volunteer de-tails - Kentucky Humane Society


volunteer de-tails - Kentucky Humane Society
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
Kentucky Humane Society - Animal Rescue League
241 Steedly Drive
Louisville, KY 40214-2961
Honor a loved one or pet
with a gift to the Kentucky Humane Society.
Call (502) 515-3144 or visit kyhumane.org for details.
Waggin’ Trail success
Mark your calendar for Tuxes & Tails
Gearing up for the ASPCA $100K Challenge
Working together for a special dog
Summer 2011
241 Steedly Drive
Louisville, KY 40214
(502) 366-3355
Adoptions 7 Days a Week, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday-Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
1000 Lyndon Lane, Suite B
Louisville, KY 40222
(502) 272-1070
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Birthday Parties
Behavior Training
(502) 515-3145
(502) 515-3144
(502) 515-3149
(502) 515-3145
(502) 253-2883
13310 Magisterial Drive
Louisville, KY 40223
(502) 253-2221
5225 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40291
(502) 499-1910
2445 Crittenden Drive
Louisville, KY 40217
(502) 636-3491
Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Beth Andrews
Brink Bloembergen
Toni Clem
Gary Clements
Erik Furlan
Marti Hazel
Janet Lively Heberle
Brian Jackson
A. Dale Josey
Steve Kerrick
Karen Krinock
Jeff McGowan
Milicent Meehan
Glenn Price
Terry Rogers
Patti Swope
Marcia E. Terry
Anthony Urbaites
Greg Wellman
Natalie White
Roy Burns, D.V.M.*
Brian Haara*
John Hassmann*
Rick Maynard *
*Advisory Board
The Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) advocates the humane treatment of companion
animals through leadership and proactive solutions to pet overpopulation.
Volunteer Orientation*, 5:30 p.m.
Pet Tales, Noon
16 Adoption Matchmaker Training, 5:30 p.m.
Animal Enrichment, 3:30 p.m.
13 Canine Coach Training, 5 p.m.
Tuxes & Tails, 6:30 p.m.
Volunteer Orientation*, 5:30 p.m
Pet Tales, Noon
Animal Enrichment, 3:30 p.m.
17 Canine Coach Training, 5 p.m.
20 Adoption Matchmaker Training, 5:30 p.m.
Volunteer Orientation*, 5:30 p.m.
Volunteer Orientation* (EC), 5:30 p.m.
Pet Tales, Noon
Animal Enrichment, 3:30 p.m.
15 Canine Coach Training, 5 p.m.
18 Adoption Matchmaker Training, 5:30 p.m.
*Please RSVP to Jennifer Clark to sign up for the
adult volunteer orientation.
Blankets and comforters
Cat and dog food
Cat and dog toys
Cat and dog treats
Cat litter (non-clumping)
Chicken or beef broth
Clothes dryer
Digital cameras
Distilled water
Dog crates
Easy Cheese
Garbage bags
Gasoline gift cards
Grooming supplies
Kong toys
Kuranda dog beds
Latex gloves (large)
Laundry detergent
Paper towels
SnuggleSafe Microwavable Bed Warmers
Vacuum cleaner
View the entire wish list at kyhumane.org.
Drop off items at our Main Campus, East
Campus, Eastpoint Pet Resort, Fern Creek Pet
Resort, S.N.I.P. Clinic, or any of our seven
Feeders Supply adoption sites. All donations
are tax-deductible.
All events are at the Kentucky Humane Society’s Main
Campus unless otherwise noted. For more information
on KHS events and programs, call (502) 366-3355 or
visit kyhumane.org.
The Paw Street Journal is a quarterly publication of the Kentucky Humane Society. Questions or comments may be
addressed to the Public Relations Department at (502) 515-3133 or info@kyhumane.org. Circulation: 12,500
Editors: Erin Clephas and Cara Hicks | Contributing Writers: Kat Rooks
Cover photo by Wayne Bonnett. Other photography by Erin Clephas, Stephanie Dobbins and Wayne Bonnett.
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
The Kentucky Humane Society is a Charity Navigator rated organization. This
rating is a promise and assurance of the highest level of financial stewardship
of your gift.
Purrs and puppy kisses to Donna and Hailey Lane, dedicated animal enrichment
volunteers! This duo has been volunteering at KHS since January of this year, giving
treats, toys and love to all of the animals in the shelter as they await their forever home.
The adoptions staff would like to thank Katie Putnuff for assisting with the adoption
matchmaker program. Since the beginning of the year, Katie has volunteered more than
40 hours with KHS, helping potential adopters find the perfect match for their next pet.
The behavior department extends their thanks to all of the behavior trainers, but would
like to give a special thanks to Heike Purdon. Heike has been volunteering with
the KHS behavior department for more than seven years and is currently helping the
department by teaching extra Manners for Life and Feisty Fido classes. KHS is lucky to
have longtime volunteers like her!
