inside - North Shore Community College
inside - North Shore Community College
OCTOBER 2009 THE PENNON IS ONLINE AT: NSCC Greener Printing Boston’s State House Hosts Celebration of Former Governor Foster Furcolo • A Monthly Publication For The Students of North Shore Community College, Danvers, Lynn & Beverly, Massachusetts • BY KATIE WALSH BY: STACIA CHAMBERLAIN On September 16th, 2009, members of the state gathered at Boston’s Historical State House the first established in the state. The event was also attended by Governors, Senators, Former Speakers of the House, and President of the Senate Therese Murray; even Republican Senator Scott Brown, who is a candidate for a temporary seat at the late Senator Kennedy’s post. The creation and establishment of community colleges was brought about by Foster Furcolo The investment of public education is necessary in helping to sustain communities and jobs; he said education is “the great equalizer” in our society. Furcolo recognized the need for middle and lower middle class citizens to have a step to higher education accessible, which led to his promotion of the system we know now. Prior to 1950, proposals for community colleges were faced with opposi- in celebrating Massachusetts former Governor Foster Furcolo for his efforts in establishing the first community college system in Massachusetts. North Shore Community College’s own President, Mr. Wayne Burton, attended along with Vice President Paul Frydrych and Mr. Burton’s special assistant Cathy Anderson. Of the 15 community colleges in Massachusetts, many representatives from the schools attended, including President Paul Raverta of Berkshire Community College, during his time as Governor, which was from 1957 to 1961. He was also a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and a former state treasurer, and was a commencement speaker to NSCC graduates in the early 70’s. tion by private institutions, and indifference by local legislation concerned about increased public expenditure. Can we relate this to the fight for social security and Medicare? UFC: Fighting Against the Odds Page 8 Halloween Horror Pics Page 9 On the floor of the House of Representatives, the 50th anniversary ceremony begins with three heavy cracks of the anvil. Before the main speaker, Mark Furcolo--son of Foster Furcolo--is introduced, some historical anecdotes are passed lightly. Recently North Shore Community College has implemented a “Greener Printing” Program. This program has installed a cost per page printing fee in the hope that it would drive down unnecessary printing. The Official kick off of this program was September 29th. The hope is to cut down 30-40% of the unnecessary printing by spring semester. Now this program isn’t about cutting costs according to Chief Information Officer Gary Ham. “This isn’t to make money, that’s really no t the goal. It’s about putting measures in place.” The amount of paper the school goes through is astonishing even if you only consider the students, but then you have the community members who use the open labs and the faculty as well. “For example on Lynn campus…we can go through 50,000-70,000 sheets on a weekly basis” Ham remarked. On the $25 free limit for students Ham had to say “There’s INSIDE: no difference between single and double sided. So if you print double sided it’s really like 500 free pages allotted per student”. And of course you can always add money. Adding money is a simple process using a credit card on a secure online transaction service. This allows you to add money at any time; not requiring it to be during business hours, and it will instantly credit your account. So to use a credit card, the site is off the school home page, in student services, general, computer labs or the site is https://nsccprint.pcounterwebpa You log in using your pipeline information, and a table of options will pop up, including check balance and add balance. You can add anywhere from $3$20 at a time. And for those of you who don’t have a credit card never fear, the Library will be where you can go to handle your account. Both the Danvers and Lynn libraries will be able to handle cash transactions. However, the computer labs and classrooms will not be able to handle money. Everything is done automatically, crediting your account when Continued on 3 “Forgettable Contraception” Page 6 Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth Tim Murray describes why the system is so important in investing in our future by stating that, “Education is so transformative on a family to family basis.” Today, at least 200,000 students attend community colleges across the state, and high enrollment has helped these schools receive millions of dollars in federal grant money for renovations and the expansion of new programs. The projected $32 Continued on page 5 Group of the Month Page 14 CAMPUS POLICE: Page 2 – NSCC Pennon If you see something suspicious, report it at once! 9/2/09 10:54am Danvers Campus: Jessica B. returned college key #M212C to Officer Ostrander. 9/2/09 12:38pm Danvers Campus: A female student reported having difficulty breathing from pressure on her chest. She was transported to Salem Hospital via Atlantic Ambulance. 9/4/09 5:01pm Danvers Campus: Alan L. of Information Systems called and stated he was unable to log onto his computer remotely and asked if an officer could assist. Cpl. Eam checked the area and stated the computer was on. Mr. L. was notified. 9/5/09 9:50am Lynn Campus: MV was driving erratically coming from the Lynnway onto Market St. MV passed vehicles waiting for the red lights between Market St. and the Lynnway. The operator glanced at NSCC Cruiser 101 and Officer Scouten and continued driving erratic. The vehicle’s identification number was called in and Lynn PD was notified. They sent Cruiser 31 over to meet Officer Scouten as Lynn PD Cruiser 31 handled the situation. 9/6/09 5:11pm Lynn Campus: Cpl. Pierre came upon an intoxicated male party. Cpl. Pierre told the party to put down the bottle of Vodka he had PENNON STAFF The NSCC Pennon is published monthly by the NSCC Student Association. Student or faculty submissions and letters to the Editor are welcome. Submissions are preferred electronically by email to: in his hand. He refused and Cpl. Pierre tried to take the bottle away but party kept pushing his hand away. Cpl. Pierre told him to turn around so that he could take him into custody but he refused. Cpl. Pierre finally got him into handcuffs and Lynn PD was contacted. Party will be charged with trespassing, drinking from an open container, and assault and battery on a police officer. 9/8/09 3:51pm Lynn Campus: Reporting party stated that he witnessed a motor vehicle hit and run in the main parking lot. He stated that the motor vehicle hit a parked car. He wrote down the vehicle identification number of the striking vehicle. Cpl. Pierre went outside to investigate the incident and notified damage to the passenger side fender. Cpl. Pierre took photos of the damage. Officers follow-up report was filed. 9/9/09 8:56am Danvers Campus: Chief Puska received a call from DB building that a female passed out. Chief Puska and Det. Sgt. Vaccaro responded. The patient refused any transport to the hospital. 9/9/09 9:05am Lynn Campus: While on his break, Dispatcher Knight found a pair of rusted brass knuckles at the base of Emergency Call Box 13 at the West End walkAll submissions are subject to editing and not all submissions will be published or receive a personal response. MAILING ADDRESS The Pennon c/o North Shore Community College 1 Ferncroft Road Danvers, MA 01923 OFFICE CONTACT Phone: 978-762-4000 ext 5469 Fax: 978-921-4469 Email: way of the McGee Building. Item was turned over to Lt. Defelice. 9/10/09 2:00pm Lynn Campus: John P. walked up to the control desk and reported his vehicle was struck while parked in the main lot student parking area closest to the Lynnway. Cpl. Eam was called to investigate. 9/14/09 9:09am Lynn Campus: Dispatch received a call from Clyde S. reporting his niece was threatened by another female student. Cpl. Pierre and Ofc. Bettencourt were dispatched to T131 and took a written statement from Ms. S. The student who made the threats was located. During the process of speaking to the student, a WMS check was made. A warrant was located and confirmed through WMS. The student was then placed under arrest and transported to Lynn District Court. She was left in the custody of the court officer. 9/14/09 1:49pm Lynn Campus: Ofc. Ostrander reports the MBTA Police just arrested a female for assault. 9/14/09 7:52pm Lynn Campus: Sgt. Thomas escorted a student to her vehicle in the main parking lot of the McGee Building. 9/15/09 9:34am Lynn Campus: Sgt. Vacarro assisted in Academic Affairs. 9/15/09 11:12am Danvers Campus: As a Public Safety Informational report, the main entrance doors to the Allied Health building will be closed for the next two years. 9/15/09 10:29pm Danvers Campus: Party called the control desk in order to get in contact with her husband NSCC employee Richard C., because there was some type of emergency in her home. Sgt. Thomas called Mr. C’s supervisor to inform him of the situation. 9/17/09 11:33am Lynn Campus: A student walked up to the control desk and returned a brown pocketbook that she found in the 1st floor ladies room. It belongs to Kerry M., an employee of the college. Cpl. Pierre returned it to her and discovered a set of $40 earphones and a multi-tool valued at $5. Ms. M. states that she left her pocketbook in the Student Life office and went to work in the gym. 9/17/09 4:22pm Lynn Campus: An individual called and stated that her sister has not come home at her usual time. She stated that she attends classes at the Lynn Campus and requested to see if we could locate her and check her well being. Cpl. Eam distributed a photograph of the student to Ofc. Martocchio and Ofc. Bryson. Ofc. Martocchio located the student who then called home. 9/17/09 6:58pm Lynn Campus: Cpl. Eam and Cpl. Gaudenzi arrested a male party of Pleasant St. in Lynn at the main parking area next to the bike racks. Party was run through WMS and had a default warrant. Lynn Police was contacted and the party was taken back to the Lynn Police Department for courtesy booking. 9/18/09 1:25pm Danvers Campus: Dispatch received a call about a motor vehicle accident in Lot 6 involving two vehicles. A white Honda received damage to the rear bumper and a red Honda received damage to the driver’s side rear door, the rear bumper and rear fender. This was extensive damage. 9/20/09 5:51pm Hathorne Campus: Ofc. Martocchio reports that a female party was crying on the sidewalk and a male party was trying to help her into a vehicle. Danvers PD was notified. Both parties were run through the WMS and both were cleared and sent on their way. Ofc. Martocchio cancelled Danvers PD. Ofc. Marticchio was cleared from the scene. walked up to the desk to report that at bus stop #446 she was approached by a male party who attempted to grab her arm and demand money. Cpl. Gaudenzi and Det. Sgt. Vacarro responded along with Lynn Police who were called by the dispatcher. After an investigation, it was determined that no crime happened. 9/23/09 9:34am Lynn Campus: Eneida E. ran up to the desk to report her pocketbook was stolen from the library. Cpl. Gaudenzi was dispatched. A search was conducted of the ladies room and other areas. Ms. E. also went looking and found her pocketbook on the table outside the café where the money is collected from sales. The only thing reported missing was her cigarette case. 9/23/09 12:02pm Lynn Campus: Shawn R. walked up to the desk to report that his vehicle, parked in the main lot, is missing. Ofc. Matton along with Cpl. Gaudenzi and Det. Sgt. Vacarro responded along with Mr. R. It was determined that the vehicle was stolen. A stolen vehicle report was filed along with a broadcast over B.A.P.E.R.N. network. 9/23/09 1:38pm Danvers Campus: Ofc. Ostrander reports he is assisting a student in trying to locate their vehicle. Ofc. Ostrander reports the vehicle has been found and all is well. 9/23/09 10:40pm Lynn Campus: Battery for the door alarm was changed in the AED. 9/24/09 9:24am Lynn Campus: Dean Holmes requested police assistance. He wanted to notify a student of his suspension from the college. Student was escorted off property. 