Estonian Films 2014-2015


Estonian Films 2014-2015
Estonian Films 2014-2015
Eesti filmid 2014-2015
Estonian Films 2014-2015
Eesti filmid 2014-2015
Editorial staff: Eda Koppel, Birgit Pajust, Kaarel Kuurmaa
Design and layout: Marek Piliste @ Profimeedia
All photos courtesy of production companies
features 2014-2015
In the Crosswind
I Won’t Come Back
Landscape With Many Moons
The Man in the Orange Jacket
Cherry Tobacco
Zero Point
The Fencer
Secret Society of Souptown
Ghost Mountaineer
Estonian Film Institute
Tallinn 2015
ISSN 1406-8505
Printed in Estonia by Uniprint
feature 2014
In the Crosswind
une 14, 1941, 3 a.m. Over 40000 people from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are deported by Soviets to Siberia, among them philosophy student
Erna, a happily married mother of a little girl. Her husband is sent to prison
camp, while Erna and her daughter are dispatched together with other women
and children to remote Siberian territories for fifteen years. Despite hunger, fear
and humiliation, Erna never loses her sense of freedom and hope of returning to
Based on true events and told through unconventional film language.
Original title: Risttuules
Director: Martti Helde
Scriptwriter: Martti Helde
Cinematographer: Erik Põllumaa
Composer: Pärt Uusberg
Editor: Liis Nimik
Principal cast: Laura Peterson, Tarmo Song,
Ingrid Isotamm, Einar Hillep, Mirt Peegel
Producers: Pille Rünk, Piret Tibbo-Hudgins
Produced by: Allfilm
Domestic premiere: March 26, 2014
International premiere: September 9, 2014,
Toronto IFF, Canada
87 min / HD / 1:1.85 / Dolby Stereo 5.1
Director Martti Helde
graduated from Baltic Film and Media School as film director
and continues to study Theatre and Film Directing on the master level at Drama School of Estonian Academy of Music and
Theatre. Helde has directed short films, TV commercials, and
Black Nights Film Festival opening trailers. In the Crosswind is
Helde’s first full-length feature film.
Selected filmography: Burnt Mistakes (2010, short),
Thibault (2009, short), Superbia ( 2013, short )
Saue 11, 10612 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
Pluto Film Pohlstraße 44, D-10785 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 8430 6166
Mobile: +49 157 8227 4916
feature 2014
I Won’t Come Back
nya is a good-looking, successful young graduate student. She gives lectures on Byron and has a relationship with one of the professors. One day
her life takes an unexpected turn for the worse. A victim of false accusations, she has to flee, disguised as a teenaged homeless girl. While on the run,
Anya meets twelve-year-old Christine, an orphan who is as desperate and reckless as Anya herself. This friendship becomes a turning point for Anya – reliving
her adolescence for the second time, she now is forced to rewrite her life.
In I Won’t Come Back, Ilmar Raag, director of the critically acclaimed The
Class, dramatizes the odyssey of two children who have to grow up too quickly.
Director Ilmar Raag
is the writer and director of the most successful film ever made
in Estonia – The Class, which was sold to 91 countries, won
25 awards from 70 festivals, and developed into a successful
multi-awarded TV-series. Ilmar’s last features are Une Estonienne à Paris with the legendary French actress Jeanne Moreau in
main role (premiered at Locarno FF in August 2012), Kertu. Love
is Blind (premiered at Warsaw FF in October 2013) and I Won’t
Come Back (premiere April 2014, Tribeca IFF. Awards: Tribeca
IFF – Nora Ephron Jury Special Mention prize; Zerkalo - International A. Tarkovsky FF - Professional Achievement Award). Ilmar
has an MA in screenwriting from Ohio University. He has acted
as Head of Acquisitions and Chairman of the Board for Estonian
National Television, has been a national representative at Eurimages, member of the Audiovisual Council of Cultural Endowment
of Estonia, and Member of the Board of Estonian Film Foundation.
Ilmar is also an acclaimed columnist in the biggest dailies, lecturer,
and requested media consultant.
Original title: Я не вернусь / Ma ei tule tagasi
Director: Ilmar Raag
Scriptwriters: Jaroslava Pulinovich revisions by
Oleg Gaze
Cinematographer: Tuomo Hutri
Art Director: Anastasja Karimulina
Editor: Tambet Tasuja
Music by: Panu Aaltio
Principal cast: Polina Pushkaruk,
Viktoria Lobatsheva
Producers: Natalia Drozd, Sergey Selyanov
Co-producers: Riina Sildos, Aleksi Bardy, Oleg
Produced by Amrion (Estonia), CTB Film Company (Russia), Helsinki Filmi (Finland), Belarusfilm (Belarussia), Kazakhfilm (Kazakhstan)
World premiere: April 2014, Tribeca FF, USA
109 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Dolby Digital
Phone: +372 677 6363
E-mail: /
Visit Films
feature 2014
Landscape with Many Moons
andscape with Many Moons is a drama about a middle-aged man who lives
a seemingly ordinary life with his wife and children. The truth is, however, that
their relationship has reached a dead end but they prefer the illusory decorations of living together to the free fall into emptiness. The man gallivants around
between his previous and current relationships without knowing exactly what to
do with them. Living on the edge starts to overburden his nervous system and as
a result, actual reality and dream-like reality blend together and it becomes ever
harder to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
Landscape with Many Moons portrays the explosive state right before going
mad when the person cannot get into contact with life anymore. The film, however, is in no way depressing and the absurd situations, deviations from reality and
surprising transitions offer comic recognition.
Original title: Maastik mitme kuuga
Director: Jaan Toomik
Scriptwriter: Jaan Toomik
Cinematographer: Mart Taniel E.S.C
Art Director: Pille Jänes
Principal cast: Hendrik Toompere, Jaanika
Juhanson, Maria Avdjushko, Garmen Tabor
Producer: Ivo Felt
Co-Producer: Kaarle Aho
Produced by: Allfilm (Estonia),
Making Movies (Finland)
Domestic premiere: October 2, 2014
International premiere: Rotterdam IFF 2015
80 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / Dolby Digital
Director Jaan Toomik
is an Estonian video artist, painter and award-winning
filmmaker, often described as the most widely acknowledged
Estonian contemporary artist on the international scene. He
has director two short features - Communion (2007) and
Oleg (2011). Landscape with Many Moons is his first fulllength feature.
Saue 11
Tallinn 10612, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
feature 2014
The Man in the Orange Jacket
young man gets fired and begins to stalk his boss and his young wife. After blood chilling turn of events he tries to escape his past and move into
their luxurious mansion. Nothing can prepare him for an unsettling visit by a
vaguely familiar guest. The house will not be a safe haven anymore, but becomes
a twisted and dangerous trap.
Director Aik Karapetian
Born in Armenia, he was raised and studied in Latvia. After
having received his MA degree in film directing from the
Latvian Academy of Culture, Aik Karapetian went on to study
at the Académie Internationale des Arts ESEC in Paris where
he graduated in 2008. People Out There was Aik’s debut as
director of a full-length feature film, premiered in the Karlovy
Vary International Film Festival. The horror film titled The Man in
the Orange Jacket is Aik’s second feature film.
Selected filmography: People Out There (2012, feature),
The Man in the Orange Jacket (2014, feature)
Original title: M.O.Zh.
Director: Aik Karapetian
Scriptwriter: Aik Karapetian
Cinematographers: Janis Eglitis, Jurgis Kmins
Editor: Andris Grants
Principal cast: Maxim Lazarev, Anta Aizupe, Aris
Producer: Roberts Vinovskis
Co-producer: Maria Reinup
Produced by: Locomotive Productions (Latvia),
Jarve Studio (Estonia)
Premiere: July 2014
Festivals: Fantasia IFF (Canada), Fantastic Fest
(USA), BFI London FF (UK), Torino FF (Italy),
XXV Semana de Cine Fantastico i de Terror
San Sebastian (Spain), Tallinn Black Nights FF
71 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / Dolby Stereo
Locomotive Productions
Bruninieku iela 28 - 57
Riga, LV-1011
Wide Managment
feature 2014
Cherry Tobacco
herry Tobacco is film about a small town girl Laura who is always bored.
Her mother gets on her nerves, boys her age are stupid and every activity
seems childish. One day Laura’s energetic friend Merit asks her to join her
on a hike to a bog led by a middle-aged nature-lover Joosep. The beginning of the
trip is anything but promising: the relationship between the reserved girl and the
outgoing Joosep, who tries to impress the hiking party with his hillbilly style and
bizarre rituals, becomes tense. Much to her own surprise, Laura discovers that
as time goes past, she becomes enchanted by the rugged charm of Joosep. The
quest is nearing its irrefutable end and Laura has to decide whether the relationship with an older man is a mere stop in the winding road of becoming a woman
or is this her very first love.
Director Katrin Maimik
graduated from the University of Tartu in 2005 with a BA in
theatre theory and acquired her MA in screenwriting from
Tallinn University’s Baltic Film and Media School.
Filmography: Old Fish (2010, documentary), The Photo
(short, 2013), Silver Wedding (short, 2013), Cherry Tobacco
(feature, 2014)
Director Andres Maimik
studied film in the Department of Film of Tallinn Pedagogical University. He has directed several documentaries and feature films.
Selected filmography: A Living Force (doc, 2003) Choose
Order (doc, 2004), The Art Of Selling (doc, 2006), 186 KM
(feature, 2007), Farts Of Fury (feature, 2011), I Will Survive (doc,
2011), Douchebags (feature, 2012), Silver Wedding (short,
2013), Cherry Tobacco (feature, 2014)
Original title: Kirsitubakas
Directors: Andres Maimik, Katrin Maimik
Scriptwriters: Andres Maimik, Katrin Maimik
Cinematographer: Mihkel Soe
Art Director: Kristiina Ago
Editors: Andres Maimik, Marta Pulk
Sound: Olger Bernadt
Music by: Sten Sheripov
Principal cast: Maris Nõlvak, Gert Raudsep,
Getter Meresmaa, Anne Reemann,
Maarja Jakobson
Producer: Anneli Lepp
Produced by: Kuukulgur Film
World premiere: July 2014, Karlovy Vary
93 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Dolby Digital
Kuukulgur Film
Niine 11, 10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: + 372 529 4604
feature 2014
Zero Point
fter being denounced as an outcast in school and frightened away from
home by his mother’s developing schizophrenia, there is no other way out
for Johannes but to start improving his life by reforming himself.
Original title: Nullpunkt
Director: Mihkel Ulk
Scriptwriter: Margit Keerdo
Cinematographer: Mihkel Soe
Art Director: Sirly Oder
Sound Editor: Ranno Tislar
Music by: Janek Murd
Editor: Margo Siimon, Hendrik Mägar
Principal cast: Märt Pius, Epp Eespäev,
Saara Kadak, Linda Kolde, Hendrik Kalmet
Producer: Evelin Soosaar - Penttilä
Produced by: Allfilm
Domestic premiere: December 4, 2014
114 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / 5.1
Director Mihkel Ulk
graduated from Tallinn University’s film studies BA program cum laude in 2006 and Baltic Film and Media School
Masters course in 2010 as a film director. He has directed
commercials, short films, documentaries and several TV
programmes for Estonian Public Broadcasting. Zero Point is
his first feature film.
Saue 11
10612 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5552 3500
feature 2015
he last year of war on Estonian turf. Men are fighting on the boarder of
Europe and Russia. Some have been taken to the Red Army, some to Waffen SS. Today 70 years on, the filmmakers, try to show the hopes, aims and
drama of these men as objectively as possible.