The S.N.I.P. Clinic would like to spotlight volunteer Rebecca Kelly. Rebecca assists
in the office answering phones and scheduling appointments and also with recovery,
helping vet staff as animals finish their surgery. She also put together a binder of helpful
reference information for other office volunteers to use. She is extremely professional
and friendly and has been a great asset to the clinic.
The Kentucky Humane Society relies on the generosity of our wonderful volunteers. From
canine coaches to foster care parents, we couldn’t do it without you!
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer?
Visit kyhumane.org to learn more about available opportunities
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
KHS Staff Answer Your Questions
Q. I’ve been wanting to take my dog out to the park for walks now that the weather
is so lovely. Bruno is really friendly with other dogs and usually comes back when I
call him. Is it ok to let him off leash to play in our public parks?
A. We have a great park system in Louisville and it is wonderful when dog owners
take advantage of it. However, there are some rules of “doggie etiquette” that
(March 2011 - May 2011)
everyone should follow so that all patrons can enjoy our public spaces.
All dogs must be kept on-leash in public. Leash laws exist for public safety. Even
cats and dogs were adopted
at one of our nine permanent
adoption sites. 173 pets found
homes during our March Mania
adoption special March 12-20.
if your dog is friendly, there is no guarantee that all the other dogs you encounter
on a walk share that trait. For some dogs, it can be very scary to be confined on a
leash while a loose dog runs up. This can increase the leashed dog’s anxiety and
can even lead to a fight. Additionally, many people are uncomfortable with dogs
and may react fearfully if approached by an unknown dog.
There are great, safe outlets for your dog to play off-leash. Consider a membership
with the Louisville Dog Run Association. You will have access to safe, enclosed,
off-leash play areas that are frequented by scores of friendly dogs every day. As an
added bonus, you can be sure that any dogs you meet there are up to date on all
their vaccinations.
Just as a reminder, any time you take your dog to a public space for a walk, be sure
to bring bags to clean up your dog’s waste. It is also a great idea to bring water and
a bowl in order to keep your pet hydrated. Finally, consider enrolling in a positive
reinforcement based training class in order to teach your dog loose leash walking
skills so that your outings are safe and enjoyable for you as well as for your furry
Have a question for a KHS expert? Submit it to info@kyhumane.org.
Kat Rooks is the Behavior Leader at the Kentucky
Humane Society. She has been training pets for more
than 10 years. For more pet tips and pet health info,
call (502) 366-3355 or e-mail info@kyhumane.org.
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
pets were spayed or neutered at
our high-quality, low-cost S.N.I.P.
Clinic. The fourth Hooters for
Neuters event in April saw 58
male dogs altered and the May
Neuter-A-Thon fixed 89 male cats.
Since opening in 2007, the clinic
has altered more than 35,000
cats and dogs.
children were reached through
education programs from August
2010 to May 2011. Workshops
were given to 417 Boy Scout
and Girl Scouts and 86 schools,
daycares and community centers
received visits from our education
Lori Kane Redmon, President-CEO
Dear Friend,
Let me begin by saying, “Thank you.” As a private, non-profit that does not depend
on city, state or federal tax dollars, we could not do our work without your support.
If you’ve followed the news lately, you’re probably aware of our decision not to bid
for the contract to run Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS). Before I explain
our decision, I want to address the negativity that has unnecessarily clouded the
atmosphere. Public in-fighting, motive-questioning and name-calling by animal
groups does not help the creatures we want to save. I’ve tried to stay above the fray, not just to protect the good reputation of KHS but, more important, the animals that will be hurt if the public grows weary of sniping by people they
rightly feel should be more worried about dogs and cats than turf battles. Groups like Alley Cat Advocates or Saving
Sunny among many others and the hundreds of volunteers who help everywhere all have this in common: We love
animals. We may have different goals and means of achieving them, but we should never forget that common ground.
After a great deal of deliberation, KHS chose not to bid for LMAS for several reasons: We didn’t believe the city had
a sustainable facilities plan; we were concerned about the lack of an end date for the LMAS’s admittedly inadequate
Manslick facility and no defined plan to raise money for another facility; and the lack of time to implement a plan for
the short-term use of Manslick as well as the appropriate handling of animals (including lifestock and wildlife) in the
current structure.
Instead, we will continue to strengthen our relationship with LMAS and pursue positive relationship with other animal
groups. We will continue to transfer animals from LMAS to our nine adoption sites. We will continue to evaluate animals at LMAS facilities and we will continue reducing the number of dogs and cats sent to all Louisville-area shelters
by offering low-cost spay and neuter services to our community. As the old saying goes, you can get a lot accomplished
when you don’t worry about who gets the credit. We have so many strong organizations and committed individuals in
the Louisville and Southern Indiana area – may the rest of 2011 and beyond see us do an even better job of working
together for the sake of our beloved animals and the communities we serve.
Lori Redman
President, Kentucky Humane Society
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
FROM THE MAILBOX: Sharing “Happy Tails” And More!
