The Mebane Pres November 2015


The Mebane Pres November 2015
The Mebane Pres.
Volume 43, No 11
November 2015
"Glorifying God by Welcoming to Fellowship, Growing in Faith, Sending to Serve.”
Sing to the LORD, you His
saints; praise His holy name.
~ Psalm 30:4
costumes to act out the story. Thus, the festivities on All
Hallow's Eve was the Christian's way of laughing at death
and evil, something we too can do in certain hope of
Christ's victory over the powers of darkness. Therefore, it
is good to remember that the Church – for centuries – has
seen All Hallow's Eve not as a glorification of evil, but as
a chance to affirm eternal life in the face of the death of
our mortal bodies.
Saturday (Oct 31) is Halloween when we’ll have
Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot from 6-8 pm,
and Sunday (Nov 1) is All Saints’ Day when we will
remember those of our membership who have died since
our last observance in November of 2014. These two
days are connected in church history, and I found out
some interesting things about them this week.
Did you know that, since the eighth century,
Christians have used November 1 (or the closest Sunday
after Halloween) to celebrate known and unknown
Christian saints? “Saints” are often thought of as those
whom some churches have “canonized,” but the
Scriptures teach that all who proclaim Jesus as Lord including you and me – are really “saints” and are
members of the "cloud of witnesses" spoken about in the
Bible. (Ps. 30:4 & Heb. 12:1)
Almost as old as the celebration of All Saints’
Day is the tradition associated with All Hallow's Eve.
("Hallows" means "saints" or "holy ones” – holy as in
"hallowed be thy name.") So, Halloween means "the
evening before All Holy Ones' Day" or “the eve of All
Saints’ Day.” While there are many secular ways of
recognizing Halloween today, it is important to
remember that its celebration has a long, positive history
in the Church.
However, like many of our holidays (Christmas
and Easter included), All Saints' Day and All Hallow's
Eve have some connection to pagan festivals. People of
many races and cultures have remembered their dead and
have had superstitions about death itself. Christians
remembered death on All Hallow's Eve and celebrated
Christ's victory over death. During the Middle Ages,
Christians would gather in Churches for worship and
they would remember the saints' victories over evil.
Likewise they would put on little displays showing Jesus'
victory of Satan, often using unusual masks and
I hope to see you both Saturday night and Sunday
morning, and I hope these special days will have new
meaning for you.
In His Grip,
Veterans Day
A celebration to honor America's
veterans for their patriotism, love of
country, and willingness to serve and
sacrifice for the common good.
All are welcomed to attend the annual
observance of Veterans Day sponsored by the Veterans
of Foreign Wars Post 1920 in Mebane and the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Post 1920. The ceremony will be held
at Veteran's Garden located at the corner of Third and
Center streets on Sunday, November 8th at 2:00pm.
Please remember and pray for our men and
women who are serving in our armed forces!
This year the annual Mebane Thanksgiving Community
Service will be held at First Baptist of Mebane, 301 S.
Third Street, on Wednesday, November 25th at 7pm. Rev.
Johnnie Lee Wright II, Pastor at UMC will be preaching.
May Christ be glorified in our unity!
Jeff Dempsey
Director of Christian Education
The Holidays are coming!
As we enter the home stretch of 2015 and
your anxiety starts to elevate (along with your blood
pressure and cholesterol!), take a step back to push
Halloween costumes, Thanksgiving grocery lists,
travel plans, and everything else out for a second
and remember this: November 22 is Christ the King
Sunday. This last day of worship in our church calendar often gets overlooked due to its proximity to
turkey and presents, and the bookends of costumes
and fireworks.
But reflect on this fact, right now, Jesus is
King. He is sovereign and He is in control. So relax,
give your concerns and your stresses to Him. Say a
quick prayer right now. Because Jesus is King, you
are free from the perfectionism of the season and
free from all the stresses that you will endure. And
King Jesus will help you endure them indeed, from
the biggest heartache from Holidays without a loved
one for the first time, to the smallest frustrations
with your least favorite relatives.
Donate toys and other items for Operation
Christmas Child and come to the Shoebox
Packing Party on November 15 after worship.
There will be a potluck chili lunch too.
Come carol around Mebane with us on December 13 after worship! More info to come
in next month’s newsletter.
In so doing, you will not only love and worship Christ with your mouth, “O Worship the King,
all glorious above!”, but also with your soul and
strength (Deut. 6:4-6).
In Christ,
Further, the fact of Jesus’ kingship reminds
us that while we are certainly free from the burdens
placed upon us, we are also free to use our time and
talents to honor God! So as you rush into the season,
think, take a minute to not just think about football,
that concert, or whatever other leisures you enjoy,
but think about how you can let your light shine before others (Matt. 5:16).