Original title: 1944
Director: Elmo Nüganen
Scriptwriter: Leo Kunnas
Cinematographers: Rein Kotov E.S.C,
Mart Taniel E.S.C
Art Director: Kalju Kivi
Sound: Jyrki Rahkonen
Editor: Tambet Tasuja
Principal cast: Kristjan Üksküla, Kaspar Velberg,
Maiken Schmidt
Producer: Kristian Taska
Co-producers: Ilkka Matila, Maria Avdjushko
Produced by: Taska Film (Estonia), MRP Matila
Röhr Productions (Finland)
To be released: February 20, 2015
100 min / DCP / Dolby Digital
Taska Film
Tartu mnt 18-51, 10150 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: + 372 520 3000
E-mail: /
Director Elmo Nüganen
is the creative director of Tallinn City Theater. His first feature
film Names in Marble (2002) broke all audience records in
Eyewell AB
Upplandsgatan 69, SE-113 28 Stockholm,
Phone: +46 70 733 2855
feature 2015
The Fencer
n 1952 a young fencing champion Endel arrives in a small town Haapsalu to
work as a physical training teacher. For an introvert man it is hard to get contact
with the children who have been through a lot.
In spite of the opposition of the principal of the school, Endel manages to
get a permit to teach fencing for children. Slowly it becomes a therapy for the
children as well as the teacher himself – a way to deal with everyday grim.
The defeated principal is holding a grudge and starts to investigate, why did
the champion of the Soviet Union really come to a small town.
The Fencer is partly based on true life events of an Estonian sportsman and
coach Endel Nelis (1925-1993).
Director Klaus Härö
Klaus Härö studied directing and attended screen writing
seminars at the University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki. He
has directed four feature films Elina: As If I Wasn’t There
(2002), Mother of Mine (2005) and The New Man (2007),
Letters to Father Jacob (2009) as well as documentaries and
short films. His films have won more than 60 prizes in festivals
all over the world, and they have been successful with both
critics and audiences.
In 2003 Klaus Härö was awarded the Ingmar Bergman prize,
the winner of which is chosen by Ingmar Bergman himself.
Härö’s first two features were chosen to represent Finland in
the best foreign film category at the Oscars.
Original title: Miekkailia / Vehkleja
Director: Klaus Härö
Scriptwriter: Anna Heinämaa
Cinematographer: Tuomo Hutri F.S.C Art Director: Jaagup Roomet
Sound: Maik Siegle, Peter Riegel
Music by: Gert Wilden jr.
Editors: Tambet Tasuja, Ueli Christen
Principal cast: Märt Avandi, Ursula Ratasepp,
Hendrik Toompere, Lembit Ulfsak
Producers: Kai Nordberg, Kaarle Aho (Finland),
Jörg Bundschuh (Germany), Ivo Felt (Estonia)
Produced by: Making Movies (Finland), Kick
Film (Germany), Allfilm (Estonia)
To be released: March 2015
95 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / 5.1
Making Movies Oy
Torkkelinkatu 3, 00500 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +358 40 507 3936
Saue 11, Tallinn 10612, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
feature 2015
Secret Society of Souptown
ecret Society of the Souptown is a story of a 10-year old smart and brave
girl Mari who lives in a citypart called Souptown. Her parents are obsessed
with work, so she spends most of the time with her grandfather Peeter,
the professor at the university. Mari has 3 best friends and together they form a
Secret Society of the Souptown to play the hide-and-seek games Mari’s grandfather is inventing for them. One day their city is attacked by mysterious poison
which turns adults into children. Our children embark on adventure to discover
a magnificent antidote. Their path is paved with challenges: run from bullies and
from an invisible poisoner. Adventure you cannot even imagine... Can children find
the antidote and take it to the hospital within 48 hours to save the victims?
Original title: Supilinna salaselts
Director: Margus Paju
Scriptwriters: Mihkel Ulman, Christian Gamst
Miller-Harris, Mika Keränen
Cinematographer: Meelis Veermets E.S.C
Art Directors: Jaagup Roomet, Kaisa Mäkinen
Sound: Matis Rei
Music by: Liina Kullerkupp
Editors: Harri Ylönen, Marion Koppel
Principal cast: Olivia Viikant, Arabella Antons,
Karl Jakob Vibur, Hugo Soosaar, Mirtel Pohla
Producer: Esko Rips
Executive producer: Diana Mikita
Co-producer: Jesse Fryckman
Produced by: Nafta Films (Estonia), Solar Films
To be completed: Spring 2015
97 min / DCP /1:2.39 / 5.1
Director Margus Paju
is representing a new generation of Estonian film makers. He
graduated in film directing from Baltic Film and Media School
and is currently completing his master’s degree. Since 2008
Margus is an in-house director in NAFTA Films. Together with
NAFTA and producer Esko Rips, Margus has directed several
short films, two scientific documentaries, TV series and a great
number of commercials. Besides directing Margus also writes
scripts, film reviews and articles about film history for several
Estonian culture magazines.
Nafta Films
Soo 4
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 525 6323
feature 2015
Ghost Mountaineer
rmas Eero Liiv’s feature film Ghost Mountaineer is a youth film with elements of horror which is based on real life events that took place during
the Soviet era. It tells the story of a Soviet Estonian student hiking group
which gets caught up in a series of scary events unfolding in winter-time Siberia.
The unpopular group leader Olle (Reimo Sagor), who becomes disappointed in
his companions during the trip, disappears on the last day in the mountains. His
rival, liberal-minded and adventurous Eero (Priit Pius) guides the descending hikers into a Buryatian village on the mountain to seek help. A weird and insane chain
of events is unleashed which seems to be orchestrated by the missing Olle. In a
foreign land and among people they do not know, the hikers are faced with a task
they at first do not want to undertake and later are unable to tackle.
Original title: Must alpinist
Director: Urmas Eero Liiv
Scriptwriter: Urmas Eero Liiv
Cinematographer: Ants Martin Vahur
Production designer: Katrin Sipelgas
Sound: Olger Bernadt
Music by: Tiit Kikas
Editor: Urmas Eero Liiv
Principal cast: Priit Pius, Liis Lass,
Hanna Martinson, Reimo Sagor, Veiko Porkanen,
Rait Õunapuu
Producer: Anneli Ahven
Produced by: Kopli Kinokompanii
To be completed: Autumn 2015
90 min / DCP / 1:1,85 / Dolby Stereo
Director Urmas Eero Liiv
is graduated from Tartu University majoring in biology and
Tallinn University majoring in film directing. He is an author of
several Estonian documentaries and TV documentaries that
have reached the highest ratings in local TV channels. For the
last few years, he has worked in commercial TV channels and
been engaged in production of several successful documentary shows as a director/author and a host. Ghost Mountaineer
is his first full-length feature film.
Kopli Kinokompanii
Gonsiori 27
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 556 22041
feature 2015
t is the year 2017. There is a war going on in Europe. Three people have moved
to a farm by the sea, on the edge of a Roukli oak grove. Jan, a writer, his sister Eeva, a music pedagogue and her husband Villu, a composer. Jan’s former
spouse, Marina arrives unexpectedly to be the fourth, and in some cases unwanted inhabitant. The war is still far, but when low-flying fighter jets and missiles roar
over their heads one sunny day, the anxieties rise and relations tense up. After
more bombing, which destroys the capital city, two refugees who claim to be
coming from Roukli, arrive to the farm. They say that their lives are endangered by
the pursuers, led by a bandit named Peedu. Our protagonists have to accept the
refugees to the farm. Suddenly it turns out that one of them wears Christ’s stigmata, and has also a hole in the ribs.
Something strange is afoot when Peedu’s horsemen arrive after our protagonists have made an attempt to drink their fear away, situation deteriorates...
Roukli is a minimalist, slow-paced, modestly intelligent, niche entertainment
product. Designed frugally, yet with loving care by a small commune, financed
with the help of a crowdfunding platform, it has a best ratio of cost effectivness to
delusional fantasies of relevance you can find on the current market.
Director Veiko Õunpuu
has been a worker, a carpet salesman, a university dropout
on three different occasions, a backpacker and a painter. His
debut feature Autumn Ball premiered at Venice IFF in 2007
and won the Orizzonti Award. He received European Talent
Award for The Temptation of St.Tony, which later premiered
internationally in Sundance in 2011 and was nominated for
the best production design at European Film Awards. Free
Range: The Ballad Approving of the World had its premiere in
Berlinale Forum in 2014.
Original title: Roukli
Director and scriptwriter: Veiko Õunpuu
Cinematographer: Erik Põllumaa
Art Director: Veiko Õunpuu
Sound: Janne Laine (FIN)
Editor: Liis Nimik
Principal cast: Juhan Ulfsak, Mirtel Pohla,
Eva Klemets, Peeter Raudsepp, Lauri Lagel,
Meelis Rämmeld
Producer: Tiina Savi
Produced by: Filmiühistu ROUKLI
To be released: 2015
110 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Dolby Digital
Filmiühistu Roukli
shorts 2014-2015
Ivan’s Day
Pink Cardigan
The Butterfly Man
The One
The Pilot Without Wings
short 2014
Ivan’s Day
tory of a perfect summer day, love and being a stranger in ones own homeland.
Ivan and Kadri go to countryside to celebrate the Midsummer Day and
meet Kadri’s parents. The perfect summer day is soon disturbed by the turbulences between Ivan and Kadri’s close-ones.
Original title: Ivanipäev
Director and Scriptwriter: Ivan Pavljutskov
Cinematographer: Max Golomidov
Art Director: Ketlin Kasar
Sound: Indrek Soe
Music: Jaak Sooäär
Editor: Helis Hirve
Principal cast: Ivan Aleksejev, Ursula Ratasepp
Producers: Elina Litvinova, Helen Vinogradov
Produced by: Allfilm
Premiere: January 23, 2014
Festivals and awards: Best Short Film Sleepwalkers ISFF 2014; official selection in Lübeck,
Scanorama, Scandinavian film festival in LA.
30 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Dolby 5.1
Director Ivan Pavljutskov
is a young and vastly developing scriptwriter-director. Ivan’s
Day, inspired by authors life, is his first professional short film.
His previous student shorts include White Square and Dust
Off, which both travelled numerous festivals successfully. He
has graduated with an MA degree from Baltic Film and Media
School as film director and is currently developing his next
projects. Recent filmography: Dust Off (2011), White Square (2012),
Ivan’s Day (2014)
Saue 11, 10612 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070, +372 5691 3377
short 2014
ndrei and Oliver are two men lost in the brutal world of 1990s Estonia.
Their story begins on a cold morning. They kill a boy. We don’t know why.
We actually know almost nothing about them or the situation. The only
thing we know is that single father Andrei is ready for everything to give a better
life to his 11-year-old daughter Nastja. The movie is about the feeling of being
there in that situation and understanding (or not) the meaning of the crime. Is it
worse to understand or not – it’s up to the audience to decide.