9/23/09 8:04am Lynn Campus: A female student EDITOR IN CHIEF .........................................................NELSON BAKER MANAGING EDITOR .....................................................................OPEN WEB EDITOR ...............................................................................OPEN LAYOUT EDITOR .........................................................................AVRIL BUSINESS EDITOR .......................................................................OPEN HEALTH & SCI EDITOR.........................................................................OPEN FEATURES EDITOR .......................................................................OPEN FACES IN THE HALL..................................................KYLE DONOGHUE PHOTO EDITOR ............................................................................OPEN NEWS EDITOR .............................................................................OPEN GROUPS & CLUBS EDITOR ..........................................................OPEN SPORTS WRITER ..........................................................ASHLEY VIATOR ADVISOR ...............................................................VICTORIA PASCIUTO STAFF & WRITERS: Zachary Carey, Kyle Donoghue, Nicole Giunta, Anthony Harris, John Mark, John-Paul Kehoe, Katrina Nichols, Rachel Sawyer, Kathy Sperounis, Rozi Theohari, Grant Tucker, Ashley Viater, Nelson Baker, Stacia Chamberlain Dean’s Corner I hope you had a wonderful summer and found ways to renew connections to family and friends. Fall semester at NSCC offers a new start for so many of you. Welcome! To the nearly 2800 new students, we are happy to have you with us. More than 5000 students have returned for this term. 3635 of you are full time and 4333 are part-time. Most of you are taking classes in a combination of day and evening scheduling and more than 1500 of you are enrolled only in the evening. 1818 of you are recent high school graduates and 750 of you are transfer students. I know… I know the parking lots are crowded and traffic can be a ‘challenge’, but the level of energy and enthusiasm is refreshing and great to observe. More than 2100 of you are minority students. You represent a gamut of age groups and are from at least 40 different cities and towns, 14 different countries and all walks of life. Many of you are working as well as studying and also meeting family obligations. We understand who you are and we are here for you. Faculty, staff and administration are happy and willing to help. Please take advantage of all the student services available to you and feel free to drop by our student-friendly Enrollment Centers to get your questions answered. The Enrollment Center in Lynn or Danvers is a place to get help with Pipeline and all its offerings. In addition, while at North Shore, be sure to check out all the opportunities to stretch yourself, pursue your interests and try new things. Drop by my office and introduce or re-introduce yourself. I am willing to listen to your concerns and would also be delighted to hear your positive news. Good luck with your classes, and though ‘luck’ always has a part to play, success at any gig takes hard work. You each have something to offer so share and communicate with your peers, teachers and advisors. Be here when you are here - truly participating and listening. Showing up and being ‘present’ drives success. NSCC Greener Printing Continued you go to print. When you try to print something a window will pop up for you to log in again with pipeline information. It will remind you of your balance and deduct the costs when you confirm the print job. A lot of this program is going to be focused on thinking about what you’re doing. Try printing out only the sections of articles that you need rather than the whole thing. One Computer Lab technician, Brendan Coughlin said “A lot of the time people print out like 50 pages and just leave them, don’t even take them. One person printed out a whole Bible or a whole section of the bible, and that was just the last straw. Stuff along those lines is why we need a system like this.” The main thing is the continuing education on this subject. “Education is the primary purpose. It’ll be a change for some people so it’s expected to take a little longer. It’s OK we expect that. Just having some controls allows us to move forward”. There have been so many technological advances that there really is becoming less of a need for paper. For example Mr. Ham was talking about a copier that will scan the document to a PDF and email it straight out to the students. Benjamin Franklin said “if you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.” Take those words to heart and save some paper. The costs the school has imposed on printing are small enough for the gain of reducing waste. All they’re asking is $0.10 for a black and white page, and $0.25 for a color page. Page 3 – NSCC Pennon Page 4 – NSCC Pennon All About the Quarterbacks BY: ADAMO PULZONE With the NFL regular season underway, there’s been a lot of talk about quarterbacks this offseason. Three of which really caught a lot of people’s attention. Tom Brady is back to make ing knee injury, he is sure to create that dominant presence he had just two short years ago. He’s had 53 long weeks to relax, heal, and look at the game of football from the outside in instead of the other way around. Brady’s presence in training and newly acquired Galloway. Other Quarterbacks don’t have it so easy. Take Jay Cutler for example. Now this guy felt underappreciated when Josh McDaniels took over the head coach position because he thought McDaniels was trying his triumphant return to the playing field. Jay Cutler has been causing major stress in Denver before being traded to the Bears where he had a rocky start with 4 interceptions in his first game, and then there’s the one and only Brett Favre. Yes, the man that came out of retirement for the second time after putting his foot down, saying he’ll never play football again is back with yet another team, the Minnesota Vikings. Basically these three Quarterbacks are the good, the bad, and the ugly (or elder) of the football world. With Brady back with New England after recovering from a season end- camp and the pre-season grasped the attention of not only fans but non-Patriot fans as well. With every hit he took and bad pass he threw, people were speculating on whether or not he’ll be the same Tom Brady from 2007 we’ve been yearning to see. In my perspective, I believe he’ll be even better than he was in 2007 because like I said, he’s had time to examine the game and work off his injury. Especially since he now has even more weapons on offense than he did in the 2007 season. He’s made a great new connection with WR Edelman and TE Baker this pre-season let alone Moss, Welker, Watson, to acquire Matt Cassel for the starting Quarterback job. So instead of talking it out with his new head coach, he decided to reject all his phone calls from McDaniels and wait to get traded (to which he went to the Chicago Bears). Since the trade, half the nation has looked at Cutler as a so called “Big Baby.” Cutler used that tension to fuel his performance in the pre-season and make a name for himself as a solid Quarterback, but once Week 1 came around, he went for a 47.2 percentage rating throwing for 277 yards, 1 touchdown and 4 (yes count it, 4) interceptions. Hopefully this 4 year veteran will shape up and shake down his ego and just play football. If he doesn’t and he keeps going the way he’s going, maybe the Bears will actually wish they still had Rex Grossman. Speaking of good and shaky Quarterbacks, we bring you to the man the media loves, Brett Favre. Yet again he came out of retirement to play the game he’s loved so dearly, but this time it’s with the Vikings. At 39 years old, Favre has proved himself enough, right? Wrong, at least he still thinks he has something to prove. His Week 1 performance stayed very consistent to how he played with the Jets last season. Favre threw a passer rating of 95.3 with 14 for 21 passes, 110 yards, 1 touchdown and no interceptions. All I can say is that if he stays consistent then he can lead this team to an NFC playoff run. But being the fact that he’s almost 40 years old will definitely increase his chance of getting injured. But all in all this NFL season should be one for the ages. Fighting Against the Odds BY: NELSON BAKER There will always be a long list of new, healthy, young fighters that come onto the scene of the UFC. They are the majority. They are the ones that really set the pace and give us the toughest, most explosive fights. We respect them for their intensive, tireless training regimens and also for the fact that they are able to withstand the beatings that they give and take in the ring. Mixed Martial Arts is such an exciting sport that has grown tremendously over the years. The qualities that the fighters must possess in order to be a factor in the UFC are many, and as you begin to get up there in age, these qualities may at times, falter. It is solely the fighter who needs to make the decision to keep pushing forward in a career that has brought him the life he has always dreamed of, or hang it up, maybe even before giving us the fight of his life. Some of us are born fighters. We live to train, and we live to knocked out the best in his day, you just never know what will transpire. Who are we to determine when a fighter should pack it in and go home? Shouldn’t we respect with the highest regard a fighter who does not want to quit? After all, we will all get up their in age at some point. It cannot be easy for anyone to have to make a decision like that, especially when the love for the sport is still there. The desire to achieve more. The will to survive and sustain, and beat the odds by winning against a young champion. It has been done before many times, and it will surely happen again. There is so much to look for when watching a fight, and so many factors that can make it interesting. When you know a fighters background well, you care more about how the fight turns out. It means more to you. Once in a while there may be a fighter who needs to push his limits until he feels he cannot anymore. Some will say they are risking injury, or even the compete. It’s in the blood. When the time comes that you realize you are not as young as you used to be, it is normal to question what your future will hold, in anything that you do. There may be several different reasons why one may want to keep at it. It could be the love for the sport, the love of fame and being in the spotlight, the need to feel that rush of adrenaline when you win a fight, or legacy of what they once were. I say they know exactly what they are doing. That is why we should respect it. They know that for them, it is going to be a tougher fight than if they were younger. They continue to challenge themselves as others tell them that they have no chance or that they are just too old. They are going against the expectations of everyone and often times they prove that they maybe even the need for the money. Some fighters have a determination that is so fierce that they cannot even fathom the idea of giving up, not until they know for sure that it is over for them. The UFC is not affected by those few who may stick around a little longer than they should. It actually makes for an interesting fight most of the time. When you put a young superstar against an older fighter who has are worthy of this so called risk that they have taken. You don’t really know what it feels like until you are in that position. All you can do is watch the fights and hope for the one you have chosen to win is standing in the end. Hope is the key word here. Nothing is set in stone. Those who have followed the UFC over the years knows that every now and then, someone will win a fight that few had ever thought possible. These are the ones we remember. Boston State House... continued million NSCC received for the Allied Health Building on the Danvers