
SAV Resource 1441
Reg. 17016597
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
SAV Blackcap May 4136
(888) 333-1783
BW 83 • 205 Wt. 920 • 365 Wt. 1482
SAV Resource 1441 is the most popular, powerful and dominating
young sire in the Angus breed. He has garnered as much enthusiasm
and appreciation from expert stockmen around the globe as any bull
in SAV history. He represents the best of the timeless Rito lineage and
SC +1.13 • Marb +.12 • RE +.44
was selected by Genex and partners as the $110,000 fourth top-selling
bull from the 2012 SAV Sale. He brings to the table the basics of efficiency and real-world fleshing-ability, with natural
thickness, muscle, masculinity, feet quality and authentic Angus breed character. He consistently stamps his progeny with
these hard to find attributes, along with excellent docility. His progeny have proven his ability to sire pounds in the right
package and have earned him EPDs for weaning and yearling weight in the breed’s top 1%. His thirteen remarkable flush
sisters who calved at SAV last year have captured the attention of the Angus world and substantiate his maternal legacy.
The phenomenal dam of Resource records a weaning ratio of 111 on 4 calves and is the #1 weaning and yearling EPD
cow in the SAV herd. She has multiple sons working in AI studs, 28 daughters retained in the SAV herd and 48 direct
progeny highlighting past SAV sales, including SAV Heritage 6295, who is the sire of Harvestor.
The Pathfinder® grandam of Resource, SAV May 2397, is the second top income-producing cow in SAV history. She has
27 daughters retained in the SAV herd, 76 progeny highlighting past SAV sales and six sons working in AI studs, including
SAV Angus Valley 1867 and SAV Brave 8320.
SAV Resource 1441 is being used in many of the top herds in America. Order semen early!
SAV Blackcap May 4136
The phenomenal dam of Resource.
SAV Renown 3439
Kelly & Martie Jo Schaff
6110 Co. Road 81 • St. Anthony, ND 58566
(701) 445-7465
www.schaffangusvalley.com • kelly@schaffangusvalley.com
This full brother to Resource will lead-off the 2014 SAV Sale.
SAV Registry
Reg. 17318928
SAV Response 2411
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
SAV Madame Pride 0075
Reg. 17318819
This impressive herd BW 78 • 205 Wt. 941 • 365 Wt. 1357
sire was selected by
DBL Inc. and ZWT as
+62 +103 +30
a $90,000 top-selling +3.4
SC +1.39 • Marb +.19 • RE +.27
feature of the 2013
SAV Sale. He combines the power of Rito 9969 with the
maternal matriarch, SAV Madame Pride 0075.
SAV Realist 2846
Reg. 17318889
SAV Registry 2831 was selected by BW 74 • 205 Wt. 935 • 365 Wt. 1402
Accelerated Genetics and partners as
+57 +95
a $90,000 top-selling feature of the
SC +.86 • Marb +.11 • RE +.57
2013 SAV Sale, where he scanned a
SAV Madame Pride 0075
365-day REA of 17.9 inches. He is a unique, outcross calving-ease bull and
The dam of Registry and Response.
presents authentic Angus breed character, natural thickness, abundant
She balances a birth ratio of 96 with
muscle and superior foot quality in a structurally fault-free package. He
a weaning ratio of 107 on 7 calves.
brings a timeless performance lineage to a maternally-superior cow family She is the high income-producing
cow in SAV history and remains
and offers a modest birth weight tabulation that is outcross to most
productive at 14-years of age.
The dam of Registry continues to be a profit-center at 14-years of age and is the high income-producing
cow in SAV history with over $1.4 million in direct progeny receipts. She has 26 daughters retained in the SAV
herd and 51 direct progeny have highlighted past SAV sales to cowmen in 17 states and Canada.
SAV Registry 2831 is being heavily used in the SAV breeding program and has potential to make his mark
on the Angus breed.
SAV West River 2066
Reg. 17318919
SAV Bismarck 5682
SAV Emblynette 0491
Kuck Ranch
(308) 991-2234
BW 85 • 205 Wt. 964 • 365 Wt. 1567
This performance
powerhouse is the
$100,000 top-selling
+5.1 +66 +118 +32
Rito 9969 bull from
SC +1.10 • Marb +.34 • RE +.10
the 2013 SAV Sale.