Original title: Tupsu
Director and Scriptwriter: Triin Ruumet
Cinematographer: Sten-Johan Lill
Art Director: Kristjan Suits
Sound: Ekke Västrik, Anti Mäss, Kauri Lemberg
Costumes: Elisabeth Aare, Helis Heiter
Editor: Hendrik Mägar
Principal cast: Oliver Soomets, Andrei Jakovlev,
Bianca Jakovlev, Joosep Jürgenson
Producer: Tõnis Hiiesalu
Co-producer: Merit Hein
Produced by: Huntmees Film, Homeless Bob
Premiere: January 8, 2014
Festivals: Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival,
Sleepwalkers (Estonia), Scanorama (Lithuania),
Kinoshock FF (Russia)
18 min / Pro Res HD / 1:1.85 / Dolby
Huntmees Film
Nelgi 9a, 11212 Tallinn, Estonia
Director Triin Ruumet (1988)
is studying filmmaking at Tallinn University Baltic Film and
Media School. During her studies, she has directed several
short films.
short 2014
wo lonely young people – an ultra-religious exorcist Agustina and a shy
sailor Lucas meet in Río Gallegos, Patagonia. Agustina is the first woman
in the south to talk to Lucas… Clumsily, he tries to seduce her. She resists.
Lucas is insulted and runs towards the immense Patagonian desert. Agustina
follows him…
‘Auster’ comes from the Latin, and means the south wind. In the Argentinian
context it’s the coldest, harshest wind, which constantly blasts across the desolate plains of Patagonia. This bleak, merciless climate also shapes and moulds
the local people. Can these two - Agustina and Lucas - find a shelter for their
Original title: Auster
Directors: Kadri Kõusaar, Maximiliano Schonfeld
Scriptwriter: Maximiliano Schonfeld
Cinematographer: Kadri Kõusaar
Sound: Nahuel Palenque
Editor: Anita Remon
Principal cast: Agustina Muñoz, Lucas Schell
Producers: Barbara Francisco, Fernando Brom
Co-producer: Kadri Kõusaar
Produced by: Pasto (Argentina), Katarsis
Premiere: November 21, 2014
Festivals: Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival,
Sleepwalkers (Estonia)
30 min / HD / 1:1.85 / Dolby Stereo
Director Kadri Kõusaar (1980)
has published three bestselling novels in her native Estonia
and directed two feature films. Her debut feature Magnus
(2007), about a father trying to help his suicidal son, was
the first Estonian film ever included at the official selection
of Cannes Film Festival (Un Certain Regard, 2007) and won
main awards in Prague Febiofest and Wiesbaden’s GoEast.
Kadri’s second film The Arbiter premiered in the official
selection “East of The West“ in Karlovy Vary Film Festival in
2013. Currently Kadri is preparing her next feature film Nordic
Tuisu 18-46
11314, Tallinn, Estonia
short 2014
Pink Cardigan
enrik is a successful actor and comedian. In his private life he is lonely and
insecure, struggling with adulthood.
One day, after dislocating his shoulder, he joins a yoga class and
makes his first gay friend ever. Unfortunately the news reaches Henrik’s homophobic half-brother Lauri. Trying to please everyone, Henrik gets mixed up in a
battle between homophobes and the gay community, and in the end has to face
his own prejudices and insecurities.
The short film Pink Cardigan is a comedy that deals with the absurdity of
dogmas society has about sexuality and identity.
Original title: Roosa kampsun
Director: Moonika Siimets
Scriptwriters: Livia Ulman, Andris Feldmanis
Cinematographer: Ivar Taim
Art Director: Eva-Maria Gramakovski
Sound: Horret Kuus / B6 Studio
Music: Arian Levin
Costumes: Kristiina Ago
Editor: Marta Pulk
Principal cast: Henrik Kalmet, Tõnis Niinemets,
Sten Karpov, Indrek Ojari
Producer: Riina Sildos
Produced by: Amrion
Estonian premiere: December 10, 2014
32 min / DCP / 1:2.39 / 5.1
Nurme 45, Tallinn 11616, Estonia
Director Moonika Siimets (1980)
Filmography: World Champion (doc, 2009), Trendy Dog
(doc, 2010), Another Dimension (doc, 2012), As Time Goes
On (short feature, 2012), The Last Romeo (short feature,
2013), Is It You? (short feature, 2014), Pink Cardigan (short
feature, 2014)
short 2015
The Butterfly Man
oruslawsky’s Circus is a parallel universe where the boundaries of human
capabilities are tested every night. Anselm (30), a barely noticable guy is
an assistant of Magician Ernesto. His dream is to become a magician by
himself. One night an accident happens - Maestro Ernesto, when transforming
himself, disappears in the middle of the show. Now circus director is in a hurry to
find a replacement and Anselm realizes his chance.
Original title: Liblikmees
Director and Scriptwriter: Edina Csüllög
Cinematographer: Jarmo Kiuru
Art Director: Vassilissa Danavir
Sound: Ann Reimann
Music: Krimminaalne Elevant
Costumes: Piret Ühtegi
Editor: Laura Saimre
Principal cast: Nero Urke, Raimo Aas,
Toomas Suumann
Producers: Peeter Urbla, Kristo Jürmann
Produced by: Exitfilm
To be released: March 2015
15 min / DCP / Cinemascope / Stereo
Madala 1, 10313 Tallinn, Estonia
Director Edina Csüllög
has studied Estonian and Hungarian languages and literature,
pedagogics and psychlogy in different universities in Estonia,
Hungary and Finland. She has graduated from Baltic Film and
Media School in 2013 and made several award-winning films
during her studies.
short 2015
Romanek, captain of the starfleet geology team,is left behind as his
spaceship leaves uninhabited desert planet Ephestos without him.
Romanek’s oxygen levels are running low and hope is slowly
leaving him. While searching for contact with the ship that left him behind he
establishes contact through a wormhole with 7-year-old Nele, who was playing
hide and seek on earth. Romanek hopes for getting rescued and Nele teaches
him to see beauty behind science.
Original title: Äralend
Director and Scriptwriter: Carlos Eduardo
Lesmes Lopez
Cinematographer: Sten-Johan Lill
Art Director: Tiiu-Ann Pello
Sound: Ranno Tislar
Editor: Liis Nimik
Principal cast: Argo Aadli, Maia Tohv
Producer: Kristjan Pütsep
Co-producer: Liis Orav
Produced by: Alasti Kino, Nafta Films
To be released: Spring 2015
15 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Dolby 5.1
Alasti Kino
Jahu 12-126, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia
Director Carlos Eduardo Lesmes Lopez
Filmography as a director: La Ciudad de los Atardeceres
Rojos (2009), Cuarto Creciente (2010), El Juicio de Jude
(2010), Kaardimaja (2014).
short 2015
The One
ust as Ivari thinks he has come to the most beautiful moment of his life, something unexpected happens. After a bizarre night out, he starts believing in
love again and it becomes clear to him that somewhere The One is waiting
for each one of us. The only thing you need to do is keep your eyes open and go
with the flow.
Original title: See õige
Director: Ivan Pavljutskov
Scriptwriters: Ivan Pavljutskov, Elari Lend
Cinematographer: Sten-Johan Lill
Art Director: Anneli Arusaar
Sound: Pavel Visnjakov
Music: Sten-Olle Moldau
Editor: Marta Pulk
Principal cast: Mart Toome, Marin Mägi-Efert
Producer: Elari Lend
Produced by: Baltic Film and Media School,
To be released: Spring 2015
13 min / HD / 16:9 / Dolby Stereo
Director Ivan Pavljutskov
is a young and vastly developing scriptwriter-director. Ivan’s
Day, inspired by authors life, is his first professional short film.
His previous student shorts include White Square and Dust
Off, which both travelled numerous festivals successfully. He
has graduated with an MA degree from Baltic Film and Media
School as film director and is currently developing his next
projects. Recent filmography: Dust Off (2011), White Square (2012),
Ivan’s Day (2014).
Õismäe tee 60-36, Tallinn, Estonia
short 2015
lo hates kindergarten. She does not understand why she has to stay in this
prison, while there is a alluring and mysterious life waiting for her outside.
Elo comes up with a plan how to escape that place for good. One day however a new and kind teacher Helena comes to work there. Elo falls completely in
love with her, but will soon also feel her first heartbreak.
Original title: Elo
Director: Helen Takkin
Scriptwriters: Margus Paju, Helen Takkin
Story by: Indra Feldman
Cinematographer: Heiko Sikka
Art Director: Tiiu-Ann Pello
Sound: Indrek Soe
Music: Madis Aesma
Costumes: Liis Plato
Editor: Jaak Ollino jr.
Principal cast: Katriin Meribel Kungla,
Kärt Tammjärv, Kaie Mihkelson, Henrik Kalmet,
Liis Barkala
Producer: Esko Rips
Co-producer: Liis Orav
Produced by: Nafta Films
To be released: 2015
19 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / Dolby 5.1
Nafta Film
Soo 4, Tallinn, Estonia
Director Helen Takkin
studied in Baltic Film and Media School. Helen works mainly as
a commercial director in Estonia and in foreign countries. Elo is
her first professional short film.
short 2015
The Pilot Without Wings
uring a battle in Afghanistan, a helicopter pilot Raul “The Stork” (34) loses
the sight from one eye and his best friend, co-pilot Henry “Dove” dies in
deadly wounds. After returning home, depressed Raul who is stripped of
his wings, infuriates his wife and she moves away from him with their child. Raul
feels like a useless cripple and decides to end his life. He builds a flying machine
from helium balloons and decides to take the last flight of his life. But while flying
nothing goes as planned. The wind carries him towards an airport and he is soon
discovered by the air force who thinks that he is a terrorist. The last flight becomes
a fight for his own life.
Original title: Tiibadeta piloot
Director and scriptwriter: Leeni Linna
Cinematographer: Rein Kotov, E.S.C
Production designer: Kristjan Suits
Sound: Ants Andreas, Markus Andreas
Costumes: Kristiina Ago
Editor: Eik Lattu
Principal cast: Priit Võigemast, Karin Rask
Producer: Anneli Ahven
Produced by: Kopli Kinokompanii
To be released: 2015
18 min / HD /16:9 / Dolby SR
Kopli Kinokompanii
Gonsiori 27, 10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Director Leeni Linna
graduated from the Baltic Film and media School with a MA in
film directing in 2014. She has worked as director, producer,
story editor and scriptwriter with different film and TV projects.
Her short films have participated in international film festivals
and awarded with several prizes.
Filmography: Personal Space (2005, short), Christmas
Cafe (2005, short), Hope Des Last (2006, short), Vanapagan
(2006, short), Class Reunion (2007, short), The Messenger
(2009, doc), Taxi Driver (2013, short), Blood Type (2013, doc).
animations 2014-2015
Worst-Case Scenario
On the Other Side of the Woods
Pilots on the Way Home
Pipe Piper
Ghost Hour
Tick Tack
House Of Unconciousness
Northern Starfish
Old Man Cartoon
Wedding Game
Life with Herman H. Rott
The Master
Snail Play
animation 2014
om tries to keep together the family that is falling apart. This appears to
be a more or less impossible task if the other half is not making efforts
too. And the child is going to miss love, trying to love and trust a person
that may be even didn’t exist. There is only imagination and hope. That he still
is that he might be... Dad. He is being waited. Endlessly. And when he finally is
there... is this the right time anymore?
Original title: Papa
Directors and Scriptwriters: Girlin-Bassovskaja
Art Directors: Girlin-Bassovskaja
Director of Photography: Urmas Jõemees
Cast: Hendrik Toompere jun., Helena Merzin,
Yana Esipovich, Tatjana Manevskaja
Music: Malle Maltis
Technique: mixed animation, classical puppet
Editors: Girlin-Bassovskaja
Producers: Andrus Raudsalu, Kerdi Oengo
Produced by: Nukufilm
Premiere: May 28, 2014
16 min / Full HD / 16:9 / Sound 5.1
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 641 4307
Directors Girlin-Bassovskaja
is a tandem of directors Jelena Girlin and Mari-Liis Karula.