campus is a testament to the work by Governor Patrick, as well as other recognized members of the Board of Higher Education, such as Dr. Richard Freeland. Near the end of the program, a question was proposed to the members of the audience. Many of us could identify through family, friends, or personal experience on the transformative abilities a community college can have in a family or on individuals’ lives. It was, “where would you be without your community college?” With this question, I will leave you stirring in your seat. Page 5 – NSCC Pennon Fun Halloween Facts - Halloween, referred to as All Hallows Eve, was originally a pagan holiday in which they honored the dead. It was celebrated on October 31 since this was the last day of the Celtic calendar. The celebration dates back some 2,000 years. - The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts wondered the streets on all Hallows Eve so they began wearing masks and costumes in order to not be recognized as human. - On Halloween, Irish peasants would beg the rich for food. For those that refused, they would play a practical joke. So, in an effort to avoid being tricked, the rich would hand out cookies, candy, and fruit – a practice that morphed into trick-or-treating today. - The official Orange and Black colors of Halloween came from orange being associated with fall harvest and black symbolizing darkness and death. - Magician, Harry Houdini died on Halloween, 1926 in Detroit, MI. Program Council Annual Children’s Halloween Party - The number one candy of choice for Halloween is Snickers VOLUNTEERS AND DONATIONS NEEDED The Children’s Halloween party is an annual event that Program Council and Student Life have put on for over a decade as part of National Make a Difference Day. We usually draw around 300 children. The party will take place on Saturday, October 24 from 1 - 3 p.m. at the Lynn Campus gym. Setup will take place about 10 a.m. There will be activities ranging from a rep- tile show, to performers, to games and prizes. This event is free and open to any child 10 years of age or under. Children must be pre-registered and accompanied by an adult who will remain with them through- out the event. \ The Ticket Registration Hotline is 978-762-4000 ext 5534 Any donation, small or large, will be greatly appreciated. We desperately need Juice Boxes, Children's prizes, Candy,Candy and more Candy. If interested, in donating or participating please contact or stop by either Student Life office by Oct 19th Page 6 – NSCC Pennon “FORGETTABLE CONTRACEPTION” BEST FOR PREVENTING PREGNANCY BY: SARAH KENNEDY MCPHEE, MPH The term “forgettable contraception” may not be commonplace in family planning in the United States, but it is a concept whose time has come. According to David Grimes, a top reproductive health researcher in the United Kingdom, “it is a method that can be started and then forgotten…the default option is pro- much lower, around 92%. Poor user habits are the reason for the discrepancy. Taking the Pill at different times of day, missing days or skipping pills all decrease the effectiveness. Cost seems to be a factor in its popularity, with many Health Quarters clients buying one month at a time for $15 - $46, depending on insurance and income. ultimate “forgettable” method of birth control. The IUD has experienced some bad publicity in the past, but today's IUDs have one of the lowest failure rates of any contraceptive method, less than 1%. An IUD is a very small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus by a health care professional, such as the clinician at Health Quarters. A Word from Health Services Dear students, faculty and staff, As you may know, flu can be spread easily from person to person. Therefore, we are taking steps to prevent the spread of flu at North Shore Community College for as long as possible, but we need your help to accomplish this. We are working with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to monitor flu conditions and make decisions about the best steps to take concerning our institution. We will keep you updated with new information as it becomes available to us. For now, we are doing everything we can to keep our institution operating as usual. Here are a few things you can do to help: tection against pregnancy.” Forgettable methods only require user attention anywhere from 3 to 10 years. Grimes writes that contraception effectiveness is influenced by five principal factors: efficacy, compliance, continuation over time, ability to conceive, What are some types of forgettable contraception? Well, there’s male or female sterilization – a vasectomy or tubal ligation – most likely not a practical option for college age young people. Then there’s a fairly new product, Implanon, (see Pennon, February 2009) which is inserted under the skin. There are two types of IUD available in the U.S.: the ParaGard, which contains copper but no hormones, and is effective for at least 10 years, and the Mirena, which releases a small amount of progestin, a hormone, and is effective for at least five years. Both prevent sperm from joining with an egg, Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Alcoholbased hand cleaners also are effective. Purchase a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer or look for wall dispensers located on each floor of the college campus. Practice respiratory etiquette by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not into your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; germs are spread this way. Know the signs and symptoms of the flu. Common symptoms include a cough or sore throat accompanied by sudden onset fever. Fever is a temperature taken with a thermometer that is equal to or greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Look for possible signs of fever; if the person feels very warm, has a flushed appearance, or is sweating or shivering. Stay home if you have flu or flu-like illness for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever or signs of a fever. This should be determined without the use of fever-reducing medications (any medicine that contains ibuprofen or acetaminophen). Do not go to school or work until the fever has resolved. Talk with your health care providers about whether you should be vaccinated H1N1/Swine Flu. People at higher risk for flu complications from the H1N1/Swine flu include pregnant women, individuals age 24 years and younger, and people with compromised immune systems. For more information about the priority groups for vaccination, v i s i t on/acip.htm. Health Services will be sponsoring free flu clinics for both the Seasonal and H1N1/Swine flu. Sincerely, Health Services Seasonal Flu Clinics and frequency of sex. Of these, compliance and continuation most impact the success of any method of birth control and determine the effectiveness of oral birth control. Currently, the Pill is by far the most popular method among Health Quarters’ clients and young American women, but it is also often the hardest to use faithfully. While the stated effectiveness is 9699%, in reality this rate can be Implanon consists of a match stick-size capsule or implant; it works by slowly releasing etonogestrel, a hormone that prevents pregnancy over the course of three years. Because Implanon does not contain estrogen, this may be the right option for women who cannot use estrogen. For even longer protection against pregnancy, an IUD is the thereby preventing fertilization/pregnancy. The Mirena can also prevent ovulation. The IUD is an appropriate choice for those who are not at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases or infections, and it one of the least expensive forms of birth control available today. (At Health Quarters, there is no cost for the device with most Continued on page 7 Danvers Campus (Health Services office DB108) Thursday, Oct. 8th 1 PM – 3 PM Wednesday, Oct. 14th 10 AM – 1 PM Lynn Campus (outside cafeteria) Monday, Oct. 19th 9 AM – 12 PM Thursday, Oct. 22nd 1 PM – 4 PM H1N1/Swine Flu Clinic dates will be announced as soon as the swine flu vaccine becomes available. For more information visit or contact Health Services in Lynn (x 2196 ) or Danvers (5535 ). Resources Against Violence Congratulations to Colleen Bertolino, a student who was in Sandy Fuhs’ Electronic Imaging class during the Spring 2009 semester. During the semester, RAV requested that the class design a tri-fold panel and brochure that we would use at all our events. The students were given the assignment to design a panel for a trade show, and domestic violence websites, statistics and information was given to them. During a classroom session, the chosen! This is the second time RAV has collaborated with the Digital Graphics Department. During the fall semester of 2007, students in Donna Murphy’s Digital Illustration class designed our RAV logo and Caitlin Manning’s design was chosen. Thank you to all the students who participated and to Sandy Fuhs. This is a wonderful example of cooperation and col- students presented their designs to RAV representatives and the entire RAV group voted on which design to use. Because the designs were so creative, the choice was extremely difficult, but ultimately Colleen’s was laboration in our NSCC community, and the RAV members thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you. insurances, although there is a fee for the office visit; those who are uninsured will likely pay anywhere from nothing to $200, according to a sliding fee scale.) This cost certainly compares favorably to monthly charges for the Pill. pregnant returns quickly once the IUD is removed. Overall, the IUD is simple to use, longlasting, reversible, hormonefree, and economical. Ninetynine percent of IUD users are pleased with them. Forgettable Contraception continued There are many other benefits: There’s nothing to remember to take (unlike the Pill), put in (unlike the NuvaRing) or take off (unlike the Patch); the ParaGard IUD does not change a woman's hormone levels; the Mirena IUD may reduce period cramps and make your period lighter. On average, menstrual flow is reduced by 90 percent. For some women, periods stop altogether; the ability to become Some final words: We at Health Quarters support the use by sexually active women of any effective birth control method. If we had to rate them, though, we would favor the NuvaRing, Patch, Implanon, and IUD because they all have that “forgettable” quality that helps ensure effectiveness. And “forgetting” is definitely NOT what you should do with the Pill! For more information on “forgettable contraception” or to schedule an appointment, call Health Quarters in Beverly at 978.922.4490 or email You Never Know Where Life Will Lead Page 7 – NSCC Pennon BY SUSAN REGAN In 1994, just after my 29th birthday I was diagnosed with Melanoma. I was shattered. While following conventional treatment I began searching for answers. One day in a health food store I saw a book for the treatment of cancer. It was about food. I picked up another, and then another. I stood there holding these books, stunned. All the books essentially said the same thing—I can have an effect on cancer with the food that I eat. I was shocked, and empowered. I stood there thinking, “I can do this. I can have control over my health.” I began exploring the link between food, alternative healing methods and wellness, studying on my own for several years, modifying my diet, researching and experimenting with food, organics, food combining, macrobiotics, raw food, juicing, and whole foods. I longed for formal study on alternative healing but had trouble finding what I was looking for. One day I was reviewing the catalogue for North Shore Community College, my alma mater. I saw that they had a Wellness & Healing Arts Certificate Program in Healing and Wellness. I was both thrilled and fascinated as I began the Reiki 1 course. I came to understand that this course, unlike most Reiki classes typically taught on a weekend, was a three month long process. This length of time also exposed me to information on alternative healing methods and I developed a strong desire to continue my studies. I was certified as a Reiki Practitioner