annual report - Seraphic Fire
annual report - Seraphic Fire
ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015 Patrick Dupré Quigley Founder & Artistic Director GRAMOPHONE Mission Statement Seraphic Fire aims to present high-quality performances of under-performed music with cultural significance. Simultaneously, Seraphic Fire encourages the occupational advancement of musicians by providing a forum for the development and presentation of their talents, and promotes community well-being through musical education programs. “ “ Extraordinary… Mellifluous and Crystalline Artistry A SERAPHIC FIRE CHRISTMAS Carols by Candlelight 2014 - 15 TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Repertoire Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Venues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Artists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Audience Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CD Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Social Media Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Financial information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Board / Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Donors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15 Hosts / Volunteers / Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Two-Time GRAMMY® Nominee AMERICAN VOICES South Florida Classical Review VIVALDI: GLORIA “ “ A commanding performance by a supercharged Seraphic [Fire]. A NNUA L REPORT | 3 2014 - 15 Dear Friends, What a remarkable year Seraphic Fire has had. From Mozart to Mahler, Bach to Barber, we traversed centuries and continents together. In the end, however, none of this would be possible without you. We, the artists of Seraphic Fire, thank you for your incredible support, your amazing kindness, and your love of music. My very best, Patrick Dupré Quigley Founder & Artistic Director Dear Friends, I fell in love with Seraphic Fire after attending my first concert several years ago. Now, it is my great privilege to work with Patrick, and the entire Board, to guide us forward as we grow responsibly and with purpose. There are exciting new ideas and projects on the horizon and we can’t wait to take the next important steps along with you. Thank you for your loyalty and support, and for being a part of this great organization. Sincerely, Alaina Fotiu-Wojtowicz Chair, Board of Directors Dear Friends, I take tremendous pride in this organization. As a supporter and partner, I know you do as well. Our commitment to you is to continue our excellence, innovation, community leadership, and to be something South Florida can be proud of on an international level. Thank you for what you made possible this past season, and for what you will help us to achieve in the coming years. With appreciation, Rhett Del Campo Executive Director 4 | SE RAPHIC F IR E ANNUA L REPORT | 5 2014 - 15 “ South Florida Classical Review Knight Arts “ Escuchar este grupo en vivo es uno de los mejores pretextos para vivir en Miami. el Nuevo Herald “ The audience... was fervently enthusiastic, standing several times during the concert to applaud this remarkable performing group that has added so much to South Florida’s cultural scene. “ “ “ ... astutely chosen repertoire, superb performances and a warm and friendly ambiance— the model of what makes a great ... concert. “ “ The singing is excellent, the readings uniformly good, and it is, as always with this group, a project carried out with the utmost seriousness and integrity. Palm Beach Arts Paper 6 | SE RAPHIC F IR E ANNUA L REPORT | 7 2014 - 15 R E PE RTO I R E H I G H L I G H TS 2014-2015 S E A S O N A RT I S