While there is are infinitely abundant things
you can do, here are three ideas to bless others the
ways we have been blessed:
Donate some breakfast food items to our
backpack ministry. Our youth pack backpacks every week for kids at South Mebane
Elementary. Talk to any of them or Sue Furman and Alison Brewbaker to find out more.
Youth November Schedule
Nov 01 – 5p, Ignite
Nov 08 – 5p, Ignite
Nov 15 – 5p, Ignite
Nov 22 – 5p, Ignite
Nov 29 – 5p, Ignite
Men’s Ministry Team
Siloam Missionary
Homes Donations
Ladies Prayer Group
On Sunday, November 22 the Men's Ministry
Team will be placing a Christmas toy box in the narthex.
Again this year, our team will be collecting donated old
and new toys for the missionary children at Siloam
Missionary Homes. Sunday, December 13 will be last
day for collection.
These gifts are for children 15 and under. So
please let your children and grandchildren look through
their toy box and possibly choose one or more gifts for
the 30 kids at Siloam. In addition $20.00 gift card
wishes (for restaurants) will be placed on the angel tree
for the adult missionaries at Siloam. Our team will be
delivering the presents on Monday morning, Dec. 14 to
Snow Camp. If you would like to go with us, please
sign-up in the narthex. You will be contacted for further
On Wednesday, November 4th the Ladies Prayer
Group will meet for lunch at Ciao Pizza. Prayer Breakfast for November will meet at Cracker Barrel in the 11th
and at McDonalds in Mebane at 9:00am the rest of the
Ladies Bible Study
Women of the Bible
The Ladies Bible study on Women of the Bible
will be on Wednesday, November 11th at 10:00am at
Cracker Barrel following breakfast.
Prayer Shawl
The next knitting Party will be held
on Friday, November 13th at
Eileen Jefferson’s home.
Hanging of the Greens
Please join the Fellowship team in adorning our
sanctuary and grounds with decorations for the Christmas Season. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the
season and get to know each other better. Meet us in the
sanctuary at 4:30 on November 22.
Welcome to baby Felix Solomon Otterness, born
October 9th to Nathan and Nina Otterness.
Please Remember These in Your
Prayers, Visits, Calls & Cards
Presbyterian Home of Hawfields:
Ann Sykes
Anne Taylor
Cedar Ridge
Grace Braxton (Room 221)
Glenaire Retirement Community
Rosalind Hood
Twin Lakes
Mildred Tripp
Our Deepest Sympathy
The Congregation wishes to express our deepest
sympathy to the family and friends of
At Home:
Ruby Westbrook
Cyndie & Pastor Jeff in the loss of
Other Nursing Homes:
Paul Anthony (Mark Anthony’s Dad)
Serving Our Nation
Austin Richmond: Grandson of Karen Richmond, is a
Lance Corporal stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station New River in Jacksonville, NC.
Zac Schmidt: Son of Susan and Matt Haley is stationed
in San Diego, Ca.
Sydney Uhlhorn: Daughter of Susan and Matt Haley will
be stationed in Albuquerque, NM after June 6.
Cyndie’s brother-in-law, Brad Sanford
Cindy & Jeff Sykes in the loss of
Jeff’s mother Nadine Sykes.
Memorials & Gifts
Gifts have been received in memory of
Rachel Ray’s sister, Edith Lineberry
Peggy Faucette’s brother, Clarence Stout
Mr. & Mrs. W.B. Ashley, Jr.
Special Request from Susan Weatherstone: Pilot friend,
Jerry Krause, has been missing since April 7th, 2013.
Please pray and follow their weekly updates at
Thank you
I want to give a special thank you to Kathy Everhart
and Jan Jarvies for helping provide transportation for
me to my doctor visits.
Donna Bennett
Please join us in worship on Nov. 1st as we remember
our members who have died during the past year.
Polly Webster 1/10/15
Bill Ed McPherson, Jr. 7/15/15
November 05
November 07
November 07
November 08
November 15
November 16
November 17
November 18
November 20
November 21
November 21
November 22
November 22
November 23
November 24
November 26
November 27
Mildred Tripp
Johnny Ridge
Kent Flowers
Ann Sykes
Sarah Troxler
Kathy Everhart
Sue Furman
Joseph Dixon
Nat Williams
Alison Brewbaker
Richard Halacheff
René Shanklin
Linda Wright
Polly Duncan
Peggy Faucette
Ashley Smith Deisler
Coleman Condon
November 07
November 12
November 17
November 23
November 30
Congratulations to Our
2015 Newlyweds
Mr. and Mrs. Al & Sandra Stum Holt, III
Wed on April 11, 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle & Jenny Smith Halchin
Wed on June 13, 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew & Ashley Smith Deisler
Wed on June 20, 2015
Mr. and Mrs. Travis & Christine Sykes Walker
Wed on October 10, 2015
Gerald & Sue Furman
Charles & Sherri Bradley
Gerry & Wanda Webster
Steve & Janice Beckner
Mike & Nikki Viola
Brunch Baby Shower
You’re Invited
An Open House for Alex and Alyssa Newcomb will be
held on Dec. 19 at 5pm at 28 London Lane, Mebane.