They both have graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts and
since then made their films together and earned a number of
awards and nominations on international film festivals.
Filmography: The Table (2004), The Dress (2007), Miriam’s
Colors (2008), Oranus (2009)
animation 2014
Worst-Case Scenario
wo managers Adolf and Rudolf solve the problem that threatens to ruin the
Original title: Must stsenaarium
Director: Kristjan Holm
Scriptwriter: Kristjan Holm
Animators: Marje Ale, Karina Golovin, Ülle Metsur,
Tarmo Vaarmets
Editing: Kristjan Holm
Music: Kaspar Jancis / Criminal Elephant
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus / B6 Studios
Technique: animation drawn on paper
Producer: Kalev Tamm / Eesti Joonisfilm
Co-producer: Kristjan Holm / Karabana
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm, Karabana
Premiere: May 28, 2014
15 min / DCP / 16:9 / 5.1 Surround
Director Kristjan Holm
graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts in 1999 as an interior designer. In time the understanding, that room is limited
to four walls, started to trouble him though. An unexpected
discovery that also film frame has four walls, gave him the final
impulse to change the subject and dedicate his life to investigating the ties between frames and walls.
Filmography: Small House (2008), Escape (2009) Big
House (2011)
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9, 10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4228
animation 2014
On the Other Side of the Woods
airytale full of light, magic and nostalgia. A clay doll awakens her surroundings that become a syrreal world in constant flow of change. Shot with natural light the visible changes of daylight emphasize the passing of time in
the film.
Original title: Teisel pool metsa
Director: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Scriptwriter: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Animator: Olga Bulgakova
Editing: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Music: Sander Põldsaar
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus / B6 Studio
Tehnique: puppet animation
Producers: Andrus Raudsalu, Anu-Laura
Tuttelberg, Kerdi Kuusik-Oengo
Produced by: Nukufilm, Estonian Academy of Art
Premiere: May 28, 2014
10 min / DCP / 16:9 / stereo
Director Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
graduated MA degree in animation at Estonian Academy of
Arts in 2013. She made her first animation Fly Mill, a puppet
film as her graduation film. Fly Mill has screened in numerous
festivals around the world and won nearly 20 prizes. Her first
film after graduation, a short animated film On The Other Side
Of The Woods premiered in 2014. She has made set designs
for short stop motion animations such as The Lemonade
Tale (2013) in Nukufilm studio in Estonia and It’s About Time
(2014) in Atomart studio in Latvia.
Filmography: On The Other Side Of The Woods (2014),
Fly Mill (2012)
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 641 4307
animation 2014
Pilots on the Way Home
aving suffered the loss of their plane, three pilots inexplicably find themselves stranded in the middle of the desert. While following the perilous
and unpredictable course that will ultimately lead them home, they fall prey
to visions and must confront the siren call of their own strange fantasies.
Director Priit Pärn
has worked in animation since 1976. He has been active
as a caricaturist, illustrator and graphic artist since the end
of the 1960s with numerous personal exhibitions. His films
won more then 80 awards at international film festivals. He
has taught at a number of film schools around Europe for
over 20 years. Slected filmography: Triangle (1982), Breakfast on the
Grass (1987), Hotel E (1992), 1895 (co-director Janno
Põldma, 1995), Night of the Carrots (1998), Karl and Marilyn
(2003), Life Without Gabriella Ferri (co-director Olga Pärn,
2008), Divers in the Rain (co-director Olga Pärn, 2009)
Director Olga Pärn
graduated from the graphics department at Belarussian Art
Academy in 2000. From 1996 till 2004 she worked as art
director and sand animator at studio Belarusfilm. From 2003
to 2005 she studied film direction at the animation school La
Poudriere in France. Filmography, animated shorts: William, Miguel, Edgar and
Little Bob (2004), Chat comme chat (2004), Dreamer (2005).
Films with co-director Priit Pärn: I Feel a Lifelong Bullet
in the Back of My Head (2007), Life Without Gabriella Ferri
(2008), Divers in the Rain (2009)
Original title: Lendurid koduteel Directors: Olga Pärn, Priit Pärn
Scriptwriter: Priit Pärn
Art Directors: Olga Pärn, Priit Pärn
Animator: Priit Pärn Sand image layer A: Priit Pärn Sand image layer B: Olga Pärn Compositing: Urmas Jõemees, Olga Pärn Sound designer: Olivier Calvert Technique: sand animation
Producer: Kalev Tamm Co-producer: Julie Roy
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm, National Film
Board of Canada (Office National du Film du
Canada) International premiere: June 2014, Annecy
Animation FF, France
16 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / Dolby Digital
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9
10611 Tallinn, Estonia Phone: +372 677 4228 E-mail:
animation 2014
Pipe Piper
story about shepherd who becomes a piper and finds his happiness. Film
is inspired by traditional handicraft from small Estonian island called Muhu
and based on well known folktale.
Director Marili Sokk
graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts in Scenography. She
has worked as an animator since 2004 and has also made set designs
for theaters and TV series and has participated in several exhibitions
as an installation artist. Filmography: The Other Side (2000), One by
One! (2011), Pipe Piper (2014)
Director Malle Valli
graduated from the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy with
BA in national textile and is in the middle of her MA studies. She has
been working as a lighter and as an assistant cameraman for puppet film
studio Nukufilm and as a lighter in Estonian National Opera.
Filmography: One by One! (2011), Pipe Piper (2014)
Director Triin Sarapik-Kivi
graduated from Art College in Tallinn. Since 1985 has been working as a
puppet animator.
Filmography: One by One! (2011), Pipe Piper (2014)
Director Piret Sigus
graduated from Estonian Art Academy Pärnu College art department of
Academia Grata.
Filmography: Tiit and Selma (2000), Curious Ox Sale (2004), One By
One! (2011), Pipe Piper (2014)
Original title: Tantsitaja
Directors: Marili Sokk, Malle Valli, Piret Sigus,
Triin Sarapik-Kivi
Scriptwriters: Marili Sokk, Malle Valli, Piret Sigus,
Triin Sarapik-Kivi
Animators: Triin Sarapik-Kivi
Editing: Marili Sokk, Malle Valli, Piret Sigus,
Triin Sarapik-Kivi
Music: Pastacas
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus
Tehnique: cut-out animation
Producer: Malle Valli
Produced by: Animailm
Premiere: July 2014
13 min / HD / 16:9 / Stereo
Raua 32-36
10152 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone:+372 5563 2265
animation 2014
Ghost Hour
s every evening, the Ghost goes to work - to haunt and frighten. Even in
his worst nightmares the Ghost hadn’t imagined he’ll meet such a ‘terrifying’ girl who is not afraid of him. But it happened ...
Director Nils Skapans
animation film director, script writer, animator and cinematographer, author of more than 30 animation films up to
date, mostly for children audience. Has used plasticine as the
main material for his puppet animation for a last decade.
Since 2012 Nils Skapans works with producer Roberts
Vinovskis and Locomotive Productions. Cat in the Bag was
the first film, completed as a result of this creative union, a year
later it was followed by Ghost Hour. Both are also co-produced by Jarve Studio, Estonia.
Recent filmography: Wonderful Day (2010), Worm (2011),
I Want to See Dwarfs (2012), Cat In The Bag (2013) Ghost
Hour (2014)
Original title: Ghost Hour
Director and Scriptwriter: Nils Skapans
Director of Photography: Valdis Celmins
Art Director: Nils Skapans
Sound: Ernests Ansons
Music: Edgars Makens
Technique: clay animation
Editor: Uldis Janpavlis
Producer: Roberts Vinovskis
Co-producer: Maria Reinup
Produced by: Locomotive Productions (Latvia),
Jarve Studio (Estonia)
Premiere: July 12, 2014 IFF Curtas Vila do
Conde (Portugal)
Festivals: IFF Curtas Vila do Conde, (Portugal),
Gifoni FF, (Italy), Fantoche, (Switzerland), Barne
FF (Norway), ANIMAGE (Brazil) The Carrousel
IFF of Rimouski (Canada), BFI London FF (UK),
Anim’est (Romania), Festival de Cine Madrid
(Spain), Oulu IFF (Finland), FilmLabFestival
(Italy), Ale Kino (Poland), ISFF Zubrofka - Prize
- The Best Film if Programme 5+
8 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo 5.1
Locomotive Productions
Bruninieku iela 28 - 57, Riga, LV-1011
animation 2014
Tick Tack
atchmaker controls the time, but the mouse living in the watchmaker’s
workshop controls the clocks... This is a film about time and its ephemeral nature.
Original title: Tik Tak
Director: Ülo Pikkov
Scriptwriter: Ülo Pikkov
Animators: Märt Kivi
Editing: Ülo Pikkov
Music: Maarja Nuut
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus
Tehnique: mixed
Producer: Andrus Raudsalu
Produced by: Nukufilm
Premiere: November 19, 2014
Festivals: Animated Dreams (Estonia)
MONSTRA Short Film Festival (Portugal)
10 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo
Director Ülo Pikkov
graduated from the animation department of Turku School
of Art and Media in Finland in 1998. He has made both cel
and stop-motion animation films that have won a number of
awards at animation film festivals. He is currently working
as an assistant professor in the animation department of the
Estonian Academy of Arts.
Filmography: Tick Tack (2014), Ada + Otto (2013), The End
(2012), Body Memory (2011) , Dialogos (2008).
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 641 4307
animation 2014
House Of Unconciousness
his film is based on a long-term study of the dreams of chimney sweepers. The most frequently encountered images have been selected from the
abundant material available and the script was created on the basis of those
images. Statistics support the claim that this film presents one of the dreams that
chimney sweepers encounter most frequently.
Original title: Alateadvuse maja
Director and Scriptwriter: Priit Tender
Art Director: Priit Tender
Composer: Rainer Jancis
Digital Animation Compositor: Priit Tender
Animators: Eve Luup, Ülle Metsur , Maiken Silla,
Tarmo Vaarmets, Katrin Vaher
3D Animator: Jaagup Metsalu
Actor: Kadri Voorand
Sound Design: Horret Kuus
Editor: Priit Tender
Producer: Kalev Tamm
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm
Premiere: November 19, 2014
11 min / DCP / 1: 1.85 / 5.1
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9
10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4122
Director Priit Tender
is an award-winning Estonian animator. He has made both
cel and puppet animation films. His films are driven by black
humor, surrealism and odd ethnic tales.
animation 2014
Northern Starfish
diver stumbles upon mysterious starfish and finds himself on the wrong
side of the law where no one can be trusted and spying eyes are everywhere. The borders between dreams and waking life become fuzzy as an
unlikely romance with an astronomer begins to develop. Soon they will become
face to face with a cosmic change that may not be reversed.
Original title: Põhjatäht
Director: Mattias Mälk
Scriptwriters: Mattias Mälk, Priit Pärn
Art Director: Martinus Daane Klemet
Technique: drawn animation
Producer: Kalev Tamm
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm
Premiere: November 19, 2014
13 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / Dolby Surround
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9
10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4228
Director Mattias Mälk
studied animation at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 20062012. During his studies he made two drawn animation
films Saturday Matinée and Tutu Funnytooth and provided
animation for the puppet film On the Wrong Side. He has also
worked as a freelance 2D animator and as the art director for
XYZtopia. Northern Starfish is his first animated film in the Eesti
Joonisfilm studio.
animation 2014
Old Man Cartoon
here is a young girl called Naabritüdruk living in the little village. Old men
of the village (Old Man and Neighbour) are attracted to her. Old Man’s
grandchild also sees the picture of her and falls in love. All of them try to win
her heart and charm her in different ways. They follow her to the field, where she
works, to the market, to the village party. The all end up fighting at the party and
Old Man loses his consciousness. When he regains consciousness in the middle
of the dark empty party venue, he decides to visit Naabritüdruk in her home, but
accidentally goes to a wrong house.
