the LONGHORN AIRMAN - College of Liberal Arts
the LONGHORN AIRMAN - College of Liberal Arts
AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN The Longhorn Airman 28 FEBRUARY 2009 Volume I Issue 3 In conjunction with the ceremony, the Arnold Air Society hosts a campus run in which the participants, above, carry the POW-MIA flag continuously for 24 hours. DETACHMENT 825 WILL NEVER FORGET On November 11, 2008 the Longhorn Airmen hosted the annual POW/MIA Formal Retreat Ceremony. This ceremony honors those who have honorably served this great nation, but especially those who were Prisoners of War and those who were or are still Missing in Action. Every year a military veteran who was a Prisoner of War or was Missing in Action is welcomed by the attending ROTC units to speak about their experiences and give us a piece of their heritage and a glimpse of the legacy that they have left, as an example for us. Master Sergeant (RET) Ken Wallingford was the hero who spoke with us during this year’s ceremony. MSG Wallingford was an Army Infantry Sniper during the Vietnam War and while teaching the south Vietnamese soldiers, was captured and held in Cambodia for eleven months as a Prisoner of War. The ceremony also featured a joint color guard comprised of Air Force and Army cadets and Navy Midshipmen and was commanded by Air Force Cadet David Cunningham. The event is held here on the campus of The University of Texas and continues to be an outlet for future military leaders to have one-on-one exposure with great leaders and exceptional models of the warrior ethos. Thanks to all veterans who have served and may we always remember those who are not able to be with us today. ~Eric L. Hitzfeld AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN OPS-SHOCK Joining AFROTC at UT was exciting; I knew it was something new and challenging I hadn’t done before. I didn’t do JROTC and I didn’t have any prior military experience so I started my first semester expecting to learn a lot, but I didn’t think I would learn so much about myself. I decided to try out for Arnold Air Society and just learn as much as I could so I could be an effective cadet for the detachment. C/Col Stalford was the Wing Commander and I noted his leadership ability and the other qualities that were needed to be a successful Wing Commander. Little did I know that it would all come in handy. I went to Lead Lab believing we would be doing some marching around the LBJ Plaza, but Col. Bowman had an announcement to make. His words are something that I always pay attention to but this one seemed a bit more serious: he stated that the POC had been “activated” and had received instructions and would be sent to their respective bases soon. C/Col Stalford then stepped up and said that the Wing would be turned over to a new Wing Commander… “Cadet 3rd Class Bañuelos is the new wing commander,” was all he needed to say for my chest to seize up. I couldn’t believe it! I’m the new Wing Commander? Why would they pick me—a newbie to the ROTC scene—to lead the cadets of Det. 825? I didn’t have much time to ponder those things, I had to react and make decisions. So I picked out my Wing Staff and got down to business. I had no idea there was so much going on behind the scenes (POC, you do a good job of making it look easy), so it seemed with every decision that needed to be made there were more and more details. But thanks to my excellent staff who helped lighten the load my job was so much easier and bearable. It seemed like I was sweating bullets almost everyday and my brain was consumed with thoughts of what had to be completed, I was a nervous wreck. As if that wasn’t enough this was during my “Candie” semester of Arnies, so I had more on my plate than I could ever handle; but in between figuring out OPs Orders for the week and having meetings with Capt. Potter I realized that this was actually cool. I realized that Detachment 825 was full of cadets willing to help one another and when the call comes they step up to the plate. We are all part of a well-oiled machine, comprised of cadets who excel and get the job done above what is required. Looking back, OPs Shock went from a nightmare to an excellent learning experience and I look forward to one day becoming Wing Commander (again). ~Joel Bañuelos Jr. What does it take to get through Field Training? FT can be a very intimidating environ- ment, but with the right mindset it’s a piece of cake. Success in any military training requires a mature and optimistic attitude. The trainers will try to break you down, so to maintain a positive attitude you must understand that only you can control how you feel. You can’t feel sorry for yourself. Instead, make the most of every situation and tell yourself every day that there is nowhere else in the world you’d rather be. You have to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. The Air Force needs disciplined, mature, and professional leaders, Airmen with both the confidence to lead from the front, and the humility to set the example as a follower. Don’t strive to be the center of attention; you can’t underestimate the influence of a good follower. Help your commander and help your flight. Don’t think about getting Top Gun; focus on helping those around you who might be struggling. The Air Force wants to see that you are officer material. Show us what you’ve got! ~Kevin O’Brien Former Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. Hans Mark, was