TS Allegri: Miserere Handel: Messiah Kile Smith: Vespers Bach: Ich Habe Genug Haydn: Lord Nelson Mass Vivaldi: Gloria Barber: Reincarnations Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde Handel: Dixit Dominus Mozart: Ave Verum Corpus G U E S T A RT I S TS & C O N D U C TO R S MUSICAL GROUPS: | SE RAPHIC Charles Evans Margaret Lias Joey Quigley Misty Bermudez Anna Fateeva Zerrin Martin Molly Quinn Luthien Brackett Lexa Ferrill Emily Marvosh Margot Rood Steven Bradshaw Kyle Ferrill Gitanjali Mathur Meredith Ruduski John Buffett Brian Giebler Thomas McCargar Steven Soph Megan Chartrand Bradford Gleim Daniel Moore Robert Strebendt Lianne Coble Esteli Gomez Sarah Moyer Virginia Warnken Amanda Crider Jolle Greenleaf Patrick Muehleise Brenna Wells Brad Diamond Bryon Grohman Kathryn Mueller Michael Wisdom Doug Dodson Sara Guttenberg Jessica Petrus JAMES BASS, Guest Conductor DASHON BURTON, Baritone 8 James Bass F IR E SUSANNE MENTZER, Mezzo-soprano BRYAN HYMEL, Tenor ANNUA L REPORT | 9 2014 - 15 2014-2015 VENUES 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 C D S TAT I S T I C S Thank you to our performance venues for helping us produce a world-class product, and for being a part of South Florida’s vibrant arts scene. CD RELEASES • All Saints Episcopal Church • All Souls Episcopal Church • Broward Center for the Performing Arts • Maurice Gusman Concert Hall, University of Miami • Miami Shores Presbyterian Church REINCARNATIONS: A Century of American Choral Music • South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center • St. Philip’s Episcopal Church • St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church • Trinity Cathedral • No. 4 on the iTunes Classical Chart • No. 6 on the Billboard Traditional Classical Chart CANDLELIGHT CAROLS: Music for Chorus and Harp • No. 8 on the iTunes Classical Chart • No. 11 on the Billboard Traditional Classical Chart SERAPHIC FIRE ON TOUR A Seraphic Fire Christmas: CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Roberts Hall, Rhode Island College Providence, RI *Includes an appearance on Vermont Public Radio State Theatre, New Brunswick, NJ FACEBOOK 8 on the NE Tou 7 0 , r 3 A U D I E N C E S TAT I S T I C S 963 album downloads 1,674 track downloads 161,700 streams 2013-20142014-2015 Page Likes3,562 4,349 Visits 9 avg./ 37 peak 13 avg./ 94 peak Reach 230 avg./ 1,788 peak 951 avg./ 7,021 peak Likes 9 avg./ 136 peak 37 avg./ 367 peak Comments 1 avg./ 9 peak 4 avg./ 85 peak Shares 1 avg./ 20 peak 6 avg./ 85 peak 13,057 Total Attendance Followers858 1,245 Impressions2.6k 31.2k Engagement0.6% 2.6% Total Concerts 34 performances presented in South Florida 6 tour performances 2 outreach performances (Naples & West Palm Beach) 2 Miami Choral Academy concerts 2,460 physical CDs S O C I A L M E D I A S TAT I S T I C S Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts, University of Connecticut Storrs, CT North Congregational Church* St. Johnsbury, VT Center for the Arts, George Mason University Fairfax, VA CDs SOLD F IR E da SE RAPH IC | 10 9 in South Flori 9,97 TWITTER A NNUA L R EPORT | 11 2014 - 15 2014-2015 EVENTS Administrative Development $492,632 Season Opening Celebration Pérez Art Museum Miami (October, 2014) $36,929 2014-15 $1,608,831 2 Season Announcement Events • Tower Club, Ft. Lauderdale • Riviera Country Club, Coral Gables (February, 2015) Marketing $163,527 TOTAL EXPENSES OUTREACH The Miami Choral Academy, directed by Brett Karlin, served nearly 100 elementary and middle school students throughout the year in a twice-weekly after school choral education program. Artistic & Education Programs $915,743 Performances: • Two Student performances in December