He is highly recommended for adding muscle, volume and
dimension. His dam, SAV Madame Pride 5290, is one of the
greatest cows to ever roam SAV pastures.
SAV Recruit 2855
Reg. 17318895
(402) 440-4205
This big, high-powered BW 85 • 205 Wt. 1025 • 365 Wt. 1638
bull by Rito 9969
will be a changer for
+4.6 +68 +128 +31
growth, muscle and
SC +.86 • Marb +.09 • RE +.33
performance. His
famous dam, SAV Abigale 5650, is featured on the front cover
of the 2014 SAV sale book and has compiled a tremendous
production record.
SAV Rifleman 2811
Reg. 17318827
SAV West River 2066 was selected BW 75 • 205 Wt. 960 • 365 Wt. 1406
by Genex AI Stud and partners as the
$100,000 top-selling calving-ease bull +1.1 +56
SC +.75 • Marb +.42 • RE +.55
from the 2013 SAV Sale. He combines
impeccable phenotype with a true calving-ease tabulation, top and bottom.
His pedigree blends the proven breed leaders, Bismarck and Final Answer,
who have both led the breed in registrations and are established institutions
throughout the Angus world.
The Final Answer dam of West River is moderate-framed, easy-fleshing,
and productive. She balances a birth ratio of 93 with a weaning ratio of
107 on her first two calves. The grandam of West River records a weaning
ratio of 109 on 3 calves and comes from four consecutive generations of
Emblynette Pathfinders®.
SAV West River 2066 can be used with confidence on virgin heifers and
will continue the legacy of his famous lineage.
SAV Emblynette 7566
The phenomenal grandam of West
River. She produced the heaviest
actual weaning bulls and heifer of
the 2000 calf crop and the top 205day weight heifer of the 2012 calf
crop. She has five daughters retained
in the SAV herd and 12 progeny have
tallied $275,500 in past SAV sales to
cowmen in nine states and Canada.
Her Pathfinder® dam remains
productive at 17-years of age.
BW 87 • 205 Wt. 1040 • 365 Wt. 1706
This phenotypic
standout by Rito
9969 is the #1
+4.9 +75 +145 +31
non-parent yearling
SC +1.12 • Marb -.01 • RE +.44
EPD bull in the Angus
breed. His dam, SAV Primrose 4281, records a weaning ratio
of 110 on 4 calves and comes from the oldest established cow
family at SAV.
SAV Platinum 0010
Reg. 16687592
SAV Angus Valley 1867
Reg. 17016630
SAV Iron Mountain 8066
SAV May 2397#
BW 77 • 205 Wt. 998 • 365 Wt. 1590
This elite curvebender by Pioneer
excels in every
+70 +111 +34
measure. He offers a
SC +.79 • Marb +.41 • RE +.80
large EPD spread and
scanned a 365-day REA of 17.7 inches. His Pathfinder® dam
by Traveler 004 records a weaning ratio of 109 on 5 calves.
SAV Paramount 0015
Reg. 16687641
The featured Lot 1
BW 78 • 205 Wt. 1037 • 365 Wt. 1651
bull from the 2011
SAV Sale. This Pioneer BW
+3.7 +71 +124 +33
son is extremely
docile and excels in
SC +1.62 • Marb +.34 • RE +.61
performance, muscle and maternal value. His heavy milking
Pathfinder® dam by Density records a weaning ratio of 109
on 5 calves.
SAV Prosperity 9131
Reg. 16396523
BW 85 • 205 Wt. 957 • 365 Wt. 1498
SAV Angus Valley 1867 is the
$200,000 lead-off bull from the 2012
+59 +100 +24
SAV Sale. He carries the namesake
SC +1.13 • Marb +.53 • RE +.46
of the SAV program and is backed by
SAV Angus Legend 3700
the best of the Blackcap May family that was established at SAV in 1945 and
This son of SAV Angus Valley 1867
leads the breed in the production of AI stud sires.
is the featured lot 1 bull in the 2014
The phenomenal first calf crop by Angus Valley has exceeded all
SAV Sale.
expectations and proven him as a consistent calving-ease sire who
consistently transmits growth, muscle, performance and eye-catching style. His sons comprise an impressive
sire-group that led off the 2014 SAV sale book and his daughters are extremely feminine and broody with an
awesome maternal look.