in 2000. Next, I met Margi Flint who was a guest speaker in my Herbal Pharmacology class. She was a certified herbalist and her own business, had Earthsong Herbals, in Marblehead. I knew I wanted to continue studying with Margi and was certified as an Herbalist in 2001. I began a small side business making herbal tinctures, facial scrubs, teas and salves. I loved it. During this time I was becoming increasingly unhappy in my work and wanted to dedicate more time to what I felt passionate about. I started feeling unwell and soon I knew that if I didn’t follow my passion and listen to my deepest longing, the health implications would worsen. By the end of 2001 I took a giant leap leaving my very secure job as a Probation Officer. I got a job at a local organic greenhouse and health food store and rented out some rooms in my house to make the mortgage. By the next year I had started my own business home delivering organic produce and whole foods in the Boston area. In 2005 I took another big leap and moved to Vermont. I bought a beautiful farm house and opened an organic and whole foods store, yoga loft and juice bar. Legislation Represents Largest Ever Investment in Higher Education for too many talented young people. Additionally, the number of students graduating from college with more than $25,000 in student loan debt has grown almost five fold over the last twelve years. Through strengthening the Pell grant, investing in community colleges and minority serving institutions, and other measures, this legislation ensures that more young people will have the opportunity to attend college, gain skills that will boost our economy, and ease their own debt burdens.” I loved my new home and community, but wanted to learn more. I enrolled in the Professional Training Program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City and become certified as a Holistic Health Counselor. I was also certified as a health counselor through the Teachers College of Columbia University, studying with many leading health authorities around the country today including: Andrew Weil MD, Deepak Chopra MD, Mehmet Oz MD, Mark Hyman MD, David Katz MD and many other well known professionals in this field. This process was also one of personal growth and transformation, solidifying my understanding of the real power of the food we eat and the scope of prevention. I now have a busy and growing health counseling practice in Vermont called Integrative Nutrition Counseling. Using the skills I learned from my many personal and educational experiences I look at a person holistically rather than just at the food they eat. I incorporate exploring a client’s career, relationships, exercise, stress levels and spiritual practice into our sessions and work with my clients to make slow lifelong changes that create balance and will have a positive impact on their health today and everyday moving forward. The idea that I can help other people struggling with their own lives is deeply satisfying and gives me a powerful sense of purpose. I am able to integrate my earlier education and work in human services with my new passion of helping others who feel unwell, helping them to return to health through the power of food and alternative healing methods. The classes I took at NSCC were a pivot part of my life path and an experience for which I will always be grateful. Campus Progress Joins Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Miller in Fight to Pass Student Aid Bill WASHINGTON, DC -Campus Progress and other student advocacy organizations joined with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Rep. George Miller (D-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor, to rally support for the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (HR 3221), a student aid bill that would boost grant aid by $40 billion. The House is expected to vote on the legislation this week. “This landmark bill represents the largest ever investment in higher education, and comes at a time when college is becoming dramatically less affordable,” said Pedro de la Torre III, Advocacy Senior Associate at Campus Progress. “The reality is that higher education has become prohibitively expensive By cutting handouts to student loan companies and reinvesting the $87 billion in savings in making college more affordable and accessible, the bill would also expand educational opportunity without contributing to the federal deficit. In support of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, Campus Progress has launched Students Over Banks (, a cam- paign to educate young people about proposed reforms, and help them make their voices heard. In addition, the website offers the latest news on college affordability issues. Campus Progress is hosting a national “Wall of Debt Day of Action.” During the day of action, college students on 100 campuses across the country will build debt walls, and take them to their local congressional offices. Students are also encouraged to get involved online by signing Facebook petitions. The petitions have over 40,000 signatures in total, and at least 10,000 students are expected to join in the action on the ground For more information, or to speak to Campus Progress higher education spokesperson Pedro de la Torre III, please contact Katie Andriulli at 202481-8238, or Or visit Page 8 – NSCC Pennon Porcupine Tree: “The Incident” BY: CHRIS RICCI After nine studio albums, various “album of the year” awards, a Grammy nomination and over twenty years of releasing music, it’s hard to believe that Porcupine Tree started out as nothing but joke. Now with their tenth studio release titled “The Incident”, it’s painfully clear that they aren’t joking anymore. Two years ago, Porcupine almost intimidating feeling (reminiscent to “Fear of a Blank Planet”) but that feeling quickly diminishes as the section titled “Blind House” begins. From this point on, the contrast between this album and “Fear” is evident; “The Incident” is in a decidedly lighter direction musically. The heavy bass riffs and distorted guitar of “Fear” are replaced with acoustic guitar and more emphasis on the one thing the band initially tried to Tree released the album “Fear of a Blank Planet” which gained a heavy amount of critical acclaim. After receiving a Grammy nomination and the title “Album of the Year” by various news outlets, it’s easy to say that “Fear” is the band’s most successful album to date. When Porcupine Tree announced that they were in the studio at the beginning of this year, the question plaguing not only the critics, but the fans as well was how they could possibly top a masterpiece like “Fear.” The answer? A fifty five minute song titled “The Incident.” "The Incident", divided into fourteen movements, is technically not one fifty five minute long track. However, each of the movements’ segway into each other and the whole “song” retains the same central theme. Each movement reflects a different incident viewed on the evening news or personally viewed by primary songwriter and front-man Steven Wilson. Ranging from a tragic car crash resulting in the closing of a highway to the evacuation of teenage girls from a Texas based religious cult, each song is told in the first person and tries to alter the skewed vision given by the news by humanizing it. Also included with “The Incident” is a separate disc containing four other studio tracks in the form of an EP. The booming wall of sound that is the opening movement, “Occam’s Razor”, gives the album an ominous and an dissolve from their music; soundscapes. “Fear” was almost completely soundscape free to make room for flashy guitar pieces and for an all around more menacing feel. Soundscapes act as the main glue of the song; they’re used as transitions between movements and help link everything together making the song not only more consistent but also more aesthetically pleasing. Another major redeeming quality of this album is that Gavin Harrison’s drumming is far more prominent than previous releases, making it far easier to respect his mastery on the drums. The second disc provides four other tracks that didn’t really fit into the main focal point of the album. Almost all the songs reflect a different era of Porcupine Tree’s music and are a great way to sample how the band has evolved over the years. Out of all the tracks on this disc, the one that deserves to be noted is the darker, drumorientated tune “Bonnie the Cat.” Even though it is in a far lighter-sounding vein, “The Incident” is in every way as powerful as “Fear of a Blank Planet.” However, in some respects, this album isn’t as “consumer friendly” as “Fear.” As stated before, the daunting fifty five minute song is cut into 14 separate tracks and sure, one could take one or two of the movements and put them onto an iPod, omitting the rest of the song. However, all the move- Continued on next page “Narrow Stairs” by Death Cab for Cutie BY: ANTHONY HARRIS For those of you looking to expand your musical horizons, I would highly recommend a little website called Pandora ( In a nutshell, you enter a band, artist, or song you like, and the site finds similar music for your listening pleasure. To improve your results, you can give each song a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Pandora is a gold mine for audiophiles and casual listeners alike. You never know what you’ll hear next, and it’s a great way to sample different genres and find new tunes. I started using Pandora on a regular basis last year, and it was through this site that I developed a liking for the group Death Cab for Cutie. The Washington-based indie rockers formed in 1997 and have achieved widespread popularity in the last few years. I had heard of the group before, but not until hearing “Crooked Teeth” on Pandora did I take an interest. I ended up buying the song on iTunes and later borrowed a few of their CD’s from the library, including their latest album “Narrow Stairs,” released in May 2008. Despite their “indie” label, DCFC incorporates a wide variety of musical styles in their work, and that versatility is on full display throughout “Narrow Stairs.” “Long Division” features a pop/punk vibe with a snappy rhythm, major chords, and an instantly memorable chorus. “Pity and Fear” has an eerie, spooky aura and abrupt ending, while the bluesy guitar solo in the melancholy closer “The Ice is Getting Thinner” could have come from a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. Piano plays a prominent role in many of their songs, as with similar groups like Keane and The Fray. One of the band’s biggest assets is lead singer Benjamin Gibbard’s knack for songwriting. His lyrics are evocative and imaginative, often delving headfirst into the minds of fictitious characters and telling intricate stories. His use of metaphors further enrich the music, like in the bittersweet “Cath…” where his subject “holds a smile like someone would hold a crying child.” In both the upbeat numbers and more somber tracks, Gibbard’s melodies are creative and appealing. His distinctive vocals are equally effective, clean and earnest with a hint of spoken-word style, and his effortless falsetto really shines on the album’s more moving ballads like “Talking Bird.” The album opens with “Bixby Canyon Bridge,” a glossy, epic song that showcases the group’s talent. It starts soft and then turns heavy with wailing, distorted guitars and pounding drums, all the while maintaining a catchy guitar hook. Lead single “I Will Possess Your Heart” has a long instrumental intro, allowing anticipation to build as the volume ratchets up. Like several other tracks, it has a sparse, atmospheric sound that complements Gibbard’s creepy lyrics. “No Sunlight” is a change of pace with its quick tempo and heavy bridge. The song exerts a fun energy despite its rather gloomy subject matter. The remaining tracks are equally varied and enjoyable. “You Can Do Better Than Me” features a grandiose, marching band-esque rhythm and a subdued ending. “Grapevine Fires” is a heartfelt piano-driven ballad with gentle harmonies and inventive drumming. “Your New Twin Sized Bed” sports a memorable beat and backing strings. As you can see, Death Cab doesn’t