Pastor`s Pondering - Welcome | Grace United Methodist Church


Pastor`s Pondering - Welcome | Grace United Methodist Church
GRACEUMC Grace Notes
October 2015
The Monthly Newsletter of Grace United Methodist Church of Lynn, MA.
Pastor’s Pondering
The other day, I came out of the church building using the fire escape from my office and I noticed
that there was a long branch of cherry tomatoes by our fence. At first I thought it was a strand of
branch from the other side. But, when I looked, I realized that our neighbor did not have a tomato
plant, instead it was a rose bush. I don’t know how and where this cherry plant came from. All
summer, no one ever noticed or took care of it and yet, here is one long strand with a few cherry
tomatoes on it.
On the other hand, I planted a few tomato plants and other vegetables this spring at my house and
we have been trying to water, weed, and take care of them all summer. But unlike other years, this
has not been a very good year for my vegetables. My zucchinis died after only yielding 2, my
pepper only had 3, and my tomatoes have been dismal.
As I thought about these two situations, I could not help but think of how we do our ministries at
church. So often, we think we need to plan, organize, and control how they are done. And yet at
times it does not go as we want it. Sometimes, I think we try too hard to plan and take care of it that
we do not leave room for the Spirit to come and lead. We focus so much and make sure everything
is taken care of the way we think we need it that we forget to let God lead us. We created committees and groups to control what we want and forget to hear Jesus’ Words.
However, like the tomato plant that is growing at our church only by God’s wonderful work, we need
to allow God to work in us. We need to make room, let go of our control and power, and let the
Spirit move in this place. In the last couple of months, I have seen people getting excited about
ministries, youth coming back from their mission trip all fired up, and people stepping up to help out
with ministries we are doing. Some of them even came to me and asked if they can start a ministry
and wondered who they need permission from. To them and others,
I say that if God is calling you to a ministry, go and do it. As a
Pastor, I believe in permission giving and guiding, not controlling. All
I need to know is what people are doing, help them connect and give
guidance. I believe that each and every one of us are called into
ministry and when God calls you to a specific ministry, go and serve.
The Spirit is moving in and out of our church. Make room for the
Spirit to lead you. Listen to God’s voice and let us serve together,
trusting in God, and growing in faith.
Peace and grace,
Pastor Sandra
The Grace Choir extends an invitation to any and all
who would like to join them in singing in the
Christmas Cantata "God's Promise" to be
presented on December 13th.
Sunday October 18, 1:30 pm
Connors Farm, Danvers
This is an opportunity to enjoy
the experience of singing with
the choir, without the commitment of having rehearsals for
the entire year.
Rehearsals for the Cantata will be held each
Thursday, from 7:00pm to 7:45pm in the choir
room. Rehearsals will be held from THURSDAY,
OCTOBER 1 through mid-December The Youth
Choir will also participate, so our invitation is
extended to those from 5th grade through adults.
Please come and help us prepare to welcome the
birth of Jesus in word and song. Feel free to call
me with any questions.
Bring a friend and join others for a fun
afternoon going through a corn maze!
Please be at the church by 1:30 pm.
Bring some cash for donuts and apple
cider after and if we get out of the
Barbara Moore
Choir Director
(781) 595-0615
Sundays 9:30 am – 10:15 am
Come for stimulating and fun study as we begin our
studies again! Kate Gauvin, Barbara McCullough
and Karen Timlin will be leading this class.
United Methodist Men
Last Saturday of the month
8:30 am, at Rolly's Tavern
(338 Broadway)
All men are invited to a great breakfast and
program . If you know of any men is the
congregation who would like to come, please
let them know about our Men’s Group.
They can contact:
Rich Rebidue (781-738-6862) or
James Starratt (781-593-2698)
October 31 is the next gathering
On Saturday October 3rd the church will be
hosting a delicious ham and bean supper to
benefit Camryn Davies' Mission of Peace to
Please join us for a night of great food and fellowship!
Please see Camryn or Pam for tickets.
Organizationally, United Methodist Women is
the successor to the home and foreign
missionary societies, the ladies’ aid societies,
parsonage societies and guilds of the seven
predecessor denominations now comprising
The United Methodist Church. United Methodist
Women is the group of women in each congregation organized for mission. Each local and
district unit relates directly to district and
conference organizations of United Methodist
Women and to the United Methodist Women
national organization.
Several of us got together recently to start
planning what is the most fun of the year, our
annual fair and supper with auction.