His Pathfinder® dam, SAV May 2397, has been a stellar producer. She has six sons working in AI studs,
27 daughters retained in the SAV herd and 76 progeny highlighting past SAV sales. She is the second top
income-producing cow in SAV history with 1.3 million in direct progeny sales. A daughter, SAV Blackcap May
4136, is the dam of Resource.
SAV Angus Valley 1867 will be one of the most impacting calving-ease sires to ever surface from SAV
program. Order semen early.
SAV Brilliance 8077
Reg. 16107774
SAV Bismarck 5682
SAV Blackcap May 5270
BW 82 • 205 Wt. 983 • 365 Wt. 1570
This proven
performance and
maternal trait leader
+4.9 +78 +125 +39
at Select Sires AI
SC +2.03 • Marb +.43 • RE +.86
Stud comes from six
consecutive generations of Emblynette Pathfinders®. He was
the $135,000 third top-selling bull in the 2010 SAV Sale.
SAV Prospector 2439
Reg. 17296130
BW 78 • 205 Wt. 967 • 365 Wt. 1487
The $40,000 topselling Prosperity bull
from the 2013
+2.5 +72 +121 +36
SAV Sale to Washita
SC +1.64 • Marb +.42 • RE +.64
Fork Angus. He offers
an outstanding visual and genetic package. His awesome
dam, SAV Abigale 5650, is a maternal sister to Bismarck and
flush sister to Mandan.
SAV Brilliance 8077 was selected BW 78 • 205 Wt. 903 • 365 Wt. 1442
by ABS and partners as a $67,500
top-selling feature of the 2009 SAV
Sale. He has achieved widespread
SC +1.24 • Marb +.29 • RE +.67
SAV Radiance 0801
popularity, transmitting calving-ease with powerful phenotype and has
Brilliance son from a dam by
earned his position among the most heavily used beef sires at ABS Global. This
Net Worth was selected by Peak Dot
Brilliance has a unique visual and numerical combination and stamps his Ranch as a top-selling feature of the
2012 SAV Sale.
progeny with correctness, balance, muscle and eye-catching style. His
sale-topping progeny have garnered attention from coast to coast. Brilliance was the #1 sire for entries at
the 2013 National Junior Angus Show.
Brilliance is a product of the herd sire-producing Blackcap May family that was established at SAV in 1945.
His Pathfinder® grandam is a maternal sister to Density and Providence and was the $70,000 top-selling
cow in the 2009 SAV Sale.
SAV Bismarck 5682
Reg. 15109865
SAV Beacon 0008
GAR Grid Maker#
SAV Abigale 0451
Reg. 16687591
BW 62 • 205 Wt. 844 • 365 Wt. 1502
A premier calvingease sire by Bismarck. BW
His Net Worth dam
+2.1 +73 +120 +29
and Right Time
SC +1.28 • Marb +.55 • RE +.81
grandam come from
generations of elite Pathfinders® from the SAV Madame Pride
SAV Book Value 1149
Reg. 17016714
SAV Bismarck 5682 continues to be BW 76 • 205 Wt. 884 • 365 Wt. 1596
one of the breed’s leading sires for
total annual registrations. He is a
SC +1.15 • Marb +.45 • RE +.93
popular and proven outcross, calvingSAV Blackcap May 8051
ease sire, who uniquely stamps his low birth weight progeny with
A typical Bismarck daughter in
exceptional muscle shape, volume and style.
Bismarck has sired many top-selling progeny throughout the breed and
many top-selling bulls in the past seven SAV sales, including: Brand Name,
Birthstone, Brilliance, Bruiser, Beacon, Bulletproof, Best Interest, Book Value, Blacksmith and West River.
The daughters of Bismarck in production have made beautiful, moderate-framed, gentle-natured cows with
superb udder quality and optimum milk – they are some of the top young cows in the breed.