rely on a tried-andtrue musical formula. They try all sorts of things, often with great results. Overall, “Narrow Stairs” is an excellent album and a testament to DCFC’s skill and ingenuity. The band’s earlier releases, including 2003’s “Transatlanticism” and 2005’s “Plans” are also superb, so be sure to check those out as well. One final note for all you “Twilight” fans: be sure to listen for Death Cab’s “Meet Me On the Equinox.” The song can be heard in “New Moon,” the second film in the series, when it hits theaters on November 20th. BY: ZACH CAREY Halloween isn’t just a perfect opportunity to gobble loads of candy or dress up in flashy costumes; it’s also the best time of the year to watch horror movies. With that in mind, here’s a handy guide to the best horror flicks that this writer recommends. So dim the lights, hold your boyfriend/girlfriend close, and check out these horror fright fests. An American * Werewolf in London (1981): For my money, this is easily the best werewolf movie ever made. Directed by comedy guru John Landis (Animal House, Trading Places, etc.), this clever mix of horror and humor is about two American college students who are traveling through England and are attacked by a werewolf. One of them, Jack (Griffin Dunne), is brutally murdered, but his companion David (David Naughton) manages to survive and is brought to a hospital for treatment. While there, David manages to strike up a romance with a sympathetic nurse named Alex (Jenny Agutter). He then starts to have nightmares in which his deceased friend tells him that he’s going to transform into a werewolf. At first, David tries to shake off these bad dreams, but pretty soon people start dying gruesomely, and David realizes that his dreams are becoming reality. Besides the excellent transformation effects by FX master Rick Baker, American Werewolf also has believable, strong performances by David Naughton as the doomed lycanthrope (fancy word for werewolf) and Jenny Agutter as his Halloween Horror Picks romantic interest. By all means, watch An American Werewolf in London at your first opportunity. * House of Usher (1960): Cult director Roger Corman and horror legend Vincent Price collaborated their talents for the first time on this Edgar Allan Poe adaptation, and the results are still satisfying. For those not familiar with the story or movie, it concerns the journey of Philip Winthrop (Mark Damon), who role to the hilt and projects his usual villainy here. Although House of Usher is not a wordfor-word adaptation of the Poe story, it still offers plenty of chills and suspense for those who enjoy Gothic horror. * Fright Night (1985): Here’s an interesting variation on the boy-who-cried-wolf theme, only this time it’s done with vampires. High school student Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) is suspicious of his has arrived at the Usher mansion to visit his sister Madeline (Myrna Fahey). However, her brother Roderick (Vincent Price) reveals to Phillip that the Usher family suffers from a terrible curse that has caused all the other siblings to go insane and die. Roderick Usher forbids Phillip from marrying his sister, insisting that that Usher curse must end tonight. House of Usher is a wonderfully colorful movie despite its $270,000 budget, with great widescreen photography and picturesque sets. And of course, there’s always the unmistakable Vincent Price, who plays the new next-door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon). Charley believes that Jerry is a vampire and that he is responsible for the recent deaths of a few women. Everyone ignores Charley’s suspicions and think he’s just crazy, but he enlists the aid of TV horror host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowall) to help him prove his theory. Fright Night provides a refreshing twist on the vampire image. Instead of the cliché, pale ghoul, here we have a suave, handsome vampire who looks normal at first but turns nasty once he’s alone with his victims. Roddy McDowall does a fantastic job Porcupine Tree cont. ments are heavily reliant on one another, making track selecting tricky. Besides, picking and choosing movements defeats the purpose of the album. “The Incident” is just one big song, reminiscent to Jethro Tull’s “Thick as a Brick” and Genesis’s “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway”; It’s meant to be listened to in its entirety and frankly, it’s hard not to. Overall, it comes as no surprise that Steven Wilson has outdone himself yet again. “The Incident” is to Porcupine Tree as “Dark Side of the Moon” was to Pink Floyd in 1973; a powerful piece of music that spanned the length of both sides of a vinyl record (or, in this case, one CD) that not only remains structurally consistent the entire time, but can also retain your attention for that entire time as well. Even though it’s not as accessible as their previous endeavors, Porcupine Tree make it painfully clear that that was not their intention. The second disc is also a great companion to the behemoth that is “The Incident” even though it can, in no way, compare to a fifty five minute masterpiece. If nothing else, “The Incident” serves as an example that artists are still capable of releasing a full-fledged concept album in modern times. In a world where it’s the norm to just buy a hit single and disregard the rest of an artist’s album, it’s a breath of fresh air to see an album that embraces the idea that music is meant to be heard, not to be dissected. “The Incident” is slated for a September 15’th release through Roadrunner Records. BY: NELSON BAKER She seemed like such a sweet, young girl. She was mature, gentle, soft-spoken, and wore clothes that made her look like a respectful little 9 year old. While the other kids were running around within the orphanage, yelling and playing as they typically do, Esther was sitting alone, drawing a quaint little picture of herself with a family that she imagined had taken her in as one of their own. John watched her briefly from the doorway before walking up and introducing himself. His wife Kate came a few minutes later, and it was like fate; a perfect meeting with a loving little girl who seemed to display mutual feelings of acclamation. Kate and John believed that Esther was exactly who they were looking for and that they would soon be a family. Unfortunately, the world is not Page 9 – NSCC Pennon as Peter Vincent, who has his own skepticisms about vampires but agrees to assist Charley Brewster in his mission. The special effects by Richard Edlund and his Boss Films company are top notch, especially the bat and werewolf transformations. For those who want to check out a different kind of vampire movie, make Fright Night your first choice. * Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954): I know I raved about this monster classic in a previous column, but it’s so good that I had to mention it again for this Halloween horror movie round up. In case anyone didn’t read my “Buffet of Movies” piece, Creature from the Black Lagoon is about an expedition to the Amazon River in search of a prehistoric creature. Led by Dr. David Reed (Richard Carlson) and Dr. Mark Williams (Richard Denning), they eventually find the monster, or Gill-Man as it is called, but it manages to break free and kill some of the crewmembers. The Gill-Man has his eyes set on the expedition’s only female member, Kay Lawrence (Julie Adams) and kidnaps her. Creature from the Black Lagoon was the last in a long line of monster series produced by Universal Studios, and it’s by far the most satisfying. The convincing Florida and California locations are breathtaking, even in black and white, but the movie’s highlight is the creature himself. Designed by Milicent Patrick and created by Bud Westmore and Jack Kevan, it remains one of the most iconic movie monsters of all time. Despite two sequels, the original is still the champ. * Night of the Creeps (1986): Sadly ignored upon its release, this cult classic is finally receiving its due from the horror fan community. Night of the Creeps starts with a flashback from 1959, in which an alien space capsule lands near a college campus in Southern California. A not-too-bright frat jock decides to check it out and gets infected by the slug-like creatures. Twenty-seven years later, two nerds who attend the same university, Chris (Jason Lively) and J.C. (Steve Marshall), go to a cryogenic lab to steal the frozen body of the infected student as part of a prank. However, it comes back to life and soon everyone from janitors to frat boys are being infected by these nasty critters, turning into blank-eyed, pale zombies. This movie is a B-horror fan’s dream come true. It’s got an even mix of horror and comedy, sorority babes, monsters, references to famous horror directors, and a wisecracking detective (Tom Atkins). Jason Lively of National Lampoon’s European Vacation fame, puts in an exceptional performance as the hero, as well as Atkins and the absolutely gorgeous Jill Whitlow, an underrated actress who sadly slipped into obscurity after Night of the Creeps’s brief release. Get a hold of this fun slice of ‘80s horror fast. And just for added measure, here are some honorable mentions that I didn’t get a chance to discuss in length: The Blob (1988), Creepshow (1982), Child’s Play (1988), The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971), The Pit and the Pendulum (1961), The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953), Critters (1986), Scanners (1981), Them! (1954), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), and The Terminator (1984). a perfect place and things are not always as they seem. It wouldn’t be long before their beautiful portrayal of Esther would be splattered with buckets full of warm, flowing blood, never to return again. This film is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and was released in July of this year. There was controversy about the negative depiction of adoption agencies and some lines had to be changed. Overall, the film has had moderate success and the performances in the film were well respected, especially by Isabelle Fuhrman, who plays Esther. Kate (Vera Farmiga) and John’s (Peter Sarsgaard) marriage was not doing so well. Kate recently recovered from a drinking problem that surfaced after having a miscarriage. They were going to name her Jessica, and instead of bringing her into the world and their home, they spread her ashes in a special place in their backyard. Esther’s parody of the perfect girl gradually becomes a late night horror show with herself as the villain. One extreme to the other. She might be the youngest villain in the history of film, and you may not believe it, but she pulls it off. You eventually learn that she has another secret, one that you would never have imagined. As Esther creates situations that can only be described as evil, you realize that she is not just a little girl with an attitude but a twisted little demon with murderous intentions and real sexual desires that soon brings to light her biggest secret of all. The Orphan Page 10 – NSCC Pennon I VOTED FOR SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY BY: ROZI THEOHARI Today, Tuesday, September 19th, 2006 At the dawn of the twenty-first century As I was going to the polls At 10 Church Street, Lynn, Massachusetts Like climbing to the top of Arlington Cemetery A rhythmic memory followed my steps: “…Woman, don’t forget…don’t forget…” Little Gizmo Scaredy Cat BY: JACKIE RAUBACH Little Gizmo oh where are you at Are you busy being a scaredy cat Are you hiding from the horrid hose or maybe a back pack no one knows Are you growling at a fearsome balloon or are you just chilling in my room are you trying to play with a simple plant or crouched in defense against a tiny ant Are you running from the window shade or your food bowl will you soon raid or are you lying on my feet so small, so soft, so cute, so sweet and though you act so scared and sleep like a log you'll always be my favorite dog Three ladies—the poll workers Checked my address—asking : “Republican?” or “Democrat?” I took a pink Democratic ballot—the first name, “Edward Kennedy.” ………………………………. A metal