King of the Couch
my own — go, go, go! The shelter days
2009. She weighed 54 pounds and was
are long gone for Zeke; he now lives life
so skinny that you could see her ribs
as King of the Couch and is nurtured by
and hip bones. We were told she was
endless amounts of aunts and uncles and
walking down a street with puppies
two very proud grandparents. Zeke also
trailing behind her. Ziva now weighs 95
enjoys the Tempurpedic mattress, along
pounds and is happily living with our
with sharing a pillow with his mommy. I
four other rescues and our cat. Ziva and
can’t be more thankful for the Kentucky
Leon, our Australian Shepherd mix, play
After great amounts of thought and
Humane Society. Not only is Zeke my
constantly in our large yard, but want to
consideration, I decided it was time to
best friend, he’s the love of my life. I
be inside at night to spend time with the
add a pet to my life recently. Wrapping
am forever changed and grateful for his
family. They are all indoor/outdoor pets
up the final year of my undergraduate
presence in my life. I can’t wait for all of
and loved very much. They bring us so
career at University of Louisville, I was
our adventures to come!
much joy. Shelter dogs rock! Thanks to
ready to take on more responsibility and
– Kate Denny
the wonderful people at the Kentucky
dedicate my time and love to a “critter”
Finding the perfect fit
Humane Society for giving these
of some sort. After extended research and
wonderful pets another chance at life.
contemplation, I arrived at the KHS East
– Bonnie & Don Hall
Campus armed with the names of three
dogs I wanted to meet. The second I met
Cadence (now known as “Zeke”), I fell in
love. He was a “Black Pearl”, and was on
sale, being a black dog over the age of
two-years-old. He was a wild child from
We adopted our German Shepherd
day one, and I couldn’t help but adore
named Ziva, formerly Selina, at the
the fact that his mentality matched that of
Kentucky Humane Society in July
Send your story, letter and/or
photographs to info@kyhumane.org, and
they may be published! Please make
the subject line “From the Mailbox”
and include your name, address and
telephone number. Letters may be edited
for clarity and space.
Become a Kentucky Humane Society Foster Parent
This year, hundreds of orphaned kittens, puppies, dogs and cats will need a temporary home
for a few days or weeks. YOU can make a difference in the number of animals we save. Open
your home and your heart...temporarily.
Call (502) 366-3355 to learn more.
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
Main Campus Grand Reopening
The public gathered at the recently renovated Kentucky Humane Society Main Campus on May 14 to view and tour our beautiful
and newly renovated facility for its Grand Reopening! The $2.3 million construction project had been underway for nearly two
years, as animals and staff members alike were shuffled around to accommodate construction.
All of the time spent under construction is well worth it now, as attendees of the Grand Reopening could clearly see. Animals are
now housed in areas with better ventilation systems and more easily cleaned cages. Several “cat colonies” are available so that
the kitties can openly roam and stretch their legs. Even the lobby and adoption area have been improved. The area is more open
and welcoming, and the old carpet was removed and replaced with more sensible (for an animal shelter) laminate flooring.
The KHS Leadership Team proudly cut the ribbon on the improved Main Campus and invited the public for tours of the facility,
kids’ activites, demonstrations, promotions and more! We are thrilled the public can see how far we have come and how well the
animals are treated as soon as they enter our doors.
If you still haven’t seen visited the “new” Main Campus, please come by to take a look – and maybe even take home a new fourlegged friend as well!
Special thanks to 102.3 The Max for helping us bring people to our doors.
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
Donna Broster
by Ms. Elaine Scholl-Iglecia
Doris Elder
by Carrie Grigg
Gary Weiss & Claudia Sanders
by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schneider
by Mrs. Edith P. Henchey
by Ms. Patricia Roland
In honor of Rick Maynard & all of
the work he does for you all
by Mrs. Nancy Smith
by Mr. Overton C. Stivers
Kathryn L. Hutson
by Dr. Scott Hutson
Katie Bug & Lucy
by Ms. Rosemary Gardner
Kelly Johnston Lawson & Bill
by The Johnston Family
Mr. & Mrs. Emery Dean Curlee
by Carol McCracken & Ann
Mr. Mark Hundley’s birthday
by Dr. Christina Whitfield
Lacie & Gracie
by Mr. Mark A. Gittings
Laura Dunbar
by Thomas E. Dunbar
by Mr. Wallace H. Dunbar
Ms. Margaret Sutton
by Robert Brown
Patches, my newly adopted dog
from KHS in Lyndon
by Ms. Judy B. Hoge
Lila & Lacy Stuedle
by Penny Pugby
Madge Wilson
by Coldwell Banker McMahan Co.
Puzzle & Peas
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Stevens III
Thelma Tolakis
by Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Disney Jr.