Bismarck encompasses all areas vital to mainstream beef production, from calving-ease, to carcass, to
making great cows. His impact in the Angus breed is monumental.
SAV Birthstone 8258
Reg. 16107741
SAV Bismarck 5682
SAV Emblynette 4408
A phenotypic standout BW 80 • 205 Wt. 971 • 365 Wt. 1614
by Bismarck from a
top-producing Final
+64 +116 +29
Answer dam from the +2.1
SC +2.74 • Marb +.47 • RE +1.06
Emblynette family. His
grandam by Net Worth is a flush sister to the record-selling
dam of Harvestor. He scanned a 365-day REA of 18.3 inches.
SAV Bruiser 9164
Reg. 16396531
Contact SAV
(701) 445-7465
Volume discounts available!
BW 72 • 205 Wt. 1032 • 365 Wt. 1573
The feed efficiency
winner in the 2013
Angus Sire Alliance.
+1.8 +73 +128 +23
This powerful
SC +.41 • Marb +.38 • RE +.61
Bismarck bull from a
dam by Predominant offers volume and dimension beyond
compare. He scanned a 365-day REA of 17.0 inches.
SAV Best Interest 0136
Reg. 16687652
SAV Birthstone 8258 is the $80,000 BW 77 • 205 Wt. 909 • 365 Wt.1448
top-selling Bismarck bull from the
2009 SAV Sale and has proven himself -2.3
as an early gestation, premier calvingSC +1.38 • Marb +.48 • RE +.52
ease sire. He defies the laws of nature, siring the kind of thickness,
capacity, performance and quality that you rarely find in true low birth
weight cattle.
His dam is a model brood cow and a full sister to Predominant. She is a
consistent low birth weight producer with an outstanding progeny record. A
full sister to Birthstone is the dam of Thunderbird, a leading curve-bender at
Accelerated Genetics.
Birthstone remains very popular as favorable reports continue to flow
in – many from large commercial herds where progeny have excelled.
Birthstone comes highly recommended for use on heifers and in large
synchronization projects where consistent and reliable calving-ease is
SAV Forefather 3024
This son of Birthstone takes honors
as the heaviest 205-day weight bull
of SAV’s entire 2013 calf crop. He
earned an official 205-day weight of
1052 lbs. for a weaning ratio of 119.
He is featured in the 2014 SAV Sale.
BW 74 • 205 Wt. 986 • 365 Wt. 1672
One of Bismarck’s
greatest sons to date,
representing all the
+70 +120 +34
distinctive qualities of +3.8
SC +1.30 • Marb +.79 • RE +.29
an ideal Angus bull.
His Pathfinder® dam by Net Worth, from the Emblynette
family, is the #1 marbling cow in the SAV herd.
SAV Brand Name 9115
Reg. 16396519
SAV Priority 7283
Reg. 15688351
SAV Final Answer 0035#
SAV Blackcap May 5530#
BW 78 • 205 Wt. 1007 • 365 Wt. 1570
The $156,000 topselling lot 1 bull from
the 2010 SAV Sale.
+66 +109 +28
His progeny are docile +3.4
SC +.76 • Marb +.01 • RE +1.00
with exceptional depth,
volume, fleshing-ability and performance. His daughters in
production are making superb brood cows.
SAV Brave 8320
Reg. 16107533
BW 84 • 205 Wt. 849 • 365 Wt. 1339
The $92,500 topselling bull from the
2009 SAV Sale and
+4.1 +60 +104 +31
maternal brother to
SC +.65 • Marb +.48 • RE +.95
SAV Angus Valley 1867.
He blends maternal excellence with outstanding phenotype.
His Pathfinder® dam records a weaning ratio of 106 on
6 calves and has generated $1.3 million in direct progeny
SAV Iron Mountain 8066
Reg. 16115617
SAV Priority 7283 has captured the BW 74 • 205 Wt. 923 • 365 Wt. 1541
attention of the Angus world as an
elite and proven curve-bender. He
+1.3 +69 +109 +28
uniquely combines low birth weight
SC +.82 • Marb +.15 • RE +.72
genetics with outlier muscle shape,
SAV Blackcap May 5530#
leading performance and cow family strength that is unmatched in the
The Pathfinder® dam of Priority and
business. His docile progeny are superb in structure and feet quality and
Brand Name. She records a weaning
perform with the best. His daughters in production are fertile, easy-fleshing ratio of 108 on 5 calves and takes a
leading position in the SAV herd.
females with excellent udder quality.