table, the booth and me I blacked in the circle As if to fill up the unhealed bullet wounds on The bodies of his brothers, Robert and John. “Bullet” and “Ballot”—a fatal similarity The Paragraph BY: JACKIE RAUBACH x x x My Teacher told me to write a paragraph but I couldn't think of what to write, so I just wrote this dumb song which took me all darn night It started with this intro, which sounded kind of dumb but the chorus was even worse the words were short and dorky my dog will not shut up that stupid little Yorkie The second verse was harder, and I really must imply This song is getting on my nerves, and my sisters crying nearby Oh will this torture ever end, my brain is going to burst My teacher must be crazy, for she's the very worst I'd rather do the garbage, I'd rather clean the drain If I have to write just one more word, I'll surly go insane I'm really wasting all my time, how could Mrs. Mac do this this took away my freedom, it even took away my bliss I guess there is a good thing, about this dumb old paragraph there is one thing, it's done on my behalf I didn't have to mow the garden, because my dad did it instead now all I have to do is sit and work in bed But then again I'm bad at this, I'll probably get a B Well at least I did something, that you can clearly see My friends are probably all done, but no, not me I stink at this too much, though my brain concentrates on it Keenly This last verse was a little better, ‘cause it spoke words too true why am I finishing this all in one night, I have a month until this thing is due I voted for The Three Brothers Kennedy… Like the Tides BY: NELSON BAKER She came and went like the tides Fooled into believing the beauty of her would stay with me I watched her wash away Suddenly my life is changed forever I felt her enter my heart for the first time When she lied beside mine Sleeping as soundless as would a mime I brushed my lips against her face But somehow it left not even a trace Because the love I once saw in her eyes Has been tragically erased The tides are high again But she has not returned to shore Leaving only remnants of our love Those which could have grown into so much more College Night at the Museum of Science BY: CHRISTOPHER LEE Sometimes, students were able to pick the event that they would like to attend. A New of History, the World Progression of Humanity and Where its Going Next, all are easily found in the massive 3 levels of the museum. A lot of people have seen the same statues and exhibits since they were way, with students filling the trains going into Boston. Students ruled the streets as they passed into the main lobby of the museum, welcomed by load music and other museum employees. Student with valid ID's were required to enter free of charge. This also paid for the exhibits and presentation tickets. Of course, your hand was stamped for re-entry. young, but also new exhibits come to the museum as the Progression of Humanity never stops. This museum has within it a wide variety of science and history. Colleges came together in a huge social act Monday night. After a night of exhibits, college students left as if they were in a wave. Have you ever wanted to spend a night at the museum? Well, college students from all parts of Eastern Massachusetts got close to it on College Night at the Museum of Science in Boston. My night started in the sub- Slapdash Graduate Prepares for the Spotlight Page 11 – NSCC Pennon By: Nelson Baker Radiating their sound out into the streets of Brighton, Massachusetts from their rehearsal studio, Slapdash Graduate opens the doors to what lies ahead of them. They have come a long way since 2006 when they came together for the first time as a band with something to prove to the world. They create a sound that is like nothing you have ever heard, and from what I have heard, many more will soon find out what they are all about. Already having a strong following, Slapdash Graduate returns to the studio and prepares for the next performance. Having an original band name is one way to be remembered. “Slapdash” actually means haphazard or aimless, which disrupts the normality and the conformity in “Graduate”. Ben Darfler, Caleb Wheldon, Gary Gustavsen, Nicholas Girard, and Oren Malka are the five members that make up this all-vocal singing group, each having a strong background in music. They use the most advanced vocal processors and guitar pedal effects, which give their music its unique quality. songs is called “Rain”. Having a personal point of view in the lyrics from Wheldon, it describes strong feelings he once had for a girl that he thought he would be with forever. During an interview, he explained to me that there were many nights when he was up late in his bedroom thinking of her, and sometimes the rain fell, resonating with his memories of the time they spent with each other. These days, he has moved on. Their relationship has become something from the past. Just distant memories that live somewhere within the rain. Slapdash Graduate became one of 24 top bands, coming from a pool of thousands, on NBC’s Star Tomorrow. The show has since been cancelled due to low television viewing and its ranking among other shows. They have performed at top venues such as Carnegie Hall and Chicago’s House of Blues. They were the opening act for the band Counting Crows and also performed during the Half-time Show at an NFL Hall of Fame game in Canton, Ohio. One of their latest projects consists of the creation of a new reality show. It is currently in the works and if everything goes lady that you might call a “cougar”. She was very friendly, but a little too friendly in this case. She got up real close to the guys, and felt the need to smell just behind their necks. A strange spot to be interested in. It was undecided as to whether that night was more comical than it was scary. It was agreed by the group that a favorite venue to perform at is one that is somewhat smaller but is full to the max. A show in which they can see the fans up close. Their expressions, their smiles, the glow in their eyes when they are excited and having a good time. This is what they like best and what gives them the best feelings in return. The rehearsals began. With the windows open to let in a light breeze that was needed on such a humid night, everything seemed to come together in perfect harmony. It was clear that they have been playing together for years and their voices have been well trained. Hearing applause from people outside their windows is not unusual to them. Another sign that they are ready for something they have wanted for some time now. To break into the mainstream. To be known everywhere. To be the first With musical influences coming from groups such as Green Day, Five-O’clock Shadow, Eve 6, Vertical Horizon and many more, you really can’t compare Slapdash to anyone. They cover the songs “Semi Charmed” and “Happy Together”, as well as others. They have a variety of their own recorded songs, some of which are on their EP, which was released in 2008. One of their most well known as planned, it will be titled “Sing-Off”. Since new musical talent is such an inspiration for people everywhere, and these kinds of shows are some of the most popular shows on television today, this one could be a hit all its own. Just before their rehearsal, the band described one of the funniest experiences they have had so far. It was a night at a show in Martha’s Vineyard. They met a lady there, an older band to splice a cappella with contemporary, Top 40 rock/pop. Success of this caliber is reachable, especially from a band as original and talented as Slapdash Graduate who envisions it every day. Topsfield Fair: A look at past fairs and whats to come during this one. BY RYAN COLLARD & KATIE WALSH The Topsfield Fair is coming soon, October 2nd to October 12th, and it is at this time I would like to take a look back at some fond memories and also a look forward to what is to come. For those of you who don’t know, the fair has been occurring since 1910 at its present location and is a yearly home to a great many things to do. These things to do usually include rides and games along with checking out various farmers crops/livestock. There is also a yearly pig race, which tends to draw quite the crowd. Some students have fond memories of walking around the fair with friends, the sweet smell of fried dough, and watching kids faces as they for the first time see farm animals up close. There is also free grandstand shows that have in the past included singers and circus like performances. Inside a tent you can find a petting zoo that houses a wide range of farm animals, including sheep goats and alpacas. And of course what fair would be complete without a long range of rides, including Ferris wheels and small roller coasters. In a few tents there are arts & crafts for little ones to do, along with a place for sand sculptures and beekeeping. A great thing about the fair is that it is always a way to bring generations together. Parents also have fond memories, maybe a first date that they brought to the fair. There are always comic memories, a friend doing something stupid and getting sick, or some sweet or sappy like a first date and maybe some bittersweet as well. You never know what memories will last. Things to do at this years Topsfield Fair include most of the previous mentioned things, but also a few things that are new this year. For one there is a a ‘Twitter Scavenger Hunt” which will take place on Wednesday October 7th with interested contenders being asked to visit the Topsfield Fair on the Facebook page for more information. On October 10th at 11 am Jeff Corwin will be doing his Tales from the Field animal show, which will cost $15 and is almost guaranteed to be a huge hit with the younger crowd. Also on October 10th there will be a special one night only show starting at 6pm starring LeAnn Rimes, with tickets almost guaranteed to sell out at a nicely priced $35 each. There is also going to be a Figure 8 and Race a Demolition Derby, both of which will be free to attend on the 12th. Ticket prices this year will be $10 during the weekday and $12 during the weekends. I advise you to swing on by early as the parking lot tends to fill up rather quickly. Page 12 – NSCC Pennon AmeriCorps Working with the Community next year? Interested in Community Service? Consider joining AmeriCorps Student Leaders in Service dates. Please Note: Field Placement hours along with federal workstudy hours can count towards the 300 hours of service required for the scholarship. You can be part of this AmeriCorps program recognizing student service within the Community Complete 300 hours of service and receive $1000 Education Award Contact: Service-Learning Coordinator 978-739-5571 Contact Cate by Friday, October 9th to receive an application packet and find out about orientation times and FOOD DRIVE President Wayne Burton has struck an agreement with the store manager at Shop and Stop on Washington and Boston Street in Lynn. Anyone who purchases food items from that location for the food drive should hand their receipts over to President Burton’s office. He will then receive a partial donation from the store. While our efforts with the food drive may be going well, we must step back and take a moment to consider what’s next. Our part certainly can’t end here; we must consider our role after we provide our fellow brothers and sisters with nourishment. Questions we should be asking are: Why do people go hungry? Why do people become homeless? What is the impact of hunger on people in society? Finally, how do we get someone empowered enough to be selfsufficient? The Recreation and Wellness Department supports the belief that co-curricular activities are an integral part of college life. We therefore welcome you to stop by the Lynn Gym and Danvers lounge to meet our friendly, cheerful and courteous staff, and to pick-up a schedule of our hours and events for this semester. Our services, tournaments, and events are free to all who have a current valid North Shore Community College Photo ID. NEW EXHIBIT ON THE ORIGINS OF MUSIC WILD MUSIC: SOUNDS & SONGS OF LIFE 11). For more information, the public can call 