and April • Students gave a private performance for Roche Pharmaceuticals at the Arsht Center • MCA students joined Seraphic Fire for 6 Christmas concerts. Foundation, Corporate, Government Support Individual Giving $632,165 $470,941 2014-15 $1,620,806 TOTAL REVENUE Touring & Concert Fees Media Sales $122,940 $28,280 Single Tickets Subscriptions $168,680 $197,800 12 | SE RAPH IC F IR E A NNUA L Unaudited numbers for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2015 R EPORT | 13 2014 - 15 A D M I N I S T R AT I O N LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS 2014-2015 Board of Directors Thank you to those who have included Seraphic Fire in their planned giving. Joanne N. Schulte, Founding Chair Patti & Dennis Klein David L. Webb & W. Lynn McLaughlin Ambassador A. Peter Burleigh, Chair Robert “Bob” Brinker, Vice Chair Margaret “Peggy” Rolando, Treasurer Alaina Fotiu-Wojtowicz, Secretary Ruth & Marvin Sackner Cliff Whittle & Scott Cumming Dr. Thomas C. Boyd Daniel Copher Adrian Diamond Marvin A. Sackner Janet Shein David L. Webb Underwriter ($10,000 & above) DONORS Edmundo Pérez-de Cobos, Director Emeritus Patrick Dupré Quigley, Artistic Director, ex-officio Rhett Del Campo, Managing Director, ex-officio Brett Karlin, Director, Miami Choral Academy, ex-officio Misty Leah Bermudez, Musician Representative, ex-officio Doyle Armbrust, Instrumentalist Representative, ex-officio 2014-2015 Administration Seraphic Fire’s Board of Trustees Rhett Del Campo, Managing Director Ross Chuchla, Director of Operations Brett Karlin, Director, Miami Choral Academy Annelisë Abrams, Grants Manager Jude Fox, Patron Services Manager Jaren Hillard, Artistic Administrator Suzanne Floyd, Artistic Administrator, Miami Choral Academy Joey Quigley, Artistic Consultant Alicia Castilla George Chesney Marisol Tamargo Collins Ken Easterling, MD Juan Carlos Espinosa, Ph.D. Martha Ann Haas Raul Iglesias Susan P. Kelley Bobbi Litt Daniel Perron Audrey Pinney Audrey Ross, Ph.D. William R. Roy, Ph.D. Mark Trowbridge 14 | SE RAPH IC F IR E Anonymous Dr. Thomas C. Boyd Robert R. Brinker & Nancy S. Fleischman Broward County Cultural Division Alicia Celorio, Do Unto Others Trust, Inc. The Children’s Trust Bruce & Martha Clinton, The Clinton Family Fund The City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation Martha R. Davis & Alix Ritchie Funding Arts Broward John S. & James L. Knight Foundation The Miami-Dade County Dept. of Cultural Affairs Edmundo Pérez-de Cobos Ruth & Marvin Sackner Joseph & Janet Shein David L. Webb & W. Lynn McLaughlin WLRN Public Radio 91.3 FM State of Florida Cultural Division The Miami Foundation Maestro Circle ($5,000 & above) Akerman, LLP Robert W. Baylis, MD & Christopher D. Gaba George Chesney & Sue Fiorey The City of Coral Gables Harry F. Duncan Foundation, Inc. Funding Arts Network Martha Ann Haas Diana Hammerstein Ana & Raul Marmol Marilyn A. Moore Peter & Audrey Pinney Elizabeth & Joe Pollio, Pollio Family Foundation Margaret A. Rolando Williamson Automotive Sponsor ($2,500 & above) Alberto Arias & David Wood Kinnard A. Peter Burleigh Daniel Copher Adrian Diamond In Memory of Robert Borgatta Alaina Fotiu-Wojtowicz P.R. Farnsworth & J.C. Gill Jim & Billie Hairston Grace Heising William Jaume Angela Kelsey & Michael Zealy Key Biscayne Community Foundation, Inc. George Lindemann Linda Morgan The James G. Pepper Fund of the Stonewall Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Ross Dr. William R. Roy & Susan Kelley Joanne N. & John H. Schulte Charles & Sandra Simon Marte V. & Paul Steven Singerman Leonard Smith Sara Solomon Allan Yudacufski & Mark Mandel Patron ($1,000 & above) Dr. & Mrs. Ronnie