SUMC Newsletter May 2016 - Sherwood United Methodist Church
SUMC Newsletter May 2016 - Sherwood United Methodist Church
Sherwood United Methodist Church Reaching out to the hungry: in body or spirit May 2016 The United Methodist Church is called to be a community, diverse and united in God’s saving love, sent out in vital life-giving ministry for and with Jesus Christ. How To Mess Everything In Your Life Up There are a variety of competing conceptions of what a Christian life consists of. Possibly the dominant image of the Christian life in our culture is a therapeutic model. In this model faith and spirituality are an extravagant self-help system. We come to Church to get ethical advice. We pray to teach ourselves compassion. We do service and good works because of how they make us feel and who they cause us to become. In the therapeutic model we expect an individual to get healthier (mentally and physically) the farther along the road of discipleship they travel. Faith helps us overcome our addictions, and our emotional wounds, and our bad choices and behaviors till we are whole and healthy and happy. Health is a wonderful thing and God definitely cares about your well being. I am not one to gainsay the experience of anyone who found their life improved by faith and many spiritual practices can have powerful salutary benefits. But there is another way of understanding the Christian life which is more challenging, and therefore, perhaps, closer to the truth: it is the model of the cross. It is a pathway that leads not toward health and wholeness, but toward a dissolution of everything including our identity and even our ideas about God. We would not necessarily anticipate a person walking this path to find comfort or security. Instead we would expect them to embrace hardship, doubt, and pain. We would expect their faith and spirituality to progressively reveal their brokenness and need. Too often we turn to God, or faith, or the Church because we want to have our life in order. This leads to the expectation that if we have a strong relationship with God our life should look neat and tidy from the outside. So new parents search for a church to join even though they haven’t attended one since High School because it is what responsible parents do. Worshippers put on clean clothes and smile and show a brave face on Sunday morning because that is what they think other Christians act like. We hide our hangovers. We don’t talk about our family drama. We clean up our language. The irony is that we do these things because we want to have a deeper relationship with God and we assume that people who have a strong faith also have orderly and attractive lives. So we try to make our lives look orderly and attractive when other people are watching. But if the Christian life is a bloody, sweaty, uncomfortable road to Calvary then we shouldn’t be surprised that the lives of people of faith are also messy and ugly. The plain truth is that every hero of the faith was a rotten sinner. Every Martin Luther King Jr., every Mother Teresa, every saint living and dead was as messed up as you or I. So when we admire the saints of the church we are not claiming that the ones that went before us in the faith were especially holy or pure or righteous. We are saying that we can learn from their spiritual example precisely because they were flesh and blood like us. They were angry and confused like us. They were envious and selfish like us. They were hot and cold, wild and tame, kind and cruel – like us. Moreover, in striving to follow the same selfdenying Lord that they were striving to follow we do not anticipate daily becoming more perfect and clean. Rather we anticipate a steady exposure of our weakness. Don’t follow Jesus if you want someone to make everything in your life neat and tidy. Follow Jesus if you are willing to mess everything in your life up – to empty yourself of even the illusion of faith, for the sake of the one who emptied himself on the cross. - Aric Bev Jerden nominated as new chair of the Leadership team In February, Jim Haynes resigned from the role of chairperson of the Leadership team due to health concerns. In March, Bev Jerden graciously accepted the nomination as chair to continue the good work Jim and the team have been doing. Bev and husband Jeff are originally from the San Fernando Valley, CA. They have 2 daughters (Natalie and Jacqueline) and 2 grandchildren (Leo and Amelia) They have lived in St. Louis, MO., Eugene and moved to Sherwood in July 1994. Bev has worked in a variety of jobs: record archivist, credit card customer service and collector, dance teacher to name a few. Bev's passions are animals, gardening, music, art, and yoga. She first came to S.U.M.C. for a Christmas Eve service in 2012 and has been back pretty much every Sunday since then. Retired, lonely and bored she found S.U.M.C to be engaging and a comfort. She now considers all the parishioners to be family and cares deeply about each and everyone. A big thanks to Bev for serving the congregation in this way. Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation blanket and layette donations Bev Jerden and I delivered the remainder of the Layettes and toddler blankets to the Virginia Garcia Memorial Foundation in Hillsboro, OR. The new mothers were thrilled to get them. Now Barbara Maplethorpe can "go for more". Many thanks to Joanna Owens, and Beverly Jerden for the many new onesies, We have diapers, bibs, crocheted and knitted hats to start anew for now. I can't tell you all how pleased the recipients are when they see us coming with them. The Virginia Garcia Memorial has a program in Newberg, so that will be the place for our next delivery. — Anne Poe Pentecost, the birthday of the Church Sunday, May 15th is Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. Please remember to wear flame colors (red, orange, yellow) that morning and join us for a celebration of the Holy Spirit! On April 30, SUMC hosted a committee meeting to plan for community meals (open to the public) to be hosted weekly on Thursday nights starting in the summer. Sherwood UMC, Helping Hands, YMCA, St. Francis Hope Diner, Give and Gobble were all represented. Brunch was served at the meeting. Opportunity to travel in the footsteps of St. Paul to Corinth and Ephesus March 14-22, 2017 Rev. Catherine Davis of Newberg United Methodist Church is organizing an exciting program that traces the journey of St. Paul to Ephesus and Corinth. This program includes visits to some of the most important archaeological sites of the world – including the great Acropolis of Athens, the ancient city of Corinth, and the spectacular archaeological part of Ephesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to join a great pastoral leader on a journey of a life time. For more program details and registration materials visit: or call Illume at: 800-368-6757 ex 128 Snapshots Photos by Anne Poe and Bev Jerden A Thank You Letter From Miss Rodeo Oregon Pageant ANNOUNCEMENTS UMW: News and May Meeting We had a great attendance at our April 20 meeting. We were so pleased to have Helen Smith, with her daughter, Lee Johnson, Gerry Harrington, Ruth Rusnak, Joanna Owens, Barbara Pitney, Gail Dunn, Doris Worthey, and Barbara Maplethorpe. The next meeting will be May 18, 11 a.m., at the Sherwood Senior Center. All women are invited. “Penny Jar”: Bus tickets for homeless riders We have $40 toward our goal of $100 in the jar to purchase bus tickets for the homeless folks. Keep on bringing coins when you can. Please continue to pray for the health of Bud Lewis, Jim Haynes and Helen Martin. CALENDAR: Building Use As a service to the community the church building is made available for use by other groups. Here is a calendar of those uses for the month of May. MAY BIRTHDAYS 3 5 8 12 27 Helen Martin Lana Cole Lorene Lewis Odge Gribble Shirlene Guthrie May 25 6:30-8pm YMCA Leadership Team Meetings 1st and 3rd Sundays after worship Meeting Dates This Month: May 1 at 11am May 15 at 11am Give a hand to Helping Hands. Donate food, help with sorting, or volunteer on box packing or distribution days (3rd Sat. of the month), or join us on Mission Sundays! Call Gerry or Dotty Edy for details: (503) 625-7975 SHERWOOD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Reaching out to the hungry: in body or spirit PO Box 127 22280 SW Washington Street Sherwood, Oregon 97140 Tel: 503-625-7115 E-mail: At A Glance for May 2016 Sunday, May 1 at 10:00AM—Worship Church Staff Sunday, May 8 at 10:00AM—Worship Pastor Aric Clark Sunday, May 15 at 10:00AM—Pentecost Worship (Wear Red, Yellow or Orange) Sunday, May 15 at 11:00AM—Leadership Meeting Youth Director Lana Painter Sunday, May 1 at 11:00AM—Leadership Meeting Wednesday, May 18 at 11AM—UMW Saturday, May 21 at 9:30-10:30AM— Helping Hands Food Box Distribution Sunday, May 22 at 10:00AM—Mission Sunday / Potluck Sunday, May 29 at 10:00AM—Worship Pastor Aric’s Office Hours Thursdays 9am-1pm Pianist Cindy Souza Song Leader Eden Francis Administrative Assistant Holly Dhynes