The date of the fair is October 17th at 9:00 am –
2:00 pm. Tables will include –white elephant,
jewelry, baked goods, candy, food, crafts, knits,
plants, snack bar, and so much more. You may
be asking yourself how can you help. We need
volunteers to work the fair, come and fellowship
with us at the fair, donate to the fair, pray for the
fair and invite others to come to the fair. Many
ways of helping us be successful. Come be a
part of our fair this year!
United Methodist Women shall be a community
of women whose purpose is to know God and to
experience freedom as whole persons through
Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive
fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission
through participation in the global ministries of
the church.
Donations Needed:
 Knit Goods (I know there are some great
knitters in our church)
 Plants
 White elephant Items (See Sarah)
 Baked Goods
 Unwanted new gifts
 Candy
 Jewelry (can be given to June Norwood)
 Meals
 Snack Bar Items
We are a community of women who nurture and
encourage one another in our spiritual growth
and personal development. Over 800,000
women count themselves as members of United
Methodist Women. Why don’t you come join us
and be a part of the 800,000 women joined
together for Missions?
Another fun event is our Annual Harvest Fair
and Auction on November 21, at 6:00pm.
The menu will consist of Roast Pork, Mashed
Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad, Dessert and more.
Our auction consists of items donated by our
congregation and our local merchants. How can
you help you ask? Well, you can purchase a
ticket for $ 10.00, you can donate to the auction
by donating a gift or item to be auctioned off.
Because we want to be able to provide a
program book, all donations must be in by
November 14th. Reservations must be made for
this event.
Funds raised will help our many mission
Just a reminder that planning for these events
will be happening every Tuesday at 2:00 pm ‘till
November 17th. Please come down and join us!
October 6th at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall,
our first UMW meeting of the year.
October 20th at 6:30 pm Joy Circle
Fellowship Hall
October 21, at 12:30 Hope Circle in Fellowship Hall
On October 24, 9:00 Annual Meeting of
NEUMW- at North Boston Korean United
Methodist Church-Andover MA. Guest
Speaker Harriet Jane Olson –She is the
General Secretary of United Methodist
Women. Please see Pam if you would like to
attend so she can register you.
November 7th at 9:00 am. Metro Boston
Hope District Annual Fall Gathering
“Missions in the City” Guest Speaker Lillie
Searcy, Executive Director of Cooper Community Center in Roxbury, where are meeting will be held. Hoping lots of women from
our church attend this meeting.
Saturday, Nov. 21st, 10 am
If you’d like instructions to knit a hat for a
soldier, talk to Deb Reeves or contact the
church office. Hats should be in dark colors
only, black, dark blue, brown, green etc. or
you could help out by buying some dark
colored yarn for the knitters.
Everyone is invited to attend!
Committee Chairs, Lay Speakers and Lay
Leader please note that your reports for the
Charge Conference are due November 1st in the
church office. Please submit them in MS Word
(if possible).
Please bring in hats for troops to the church
by Dec. 13th.
Contact Deb Reeves at 781-586-9382
Halloween Party for Children,
Saturday October 31, 3pm—5pm.
Collecting Soda Can “Tabs”
For Shriners Hospital
All Children are invited to an afternoon of fun
games and a movie. We will be watching “It’s
the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.” Come in
your costumes and bring a friend!
Please save your “tabs” from soda cans to
benefit Shriners Hospitals. There will be a
container place in the Narthex in the near future
for the collection.
Clothes Closet
Saturdays, 10 am – 12 pm
Shriners Hospitals have been collecting
pull-tabs or “pop-tops” from
beverage cans since 1989,
recycling them, and putting the
money toward programs that
directly benefit children.
We provide free clothes to those
who need them in the Lynn
We also accept donations of
“gently worn” clothing, shoes and outerwear.
Donations of NEW underwear and socks would
be welcomed and may be dropped off during
office hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.
- 1:00 p.m. at the ramp entrance.
Since its inception, about a halfmillion pounds of aluminum tabs have been
collected and recycled!
You can also volunteer to help sort and fold on
Fridays at 10 am and on Saturdays 9:30 am
– 12:30 pm. Please sign up for Saturday
using the Response Sheet in the bulletin or call
the church office.
Communion is offered in the
Sacristy every Sunday before
worship, except the first Sunday of
the month when communion is during the worship service.
Communion Offering: Do you know where
your communion offering goes to? Every 1st
Sunday of the Month during communion, we
ask people to donate to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to help those in our
church and community who are in financial
need. Over the years, it has been used to pay
for groceries, utility bills, and rent. If you know
someone or are in need yourself, please see
Pastor Sandra
Flu Vaccinations Available
Lynn Flu Clinics will be held on Saturday
October 3rd 10:00AM-1:00PM and Saturday
October 24th 10:00 AM-1:00PM ages 6
months and up.