His Pathfinder® dam is also the dam of Brand Name, the top-selling Lot
1 bull from 2010 SAV Sale. She records a weaning ratio of 108 on 5 calves.
She has nine daughters retained and 17 progeny have highlighted past SAV
sales to cowmen in eight states and Canada. The Right Time grandam of
Priority is the most prolific and influential cow in SAV history and is the dam
of Density and Providence.
Priority is an heir to the throne of his legendary sire and will be a breed
leader for many years to come.
SAV Thunderbird 9061
Reg. 16396499
SAV Final Answer 0035#
SAV Emblynette 7411
BW 77 • 205 Wt. 890 • 365 Wt. 1452
One of the breed’s
top sires for annual
registrations. He
+3.6 +60 +104 +12
stamps his progeny
SC +.91 • Marb +.85 • RE +.26
with thickness, muscle
and breed character and his first daughters are making niceuddered, productive cows.
SAV Mustang 9134
Reg. 16397246
BW 75 • 205 Wt. 975 • 365 Wt. 1514
Mustang is a proven
calving-ease and
maternal sire. He
was the $80,000
SC +1.60 • Marb +.58 • RE +.63
top-selling Final
Answer bull in the 2010 SAV Sale and comes from five
consecutive generations of elite Emblynette Pathfinders®. His
progeny are docile and easy-fleshing, with a moderate frame.
BW 66 • 205 Wt. 944 • 365 Wt. 1498
Thunderbird is a major league
curve-bender with a proven EPD
profile that will rival the best. He is
+69 +121 +27
among the most popular and heavily
SC +.10 • Marb +.74 • RE +.23
used calving-ease bulls in the Angus
breed. His cutting-edge pedigree uniquely blends Final Answer and
Bismarck, two of the breed’s leading registration sires, with the maternal
and production qualities of the Emblynette family that was established at
SAV in 1946. His dam is a full sister to Birthstone and his grandam is a full
sister to Predominant.
Thunderbird is a high customer satisfaction sire and his progeny continue
to exceed expectations. He comes highly recommended for both seedstock
breeders and commercial cowmen.
SAV Emblynette 7411
The dam of Thunderbird and full
sister to Birthstone. She ranked as
the #1 low birth EPD cow in the SAV
herd and sold for $150,000 to Quail
Valley Ranches.
SAV Net Worth 4200#
SAV Pioneer 7301
Reg. 15688392
SAV Final Answer 0035#
SAV Blackbird 5297
Reg. 14739204
The #1 global semen BW 90 • 205 Wt. 995 • 365 Wt. 1573
sales bull. His progeny BW
have gained him
+58 +108 +30
worldwide popularity, +4.7
SC +.89 • Marb +.71 • RE +.58
consistently stamped
with muscle dimension, capacity, fleshing-ability, and pounds.
His daughters are superb producers with quality udders and
thrive in any environment.
SAV Momentum 9274
Reg. 16396574
BW 69 • 205 Wt. 965 • 365 Wt. 1544
SAV Pioneer 7301 is the $65,000
top-selling bull from the 2008 SAV
Sale. He combines phenotype,
+2.0 +60 +109 +34
performance, carcass quality, scrotal
SC +1.28 • Marb +.38 • RE +1.03
size and great temperament, with a
breed-leading EPD profile to make him one of the best balanced sires in the
business. Pioneer earned a weaning ratio of 117 and scanned a 365-day
REA of 17.7 inches, with a yearling scrotal of 42 cm.
Pioneer progeny were the popular lead-off sire group in the 2011 SAV Sale,
where 61 sons scanned a remarkable average 365-day ribeye area of
16.7 inches and were the breed’s new record-selling sire group. The first
daughters of Pioneer have entered production and are feminine, broody
females with impeccable udder quality and abundant milk – earning him his
final mark of approval.