Valerie Merrifield
by Kim & Jimmy Broecker
Robby Durning’s Birthday
by Mrs. Dianna Horn
Sadie Mae
by Ms. Elizabeth Potts
Matt Borden’s birthday
by Beth Wright
Michael Devereaux’s 65th
by Mrs. Sharon Muller
Spencer & Sidney
by Ms. Debbie F. McCarty
Mike McNutt
by Kim & Jimmy Broecker
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Stevens III
Miss Adrianna Lauber
by Miss Greer Fischer
by Ms. Mary Faith Campbell
Stephanie & Nicole Walsh
by Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. O’Hern
Suzanne Adams & William
Thompson’s marriage
by Kim Mitchell
Did you adopt a new canine baby from the Kentucky Humane Society?
We can help him make some friends!
Try Doggie Daycare for FREE
and let him come home “dog tired!”
“Daycare is great! Maggie gets lots of interaction with people and other dogs. When she comes
home, she is a tired, well-behaved pup.” – Laura Gibson, Maggie’s Mom
Schedule a playdate today!
Eastpoint Pet Resort (502) 253-2221
Fern Creek Pet Resort (502) 499-1910
East Campus (502) 272-1070
Expires 9/1/11. Not valid with any other offers. Some restrictions may apply.
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
17th Waggin’ Trail Walk for the Animals
Raises Over $90,000!
The 17th Annual Waggin’ Trail Walk for the Animals was a success yet again, with
almost 600 runners and walkers participating in the event! With your generous help,
KHS raised over $90,000 to support our life-saving mission programs of adoption,
spay/neuter and education. And we had a great time doing it with games, contests,
music, amazing vendors and adorable adoptable animals! Dogs of every shape and
size were there – from Maltese puppies to mutts – to complete the walk in support of
the animals.
Congratulations go to “Jamie’s Team” from KFC/YUM! Brands for being our top
fundraising team. This special team raised nearly $14,000 to help the animals at
KHS! Thanks so much for the hard work and extra efforts that made your amazing
Top fundraising individual
Glenn Price
Top fundraising team
“Jamie’s Team” KFC/Yum! Brands
Fastest male (without dog)
John Campbell
Fastest male (with dog)
Nicholas Hettitch
contribution possible.
The Waggin’ Trail was sponsored by Hill’s Science Diet with support from Feeders
Supply, 24PetWatch, Footworks, 102.3 The Max, FOX 41, Petango and TailsInc.
Special thanks to emcee Tommy Lee and Grand Marshall Barry Bernson.
Fastest female overall
Deborah Fletcher
Fastest youth female (under 14)
Isabel Kaiser
Fastest youth male (under 14)
Patrick Smalley
Top fundraising team
“Jamie’s Team” KFC/Yum! Brands
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
What’s Happening at KHS
Tuxes & Tails is August 27th!
Jennifer Bailys
Suzanne Wright and Sam Swope
Don’t miss the party for the area’s oldest and largest animal welfare group. Join fellow
friends of the Kentucky Humane Society for a night on the town with dining, dancing, live
and silent auctions, adoptable pets and more!
This year’s Tuxes & Tails black tie event will have a Las Vegas theme. But don’t worry –
what happens at Tuxes & Tails, stays at Tuxes & Tails.
The benefit and gala begins at 6 p.m. with a silent auction, followed by dinner, a live
auction, and music provided by DJ Reggie Reg.
Major Scott Rohwede and Tiffany Fults
Last year, the event raised nearly $150,000 to help fund mission programs including
adoptions, education and spay/neuter efforts. Tickets are only $150 each, or $1,800 for a
corporate table (8 seats) for a full evening of fun – all to help the animals. Sponsorships are
also available.
To buy tickets or for more
details, visit kyhumane.org
or call (502) 515-3147.
Taking on the ASPCA $100K Challenge!
The Kentucky Humane Society is one of 50 shelters in the nation gearing up to take on the
ASPCA $100K Challenge! In a short three month period - August to October - we’ve set
the agressive goal to save at least 300 more lives than we did in those same three months
last year. If we have a greater increase in lives saved than the other 49 contestants, we win
$100,000 to continue our proactive, lifesaving work. In the coming month, we’ll roll-out
our plan to increase adoptions and help more pets find loving, permanent homes. But we
can’t do this without your help! Help us spread the word about the adoption option and
encourage your family, friends and co-workers to visit our shelters and adoption sites to
become involved. Your support will help us achieve this goal!
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
Animal groups come together to help a
special dog find her special family
Elsie was a sweet but aloof American Bulldog lost in a sea of animals at Louisville
Metro Animal Services. Pure white and completely deaf but with lots of energy to
spare, Elsie would have been difficult to adopt into an appropriate home able to
deal with her unique issues. Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) Behavior Leader Kat
Rooks saw Elsie as a diamond in the rough and transferred her to KHS for additional
training and to be fostered.
Kat began to harness and focus Elsie’s energy with some basic behavior training.
Since she wasn’t able to utilize her usual clicker training method due to Elsie’s lack
of hearing, Kat instead used a hand signal when she exhibited positive behavior in
place of the usual “click.”
“Elsie caught on quite quickly to the hand signals related to her good behavior,” says Kat. “I do exactly the same thing I would do
when clicker training. She exhibits the desired behavior, I give her the hand signal (click) and she gets a treat!”