on hand to award scholarships to Andy Stalford, Amela Kamencic, and Adam Zillweger. Det 825 welcomes Major Son Nguyen and his family, collectively known as the “six-pack,” to life in Austin. The Nguyens attended First Friday, held at Rudy’s BBQ. First Friday is a monthly get-together for the activeduty members and staff of Detachment 825. The Longhorn Airman is published quarterly; it is not an official publication of the Air Force, Air Force ROTC or The Univeristy of Texas at Austin; the opinions expressed in this publication do not represent any of these entities. No state or federal funds were used to print this newsletter. The Longhorn Airman was created with Adobe InDesign and PhotoShop software. Nan Bradford-Reid, Editor Longhorn Airman Vincent “Trey” Levraea and Eugene “Gene” Ledet commissioned 18 December 2008 at the Texas capitol. Lt Levraea majored in Economics and is headed to Laughlin AFB. Lt Ledet majored in Education and will begin pilot training at Columbus AFB. AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN What does it take to become a pilot? Tom Clancy once said that being a fight- Dining-Out I attended Dining Out for the first time this past fall. It was a unique experience, and I’m glad I got to be a part of it. Attending something that has been part of the Air Force tradition since the 1930’s was pretty cool. Neither of my parents is in the military so Dining Out was my first experience with any type of formal military event. Before I even set foot inside the Alumni Center, I had the opportunity to talk with the guest speaker, Colonel Gary Bryson. We rode the elevator from the garage together, and right after we got in and started up toward the next floor he looked over at me, adjusted my uniform, and said, “You’re a freshman aren’t you? Don’t worry, it gets better.” His humor was evident in his speech as well. He continued to rag on Texas, and put a Texas Tech symbol (his alma mater) over the podium where he was standing for his whole speech. I had been warned about the Grog, but I still wasn’t quite ready for it. This tradition has been in place for a long time, and you can get sent to the Grog for pretty much anything. I was Grogged three times: once for being an Arnies Candidate, once because I spilled some of it on my uniform while drinking it for the first Grog, and once because I dropped my fork and spilled my food on the table during the dinner. I can’t remember every ingredient C/Lt Col Kelly Heinbaugh used in the gross mixture, but I do know there was ginger ale, smashed grapes, some sort of spicy sauce, and Rice Krispies. Needless to say, drinking from the Grog was not one of my favorite parts of the night. The ball after Dining Out was a fun experience as well. After the cadre left, the cadets loosened up and had a blast dancing. It was a good chance for all of us, regardless of rank, to intermingle and just hang out with each other. Dressing up and actually looking like a girl was fun too. All in all, Dining Out was an enjoyable social event and a total success. All the cadets had a blast, completely enjoyed the Grog, and I can’t wait to go again next year. ~Kristen Hines er pilot is like combining the dexterity of a concert pianist with the focus and precision of a heart surgeon. Fortunately, becoming a pilot doesn’t take 7 years of med school and can be a lot more thrilling. To become an Air Force Pilot, all you need is a 4 year college degree, to be in good physical condition and be an officer in the Air Force. Any college major is acceptable, you don’t have to be an aerospace engineer, and no previous flight experience is required. Wear glasses? Not a problem. Perfect vision is not required and today’s corrective surgery can often overcome pretty bad eyesight. So how do you become a pilot? Well if you’re already here at The University of Texas, your best bet is to join AFROTC. There are three paths to becoming an officer in the Air Force: the AF Academy, AFROTC or OTS, a 12-week program after college. If you do ROTC, you earn college credits while you do your training, so the day you graduate, you join the Air Force as an officer. While in AFROTC, you can compete for a Brand new rated candidates flash “Hook ‘em” horns. From left: Elizabeth DiPaola, Farren Sullivan, Richard Pope, Dustin Hanson, and Winston Bull. Congratulations, Longhorn Airmen! pilot slot. This is a guaranteed entrance into pilot training once you graduate. The spring of your junior year, you submit a packet to a pilot selection board, and you’ll hear back in March whether or not you get to be a pilot. The information in the packet and weight that each carries is as follows: 50% is commander’s ranking, 15% GPA, 15% PCSM score (combination of written and hand-eye coordination tests and any flight hours), 10% Physical Fitness Score, and 10% Field Training ranking. If you are fortunate enough to earn a pilot slot, your job is to finish up your degree and graduate on time. Once you graduate, you go off to pilot training, where the Air Force pays you full time to learn to fly. Pilot training takes about two years in all, from introductory flight school to getting to your operational squadron. If you want to become an Air Force pilot, your goal is entirely attainable, and you’re in a great place to do it. Last year, 100% of UT Air Force cadets who went up for a pilot slot got one. Not many schools can say that. ~Chandler Thorpe Click on for more news and photos. Arnies Say “You