April 21, 2013 - www.stampk.org – Saint Thomas Aquinas Church
April 21, 2013 - www.stampk.org – Saint Thomas Aquinas Church
St. Thomas Aquinas Church Iglesia Católica Romana 1501 South Atlantic Boulevard Monterey Park, California 91754 April 21, 2013 Parish Information Parish Office: (323) 264-4447 Chinese Ministry Office: (323) 264-4448 Fax: (323) 264-2524 General Email: sta91754@gmail.com Parish Website: STAMPK.ORG Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM (English) Fr. Jay Wu—sta.assocpastor@gmail.com 8:00 AM (English) 9:30 AM (Chinese) 11:30 AM (English) 1:30 PM (Spanish) Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:00 AM Friday 7:00 PM Holy Days As Announced Lorraine Melendez—stamanager1@gmail.com Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:00 PM Fr. John Kyebasuuta— stapastor@gmail.com Administrator Pro Tempore—Ext. 108 Associate Pastor—Ext. 106 General Manager—Ext. 103 Linda Almaguer—sta91754@gmail.com Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper—Ext. 102 Sherry Tsai—stachinese@gmail.com Chinese Ministry Staff Support—Ext. 104 Cathy Pang– stachinese@gmail.com Chinese Ministry Admin. Support—Ext. 105 Safeguard The Children Carmen Austria—626-993-4933 School Information School Office: (323) 261-6583 Fax: (323) 261-5972 General Email: sta91754@aol.com School Website: www.stacatholicschool.org Marina De La Rosa— staeagles@yahoo.com Principal Renee Torres—sta91754@aol.com Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper Sunday Sacraments Infant Baptisms: 2nd Saturday-10 AM English Spanish & Chinese baptism by request only. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Religious Education/Confirmation: Please contact the Religious Education office at (323) 264-1338. Weddings: Please make arrangements with the parish office at least 6 months prior to desired date. Anointing of the Sick and/or Communion: Anointing mass is held every fifth Saturday. Hospitalized or long-term homebound, please contact the parish office. Quinceañeras: Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 21, 2013 OUR PARISH FAMILY NEWS Fiesta 2013 Going on NOW! Come Join the FUN!! After months of planning, our fabulous Fiesta is finally here. This is our ST. THOMAS AQUINAS major fund raiser for the year, proceeds from our Fiesta help subsidize our operating budget and benefits our parish community ministry and outreach programs. Your support is very much appreciated. Delicious Food, Fun Rides, Games, and Wonderful Entertainment are part of our exciting 2013 Fiesta. The Raffle is essential to the overall success of our Fiesta. Raffle tickets will be accepted at our information booth until 7 PM on Sunday night. Return your tickets early to be part of our hourly drawings which will be held for cash prizes, winner must be present for hourly drawings. This year’s headliner entertainment is “Barela”, popular throughout So. Cal. Barela has opened for top bands such as “Tower of Power” and “Malo”. Grab your dance shoes and get ready to dance all weekend long! By popular demand, The Tuxedo Junction Orchestra will be back on Sunday afternoon. Boogie woogie and swing dancers come prepared to “groove”. Invite your family and friends! FRIDAY, APRIL 19TH 6:00 PM OPENING CEREMONY 7:00 PM “THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY!” BACK TO DISCO 12:00 PM SATURDAY, APRIL 20TH SALESIAN MUSTANG HIGH SCHOOL ROCK’N ROLL 1:00 PM SALESIAN MUSTANG HIGH SCHOOL MARIACHI 4:30 PM PURE ROCK STUDIOS ALL STAR BAND 6:30 PM BARELA SUNDAY, APRIL 21ST 11:00 AM CHINESE COMMUNITY 2:00 PM THE TUXEDO JUNCTION ORCHESTRA CONDUCTED BY JOE MAY 4:00 PM STA SCHOOL PERFORMANCE 6:00 PM THE HOUSE OF ROCK (TEEN BAND) 8:00 PM RAFFLE DRAWING! Jay Walking Reminder Warning: Parking Tickets will be Issued For your safety we would like to remind you that jay walking across Atlantic Blvd. is dangerous and illegal. Last year the police department issued tickets to violators. Please use the crosswalk at the corner of El Repetto & Atlantic Blvd. Parking on Sunrise and El Repetto streets are designated as “permit parking only”. Please keep this in mind during our Fiesta this weekend. 