They will be held at Lynn City Hall in the Health
Clinic. Please enter on the Johnson Street side
of City Hall. Please bring your health insurance
cards. If you do not have one no problem.
34th Annual Walk for
My Brother’s Table
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Serve at My Brother’s Table
October 9, 4:30 pm
Join others to serve dinner at the
largest soup kitchen on the North
Shore. Since 1982, MBT has
served over 3 million meals to
people in need, in all kinds of
weather, during years of
economic ups and downs. Open 365 days a
year, MBT is fueled by private donations and
does not seek nor accept United Way or Local,
State or Federal grants. For many guests, their
meal at MBT is their only source of daily
Here is a ministry we can all participate in. You
can either sponsor a walker or become a walker
yourself. We will be forming a team to walk as
a church. If you want to be a walker, please
pick up a sponsor sheet from Colleen Carter or
Pastor Sandra and sign up. Come and join a
group that we are forming to support this
This is only a 3
mile walk along
the Lynn/
shore beginning at the
Church of the Holy Name (60 Monument Ave.
in Swampscott) Registration is a 1:00pm and
the walk begins at 1:30 pm
This is a great, hands on way of helping to live
out the mission of Grace Church! Meet others
at 98 Willow Street, Lynn. We serve on the 2nd
Friday of the month, 4:30-7:30 pm.
Please use the Response sheet in the
Sunday bulletin, e-mail or call the church
office to sign up. The remaining dates for
2015: Nov. 13 and Dec. 11
Want to meet others in the church and get to
know them better? Sign up for dinner for eight
for a great evening over a meal. Every other
month, you will be able to have dinner with 6/7
new people at a host house.
My Brother’s Table
Donations for October
We continue to assist My Brother’s Table in
their work to help serve and provide to those in
need in our community.
The host will provide the main meal and others
will bring either appetizer, salad, or dessert. So,
sign up using the Response sheet in the bulletin
or let Christ know at the church office.
To do so we ask you to please donate listed
items each Sunday or once a month and place
item(s) into the cart located in the Narthex.
October: Adult Socks, T-shirts, Bottled
apple juice
Items will be taken to MBT once a month.
Thank you for your
Thanks for the Ink Cartridges
Keep ‘m coming!
Cartridges can be dropped off in
the office or outside the office
door in the clear mailbox.
Nan Small at Abbott
House, (28 Essex St. Lynn)
Office hours are now 9:00am-1:00pm.
Barbara Davis at Life Care
Center, (111 Birch St, Lynn,
MA 01902)
Betty Widell at assisted living, (Putnam
Farms of Danvers,9 Summer Street Apt. 314,
Danvers MA, 01923 (Tel. 617-320-6640)
Helen Wood at Emeritus and Cherry Hill (220
Conant St. Danvers, MA 01923)
Judy Linkenhoker at Chestnut Woods (73
Chestnut St, Saugus, MA 01906)
Thursday October 15th
For the November Newsletter
Please send all information for the
November Newsletter to the Church Office by
Thursday October 15th. Dates for the
November calendar, articles and photos are
appreciated as early as possible!
We offer deepest sympathy to Marilyn Shaw
and family on the passing of Al Shaw on
September 19th.
Thank you!
And also deepest sympathy to the family and
friends of Kristina Bruhm who passed away on
September 18th.
Finance Report
We’re hoping you all had a good September
and are now getting involved in some of our
Fall programs.
And to Isaac Bonwin and family on the passing
of Isaac’s mother.
And to Ginny McDormand o the passing of her
sister, Shirley in September.
Thank you to all who
continue to be faithful
with their pledges and
donations They are vital
to our ministries here at
And to Delores Haddon on the passing of her
sister, Lillian Monteith in September .
Sunday Altar Flowers
If you have not received your Quarterly giving
statement, please give the office a call.
To order flowers or if you would like to bring
your own, please call Chris in the church office
to make arrangements.
Thank you for your faithful support!
of our ministries!