Are Not Forgotten” The Arnold Air Society hosts the 24-hour POW/MIA Flag Run every fall semester at Detachment 825. This event is a 24-hour, continuous run of the POW/MIA flag by cadets and cadre of the Air Force ROTC program and other volunteers. This run honors Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action who have given so much for our country and the cadets of our detachment are proud to be able to give back. During this year’s run, the Arnold Air Society collected over $100 in donations on the UT campus to send to the Fallen Heroes Fund which supports the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. In order to execute this event, cadets signed up for at least two 30-minute time slots within the 24 hours. While most cadets completed their two shifts, two cadets performed above and beyond the expectations. Cadet Shawn Cameron and Cadet Chris Mesnard each ran for seven shifts or three and a half hours of running in one day. As commander of the Arnold Air Society last semester, I was proud and honored to be able to continue this tradition and look forward to being involved in the Taj to Tower run which will be happening later this semester. ~Winston Bull Longhorn Airman AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN Crudmaster MMBOP calls CRUD! Elinore Ray and the winning team, Adam Zillweger and Ralph Castillo In January, we said farewell to MSgt Donnell CRUD!! Once again the semester began with a quest for immortality. The champions of the spring 2009 crud tournament would have their names forever emblazoned on the majestic Crud pitcher next to all former champions, reaching decades back. Their names would be seen by all future generations of cadets, inspiring them to one day be among the champions. The night began with nine hopeful teams comprised of players ranging from rookie cadets who had never played a game of crud in their lives, to past champions fighting to regain their glory. Even seasoned officers put in a bid to go down in history. Once the first round of matches was underway, it was blatantly evident everyone was reacquainting themselves with the rules and gauging their competitors. Movements were slow and cautious and competitors fidgeted, waiting for the crudmaster to start the game with the familiar “Crud.” There were many mistakes made and “lives” lost as the players tested and developed new techniques. By the end of the first round, half of the competitors had been eliminated. The defeated were not only new cadets, but even some veterans upon whom luck did not smile. As the quarterfinals and semifinals commenced, the players, now familiar with the boundaries of the sport and confident with the techniques they used, were much more agile and sure of themselves. The games were faster-paced and the balls moved across the table with lightning speed. The desire to win was so strong that players would do anything to gain an advantage. The deceit, stretching of the rules, and brute force characteristic of true, unsuppressed crud finally surfaced as the men and women fought to compete in the final game. Stress levels only increased as time went on. Some could not handle the elevated intensity and cracked under the pressure. Cadet Shawn Cameron was one of these unfortunate participants. Longhorn Airman He lost concentration and absentmindedly knocked the object ball before the game had even started. His opponent, Cadet Adam Zillweger, identified this lack of attention and immediately took advantage of his weak state, pushing into the unsuspecting Cameron with an immobilizing blow that left him flat on the floor while the ball rolled to a stop on the table. This play lost Cameron a critical point that would eventually lead to his team being taken out of the competition. This act was only one of many that brought the number of contending teams down to two: Cadet Winston Bull and Captain Heidi Potter on one team and Cadet Ralph Castillo and Cadet Zillweger on the other. All eyes in the Hangar concentrated on the pool table and the four finalists as the closing game began. The room was still until the crudmaster declared “Crud!” for one of the last times of the night. The spectators roared with excitement as the players—some of the best crud players in the detachment— began sprinting around the table. Luck was with them as muscle and mind were strained by the instantaneous strategy and copious force of a full-contact sport. Each point was so fast that even the crudmaster had trouble seeing what happened at times. Some points were finished in as little as a second with a single hit of the object ball straight into a pocket. As the game progressed, Bull was eliminated, leaving Captain Potter as the last hope for her team. In the end, she was left with one final point against her two opponents. She used her last point well, taking a considerable number of points away from her competitors. In the end, it wasn’t enough and she was finally eliminated. Castillo and Zillweger emerged victorious, claiming their right to be immortalized on the great crud pitcher with the champions from years before. This heroic team will be guardians of the pitcher for the semester and honored by all future competitors for all of eternity. ~Ralph “Chastity” Castillo Det 825 presented the colors at the UT Longhorn baseball opener. From left, Col Bowman, Cadets J. Bañuelos, Cameron, Bull, and Mesnard Upcoming Events March 7—Explore UT Prickly Pear Run 26–Tri-Service Games 