Director Mikk Mägi
studies animation in Estonian Academy of Arts. Beside’s
making the Old Man’s Cartoon he works as an expert of
animation in Estonian Academy of Arts and is one of the
founders and owners on animation studio Birds of Paradise,
where he works as an animator and a director. Mikk is also a
VJ in audio-visual company GIF Visuals.
Recent filmography: Ajastu Ahistavad Asjad (2006), All
Work And No Play (2011), Mul sündis laudas vasikas (2012),
Iša tuli koju (2013), Vanamutt lasi ampulli panna (2013), Lehma maitse (2013), Ma käisin lastelastega saunas (2013)
Director Peeter Ritso
is a freelance animator who has taken part in several theatre
projects as an animator. In 2014 greated short animations for
one of the biggest TV shows in Estonia „Eesti laul“.
Recent filmography: Project – Biscuit (2009), The Puppet
Factory (2011), Iša tuli koju (2013), Vanamutt lasi ampulli
panna (2013), Lehma maitse (2013), Ma käisin lastelastega
saunas (2013)
Original title: Vanamehe multikas
Directors: Mikk Mägi, Peeter Ritso
Scriptwriters: Mikk Mägi, Peeter Ritso
Animators: Mikk Mägi, Peeter Ritso,
Kristjan Bobkov, Olga Bulgakova, Erik Alunurm,
Erik Heinsalu
Editing: Mikk Mägi, Peeter Ritso
Music: Sten-Olle Moldau
Sound design/mixing: Sten-Olle Moldau
Tehnique: puppet animation, 3D animation
Producer: Greta Roosaar
Produced by: BOP Animation
Premiere: December 31, 2014
18 min / HD / 16:9 / Stereo
BOP Animation
Suur-Karja 4
10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5804 0822
animation 2015
Wedding Game
he wedding where the egoes of the young couple try to outmatch each
other. A dream-like and dynamic story based on an Estonian fairy tale.
Director Andres Tenusaar
graduated from Tallinn Pedagogical Univesrity in Art and
Drafting. Has been working as an animator and film director
since 2000 in puppet film stuudio Nukufilm Studio and
NGO Peata Film. He has taken part in several VJ-projects as
a video artist since 2009.
Filmography: Nonexistent Status (2006), Miriam´s Picnic
(2007), Physical Education (2008), So Long (2009),
The Triangle Affair (2012), Miriam´s Food Processor (2012),
Communicating Vessels (2013)
Director Marili Sokk
graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts in Scenography. Since 2004 she has been working in Nukufilm Studio as a
puppet animator. She has also made set designs for theaters
and TV series and has participated in several (Estonia, Norway,
Finland, etc) exhibitions as an installation artist.
Filmography: The Other Side (2000), One by One! (2011),
Pipe Piper (2014)
Original title: Pulmamäng
Directors: Andres Tenusaar, Marili Sokk
Scriptwriters: Andres Tenusaar, Marili Sokk,
Malle Valli, Piret Sigus, Triin Sarapik-Kivi
Animators: Marili Sokk
Artists: Eva Jakovits, Piret sigus,
Triin Paumer, Kaie Kal, Okeiko, Peep Pedmanson,
Silja Saarepuu, Ulla Saar, Yyhely Hälvin
Music: Cleaning Women
Tehnique: cut-out, drawing
Producer: Malle Valli
Produced by: Animailm, Peate Film
To be released: Spring 2015
8 min / HD / 16:9 / Stereo
Raua 32-35
10152 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5563 2265
animation 2015
Life with Herman H. Rott
erman H. Rott is a punk rat who lives alone in his messy apartment. One
day a small cat sees the very drunk Herman returning from a bar, finds him
charming and decides to move in. After a small struggle the cat manages
to transform the apartment into a monument of petit-bourgeois ideals.
The rat tries to be accepting but when cat’s parents come for an unexpected
visit Herman becomes more and more frustrated.
After a lot of effort and a huge fight the cat finally achieves her goal, Herman
is becoming an even bigger cleaning maniac than her. While observing a drunk
wolf, the cat starts to realize that she doesn’t find the new proper Herman exciting anymore.
Original title: Elu Herman H. Rott’iga
Director: Chintis Lundgren
Scriptwriters: Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezić
Animators: Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezić
Editing: Chintis Lundgren, Ivor Ivezić
Sound design/mixing: Henrik Malmgren,
Thomas Richard Christensen
Tehnique: hand-drawn animation
Producer: Chintis Lundgren
Co-producers: Draško Ivezić (Adriatic Animation, Croatia), Tim Leborgne (Open Workshop,
Produced by: Chintis Lundgreni
To be released: Spring 2015
11min / HD / 16:9 / Stereo
Director Chintis Lundgren
studied fine arts at an alternative art school called Non Grata.
She started her career in animation in 2008 as an independent author and since 2011 she runs a small studio called
Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio. She is an author of
6 short films and numerous commissioned films, music
videos etc.
Selected filmography: The Great Grey Shrike (2009), Volli
Pall (2010), About the Hard Life of the Barn Swallow (2011),
Montego (2011), Mysterious Swamp (2013)
Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio
Moora 11
11625 Tallinn, Estonia
animation 2015
The Master
dog Popi and a monkey Huhuu are waiting for their Master to come home
who is just one day not coming any more... From this particular day there
starts their mutual life. Popi, being actually smarter and stronger capitulates in front of monkey’s whims symbolizing with it his obedience and subservientness. At the other hand, Huhuu symbolizes licentiousness and silliness.
This is verity, more phantasmal than a dream and more dreadful than truth.
Original title: Isand
Director and Scriptwriter: Riho Unt
Based on a short story by Friedebert Tuglas
Art Director: Riho Unt
Director of Photography: Ragnar Neljandi
Animator: Märt Kivi, Andres Tenusaar
Technique: puppet animation
Producers: Andrus Raudsalu, Kerdi Oengo
Produced by: Nukufilm
To be released: 2015
18 min / Full HD / 16:9 / Sound 5.1
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 641 4307
Director Riho Unt
graduated from Estonian State Institute of Art in 1982 as
Interior Designer. Since then he has worked in Nukufilm
studios as a director. His films have won a number of awards at
animation festivals.
Recent filmography: Brothers Bearhearts (2005), Miriam’s
Nestbox (2006), Miriam and the Flood (2006), North Dragon
(2007), Lily (2008), Happy Birthday (2012), Miriam’s Kite
animation 2015
arta is carrying home a piano from a second-hand musical instruments
store. She almost succeeds. Albert tries already for thirty years in a row
to express his love to Paula. He almost succeeds. Paula wants to do the
same. She almost succeeds. Police superintendent Kits has been dreaming of
skydiving all his life. He almost succeeds. Miriam wants to be a circus artist. She
almost succeeds. Honey bee is trying to get out of the closed window. It almost
A film without main characters where the characters’ lives interweave to each
other in both dramatic and less dramatic ways, and it all takes place in a rather
usual house.
Original title: Piano
Director: Kaspar Jancis
Scriptwriter: Kaspar Jancis
Animators: Ülle Metsu, Tarmo Vaarmets,
Maiken Silla
Editing: Kaspar Jancis
Music: Kaspar Jancis
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus
Tehnique: classical animation
Producer: Kalev Tamm
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm
To be released: 2015
8 min / DCP / 1:1.85 / 5.1
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9, 10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4228
Director Kaspar Jancis
made his first animated film during his school years. He has
been part of the creative core of several rock groups, written
song lyrics and melodies. With his films, Kaspar has won
several awards including Cartoon d’Or in 2010.
Recent filmography: Weitzenbergi Street (2002), Frank &
Wendy (2004, co-directors Ülo Pikkov, Priit Tender),
The Very Last Cigarette (2007), Crocodile (2010), Villa
Antropoff (2012)
animation 2015
Snail Play
oman and Man are both working in a room, looking for balance in their
own ways. Although they enjoy the worlds inside each other’s heads,
they need someone third to make connection between them. Original title: Tigumängud (working title)
Director: Helen Unt
Scriptwriters: Helen Unt, Anti Naulainen
Animators: Ülle Metsur, Tarmo Vaarmets, Maiken
Editing: Helen Unt, Mattias Mälk
Music: Liis Viira
Sound design/mixing: Horret Kuus
Tehnique: classical animation
Producer: Kalev Tamm
Produced by: Eesti Joonisfilm
To be released: 2015
9 min / DCP / 16:9 / 5.1
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9, 10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4228
Director Helen Unt
graduated from Estonian Academy of Arts in Printmaking and
Animation. Graduation film Chicks on the Highway was shown
in several international animation festivals. Currently she is
working on her debut film. 76
documentaries 2014-2015
Stealing Socialism
Dora Gordine: Ars gratia artis
How I Saved Africa
Those Who Dare
Journey to the Maggot Feeder
Christ Lives in Siberia
The Call of Silence
The Voice of Sokurov
Tashi Delek!
Grand Pas
Out of Fashion
Fast Eddy’s Old News
Wolves, Trolls and Folk Metal
documentary 2014
Stealing Socialism
ively story of Soviet people who found ways to live under totalitarian pressure. The state robbed from citizens, but citizens also robbed the state and
thus all 50 years
Original title: Riigivargad
Director: Manfred Vainokivi
Scriptwriters: Manfred Vainokivi, Andrus Kivirähk
Cinematographer: Manfred Vainokivi
Sound: Ivo Felt
Editor: Kersti Miilen
Producer: Marju Lepp
Produced by: Filmivabrik
Premiere: January 10, 2014
Festivals: IDFA 2014 (Mid-Lenght competition)
52 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo
Theme: human interest, social issues, author’s
point of view
Director Manfred Vainokivi
is a producer, cinematographer and director. As the owner
of the film production company Filmivabrik, he has produced
several shorts and two features Mat the Cat (2005), Bank
Robbery 2008.
Filmography, documentaries: The Bar (2008), Jolly Old
Farts (2009), Maestro (2009), Censorship Lefovers (2010),
Life is a Flower (2010), Wunderkind (2010), Old clown
(2011), Perfecto (2011), Beggar Writers` House (2012),
Baskin (2012)
Kunderi 8a
10121 Tallinn, Estonia
documentary 2014
here is an unrecognized state in the middle of Europe called Transnistria.
For 21 years, the irreplaceable president Igor Smirnov has waved back from
the tribunes of the capital of this self-appointed state. Under his charismatic
leadership, the construction of a sovereign state on the ruins of the Soviet Union
has run aground. Internationally Transnistria hasn’t been recognized yet and the
wishful dream relies completely on alms from Russia. The presidential elections
are coming and the the oppositional candidates appear on the half-finished construction site to each present a plan how to build a proper house out of a leaning
wreckage. The fight for leadership of this invisible country quickly becomes an
emotional one. Director Kristina Norman
graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2004. Besides art projects she has directed experimental documentaries and mockumentaries.
Filmography: The Field of Genius (2004), The Pribalts
(2006), Monolith (2007), We Are Not Alone in the Universe
(2010), A Monument to Please Everyone (2011)
Director Meelis Muhu
is a documentary filmmaker, who studied in Tallinn Pedagogical University (1992-1996).