Pioneer currently ranks among the seven top sires for registrations in the
Angus breed.
SAV Pursuit 0160
Reg. 16687663
SAV Blackbird 5297
The dam of Pioneer. She records a
weaning ratio of 109 on 4 calves. She
is from the Blackbird family that was
established at SAV in 1949.
Bramblett Angus
(706) 377-2619
BW 78 • 205 Wt. 882 • 365 Wt. 1508
The top-selling Net
Worth bull from the
2010 SAV Sale, where
+52 +101 +31
he scanned a 365-day +2.2
SC +1.16 • Marb +.65 • RE +.31
REA of 17.6 inches. His
dam, SAV Emblynette 3301, is the model cow for the Angus
breed and dam of Hesston. Momentum’s progeny are super
complete and balanced in every regard and his daughters are
making outstanding brood cows.
SAV Pioneer 7301
SAV Abigale 5650
SAV First Class 0207
Reg. 16687685
(402) 440-4205
BW 84 • 205 Wt. 992 • 365 Wt. 1720
One of the top
maternal sires in
SAV history, produced
+3.1 +46
from three
SC +.72 • Marb +.32 • RE +.39
generations of Pathfinder® dams. This phenotypic standout
by Net Worth was the second top-selling bull in the 2012 SAV
Sale, where he scanned a 365-day REA of 17.9 inches. His
Pathfinder® dam is the #2 milk EPD cow in the SAV herd and
records a weaning ratio of 110 on 3 calves.
SAV Providence 6922
Reg. 15707145
SAV Pursuit 0160 assembles all the BW 79 • 205 Wt. 908 • 365 Wt. 1574
components of a true breeding bull –
phenotype, performance, pedigree and +2.8 +64 +117 +36
EPDs. He is a super complete, attractive
SC +1.33 • Marb +.38 • RE +.96
bull with length, muscle, style and
superior feet quality. His large scrotal size and docile temperament add to
his impressive resume.
Pursuit is maternally-charged to sire feminine, heavy-milking daughters
with impeccable udder quality. His dam is a herd favorite and featured on
the front cover of the 2014 SAV sale book. She earned a weaning ratio of
106 on 6 calves and has tallied $473,000 in receipts on 18 direct progeny
averaging $26,277 in past SAV sales to cowmen in nine states and Canada.
She has multiple herd sire sons and a daughter was the top-performing
female in the 2013 SAV Sale. She is a maternal sister to Bismarck, who has
led the breed in registrations, and a flush sister to Mandan, the top-selling
bull from the 2006 SAV Sale.
SAV Abigale 5650
The dam of Pursuit, Feildmaster,
Recruit and Prospector. She is a herd
favorite and the featured lead-off
female of the 2014 SAV Sale.
BW 80 • 205 Wt. 913 • 365 Wt. 1516
A picture is worth a
thousand words.
Providence transmits
+5.7 +69 +114 +43
exceptional length,
SC +1.33 • Marb +.34 • RE +.56
performance and style.
His heavy milking daughters are top production cows with welldesigned udders and have earned him a milk EPD in the breed’s
top 1%.
SAV 8180 Traveler 004#
Reg. 13512009
SAV Harvestor 0338
Reg. 16687737
SAV Heritage 6295
SAV Emblynette 7749
This breed legend and BW 78 • 205 Wt. 836 • 365 Wt. 1319
Pathfinder® Sire is
the industry standard
+3.4 +55
for foundation
SC +1.14 • Marb +.28 • RE +.02
performance and
maternal genetics. He has led the breed in registrations and
his daughters are unsurpassed in the industry. His popular
sons include Net Worth, Density, Predominant and Mandan.
(402) 440-4205
SAV 004 Density 4336#
Reg. 14725035
A maternal sire of
BW 84 • 205 Wt. 910 • 365 Wt. 1486
lasting impact, known
for his feminine, heavy BW
+4.2 +52
milking daughters
with impeccable udder
SC +.46 • Marb +.41 • RE +.50
quality. His Right Time dam is the most prolific and influential
cow in SAV history and also the dam of Providence.