617/723-2500, (TTY) 617/589-0417, or visit Wild Music: Sounds & Songs of Life is a production of the Science Museum of Minnesota, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the Association of ScienceTechnology Centers. Major funding comes from the National Science Foundation, with additional support from Harman International Industries, Inc. and NEC Foundation of America. We strongly encourage you to build time in your schedule to participate in our recreational wellness programs which help to foster your physical, social and spiritual well being. For more information please contact Kerry MacDonald in Lynn LW167 at Extension 6620 or Victoria Pasciuto in Danvers DB125 at X5471. MUSEUM OF SCIENCE Cate Kaluzny Our college-wide food drive is currently underway to help sustain the many struggling to make ends meet. The food drive will be in full swing until October 9th. Please continue these efforts by dropping contributions in the shopping carts placed on all four campuses. RECREATION NEWS On Thursday, Oct. 8th the Public Policy Institute is sponsoring a forum that’s open to the public from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The forum currently includes the following organizations, but is not limited to: * Project Bread, Mass. AntiHunger Organization * NSCAP, North Shore Community Action Program * NSMC, North Shore Medical Center * Mass. Coalition for the Homeless We are calling the forum “Hunger Hurts,” an appropriate title, because hunger hurts in a myriad of ways. We must start as Diana Kerry, director of the PPI said, “from the roots of pain to the fruits of action.” Our assembled coalition will educate those in attendance on an array of topics including: homelessness, health issues, other anti-poverty issues, housing, and job security. Such topics will equip the audience with just enough information so that they can become agents of change, capable of devising an action plan. Project Bread, a keynote presenter at the forum, is the largest anti-hunger non-profit organization in Massachusetts. Brooke Mackinnon, public relations director of Project Bread, asserted that there is a great deal of need along the North Shore, with 45 active pantries, eight in Lynn and three in Beverly. Project Bread provides $254,800 in grant money for those 45 pantries. The need for food is definitely here. We hope that you will join us as we find our role in ending poverty, even if it’s just a small chunk of the very large pie. Kerry has made a commitment of putting our solutions at the forefront of the institution. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call 978.762.400 for Diana Kerry x2105 or for Will Dowd x2122. —Wild Music Celebration will kick off opening day with live performances from around the globe, Sunday, October 4— Wild Music: Sounds & Songs of Life will be presented at the Museum of Science from Sunday, October 4, 2009 through Sunday, January 3, 2010. Wild Music is included in regular exhibit halls admission: $20 for adults, $18 for seniors (60+), and $17 for children (3- HELP FILL FOOD PANTRY SHELVES! It isn’t headline news these days, but hunger is on the rise in Massachusetts. Half a million people in our state currently suffer from “food insecurity,” wondering daily where the next meal will come from. Almost 40% of them are children. Many are right on our doorsteps. In the cities of Peabody, Salem, Lynn and Gloucester, one out of every three children lives in a household that struggles to put food on the table. The Massachusetts food bank Project Bread further reports that this major public health problem is getting worse! So Senator Fred Berry’s Charitable Foundation and NSCC Public Policy Institute are joining forces to do something to assist local food pantries on the North Shore. The PPI is sponsoring a month-long food drive on all our campuses and we need your help! The drive kicks off on September 11th, our nationwide Day of Service, and will end on October 9th. Please be part of this Season of Service. Help fill the grocery carts on campus with nourishing non-perishable items or deliver your donations to the following locations: • • • Danvers Berry 324 (Advancement office) Lynn LW 108 (Public Policy Institute office) Hathorne Maude Hall (Academic Affairs office) Together we can make a difference! If you are interested in volunteering to assist this initiative, contact Diana Kerry at ext. 2105 or Will Dowd, ext. 2122. Page 13 – NSCC Pennon We need your written opinions to fill up this page. Send us your opinion about anything! Up to 500 words. Preferably in MS Word Document. Send to or drop off at any Student Life Office or The Pennon Office (DM 124). It will be edited for spelling and grammar. Opinions and editorials are not necessarily those of The Pennon. BY: NELSON BAKER Halloween Favorite Holiday of the Year? During the month of October, there is always something interesting to do. Just turn on the radio and you will hear endless advertisements promoting their horrifying spectacles in the surrounding areas. Some of them are Spooky World, The Factory of Terror, Witches Woods, and of course Haunted Happenings in Salem. Each have unique events, shops or rides, with all of the costumes and the animated people that come around during this time of the year. It’s probably the one holiday that can be fun for people of all ages. When you are in grade school, Christmas might be the holiday that takes the gold. I’m sure most of us agree that seeing all those presents under the tree and anticipating opening them at the end of the month was something special as a little kid. Somehow, that changes a little as we get older. It’s still fun, but that “magic” is not as evident as it used to be. Halloween can be celebrated in so many ways. If you like to dress up, you can come up with a costume that is completely original, or you can be something that you have always wanted to be, like a gangster or a soldier. You might want to lean over the edge a bit and show some skin with a sexy “bad girl” outfit, or cover yourself in fake blood and display your murder weapon of choice. There’s never a shortage of unusual characters that have found a costume that you can’t help but stare at for one reason or another. In October, Salem is famous. The Salem Witch Trials have brought it notoriety, distinguishing itself in history and leaving a lasting odor of wickedness that has resurfaced into the air every Halloween. Culminating in those that love this time of year are the dark but satisfying desires to come to Salem and experience something frighten- ing. The Haunted Happenings in Salem are a compilation of events and places to see that lasts the entire month. You can go on a ghost tour, where they walk you through the parts of the city where the most sightings have been recorded. There’s a Witch House, museums, Witch Trial reenactments, and many gift shops where you can buy books of spells, strange ornaments and oddities. You can even take professional portraits in a studio that offers your choice of a variety of costumes with amazing backgrounds that brings life to your pictures. If you plan to take a trip to Salem on the night of Halloween, get there early. Last year, there was a recorded 1 million people that was in the city. That’s a lot of cars, and mindnumbing traffic. A lot of people come early and park at a friend’s house, and then walk downtown later that night. If you have never seen it, you will be in awe at how filled the streets will be. Forget crowded sidewalks, the entire center of Salem is meshed together into one gigantic block party. As far as I’m concerned, there’s much more excitement and things to do on Halloween than any other holiday. Since I am such a horror fan anyway, it definitely suits me to see so much madness and chaos erupting on the one night of the year that death comes alive in legions. Sawyer Says Dear Sawyer, I am trying to become a novelist. I have a few stories finished, two that are possible book length. Do you have any tips or advice as to how I would go about getting published? - The Next Great American Novelist Dear Next Great American Novelist, Here are some ways to get published. 1. Write a letter to some publishing companies and ask them what they recommend. 2. Go to book signings and speak with the authors. Sometimes they will recommend specific publishing companies. 3. You can always find publishing companies online. REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: If a publishing company asks you for money to publish your stuff, most likely it’s a SCAM! DON’T BECOME A VICTIM! Real publishing companies will pay you and not the other way around. I hope this has been a help. I wish you a lot of luck. WANT YOUR OPINIONS HEARD? WRITE TO THE PENNON AND BE INCLUDED IN NEXT MONTH’S ISSUE! Page 14 – NSCC Pennon Walk for a Cure with Women Center Breast Cancer will strike more than 200,000 times this year and claim 40,000 lives. October is Breast Cancer awareness Month. The Women’s Center is trying to get volunteers to walk on Sunday, October 4, 2009 in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Boston Club Directory African Society . . . . . . . .Love Maya . . . . . . . . . .LE219 .x.6693 Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Bosco . . . . . . . . . .DB366 .x.5592 B GLAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tiffany Magnolia . . . . .LW229 .x.6622 Biological Science Club . .Scott Stimpson . . . . . . .LW288 .x.6288 Christ On Campus . . . . . .John Tobey . . . . . . . . . .DB367 .x.5585 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lora Connelly . . . . . . .LW321 .x.6292 Civic Engagement . . . . . .Laurie Messina . . . . . .LW366 .x.5512 Criminal Justice . . . . . . . .Constantine Souris . . . .DB366 .x.5419 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ann Koshivas . . . . . .DB367C .x.5418 Economics & Finance . . .Moonsu Han . . . . . . . .DB367 .x.5456 Engineering . . . . . . . . . . .Mary Beth Steigerwald .LW321 .x.6650 Food Science & Safety . .Ernie Vieira . . . . . . . . .DH216 .x.4322 Gerontology . . . . . . . . . . .TBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Haitian Club . . . . . . . . . . .Minnette Lall . . . . . . . .LW325 .x.6657 French and Spanish Club .Irene Fernandez . . . .DB367A .x.5442 Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . .Patricia Manninen . . . .LE306 .x.6665 Multi-Cultural Society . . .Espy Herrera . . . . . . . .LW113 .x.6274 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sue Downey . . . . . . . . .DB236 .x.5529 Muslim Assoc . . . . . . . . . .Yusef Hayes . . . . . . .DB367B .x.5414 Nursing Class 2009 . . . . .Lorinda Latza . . . . . . .DH206 .x.4427 Phi Theta Kappa . . . . . . . .Fred Altieri . . . . . . . .DB267H .x.5556 Philosophy Club . . . . . . . .Fred Altieri . . . . . . . .DB267H .x.5556 Poets & Writers . . . . . . . .Joe Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . .LE232 .x.6238 Psyched for Psych . . . . . .Wendy Gordon . . . . . .LW165 .x.6677 Respiratory Care . . . . . . .Len LeBlanc . . . . . . . .DH203 ..x4170 SOTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Patricia Banks . . . . . . .DH 203 .x.4174 Student Art Club . . . . . . .James Chisholm . . . .DB366A .x.5548 Surf Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sean Hanlon . . . . . . .DB367E .x.5467 Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Wendell . . . . . . .DH106 . .x4368 Women In Transition . . . .Margaret Figgins-Hill. DB366b .x.5515 Youth Group United . . . . .Alexander Guzman . . .LW157 .x.6601 Organizations Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victoria Pasciuto . . . . .DB125 .x.5471 Performing Arts Council . Matthew Woods . . . . . .LW172 .x.6228 Program Council . . . . . . . Victoria Pasciuto . . . . .DB125 .x.5471 Student Government . . . . Lisa Milso . . . . . . . . . .LW171 .x.6242 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Milso . . . . . . . . . .DB126 .x.5490 Women’s Center . . . . . . . . Victoria Pasciuto.............DB125 x.5471 Join Program Council! THIS GROUP PLANS AND COORDINATES A VARIETY OF SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMS FOR THE ENTIRE COLLEGE COMMUNITY. PAST ACTIVITIES HAVE INCLUDED AIR