Filmography: Opinionator (2003), By the Bus (2004), Buy
an Elephant (2005), Alyosha (2008), Kihnu Wedding (2009),
Counted Noses ( 2012 )
Original title: PMR
Directors and Scriptwriters: Meelis Muhu,
Kristina Norman
Camera: Meelis Muhu
Producer: Meelis Muhu
Produced by: In-Ruum
Premiere: January 30, 2014
82 min / Digital Betacam / 16:9 / Stereo
Theme: current affairs, political issues
Gonsiori 27-3516
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 507 8163
documentary 2014
Dora Gordine: Ars gratia artis
irst-ever documentary about Dora Gordine, an elusive, yet figure in the history of sculpture. Lauded by the critics as the world´s most talented female
sculptor in the mid 1920-s.
The documentary explores her masterfully choreographed life through its
dramatic lows and decadent highs, unearthing shocking secrets and shedding
light on truly glorious art.
Original title: Dora Gordine: Ars gratia artis
Director and Scriptwriter: Annaleena Piel Linna
Camera: Matthew Cooke, Viktor Koškin,
Peeter Urbla
Editor: Jaan Kolberg
Producer: Peeter Urbla
Produced by: Exitfilm, Viking Visionary Films
Premiere: May 8, 2014
59 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo
Theme: portrait, history, art&culture
Madala 1, 10313 Tallinn, Estonia
Director Annaleena Piel Linna
studied film at the London College of Printing (University
of the Arts in London), and feminist politics and philosophy
at Birkbeck College (University of London). Participated in
several short films and a documentary film-making. She is also
a freelance journalist and has been an author for many comic
Filmography: The Undertaker (2005), Dora Gordine: Ars
gratia artis (2014)
documentary 2014
How I Saved Africa
iisi is an active and attractive young woman who’d have enough energy
to send Estonia’s first spaceship to Mars. But instead, the urge to make
the world a better place sends Siisi far away to Uganda, where she plans
to open a café with the help of donators to offer work to the local young handicapped people. The start of the project is dashing but as the times goes by the
more Siisi’s idealism confronts the local working culture, sexual prejudice and
economic inevitability. But the video reports sent to the sponsors must be full of
optimism because Africa needs saving once we started saving them...
A witty and insightful portrait film by Kullar Viimne speaks not only of the clash
of civilizations and the everlasting conflict of idealism and inevitability but also
sympathizes with the hardships of one small Estonian girl in a big world.
Original title: Kuidas ma Aafrikat päästsin
Director and Scriptwriter: Kullar Viimne
Camera: Kullar Viimne
Sound: Kullar Viimne
Editor: Tambet Tasuja
Producer: Erik Norkroos
Produced by: Rühm Pluss Null,
Missing Pictures
Premiere: October 30, 2014
78 min / HD / 16:9 / Dolby Digital 5.1
Theme: social issues, human interest
Rühm Pluss Null
Mustamäe tee 4
10621, Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 680 5640; +372 506 7585
Director Kullar Viimne
graduated from the Baltic Film and Media School. He has also
studied at FAMU Film School in Prague. He is an award-winning
director, scriptwriter, editor, and cinematographer.
Selected filmography: Godspeed (2005), Final Days (2006),
Travelling Light (2009), No Finish Line (2011), Breath (2011),
Only for Women (2012), How I Saved Africa (2014)
documentary 2015
Those Who Dare
he Soviet empire came crumbling down in 1991. Three small nations by
the Baltic Sea, then long forgotten in the minds of the West, were the first
countries of the Soviet block to restore their independence. Facing military suppression during their struggle and no support from the major democratic
powers of the West, help came from an unexpected direction – another small
nation, Iceland, responded to their outcry against the general Western apathy.
Original title: Þeir sem þora / Need, kes julgesid
Director: Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
Scriptwriter: Kolfinna Baldvinsdottir
Script consultants: Hilmar Oddsson, Tiit Pruuli
Camera: Ólafur Röngvaldsson, Uldis Cekulis,
Ants Martin Vahur, Dorfinnur Gudnason
Sound: Aigars Endzelis, Arian Levin, Jon Kjartansson, Vidar Gardarsson, Vidmantas Blažys
Music: Borgar Magnason,
Jakob Frimann Magnusson
Sound design: Horret Kuus
Editors: Madli Lääne, Olafur Rögnvaldsson,
Steindor Birgisson, Martin Männik
Producer: Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
Co-producers: Kolfinna Baldvinsdottir, Uldis
Cekulis, Laura Almantaite, Kiur Aarma
Produced by: Ax Films (Iceland), Traumfabrik
(Estonia), Vides Filmu Studija (Latvia), Cultural
and Media Consulting (Lithuania)
Premiere: January 14, 2015
55 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo
Director Ólafur Rögnvaldsson
studied film at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1981-1982
and the University of California San Diego in 1983-1986, graduating with a BA in Visual Arts.
Filmography, documentaries: Those Rounded Stones
(1992), The Candidate (1997)
Theme: history, international relations
Traumfabrik Müürivahe 17-3, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 565 1560
documentary 2015
Journey to the Maggot Feeder
ourney to the Maggot Feeder tries to solve the mystery of a bizarre Arctic fairy
tale. Priit Tender, an Estonian animator, makes a film about an old Chukchi
legend – The Maggot Feeder. The unconventional narrative finds misunderstanding in the western audiences and Priit takes off to a journey to Chukotka
where deeper layers of the story and local culture start to unfold.
This anthropological road movie deals with the importance of storytelling in
human life, inviting the viewers to undertake a journey into the depths of their
inner world.
Original title: Teekond Ussinuumajani
Directors: Liivo Niglas, Priit Tender
Scriptwriters: Liivo Niglas, Priit Tender
Camera: Liivo Niglas
Sound: Liivo Niglas, Mart Kessel-Otsa
Editors: Liivo Niglas, Kaie-Ene Rääk
Producer: Kaie-Ene Rääk
Produced by: F-Seitse
Premiere: January 15, 2015
68 min / DCP / 16:9 / Stereo
Theme: anthropology, animation, human interest
Director Liivo Niglas
is an award-winning film director and producer. He has
graduated as an ethnologist from University of Tartu where he
currently teaches. He has made documentaries all over the
world – Siberia, Africa, Central Asia and North America.
Director Priit Tender
is an award-winning Estonian animator. He has made both
cel and puppet animation films. His films are driven by black
humor, surrealism and odd ethnic tales.
Koidu 17-1
10137 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 601 5983
documentary 2015
Christ Lives in Siberia
anial, Mariam and Zaur lived in St Petersburg with their mother Sveta and
father Magomed. One day, the mother took her three children and moved
to the Vissarionites community far in Siberia. This is the world’s largest
sect, detached from civilization, gathered around their Teacher Vissarion, the reborn Jesus Christ. After a year the mother married a vissarionite bell ringer Dmitri,
who became the children’s stepfather. Danial’s, Mariam’s and Zaur’s real father
has struggled for years to get his children back.
Film director Arbo Tammiksaar moved with his family to Siberia for about a
year, to live in the Vissarionites village.
The style of the film is observing documentary in it’s purest form. Without any
comments from the author. We follow the characters lives and their relations with
their parents and the Teacher, their friends and playmates in this isolated place in
the middle of Siberian taiga.
Directors Jaak Kilmi
graduated from the Department of Audiovisual Arts of Tallinn
Pedagogical University with a Bachelor of Arts in directing.
His credits as director include several award-winning documentaries like Disco & Atomic War (2009), Tallinn Spicy
Sprats: the Canned Tales (2011), etc.
Directors Arbo Tammiksaar
graduated from the Department of Audiovisual Arts of Tallinn
Pedagogical University in 2001. He has also attended the Nort
h by Northwest screenwriting courses. His credits as director
include several documentaries and shorts: Elusive Miracle
(2006), Nazis & Blondes (2008), etc.
Original title: Kristus elab Siberis
Directors and Scriptwriters: Jaak Kilmi,
Arbo Tammiksaar
Camera: Arbo Tammiksaar, Jaak Kilmi
Editor: Mirjam Jegorov
Producer: Margus Õunapuu
Co-producer: Kaarle Aho
Produced by: Film Tower (Estonia),
Making Movies (Finland)
Premiere: January 28, 2015
60/85 min / HD / 16:9 / Stereo
Theme: human interest, social
Film Tower
Gonsiori 27
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 565 1654
Autlook Filmsales
Trappelgasse 4/17,
1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 72 034 6934
documentary 2015
The Call of Silence
hat’s a person’s life like without hearing? No traffic outside, no dogs
barking, no music, no birdsong... Is this world a world of unbroken
silence? Is that mental space, devoid of constant irritants, therefore
spiritually more receptive – say, to the voice of God?
Margit, Vitali, Raivo and Riho are deaf; they’re devoted Pentecostals. Having
once felt the touch of Christ themselves, their aim is now to spread the message. From one deaf person to another. The task is enormous, as there are over
346 million people in the world who are completely or partially unable to hear.
The Call of Silence is a story of Margit’s, Vitali’s, Raivo’s and Riho’s journeys in
the most distant and exotic locations in the world – from Kazakhstan to Greece,
from Russia into China. What is their message? What joys, hardships and risks
does their missionary work bring?
Director Madli Lääne
has studied film in Estonia (Baltic Film and Media School), in
Germany (Internationale Filmschule Köln) and in Cuba (Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV San Antonio de los Baňos).
Last year she was selected for Berlinale Talent Campus as a
young promising documentary filmmaker. Madli has directed
seven documentary films and is also working as an editor. In
2007 her film Ready! Steady! Go! won the title of the Best
Estonian Short Film at the Sleepwalkers festival.
Original title: Vaikuse kutse
Director: Madli Lääne
Scriptwriter: Liina Trishkina
Camera: Meelis Veeremets E.S.C
Sound: Seppo Vanhatalo
Editors: Liina Trishkina, Kersti Miilen
Producer: Ivo Felt
Produced by: Allfilm
Premiere: January 29, 2015
Theme: human interest, culture, religion
58 min / DCP / 16:9 / 5.1
Saue 11
Tallinn 10612, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
documentary 2015
hy do we have to renounce music? Why would a talented and skilled
musician want to back away from the system, that helped him to reach
and understand music in the first place? Why would he want to reshape a working absolute into something that is based on personal preference?
Impromptu is an experimental concert film about people, who have dived
deep into improvisational music and explore its vast possibilities by breaking
notes in tiny splinters. They believe that their music can be the acoustic reincarnation of a soul. Forgetting the seams holding trichords together, you’ll find yourself in the fifth
or sixth harmonic parallel. Most likely alone but content. Thoroughly independent. These choices require abandoning any evaluation and also evaluators. The
only thing that exists is total subjectivity, simultaneously right and wrong. Moving
further means moving closer.
Director Priit Pääsuke
graduated from Tallinn University with BA in film directing in 2005.
He is one of the founders of Luxfilm and has been working there
since it was established in 2005. He is presently developing feature
End of the Chain and documentary Tõnis Mägi with Hermann as a
director and The Polar Boy as a producer.