Arad Ann Marie Barry William A. Bonn & Reuben A. Ceballos Marilyn M. Connolly Robert & Judith Davidoff Joseph C. Dimino & Michael Guida Dr. Ken Easterling & Diego Cardenas Juan Carlos Espinosa, Ph.D, & Xavier Cortada Mr. & Mrs. Jack Firestone Suzanne & Lawrence Fishman Richard & Ellen Galki Foundation Mary Beth & Gerardo Garcia Susan & Richard Goldman A NNUA L R EPORT | 15 2014 - 15 Jeanette Goodman Alfredo & Luz Maria Gutierrez Peter & Nancy Harrison Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Jannach Carin Kahgan In Memory of Marc Kahgan Gerard & Joyce Kaiser Joan Kasner Patti & Dennis Klein Bernard & Evelyn Korman Joe & Suzy Lacher John Landers Mrs. Jay Lotspeich Kathy & Roger Metcalf Dorothy & Henry Norton Doris Peek Michael & Mary Ellen Peyton Nicholas J. Pisaris Bill & Debbie Quigley Luis Ramirez & Kimberly Thompson Dr. Nirupa Chaudhari & Dr. Stephen Roper Col. & Mrs. Robert W. Rust Maeve-Anne Sandiford Richard & MaryLynn Schultz John Siegfried Alice & Joe Smith Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Lou Strennen D. James Tagg, Jr. Marisol Tamargo & Alex Collins Robert T. Taylor, Jr. & M. Elizabeth Taylor Vann & Parker Thomson Erling T. Thoresen Dr. & Mrs. Michael Troner M. Theresse Vento 16 | SE RAPH IC F IR E Teresa Galang-Viñas & Joaquín Viñas In Memory of Eva Ruth Wolff Carolyn Woodyer Jane & Peter Worley Sustainer ($500 & above) Anonymous Dr. Abraham & Helene Benyunes Sheila & Michael Berke Roger & Margrit Bernstein Alfred C. Brooks & Peter C. Lombardo, MD Maurice & Ruth Burg Lisbeth & Michael Bustin Clark & Ann Cochran Dr. Mary E. Conroy Rhett Del Campo Gerhard Dahl Agustin Diaz Robert & Martha Dinerstein Adrienne DiPrima & Donna Smorchoke A. Richard DiRenzo & Charles E. Humphries, Jr. Steven Dloogoff James Doan & James Blizzard Mary Sue Donohue Dick & Mary Dupere Joan Glade de Pontet & Joseph S. Handler Page Guardabassi Mr. & Mrs. Rod Hayes Jim Herron & Sara Czaja Katherine Hinds Neill Hirst Fred Hochberg & Tom Healy Rev. Todd Hoover & Ron Michel Dr. Jeffrey L. Horstmyer & Prof. Domitila Fox Dr. Michael Hughes & Ms. Judith Taylor Gloria Kline Mr. & Mrs. George Knapp Mira Lehr Monica & Enrique Lopez Alberto & Maggie Manrara Dr. & Mrs. Sanford M. Markham John Martin Margaret & Serge Martin Carlo Mercuri Daniel & Nadine Moore Betsy & Art Murphy William Murphy Mimi Pambrun Bernard G. Perron Richard W. Plant Patrick Dupré Quigley & Robert Andrew Peccola Veronika Rabitsch Fred Reichheld Andrea Lynne Rice Charles Sacher Jorge Sada-Solano John Schmidt Margaret Seroppian Susan & Karl Shell Jeanann Testyon Anthony Touzard Thomas & Lynn Valerius Joan Van Ness Robert Warren Marcella Werblow Hugh A. Westbrook Rev. Priscilla Felisky Whitehead Ted Wolf in honor of Edith Wolf David Yelen Arthur C. Zapesochny Mandolin Ziadie Donor ($250 & above) Anonymous Ennalls Berl John M. Brumbaugh James F. Carlton Russell Corbett Corwin Family Charitable Foundation William & Julia Dargan Andrew & Jane Dolkart Laurie Glover Donn Golden Marj Adler Dr. Pedro & Janus Greer William & Alex Hauser Thomas M. Hooton Jack Huizenga Nancy & James Katzoff Lee Lennon Marika Lynch & Adrian Villaraos Alison McMahan Ulrich & Carole Merten Frank & Ruth Migliorelli Dale Moses Georgia & Carlos Noble John & Janet Preston Darden Asbury Pyron Ann R. Raff Brenda Richey Nelson Robaina Jr & Keith M. Hart Margaret & Theodore Sarafoglu Linda Smith Dr. Ellen Strot Pam & Wesley Warner Friend ($100 & above) Anonymous Ayden Adler Claire Angelozzi Evelyn Axler Dr. Diane Baker Betsy Beardsley Evalina Bestman Robert E. Bickers Jeff & Cynthia Birdsill Dr. Kathleen Blais Robert Boris Donald Edwin Broaddus The Broadfoot Family Roger & Susan F. Brown