28–AFOQT Rockwall Climbing 29–Mud Run 30–Warrior Week (through 3 April) April 4—40 Acres Fest 5—Taj to Tower Run 6-7-Base Visit, Lackland AFB 10-13-NATCON 24–Combat Dining-In 25–Field Day @ TCU 29–Tri-Serivce Run 30–Awards Day May 7—Senior Send-off 8—Salt Lick 9—CoC/Parade/Open House 15–Senior Get-Together 22–AF & Joint Commissioning For details, click on AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN HAIL... ...AND FAREWELL! Longhorn Airmen, I am honored to be the new wing commander for Detachment 825. I would like to express my thanks to the selection board for picking me for this prestigious position. I would also like to thank the past wing commander, C/Col Matt Stalford, for doing an excellent job in giving me a good foundation to start the spring semester. The spring semester changes the focus of the corps; the mindset of the training changes from that of the fall semester. The spring semester is about showing what you have learned and polishing those skills whereas last semester was about learning the basics. Every cadet in the corps is still training to be an officer in the Air Force, but each class is training in its own way. This semester the Introductory Military Training cadets (IMT) now know the basics about military concepts such as drill and customs and courtesies. In the spring, the IMT hone those skills and enter Field Training Preparation (FTP). FTP cadets are focusing on field training, a big milestone in a ROTC student’s life. The FTP must refine all of their skills in order to prepare for the four-week summer program. Intermediate Cadet Leader (ICL) cadets are on the front lines training FTP cadets to get through the obstacles to come. The ICL cadets are also main points of contact for majority of the events that are planned for the corps. The Senior Cadet Leader (SCL) cadets are in charge of overseeing everything that happens in the corps. For a lot of the SCL cadets this is their last semester and they want to leave the corps in the best possible shape for the future. My training philosophy is about training the cadet in what they need to do, letting that cadet demonstrate what they have learned and then giving them good feedback on how they did and how they can improve. I look forward to seeing this training philosophy implemented throughout the semester. I am excited to know that I am helping develop future Airmen for the Air Force. ~C/Col Scott Davis Throughout my tenure in college and ROTC, in everything from New Cadet Orientation of Fall 2005, to my last task as fall 2008 Cadet Wing Commander, I have come to believe that you will be surprised at what you accomplish if you just do not quit. As Cadet Wing Commander, this could not have been truer. There were very stressful times during which it would have been easy to just disengage, and coast through my job, but I knew that doing so would hinder the performance of Detachment 825—cadets and cadre alike. And now, looking back (hindsight is 20/20), we accomplished an incredible amount. The wing pulled together on a daily basis to train and educate the future leaders of America’s Air Force, and did so in an exemplary manner. New Cadet Orientation transitioned both new AS100s and AS200s to the wing and quickly allowed them to be highly functioning units of the detachment, and really set the standard for the rest of the semester. The successful events that the wing pulled together and accomplished are actually quite extraordinary, such as the POW/MIA ceremony, paintball, broomball (minus a few injuries), Blazer Tag, and Dining Out. We implemented several new techniques for training at LEADLAB; they were highly effective, and way more interesting than just marching around everyday! Our detachment has a challenge ahead of us. We must continue to excel and be a premier detachment even with a smaller-than-normal staff, a change of several cadre members, and all the adjustments that the Air Force is throwing at us. But there is good news. The re-vamped cadre, and new Cadet Staff is eager and willing to keep the pride and tradition of Texas excellence strong and successful. I am proud to have served detachment 825, and will continue to do so. So for this semester, and semesters to come, keep your head up and always show your swagger. Be proud to be a Longhorn Airman. I know I will. ~C/Col Matthew Stalford Dining-Out, From a Planner’s Perspective Detachment 825’s Dining-Out—an Air Force tradition which includes a formal dinner—occurred Friday evening, November 14th, 2008. Planning the event was my first assignment in the detachment as a graduate of Field Training. Although the process included many unforeseen hurdles, I enjoyed the experience and learned many unforgettable lessons, the most important being the value of teamwork. My work began late, because I missed quite a few days at the start of the semester*, but my boss, Cadet Sullivan, covered for me in my absence and worked hard to set all the plans in motion. Her hard work did not end upon my return; Ms. Sullivan was busy with the other cadets she was in charge of and their particular assignments, but still assisted me with planning and organizing Dining-Out. I could not have asked for a more diligent, reliable boss. I learned that details matter! I’m a big- picture type of person and in planning for Dining-Out I focused on the obvious todo’s like the food, corresponding with the guest speaker and other duties I remembered seeing that needed to be done when