Director Mart Taniel
graduated from Tallinn University and FAMU Film School in Prague
as a director of photography. He is an independent cinematographer,
who works with several film production companies in Estonia,
Finland and Austria, on features, documentaries, short films and
Original title: Impromptu
Directors: Priit Pääsuke, Mart Taniel
Scriptwriters: Priit Pääsuke, Mart Taniel
Camera: Mart Taniel, Erik Põllumaa
Sound: Rainer Jancis
Editor: Priit Pääsuke
Producer: Priit Pääsuke
Produced by: Luxfilm
Premiere: January 30, 2015
57/105 min / HD / 16:9 / Dolby Digital
Theme: music
J. Vilmsi 37-6
10126 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5559 5847
documentary 2015
nthill is a compilation of short novels about people who live in a giant garage complex in Lasnamäe (Estonia). During its long life the building has
changed from a simple garage to a utopian facility and become a key centre in Lasnamäe residential. The building that was meant to be a place for keeping
cars has developed into a different kind of establishments and services – many
of these far from car-related. First there were car services and stores, then diners,
cafes, and restaurants. The highlight of the complex is now a sauna. That is why
the bastion full of cars is even more expressive, weird, and unusual – a garage,
which reminds a time machine.
Original title: Sipelgapesa
Director: Vladimir Loginov
Scriptwriters: Vladimir Loginov, Max Golomidov
Camera: Max Golomidov
Sound Recorder: Juri Vagner
Sound Designer: Evgeny Berezovskiy
Editor: Rufat Hasanov
Producer: Elina Litvinova
Produced by: Allfilm
To be released: March 2015
83 min / DCP / 1:2.35 / Stereo
Theme: society
Director Vladimir Loginov
graduated from the sociology department of the International University of Social Sciences. He gained additional
experience in TV productions, news, and advertising design at
BBC’s Moscow Congress. Loginov’s filmography consists of
both short and feature length films (Remembering Tomorrow,
Identity, Wedding for Dummies, Krim, Window, Air, Silence).
His films have been awarded with the best short film awards
at Kinoshok in Russia and Armenia, and been picked for East
Silver Market.
Saue 11, 10612 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070, +372 5691 3377
Fax: +372 672 9071
documentary 2015
The Voice of Sokurov
he Voice of Sokurov is a delicate portrait of Alexandr Sokurov (born 1951).
He is one of the internationally best-known Russian directors of his generation. Sokurov has always been an artist true to his own voice and that has
been the reason why his journey has not been easy - not during the Soviet years
or now. The documentary explores Sokurov’s cinematic world and life perspective
through his interesting personality and magnificent work. The film also looks at
the societal meaning of cinema as well as the overall purpose of arts and artists.
Original title: Sokurovi hääl
Director: Leena Kilpeläinen
Scriptwriter: Leena Kilpeläinen
Camera: Leena Kilpeläinen, Aleksandr Burov
Sound: Harmo Kallaste
Editor: Tambet Tasuja
Producer: Karin Reinberg (Estonia)
Co-producers: Merja Ritola ja Pertti Veijalainen
(Finland), Anastasia Pavlovich (Germany)
Produced by: Revolver Film, Illume, LM-Media
To be released: March 2015
78 min / DCP / 16:9 / Dolby 5.1
Theme: portrait
Director Leena Kilpeläinen
graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography, Moscow (VGIK). She grew up bilingually and speaks
fluent Russian. She has been a director, cinematographer and
screenplay writer. Most of her works are done in Russia, e.g.
Children of The Big Bear filmed in Saha-Jakutia, On the Edge
in Tula area, and Whale Island in Solovtetsky islands. She is
member of the Finnish Documentary Guild, and was president
of the guild 2009 –2010.
Revolver Film
Tähtvere 29-2
51007 Tartu, Estonia
Phone: +372 5343 6863
Films Boutique (WS)
Köpenicker Strasse 184,
10997 Berlin - Germany
Phone: +49 30 695 378 50 E-mail:
documentary 2015
Tashi Delek!
ashi Delek! is a coming of age story of Tashi. On a wider scale, it is a story
about a small nation struggling to keep its identity since opening of borders
22 years ago. It is a universal story about the conflict between spiritualism
and materialism.
Tashi is a normal 17 year old teenager who loves to play football and basketball, have fun with his friends and listen to pop music. He is also a monk
studying at Pema Tsal Sakya Buddhist Monastery, sent here by his parents at the
age of 6.
Soon, Tashi faces the most important decision in his life — whether to devote
his life to serving as a monk, or to leave the monastery and return to everyday
life, to try his luck at college and in business. We follow Tashi on his long journey
home through the Himalayas to visit his father, witnessing the present day life and
customs of one of the best preserved traditional Tibetan communities in the world.
Director Peeter Rebane
after graduation from Harvard University 20 years ago,
founded together with his brother region’s most successful
entertainment company BDG. Years later, he continued his
studies in the field of film, by taking courses in the USC film
school in Los Angeles and experimenting with various film projects. Peter’s last successful documentary Robbie Williams:
Fans Journey to Tallinn and concert film Robbie Williams Live
in Tallinn spread all over the world via the BBC. After the documentary, Tashi Delek! Peter ´s next work would be full-length
feature film Roman.
Original title: Tashi Delek!
Director: Peeter Rebane
Scriptwriter: Peeter Rebane
Camera: Mait Mäekivi E.S.C.
Sound: Eduardo Agni, Horret Kuus
Editor: Tambet Tasuja
Producers: Priit Rebane, Patrick Holzen
Produced by: Factory
To be released: April 24, 2015
48/52 min / Full HD 1080p / 16:9 / 5.1
Theme: portrait, religion
Estonia pst.9
10143 Tallinn, Estonia
documentary 2015
Grand Pas
hey can take away my freedom but they can never take my dream,” says
Maher Shawamreh, a 37-year-old electrical engineer. His everyday job is
at the local power plant, but he truly lights up during the hours spent at
his dance school in Al Bireh city. Maher is the founder and director of the Orient
& Dance Theatre. He has survived 3,5 years of political imprisonment full of torture
and death threats without losing hope to fulfil the dream of establishing his own
network of ballet schools for children, which for the first time in Palestinian history
starts to give continuous ballet education.
But this documentary is not only a story about one man’s mad and original
idea, but about non-violent resistance. Maher doesn’t think that the terrorism
would lead them out of occupation, nor does he expect the politicians to change
the current status quo. He believes that in order to have a breakthrough in the
Palestinian situation, people need to do something creative that would go way
beyond the habitual rhetoric of victimization and aggressive accusation of Israel.
Director Toomas Järvet
has a BA from Tallinn University and an MA in visual anthropology from Barcelona University. His first film Over and Out
participated in 10 international documentary film festivals
including Visions du Reel.
Original title: Grand Pas
Director and Scriptwriter: Toomas Järvet
Camera: Maksim Golomidov, Toomas Järvet
Producer: Eero Talvistu
Produced by: Exitfilm
To be released: April 2015
52 min / HD / 16:9 / stereo
Theme: social issues, culture
Madala 1, 10313 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5093033
documentary 2015
Out of Fashion
e live in an era of global consumption where the speed of consumption keeps increasing. It’s no secret that the fashion industry is at the
forefront of this consumerist rally. The result is a perishing environment
and imperceptibly large amounts of waste.
In our film, trash is fashion. It is the black conscience hidden behind the fashion industry’s radiant smile
Original title: Moest väljas
Directors: Jaak Kilmi, Lennart Laberenz
Scriptwriters: Jaak Kilmi, Lennart Laberenz Camera: Lennart Laberenz, Mart Taniel
Editor: Liis Nimik
Producers: Jaak Kilmi, Katrin Kissa
Produced by: Homeless Bob Production
To be released: Spring 2015
60/90 min / DCP / 16:9 / Dolby Digital
Theme: human interest, environment
Director Jaak Kilmi
graduated from the Department of Culture of Tallinn
University, majoring in film directing. He has (co-) directed
and produced a string of successful short films; a number
of documentary films and two feature films that have been
awarded internationally and have enjoyed successful theatre
runs in Estonia. Director Lennart Laberenz
is a German cinematographer, editor, and film critic. Between
1998-2006, he studied history, philosophy, and political
sciences at Berlin Humboldt University, Havana University
(Universidad de la Habana) and Buenos Aires University
(Univesidad de Buenos Aires), from which he graduated with
an MA in philosophy. Laberenz has a long career as a freelance
cinematographer, editor, director, film critic and reporter.
Homeless Bob Production
Telliskivi 57-68, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5667 7855
documentary 2015
Fast Eddy´s Old News
d Vaar (1929 Kuressaare, Estonia – 2014 Toronto, Canada), a freelance
cameraman who earned his nickname Fast Eddy by often arriving at the
scene of accident before the police and CBC’s crime reporters. A lot of his
material was used on the TV by CBC. The rest – hundreds of hours’ worth of tape
that he didn’t manage to sell – is piled up in the rooms and the cellar at Eddy’s
penthouse in central Toronto.
Can you sell old news? What does Ed remember and what do his old film
reels say about his interests? When do one’s own preparations for death come
to an end and when do you change into a ward, a potted plant, a piece of furniture?
How does the end come for a person who has recorded the deaths and destruction of so many others for the infotainment industry?
Director Marko Raat
graduated film school in Tallinn. He has made as author
documentaries, full lenght features, video art works, shorts,
TV productions, directed in theatre and has been involved in
several art projects.
Selected filmography: Premiere of Illegal Databanks
(1998), For Aesthetic Reasons (1999), Agent Wild Duck
(2002), Fun For Five Female (2005), Don’t Shoot the Piano
Player (2005), Knife ( 2007), Toomik´s Film (2008), Father,
Son and Holy Theatre (2009), The Snow Qeeen (2010),
Black Box (2011). 108
Original title: Fast Eddy vanad uudised
Director: Marko Raat
Scriptwriter: Marko Raat
Camera: Marko Raat
Sound: Ranno Tislar, Ivo Felt
Editor: Jaak Ollino Jr
Producer: Ivo Felt
Produced by: Allfilm
To be released: Spring 2015
90 min / DCP / 16:9 / 5.1
Theme: portrait, human interest
Saue 11
Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
documentary 2015
Wolves, Trolls and Folk Metal
ordic folk metal has become an international success. Hairy rockers mixing their metal sounds with traditional music instruments, pagan symbols
and songs in their native language draw audiences from all corners of
the world. The film focuses on Estonian band Metsatöll and their „older Finnish
brother“, Finntroll with the aim to get an insight into the phenomenon of Nordic
folk metal.
Original title: Hundi süda sees
Director: Liina Paakspuu
Scriptwriter: Liina Paakspuu
Camera: Liina Paakspuu, Jarkko Laine
Editor: Jüri-Illimar Shestakov
Producer: Karin Reinberg
Produced by: Revolver Film
To be released: 2015
Theme: music
52 min / DCP / 16:9 / 5.1
Revolver Film
Tähtvere 29-2
51007 Tartu, Estonia
Director Liina Paakspuu
garduated Tallinn University’s Baltic Film and Media School
with BA in Audiovisual Media (2003) and MA in Film Arts
(2009). Liina’s debut feature film Wish Tree premiered at
the Festival des films du monde de Montréal in 2009 and
won the Best Comedy Award at The Tiburon International
Film Festival in California (and had a successful festival run in
many countries). She has written and directed short films (e.g.
Small Town Men, So Long, Suckers), documentaries (e.g. 91
Kilometers, Fox Season, Killer), music videos, TV drama and
comedy series.