While working on her training, Kat fostered Elsie in her office so that she could receive more personal care. With her big
lumbering legs and the energy of a puppy (even at two-years-old), Elsie was quite the handful! But she quickly became a staff
favorite as everyone helped her learn to be the best pup she could be. While KHS was waiting for placement with a bulldog
rescue group, Saving Sunny volunteers heard about this sweet girl and knew of a possible perfect home for her. Saving Sunny put
Kat in touch with Amanda Meyer, who had been actively looking for a playmate for her young Pit Bull.
“We had met with a few other dogs and it just didn’t seem to be a fit,” Amanda said. “As soon as we came to the Humane Society
that day and saw Elsie, we fell in love.”
Amanda and her husband John have many other rescues in their home, including two dogs (Hailey, a Pit Bull, and Blythe, a
Border Collie mix), four cats and a 17-year-old horse! Elsie and Hailey have become fast friends and are perfect playmates! Blythe
is in her golden years at 11-years-old and Elsie has learned that perhaps she is rarely in the mood for playtime. She has also made
a game of playfully chasing the four kitties around the house, though Amanda and John are teaching her that this isn’t the greatest
idea either.
“We’re also working with her so that she can learn ASL (American Sign Language) signs for going outside and other things,”
Amanda said. She can relate to Elsie’s disability as she is half deaf and blind herself. Her ex-fiancé fired a gun at her head, leaving
her completely deaf and blind on her right side. But she tremendously survived the incident and, because of it, strives to care for
the helpless animals that require just a little extra special effort.
Elsie’s story is a wonderful one about what can happen when the animal agencies in our community work together. Because of
this network, Elsie found a wonderful home with amazing parents and lots of furry brothers and sisters.
Congratulations Elsie!
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
by The Kentucky Board of
Landscape Architects
by Lisa & Henry Austin
by Meredith & Eleanore Brown
by Barb, Beth & Andy Carter
by The Physicians & Staff of East
Louisville Pediatrics
by Tom Johnson, Cindy James,
Nick Johnson, Dan Johnson &
Caroline Johnson
by The Regional Office of the
Division of Waste Management
by Dennis Neyman & Ellen
by Betsy & Mark Prussian & the
doctors & staff of The Eye Care
by Ms. Melanie McCool
by St. Francis High School
by Dan Forte
by From GS&P’s Marketing
Department (Rebecca Baldwin,
Ellie Throop, Layton Meng,
Jennifer Duncan, Keri Phillips,
Catherine Loftis, Annie Huitt,
Evie Miller, Dina Amin, Chip
Jordan & Mandy Linthicum)
by Sarah Polito
by QK4 Architecture &
by Denise Greenway
by Lisa & Wyatt Ware
by Foresite Realty Management
Sarah Temple
by William Timmer
Savannah Grace Stuedle
by Penny Pugby
Sheila Ray
by Ms. Sheri Ray
Sylvia Hillard
by Jefferson Manor
by Mr. Ron J. Caravan
Sherry Levine
by Ms. Michelle E. Ray
by Ms. Cynthia K. Moter
Shiloh, loving cat of Pam & Terry
by Ms. Pamela Thieneman
by Ms. Frances G. Smith
Sparky & Guido - our beloved
by Mrs. Anna C. Hummel
by Ms. Terry Derting
Terri Gagel
by Eric Cinnamond
by Don, Tom, Shaun, Laura,
Suzanne & Scarlett
by Ms. Melissa Green
by Brittany Moore
by Ms. Joyce Rogers
by Doris, Clyde & David Green
by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Vogel
William Evans
by Ms. Deborah L. Duffy
William Leo Smith Sr.
by Ms. Donna F. Smith
by Ms. Carrie Fraser
Xena, our beloved tabby
by Kathleen Jordan
In Honor of….
Tiffany Jo Curtis
by Ms. Nancy C. Reece
Angie Bannon’s birthday
by Ms. Mandy Mullins
by Ms. Sally Ladd
Annie Friedman’s Birthday
by Mary E. Fullerton
by Sam & Rhonda Hail
Stanley, beloved dog of Geneva
by John & Melanie Murphy
Trapper, beloved pet of Marie
by James & Jacquelyn Craig
by Mr. & Mrs. Brian Haara
Stella Sager
by Louise, Sophie & Allen
Trey Blincoe
by Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Karman
Suggie & Rusty
by Ms. Dimple Whitlow
by Dr. Constance J. Parrish
Bill Phelps
by David, Becky, William, John &
by Susan & Don Revell
by Mary Zimmerman
by Ms. Sally Ladd
Susanne Price
by TOPS Kentucky #182
W. Bruce James
by Mr. Byron J. Butler
by Jerome A. Crimmins
by Ms. Bettye G. Duckworth
by Col. Alan Schmitt
Courtney Howell-Kidd
by Ms. Frances Tucker
by Ms. Stacy Fry
Betty Sarniak
by Ms. S. J. Hall
Cretchen & Grace
by Ms. Lorie Jacobs
Make a Difference for the Animals
$50 provides one day’s worth of food and water for 25 needy pets in our
$100 provides supplies for 10 spay/neuter surgeries at the S.N.I.P. Clinic.
