donations
will go to two great non-profit
October 2013
groups, S.W.I. F.T. and Mebane
Historical Society and Museum.
• Mebane Historical Society &
Museum will be on site advising on preservation of family
history, photos and memorabilia
as well as historic sites. They
will be showcasing some of
their Harvest Home Tour
homes, as well as providing the
best media on Mebane’s history. Collector and antiques
extraordinaire Mark Williams
will be on hand to identify antiques. Preservation techniques
for photos/textiles/pottery, etc
will be available as well.
Tickets and information will be
available for their upcoming
Historic House Tour on October
26th and 27th.
• The Bands will also host a
booth to promote awareness for
the “S.W.I.F.T.” foundation –
the Sue Windsor Initiative For
Teens. This organization is in
honor of the late Sue Windsor
(a highly respected 24 year veteran Alamance County school
teacher). This dedicated group
provides support for youth at
risk, right here in our local area.
Needs are provided with everything from school supplies and
tutoring, to personal mentoring
through group trips, events and
quality time spent. This is the
kind of support that can save the
future life of many at risk youth
through positive reinforcement,
guidance and needed materials.
• There will be the largest Food
Truck Rodeo presented in
Mebane to date, offering quality
food choices from fourteen
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Food Trucks.
• There is a kids zone with an organic feel such as Gem Mining,
Petting Zoo, Hands on Art and
• The Mebane Farmers Market
will be active and is always very
• Shop for Fall Pumpkins and
Mums. You will find what your
looking for to decorate your home
for Autumn.
• The eclectic mix of the quality
brick and mortar boutiques,
shops, antique stores and restaurant’s will be open and ready to
provide a warm smile along with
quality goods as they welcome
visitors to the Historic Downtown
• Our marketing specialists have
been at work for months spreading the news through strategically
planned promotions such as print
media, online media, facebook
sites, electronic media, printed
materials and thousands of hand
out distributions as well as grassroots campaigns.
• Buddy Michaels with WBAG
Radio & WKRX Radio will be
MC and will be doing a live feed
from the stage the day of the
event. As well Michaels will promote this event live on air every
Saturday morning for four weeks
prior on the popular live WBAG
radio show “Hometown Festival”
from 9-12am and everyday
throughout the day the five days
Continued on Page9
Page 7
Continued from Page 8
prior. Michael’ s also will promote Autumn Fest on a live on air
“Hometown Festival” show on
WKRX on Monday Nights from 7
-11 pm.
• A Southern Neighbor Magazine
will be writing an editorial on this
event as well as posting a full
back page advertisement.
Abigail Dallas Hall was born on Tuesday,
September 24, 2013. Abby is the daughter
of John Hall and April Duke. She was
born at 12:40 pm and weighed 8 lbs. and
9 oz. Abby is 21 3/4 inches long. Proud
grandparents are Allan and Judy Hall,
• Clay Street will be filled with
over 50 quality antique vendors
and artist with a splash of local
artisans. This is a select vendor
Events Coming In November
Daylight Savings Time Ends on Sunday, November 3rd.
Please remember to set your clock back one hour!!
Senior Citizen Sunday
Sunday, November 3rd
A covered dish lunch will follow the worship service.
A presentation of Billy Graham “My Hope”
Will be on Thursday
November 7th at 7 pm.
Sunday, November 10th we will have the
SPRC meeting at 5:30 pm
And the Administrative Council at 7 pm.
Saturday, November 16th
The UMM will be cooking a Brunswick Stew
$7.25 per quart, must be picked up by noon.
Sunday, November 24
Thanksgiving Service
At 7 pm.
Saturday November 30
Decorating of the Church
Begins at 8:30 am.
Page 8
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
October 2013
FOR 2013/2014
Jeff Arnette
151 Pressley Creek Road
Cullowhee, NC 28723
SR Annis, Jeremy Ryan
Ship 09 Div 406
3425 Sailor Drive
Great Lakes, IL 60088-3415
Whitney Blalock
800 Meadowview Dr. #11
Boone, NC 28607
Lucas Brady
9030 Campus Drive
Spokane, WA 99224
Ashley Martin
Liberty University
1971 University Blvd.
MSC Box 110461
Lynchburg, VA 24502-2214
Zachary Holliday
P. O. Box 331424
Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
Shannon F. Long
4680 Spruce Ct. Unit 3
Andrews AFB, MD 20762
Phillip Martin
Liberty University
1971 University Blvd.
MSC Box 110467
Lynchburg, VA 24502-2214
Caroline Powell
132 Arial Street
Lillington, NC 27546
Anna Megan Sexton
Methodist University
Box 12386
5400 Ramsey Street
Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498
We are trying to reach the following people, if you can help
with an address or phone number please let the church office
know. Letters sent to the addresses on file have been returned.
Alan Daniels
Randy Lineberry
Dale Ray
Bobby Riggans
Anita Singley
Phil Yarborough
Janice Blalock
Stephanie Shelton
Janice Doby Chappell
Johnny Crawford
Tony Deal
Lori Dewoody
Susan Dunlap
Don Estler
Glenn Kirby
Keith McDaniel
Denise Robinette
Sharelle Robinette
Andy Speight
Wendy Blalock Tilley
Beverly Glosson Warner
Archie Wilborn, Jr.
Kip Foster
Linda Utley
Wayne Utley
Sherri Pennington
The Church wishes to extend its heartfelt sympathy to the
family of:
Nell R. Cook
October 2013
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Hebron welcomed Rebecca
Sykes Jackson and Shelley
Dodson Whitescarver as
new members on September 29, 2013. Please make
Rebecca and Shelley feel at
Page 9
2325 Mebane Oaks Road
Mebane, NC 27302
October 2013
Weekly Meetings
Sunday: 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service 4 pm UMYF Meeting 6:30 pm UMM 4th
Wednesday: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting,
7:00 pm Choir Practice Thursday: 7 pm Bible Study January to May
6 World Com-
25 Hut Reserved 26 Church Yard
munion Sunday
MYF Spaghetti Lunch /
SPRC at 5:30 /
Admin. Council at
7 pm
Hut Reserved
1-5 pm
Charge Conference 7-9 pm @
Graham 1st Methodist Church
27UMM 6:30
Autumn Fest
downtown Mebane
Sale 7-12 am /
UMM Fish Fry
4:30—6:30 pm
Oct .
6 Nur
13 Nur
20 Nur
27 Nur
Amanda Powell & Sarah Arizmendi
Mary Caylor & Rosa Whited
Ken & Caroline Powell
Cindy Gregory & Jennifer Warren
Hall Monitor
Hall Monitor
Hall Monitor
Hall Monitor
Ben Boney
Cliff Cates
Cliff Cates
Greeters for October : Phil & Rosa Whited
Page 10
“Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
October 2013