SAV 004 Predominant 4438
Reg. 14823655
SAV Harvestor 0338 is a true breed- BW 87 • 205 Wt. 988 • 365 Wt. 1631
changer and performance powerhouse,
ranking as the #1 yearling weight EPD
+6.7 +75 +150 +33
sire in the Angus breed. He is recognized SC +1.10 • Marb +.62 • RE +.66
as one of the greatest breeding
SAV Emblynette 7749
achievements in SAV history and was selected by Herbster Angus Farms as The dam of Harvestor. This heavy
the $275,000 top-selling bull from the 2011 SAV Sale. His first progeny won milking, top-producing cow earned
a weaning ratio of 113 on 3 calves.
the hearts of the Angus world as the top-performing, top-scanning,
She is the record-selling cow in SAV
record-selling sire group in Angus breed history at the 2013 SAV Sale,
where they included both the top-selling bull and female. Harvestor progeny history.
are stamped with breed character and built right from the ground up – perfect in their structure, with basewidth, massive thickness, volume and expressive muscle shape. His sons are loaded with performance and
substance, while his daughters are feminine with added dimension to make real brood cows.
The dam of Harvestor is a heavy milking, productive, Net Worth daughter, earning a weaning ratio of 113 on
3 calves. She is the record-selling cow in SAV history to Herbster Angus Farms. The Pathfinder® grandam of
Harvestor served in the SAV program for over 17 years. She has 20 daughters retained in the SAV herd and
121 direct progeny averaging $7813 in past SAV sales.
Harvestor will sire the largest calfcrop to be born at SAV in 2014 and comes recommended to programs
wanting to raise true performance cattle.
SAV 707 Rito 9969
Reg. 16417285
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
BR Polly 8077-472
BW 83 • 205 Wt. 911 • 365 Wt. 1492
Predominant was
selected by Peak Dot
as the featured Lot 2
+2.4 +57
bull in the 2005 SAV
SC +.92 • Marb +.53 • RE +.27
Sale. He is a massive,
beef bull whose progeny are moderate-framed with plenty
of constitution, base width, volume and dimension. His
daughters are extra deep and capacious and make glorious
brood cows.
SAV Final Answer 0035#
Reg. 13592905
BW 69 • 205 Wt. 843 • 365 Wt. 1353
SAV Final Answer
0035 is one of the
breed’s most
+61 +103 +25
influential and
SC +1.33 • Marb +.52 • RE +.47
respected sires of all
time. He is a proven and reliable calving-ease sire who covers
all areas of economic importance. His popular sons enrolled
in AI studs include: Pioneer, Priority, Mustang, Thunderbird
and Camaro.
BW 84 • 205 Wt. 917 • 365 Wt. 1613
SAV 707 Rito 9969 is a massive,
beef machine and a favorite among
commercial cowmen who sell pounds
+6.8 +68 +127 +30
for a living and demand thick, easySC +1.34 • Marb -.11 • RE +.18
fleshing cattle that perform. He is the
most unique and powerful outcross sire in the Angus breed with unmatched
ability to inject performance, appetite and gainability to his progeny. He
was selected by Little Goose Ranch as the $147,500 second top-selling bull
from the 2010 SAV Sale. Rito 9969 progeny were the high-performing and
record-selling sire group in the 2012 SAV Sale and comprised the largest
sire group in the 2013 SAV Sale.
His productive dam, known as Polly, is a pinnacle of outcross power and
performance with superior production ability. She records a weaning ratio
of 112 on 4 calves and has eleven daughters retained in the SAV herd.
SAV Revere 1180
This performance powerhouse by
Rito 9969 is the $120,000 third
top-selling bull from the 2012 SAV
Sale. His Pathfinder® dam records a
weaning ratio of 111 on 6 calves and
serves in the embryo program.
SAV International
Reg. 17318795
SAV Fieldmaster 2181
SAV Harvestor 0338
SAV Emblynette 5483#
Reg. 17318942
(402) 440-4205
The $155,000 second BW 84 • 205 Wt. 934 • 365 Wt. 1508
top-selling bull from
the 2013 SAV Sale to
+63 +127 +33
Herbster Angus Farms. +4.4
SC +.81 • Marb +.63 • RE +.47
This Harvestor son out
of SAV Abigale 5650 is a phenotypic standout with the
arithmetic to be a total herd-improver.