1944 Anthill Auster Butterfly Man, The Call of Silence, The Cherry Tobacco Christ Lives in Siberia Countdown Dad Dora Gordine: Ars gratia artis Elo Fast Eddy´s Old News Fencer, The Ghost Hour Ghost Mountaineer Grand Pas House Of Unconciousness How I Saved Africa Impromptu In the Crosswind Ivan’s Day I Won’t Come Back Journey to the Maggot Feeder Landscape with Many Moons Life with Herman H. Rott Man in the Orange Jacket, The Master, The Northern Starfish Old Man Cartoon Estonian Titles
On the Other Side of the Woods 52
One, The 40
Out of Fashion 106
Piano 74
Pilot Without Wings, The 44
Pilots on the Way Home 54
Pink Cardigan 34
Pipe Piper 56
PMR 82
Pussy 30
Roukli 24
Secret Society of Souptown 20
Snail Play 76
Stealing Socialism 80
Tashi Delek! 102
Those Who Dare 88
Tick Tack 60
Voice of Sokurov, The 100
Wolves, Trolls and Folk Metal 110
Wedding Game 68
Worst-Case Scenario 50
Zero Point 14
Alateadvuse maja
Dora Gordine: Ars gratia artis 84
Elo 42
Elu Herman H. Rott’iga 70
Fast Eddy vanad uudised 108
Ghost Hour 58
Grand Pas 104
Hundi süda sees 110
Impromptu 96
Isand 72
Ivanipäev 28
Kirsitubakas 12
Kristus elab Siberis 92
Kuidas ma Aafrikat päästsin 86
Lendurid koduteel 54
Liblikmees 36
Maastik mitme kuuga 8
Ma ei tule tagasi 6
Moest väljas 106
M.O.Zh. 10
Must alpinist 22
Must stsenaarium 50
Need, kes julgesid 88
Nullpunkt 14
Papa 48
Piano 74
PMR 82
Production companies
Põhjatäht 64
Pulmamäng 68
Riigivargad 80
Risttuules 4
Roosa kampsun 34
Roukli 24
See õige 40
Sipelgapesa 98
Sokurovi hääl 100
Supilinna salaselts 20
Tantsitaja 56
Tashi Delek! 102
Teekond Ussinuumajani 90
Teisel pool metsa 52
Tigumängud 76
Tiibadeta piloot 44
Tik Tak 60
Tupsu 30
Vaikuse kutse 94
Vanamehe multikas 66
Vehkleja 18
Alasti Kino 38
Allfilm 4, 8, 14, 18, 28, 94, 98, 108
Amrion 6, 34
Animailm 56, 68
Ax Films (Iceland) 88
Baltic Film and Media School 40
Belarusfilm (Belarussia) 6
BOP Animation 66
Chintis Lundgreni
animatsioonistuudio 70
CTB Film Company (Russia) 6
Cultural and Media Consulting
(Lithuania) 88
Eesti Joonisfilm 50, 54, 62, 64, 74, 76
Estonian Academy of Art 52
Exitfilm 36, 84, 104
Factory 102
Filmiühistu ROUKLI 24
Filmivabrik 80
Film Tower 92
F-Seitse 90
Helsinki Filmi (Finland) 6
Homeless Bob Production 30, 106
Huntmees Film 30
Illume (Finland) 100
In-Ruum 82
Jarve Studio 10,
Karabana 50
Katarsis 32
Kazakhfilm (Kazakhstan) 6
Kick Film (Germany) 18
Kopli Kinokompanii 22, 44
Kuukulgur Film 12
Lendfilm 40
LM-Media (Germany) 100
Locomotive Productions (Latvia) 10, 58
Luxfilm 96
Making Movies (Finland) 8, 18, 92
Missing Pictures 86
MRP Matila Röhr Productions
(Finland) 16
Nafta Films 20, 38, 42
National Film Board of Canada 54
Nukufilm 48, 52, 60, 72
Pasto (Argentina) 32
Peate Film 68
Revolver Film 100, 110
Rühm Pluss Null 86
Solar Films (Finland) 20
Taska Film 16
Traumfabrik 88
Vides Filmu Studija (Latvia) 88
Viking Visionary Films (UK)
English Titles
Csüllög, Edina 36
Girlin-Bassovskaja 48
Helde, Martti 4
Holm, Kristjan 50
Härö, Klaus 18
Jancis, Kaspar 74
Järvet, Toomas 104
Karapetian, Aik 10
Kilmi, Jaak 92, 106
Kilpeläinen, Leena 100
Kõusaar, Kadri 32
Laberenz, Lennart 106
Lesmes Lopez, Carlos Eduardo 38
Liiv, Urmas Eero 22
Linna, Leeni 44
Loginov, Vladimir 98
Lundgren, Chintis 70
Lääne, Madli 94
Maimik, Andres 12
Maimik, Katrin 12
Muhu, Meelis 82
Mägi, Mikk 66
Mälk, Mattias 64
Niglas, Liivo 90
Norman, Kristina 82
Nüganen, Elmo 16
Paakspuu, Liina 110
Paju, Margus 20
Pavljutskov, Ivan 28, 40
Production companies
Piel Linna, Annaleena Pikkov, Ülo Pärn, Olga Pärn, Priit Pääsuke, Priit Raag, Ilmar Raat, Marko Reban, Peeter Ritso, Peeter Ruumet, Triin Rögnvaldsson, Ólafur Sarapik-Kivi, Triin Schonfeld, Maximiliano Sigus, Piret Siimets, Moonika Skapans, Nils Sokk, Marili Takkin, Helen Tammiksaar, Arbo Taniel, Mart Tender, Priit Tenusaar, Andres Toomik, Jaan Tuttelberg, Anu-Laura Ulk, Mihkel Unt, Helen Unt, Riho Vainokivi, Manfred Valli, Malle 84
56, 68
62, 90
Viimne, Kullar Õunpuu, Veiko 86
Alasti Kino
Jahu 12-126
10415 Tallinn, Estonia
Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio
Moora 11
11625 Tallinn, Estonia
Saue 11
10612 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 672 9070
Eesti Joonisfilm
Roo 9
10611 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 4228
Nurme 45
11616 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 677 6363
Raua 32-36
10152 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone:+372 5563 2265
BOP Animation
Suur-Karja 4, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5804 0822
Madala 1
10313 Tallinn, Estonia
Estonia pst.9
10143 Tallinn, Estonia
Kunderi 8a
10121 Tallinn, Estonia
Filmiühistu Roukli
Film Tower
Gonsiori 27
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 565 1654
useful addresses
Koidu 17-1
10137 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 601 5983
Homeless Bob Production
Telliskivi 57-68
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 5667 7855
Huntmees Film
Nelgi 9a
11212 Tallinn, Estonia
Gonsiori 27-3516
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 507 8163
Tuisu 18-46
11314 Tallinn, Estonia
Kopli Kinokompanii
Gonsiori 27
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 556 22041
Kuukulgur Film
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: + 372 52 94 604
Õismäe tee 60-36
Tallinn, Estonia
Locomotive Productions
Bruninieku iela 28 - 57
Riga, LV-1011
Nafta Films
Soo 4
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 525 6323
Taska Film
Tartu mnt 18-51
10150 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: + 372 520 3000
Niine 11
10414 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 641 4307
Traumfabrik Müürivahe 17-3
10140 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 565 1560
Revolver Film
Tähtvere 29-2
51007 Tartu, Estonia
Phone: +372 5343 6863
Rühm Pluss Null
Mustamäe tee 4
10621 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 680 5640
+372 506 7585
Acme Film
Estonia pst 1/3 - 304
10143 Tallinn, Estonia
Paavli 6A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 680 1280
Estonian Theatrical Distribution
Hea Film
Põikmäe 4
76406 Tänassilma, Estonia
Phone: +372 633 6166
Forum Distribution
Hobujaama 5
10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone:+372 680 0716
Gonsiori 27
10147 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone/fax: +372 5558 3279
Must Käsi 2
Vana-Posti 8
10146 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 646 6332
Tähesaju 23
19917 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 509 7374
useful addresses
useful addresses
Production companies
Professional Organisations
Estonian Filmmakers Union
Uus 3
10111 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 646 4164
Estonian Film Producers Association
Estonian National Filmproducers Union
The Estonian Association of Film Journalists
Narva mnt 11e
10151 Tallinn, Estonia
Estonian Ministry of Culture
Suur-Karja 23
15076 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 628 2222
Estonian Film Institute
Uus 3
10111 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 627 6060
Creative Europe MEDIA Estonia
Estonian Film Institute
Uus 3
Tallinn 10111, Estonia
Phone +372 627 6065
Estonian Cultural Endowment
Suur-Karja 23
10148 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 699 9150
TV Stations
International film festivals
Estonian National Archive’s
Film Archive
Ristiku 84
10318 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 693 8613
Estonian Public Broadcaster
Estonian Television
Faehlmanni 12
15029 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 628 4100
Animation Film Festival
Animated Dreams
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 631 4640
Children and
Youth Film Festival Just Film
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 631 4640
Pärnu International Documentary
and Anthropology Film Festival
Esplanaadi 10
80010 Pärnu, Estonia
Phone: +372 443 0772
Estonian Film Commission
Film Commissioner
Martin Aadamsoo
Phone: +372 5650 8383
Kanal 2
Maakri 23A
10145 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 666 2450
Baltic Event
Nurme 45
11616 Tallinn, Estonia
Mob: +372 514 8134
TV 3
Peterburi tee 81
11415 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 622 0200
Docpoint Tallinn
Haapsalu Horror and
Fantasy Film festival
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 631 4640
Sleepwalkers International
Short Film Festival
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 631 4640
Matsalu International
Nature Film Festival
Tallinna mnt 1
90302 Lihula, Läänemaa, Estonia
Mob: +372 551 0910
Worldfilm. Tartu Festival
of Visual Culture
Veski 32
51014 Tartu,, Estonia
Phone: +372 742 2266
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 631 4640
Fax: +372 631 4644
useful addresses
useful addresses
Financing and Archives
Basic facts on Estonia
Domestic feature films 2005-2014
Population: 1.3 mln
Capital: Tallinn
Cinema admissions in 2014: 2.6 mln
Admissions per capita in 2014: 1.97
Share of domestic films in 2014: 4.7%
Average ticket price in 2012: 4.9 €
2005: Mat the Cat / Shop of
Dreams / Men at Arms /
The Curse of a Play / Fed Up!
Cinema Top 2014
Original title
No of
of Origin
88 166
Rio 2
74 053
How to Train Your Dragon 2
68 367
The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies
61 603
Let’s Be Cops
50 840
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
49 932
48 674
Penguins Of Madagascar
45 595
43 304
43 064
2006: Ruudi / Golden Beach,
The Visit of the Old Lady /
Lotte from Gadgetville /
The Hostage / Mindless / Jade
2007: Knife / 186 Kilometres /
Class / Detour / Magnus /
Autumn Ball / Whatever, Aleksander / Georg / Where Souls
Go / Kinnunen
2008: Taarka / I Was Here /
December Heat / Visitor /
A Wish Tree
2009: Vasha / Buratino: the
Son of Pinocchio /
The Temptations of St. Tony /
Bank Robbery
2010: The Snow Queen /
Phobos / Red Mercury /
Poll Diaries
2011: A Friend of Mine /
Letters to Angel / Graveyard
Keeper’s Daughter / Rat-trap
/ Farts of Fury / Lotte and the
Moonstone Secret / The Idiot /
That’s IT!
2012: Douchebags / Rat
King / Bad Hair Friday / Hella
W / Lonely Island / Purge /
Mushrooming / A Lady in Paris
/ All Musicians Are Bastards /
Demons / Pizzas
2013: Living Images /
The Arbiter / Free Range:
Ballad on Approving of the
World / Kertu. Love is Blind /
Tangerines / Black Diamonds /
Kid Detectives & The Secret of
the White Lady
2014: In the Crosswind / Man
in the Orange Jacket / I Won’t
Come Back / Landscape with
Many Moons / Cherry Tobacco
/ Zero Point