2 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 21, 2013 SHARED LEADERSHIP With Sincere Gratitude for your Response April Prevent Child Abuse Month My Dear Parishioners, This past weekend a finance council representative and I appealed to you for financial support of our parish. I am very grateful to your response. We were able to contribute $3019 to Together in Mission. We are slowly meeting our goal, and compared to last year we are a bit ahead. I thank you for your response. Your response to the Sunday collection appeal is also very evident and much appreciated. As you see we received $8,036 this past weekend alone. Thank you very much. May your generosity be rewarded in so many ways. Enjoy the parish fiesta and will see you same time next weekend. Fr. John. Capital Campaign Update Good news from the building committee We received approval from the Archdiocese to start the bidding process, once we have receive approval from the city of Monterey Park. Revised plans have been submitted. The date of our ground breaking is getting closer. Please visit the information booth if you need more information about this project. Thanks for your commitment to building our new parish hall. Many Blessings, The Capital Campaign Committee Members First Friday April 5, 2013 “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 9:00 am – 6:30 pm - Eucharistic Adoration 6:00 pm – Rosary 6:30 pm – Prayers in front of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction 7:00 pm – Mass, refreshments to follow. Adoration signup sheet can be found by the tabernacle. During the month of April we request all ministers, parish volunteers, paid staff and anyone who may come into contact with our youth to recommit to adhering to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Guidelines for Adults interacting with Minors by signing your annual commitment form. The forms can be found with all mass coordinators, in the sacristy and the parish office. Child Abuse Prevention Update From STA Safeguard the Children Committee We strive to increase and maintain a safe environment for all parishioners especially for our children. Following is a list of some of the programs we have put in place to increase awareness of “Prevent Child Abuse Month” and enhance the safety of our children: • • • • • • • • Ongoing training and tracking of all staff and volunteers On-site fingerprinting sessions Distribute information at our fiesta Set up cones in our playground when school is in session Increase cameras for monitoring Educate parents on safety Distribute handouts bimonthly Add information to our website Please stop by the information booth at our fiesta to obtain information on our Safeguard the Children program. We welcome suggestions to help us continue to maintain a safe environment for all children. The St. Thomas Aquinas Safeguard the Children Committee: Fr. John Kyebasuuta – Admin. Pro Tempore Carmen Austria – Chairperson Marina De La Rosa – School Principal Elsa Jimenez – Director of Religious Education Esther Hwang – Chinese Religious Education 3 Lorraine Melendez – General Manager TWENTY-NINTH FOURTH SUNDAY SUNDAY OF EASTER IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER APRIL 21, 2013 2012 PRAYER AND REFLECTION SATURDAY, APRIL 20TH–FIESTA 7:00 am– FIESTA OPEN GROUNDS 8:00 am– MASS 5:30 pm– MASS MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2013– SUNDAY, APRIL 21ST– 8:00 am – MASS – English 9:30 am – MASS – Chinese 11:30 am – MASS – English 1:30 pm – MASS – Spanish 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS 5:30 pm STA PARISHIONERS 8:00 am JESUS GONZALEZ (D) MONDAY, APRIL 22ND7:00 pm– St. Vincent De Paul– Parish Office TUESDAY, APRIL 23RD– 8:00 am– MASS 9:00 am– Legion of Mary English-Dining Room 9:30 am STA PARISHIONERS 11:30 am ANSELMO VAZQUEZ (D) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH– 7:00 pm– English Bible Study-Parish Office TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013- SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2013– MARY ANN RANGEL (D) 1:30 pm 8:00 am THURSDAY, APRIL 25TH8:00 am– MASS 4:00 pm– School Open House-Open Grounds/School 6:00 pm– Adult Faith Formation- Parish Office/Church 6:00 pm– Legion of Mary-Patricians– Parish office FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH– 5:30 pm– School Movie Night-Open Grounds 7:00 pm–MASS 7:30 pm– Legion of Mary– Mandarin-Parish Office 7:30 pm–Chinese Bible Study-Classroom 5 8:00 pm– Chinese