I had attended the previous years. With this past one, however, I learned to place myself at the event and walk, minuteby-minute, through the evening. It didn’t take long to notice the details I’d missed. Learning to plan while affording great attention to details will surely assist me in the future, planning and organizing events, both in my civilian and future military life. On the evening of the event a rather large mishap occurred hours prior and forced us to open the doors a bit late. It was amazing, though, to see the handfuls of cadets eager and willing to help. We came together as a team and finished the job and honestly, I do not think anyone else noticed any problem had taken place. Throughout the night, I was so preoccu- pied with the execution and making sure that everything ran smoothly that I did not thoroughly enjoy myself like I had the previous years. All the preoccupation was forgotten though while I danced the night away with my fellow cadets during the Formal Ball we had immediately afterward. I am thankful for the opportunity I had to plan Detachment 825’s 2008 DiningOut. The experience, to include my invaluable boss, the mistakes that were made, the life-lessons that were learned and the coming-together of the wing, make me want to plan another Dining-Out! Well, maybe in a few years... ~Jasmine Bogard *Go to morocco_slideshow_large.html to hear Cadet Bogard describe her experiences in Morocco. Longhorn Airman AFROTC DETACHMENT 825—THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN the LONGHORN AIRMAN Incentive Flight A teaser for any aspiring pilot RANDOLPH AFB - I was truly at a loss for words after my flight (and lunch for that matter, but I will get to that part soon enough) on that chilly December morning. C/Capt Dustin Hanson, C/Capt Elizabeth DiPaola, C/3c Deeandrea Burgos, and I arrived at Randolph AFB a little after 0700 and had our physical with the flight surgeon. Slightly behind schedule, we proceeded to Life Support for training on parachute and emergency escape procedures. At around 1100, C/Capt Hanson and I headed to the 560th Squadron to get fitted into our masks and G-suits. Shortly thereafter, we met our pilots--mine was Major Heft, call-sign “Beef.” Around 1200 we headed out to the flight line for a scheduled takeoff time of 1230. Before I knew it, we were rolling toward the runway as Major Heft gave me some words of wisdom and insight into his prior career as an F-16 pilot and his adventures in Afghanistan. On our left, Cadet Hanson and his pilot performed a simultaneous takeoff with us. At full afterburners we rocketed away. “Beef” was eager to show me what the T-38 was capable of once we reached our maximum altitude of 18,000 ft. We performed a variety of maneuvers with C/Capt Hanson on our wing. Then came the really fun part. We pulled 4…then 5.5 Gs and I began to feel the full effects of the G-suit. At one point, we shot straight up 90 degrees as we inverted and turned right-side up. The climax of the flight came when I was given the privilege of taking the controls. I asked the pilot what he thought I should do--his words, “Just don’t crash”. I was not feeling particularly daring at that moment, so I decided to see if I could keep up with C/Capt Hanson and his pilot as they wandered about. The experience could best be described as euphoric as it felt very natural. After a glimpse of my hoped-for future, the pilot took over and continued doing what he did best with the T-38. Leveling out near the end of the hour of flight and countless barrel rolls and high-G maneuvers, my stomach began sending strange signals as I felt the onset of what I feared might happen. I won’t go into any details, but I will say that it required two “doggy bags” to manage. Still feeling ill, I kept an eye on the approach with excitement. We landed and exited the aircraft minutes later. I was in disbelief of what had occurred in that past hour even as I cleaned up the aftermath of the flight. I thanked Major Heft and the staff at Squadron 560th for the rare opportunity. C/Capt DiPaola and Cadet Burgos were not as fortunate. Weather conditions were not favorable for flight on the T-6 that afternoon, so they were rescheduled for the following Thursday. I would like to send a sincere thank you to those who took the time to make this could happen. A lot had to come together behind the scenes to make this possible and those people deserve just as much credit and appreciation. ~Grant Georgia Cadets Hanson, DiPaola, Burgos, and Georgia ABUs cleared for AFROTC Issue AS 400 cadets John Lee-Garduno, Richard Pope, Brad Poronsky, Kelly Heinbaugh, Matt Stalford, Austin Landry, Scott Davis, and Nivien Sathasivam model the Air Force’s new battle uniforms. We want to email this newsletter to all Det 825 alumni. Help us by passing it along to your buds. Have them send us their email address at We’ll get ‘em on our distro list. We’ve added a “heritage” section to our website. Check it out at If you have an ROTC commissioning photo and would like to have it included on the webpage, please forward to the address above. Longhorn Airman “No ----, there I was...hangin’ in the straps...” Cadet Elizabeth DiPaola trains on ejection procedures. Answer to last issue’s trivia question: Created in 1955 by head cheerleader Harley Clark Jr., the Hook ’em Horns hand signal is recognized worldwide as the symbol of the Texas Longhorns. Source: http://www.utexas. edu/opa/pubs/facts/traditions.php