ADvise Media Group
ADvise Media Group
ADvisemedia N E W M E D I A 702.951.7581 A D V E R T I S I N G CASE STUDY: BluBlocker Sunglasses w w w. b l u b l o c k e r. c o m 714 South Fourth Street Las Vegas NV 89101 T E S T I M O N I A L “What can I say about Advise Media? After a bad experience, we needed a trusted partner. They’ve delivered tremendous revenues and helped us reach new levels.” Mary Stanke, President S I T U A T I O N BluBlocker, the creative team behind the polarized sunglasses movement in the late 1970’s (c’mon, you’ve seen the infomercials) came to us in October 2009 after online sales had hit rock bottom. They had been exposed, and disappointed, to Search Engine Marketing campaigns (pay-per-click) on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, but had very little sales to show for their marketing dollars spent. They had an urgent need, additionallly, to market Blublockers in conjunction with the release of “The Hangover” DVD, since one of the main actors (Zack Galifianakis) wore them in the movie, and the company wanted to capitalize on that marketing potential. S O L U T I O N It can always be a challenge to change the mind of a determined client who has been burned by a SEO firm in the past and, unfortunately, many have. In this case, Blublocker wanted to immediately market (correctly, this time) their line of sunglasses and considered the strategies of many firms working to win over this client. They went with Advise Media, based on our 11+ years of working in SEM platforms, open communication, transparent reporting, public relations and media outreach, and solutions that deliver positive ROI on “hard marketing dollars” for 99% of our clients. By developing a PPC strategy that mirrored their overall marketing message, A/B ad testing, and refined, targeted keyword strategy that drove only highly-qualified traffic, we changed their minds- and their bottom line! A D v i s e M e d i a G r o u p . c o m R E S U L T S o n p a g e 2 ADvisemedia N E W M E D I A 702.951.7581 A D V E R T I S I N G 714 South Fourth Street Las Vegas NV 89101 CASE STUDY: BluBlocker Sunglasses w w w. b l u b l o c k e r. c o m R E S U L T S Blublocker has experienced growth that rivals that of the launch of their company in the mid 1970’s. Sales are up considerably, their cost per conversion is exceptionally low, and their bottom line has improved enough for them to actively engage in developing new product lines to meet current demand. In less than a year, our SEM strategy has taken them from the brink of closure, to a having a pulse, to expanding into markets Blublocker had previously not considered. We are now managing their SEO as well. Better put your shades’s a very bright future for Blublocker. P A Y P E R C L I C K C A M P A I G N D A T A 80000 ,29 79 9 64000 ,98 69 0 48000 2011 2010 2009 32000 $2 5,3 16000 19, 908 % % 7.0 6.4 0 30 % S A M P L E 1.8 1.9 3.3 61 $12,1 43 1.3 Site Visits 11,127 $12,8 Cost CTR 8,637 2,811 Conversion Avg Position $2.28 $1.49 $4.75 Cost Per Conversion A D S R E V E N U E I N C R E A S E S B Y M O N T H U N I T S December 2009 - $42,325 789 January 2010 - $49,660 871 February 2010 - $53,140 939 March 2010 - $58,500 996 April 2010 - $66,690 1329 May 2010 - $89,570 1378 $101,840 1566 June 2010 - S O L D Avg Cost Per Conversion: $2.28 A D v i s e M e d i a G r o u p . c o m
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