10/1 Sal DiSessa
10/1 Salvatore DiSessa
10/2 Joseph Gauvain
10/6 Geraldine Sawyer
10/6 Dehcontee Bonwin
10/7 Shirley Saunders
10/7 Helen McLaren
10/7 Amy Nerich
10/7 Jessica McGrath
10/8 Amanda Stoddart
10/9 Matthew Desilets
10/10 Allison Porter
10/14 Thomas Watkins
10/14 Michelle Lang
10/15 Flora Gardner
10/15 William Wood
10/18 Patricia LaRocque
10/18 Stephen Kent
10/19 Ken Nugent
10/19 Nicolas Iudiciani
10/19 Courtney Lang
10/20 Nancy Wood
10/20 Robert Barr
10/21 Colby Stevens
10/23 Florence Hezekiah
10/24 Sandra Chen
10/24 Rebekah Soetan
10/25 Edward Whittier
10/25 Claire Ann Beyea
10/25 Obiageri Okunbor
10/25 Treyvon Cox
10/27 Meaghan Burke
10/28 Richard Mondello
10/28 Leah LaBranche
10/28 Kevin Beyea
10/29 Betty Widell
10/31 Sandy Strainge
Our prayer concerns.
Please contact Chris in the church
office with any
changes or corrections for the prayer list.
For health and healing:
 Joyce Richardson, Edith Basora’s cousin,
who has thyroid cancer
 Ralph Spurr, Edith Basora’s counsin, who
is very sick
 Barbara Bates
 Amber Mace
 Emmalynne Luca, preparing for eye surgery, Chris Luca’s granddaughter
 Amy Grace’s friends dad, who is in the hospital
 Olivia, a new born who is having breathing
 Janet Jones, who is recovering from back
 Faith Morrison’s mother, who had another
 Ruth Clinch, who is in Essex Park Rehab in
 Kathy, who had open heart surgery
 Lawrence’s mother, who is dying in Liberia
 Christine, Helen’s friend, who has Alzheimers
 Joan Savia and Paul Carpinella, who are
battling cancer
 Kumba Saysay, Helena Mulbah’s mother,
who had back surgery
 Ron Davies, Sr. , who has a bleeding ulcer
 Cynthia Patterson, who is in the hospital
 Friends and family of a suicide
 Jerry Parker, who was released from the
 Phyllis, who is recovering from hip surgery
and has a broken wrist
 Jayce Kearney, who is very sick with leukemia
 Janet VanAmburg - Alzheimers, Kristan Davies mother
For those who have other struggles and
 Family of Laurie Hezekiah-Cox as they
adapt to life changes
 Zachary, who is waiting for acceptance
from medical school.
 Mike who is in MCI and for his wife Lisa,
children Charlie and Julia
10/7 Arlene and John Worth
10/8 Elaine and Gerald LeBrasseur
10/8 Joanne and Carl Perlino
10/13 Beth and Edward Whittier
10/14 Shawna and Daniel Hemenway
10/15 Leeanne and Roger Tinkham
10/24 Kimberly and Joseph Power
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Lynn City Councilor
At Large
This space is available
$125.00 per year
For a business size ad
Contact the church office at
or 781-599-4050
This space is available
$125.00 per year
For a business size ad
Contact the church office at
or 781-599-4050
We offer thanks and appreciation to all these
companies that support the ministries of Grace
United Methodist Church of Lynn.
Check out our new website:
Contact Information
Pastor: The Rev. Sandra Bonnette-Kim
Administrative Assistant: Chris Alexander
Church Street Address:
374 Broadway
Lynn, MA
We welcomed new members into our church
family on Sunday September 20th.
Mailing address:
P. O. Box 8070
Lynn, MA 01904
Edith Basora
240 Lynn Street
Peabody MA 01960
Church Office Open Daily 9am-1pm
Linda and Nelson Edwards
8 Bruins Lane
Raymond NH 03077
Church Office Phone: 781-599-4050
Fax: 781-599-6136
Margery and Wayne Jenkins
56 Bay State Rd.
Lynn MA 01904
Pastor’s Contact Information:
Office: 781-599-4050
Home: 99 Church Street, Wilmington, MA
Home phone:
Richard Ladd
64 Commonwealth Road
Lynn MA 01904
Nancy and Paul Nickola
3 Piedmont Rd
Peabody MA 01960
Marilyn and Lauren Underhill
4 Amanda Way
Peabody MA 01960
Pastor always available by appointment.
Check out our
Up to the minute,
News, Happenings
and Calendar!
to the Newsletter Crew!
Thank you to our faithful
volunteers who put
together the September
newsletter: Val Deland,
Delores Haddon, Florence
Hezekiah, Helen McLaren
and Colleen Carter. If you’d
like to get a call to help out
sometime, please call the
Check the calendar
as you make plans!
Like us on Facebook
Grace Church
“GRACE NOTES” Vol. 7 Issue 10
October 2015 published monthly
P. O. BOX 8070
LYNN, MA 01904-0070
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LYNN, MA 01902