$250 provides a medical exam, vaccinations, flea/tick preventatives,
microchipping and spay/neuter surgery for one homeless cat or dog.
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
If you’d like to see YOUR name in print, fill out the donation envelope & mail it in today!
The Kentucky Humane Society would like to thank the following donors
$500 or more between January 1 and March 31, 2011.
M.S. Akaydin Jr. M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. David Heimerdinger
Ms. Mary E. Herche
Mr. Brink Bloembergen
Hilliard Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks H. Bower
Ms. Joan Hoeck
Cece Brown
Gabriella Hoffman Irrevocable Trust
Mr. Charles K. Brown
Dr. Jayne Hollander M.D.
Ms. Meredith Brown
O.H. Irvine Estate
The Johnston Family Foundation
Mr. Gregory D. Carmichael
The Honorable Order of Kentucky
Mr. Matthew C. Conway
Ms. Ann D. Crane
Frances Masser M.D. Charitable Trust
Ms. Betty Dabney Brown
Allen S. Mattingly Trust
Ms. Kimberly D. Deel
Mrs. Mary McClean
Thomas E. Dunbar
Network For Good
Mr. Wallace H. Dunbar
Ms. Jeanne H. Oikawa
Feeders Supply Co.
One Stroke Inks
Fern Creek High School
Park Community Federal Credit
Footworks, Inc.
Ms. Barbara E. Greenberg
Mrs. Mary Parker
Ms. Marlene Harbold
Mrs. Rosemary Phillips
for their generous contributions of
Susan & Gary Pyles
Lori & Kevin Redmon
Republic Bank & Trust
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Scheler
Mr. George Shaughnessy
Mrs. Penelope Susan Sims
Mr. James Slattery
Ms. Patti Swope
Mrs. Yau Tam
Elizabeth C. Thomas Fund
Ms. Suzie Thompson
R.M. Tichenor Fund
Mr. Clell Turney
UBS Employee Giving Program
Mrs. Judy Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Whitworth Jr.
Mr. Roscoe Willett
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Woosley
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
The following people donated $25 or more in honor or memory of a loved one between January 1 and March 31, 2011.
In Memory of….
by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Petito
by Ms. Lynda L. Akridge
Adrienne Michelle Reed
by Clint & Doris Reed, Harry
& Bev Reed, Joyce & Anthony
Brown & David & Diane Reed
Alane McDonald
by Donald & Carol Frakes
Alex LaRue, beloved cat of Sue
by Ms. Tammy S. Woodburn
by Ms. Sherry A. Gee
by Laura, Anne & Dean Burgiss
B.J. Gray
by Raycom Sports Network, Inc.
Baby Kitty
by Amber Johnson
by Brian, Suzanne, Colton &
by Ms. Huyett Hurley & Mr. John
A. Bugbee
Betty Ann Filburn
by Toyota Manufacturing of
by Pat, Susan & Jan
Betty Eckdahl, my Mother
by Mr. Henry Balke
Betty Fife
by Reid Real Estate Company
by Brenda & Grace
Betty Jean Emert, my wife
by Mr. Benny Emert
Betty J Riley
by Ms. Connie Bartlebaugh
by Peter & Tyler Burkhart
by Ms. Martha Heavrin
by Ms. Betty S. Larson
by Ms. Sharon W. Leahy
by Sandra Price
Billie G. Pickerill, my wife
by Mr. William H. Pickerill Jr.
Bishop, beloved dog of Ashley &
Darren Porcello
by Ms. Sally Levy
Brenda Sondey Singleton
by Debbie Perdue
by Ms. Margaret E. Keane
by Ms. Katie Hurley
Buddy Feiock
by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Feiock
Buster, beloved companion of
Lynn Cralle & Rodney Hatfield
by Guy & Denise Furnish
Caleb, our faithful Bichon
by Mr. & Mrs. David Nakdimen
Caroline Sams
by Ms. Bonnie Hopkins
by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mann
by Mr. & Mrs. Connie Percosky
by Thomas & Lindora Willard
Carolyn M. Smith
by Mr. Lewis T. Jones
by David & Cara Ritz
by Mr. Allen J. Corbin
Cathy Owens
by Ms. Janice H. Blach
by Ms. Michelle E. Ray
Cha-Cha who ruled with an iron
by Ellen & George Behrend
Buster Simmons
by Dr. Karen Lazas
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org
Chan - my beloved chow
by Ms. Dorothy G. Butler
Charles Gavin Winkler
by Aunt Ann & Uncle Brad
by Ms. Meredith Brown
by Christy Llewellyn
by Summit Academy of Greater
Louisville, Inc.
