Comblue presentation
Comblue presentation
About us A digital and database marke/ng agency with a broad mulEdisciplinary experience since 1991 20 years experience Our goal is providing markeEng soluEons to our clients from an strategic, operaEve and technological point of view. Clients Inditex Laboratorios Esteve Allianz BMW Mahou Massimo DuC Borges La Caixa NovarEs Port Aventura Skoda Catalana Occident Círculo de Lectores Cofidis Editorial Edebé Endesa Fénix Directo Ferrer Filmax TMB DKV Angelini Our structure COMBLUE Digital Marke/ng Web projects, intranets, extranets, mobile projects (web y app’s), seo, sem, funcEonal analysis. Social Media Social media concept and strategy. Profile dynamizaEon and community managment training. Social CRM. Database & Promo/ons CapEon of leads, data processing, geographic models, automized soluEons, consumer management, consumer behavior typology, analyEcal models. clients/partners/companies/brands/users/fans What we do PromoEons Apps CRM Database SEO/SEM Social Media Web mobile Strategy, design & cross-media developements Intranets/Extranets Usability Web analyEcs Web 2.0 CMS Open-‐source Our experience A picture is worth a thousand words How we do it: Digital Analyzing your needs we offer the best soulEon. As simple as that. Taylor made internet projects. We care about future: easy maintenance and agile upgrading. Flexibility By programming opEmizEon we met internaEonal internet standards. We create reliable & secure projects. We add both strategical & funcEonal value to your project. How we do it: Social Media Defining a taylor made mulEchannel strategy for each client. CreaEng a solid digital idenEty for each client. We focus on moneEzing your Social Media investment. Monitoring core KPI’s we propose winning strategies. Training our clients in the strategic use of Social. How we do it: Database Analyzing your needs we offer personalized soluEons. AdaptaEon We partner with best internet technology markeEng suppliers Quality We pilot project execuEons and care about results analysis. We guide our technological projects to ROI We point our operaEons projects to it’s cost policy. Compromise Profitability Saveing Thank you If you think we can be helpfull for your projec, please don’t hesitate to call/write us. Passatge de Maluquer, 13 entlo 2ª 08022 BARCELONA Tel. 93 253 17 74 Fax. 93 181 51 13 Contacto: Narcís Estanyol / Quique Bueno / Mariano Hermosilla
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