Dean`s Weekly Significant Activities Report 10
Dean`s Weekly Significant Activities Report 10
Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Dean’s Weekly Significant Activities Report 10 December 2014 The Dean’s Weekly Significant Activities Report is an internal report on all activities conducted within the Departments, Centers & Staff. The Report is provided to the Dean for situation awareness, throughout the organization for shared situation awareness, and to select external organizations for outreach and communication. Portions of the Dean’s Weekly Significant Activities Report are further staffed in a report to the Superintendent. POC for the report is MS Lesley Beckstrom at 938-5105. Picture of the Week Page 1 DFL: Cadet Jefferson Wilkes ’16 and a fellow student cross the Moroccan desert aboard the timeless Arab transport. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Department of Systems Engineering Page 2 1. From 1-3 Dec 2014 Cadets Robby Hill, Coleman Grider, and Hunter Wood visited 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Ft Bragg, NC to conduct research for their capstone project. The purpose of the trip was to interview Special Forces Soldiers to elicit technological requirements that will enhance the Solider as a System future concepts. Their Capstone Project supports the U.S. Army Engineer Research Development Center’s initiative to build an Engineered Resilient System architecture that leverages information technology and tradespace visualization methods to help inform conceptual designs of future systems. The cadets had the unique opportunity to train with the Combat Diver Operational Detachment Alpha 3215. They observed the team conduct Close Quarter Battle training and learned the fundamentals of shooting. The most significant outcome was the leader development opportunities the cadets’ experienced while talking with the Special Forces Officers and NCOs from E-6 to E-9. “The trip was easily the best experience I have had thus far . . . we learned the traits of the best and worst lieutenants from senior NCOs with an enormous amount of combat experience . . . I now have a better understanding of how to conduct myself as an officer in a way that would be most effective.” Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Department of Law Page 3 Cadets taking Advanced Constitutional Law visited the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., to observe oral argument in a case involving the use of mandatory minimum sentences for defendants convicted of armed bank robbery offenses. After the argument, which included extensive questioning of counsel by virtually all of the Justices, the cadets met with Justice Elena Kagan to discuss how the Court goes about selecting the cases to hear and making its decisions. The cadets also toured the Courthouse and the Capitol building. The trip section was led by the Department of Law’s Constitutional Law Chair, Tony DiSarro, and Assistant Professor, CPT. Amy McCarthy. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development THE CENTER FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE HOST MEDALIST FROM THE 2014 WARRIOR GAMES Page 4 On 4 December the CEP participated in the day-long visit by members of the Army’s Warrior Transition Unit. The CEP hosted a Q and A session for cadets and faculty with five WTU members who were all medalists at the 2014 Warrior Games, the annual paralympic competition for service members. The five panelists responded to questions on motivation, persistence, learning new skills, and performing under pressure, providing valuable perspectives that can only come from wounded veterans. POC for the event is Dr Zinsser @x7814. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development CADETS SPEND THE DAY AT USMAPS ANSWERING QUESTIONS Page 5 Cadets across all four classes lead group Q&A sessions with cadet candidates at USMAPS last month Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development LTC Pete Jensen (above) briefs Cadet Candidates at USMAPS on facing adversity and how to best prepare for the transition to USMA. On Monday, 17November, the Centers for Enhanced Performance from both USMAPS and USMA sponsored a trip section for graduates of the prep school to head back “up the hill” and meet and share some advice with current cadet candidates. Throughout the day, Cadets lead discussions and answered questions from the cadet candidates on a variety of topics ranging from the transition into USMA, making the most of the year at the Prep school, balancing academic and athletic responsibilities, military requirements, and many other topics pertaining to life as a USMA cadet. CIC Veronica Byant (’16) is seen above providing guidance and advice to a cadet candidate at the conclusion of the Women’s forum. Department of English and Philosophy Past Events On Saturday, December 6th, the Ethics Debate Team travelled to Fairfield, CT, to compete in the annual Northeast Regional Ethics Bowl. Two West Point teams faced off against 22 other teams from 15 colleges and universities throughout the northeast. The Gold Team, composed of Zoe Kreitenberg, Araceli Sandoval, Tyler Allen, and David Weinmann, finished with one win, one loss, and a tie, while the Black Team, made up of Ashton Wolf, Brianna Sharkey, Lucas Ruff, Sam Kolling, and Dean Feinman, was one loss short of advancing to nationals, losing a close match to Villanova in the quarterfinals. Overall, it was an impressive showing 6 Ethics Debate Team Competes at the Northeast Regional Ethics Bowl Page 1. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development from both teams. The cadets will now begin preparing for the annual Military Ethics Debate Competition, which will be held at Annapolis in April. The POC is LTC John Bauer, DEP, Pictured, left to right: coaches MAJ Tim Leone and MAJ Lay Phonexayphova; Cadets Tyler Allen (’17), Araceli Sandoval (’17), Zoe Kreitenberg(’16), Ashton Wolf (CIC, ’15), Lucas Ruff (’15), Dean Feinman (’16), Sam Kolling (’16), Brianna Sharkey (’15), and David Weinmann (’18); and coach LTC John Bauer. The Black Team, made up of Ashton Wolf, Brianna Sharkey, Lucas Ruff, Sam Kolling, and Dean Feinman confer during their competition against Villanova. Page On 28 November 2014, Colonel John Nelson of the Department of English and Philosophy presented a paper titled "'Grim-visag'd war hath smoothed his wrinkled front': The Rhetoric of War and the Erasure of the Human" at a conference hosted by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in Athens, Greece. The international, interdisciplinary conference was titled "The 7 2. COL John Nelson Presents Paper at International Conference Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development War on the Human: Human as Right, Human as Limit, and the Task of the Humanities." The POC is COL John Nelson, DEP, 3. Philosophy Forum Hosts Guest Speaker On Monday, 24 November, 2014, the Philosophy Forum hosted a talk by Dr. John Corvino, Professor and Department Head of the Philosophy Department at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Corvino is the author of What’s Wrong with Homosexuality? and Debating Same Sex Marriage, both published by Oxford University Press. He spoke to cadets and faculty about the changes in social attitudes and the legal landscape surrounding same-sex marriage. He then examined some of the strongest arguments on each side and explained how much of the current debate involves sloppy thinking, misleading rhetoric, or both. The POC is Dr Graham Parsons, DEP, Left: Dr. Corvino begins his discussion with cadets and faculty in the Haig Room. Right: Dr. Corvino fields a question from PY 201 Instructor MAJ Tim Leone. 4. GEN (R) Franks Conducts LPD with DEP Faculty Page 8 DEP hosted former English instructor GEN (Ret.) Franks in Lincoln Hall on Monday 8 DEC. During this LPD, GEN Franks commented about the value of critical thinking in our Army and the value of a faculty tour in an officer’s development as a professional officer. After thinking about the significant role that former faculty members played in his own experience, GEN Franks fielded several questions from current DEP faculty members. This LPD marks the third general officer visit to DEP this semester. The POC is LTC Joe Wyszynski, DEP, Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Left: COL Krawczyk introduces GEN (R) Franks. Right: GEN (R) Franks discusses with DEP faculty the importance of toleration of diverse perspectives and critical thinking. 5. Dr Marc Napolitano Performs “A Christmas Carol” for Cadets, Faculty and Community On Saturday 4 December, in Jefferson Hall’s Haig Room, Dr. Marc Napolitano delivered a dramatic performance of Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” Preceded by an interactive presentation on puppet design, the afternoon promised holiday cheer and delivered a captivating rendition of a classic text for all in attendance. The POC is LTC Joe Wyszynski, DEP, Dr. Marc Napolitano plays every role in Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol.” Each role seemed more memorable than its predecessor. On Saturday, 6 December, 2014, seven members of the Hudson Valley Culture Forum took a daytrip to see a local legend, eat at a hidden gem, and support local Page 9 6. Cadets in CFAF’s Hudson Valley Culture Forum Experience the Valley’s Offerings Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development arts. The first stop was Wing’s Castle in Millbrook, NY, a castle-like dwelling that local residents Peter and Lori Ann Wing began building over 40 years ago. Peter and his wife, Toni Ann, constructed Wing’s Castle using materials gathered locally from old farms, blast sites, and auctions, to create a unique and aweinspiring structure jutting out of the countryside. Despite Peter’s passing mere months ago, Toni Ann enthusiastically agreed to give the cadets a personal tour around the grounds. Next, the forum stopped at the Terrapin Restaurant in Rhinebeck, NY. Situated in a re-purposed church, Terrapin Restaurant uses ingredients from local farms, dairies, and breweries. After