Please join us for a Brunch Baby Shower honoring Susan Womble Linder on Saturday, November 14th
from 10-12pm in the Parlor. Of course, Nancy and Glenn
are “over the moon” as this will be their first Grandchild.
Susan is registered at Buy Buy Baby and Babies “R” Us.
If you have any questions contact Eileen Jefferson 919563-0821.
Giving Statistics
October Weekly Receipts
10/11 $5,214.00
10/18 $4,301.00
10/25 $3,575.00
Total $17,442.00
Attendance October
Session Synopsis
October 18, 2015
A proposal with two cost options was presented
for the Acoustic Treatment for the MPC fellowship hall
to improve the sound in the room. Property and Media
teams have been involved in obtaining the estimate.
Justin Brawley, Sandra Fielding, John Patrick O’Donnell
and Adam Nixon Spruill confessed their faith before the
congregation and were received as members on Sunday,
October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis & Christine Sykes Walker
were wed on Saturday, October 10th by Pastor Jeff.
Motion was made, seconded and approved to move
November 29 communion to Dec. 6.
Ministry Meetings November
(7pm unless noted)
November 3
November 8
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 15
November 17
November 17
Daylight Savings
Fellowship Team (6:30pm)
Children’s Team
Property Team
Men’s Ministry Team
Finance Team
Stated Session (3:00)
Worship Team
Youth Team
Time Ends
November 1st
Church Calendar
Team Leaders Meeting
November 7
Team Leaders: Please note that 2016 Budgets are
due at the November 7 Team Leader Meeting. If
you have any questions please contact Jan Jarvies.
Michael & Shannon Taylor
8019 Dallas Ct.
Mebane NC 27302
Gil & Sue Swift
7064 Woodcrest Farm Lane
Hillsborough, NC 27278
The church calendar is on the
church website on the first page. Visit to view
upcoming events, meetings, van use
and schedules. Those wanting to
schedule building use will need to
contact the church office.
Haiti Missions Update
Jennifer Roth is also collecting men's deodorant,
anti-itch cream, and anti-biotic cream to take with her to
Streethearts, the organization where she will be
volunteering to work with street kids in January. Feel
free to leave items on her porch (410 S. 4th St.) in the
grey tub or in the box in the Narthex.
Operation Christmas Child
The Back Pack Ministry is in need of 20 neutral gender backpacks ASAP and any shelving/bookcases anyone might have or wish to donate – there is a serious need
for more shelving. Also any monetary contributions
could go toward the cause if folks don’t want to go shopping. (Backpacks are running anywhere from $6 to $10
each, depending upon where you shop). Lower sugar
breakfast items (e.g. Cheerios, oatmeal, granola bars) are
also needed. Smaller sized (8 oz) peanut butter and jelly
donations are always good too! See Sue Furman or
Alison Brewbaker.
The shoebox packing party will be after Worship Service on Nov. 15th. There will be a prepared meal. A signup sheet is in the narthex for what's needed: Chili,
cheese, tortilla chips, sour cream, cookies and brownies. If you're able to provide any of these items, please
sign up. Please try to have your shoebox items here before that night so they can be sorted and added to the assembly line. Still needed: Soap, washcloths, toothpaste,
toothbrushes and candy (no chocolate or anything that
would melt).
To the Mebane Presbyterian Church:
On behalf of South Mebane Elementary School,
please extend our thanks to all those who contributed to
the generous donation of school supplies for our
students. We greatly appreciate your church members’
interest in assisting our economically disadvantaged
students in this way!
Thank you again for your support which helps
us ensure that all students are prepared for learning!
Sarah Stitsinger
South Mebane Elementary School
School Social Worker
Mebane High School Class of 1960
Celebrates 55th Reunion
Thank you so much for the use of your fellowship hall.
Our class reunion was great. What a nice place. We
wanted to make a donation to your church.
Thanks again.
Class of 1960
(Virginia Matherly is a member of the class)
The Mebane High School Class of 1960 recently held
our 55th reunion in McSween Hall. This is my token of
appreciation for MPC permitting us to use your facility.
Bill Henderson
Former MPC member
Welcome to MPC New Members!