Youth Bible Study-Dining Room 8:00 pm– Legion of Mary– Cantonese-Parish Office SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH– 8:00 am– MASS 9:00 am– Religious Education Retreat-Various 9:00 am– Tutoring Program-Classrooms 2:00 pm– Sweet 16-Church 5:30 pm– MASS 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 20137:00 pm CHAN SHI (D) SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013– 8:00 am STA PARISHIONERS 5:30 pm CARLOS SANCHEZ (D) FOR MASS INTENTIONS CALL THE PARISH OFFICE April 21—April 28 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: IN GRATITUDE TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED OUR PARISH Friday: Saturday: Sunday: with your contributions on: $8,036.00 Thank you for your continued support of our Parish! STA PARISHIONERS THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013– KEEP IN PRAYER Sefo Petero, Felicitas Pimentel, Daniel Ramirez, Esther Ramirez, Robert Ramirez, Jean Rashoff, Jessie Marie Reyes, Andrea Reynoso, Andrew Rivera, Armendo Rivera, Lydia Robles, Camerina S. Rodriguez, Gerry & Mary Rodriguez, and Mary Rosales. APRIL 13 & 14: GILBERT GALLEGOS (D) Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 6:15-20 Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 READ & REFLECT ON THE SCRIPTURES 4 TWENTY-NINTH FOURTH SUNDAY SUNDAY OF EASTER IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER APRIL 21, 2013 2012 NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA OUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY AT LARGE Reflexiones sobre el Evangelio: Juan 10, 27-30 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN DID YOU KNOW? Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz: literalmente esta frase del Evangelio diría: “los que caminan detrás de mí”, o “los que se me unen en el camino” (probata, en griego, significa “ovejas”, pero también significa “aquellos que van detrás de mí en el camino”), “se dejan iluminar por mi palabra” Phonei: es la palabra griega para decir “voz”, y significa “ser iluminado” o “dejarse iluminar”, “dar a luz algo nuevo y maravilloso” a través de la palabra que me han dicho. Dar a luz una nueva idea, una nueva vida. Por extensión significa lograr una epifanía, una festividad, una fiesta, una gala, una celebración, un festejo por los efectos de la PALABRA… La Palabra no deja indiferente a nadie (salvo que este la rechace, como es el caso de los judíos de Antoquia, ante la predicación de Pablo y Bernabé). Yo las conozco y ellas me siguen: el evangelio emplea el verbo griego “ginoseken” que significa “conocer por experiencia personal”. La Palabra, Jesús, nos conoce de manera íntima, personal, profunda…, ha caminado el sendero de nuestras vidas con nosotros…, siempre! Solo espera que reconozcamos y aceptemos su voz, su palabra, y lo sigamos. La Palabra es el Cordero, el que está en el trono, delante de él se reúnen individuos de “todas las razas, lenguas, naciones y pueblos”. La Palabra es agua de vida, es vida eterna, es luz, es salvación. Aceptar la Palabra, JESUS- y seguir la Palabra nos protege eternamente, nos da vida eterna y eso nos ayuda a soportar los rayos del sol (de la vida, del trabajo, de las penas, de las tristezas). La Palabra enjuga toda lágrima de nuestros ojos, nos viste de alegría y nos llena del Espíritu Santo. 2013 ‘Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse’ Brochure available now. Each year, every parish and school throughout the Archdiocese receive copies of “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse: Keeping Ministerial Relationships Healthy and Holy.” Published in English and Spanish, the brochure is a helpful guide to the sexual abuse prevention policies, programs and resources that have been developed by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Look for the new 2013 brochure in the parish vestibule and/or parish/school office. Please read it and keep a copy for easy reference. To see a copy of the brochure online, please visit: http://www.laarchdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/Page / CAPM.aspx. See Protecting God’s Children. (Also available on-line in Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese). To order copies of free brochures call: (213) 637-7508 or e-mail: bmelendez@la-archdiocese.org. OUR CHINESE COMMUNITY 5