Eddie Woosley
by Dr. Karen Lazas
James D. Ford
by Kentuckiana Allergy P.S.C.
Edith Walker
by Ms. Anne Smith
James Harmon
by The Family of Adam Rudy
Edna McGarry
by Ms. Kathleen M. Mahoney
James L. “Buddy” Morris III
by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kegley
Cheryl Ann Martin
by Bowling Green Warren
County AARP Chapter 1967
by Paul & Pat Nicholson
by Ms. Elizabeth Weimer
by Jamie, Bill & Gail
by Jennifer Durand & the entire
ASI staff
by Mr. William L. Young
Elizabeth Oney Faversham
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hirsch
Jamie Louise Yater
by Catherine & Anne Clark
by Ms. Heather S. Hurley
by Arizona KFC Advertising
by Vanessa Calvert
by Hillcrest Community Assoc.,
by Mr. James G. Hodge
by Megan & Mike Isaac
by Kentucky Fried Chicken
by L.Thorn Company, Inc.
by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Locke
by Rick & Gina Maynard
by Mr. Nick McDowell
by Robert McNutt & Terrell
by Carol & John Orser
by Ms. Ann Ouimet
by Mark Ruckman
by Ms. Risa N. Strawhecker
by Carrie Transue
by Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
by Ms. Rachel M. Zigman
by Ms. Meredith Brown
by Sandy & Brandon Gutermuth
by Aunt Joanie
by Zach Zinser & Jeanne
by The KFC Marketing
Clarence (Fred) Frederick
by Ms. Vivian Marchand
Coalstar & PJ
by Mr. & Mrs. Clifton E.
Haggermaker Jr.
Daniel Estes
by Mrs. Jamie K. Estes
David Averill
by Iroquois High School MCA
by Ms. Celia Lawrence
by Ms. Lisa Arnold
Emma, in her life she brought
love & laughter. I will miss her.
Love, Nancy
by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nance
Eugene A. Miller
by Mr. & Mrs. Harold Boston
Florence & Andrew Foster
by Rosemary Phillips
by Ms. Jane Meagher
by Joey & Barbara Bailey
Gilbert, beloved dog of Ange
by Ms. Sally Levy
Dempsy Rubin
by Dr. & Mrs. Charles Sarasohn
Ginny the dog Hulsman
by Ms. Elizabeth Wolfe
by David Porters
Goldie Gupte
by Ms. Seema Gupte
Diane Bosler
by Ms. Susan H. Boroughs
Hope, a wonderful dog
by Ms. Judy B. Hoge
Dolores Wehner
by Linda & Jeff Patton
by Robert Elizondo
In memory of Gomez, a great
by Scott Grimwood
Jaime Meyers
by Jane, Sara & Brad & Callie
Dooley - beloved pet of Lynda
by Ms. Julie Lamkin
by Ms. Marilyn Whisler
Dylan Wiseman
by Noel Tyler Schulman
Earl Douglas Singer
by Replacements, LTD
by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ulmer
Jake, Tasha, Bailey, Abby & Tara
by Ms. Joy L. Bauer
James Cochrane
by Del Marie & Angelo Rocco
www.kyhumane.org | (502) 366-3355
Janice Washaleski
by Ms. Wanda Ernst
by Ms. Mary Catherine Evers
by Fincastle Heights Mutual
Ownership Corporation
by Charles Koser & Lynn Earl
by Mr. & Mrs. Bob Loran
by Bryan & Jaylynn Reeves
Jeff Payne
by Ms. Debra C. Hall
by Ms. Bonnie King
by Mr. Ron A. Payne
by Ms. Mary Leenerts
Jeffrey Vaughn
by Mr. Gary I. Mackey
by Bill Ariens
by Ed, Jeannine & Carrie Wiley
Jenny Prewitt
by Rob & Sherrie Hall
Jerry Roma
by Preferred Staffing
Jessica Grenier
by The Ford Louisville Assembly
Skilled Trades
JoAnn Morton
by Mrs. Sharon L. Epperson
John Clinton Mouser
by Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Winkler
Josh Mullikin
by Cathy & Bob Elstone
by Ms. Tiffany Granzow
Julius Morgan
by Steve & Kim Smith
by Gini Z. Reckner
by Ms. Lisa S. Bishop
Ken Smith
by Ms. E. R. Denton
Kenneth Sego
by Mr. Christopher Sego
by Ms. Tammy Naples
by Alan Linker, Deborah Martin,
Robert Waterman & Michael
Larry Garcia
by Ms. Sharla Jones
Laura Sinkhorn
by Mr. Kent Ishen
by Diane Jeffries
by Ms. Keri Phillips
by Mrs. Donna M. Sinkhorn
by Mr. Daniel Thomas
by Rick & Ronnie Holtman
Leah Maddox
by Clint, Amy & Sonya
Miss Dash, Grace & Ellie Mac
by Ms. Bessie Weatherman
Pickles - the cat that smiled
by Ellen & George Behrend
Lloyd E. Gross
by Dorothy L. Francis
Mitchell Neff
by Ms. Sandra M. Callahan
by Ms. Ellen Bowles
Pickles & Motzi
by Ms. Dorothy J. Galatz
Lois Burkel Garling
by Dr. Ben Taylor
by Chenoweth Animal Hospital
by Ms. Linda Dierking
by Ms. Eva L. Bailey
Luis Guillermo Espejo Villate
by Jill Baird
Lynn B. Snyder
by Ms. Polly DeDad
Making this donation in the
name of a young man who died
much too soon.