Charles H. Buckwalter Joanne Cann John & Rebecca Cavanaugh Terence Connor Lane Convey Robert Corcoran William Cranshaw Rev. Thomas & Teri Crowder Martha N. Dare Jack & Kathleen DeFonso Gerson Dores Dr. & Mrs. Brian Dunn Cassandra & William G. Earle Todd Estabrook Michael Fahmie Gordon & Donna Fales Stephanie Fichera & Daniel A. Krawiec Sebastian Fiore Dr. Helen B. Franke Carol & Rudy Frei Argelio & Sylvia Garcia John Gearrity James Gensel Drs. Joan & Paul Gluck Pauline A. Goldsmith Taffy Gould K. Lawrence & Maureen Gragg Priscilla M. Greenfield Suzanne Gunzburger Mr. & Mrs. John K. Harris Jr. Roberto & Deborah Heros Edwin Hill Capt. Robert Hudder Maria Jasin & Joanne Jasin Rev. Dr. David Jenkins Dr. Fred Jonas Elise K. Judy Federico Justiniani Irene M. Kaynor Paul & Elizabeth Bailey Kennedy Dr. Nancy Kirsner Helen Kohen Linda Kopec Lindsay & Manuel Lecour Susanne & Warren Lindau Dr. Richard & Terry Lung Nancy MacColl Joan & Finlay Matheson James & Martha McGrath Kent Morgan Sandra Mullen, In memory of Lawrence M. Mullen Harvey Naylor Marian Nease Doris Notarius Jules Oaklander Harvey Padden Frank Herbert Perez Joyce & Brian Peterson George Pita Karin & Lloyd Rhodes Robert H. Ripps & Steven J. Spector Carlos Rivas Fanego Nancy Roberts Virginia Rosen Ellen Roth Wendy & Gary Rugg Mike & Mary Scheibe Ellie & Bernie Schinder Stanley Sharenson Rick & Katherine Parker-Socarras Stephen & Lorraine Sonnabend St. Philip’s Episcopal School Jan J. Szukala David & Barbara Tagg Donna Tatz Dan Topp & David Cole Kate & Art Trotman Lyndall Urquhart Ellen & Robert Vignola Thomas Wade Lisa Warren Suzanne W. & Robert C. Weber Paul Woehrle Marta Weeks Wulf Carola Zalles $99 & below Amarilis Amoros Frank Asterita Susan Bodmann Samuel Boldrick Erich Cauller Cristina Danguillecourt Carol Elkins Brigitte Elliot Nancy & Marty Engels James Fetscher Cassidy Fitzpatrick Mary Floyd Judith S. Ford Kristen Fulks Natalie Gordon Lynn Herald Gustav Maag Elizabeth & James Madden Peter Maerz Joan Mathis Susan & Fred Mattes Dr. Darryl Ray Miller Frank Moschiano Flor Moya Geraldine O’Sullivan Dorothy Raphaely Betty Rice Bevery Ross Suzi Salowe Gisel Sanchez Sandra Killian Jerome & Roberta Schechter Franklin Schmidt Sophia Sieczkowski Naomi Smith Rose Sobol Kristian Toimil Robin Woodard A NNUA L R EPORT | 17 2014-2015 A RT I S T H O S TS We are grateful to those who offered their home to our artists. Thank you for your hospitality and support. George Chesney A. Richard DiRenzo & Charles E. Humphries, Jr. Maxine Long Ana & Raul Marmol Maeve-Anne Sandiford 2014-2015 VOLUNTEERS GREGORIAN CHANT: MISERERE Thank you to those who assisted us at our performances. Nancy Johnson Sharyn Ladner Rose Ling Carolyn McAleese Eunice Melo Lucia Minervini John Moody Patricia Nieto Andres Orjuela Heather Osowiecki Anita Platt Kathy Reibman Roy Rivera Suzanne Rogers Adam Sabin Kurt Schubert Barbara Soliday John Soliday Nestor Tirado Kristian Toimil Patricia Tonelli Rachel Turetsky Jeannie Weiss Marie Zamet “ Sencillamente inolvidable. “ Harry Burnett John Byrne Jay Cotton Dorothy Davis Eugene Donaldson Nancy Donohue Bruce Dory Cynthia Drew Amanda Goldberg Linda T. Gonzalez Conor Griffith Carol Harlow Joy Hill Kelly Alfonzo Mark Allen Jane Andersen Ellen Anderson Ellwood Autuori Coral Bajbek Simone Baldeon Rob Barkley Mavis Barkley Bobbie Barnett Melanie Beard Cecelia Bohorquez Carol Brock el Nuevo Herald BACH + MAHLER P R O U D LY S P O N O R E D B Y 18 | SE RAPH IC F IR E “ “ The entire performance was one of Quigley’s finest achievements. South Florida Classical Review 2153 Coral Way, Suite 401, Miami, FL 33145 • (305) 285-9060 • •
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