their meal, the cadets were able to observe Rhinebeck’s yearly Sinterklaas festival, which honors Rhinebeck’s heritage by re-creating a celebration Dutch settlers brought to the town over 300 years ago. Finally, cadets visited the Ulster Performing Arts Center to watch the Ulster Ballet Company perform Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. After a riveting show, the ballet company graciously invited the cadets backstage to talk with the dancers about the performance, their experiences, and ballet in general. Left: Cadets pose with Lori Ann Wing in front of “Wing’s Castle” Center: Ms. Wing explains the historical background of her home. Right: Cadets pose with the Ulster Ballet Company after the performance of “A Christmas Carol.” Department of History Page 10 On 18 November, Lieutenant Colonels Jason Musteen and Dave Siry and four Cadets presented their lessons learned from the World War I staff ride to about 50 members of a Civil War Roundtable in Stamford Connecticut at the Stamford Historical Society. This outreach opportunity not only highlighted the wonderful academic opportunities the Academy provides but also showcased the high-caliber students that West Point attracts. Cadets Curtis Valencia, Haley Lee, Jim Trollan, and Sarah Bitner discussed their experiences blending history and literature in the study of the Great War, and fielded all questions expertly. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development _________________________________________ Page 11 On 3 December, Lieutenant Colonels Musteen and Siry also shared their World War I Staff Ride experiences with Mr. Nobile's students at James I. O'Neill High School in Highland Falls. The intent was to illustrate applications for combining the study of history and poetry and literature. Mr. Nobile's students are currently studying World War I poetry and are reading All Quiet on the Western Front. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development _________________________________________ Captain Nathan Jennings recently had two essays published as journal articles: “Learning the Long-Distance Raid: Comanche, Rangers, and the 2nd U.S. Cavalry on the Texas Frontier.” Armor Mounted Maneuver Journal (July- September 2014). And “Nuclear Weapons and the Korean War: A Precarious Beginning for the Tradition of NonUse.” Small Wars Journal (November 2014). Accessible at _________________________________________ Page 12 Major Chuck Bies also had an essay entitled “Too Light to Fight: The IBCT Cavalry Troop in Combined-Arms Maneuver” published in the latest edition of the Armor Mounted Maneuver Journal. Accessible at Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development _________________________________________ On 25 November, Professor David Gioe presented a lecture entitled “Handling HERO: Joint CIA-SIS HUMINT Tradecraft in the Case of Colonel Oleg Penkovsky” to 50 graduate students in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London. The lecture was a case study of COL Oleg Penkovsky, a Soviet military intelligence officer who provided reams of valuable information on Soviet nuclear missile systems in the months leading up to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. Professor Gioe also drew some parallels between classic intelligence operations and modern-day cyber espionage. _________________________________________ Page 13 On 28 November, Dr. Gioe also delivered an address to the University of Cambridge Intelligence Seminar entitled “Treachery in Historical Perspective: Edward Snowden and the Cambridge Five Spy Ring.” The purpose of the presentation was to encourage the audience to understand mass-leakers such as Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning in broader historical terms. Snowden and Manning have a great deal in common with infamous traitors of the past, but their status as trusted insiders with access to sensitive classified systems produces new challenges in terms of cyber espionage. The Cambridge Intelligence Seminar is the oldest and most widely respected forum of its type in relation to the advanced study of intelligence and security issues. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Apple recently featured “The West Point History of the Civil War” iTunes U course as a “Standout Course” from the tens of thousands of courses from more 1200 universities and colleges on iTunes U. It is the first open public course on iTunes U from any service academy or anyone in the Department of Defense. The course features The West Point History of the Civil War as well as videos by Lieutenant Colonel Dave Siry, Captain Mark Ehlers, Doctors Keith Altavilla and Dan Franke, and Majors Stephen Barker, Chuck Bies, Jon Heist, Brett Lea, and John Zdeb. Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Scott Granger and Dr. Altavilla assembled the course with assistance from Captain Ehlers and Lieutenant Colonel Siry. The West Point History of the Civil War United States Military Academy West Point Military History, iTunes U, History 24 Nov 2014 View Item _________________________________________ Page 14 On 8 December, General (Retired) Fred Franks presented a lecture to cadets enrolled in Major Jon Heist’s elective course, Strategy, Policy, and Generalship, on his experience as the VII Corps Commander during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Surprisingly, this was the first time that General Franks was invited to speak on this subject at West Point. For about an hour he spoke on the origins of the Gulf War, the objectives of the George H.W. Bush administration, military strategy, and the role of VII Corps during the ground war. After the lecture, he answered cadet questions. His professional advice on leadership and strategic planning was invaluable. Overall, the session provided the cadets valuable insight into this important, but increasingly forgotten, conflict through the eyes of one of the generals that fought it. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development _________________________________________ Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Completed Events Page CPT McLaughlin & COL Naessens 15 Academic Promotion: On 3 December, CPT Trevor McLaughlin received his Academic Promotion to Assistant Professor Certificate at our monthly department meeting. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Achievement: On 3 December, COL Naessens presented fifteen department members the Physical Fitness Badge for scoring 270 plus on the Fall APFT. They are as follows: LTCs Allen & Gerving, MAJs Cottrell, Echeverria, Heider Katauskas, Koch, Marshall, Peskie, & Rice, and CPTs Bonnes, Haseman, Mathis, McLaughlin, & Molgaard. Page 16 Table Top Exercise: On 4 December, cadets enrolled in NE450 Nuclear Weapons Effects (45 cadets from 3 sections), with LTC Dave Williams and LTC Ken Allen, executed Persian Gold Table Top Exercise. This is an extraordinary interdisciplinary exercise brought from the National Defense University, Center for the Study of WMD, which provided two experts in the field, Dr. Mark Mattox and Mr. Nima Gerami, to facilitate. This exercise gave the cadets from varying disciplines within the NE Core Engineering Sequence and the Nuclear Engineering major to develop and debate strategic initiatives and policies to address Iran’s pursuit of nuclear technologies and nuclear weapons. During the three hour exercise, the cadets received a detailed country briefing on Iran from an expert, Mr. Nima Gerami, and worked in groups to explore strategic ways, means, and ends to approach Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Figure 1. Dr. Mattox from the NDU explains the Ways, Means, Ends approach to cadets. Page 17 Figure 2. Mr. Gerami from NDU challenges traditional stereotypes of Iran during TTX. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Figure 3. Mr. Gerami provides a country brief on Iran for cadets during the tabletop exercise. Figure 4. The NDU facilitators listen intently to the concluding positions presented by the cadets. Future Events Page COL and Mrs. Ed Naessens to present holiday gifts to the children of the Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering. 18 Children’s Holiday Party: On 15 December, Santa and his elf will visit the residence of Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Holiday Luncheon: On 16 December, the Senior Leaders and Civilian Staff will celebrated the holidays with a luncheon at Painter’s Restaurant in Cornwall-on-Hudson. Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 1. Cadet Capstone Team Members Visit Occupations, Inc. On December 3rd, Cadets Christal Theriot, Luke Wilson, and Connor Howlett, Class of 2015 Mechanical Engineering majors, and faculty advisors COL Daisie Boettner and MAJ Dan Fox, visited Occupations, Inc. in Middletown, New York to conduct their preliminary design review of their initial design to improve efficiency of heavy-duty stapler assembly. Occupations, Inc. employs workers with disabilities to help enhance quality of life for these individuals. Currently, the number of workers who are able to assemble these staplers is very limited due to the requirement to carefully align parts for pin insertion. The supervisors and vocational specialists provided valuable feedback for the cadets to refine their design as they continue the project during term 15-2. POC is COL Daisie Boettner at Page 2. Center for Innovation and Engineering Hosts a Collaborative Initiative in Biomechanics and Bioengineering: A group of researchers met in Mahan Hall to initiate collaborative efforts between USMA academic departments and medical researchers. Participants represented Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, History, Chemistry and Life Science, as well as the Physical Therapy, Orthopaedic Surgery, Podiatry, and Orthopaedic Research Services at KACH. The participants used the forum to present their research initiatives with the intent of establishing potential collaborations. This led to important discussions of the academic and technological resources available in each department, and how they can be shared amongst researchers with common goals. Additionally, LTC Craig Quadrato presented on the availability of computational and financial resources, through the High Performance Computing Modernization Program, that could benefit this line of research. The meeting culminated with a shared objective of creating a more regular meeting 19 Cadet Luke Wilson, Connor Howlett, and Christal explain their initial prototype to supervisors and vocational specialists at Occupations, Inc. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development schedule for researchers pursuing biomechanics and bioengineering. The meetings will rotate amongst departments to broaden the participants’ perspective on ongoing research, and the availability of resources. POC is Dr. Becky Zifchock, Center for Innovation and Engineering, 3. ME404 Capstone Project Team Spray Presentation at the 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Montreal, Canada. Cadet Zachary Lee attended and presented research at the 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) in Montreal, Canada from November 17-18. Cadet Lee was the lead author for a paper entitled “A Comparison of Shadowgraphy and X-Ray Computed Tomography in Liquid Spray Analysis” that was accepted for publication at this conference. The research has been conducted by the ME404 capstone group, Team Spray, in collaboration with a group at Army Research Laboratory and two academic departments at Stanford University. The presentation centered on using shadowgraphy and X-Ray computed tomography in analyzing liquid sprays from two hollow cone atomizers. Spray characteristics play a key role in combustion performance, so accurate spray analysis plays a key role in developing effective nozzles and atomizers. Team Spray will continue experimentation in liquid spray analysis as part of their capstone effort this and next semester. Cadet Lee giving his presentation Page 20 CE483: Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures Visit Construction Site for New Cadet Barracks. On December 2nd and 4th, all Civil Engineering Firsties visited the construction site for the new cadet barracks as their final lab for the course. Mr. Tim Pillsworth, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project manager, gave a short presentation to the cadets covering the general scope of the project including utilizing a reinforced concrete structure with a gravity load bearing granite block façade. The project is designed to meet specific sustainable and resiliency requirements as well as an improved quality of life experience. Then, Mr. Pillsworth walked the cadets around the construction site highlighting how the reinforced concrete structure is actually constructed. This site visit allowed the seniors to see first-hand many of the engineering details presented throughout this course, and many other CE courses, as well as the scale and complexity of an actual project. POC is CPT Lorintz Gleich at Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Mr. Tim Pillsworth, USACE Project Manager, giving a tour of the new cadet barracks construction site to the CE483 class. Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Unmanned Systems Working Group Page 21 On 3 December 2014, 15 faculty members from across the academic disciplines, including members of the Army Cyber Institute, attended a planning session in the EECS conference room to lay the groundwork for the Unmanned Systems Working Group, which examines the intersection of emerging technologies with the military profession. LTC Chris Korpela (EECS) and LTC Mike Saxon (DEP) led a discussion that highlighted some of the opportunities and challenges created by these technologies across many disciplines, while soliciting input and interest for future opportunities to conduct research, outreach, and enrichment activities for cadets and faculty. The working group will continue to meet monthly. POC is LTC Korpela, Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Top: Robots at West Point on loan from the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC). Above: LTC Korpela briefing cadets on various aerial and ground unmanned systems. Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering Army-Navy Spirit December 8-11, GEnE continues to inspire by bringing “Beat Navy” Page 22 spirit into the hallways. Faculty members and their families pitched in to create mini spirit posters in support of this weekend’s Army-Navy football game. POC is LTC Mindy Kimball at or 938-5421. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development GEnE Holiday Party On December 6th, the GEnE Family came together for their annual Page 23 Holiday Party. The Flemings hosted the event at their home and Santa stopped in for a quick visit. He surprised GEnE kids who have been extra special this year with an early gift. POC for this event is MAJ Patrick Miller at or 938-4400. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development GEnE kids, and some adults, are mesmerized when a surprise visitor makes a special appearance at the GEnE Holiday Party. USMA Storm Water Management Plan guest lecture On December 5th, Ms. Julie Stein of the New York City engineering firm HDR, Inc. presented a guest lecture on USMA’s Storm Water Management Plan to cadets enrolled in EV481 (Water Resources Planning and Design). She discussed her firm’s current work in designing storm water management systems for USMA that will alleviate issues with the existing infrastructure, and have a low impact on the surrounding environment. Also present at the lecture were Mr. Joe Puzio (Senior Vice President of HDR), and Ms. Katherine Ogut of DPW. POC is LTC Phil Dacunto, or 938-5287. Esri GeoDEV Workshop GEnE’s LTC Chris Oxendine attended an Esri Geo Page 24 Development Workshop in New York City on December 5th. The workshop focused on the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mapping applications, cloud solutions, and solving real-world “geo” problems. POC is LTC Chris Oxendine at or 938-4354. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Department of Foreign Languages Current Week HIGHLIGHTS: Semester Abroad Program (SAP) / Academic trip sections: Russian: Three Russian SAP cadets on semester abroad spent time at the Latvian National Defense Academy in Riga, Latvia. While there the cadets lived with their Latvian and other NATO cadet counterparts and participated in various tactical training. Their time in Riga concluded with a Black Coffee Ceremony to remember Latvian cadets killed in combat in 1919. CDTs Tyler Owen ’15, David Hill ’16 and Danny Camacho’16 with their Norwegian cadet counterparts. Page CDTs David Hill ’16 and Danny Camacho ’16 reassemble a Dragunov sniper rifle under the watch of a Latvian cadet. 25 CDT Tyler Owen ’15 firing the MG3 at the range in Latvia. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development French: Cadets studying abroad at Saint Cyr, the French Military Academy, took part in the reenactment of the Battle of Austerlitz two weekends ago on Saturday 29 November. The battle, one of Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest victories, was a tactical masterpiece in which the French Empire decisively defeated the Russian and Austrian armies on 2 December 1805. The battle reenactment was followed by a une grande soirée that evening to celebrate the glory of France. CDT Christopher Kittle prepares to defeat the Russian and Austrian armies on the battlefield. German: USMA Cadets on semester exchange at the Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt, Austria visited the US Embassy in Vienna for Thanksgiving (27 Nov 2014). Cadets Darien Vaughan (E4), Charlene Coutteau (I2), and Cadet Kiley Schreurs (D1) enjoyed a traditional American Thanksgiving feast (turkey, sweet potatoes, dressing, cranberry sauce, green beans and pumpkin pie and pecan pie for dessert) with the embassy staff and presented Ambassador Alexa Wesner with a bouquet of flowers. Arriving early, the cadets toured the historic first floor of the embassy where President Jimmy Carter's Vienna meetings took place. The ambassador’s home has a rich history and is full of decorative art pieces. Page 26 Cadets at the US Embassy in Vienna, Austria. From left to right: Cadet Darien Vaughan (E4), Cadet Charlene Coutteau (I2), Ambassador Alexa Wesner, Cadet Kiley Schreurs (D1). Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Cadets at the US Embassy in Vienna, Austria. From left to right: Cadet Darien Vaughan (E4) and Cadet Kiley Schreurs (D1) enjoy the historic first floor; CDT Vaughn enjoys a traditional Thanksgiving feast with embassy personnel. Page Above, Cadet Jefferson Wilkes ’16 and a fellow student cross the Moroccan desert aboard the timeless Arab transport. Below, the “blue city” of Morocco, Chefchaouen, in the northwestern Rif Mountains. 27 Arabic: Eleven Arabic students are finalizing their studies in Morocco, Jordan, and Oman. Cadets in Rabat, Morocco, traveled to Merzouga, Tetouan and Chefchaouen over the break, and are preparing their final papers for submission next week. In Jordan Cadets are finishing studies following their successful Thanksgiving celebrations with other expatriate students at their apartment overlooking the US Embassy grounds. All three groups return to West Point on 20 December. Cadets in Muscat, Oman have completed their studies and begun clearing the Center for International Learning; they return to West Point 12 December. Reported by Dean’s Institute of Innovation and Development Language or International Club key events: The French Forum enjoyed Les Misérables on Broadway in NYC Tuesday 02 DEC. Students currently learning French were able to practice their French with Dr. Christophe Corbin and one another on their journey to and from the theater. They even learned a bit of history of the French Revolution, and the socio/political/economic issues surrounding the era. The French Forum enjoyed watching Les Misérables on Broadway on Tuesday 02 DEC. Page 28 Upcoming HIGHLIGHTS Next two weeks: Cadets from every language will be returning from SAP over the next week.