BRUSH T-SHIRTS, PSYCHIC READINGS, AND MASSAGE THERAPY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT VICTORIA PASCIUTO AT (978) 762-4000 X5471 OR VPASCIUT@NORTHSHORE.EDU. Attention Club Advisors and Members! Information about your club can be featured here! This is your page and if you want other people to know about your club or what your club is doing, then contact us! PENNON@NORTHSHORE.EDU Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a noncompetitive walk to help fight breast cancer and provide hope to people facing the disease. Your participation will support the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving research, prevention, early detection, and support programs for thousands of patients and their families. The average distance of the walk is five miles, depending upon your location. Individuals of all ages are welcome to participate. Take as long as you need to finish, or walk as far as you are able. The event will be held rain or shine. Please walk with us.If you are interested please contact the Women Center Advisor Victoria Pasciuto at 978-739-5471 Thank you Getting Started If you have always wanted to see your work in print in the Pennon but haven’t taken that next step, it may be easier than you think to get started. Getting your foot in the door is as simple as submitting an article, poem, photograph, or opinion piece right to the Pennon at You may not be sure if your writing is good enough, or if it is something we are looking for, but all it takes for you to find out is to send something in. The Pennon is always looking for writers and staff that can contribute and help out in any way. We are very fair in that we try to give everyone who is interested a chance. Once you see your work in print, you will be motivated to come in and meet some of the staff in the Pennon office in room DB124 or the advisor to the Pennon Victoria Pasciuto next door in room DB125, who will answer any questions that you have and make you feel welcome and comfortable. So pick up a copy of the latest issue available on the stands at the beginning of every month and look through it. You might have some ideas for the next issue. Good luck and we look forward to hearing from you! Fall Fest Fall Fest is an event held annually at both campuses for students to learn about the vast selection activities and services provided by North Shore Community College. This event is a perfect time for student clubs and organizations to recruit new members. One of the student organizations in attendance on both campuses was the Program Council. The Program Council is not only one of the leading sponsors of the Fall Fest event, but is also in charge of much of the planning that goes into several student activities throughout the year. These events include, but are not limited to the Children’s Halloween Party in Lynn and the Spring Fling at the end of each spring semester. The Program Council is open to all students of the college and meets twice a month on both campuses in the video conference room. If you did not get to see us at Fall Fest, but are still interested in joining please stop by the student activities office and get a meeting schedule. This semester the meetings are on Tuesday afternoons, meeting days and times vary by semester. Group of the Month Performing Arts Council Hey NSCC students! It’s October, and you know what that means…. It’s time to look into costumes for Halloween. Well here’s another thing you should look into - groups and clubs. They’re a great way to get involved on campus and find people who share your interests, and if you like Halloween and costumes, boy have we got the group for you. These guys don’t reserve costumes just for some silly holiday, They’re Performing Arts Council and they love messing with costumes. They have some pretty awesome stuff going on this semester including, you guessed it, some Halloween fun. They help out with a Haunted House at Lynn Arts. They also keep the stress light with some traveling one - acts around campuses. Like writing but not performing so much? No sweat, they’ve got a one act writing competition in November. So, contact Advisor Matt Woods for some info on getting involved with PAC, and don’t forget to check out some other great clubs too October 2009 MON SUN Womens Center Breast Cancer Walk Boston 4 5 Columbus Day School Closed Topsfield Fair Ends 11 12 Flu Clinic Lynn Cafe 9-12 18 25 FLU SHOT NOTICE The H1N1 Vaccine is not currently available at the posted clinics. The dates for that Vaccine will be announced A.S.A.P. Page 15 – NSCC Pennon 19 TUES WED Pennon Meeting 2-3 DB127 SGA Meeting 1:30 PC Meeting 2PM 6 PAC Meeting 2:30 Womens Center Info Table Lynn Cafe 10:30 13 Pennon Meeting 2-3 Video conference rooms Lynn/Danvers PC Meeting 2PM 20 27 26 THURS 1 Breast Cancer awareness Danvers Flu 9:30 Clinic DB108 1-3 7 FRI SAT 2 Topsfield Fair Starts Basket Ball Airbrushing 10-1 Lynn Cafe 8 PC School Spirit Airbrushing 10-1 Danvers 9 15 16 CLSA- SGA Conference 3 Ropes Course 10 CLSA- SGA Conference Flu Clinic DB108 10-1 SGA Meeting 1:30 14 Bingo 11:30 Lynn Cafe PAC Meeting 2:30 PC = PROGRAM COUCIL WC = WOMEN’S CENTER PTK= PHI THETA KAPPA SGA = STUDENT GOVERNMENT 21 Flu Clinic Lynn Cafe 1-4 Lynn Arts Haunted house PAC event Womens Center Meeting 22 28 29 PAC = PERFORMING ARTS COUNCIL *DB208 & LE307 **DB132 & LW171 Important Numbers Halloween Party Lynn Gym 23 30 Events are Subject to Change 17 24 31 CONNECTING ALL DEPARTMENTS: Lynn: (781) 593-6722 Danvers: (978) 762-4000 Beverly Cummings Center (978) 236-1200 Math & Writing Lab Lynn x6254 Danvers x5417 Hawthorne x1544 SEPTEMBER 9/7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor Day, Holiday 9/9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classes begin, day and evening 9/9-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add/drop period 9/9-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Withdrawal through Week 1: 100% tuition/fee charge refund until 5PM Sept 15th 9/15 (after 5 PM) Withdrawal through Week 2: 100% tuition refund until 5PM Sept 22nd No refund on fees 9/22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . After 5 PM no refund Computer Lab Lynn x6296 Danvers x5569 Library Book Store Lynn (781) 477-2133 Danvers (978) 762-4000 x.5526 Lynn (781) 477-2127 Danvers (978) 762-4046 NOVEMBER 11/11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veterans’ Day, Holiday 11/20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Exam Schedule (revised) distributed to students and posted on Pipeline 11/25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deadline for IP Contracts for spring and summer 2009 11/25-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanksgiving recess, evening/weekend classes 11/26-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanksgiving recess, day classes DECEMBER 12/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day to drop a course or withdraw from the College with a W” grade 12/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deadline to petition for Fall graduates 12/18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Day classes end 12/21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evening classes end 12/21-23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Final Exam period, day classes 1/4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grades due by noon NSCC Fall 2009 Academic Schedule 9/29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deadline to change from audit to credit or credit to audit OCTOBER 10/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbus Day, Holiday Weather Hotline (978) 762-4200 Please confirm the dates with your professor or advisor Alumni Corner Page 16 – NSCC Pennon Page 16 October 2009– NSCC Pennon Felicia Moore graduated from NSCC in 2001 then went on to pursue a bachelor degree in nursing, graduating from Salem State College in 2005. She has worked in a variety of healthcare settings, and is currently the Director of Clinical Services at Nizhoni Health Systems, a home health agency where her responsibilities include coordinating and overseeing all direct patient/client services provided by over 300 nurses. She is working in a job she loves, serving a population she respects and values. Felicia was recently honored with the 2009 Excellence in Nursing Award from the New England Regional Black Nurses Association, a prestigious award given to minority nurses. As a first-generation college graduate, Felicia recalls there was a time when she never dreamed she’d be where she is today. Her parents were Mississippi farm workers who did not have the opportunity to embrace the privilege of a good education. Felicia’s mother died of heatstroke in a cotton field during her senior year of high school. Her experiences growing up in Mississippi prepared her to face and endure many challenges. Felicia recalls that the elderly in Mississippi believe it takes a community to raise a child and she is quick to credit those who have helped her, saying she did not get to this point in her career alone. Felicia has fond memories of her time at NSCC and the advisors and professors who encouraged her and gave her the tools and confidence to pursue her dreams. Now she is in a position to encourage others and she does so enthusiastically. Felicia values education and believes strongly in promoting the importance of education and encouraging today’s youth. She has been an information speaker in Lynn Public Schools, talking to seniors about career opportunities and this year participated in the College For Every Student event at Ford Elementary School, talking to students about her career and the path of education to get there. Felicia agrees with the Mississippi elders who feel that it takes a community to embrace and care for the children who will be our future, but adds it is also important to care for the elders who’ve gotten us to this point. Felicia Moore ’01 at the 2009 Excellence in Nursing Awards where she was honored for leadership and demonstrating excellence in nursing. Faces In The Hall This issue we asked students: What has been your most positive experience since starting at NSCC? PHOTOS Clori Pantoja-Thomson I caught up with Clori at a night class on the Lynn campus in the Modular building she says her most positive experience has been the friendly teachers who are willing to work with her. Her teachers have had an impact on her experience here at NSCC and as a result she’ll always remember Mr. C (Harvey Calichman) and Debra Bridges. Denise Shambaugh Denise is majoring in Early Childhood Development and wishes to eventually become a child psychologist. She says that “My most positive experience as a new student at NSCC had to be my first day here. I didn’t know anyone here really. People were so nice right from the get go and I really enjoy how diverse and pleasant the faculty and students are.” Amata Matarazzo While enjoying the beautiful weather after a long Thursday class, Amata was eager to answer the question of her experience here at NSCC thus far. Her most positive experience as a new student at NSCC has been meeting new people. She says “I have met so many people who are so different from me and I enjoy coming to school every day and learning.” Kellie Codair During one of Kellie’s visits to the Danvers Student Life office, she answered the question posed. “My most positive experience at NSCC would be starting a dance team. I’ve had lots of help from Student Life and a positive reaction to the idea. I’ve always wanted to create a dance team and they have helped me achieve this with their encouragement.” Would you like to submit an article or interview for the next Pennon issue? Do you have a cartoon, drawing, photograph, short story or poem you’d like to see in print? EMAIL IT TO THE PENNON: PENNON@NORTHSHORE.EDU BY: VICKI NICKERSON BY: VICKI NICKERSON Matt Pedone While Matt was “chilling” in the Student Lounge, I interrupted his game of pool and asked what had been his best experience so far at NSCC. Without a doubt, he answered that it was “chilling in the lounge and playing pool.” He also is enjoying the new friends he has met.
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