Justin Brawley: Justin is the manager of several
Pizza Huts in our area, including the newest one near
Lowe’s Foods here in Mebane. He managed the
Smithfield’s here in Mebane 5 years previous to that, and
is happy to now have Sundays off to be able to get
involved in church. He served in the Air Force, and
loves sports and camping and hiking. He is also very
interested in technology and even built his own
computer. He has one daughter and he lives at 118
Peppertree Dr. here in Mebane.
Sandra Fielding & John O’Donnell: John &
Sandy are both realtors for Keller Williams, which will
soon be opening a branch office here in Mebane. John
is the son of Irish Immigrants and grew up in New York
City – Manhattan to be more precise. Although he has
been in North Carolina for many years, you can’t miss
his New York accent. He previously worked for IBM &
Cisco. John also served in the Army. He hopes to do
some traveling someday with Sandy. John has four adult
children. John’s wife, Sandy, has a Bachelor’s and
Master’s degree in Music Education, and she is hoping
to dust off her musical skills and get involved here. She
has two adult children. John and Sandy live at 100 W
Sebastian Ct here in Mebane, which is located off N.
Fifth Street here in Mebane.
Adam Spruill: Adam is husband to Brenda, who
joined in the spring when Adam was working out of
town – way out of town - in Buffalo! Adam is a traveling
electrician and works extensively with cell phone
towers. He is of Scottish heritage and brought some
wonderful Scottish breakfast tea to the Newcomer Class.
He is a loyal supporter of the Panthers, and has even
texted Pastor Jeff at times to ask him to pray for them!
(no offence to other teams!) He and Brenda have three
children – Andrew, Alex & Brianna – and they live at
3117 Corbett Ridge Road in the Prospect Hill Area.
Calling All Community Voices
The Mebane Community Choir will be performing its
25th consecutive (and 47th annual) presentation of the
traditional Christmas portions of George Frideric
Handel’s Messiah on Sunday, December 6th at 3:00pm at
MPC. Places available in all sections…Open auditions
for soloists.
This year's schedule is as follows:
• "Refresher" section rehearsals, Sun. Nov. 8 & 15,
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
• Formal rehearsals, Sun. Nov. 22 & Nov. 29,
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
• “Undress” rehearsal, Sat. Dec. 5, 10:00 a.m. –
• Performance & Reception, Sun. Dec. 6, 3:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Dot Sutton, 919-563-1360. Messiah in Mebane is made
possible in part through the support of the Alamance
County Arts Council.
Rosaria Butterfield
November 10th
Rosario Butterfield, Author of Secret Thoughts
of an Unlikely Convert and Openness Unhindered will
speak at Grace Reformed Baptist Church, November 10th
at 7:00pm. Rosario now married to Kent Butterfield,
Pastor of First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham
is a former Lesbian, Feminist and College Professor. She
writes about sexuality, identity, Christian community and
seeks to encourage all in faithful Christian living and
November 2015 Worship & Activity Helpers
November 1
Pat & Nancy Delony
November 8
Shirley Bost
November 15 Martha Troxler
November 22 Kelly Gauldin
November 29 Libby Halacheff
ACOLYTES: Aidan Viola, Carson Condon
November 1 Paul Baxter
November 8 Ivan Tyre
November 15 Jeff Dempsey
November 22 Ken White
November 29 Jeff Dempsey
November 1 Jan Jarvies, Matt Troxler, Kathy Everhart
November 8 Robert Tate, Karen Richmond, Carol Holmes
November 15 Karyn Newcomb, Evelyn White, Phil Flowers
November 22 Sheila & Eric Frederiksen, Ernest Moffitt
November 29 Shannon Taylor, Ivan Tyre, Dwight Johnson
November 1 Hugh & Lavonda Landis
November 8 Martha & Nathan Troxler
November 15 Mike & Nikki Viola
November 22 Ernest Richmond, Tommy Glenn
November 29 Bobby & Judy Lineberry
November 1 John & Joan Leonarz
November 8 Rene Massey, Shirley Johnson
November 15 Dwight Johnson, Marth Troxler
November 22 Giles Mebane, Kelly Gauldin
November 29 Steve & Janice Beckner
November 1 Troxlers
November 8 TBD
November 15 Baxters & Beckners
November 22 Taylors
November 29 TBD
Phone: 919/563-1660 Fax: 919/563-0097 Website:
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey D. Smith, Pastor
Jeff Dempsey, Director of Christian Education
Jeff Overstreet, Organist & Choir Director 336-675-2598
Rosemary Clarke, Administrative Assistant
Cindy Sykes, Financial Secretary
Dr. Louis & Susan Sutton
WEC International
Chuck & Susan Weatherstone MAF
Cody Watson
Frontier Fellowship