(402) 440-4205
SAV International 2020 is the
BW 83 • 205 Wt. 955 • 365 Wt. 1534
$400,000 record-selling, Lot 1 bull
from the 2013 SAV Sale to Herbster
+3.3 +72 +130 +31
Angus Farms. He represents all the
SC +.98 • Marb +.52 • RE +.40
qualities of an ideal beef bull, both
phenotypically and on paper and is backed by five consecutive generations
of Emblynette Pathfinder® dams. His natural muscle shape, flawless
structure and distinctive breed character have made him a favorite among
astute cattlemen. He is among the most heavily-used young bulls in the
Angus breed and will be a major factor in the future of the SAV breeding
The Pathfinder® dam of International is an elite producer who blends
calving-ease, fertility and udder quality, with perfect body type. She serves
in the SAV embryo program along with her 17-year-old Pathfinder® dam,
who has 24 daughters retained in the SAV herd and 55 direct progeny
featured in past SAV sales.
SAV Hesston 2217
Reg. 17318946
SAV High Yield 2152
Reg. 17318864
SAV Emblynette 5483
The fifth generation Pathfinder®
dam of International. She combines
a birth ratio of 95 with a weaning
ratio of 104 on 7 calves. She is
an elite producer, serving in the
embryo program with her 17-year-old
Pathfinder® dam.
Buford Ranches
(918) 929-3275
A milestone breeding BW 83 • 205 Wt. 818 • 365 Wt. 1421
achievement, resulting BW
from the mating of
I+4.5 I+65 I+120 I+32
Harvestor to the
SC +1.10 • Marb +.64 • RE +.56
maternal matriarch,
SAV Madame Pride 0075. His dam is the high incomeproducing cow in SAV history with $1.4 million in direct
progeny sales and continues in production at 14-years of age.
SAV Harvest Moon 2244
Reg. 17318931
SAV Harvestor 0338
SAV Emblynette 3301
Wiwa Creek
(306) 778-1238
BW 87 • 205 Wt. 993 • 365 Wt. 1579
A phenotypic
powerhouse with
incredible thickness,
+4.8 +72 +134 +31
massive volume and
SC +.94 • Marb +.46 • RE +.59
expressive muscle
shape, in a fault-free package. He is sired by Harvestor, out
of a perfect-uddered Bismarck dam, who comes from two
generations of elite Pathfinders ®.
(304) 619-8722
SAV Record Harvest 2186
Reg. 17318943
SAV Hesston 2217 has the look of a BW 89 • 205 Wt. 955 • 365 Wt. 1491
real breeding bull who will make a
lasting contribution. He combines
+5.0 +71 +127 +30
masculinity, muscle and true Angus
SC +1.00 • Marb +.76 • RE +.39
breed character with the capacity,
volume, and fleshing-ability of a real cowmaker. He was selected by ZWT
and Debusk as the $130,000 featured Lot 2 bull from the 2013 SAV Sale,
where he commanded the attention of many top cattlemen.
The phenomenal dam of Hesston is the model cow for the Angus breed,
unmatched for depth of body, broodiness and maternal function. She has 12
daughters retained in the SAV herd and 19 progeny highlighted in past SAV
sales, including SAV Momentum 9274. The Pathfinder® grandam of Hesston
is one of the most prolific and influential cows in the SAV history and has 19
daughters retained in the SAV herd.
SAV Hesston 2217 will have a strong representation in the SAV breeding
program and throughout the industry.
SAV Emblynette 3301
The dam of Hesston and Momentum.
She is the model cow for the
Angus breed, unmatched for depth,
broodiness and maternal function.
EPDs as of 12/26/13
BW 92 • 205 Wt. 963 • 365 Wt. 1616
This explosive
performance bull by
Harvestor was
+6.2 +72 +142 +31
selected by Tanner
SC +1.01 • Marb +.66 • RE +.45
Farms as an $80,000
top-selling feature of the 2013 SAV Sale. His productive dam
by Final Answer and grandam by Bismarck are from the
Blackbird family that was established at SAV in 1949.