by Mr. & Mrs. Jon Henney
Mark D. Brown
by Ms. Susan M. Brown
Mark Tassie
by Ms. Roberta Tassie
Mom, Shadow, Heidi, Mac &
by Ms. Jane Osborne
Rambo, our Pom
by Mr. & Mrs. James Caswell
Mr. Lee Simpson
by Ms. Alma Lacefield
Ray Pearigen, my uncle
by Carrie Ciaverelli
Mrs. B.J. Gray
by Theodore & Sally Johnson
Raymond Madras
by Ms. Wendy Burns
by Frances H. Miller
Mrs. Etta Wathen
by Ms. Angie White
Mrs. Nanette Wiser
by Carole L. Miller
Myra Parr Shelden
by Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Parr
Nanny Floyd
by David & Debbie Bowles &
Mary “Mamie” Bramer
by Ms. Brandy Clark
by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Riley
Mary E. Huff
by Lisa M. McDowell
by Ms. Margaret K. McDowell
Norman E. Widmer Jr. my son
by Ms. Janice Widmer
Mary O’Hern
by Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. O’Hern
Max & Buffy
by Derrick Drake
Maxxie, our beloved dog
by Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bloom
Mayme McClure Hendrix
by Women of the Moose
McIntosh “Mac”
by Joey & Barbara Bailey
by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Perdue
Moses, loving companion of the
Orberson family
by Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Mater
Marvin Pinaire
by Lyle & Betsy Donahew
Mary Frances “Mamie” Bramer
by Ron & Donna Holloway
Precious Abby
by Ms. Elizabeth Hundley
Olga Delores Wehner
by Ms. Carol A. LeBourveau
by David & Susan Malcom
by QK4 Architecture &
by Mr. Morris Schorr
Patti Maddern
by Rancho Cucamonga
Equestrian Patrol
by Mr. & Mrs. Bob Schutte
Pete the cat
by Ms. Brenda Green
by Mrs. Penelope Susan Sims
Rick Brand III
by Karen & Dan Friedman
Rick Hutchison
by Bonnie & Martin Biemer
by Ms. Barbara A. Gallander
by Karin & Mike Jackson
by JCPS Materials Production
by Donna McGee
by The 18th ABN Corps Battle
Command Training Center
Rick Jones
by Ms. Pat Smiser
Robert “Bobby” George
by Greg, Karen & Pam Gabriel
by Tom & Kim Dooley
by Ann Kegebein
by Mr. Steve Hattemer
by Mr. Leo Naiser
by Ms. Kris Searcy
Ron Brown
by Dr. Sherri Brown
by Ms. Teresa Brown
by Sharon & Kenneth Rush
by Ms. Pamela Ann Bryan
Rudy & Jake
by Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Burnstein
Rudy, beloved dog of Charlie &
Mary Mattingly
by Mr. John Selent
Sam Cutliff & Ree Ree
by Ms. Mary R. Cutliff
Samuel Burris Henney
by Mark & Laurie Adams
by Ms. Louise Allen
by Ms. Cindy Armstrong
by Bardenwerper, Talbott &
Roberts PLLC
by Pam & Dick Bloom
by Fairleigh, Lisa & Caroline
by Dane & Ginny Brown
by Mr. & Mrs. Dan Carmichael
by Ms. Martha Deno
by Dr. & Mrs. Bobby Deweese
by Marcia Dorman
by Ms. Ann S. Dyke
by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Faulkner
by Ms. Katherine D. Fishback
by Dan & Jenny Garst
by Steve & Jane Gray
by Paul Gruner
by Ms. Gail Haynes
by Mr. Evan Hilbert
by Home Builders Association of
by Stephen & Sissy Kulinski
by Ms. Janet L. Lindeman
by Mr. Hunter G. Louis
by Ms. Zina Merkin
by Penelope T. Morton
by Ms. Katherine D. Peterson
by Yair & Nira Riback
by Ms. Ann Richard
by Matt & Emalee (Listerman)
by Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rissler
by Joe & Bobbie Rouben
by Mr. Richard Roy
by Doug & Mike Russell
by Jordan Rutherford
by Nancy D. Schneider
by Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schulte
by Mr. Robert F. Smith Jr.
by St. Francis School
by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Streever
by The Students & Staff at St.
Francis High School
by The Academy Tutoring
by Ms. Mary T. Tierney
by Erin Waters
by Ms. Sarah Wolff
by Sherry Wyleta
(502) 366-3355 | www.kyhumane.org